#god i need to write more Gen and Zack ;-;
rottenpumpkin13 · 8 months
Angeal, Sephiroth, we all know how Genesis can be... Genesis... so, what are some of the things you and the others do to... tune him out without someone shooting him (Cloud), fist fighting him like a child in the schoolyard (Sephiroth), trying to whack him with anything they can get their hands on (The Turks), or sicking their pet on him (Rufus)
• Cloud can't really do much besides stand there and listen to Genesis's complaints, gossip, and poetic prattle. He's his superior, and Cloud is an infantryman who doesn't have the luxury of being able to walk away from him. So he stands there, smiles, and nods, agreeing to everything Genesis says. He lets his mind wander while occasionally muttering an "uh-huh" "yeah" or "wow"
• Rufus has no relationship with Genesis. Rufus is friendly with Zack⏤like the other Turks⏤and Zack is friends with Genesis. That's it. So whenever the grating redhead finds him at events and parties and starts a conversation, Rufus simply excuses himself and quickly walks away.
• Sephiroth and Angeal have been friends with Genesis long enough to know that arguing and teasing isn't enough to shut him up when his prattling and snark become unbearable. They've come to realize that all Genesis wants is attention, so if they refuse him theirs, he will simply go away.
• Genesis starts acting like a bitch for no reason? They flat-out ignore him. Genesis starts going off about his latest Loveless musings? Sephiroth tunes him out and hopes his silence when Genesis asks him a question will be the redhead's cue to leave. Genesis is sharing the latest gossip fresh off the rumor mill? Angeal knows to keep quiet and occasionally rolls his eyes to show his disapproval.
🔓 Angst Route Unlocked ↓
Genesis gets a new book one day, a novel with a mystery he's actively trying to solve while reading. He's with Sephiroth and Angeal in the conference room waiting for Lazard to show up, and he can't sit still. He's flipping through his book, showing Sephiroth the cool map designs on the inner cover, and telling Angeal about the plot of the story.
It's the first time he notices that they aren't listening. Sephiroth is busy on his laptop⏤rolling his eyes at every snarky comment Gen makes, Angeal is staring straight ahead trying to tune him out, and Genesis....he's being a bother, isn't he?
So he puts his book down and lets his words gradually fade away into silence. When he does, he hears Angeal sigh in relief. The sound hits Genesis like a slap to the face. Sephiroth squeezes his eyes shut, as if thanking whatever entity for the silence.
Genesis presses his book against his lap, his reddened fingers digging into the pointed corners. His eyes well up with tears.
Genesis feels a sudden heaviness in his chest. The vibrance that usually cloaks him is now replaced by a defeated stillness. He had been so engrossed in sharing his excitement, oblivious to his friends' disinterest, that he hadn't realized how grating his voice began to sound.
His bare fingers tremble against the edge of the book. Genesis blinks back tears, the sting in his eyes distracting him from the sudden paper cut.
A wave of self-awareness crashes over him. Was he always like this? A bother, an unwelcome addition to every room he entered? The realization cuts deeper than the one on his index finger, slicing through the layers of his demeanor.
As he gazes at Sephiroth and Angeal again, Genesis feels an ache in his chest. They're wholly unaware of his realization, but certainly welcome the silence.
He has admired Sephiroth since he was a child⏤the same child who's only first and only friend was Angeal. He doesn't want the two people he respects the most in this world, his only friends, to find his presence a bother.
An hour later, Genesis sits at his desk in his office. He's long abandoned his work in favor of caving to his negative thoughts. Quiet sniffling is the only sound in the room. His eyes are red-rimmed and a bit sore, and his nose is swollen.
And then comes an excitable figure breaking the door open. It startles Genesis, the door swinging open being enough to snap him out of his daze.
Zack has a grin on his face and smells of rainwater, wet dirt, and blueberry soda, which tells the older Soldier that Zack has been out in the elements. He gently shut the door⏤probably realizing how roughly he had opened it, and strode in.
"Hey!" he smiles. "Guess what? I completely wrecked a Malboro today! You should've seen it⏤I got a clean hit and only my sword got caked in the gunk. Oh, did you hear that Sergeant Stevens was a total ass to the new group of cadets today? I swear, the dude walks around all high and mighty as if he's not Scarlet's footstool on his downtime."
As Zack continues to talk, Genesis slowly sits up straight, unfurling himself from his curled-up position. Zack is the only one who's patient with him, the only one who gives him endless chances and forgives his teasing. Genesis has only ever seen him as Angeal's puppy who was always around them.
But now that Genesis looks at him, he looks different ⏤Zack looks like a friend.
Zack plops himself down on the chair in front of the desk. "I had a steak bowl for lunch today. It was really good, but they were all out of rice so I had to make do with quinoa⏤keen-wa, is that how you pronounce it?"
Zack's eyes land on the book on top of the desk. "Woah, new book?" he asks, picking it up and immediately paging through it. "What's it about?" He looks up to see Genesis staring at him. "Ah..." Zack awkwardly closes the book. "I'm sorry. Is this a bad time? Do you want me to go?"
Genesis shakes his head slowly, brushing away the stray tear from his cheek. "Only if you want to."
Zack pauses, taking in the response with a tilt of his head that makes him look every bit the puppy he is. "Why would I? So," Zack starts flipping through the book again. "How was your day?"
Genesis cannot contain the small smile that reaches his lips. He leans over and reaches out, ruffling Zack's hair and ignoring the boy's protests.
"My day was fine, puppy."
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about-faces · 4 years
The director Joel Schumacher has passed away, and everyone's reactions have boiled down to two topics: 1.) "He was the guy who made the bad Batman films," and 2.) "Hey, he did lots of great films besides the bad Batman films!"
Thing is... I get it. I remember being a teenage comic fan in the 90's. Not just any comics: especially Batman! But ESPECIALLY Bart especially Two-Face. I remember how "Joel Schumacher" was a name that could invoke white-hot rage in myself and everyone in the fandom. He was our modern equivalent of Dr. Fredrick Wertham, the boogyman who had (far as we were concerned) single-handedly destroyed the mainstream credibility of superheroes.
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Look at that picture, and try to imagine that this was the face so loathed and mocked by Batman fanboys in the 90′s.
Never mind that Schumacher didn't WRITE the Batman films. The main credit for that goes to Akiva Goldsman, who has gone on to win an Oscar and continues to find A-list success despite ruining other geek properties like Jonah Hex and Dark Tower. Never mind that Schumacher was at the mercy of producers who wanted the movies to be nothing more than merchandise machines and toy commercials. No, Schumacher was the only name associated with the films, and he was cast at the villain.
The fact that he was openly gay played no small part in making him an easy target.
One year after the disastrous release of the infamous Batman & Robin, the beloved fan-favorite cartoon Batman: The Animated Series (then rebranded as The New Batman Adventures on the WB network) produced an episode that featured a pointed jab at Schumacher. The episode was titled "Legends of the Dark Knight," a reworking of a classic 70's Batman tale where a group of kids share their own ideas of what the mysterious Batman is really like.
Halfway through the episode, the kids are overheard by another kid, who shares his own ideas about Batman. The kid, whose name is Joel, has long dirty-blond hair, and works in front of a store which bear the sign "Shoemaker," despite clearly being a department store. He waxes dreamily about the reasons he loves Batman: "All those muscles, the tight rubber armor and that flashy car. I heard it can drive up walls!"
This last line--a reference to a silly bit in Batman Forever--he says as he flamboyantly tosses a pink fur stole around his neck. To drive home the joke, one of the kids dismisses, "Yeah, sure, Joel."
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At the time, it seemed like a cathartic joke for us REAL Batman fans. Now, it's clearly just cheap and gross. Instead of any actual criticism about the films, Joel Schumacher was just seen--even if just subconsciously--as the fruit who ruined Batman.
Over time, the hatred for Schumacher lessened. Starting with Blade, X-Men, and Spider-Man, on through to Batman Begins, Iron Man, and onward, superhero movies became huge mainstream successes, with greater fidelity to the source material than most adaptations we saw up to the time that Schumacher "killed" the superhero movie. There was no point in hating him anymore, if there ever was (again, Goldsman more deserves that ire, if you're gonna be angry about anyone. Why does he still get work?! WHY IS HE NOW WRITING FOR STAR TREK?!?!).
But even still, especially among Millennial and Gen-X fans, Schumacher is still--at best--considered a low point for fandom. Even though the same generations have come to appreciate and love some of his other films, such as The Lost Boys, Phone Booth, and the chillingly-prescient Falling Down, there's still this need for people to dismiss the Batman films as embarrassments that are best forgotten in favor of Schumacher's better films. And if they're to be remembered at all, it's to trash them all over again in a tone suggesting that the films are objectively, irredeemably bad.
Except they're not. Oh sure, if you go in looking for a grim and gritty capital-M "Mature" take on Batman, of course you'll hate them, just like you probably also hate the Adam West Batman show. Remember, that show also used to be hated by decades of Batman fans because of how it didn't take the comics seriously.
... except it did. The show was VERY faithful to the Batman comics of the 50's, which often out-weirded and out-sillied its TV counterpart. If anything, the show made some of those stories even more entertaining with camp value and jokes that added different levels of enjoyment to the adults watching. Comic fans resented how Batman became a pop culture joke, and increasingly fought against anything that was colorful and campy (which makes me wonder if this might also be related to latent homophobia). Whether or not they admitted/realized it, the Batman fans of the 70's and 80's carried a chip on their shoulder about a show that DARED to make Batman FUN.
And really... how is that any different than Schumacher's two films?
You don't have to agree, but I think Schumacher's films are fun. I think Batman Forever is highly entertaining, that Tommy Lee Jones and Jim Carrey are bringing their hammy A-games as much respected actors like Burgess Meredith and Caesar Romero brought to their roles. Same goes for Arnold and especially Uma in Batman and Robin. They KNOW what movies they're in, and they're all having a blast.
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(How many of us remember the exact line Eddie says at this moment? I bet you probably do too, which should tell you something about how memorable this movie is)
Now, BF and particularly B&A are by no means GOOD movies, but you can't tell me that you couldn't have a blast putting the latter on at a party and riffing it with friends. It's not a pretentious, ponderous, self-serious slog like, say, the shit Zack Snyder cranked out (apologies to the one or two cool Snyder fans here, I just find his films interminable). Even besides the many things I could say to defend Schumacher's Batman films (that's a whole other essay), you can't say they were boring. They were entertaining, even if on a level of making fun of the film, and that is NOT as easy as it looks.
Let me put it to you this way: Batman Forever has, objectively, one of the worst takes on Two-Face I've ever seen. He's one-note, he's kind of a rehash of Nicholson's Joker, he gets completely overshadowed by the Riddler, he gets killed by Batman in a way that completely betrays the whole “DON’T KILL HARVEY” arc with Robin, and worst of all, he CHEATS on the coin toss. That alone would be enough for me to condemn this depiction in any other Two-Face story.
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And yet, even I--the most passionate, opinionated, and picky Two-Face fan you will EVER know--still have a soft spot for Tommy Lee Jones' take on ol' Harv. He’s just too fun, too flamboyant, too damn extra not to love. If only all bad takes on Two-Face could be this fun!
But that’s the thing: it’s not because the script was good. Oh god no. I've read the script, and if it were put on the page like a comic, I would have hated it just like any other bad Two-Face comic. I have to imagine that, as director, Joel Schumacher deserves the bulk of the credit for pushing the restrained and laconic Tommy Lee Jones into that oversized performance, and making it a delight to watch despite everything it does wrong.
I'm rare for my generation to have learned how to stop worrying and love Schumacher's Batman. But the younger generation, the up-and-coming Gen-Zs getting into Batman, don't share the same grudges we did. There's a genuine, shame-free enjoyment of those films among The Kids, many of whom are LGBTQA+, who love the jokes, the silliness, the camp, the Freeze puns, the swag of Uma Thurman, and the homoerotic subtext between Two-Face and the Riddler. Maybe it's just a reaction to so much GRIM, SERIOUS shit that DC and their fanboys are trying desperately to push even today.
But comics--especially Batman--have a long history of colorful, stupid, fun shit. Schumacher's films carried on in that tradition, and they should be appreciated on their own merits by those of us who aren't limited by narrow ideas of what Batman "should" be, and who still remember how to have fun.
Schumacher's Batman films should no longer be seen as embarrassments. They didn't ruin superheroes. They didn't ruin Batman. They didn't even ruin Two-Face. Nor should they be disregarded in favor of Falling Down, like losers in a respectability competition. They're fun. They're entertaining. And they didn't pretend to be anything else.
And if you still think they're bad... I mean, objectively, you're not wrong! But be mindful of the reasons WHY you think they're bad, because on another subjective level, you may not be right either. And it's certainly not worth holding a geek-grudge over after twenty-five years.
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tocasia · 3 years
Hi! I saw you on A03 after a friend of mine recommended your fics. I really like the whole friendship and gen fic vibe going on! (I even started to read the Aquaroth fic at her suggestion, but I don't know much about KH so it's a little harder for me to get into until I actually get to BBS). I like your writing style, but I'm a bit overwhelmed on what to read. Would you recommend a couple of your favorite pieces? Thanks!
Oh, wow! I feel like I've won some kind of award or something. This is incredible!  Thank you (and your friend!) for enjoying and wanting to read more of my work!
I write mostly FF7 Original Game Sephiroth and Zack friendship fics. First, I did a chaptered one called 'God of Paperwork', which is light-hearted and silly: God of Paperwork https://archiveofourown.org/works/10896636/chapters/24221646
And then, I took on a 100 themes challenge to write 100 stories to a prompt list: Our Shining Past Series (Sephiroth and Zack Friendship 100 Themes) https://archiveofourown.org/series/751314
Most parts in 'Our Shining Past' can stand alone. Some are cute or silly, some are dark or sad. Here are a few I am proud of:
War of the Words https://archiveofourown.org/works/11064696
An Unselfish Reason https://archiveofourown.org/works/11496414
Brilliant, Perhaps Too Brilliant https://archiveofourown.org/works/12100173
Wishing Against Fate https://archiveofourown.org/works/12326622
Infinite https://archiveofourown.org/works/12620624
Hometown https://archiveofourown.org/works/15022187
Outlast https://archiveofourown.org/works/15267468
Again, thank you so so so much for your interest! You've given me a great gift. I absolutely need to write more now, with an unrelenting burning passion. My mind is on fire. Something is going to get worked on with absolutely beautiful and terrifying fury.
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aimeelouart · 4 years
So I see you produce a lot of stuff (fics and art and ideas). Do you consume as well? Can you tell us some of your favourite fics or link to favourite fanarts etc?
That I do! I actually have something of an encyclopedic knowledge of the current body of FF7 fics on Ao3 because that’s...pretty much all I read over the summer (that’s a lie--FF7 fics were the ONLY thing I read over the summer). I’ll focus on FF7 here because it’s my current obsession but feel free to ask about other fandoms I post/write/have bookmarks for.
Top Fics that I would die for
1) The Best Laid Plans by Loralei_Dawson I cannot stress this enough. I would die for this fic. Cloud goes back in time but the process kind of scrambles his brain like an egg. He’s semi-aware of how absolutely insane he is, but also thinks he’s being perfectly rational while all the outside POVs are like “good god what the hell is going on with this child” as he unceremoniously installs himself in the Tower and repeatedly attempts to assassinate a baffled and concerned Sephiroth. Features Genesis the certified Cloud wrangler. I love it so much that I even made art for it
2) Terrorism and Anarchy by VarianN Cloud Strife is a badass motherfucker and this fic exemplifies that. He goes back in time to his cadet days and promptly yeets himself into the slums, much to Zack’s concern. He then proceeds to play a very amusing game of cat-and-mouse with the Turks and SOLDIERs by keeping them guessing about whether or not he’s the mysterious “CS Delivery” who’s exploding reactors left and right.
3) The Fifth Act by Sinnatious Cloud goes back in time (are you noticing a theme here?) and heals Genesis, but is unable to heal anyone else. He gets cornered into joining SOLDIER and kind of...wanders around in a vague haze completing missions and being forcibly befriended by the SOLDIERs? This poor boy needs a serious nap.
4) Angel in the Rafters by skadren (finally, an author who exists on Tumblr! ...that I can’t tag. Well then.) This one is in my bookmarks as “the one where Sephiroth is a possessive dumbass.” Cloud is also a dumbass. Everyone else is just along for the ride. Anyway, Cloud goes back, has wings, is around bby!Seph for a little while before getting slam-dunked back into his corporeal bby!Cloud body. A whole lot of shenanigans goes on as Cloud runs around avoiding Shinra and exploding reactors. Gen content is typically where my heart lives, but this one is Seph/Cloud (after they stop being MASSIVE DUMBASSES ABOUT IT >:I)
5) Son by @sheseesinthedark Am I biased toward this because she-sees is one of my co-authors on Saving Subject C? Surprisingly, no. She-sees is just massively talented at spinning up complexly interwoven narratives. Vincent goes back to rescue bby!Seph from the labs and raise him and OOF it is BEAUTIFUL. Things just keep escalating as what seems on the surface to be a relatively straightforward and simple narrative slowly becomes as complex and beautiful as a tapestry, all building toward a suspenseful zenith.
6) just be still with me by @rainbowcarousels
Excuse me how does this not have like 3,000 kudos??? ASGZC which started out as a cute and funny sort of get-together fic and then MORPHED into a masterful plot-driven fic. The characterization is just so delicious! I even made art for it.
7) N7 SOLDIER by @screamingvikings Actually you know what just go read literally everything by ScreamingVikings. She writes like (and is, iirc) a published author. N7 SOLDIER is, you guessed it, a crossover of Mass Effect and FF7 where Shepard ends up on Gaia post-ME3. Her Shep is delightful and I very much enjoyed watching that lady get really fucking offended at how Shinra runs its military.
8) Cadet Strife’s Adventures in the Big City by Munchkin47 Seph/Cloud soulmate AU that made me laugh so hard I literally injured myself. Cloud tries very hard to ignore Sephiroth after the revelation of their matching soul marks, but Sephiroth refuses to be ignored and recruits his friends into helping him seduce his hilariously avoidant soulmate.
9) The World that Never Will Be by @tocasia Kingdom Hearts/FF7 crossover (does that even count as a crossover considering Nomura’s fuckery? Whatever) that totally makes me ship Aqua/Sephiroth. They meet in the Realm of Darkness and everyone makes questionable decisions all over the place, honestly. But it’s so ridiculously well written and deserves WAY more love than it’s gotten so far.
10) Draw With Me by XpaperplaneX Cloud is in the labs with Seph and they basically adopt each other and become inseparable to the point that Cloud is with Seph in the OG plot while Zack is the protagonist. It’s really fucking cute okay. And also sad. But I love me some gen content.
11) Stick ‘em with the pointy end by @tyrantchimera All of AVALANCHE goes back in time...as tonberries. I think that’s all I really need to say to get you to go give this the amount of love it DESERVES. Prepare to laugh until you throw up.
12) Another Day, a New Dawn by MollyPollyKinz Zack is the one to go back in time here and he’s trying SO HARD but Angeal and the others cotton on pretty much immediately and are like “??? is he okay???” Spoilers: no. He’s not okay. I especially love Angeal in this one.
Ok I’ll stop myself at 12 recs. If you want more recs look at my bookmarks list! On Ao3! Most of them use my own tag system and have short summaries/commentary in the descriptions (except the ones I need to catch up on, oops!)
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hext00ns · 3 years
UHHHH what was ur middle school sonic oc GO
Oh GOD I had a few lol I had this one oc named Ultimate and she was supposed to be a version of shadow but made by Eggman and ngl she was just,,,, girl shadow lmao then her sister was a cat named emerald with the same color scheme who was like made from chaos emeralds energy also by Eggman
Then I also had a next gen thing with Pearl (Amy & Sonic’s daughter), Zack (Shadow & Emerald’s son), Rose (Tails & Cosmo’s daughter), and Caramel & Chocolate (Cream & Cheese’s twins (don’t ask I was like 13 or somthin))
There was also Lightning who, where the other ocs were more Sonic X ocs, Lightning was a SATAM oc. Basically her story was that Robotnic actually succeeds in killing Sonic (I need you to understand the fic I was writing for this story I just wrote Robotnic pulling out a glock and shooting the poor bastard like HELLO??????) and when Sonic dies they’re like fuck what do we do now? And so Sally takes some of Sonic’s DNA and creates a hedgehog named Lightning who’s base speed is light. The thought process there being, if Sonic at the speed of sound wasn’t fast enough to survive then Lightning has to be faster
There all super silly and dorky but like I was having fun so lmao who cares I even went back and redid my next gen stuff and made a whole new story and characters and ngl I still like Lightning’s concept so maybe I’ll figure out something to do with her too
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lettersofsky · 7 years
Strifesodos - College AU
I’ve got a weird sleep schedule because of my weird hours so here you guys go! Surprise Strifesodos Colledge AU - 6 little ficlets for you all to enjoy!!!! The last ones a bit open ended, because I didn’t want to write it anymore and if I left it to when I was in the mood to finish, it wouldn’t be done ever.
Feels Like You’re the Last One to Know
“You think I’m dating Genesis!?” Cloud couldn’t help but squawk as he asked his friend that; there was no way he had heard that right, Zack must have been joking with him.
“Come on Cloud,” Zack rolled his eyes at him, fixing Cloud with an attempt at a deadpan look. “I’m not that dense.”
“But -” Cloud started to say, trying to tell Zack that he was wrong about his assumption and that he wasn’t dating his roommate. Though he wouldn’t mind it if he was, Genesis was a wonderful, attractive, amazing person and Cloud was beyond gone for the man.
He had been since he moved in with the literary arts major the previous semester, despite how much he wished that he wasn’t. It would be nice to relax around his roommate without worrying that he was accidentally showing off how much he liked the other.
“Dude.” Zack said levelly, cutting him off. “Everyone knows you and Gen are dating, it’s obvious.”
“Zack,” he tired again, something like panic clenching in his chest at the others words. Had he really been so obvious about his feelings? Did everyone know? Did Genesis know and was only humouring him?
Oh god, he was going to be sick.
“Woh! Cloud!” Zack shouted as Cloud’s legs buckled under him, grabbing a hold on Cloud and lowering him safely to the ground. “What’s wrong? Buddy?”
Cloud blinked slowly, vaguely hearing Zack through the fog in his brain. Why did his friend sound so far away? He was standing right in front of -
Oh. This was a panic attack. That’s why.
He focused on his breathing the way his therapist had taught him, measuring his breaths in any attempt to even them out. He got himself under control soon enough, lifting his gaze back to Zack’s worried expression.
“Sorry,” he said weakly, voice a croak. “Didn’t mean to do that.”
“It’s ok,” Zack said, expression still obviously worried. “You’re ok now, that’s what matters.”
“Sorry,” he apologized again, ducking his head with a flush as he considered the fact that he’d just had a panic attack over something so stupid. “But no, Gen and I, not dating.”
“You’re really not?” Zack was, stunned. Cloud could only nod his response. “That’s so weird,” Zack breathed, blinking slowly as he realizes what Cloud was telling him.
Cloud shrugged, unsure of what else he could say to his friend but not quite ready to attempt lifting himself to his feet right now; leaving them kneeling on the grass of their campus’ courtyard.
He should probably talk to their other friends, settle any false assumptions the others had.
Remember That Time We Kissed? No? ME NEITHER!
Waking up with a hangover was the last way Genesis wanted to start his New Year, or at least what he remembered of starting it; he didn’t recall anything from the night before. He lifted himself from his bed with a pained groan, stumbling his way out of his room to the bathroom he shared with his roommate and the medication cabinet held within.
He swallowed two of the aspirin pills held within dry, coughing a bit before forcing himself to make his way into the kitchen. He didn’t get much further than that though, collapsing into one of the chair of their small kitchen table with a pained groan.
He heard Cloud moving around the apartment around him, the man was smarter than he was and hadn’t drunk nearly as much as Genesis himself had the night before. A plate was set in front of him along with a glass of water before he heard the sound of the chair across from him being pulled out.
The scent of eggs wafted from the plate in front of him and Genesis groaned as the smell invaded his nostrils, lifting himself from his slumped position to see that Cloud had been kind enough to fix him a light egg salad. It was his good one, made with more mayo than was probably healthy but amazing for hangovers.
“I could kiss you,” Genesis said, picking up the spoon next to the plate and taking a bite of the food in front of him, unaware of anything else around him. When he turned his gaze to Cloud he noticed that the other was staring at him closely, a bit weird for the other but then again Genesis was pretty hungover so he might have done something a little odd; it was probably better to ask. “What’s wrong?”
“Ah, nothing!” Cloud said, dropping his face away from Genesis’ gaze and running a hand threw his hair. “It’s just, uh.” Cloud was stuttering, something Genesis hadn’t heard him do very much. “Do you remember much about, last night?”
“We went out to celebrate midterms being finished, but nothing after that,” he answered slowly, blinking at the way Cloud deflated in front of him. “Why? Did I do something stupid?”
“No!” Cloud insisted loudly, waving his hand wildly. “Nothing happened at all!”
Genesis lifted a fine brow at the man across from him, knowing that Cloud was definitely hiding something now.
“You just,” Cloud began softly, gaze falling away from his own awkwardly. “Threatened a number of people.”
Genesis blinked slowly before nodding carefully, movements slow and even. “That certainly sounds like me.”
He turned his attention back to his salad, seeing Cloud relax from the corner of his eye with a deep sigh. There was an expression on the others face that he couldn’t identify at that moment, so he put it from his mind and focused on eating.
You Agree With Me, Right? Good
“Will you please tell Sephiroth he’s being an idiot?”
Cloud responded the moment Genesis finished speaking, not even lifting his attention from the delicate motor he was working on. “You’re being an idiot.”
“See?” Cloud could practically hear the satisfied grin in the other’s words, the ‘I know I’m right, just agree with me’ look he knew so well. “You just need to relax, it’ll be fine.”
“Yeah,” Cloud agreed easily, gently maneuvering the delicate wires with his tiny tweezers. It was coming along great, another few hours and he’d be ready for the first test, putting him right on track with his assessment timeline.
“You guys act like Mum and Mother,” Aerith said suddenly, breaking Cloud from his concentration. He’d forgotten that she was there, helping them reassure Sephiroth that he would survive his family reunion without issue. “It’s weird.”
“How so?” Genesis asked lightly, fingers buried in Sephiroth’s hair. The man in question was slumped over on their couch, face covered by his hands and back tense, head tilted towards Gen’ hands.
“Just, that’s something Mum does a lot,” Aerith explained, Cloud turned towards the three from the kitchen table watching Aerith shrug as she continued. “It’s a ‘Married People Thing’. You see it do, right Seph?”
Sephiroth just hummed distractedly.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Genesis informed her, voice completely serious. Cloud was suddenly reminded that most of Genesis’ interacts with his own parents were less personal than business transactions so he definitely hadn’t experienced the kind of behaviour Aerith was talking about.
“Don’t worry about it,” Aerith said, dismissing the subject with a wave of her hand. “It’s not important.”
Genesis hummed but returned his attention to Sephiroth, telling him all the reasons why he was being stupid.
Cloud turned his own gaze back to what he was doing, letting Genesis’ voice wash over him as he worked.
PJ Date
Cloud was awake the moment Genesis stepped into the apartment and slammed the door shut behind him, eyes blinking blearily as a blur of red quickly moved towards where he had been sleeping on the couch and dropped next to him, followed closely by screams muffled by a throw pillow.
Cloud lifted himself to a seated position, rubbing his eyes as he yawned widely. He blinked at the man next to him, staring at him as he kept screaming into the pillow he had pressed to his face.
“Bad day?” He asked once Genesis had stopped screaming, shoulders rising and falling rapidly. Genesis groaned into the pillow, nodding in a sharp movement before pulling the cushion from his face and fixing Cloud with a irate look.
“I hate everyone here.” He said seriously, giving Cloud no way to misunderstand what he was saying. “They’re all stupid.”
“Even your best friend?” Cloud asked, trying to get the other to smile even the smallest amount.
It worked as Genesis’ lips twinged slightly at his words, “yes, even my best friend.” He nudged his shoulder against Cloud’s a moment, “he’s an idiot too.”
“An idiot with the entire Disney collection on DVD,” Cloud expanded, smile gracing his own face. “And warm pyjamas that you keep stealing.”
“They’re soft,” Genesis shot at him, lifting himself from the couch. “Now set up Oliver & Company while I get changed.”
“You got it,” Cloud called to him over his shoulder, lifting himself from the couch himself to get the DVDs from the shelf they kept them on. He moved into the kitchen once the movie was in, standing on a stool to get at the stash of feel-good food they kept there for bad days like this; mostly chocolate and assorted junk food, as this was for Genesis, he got down the caramel filled ones as well.
He was just setting down the last thing down when Genesis emerged from his bedroom, wearing clothes that Cloud knew had belonged to him at one point and carrying a blanket that had been made by Cloud’s Mother before he left home for college.
“Ah, you’re amazing! You got the good ones!” Genesis said as he sat down next to him on the couch. He spread the blanket over the two of them, pressing close to Cloud’s side after picking up the box of caramel-filled chocolates.
Cloud shrugged under Genesis’ body weight, “you deserve them.” He said, starting one of Genesis’ favourite movies.
Genesis was cuddled up to him within minutes, the opening scene had barely finished before he was pressed up against him and resting his head against Cloud’s shoulder.
He’d have to tell the other that he loved him one day, but maybe when Gen wasn’t tearing up at the poor kitten left alone to fend for himself in the big city.
This Was A Bad Idea But I Didn’t Want to Stop You
Cloud returned to the couch, bag of frozen peas in hand and pressed it to Genesis’ swelling knuckles. Thankfully, he and Angeal had managed to drag Genesis away from the man he had punched before an all-out brawl broke out.
“I’m sorry,” Genesis said, eyes closed and head leaning against the headrest behind him. He turned towards Cloud a bit, opening one of his eyes to peer at him. “I should have had better control of myself.”
“Yeah,” Cloud agreed, taking his hands away from the makeshift ice-pack once Genesis took a hold of it. “He was just being an arsehole, nothing I couldn’t deal with.”
“You shouldn’t have to deal with it,” he insisted, lifting his head from the backrest. “Especially about something so trivial.”
“It’s true though,” Cloud shrugged, eyes flicking away from the others. “Hard to get a first kiss in a town full of bigots.”
“I haven’t either,” Cloud’s gaze turned back to the other, stunned at what he’d heard.
Genesis shrugged, looking for all the world like they were talking about upcoming term papers and not the fact that neither of them had kissed someone before. “I hated all the women my parents threw at me and I’ve been too focused on settling in to thing about it lately.”
Cloud blinked at the other man, unable to wrap his mind around Genesis’ words. It was hard the believe that the beautiful man in front of him hadn’t kissed anyone before.
“We could fix that now if you want?” Genesis suggested lightly, cocking his head at him.
Cloud froze for a moment, considering what the other had suggested and what a bad idea it was. On the other hand, it might be his only chance to ever kiss the other so, he might as well take it.
“Ok,” he breathed, feeling a flush rise to his cheeks.
Genesis shifted closer to him, his injured hand rising to Cloud’s cheek as he pressed their mouths together; acting far more confident than Cloud could have. It was just a chaste kiss, little more than a soft press of lips against each other.
Genesis pulled away after a few moments and Cloud opened his eyes, unaware that he had closed them, watching the other.
“Was that alright?” Genesis asked, watching him in return.
“Yeah,” he breathed, clearing his throat and running a hand through his hair. “Yeah, that was good.”
“Good,” Genesis leaned back on the couch, looking like the cat that got the cream. “Now no one can say anything about it.”
He nodded silently, focused more on remembering the feeling of the others lips against his own. There was the taste of apples on his tongue when he swiped it over his bottom lip, most likely leftover from Genesis.
This was a terrible idea, he wasn’t going to get over his crush now.
Fake Date Me Because My Parents Are Arseholes. Or Real Date Me. That Works Too.
“I hate them,” Genesis groaned, dropping heavily onto their couch and causing Cloud’s heart to skip a beat in fear that the piece of furniture would collapse under his sudden weight. Thankfully, it remained in tact and Cloud was able to sigh softly as Genesis dropped his face into his hands, phone abandoned on their coffee table.
Cloud lifted himself from where he was sitting at the kitchen table, approaching the other cautiously. He could guest who had called Genesis to make him react like this but he had no idea what they could have said, this was a very different reaction than their usual ‘you’re ruining your life’ calls.
“You wanna talk about it?” He asked softly, sitting himself next to the other on the couch. He wasn’t surprised when Genesis curled into him, dropping his head onto his shoulder.
“They’re disappointed that I don’t have anyone yet,” Genesis groaned, burying his face further into Cloud’s shoulder. He sighed heavily, lifting his sock-clad feet from the floor to rest on the couch. “And they want me to come to their business party next month.”
“Can’t you get out of it?” He usually did, combining the excuses of coursework and difficulties getting flights to free him from their expectations for awhile.
“They’re threatening to tear down my trees if I don’t make it,” Genesis’ words stunned Cloud. He couldn’t believe that they would say something like that to him, the fact that Genesis seemed to believe them and was taking their threat seriously was not helping.
“Then I guess we better find a flight to Banora then,” Cloud could feel the way Genesis tensed against him, head lifting to peer at him with disbelieving eyes.
“Well, yeah,” he shrugged, flushing under the other’s stare. “You won’t be alone and it’ll stop your parents asking about your love life.”
“We’ll have to act like a couple,” Genesis stressed, leaning forward to peer at him, brow furrowed over his eyes. “They’re going to expect us to sleep together.”
“We’ve shared a bed before.” Cloud reminded the other, averting his eyes from the dark blue ones focused on him.
“It the middle of winter, when the heating broke during a blizzard.”
“It’ll be fine,” Cloud insisted, turning back towards the other. Meeting his gaze levelly, as confident as he could manage. “We’ll go to your parents’ party, get drunk, and come home.”
There was silence between them as Genesis watched him, searching for something in his face. Then his features softened and he nodded slowly, “ok,” he said, reaching out to pick up his phone. “I’ll tell them I’m coming and bringing someone then.”
“Yeah,” Cloud breathed, lifting himself from the couch to get his laptop. “I’ll book the flights.” And he’d have a freak out over being his secret-love’s fake boyfriend to his arsehole parents’ party later, once he was alone and Genesis wasn’t around to be worried about him.
This was a great idea, nothing was going to go wrong!
Nevermind, this was an awful idea, Cloud had made a huge mistake!
They’d decided that they’d stay in Banora with Genesis’ parents for two days, the afternoon they’d arrive and the day of the party before leaving the next morning, nothing out of the ordinary. Gen’s parents were ‘happy’ to have them there and had told them that they’d pick them up from the airport when their flight came in, something that Genesis didn’t actually believe.
But that wasn’t the current issue. No, the current issue was the fact that Genesis, who hated flying with a passion, had taken something to knock him out for the 8 hour flight and was slumped over with his head resting in Cloud’s lap.
Cloud really didn’t know how to handle this. On the one hand, he was completely gone for how adorable the other currently looked, calm and relaxed as he slept in his drug-induced peaceful slumber. On the other, he was quietly freaking out as he realized just how screwed he was going to be in the next few days.
It would be really hard to keep his feelings to himself when he was given an excuse to let them out, and to have to keep them to himself once more when they returned to their normal day-to-day lives.
He’d really messed up with this one, even if it was for a good cause. He didn’t want Genesis to feel alone while he was there and this was the best way to do it; hitting two birds with one stone.
He could endure this whole thing and the aftereffects if it made things a bit easier for the other; that was just what you did for the people you loved.
“This is exactly what I meant! They don’t even care to be punctual after forcing me to come here!”
They’d only landed a few minutes ago and already things were taking a turn for the worst, Genesis’ parents hadn’t been waiting for them when they got off the plane and as more and more time passed, the other was only becoming more irate.
The added fact that Genesis had only been awake a few minutes longer wasn’t helping the situation at all.
“It’ll be ok,” Cloud promised, sitting in one of the airports uncomfortable chair as Genesis paced in front of him, nervous energy urging him to continue moving. “We’ll get a cab if they don’t call you back.”
“We shouldn’t have to ‘get a cab’!” Genesis snapped, turning to glare at him. His phone was held in a white-knuckled grip, the little machine a model that wouldn’t break easily. “They should be here! They knew when we were leaving and when we arriving, we were on time, they should be here!”
Cloud knew that they were probably gaining looks from the rest of the airport but he was more focused on the frustrated tears that had sprung to dark blue eyes, he lifted himself from his seat, catching Genesis in the middle of his path and holding him carefully.
“Hey,” he said softly, coaxing the other to look at him. “Come on, sit down with me.”
“Don’t tell me I’m being stupid,” Genesis ordered, voice wavering slightly as he allowed Cloud to guide him back to the seats. “I’m not being stupid.”
“No, you’re not,” Cloud said, sitting Genesis down before seating himself next to him. “You’re completely right to feel angry.”
Genesis huffed a wet chuckle, dropping his head into his hands weakly. “I’m so glad you’re here,” he said, the words muffled by his hands. “I don’t know how I’d deal with this if I was alone.”
Cloud didn’t bother to stop himself from pulling Genesis against his side as much as he could, tucking the other’s face under his chin as he rubbed his tense back. “You’d have managed,” he said softly, sure that the other would have. “You’re amazing.”
“You flatter me,” Genesis gasped against his chest, hands fisting tightly in his shirt.
“I’m only telling you what you already know,” Cloud responded, other hand moving to thread through silken red-hair. He saw someone pulling up in a high-end vehicle and despite how much he would have preferred not too, he encouraged Genesis to lift his face, wiping away tears from the other’s eyes. “I think they’re here,” he said softly, gesturing towards where he’d seen the car.
“Oh? Finally remembered me did they?” Genesis snarked, attempt ruined by the waver in his voice. He swiped at his eyes roughly, pulling away from Cloud and standing from his seat. “It’ll probably be another twenty minutes before they come in.”
“How about you go wash your face?” Cloud suggested lightly, knowing that Genesis wouldn’t want to face his parents with tear-stains on his face. “I’ll wait here with our stuff.”
Genesis hummed in agreement, nodding before turning towards the men’s room and leaving Cloud with their luggage in the middle of the airport. A glance around him revealed that several older women were watching him with a look Cloud could only describe as ‘I just saw something sweet/adorable and everything’s right in the world’.
He flushed under the attention and turned away from them, focusing on watching their luggage as Genesis made himself presentable.
Genesis’ father was the one to pick them up, a severe looking man that looked nothing like his roommate. Cloud was suddenly reminded that Genesis was actually adopted by the Rhapsodos’ after his biological parents died in a car crash, something the other had told him during their first year of living together.
He shouldn't have expected Mr and Mrs Rhapsodos to look anything like their son, the information had just, slipped his mind.
Mr Rhapsodos didn't offer an apology or reason behind his tardiness, just greeted them in a cold, impersonal manner before turning and leading them towards his car, not even offering to assist with their luggage. Genesis had been silent since he'd introduced Cloud to his father but continued to play the part of someone in the honeymoon phase of a relationship, pressed close to his side with an arm wound around his waist, a possessive and comforting gesture.
Mr Rhapsodos had stared Cloud down when Genesis introduced him, but didn't say anything beyond a greeting. Cloud didn't know if the man had a problem with him, but thought it was safe to assume he did after everything he'd heard about him.
The drive to Banora and the Rhapsodos estate was a quiet one, Genesis sat in the back with him and kept a tight grip on his hand. He tightened his grip as they got closer to his childhood home, until it was nearing painful as they approached the large iron-wrought gate. Cloud didn't complain about it, just squeezed the hand within his own in return as the gates opened for them.
Mr Rhapsodos once again didn't offer to help them with their luggage once they parked, leaving it to them to get the bags out of the car and striding away from them.
“He’s always like that,” Genesis told him, voice dropped to a whisper as he lifted their suitcases from the trunk. “Never helps anyone with anything.”
Cloud nodded as he took one of the suitcases, holding it easily as Genesis closed the trunk before guiding him out of the garage, towards the front door. “That must’ve been tough,” he’d always had his Ma to help him with things when he needed it, that was just the way Niflheim did things.
“Immensely,” Genesis said into his ear, clasping Cloud’s with his own and pulling him close to his side. Cloud pressed back against the other, squeezing the hand clasped within his own tightly. “I cannot count the amount of times I was left to struggle with things that he could have just explained to me.”
Cloud was stopped from saying something else due to the fact that they were approaching the open door of the house, Mr Rhapsodos nowhere to be found. Genesis’ hand tightened around his own as they reached the door, leading him into the house slowly.
The house was bigger and had more richy things than Cloud had ever seen in his life, a big difference from his own childhood home which reflected his family’s social status. It was definitely different than their apartment; it was stiff and impersonal, lacking anything that would indicate actual people lived within it. Cloud couldn’t see any personal touches here.
“Here she comes,” Genesis breathed, as the sound of high-heels on hardwood approached them.
The woman that emerged from the side room was very tall and very intimidating, she was taller than both her husband and Genesis and her heels ensured that she towered over Cloud’s small form. Her hair was straight and pitch-black, her face narrow and her sharp green eyes staring down at him like he was something beneath her.
He could definitely see that she was the major decision maker in the family business.
“Genesis,” she greeted, voice cold and melodious. “It’s good to see you again.” She doesn’t address Cloud at all, doesn’t even acknowledge him beyond her gaze.
Genesis wasn’t oblivious to her slight either, pulling Cloud closer to his side before releasing his hand and winding his arm around his waist; purposefully including Cloud in the conversation. “You as well,” he replied, voice mimicking her tone. “This is my partner, Cloud.” He added a bit of warm affection to his voice as he introduced Cloud, turning a soft look onto him.
He flushed slightly under Genesis’ gaze, heart fluttering at the look that he so desperately wanted to be real but knew was really only an act on the other’s part. He was really going to hate himself at the end of this ordeal.
“It’s nice to meet you, Mrs Rhapsodos,” he greeted politely, if she wasn’t going to be decent to him than he would simply have to be decent towards her. Combat antagonism with kindness, just the way Aerith taught him.
“You’ve certainly lowered your standards,” she said, nearly sending Cloud into a rage as Genesis stiffened next to him. “Is he aware of all your, issues?”
“That is none of your concern,” Genesis forced the words through gritted teeth, features blank and cold as he stood next to Cloud, a line of pure tension. “We’re here for the party and nothing more.”
“It that anyway to address your Mother?” A perfectly manicured brow rose in question, a slight sneer twisting her features.
“Yes.” Genesis snapped, eyes narrowed at her in return. “If you’re going to disrespect both myself and my parent after forcing me here through threats, then that is how I’ll address you.”
Cloud blinked up at Genesis, stunned by the other’s words. This was certainly getting out of hand; he hadn’t expected his roommate to defend him like that, not to his parents at the very least.
He pressed his hand to the hard line of Genesis’ spine, rubbing at the fabric covered flesh in what he hoped was a soothing manner.
Genesis took a deep breath, forcing himself to relax before speaking once again. “We’ll be heading up to my old room now.” He told her, calmer now than he had been moments before. “Unless you’ve done something with it?”
“It’s exactly the way you left it,” she informed him, turning away from them and walking back into the room she had emerged from.
Genesis remained frozen next to him until she was gone, only then did he did step forward, letting his arm fall away from Cloud’s back and twining their fingers together once again. They were silent as he guided them to his old room, taking them to the second floor and down the corridor until they reached a door that looked identical to the others in the hall.
Genesis opened the door and lead them into the room quickly, closing the door securely behind them. Cloud took the opportunity to examine the room as Genesis caught his breath, noticing how different it looked from Genesis’ room back home. It looked plain and ordinary, a stock standard room.
“I’m sorry,” Genesis’ apology broke him from his thoughts and when he turned towards him, he saw that Genesis was watching him with a nervous expression. “I didn’t mean it to get so out of hand.”
“No need to apologize,” Cloud said, setting his suitcase on the bed and approaching the other.
“You’re in far over your head.”
“Maybe,” he agreed with a shrug, stopping in front of the other. He took a steadying breath of his own before gesturing towards the too large bed, looking just as plain as the rest of the room. “I’m going to sleep for a while, that flight took a lot out of me.”
“Of course,” Genesis breathed, nodding and ushering him towards the over-sized mattress. “Rest, I’ll work on my assignment while you do.”
Cloud hummed softly, taking Genesis’ offer and climbing into the bed, burying himself under the blanket. He was sure that Genesis would be fine until he woke up again.
Cloud groaned, awakening slowly and stretching under the soft, warm covers. The was a solid line of heat at his back, he pressed back against it with a pleased, sleepy noise, nuzzling into the surprising firm pillow under his head.
His closed eyes furrowed at that thought, as hazy and sleep muddled as his mind was, he could have sworn that the pillows had been soft when he had first laid down upon them. There was something odd but the heat at his back as well, not that he was able to think of it.
He stiffened, sleep fleeing his mind completely as a slim arm wrapped itself around his waist, the line of heat shifting at his back and warm breath fanning across his neck. Well, that certainly explained everything.
But, why was Genesis wrapped around him, pressed against his back like a living heat pack?
Cloud shifted where he lay, head moving against what he now recognized as the other man’s arm as he thought about leaving his position. A thought that was dismissed when the other’s arm tightened around him, forcing him back against Genesis’ chest and tightening to hold him in place.
He froze as Genesis groaned behind him, pressing forward and nuzzling against his neck as he lifted a leg to rest over Cloud’s hip. This hadn’t been something he had prepared himself for when he had agreed to come to Banora with Genesis, his heart was a bit too weak to handle this situation.
He took a deep breath, holding it a moment before releasing it and trying to relax back against the other’s body. He eventually managed it after a few minutes of attempting, just breathing and enjoying the other’s heat and closeness. This was far more intimate than when they curled up on the couch together to watch movies.
His eyes dropped as he entered a sort of meditative state, breathing deep and even as his mind wandered in whatever direction it wished. He didn’t even react when Genesis started to shift behind him, slowly waking from slumber himself.
He felt Genesis stiffened against him as he noticed their position before relaxing, shifting forward to press his lips to Cloud cheek in what was obviously a kiss and then pulling away from him, moving gingerly as to not wake Cloud.
Cloud in the meanwhile, was mentally freaking out, trying to figure out why Genesis had just done that. There was no way that had been a platonical gesture, no possible way.
He swallowed heavily, listening to Genesis walk out of the room before he lifted himself from the bed. Dropping his head into his hands as his mind continued to race, waiting for Genesis to return so he could finally talk to him about everything he wanted to.
He could only hope that it went the way he wanted it to.
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rhapscdos · 7 years
I’m gonna briefly rant under the cut cause I don’t feel like super formatting anything.
Genesis Rhapsodos is such a fuck up. like by and large, i write fucked up characters a lot, but Genesis has a really special talent for screwing himself over so. many. times. And don’t get me wrong- I know I tease a bunch on this blog, but I do properly evaluate and examine my muses no matter how much i dick around. I only take a muse as seriously as they need to be taken, never over the top. 
but like lemme talk a sec about some of my thoughts on this buffoon of a man.
Like... man, bruh... I love him. But wow my guy u really blew it all.  I absolutely love negative character development. I super enjoy that shit. GEN FUCKING REEKS OF IT. It’s the best. 
lemme list this shit:
Gets himself fucked up trying to prove himself in front of seph
Makes his friends all worried and finds out he’s some kind of freak experiment 
Is so freaked out and angry he’s willing to believe a sleaze ball like Hollander
instead of going to his friends who probably would have done anything to help him, he freaks out and runs away.
no, he doesnt just run away. He deserts the most powerful, ruthless military company in the world and takes a bunch of people with him because he’s angry and freaking out
also doesnt tell his 2 super powered best friends about that and makes it look like he’s just a traitorous bastard that never cared about them
is dumb enough to hide in his hometown thinking he’s safe there. Like that wouldnt be the first place shinra looked??? 
also gets really angry and murders everyone in his town??? like thats so inconspicuous gen good job
continues to believe in gross slimy hollander 
just genuinely continues to fuck up and kill people and desperately fight some stupid war of attrition against shinra like itll do anything.
Gets angeal killed by being a selfish bastard. fucks with seph’s life and probably just makes the nibelheim incident worse.
4 years later, he’s still god damn following hollander around???? WHY???? KILL HIM. JUST GET RID OF HIM. HE’S PROVEN HES FUCKING USELESS.
somehow, he’s barely sane enough to be a functioning being and still finds the goddess materia.
Makes Zack basically murder him because wow, isnt that a good way to nope out of his shitty situation.
“wow, you’re really just a scared kid that wanted answers and to be noble again. I’ll give you a second chance,” said miss lifestream goddess, and revived him.
“thanks miss lifestream goddess. and hey i appreciate the new body, but now I’m gonna get captured by these freaky deepground guys, tell them to fuck off, and take a 3 - 4 year nap a la vincent valentine style now,” said Genesis.
proceeds to actually take said 3 - 4 year nap. 
wakes up after a bunch of bad shit goes down, ‘wow, that was a crazy nap. what year is it?”
will smith poses @ Genesis. thats it, that’s my boy!
sighs gently. like i know this is a shallow list. Genesis was dying and losing his sanity. fits of paranoia and desperation and that nasty prick hollander taking advantage of that. and gen’s weird guilt and blind faith slowly driving him way over the edge. like I don’t condone any of Gen’s homicidal actions either. He did so much awful shit and how Minerva saw him fit to revive and be a Guardian i dont know. i guess thats why she’s a goddess and gets those sorts of powers, but yeah. Gen really fucks up a lot before he gets his sanity back. 
and i adore it. I adore how human so many of his knee-jerk reactions are. That he lashes out violently and selfishly. its... oddly believable? like altruistic behaviors are cool and all, but i like seeing the opposite stress response. 
anyway, i really love genesis and his long list of heck ups. 
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fishonthetree · 8 years
Smutty chat with Asreon
asreoninfusion Let Sephiroth take the D! It sounds like a protest slogan. This is a cause I can get behind, lol. (No pun intended. It's a cause /Angeal/ can get behind. xD)
fishonthetree HAHAHAHAHA
fishonthetree imagine Cloud and Zack protesting it with signs xD
asreoninfusion Hahahaha, omgggg, that's adorable!! That would make such a cute and hilarious little crackfic.
fishonthetree feel free to write it xD
fishonthetree it can work in a general setting too, with Cloud and Zack being very pleased by bottoming, and Angeal and Gen sometimes switchingbut Seph has a virgin ass bc he's afraid of losing the control or whateverand the young ones want him to try it once
kinda like how can you say you don't like it if you never even had a finger in you
so they nag
asreoninfusion Haha, that would work too! And probably make more sense, lol. I was imagining it, like... it's Hojo's fault. Seph would actually rather like to trying taking the D, but it's been drilled into his head that he is The Great Sephiroth and should never "submit" to any man in such a way blah blah blah. He says he doesn't think he should because Hojo will get super pissy, and pissy Hojo can be scary as fuck.
fishonthetree or simply hs some twisted ideas in his head, you know, the vague shit
asreoninfusion Zack gets really annoyed at that, because wtf Hojo. Firstly, none of his damn business, secondly, uh no??? Taking D don't make you less of a man.
fishonthetree so boyfriends protest, he yields
asreoninfusion True, but I just want the excuse to have Zack and Cloud protesting at /Hojo/ with their 'let Sephiroth take the D' signs. xD
In a crack fic world where that wouldn't have any serious consequences. >>
fishonthetree omg no xD Hojo will need the brain bleach too
my mind went to more smutty and fluff places, less crack :D
imagine Sephiroth finally admitting he's afraid to try new things
asreoninfusion Good, he deserves to suffer for once lol. xD But haha, yes, fluff and smut is v. good option too.
fishonthetree and Angeal teaches him uwu
so he gets manhandled gently but very determined
Angeal is like a mountain, you can't make him yield or distract him
so he makes a trembling, wiggling mess of Sephiroth
fishonthetree just imagine, Angeal sitting on the bed, Sephiroth halfway on his stomach across Angeal's legs, two fingers in that perfect ass, the other arm circling Sephiroth, and holding him in place
while he wiggles about like a noodle
fishonthetree and he gets to orgasm twice, first with fingers and hand jacking him off
second they start again while catching their breath, sephiroth is lying on the bed and Angeal fingers him and sucks him off (hell on arm muscles but his arms are stronger than mine anyway)
asreoninfusion Mmm... that first part makes me kind of think of that drawing of Angeal spanking Sephiroth, except he's just holding him and slowly finger-fucking his ass instead. uwu
fishonthetree yes indeed
slowly and steadily
and the second one, it's nearly a typical yaoi uke pose :D
he can grab the sheets and toss his head and curl up
asreoninfusion And mmm, yes, let Sephiroth have all the orgasms until he's totally drained and relaxed and ready to take Angeal. And the moment he finally /does/ get Angeal's cock inside him... haha, I bet that would be his reaction. Grabbing the sheets and tossing his head. Because god/damn/, Angeal is so big and fills him up so good and fuck, that feels nice.
fishonthetree I didn't think that far :D
but yesif he can take more then yesafter two orgasm from fingering I think he would be too dizzy to go for penetration
but I have only one source of my knowledge so :D
asreoninfusion Let Sephiroth take the D!! Lol. xD Maybe SOLDIERs just have a quick refractory period. Or they can have a long break and maybe a nap or shower in between or something too.
fishonthetree or next time
I think he's shocked enough for one:D
then imagine them not talking about it for weeks
fishonthetree Seph said thanks, then never mentions it
asreoninfusion (According to doujinshi, Cloud can come as many times as he wants, apparently. >> That thing I was translating had Cloud orgasm like twice within five minutes, and again shortly after that. Like, wow dude.)
fishonthetree and they don't want to pry (more than until that)
and one day Seph comes home, somewhat intoxicated, maybe a status effect"s remains, or too tired to think
and climbs on Angeal's dick and ride him like a horse
while all the others are half awake and going drooling + shocked
asreoninfusion Aaww, haha, poor Sephiroth, he'd probably be so awkward about bringing it up again. But I bet really he'd have really enjoyed himself and secretly want more. And then-- yep. Exactly what you said. xD Ride the fuck out of that dick, yas.
fishonthetree just imagine, peacefully sleeping Angeal getting climbed :D
no protest there
I"d jump to attention real quick if sephiroth would climb over me in a daze
asreoninfusion xD It makes me think of that edit that was done of Sephiroth in Dissidia arcade, where instead of the X controller button doing a special move, X was to mount him. Works just as well when Sephiroth is the one doing the mounting too. uwu 
Especially Angeal... mm, imagine his expression, an utterly delicious mix of surprise and utter pleasure.
fishonthetree yesssssand sephiroth is kinda out of it, maybe half dead on his feet and thus without inhibitions, rocking his hips like a pro and moaning and wringing Angeal dry then collapsing and falling asleep immediatle 
while the others are "ok that was hot but wtf" 
asreoninfusion Mmmm, /nice/. Lol, I bet they're gonna have some needs of their own to take care of after witnessing that. xD
fishonthetree nobody slept much that night exept sephiroht who slept like a baby
fishonthetree and is totally embarassed next day while the others tease him a bit
blushing hard
asreoninfusion Hahaha, precious. xD I bet they still had one hell of a good night though. All of them, even if Sephiroth is embarrassed about admitting it. xp
fishonthetree he still struggles with asking for the D after that tho so he gets a rhythm when the need gets overwhelming and frustrating, and somehow provokes it
asreoninfusion Aww, it's okay Seph. "Let Seph take the D!!!" remember. We're all behind you getting what you want. :D
fishonthetree the others learn to see the signs how he's wound up and sparring with him has more tension
also all the bfs take turns with him
Angeal remains his fave D but all of them are good
fishonthetree Genesis is either passion or romance, depending on the mood
Zack is fun but topping him is more fun
Cloud is a total surprise bc he secretly can top the living soul out of him
more forcefull and less slow and steady than Angeal
can't make it that long but very intense, Cloud really can fuck him into the bed
asreoninfusion Mmmm, fuck yeah. Cloud intensely topping the hell out of Sephiroth. That sounds so delicious~
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