#god i am just about to walk into the nearest body of water and never resurface
starsscarmyceiling · 2 years
the jfo fandom and merricals are not being fed ON SCHEDULE
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wrengrif · 7 months
I rub my hands together..
Because I am having more Thoughts.
Big thanks to @badaziraphaletakes for pointing out the fucking obvious to me.
We talk a lot in this fandom about trauma, how Heaven and Hell leaves different kinds of psychological, and physical scars on our angel and demon. Mostly though, we focus on the psychological damage that comes from Heaven and the physical torture that comes from Hell. I am of the belief that Heaven and Hell drop a lot of both on their environs, but that's a post for a different day.
Trauma isn't that simple, though. It doesn't matter what kind you face, your reaction to it is going to fall under animal instinct. What is truly horrifying is the realization that Crowley's and Aziraphale's gut reactions are completely the opposite of what their Bosses are.
When Crowley feels like he, or Aziraphale is in danger, instead of fangs out, he's looking for the nearest escape route. The easiest way to make the problem go away. He runs away -- but of course he runs away. If he doesn't run away, he's going to be tortured. He is going to receive physical damage for making a mistake. So flight is the best option. The ability to get away, to think of how to avoid that pain, one way or another, is so Crowley-coded. I've always stated that Crowley is the strategist, the one who makes the complicated plans. He takes himself away from the problem, so he can analyze the problem. He runs away, and then he turns back. Once he has enough physical safe space, he can sit back and look to see what can be done.
He never had a chance to do that really in the last days of Armageddon, because Hell was nipping right on his heels and he had to keep retreating. Until he was put in a corner, and then you saw the Serpent come out. His fear of pain lasts until he is more afraid of losing his life, or Aziraphale. For example, the bucket of holy water. Walking into a consecrated church. Walking into a burning bookshop. The M25 - he literally drove Right Into The Fire, even with Hastur there because he had to get to Aziraphale and he had to survive driving through a ring of fire. Crowley runs from pain, but that doesn't stop him from attacking if he's got no other options.
Aziraphale is the opposite. His trauma is one I am well acquainted with, and that is psychological abuse, and torture. Don't let it fool you - just because you aren't having someone hurt you with a screwdriver doesn't mean it's any less devastating to your body, much less your mind. What Heaven does is use Fear. Fear like a scalpel, or a baseball bat to your knees. The Fear of Falling, the Fear of being considered Unworthy of God's love. The Fear of being considered less than your fellow angels, although you'll always be lesser than archangel. Fear of being yourself, fear of being anything less than perfect. All the fucking time. Nothing can save you, but us, and if you turn against us, you're screwed. Aziraphale, though, he doesn't run. He's never run. He's a Guardian. A Principality. He held a flaming sword and he held it well. Oh, he will bald-face lie to God, to archangels, to Crowley, but he doesn't run. He will try to find a way out of it with the most convoluted stories. He'll smile, look pleasant and distant and not quite there. Don't notice me. Don't worry about me. I'm not doing anything wrong for you to hurt me. Only thing he fears more than Heaven is Hell, and he's not even scared of Hell as a concept, but as a fact of Hell will hurt Crowley. Hell will take Crowley away. Hell will reach up and snatch Crowley away in a heartbeat and there isn't anything Aziraphale can do about it. Fear, fear, fear. Yet he doesn't run. He fights. He fights with words, and when there's nothing left with that, he fights with his wits, and then when he has no more left of that - he stands his ground with a weapon. A sword. A halo. His own physical body, if necessary.
Where am I going with all this?
That Season 3 is going to be You Reap What You Sow. Crowley is trapped in his misery and he can't run from it, because Aziraphale is in danger. Aziraphale is trapped and afraid, and he can't do anything about it because they'll hurt Crowley. What neither Heaven or Hell has realized yet - and I especially mean Heaven in this juncture -- is that they haven't given Crowley or Aziraphale any choices. They've been trapped in a corner by both of their abusers.
Their abusers who have never seem to learn the lesson that if you trap Crowley and Aziraphale in a corner, they're going to turn around and bite. Bite as hard as they possibly can - just to protect one another.
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zhonglicious · 2 years
𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐥 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬 - 𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤 (𝐡𝐜𝐬)
☾✧ ft. rin itoshi x reader
☾✧ warnings. please take note that this is set after blue lock! rin's a professional player now. mentions of chubby reader. emotional ineptitude, familial issues, child neglect (on rin's part). light angst (itoshi brothers angst included). fluff!
☾✧ a/n. finally writing for blue lock. like most of my works this is done bc i procrastinated on something i rlly don't want to do. god. well either way this might be a bit ooc or not as Exact to rin's character. bear with me here <///3 i may have gone a little overboard. can u tell i love rin itoshi. lowercase intentional :D
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⋆ rin itoshi... our dearest rinny... where do i even begin with him :((
⋆ to be completely honest with you, it took you quite a while to get him to even remotely warm up to you. rin thought he didn't need anything or anyone other than soccer. after all, it was the only way he could be by sae's side again, as his brother
⋆ the itoshis grew up in a very neglectful household. sure, their parents fed them, clothed them, sheltered them, educated them, but they never really took care of them. not in the way a child needed to be taken care of
⋆ so all his life, rin has never known affection, not in the way everyone else does. the closest thing he's ever had to it are walks back home, stopping by the convenience store to get ice cream. a hand ruffling his hair gently, a few comments about their last play
⋆ when you were trying to get close to him at first, rin's walls were an impenetrable fortress. his time in blue lock mellowed him out just a little, but at the same time, sharpened his sharp edges even more. rin is blunt and curt with everyone on the team, and that behavior extends to you
⋆ so for the first few weeks, rin is cold and unfeeling towards you. as the team's manager, this was an obvious problem because you needed to know at least just a little about him to be able to do your job properly
⋆ rin viewed your attempts at interacting with him to be... odd. which is the mildest way to word it. he didn't know why you were trying to be so friendly with him, always there to hand him water or a towel after practice. you did it for everyone on the team, but something about it just rubbed rin's brain the wrong way
⋆ he didn't need your help, god forbid your pity. he would rather die than be pitied, which is why your relationship started off on rocky waters
⋆ but over time, rin found himself softening. yes, rin found himself adjusting, and sometimes even looking forward to your interactions
⋆ not just you, even the team noticed how rin starts being less harsh around them. his shoulders are no longer squared, jaw no longer set, and no tension pulling his muscles taut. this, ultimately, is how you start worming your way into rin's heart
⋆ now, as i've said, rin isn't accustomed to affection. he doesn't know how to show it, and he doesn't know how to receive it. however, whether he's aware of it or not, his main love languages are quality time and physical touch
⋆ when rin isn't on an overseas game or whenever he has free time, you guys spend it cuddled up in bed. usually, it's with the curtains drawn and the lights dim or completely off, your laptop on the bed playing a horror movie
⋆ sometimes, rin gets caught off-guard by really well done jumpscares, or he's tense when the movie is particularly suspenseful and/or eerie. he's holding you close to him, your back against his chest, and you can feel how his muscles are tense, almost as if ready to grab you and make a run for the nearest exit
⋆ of course, you've also taken a liking to teasing him
⋆ "are you scared? hehe" "i am not. shut up"
⋆ his answer is a low, embarrassed mumble, and you just laugh and burrow yourself further into him, knowing you're right and that you won
⋆ while all the characters love all body types i just know ong there's a special place in rin's heart for soft, bigger people
⋆ like. look at him, it just makes sense???????
⋆ he would love cuddling you. he's all hard ridges and solid muscle, and your plush skin offsets that. hugging you makes him feel safe, like he's being given a warm embrace that he never got in his childhood
⋆ yes this is me coping and self projecting but anyways
⋆ rin isn't really a big fan of pda. the furthest he'll go is hand holding as you guys walk, or a kiss to the top of your head or your cheek. however behind close doors i know he's the type to just absolutely cling to you everywhere
⋆ cooking? clinging to your shirt or hugs you with his arms around ur abdomen. about to sleep? cuddling the everloving shit out of you, sometimes even puts a leg above yours. just. he's surprisingly very clingy when in a relationship
⋆ he also likes to randomly gives you kisses. you're gonna be doing nothing and then suddenly he's padding over to give you a kiss anywhere he can reach
⋆ now, like all relationships, your relationship with rin has... ugly sides
⋆ rin isn't very in tune with his emotions. due to him emulating sae's behavior, he didn't dwell on his emotions, pushing them aside to find a more logical reaction
⋆ so because of that, rin never really learned to process his emotions. so he has a lot of difficulty sorting out his head, where you have to help him do so
⋆ at times, he seems cold and aloof. this was a point of conflict between you two at some point, because you felt like he didn't want to spend time with you or that he didn't love you as much anymore
⋆ this is especially true when it comes to soccer. sometimes, it's as if you'll always be secondary to his love for the sport. you know that's not the case, but sometimes you can't help but think that because of how absorbed rin is with it
⋆ rin loves you with all his heart but the problem is that he doesn't know how to show it, how to tell you. so you're going to have to be patient with him. he's trying, he really is, because he really really fucking loves you. he's trying his best because you deserve to be given as much love as you give him. so while he may not be the best at communication, by god does he try
⋆ on that note, rin has severe abandonment issues. he needs to be constantly affirmed that you love him, you want to stay with him, that you won't leave him, because he's scared he'll lose the most important person to him again
⋆ rin isn't exactly the "ideal" or the "best" boyfriend, by traditional means. but that just means there's more room for him to grow, so much more room for him to engrave your touch and entwine your existence with him
⋆ rin is unfamiliar to affection, much less love. but now that you've shown him what it's like... maybe he'd be fine with accustoming himself to the feeling
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tags: @softbajis (lmk if u wanna be tagged for future works!)
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armylily · 2 years
Chapter 9: On My Way
                                               ~(Y/N)’s POV~
The appaloosa was quite fast as we entered a small town about 23 minutes away. I admit I had trouble with riding the graceful beast as it had been a while since training with pegasi.
Wait, since I have wings and I'm riding a horse...does that mean that me and the horse is a pegasus? ...
Great Odin, I'm stupid.
That reminds me, I didn't even check the horse. ...That just sounds so weird. But since I stole them, I may as well give it a name.
I hopped off and slightly moved my eyes down to not look weird as all Hela. Female, huh. Doesn't look like she's had any foals. I will call her...Isolde [(ee-soul-dah)].
I slightly smile and start petting her shoulder and neck, giving her scratches. She seem to like it as she let out a soft whinny when I stopped. I giggled and continued for a few more minutes. She's very beautiful, but not as beautiful as Brunnhilde. . . . . . . . . . Brunnhilde. . Oh my dear god. . . How could I forget my love. . . . My body started to shake in fear, sadness and anger as I realized what had happened.
As I was getting ready for our battle with Hela, I felt thick arms wrap around my slightly toned body. I feel heat rise up to my cheeks and I lean my head back onto her chest and put my arms on top of hers. I smile softly and sigh, content with the physical love I was receiving.
"Why hello, beautiful~" I hear coming from behind me in a loving yet teasing tone. 
Brunnhilde, oh how I love you. Her arms were slightly sweaty so she must have finished her workout, she must have been in pain. She tends to go overboard with working out, says that it's to impress me.
"Hello, my love." I reply with love in my voice. 
She doesn't have to do anything to impress me, but she insists. Brunnhilde then grabs a hold of my right hand gently and raises it to twirl me around. I giggle slightly and spin. Only she knows how childlike my personality is. I look serious on the outside but in my brain, I'm most likely thinking about Odin's son in a dress named Sparkle Gate.
. . . Yeesh, I'm glad she can't read my thoughts.
"My my, how are you always this beautiful?" Brunnhilde asks in question. 
I blush as always,not used to receiving compliments, even from my future wife. I put my red face into his chest in embarrassment and hug her tighter. I hear her laugh and she strokes my hair as to comfort me.
"You are too adorable, my love."
I snuggle my head into her chest more and say, "Nooo~".
Her compliments always flustered me, whether from training, working out, cleaning up, even eating. Never really understood eating but I'm apparently as pretty as a white llama. I chew my food like one and I never got so confused with being insulted and complimented.
"You should go get ready, honey. I don't like you getting in trouble.." I say in a shy tone while hugging her, slightly swaying my body side to side. I move my head to the side to breathe.
"Pssh, I ain't gonna get in trouble, sweetie. I will in a minute, lemme love you."
                                               ~Flashback end~
She ended getting in trouble but the affection was worth it. My eyes well up with tears but I let out a small, sad chuckle. I miss her so much. I miss her smile, her laugh, her hugs... I may not see her again. Wait, I don't even know where I am.
Drop . . Drop . . I move my fingers to my face to feel water. I sigh loudly and drag Isolde to the nearest building and tie her reins to the post. The rain fell more and more on me and Isolde and made me drenched.
The hood was very wet but it kept my face from being more wet. The building is a bar. I walk through the doors and froze. There were many men and only a few women. Judas' cape covered my wings so I didn't look abnormal, at least more abnormal now.
I walk slowly towards the bar and sit in a stool. A bartender walks towards me with a small smile and asked, "Hello there, stranger. There anything I can get you?"
I look up slightly and see the bartender to be pretty but not beautiful. She has green eyes with fair skin. Her hair was a sunset orange that suits her face shape. Small, pink lips that curved into a sweet smile. Rosy cheeks that showed me that she was busy running around. Her work attire was dirty but clean in some places from what I could see.
I answer in a low tone, "I'm looking for a place to stay for a while." She nods in acknowledgement and replies with, "I know a place, Eivana's Tavern. She most likely has a room open, it's not too far from here, actually. It's to your right as soon as you exit our doors" She points towards her right.
I nod and thank her for the new info. I set 12 coins that I got off of Judas onto the counter and get up.
                                                   ~3rd POV~
As the hooded and beautifully mysterious woman was walking away, the bartender looks at the coins, looks up at the figure, and smiles in appreciation. The bartender was never used to getting tips, let alone 12 coins.
As the woman was walking away, a man stood in front of her. One of the regulars that has feelings for the bartender. Jealousy was written all over his face, everyone could see. The woman sighed in annoyance and continued to walk. The bartender watched warily, ready to break up the fight that may ensue.
"Arthur, don't start now please. She did nothing wrong." The bartender said to the large man in front of (Y/N).
                                                  ~(Y/N) POV~
Man, I really don't want to do this. I have no time for this stuff. The man known as Arthur then pushed me back, causing me to stumble a bit. 
I stood up straighter with a hard glare and demanded, "Get out of my way."
Arthur lets out a growl and said, "You don't get to talk to Thea! You think since you tipped her more than me that you're better than me?!" . . . THUD . . . I socked this man in the face with all of my might and anger from Hela and by him. My knuckles were barely bruised from all of the training I went through at the camp. I inhaled sharply and exhale deeply. I turn around to talk to 'Thea'.
"I apologize for my action, Miss Thea. He's not dead, just knocked out. Also, do not fall for him, obsessive and concerning behavior is something no one should go through."
I step over Arthur and walk out.
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thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs Clusterfuck Saturday
Well, today can come under the heading “clusterfuck”.
It started early, too. 3am, I was just about ready for sleep, and body decides I need the loo. Fine. Okay. Loo, then sleep. Or so I thought, until the toilet backed up for no discernable reason. Thankfully it wasn’t anything too particularly messy, and whatever caused the blockage was easily dealt with by judicious application of hot water and dish soap, but that didn’t change the water all over the bathroom floor. I mean, theoretically, bathroom floors are supposed to be able to deal with getting wet, because ... well, water. So much of it. Except for the fact that some bright spark who lived here before the parentals bought the place decided that there should be pale peach carpeting in every room. Yes, that includes the bathroom. Yes, this is going to get changed eventually, whenever the actual renovation work moves to this flat, so I shouldn’t really worry too much about what the carpet looks like. However, there are limits. Backed-up toilet overflow is one of them. So mission for today, after sorting out the mess and having to wind back down again in order to get to sleep (because household messes of that type are stressful, especially at ungodly hours of the morning) was carpet cleaner. I mean, not a big deal anyway, since I needed to go out for a couple of other bits and pieces, including mallet meds. So after a halfway decent lie-in (still woke up way too early, mind), and getting some caffeine into my system, off I went to the big Sainsbury’s, since I’d checked the website and it didn’t say anything about the pharmacy there being closed.
I am going to write a gods-damned review of the place going, “Look, I get you don’t have enough staff for your pharmacy counter but could you please at least put a note on your website saying it’s not open?” Because no, it was not open. There was someone there, mind you - in the back, chatting on the phone - and none of the shutters were pulled down over the meds, but ... signs saying “Pharmacy Closed - Sorry”. Thankfully, I’d anticipated this possibility and left early enough to get to one of the other pharmacies in town proper. I tried not to feel bad about having to venture into the big Saturday afternoon crowds for all this, because I did need the carpet cleaner anyway. So I picked up the carpet cleaner (which is expensive, holy fuck) and some needfuls, and a couple of treats that I have earned about five times over by now, and left the big Sainsbury’s to get a bus a couple of stops to the nearest pharmacy I knew was open.
This is when it got even more unfortunate, because ... look, the big Sainsbury’s is adjacent to the local football (soccer) club. I don’t really follow the national football, never mind the local, so I hadn’t thought that there might be a match on today, and that it might end at the exact time I chose to leave the big Sainsbury’s. So all of a sudden ... people. All the people. A lot of them congregating at the bus stop. And I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I was not going to get a seat on that bus. How did I know? Easy. Because the people at the bus stop looked right at me as I limped purposefully in their direction with my bag and my cane, and didn’t even try to give me some space to pass, much less offer me one of the seats at the bus shelter. So, since I knew I was going to be in pain either way, I decided to walk to the nearby pharmacy, about a quarter-mile down the road. Yet more unfortunately, I had to take a circuitous route because I kept getting shouldered aside on the pavement by clumps of football fans clutching plastic cups of beer. Everyone was cheerful, so I guess the local team won, but ... yeah. I had to get off the main road. So slightly longer, and still ow.
Eventually got my mallet meds ... and I will say that the only good thing about this level of disability is that when the person at the pharmacy counter sees someone approach leaning heavily on a cane and actively limping, they tend to skip the “Only use for three days because OPIATE ADDICTION OMG” speech. Which ... seriously, I know they have to say it, but I had this conversation with my previous GP when I was mostly taking this shit for migraines. GPs figure that as long as you can stick with the OTC stuff and don’t need the heavier-grade prescription stuff, if you suffer chronic pain, just take the damn baby codeine. And off I limped to the nearest bus stop for my bus home. And spent a ten-minute wait having to cram myself as tight as possible against someone’s garden wall because more knots of people coming out of the football match, these ones heading for the nearest pub just down the road from the aforementioned bus stop. Still clutching plastic cups of beer, most of them. Because they needed more. Okay. And when the bus driver did show up, he stopped the bus about eight feet from where he clearly saw me standing, with my cane, and refused to lower the bus to make it easier for me to get on. So fuck him right in the ear.
You’d think this was over? Nope. I still needed to make a quick stop at the corner shop once I got to my neck of the woods, because among other things, buying a single can of Coke is impossible at most Sainsbury’s, and I can’t haul home a six-pack, plus my Oyster card needed recharging. I’m in the middle of crossing the road when this woman steps right in front of me, right at the little pedestrian island between lanes, apparently urgently requiring my attention and looking peeved that she had to actually move to get it. Realised her mistake when I removed one of my earbuds and looked at her like, ‘excuse you?’. To her credit, she did apologise. To her not-so-much credit, she did keep going, because there was the most important thing IN THE WORLD to ask me, apparently, as we stood on a traffic island not big enough for two people in the middle of a road that barely manages two lanes anyway. The question? “Do you know where there’s a post box around here?” She’d missed last pickup for the post anyway, but I wasn’t about to tell her that. Instead, I just gave her directions to the post box in front of my block of flats. And then waved apologetically to the driver who’d had to stop for this. I mean, at least I was helpful, but I did not need to be standing in the middle of the road giving someone directions when I already wanted to keel over and die.
I bought myself some ice cream at the corner shop too. Because yes, I had bought myself treats at the Sainsbury’s as compensation for some of the hell I’d already been through but since I went through extra hell, I deserved extra treats. Anyway, I took out the garbage today too. And cleaned carpets! Unfortunately, now I am in significant pain and if I have to cancel D&D shenanigans again, I’m going to be very disappointed. Then again, I was literally in tears of pain yesterday and should not be working myself as hard as I currently am, but I do hate disappointing people.
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hangmanssunnies · 2 years
COLEY! My friend! It's me - 🚚 moving anon! I'm so sorry that this is so completely and utterly overdue. But after seeing the no-context spoilers for part 3, I realized I never gave you my feedback on part two of House We Share!! I have reread part 2, and now I'm here to rectify that. (bullet-pointed, so all of my thoughts don't get jumbled together (hopefully) because I have a lot of thoughts)
the desire to kiss him (even when he's all greasy) but hesitance because it's not the right moment just made my head thump; it's so sweet (they're so stupid - just kiss already, please)
this man bought a million dollars worth of bath products, and Sugar's first thought is: "oh, it must be for taking a bath with some girl" (Sugar, sweetheart, this man doesn't date (she doesn't know that yet I realize). he doesn't flirt with anyone except for you. just ask him to take a bath with you, he'd love to) AND THEN HE'S ALREADY WAITING FOR HIS KISS ON THE CHEEK?? MURDER ME.
The water bubble in the wall was just so them. The initial protectiveness when he doesn't know what's wrong, the subconscious kiss on the head, the terrible dad joke (why do I love him so much?), then the thirsting and flirting after he's soaked? *smirky spongebob face* you like him, don't you squidward Sugar? (if he was in my face, asking if I like sugar or honey better, my answer wouldn't matter because I would be a puddle of goo on the floor.)
their fight broke my heart :( I don't wanna talk about it (except to say that it was so well written)(also this poor man and stairs, someone move him into a one-story house)
I loved how realistic their conversation the next morning was (and I fucking loved his “Flew past honor and gentlemanly a long time ago, actually" - is there a hidden meaning buried in there? I would love to see this scene from his point of view. I feel like it would give us such an in-depth look at how he feels about her) and his constant checking to make sure she's still there? ugh
the blanket scene my beloved <3 it's amazing how Sugar is teaching him to be kinder to himself, how he doesn't have to suffer to prove a point to no one, how he is allowed comfort and kindness and love. these two are helping each other so much <3
“God, I need to take you to a museum. I can’t believe you don’t believe me. You are prettier than any of those artist muses... You are absolutely my muse. Nothing inspires me like you do, sweetheart.” Coley, I am going to walk directly into the nearest body of water as soon as I google and find out what that is.
helping him get ready for his date (that he doesn't want to go on) while feeling like she's going to cry? Sugar is a stronger woman than I am for sure.
it literally just occurred to me as I'm reading it through this time that he didn't have fun on the date and immediately came home to work on the puzzle table. I- oh my god. Sugar he is so in love with you and he doesn't know what to do about it except build the table he promised you out of the wood you suggested that he didn't think twice about using... I'm literally going to cry. and his hair is all messed up which means he was probably running his hands through it on the date because it didn't feel right because it wasn't his Sugar sitting across from him... oh my god. oh my god.
Sugar knowing things about his family (“Miss Celeste doesn’t believe in luck”) and Jake being so happy, talking about how his grandparents fell in love (sharing it with the person he cares about so much)? just so sweet. [also!! does this man play the cello?? I need to know everything about every item in his chest.] [also, also - go Miss Celeste for testing the bedframe *wink wink*]
Sugar out here making grown-ass fighter pilots cower because they’re being mean to her Jake? an absolute icon, I love this woman. Jake being like “that wasn’t necessary” and protecting her from his father. their dynamic of “I have to protect you” “No, I have to protect you” is so beautiful
I love how affectionate he is, cuddling into her neck, holding her against him and then all of the acts of service offering (painting the house how she wants to, detailing her car for her). then the question mark on the back of her hand, taking her shoes off and rubbing her feet. god he’s so sweet.
stairs curse stikes again, someone get this man into a double wide ASAP. this part was heartbreaking, physically made my chest hurt. I want so much for them but it’s just never the right circumstances.
the first time I read this, him saying that he was shipping out made my heart drop out of my ass - it still gets to me, several reads later. and then it started beating out of my chest at the “you’ll come home to me… I have to come home to you” I literally cried here, just the build up of their relationship, from part one to here, and the parallels between them and his grandparents and how much they care for each other and how everything is better when they’re together and now he’s leaving but promising to come back… I cried.
“my favorite girl” *insert ugly crying* (literally)
him specifically coming back downstairs to ask about her nails….. I don’t have words but my heart is so full.
his worries about her finding a new life while he’s gone is so heart breaking, I never considered what worries could come with a deployment (other than the obvious ones) but wow did that put a knife in my heart
him talking about his father and his childhood. and the fact that so many years later he’s still taking the blame when it’s not his fault, killed me. Sugar working to convince him that it’s not his fault, he was a child, and him working to accept that reasoning is just an excellent way to show how much they care about each other and how much they trust each other to be having conversations like that.
he thinks he isn’t capable of love… but all this man does is show love. to his friends, to his family, to his Sugar.
"Handsome, you already are a good man to me." this is the part where I started crying (again) and didn’t stop until about ten minutes after I finished reading (the hot sauce packets did make me giggle while I was crying)
As for what he asked her… I have been thinking about this since the first time I read part two. I think he asked, “Will you still love me when I get back?” Before going away for so many months, he needed to know if she’ll love him once he’s been gone for so long, with limited (or in this case no) contact. It is the only question I can think of that Sugar would be able to answer so quickly, so easily. They already know she loves him, but he’s around every day - it’s easy to love someone who is there. It’s harder to love someone who is gone.
all of this to say that I am so excited for part three and I can't wait to read it (also I will set a reminder for myself so that I actually give timely feedback <3)
Hello lovely,
Thank you so much for this beautiful ask and for sharing your thoughts on Sfumato. Poor Jake and his stairs curse. He insists on getting a single-story ranch home when they move after he gets restationed. I love how well you picked up on the little threads I threw into sfumato about how they really already are in love.
Did Jake play the cello growing up? Yes he did because I say so. Great catch on such a random minor Easter egg detail I included. 🫶
I am going to think about your comments for the next 10 hours while crying. <3 I hope you enjoy the final part when you get the chance.
0 notes
literaryuppsala · 2 years
Can you write a soft smut one about Bjorn? I know hes a god dam womenizer but i also know somewhere deep DEEP inside that bear hes a softie.... sigh if only...
Let's say before the bear he was soft??? If there wasn't a bear in his life, he could be a softie. Anyways, I am very much scared of this one, never wrote for Bjorn, let alone a soft Bjorn, but It got me very interested, I really wanted to write this one for you so I hope this turned out the way you imagined it, hope you like it. Thank you for your ask darling, enjoy ♥
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You couldn’t help but worry. Your trembling hands sweaty against your dress as you kept on your chores for the day, but since he left you weren’t able to think about anything else, opening the door and looking over the horizon hoping to see him walking back to you, peering through the window in hopes his face would show up. Nothing happened. 
You kept counting the days since Lagertha showed up at your door asking for his help and he left, grabbed his sword and his shield, kissed you goodbye and walked through the door following his mother into the night. 
Your heart shattered, you had no idea where he went, he would never allow you anywhere near a battle being in the early stages of pregnancy, not after what happened with Thorunn and Siggy. So you waited, impatiently, for days. 
The morning he arrives starts as every other morning since he left, filled with worry and sadness, that until you hear the soft stomp of his boots outside and you drop everything on your hand and run to the other opening It with jolt to find your man battled and bruised on the other side, mud and dry blood scattered all over his face but you don’t care, you just jump into his arms, ready to feel his warmth against your body. He takes you with both of his arms, pulling you up until your legs are wrapped around his waist, sword and shield long forgotten on the ground as he walks into your home and finds the nearest surface to sit on, a chair next to the table. 
“Gods I thought I’d never see you again.” He mumbles into your ear, breathing in your scent as he inhales deeply into your hair. 
“I was so worried.” You whisper back, holding his face into your hands as you stare him down. 
“We won. Lagertha won’t have to worry about those bastards again.” He breathes out. “But we lost… We lost so many of ours… I can’t…” 
“It’s alright. It’s alright, my love. You’re home.” You mutter, hugging him tight again, his face hidden in the curve of your neck, heart beating so fast against his chest you can feel It on your own. “I’m here. What do you need?” 
“You. I need you.” 
You stay like that for a moment, feeling his body starting to relax inside your arms, caressing his back, his nape and his head, tugging his body against yours. When he calms a bit, you look at him with a tiny smile. 
“Let’s have a bath, let me take care of these wounds.” 
Bjorn nods, you get up from his lap and start to prepare what you need. You fill a bowl with water and put on the fire to warm it up, prepare the tub outside the house, leaving a few herbs inside the cool water and clean cloth at the edge. When you come back, your husband is already fully naked, his body is filled with bruises and cuts and you gasp. 
“That’s not new.” He teases and you calm yourself a bit. 
“I hate to see you like this.” You mumble, using a towel to take the bowl with hot water and taking outside, filling the tub until there’s smoke coming out of it. 
Once you come back, you help him get up from the chair and take him out, helping him inside. Instantly, he grunts, closing his eyes, stretching his arms over the edge of the tub. You sit behind him and start using the cloth on his face, cleaning the dry blood from the marks on his skin. Bjorn leans his head back, laying on your shoulder making your heart swoon. 
“Won’t you come inside with me?” He mumbles, turning his head to the side so his lips are touching your cheek softly. 
“I have to take care of you, love.” 
“You can do It from here.” 
“You’ll distract me.”
“Please?” He begs and you nod, getting up to get into the tub, holding the skirt of your dress but he stops you. “Naked.” 
You roll your eyes and slip out of your dress, getting into the tub and he quickly pushes you to straddle his hips, his soft cock resting between your ass cheeks while he hugged you closely. Bjorn was demanding, always taking the lead when you have sex, but this night is different, he was nuzzling your neck and your chest, hands traveling up and down your back, finding home on your ass, squeezing the flesh between his fingers. 
“Kiss me.” He begs, and you oblige, your lips softly meeting his at first, but quickly turning into something more passionate, your tongue slowly massaging his as your hands rubbed up and down his arms, the cloth still cleaning the blood from his wounds. 
Bjorn squeezes the swell of your ass one more time and you feel as he starts to stiff under you, grinding your hips down a little. He mumbles into your mouth and you descend your kisses down his jaw, onto his neck earning you a few soft grunts from your man, you smirk on his skin. 
“I missed you so much.” You whisper. 
“I missed you too.” He grips your face and kisses you again, it’s messy, filled with teeth and tongue and saliva, you slowly rock your hips on his lap, your breath caught in your throat as you let him kiss you the way he wants. “Oh sweetheart, I need you.” He mumbles into your mouth. 
You pulled away and Bjorn follows, reaching for your mouth like a wounded dog, your smirk, hugging his neck with one of your hands and using the other into the water, moving your hips so his cock is now between your bodies and you can easily work him out, moving your hand up and down his length. Bjorn is quickly wordless, leaning his head back and moaning with his lips parted. 
“You need me to do what, husband?” You tease. 
“Need you to ride me.” He breathes. “I need to be inside you.” 
Eventually he’s throbbing in your hand and you are as wet as you can be into the water, your pussy is clenching around nothing, you need him just as much as he need you, so you take him in, the first stretch a little painful for you, your walls hardly taking him in as he finds home between your legs. 
“Oh Gods… Yes…” He moans, grabbing your waist and looking down at you, eyes focusing on your breasts jiggling with your movements. 
Everything is very slow. You roll your hips softly, feeling his throbbing cock twitch inside you and touch your sweet spot every now and then. You put your hands on his chest to gain leverage and start lifting your hips a bit, until there’s only his tip inside you and then you slowly sit back and he shudders, a low grunt escaping through his pink lips. 
Bjorn lets you take control. You grind down on his lap, the way his cock stretches your pussy up is overwhelming but you are concentrated, you want to give him the most pleasure so you clench around him and he moans into your mouth, his hands moving from your waist to your back, then to your tummy and finally to your breasts, squeezing your tits greedly. 
“Am I doing good, husband?” You ask breathlessly. 
“So good…” He huffs out, eyes moving to your face. “So good sweetheart, you’re so good to me.” 
His praises fall from his lips and you shudder, your pussy fluttering again. Bjorn starts thrusting up, meeting the soft roll of your hips, suddenly, sitting up straight and hugging you tightly. He drops his head to your chest and his lips catch your nipple, sucking the pebbled bud into his mouth. You moan softly, arching your body so you can give him more of your breast, pressing his face against your body. 
With his hands on your ass, he presses you down, the water around you both starts churning incessantly, spilling out of the tub. Your clit is deliciously rubbing against his pelvic bone, you can feel his thighs twitching under your ass and his short nails pressing so deep on your skin they’re leaving little red marks behind, tiny half moon forms you’ll be proud to carry under your dress the next day. 
You kept your face close to his, lips brushing together as you bounced. You’re practically vibrating on top of him, his cock dragging against your walls until It reaches your cervix, massaging all the right spots. You claw at his face, short nails scratching down his cheeks while the other hand did the same on his shoulders. His eyes never leaving yours, It’s like he’s reading your mind, knowing your deepest secrets.
Bjorn reaches his own pleasure, fucking deep into you, fast, viciously thrusting up. A wild rush curses through your veins, the tight coil on your lower belly finally snaps and you cum with a loud groan, squeezing his cock inside you. The chord of pleasure is straining for release in his body too, and It doesn’t take long until he thrusts deeper, merging his body with yours and releasing a hoarse moan, his cock is twitching again as you feel him expend his seed into you, painting your walls. 
Both of you stay like this for a moment, eyes closed, hearts beating faster as you breathe heavily. Suddenly you feel his hand on your tummy, the first signs of pregnancy still not showing, but he knows your baby is there, growing strong. He kisses you softly and you hug him tight. 
“Can’t wait to see you round with our child.” He mumbles, finally opening his eyes to you. 
“Won’t take long.” You answer with a smile. 
“I love you, sweetheart.” He breathes out finally. 
“I love you too… We love you.”
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littlemissnoname13 · 3 years
hii i wanted to request a draco/reader fic w the dynamic that 1 day they meet at a bar and have a 1 night stand, and then » 2 months later draco is at mungo's and runs into y/n who has just found out she is pregnant w his kid but she's scared to tell him. and he feels a connection to her that tells him she's carrying his child and he asks her out bc they kinda like each other. Pl do if your comfortable only tyia
Hi my nonnie! Thanks for requesting.🖤
This was so much fun to write. Especially the bar part. This is a long one so brace yourself. I hope you like it.
A very special shoutout to @mellifluousart for giving me helpful pointers for this fic. You are the best!
Terrible at Small Talk (D.Malfoy x Reader) 18+
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Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
Warnings: some fluff smut, mature Language and themes, nsfw, drinking, penetrative sex, breeding kink, pregnancy, 18+
Word count: 2396
You swirled what remained of your drink in your glass making the amber liquid spin round and round and round. 
Even after two whole hours waiting on a tall bar stool in a dead little muggle bar, and your date was still nowhere to be seen.
The previous hour had gone by pretty quickly in comparison to the first hour though. You'd been drinking whisky on the rocks and your insides were warming up little by little making the waiting game a tad bit more bearable. 
You couldn’t tell if it was the alcohol but you chuckled to yourself thinking about what you had done in life to lead you there, in a strange little pub waiting for a boy you weren’t even sure was coming. 
“One more of these please.” You called out to the bartender, smiling politely and shaking your empty glass. 
“I’ll have what she’s having.” 
An all too familiar voice made all the hairs on your back stand up straight. Your goosebumps were probably highly visible from the back of your backless red dress. 
“Well, well, if it isn’t y/l/n in the flesh.” He muttered, sitting down on the bar stool next to you and you didn’t dare to turn to your side to look at him. 
You didn’t even need to. 
You knew who this voice belonged to and it sure as hell wasn’t your date.
“Well, Hello to you too, Malfoy.” You said, finally turning your head towards him. “I didn’t know you liked to frequent muggle bars on the weekends.” 
You hadn’t seen him after the wizarding war. He had gone off the grid. 
He still looked the same and yet, completely different. 
His suit was still all black but his jaw had gotten more chiseled, his hair remained the same but he now donned glasses. He still wore his silver rings and you could see what looked like a tattoo peeking out of his suit sleeves. 
“Nice glasses.” You blurted. 
“Nice hair.” He muttered, as the bartender handed you your drinks. He eyed you intently before taking a prolonged swig of his drink. “Although, I preferred it the way it was in school.” 
“So did I.” You smiled weakly at him, running your hands through your hair, suddenly feeling very conscious. 
“Why did you change it though?—I used to love your hair.” He cleared his throat and tried to backtrack from his sudden confession. “Not that you don’t look good now.”
You needed a fresh start after Hogwarts, the war and life in general but you didn’t think he needed to hear all that. 
“Wanted something new I guess.” You said in a very composed tone as you gulped down your beverage and asked the bartender to keep the drinks coming. 
He hummed and downed his drink matching your own speed. 
Soon enough, you had created a row of empty glasses at the counter. 
Both of you terrible at small talk. 
“It’s so strange seeing you of all people at a muggle bar.” You said, your voice slowly getting slurry with a hint of inebriation and a tinge of madness. 
He didn’t say a word, he simply blinked at you with a blankness in his stormy grey eyes, now hidden behind thick frames. 
“Well, I don’t think I am welcomed at most pubs around Diagon alley—not after the war anyway.” He muttered. “Besides, I could have asked you the same question.” 
“Well, if you must know, I got stood up.” You laughed. “Not that I wanted to come—my friends have been pushing me to go out there and meet people.”
He kept glaring at you as you kept babbling. His eyes secretly trailing to your bare back as he tried his hardest to ignore his blood rushing and his heart thumping. 
A few more glasses of whisky later, you found yourself walking to the nearest apparition point with him. 
And just as you tried to quicken your strides, you missed your footing but he caught firmly by the shoulder before you could hit the ground, face first. 
“Merlin! That was a close one.” You whispered softly as you wondered why his hands were still grasping your shoulders. 
Even after all these years, the smell of mint, and his expensive cologne remained the same; his eyes still conflicted. 
The warmth and the confidence from the alcohol made you lean in and capture his lips in yours. 
A slow, speculative kind of kiss. Like you were testing the waters; taking a small sip of tea to see if the temperature was alright. 
After you leaned away, he opened his eyes.
The conflict inside his eyes was now replaced by a full fledged hurricane of emotions. 
“C’mhere.” He said hoarsely as he grasped the hair on the back of your neck and pulled your face flush against his. 
His left hand held one of your legs and wrapped it around his torso—your clothed cunt making contact with the hardened bulge in his pants. 
By the time your eyes opened, Draco had already apparted you to the Malfoy manor. 
As soon as he laid you down on his bed, he hastily began working on his shirt buttons. 
With each button, you could see more and more of his ivory skin, his toned abdomen, the veins protruding along his forearm, his faded dark mark now covered with tattoos. 
You propped yourself up on your elbows on the bed while he leaned in for another kiss and you took this opportunity to remove the glasses that hid the vehemence in his eyes.
His lips soon made their way towards your earlobes and he began nipping and tugging with his teeth while his hands roamed underneath your dress.
“The things I want to do to you…….” 
“Draco….” You sighed as his fingers started to move up and down your clothed slit before pushing the fabric of your panty aside . 
“Gods, y/n…” he groaned as he slowly pushed a finger inside. “The things I want to do to this pretty little cunt….”
“Then do it..” You whined bucking your hips at him. “Please just do it…”
“This dress...” He growled into your ear as he added a second finger inside of you. “I've wanted to rip it off your body since the moment I laid my eyes on you…” 
His fingers kept moving in and out while his thumb kept rubbing circles into your clit. “You are so fucking wet darling.” 
“Mmmhmm..” you whimpered, barely managing to nod your head. 
“Tell me y/n…” he murmured against your slit; his tongue circling your swollen bud. “Who made you this wet?” 
“You did Draco..” you whimpered. “You did.” 
You were so close. 
So fucking close. 
Just when you felt like you were going to come all over his fingers he stopped and took his fingers out. 
“No please..don’t stop..” You whined, suddenly feeling empty without his fingers. 
“Take your clothes off.” He commanded, backing away and you instantly found yourself complying to his request in a matter of seconds.
No one had ever talked to you that way. 
This was dark, this was seductive, this had your cunt dripping with anticipation.
“Fuck y/n. You are a sight for sore eyes.” He murmured while he pulled your hips towards the edge of the bed. 
A small smirk played at his lips as his hands quickly undid the buckle of his belt to let himself out and you gasped at the sight of him. 
Rumors always traveled fast at Hogwarts. You’d heard stories about him—his length, the way he made girls scream. 
Only, they weren’t just rumors. 
Everything you’d heard about him was true. 
All the fucking rumors about his length, his size they were all true.
He moved his fist up and down his shaft and  lined himself up against your entrance. Your eyes met for a second. “Are you okay with this?” He asked and you caressed his cheeks and nodded. 
“I am more than okay Draco….” 
And just like that, he pushed himself inside of you, cursing under his breath. 
“Oh god….Draco…”
“The way you say my name y/n…” He grunted into the crook of your neck while your fingers entangled themselves into this hair. “It makes me want to fuck you harder…makes me want to fill you up with my come…”
“Draco Please…”
“Fuck y/n….don’t.. don’t say my name like that.. I won’t be able to control myself... 
“Then don’t…” You pleaded with your head snapped back and your back arched when his thumb found your clit. “I want to feel you cum Draco..I need to..” 
It was like these words were automatically slipping out of your lips as you reached closer and closer to your climax. 
“What are you doing to me….y/n…” he groaned as he fucked you harder and harder. “Why do you feel so fucking good…” 
“Draco..don’t stop..don’t stop till you are cumming for me..” you wrapped your legs around his torso allowing him a deeper angle. 
“Won’t stop…I won’t fucking stop till I fill you up..” 
Draco stayed true to his words. 
He didn’t stop till you were sore and leaking with his release. 
The both of you even woke up in the middle of the night for another round of rigorous sex and he silently thanked your date for pulling a no show that night. 
Now he could have you all to himself. Well, until the sun came up that is. 
When Draco woke up the next morning he tried to reach for you but you were long gone.
The only thing that remained was the smell of your perfume on his sheets and your stray earring on the floor. 
He slowly reached for the forgotten earring and held it in the palm of his hands. 
Sure, it was a one night stand but he sure as hell wanted another night with you. 
Two months had gone by and Draco found himself staring at your earrings on his nightstand every day. 
He was never the one to overthink about one night stands and yet, here he was, clasping onto your earring for dear life. 
After reminding himself to get a grip on himself, Draco buttoned up his shirt and made his way towards St. Mungo's hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. 
He’d been a regular donor for the hospital since the end of the wizarding war and visited the hospital every other month. 
Just like every other month, the hospital was terribly busy that day too.
But somewhere in between the hustle and bustle, somewhere in between the dissonance of sounds, the wind, the atmosphere he felt something different that particular day—Something familiar. 
He brushed the feeling off and finished up the paperwork in less than an hour before making a swift exit from the hospital. 
But every step he took away from St Mungos added to the inexplicable restlessness that crushed his insides. The feeling mimicked the feeling of missing a train he was supposed to catch. 
“Oh For fuck’s sake.” He muttered to himself before turning back around and sprinting his way back into the hospital, crashing into annoyed people that cursed at him along the way. 
He finally stopped running when he made it to a quiet corridor in the hospital. With his hand flat on his chest, Draco tried to catch his breath. 
Everything was silent for a minuscule second until he heard a voice coming from a room a few steps ahead of him. 
Draco knew he could recognise that voice anywhere in this whole entire planet. 
It was the same voice that had been haunting his mind and infiltrating his existence since that night at the bar. 
You had a worried expression on your pretty features as the healer kept talking to you. 
“Everything looks good y/n, your vitals, the baby.” Said the healer and you placed your hand lightly on your stomach. 
Draco didn’t even hear what the healer said next. The accelerating sound of his heart was too loud. 
Could it be?
Why didn’t you tell him? 
Maybe the baby wasn’t his. 
But why was he suddenly wishing it was—
“Draco?” You asked when you saw him standing outside the door. 
The way you uttered his name, softly with your voice slightly cracking, felt like the break of dawn after a long cold night—You were his daylight.
“Sorry—I was just um passing by..” He said, hesitantly prying the door open. 
“I’m sorry Mr. Malfoy, but you cannot be here unless you are family.” The healer said coldly, giving him a nod of disapproval. 
“I guess I’ll be on my way then.” Draco mumbled with his eyes never leaving yours. “It was good seeing you—”
“Wait.” You called out before he could walk away and he eyed you quizzically. “Draco, there’s something you need to know.” 
He held his breath and patiently waited for what you were doing to say next. 
You looked even more beautiful than you did the last time he saw you. Your cheeks were dewy, your eyes a bit glassy and his most basic instincts were telling him that he needed to protect you no matter what. He didn’t even hear what the healer said as she excused herself from the room. 
“Draco I’m—”
“I know.” He said softly as he let his finger tips trail the side of your face. “I heard everything.” 
“Not everything.” You said as you held his other hand and gently placed it on your stomach. 
Draco let out a sharp breath that he didn’t even realize he was holding back. 
It was like he’d caught the train that he was so desperately trying to catch. 
It was like he was finally headed home. 
“Merlin! Y/n.” He gasped as he instantly cupped your face in his hands. “Why didn’t you tell me?” 
“I didn’t know what to tell you. I didn’t know how you’d react and I was terrified.” 
If only you knew just how happy he was. 
If only he knew just how much he wanted to care for you and the baby. 
If only you knew how he felt about you. 
“I’m here now.” He whispered and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. “And I’m not going anywhere.” 
“Thank you.” You murmured against his lips.
“Let me take you out y/n.” He murmured. “Let me take you to dinner tonight and we will figure the rest together.” 
Draco/ general tag list: @maybesandohnos @justfangirlthingies @badslytherin @dlmmdl , @desiredmalfoy @wh0re4blaise @marrymetheonott @quacksonsssandtea @rvaldez7569 @Berriemafoy @Thegaudess @itchywitch33 @lunar0se10 @emma67 @savagelysarcasticslytherin @teawineaddict @fantasyfairysworld @trashyvicks @h0ggyw0ggyh0gwarts @l0vely-lupin @linasylveon @dracomalfoys-wh0re @dracomalfoyisindahouse @sycathorn-slush @lalunemoonstone @supermisunderstoodoceans @belladaises @riddleswh0r3crux @justreadingficsdontmindme @axdxis @97santoki @laceycallisto @haroldpotterson @thetipsysaquatch @darlingmalfoy @letsmariya @malfoysbitch @turn-to-page-394-please . Sorry if I missed anybody. I am so sleep deprived. 
Join my tag list here .
Alternatively, you can message me if you’d like to be added or removed from my list.
Read my other stories here.
much love,
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writerpeach · 3 years
Lights & Cameras
Jeon Somi x Male Reader
5575 words
Categories: smut, daddy kink, rough sex, dirty talk
Read on AFF
Read on AO3
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Three hours. Endless outfit changes. Barely an hour for lunch.
Jeon Somi had done photo shoots before, both as part of a group and as a soloist, for commercials and for album covers, but she had never had the focus be on her just like this. Her beautiful face was going to be on the cover of a magazine for the very first time for the entire country to see.
It took countless people to make a magazine shoot run smoothly. Stylists, photographers, directors, makeup artists, interns, and a plethora of untold staff members whose titles were unbeknownst to you.
Somi’s first magazine shoot was exciting. If she was nervous, she hid it well, radiating confidence behind the camera as hundreds of flashes went off every second.
You had lost track of how many times you saw Somi disappearing from the set into her personal dressing room, reemerging in an outfit that either tantalized or confused you. Each ensemble brought out several emotions and at least one change that left you scratching your head.
Fashion never made sense.
There wasn’t a moment behind the cameras that Somi wasn’t swarmed by staff - fixing her hair, touching up makeup, and preparing her for the next set of blinding lights. Somi basked in it all, she loved the attention and loved every moment of being in the spotlight.
You weren’t hired by anyone, yet had one of the most important jobs in the building.
Your job was just to be there. You were a familiar face to the gorgeous young model, keeping the couch warm in the first-story studio where you could be seen at all times when Somi felt a pit in her stomach from being overwhelmed.
One look into your eyes across the distance brought a bright smile to Somi’s lipstick painted lips, one that melted you like a hot summer’s day.
Another outfit change. One more shade of lipstick applied to her lips, her cheeks now a shade of pink instead of red. The fumes of hairspray lingered in the air as her dark big brim hat was swapped out by a simple white ball cap and blue sunglasses.
Truth be told, Somi could make any outfit look good. Whether it be tall high heels that almost made her trip, short skirts that showed off her amazing legs, or puffy coats that she looked adorable in, anything and everything looked great on Somi. You’re pretty sure she could make an astronaut’s spacesuit look sexy.
Somi loved dressing up, wearing expensive clothes and outfits she only dreamed about, each time she was presented with something new feeling giddier than a kid in a candy store.
This outfit you particularly liked on Somi, a rather long green dress that almost touched the ground, perfect for summertime. At first glimpse it seemed to cover her up, the sacrifice worth it as it did a terrific job of hugging her body nicely, leaving her shoulders bare and just a tease of her exposed back.
The best part of her fancy dress was how good her tits looked in it. Her wide hips were plainly visible, curves everywhere and outlining her delicious backside, the perfect woman.
Four hours in, Somi's energy level was just as high as at the start. Perhaps it was your company, or the high of her first solo photo shoot that kept her spirits lifted, filling her tank to get her through the rest of the day.
Bright lights went off again as Somi rotated through a myriad of poses, from sensual, to serious, to downright goofy, conveying a multitude of expressions that seemed to please the director.
Somi was a natural, the camera was in love with her and the feeling was mutual. You couldn’t hear her cute voice over the constant shutter sounds of the camera drowning out her playful laughter, but you knew she was having the time of her life.
Sitting there for hours at a time might have been dull as a spectator, but not so much as you loved watching Somi in different outfits and different styles of makeup. She stepped back into the dazzling lights appearing as an almost completely different person.
The brightly lit set became flooded with staff again. Somi was handed a bottle of water to her left, while on her right someone wiped her brow carefully with a white towel, heading out of view as if that were their only job.
“Thirty minute break!”
An echoing voice from the director rattled the walls as a much needed break was called. Somi was filled to the brim with unlimited energy as she headed to catering and you followed in her footsteps.
The catering table was surrounded in no time flat, trays of pastries and sweets spread out, an assortment of fruits and cheeses, sandwiches and skewered meats all made up a fantastic spread.
“Oh my god, I’m starving,” Somi said as she picked up a plate, stuffing it as high as she could, not even bothering to take a seat as she stuffed her face, forgoing the image she was portraying as a model as soon as she took her first bite.
“What do you think so far?” Somi asked as she found you, mumbling her words as she talked with her mouth full as she approached your position.
“You must be bored out of your mind.”
You shook your head and smiled. “I don’t mind. You look cute wearing all these outfits.”
“Which one was your favorite?” she asked, practically inhaling a bite of strawberry cheesecake.
“I liked the pink dress. And the white top with the jeans. This dress looks really nice on you too,” you said, trying your best not to stare at her chest while dozens of eyes were on you.
“I like it too. It’s light and comfortable and I can move around in it freely. Some of those other dresses I could barely walk in,” she said, annoyed.
Somi waited for a handful of staff members to pass by, exchanging polite bows and smiling as they headed off with equally filled plates.
“I want you to take it off me,” she whispered, flashing a mischievous smile, one that had you seen before.
“You want me to help you change?”
Somi shook her head cutely, keeping her lips pressed close enough to your ear that you could feel her hot breath nuzzling your earlobe.
“I want you to fuck me in this dress, daddy.”
Thankfully nobody was in earshot.
“It’s going to be several more hours before I’m finished shooting. There’s a spare dressing room in the back that nobody is using...” she playfully said, her expression the same as when she tried to convince you her vibrator was a neck massager.
“You’re bad, Somi,” you said, her gaze agreeing with you as you stared into each other’s eyes as if you were wondering what you were about to get into.
You took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Lead the way. I’ll stay a few steps behind you.”
Somi nodded gleefully, putting her half finished food down on the nearest table.
“I’ll uh, be back. I think something I ate didn’t agree with me,” she announced, letting the staff know she wasn’t going to be available for the time being.
If your calculations were correct the break was called about ten minutes ago, leaving you with twenty minutes left, yet also Somi leaving herself an excuse if extra time was needed.
But twenty minutes was more than enough time for what you wanted to do to her.
You carefully followed Somi, taking care to leave additional space in trailing her as you weaved through makeup tables and desks full of equipment, disappearing behind the set as your heart raced at what was about to happen.
“Come on,” she said, waving you down a long dark corridor and looking behind her as she took purposeful steps. Shortly after, she opened a door and stepped inside, ushering you in as the two of you looked around, making sure the coast was clear before entering.
Somi entered first, locking the door behind you as her lips smirked. She placed her hat and sunglasses on a nearby countertop, ruffling her hair messily.
“You’re so naughty, Somi.”
“Am I? What are you going to do with me?” she asked, putting her arms behind her back.
Stepping closer, you moved her hair out of her neck, planting your lips on her soft skin and sucked for several seconds, careful not to leave a mark. You took each of her dress straps in your fingertips, playing with them as you looked deeply into her eyes.
She stared back as if to say do it as you pulled the top of her dress down to her waist in one swift movement, exposing her full supple breasts as they bounced freely. You kissed up her stomach, marking her soft skin with your mouth until you reached her large heavy breasts, practically drooling all over her chest.
It was regretful that you couldn’t spend the entire hour worshipping her perfect tits, lips closing around a sensitive nipple that had already hardened as you latched on, sucking gently while you squeezed her free breast.
“F-fuck, daddy,” Somi moaned, as you took your time in sucking her tits, enjoying the sounds of satisfaction she released as your lips wrapped around each of her nipples, covering them in your saliva.
You loved Somi’s huge breasts as much as you loved breathing, the threat of a deadline hovering over her almost didn’t deter as you devoured her breasts.
Your pants tightened as you alternated breasts, slurping loudly and slicking up her stiff pink nipples with your tongue, leaving them swollen and doused in drool as you gave equal attention.
“I wish I could suck these all day,” you said, giving a disappointed look as you kept your focus on her beautiful tits, squeezing and kneading them, never wanting to leave your hands from them.
“I want you to do just more than suck them, daddy,” Somi said, moaning at your touch. You simply couldn’t get enough of her delicious tits, biting her swollen nipples as she whined and threw her head back.
Somi’s attention shifted to the bulge in your pants, and without another word she lowered to her knees and began to undo your pants. Her needy hands cupped your crotch, giving a firm squeeze.
She looked up for a second before she hooked her fingers into the waistband of your thin boxers, yanking them down with power and unleashing your stiff erection as her eyes widened, her lips smiling hungrily.
Her gaze never broke as she rubbed your leaking tip on her stiff nipples, spreading precum on and using your shaft to slap her large breasts with your cock. Somi loved getting your hungry shaft ready for what she was about to do, but no amount of work would ever truly prepare you for what was next.
Somi opened her mouth without a word, spitting on your shaft several times and stroked your cock furiously, lubricating you nicely with her own saliva. She took control of your shaft, placing it in the comfort of her pillowy soft breasts, trapping it as you moaned at the warmth enveloping your hard shaft.
Her chest began moving slowly, massaging your throbbing shaft and causing a torrent of pleasure as she created orgasmic friction, causing your shaft to twitch. Your cock had no chance to escape, surrounded by flesh that wrapped around it, causing your breath to be taken away as several sensations flooded your body.
Somi had the biggest grin on her face as she squeezed her tits around your cock firmly, using her hands to cup them and make sure you weren’t going anywhere besides her abundant cleavage.
“How does it feel daddy? You love fucking my big tits, don’t you?” she pointlessly asked, picking up the pace just enough to drive you wild with intoxicating pleasure. Your eyes were glued to her huge tits, watching your cock disappearing, every inch of throbbing flesh being swallowed up by her lubricated cleavage.
“Fuck yes, baby. It feels so damn good,” you replied, matching her rhythm and helping pump your shaft in between her tits, so much warm flesh hugging you tight that never wanted to let you go.
You couldn’t help but moan freely at the intense pleasure. You loved the way your leaking cock felt snuggled in between her cleavage, you wanted it to stay there forever. Her breasts felt so soft, softer than silk as you thrusted endlessly, savoring every moment of ecstasy.
Somi loved the feeling of your hard cock trapped between her sizable tits just as much as you did, trying to lick the sensitive head of your cock when it showed itself again, adding additional spikes of pleasure each time she succeeded.
You were more than content to keep this up, keep the incredible pleasure going until you couldn’t take anymore, but things were just getting started.
“Daddy…” Somi whined, moving her breasts up and down as you thrusted in her deep suffocating cleavage.
“What is it, baby?”
“I want to suck your cock. I’m still hungry,” she said, anxiously waiting for permission.
“So suck my cock.”
Somi gave an ear to ear grin as you pumped yourself in between her chest a handful more times as she slowly let your cock slip out of her tits, rubbing it between her wet cleavage. Her delicate small hand wrapped around your shaft, throbbing at her touch as she stroked your cock up and down gently from base to tip.
"You're so hard, daddy,” Somi hummed, pumping your shaft and squeezing it tighter as you leaked over her slender fingers, giving your shaft a single solitary lick from base to tip, proudly tasting your precum.
“So yummy,” she said, giving repeated licks of your cock, teasing the sensitive underside of your shaft, causing more fluids to leak out of your slit.
You would have loved Somi to spend more time teasing your cock, but time was of the essence here. She planted a soft wet kiss on your swollen tip, followed by another, kissing up and down your throbbing shaft and leaving her lips everywhere she could.
“This is much better than our catering,” Somi giggled, her voice full of desire and need, her wet tongue roaming every inch of your shaft. She pressed her lips on your flesh for one more deep kiss, causing a loud smacking sound to escape.
Her beautiful lips parted as the head of your cock disappeared inside her mouth, Somi sucking ever so softly on your tip and nothing more, causing you to groan softly at the intense sudden pleasure.
“Fuck, baby…”
Nothing ever matched the way Somi sucked your cock. Her small soft lips wrapped tightly around your cock, staring intently at you as her cheeks hollowed, applying the perfect amount of suction. Her mouth felt incredible, warm and wet in all the right ways. She took you deeper into her mouth, bobbing her head up and down in a short rhythm and as she held her gaze.
“Oh fuck, that feels so good,” you moaned, scrambling for something to anchor yourself to. Thankfully you were inches away from the nearest countertop, finding the edge and gripping it tightly as Somi pleasured your cock expertly.
“I love sucking your cock so much, daddy,” Somi said as she lowered her head, nudging her nose against the base of your cock as she gave a few teasing licks on your tender balls.
“I love the way I can feel it throbbing inside my mouth. I love the way it tastes, it makes me so fucking wet, daddy.”
Somi’s filthy words aroused you even more as she dove her mouth onto your sensitive balls, tenderly sucking on them individually with just as much hunger. She kept a tight grip on your cock, giving slow strokes that accentuated your pleasure until your balls were doused in her warm saliva.
The combination of pleasure made you groan endlessly as she withdrew her lips from your balls after a few loud slurps, carefully fondling them.
“They feel so full. Is all this cum for me, daddy?” she asked, returning her focus to pleasuring your shaft, spitting on it several times and stroking it.
“Every last drop. They’re ready to be drained, baby.”
“I can’t wait, I want a nice big load inside me, daddy.”
Somi gave an approving smile, taking you back in the comfort of her wet mouth and sucking you off loud and wetly, lips almost to the very base of your shaft and leaving a glistening trail of saliva that followed.
Given the circumstances Somi wasn’t able to take her time with much regret. In a matter of moments she was furiously bobbing her head and taking every inch, letting out a shallow gag with every few strokes. She never quite conquered her gag reflex but didn’t seem bothered, she was just happy with every second her throat was filled.
Somi poured all her energy into giving you such a mind-numbing blowjob, moving her lips from tip to base, spilling saliva out of her mouth, covering your shaft in it. Her lips rested at the end of your shaft as her cute nose pressed against your stomach, smiling with a mouth full of a cock.
She came up for air, saliva dripping down her chin that she didn’t bother to wipe, her expression lust-filled.
“Fuck my face if you want,” she invited, taking your shaft and smacking herself in the face with it, rubbing it on her cheeks and lustfully grinning.
“I’d hate to ruin your makeup,” you replied, the one and only time you had that concern. Somi’s expression was full of disappointment, her smile fading and forming a pout.
“That’s the point,” she said, matter-of-factly. “My makeup artist can fix it later. She gets paid too fucking much anyways.”
Well, that settled that. Somi went back to slobbering on your cock as you placed your hands on both sides of her head, running your fingers through strands of hair and started thrusting inside her pretty mouth.
Consequences be damned, you were going to fulfill Somi’s wishes and desires, thrusting your hips back and forth and sliding every inch of your shaft down her tight warm throat.
Satisfied grunts and moans escaped your lips as you used Somi’s mouth for your pleasure, gagging her with your length as you struck the back of her throat to the point of tears from your forceful use, only encouraging you to give harsher thrusts.
“If only everyone knew what I was doing to you,” you said as Somi kept her mouth wide open for you as you furiously fucked her gorgeous face, slapping your full balls against her chin as she held onto your thighs and slurped hungrily.
“I bet that director had no idea what a cock-hungry little slut he hired did he?” you said, using Somi’s mouth as your personal toy, the constant sounds of gags and erotic slurps filling the small room as your pleasure sky-rocketed.
“Or your stylist unnie, she has no idea her cute innocent model loves choking on cock does she?”
Somi hummed around your cock in satisfaction, the vibration spiking your pleasure as you forced your cock down her throat, streaks of mascara starting to run and drip down her face.
Her makeup artist would certainly have her work cut out for her.
That wasn’t enough for you as you thrusted harder down her throat, slamming every inch nonstop without mercy, drool spilling out of her mouth and dripping onto her beautiful exposed tits as she choked and gagged on your needy cock.
“Take it all, baby,” you growled, holding the back of her head firmly against your crotch, not
caring if she could breathe or not. You desperately wanted to fill her messy warm mouth with cum, coating the back of her throat with it, but that dress looked so fucking sexy on her and you had other plans.
Instead, you savored the intoxicating warmth of her mouth for a few more thrusts, slowly withdrawing your drool-covered shaft as several lines of messy wet spit ejected from her lips, connecting to your swollen tip.
Somi gasped for air, rubbing her drool-covered face all over your wet shaft as she got the treatment she deserved, gargling the leftover saliva and spitting it onto your already drenched shaft.
You smirked at what you saw, once perfectly brushed hair was disheveled and out of place. Her eyes were still filled with tears, whatever leftover mascara she had staining her cheeks, drool glistening on her chin and her chest, an absolutely beautiful mess.
If only her staff could see her like this.
“Was I a good little slut, daddy?”
You nodded proudly and grabbed her dainty wrists and gently helped her to her feet, sharing intense eye contact as you kept the anticipation in the air high.
“I want to fucking ruin you,” you said, squeezing her breasts again, the drool coated on them making them glistening in the lights.
“Do it, please. Fuck me like the whore I am, daddy,” Somi begged, flashing the deepest set of fuck me eyes you had ever seen. You had gotten this far without getting caught, there was no reason to stop.
The dressing room was small with just two countertops, mirrors resting on top of each one waist high, used beauty products still scattered on both surfaces.
There weren’t that many options, no chairs in sight and the floor looked dirty and unkempt as it most likely hadn’t been touched in months if not longer. The counters provided ample space, but not enough for what you needed.
Somi looked at her designer watch she still had kept left on, and you saw you had ten minutes left before they would be looking for her. Plenty of time.
“How do you want it, baby?” you asked as you hiked her green dress up, surprised to see she had on a dark pair of blue panties for once.
“I don’t care, daddy, as long as you’re rough with me,” she said, biting her lip. You couldn’t help but smirk, roaming her tight body with her hands as you gripped her wide hips, harshly spinning her around as she gasped in delight.
“P-please, daddy. I need you. I need to be fucked so bad,” she pleaded, her eyes wide and bright. You kissed her bare shoulders, planting your lips behind her neck and whispered into her ear.
“I want you to watch me ravaging your pretty little cunt, baby.”
Somi dripped between her thighs and her muscles tensed up as you slid her skimpy thong to the side, exposing her gorgeous pussy to you, pink flesh dripping with arousal.
“O-of course, daddy,” Somi said, bending over the makeup countertop, sticking her plump round ass out and placing her palms flat on the surface, ready and willing to be taken right there.
Had there not been time restraints placed, you would have loved to make her beg and tease her pussy until she was as needy as could be, but unfortunately that wasn’t an option right now.
You spread her long legs, grabbing your throbbing shaft and rubbing her aching sensitive clit, pressing it against Somi’s hot wet flesh as she looked back, eyes full of desire.
“Fuck me, daddy. Fuck me like a whore.”
You didn’t hesitate for a second and pushed yourself in deep, her warmth suffocating you as you sank inside every inch of hot flesh, her cunt clenching hard as she moaned loudly. You didn’t waste time, thrusting immediately without any build-up, harshly gripping her hips as you began fucking her tight body from behind.
“Oh my god, daddy,” Somi moaned, her erotic expression visible in the mirror. Your rhythm was frantic from the very start, pistoning your hips and smacking them against her beautiful ass, causing her cheeks to ripple with every stroke.
“Such a tight little whore aren’t you? You like your pretty pussy stretched like this, baby?”
“Y-yes, daddy! You’re so fucking big, pound me daddy, pound me with your big fucking cock.”
“I’d fucking love to,” you replied, grabbing a rough handful of hair and wrapping your fingers around it, forming a ponytail and yanking back hard on it, tugging her head back. Her pussy clenched as she looked directly into the mirror, her eyes barely able to keep open as her mouth let out nothing but needy moans.
“Watch yourself, baby. Watch what I’m going to do to my pretty little cumslut.”
“Y-yes, daddy. R-ruin my pussy, please. Fuck my tight little hole until you blow your load in it!”
Somi’s filthy mouth only served to bring out your carnal desires, increasing your pace rapidly as you slammed her body against the counter, causing her back to arch perfectly as she screamed in delight. You really hoped the dressing room was far enough away from the rest of the staff to not be heard, but at this point you didn’t give a shit if they were listening right outside the door.
“F-fuck me harder daddy, p-please fuck me like the naughty whore I am!”
Your strong grip tightened on her hips, firmly pressing both thumbs into her toned back hard enough that you’re pretty sure was going to leave a bruising mark, one of the myriad of things Somi was going to have to figure out how to explain.
“Treat me like your pretty little fucktoy and break me!”
You watched intently in the mirror in front of you as Somi’s expressive features grew more contorted by the second, her lips only able to form breathless whiny moans and several strings of profanity.
Her pussy tightened to the point of almost causing pain, your shaft being lubricated thoroughly by her abundant slick that dripped down her thighs as you gave it your all, watching her breasts bouncing in the mirror in a way that hypnotized you into a trance.
“Choke me, daddy. Please, fucking choke your whore,” Somi said, as you seemed to be taken aback by every new sentence that left her lips.
You didn’t know what had gotten into her, but you didn’t have time to care as you dropped the bundle of hair you had, bringing the same hand to the front of her body, fondling one of her breasts before finding her warm, soft neck and wrapping your fingers around her throat and giving a gentle squeeze.
“More,” she demanded, and placed her small hand on the back of your own, increasing the pressure as she felt more airflow being restricted, thriving off the feeling she felt.
Somi’s dripping hot pussy pulsated wildly as you pumped into her, keeping a hand on her delicate throat as you looked at the sight in the mirror, something you’d never forget. Her chosen dress barely still on, mascara stains still visible underneath her eyes, her breasts bouncing deliciously with every rock of your hips as you choked her.
Somi kept her eyes focused straight ahead and loved every second of it.
It was hard to remember where you were, that this was still a designated break for Somi and that she would still have to return to work in a few short moments. Yet, you continued to pound into her tight cunt, giving such powerful hard thrusts she was liable to forget her own name.
“God, you’re so fucking deep inside my tight little pussy. Don’t stop fucking me, daddy, use me until you’re done with me!” Somi said, her words becoming an unrecognizable slur that all ran together.
Her warm wet walls grew wetter the harder you drilled her as the room became an orchestra of pleasure - the wet squelch of her pussy, harsh sounds of flesh smacking against flesh, and the constant rising volume of her loud needy moans and gasps, every second that went by without a knock on the door caused a sense of relief.
That satisfying smack of flesh grew louder and louder as you released your grip on her throat. earning a whimpering moan. Your hands weren’t kept idle as you grabbed Somi’s arms and pulled them back, gripping her wrists as her back arched even more, hammering into her pussy with as much energy as you could exert.
“Oh f-fuck, daddy! D-don’t stop, don’t stop fucking your slutty little whore!” Somi said, her clouded eyes barely able to watch herself in the mirror as you saw her vacant stare. You used her slender arms as handles to fuck her senseless, feeling her gripping pussy squeezing the life out of your cock as it pulsated wildly as the stale air in the small tight room grew hotter.
“I’m going t-to cum, daddy! Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, daddy-”
Somi didn’t even have time to finish her sentence, her body already trembling, her held back arms shaking as her pussy tightened even more. Her hips bucked, toes curling into her expensive heels as she shrieked, juices flooding out of her cunt as she came the hardest she had in some time.
You didn’t let up, not that she would have wanted you to as you fucked her through her intense orgasm, pounding away and maintaining the same breakneck pace, harsh stroke after harsh stroke into her heat.
Somi's constantly clenching pussy sent tingles up your spine, and you weren't that far off from your own release if the aching tightness in your balls was anything to go by.
"I'm gonna fucking fill your needy cunt with cum, baby," you hissed, not asking for permission, hooking her arms and bringing her body upright until her back was pressing against your chest, making sure she wasn't going anywhere.
"P-please cum inside me, daddy. Cum inside your filthy little whore! Please, daddy, dump your huge thick load inside my slutty wet pussy, please!"
You loved using Somi like this, her pussy begging for cum as you railed her without mercy, the use of her arms taken from her and nothing to hold on to and at your mercy, taking every thrust into her body and pleading for more. You watched her lustful expression in the mirror as her breasts never stopped bouncing, chasing that sweet release you both desperately wanted.
It wouldn't be much longer now, your hips smacking harshly against her ass as her cunt was fucked so hard she would definitely have trouble not only walking out of her but for the next few days. Savoring every thrust into Somi’s tight warm body, you never let up, keeping the pace as fast your limbs allowed you to move until you finally were pushed over the edge.
“I’m fucking cumming!”
It took less than a handful of thrusts as you buried yourself in Somi’s wet warmth, groaning loudly as you spilled your seed deep into her cunt, throbbing with each shot of hot cum that you emptied into her inviting body, filling her to the absolute brim.
You used the last remaining energy in your body, hips tiredly working until you had no more to deposit in her. Thoroughly drained you never stopped thrusting, trying to fuck your hot deep as it possibly could go, spilling every drop into her womb.
Your moments slowed down little by little until they halted completely as you released her arms as she collapsed against the counter, both of you spent, filled with fatigue and gasping for air, an equally exhausted mess of bodies.
You rested inside her for one final moment, wanting to savor her smothering warmth for as long as possible as you gave her ass a quick smack and slowly pulled out, a flowing stream of thick semen dripping out of her roughly used pussy, staining her beautiful thighs.
“H-holy shit, d-daddy, you fucked me so well,” she said, her words trembling as you slid her thong back in place and pulled her dress down as she turned around to face you.”
“You asked me to.”
“I’m going to be so sore,” Somi smiled as she leaned in and kissed your lips, her bare breasts pressing against your chest.
Your breathing resumed gradually as you wiped the sweat off your brow. You wanted to say something but were rudely interrupted by a voice from the intercom.
“Jeon Somi to the set please!”
The two of you frowned as Somi took one more step, lips locking on to yours deeply, gasping for air as they withdrew.
“You really made me a mess, daddy,” she said proudly, as she pulled her top back up, trying to fix her hair as best as she could.
“I better get cleaned up. Fuck me again after I finish up?”
“Of course, baby.”
She kissed you on the cheek as she made her exit, walking gingerly and taking slow, tired steps out of the room.
You felt a little guilty that her staff would have to put in so much extra work, but that was their problem not yours. The fact that your load would be dripping out of her for the rest of the photo shoot, just the thought putting a smirk on your face.
You pulled your pants back up, stopping by the nearest bathroom to try and fix your hair, freshening yourself up before heading back.
Somi had a lot of explaining to do.
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arvinsescape · 4 years
Marks in Quarantine
A/N: I know i’m late to the while quarantine thing but I love these kinds of concepts.
Summary: What happens when reader and Tom are interrupted to many times for Tom’s liking? Oral- Fem receiving. Unprotected sex (Wrap it up! Practise safe sex). 
Warnings: Swearing. Smut (Minors do not engage).
W/C: 2.2K
Quarantine was fun and you did enjoy living the boys, you loved them all, truly. There was just one inevitable problem when it came to everyone being home all the time. It became increasingly difficult for you and Tom to get any sort of alone time. It wasn’t too bad when it came to standard PDA, the boys more than used to seeing Tom interact with you in everyday situations as you’d been together for the last two years, but they had caught you in some intimate moments together.
Tom’s breath was hot on your skin as you straddled him and he kissed your neck. You moaned quietly as he sucked your sweet spot. You were in your room, having a chilled-out afternoon and one thing led to another. You were straddling his waist as he gripped your hips, grinding them against his own.
“Fucking, can’t wait to get you out of these.” He growled as he bit your neck, eliciting another quiet moan from you.
“Tom, mate any chance- shit I’m so sorry.” Tuwaine fumbled as he took in the sight before him. Tom’s head popped out from behind your shoulder as you buried your red face into his neck. Tom’s face was flushed as he looked at Tuwaine.
“Mate.” Tom drawled out as he gestured towards the two of you. Tuwaine cleared his throat as he mumbled another apology and made his way out of the room. The whole exchange completely turning you off.
You’d woken up ten minutes ago and Tom had his fingers pumping in and out of you as he caught your moans and gasps in his kiss.
“You need to be quiet for me baby.” He mumbled as he removed his fingers, licking them, shooting you a wink and placing kisses down your body. He’d gotten to your core and you felt his breath fan over you, it turned you on immensely. Before you knew it, he was lapping at your clit and his fingers had returned, pumping in and out as he licked and sucked your clit.
You were getting close and you’d done really well at keeping your moans quiet when Harrison walked in. Fuck. Tom immediately stopped what he was doing, throwing the duvet back over you as Harrison turned around, face red as a tomato.
“Erm, Sorry Tom but the neighbour has asked if he can borrow something for his car from you.”
“Sure mate.” Tom replied, he was visibly annoyed and frustrated, trying not to make it obvious to his friend that he was.
All of this had happened over the last week and killed your mood every time and Tom had had enough; he’d decided that he was going to have bring it up whilst you were in the shower.
“Guys, can you do me a favour?” He asked and they all hummed in response. “If you want me for anything today, can you please knock on the door and make sure it’s urgent.” He said.
“Sure man. Need some alone time with your mrs?” Harrison teased.
“As a matter of fact, yes, I do.” Tom grumbled as he stood up and left the boys in the living room.
You made your way out of the shower, towel wrapped around you and thankful Tom had an en suite as you’d forgotten your clothes. When you entered the bedroom Tom was sat on the edge of the bed. He looked up from his phone when he saw you, throwing it to the side. He grabbed your hand that wasn’t holding your towel up and brought you towards him.
“Hi.” You said as you stood between his legs, he grinned up at you and mumbled back a ‘hey’. He took your towel and suddenly ripped it off you, leaving you somewhat dumbfounded. “Tom what are you doing?” You laughed as he gripped your hips and pulled you onto his lap.
“I” He started as he moved you further up the bed “am” he continued as he flipped you over onto your back “finally gonna make you feel good.” He finished as he led on top of you.
“Is that a good idea? I mean the boys-“
“Are not going to be bothering us, I promise.” He interrupted as he kissed down your neck. You were turned on in seconds, he knew exactly where to kiss you to get you going. He stopped at your breasts and took a nipple into his mouth. You breathed out a sigh of pleasure as he did. He brought another hand up to cup your other breast. You felt the familiar pooling of arousal between your legs as he lapped his tongue over your nipple.
You arched your back into his touch as you let yourself indulge in him. Every lick from his tongue was another step away from your worry as he diminished it completely. He licked a hot stripe down your stomach as he made his way down your body and you moaned quietly in pleasure. As soon as his tongue licked a stripe down your core your hand flew to your mouth. You were so turned on and you hadn’t had his touch in well over a week which when you were together was an absolute rarity.
He took your clit into his mouth as he sucked and licked on the aching body part. You bit down on your hand, it felt so good. He looked up at you and moaned as he took in the sight of you, the vibrations shooting straight through you and the pleasure consumed you as you threw your head back and moaned into your hand. You were, again, doing well to keep your moans under control until he added two fingers into your dripping heat and curled them towards your g-spot. He knew you were close, which was why he added the fingers.
He pumped his fingers in and out of you as he sucked your clit. You felt that familiar fire coursing through your veins. The one that arrived when you were about to orgasm and you grabbed the nearest pillow which just so happened to be Tom’s and pulled it over your face. You were having a hard time not screaming in pleasure as his assault never let up. His  strong scent filled your nostrils and it pushed you over the edge.
You orgasmed incredibly hard and prayed to god that the pillow was enough to muffle your moans and quiet screams as your orgasm washed over you. Tom continued to insert his fingers in and out of you, helping you ride out your intense high. You removed the pillow when you were satisfied you were done and sat up as you looked at Tom between your legs smirking. You threw the pillow at him and he caught it easily.
“What was that for? I just gave you a very good orgasm.” He protested as he made his way up the bed.
“Yeah but you don’t have to look so smug with yourself.” You groaned.
“I’m sorry but the fact that you had to use a pillow to muffle your pretty sounds made me feel like I did I pretty good job.” He laughed as he kissed you and you could taste a hint of yourself on his lips. You pulled his shirt over his head and threw it god knows where in the bedroom. You were so unbelievably turned on, although you didn’t feel touch starved, Tom making sure to keep you well up to date with his cuddles and his tender kisses, you had spent the last week being cock blocked and were incredibly horny as a result.
You pushed him down by his shoulders to straddle him as you started to remove his jeans. Once they were off after some awkward manoeuvring, you pulled his boxers down his legs and removed them. Just as you were about to take his hard cock into your mouth he stopped you. You looked up at him confused.
“Oh no baby, as much as I would love you to take my cock into that pretty mouth, I want to be inside you right now.” He said as he pulled you back up his body, he kissed you deeply as he flipped you onto your back. He looked into your eyes and made sure you were ready and as soon as you granted permission, he slipped into you.
You pulled his head down into a kiss as you moaned into his mouth. You wound your legs around his waist and he gripped one tightly as he hiked it further up his waist allowing him to gain deeper access. You moaned again and Tom had to act fast and swallow it by connecting your lips again.
“Fuck Y/N, feel so good.” He mumbled as he thrust into you. They were hard and deep thrusts and you found it increasingly difficult to stay quiet, you bit into his shoulder which only spurred him on more. “Fuck that feels so fucking good.” He said into your ear as he bit your lobe. Had you have had the house to yourself you were one thousand per cent sure that there wouldn’t be a single room left untouched by the sounds of your moans.
His thrusts grew sloppy and desperate as he felt himself getting closer and you too felt that familiar high creep up along with his. “Fuck, you’re getting tighter, you close?” He asked you as he gave you a few hard thrusts.
“Fuck, Tom, I’m so close.” You moaned as you bit into his shoulder again. He moved his hand that had been gripping your thigh and started to rub your clit again, he was determined to get you off before he did. You felt your high rising further and you knew it was about to come crashing down.
“Come on baby, I need you to come for me. I need you to let go.” And you did. Hard. You gripped his back and pulled him closer to you, fingernails digging into his back as you muffled your moans against his shoulder. He came shortly after, riding you both through your highs. It took you at least two minutes to steady your breath. “Fuck Y/N.” Tom grinned as he slipped out of you and cleaned himself and you up.
“Sorry, that was intense.” You said between breaths. You made your way to the bathroom on shaky legs and did what you had to do. Your face was still flushed and you splashed cold water over it. You examined yourself, that familiar glow of having being railed by your boyfriend present. You were surprised to see he hadn’t left a single mark on you. You walked back into the bedroom and stopped when you saw Tom’s back, he’d put his jeans back on but not his shirt.
You’d left red and angry looking fingernail marks down his back. You’d never done that before and you feared you’d really hurt him. You practically ran up behind him, snaking your arms around his waist as you kissed at the marks. Tom turned awkwardly in your grasp, the shirt he had in his hand was pulled down over your head as he kissed your forehead.
“Tom, your back.” You stuttered out.
“What about it?” He frowned.
“You can’t feel that. Go look.” You said as you pulled back from him completely. You stopped him again as you took in the mark’s you’d left on his neck from biting down. “Fuck, Tom. I’m so sorry. I’ve left marks all over.”
“Like I never leave them on you.” He teased.
“No, Tom. Go look, they seem a little, I don’t know, they look like they hurt.” You said as you started to feel embarrassed.
“One sec.” Tom said as he made his way into the bathroom. He came back out a few minutes later and by that time you’d pulled some shorts on to go with his shirt. He was grinning.
“Fucked you good then.” He concluded and your jaw dropped.
“You’re not mad? I mean, they look sore.” You worried.
“Not at all. It just means I gave you a good time, right?” He asked cockily. “Anyway, have you seen that thigh? I think the whole being quiet thing means more marks.” He teased as you furrowed your brows. You went back into the bathroom and awkwardly looked into the mirror and sure enough there were five very prominent fingerprint marks developing where he’d gripped it. You smiled to yourself, you’d thought the entire time that it was you struggling to keep quiet but so was Tom.
You made your way downstairs around an hour later and the boys all looked at you and grinned.
“What?” You eyed them suspiciously.
“You’re fucking glowing Y/N.” Harrison laughed, and you felt your cheeks heat up.
“Don’t be ridiculous.” You tried to defend yourself. “Glowing.” You muttered as you turned around, trying to find what you were looking for. You knew you had one but you didn’t want to admit that.
“Damn.” Tuwaine shouted as he noticed the marks on your thighs, your hopes of Tom’s shirt covering them shattering in seconds. Tom made his way into the room.
“What are you all shouting about?” He furrowed his brows.
“God damn Y/N! Nice!” Tuwaine shouted again and you furrowed your brows, eyebrows shooting up the second you realised what the fuss was about. Tom hadn’t put a shirt on.
“Tom!” You whisper shouted at him.
“You didn’t put a shirt on.”
“Oh.” Tom grinned at you and you blushed so hard you thought your face would stay a permanent red.
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lumosinlove · 3 years
Well, this got longer than I thought it would, so I’ll have to publish in a few parts as I write...
But Happy Birthday, Finn, my favorite :)
Find it here on Ao3
Of Silence And Slow Time
part i of iii
New York City, 1920
Everyone told Finn that the statue looked like him, that he simply must go and see it.
“Really, Finn,” his older brother Alex said. “It’s the eyes, the face, it’s the mouth. It’s uncanny.”
Finn had just looked over Alex and the man and woman he seemed to always have at his side ever since the war ended. Natalie, a nurse whom he’d met in France, and Kasey a Canadian from another unit—they’d ended up in the hospital together.
“It’s in France,” Finn said flatly. “I know you’re forgetting about it all, but I’m not exactly keen on going back there. It took me ages to get home.”
It had taken everything for him to get home.
Alex, to Finn’s relief, nodded at Natalie and Kasey to go get themselves a drink at the bar down the street, told them that he’d meet them there. Finn stared down at the book open and unseeing in his lap. He wasn’t even sure what he was reading, on that he wanted to. His mind didn’t seem to follow him just right these days. Cars became bombs sometimes. Sleep was all dreams.
Alex sat beside him on their parents’ old sofa.
“Fish,” Alex said softly, and moved his hand slow, where Finn could see it, before resting it gently around his shoulders. “You can’t sit here all day. That’s not going to help you, and I know you don’t like it. You’ve never sat still like this.”
“I’m not going back to France.”
“It’s Paris,” Alex said, and gently flipped Finn’s wrist over to reveal the tiny globe his friend Jackson had dotted there with a needle and ink. “You’ve always wanted…don’t let this war stop you any longer.”
Finn stared down at the reminder he’d asked his friend for, ink permanent black. He’d never been farther than New England before the war. Paris, he’d always thought, gazing at his collection of books. Rome. Athens, Barcelona—
Finn swallowed hard. “Looks just like me, huh?”
Alex’s grin was enough to pull one out of Finn, just slightly. “It was bizarre.” Alex squeezed his shoulders. “I’ll even meet you there later if you want, once we’re through with Canada.”
Finn sent a wary glance towards where Natalie and Kasey had left.
Alex raised an eyebrow. “You’d like them. And, who knows who you’ll meet over there. We ran into all sorts of people, people like you’ve never seen. It’s why—” Alex broke off slightly, and looked after the nurse and soldier, too. Finn blinked at the nervous bob of his throat, and then his smile. “There are all sorts of love and art in this world of ours. I know it feels like it’s all war, I felt that too, but it’s not. Please let me help you see that.”
Finn rubbed a thumb over his tattoo, and closed his book.
Everything felt like war. He was so tired of it he thought he’d be crushed.
He looked up at his brother. “I don’t have much money.”
Alex just grinned and slapped him on the back, then pulled him into a tight embrace.
Finn arrived in Paris with a lump in his throat. He stumbled through half-French greetings and requests to his taxi, who looked at him sourly and turned out to have dropped him off four streets away from his hotel—maybe on purpose. Maybe because it was barely six in the morning.
Finn was annoyed at first, and then he began to walk.
Paris’ cobblestones were like those in the West Village, only they weren’t. There were glimpses of his home in the uneven tread of his feet, but these stones were darker, as if soaked with more time and more place. It calmed him, while the brief glance towards France’s rolling hills had sent him back to his cabin on the rocky ship, shaking and gasping for air. He’d barely eaten during the entire journey besides forcing down the occasional breakfast sludge, and his legs had wobbled so fiercely upon stepping back onto land, he’d had to sit down.
Finn paused now, closing his eyes and leaning against the nearest building. He’d been so stupid the first time, decked out in his new uniform, eyes on the war like it was some prize to be won. The comfort waned with his scattering mind and Finn tried to draw a steady breath in. The lump in his throat only grew tighter and he squeezed the handle of his small suitcase.
“Monsieur?” came a voice, spilled over with concern.
Finn’s eyes flashed open and he pushed himself straight, blinking through the pale morning light. There was a boy standing there, around his age, with bright blond hair and worried blue eyes. He was tall, with a neat white apron tied around his hips.
“Ça va?” the boy took a hesitant step forward. His eyes glanced towards Finn’s suitcase, and he nodded in realization, then spoke in accented English. “Are you all right?”
Finn looked behind the boy to see the cafe, slowly opening, from which he must have come. There was an abandoned stack of chairs he was putting out for the day, and his apron had an embroidered name at one corner, Finn realized, that matched the sign above.
Le Lion.
“Yes,” Finn breathed, but found himself unable to speak louder. “I’m fine.”
The boy just shook his head, and gestured behind him. “Non. You must sit down. S’il vous plaît. Please.”
Finn didn’t know how to refuse him.
A few minutes later, he found himself stationed at one of the cafe’s tables with a steaming pot of coffee in front of him, a croissant, and a plate of softly scrambled eggs.
“You look like you need more than butter and bread,” the boy had said, wiping strong looking hands on his apron. “You are from America?”
Finn nodded. He had been worried he would be able to stomach the food after the boy went through so much trouble, but upon his first bite of eggs, he felt ravenous.
“Yes,” Finn nodded, brushing his hands off from croissant crumbs. “Sorry, yes,” he held out his hand. “Finn.”
“Leo,” the boy smiled, and took his hand. “It is a pleasure.”
Finn found himself returning that smile with one that, for the first time in a long time, felt like his own. He tried to put coins into Leo’s hand when it was all over, but Leo simply waved him off and said he hoped to see Finn again.
The Louvre was more than Finn could have imagined. It was like walking across the ocean floor, new rarities at every corner. And, of course, there was the matter of the statue. Alex had said it would be with all the other works from ancient Greece. He didn’t have trouble following the signs to the correct gallery, walking through the white marble hallways. When he did reach the Greek galleries, his first thought was that the perfectly white statues nearly blended in with everything else, at least until he found a plaque that said it had all been painted once. Finn smiled to himself. Maybe his apparent stony doppelgänger had had red hair, too.
Imagining Alex and his long stride in these halls was easy. And it was quiet here, and distracting, which let Finn close his eyes for a moment, inhaling the scent of old stone, like a church, or a river’s bank.
When he opened them, he had found it. He was staring into his own face. His eyes were blank. He reached up to feel the shape of his own jaw as he looked at the statue’s, on display in the way the head was slightly turned, jaw set, brow low, as if in focus. Finn blinked, pulled out of the daze of seeing it, and his eyes landed on the museum card beside it. There was a word in ancient Greek, said to have been carved more visibly into the bust’s base. Future, it translated to. Thought to be made in the name of a God, though he may be lost now. There is no other surviving work by this artist.
Finn looked back at the eyes, so much like his own he could have seen brown there in the blank irises, and thought about when this strange statue had been carved. He’d always loved the way ancient Greece was sometimes described in poetry. It had gotten him through many long nights in the trenches. Serene, warm, and with nothing to do but lounge in the olive groves. Working the land and coming home at sundown to wine and honey and spiced meat. He’d longed for it. He longed for it still, this simple-seeming past.
The next thing he felt was warm wind. He smelled salt water.
The museum melted around him and his shoes slipped into sand before disappearing entirely.
Finn turned around to the sound of someone shouting, worried it was at him, only to find a brunette boy storming towards him—then past him—a foreign language continuing to fly off of his tongue. But more importantly, the boy was dressed in a simple garment of white cloth that left his strong, tanned legs and arms completely bare, and his feet were sandaled. Finn reached down to smooth his suit, only to find it gone, as well, replaced with a similar getup. He stared down at his bare skin, so pale in the bright sunlight.
And then the foreign language morphed, like a scratched record, and became English to his ears.
“—I’m telling you, Leo, I won’t go. Not without you.”
And there the blond boy was, sitting in the shade of low trees at the edge of the beach. He was holding some sort of musical instrument, plucking at its strings almost sadly, head bowed.
“You have to,” Leo replied. “The oath says—“
He stopped mid-sentence, having looked up and spotted Finn. It made the brunette turn, and then Finn’s back was in the sand and there was a thin, rough blade at his throat.
Green eyes bore down into his own, a growl ripping from the boy’s throat. “Spartan.”
Finn choked out a breath, his hand going around the boy’s wrist. “No—no.”
“Logan,” came Leo’s voice, and then the knife’s pressure was released, pulled back by Leo, but the boy—Logan—was still sitting firmly on Finn’s hips. Finn felt his entire body flush with the sheer lack of fabric between them, but Logan didn’t seem to either mind or notice.
“I’m not a—Spartan,” Finn managed. “What the hell, I…” He looked to his left, at the sparkling waves lapping there, and then to the two boys looming above him. “Where am I?”
That made both of them freeze, the knife twitching in Logan’s hand.
“Ithaca,” Leo offered timidly, then glanced out at sea, as if that was where Finn had come from. Finn just stared at him.
He was the boy from the cafe. He was sure of it. His blue eyes filled with the same concern as they had on that early morning cobblestone street.
“Are you all right?” Leo asked.
“He is a spy,” Logan said, and went for him again.
Finn was ready this time. He knocked a leg around Logan’s waist, putting him on his back, and then rolled away from him and to his feet, knife in hand. He raised it for the two of them to see and then tossed it a little ways down the beach. “I’m not a spy. I…I’m just lost.”
It was true. In more ways than he’d even thought before.
“Please,” he managed more quietly.
He watched Leo and Logan exchange a look, unsure of what it meant, until Logan turned on his heel and Leo gestured for Finn to follow.
“Are you at war?” Finn asked he was led through the city streets. It had been a hot walk up a long road built into a steep hill, all the way up to what Finn assumed was the inner city and acropolis. Water ran along the side of the street—no doubt with sewage—and they crossed via stepping stones, pressing themselves against the walls whenever carts rattled by—carts filled with men with shields and swords or spears.
Logan, who brought up the rear behind him, having retrieved his knife, scoffed. “Aren’t we always?”
“And where are you taking me?”
“Where we take any question we can’t answer,” Leo said from in front of him, golden hair gleaming. “Pascal.”
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Warren Worthington III x Reader
Fandom: Marvel/X-Men
Summary: Warren has been through hell and then some, but will meeting his soulmate turn that around?
Note: That’s right, it’s ya girl, back on my BS. I watched Apocalypse again and BIG SURPRISE, I’m in love with Warren and Kurt all over again. Still hyperfixating on Pietro also, so…expect more fics for him as well. Anyway, I’m a ho for soulmate aus and I haven’t written one for birb boi in literal years, so here ya go.
Reader is: Gender Neutral
Warnings: swears, mentions of alcohol
Word Count: 2.8k
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Warren knew one thing beyond a shadow of a doubt: he didn’t deserve a soulmate. He didn’t. There was no question in his mind. Anyone who was destined to end up with his winged, alcoholic ass had been fucked over by the universe. No one deserved to be stuck with him for the rest of their lives. And yet, these thoughts didn’t seem to erase the words written on his forearm:
Hey, um, you’re Warren, right? The Professor wanted me to talk to you.
Professor. He scoffed. He was never going to college. If his parents had gotten their way, their son “cured” of his wings, he would have ended up at Harvard or Yale or somewhere similar. But it was far too late for that. Sitting in a cage in the back room of an illegal underground mutant fighting club in Berlin…it was far too late for that. He’d probably die before he met his soulmate anyway, rendering the prophecy on his wrist—and theirs, for that matter—useless. A waste of space.
That was all he was anyway.
He spiraled. His dependence on vodka got worse. The fights got harder. He wasn’t making it out unscathed anymore, winding up with burns and scrapes and cuts, depending on what kind of mutant he was up against. One night, one of his cuts had gotten dangerously close to the writing on his wrist. He stared at it for a long time, tears burning his eyeballs until they escaped and dripped down his cheeks, angry and hot.
He hated it, but even after everything, he still had hope. He still had hope that things would get better; that he could be better, even if it seemed impossible.
And then it got…worse.
Apocalypse had come, turned his wings to metal, tuned into his anger, his rage at the world, turned him into a monster, complete with knives for feathers and winding tattoos framing his face. He wished he could blame it on mind control or something, but Apocalypse hadn’t brainwashed him, only used his anger against him. Turned him into a weapon.
And then everything went black.
When he woke up after the battle, he was in an unfamiliar room, large and white and sterile; it smelled like hand sanitizer. He heard the steady beeping of a heart monitor and when he sat up, he noticed how sore he was. His whole body hurt. His head spun. But he was alive. And when he looked down at his tattoo, the words were still there. Wherever his soulmate was, they were fine. His stupidity in joining Apocalypse hadn’t caused anything to happen to them.
For the first time in what felt like years, he breathed.
“You’re awake.” A voice said as a tall man with brown hair entered his room. “I’ll let the Professor know.”
“Where…” his deep voice rasped and the man pointed to a glass of water sitting on the table adjacent to the cot he was situated in. He picked it up and took a few long, greedy sips, not realizing just how thirsty he was until the cool drink hit his tongue. “Where am I? What is this place?”
“This is the infirmary at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.” The man told him, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose. “You’re safe here.”
Warren nodded hesitantly, but didn’t say anything else. Safe. The word was almost a myth to him at this point. But at least he felt like he could rest for a little while.
It had been a few weeks since Apocalypse and his horsemen had almost ended the world. Erik had decided to stick around, and two of the younger horsemen, Storm and “the Angel of Death,” respectively, had been absorbed into the school’s student body. You didn’t know the Angel’s name. No one really talked to him, not even Ororo, Storm, who had been quickly adopted by your friend group.
Supposedly, Peter had tried to talk to the Angel guy, but he didn’t say anything to him. Ororo theorized he probably felt guilty about the whole thing. She did. But you all knew she didn’t know what Apocalypse was really trying to do. He probably hadn’t either, but that didn’t seem to keep the grim expression off of his face.
It was on a nice, sunny day that Xavier called you into his office, and you went down without complaint, knocking on the door a few times before he called you inside. You sat in the chair across from his desk.
“Hi, Professor. What’s going on?” You asked.
“Ah, yes. Just the empath and healer I wanted to see.” He smiled brightly. “(Y/N), if you don’t mind it too terribly, I have a small job for you.”
“Of course! What do you need?”
“I’m sure you’ve seen our newest pupil, Warren, around.”
You thought for a moment. “The, uh, guy with the wings? The big metal ones?”
“Precisely.” He nodded. “Warren…he’s been having quite a hard time adjusting.”
“I’ve noticed.”
“He came to me yesterday discussing…well, quite simply, he was wondering if any of our mutants here would be capable of…reverting him to his previous state. His wings, before Apocalypse, were made of feathers. They’ve been serving as quite a reminder to him and it’s been weighing pretty heavily on him, both literally and emotionally.”
“Yeah, I’ve, uh, caught his vibes from across campus.” You nodded. “It’s like there’s always a rain cloud hanging over his head.”
“Yes,” Xavier agreed. “It doesn’t have to be right away, but at your nearest convenience, if you see him around, would you talk to him? Tell him I sent you?”
“Yeah, of course. I’ll see what I can do.” You promised him.
As an empath and a healer, your first priority was helping others. And even if he was known to be a bit intimidating, you wanted to help him if you could.
So, you walked out of Xavier’s office, attended your final class of the day, and when it was over, you wandered out into the courtyard where, because of the nice weather, students were everywhere. And luckily for you, just as you suspected he might be, Warren was sitting under a tree, still sporting his leather jacket despite the warm weather.
You shielded your eyes from the sun and walked over towards him, your heart racing as you built up the courage to talk to him. So, you took a breath and said, “Hey, um, you’re Warren, right? The Professor wanted me to talk to you.”
He stared up at you for a long moment, his green eyes wide in shock. He took a breath, blinked a few times, glanced down at his wrist, and then back up at you. You could have sworn you saw tears beginning to form along his waterline, and you didn’t realize why until he said, “You’re my…No…Oh my God…I’m…I’m so sorry.”
You froze, your knees going weak. You glanced down at your bare forearm and read over the words he’d just said, exactly the way he’d just said them.
You’re my…No…Oh my God…I’m…I’m so sorry.
“Why are you sorry?” You whispered, lowering yourself onto the grass beside him, not trusting your legs to support your weight for much longer. Now you were the one with tears in your eyes. “Don’t be sorry.”
“You deserve so much more than me.” He insisted, his eyes locked on his boots, unwilling and unable to meet your gaze. “I can’t drag you into…this. Me.”
His emotions were heavy, a bleak blue and gray haze and you felt it radiate off of him in waves. His pain, his everything. And you felt it, deep within his chest. He thought you wouldn’t want him anyway.
“Warren…” You shook your head. “Why…Why would you think I don’t want you?”
He was shocked into silence for a few seconds, thinking over his words carefully, his jaw tense and hands shaking. “You’re a telepath?”
“Empath.” You corrected quietly. “And…a healer. Which is why Xavier sent me.”
“Oh. Right.” He swallowed thickly, nodding. “Did he…tell you why?”
“He did.” You smiled softly. “And I’m willing to try if you are.”
Finally, his eyes met yours and he could tell that you meant more than just the healing when you said it. The weak little voice in the back of his head was screaming for him to push you away like he pushed away everyone else, but looking into your eyes, a genuine and warm smile on your face, he just…couldn’t lose you.
He couldn’t lose anyone else.
Today was the day. Warren was sitting on a stool in the infirmary. Hank had run his vitals and the two of them were in the room waiting for you to come down after your class was over.
“(Y/N) is the one who saved you, you know.” Hank told Warren while he jotted down some notes.
“What?” Warren asked, snapping out of whatever daydream he had been caught up in. “What do you mean?”
“(Y/N) found you in the rubble. We didn’t think you would make it, but…they healed you. They insisted we bring you back here. Give you a chance.”
Warren was quiet for a long time, thinking about what that meant. Part of him wondered if (Y/N) had known back then that he was their soulmate, but he decided that would have been impossible with just their tattoos alone. Especially without context. They hadn’t known and yet, they’d still wanted the best for him.
“Didn’t know that.” Warren said, his voice soft and deep. He stared at the words on his wrist for a little longer, a hint of warmth swirling around in his stomach. Was this happiness? Was that what happiness felt like? He barely remembered anymore. But he knew there must have been a reason that when you walked through the door, his heart started beating a little bit faster.
“Sorry I’m so late. Professor Leaf kept us a little later than she was supposed to. Are you ready?” You asked taking off your backpack and setting it against the wall. As soon as you looked up at Warren, you felt the way his heart rate was increased and you didn’t miss the warmth swirled with the anxiousness. The anxiousness, you had expected. Even you didn’t know if you could pull off what you were going to attempt to do, but the warmth…it was a pleasant surprise.
“Don’t worry about it.” He told you, shaking his head. Was he…was he smiling? It was a small smile, sure, but you didn’t think you had ever seen him smile before. It looked good on him. “I’m ready when you are.”
“Alright.” You nodded, walking over towards him. Underneath where he was situated on a stool, Hank had laid out some pads from the training room, you assumed, to catch his metal feathers if they fell out rather than transforming back to his normal…feather feathers. None of you really knew how this would unfold. “Again, I’m not sure this will work. I don’t want to get your hopes up in case it doesn’t.”
“I’m not expecting it to.” Warren assured you, but it wasn’t in a rude way. “If it does, I’ll be pleasantly surprised. Cross my heart.” What he didn’t say was: You could never disappoint me. Not even if you tried.
“Okay.” You nodded, taking a few steps closer until you were standing right in front of him. He looked up at you and for the first time, you didn’t feel any negative emotions from him. Only anticipation and that lingering warmth. “Here goes nothing.”
You focused on the warmth in your own chest, the tingling yellow healing power that constantly swirled around your heart, and you forced it into your palms. You reached forward for his hands and he took the hint, his larger hands wrapping around yours.
Immediately, he gasped at the sensation, warm tingles running up his arms, down his spine. It stopped in the center of his back, right where his wings intersected with his body. At first, he didn’t feel anything. And then, he felt everything. The pleasant warmth flooded his metal wings, and one by one, the knife-like feathers fell out, each one landing with a thud against the mat situated underneath him.
Hank’s pencil jotted against his notebook as he took notes. He knew you were powerful, but he’d had no idea you were capable of something like this.
Neither had you.
Once the metal wings were gone, Warren felt a new sensation: another pair of wings, this one soft and familiar, slowly emerging from him. Part of him expected the process to be painful, like the one Apocalypse had forced upon him was, but it wasn’t. Warren chuckled to himself. Of course you would never hurt him. Not even unintentionally.
After a few minutes, the feathery wings had fully emerged, stretched out to his full former wingspan and he stared up at you in awe. You stopped your flow of power to him, but he held onto your hands, squeezing them to keep them in his grasp.
He looked back at his new wings, flexed them and moved them. They felt familiar, like they had always belonged to him.
“Thank you.” He said, giving your hands another squeeze, the warmth in his chest brighter and bolder than it had been before. “Thank you so much.”
“Of course.” You told him, squeezing his hands right back in a way that caused his heart to lurch. “I’m glad I could help.”
“I don’t mean to interrupt, but do you mind if I keep some of these for research?” Hank asked.
“Keep all of them, if you want. I don’t want them.” Warren told him, standing up from his stool, his hands still in yours. “So, um…do you want to go grab dinner or something?”
“Sure.” You nodded, smiling up at him. “See you later, Hank.”
“Bye, guys, have a nice night.” Hank said as you and Warren walked out of his lab. He couldn’t help but notice the way one of your hands remained in one of his as the two of you left.
Later that night, after dinner and after you and Warren had split for the evening, you were walking back to your room from Jean and Jubilee’s and you found Warren, lingering in his doorway, his toothbrush sticking out of his mouth. His eyes widened when he spotted you and he held up a finger, indicating you should wait for him, so you did while he went into his bathroom and rinsed out his mouth, returning a few moments later.
“Hey.” He said, the word casual as it fell from his pink lips.
“Hey yourself.” You chuckled, feeling ridiculously underdressed in your pajamas. But then again, he was wearing his pajamas, too, a large black Metallica shirt and a pair of plaid pants.
“How…how are you? Feeling?” He stumbled over his words, chuckling as he rubbed the back of his neck. You felt a wave of nervousness rush through him. “Hank said sometimes you get tired after, uh, bigger healing jobs?”
“I’m fine.” You nodded. “For whatever reason, I never get tired when I’m healing you.” You chuckled, your cheeks heating up the slightest bit. “Well…I think I know why…”
“Heh, yeah.” He nodded, mulling over his next words very carefully. “Did you, um…I don’t know how to ask this. Did you mean what you said about…trying? About us trying…this. Trying us.”
“Of course I did.” You nodded and took a few steps closer to him. “You’re my soulmate.” You reached for his hand and he gave it to you, letting you play with his fingers. You felt the way his heart fluttered when you did. “Of course I want to try.”
“I’m broken.” He told you. “I’ve never done this before. I’m…I’m a lot, and I know that.”
“Well it’s a good thing I’m a healer, huh?” You tilted your head. “And if we’re being honest, I’ve never done this before either. So how about we teach each other? Learn together?”
He smiled softly, nodding. “Yeah. Yeah, let’s do that.”
You let go of his hand and instead took the last few steps between the two of you, wrapping your arms around his torso. He froze for a few seconds, unsure of what to do. It had been…a long time since anyone had hugged him. But after a few moments, his arms got the hint and wrapped around you, pulling you to his chest. He rested his head atop yours and exhaled a long, long breath. And for the first time since you’d met him, you felt a wave of peace wash over him, encasing him entirely as his wings gently cocooned you in their warmth.
You felt his lips brush against your temple, pressing a soft kiss there. You looked up at him and his eyes met yours before fluttering shut as he leaned in to press his lips to yours.
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nothing left ~ 10k;z nation
word count: 2229
request?: no
description: he accompanies her back to her childhood home to find nothing left besides the memories of times before the zombies, and they decide to leave some new memories there
pairing: 10k x female!reader
warnings: swearing, smut
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(Y/N) kept a straight face as they drove past the sig with her hometown’s name displayed in bold, black letters against the stark white background. It was the first time she had been there since she and her parents had escaped during the initial Z outbreak. Since then, she had lost everything, but managed to find a new family within the small group that took her in.
They came to a stop at an empty parking lot of an abandoned supermarket. Everyone got out, weapons in tow.
“This place is a ghost town,” Doc commented.
“Almost everyone vacated when the infection started,” (Y/N) explained. “I don’t even think there would be any Zs here. It’s probably only been ransacked lately.”
“It’s the only town for miles, it’s our best bet for resources,” Warren said. “We search the place where we can and see what we can find.” She turned to (Y/N) to add, “Do you want to go home? Just to see the place if nothing else?”
(Y/N) was dying to get home, but she didn’t want anyone on the team to see her as weak or fragile. Although she knew they wouldn’t think any different of her if she did show some weakness, in this day and age, your biggest threat was to be perceived as weak to anyone.
Before she could respond, 10k spoke up. “I think you should. It’ll give you a break from everything, and you can be closer to your parents for even just a moment.”
(Y/N) had a hard time saying no to 10k, especially when parents were involved. She knew he wanted nothing more than to be close to his own father again, but, like (Y/N), 10k hadn’t been home in nearly a year. He didn’t even know if his own home was still standing. If she turned down this opportunity that she knew 10k wanted so bad in front of him, she’d never forgive herself.
“It would be nice,” she admitted.
“You go then honey,” Warren said, her voice soft and kind. “10k, you go with her for protection. Meet us back here before sundown. We’ll wait a little while, but not too long.”
The two youngest members left in the opposite direction of the group. (Y/N) led 10k down the still familiar roads. They weren’t too far from the house and, before she knew it, (Y/N) was stood in front of her childhood home. Her eyes widened at the sight of it.
All the windows were smashed and the door was practically ripped off of the hinges. They entered with weapons raised in case of a Z attack. (Y/N)’s heart broke to see the place ransacked and destroyed. Every picture her parents had hung were smashed to pieces. Only one remained partially in tact, one of (Y/N) and her parents when she was barley a year old. They were on their first vacation as a family to visit someone in another state. The picture was of the three of them on the beach together. Baby (Y/N) was in her mother’s arms, taken by the sand in her tiny hands while her parents were smiling brightly at the camera.
10k looked over her shoulder as her eyes began to water. “You look a lot like your mom.”
“I got that a lot,” she said. “We were basically twins. Dad said I got lucky with mom’s genes.”
She held the picture close to her chest as she moved up the stairs to where the bedrooms and main bathroom was. Whoever had broken in must’ve found what they wanted on the first floor because the bedrooms were relatively untouched. Every poster and picture (Y/N) had on her walls were still there. Her old laptop was even still there, although she doubted that it worked anymore.
“It’s weird,” she said. “It feels like I’ve been gone for years, but this room looks exactly the way I left it, like not a day has past.”
“Anything here you want to take with you?” 10k asked.
(Y/N) shook her head. “I took most of the important stuff when we left first. There’s nothing but memories here now.”
She was so lost in her own thoughts - memories of when things were good - that she didn’t hear 10k leave the room to walk into the bathroom until he spoke again. “The water still runs.”
She walked into the bathroom to find clean water running from the tap. She put a hand under the water, feeling it go from freezing cold to comfortably warm in seconds.
“The power and stuff must still be running,” she said. “Good news for us. I haven’t showered in ages.”
“You think it’s safe?” 10k asked, but (Y/N) was already placing her weapons on the bathroom counter and shedding herself of her top layers.
“I’m willing to take one for the team if it means I’ll be clean when I die,” she joked. “You can watch the door and make sure no Zs or no more looters come in. I’ll leave my gun close enough that I can use it if need be.”
10k nodded. Before he could get the chance to turn back on, (Y/N) grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. For a split second, 10k saw the black bra she was wearing. It was old and worn, probably one of the only ones she had left. Due to this, it was basically falling apart, so when he got a brief glance of the bra, he also got a glance of one of her breasts.
10k’s eyes widened as he quickly turned his back so that (Y/N) didn’t know. He stood in the doorway, listening over the sound of the shower running for any indication of someone, or something, breaking into the house.
The warm water running over (Y/N) caused her to let out a moan of relief. It had been so long since she had properly bathed. The warm water of the familiar shower felt like heaven to her.
Outside the shower, 10k was shuffling awkwardly. He and (Y/N) had been close since they had first met, but they had only ever viewed each other as friends and Z fighting colleagues. He didn’t understand why he was starting to have this feeling about her. Maybe it was just boy hormones and the fact that she was a naked girl just a few feet away from him. But it felt like more than that. Maybe it had always been more than that but he was just afraid to admit it.
Before he could stop himself, 10k silently placed his gun next to hers on the toilet cover. He began to shed himself of his own clothes, working quickly and quietly as to not disturb her. (Y/N) had her head back with the water running over her hair and body when 10k pulled the curtain back and stepped in. She opened her eyes to look at him, shocked by his sudden appearance. She looked him up and down for a moment, her face giving away nothing.
“Gotta save water,” 10k said, trying to lighten the mood.
A smile broke out across (Y/N)’s face as a small giggle came from her lips. “Come here, 10k.”
She put a hand on the back of his neck at the same time that his hands found her waist. Their lips collided and it felt like the most right thing in the terrible, fucked up world around them. 10k’s lips moved against (Y/N)’s perfectly, as if they were supposed to be there, to be kissing her so deeply. His hands wandered over her dripping body, touching every inch of her soft skin with his calloused hands.
(Y/N) let out a sudden squeal as 10k lifted her effortlessly, wrapping her legs around his waist. She was shocked at his strength. Sure, he wasn’t as scrawny and wimpy as he may have looked, but he certainly wasn’t the strongest person in the world. He’s just full of surprises, (Y/N) noted as his lips connected with hers again.
His hard boner was against her aching core, teasing her ever so slightly with every gently brush against her. She whimpered against his lips when she felt him brush against her opening, trying to ground her hips against his to feel her inside of him. Knowing that she wanted this as much as he did made him even more turned on. He was almost afraid that he wouldn’t be able to make this moment last long enough.
He helped to guide her down onto his hard length, causing (Y/N) to gasp as he filled her entirely.
“Am I hurting you?” he asked her, suddenly realizing that he had no idea what (Y/N)’s sexual past was like.
“No,” she responded, her voice breathless and airy. “I just haven’t had sex in a very long time. I forgot how good it felt.”
10k smiled at her and pressed his lips against hers again. He pressed her back against the nearest wall and slowly began to thrust himself into her. (Y/N)’s back arched against the wall, trying to get as close to 10k as she possibly could.
He was slow and gentle, which drove (Y/N) even more wild. She held on around his neck as if her life depended on it, moaning and gasping against his lips with every thrust he pushed into her. She could barley even think straight, her mind focusing only on the pleasure that 10k was providing her.
“Is this alright?” he asked, his voice soft.
(Y/N) couldn’t help but smile. Sweet 10k, always thinking of the comfort of others, even when he was in the middle of the most intense shower sex (Y/N) had ever had.
“It’s more than alright,” she responded. “God, it feels so fucking good.”
10k had heard (Y/N) swearing many times, but hearing the expletive word slip from her breathless voice in that moment drove him wild. He rested his head against her shoulder, groaning as he pushed his hips against hers again, filling her completely.
“You feel so good,” he told her. “You’re so soft and warm, fuck.”
“Who would’ve thought that sweet 10k had a dirty side?” (Y/N) giggled.
“You must not know me well enough, then.”
“Maybe I don’t.”
Her thought was cut short as 10k pulled almost completely out of her then filled her again. Her mind was clouded with lust as she tried to rock her hips against his, begging for the release she wanted.
Noticing her desperation, 10k wrapped one arm around her lower back and slipped his free hand between them. (Y/N) gasped as his fingers connected with her swollen nerves and began to rub circles in them. She could feel a familiar pressure building inside of her. She clung to 10k’s shoulders, curses falling from her mouth in between moans of pleasure. Her legs began to shake as she felt herself hitting her climax. She threw her head back and called 10k’s name - his real name - in pleasure.
Feeling her walls contracting around him caused 10k to feel his own climax approaching. He held on to her hips as his thrusts became a little faster. Before he knew it, his eyes were nearly rolling back into his head as he felt himself filling her with his warm cum. The feeling of the warmth inside of her was enough to almost turn (Y/N) on again.
They stayed tangled together for a moment, completely forgetting about the running water cascading down onto them. It wasn’t until the warm water started to turn cold that they realized it was probably time for the two of them to get out.
Luckily for them, whoever looted the house also didn’t think to take any of the towels in the upstairs linen closet, so they had a way to dry themselves off. Before she started pulling her clothes on, 10k wrapped his arms around (Y/N) again and kissed her exposed shoulders and neck before placing one last sweet kiss against her lips.
“We should tell the others about the running water,” he said as he pulled his clothes back on. “If this place is relatively Z-less, we could probably get away with staying here for a while.”
“We’ve stayed in worst looking places,” (Y/N) agreed. “I’m sure everyone else is dying to clean themselves, too. There’s enough room for everyone to sleep with all the bedrooms and the couch downstairs.”
The reminder of the wreckage when they first entered caused a melancholy mood to wash over (Y/N) again. Noticing this, 10k brought her into his arms and held her tightly.
“I’m sorry about your house,” he said. “I’m sorry someone did this to you, that they took all the memories of this place.”
(Y/N) shook her head. “They didn’t take the memories. No one could ever take that from this place. Besides, I’d like to make some new memories here...with you.”
10k smiled and kissed the top of her head. “I think we’ve already started with that.”
(Y/N) giggled and pulled away from him. “Let’s go find everyone to tell them before they leave us abandoned.”
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All night long.
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❝ request by @filipthescot: Holaaaaa mi amooooor!! If you feel like it, I'd love to read Prompt 4 from the smut list with my man Filip😇💚
❝ request by @ladyreapermc: Number 2 for the smut prompts with my favorite Scot Chibs? Please? 🙏🏻
❝ request by @irenne-stans: Could you do the fluff promt #10 with Chibs please 🥺💗
❝ prompts: “One more cheesy pick up line and I’m gonna bend you over the table and fuck you in front of everyone”. / “I know you think about me at night”. / “It smells like… I don't know… jealousy?”
❝ words: about 1.4k.
❝ warnings: nsfw, smut, oral sex (male receiving), fingering, mention of bodily fluids, explicit thoughts, language, and i think that's all.
Gif credits to the author.
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Chibs is burning in rage watching you flirt with the new prospect, sitting on the bar with a glass of whisky in his hand and the other arm over the clingy wood. He's trying to figure out what it's been so fun to make you laugh this way. He's a man of jokes too and he hasn't seen you like that with him. That's pissing him off. And all that he wants to do right now is to put his gun on that guy, where the sun doesn't shine and blow out his guts.
But he has to pretend he wasn't looking at you like a maniac the moment you turn around to walk straight to the bar and grab another beer. Resting your forearms on the edge to wait for your drink, you tilt your head towards him.
“What's that face for? Someone told you Nessie doesn't exist, uh?”
Slowly, too slowly, he moves his eyes from the prospect to you. Annoyed. About to punch anyone that crosses his path right now.
“'Am not having fun like ye, that' fo' sure”. Chibs replies, taking a sip from his drink.
You frown funnily at his words, not really believing what is happening right there. “It smells like… I don’t know… jealousy?”
Waving a hand close to his face, you pretend to be smelling the environment around the two of you, before he slaps it playfully as you finally have erased the sour grimace from his face.
“C'mon, Chibsy. Don't deny what is clear to my eyes”.
“Ye're blind, lass”.
About to challenge him, you take a step closer placing your index finger on his collarbone, dragging it over his shirt down through his torso. You see him gulping inevitably, clicking his tongue with feigned annoyance, putting your eyes away from yours. “I know you think about me at night”.
Chibs purses his lips not enjoying that game you're playing and, that under his opinion, will end up worshipping himself in the darkness of his room while thinking about you —like uncountable times he has done.
“The prospect had the balls to talk with me, but he's a five on my scale”.
“Bad luck fo' him”.
“Good for you, isn't it?” You say poking the tip of his nose graciously, earning again his complete attention. “From one to ten, you're a nine and I'm the one you need”.
The Scottish man chokes on his drink as the liquid falls through the wrong side, making him cough while cleaning his mouth with the back of his hand. His eyebrows are frowned angrily, thinking you're just making fun of him.
“Stop playen'”.
“I'm not playing, but if you want, I know a game. It's called Titanic”.
Rubbing his face with his free hand, Chibs snorts deeply, laying his eyes on you waiting for a continuation or an explanation.
“You can be the ocean and I'll go down on you”.
“One mo' cheesy pickup line and amma bend ye over the table and fuck ye in front of everyone”.
Licking and biting your bottom lip, you grab the glass in his hand to empty it with a gulp to leave it over the bar, an instant before gripping your fingers around his wrist to drag him straight to the dorms. You've been waiting too much time for this to happen. And yes, maybe you were playing at first, tasting the water. But he wasn't lying when he has threatened you. Of course, you two earn more attention than you could expect, when the crew watches you disappearing from the party —between cheers and claps and finallys.
As soon as you're locked inside his room, your lips crash with his. You're too necessitated, so is he; devouring your mouth while your fingers manage to undo his belt and the zip of his jeans. Chibs grunts with his tongue inside your cavity and his huge hands squeezing your ass, anxious to feel that same warm wrapping around all his hard length. And you aren't going to make him wait, having the same burning desire for tasting him.
Pushing him to the nearest wall, reclining his back against it, you roll down his black tight jeans and boxers to his ankles —as promised, you kneel. Chibs can't take off his eyes from yours, looking at you begging in silence to alleviate the bittersweet pain concentrated in his hardness. God, he has dreamt about this thousands of times. Your tongue swirling around his dick, your throat welcoming him, your lips sucking his soul out from his body.
So when you fill your mouth with his thick length until your nose touches his pelvis, Filip can't help but close his eyes uttering a pleased grunt echoing the room. His fingers land automatically on your head, forcing you to hold his reddened glans against your walls, making you gag vibrating his whole anatomy. He could cum just by feeling these same shivers another time.
“For chrissake…” He moans swinging your head back and forth, whilst your left hand massages his balls.
Chibs has never felt this good. He's trying to keep calm and control himself from fucking your mouth as he'd like to do right now. Brutality, fastly, without mercy. He can't wait to see his cream spilling down the curves of your lips, making you choke on his dick.
“God… Ye look so beautiful”. He whispers as good as he can.
His vocals cause you to smile somehow, increasing the pace of your dance wrapping his whole extension with the only intention of driving him crazy. And you're getting it, preventing Chibs from breathing quietly. A mix of gasps and whining comes from the deepest place of his soul, helping you with the rhythm needed for more. He buries his dick down your throat, filling your cavity and forcing your walls until your uvula trembles above his most sensitive skin.
He knows he's so close, ashamed for not lasting more than a couple of minutes. He's a man that can please you all night long, but the wait has wreaked havoc in him. Too much time spent on imagining how it would feel. Too much time spent on imagining himself pawing your body, nailing his ringed fingers into your soaked cunt. Too much time spent on imagining hearing you moan his name, begging him to let you cum while riding his face.
And of course, he's going to fulfill his fantasies tonight, leaving your legs shaking and your pussy flooded by his seed.
Just to think about it, Chibs has to contain his breathing when you abuse your throat one last time, feeling how he empties his heat inside your mouth. Ripping his chest by swallowing a loud delighted grunt, as his hands continue pressing your head deeper, you cough slightly until he loosens his grip. Filip doesn't give you time to recover, urging you to stand up, colliding your mouth to taste himself in your saliva. The best combination he has ever savored.
With a tight hand gripping your throat he makes you turn around, pinning you to the wall, using the other to eagerly roll up the gems of your dress and push down your wet panties enough to slam to curved fingers inside you. You cry out with his lips stuck in yours, pounding you with so much savageness that he needs to husk you, or the whole Charming will hear you.
“Ye… Bad girl… Playen' with the prospect ti make me feel jealous…” He groans huskily, not being able to think about it as his thrusts cloud your head. “Gonna make ye understand why whiskey is better than bourbon”.
“Please, Ch— Chibs… I fucking beg you”.
You want him to fuck you, that's evident. You want him to fuck you in every single possible position, in every single corner of this damn town. And he's going to do it —but…
“Say ye're sorre”. He hisses onto your ear, nailing his fingers as much deep as he can, forcing your limits and pushing them to beyond. “Say ye're sorre fo' making me wait, fo' playen with me”.
“I am… I a— am sorry”. You sob placing your hands on his shoulders looking for some balance, as he raises you on your tiptoes. “I am so sorry, Chibsy… Please… Please, fuck me”.
“'Corse I will, my love. Till ye beg me again, but ti stop”.
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If you've liked it, lemme know in a comment, I’d really appreciate it. Reblogs are welcome too, so more people can enjoy it! ✨
GENERAL TAG LIST: @mayans-sauce @peoniarose @destynelseclipsa @band-psycho @myakai13 @petlaufeyson @-im-fantastic- @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @rocketqueen @rosieposie0624 @ellyseveronica @Jessprins13 @diaryofkali @ravenmoore14 @starrynite7114 @kenbechillin @miahelen @monkeyluver4546 @sheeshgivemeabreak
SOA: @multiyfandomgirl40 @countryash345 @skyofficialxx @chibsytelford @trulysuccubus @purrrrfect @witching-hour @leathercladmenfics @encounterthepast @aphroditeandheraweremarried @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @queenbeered @gemini0410 @pinguinstudiert @meteora-fc @arveeee @joupym @missswritings @hanster1998 @cubblycie @arana-alpha @kid-from-new-zealand @lucillewinchester @pedritomando @mariska0610
556 notes · View notes
egcdeath · 3 years
hook, line, and sinker
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summary: steve was never meant to be anything more to you than a check, a basic mission. but somewhere along the way, things had veered from that.
pairing: steve rogers x spy!reader
word count: 1.9k
warnings: angst, bad decisions, betrayal, unhappy ending
author's note: it has been a minute since i've posted a fic! i hope you enjoy :)
you can find my masterlist and taglist here
Despite the different rooms you found yourself in, the harsh morning sun was always the first thing you saw in the morning. Its bright rays would peek through the room’s shades and land right onto your face, intruding on some of the more vulnerable moments of your life.
When you finally angled your face away from the beaming star, your tired eyes fell upon the man next to you. The man you should’ve never taken things this far with. A man on the run, who you were sent after.
You sighed softly as you became a bit more conscious, and a now slightly more awake Steve threw a large arm around you, pulling you impossibly closer to him.
“Don’t get up yet,” he mumbled softly against your ear. You nodded and relaxed further into the slightly stiff motel mattress, mentally snapshotting and framing this moment in time. Yet another to add in the five month scrapbook of your time with Steve. Time that you recognized was quickly running out.
You allowed yourself to close your eyes once more, to listen to Steve’s soft breaths as he inhaled the scent of you. It made your heart hurt knowing that within the next week you would no longer get to be in those arms. Knowing that you would have to wake up alone in a new apartment in a new country and wait for a new mission while the news on the television droned on about the nomadic Captain America being flushed out of hiding. That Steve was no more to you than a mission. That it was your fault that you had fallen so hard and so fast.
So you treasured it while you had it. Hummed contently as Steve massaged your side before peppering little kisses against your neck. Tried to absorb the stubborn tear that threatened to fall down your face at any moment.
“We have to leave today,” he whispered against your ear, sending goosebumps up your arm. “Natasha wants to meet you.”
Your eyes shot open and your brows momentarily furrowed, something you quickly attempted to play off with a wide smile. There was no way that she wouldn’t recognize who you were— despite being declared ‘dead’ years ago, you were one of the more esteemed spies in your community. What that also meant is that you had even less time with Steve than you’d expected.
“When are we leaving? Am I gonna have to get used to another time zone?”
“Probably a few. Nat’s already with Sam, but we heard there’s something weird going on in Scotland with Wanda and Vision.”
“Should I really be getting involved with this then? It sounds like some pretty intense Avenger business if the parts of the team you still communicate with are getting together. I can just stay here ‘till you guys are ready to come back.”
Steve gave you an ‘are you serious?’ look before breaking into soft laughter, “are you serious?” You nodded wordlessly in response. “Oh, you’re serious. I promise that you’ll be fine.”
“Well, things better not get weird,” you giggled right along with him, reaching out and grabbing Steve’s face so that you could look into his eyes. You took another mental picture of him. You just hoped it wouldn’t have to be the last.
After you prepared yourself for the long car ride ahead of you, you slipped your second burner phone out of the hidden pocket of your suitcase, you were met with several missed messages by the man who sent you on the mission in the first place.
What is the wait?
I was referred to you for a reason
Have you even found him yet?
I’m not paying for you to sit around and go to brunch all day.
Do I need to send more money for a plane ticket or something??
No, I’ve got it. He’ll be in custody by tonight.
He better be. Or else you won’t be around to see tomorrow.
You swallowed thickly. You wouldn’t be dealing with this in the first place if you weren’t so irresponsible. And if word got out that you were falling in love with your targets, your reputation would be in shambles. You should’ve known from the start that this could never end well.
Steve stepped back into the bedroom area, a goofy smile on his face at the sight of you sprawled out on your back on top of the dingy motel bed. “You ready?” he asked, sounding chipper. You assumed he was ecstatic that you were finally going to be able to meet his friends, which made your heart hurt even more.
For a moment you considered the possibility of not going through with it. Of going along with Steve, work, prestige, and that hefty bounty be damned. You would still be living life on the run, but you’d have Steve, and everyone else on his side on your side too. You’d have some semblance of a family, and maybe someday you’d have a real family and someone to grow old with.
You chastised yourself for getting soft before sitting up, “I’m ready.”
You weren’t ready.
You knew you had to move quickly, the sun was going down, and you’d made a promise that needed to be fulfilled, or god knew what would happen to you.
You reached for the volume dial on the radio portion of the car, and turned down the song that Steve was currently humming along to.
“We should probably get off on the next exit that has a gas station,” you prompted, “the tank’s getting pretty low.”
Steve’s eyes flicked down to the dashboard and he nodded in agreement, “you’re right. Good catch.”
Steve pulled the car off and drove you to the nearest gas station, humming pleasantly along to the music once again. Your stomach was twisting and untwisting knots with every foot you got closer to the station, knowing exactly what you would have to do once you arrived.
Somehow, this was the most nerve wracking moment of your career. Not infiltrating secret government operations, not pulling the trigger on a mark, not even seeing the message from Tony Stark asking for you to find a way to bring Steve in.
You hurried into the main building of the station, making up an excuse on the spot to go inside. You made your way into a bathroom stall, and slipped the phone you hid away earlier out of the extra pocket in your pants.
Your hands shook as you dialed the first two numbers. You took one last deep breath as your finger hovered over the final number. You had one last chance to change your mind, to go back out to the car like nothing had happened because nothing had happened. You would drive a little longer before staying in another shitty hotel, and think about how you made the right decision as you curled up next to Steve’s warm body.
But you couldn’t. You were given this mission, and you needed to complete it.
You pressed the last nine, immediately connecting with an emergency service operator. You gave them the tip that you had seen Steve Rogers pumping gas into a black Honda Civic, and provided them with your location. With every word, your voice trembled a little more. You were grateful for your proximity to a toilet, as the lump inside of your throat threatened to force the contents of your stomach up with every passing moment.
You hung up the phone and looked at yourself in the mirror for a moment. You could barely recognize yourself now, and you weren’t sure if that was from the flagrant betrayal of your partner, or the undermining of your own personal rules for the past five months of your life.
After reflecting on what you’d done for a few minutes, you made your way back to the car. You sat down in the passenger seat, lip trembling as you thought about Steve, and the fact that you’d laid a trap for someone you had such strong feelings for.
Steve sat down just a few minutes later, a smile on his face, and snacks from the gas station in his arms. As he passed you a water bottle, he couldn’t help but notice the tears slipping down your face.
“Hey, what‘s wrong? Are you alright?” he asked, dropping the rest of the items on his lap and leaning over the middle console to console you.
You began to full-on sob now, each tremble of your body filled with regret. “I’m sorry, Steve. I am so sorry,” you repeated.
“No, no, you’re okay. What’s wrong?” he asked, frowning as he wiped your tears away with his thumb.
“I- I had no other choice,” you wailed, “I’m sorry.”
His brows creased and he pulled away from you, betrayal evident in his features, “oh.”
You swallowed hard and shook your head.
“So this was the plan all along?” he questioned. Your lack of response seemed to answer the question for him. “Was any of this real?”
“All of it was, Steve,” you all but whimpered out.
He sighed deeply and leaned his head against the headrest, eyes squeezed shut. He seemed to be searching for the words, but couldn’t quite put together what he truly wanted to say. It was silent in the car for a moment, aside from your quiet sniffles.
“I loved you,” he finally said, hurt evident in his delivery. The admission shook you to your core. You almost couldn’t believe that the first time you were hearing it was after you had put him into such a terrible situation. After you turned in someone that you cared about for your own gain.
“I know,” you looked away from Steve in shame, the look of hurt on his face now permanently imprinted in your mind.
The sound of sirens began to fill the air. Not too long after, you noticed the unmissable blue and red of emergency vehicles approaching your own. It was time.
You unlocked your door and exited without another word. You refused to look back to the car, keeping your head down and your eyes squeezed shut, knowing that if you had to see Steve being taken away, you might never get over the permanent sick feeling you were currently in the midst of.
You walked right inside of the building, stopping in front of an aisle of chargers and finally looking back at the mess that you had made.
“What’s going on out there?” the clerk asked from behind the counter, peeking out the large glass windows.
“I don’t know,” you feigned ignorance and casually shrugged, ignoring the fact that the sight of about a dozen police and SWAT vehicles was tearing you up inside. What were they going to do to him?
You turned away from the scene once again, pretending to browse through the low quality electronics next to you. You heard some yelling, a bit of a struggle, then it was all over.
The coast was clear. Your mission was over.
You left the store without purchasing anything. You moved sluggishly as you got back inside of the now abandoned vehicle.
You started the car once again. This time without the radio playing overplayed pop songs, and without Steve happily humming along. You stared blankly ahead of you, feeling numb above anything else. Steve's words resonated in your mind, bouncing around in your head as you attempted to make sense of what you just did.
Guilt was beginning to creep up on you in a way that you’d never experienced before. You immediately felt haunted by the ghosts of your memories with Steve. Of every entry in your mental scrapbook, of the final image of the hurt on Steve’s face as he confessed his true feelings for you. Of all, you were left with one terrifying thought.
You loved him too.
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itsthestutterforme · 3 years
Don't Pretend (Vincenzo)
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Y/N is a very successful civil rights investigator and a friend of Cha-young. Cha-young called her when she needed help building their case against Babel. Chairman Han seo thinks she's a threat, but Jun woo thinks otherwise.
Pairings: Joon woo x reader (romantic), Cha young x reader (platonic), Vincenzo x reader (platonic)
I didn't even set foot in my apartment yet and Cha young called me for help. I love her and all but it seems like she's always in trouble with someone. She wants me to meet her at a theater because she wants me to meet someone.
She said it was urgent, so I didn't even stop by for food, so this person better be the President of South Korea or something.
I step out of my vehicle and walk through the entrance to see a swarm of reporters surrounding a group of people. One of those people was Cha young and I spin around on my heel, not in the mood for talking to reporters.
"Y/N!" Cha young calls. "Damn it," I say to myself before turning back around. "You didn't mention there would be reporters," "Surprise," she says.
I shake my head and she shrugs. I look to a random spot outside and say, "Oh my God, is that Jay Park and his new girlfriend? Look over there by the garden!" You point to a random couple that was walking past the garden.
"Jay Park! Where?" The swarm of reporters then went outside towards the garden. I roll my eyes and said, "They're like ants searching for food." I make my way towards the group and Cha young links her arm with mine.
"I missed you," she says and I grumble lowly. "Y/N, this is Vincenzo Cassano. Mr. Cassano, this is my colleague and close freind, Y/N," Cha young introduces.
"Seems like you're far from home, Cassano." I say in Italian, much to his surprise. He raises a brow at me and says, "I could say the same for you. The last I saw you, you were handling business in Siena."
"And you were handling business in Milano. Nice touch with the garden. It was beautiful," I compliment and he smiles. "Thank you, I try."
Cha young looks between me and Cassano and says, "You two know each other?" "Vaguely," I comment. "And who are they?" I add, motioning to the older woman, older man and two young men. "The enemy," Cha young says nonchalantly.
"For enemies, you seem awfully close," "Believe me, we're not," an older woman snaps. "Don't get your panties in a twist. I'm just making an observation." I snark. "Excuse me?" she steps closer to me and Cha young does the same.
"Careful, she hates being touched." Cassano states. "I'm heading back to my loft," I say before giving Cassano and Cha young a nod.
"Who are you?" The older woman asks but there was something about her that urked me. I give her a once over before walking back through the entrance.
"She's Y/N Y/L/N, a civil rights investigator and the top in her firm. Not only that, but she has correlations with mafias across three different continents. She has the resources to take us down," Han seo says and a small smile creeps on Joon woo's lips. "Why are you smiling?" Han seo asks.
"She's very accomplished," Jun woo answers. "And it's her accomplishments that scare me, brother." "Don't be. I'll handle her," "Handle her how? Like kill her?" "I don't want to, she seems interesting. But I will if she continues to be a threat to us."
I have to get back into the my workouts. I feel like I've put on a little weight while I was in Italy. It's not like I had any choice. Telling Nonna no is like kicking a puppy, no one can do it. Nonna offers you food, you always say yes. That's an unwritten rule that everyone follows.
My sneakers wrap around perfectly around my feet and I could barely feel the ground when I ran through the city park. I always make sure that it was light enough for things to be visible but early enough that there was only a handful of people in the park itself.
I was on my third and final loop when I saw the black van move across the street and park next to the sidewalk I was running on. I stopped to catch my breath for a moment before running in the other direction. I hear a door open and several footsteps run behind me.
I grab the nearest thick branch I could find and wait until they were close enough. I swing the branch as hard as I could, hitting three men in the face. They fell to the ground and I focus on the two guys rushing towards me at once. I duck around one and punched the other in the throat, leaving me with just the one man.
I bring up my guard and shuffle my feet but the man runs in back into the van and drives away. "You okay?" A voice asks from behind me and I feel a hand on my shoulder. I spin around and kick his leg out from under him. He falls to the ground and I apply pressure to his chest.
"Relax. I'm not the bag guy here." He strains. "Wait a minute, I know you. You're the-" "A friend of Cha young." He places his hand on my outter thigh and I say, "I wouldn't know if friend is a term I would use. She called you the enemy."
"She was referring to the rest of them," "What ever helps you sleep at night." I finally stand up from his chest and he takes a deep breath.
He stands up from the ground and that's when I notice that he was shirtless. My eyes softly scan the smooth, tanned skin of his pecks. My eyes snap up to meet his and he cocks his head teasingly.
"Speechless?" "I'll never give you that satisfaction," I snark as he steps closer to me so I have to look straight up just to meet his eyes.
The next thing I knew, I am washing off his touch and scent in the shower. Well trying to anyway. Halfway through my shower, he decided to join me and trail his hands down my hips.
I moan softly when he presses my body the cold tiled wall and kisses my neck. He hooks one of my legs around his waist and slowly trails his hand along my inner thigh.
My phone blades, scaring us both. I pull away from him and he says, "Just ignore it." "She's been calling me all day, she already knows that something is up." I walk out of the shower and dry my feet before wrapping a towel around my body.
I answer the phone and Cha young yells, "About time! Where have you been!" "I, uh, I went shopping. There was no food in my refridgerator or cabinets." I answer calmly.
"Don't you have a maid for that?" "I'm not lazy enough to have a maid, Cha young." "Well, you had me worried. I thought someone took you hostage or something." She finally says without yelling.
"You really think they are capable of that?" "They are capable of many things. Be careful, Y/L/N." Vincenzo says in Italian.
"Bene, ciao," I say before hanging up. I turn around to see Joon woo inches away from my face. "Did you enjoy the past few hours?" I ask. He steps closer to me and motions to the scratches on his chest from my nails.
"What do you think?" He says softly. There's just something about him speaking softly that makes my knees buckle. The worst part is, I think he knows that.
"Good, because that's the last time that'll happen." "Do you know how many times I've heard that? And how many crawled back to me?" He says cockily. "Yes, but I'm sure you'll be the one crawling." I say, tapping his chest before walking out of the bathroom.
My worst nightmare came true today. One of my closest friends was murdered last night by a rival mob leader. The boss says not to engage them and that he will handle it, and my anger dwindled down to sadness. I took a day to myself and cried my eyes out in my bed.
Goosebumps littered my body as cold chills rolled through. I wince as the cold, damp fabric of the t-shirt grazes over my warm back and I took it as a sign to hop in the shower. Squatting down on the shower floor, I duck my head under the scalding hot water. The water rakes through my hair and trails down my body when I hear the doorbell ring.
I dry myself and slide on some shorts and a sweatshirt Joon woo gifted me in attempt to see me again. It took Joon woo two weeks before realizing that I wasn't going back to him. After wards, he sent me flowers, teddy bears, sweatshirts and a 10k watch that looked like it costed a fortune.
I gave the teddy bears and flowers to random people in the street and the watch to Cha young and the look on Jun woo's face when he realized it was the gift he gave was aboslutely priceless. But I gladly kept the sweatshirts because they were too cute to give up. I walk down the stairs and wipe away my tears before opening the door.
Joon woo stands in the door way and he looked happy about something. But his smile soon falls when he sees that I've been crying. "You've been crying. What happened?" He tried reaching for my face but I slap his hand away. "Stop. Don't pretend like you care about me." I snap but he lunges forward to grab my face.
I take a few steps back and his hold on my face softens. "Of course, I care about you." He says, caressing my cheeks with his thumbs. He takes my hand and leads me to the bedroom. I sniffle and wipe away more of my tears. I always hated crying in front of people, it made me feel weak.
He grabbed the remote and sat on the bed. He pulled himself to the head of the bed and takes me with him. He pulls me between his legs and leans my back into his chest.
He searches through the channels and stopped at a cartoon before wrapping one arm along the clavicle of my neck. He wraps the other across my waist and says, "You don't have to talk if you don't want to."
"Why are you here, Joon woo?" I croak, wiping away my tears. "We won our settlement case and I wanted to celebrate with you." "We're literally enemies," "Isn't that how it always is? Enemies and polar opposites attracted to each other?" He asks and I look up to meet his gaze from behind.
He examines my face as he waits for a response. "I guess that is how it goes, isn't it " I lean on his shoulder and he presses the side of his face against my temple. "I lost my best friend today," I add with a sigh.
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