#god I love this series so much
teainthesnow · 10 months
@somerandomdudelmao is giving me emotions again so time to give some back...
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It’s over.
it’s finally over.
Or, he thinks, with a shuddering breath and numb agony, that it will be over soon.
So he lies there, breathing in the dust and ash, and the sour taste of all that was lost, of the embers of a dying world, filling his mouth.
It would...
It would all be okay now.
He inhales.
And tries not to be scared by what comes next.
But, vaguely, distantly, as he slips further and further into numb acceptance he feels a presence, a familiar warmth blanketing him. Warm hands touch his shoulder feeling fiercely protective but tinged with fear.
It’s okay, he whispers but he’s certain the words come about as nothing more than a senseless whisper, if they even make it out at all.
It’ll be okay.
It’s time.
He’s ready for the next step.
To face his ancestors, friends, family, and brothers.
And hopefully that meant all three of them.
He exhales.
And falls into the darkness.
But the darkness parts around him.
His thoughts swirl into a blurry haze, slipping from him before he can truly comprehend them or the things around him.
All he knows is this is wrong... he shouldn’t... he thought...
Wasn’t it supposed to be over now?
Not... not this incoherent haze of a life where the only comfort his can find is in the soft fluttering traces of red and purple.
So he hides; feeling scared and alone and wondering why this is his fate, why he has been cursed to stay isolated and away from those he cares about.
He is so tired, so exhausted.
Barely clinging on to the last of his strength even though he isn’t truly sure why he does so.
There’s something whispering, begging, cheering for him to keep going.
To hold on.
Something – or perhaps someone – calling his name, voice laced with a pleading desperation.
all he can do
And then something shifts through the fog.
The world tilts on its axis.
The is a fire surrounding him, burning away the encroaching darkness that he had been so willing to accept.
No, he pleads, reaching a desperate hand outwards.
Let me go.
Let me go home.
The fire, the warmth, the two flames do not listen as they cling tightly onto him, dragging him forcefully along with them.
And then the fire vanishes just as quickly as it had appeared, leaving him weak and fading once more.
But then the static clings to him, trapping him, keeping him from fading, from moving on.
There is a comforting presence within the electricity, similar to the warm flames, but slightly different.
Familiar yet somehow unfamiliar at the same time.
There is something within the sensation that makes him pause and hesitate.
All he can feel is a weird mix of worry, relief, and unwavering determination.
He almost stops fighting.
But he can’t.
This isn’t-
He isn’t home.
He needs to go home.
So he fights against the static, against the energy it gives him.
Against those soft thoughts of you’re safe, please stop fighting, let me- let us help you.
But that wouldn’t be fair, would it?
Did he really deserve peace when they weren’t here?
He just wanted to see them again.
(Even though the whispers tried to convince him that they were already there because it didn’t make sense.)
So whenever he can he fights.
He runs.
But the static, the flames, keep finding him.
Keep holding him protectively within their embrace.
(keeping him safe)
Keeping him trapped.
(keeping him alive)
Keeping him away from home.
(giving him strength to keep himself alive)
In this fog-filled limbo that his existence has become.
And then.
Something changes.
He blinks open his eyes.
Confused and disorientated and still not quite fully himself.
He feels...
Nothing but a fragile reflection of who he was, of who he will be.
And lost in the vast empty darkness.
Empty, he realises slowly through sludge filled thought, but not silent.
There’s a voice shouting in the distance.
Muffled and incoherent but definitely there.
He looks around.
Suddenly desperate.
Overcome with the desire to find the voice.
To find-
He looks down at his reflection.
But it isn’t *his* reflection.
Maybe *he’s* the reflection.
Forced to echo, to copy.
He’s yelling at himself.
...isn’t he?
But then a hand reaches through the mirror and grabs hold of his scarf.
Pulling him upwards and through the once solid surface and the voice, the familiar and unfamiliar voice, becomes clear.
Becomes understandable.
And awareness washes over him.
The ‘anger’ leaves.
All he has left is a numb confusion and a growing hope.
And then he is falling again.
He blinks.
Awareness comes back to him slowly.
His vision slowly fading back into clarity.
And his first coherent thought is to be annoyed by a constant tap, tap, tap, of a keyboard being used.
He tiredly shifts to locate the source of the noise and sees Donnie tapping away, focused solely on his task.
Then that thought processes.
To See... Donnie... tapping away?
And the tiredness immediately drops away as he reaches out desperately, hopefully.
And then he falls out of the bed with a thump.
But there are hands on him, gently picking him up, embracing him, words nothing but a murmured blur as reality drips into comprehension.
It can’t...
This can’t...
He is so overwhelmed, so utterly lost, he can only sit there as Donnie fusses around him, voice tinged with anger.
No... he realises, as a smile begins to creep upon his face and tears well up in the corner of his eyes, not anger.
But he can’t let himself relax yet.
This is too good to be true.
Is this really truly real?
“D-Donnie?” He asks voice wavering and tinged with a fear he cannot hold back.
And when Donnie (and he hopes, really desperately hopes that it is) keeps fussing he reaches forward and takes hold of a flailing hand.
It’s... it’s warm.
The tears are there again, now dripping unbidden down his face.
“You’re real.”
The wrist within his grasp is solid and warm, and strong.
“You’re real!”
Not thin and weak and rattled with tremors.
“Are you?”
He tentatively asks, scared for the truth but hoping against everything for the best.
That Donnie – his brother, his beloved twin is here.
And then Donnie soothes his fears, tells him the truth, the amazing, almost unbelievable truth.
He cannot stop the tears.
Does not want to stop the tears.
This is...
This is everything he had hoped for.
And the tears that drip, drip, drip down his face are no longer tears of pain and fear and utter sadness but those of hope and joy and the understanding that this is it.
There is a warmth surrounding him.
A hug, he slowly realises.
A hug he thought he’d never receive again.
The trickle of tears becomes a torrent. He cannot hold back, nor does he want to. The relief hits him like a sledgehammer as he clings desperately to the brother he never thought he would see again.
Crying loudly and unashamedly.
This is...
He chokes back the sobs once they calm slightly.
And cracks probably the best (worse) joke he’s made in a while.
And laughter is his reward.
There is a warmth swelling within him, a calmness, and a happiness he had thought unachievable as he and his amazingly alive brother share their joy with each other once again.
And then Donnie passes out.
Gently, carefully, he sets him down, noting the rise and fall of his plastron but he still presses a cautious hand to his brothers neck.
And sighs with relief at the comforting and steady
of a healthy heartbeat.
He exhales in relief.
It’s okay.
A weight lifts off his shoulders as he raises a hand to his own neck feeling the very proof the he too is alive and healthy.
And that is when it really truly begins to sink in.
Despite his confusion. Despite having not even the smallest idea of how he got here, of how he’s alive.
Of how Donnie is alive when even his spirit...
He takes in a soothing breath, shakes the thoughts out of his head, and focuses on the good that he can find.
It’s over
It’s finally over.
But, he pauses, as he takes in his surroundings and processes what just happened.
To breathe in the clean air.
To enjoy the steady beating of their heartbeats.
To think he’s alive, they’re both alive.
...it’s only just begun.
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commander-revan · 3 months
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I'm billing Horikoshi for my therapy.
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chrono-art · 8 months
Spoilers for dai dark. (Sorry for the bad pictures of my laptop screen btw I just really wanted to talk abt this) (also this is like a draft I made literal months ago and just now decided to post because I wanna put more Dai dark stuff out in the world. Its so good go read all of q hayashidas work. Anyways, forgive me if its stupid)
Been re-reading dai dark (for like the fiftieth time lol) and the interactions between/dynamic between Shimada and Damemaru are legitimately so interesting looking at them from a analysis standpoint.
(Sorry again for the bad photos lol 😭)
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This scene in specific is so interesting to me.
Their was literally no reason for shimada to do this. Damemaru was already aware that Shimada could kick his ass. The only reason I could see why he says this is because he's scared of damemaru.
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I think it's mainly because shimada doesn't know the extent of his power. I don't think Damemaru fully even realizes it either, or at least as far as I've seen him show so far in the story. He's honestly so overpowered. I don't even think that reducing him to atoms could kill him the way that his ability works.
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He's afraid of damemaru because he is the only being alive that could ever even come close to being able to challenge him. Because damemaru's immortal and is constantly adapting to being killed in different ways. (ALSO shimada mentions that he himself is immortal a couple of times, but it's always followed up with: "as far as we know" so I think he's lying about it. Which means eventually that damemaru could MAYBE kill him. Eventually. If he wasn't such a dork. Lol.)
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hybridshadowz · 1 year
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One last drawing for the year! Mob Psycho 100 is a precious series I love with all my heart. You damn well know I had to draw something for it!
Sad the anime has ended, but very happy to have seen it flourish in animation!
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lasnevadaslaborunion · 7 months
The Dangerous Gift was not my favorite Wings of Fire book, but the last third of it... damn. Jerboa's treatment of her daughter being the worst possible incarnation of a parent afraid of letting their child be their own person - juxtaposed with that final scene in which Queen Glacier's memory reveals that she would have stood aside and peacefully surrendered her throne because in her eyes, all of her daughters were already worthy of it - that made my heart ache.
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saurile · 8 months
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cozyjo · 11 months
i love all my kuragehime besties but i think one of the best combos are Hanamori, Banba and Mayaya
They're such idiots i'm obsessed with them together getting up to absolutely no good. Blokes who do fuck all!! Girlies who love to lay down and do nothing!!!! Girlies with autism so strong it melts steel beams!!! Slay!!!!
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noraviolence · 11 months
i feel like theres no way i can properly articulate how incredible the latest otherside part was so. if you know you know
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platelmintosemperor · 5 months
Ohhh, I just finished last life and it was amazing, but i noticed something interesting. From all the life series winners Scar was the only one who didn't die in the end.
Grian killed himself after killing Scar.
Scott was killed by lightning after winning.
Pearl died together with Scott
Martyn ran out of time in an empty world
But Scar did not die, he succeded and was given another task, "win secret life".
The same way he started the session he ended it. Alone with the task to win. In some ways i think it truly fits with what Scar's task did to him, isolating and antagonizing, making só that winning was truly the only thing he had left.
Loved it, everything about it feels amazing.
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rma1031 · 1 year
I was watching those reaction videos in Youtube regarding Avatar: The Last Airbender (did a search on the Ember Island Players, or the Southern Raiders, etc.) and it made me miss the show so much!!
I kept listening to the Avatar’s Love / Peace music and it made me fucking cry by just how much I miss and love this show.
I would love to marathon the show when I have the time because that show embodied a good part of my childhood as well as my teenage years, and though Korra did do well for its part in the ATLA series, Avatar: The Last Airbender is way way more nostalgic and more personal and sentimental to me.
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bookwyrminspiration · 9 months
okay something hilarious: for some reason i genuinely CANNOT see your last response on desktop. it is proving a problem i'm gonna like. have to go look at it in my email but anyway here to add MORE to the growing pile of asks about acod in your inbox rn solely from me and say i am small bits into the memory of souls and RAISED EYEBROWS????? INTENSELY RAISED EYEBROWS????? when i said janel deserves a polycule i was partly joking but i also Wasn't. what's going on. they are such a brilliant dynamic regardless of the romantic/sexual attraction though like imagine BEING part of that group. guy who is the reincarnation of the brother of a guy who is questionably trying to destroy the universe. guy who remembers every life he's lived and was like. a king a couple of times. guy who is part demon and has four moms and also was second guy's wife once but it wasn't great and the second guy still feels guilty about that.
and guy who is a wizard who is just chilling writing people's biographies lmfao???? we love thurvishar i have so much affection for him
but on a serious janel/teraeth/kihrin note the way that as much as u trust each other you grate against each other SO MUCH sometimes and how they actively antagonize each other and yet their dynamics with each other are so fun and WHY HASN'T ANYONE EXPLAINED JORAT GENDER TO TERAETH AND ALSO WHY DOESN'T HE KNOW ABOUT IT BY NOW LIKE YOU'RE O L D AND HAVE THE PRIVILEGE OF REMEMBERING THAT. my GUY. my DUDE
I don't know anything I said ever, there's been too many of these to keep track, but hope you can find it!
but YES!! I ADORE the memory of souls group dynamic. Someday I want to write like a little diagram specifically so I can write the most fucked up shit on the kihrin/janel/teraeth side and then I can also just have thurvishar totally solitary off to the side. The three of them have some intense pining/attraction/tension going on and then Thurvishar is just also there. Being a normal rational individual. Just stuck with these three idiots. Also note: that explanation you gave of their dynamic is great, and it gets even more complicated later on. won't say how. just will say there's some additional details there too that are *chef's kiss*
The three of them are EVERYTHING to me. They're entirely devoted to each other. They say the stupidest shit when they're around each other. They have no idea what they're doing and they're constantly fucking up. They're each very capable individuals but they annoy each other so much everything becomes 300% harder. None of them are talking about their feelings and everyone's sad about it. Well. Tereath is being quite open he's just also miserable and feeling left out about it because no one else is. They're tied to each other inseparably because of decisions they made in their past lives, but they don't all remember enough to feel that impact. Teraeth does. It's not going well for him. They all come from such different cultures and they're clashing but they're trying. They're all they have to lean on right now. Maybe they enjoy that more than they want to admit.
And along those lines, rip Tereath he's really trying his best but someone please god explain to him what's going on. Janel you can't expect him to know this stuff he's not from Jorat. Sure he conquered it in a past life but conquering a nation is not the same thing as knowing anything about said nation's customs and beliefs!! why would he!! he took over!! he would be SO apologetic and nice about it if you just explained give him a chance!!
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moonlit-typewriter · 5 months
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The way that Percy looks at Annabeth when she admits to stealing Hermes keys 🥹
He’s so impressed. Not just because of her skills, but because she stole from one of the gods.
Annabeth is only just starting to break away from the unwavering adherence to the rules of respecting the gods. The first time we saw her do that was talking back to Hephaestus in Episode 5, when Percy was frozen in gold. He’s never seen her willingly do something that could be counted as disrespectful to the gods and he’s so proud of her for it.
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adastreia-12 · 5 months
poseidon’s relationship with percy is something that is so personal to me. love so flawed and complicated, so wary and tentative. your father is here. he’s always been here. he’s not sure what to make of you but he is proud of you. you’re not sure what to make of him either. you’re sally jackson’s son, but you have your father’s eyes. you are the sea as much as he is. trust him. trust yourself. breathe. the sea does not like to be restrained.
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p4nishers · 7 months
can't believe tom hiddleston ACTUALLY interrupted the interviewer to say "one last thing, i think mobius is loki's friend and i don't think loki has ever had a friend before" like king. i love how u felt the need to add that truly
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kyurochurro · 5 months
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GM it’s Christmas so my gift to u is an older spirk doodle of them walking the err uhhh unicorn dog alien thing from tos GSHSBHA based off that one scene from 101 Dalmatians u know the one ;D ✨💫
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 26 days
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ISAT & Dungeon Meshi swap!
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