#god i love old man shang tsung
mrstsung · 1 month
Foxy grandpa is foxy
Made a banner for old man shang tsung. Mk11 aftermath.
God he was so good in this. ❤🔥💖😫
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One thing we'll never get back again the same *cries*
I just really loved aftermath. Not everything of course. It still has flaws and some annoyances. However,shang is perfect in mk11. And honestly i feel saved them.
I can't say the same for mk12/mk1 shang tsung. It does to a degree but it doesn't have the same impact. And using it twice is sus. And dlc twice nrs?! Yeah. Not a good look.
But enough of that.
Back to old man shang tsung. Unf foxy grandpa.
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thisonehere · 3 months
YOU!!!!!! YES YOU!!! I LOVE YOU AND I'M OBSESSED WITH YOUR WRITING😩😩😩 (sorry for the rude "YOU" 😅 I got excited)
I had a new idea for a request but first here's a question, do you write about mk11?
If do to I have this....Okay what about old characters (not old old but old age y'know 😆) reacting to fem reader reader calling them "peepaw" and "Daddy"? In that way yk yk 🥴like this day she called them peepaw and another called them daddy, How will they react? (Raiden, hanzo hasashi, Kuai liang, shang tsung, fujin, old man johnny Cage, kano and erron black) they are all old Daddy's y'know😏
What do you think and yeah thank you again about the pet-owner reader IT WAS AMAZING, I SWEAR TO GOD I WAS SCREAMING 😆😆😆😆 so loud that my mother called me crazy 😂
A/n: Omg, Staaaawwwp, you're making me blush lol *mouthes for you to keep going*
Anyway, yes I do.. That reminds me, I should really update my rules on my blog. Eh, I'll do it later.
C/w: Age gaps, sexual inuuendos, daddy-kink
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The god has dedicated his entire existence to the preservation of Earthrealm since its inception. So, as you can imagine, he's old as shit. But Raiden never paid mind to this though, he never put much into anything concerning himself, to be frank. It is a miracle that the two of you even got together considering how busy he is.
The way you switch from "Peepaw" to "daddy" is so strange. Truly You Earthrealm mortals are so strange yet fascinating at the same time. Raiden always looks at you weirdly when you say this.
When you call him things like "peepaw", he finds it odd to hear that word. Especially since it's coming from you. You say it lightly as a joke, but he help but get into an existential crisis. He is old isn't he? He was here since the beginning of Earthrealm, before you or you family tree even began.
(If you're mortal) You will eventually grow old and die, but him, he will still be here until the end (unless he is killed of course). He uses this as an excuse to remain distant from you, he'll outlive you, so why bother if you're going to die anyway.
When you call him things like "daddy", he finds it even more weird. He is not your father, why would you call him such a thing? Unless of course there's something you're not telling him.
Do you mean this in a sexual manner? Why? If you find it arousing to think of him as a parental figure then he is deeply concerned about you. But, while saying that, it makes him feel...something else as well. He wishes you would address him as a "Peepaw" instead because he finds these feelings worrying.
The moment you do this, Raiden always falls silent. He doesn't know how to react, the idea of viewing him in that light makes him feel so flustered and...and...
"Um, Raiden?"
"I-I Must consult with the Elder Gods!"
Honzo Hasashi
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This man has been through a lot. From the murder of his family and clan, the years spent as a Spectre, and his latter years as the new grandmaster of the Shirai Ryu. He was aware of his advanced age, but he had never cared. He in fact was grateful that he lived so long. And he's grateful that he met you.
So, when you call him "Peepaw" he is amused. Yes, he is old, isn't he? He has lived his second life far longer than he has ever anticipated to be here so long. A younger him would've been much more offended by this remark, but he's a "peepaw", not so young anymore. He spent so long angry and revenge-seeking, everything seemed so silly and embarrassing looking back at things. He takes your joke with pride gives a slight smirk and a chuckle and moves on.
Now, when you call him "Daddy", that is a whole 'nother response. The man was married, rest assured he can very much understand most sexual teasing and such. He thinks it strange that you refer to him as a father in such a sexual manner, considering he also had a kid. He wants to find it attractive, but the fact that you know, father, that is very difficult.
Whenever you go to him and call him that, he tries to play along. He attempts to get flirtatious but then the image of his dead son flashes before his eyes. It makes him feel gross as a result. He also feels guilt, for he remembers his wife, Harumi, he can't but feel like he's betraying her by doing this with you. "Y/n, please, never speak to me like that...ever..."
Kuai Liang
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Though he is the youngest brother Kuai Liang has grown in many ways that exceed his brother. He was Cyborg, rebuilt the Lin Kuei, and saved Earthrealm from the Kotal Kahn attack. As he has gone on these adventures, you and him met.
It was obvious that he was an older man and you were much younger than him. But you never really much of a fuss about it. Actually, you joked about it quite a lot, calling him "Peepaw" and other things pertaining to his age. He takes being called "Peepaw" very well.
He smiles and shakes his head as he tries not to laugh that much. But he's very cute when he does.
His brother Bi-Han would've been much more offended by this, but Kuai, as we know, is a very cool and level-headed man. The way you joke about your relationship actually makes him take the age gap less seriously. He prefers you call him Peepaw as opposed to Daddy.
When you calm him Daddy he immediately gets taken by surprise. The man is gagged. he can only just stare at you, still processing what you just said and unaware of how to respond. He tries to retain his composure as he attempts to give you a stern expression, but he fails to fight off the blush on his face or put to together a cohesive sentence. He is at a loss for words. Finally, he just gives up and laughs.
Shang Tsung
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The sorcerer has been known to have his age fluctuate many times. Sometimes he's young, other times, and most of the time, he's an old man. He is an old man most of the time and he hates it. You and him met when he was an old man, you were with him when he revitalized himself. He hates whenever you bring up his older body but he also loves the age gap between you for some concerning reason.
He has always been a smug man, it takes special skill and understanding of him to make him lose his cool. For him, it's calling him anything that involves looking down on him or calling him old. He doesn't appreciate you referring to him as "Peepaw". the moment those words leave your lips is one of instant regret. You watch his calm face scrunch into one of anger and disgust
"PEEPAW!!!" He said, snapping his neck to you. "Pee...paw..." rage boiling within him. You back away in surprise and growing fears build up within you. You try to laugh it off and explain that it was a joke. Tsung is usually a cool man, hiding his true feelings under a heartless and apathetic persona. But when it comes to comments like this "Pipsquek" burns him like a blazing iron. "Call me that again...and I cannot ensure your safety...I'd hate to disarray such a lovely form"
Now Daddy, on the other hand, he quite likes that. The moment you say it, he turns to you with a grin and raises an eyebrow. It is both charming and amusing to him. His arm wraps around you as his hands are down to the small of your back. "That's right, and you'll be a good girl for Daddy, won't you?"
He prefers you call him Daddy from then on. Just never call him Peepaw ever again...I'm serious...don't.
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Despite being here for centuries, Funjin still retained quite a youthful appearance as opposed to his brother who chose a more mature form. Also opposed to Raiden, Funjin has a very light-hearted and fun personality.
You met while he was travelling, he enjoys being around mortals, watching them live their lives, something that feels so short and delicate. You intrigued him, with your smile, your gentle skin, your naughty nature.
You never realized he was a god or his age until he casually revealed it one day. One day you were just hanging out and he was just like "Oh, right, I'm a god by the way." And after that point, it's been weird between you two. You realize just how powerful he is and how important he is to the universe...as well as the fact he is centuries older than you.
Fujin doesn't take this much seriously and it takes you some time to get used to it. Afterwards, you start to joke about his age a lot and Fujin has always found it adorable when you did it.
So when you refer to him as Peepaw he immediately finds it amusing and smiles at you. His smile is filled with life and charm despite his age. He might be old, but at least he isn't an old stick in the mud like his brother. "I find comfort in knowing that I am your favourite peepaw."
Fujin finds "daddy" a strange thing. It's both used to address someone as "father" but also can be used to mean...other things. The moment you call him it, he gives a confused look as he gives a light chuckle as his cheeks begin to flush. "I have been a woman as well, so I am a mother too," he says with a chuckle.
Johnny Cage
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This actor's beautiful face has graced the silver screen for years. He is lauded across multiple countries as amazing and hot even after all these years, the man has aged gracefully though there have been rumours that he had work done, but these are obviously bogus.
You two met while on set for one of his movies. He didn't know what you were doing and he didn't care, he liked you so you started hanging out.
He was considerably older than you. He had a daughter that was no doubt closer to you in age than you were to him. And there has been news coverage talking about this age gap. But neither of you seemed to care about this, you just loved spending time with each other.
When you call him things like Peepaw Johnny can't help but laugh. Neither of you took his age seriously so you both have a good laugh at this and and move on. He might have an old accent to play off your joke. He is saying stuff like "You want some special hard 'candy'?" Whether or not they work varies.
Now, Daddy has a very different response. The moment you call him that he gives you a cheeky grin. He has been called this multiple times, all he needs to do is post a picture of the most random thing and his comment section is filled with thirsty comments.
He loves being called this, it never seems to get old for him. But while saying that, the way you call him daddy makes it feel like he's being called that for the first time.
What happens next is a barrage of you going back and forth with flirty banter. He looks at you with a hunger in his eyes as he bites his lip. "Well the, baby, why don't come show daddy some love."
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This old crook has lived a long time, an unfortunate thing for many of his victims. His life has been spent either running from the law and Sonya or committing war crimes and terrorism. Doesn't he sound like a dreamboat?
Anyway, he is aware of how old he's got but doesn't care a bit. That's a thing about him, he has a careless and reckless nature that seems to draw many people in. You were one of those people. You two had met while he was on the run and you were cool with his life of crime, he liked your sweet and calm nature, and just like that you two were a thing.
Since this is Kano we're talking about, one of the things he likes about this relationship is your age gap. It's sort of a kink he has, and that's probably why he's also on a watchlist.
You find yourself amid playful banter. Like this one occasion. Kano called you baby. You called him "peepaw". Kano chuckles at this and rolls his eyes. "As if, no peepaw could do you like I do," He says with a naughty grin.
Normally, Kano likes to be referred to as "Uncle Kano". But on this occasion, whenever you call him daddy" he'll allow it just based on how hot he finds it. He really likes it when you call him this, I mean he really likes this. The moment you call him this he licks his lift as he stares at you. "Why don't you come here show Ol' Daddy Kano some love, eh?"
Erron Black
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A man from old wild western times, Erron found whole changed when he was visited by Shang Tsung who bore a deadly deal: assassinate an Earthrealm warrior for him and he'd live forever. So he did it. Now he's been alive ever since.
You met during his time serving under Kotal Kahn. He really liked you so he started flirting with you. He was doing his best lines and you didn't understand a damn thing he said but you really liked his accent. And just like that you started hanging out.
The man has lived for decades but sometimes he acts like he is still in the Wild West. But you learned to get used to it, though you found it kinda funny when he'd talk in old Western slang. You did like to tease him, calling him "Peepaw" and stuff. Erron just laughs and rolls his eyes. He used to call his elders that, he never thought he'd be called it one day. The mere thought makes him laugh even more, so much to the point that you're concerned about him.
Erron hasn't been on Earth for quite some time. He was out exploring the realms. So when you call him daddy he is immediately confused in a very concerned way. Are you his kid? HAS HE BEEN KOCKING BOOTS WITH HIS DAUGHTER THE ENTIRE TIME!?!?!?!
After you finally calm him down and explain Erron shifts from concerned and scared to ver cool and seductive, in the was only he can do. "My such a dirty girl...perhaps you need a good spankin' to get you right."
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inactivewattpadauthor · 2 months
Shang Tsung x Witch Reader: I've Changed
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Context: After finally escaping the void, Shang slips from supervision briefly to meet and request the help of an old friend. (Shaky ass friendship ngl) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The old wooden clock on the wall ticks, filling the only sound in the empty shop. The short hand lines with the tenth hour, making you relieved to flip your sign close. Another easy day done at your little potion store. Despite the little shack being a bit older and you get few customers each day, you were always proud of your progress.
You were proud to say you changed, once a typical barbaric witch, anew to a positive person. You stopped damning people with cruel spells and toxic potions, now you sold mostly healing/soothing ones, along giving spare lessons to those who wish to learn witchcraft. Sometimes, it's the other way around. There's always new things to learn.
Sweeping the dust off the creaking floorboards, you were startled as you were about to trip over a black ball of fur. "Oh- Raven! Jeez, I didn't see you." A meow was in response, your kitten peeking up at you, the only eye he has shining.
Gently you shooed him away so you could finish sweeping. "I'll give you a snack once I'm done, go on now." You tapped his bottom and chuckle when he runs off.
The welcome chimes of your door ring, abruptly distracting you. "Store's closed!" You groan out. Ugh, can't they see the sign? You kept your thoughts to yourself.
Slow footsteps sounded closer to you. "My, just look at you." That voice! You peer up to see an old face, literally and figuratively. Your hand released the ratchet broom, letting it hit the floor. You felt some sort of nostalgia, yet confusion. "Shang Tsung? All these years... where have you been?" You step closer to him.
The old man explains. His disappearance was caused by the Titaness Kronika after having no use for him any longer, casted outside the realms in some prison. All those years in his absence, you missed him prior to your change, but now he's here. The sorcerer grabs your hand, kissing it gently. One of his ways on showing affection to you when you both were still a duo of despair. "You've aged well." He comments.
Now, he focuses on the old shop. "So while I was missing, you put your devotion into this worn down hut?" The sorcerer asks. You can hear the hidden mockery in his voice. He looks at the potions on the shelves, and you knew he would find them comical. None of them were labelled poison or dangerous, all such themed beneficial items. Part of him was worried you would go soft.
"Yeah, business is well." You state, defending your dignity. "The store's closed, and I still have errands tonight, so I can't quite catch up with you at the mome-"
"I came here for your help, Y/n." Shang Tsung interrupts. Picking up a pinkish elixir, he glances at you with tease. "Love potions?"
"That's for serotonin releases." You remove the bottle from his distrustful hands. You knew he's joking, but it's distasteful. "Love potions are vile. It's no better than going to a bar and spiking someone's drink." You explain in disgust, yet Shang still carries his smirk.
He hasn't changed, of course. I miss him, but I need him to leave. "What do you need?"
"I need your spells, your power, Y/n. The ones that always brought great suffering to those. But great amusement to us." He rubs his gray beard as he requests apathetically. "I plan to keep working with Raiden and Fujin up to Kronika's Keep. If everything goes as my plan, I can rule over many worlds. We can rule over many worlds."
"No." You shake your head immediately. "I'm past all of that. I use my powers and knowledge for good now and I hope that is something you respect. Feel free to do whatever you like, but count me out."
The man is unsurprise, but presses on with you. "Changed for the better? What happened to you?"
"I found faith in the Elder Gods." You shrug. "Along with that, I feel disgusted with my former self. Not that you'd get it, but all those people we hurt..." You cringed and turn away from him in utter shame.
"I assume you're disgusted with me too?" Shang asks.
"Well, yeah, but it's not like you'd stop. And I can't stop you neither."
He agrees with you. Harming others was like his number one hobby other than evil schemes. But if you really have a change in heart, he wouldn't force you. "It saddens me to see that wicked heart turn gold. Oh well. When I get Kronika's throne to myself, I'll have your place beside me - if you want." He offers, circling you with his charming glance. You gave him an annoyed look like he didn't actually heed you.
"You don't have to hurt anyone." He raises his hands. "But you could end up the best enchantress across universes, or better yet, a titaness beside me."
"No, sorcerer." You sigh and deny him again. "I'm happy here. You're my friend, but I don't think I'd be comfortable on the side of a villain. It's fine enough if I just focus on my own thing."
"Very well." He steps back and bows. "I shall be going now before someone notices my disappearance. After my goals, I will return to you just for friendly measures. We didn't speak for a long period after all."
"Okay." A huge part of you wasn't rooting for it, but you were fine with chatting with a friend time to time. "And if you don't and end up fading out of existence, it was always nice having you - minus the malicious activities."
"Likewise, my friend. You were always a fantastic woman." ~~~~~~~~~~~~ A/N for both Wattpad/Tumblr. Mostly just a vent but:
 1. I feel the writer's block coming :') future writings are expected to have less quality as I'm running out of ideas and motivation. I literally had to go back to posting every 6 days instead of 3 so I don't end up running out of posts.
2. A friendly reminder - I'M NOT TAKING REQUESTS.
 Not trying to pick at anyone but there's 2 places on both Wattpad + Tumblr that says I'm not doing request, yet people will still request a fic. I admit, I will leave those on read until they message me more times which makes me more annoyed. 
I'm down for fun questions/ discussions when I have the time, like if someone wants to talk about our lord and savior, Fujin. But I repeat one last time, I'm not making fics for anyone. You have better authors that will be happy to write for you.
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odditycircus-2002 · 5 months
Hi, I hope you’re doing well ✨, After reading the domestic timeline ask, can we get some potential headcanons for hubby! Shang Tsung and Medusa! Reader (and their kids)👀🐍💫✨
Since I enjoy the comedic possibilities with that Domestic AU, sure!😄😄😄 Hope these are alright.
Since there is no tournament nor Shao Khan to worry about, Shang Tsung would probably not have to work as much. I’d imagine he’s basically the male wife of the marriage😆 Medusa!Reader is more the breadwinner, as you had a job long before marrying Shang Tsung.
Consider perhaps You and Shang Tsung married AFTER the Mortal Kombat Tournament, where Shang Tsung DIDN’T betray Earthrealm. Meaning not only was the venue larger and filled with your fellow combatants (including Quan-chi as the best man) but Raiden was also the officiant.
You’re still a Gorgon, but it wasn’t the Elder Gods that cursed you as much as it was Shao Khan who did so. However, Shang Tsung avoided his rapid aging curse and need for souls.
After you and Shang Tsung married, you had your eldest child, Jin, a year later. You saw no reason to not have them, as you and Shang Tsung live comfortably, don’t have any world-ending enemies, and you have the means to do so. However, if anyone’s seen Shang Tsung’s island and his palace, it’s obvious you both could afford having more than one child. Given you have plenty of servants to help with keeping the palace tidy and see to the children when neither you or Shang Tsung are available. Although, that doesn’t mean you and your husband aren’t both equally involve in your children’s life.
Speaking of your children, you and Shang Tsung have 7. 3 of them are triplets and 2 are twins. Most of them have inherited your curse but to a lesser extent. Some of them moved out by the time they reach adulthood, but they still swing by every now and again. Although this has many guests and friends constantly questioning how many children you and Shang Tsung have again. You and your husband are proud of your children, when they go off to start their own careers, after finishing college.
You and Shang’s life is basically like the Addams Family sitcom. The island can be beautiful and creepy, and the palace so old that it could belong in a museum. Quan-chi often visits up from the Netherworld, and is lovingly known as “Uncle Chi-chi” by the children. You love to grow sentient and carnivorous plants which you tend to by hand. Shang Tsung loves to spend his time to pursue any dark magic or endeavor's, often competing with Quan-chi on who’s best at it.
You and Shang Tsung’s children are often up to their own sort of mischief, such as trying to maim or dismember one another. Sometimes they try to get rid of their younger siblings when they first arrive. Once Shang Tsung caught the triplets trying to offer their younger twin siblings to some Netherworld demon in return for knowledge.
Despite the Shang House having their ups and downs, there is love and devotion within the strange home. Despite the passing eons, you and Shang Tsung can’t keep your hands off one another, much to the disgust of your children and Quan-chi at times. Yes, life couldn’t seem to get any better for you and Shang Tsung…
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tisaolin · 10 months
Lao Dearest
Sorry its taking me years to post, had to work on this and I also have alot to do🤧but hope u enjoy reading this while I work on the other things!! Also I couldnt help it. I had to come for Shang Tsung. SORRYYY
Loud. That would be the only way to describe the situation 30 seconds ago. But now its…quiet. Everything was so silent, you could hear a pen drop. Everyone saw. Everyone looked at the dead body, the once pregnant lady lying face down, split in 2. Pure disbelief spread across almost everyones face. All but a few were shocked. One was a little too shocked. He ran over to the man who murdered the woman. “WHAT DID YOU DO” is all he could let out, everytime he tried to speak he would choke, all he could do was ask why. That sadness turned into anger as he began beating the man till he was unconscious. As he began to take off his hat, his shaolin brother rushed in. “KUNG LAO STOP” he obliged, but he slowly turned to Liu Kang, so visibly distraught that Liu Kang silently cried. “She almost won Liu, She could’ve won, but he cheated. He cheated and now the one who I loved is dead” the pain in his voice too much to bare left plenty in tears as they silently wept and grieved for the poor lady and her unborn child. Kung Lao’s sorrow-filled eyes turned quick with rage as he looked behind Liu Kang. “YOU” he stomped over to the thunder God, who was a bit too calm after witnessing a gruesome death. “YOU SAT THERE AND WATCHED HER DIE. YOU DIDNT SAY A WORD. YOU KNEW WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN BUT YOU DIDNT HELP” Kung Lao was ready to charge , but Raiden interrupted him with lightning “STAND DOWN KUNG LAO” Raiden barked. This started a bit of a uproar within earthrealms protectors. With Johnny chanting the words fight over and over again, and Liu Kang trying to talk him out of it, Kung Lao was only angered more. “Or what Raiden? Are you going to murder me? You gonna watch me get murdered again? The same way you watched y/n get murdered? You gonna let me die the same way you let Jax, Jade, Kitana, Sonya, so many other earthrealm protectors. All dead because they trusted YOU” Kung Lao’s finger roughly pressing Raiden’s shoulder. “How many people have TO DIE because of you. There will be no more protectors because of you. How are you so careless Raiden? There will be No earthrealm if all of us are dead” Liu turned to his friends, sheer panick spread on his face. He looked to Scorpion, he was in a similar position, he knows what to do. “Scorpion, you know what to do right? How do we help?” Silence went by before he replied “let him” “let him unleash his anger now. It is better to do so now than bottle it up and have him lash out later” Liu looked around to see a few people nodding their head in agreement. He couldnt do a thing. He watched as his shaolin brother slowly lost his sanity. He watched him crouch down infront of his dead wife and reach out to touch her.
Its over. Earthrealm protectors lost 2 friends. One died and the other quit. He quit and left Liu Kang hurting, but his pain was incomparable to Kung Lao’s. No one could be mad, everone understood where Kung Lao is coming from. Especially Scorpion and Jax. With Kung Lao no longee defending earth realm, a certain someone came up with a plan. While Kung Lao sat head down, tears falling to the floor. He appeared. He made Kung Lao an offer, one he knew he couldnt resist. “I can bring back your family. I can bring them back if you help me” Kung Lao looked up at the man, he was aware of him, he knew he couldnt be trusted. “Why are YOU helping me? Shang Tsung” the extremely old and wrinkled up sorcerer only chuckled. “If I help you, you help me defeat Raiden” Kung Lao knew Shang Tsung hated Raiden, and how, he did too. So he took the deal. He decided to help Shang Tsung defeat Raiden in exchange for his family. The bad bad sorcerer with grey hair walked over to where his family were buried. He dug them up and took them with him. When the old dusty man returned, he returned with two people. A woman with a newborn baby. It wasnt his family. Actually, it was his family, but they seemed…different. They were the living dead. Its not what Kung Lao wanted, but its what he got. So Kung Lao stood up and walked to Shang Tsung. “Lets go defeat Raiden”
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
Dunno bout y'all but shang tsung would be soft for his s/o
Sorry not sorry but shang tsung to me IS somft for his beloved.
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Because your probably the only person he's been with for like how long,you put up with him,and honestly would he find anyone like you ever again? Probably not.
So no. His s/o don't NEED to be like him to be with him. They just need to accept him and he's gonna be well....a dark sorcerer. Plain n simple.
Sure it would be nice to find like minds. But i dunno shang doesn't strike me personally to go after someone that is an exact copy of him or tries to be like him. He like genuineness above all else. Ironically.
If you can be yourself. And who you are honestly. And are absolutely undyingly loyal to him.
It doesn't matter how cunning or "intellectual" you are. It doesn't matter what your personality is.
He values loyalty,honesty,and genuine people. Because those people he can actually fucking keep around and not stab him in the back when plans go off the rails.
Which unfortunately he tends to hire or associate with.
So to have you,who is loyal,trusting,and bound to him. Soul or not.
Is a fucking treasure.
Look man i get it. You wanna be like shang. He one cool dude. I feel you. But there is only one room for a cunning binch. And thats him.
So if you're trying to match him,good luck. Because he'll see right through that and walk away.
But if its genuine. He'll stay. But dont be fake.
There is a difference between him with business partners or friends/allies and romantic partners or even a spouce.
Like for anything closer it needs to be something worth keeping yes. But again it doesn't NEED to be like him to catch his eye.
In all honesty.
Someone who he can be genuinely domestic with and take off the evil sorcery mask around would be a breath of fresh air to him. He could let down his walls for fucking once.
He is happy to be around you. And only you.
Could he be clingy,sure. Possessive? Sure. But you are well taken care of. Nobody's gonna fuck with you on his watch.
Also if you cant fight,he'll teach you. You wanna learn magic. Become the sorcerer's apprentice. No. Not the movie.
Just also make sure its not soul magic or anything heavier. Because he's very particular about that. But thats out of protection for himself AND you.
But any of invocations of magic is perfectly acceptable. Elemental is the easiest and most likely.
But yeah,he'd happy to teach you anything he knows. Tbh shang tsung would totally take in an apprentice he can mold to his desires. Especially to take down a certain thunder god. Hee hee.
Some of y'all have a decent idea on him. But miss the point he doesn't need someone to be like him.
In fact.....thats boring.
He would want someone he can cherish. I wouldn't put it past him to slowly unbeknown to you. To slowly increase your lifespan or slow your aging with magic. Sure you may not know it at first. But after maybe a decade or so....you question some shit and go "hey wait a minute"
I dunno man.
Shang i honestly don't think gives a fuck about superficial crap much. He acts like it. But thats not what keeps him.
He's over 500yrs old. Do you honestly believe anyone that long lives gives a fuck about superficial crap?
No. Not even the vainest mofo would give a damn after a while. It would get boring.
I know my villains honey. And i know these archtypes.
But all in all.....at the end of the day.....does it matter?
No. Because you,reader,you are the special exception.
Shang would totally love you no matter what the hell your personality is like. As long as your genuine about it.
Thats all he'd care about.
So dont listen to these x readers that have "oh he wouldn't like so n so" or "he wouldn't like x this type person" like hell. He would totally love you. Im sorry but i hate people who say in x reader type posts to say. They wouldn't like this type of person. No. Thats wrong. And bad x reader writing.
Like at the end of the day,its your writing. Write however you want. Its your city. But for me. Shang tsung don't give a single rats ass what you look like,what your personality is,if your soft n sweet or cunning like him. (Bonus if you both) but at the end of the day he's just happy that he's finally found someone to share life with. However brief if may or may not be. Fr.
You need to be open minded about this type of writing. Dont alienate reader like that.
I have learned its best to write less about what reader is or is like. And more about character in question. And less about "types" and more about what keeps them. And most of them. I hate to break it to you. Especially villains.
Wants some damn loyalty and peace n quiet. Do you how stressful it is to be evil bad guy all the time? Dont you think they deserve a damn break once n a while. Like come home from a long day of scheming "honey im home,i love you. Lets take a bath together" type shit.
Like bruh come on
Like shang tsung just wants to chill and be on his island n have souls to "drink" is that hard to ask for?
And he would absolutely cherish you. Like a dragon coiled around his treasure.
You are precious to him. And if he could,he'd clutch you tighter,hide you in his pocket from the cold dangerous world of kombat.
But alas. He cant.
Because thats not how it works. Even if the odds are in his favor.
A mastermind like him would also needs to be gentle with his beloved,to keep them in his favor or keep them beholden to him anyways. I feel it would be genuine,but also shang tsung is gonna well....shang tsung.
But even when he's being a bastard,he isn't gonna shy away from making sure you're absolutely comfortable and well loved.
You don't need to be just like him to be loved by him. You just need to be genuine.
Anyways. Shang tsung loves you. Ok? Dont you worry your precious heads my fellow shang tsimps,self shippers,and fic writing community.
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cienie-isengardu · 8 months
Liu Kang somehow thought putting Shang on poverty and Quan Chi in OutWorld's mines(likely enslaved) would make them a good people. How he thought that was the case, I have no clue.
Definitely one of the more questionable aspects of probably would've been easier if they just admitted Liu Kang had a bias and made their lives worse thinking they'd cause less trouble if they were miserable rather than painting it as a nonsensical attempt at reformation since it'd show Liu Kang is human and flawed.
Like where is the attempted rehabilitation? Shao Khan had a better chance of life than they did. I understand wanting to prevent them from getting power but his solution didn't even work. If anything, it just made them bitter and pissed when they found Liu Kang was deliberately making their lives terrible.
When I heard the Shang Tsung and Liu Kang character intro I too did immediately think about the miserable conditions in which Shang Tsung and Quan Chi were put on purpose. Understandably this is the most logical connection to make, however it is worth remembering that Liu Kang hasn’t said anything about wishing to redeem those two in story mode alone. Intro dialogues are tricky as they often refer to events that happened totally outside the main story (Bi-Han freeing General Shao from prison, Kuai Liang's marriage with Harumi to name few examples), so there is still, however small and unlikely chance the punishment mentioned by Shang Tsung and Liu Kang’s wish to reform him may refer to something else than Fire God constructing a miserable life for still innocent man solely because he has the misfortune to share the same name (soul?) with Liu Kang’s supposedly dead archenemy. It could, for example, be about punishing Shang Tsung for his involvement in the crisis as the final of the game did not resolve much about what happened to sorcerers or other villains and we know some bits here and there solely from intro dialogues. And by punishing I mean forcing him to make amends for wrongs brought against people of Outworld and Earthrealm, a people Shang Tsung has no love or loyalty for, which could explain why both characters have totally different views on the matter. 
Personally I do connect the intro in question to the main story but like I said, intros are tricky things by nature of talking about events but not showing us what truly happened, sometimes without a proper context, so I’m willing to give it a small benefit of doubt. However I too would like if the story examine more Liu Kang’s bias and favoritism, as he was after all a human first then Keeper of Time and I would like to hear more about his reasoning why he fucked up some people’s lives (Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, orphaned Tomas/Smoke) and some granted a great deal of power over other (Sindel and her whole Royal family) on purpose and why he tried so hard to get as similar result to old Timelines than like, rebuild it all anew.
I’m not even that mad Liu Kang for whatever reason decided to make Shang Tsung and Quan Chi suffer by giving them meaningless life but I’m furious that Shao Kahn get a chance at true redemption as Outworld’s respected champion that put him again in place of power if objectively speaking, Shao Kahn always personified the biggest Bad Thing to happen. Shang Tsung was no less of a threat to Earthrealm, sure, but he was also a subordinate doing his master’s bidding (e.g. creation of Mileena) and as other timelines showed, for failing a master he would pay with his life - and even when he did not fail, he was killed to give resurrected MK9!Sindel additional power like ages of dutiful service meant nothing. Shao’s BIO says he was born as a sickly child and it was his father that did not accept it and molded him into perfect soldier
Born into a proud military family, Shao was expected to become a soldier. But he was a sickly child who, though brilliant and eager, had an infirm body. Shao’s disability infuriated his father. He dismissed his son’s physicians and designed an extreme program to build his son’s strength and endurance. Years of toil molded Shao into a physical colossus and forged within him an iron will. And as his father had promised, Shao became the perfect soldier. His brilliant tactics and relentless effort won Outworld many victories and him much fame
and to be honest, I don’t have an idea, did making Shao the sick/disabled kid who - in theory - couldn’t carry on family military tradition was the punishment (backfired by a stubborn father) or was it a plan to make Shao work hard to earn respect/fame and by serving Royal Family, make up for past sins? The story mode says Liu Kang meant for Shao to be Sindel’s loyal follower which implies rather making him a soldier?
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Shang Tsung’s BIO states he “grew up in Outworld’s backwaters. Too lazy for hard labor and too shifty for honest work, he eked out a living selling quack cures and fake magic. Though his wares were useless, Shang Tsung’s easy charm always closed the deal. Shang Tsung was resigned to this hardscrabble life [...]” which makes it sound like the miserable life was his own fault, for being too lazy and not interested in honest work but the game gives a different impression of him, at least for me. Especially compared to Shao thriving as top champion, while Shang Tsung calls his life “barely surviving”.
What is even more weird, if Liu Kang constructed every character's life, why not just, you know, erase Shang Tsung, Quan Chi and Shao Kahn from history and be done with the problem? As the Jacqui Briggs MK11!Ending proves Keeper of Time can erase a person's existence by simple inference in events (Jacqui saving her dad from death at Sindel’s hand in MK9 resulted in Jax never meeting Vera and thus she was not begotten) so why not just meddle before any one of those were born or alternatively, give them different parents or better families to raise them right?
And if Shao could end in a respected family, why not put Shang Tsung between Shaolin Monks and train him to be champion of Earthrealm and like, give him some worthy purpose? 
So, at the end we come back to the question, did Liu Kang on purpose make Shang Tsung and Quan Chi facing miserable hardship under (false) attempt at reformation or just outright to punish them? On one hand, he is not presented as intentionally cruel person (and he did admit being Keeper of Time demands making hard choices) but at the same time, he favors existence of Royal Family (aristocracy) over democracy / equality, he doesn’t seem to mind Umgadi system that forces first born-daughters to be raised as warrior priestesses, who are stripped from any ties to their biological family, are forbidden to marry/be in relationship and whose whole life revolve around serving and protecting Royal Family - and doesn’t Umgadi system resemble the old Lin Kuei before Kuai Liang’s reformation? Generally, there is an interesting contrast between characters serving and seeking power / freedom to not do so, but that is a matter for another time.
Personally, I do not think of Liu Kang as bad person as he stepped from the role of Titan on his own accord and chose to be mere Earthrealm Protector and all, but that does not mean he is above human flaws, and his (and Raiden’s for that matter) life experiences definitely affect to some degree his choices. And let's face it, both Liu and Raiden have never been fond of Shang Tsung.
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evitamylove · 4 months
Cove, MK1 Edition
Announcer comment ideas:
Kung Lao:
-"Yeah, still my favorite."
-"Hi pretty boy."
-"The one....for me~"
-"Calling you a petname would give you too much of an ego boost."
-"Hung Lao."
-"You don't remember." (sad tone)
-"In every reality." (said very softly)
-"I really did miss you."
-"Hi, love."
-"My Chosen One.''
-"Still don't know how to feel about you."
-"Kidd Thunder!"
-"I'm loyal to Kung Lao, I swear." (if hes wearing cosmetics with tattoos.)
-"Okay, I'm warming up to you."
-"I'd let him electrocute me to death." (only in specific cosmetics)
-"You don't remember either."
-"Pikachu, I choose you!"
Liu Kang:
-"Can I be the dragon?"
-"I miss our Raiden."
-"Where the hell did you put Fujin?"
-"You're cute sometimes."
-"Your fanfiction is the worst."
-"God of Massive Doofuses."
-"Look at this dork."
-"I miss your fuckass bob."
-"Glow up."
-"One day..."
-"Bruce Lee."
-"The white hair looked better."
-"I can take him, just not in a fight."
-"He's hot as shit."
-"I'd be front row at a concert tryna get his towel."
-"He's hot when he isn't talking."
-"Jean van goddamn."
-"Never change, sweetheart."
-"At least you age well."
-"What a noob."
-"Daddy issues."
-"Why are you so goddamn mean?"
-"Why are your biceps the size of my head?"
-"Wish the mask was a gag."
-"Hey, hot stuff."
-"Burnin' up~"
-"Is it hot in here or is it just you?"
-"I'd lick the mask."
-"Both at the same time."
-"Get over here! No please, cmere."
-"You are actually the perfect man."
-"Nobody's allowed to be mean to you."
-"Beat the shit out of them."
-"Hi sweetheart~"
-"The actual favorite. Sorry Kung Lao."
-"You did Madame Bo dirty."
-"Love at first sight."
-"I wanna see the rest of the tattoos."
-"How far do your tattoos go down?"
-"Pretty as fuck."
-"My type."
-"Mommy's other favorite!"
-"I'd lick the blood off his teeth."
-"You didn't hear that."
-"Deserved better."
-"I love you."
-"I would thank her for beating the shit out of me."
-"Mommy? Sorry. Mommy? Sorry."
-"I have such bad mommy issues."
-"How come her evil version gets to play with Raiden and I don't?"
-"Literal perfection in Edenian form."
-"I'm in love with you."
-"Empress Mileena~"
-"Gordon Ramsey."
-"Final Fantasy X."
-"Before I die I'm tryna f-"
-"You look like Megan Fox."
-"Jennifer's body bag."
-"Twilight, gore edition."
-"The Little Vampire."
-"She'd be a terrible babysitter."
-"Hey Selene."
-"The vampire movie jokes are getting old."
-"Dead but pretty."
-"I can only manage unholy comments about you."
-"What that tongue do?"
-"The best glow up by far."
-"Both forms."
-"Lizard form can get it."
-"Do you need a dog? *actually barks*"
-"Twilight Princess."
-"So jealous of both you and Syzoth."
Sonya Blade:
-"Mommy's back."
-"God I missed you."
-"Beat their ass, Blade."
-"The ketchup and mustard joke is funny."
-"I'm into robots too."
-"Bot locs go hard."
-"Like me!"
-"We could be siblings."
-"I can't flirt with you after saying we'd be siblings."
-"F.A.B." (spelled out, means fuck ass bob)
-"Gender? Never knew her."
-"*makes pig noises*"
-"Love a man in uniform."
-"No idea who this was initially."
Shao Kahn:
-"Yeah. I could climb it."
-"He can get it."
-"Pretty bitch says what?"
-"My type."
-"Now that's a man that could ride."
-"Yeah.......*yeah"* (said in a very blatantly horny tone)
-"Kotal looked cooler."
-"Hey handlebars~"
Shang Tsung:
-"Bundle of sticks!"
-"You're so lucky you're drop dead gorgeous."
-"Redemption arc."
-"The bitch."
-"Toxic by Britney Spears."
-"He's back?"
-"Okay maybe-"
-"Asshole says what?"
-"Mortal Kombaaatttt dodododododo-"
-"I'm into it."
-"Final Destination."
-"He's the coolest Kombatant."
-"Khaos incarnate."
-"Resident Evil."
-"I'm a Sagittarius!"
-"Oh he's not a centaur?"
-"What are you?"
-"Liu Kang was so right to bring you back."
-"Fuck with the bull, get the horns."
-"Deadass thought you were Shang Tsung."
-"No seriously are you and Shang Tsung related?"
-"Shu-what? Who are you?"
-"The literal best."
-"Dad AND daddy vibes."
-"The coolest."
-"Guardian of Time."
Li Mei:
-"I had no clue who you were at first."
-"One and done."
-"Li Mei I take your hand in marriage?"
-"She deserved better."
-"You and Mileena are perfect."
-"Wife material."
-"So happy you're back."
Quan Chi:
-"Another redemption arc?"
-"I still don't forgive you."
-"Quan Chi-huahua."
-"I'm so fucking glad you're back."
-"We are Legion."
-"We are many, you are one." (said in a mocking tone)
Jax Briggs:
-"The best."
-"Only you, Jax."
-"Ooohhh that's chilly!"
-"Ice to see you."
-"Let it go."
-"Why are you here?"
-"Okay, you're kinda cool."
Omniman: (she can't stand him)
-"God, you're annoying."
-"Invincible, yeah right."
-"D'vorah's cooler."
-"Clark Kent."
-"I bet people make edits of you beating the shit of me cause I like to insult you."
-"Reiko's Island."
-"Who're you again?"
-"Shao's lapdog."
-"Hey that's me!"
-"You coulda just played Shang Tsung or Shujinko."
-"Best choice."
-"I'm hotter than you."
-"You picked THAT outfit?"
-"The coolest bitch here."
-"Candle Cove."
-"No, not Pirate's Cove."
-"Please pick Kung Lao for the Kameo."
-"Fae fire fantasy."
-"I can steal your name AND your face."
-"Cooler than Shang Tsung."
-"Big balls!"
-"Bigger tits."
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1-up-chump · 8 months
Hello, I share your indignation about the new part of MK. Everything was changed too much and strangely. Can you write down the moments you didn't like? For example, I’m not happy with this whole situation with Kuai Liang - Scorpion, Tarkata - a disease, Raiden - Liu Kang 2.0, Fujin - Raiden’s sister, who is Kung Lao’s lover, seriously?
I WILL STATE that i have not bothered to look at everything myself but hear from reliable sources of the basic information of the game so i cannot give a full and fair critique. And i will not give this game anymore attention than i already have given it since it is just NOT a mortal kombat game.
Lets talk about the reasons you listed bc i agree.
Kuai liang as scorpion and in role reversal:
I am not a fan of this even remotely being "canon" Although the idea should be explored by fans WHO UNDERSTAND BOTH KUAI LIANG AND HANZO HASASHI AS CHARACTERS ORIGINALLY. It completely disrespects hanzo as a character and erases his connection to scorpion being a "gimmick thing to slap onto someone" as a title rather than a personal journey of meaning. And kuai deserves more respect as well, originally being an assassin whose clan tried to "modernize" by removing free will of warriors to ensure obedience and make their spirits and talents disposable. Trying to fight against that. It seems ironic in the end his fate is nothing more than to be toyed with by this unoriginal and uninspiring "role swap au lolz"
The tarkatan race being a disease:
I shouldn't even have to clarify how fucked up this is. Right after in mk 11 we saw tarkatans just being another race living in outworld minding their own business, and kotal fucking up (kotal khan is a wasted character but thats for another post) so we got what was once a "bad guy evil race" to something better. AND THEN THEY FUCKED IT UP AGAIN like isnt that, at best, the most tone deaf shit after what happened in real life with a certain disease and people being uber racist??? And dont get me started on how they messed up mileena with that too. (God damn the writers fucking hate her just as much as kung lao)
Raiden role reversal:
Let me tell you as a raiden enjoyer i fucking HATE them making him a basic ass protag like they did with liu kang (i love liu but lately they just removed all personality from him) its so fucking uninspiring and boring as shit AND THEY MAKE HIM CHAMPION INSTEAD OF KUNG LAO???? THE ABSOLUTE DISRESPECT WHAT THE FUCK i love raiden but he doesn't deserve champion title, that belongs to KUNG motherfucking LAO.
Fujin being a sister????:
Listen i havent seen it but this is the dumbest ass shit i have ever seen in my entire life. As if they couldn't show how little they actually care about fujin......
And the shallow fans who care little about fujin other than a "pretty fuck toy to do teh yaois with uwu" which is also what they did to shang tsung now which is like YOU FOOLS! CARY HIROYUKI TAGAWA-SAMA IS RIGHT FUCKING THERE!!! YOU SEXUALIZE HIM WHEN HE'S AN OLD MAN TOO OR YOU'RE A COWARD AND A SHAM!
And then there's the absolute nothing plot that really shows they ran out of ideas and just slap together bullshit. The villains arent really villains and they suck, its just "stop evil shang tsung but hes not actually evil bc theres this other timeline-" ITS FUCKING LAZY AND PATHETIC WRITING it shows that they want to have it all just to appease fans to take their money. Thats it, thats all this story boils down to. A shoddy scam to bullshit a story to take people's money. I mean you cant even get shang tsung or marjory of fan desired characters without dlc and the base game is like 60-70 bucks like the fuck????
As a regular fighting game? Mid but enjoyable i guess. But as a mortal kombat game? No, thats not even mortal kombat thats just some dumbasses wattpad fanfic after they watched avengers endgame in their crusty batman shirt
I'll end this with a small side note: if my opinions offend, I'm sorry im passionate about a series that was a part of my childhood and made me appreciate Japanese and Chinese culture and kung fu cinema in general. Im sorry if the memories of playing a fun game and caring about the characters having strong bonds of friendship in a violent world designed to be a "kill or be killed" system and despite that choosing to do the right thing in their mind.
Sorry if i seem to be playing a different game bc i am.
Its mortal kombat: shaolin monks for the ps2
-gets head ripped off-
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mrstsung · 3 months
y'all would give up and pass on shang tsung
Shang tsung
He's loaded and you'd never have to worry bout nothing monetary for the rest of your life
He's handsome af and he's even cute as old man shang
He's a powerful af sorcerer
Anyone who dares hurt you will have their souls taken and "ripped a new one" nobody hurts his beloved
He's cunning,scary intelligent,and always has his composer even when shit is fucked. Even when he has some doubts and worries he always holds his head high. This is a man who oozes confidence and clarity.
He's fucking fashion sense is immaculate
And you're gonna tell me you're gonna pass on cary hiroyuki tagawa's shang tsung. And on cary hiroyuki tagawa in general?!
That man is handsome. That man been serving. Like bruuuuh.
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Note: * Too many tags and talking in tags so i apologize. I could go on forever.*
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bastardsunlight · 2 years
Shaking up your inbox with this one for all your married muses:
You get pinched on the butt by your partner, wyd?
//This answer is so long (like my dick), I'm not tagging it with more'n the essentials god bless.
Cable – Would actually be surprised if Wade didn’t pull Some Shit Like This™… and that’s without telepathy.
Gavin Reed – When he was married, he would jump and cuss at the top of his lungs—flailing and hissing, the whole bit.
Harley Quinn – You know that squeal she makes? That. She jumps and it’s pretty much the cutest shit ever, zero homicide. She loves her Pammy.
Jim Kirk – Honestly it’s RARE, but our beloved Captain (sometimes Admiral) does his level best to maintain dignity.
Johnny Cage – In all verses, across all timelines, he whips out a classic charmer line and his spouse HAAAAAATES him for it, but they should’ve known better.
Kung Lao – Eyes wide, lips pressed together, holding back a yelp. He knows who it is—nobody else but Liu Kang would have the moxxy to pull that shit, but it surprises him every time.
Matt Horner – Okay if it’s Mira, he’s screaming and moving away quickly, possibly pulling a firearm. Valerian, he’s still going to scream, thinking it’s Mira, but when it isn’t and the Emperor is feeling frisky, all bets are off.
Mileena – She goes red, hisses, and pretends she doesn’t love it. Tanya knows better.
Mordecai – is just impressed Brick found enough cheek to pinch.
Noctis – Squawk. I don’t know what other word describes that noise—plus he goes red to his big ol’ ears.
Piccolo – Grunts a little then makes a crack about being impressed Vegeta could reach. Violence ensues, but dw they’re into it.
Raiden – Quiet intake of breath at the audacity of it, but Shang Tsung is nothing if not audacious—one must be, if one is to wed and bed a god.
Rayden – Gives it right tf back—usually with a crotch grab so beware. Porno moans optional, depends on how much of a goblin he feels like bein’.
Sandman – “Hey!” Followed by the dumbest old man dad grin you’ve ever seen.
Scorpion – “THIS DISHONOR WILL NOT GO UNANSWERED.” Violence. It’s Shirai-Ryu tradition probably.
Holmes – Actual surprise???
Snake – “Hrrn, Otacon…!” They then proceed to fumble about and then make slow, languorous love. It’s pretty great when love blooms on the battlefield, innit?
Shiro – Like, the cutest “EH!” you’ve ever heard out of a dorito-shaped man.
Twisted Fate – “Well ain’t you cheeky? Gunna finish what you started, big man?” Or some variation on that theme. He is very in love with his giant dingus husband (which is fortunate because Graves is very in love with his twinky dingus husband, so it all works out)
Valerian Mengsk – A surprisingly Anime Gasp™ for a man his size.
The Boss – A comical scream that sounds so much like Nolan North you’d swear it was Nolan North, but that’s crazy… right?
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shangsclaws · 3 years
shang, fujin, and scorpion with an s/o that experiences chronic pain? like bad enough to not be able to walk on a bad day?
oh i hope ur ok anon (つ .•́ _ʖ •̀.)つ
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While the part-human (is he part human?? idk lol) side of Fujin feels pain, he is ultimately a god — it’s not all that significant to him when all is said and done, as he can recover quickly. Fujin will be apprehensive to the fact that he can’t fully empathize with his lover, feeling underprepared to care for them as best he can.
And in this case, it doesn’t help when all he really does is control the wind. What does that do to help soothe any pain, let alone a paper cut? He knows he isn’t useless, there are other ways to help, but he feels it would at least be nice to be the god of something else in these moments.
But even if he thinks this way, Fujin will still be a big sweetheart. The wind god will not shy away from asking as many questions as he can to help accommodate for his lovers needs, and then going far above and beyond expectation after they have been met. It’s the god in him that makes him so good at tending to his lover, but the love and worry he has for his s/o that ultimately drives him to do so.
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Hanzo Hasashi/Scorpion
Hanzo is no stranger to pains. If injuries did not come from overtraining himself as he taught his clan, then it would have surely been from his past as a wraith. While not magically inclined, he still has countless remedies that might work wonders on his s/o, or in the very least soothe them with his earnest attempts at comfort.
Hanzo’s hardened exterior, which is softened already in the presence of his lover, is made even more tender on days like these. The grandmaster tries his best to provide for their needs first before the clan, and he will stay by their side even if they insist that they’re fine or don’t want to interrupt their duties. He loves his people just as he loves them, but they can wait.
Hasashi also takes the opportunity to do things he doesn’t have the time for on normal days. Among his favourite activities are telling stories to his s/o while they rest up, especially cuddled up before bed. Of all the things he can do to help, this is where his heart lies in the most.
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Shang Tsung
When worse comes to worst and Shang is surviving on his last few souls, the pain of old age gets to him. He has thus become quite familiar with chronic pain over the years, and feels for his s/o dearly when he sees that they’re hurting.
The thorough man that he is, Shang Tsung will ensure that his lover never needs to lift a finger on their worst days, becoming a doting mother hen. His empire and priceless possessions are some of many things he must take care of, but on days like these, his matters cease to exist for a bit.
There is no question that he’ll have a few tricks up his sleeve to help relieve the pain. This comes from the many times he might not have had enough souls to sustain himself, resorting to countless other methods of survival. But of course, there’s always the option to sieve from his well of souls if they so choose. Anything for them.
want to make a request?
alphabet prompt list
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dinogoofy · 3 years
WOAH man I promised this a while ago. Anyway, here it is! Sorry if the format is weird, I'm on mobile.
Halloween prompts+ fics! -2021
MK Halloween masterlist! - 2023
More about the MK aquatic Au!
Elder gods
Jinsei caves
Shang tsung
Kombat tournaments
Five sentences ficlets
Liu Kang+"supernatural"
Kuai Liang+"Gumbi"
Sonya blade+ "flourish"
Hanzo Hasashi+"cold"
Hanzo Hasashi+"cuddles"
Hanzo Hasashi+"cuddles"-2
Hanzo Hasashi+"comfort"
Syzoth headcnnons
Winged reader headcannons. - Scorpion, bihan, Sub-zero, Raiden.
Johnny cage × Kung Lao
Reader with a clingy cat headcannons. - Kung Lao, Fujin, Rain.
Kung Lao Timeline Headcannons. -kinda angsty, be warned.
Liu Kang Timeline Headcannons - just a Lil more fluff than Lao's.
S/O with curly hair headcannons - Hanzo Hasashi, kuai Liang, Raiden, fujin, sindel, kitana, Tanya.
Scorpion and Necromancer S/O
Kung Lao.
We're allies. Not friends.
Allies, not friends-part 2.
Allies, not Friends- part 3
Holiday miracle
Liu Kang
Soft moments
Might kiss you, might rip out your guts. -part 1
Might kiss you, might rip out your guts. -part 2.
Might kiss you, might rip out your guts- part 3
Might kiss you, might rip out your guts- part 4
Kuai Liang
Oh No. - part 1
We can dance
Smoke and Jealousy
"I won't go out today," songfic.
Christmas Lights and Love.
A ring!
Feels like therapy to me.
Princess? -part 2 (sfw)
Princess?-part 2 (Nsfw)
Serial escapist
Flowers for broken hearts
Sweet mornings
Come and take my hand
Syzoth (Reptile)
Erron Black
Old friend
Breakfast in bed
Quan chi
Happy little accidents
Gingerbread Dough.
Cassie cage.
Meeting the parents- I mean, meeting Santa.
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MK OC Randomness part 8... I think. Fuck it! We're going with it!
Welcome back to the shit show. Let's go!
also some of these jokes are from lamas with hats
Qiao Fu is my name for the Lin Kuei Grandmaster
Also some of these jokes are based off skits done by Moonkitti on YouTube. Just re-worded a bit
Nozomi: Hey uncle Shinnok! Do your old man voice!
Shinnok, in his normal voice: What old man voice?
Nozomi: Yeah! That one!
Nozomi: ooh who's this?
Qiao Fu: That's my old wife.
Nozomi: The one who died long ago?
Qiao Fu: The very same
Nozomi: *eyeing the picture* That's too bad. She looks really cute.
Qiao Fu: I'm sorry, do you find my old wife attractive?
Nozomi: Do you not!?
Nozomi: I wanna see my little boy!
Shang Tsung: *helping Meat walk* Here he comes!
Nozomi: *scooping Meat up and hugging him* I wanna see my little boy!
"Revenant" Michiko: Probably because I'm a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence.
"Rev" Reiki: Oh.
"Rev" Michiko: I don't understand how you keep forgetting that.
Shinnok: Shh, do you hear that?
Shinnok: That's the sound of forgiveness.
Melantha: That's the sound of people dying dad!
Shinnok: That is what forgiveness sounds like. Screaming and then silence.
Shariah: How did you even do this!?
Meat: A dollop of fairy dust!
Shariah: Meat!
Meat: I ripped the tag off a mattress.
Shariah: This isn't funny Meat!
Meat: Who's laughing? Clearly not all the people that just exploded.
Shariah: I'm leaving! I've had enough of this!
Meat: But thank of all the perfectly roasted faces we get to munch on now.
Shariah: What? Why?
Meat: Because we're friends. And friendship is two pals munching on well cooked faces together.
"The bar was so low it was practically a tripping hazard in Hell! And yet, here you are limbo dancing with the devil!"- Melantha to Hotaru at a family dinner.
"Oh no. There are consequences to your actions? Who would've thought?" Krow to Raiden and Flamus, still pissed at them for completely destroying a village that housed the remaining nymphs and nymphlims their husband made.
Nozomi: I'm just here to collect Michiko
Qiao Fu: *tries to stab her*
Michiko: You are not my father!
Qiao Fu: Bring proof you are not my daughter!
Meixiu's ghost in the background: Bitch! You literally murdered her birth father!
Nyx: Get out
Reiko: Aww come on. Can't I check in on my favorite little sister?
Nyx: If you don't leave me my room Reiko, I will stab you. And when I do it won't look pretty.
Reiko: there's a pretty way to stab people? Like with a butterfly knife or something?
Nyx: yup. Handle and all.
Reiko: oh... OH!
Nemos: Greetings Thunder God!
Raiden: Eh? Nemos what are you doing here?
Nemos: I'm taking advantage of your guilt-ridden personality to get a head start on being a better realm protector while no one is looking.
Raiden: Nope. New timeline, new Raiden. Go- Go play with your sisters.
Nemos: I'll have you know I've lived 15 lives in which I've played with my sisters, and none of them have been consequential!
Raiden: *sighs* I'm trying to take you seriously. Really. But it just feels like an even smaller Shinnok is yelling at me right now.
Hotaru: *busting into the Sky Temple and picking up Nemos* My beautiful son, I am back from my epic battle of driving out the rebels!
Nemos: Tell me, man who sired me!
Hotaru: We were fighting when suddenly Soldier B produced a substance that burned through their skin!
Nozomi: That sounds like my poison...
Hotaru: Oh no! We'd never poison anyone. Only ambush them in the middle of the night, kill them through physical violence, and intimidate them in other wise orderly court proceedings. Poison is bad.
Nozomi: Have you considered maybe, asking him if he poisoned them?
Hotaru: Oh no, I trust him completely.
Melantha: *holding Discordia and Harmonia* But, what if he did?
Hotaru: *small whimper before glaring and shouting* Solider B! Come here and apologize to my wife for making her think about things immediately!
Solider B: Hi, what?
Hotaru: I said apologize to Melantha!
Solider B: Uh yeah, sorry for poisoning the rebels or something..
Melantha: Hey, has anyone seen Nemos?
Darrius: It seems one of the soldiers has summoned Melantha to their side.
Hotaru: *spying on the rebels* Gonna go see Melantha. I'm gonna see Melantha at the meeting. Gonna see Melantha. Melantha.
OB: I made a perfectly good Titan
Fuyuka: You fucked up my daughter is what you did!
Fuyuka: Look at her! She's traumatized!
Amara: Don’t worry, I have a few knives up my sleeve.
Leila: I think you mean cards.
Amara, pulling knives out of her sleeves: No, I do not.
Ermac: Bad things keep happening to us, like we have bad luck or something.
Zyta: Ermac, you don't have bad luck. The reason bad things happen to you is because you're a dumbass.
Zyta: You love me, right, Ermac?
Ermac: Normally, we’d say yes without hesitation, but we feel like this is going somewhere and we don’t like it.
Kristy: *steps on her glasses by accident*
Kristy: *inhales* If I knew that this would be the fate that befalls me and these damned glasses, I would've just let the fire reach my left eye and burn it out completely!
Megumi: I turned out perfectly fine!
Ayeka: Megumi, this morning you thought a ghost made your toast
Zyta: Stop buying plastic skeletons for Halloween! It's terrible for the environment!
Philomela: Yeah! Locally sourced, all natural skeletons are much more environmentally friendly!
Discordia, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him
Harmonia: You did WHAT–
Nemos: William Snakepeare
Discordia: Hey Harmonia,
Harmonia: Yes?
Discordia: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it’s on?
Harmonia: Where’s Nemos?
Discordia: Here’s a fun Christmas idea. We hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it.
Harmonia: Discordia no.
Nemos: Mistlefoe.
Harmonia: Please stop encouraging her.
Store Worker: Would a Ms. Philomela please come to the front desk?
Philomela, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem?
Store Worker: *points to Amara and Zyta*
Store Worker: I believe they belong to you?
Amara and Zyta, simultaneously: We got lost :(
Philomela: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me-
Erron, driving Ash and Kamden: So how was your day?
Ash: We almost got surprise adopted!
Erron: What?
Kamden: We almost got kidnapped.
Erron: Oh, okay.
Erron: *slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT?!
Nozomi: Welcome, fellow idiots
Kung Lao: Hello, Nozomi
Nozomi: No, no, not you, you're not an idiot
Kung Lao: You underestimate me
Nozomi: What are your goals?
Kung Lao: To pet all the dogs.
Nozomi: No, fitness goals.
Kung Lao: To be able to run fast enough to pet all the dogs.
Liu Kang: You know, not every problem can be solved with a sword.
Nozomi: That's why I carry two swords.
Sareena: Ok, maybe playing ‘whose family is most dysfunctional’ wasn’t the best idea we’ve had. Michiko's been crying in the bathroom for an hour. We can’t get her out...
Sareena: Do you have any skeletons in your closet?
Michiko: You mean literally or figuratively?
Sareena: Honestly, the fact that I have to specify...
Sareena: Michiko... Why did you draw a pentagram on the floor?
Michiko: Your text told me to Satanize the house before you returned.
Sareena: I wrote sanitize, Michiko.
Sareena: You kill people for money?!
Michiko: I can explain!
Sareena: And all this time I’ve been doing it for free like a chump!
@deepinthefog @merplderpl @yuvononik @dontunderestimatemypoison @feistyfandomthings @toomanyf4ndoms7 @daddydestrey @tora-lotus @calcium1790 @starneko123 @dinogoofy @bar10du @cyberbloodgoddess
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How would Fujin, Quan chi Shang tsung Kung lao and Kuai Liang purpose their s/o? 💍
Thats a good one! I hope you like it, thanks for the request!
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- Needed some time to understand about marriage and what it meant between mortals, he takes the idea very serious and will only propose if he truly wants to remain the rest of his times with his beloved. Fujin used to think that a god would never be allowed to have such joy, but he understood with time that he was the one who made his own choices and not some elders who didn’t even cared for mortals.
Fujin approaches slowly, he has asked his S/O in a date. They were at the place they first meet, his beloved thought it would be something special indeed but had no idea of what was coming. He stops in front of his loved one, holding their hands and looking at their eyes in a sincere passionate glaze. Fujin’s silence is broken by his soft words, they shaken a little at his clear nervous state but by no means stop being honest.
“I’ve been known you for time enough to be sure of this, there is no problem if you don’t want to...” He gets in his knees, still holding his S/O hands “Would you marry me?” His eyes are the ones of a puppy, with a frown and an evident fear of rejection at his sharp features, still he would accept a no for an answer, Fujin has all the time in the world for getting married.
Quan Chi
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- Marriage is something that the Necromancer never thought to be possible for him, at Netherrealm such things are frowned upon and mocked by most of the demons as they torture lost souls. The idea of spending eternity with his loved one is indeed tempting, be he’s not sure if they would accept it.
Quan Chi is at the throne room, drinking from his skull chalice as he awaits his servants to bring his loved one to him. He asked his undeads to scout his S/O in safety to Netherrealm, making sure they were not mistreated. When they arrived with his dearest along, the necromancer couldn’t help but smile a lot at it as he dismissed his servants and raised from his seat. Quan Chi stepped down and walked in a slow and silent pace until reaching his S/O, offering them his hand.
“Darling, I’d like to propose to you.” He says with his evergloom voice, caressing the knuckles of their hand with his fingers as he looks them in the eyes “Eternity is a monotonous existence when alone, but with you every day would be perfect. Please, let me love you to death.” Quan Chi is a patient man, rejection is something he alredy expects and that makes him never be afraid to speak his mind. 
Shang Tsung
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- Being born and raised within Earthrealm customs had lead Shang Tsung to believe marriage as a fake idea, when he left to Outworld he almost forgot about how humankind was deluded with the idea of loving someone to death. He never thought that this idea would pass through his mind flooded by evil plans, but the soulstealer saw himself with a growing desire for proposing to his beloved.
The island was stunning then ever, the magic that raised the place seemed to be stronger. The flora was radiant, the sky bright and with a beautiful rainbow crossing it. Shang Tsung was at the courtyard of his fortress, bringing his beloved to him by magic. They were surprised by being brought for a visit, looking with him with doubt. He had thought enough about it to be sure of his decision, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with someone he truly loved and that was his first and maybe last chance of finding true happiness.
“Care to listen to a sorcerer’s pledge?” He asked, walking in circles around his S/O, watching every reaction they could have “I used to think that love was a lie, and marriage as well. After meeting you, I felt things within my soul that not even eternity was able to provide me. Would you accept marrying me?” The wizard stops in front of his beloved, showing them a beautiful ring in form of a serpent with sapphire eyes that seemed to glow. He smiled, allowing a soft expression full of hope to appear at his face, the mistery was killing him.
Kung Lao
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- Being married was never an option for Kung Lao, monks had their duties and wouldn’t allow themselves to be distracted by mundane things such as love. Kung Lao desired from the deep of his heart to one day be able to meet someone who would make him feel special, but with time he accepted that such love was not meant for him, as he was no ordinary man but instead a warrior who had sworn to protect Earthrealm. It all changed when he meet a special someone who made him relieve those old desires. He’s confident at his skills as a fighter, but is afraid to propose as he doesn’t think to be an ideal lover.
The shaolin monk was unusually quiet that day, his S/O was worried that something bad had happened, asking him what was wrong. Kung Lao remained silent for the rest of the day, leaving a grim mistery surrounding his beloved. When night falled upon them, he brought his loved one to the top roofs of the temple, joining them in stargazing.
“See those stars? They are not as bright as your smile.” He starts, smiling a lot and trying to be serious for once “I’m sorry for today, but there is something that I’ve been wanting to ask you for a while...” Kung Lao cleared his throat, needing some seconds to remember what he planned saying but his mind went blank so he had to speak from heart. “I love you. Please, let me be your chosen one... I mean, husband...” He can’t believe what he just said so he starts laughing, Kung Lao feels miserable in a weird good way and no matter the answer he gets, he will still love them.
Kuai Liang (Sub Zero II)
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- Marriage is something Kuai sees as very serious and important, he would never propose without being truly in love and sure of his words. As a traditional man, he may be the vanilla kind of lover but always romantic indeed. For the Lin Kuei marriage is more than just a civil engagement, they see it as a honour that shall endure for the nexts generations as a new family joins their clan.
Sub-Zero was overthinking again about marriage, he wanted to propose but was too shy for doing it without looking ridiculous, so he decided to write a poem. Kuai took a long time creating his love letter, it not only was about his love for them but also about their qualities and beauty from inside to outside. When he was done, he started thinking of how to delivery it. Kuai Liang was at the courtyard of the temple, he had called his S/O for an important subject there, but when they arrived he was simply building a snowman.
“Darling, care to help me?” He asked, smiling and allowing them to come closer.
As his beloved helped him with the snowman, he growned anxious. “What is this?” He pointed, it was a paper edge that was getting out of the snowman head. As his loved one pulled it, they got an envelope in hands. Kuai smiled and they got the message that it was to be read. A ring was also inside the envelope and as his S/O read the letter his heart beated faster. When they finished, he was flustered and embarassed by his idea, they holded the ring and were shocked by the proposal at such cute moment. Kuai remained silent, waiting for their answer as his anxiety growned.
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arttrampbelle · 1 year
Shang tsung comfort/hurt comfort hcs
Some self indulgent hcs for shang tsung.
Cuz I've been kinda feeling meh lately. Nothing really bad,just meh. More drained and tired than anything. This hot/cold weather does not help. At all.
Cw: maybe some angst and hurt comfort. Mentions of depression(on shang's side)
• Shang is no stranger to bad headspaces or the pressures of stress. I mean have you seen this man? He had to work under shao kahn for elder gods sake!
• If your bad feels is because of your own brain. He will give advice. The best methods of meditation. Or even brew some relaxing tea. But if that's not enough he will give you physical comfort. If that's what you need. The sorcerer is actually very sweet to his beloved. But only his beloved. He is not a stranger like i said to bad headspaces. He too suffers from these inner demons. I hc shang suffers from depression,anxiety,paranoia,he has a horrible fear of decay(the process of aging and the side effects of such than the actual dying of old age. Like the loss of memory,the body pain,slowing down,etc) and many other neurosis. But he reassures you these things you can overcome. But also if not fake it till you make it. That's how he's survived. But know he is here for you if you should ever need to talk. He loves his s/o
• If someone else said something to upset you. Then he will deal with it right away. No need to worry yourself on those below such of your time. He will make sure you are emotionally taken care of then deal with the problem person immediately. Less to say that person in question won't make you cry again on his watch.
• If you are upset because of him? He might be hurt but he will try to talk with you about it. Address the issue. He prefers maturity and to be open when in a relationship. Despite being the snek he is. He doesn't play with the matters of the heart,especially yours. Because if you're with him,and you're gonna be his s/o. You're gonna have to be honest with him.
• If you're feeling insecure about yourself,either with your body or capabilities. He will absolutely gas you up. Maybe be slightly mad at you for feeling such feels. As he sees you as absolutely amazing. How dare you say he has bad taste! (Jk jk) but really he's the type to put you in front of a mirror and dress you in fine silk,stroke and carass your body. And describe how beautiful you look in detail. And tell you how far you've come,as a fighter and as a person. You're the light of his life,his heart and soul. He wants you to be happy,he hates seeing you down
• Overall shang tsung is a good lover,s/o,husband,etc. He might be a sneky bastard of a sorcerer. But he will always be soft for you. (Because fuck what people think. I say he is. So he is)
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