#god im such a pissboy :(
unluckyprime · 1 year
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nicks like . fine. he’s fucking it up in hell as a torso rn <3
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miasmaghoul · 10 months
*hands you a comically small microphone 🎤*
miasma, which one of the ghoulettes do you think has a piss kink?
*stands here patiently waiting*
I think they will all play in that space from time to time, but that could just be my overactive pissboy brain.
All flavors of piss girl thots below the cut!
(Please note I am wicked high and this is probably A Lot lmao)
Cirrus does it only on rare occasions, if someone needs to be treated with special cruelty. To be debased and degraded. It doesn't happen often, but every now and again Aether will come to her with a certain look in his eye. Will kneel at her feet with his head bowed and ask for it with soft, distant words. She indulges him every time; the sound Aether makes when she soaks him from the neck down is simply exquisite.
Cumulus is into holding. Likes to chug a huge bottle of water and then work on a craft project, or open a long book. She sets goals for herself once pressure starts to build low in her belly - 20 more stitches, one more row, ten more pages, and then she'll reassess. See if she can keep holding it. She can, of course, but she squirms. More and more as the minutes tick by. She's full after three hours, wriggling by four and absolutely aching by the time the fifth hour passes. So much pressure she can hardly stand it - she really, really has to go...but, well, she hasn't met her goal yet! And Cumulus is anything but a quitter. She clenches her thighs, breathes deep, and tries not to think about how far away her bathroom is.
Sunshine is the biggest pissboy amongst the girls, i think. She likes when Mountain will let her whip it out in the greenhouse so she can water the plants. Sometimes she even waters him, while Mountain tugs at himself and thanks her profusely. But she also adores having someone soak her - loves when someone lets go while they bounce on her cock, loves to be made a mess every now and again. She's also super into wetting, happy to drench her uniform while she sits in Copia's lap and sucks his gloved fingers until he cums in his pants about it.
Mist, when she indulges, likes desperation. She wants her victim partner in beautiful agony, wants them so full they can't help but shiver and leak. She absolutely used her magick to her advantage, drawing fluid into already straining bladders until they're fit to burst. Likes them to beg and plead and tremble like frightened kittens until they simply can't hold back any longer. If her partner has a cock, she takes special joy in forcing them hard and telling them to hold it. Keep it in so she can make them feel good even in their misery. So far, no one has been able to cum before they make a mess.
Aurora thinks of it less like a kink and more like a game. She like to see how full she can get, likes to see the way her bladder bulges out between her hips. Sometimes Cumulus will join her, but Aurora doesn't take things as far as Lus like to. She prefers to hold it as long as she can, and then sneak outside to find a place to let go. Somewhere she can hear people milling around, with extra points gained if she can see them too. Her favorite spot is a portion of the roof overlooking the rose gardens - she'll sit on the wide stone rail edging it and spread herself open, groaning as it arcs out of her and rains down onto the grass below. One time the stream managed to catch the sun just right, and Aurora joyfully told everyone at dinner that night that she could piss rainbows.
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xamaxenta · 2 months
See the problem with otome prince sabo is that hed not allow the bullshit Marco and ace allowed him in the flip side. Marco is HIS and he doesn’t care if Marco is reeling over this change in reality and needs space. This man has ensnared him and now Marco is not allowed a breath of air where sabo is not present and jobs are a trivial little thing that Marco should really disregard, he’s got better priorities now. Except they both still need to eat and sabo isn’t a prince here so Marco kinda needs to keep working but it’s really hard to talk sabo into not going full yandre on the comparatively squishy modern surgeon man who is not in fact proficient with a sword like he is.
Oh, did I say problem? I meant more a problem for Marco and Marco only
Precisely, sabo came with the sword by the way and its very real and sharp and deadly and no hes not over compensating and god he brought over the attitude too
Thing is is Sabo wields his pretty privilege to the absolute max, his charisma borderlines prodigious and tbh it goes with the psychopathical tendencies anyway
He can get away with a lot when Marco convinces him to leave the sword at home
Oh he gets so cagey about the surgeon thing, luckily for Marco “undertaker” was a job option in character creation so it… the whole working on peoples bodies thing is still kinda the same so Sabo can understand it sort of.
But ooh he gets freaky about Marco touching other bodies that arent his own!!!
Marco sighing and pulling up an education video of xyz standard surgery and has him watch it like trust me. Its not what you think (he still loves him tho so so so much hes gonna throw up god Sabos everything hes ever wanted he can FIX HIM!!!)
Sabo watches the whole thing with narrowed eyes and then comments why cant you do this to me Marco balks like w-what? Why theres nothing wrong with you
Sabo grasps his hand adoringly like oh yes, im completely lovestricken by you Marco cant you see im rather unwell?
On the flipside when Ace inevitably shows up its because hes set a neighbourhood on fire and then proceeded to do donuts with the firetruck that showed up
Then he managed to escape the cops (plot armour clearly followed him to this world) and he climbs in thru Marcos window
Where marco gets home to find Sabo sitting on Ace holding him at swordpoint its very. Erotic h-how long did you say you two were here like this for?
Sabo: that doesnt matter, this intrUDER—!
Tips Aces head back with the tip of the blade and Ace grins like yeah do it pussy, ive heen under this pissboy for like four hours
Marco head in hands dot png
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ID: screenshots from a minecraft book. the book has eight pages. the first four pages are written by fall.
the first page is just "PENICE LOGBOOK" written in big letters.
the second page reads as follows:
"day one. clem has already drowned.
day two. thunderstorm and rain. clem had to swim all the way from spawn because simon broke the spawn bed lmao.
day three. got skelton horses :) simon and clem found a mooshroom island. my horse is named femur."
the third page reads as follows:
"day four. found bees!!!
uh time is fake and also i forgot to keep track so i'm just gonna write some highlights
bees are thriving (smiley emoticon) fermur won't stop jumping and i'm about to fight him."
the fourth page reads as follows:
"got enchanted poles
im gay"
the fifth page, by simon, reads as follows:
the sixth page, by fall, reads as follows:
"oh yeah? pee. how do you feel about that? huh? pissboy? become the earth i walk on."
the seventh page, by simon, reads as follows:
the eighth page, by fall, reads as follows:
"oh yeah? huh? well i just fucked your wife. not only that, but i married her so hard. we're going on honeymoon to france and you're not invited. our children will grow up and not know your name. god favors us and pisses on you. get fucked you sad sack of snot."
End ID.
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ihatedean · 3 months
oh my god im venting so hard and this one anon just sent me two asks about pissboy sam
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jamiesresources · 2 years
shit my friends say on discord ––– rp meme ––– part 2.  ( some nsfw –– most shits and giggles ) 
its not my fault i wanna suck on his nips okay
im thinking about that guy who said the lord was coming and that the american dollar is a distraction 
its food if you suck hard enough 
spicy coochie 
my asshole puckered 
no i will save england 
guillotine can take away the head im about to give him 
suck on my big fat man titties bitches 
im gonna lick his stupid nose 
he can call me a bitch and id spread my legs open 
plus hes got the weird blood fetish thing going on and im on my period so win win 
i read pussy 
i lied its gay in my house 
hes up there im just fucking stupid 
sorry ladies and gentlemen but the snake stays during sex 
go swimmin in that pussy 
not in the pussy 
still crying about vagina diagrams 
instead of ‘there is a snake in my boot’ it is ‘there is a snake in my pussy’ 
it took me editing fourteen nipplies 
it makes sense because they balance each others eyebrows out 
i could snap him like a twig 
i am naked and wet gimme a second 
sometimes fingers just need to look like penises 
ceiling vagina 
its okay you can call me pissboi 
if boobie good why men sexy? 
thosewho shit together stay together 
im the main character im the one who eats mango
and the person reviewing your application is shitting mangos 
i cant you made me become illustrate 
living rent free in peoples heads for sending nsfw spongebob i guess 
what do actors do with the underwear they wear on stage? 
dont strangle yourself ahaha your pussy’s so big 
i keep autocorrecting personal messages to porn 
it’s such an anthony –– anthony?? who’s anthony???? 
i was gonna be beeltejuice for christmas 
the hoes gonna loooooove this 
i love how im just eating a block of cheese right now 
wasnt freud like ... a musician? 
did you know that theres a different between coke and cocaine? 
you know what man? fuck you! what’s with all the cats? why do you have a bunch of pussy? you got big pussy disorder? 
can you please stop trying to touch my nipples 
ill have a full break down if he eats my clothes, bro
me to my therapist: i think my friends are getting tired of me being sad 
its like a lima bean thing that starts with an e
i thought you were gonna say ‘do you wanna see me fuck a mountain?’
why is justin bieber’s chin so long? 
so they build the baby right? 
please dont jump us into something disgusting 
why is there ... seven oranges under the crib? 
opening my legs is a lot easier than opening up about my life story 
why do i have to chew with my hands 
she wants a pet chicken ... i cant believe this 
please for the love of god u cannot wear that dress to skateboard and i cannot stand and have a conversations here with you right now i need to take a massive shit 
dont you dare make that face at linkin park 
this is one of my favorite songs. if you shit on it, im shitting on your bed 
french is like .... a deep throated language 
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suite43 · 3 years
EXACTLY THO…. prowl’s character arc is, on a surface level, really similar to megatron’s, but prowl like…. actually acknowledges his own guilt and culpability in his actions and the things his actions caused, and deals with that guilt in a really convincing way imo, and i think thats a huge reason why so many tf fandom tumblrinas hate him. mtmte megs gets forgiveness handed to him on a silver platter, never has to deal with any Real consequences for the Mass Fucking Genocide he committed except for feeling really sad about it, and just shrugs it all off like it never happened. so when the fandom interacts with his character, they dont really have to think about any of the shit he did in idw1. they can just ignore those (unappealing but ESSENTIAL) parts of his character and play around with the self pitying pissboy without ever having to confront those parts. but prowl’s constant cycling between an “ends justify the means” mentality and bouts of debilitating guilt are so integral to and play such a huge role in his character arc, it’s much much harder to ignore. and prowl’s character arc feels so much more real because of that; he deals with those bouts of guilt in realistic ways; cutting all ties, even if it means seriously hurting (emotionally and/or physically) those he was tied too (which is also so interesting because he’s STILL indulging in his ends-justify-the-means mentality even when he’s desperately trying to get away from it because he’s trapped himself in such a vicious cycle but this is already so long without turning it into a tangent about prowl’s character). and just… seeing prowl in sotw facing the reality that his actions created never fails to gutpunch me in a way mtmte megs’ arc never managed to get even a little bit close to. anyways sorry this turned into a huge middle of the night rant despite my best efforts and im still very sleepy so it probably only makes a little bit of sense but mtmte megs stans continue to be one of the biggest banes of my existence they truly are exhausting
NONO YEAH YEAH LITERALLY EXACTLY. prowls relationships w others as the driving force of his arc makes me so... god idk i just woke up im not coherent but yeah. Him.
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the-sociest-soc · 4 years
ELIAS FUCKING BOUCHARD I HATE HIM SO FUCKING MUCH he has a stupid fucking collection of bodies how fucking lame do you have to be to reincarnate yourself fucking idiot shouldve died centuries ago fucking pipe murdering ass bastard not that im not grateful jugen the bitch is dead but elias is such a rat and i wish gerad keay had gotten the chance to smite him while he was alive I FUCKING HATE ELIAS conceited little spying ass clown bastard beholding ass rat elias bouchard if i met elias bouchard i would spit in his face and shit on his shoes and if i had the chance i would hit him with a lead pipe just to spite him jonah magnus deception apologising little fucking bitch i dont give a fuck how important he thinks he is he is nothing but a 5 times divorced pissboy with nothing but the power of a fear god that makes him interesting and YES OKAY HIS VOICE IS GOOD I GET IT i am a lesbian i am immune but MY GOD I HATE HIM every little thing this fucker does fuels an innate hatred deep in my soul i cannot stand this clown he is worse than anything when time said the great grimauldi was in town he meant elias because elias is not a clown he is an entire circus imagine ending the world to prove a point? i cannot stand how fucking petty this rat fucking bastard is i hope he reads my mind and sees how much i hate him FUCKING BATSRAD RAT BITCH FIGHT ME ELIAS i will go down to the magnus institute and burn it down out of spite since thats how he wants to be because elias bouchard is a crusty old man and i hate him
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bxngthedoldrums · 4 years
Panic at the disco - American valley That video is so dusty and crusty and for what
this was sent to me when i was asking everyone's fav old decaydance vids awhile back so i cld re-watch them and live post!! my laptop has been in a fragile state for a bit but it's ok now so,,,,
below the cut is just stream of consciousness posts while i watch american valley for the first time in 5(??) years!
- - -
- this vid says its in HD but where is it,
- spencer...
- 40 secs in I'm happy for the pas de cheval appreciation
- who is talking
- this was such a weird inaccessible time for panic... like t
- ryan has such a specific tone when he speaks it's very... airy? and monotone
- make pissboy pump gas
- oighh... spencer and ryan...
- not the cheese whiz... I hate bitcjes
- why am I getting like half a frame a second lmao
- i forgot how dramatic this was r u kidding me!! why are they wandering around in the desert
- are there no seatbelts why do yall have ryan ross loose in this backseat he is made of nothing but bone
- i like this bc pissboy hasn't said much 💙
- who gave them money for an old vw van. did pete do that
- not sittin on the railroad track playing pas de cheval... pack it up u freaks
- ive never been in a desert before but it seems surreal
- oh she moved
- pete come get ur mens they're broken down
- will ryan and jon help them fix the van. no :)
- BROTHERS THERE IS NO LINE.... didgeridoo....
- oh haha wow fatphobia... really funny guys I like that
- anyway
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vigilent-yaksha · 7 years
tagged by: @aggy-the-which <3 
Last drink: som agua 
Last phone call: gamestop bc they wanted an interview 
Last text message: me gf abt job stuffs and THE FUTURE
Last song you listened to: fuckin uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh why do i cry by remote girl??? its so fucin good 
Last time i cried: i dont remember, probably over smthn dumb tho 
Dated someone twice: nooooooooooo...?
Kissed someone and regretted it: naw son, all keeses good keeses
Been cheated on: gosh i hope not 
Lost someone special: no
Been depressed: hell yea biihhh B) 
Gotten drunk and thrown up: nop! j
Fave colours: lilac, ruddy pink, basically bright neon rainbows,black, and cyan blue! 
In the last year have i…
Made new friends: a bunch!
Fallen out of love:no :0 
Laughed until you cried: lmao all the time
Found out someone was talking about you: no p 
Meet someone who changed you: mmmmmmmmmmmmmmMMMM 
not rlly? im just a nasty boy aint nithin changin me
Found out who your friends are: lmao, none of my friends have been snakes, YET
How many facebook friends do you know irl: most except like.... 2
Do you have any pets: my dog napoleon! hes a fuck! 
Do you want to change your name: yea boiiii, idk if i wanna change my last names tho.
What did you do for your last birthday: nothing! 
What time did you wake up today: like 11:30 and i was almost late to my interview ;w;
What were you doing at midnight last night: drawing and watchin some movies
What is something you can’t wait for: hanging w my gf, uuuhh thE SUMMER.
What are you listening to right now: som good ol’ gamley grump
Have you ever spoken to a person named tom: ....n...no?? idk man everyone i know is latino/ not white, i maybe met a tom once.
Something that’s getting on your nerves: i dont wanna say it, its too mean ;w;
Most visited website: uh, dA and youtube really? im mostly on mobile tumblr sooooo
Hair colour: black! 
might dye it but, im looking for a job so //SHRUGS
Long or short hair: short and choppy! i cut my own hair so i keep it shaggy 
Do you have a crush on someone: im very gay for rami malek and mads mikkelson, also my girlfriend i guess shes cool too ;) 
What do you like about yourself: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh my HAIR 
god i love my hair i think its the most unique part of me, and my eyes, theyre small and cute, also my moles.
Want any piercings: hmm i wanna get a nose one but ima baby so ill probably wear fake ones,
Blood type: idk man 
Nicknames: bec, guts, pissboy, teddy bear, and more probably
Relationship status: me and my gf thottin around
Zodiac: gemini
Pronouns: he/him
Fave tv shows: madok magic, drago maido, uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhh
mobbu psycho.............uh.....
Tattoos: none, but i wanna get a witches kiss frm madok on my bod somewhere 
Right or left handed. right
Ever had surgery: yeeee
twice i think 
Piercings: ears and my lip used 2 be pierced but i just let it close 
Sport: naw but i like to dabble
Vacation: hmm.... anywhere as long as i can road trip there, deffs japan, 
More general.
Eating: MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM cant ever stop me from gobbling everything up, my fav foods are dumplings/potstickers, fried rice,tortilla soup, and.. alot ok i love alot  
Drinking: i hate soda except apple sodas and sangria, ( w the occasional grape), uhh.... i guess i sorta drink the alcohols, nut much, just socially if im w the boys 
I’m about to watch: nothin, still watchin gamley gramps
Waiting for: me to stop being lazy 2 get some food 
Want:  M O N E Y 
Get married: Maybe! idk it depends in how it works out! i certaily hope so !
Career: idk man fuckin,,,, 
Which is better
Hugs or kisses:huggus
Lips or eyes: lippies
Shorter or taller: im tall, i like being tall, but my gf is a teeny tiny baby, so both 
Older or younger: older!
Arms or stomach: tum!
Hook up or relationship: ....uh.. neither?? 
Troublemaker or hesitant: TROUBLE
Have you ever
Kissed a stranger: Ye, twice
Drank hard liquor: is drinking straight fireball like.. hard liquor?
Lost glasses: no but i break em all the time, 
Turned someone down: not... explicitly, they just told me they liked me, said some sexual things, and then never responded when i said i was uncomfortable, then i got together w my gf a day later! 
Sex on the first date: naw homie, i am a civilized boy 
Broken someone’s heart: //SHRUGS, all of my exes excpet one have broken up with me, exept one, but they had someone new a few days later so, i doubt they missed me 
Had your heart broken: meh
Been arrested: probably
Cried when someone died: well yea.
Fallen for a friend: yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Do you believe in
Yourself: HELL YEA
Miracles:i belive in good karma, so i suppose.
Love at first sight: MMMMM. it depends, bc you can start having feelings for someone as you see them, but those feelings should be explored before realizing you really want to be with them, is your humor compatible? is your way of speaking and acting compatible?
Santa claus: bih im latino we partied all night santa was never a thing for us 
Angels: the angle in my heart is my darling gremlin 
Best friends name: i have alot ok, so many friends i love
Eye colour: dark dark DARK brown.
Favourite movie: uh, this is hard, i guess i alwasy go back to watch the rebellion movie, uuuhh.... fuckin,,,, //SHRUGS
Fave actor: rAM I M A L E K              
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bigstupiduglyogre · 7 years
im gods pissboy
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skenpiel · 4 years
oh god i forgot to check and now 42 more people have taken my sans quiz 
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