#god look at her arms....... she's right btw. and those earrings. and the HAIR. god when av said 'rebecca's like i dont argue w my girl
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diversity win! woman who wants to kill you so fucking bad has a mesh titty window (for the lesbians)
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fecto-forgo · 1 year
I would like you to info dump about the kirby gijinkas 👀
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kirby:just kid stuff like rain boots, hair accessories n overalls, they also have two designs-one for older games n one for newer games!! n a scrapped off old one cuz it looked too fancy </3 also the bag is angel themed bc i thought thatd just look cute ngl
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bandana dee:as i said on another post i got inspired by smash dedede having a shirt that rly looks like the beginning of a yukata or a kimono!! also he doesnt have a mouth, design on the right was an early concept lol (by "isn't allowed" on the sheet i mean im not sure if having it over the haori could straight be an insulting mistake or if its just something most people would not think of doing bc why would you) i bullshitted an eye design but my best friend rly liked them so i never changed them lol
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marx: i literally finished his final design yesterday.even tho nothing changed i just gave him elf ears bc he looks silly w them lol.anyways its just a jester design tbh? since his hat has two differing patterns i thought itd be neat to add both the sun and the moon from his little villain plan to his outfit (i miss his fluffy hat balls a little though </3) also he has no arms tho his wings can work as them sometimes.bc im a firm believer in always having characters who lack limbs in their original design either not have them or have a fun replacement
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elfilin:theyre themed around a more cutesy aesthetic for angels n space! contrasting forgo and elfilis more dark theme of those, also w an inspiration of retro futurism! and yes their outfit is completely stupid and overly complicated thats part of the charm <3 theyre like a scene kid to me.also a little star bc all of kirbys friends get one.fun fact they had 4 beta designs bc nothing looked good
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fecto forgo:(sorry for bad pic i need to redo its entire reference sheet) just an hospital gown w medical tomes that werent removed from them (my best friend gave me that idea n what to add lol), i think theyre best described as a blob of weird elfilis slime that can take a humanesque form rather than a human form that can blob, theyre constantly melting n all its veins are visible, theyre v cold to touch n in the tube their body flows in a way that gives them cherub imagery similar to what was intended w canon forgo, also its legs are useless, theyre very weak and unstable and not naturally formed (also since i picture the elfilis split as some uh.physical form?? of disassociative trauma random trivia when they front post game elfilins eyes get replaced w theirs, just for the aesthetic)(credits to my bestie for coming up w that interpretation lol)
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shadow kirby:they get two designs like kirby, both inspired off theirs but just like.emo lol.dont ask why their hair started doing that its whatever reason they became purple in canon.they have overalls beneath that coat btw
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and miscellaneous designs i havent given a final sheet to yet!! taranza and dark taranza r based off more fantasy victorian (? medieval???) clothing, susie is holographic bc i didnt want to give her gray shading n her limbs r all floaty (i imagine shes always making some weird electric noise due to that), gooey is just like cute tbh? their cape is based off their mock matter form, chuchus hair is based off the shape the octopus species she apparently is has, i dont have any notable commentary for drawcia or claycia (was that her name) other than drawcia is like a paint blob.also claycias supposed to be way chubbier but i underestimated how huge her coat would look.gotta fix that
thats all the ones i have!! GOD it feels good to finally share them lol
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leossmoonn · 4 years
Play Ground Days
pairing - carl gallagher x fem!reader
type - fluff
note / request - “ughh FINALLY someone that writes good imagines abt carl from shameless! could you write one where you two grew up together and you've always been close n stuff and then at some point he realizes he loves the reader and he talks to ian and lip (maybe mickey too bc i love him) about it? (fem!reader btw if that's cool) thanks babe xx” thanks for inspo on the beginning @poesflygirl​ <3 ,,, carl and you are 16 also pls dont come for me ive only played COD 2 times last year so lmao i dont remember a lot about it, enjoy!
summary - carl has liked you since you two were young, and seeks advice from his brothers and mickey
warnings - strong language, drugs and alcohol, little talk about bad body imagine 
*gif isnt mine*
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“I fucking knew it!” Lip exclaimed.
“Why are you telling us? We’ve known this.” Ian commented, smirking at his little brother.  
“How the hell—” Carl started. 
“You’re not exactly great at hiding your crush on her,” Mickey chuckled. 
Carl’s eyes were the size of saucers. “You knew?”
“Of course I did. I’m not fucking Helen Keller,” Mickey rolled his eyes. 
Carl groaned and ran his hands roughly through his hair. “I can’t believe this. Well, secret’s out, I guess. What do I do?”
“Just go tell her you like her. It’s not like she’s going to turn you down.” Lip shrugged, putting his cigarette to his lips. 
“Lip!” Ian hit his brother’s shoulder. 
“What?” Lip asked. 
“You weren’t supposed to say that, dumbass,” Mickey said.
 “What does that mean?” Carl asked, looking in-between his brother’s and Mickey. 
Lip sighed. “Ah, shit, right. I’ve already said too much.”
4 hours earlier: 2:00 PM
“Hey, shit head!” She called out, throwing rocks against the window. 
Carl got up from his bed, shocked but happy to see her. He opened his window, leaning against the frame. 
“What’re you doing here?” He asked.
She threw the rocks to the ground. “Escaping from my druggie dad, duh. What’re you doing?”
“Nothing,” Carl shrugged. 
She did her signature smirk that always made Carl’s heart flutter. “Wanna go and stuff our faces at Patsy’s Pies?”
Carl’s eyes lit up at the mention of fatty, greasy food. “Hell yeah. I’ll come down.”
She nodded, going to the front of their house. Carl ran down the stairs, putting on his shoes and opening the door to find her on the steps. 
“Hey, why didn’t you just come into the house?” Carl asked, shutting the door behind him. 
“Putting damage on your window seemed more fun. Oh, hey! Do you have an extra bed I can sleep in tonight?” She asked. 
Carl nodded. “Yeah, of course. Your dad is that bad, huh?”
“Yep, he relapsed. Super fun,” she laughed sarcastically. 
“I’m sorry. That shit sucks,” Carl said.
She shrugged. “Yeah, well, it’s life. Anyways, ready to go?”
Carl nodded. They got into her car, the girl starting it and driving fast to the dinner. As she was driving, humming to the songs on the radio, Carl stared at her. She was absolutely gorgeous. 
Her name was Y/n L/n. Carl’s oldest and only real friend. They had grown up together, Y/n living only a few houses away from him. They had met in detention in 1st grade and had been close ever since. 
“What’re you staring at?” Y/n asked, glancing over to him. 
Carl blushed. “Nothing.”
“Alright,” Y/n sang.
Carl had often been caught staring at her. It was something he usually did from time to time, but now it was more often. He couldn’t help it. There was something about her. Maybe flawless her skin was, how pretty and bright her smile and eyes were, the way she would make him feel secure and loved, something he had never got from anyone consitently. 
He never really knew why he thought those things about her. People had told him that he probably had a crush on her, but he knew that wasn’t right. He had crushes on girls before and the things he was feeling for Y/n were a lot different than what he had felt for his past girlfriends. He figured it was just that she was his closest friend and he happened to be a horny teenager, so naturally, he just thought those things about her. But oh, how wrong he actually was. 
Y/n parked her car at Patsy’s Pies. They walked into the diner, seeing Fiona at the register. 
“Hey, Fi,” Y/n smiled. 
“Hey, Y/n, Carl! Long time, no see. How are ya?” Fiona asked. 
“Good, good,” Y/n smiled. 
“Good,” Carl said. 
“Great! Well, get yourself seated and someone will be right with you,” she smiled. 
Y/n and walked off to a small booth and sat down. They picked up the menus that were already on the table. 
“You gonna get your usual?” Y/n asked. 
Carl shrugged. “Maybe. Should I change it up?”
“Yes. The double bacon cheeseburger looks good,” Y/n said. 
“Are you getting that?” Carl asked. 
“Maybe. I’ll probably get a salad or something. Gotta watch those calories, you know?” She half-joked, putting a hand on her stomach. 
“I think you look good. You don’t need to worry,” Carl smiled. 
Y/n’s eyes widened. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Carl nodded. 
Y/n looked back at the menu, hiding her embarrassment.
Carl complimenting her was something that was rare, but did happen. Y/n never remembered Carl as a romantic type of guy, but it seems that he had developed  those traits from having a few girlfriends. She liked that, actually. She liked him complimenting her, staring at her for minutes at a time, the way his ears would turn red when she teased him. She liked all of that. 
Y/n would never admit it to anyone, but she had a crush on Carl. She had a crush on him since their freshman year of high school. Well, in reality, she probably has always had one, but the first time she really realised she liked him was in biology when he got in trouble in one of the labs. She remembered when the teacher was yelling at him and he looked at her, smiling at her mischievously and winking at her. That wink had her heart racing and mind go foggy. From then on, she had liked him as more than a friend. Yet, she never said anything because well, as cliche as it was, she was afraid of ruining their friendship. He was really the only one who got her and who never abandoned her. She couldn’t lose him, so she just kept her feelings and gestures to him as friendly as she could.  
“Hi, I’m Carly and I’ll be serving you today. What can I get you today?” The waitress asked. 
“Hi, can I get the philly cheesesteak with a medium coke and fries,” Carl ordered. 
Carly nodded and wrote his order down, turning to Y/n. 
“Um, I’ll get the bacon cheeseburger with a small sprite and fries. Thanks,” Y/n ordered. 
Carly took their menus. “Great. I’ll have your drinks out soon.”
Y/n and Carl smiled at the waitress as she walked away. 
“Hey, so I thought your dad was in rehab,” Carl said. 
Y/n sighed. “He was, but I guess his girlfriend got him drunk, then convinced him to do some lines. God, I can’t believe he's even with her still.”
Carl frowned. “What about your mom? Where’s she?”
“She’s going to nursing school right now. She’s the only one responsible in this family, yet she never calls or anything,” she scoffed.
“You’re really responsible,” Carl said. 
Y/n smiled. “Thanks, C. You are, too.”
Carl laughed, “Me? I sold drugs on the streets once.”
She giggled. “True. But you’ve really shaped. I'm proud.”
Carl smiled sheepishly. “Thanks.”
Y/n hummed a ‘you’re welcome’. Carly came back with their food quickly and they dug in. Carl and Y/n spent their time talking and eating, spending about 2 hours there as they just kept talking. 
“Are you two finished?” Carly asked, gesturing to their empty plates. 
“Yeah,” Carl nodded. 
“Great. Here’s your bill, pay whenever you’re ready,” Carly smiled and took their dirty dishes. 
“Ready to go?” Y/n asked. 
Carl nodded and got out his wallet that he had in his shorts. Meanwhile, Y/n also got out her wallet. They both looked up at each other, awkward expressions on their faces. 
“Oh, I was gonna pay,” Carl said. “No, no, my treat. I invited you here,” Y/n said. 
“You sure?” Carl asked. 
She smiled and put a hand on his arm. “Yes, I am, Carl.”
Butterflies irrupted in Carl’s stomach as she touched him. He nodded slowly, putting his credit card away. Y/n and him walked up to the register and paid for their meal. They then went back to Y/n car. 
“What do you wanna do now?” Y/n asked. 
“Wanna play COD Black Ops 3?” Carl asked. 
“Yes!” Y/n smiled. She drove them back to his house, parking haphazardly on the street. 
The two hurried into the house, grabbing a seat on the couch. Carl got the controllers, turning onto the playstation. Y/n logged onto her account, selecting the gun she wanted to use. Carl then started the game. 
“Where are you?” Y/n squinted her eyes at the screen. 
“Right behind you,” Carl smirked. 
Y/n turned around, gasping as Carl shot her. 
“Fuck you!” Y/n exclaimed. 
“Little rusty, huh?” Carl teased. She rolled her eyes. “I’m gonna kill you next round.”
“I’d like to see you try,” Carl said. 
“Winner gets to pick what’s for dinner,” Y/n said. 
“Deal,” Carl nodded. 
The pair played for a couple hours, the game ending with Y/n getting the last kill. 
“Good game,” she smirked, setting the controller down. 
“I forgot how good you were at this,” Carl frowned. Y/n giggled, “I forgot how bad you were.”
Carl rolled his eyes with a smile. “Alright, where do you want to eat?”
“Hm… Noodles n Company?” She suggested. 
“Sure,” Carl nodded. 
“Alright, I’m gonna use the bathroom and then order. Text me what you want,” Y/n said, getting up from the couch. 
Carl nodded and watched her go upstairs to use the bathroom. Then that’s when Lip, Ian, and Mickey all came into the house. 
“Hey, guys,” Carl said. 
“Hey,” Ian smiled. 
“Is Y/n here? We saw her car out front,” Lip said. “Yeah, she is,” Carl nodded. 
“Asked her out yet?” Lip smirked. Carl’s face turned red. “Wh-What?”
“Oh, you’re not in love with her then?” Ian furrowed his brows. 
“I… am I?” Carl asked. 
Ian chuckled. “Yeah. You always are always happy around her, blush whenever she teases you.”
“And you’re always staring at her,” Lip added.
“That doesn’t mean I like her,” Carl said.
“Do feel dizzy and nauseous when she touches you? Does your heart race when she gets close? Do you see yourself kissing her? Would you do anything for her?” Ian asked. 
Carl furrowed his brows. They were right, all those things did happen when she was near. She was his best friend. He also sometimes think about kissing her and being with her in a romantic way. And yeah, of course he would do anything for her. Maybe… Maybe he did love her. 
“Oh, shit,” he muttered. “I… I guess I am in love with her.”
And that, ladies and gents, is where we left off. Lip, Ian, and Mickey teased Carl until Carl begged them for real help. 
“What do you mean?” Carl asked anxiously. 
Lip looked to Ian and Mickey for help on what to say. Little did Carl know, Y/n actually did admit her crush to someone. And that someone, or someones, were Lip, Ian, and Mickey. 
“Don’t worry about it, man,” Mickey said. 
“Did she say something to you?” Carl asked. “No,” Ian shook his head. “Like Mick said, don’t worry.”
“I… fine. Well, what do I do then?” Carl asked in slight distress.
“Give her some flowers and chocolate. Girls love that shit,” Lip suggested. 
“Alright,” Carl nodded. “I don’t know what her favourite flowers are, though.”
“Just get her roses. That’s really romantic,” Lip said. 
Carl smiled, “Alright. Awesome. Thanks, guys.”
He decided to get the flowers early morning tomorrow before Y/n woke up. 
Carl sneaked back into the house, hoping not to wake Y/n up. As he walked into the kitchen, he was shocked to see her at the table drinking coffee. 
“Hey, Carl!” Y/n smiled. 
Carl’s eyes were blown wide. “I.. uh…”
“Who are those for?” Y/n got up and pointed to the flowers and chocolate in his hand. 
“Um… you?” Carl said. Y/n smiled. “Me? What did I do to deserve this?”
Carl knew that he couldn’t make up an excuse. He was horrible at lying to her. So, he decided to just have his confession here. 
“I.. I’m in love with you,” Carl said. Y/n’s jaw dropped and she froze. “Wha-What?”
“My brothers and Mickey helped me realise I was yesterday when you were ordering dinner. They told me I should get you flowers and stuff so I did. I hope you like roses,” Carl explained and held up the gifts. 
Y/n’s lips upturned in a wide smile. “How long have you liked me?”
“Honestly, probably since we were little,” Carl shrugged sheepishly. 
Y/n giggled. “Me, too.”
“Really?” Carl smiled. 
Y/n waked up to him and took the gifts, setting them on the kitchen counter. She went up to him and put her arms around his neck. 
“Yep. I always have,” she grinned. 
“Oh, sick!” Carl exclaimed. “Oh wait.”
“What?” Y/n asked in confusion. 
“That’s what they meant!” Carl exclaimed in realisation.
“Who? What?” “Oh, Lip, Mickey, and Ian kind of told me yesterday when I asked for help,” Carl explained. 
Y/n’s eyes widened and she turned to the stairs, glaring. “Mickey, Lip, Ian! You better fucking run!”  
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milazka · 4 years
not the greatest feeling ever | 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝.
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the less i know the better masterlist
main masterlist
summary: fuck it, i’m not doing a summary, i’m so bad at it. oh! there’s smut btw.
warnings: smut, cursing, mentions of blood, underrage drinking
last thought: i’m proud of this one, took me a lot of time to write, but i think it was worth it! enjoy your reading! love, milz.
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The gentle breeze twirls her golden locks in all directions. She hums the lyrics of You never can tell, having watched Pulp Fiction for the hundredth time last night. Her irises are fixed to the slightly damp roadside covered with fresh fallen leaves from this morning rainstorm. The last rays of sunlight caress her baby-like skin as they disappear into the horizon, painting the sky in a mixture of orange and rose. 
“C’mon grandpa, you’re slow as hell!” she teases Marcus, turning her head back to stick her tongue out at him. Standing on his skateboard, he sends her the finger, scraping the pavement with his over-used black vans to gain speed and eventually catch up with her. 
“That’s how the turtle won the race, dumbass,” he gently nudges her shoulder with his hand as he rides his board besides her. She gives a sharp turn of the handlebars to move her tires out of the sand and back on the pavement, giving him a death glare. 
“I almost fell in the ditch, shithead!” he simply laughs, his head falling backward. His dark colored hairs, normally slicked back, are ruffled by the warm September wind, giving him a laid back look that fits him perfectly. She adores hearing his laugh; it's one of the purest and most delightful sounds. It was only recently that she heard him laugh again, having not heard it for months after the day they lost the third musketeer of their trio. It was one of the hardest moments of their lives, but sharing this kind of experience brought them closer than ever. Charlie was there for him when he hit rock bottom, stroking his back while he cried on the shower floor, freezing water running down their damped bodies. She was also by his side the first time he went to therapy, soothingly squeezing his hand before he entered the office.
“If someone had to fall in a ditch, it would be me.”
“You know that Max and I made bet on how long it would take you to fall in a ditch?” she replies, checking his reaction at the corner of her cerulean eyes. He grins. 
“How much did you bet?” he curiously asks, one eyebrow arched. 
“Fifty bucks,” his eyes almost snap out of their sockets. He stops, stepping off his board.
“Fifty bucks?! That’s insulting, thought I was worth more than that,” he shouts as she makes a u-turn, retracing her steps, stopping in front of him.
“I’ll give you half of it if you wait ‘till June,” Charlie sarcastically says to him, elbows leaning on the handlebars of her bicycle. He caught a glimpse of light in her gaze; a twinkle of amusement he always finds in the corners of her softly crinkled eyes when she smiles truthfully.
“Deal,” he winks at her, drawing a small laugh from her slightly parted lips. He picks up Charlie's polaroid from the basket at the front of her bike, signaling for her to ride so he can immortalize the moment for her. Marcus knows she keeps those famous polaroids in an old converse box as a source of happiness; they're memories of moments she doesn't want to forget. 
He takes the little camera to his eyes, snapping a picture when Charlie turns her head to the side to look at him, smiling like there is no tomorrow. As the picture is slowly developing, he hears a squeal of tires and a squeal of surprise from the distance. 
“Fuck Charlie!” he shouts, running towards her as she sits, holding firmly her right forearm. His heart tightens at the sight of her painful face, her traits are torn by pain and he can see tears gathering at the corner of her squinted blue eyes. Marcus hates to see her in pain; he knows she's not the type to complain about anything so when he sees her azure eyes filling with water, he knows it's serious. 
“You got a few scratches,” he whispers, running his eyes over her legs and arms. “We’ll go to your house and clean you up, okay?” she nods, rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand. Marcus tucks his skateboard under his arm, grabbing the handlebars and seat of Charlie's bike simultaneously.
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“Hold still,” his hazel eyes are focused on the mid-depth cut on her forearm. His bushy eyebrows furrowed, giving him a severe, almost cold sober look. She takes a big gulp of the rich whiskey she borrowed from her father's secret stash. 
“Oh fucking hell!” she swears between her clenched teeth when the rubbing alcohol makes contact with the exposed flesh of her forearm. “That’s not the greatest feeling ever,” she whimpers, her forehead resting on his shoulder covered by his green olive shirt. 
“I know, angel, I know,” he runs his hand through her blonde hair, gently stroking her scalp in a soothing way. She keeps her head resting against his shoulder, holding back the tears that threaten to run down her flushed cheeks.
“I’m usually the one taking care of you,” he knows it refers as much to all the times he fell off his skateboard as it does to when he hit rock bottom when their friend passed away. Charlie isn't used to being taken care of; she has always been able to look after herself without anyone's help.
Crying is for the weak.
She swallows her tears, putting her mask back on with a slight smile.
“Your new neighbor saw me fall,” she changes the subject, pausing to take another gulp directly from the whisky bottle. “Great way to make a first impression,” a light laugh escapes from her lips, but she halts when she notices his gaze turning away almost discreetly. “What’s wrong?” 
Over the years, she has learned to read him like the palm of her hand; she knows he looks away to the left when he is hiding something from her and that he scrapes the back of his neck when he is embarrassed.
“I-I had sex with her,” he blurts out, avoiding her gaze while he still applies pressure on the bandage covering the wound on her forearm. 
“Holy shit,” her eyes widened, not expecting this kind of disclosure. “Wait, what about Padma?” 
“You know she is not my girlfriend, Charlz,” he sighs, finally sustaining her non-judgmental azure irises. It' s one of the things he likes about her; she never judges him and even if she did, he wouldn't know since she hides it so well. 
“Was it good?” she does not insist about Padma, knowing perfectly well that she is the first one to know. He doesn't answer, looking thoughtful as if a million thoughts are running through his head. He steals the bottle of alcohol from her, gulping down a few ounces of the throat-burning liquid.
“What aren’t you telling me, Marcus?” 
He shuts his eyes, exhaling loudly.
“I don’t know if I was good… God, I don’t even know if she came!” her heart tightens; he looks distraught and she knows that this is a big deal to him, after all, he just lost his virginity. He breathes heavily, his jaw as tightly clenched as his fists.
“Show me.” 
“What?!” he opens one eye, eyebrows furrowed as if he was questioning if she was being serious.
“Show me what you did, I’ll tell you if it’s good,” 
“You’re drunk, Charlz…I don-” he stops as soon as her silver rings coated hands grip the hem of his olive shirt, grazing the soft skin of his lower abdomen with her fingertips. Sitting on her knees, she brings her head up to his neck, pressing her lips against the skin. The feeling of her wet lips on his burning skin sends a shiver running through his spine. 
“I’m sober enough to remember everything and give you my consent,” she whispers to his ear and he almost moans when she slightly nibbles his lobe. Her hands slips to the back of his neck, forcing him to hover over her as she lies on her back.
Both his hands are lingering on the buckle of her belt, struggling to undo it. She clutches his chin with one hand, plunging her reassuring gaze into his. He looks nervous, his hands trembling slightly when he takes off her jeans. She presses her lips to his Adam's apple, feeling him tense up at first, but relax as she sensuously slides her tongue up to his sculpted jaw.
“A-are you good with two figers?” he nervously asks, his right hand resting on the edge of her panties. 
“Yes,” he hesitantly slips his hand into her panties, parting her legs with his other hand before sliding his index and middle fingers up and down her folds.  She can see him blush when an almost quiet moan escapes her lips at the feeling of his fingers inside her core. He pumps them in and out slowly, as if he was afraid to hurt her.
“Try to curl them in a ‘come here’ movement,” she demonstrates with her own fingers. He nods and mimics her actions, making her whimper under him. 
“That feels good,” she encourages him. “What did you do next?” she softly asks, rubbing her thumb against his cheek to sooth him. 
“Hum, well, we-um, you know, did it,” he says, blushing like a little child who just got his first kiss with the popular girl. 
“You didn’t go down on her?” she asks, looking quite shocked. He seemed clueless. “I mean, you didn’t use your mouth?” 
“Uh no, should I have?” 
“You boys really know nothing about female pleasure,” she sights. “Try watching lesbian porn next time, you will learn A LOT more,” He almost chokes, not expecting to hear this come out of his best friend's lips while his fingers are still inside her. They've always been comfortable with each other, but not to the point of talking about the kind of porn they listen to. The idea of her best friend watching porn and getting herself off almost made him cum in his pants.
“You do know what a cunniligus is, right?” 
“God, Charlz, I’m not five years old! Yes, I know what it is!” he exclaims, his ego lightly bruised by her question. 
“Well, show me then, playboy,” she challenges him, a cocky smile slipping on her lips. the alcohol going slightly to her head.
He pulls her to the edge of the mattress, kneeling at the foot of the bed between her legs. His lips kiss the skin on the inside of her thighs, sucking it until he sees a dark red mark appear. He gets rid of her underwear in the blink of an eye  before placing her legs over his shoulders. He darts his tongue out of his mouth, licking a long strip between her folds without giving her the chance to acknowledge what was going on. He stops once his tongue rests on the bundle of nerves, licking around it in a circular motion.
“Fuck,” she moans. “I wasn’t expecting that.”
“You really think I've never watched lesbian porn?” he teases her, biting the inside of her thigh, making her body jolt. He dives back his head to her core, sucking her clit into his mouth.
At leats he know where the clit is.
"Oh my god Marcus," she moans, squirming against his grip. He places his arm over her lower abdomen, pinning her body against the mattress. She can feel his two fingers sliding back into her core, the sudden feeling causing her hips to buck up against his face.  
“Are you gonna be a good girl and cum for me, hun?” he praises her, fingers curling inside her just like she taught him. She could barely feel herself, letting out a series of high-pitched moans as Marcus tongue was working on her bundle of nerves. 
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” she whimpers, her head pressed down against the matress. Her fingers tangle in his dark hair, tucking at the roots as she let out a cry, the euphoric feeling taking over her body for a moment. Marcus looks up to see her eyes shut tightly, her legs shaking on his shoulders. He can feel her core pulsating around his fingers as she comes down from her high.
He took a mental picture of her, engraving this moment in his memory forever.
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taglist; @cognacdelights @ellegotohell @janedartist
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proserpina-magnus · 3 years
ok ok I have to be honest I got this idea while reading your last marauders blurb. OT WAS GREAT BTW can you write James x reader where she has never done anything sexual and is really inexperienced. and James is showing her how to touch herself or just helping her explore her sexuality/making her feel really comfortable and safe/while being really gentle with her?
Idk if this makes sense, but I love your writing
Hi!! I'm literally so sorry this took so long, I rewrote it 3 different times. I hope you enjoy and I'm so glad you liked my other Marauders blurb!! Thank you for the request!!! xoxo
One Where You're Innocent [ James Potter ]
Word Count: 1.6k
[ Warning: Fem!reader, finger sucking, clit play(orgasm), fingered penetration, kissing, cum tasting, praise kink, words such as "baby" and "pretty/filthy girl" ]
You look up at James anxiously, knees digging into his bedsheets. You had just let out your biggest secret, one that you had been desperately ashamed of. You had never touched yourself, nor have you done anything...remotely sexual with another person before. Your face was red, a warm deep feeling filling in your gut. You felt this type of desperation, watching eagerly to see James's reaction.
"You've never...?" James leads on, his eyes a bit wide. You both had been dating for some time, but you've only shared a few kisses. You couldn't tell what he was thinking and truthfully, James didn't know how to react. He found it kind of erotic that he could be your first. He pushes that want away, trying to focus on you.
"No...never," you admit, looking down towards your knees. You played with your skirt, fiddling with the ends. James rubbed his slacks, trying to calm his nerves.
"We don't have to do anything, I don't mind waiting...or even never touching you like that," James soothes, trying to get you to calm down and realize he wasn't upset or appalled. You felt a nerve of want, your body upset at his suggestion.
"No, I want you to touch me," you expressed quickly, your legs pressing together to form subconscious relief. James watched, his eyes fixating on your twitching thighs. James wants to lose it, he found your flushed expression adorable. He pushes those thoughts away once again, his hand coming to hold your arm.
"Maybe let's not go all the way today then, would you like me to show you how to touch yourself?" James asked, he sounded so innocent. You felt warmth invade your belly again, your thighs spread as you push your cunt near the bed. You nod, your chest heaving as you take deep breaths.
"Are you absolutely sure? Because if any time you want me to stop, I will," James makes sure you understand, his hand moving to hold your head. You sigh from the touch, leaning into it. You nod once again, before mumbling; "I know I'm safe with you, jamsie,"
James smiled at your words, he pulled his hand away as he stood up. You grew confused, wondering what he was doing. James signalled you to wait a moment, he just looked over you with deep loving eyes. "Okay, I've got it," he muttered to himself, moving to prop himself behind you.
"What are you doing?" You asked, turning your head back to look at him. James only chuckled,  his lips planting just below your ear. You shivered, sinking into his chest. His hands come to hold your waist, peppering your neck with sweet kisses.
"I'm thinking it would be less stressful if I just guide you, are you comfortable with that?" James asked gently, one of his hands dipping down to hold your lower belly. Your breath hitched, legs closing on instinct to hide. James watched over your shoulder, his hand instantly coming back up to hold your waist. "I'm sorry, was that too much?"
"No, you just startled me. I'm okay, I promise," you whisper, your head leaning into his chest. You look around the room, trying to distract your bubbling nerves.
"How about you undress when you're ready," James implied, his hands never leaving your waist. You nodded once again, your hair tickling his cheek. You take a few deep breaths, before moving your hands to push your knickers down your thighs. You felt James shift, his eyes watching intensely. You pulled the soft fabric off your ankles, tossing it next to you.
"Please touch me jamsie," you breathed in a whisper, your legs spreading. Your skirt hid your warm cunt, the fabric covering just your hipbones. Your legs propped up, knees red. James let his hands come to your thighs, gripping the doughy flesh against his large fingers.
"I'm going to go slow, I'll explain everything I'm going to do," James told you, his hands pushing your thighs wider. You grasped onto his elbow, butterflies fluttering in your stomach. "It's okay, I've got you," James whispered, his right hand coming to gently push your folds apart.
"I'm just going to rub your clit, tell me if it's not making you feel good," James didn't give you much time to prepare, his index and middle fingers pressed your clit. You twitched at the feeling, fingers holding his arm for safety. He started to rub circular motions, making you take a heavy breath.
Low moans pushed past your lips, your thighs spreading more at the feeling. James held your hip with his other hand, holding you to his chest.
"James, I feel so warm," you express, not understanding why the slow-motion felt so good. James chuckled his lips against the shell of your ear. Your body jerked at a sudden wave of nerves, your hands gripping his large wrist. "Don't stop, don't stop," you pleaded, holding his hand to your cunt. James's fingers speed up, moans leaking from your throat.
"Does your pretty pussy like the attention baby?" James coo's, watching as you spasm and become a moaning mess in his lap. You're mumbling through moans, begging him not to stop. You feel an electric sensation spread through your body, your mind blank as you glow in the glory.
"So good James, so good," you ramble, eyes slightly opened as you lay completely in his embrace. James pressed kisses against your head, showering you in affection. "I know it does pretty girl, you were perfect, made such pretty sounds," James praises, making your mind fuzzy.
"Again, please touch me again," you beg, your body still feeling needy. You desperately want to feel that pleasure again, it felt like heaven. James smiled into your hair, parting your legs wider.
"Okay pretty girl, I'm going to try something new," James explained, his fingers moving against your folds. Your body shudder, still sensitive from your last orgasm. You whine as his finger slide against your clit, you twitch in his grasp. "You're okay, I'm not going to play with your clit anymore," he mused against your ear.
"I'm going to stuff you full with my fingers, would you like that baby?" James questioned, his fingers prodding at your dripping entrance. Your mind didn't understand much what he meant, but your body craved the attention so you pleaded for him.
"Please, I wanna be filled, hurts so bad," you completely crumble, tears lodging between your eyelids as you let out a sob. James pulls back slightly, his non-occupied hand coming to hold your face so he can see your pretty face.
"It's okay baby, you're doing so well for me," James distracted you while his fingers pushed deep inside, you let your mouth fall open. Your body gripped around his two large fingers, eyes twitching as you let out a whimper.
"Jamsie, oh god," you rasped, your nails digging into his arms from the pleasured intrusion. James has a smirk on his face, eyes filled with a longing love.
"Does it feel good pretty girl?" James asked a hum on his lips from your reaction. He adored the way your body shook, you took his finger so well. You couldn't answer, you just stared into his eyes with deep lust.
"Move them, move them," you repeat, lost in the sensation. James pushes you back into his chest, letting your lean into him for support. He complies with your wishes, his fingers curling into your warmth. You gasp, a loud moan gets pulled from your vocals. James doesn't waste time, his fingers curl and search for your golden spot.
James doesn't take long to find it, his fingers moving at a glorious pace as his fingers move just right. Your body loses it, your hands gripping at anything you could find. You let your eyes close, another new feeling filling you.
His fingers abuse your cunt, you let out a loud whimpering moan when another finger gets pushed through. His gentle fingers curl and twist deep inside of you, they moved fast but not hard. You could only grip his wrist, your body arching to get closer.
Before you can realize it, your orgasm hits you fast and quick. It makes you see spinning stars, your body limp against James's chest. James lets you take a moment to relax, his fingers still buried deep inside you.
"I'm going to take them out, I know your sensitive but I've got you," James whispered softly, his fingers slipping away from your quivering cunt. You whimper, his used fingers covered in your juices. Before he can wipe them, you grab his wrist and pull it towards you.
You take his coated fingers into your mouth, James stiffens from behind you. You suck his fingers clean, your tongue running between the slit of his fingers. You turn towards James slightly, cunt throbbing as you look up at him with wide innocent eyes.
"Filthy girl, you should've shared with me," James says, his fingers slipping from your mouth. You almost whine from the loss, but James's tongue meets your own. You sigh, his lips forming over yours.
When he pulls away, James wipes his fingers over his lips. He makes sure he gets all the taste, a deep groan leaves his lips.
"Fuck baby, I've should've made you ride my face. You taste like candy," James compliments, a glorious smirk on his lips.
"It's not too late," you comply, a greedy need wanting his mouth on you. James laughs, pulling you closer.
"Alright, let's get started then..."
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lolawassad · 3 years
Hey I know this is a very specific and it’s totally okay if you don’t or can’t write it, but I was wondering if you can write a one shot where the reader is Octavia in the scene in episode 10 season 2 where she fights the grounder (yk the scene where she tries to prove herself to indra?) but the reader actually wins. Would it be possible to make it a john murphy x reader as well? Like he sees her fighting the grounder and is like god dayyum or sum?
p.s I know this is an exceptionally long request and It’s absolutely understand or if you aren’t willing to write this request!! :)) (btw i’m the person who requested the previous one shot) :))
Awesome awesome!!
Let me write this for u!! <3
Tw : sexism, violence, cussing, mention of NSFW
Im also very awesomely going to make y/n speak another language! I hope you like that little touch
Also i just realised i misunderstood? Reader is fighting the grounder not the grounder octavia is fighting, if you want me to write one differently dont be shy to request one! Ill just write it as reader fighting a grounder and still make it poly? Idk if u'll like it
Octavia x reader x murphy
I walk out of arkadia and notice the grounder have arrived, i see murphy being pushed and walk over, kane is talking to both of them "whats going on" i whisper to octavia who is also standing there "the one thats not skai kru is mad because murphy was there when his village got killed by finn" she whispers to me before putting her arm around my shoulder "kane wants him to say sorry" she scoffs softly.
I giggle which makes murphy's head shoot up to me, the grounder also looks with a smirk "Heya pretty, chit do yu say yu en ai go don some fun" he says before standing before me, he goes to brush a piece of my hair behind my ear but i softly push octavia's hand off of me and stand chest to chest with him, making octavia and murphy scoff loudly.
I smile at him "rot op klojo" i say my innocent smile never leaving my face, his smirk grows thinking i said something nice in return "beautiful girl beautiful language" he says as his hand goes to cup my cheek. Its then i grab his fingers and press "it means fuck off douchebag" i spit before headbutting him "you dont just go up to girls and ask them for fun and then try to touch her hair, motherfucker" i can see kane glare at me from the corner of my eye but indra stops him before he can walk up.
The grounders hand reaches for his forehead and he glares at me "pretty girls like you should just shut their mouths and look pretty, only good for their holes" he gets up and pulls his fist back to punch me with his right hand.
I duck, then throw a punch with my left hand which he blocks with his dominant hand and i giggle before my right hand swings to his face, he doesnt expect this move and it breaks his nose.
He stumbles back a bit before running to me and his hands wrap around my throat "kinky" i say before kicking him in his balls which makes him drop his hands, and then i knee him in his broken nose.
Hes now laying on the ground and i straddle him "do you give up?" I yell into his face, he shakes his head and i punch him "how about now?" And he nods his head.
Then i hear clapping, its indra "impressive" she says offering me her hand "and you have never fought?" She asks
I shake my head "i watched karate kid and cobra kai" she looks confused "those are weird names for people" she says, i go to correct her but arms are thrown around me "y/n that was so cool?!?" Octavia yells before kissing me on the cheek.
Murphy scoffs loudly making us turn to him and he walks up to us "you missed dumbass" he sneers at octavia before kissing me on my lips "that was so fucking hot, i wouldve beaten him up myself but you had that shit handled" he then turns to octavia and kisses her forehead before walking away.
Octavia yells after him "you missed dumbass" before kissing him, its then i notice my foot hurts, i look down and notice a knive in it "hey thats nice and all but im gonNA DIE" i yell the last part out.
They separate and rush over to me, they follow my gaze and notice the knive "princess that wont kill you" murphy says "idiot" he mutters softly before lifting me up and bringing me to abby.
Octavia is quick to follow "so you promise she wont die right?" She asks murphy, he rolls his eyes "god did i really fall for two dumbasses?" He asks quietly, i scoff "so mean, no more kisses ever" i say which makes his head turn super fast to face me "fuck did you say?" He sneers "you cant take away my kisses i just got them" he says before kissing my jaw.
"no no i think y/n is onto something, also can you stop for a second" octavia says when we reach the ark, murphy stops and looks at her, eyebrow raised.
She smirks and sticks her tongue out, then pulls it back in and kisses me on the lips "oh no wait you cant do that to him, your lips are amazing y/n"
Abby clears her throat "if ur uh.. Done kissing my daughter i would like to ask whats going on?"
Murphy glares at her "shes injured. Clearly. And since clarke isnt here you need to help her, you cant refuse cause tavia and me will murder you if you keep y/n in pain" murphy spits out to my mother who always preffered clarke over me.
"I would never do that to her" abby says before leading us to a hospital bed, she starts taking care of the knive and the wound.
When shes done i turn to murphy and octavia "did good right?" I ask and their eyes soften, they nod their heads yeah "so where are my KISSES" i yell out the last part for dramatic effect.
They look at eachother and roll their eyes, then walk up to me and prep my face with kisses, then octavia speaks up "i want you both to be mine" she says, murphy then also speaks up "i want you both to be mine too" then they look at me.
I slowly get up a say "i need to think about it"
They both scoff "yeah right, just admit it you want to be ours so bad, we know how you look at us" octavia says and murphy nods his head.
"Your right i wanna be yours" i say while softly diving into their arms "but im the dom" i say softly, that makes them both scoff and look at me "dont challange us butterfly" octavia says to that murphy adds "you are lucky you are cute princess"
Luckily for everyone involved abby left right after fixing my foot.
That night y/n octavia and murphy share a room in arkadia, bellamy doesnt like the relationship.
But lincoln? Well he wants to join
Part 2??
Buy me a coffee?
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peachbear88 · 3 years
The Greatest Love Story
A/N: Inspired by this lovely image I saw. I'm making this into a high school angst AU that takes place in like the 1900's. For the record, I know Steve isn't a bad person but this is an AU and I need one of those... You know, guys for this story so.... Yeah! Sorry! BTW, the second poem is not written by me, it's written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning and I stole some quotes from Shakespeare.
Warnings: Angst, homophobia, swearing, character death.
Word Count: 3.2k
Pairing: Yelena Belova x Reader
You scale the ancient wooden stairs of your small school. avoiding eye contact with anyone. The stares you receive from others are painfully obvious as you speed walk towards the library, seeking shelter from the judgmental glances from your peers.
"Hello dear," the kind librarian greets you as you walk past her towards your corner of the library.
You don't respond, quickly ducking behind the massive shelves, hoping to spend as much time as possible in your safe space before the classes start. Placing back your old books, you scan the shelves, until a particular title catches your eye.
"Love Poems by Women?" You murmur, flipping through the worn pages.
A giant dusty book lands on the librarian's desk, making her look up.
"May I take this out?" You ask, your tone emotionless, cold yet tentative. The librarian smiles gently at you handing you back the book.
"Of course dear. Happy reading." You give her a small, thankful smile before dashing out of the library door. The halls are partially empty, save for the kids that skip class, hanging around in the hallways and dark alleys after school.
You duck your head, avoiding eye contact as you pass the group leaning against the lockers, most importantly, the hazel eyed beauty that could snap your neck in half, Yelena Belova.
"Hey!" Your head snaps up. Big mistake. You lock eyes with the famed blonde and you drop your head immediately, a faint blush creeping up your cheeks.
"Look at me when I'm talking to you." She snaps. You peek at her from the corner of your eye, her sleek dress pants catching your eye.
"Interesting outfit choice," you note before you can stop yourself.
"What did you say?" She demands and you gulp, backing away.
"N-nothing." She slowly steps towards you, backing you into the lockers.
"Get to class. And don't ever let me see you again идиот (idiot)." You hurry down the hall towards your classroom, tripping in the process as you repeatedly look over your shoulder, watching as Yelena turns back to her friend group.
"She was cute," Natasha points out as Yelena reclaims her spot leaning against the lockers. "Why do you feel the need to tease her so relentlessly?" Yelena rolls her eyes, grabbing the flask of vodka back from her sister.
"She's annoying. I don't like her." Natasha smirks.
"Sure. Whatever you say."
You let out a sigh of relief when the bell rings.
Your classmates flood out of the classroom, jostling each other aside in their rush to get home. You quickly sprint out the door, eager to get home, safe and sound when a hand grabs you by the arm and pulls you into a dark alley behind the school.
"Hello there girly..." A deep voice says. You gulp. The boy steps into the light to reveal Steve Rogers. One of those people that take pride in hurting others, a bully, your tormenter.
"W-what do you want?" He smirks, stepping closer to you.
"Well, a little birdie told me that someone had an encounter with a specific blonde this morning." You flinch when he grabs you by the throat, pinning you to the wall. "You wouldn't happen to be... I don't know, one of those dykes would you?" Your eyes widen and you shake your head vigorously as he laughs. "Oh man," he sputters, choking through his laughter. "Wait till the school gets ahold of this-"
He doesn't get to finish his sentence because a fist connects with his face, sending him reeling backwards.
"What the-" A strong hand wraps around his throat, pushing him backwards till his back connects with the wall.
"Listen to me you маленькое дерьмо (little shit), if you ever even think about coming near her again, I will sneak into your house at night, gut you like the fish you are and paint the school with them." Yelena warns in a surprisingly calm voice. Steve's eyes widen and he nods his head frantically until she lets go.
"Crazy bitch!" He spits, backing away quickly. You shuffle your feet, looking down at the ground as she watches him run.
"T-thank you." You mutter, not daring to look her in the eye. She sighs.
"This better not become a daily thing Y/L/N." You nod feebly. "Get out of here." You quickly pick your bag back up and sprint out of the alley, leaving Yelena by herself,
"I'm home mom!"
"Welcome home sweetie!" Your mom pokes her head out of the living room.
"How's your book going?"
"As great as a woman writing a book can be." She chuckles forcibly. There's an awkward silence before she continues. "Your father came by today." She pauses as you swallow, feeling like something lodged itself in your throat.
"And what did he want?" She frowns at your tone.
"Sweetie, I know you don't like him but he's still your fa-"
"I don't have a dad," you growl, picking up your bag. "My dad died when he chose to abandon us." She watches as you climb up the stairs, sighing and rubbing her temple.
You flop onto your bed, dropping the thick dusty buck onto the bed. You spend the rest of the afternoon reading through the poems until your mom calls you down for dinner.
It's an awkward dinner, quiet, only the sounds of dishes, chewing and utensils filling the room.
"I'm going to bed." You say after washing the dishes, not bothering to wait for a response.
That night, you lay in bed, staring at the ceiling of your room.
"Love poems by women." You mutter, an idea popping into your head. You quickly sit up, flicking on your lamp and pulling out the book and a pen.
"Good morning dear," the librarian greets you like she does every morning.
"I'd like to return this book." You reply coldly, passing her the book once again. She smiles gently at you.
"I hope you enjoyed your reading." She says while passing you, returning the book to its original shelf.
"Hello hon, can I help you with anything?" The librarian asks the dirty-blonde haired girl.
"No, thank you." The girl sends the librarian a tight lipped smile before returning her attention to the shelves. A ripped leather cover catches her attention. Love Poems by Women. She smiles, pulling the book from the shelf. Flipping open to the title page, a neat cursive catches her eyes.
Love flows between beings Gift from the gods Curse from the demons The missing part of every person Destined to be opposites Love is flexible Yet some seek to objectify love Love is not for the weak willed. - Aristophanes
The blonde haired girl hums, pulling a pen from her jacket's pocket and discreetly writing in the book, right next to the poem.
That's the only way to describe your day. You received your essay back, ecstatic to see that you had received an A. Steve on the other hand had absolutely flunked. Instead of dedicating his time to studying, he decided to beat you up as a way of taking out his frustration.
You ended up limping out of the women's toilet, your leg flaring up whenever you moved, tears threatening to fall from your eyes.
"Hi sweetcheeks," the librarian murmurs, her eyes trailing down your injured leg.
"'Ello." You quickly duck behind the shelves, pulling out the book you were looking for. Your brows scrunch together in confusion as you see a messier scrawl next to your handwriting.
Reality hits hard
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of being and ideal grace. I love thee to the level of every day's Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light. I love thee freely, as men strive for right. I love thee purely, as they turn from praise. I love thee with the passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood's faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death.
- Orpheus
You smile letting a light laugh slip from your lips. A sweet titter revealing the little girl underneath your cold, traumatized exterior.
Quickly, you grab your pen from your pocket and begin scribbling.
The air is knocked from your body as your back makes contact with the floor.
"Listen here dyke. I don't like you alright," Steve growls into your ear as Tony cracks his knuckles. "So here's what's going to happen: Everyday you're going to meet us here and," he pauses, cracking his neck. "Help us relive some stress." He smiles wickedly before punching you in the stomach, making you double over in pain.
Your eyes flutter shut as they deliver blow after blow 'till they finally stop. You tentatively open your eyes to see Yelena tackling Steve to the ground as Tony stares at them, eyes wide.
"I. Told. You. To. Leave. Her. Alone!" She screams, pummeling Steve with her fists. He groans, unmoving. You watch in terror as Tony picks up a trash can lid, sneaking up behind her as she punches Steve in the face.
"Watch out!" You scream, taking Tony as well yourself by surprise. She looks up to see you slamming into Tony sending him flying into the nearby wall of the alley.
He crumples, unconscious.
"Are you okay?" You mumble, limping towards Yelena, who's clutching a blood gash on her arm.
"'M fine,' she grits out. You shake your head, grabbing her wrist. She flinches but doesn't push you away.
"You're not okay. Let me help you." You plead. She stays silent and you quickly take her silence as a yes, leading her to the front steps of your home. You rummage through your back pack, finding a large wrap of bandages that you kept after your daily beating from Rogers and his friends.
She winces as you wrap her wound swiftly.
"Gentle!" She growls and you stare back at her defiantly.
"Well maybe if you would stop moving, it'd hurt less!" You retort and she shuts up, staring off into the distance. You dab the cut with a small bit of alcohol before wrapping the bandage all around her arm.
"Thank you." She whispers, giving you a small smile. Reaching out, she gently tucks a strand of hair behind your ear as you flinch back. You quickly, shovel the bandages and medicinal alcohol back into your pack, not noticing the hurt look on her face.
"No problem. The least I could do since you saved me." You reply bluntly, swinging the bag over your shoulder and slipping through the door.
"Wait-" She sighs as the door slams shut in front of her.
You exhale, leaning against the door as you try to catch your breath.
Yelena sighs exasperatedly, tugging at the collar of her dress shirt.
"What's wrong little sis?" Natasha smirks, plopping down next to her.
"I got hurt and Y/N patched me up." Natasha jumps up, eyes wide.
"You stained your new shirt?" She groans shaking Yelena violently. "God I'm going to kill you!" Yelena grabs her sister, stopping her.
"You're missing the point!"
"Oh yeah? And what's that?" Nat challenges, flopping back down on to the couch.
"She patched me up!" Nat's eyes widen.
"Oh. Oh." She inches closer to her sister, nudging her playfully, much to Yelena's dislike. "So are y'all like," she winks at her sister insinuatingly. "A thing?" Yelena scrunches her brows in confusion.
"A thing?" Nat rolls her eyes, sidling closer to her.
"Yes. A thing. An item? Lovers?" She shrugs, missing the way Yelena blushes.
"In her dreams," Yelena snorts, leaning back into the couch.
"If you say so..."
"Morning pumpkin!" The librarian chirps.
The blonde girl ignores her, breezing past her towards the the shelves at the very back, peeking over her shoulder quickly before pulling an old, leather bound book from the shelf.
She flips the leather cover aside to reveal the title page. Next to her messy, distorted scrawl was a neat, distinctive cursive once again.
Speak low if you speak love
- Aristophanes
She smiles gently, chuckling as she shakes her head.
"Shakespeare of all people," she whispers, her accent thickening. Pulling a forgotten pen from the shelves, she begins writing,
The highlight of your day became going to the library and reading the little messages scrawled in between the margins of the book by Orpheus. Like:
If music be the food of love, play on
Her passions are made of nothing but the finest part of pure love.
They made you smile on a daily basis, sometimes even eliciting a rare light laugh.
"Good morning sweetpea." The librarian greets you, not expecting a response. To her surprise and yours, you muster a small smile and a wave.
"Hello." You can feel the librarians shocked eyes following you as you round the bookshelf corner to find Steve, eyes wide, mouth open in shock as he stares down at something in his hands.
Your heart plummets. A book with a soft leather cover, yellowed pages. The book of poems.
You lunge for it but he step sides you swiftly, raising the book above his head.
"Speak low if you speak of love huh? I'm not surprised you know Shakespeare, you're such a nerd." He sneers, waving the book above his head.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about." You stutter, backing up. He grabs you by the collar of your shirt, lifting you into the air.
"Don't fuck with me!" He growls, dropping the book and kicking it to the side. "Who's Orpheus?"
"G-Greek hero. Musician." You stutter and he slaps you, hard. You can feel your cheek swelling under his fiery gaze.
"Don't even try me. Who. Is. Orpheus?"
"I don't know, I swear!" You mutter, wincing when you accidentally bite your cheek.
He drops you, watching as you scramble to your feet, backing away.
"This isn't over you little shit. I'll be back for you," he warns, giving your book one last kick for good measure before storming out of the library with Tony and Bucky on his heels.
You fall to your knees, silently sobbing as you crawl over too the book, dusting it off and hugging it to your chest.
Yelena sighs, her heart breaking as she watches you curl around the book protectively, lying on the floor.
"Where are you going?"
Yelena turns to find Nat, leaning against the school stairwell doorway, watching her.
"Just up to the roof. Need some fresh air," she lies, avoiding Nat's gaze. Nat lifts Yelena's chin up, staring into her eyes, boring into her very soul. Yelena squirms under her gaze until she finally lets go.
"Okay." She smiles sadly at her little sister. "Just-" Her voice cracks as she pats her sister's shoulder. "Don't do anything stupid."
"Don't worry. I won't." She gives Nat a brief hug before hiking her pants up and starting up the stairs.
"Ah, well look who decided to join the party!" You look up from the ground to see Yelena, your eyes clouded with pain.
"No..." You croak but Steve pays no attention to you.
"Come to save your love Yelena?" He sneers, dropping you to the ground. "Or should I say... Orpheus?" Your eyes widen as you watch him advance towards her, pushing her closer to the edge of the roof.
"I don't know what you're talking about." She deadpans and Steve chuckles.
"Sure. If you won't admit, I'll just have to settle for destroying you from the inside out instead." He grabs her by the arm. "I haven't forgotten what you did to me." He points at a long thin scar along his jawline.
You watch as Tony sneaks up from behind Yelena, striking her with a metal bar. She crumples, falling to her knees.
"Hold her." Steve directs and Bucky dutifully grabs you by the arms. He holds Yelena's chin in between his thumb and forefinger, forcing her to look at him. "Now you watch as I destroy the one thing you love the most." Tony tosses his the metal bar and Steve prepares himself before swinging it like a baseball bat.
There's a sickening crunch followed by your scream as the bar makes contact with your ribs.
"Stop!" She struggles, her eyes never leaving your broken body as he hits you over and over again. "Please! Leave her alone!"
Steve smiles evilly, locking eyes with her before swinging the bat again. Another scream. Blood trickles down your face from your nose.
"Is that right? Did the famous Yelena Belova just beg me?" He smiles cruelly before pushing you down on your back, his foot on your chest. You scream as he increases the pressure, your broken ribs digging into your lungs.
Yelena screams, kicking Tony's legs out from under him before punching Steve in the jaw. She grabs the iron bar before it hits the ground, clobbering Bucky in the stomach before kicking Steve in the stomach.
"ты сука (you bitch)!" She steps on his face swiftly, taking satisfaction in the groan of pain he emits before turning to you, gently cradling your face.
"Wow... That was pretty badass," you mumble and she laughs, tearing up. You reach out, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Don't cry." She frowns.
"I'm not crying."
"You are too." You smile, wincing in pain. "I didn't know you knew Shakespeare."
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let this happen." You frown, caressing her face, forcing her to look at you.
"Hey, hey. It's fine. Don't worry. I'll be fine." You attempt to smile reassuringly but it comes out as more of a grimace. "Listen, if I don't make it-"
"Don't say that! You can't leave me!"
"Shush, listen you thickheaded poet. If I don't make it, go back to the book." You instruct her. She frowns but you can her off. "Promise me."
"Promise me."
"I promise..."
"Good." You smile at her, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead, your eyesight blurring. "Wait for me okay?" Your eyes flutter shut.
"No! No Y/N! Come back!" She shakes you roughly, sobbing when you don't respond.
Yelena watches as your body is carted off under a white sheet. Nat stands to the side, watching as her sister stares off into the distance, all life drained from her body.
Go back to the book.
She stands, slowly trailing towards the library, her eyes bloodshot, cheeks caked with dry tears.
"Hi dear," the librarian greets her, discreetly wiping her eyes with a handkerchief. "What a shame. She was a lovely girl."
"She really was the best." Yelena agrees quietly, giving the librarian a small, comforting pat on the back before moving to the back of the library where she finds the book, lying on the floor.
I believe that we are the greatest love poem ever written. I love you always,
A choked sob escapes her lips as she stares at the page. You knew. You knew the whole time and you didn't even say anything. A pair of soft arms wrap around Yelena's stomach as she lets go of the dam, her cries echoing throughout the library.
"I'm sorry..."
I'm sorry...
Taglist: @username23345 @musicinourlips @gingerbreadcookieforlife @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @trikruismybitch @ima-gi--na-tion @nicole-rayleigh-hot @olsensnpm @peabrain112
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colossal-fallout · 3 years
So I was wondering if you can do another sub hanji for me? 👉🏻👈🏻
Where fem reader is pissed because of people thinking hanji is in a relationship with levi or moblit? without knowing she's actually her gf or something? and jealous that they actually get to spend more time with them than her? and then she's got enough and decided to do the ✨deed✨ and the next morning, a mark can be seen indicating hanji's hers?
I love this.
And I'm glad you like it here 😌❤️
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Warnings: NSFW. 18+ smut. Jealousy.
You'd heard it all.
From the passing comments of; "You're dating Hanji? I thought she was with Captain Levi?" to "Hanji sure does spend a lot of time with Moblit huh? You think there's more going on between them?"
Your blood boils and teeth grind with frustration at these morons.
A) It was none of their fuckin' business.
B) You were the one dating her. Not Captain Grouch and not that adorable teddy bear Moblit you just couldn't seem to bring yourself to be mad at.
But the worst ones were the crude comments. Usually from the younger Soldiers.
"Man, if Hange wasnt dating the Captain, I'd sure try my luck. I bet she's crazy good in bed."
That's it.
You weren't standing for it any longer. You had a plan up your sleeve. You didn't care how bold it was. You were going to put those gossips and their wagging tongues in their place.
Hange too.
Maybe you'd been spending too much time with her and her craziness was rubbing off on you. But you'd planned your tactic meticulously, down to the very smallest detail as you went round the main troublemakers, handing them an appointment card.
"Section Commander wants to see you in her office at that precise time. Not a minute later. Or a minute earlier." You mutter coldly at their perplexed faces.
Phase one. Complete.
Now for phase two.
Your eyes glance down at your pocket watch as you scurry down the hallway to Hange's office. This just had to work.
You enter and weren't surprised to see Moblit at her desk, carrying around a stack of papers. Hange's hair was a mess, her glasses up on her head with one eye closed as she examined something closely. Probably something someone had picked up out in Titan country. You didn't really care.
"Moblit. Out." You bark.
You didn't mean to be, well, mean. But for this to work everything had to be perfect.
Your loves attention is snapped to you at your urgent and harsh command, your name leaving her lips in confusion.
"Shh..." You whisper softly as you make your way towards her, fingers grabbing her off yellow shirt.
Her eyes instantly glance down at your mouth - a tell tale and clear body langia sign of her wanting to kiss you.
You obligated her wish, pulling her in and crashing that mouth of yours against hers, tongue sliding down her sweet throat and your hands already pawing at her form.
"Y/n..." She moans into your mouth, a sucker for your touch. "What's gotten into you?!"
"Are you complaining...?" You antagonise as you push off her survey Corps jacket, the cold leather creaking under your touch as it falls to the floor.
She melts, shaking her head, her long arms wrapping around you tightly, her chest rubbing against yours like a cat in heat. To I both fumble and wrestle for a small while; stumbling and bumping into book shelves and tables as you entwine your tongues with a greedy haste, your fingers fumbling with her pants as you sit her on the desk.
Whatever it was she'd been looking at when you entered was now on the floor - her bare ass against the solid oak desk as your mouth trails down her neck.
"Oh my god..." She groans, your teeth nipping at her flesh while your fingers slide down her quivering and yearning slit.
Your mouth forms a suction around her sweet spot thats located between her neck and shoulder, just below her ear. Before she can object to being marked, your two fingers push into her nice warm entrance - her choked gasp removing any possible words from her lungs.
You hook your fingers, sucking on her neck as her eyes roll, your teeth now clamping while your thumb dances back and forth over her clit.
The desk creaks under her quivering form, her large chocolate brown eyes pleading, blown away at not only your dominance right now, but how good she was feeling at your mercy.
You smile with satisfaction as you pull away from her skin, a nice dark mark already forming as you move your fingers quicker, your knees bending as you now place your mouth over her clit.
"Ah~!" Her lungs cry out while her head throws back, her nails digging into your scalp.
"Fuck, Hange. Tell me who's making you feel so good."
"Let everyone know who makes you feel like this."
"y-y/n! Ah! Shit... I... I'm so close!"
Her whines are loud, your name leaving her mouth again and again as her sweet juices pool into your palm as she swirls down into the void.
You open the door to leave, your hair a total state and your face flushed. To see the horrified faces of every single soldier waiting outside. Everyone you'd given a note to.
Hange appears behind you, confused and shocked as to why there's a small gathering outside of her office. What made things worse, was only minutes ago she'd been screaming your name in ecstasy - her shirt hanging off her shoulder and a beautiful love mark forming deeply on her neck.
They all know now. You think to yourself smugly as you walk away back to your own duties.
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darthwheezely · 4 years
dating george weasley and being a ravenclaw
warnings: stupidly [wickedly] hot men named george fabian weasley, kinda smut, cussing fs, angst because our angel is insecure, also i may have almost cried writing this and it’s sO LONG I AM SO SORRY
people that may like this (?): @whiz-bangs78 @vogueweasley @gcdric (whenever you’re back! :)) @theweasleyslut @thehufflepuffwife @lupinsclassroom @wand3ringr0s3 @kitwalker02 @monoscandal @pansydaisy
i’m obsessy espressy w this pic btw please take it for your enjoyment
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this man boy
is so enamored with you
he doesn’t even really know a whole lot about you at first, stealing glances from across the great hall
listening intently when you answer questions in class
he starts to memorize the way you roll your eyes when you ask snape a question you can’t answer
and the way you wrinkle your nose when someone stereotypes you based on your house
you’re fiery, but you’re so poised for quick answers and sharp looks
he would pay big money to have you roast him during class like you do to cormac when he tries to hit on you a lot
which earns him many a revenge prank
and then he starts to try and talk to you, rather foolishly at first
but he finds it so intensely sexy the banter you two get involved in during these interactions
“If it isn’t my favorite little bird, Y/N ;)”
“Aren’t there other nests for you to bother, Weasley?”
“None that I find as mildly riveting, my dear, I do love a bird that chirps back”
“Do you like ones that bite, too?”
“I don’t know if your beak is sharp enough, love”
“Come up to me when I’m reading again, and I’ll give you some harder evidence of just how bad my bite is hmm?”
(Unbeknownst to you as you walk away, he’s already got some harder evidence growing in his jeans...)
he doesn’t stop searching you out, determined to prove to you he’s enough
you two after about a week and a half finally go out to hogsmeade on your first date
he takes you to the three broomsticks where you both drink butterbeer and make deep conversation for hours until close
there’s a point where he makes you laugh so hard you snort and spit out some of your butterbeer
which makes him snort and spit out his butterbeer
he realizes a couple things then:
1) he’s obsessed with the way you tell stories or talk passionately about the subjects you love. he adores watching how you light up everywhere in your body and talk so fast at points you can’t breathe
2) he wants to live in your head. he studies the way you think and watches you intently as you process punchlines and stories and memories and he realizes
i need to be something she thinks about
and without realizing it while you’re laughing super hard he puts his hand on the back of your neck and kisses you like it’s the last night on this planet
after about 12 seconds he pulls away and starts to turn red seeing your blank face unmoved
“i-i’m really sorry i promise i didnt mean to be that guy i just-“
and you’re pressing into him everywhere mouth and body and mind and he’s drinking you in like the butterbeer stained on his scarf and he is totally balls deep in love with you
you two are inseparable after that, making it official on the walk back to the castle
if you’re going on a stress tangent about how much work you have, for Beverly negative thought he’ll press a kiss to a pet of your face until you’re giggling and a mess and you’re kissing him back and then you’re on the table in the library...
“Georgie, you’re gonna kill my grades if we keep doing this!”
“You kill me everytime you blink for godric’s sake and yet here I am!”
he is a simp
he says he isn’t but anytime you bring out the “georgie, please” or “love, please” he turns to butter
fred thinks it’s the funniest shit and he capitalizes on it constantly
he calls you his little bird
most specifically his mockingbird because he claims you always set him at ease and make him feel like everything is centered
and he’s right, you do
you center the wild fire in him when he needs to breathe and look around
you see parts of him that aren’t balanced
there’s a night when you walk in on him just curled on his bed crying
your beautiful boy alone and sad and you instinctively start to cry too
You wrap your arms around him as he turns to you and buried his head in your lap. George, my love, what’s wrong?”
“I-I’m not like Fred I’m not like Charlie I’m sure as shit not like Bill I’m not like anyone that’s actually important” he chokes
“No, you don’t understand, Y/N. I’m not good enough. For anyone. And I see it and hear about it everyday when my mum brags about how great her kids are and save us for last and when Fred can never shut up about how good he is at EXISTING and I-it swallows me whole, Y/N, I cant feel like this anymore” his body wracks out a harsh sob and you hold him like this
You hold him until he can start to fall asleep and you lay with him until you too, are asleep when he wakes up to tell you
“I love you. Forever, Y/N.”
And you push the hair off his lightly sweaty forehead and tell him “and I love YOU, George Weasley.” and you two fall back asleep happy crying in each other’s arms
he sees you struggle too
struggle with your workload
struggle with your own insecurities of not being good enough for him
telling him you’re just a girl that talks a lot about weird stuff and that you bring him down and he every time cups your face in his hands and pulls you down into him and says
“I love you here.” And kisses your forehead. “I love your mind.” And kisses below your earlobe “and I love you here. How you listen to people and always know what to say” and he kisses your nose “and I love you here, how you snort when you laugh really hard.” And he finally lands on your mouth, staying there for a moment, “and I love you most of all here. When you speak everything in your head and laugh and sing and talk and just breathe, my love. You’ve always been enough in all those places.” He presses one more kiss to your forehead and murmurs “I love you everywhere.”
anyway it’s time for spicy stuff
bow chicka wow wow as Fred would prolly say
George loves fucking you in the library it’s canon
he loves hoisting you on a table or against the stacks and murmuring against your skin how loud you are for him
“Is my little bird wanting to chirp a little louder?” He pries your thighs farther apart prompting a squeak and a small whine. “There it is, love, taking me so well...keep quiet, angel don’t want Pince to know how much of a cockslut you are for me writhing against the shelves do you?”
whew chile anyways
he also likes to touch you when you’re reading to him
but will stop and pull his face away from your neck and your hand from your core when you stop reading to him
“Angel, are you so much of a slut that you can’t focus on the words in front of you?”
“N-no, Georgie, oh my god right there”
“Thereeee, it is-“
mmmmm he’s hot fuck on GOD
when you guys slept together for the first time, he brought you to the *ding ding ding* restricted section after hours
he set up a whole ass blanket and relit the candles and brought pillows
it was very much making love to george and he whispered sweet nothings and praises in your ear the entire time
ugh what a MAN
molly fucking adores you
“My George brought home a beautiful Ravenclaw? Please know, Y/N he is an idiot most of the time and we wouldn’t be hurt if you found an out-“
again, Fred really does love you and enjoy your company
frequently comments about truly how unconditionally happy George has been, and how happy it makes him to see his younger twin so confident and full of joy
he also wouldn’t say this out loud but the more confident georgie gets, the better his prank plans become
i mean after all - he is the brains of the operations ;)
every chance he gets when you’re around his family or really anyone, he’ll sneak up behind you and plant a hearty kiss on your cheek and a quick “ILOVEYOU” in your ear before running off to do god knows what
oh, y’all bicker constantly
and by bicker i just mean argue about like
or is Wyoming a state
just like factually dumb but quirky shit
you’ve only had a fight like ONE time
and it was because George took a prank too far with Fred and you didn’t talk to him for an entire day
and because George has a lot of separation anxiety plus fear of abandonment he did not take it really well
You had gone back to your room after dinner in the Great Hall. For the whole day George didn’t eat. You knew because you hadn’t seen him anywhere in the Hall, and none of your classes. When you opened the door you saw him crouching knees pressed to his chest on your bed, he looked like a ghost. He met eyes with you and choked out a sob and ran to you, you opening your arms to hold him. “Please forgive me, Y/N I know you’re hurt but please don’t leave me I’ll be better next time I promise” he got faster and you knew he couldn’t breathe so you just whispered to him you weren’t going to leave you’ll be with him and you’ll stay and mistakes happen, you promise. “Georgie, I promise I’m never leaving. Okay?” He nodded into your shoulder, hunched into you. “I love you so much it hurts.” “I know, Georgie. I know.”
regardless for all his quirks and all his fears and hurts
there is nothing you wouldn’t do
to spend every waking moment with this boy
your love
and he, for the first time, knows he is enough
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cutesuki--bakugou · 4 years
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Rating:  Explicit
Warnings: Rough Sex (Vaginal), Rough Oral Sex (blow job, face fucking), Spanking / Whipping (with a drumstick), Obsessive Reader, Toxic / Power Imbalanced Relationship, Emotional Manipulation, Suggested Dubcon / Reluctant / Compliant Reader
Words: 10,418 
Pairing: Drummer!Bakugou Katsuki x Superfan!Fem!Reader
Quirkless, Punk rock band AU
BTW, please blacklist the tag cutesuki-lemons if you do not want to see this content from my blog. I will no longer be tagging with specific keywords for this type of content.Thank you~
Due to the nature of this post, the characters are 18+
Tags: @lady-bakuhoe​, @gallickingun​, @mirakumiruku​, @wakaoujisenhime​, @sunnieskies02​, @hisoknen​
Art in banner by me.
This was incredibly frustrating. Finally, after years of admiring and being an incredibly dedicated fan, you were standing in front of your favorite punk rock band. They were just a few feet from you, so close that you could reach out and touch them. How badly you wanted their full and undivided attention was near suffocating, and yet, it was so difficult for you to find the courage to speak at all. You had given them your name after you had been brought backstage for the meet up, which was a perk of the insanely expensive VIP tickets you and your friends had purchased. 
That’s all that you had been able to say. Your friend, however, was absolutely bursting with questions. You were very close to her, but damn, you wished that she would just stop talking long enough for someone else to get a word in. All day you had been brooding over what you wanted to ask, what you wanted to say to these men that had been such a huge part of your life for the last few years. Their music had inspired you, made you cry, pumped you up so much that you’d jump around your room and just jam out. But, more than that, they had saved you. You didn’t know how to explain it, or even how it happened in the first place, but you had truly begun to feel like their existence is what you lived for. 
Was that unhealthy? Probably. But who could blame you? You loved every single one of them. All five men were like your best friends, and you felt so close to them from your time following them on social media and attending their concerts. You knew them like the back of your hand, from birthdays, to favorite food, drinks, hobbies, past or current girlfriends, and you had even found out their personal telephone numbers. Had you ever called them? No, of course not. That would be creepy. 
Midoriya Izuku, the band leader and lead singer, was being the most engaging as far as answering questions. Unlike their punkish attire and aesthetic, he was like sunshine, incredibly friendly and soft with his curly green hair and freckled cheeks. He was adorable, able to make all the little fangirls scream and squeal with his grin and a cheeky wink. 
Todoroki Shouto, lead guitar and backup singer, was the quiet pretty boy of the group, breaking hearts with his intense and piercing stare. That wasn’t to say he didn’t have a soft side to him, but more than anything, he was extremely dense, and his genuine confusion was what made him so desirable. 
Kirishima Eijirou, second guitar, was another ray of sunshine amongst the black clothes and punk piercings. He loved to get the crowd riled up, his endless energy and cheery personality infectious. Out of everyone, he was the most openly friendly without a hint of shyness and treated everyone like he had known them forever. 
Kaminari Denki, bass guitar, was the group idiot. He was nice, but often did and said things that could get the group into trouble or make a fool of himself in the public eye. Funny and playful, he could make anyone laugh, either from a joke or from just being a silly fool. 
Although you adored them all, one of them had you in his grip, like your heart had been locked in a vice that grew tighter every time you saw him. The fifth member, Bakugou Katsuki, was your absolute dream man. Rough, arrogant, mean, and foul mouthed, he was the bands second in command, drummer, and backup singer for moments that required his deep and gruff voice. God, he was everything you ever wanted in a partner. Boyfriend. Husband. Whatever! You wanted him so badly that you dreamed about it constantly, picturing yourself in those strong arms or having those calloused hands on your body. Much to your misfortune, he was the most private on social media, so there was still a lot about him that you didn’t know. 
That was one of his most attractive qualities to you. His mystery and his silence. What was he really like? Was he this grumpy and off putting with those close to him? Did he have a gentle side of any kind?
You wanted to know everything about him! But, standing here in front of the entire band, you were frozen, not able to make a squeak. Even your eyes were locked on the floor, unable to look up at them in fear that you would gawk a little too intensely. Or start crying. One of the two would happen, probably. 
Your chance to interact with your heroes was slipping by with each moment, however, and you didn’t know if you’d ever get to have this chance again. What did you want to say? What questions had you thought about? You had a million of them, all you had to do was just say one. Something. Anything! 
The name slipped from your lips in a sharp snap, which tapered off at the end with a tremble. Just as the sweet name left your lips, your eyes darted up, catching the confused and irritated crimson glare of the blonde drummer. At first, you were taken aback by his current appearance, still flushed and sweaty from the concert performance. His blonde spiked locks were wild and unruly, bangs stuck to the sweaty skin of his forehead and cheeks. He was so handsome, all messy and hot--
“U-uhm…” Your friend that stood beside you gave you a nudge in the side, though she was unable to pull your gaze away from Bakugou, who’s annoyed snarl made your heart begin to race. “[Name], I was about to ask something else…” 
“What’d you want to say, you damn shitty extra.” Bakugou barked at you, ignoring your friends' whine at being interrupted. “Don’t just bark out my name and then stand there like a fucking moron.” That gruff and demanding voice was intoxicating, making you involuntarily clench your thighs together and clutch at the fabric of your skirt.
“I… I was wanting to know. Uhm,” Your eyes darted across his face and his chest as you tried to think of what you had been wanting to ask him. You couldn’t remember for the life of you, but as your gaze landed on the piercing he had on the bridge of his nose, a thought popped into your head and curiosity flourished instantly. “How many piercings do… do you have?” 
Bakugou’s eyebrow cocked in initial confusion at the question, before returning to its usual furrowed position. “The fuck? That’s kind of personal, ain’t it?” 
“I’ll tell you how many I have.” You weren’t sure if the teasing, flirtatious sound of your voice was purposeful or not, but just hearing yourself made the tips of your ears flush. “Five types… Nine piercings total. I bet you beat me on that, hm?” 
“Tch, that’s fucking nothing, you little punk poser. I have nine types, thirteen total.” Bakugou shoved his hands into the pockets of his loose shorts, pulling the fabric down just enough to show the skin of his left hip and a peak of his boxers. One of the stated piercings gleamed in the light once exposed, and it took all your willpower to not hyper focus on it. “Not like you’ll ever know them all or see them.” 
“I bet I could guess.” “You’d fucking fail, moron-”
“A-ah, let’s not!” Midoriya interrupted, giving a nervous laugh and a wave of his hand to pull your attention off Bakugou. “We’re not here to talk about such personal things, you know! Right, Kacchan?” 
“I don’t give a fuck,” Bakugou shifted his weight from his right foot to his left, giving an annoyed click of his tongue. “I’m not in the mood for this bullshit.” 
“Why?” You once again spoke without thinking. “Because you missed your cue during Collide?” The accusation immediately had Bakugou’s eyes widening in surprise before he scoffed, glaring crimson daggers at you.  
“Well aren’t you just a fucking super fan.” 
“I try to be.” Although you knew that he wasn’t kind to you, the fact that he noticed your extreme interest in the band made your cheeks flush, looking down at the ground between your black combat boots. The t-shirt you had paired with your skirt was your favorite that you owned of the bands merchandise, and just seeing it as you gaze down over your chest made your stomach bubble nervously. Was it really that obvious? Was it weird to him? Did he like it? 
“Ah, well, anyway!” Your friend piped in again, taking a step closer to Midoriya with a sparkle in her eyes. “Deku! Please, tell us about your girlfriend!” 
Midoriya instantly went into his flustered state of rubbing the back of his head, his stuttering and embarrassed gibberish cracking with his exhausted voice, leaving you once again off to the sidelines. With a small, quiet sigh, you fiddled with the hem of your skirt, more questions burning on the tip of your tongue. In your down casted vision, you saw Bakugou’s feet shift, and there wasn’t a second thought in your mind about looking up at him. Your gaze immediately locked with his, which was still a dark and threatening glare. 
Your heart instantly skipped a beat, the heat in your cheeks growing hotter. Had he already been looking at you? Why was he glaring so intensely? You didn’t think that he would get upset with the mention of his mistake that you had pointed out, but perhaps he had gotten embarrassed? In truth, you hadn’t meant your statement to be argumentative in any way. You were more concerned about him. Messing up during a performance was a big deal, and though most people might not have noticed, you were curious if it was eating at him or if he just doesn’t care. 
Then, he made a move that you didn’t expect. With a quiet click of his tongue, he began to make his way out of the room, only stopping at the door when Kirishima spoke up. 
“Woah, man, where are you going?” The redhead interrupted Midoriya, who also looked at Bakugou curiously. 
“I work a lot harder than all of you assholes during a show! I’m sick of fucking standing around, and these losers aren’t even interesting. I’ll be in my room.” Before anyone could stop him, the door slammed shut with his exit, and you turned your attention to Midoriya as he sighed. 
“A-aha, I’m sorry about Kacchan! He’s uh… he doesn’t like meetups much.” 
“That’s a shame…” You mumbled under your breath, already missing his presence. You could still feel that glare on you, so threatening and dangerous. This had been your chance to really make yourself stand out from the crowd and show him how genuinely interested you were in him, and you wasted it. You cared about him more than these other women that fawned over him like brainless zombies. You were perfect for him. You knew you were, without a doubt, and you wanted him. 
It was true that the rest of the band members were close to your heart, that you admired all of them as your heroes. But Bakugou… You had just ruined your chance to talk with him and get to know him. 
There wasn’t anything else you could do.
“Is there a bathroom I can use?” Your question once again popped out of your mouth during the middle of a conversation, though instead of stopping it, Kirishima smiled at you sweetly. His kind face and gentle touch to your arm to lead you away from the group so he could talk to you had your heart racing, almost too scared to take a step in fear that you’d trip with how distracted you were by his face. 
“Yeah, babe. Go left down the hall, you’ll see it marked. Don’t get yourself into trouble, m’kay?” 
B-babe? Aahh, why would he call me that? He’s too sweet for his own good. Cheeks flushing, you gave a small nod, thanking him quietly before heading out of the room, taking a final quick glance at the group behind you to catch Kirishima giving you a playful wave. Of course, by the time you stepped outside into the hallway, Bakugou had already vanished. Using what you had remembered of the route to get to this room from backstage, you hadn’t seen anything that was labeled as a changing room for any of the men. So, you went left down the hall as you had originally been instructed, glancing at each door you passed to see if there were any names scribbled on the dry erase board many of them sported. 
Your heart nearly stopped when you finally saw it. Bakugou Katsuki, written in red marker with a shitty doodle of what looked to be a hand holding up the middle finger, along with the words “fuck off”. Before going in, you took a moment to press your ear up against the door, listening closely to see if there were any signs of life. There wasn’t a single sound or hint of movement, so gathering your courage and glancing up and down the hall for danger, you took hold of the doorknob, your heart beginning to race as it moved without resistance. 
With a quiet click, the door opened, not making another sound as you cracked it just enough to look inside. The lights were on, and your suspicions that he hadn’t been inside were confirmed. Feeling a bit discouraged, you considered just going back to the room to finish off your time with the rest of the band. That would probably be enough to satisfy your longing for them, right? The others could be great company, and maybe Bakugou would come back before you left. 
But, deep in your chest, you could feel the need to be with Bakugou alone to talk to him one on one. You wanted his attention more than anything, and you knew that there wasn’t going to be another chance for you to see him this close again any time soon. No, you couldn’t run away. You had already come too far to back out now. What’s the worst he could do? Kick you out? Call security to have you removed? Call you names? Press you up against the wall and threaten you? 
Ah, well, maybe that wasn’t all that bad. You’d probably melt in his hands and collapse on the floor in a blushing puddle of tears if he so much as touched you. 
Gathering your resolve, you pushed yourself on into the room, walking lightly and glancing this way and that to make sure he wasn’t just laying on some furniture or something to take a nap. Feeling confident that he wasn’t in the room, you shut the door behind you with a light click, taking a few timid steps into the room. Almost instantly, you were completely engulfed by the scent of his body spray, which you had only been faintly able to pick up while in the group. It was such a powerful scent, bold and intense, just like him. How quickly just the simple scent of him made your core burning hot was a bit staggering, feeling your knees already growing weak and your chest growing tight. 
This is harder than I thought… Just from smelling him like this I feel like I’m going crazy. And he’s not even in here! I should leave before I get too distracted… But… This is his stuff! 
Beginning to feel a bit overwhelmed being in the presence of Bakugou’s possessions, your teary gaze scanned the room methodically, surprised to see that the room was actually very well kept. With his brash personality, you more expected Bakugou’s personal space to be a wreck, but the only thing that was really out of place was a small pile of clothes tossed aside next to a suitcase. A desire to be close to Bakugou driving you, there wasn’t a moment of hesitation as you made your way towards it, squatting down. Right on top was the tank top he had just been wearing, still soaked with his sweat. It was the most recent thing that had touched his body. It still had his essence all over it. How could you just leave it there? 
Picking it up, you brought the shirt up to your nose, inhaling deeply. It was absolutely delicious, your body quivering from the excitement and adrenaline beginning to pump through your veins. You were actually holding one of Bakugou’s sweaty shirts in your hands, one that he had just performed in! This was absolutely real. It wasn’t a dream!
Becoming overwhelmed with your feelings for him, you flopped back to sit on your butt, spreading your legs open. Since you were wearing fishnet hose with decently large holes, you had direct access to your already soaked pussy, the little lace thong easily moved aside. Now, all that existed to you was the scent wafting off his shirt and your fingers eagerly stroking your sex, alternating between stroking your clit and digging two of your fingers inside you. The cloth of the t-shirt pressed up against your lips and nose, you panted and moaned softly against it, imagining that you were right up against his chest, his fingers teasing your cunt. 
You were so engrossed in your fantasy that you could even hear him taunting you, that deep growl of his voice in your ear. 
“That’s right, babygirl. You like when I finger that slutty pussy, don’t you?” 
“You’re so fucking wet, you little whore. Dripping all for me.” 
“Getting horny just from the smell on my clothes? You dirty fuck.” 
“What the fuck are you doing?!” 
The sudden rattling boom of a familiar yell startled you out of your pleasant daydream, turning your moan into a squeal as you nearly jumped out of your skin. Spinning around, you were met with the wide-eyed shocked crimson glare of your dream man, who was standing halfway in the room, as if he had stopped in his tracks upon seeing you. All you could do was sit there in shock, still holding his shirt up to your face as your other hand tried to pull your skirt down between your legs, as if to hide your sin. 
“I,” Stuttering, you tried to gather yourself, clenching your thighs together tightly. “I, uhm, Bakugou, it’s not- How’d you… get in?” 
His shocked expression contorted into one of confusion, then into annoyance, his brows furrowed deeply as he startled at you. “Are you fucking kidding me? You didn’t lock the door, ya dumb cunt.” Walking the rest of the way inside, he slammed the door shut loudly behind him, startling you again enough to scurry back against the wall, your knees pulled up to your chest protectively. “What the fuck are you even questioning me for? You’re the horny bitch sitting on my floor sniffing my fucking clothes and touching yourself.” Without having to look back at the doorknob, Bakugou gave the little lock a twist, setting the latch firmly in place. 
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you could only stare at him, your eyes captivated by that fierce glare. How hot he made you only intensified now that he was back in your presence, and more than that, the asshole was even shirtless. His flawless muscular figure made your mouth feel dry, as if any and all liquid your body could produce was pooling between your legs. It was everything you could do not to start touching yourself again, clutching onto his shirt with both hands tightly. “I… I’m sorry. I just… I-” 
“You’re just a damn psycho fan, aren’t ya?” Reaching up to give his hair a quick ruffle, Bakugou started making his way towards you, his ruined and ragged skater shoes squeaking against the smooth wooden floor. “I’m surprised you didn’t rip your shirt off during the fucking concert and throw your bra on stage.” 
“I’m not stupid like those girls… I have dignity. And I don’t want a bunch of other people seeing my tits anyway.” Your voice lowered down to a meek whisper by the time he stood in front of you, both of his hands on his hips, as if he were about to scold you like an angry parent. With him so close, your eyes glanced over every inch of his bare torso, drinking in how absolutely flawless he was. What was even more enticing was the piercings he had so proudly boasted about not long ago, a pair of them placed on his collarbones, nipples, and hips. 
“Tch, dignity?” Bakugou scoffed, a sly smirk crossing his lips. “‘Dignity’, the little slut says, as she sits on the floor in my dressing room fucking herself to the stench on my shirt. Pathetic.” 
“What are… Are you going to kick me out?” 
“There’s a lot that I could do to you,” Bakugou’s smirk turned wicked, his lips curling up to show his gums. “But how about you tell me what the fuck you were doing in here?” 
“I just… I really wanted to get an autograph or picture with you. You’re my,” Your breath caught in your throat, not wanting to let it slip that he was your absolute dream man. “You’re my favorite band member.” 
“Then what are you doing with my clothes?” 
An intense burning suddenly rushed to your cheeks with a new round of embarrassment, and with it came the stinging sensation of tears building up in your eyes. What had you been doing? You had just wanted to talk to him more, to get to know him better, and just spend time with your hero. And yet, you had let yourself get completely overwhelmed by a burning desire for him, one that was just too strong to ignore in the moment of solitude with his possessions. You knew that you had a very intense crush on him, but that bad and that… gross? You had told yourself over and over that you weren’t like the desperate women who would do anything filthy to get his attention, yet here you were, sniffing his clothes and touching yourself. 
“I… I don’t know what I was doing.” Your voice quivered as you avoided looking at him, trying to blink the tears away. “That was really gross of me. I had just… wanted to see you in private. I wasn’t getting a chance to talk to you, to any of you, and… I just wanted my chance.” 
“You wanted your chance, eh?” Bakugou brought a hand up to his chin, rubbing it as if he were in thought, contemplating his options. “So much that you’d sneak into my room, to wait for me or try to corner me?” 
Swallowing the lump that had grown in your throat, you coward down back against the wall, wishing that you could just shrink away in shame. Your impulses had completely ruined your chances. He had to think you were a total freak by now, he’d never want to even give you the time of day. 
“Ya know,” Bakugou crossed his arms over his chest, taking a half step closer to you. His posture and presence over you was so aggressive and domineering that you couldn’t find it in yourself to move, only pulling your legs up tighter to your chest to try and get further away from him. “You talk all big, saying that you’re not like those other extras out there that’ll drop their pants in seconds for me. That you have ‘dignity’. But I don’t think that’s true. I think you’re just like those other sluts out there, a stupid whore that is driven by nothing but her cunt.” 
You gave a small shake of your head, trying to ignore the throbbing between your legs and the swirling in your stomach from how he was treating you. You couldn’t believe it was turning you on so much. “No, I… That isn’t what I wanted.” 
“I think it is. You’re disgusting. Nothing but a filthy super fan and a stalker. Why don’t you just admit it?” 
“Because… It’s not true. I love you, but not… It’s not all like that.” 
“If you loved me, you’d do anything for me, wouldn’t you?” The change in tone caught you off guard, his voice no longer accusatory and vicious. Instead, his growl was almost soothing, as if he were trying to calm your frantic thoughts of failure. “You’d do anything to stay in the same room as me. To just be able to fucking look at me or get a shitty autograph, hm?” 
“I would… yes.” Your heart racing, you tried to blink away the tears still prickling in your eyes, but they were persistent. “But if you want me to leave, I’ll… do that, too. I shouldn’t have come here like this in the first place…” 
“You regret it?” Bakugou moved his hands back to his hips, his fingers resting against the pristine shape of his hips with such rugged and confident posture. You were so conflicted on your feelings, and that question only made your throat grow tight. Did you regret it? All your actions up to this point had gotten you here, alone in his room with him, and no matter what the interaction was or may end up being, just getting to be here was a dream come true. 
But what would you do? Would you really do anything he asked of you? Anything? In truth, you didn’t think that you had the courage and you would just annoy him until he kicked you out. What would he even want from you in the first place? You weren’t innocent enough to not have noticed the bulge beneath the zipper of his shorts, pressing up into the fabric. Was this entire situation, having you cowering on the floor in front of him like this, actually turning him on? Did he… like you, then? Was he attracted to you? 
“I asked you a question.” Bakugou snapped when you didn’t answer him, leaning forward a bit to glower down at you with that typical snarl. 
“I don’t… I don’t regret it. I just don’t want to upset you.” 
“Aw, don’t want to upset me, eh?” With a click of his tongue, Bakugou’s snarl stretched into a smirk. “Poor little stalker, scared to upset me. Don’t worry, babygirl. Just do what I ask, and you won’t upset me.” 
“Really? You’re not upset?” 
“Not at all, babe. But you have to do what I say. You’ll do anything for me, won’t you?” The condescending growl of his voice was lost to you, only able to latch on to the pet names and hope of getting back on his good side.
“Because you’re not like those other girls. You're my number one fan. Aren’t you?” 
A new burning of heat and tears flared up, unable to stop the happy smile on your lips. “Yes. Yes! I am! I love you so much-”
“Get on your knees.” 
Smile faltering, you were confused by the demand, looking up at Bakugou through your gathered tears. “What?” 
“Get on your fucking knees.” Bakugou snapped again, the gleam in his glare almost… sinister. Still, there was something in you that begged for you to comply, and just like your impulses earlier, you couldn’t ignore it. Squeezing the fabric of his shirt tightly in your hands, you slowly shifted yourself up onto your knees as demanded, though the space between him and the wall was limited. Worried about your face being too close to his crotch, you sat back mostly on your legs, but he was quick to correct you. 
“All the way up on your knees.” 
Nibbling at your bottom lip, you pushed yourself up to be kneeling, your eyes glancing and looking everywhere but at the crotch of his baggy blank punk shorts, which reached his knees and ended in tattered fabric. The chains on both hips rattled lightly as he shifted his weight to his other foot, and that slight sound pulled your eyes to look at them, and thus at his crotch. At this angle, you could truly see how strained he was, the form of his cock clearly visible. The heat in your cheeks grew fiercer just thinking about what was just a few inches from your nose, and what was worse, the smell of him was overwhelming all your senses. He must have just recently reapplied his spray after sweating like mad for hours on end, but even his natural scent was enticing. 
“What are you looking at, babe?” 
Bakugou’s voice broke you out of your stupor, bringing you to look up at his face. “Nothing… Just, well…” Your voice tapered off, unable to find it within you to ask him. He obviously had a boner, but what the hell did that mean?
“Open your mouth. Keep those pretty eyes on my face.” His commands had grown softer, as if he were purring at you to keep you compliant. Opening your mouth as told, you peered up at him through your lashes, tilting your head back a little. The way his smirk grew had your skin tingling, but that isn’t what had all your attention. Your focus was on his hips, listening to the rustling of fabric and watching the movement of his arms through your peripheral vision. “Good girl. Now stick out your tongue. And don’t move.” 
Slowly, your tongue lolled out, and the low groan he gave in satisfaction of your obedience had you opening your mouth wider. As you sat there waiting for him, you could feel the saliva beginning to dribble down your chin and along the length of your tongue, gathering in a slick pool before dripping off the tip of your tongue to the floor. 
Suddenly, you felt a hard and hot presence slap against your tongue, making you squeak and recoil back. Though, before you could get far, your hair was in Bakugou’s fist, yanking you back up into position and peering up at him in shocked fear. He was visibly agitated, but his smirk was still wide, teeth bared. 
“What do you think you’re doing, slut? I said don’t move. You told me you’d do anything I say.” 
Trembling now, you pulled your gaze from his to look at his hips, pressing your lips together tightly as you gazed upon his erect cock. As he held it steady with his free hand, you couldn’t help but take in every detail, from the girth and length, the prominent veins and ridges, and the frenum barbell piercing nestled just under the blushing head. It was truly the most attractive cock you had ever seen in your life, and a fire began to rage in your core as you realized that was what had just hit your tongue. 
Bakugou’s cock… He… He wants me to suck him off? What if I’m not good enough… I shouldn’t! 
You could feel the heat of your essence beginning to dribble down your thighs, your poor excuse for underwear and hose completely soaked through. You could feel the throbbing all the way into your stomach, and it was impossible to deny that you were the horniest you had ever been. But this isn’t what you had expected or wanted to do. Was it? 
“That’s what you said, isn’t it?” Bakugou pulled your head a bit closer, giving you a few rough smacks to the cheek with his impressive cock. “You would do anything for me.” With your lips still tightly closed, he ran the tip of his cock across them, smearing his precum along your skin. “So be a good girl and give my cock a little kiss. Be sweet, now.” 
Although the demand was embarrassing, the pressure of his grip on your hair and his cock literally at your lips made you feel like you truly didn’t have a choice. He was in control of all of this. He could do anything he wanted. He could get you arrested, even. You had to do what he said, not only for your own benefit, but because you adored him. So, you placed a tender kiss right beneath the head, your eyes fluttering closed. Abandoning the t-shirt in your hands, you reached up to softly caress his cock, using your grip to move it up to give you more access to the underside. Your kisses were quite timid at first, but as one lingered against the underside of his shaft, the pulsing you could feel against your lips made your body ache. 
Eventually, your kisses became more passionate, even giving light suckles and little kitten licks, teasing the piercing and the sensitive head. Hearing him groan with the attention pulled your eyes up to look at him, a bit surprised to see that his cheeks were quite flushed, and his smirk had faded. Was he really enjoying this? 
Bracing himself against the wall with his free hand, Bakugou only further crushed you with his overwhelming presence and dominance, making you pause in worry. “Good girl. Now open your fucking mouth.” 
The instant your lips parted wide enough, Bakugou simultaneously pulled your head and pressed his hips forward, shoving his cock into your mouth, the tip stopping at the back of your tongue. Squeaking and groaning in surprise of the forced entry, you clutched on tightly to his thighs, only just having noticed that his shorts had fallen around his feet. His boxers had simply been pushed down out of the way, but the elastic kept them up on his hips for now. You were unable to move, his grip on your hair too tight to pull back. He didn’t want you to do the work? 
“That’s it, baby. Keep that mouth nice and open for my cock. You don’t gag easily do you?” You could hear the feigned concern in the question, and the only answer you could give is a furrow of your brow, new tears prickling in the corners of your eyes. “Oh well. Guess we’ll find out, won’t we?” 
It was then that Bakugou began to thrust his hips, fucking your mouth slow and shallow. You were actually surprised that he started out so cautious, but you could tell that the pleasure was beginning to grow quickly. “Fuck babe, you’re such a good little slut for me.” Ever so slightly, he began to thrust faster and deeper, until the tip of his cock was hitting against the back of your throat. You were lucky that you didn’t have a strong gag reflex, as you knew that anyone who did would have already puked all over him. But you could take it. You could take it for him, to let him have his way with you just to stay with him a little longer. 
Though, you were finding that it was difficult, breathing in through your nose and trying to distract yourself from the burning in your jaw. Each thrust had your nose touching his pelvis and his balls slapping against your chin, which was coated in drool that dripped freely. It was so difficult to handle him, in fact, that you couldn’t stop the tears from running down your cheeks, only further displacing your already ruined makeup from crying earlier. You were a mess already, but the fire within you didn’t falter. If not for needing to grip onto his thighs to keep you balanced, you would be touching yourself again, the craving for your own pleasure just as suffocating as the dick in your throat. 
Still, your struggles were worth it. You got to watch Bakugou’s expression, his brow no longer furrowed in anger but in pleasure, his eyes glazed over with the undying need for release. His face was flushed and sweat was already beginning to drip down along his skin, his body still affected by the intense performance he hadn’t finished not even an hour ago. The way his body moved, muscles tensing and rolling beneath your grip on his thighs. He was so gorgeous. 
You had expected him to finish in your mouth, but after some time of fucking your throat raw, he stopped, holding the back of your head as he dug his cock as deep in as he could. You groaned and whined from the pressure, wishing desperately for relief while pushing on his thighs. With his own groan and hiss of pleasure, Bakugou pulled out of your mouth slowly, his smirk returning as he took in the sight of you. “You should see yourself. Filthy. Keep your tongue out.” When he finally removed himself completely, you took in a deep breath, gasping and panting to try and recover from the brutality you had to endure. Your tongue, however, stayed out as he demanded, allowing him to rub the underside of his tip against it. 
“You’re fuckin’ hot, you know that? So fucking sexy. I bet you have a nice tight little pussy, too.” After a few rough slaps of his cock against your tongue, he took a step back, stepping out of his shorts as he did so as well as his shoes, leaving him in nothing but his boxers. “Stand the fuck up.” 
Swallowing hard, you took the moment of getting to your feet to wipe your chin of the mess of liquids, but you didn’t get much time to steady yourself. Snatched by the arm, Bakugou dragged you over a few feet towards the couch, grabbing you once again by the hair and forcing you down over the armrest. The couch was quite tall, so with your upper body pressed into the cushions and your hips snuggly in place against the armrest, you could barely touch the floor with your tiptoes. It was another uncomfortable position, but you ignored the pressure on your belly as your ass was suddenly exposed to the cold air of the room, your skirt flipped up out of the way. 
“Fuck you have a nice ass.” Gripping your backside with both hands firmly, Bakugou squeezed and spread you open, taking in the pleasant view. “What a fucking punk poser you are with these shitty fishnets. They don’t even do shit.” Digging his fingers into the holes along your crotch, he gave a rough yank, ripping the fabric open to give him easy access. “Holy fucking shit, you should see how wet you are, babygirl.” 
You whimpered at the feeling of his thumb stroking along your sex, the slick that coated your skin giving him no resistance. You could feel it, all over your inner thighs and aching cunt, but now your favorite person in the entire world could see it, too. He could see how wet he made you, how getting tossed around by him made you feel. 
I… I didn’t agree to all of this. I know it isn’t right. I didn’t want it to go this far, but… How can I stop him? Why would I stop him? He’s… I love him so much! I want him to touch me, even though I know I shouldn’t--
Your thoughts were cut off by your own gasp, your body tensing and legs bending at the knee involuntarily at the sudden pleasure that rocked through your body. You knew what it was, his tongue hot and eager against your clit as he ate you out. The sounds of him lapping at your cunt and grunting in delight at the taste of you had your mind spinning, the pleasure devouring your body. Not wanting to be heard by anyone outside, you moaned and gasped into the fabric of the couch cushion, digging your nails into it as you did everything you could to not writhe out of his grip. 
You were so sensitive to his touch that you could feel everything, from his nails digging into your hips to the way his tongue piercing slid across your clit. It was as if he knew exactly how to use it to be able to drive you completely insane, the hard metal sending shocks of lightning through your body with each stroke and flick. 
“Ba-Bakugou, ahh-!” You tugged and pulled at the couch cushion in your grip, digging the toes of your boots into the floor. “It’s too much! Wait--!” 
“Too much? Don’t be such a fucking wimp. You’re my little slut, aren’t you? You can take anything I give you.” As he stood back up, you looked up at him over your shoulder, having to peek through your messy hair to see him. That wicked and excited smirk was back, and you were only able to watch as he gripped your ass in his hands, sliding his cock between your cheeks to coat himself in your essence. “And I know what you want me to give to you. You want my dick inside you, babygirl?” 
Immediately, you stomach rolled nervously, eyes on the tip of his cock and the precum dribbling from it. You were on birth control, there wasn’t necessarily anything risky about that, but there was something else that pricked at the back of your mind. If you did this with him, then you knew that you could never settle for another man. You would want him forever, as you always had, but would you ever get a chance like this again? Would you ever even see him again after today? 
It doesn’t matter… I’ll do it! 
“Yes! Yes, Bakugou, I want you.” You were surprised as he leaned away from you for a moment, though what he was doing was quickly made clear as he came back into full view with a drumstick. The way that it was beaten and chipped told you that it was one he had used that performance, and the other was probably close by, set to be discarded or handed out to fans. 
“And why do you want me?” Bakugou dug the stick into your hose, giving a sharp yank to further rip the delicate fabric and expose more of your ass to him fully. “Just because I’m your favorite of the band?” 
“No!” You couldn’t help but become defensive. “I… I care about you more than that!” You bit down onto your bottom lip as he began to run the tip of the stick across your skin towards your cunt, mind racing with thoughts of what he was going to do with it. You could still feel and see his cock between your cheeks, hot and pulsing, and you were honestly surprised that he could hold out to tease you this long. Just seeing you like this, bent over and so submissive, was enough to keep him going long enough to torture you a bit. 
“You love me? Even though I’ve slapped you, pulled your hair, and fucked your throat until you went hoarse? Even though I have your ass bent over the couch and haven’t given you any more than a few minutes of pleasure?” Suddenly, he brought the stick down hard onto your ass, making you yelp out and tremble beneath him. The pain was so good! You wanted that again, and you received it without having to ask, a moan slipping from your lips. 
“Yes! I’ll love you no matter what you do to me! Always! I love it when you throw me around and use me like this! Please, use me more! I’m your little slut, Bakugou--” You were silenced as he leaned over you, his palm pressing into the side of your face and pushing the hair roughly away from obscuring your flushed and teary features. Now with your full attention, Bakugou smirked, narrowing his eyes at you. 
“No, no, my pet. Call me by my name.” 
The heat that rushed to your face made even his burning palms feel cool, trying to blink the tears away as they rushed down the side of your nose to soak into the couch. Was he being serious? He wanted you to call him by name… by his first name. Something that he never allowed anyone but those close to him to do, and you had seen him on more than one occasion snap at people when they did it. He was huge on respect and feeling dominant over others, so to him, his given name was sacred. 
“Ka… Katsuki…” You couldn’t speak any louder than an airy whisper, though his reaction was enough to tell you that he enjoyed it. Smirk growing, Bakugou sat up from over your back, his fingers curling into your ruined hair as he began to rut his hips against you. His cock stroked slowly against your ass, his tip teasingly pressing into your cunt before slipping up back between your cheeks. 
“Again.” The drumstick still in his free hand, he brought it down hard onto the already abused and welted cheek, right as your voice had begun to leave your lips. 
“Ka-ah! Katsuki!” With another whack, your body instinctively tried to shift away from him, though all it did was off set his cock. His tip slipped into you, making you pause, both from the feeling and from the irritated growl that left his chest. 
“What a naughty little bitch, trying to get me to fuck you before I say so.” 
“N-no, it was just--” 
“-- Well if you want it so fucking bad, I’ll give it to you!” Abandoning your hair and the drumstick, he gripped your hips tightly in both hands, sinking his cock into you with one quick snap of his hips. “I’ll show you who fucking owns you!” 
You didn’t have time to think or respond as he began to fuck you, fast and hard. Already, the pleasure was overwhelming, rolling through your body like electricity. It was perfect, everything you had ever imagined and more. The way he filled you up to the absolute brim, not leaving a single inch of you untouched, had the coil in your core tightening so quickly that you couldn’t even think about how to restrain it. You were going to cum very quickly, and you had never wanted to so badly in your life. 
“How does my cock feel inside you, slut?” 
“G-good,” You struggled to choke out a response behind your moans, which squeaked with surprise as he picked up the pace. “It feels good!” 
“You want to cum all over it, don’t you?” 
“Beg for it.” 
At first, you couldn’t even comprehend what he was asking you, your mind growing hazy to everything but the pleasure. “I… please!” You reached back, clutching onto his hand tightly, digging your nails into his skin in hopes that it would keep him latched to you. “Please! Please let me cum, Katsuki! I want to cum all over your cock! I love it!” 
When the pleasure stopped, all you could do was sit there in shock, the emptiness you felt as he pulled out of you making your stomach sink. Had you said the wrong thing? Before you could really ask him, you were grabbed by the elbows and lifted up off the couch, your body flipped so you were sitting on the armrest with your legs now loosely hooked around his hips. In the next moment, his strong arms were around your body, one hooked around your hips to pull them snug against his own while the other supported your upper body. What shocked you more than that was the fierceness of his lips against yours, kissing you with intense passion and aggressiveness that you couldn’t help but to give in. 
Wrapping your arms around his torso, you moaned and gasped softly into the kiss, his hips once again rutting against yours to stroke his length against your clit. For a moment, things seemed to feel different than they had during this entire experience. It wasn’t as if he were using you anymore, doing everything entirely for his own benefit. Instead, his touch was attentive, caressing you and moving your body into position without force. Even the way he kissed you was quick to change, from dominating your mouth to a more tender sweetness. You didn’t ever want it to end, but you allowed it when he pulled away, gazing up into his piercing crimson gaze as he pressed his forehead against yours. 
“I want to see that pretty face when you cum.” The growl against your lips was teetering on threatening, as if he were warning you to not even think about turning away or hiding your face in his shoulder. “I want to see how good my cock makes you feel, baby. So cum all over it like a good girl.” As he began to sink his cock into you slowly, you couldn’t control your reactions to it, Your eyes rolling back and fluttering closed as he bottomed out inside you, even biting down onto your bottom lip as you whined. 
“Yes, Katsuki--” Your voice hitched as he began to thrust into you again, his cock reaching even deeper inside you that it had been before. “--Please watch my face… See how happy you make me!” 
“That’s right, you slut. That’s because you belong to me, don’t you? You’d do anything for me.” As he fucked you, he relied on your grip on him to keep you up, both of his hands moving to grip your hips again. As the pleasure began to boil, you dug your nails into his back, your voice spiking as he became rougher with the added pain. 
“Yes! Yes, anything! I’ll be your little slut forever, Katsuki! Just please don’t stop!” It was impossible to tear your eyes away from his even if you wanted to, but it was more than just the fact that they were intoxicating. He may have wanted to watch your face for the visual expressions of pleasure, but he didn’t realize that his demand to keep your eyes on him gave away more than he probably had expected to. There was no anger or frustration that you had seen before. Instead, he seemed absolutely overwhelmed with the pleasure himself, just as you were, and the flushing of his cheeks paired with his upwards furrowed brow gave him almost a… desperate look. Like he was pushing himself to make sure he was fucking you as well as he possibly could. 
Was he feeling some self-consciousness about all of this, too? Or regret for pushing you to this, unwillingly at first? You didn’t know, and you knew in the end he wouldn’t tell you if you asked. 
“Fucking hell, babygirl, your pussy is so fucking tight,” Bakugou pressed his forehead against yours again, wrapping his arms back around your waist to hold you closer, both to the edge of the armrest and his body. “You’re the best fuck I’ve had in months. I hope you’re ready for my cum all over that pretty face--” 
“No!” You moved your arms to wrap around his neck instead, one hand pressing against the back of his head with fingers tangled in his hair. “Come inside me! Please, Katsuki, I want you to fill me up! It’s okay--” Your voice cracked with a cry of pleasure, your encouragement pushing him to fuck you harder and deeper. 
“Then cum for me, bitch. Cum all over my cock.” 
With that command, you couldn’t hold the coil still any longer. It shattered with his movements inside you, each rough hit of his tip against your cervix only prolonging your orgasm and sending wave after wave of harsh pleasure through your body. Trembling, you squeezed onto him tightly, clutching a fist full of his hair and kissing him roughly, moaning and sighing softly into the kiss as he didn’t give you a moment to breathe. Within moments after your climax, his thrusts became slower and erratic, before he was finally able to release. 
Groaning and cursing against your lips, Bakugou kept his gaze locked with yours, not giving you any room to move or pull back as he came inside you. How hot it was coating your walls made you shiver, squeezing his hips with your thighs and pulling yourself in closer. It was an incredible high, and as you both came down from it together, you both loosened your grip on each other. 
For a moment, you stayed connected, your head on his shoulder with your forehead pressed against his neck, able to feel his pulse against your skin and his chest heaving against yours. Had all of this really just happened? You were pressed up against your crush, his arms wrapped around you with one large hand stroking up and down your back softly. It was so strange compared to his aggressive demeanor just moments before. You knew that it should have made you happy, but instead, all it did was confuse you, and you felt a new wave of tears rush down your flushed cheeks. 
Able to feel your tears run down his chest, Bakugou gave a click of his tongue, prying you off him with little pressure. In the same moment, he slipped his semi flaccid dick from within your still aching cunt, pulling his boxers back into place to cover himself. “Fucking crying again? Seriously?” 
Steadying yourself on the armrest with your hands, you kept your gaze downcast, squeezing your legs together as you could feel his cum beginning to leak out. “I’m sorry, Bakugou, I just--” 
His loud correction made you jump, looking up at his face in shock as he glowered down at you. His cheeks were still flushed red, but you were unsure if it was from the exertion of what you had just done or from something else. Reaching over, Bakugou wiped your cheeks roughly with his thumbs, before giving you a bump to the bottom of your chin, as if telling you to cheer up. “I already fucking told you, psycho fan. Katsuki.” 
“Right. I… should I leave now?” 
Unsure of what to do with yourself, you stared up at Bakugou expectantly, fiddling with the hem of your skirt. With another click of his tongue, Bakugou bent over and snatched the forgotten drum stick up off the floor, taking a few steps away towards the vanity that was neatly organized with what you assumed he wore during a performance. Picking up what looked like a marker, Bakugou wrote something on the thick end of the drumstick, before presenting it to you. “Here.” 
Feeling your throat begin to close up as nerves began to take hold of you, it took you a moment to even find the courage to look at the stick, scared of what he might have written on it. Of course, it was probably just his autograph, which he had promised you at the beginning of all this. There wasn’t much time to look at it, though, before Bakugou huffed, shoving it against your chest and forcing you to grab it. “Take the damn thing!” 
Body still feeling quite weak, you squeaked as you fell backwards onto the couch from his push, clutching the drumstick tightly. You could see the tips of Bakugou’s ears flush as he scoffed, pointing towards the door that led out into the hallway. It was… cute. 
“Will you get out! Fuck, you’ve wasted enough of my time for now, go back to your friends!” 
For now…? 
Sitting up, you took a moment to fix your hair and wipe your face again, using the edge of your shirt to help you. “Do I look clean enough?” 
“You look just as fucking hot as you did when I first walked in. Now you better fucking leave, and I expect you to do what I say.” Walking over towards his pile of laundry, Bakugou picked up the shirt he had caught you with, tossing it at you and hitting you in the face. “And take that shit with you! You like it so much; you can have it.” 
Clutching both of your new prized possessions close to your chest, you hopped up like an excited child, smiling wide and squealing as you hopped towards the door. “Aahh, thank you, Katsuki! Thank you! I’m… sorry again for intruding…” 
“Yeah, and I’m sorry for the welts on your ass. Now fuck off!” Bakugou barked again, trying to rush you out for whatever reason. Stepping outside, you couldn’t help but take a moment to lean back against the wall when the door shut, breathing heavily and blushing fiercely. In truth, you weren’t sure what to make of that entire endeavor, thrown into a confusing mix of shame, embarrassment, arousal, and longing. You shouldn’t have done that, and yet, you just didn’t want to leave his side. 
“Got a little lost, didn’t ya, babe?” 
The squeal that left your lips was quickly doused by the t-shirt in your hand, jumping and nearly slamming yourself back against the wall in shock of the unexpected voice. Standing across the hall was Kirishima, whose presence you were surprised you didn’t notice immediately. The mischievous smirk on his lips quickly widened into a pleasant grin, uncrossing his arms and pushing himself off the wall to stand up straight. Had he been waiting for you to come out?
“You skipped the bathroom, you know! It’s down that way. I decided to come look for you before we were forced to call security guards, but I guess Bakugou found you first.” 
“A-ah, sorry! I… saw him go in his room and I just wanted an autograph.” Holding your treasures close to your chest, your stomach rolled nervously as Kirishima leaned in closer, his eyes locked on the visible part of the drumstick. 
“Aahh, I get it! Bakugou can be kind of a jerk, I’m surprised! But uh… if you want to convince anyone else that you were just getting an autograph, you should really go to the bathroom. I’m sure Bakugou didn’t give you a mirror, but you look like you had a real good time.” You could hear the tone in his voice lower from friendly to flirtatious, and you quickly tried to fix your hair. 
“H-he told me I looked fine!” 
“To him you probably do. May I?” Still grinning with a friendly disposition, you glanced at both of Kirishima’s hands as he held them up in an offering of help, before nodding timidly. He began to run his rough fingers through your hair, fixing it back into a state of normalcy with a tender touch that was so opposite to what you had just experienced with Bakugou. “You’re cute. I can see why he was so into you right away.” 
“That isn’t… normal for him?” Your eyes glanced over Kirishima’s exposed muscular arms and sides, the deep cut in the arms of his tank showing all the way to his hips. You thought you saw his smile turn sly out of the corner of your eye, but you couldn’t be sure. 
“Nah sweetheart. Bakugou might be a lot of things, but he doesn’t go for random chicks.” Seemingly satisfied, Kirishima also used his thumbs to wipe your cheeks and under your eyes. “Such a messy thing.” 
“Thank you, Kirishima… I’m… I’m really sorry for causing you trouble.” Your heartbeat grew heavier as the redhead in front of you didn’t step back, towering over you just as the blonde had. “I’ll go to the restroom and then... Back to the group.” 
With a chuckle, Kirishima nodded, tapping the end of the drumstick a few times. “You do that! I’ll meet you back there, just going to have a few words with our drummer. Careful with this stuff, yeah? Someone might just try to take it.” 
“I will…”
“Go on, then, scoot.” With a nudge, you were pushed forward down the hall gently, only taking a moment to look back at the pleasant smiling man behind you. He was so different from Bakugou and yet they were the closest friends in the band. You knew that Bakugou was going to tell him everything, and you could only hope that it was going to end up a positive conversation. You hated the thought of Kirishima spending the rest of the VIP visit looking at you in disgust, or even the possibility of him putting you down in front of everyone. 
Flustered, you scurried down the hall into the bathroom, slipping into a stall. After pushing down what was left of your hoes and your drenched thong, you plopped to sit, relieving yourself as you held the t-shirt and drumstick close to your chest. Though, it dawned on you that you hadn’t even looked at what Bakugou had written on the stick, so growing curious, you held it with both hands and spun it slowly to look over every inch. The ridges, dents, and splints in the wood were marks of every beat Bakugou had played, a solid crack down the middle representing just how powerful he was. 
In truth, you felt like that drumstick. You were always a splintered person, emotionally broken and splintered off from the world. And yet, Bakugou had touched you with his passion. But did that mean that you were truly broken now? Could you ever be used again by any other person, or would you snap into pieces the instant your heart tried to find its beat again? 
Eyes tearing up, you tried to blink them away, carefully running your finger along the crack until it met with a smudge of black writing. Unlike what you expected, there was no autograph. Instead, the words “Call Me” were scribbled in the black ink, along with a series of numbers. 
Is that… his cell phone number?! It’s different from what I had found… Those must have been fakes.
Reaching down into your boot, you pulled out your phone, having placed it there for safe keeping, though you were surprised it stayed in place the entire time in Bakugou’s room. Without an ounce of hesitation, you created his contact and started a message, sending it so quickly you didn’t even consider the consequences, though his words did ring in your ear loud enough to make you think he was right beside you. 
“Now you better fucking leave, and I expect you to do what I say.”
He said to call him, but… texting is the same, right?
Me 10:45 pm: Katsuki? 
Bakugou 10:47 pm: hey babygirl. ever been to an after party? 
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pixxxieland · 2 years
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EDDIE MUNSON| Neighbours (final) pt.3
authors note: this took me so long. smut is so hard to write. btw this is unedited and idk if i liked the ending. anyways enjoy. probably will write some one shots idk
warning: smut, drugs, language 18+ plz
As soon as the door closes i can’t help but throw a couple celebratory kicks and punches in the air. The air feels thick, it smells of her menthol cigarettes, weed, and her perfume. Smells like heaven, my hand goes up behind my back to pull my white hellfire shirt over my head. “ Fuck, one kiss can’t hurt.” not bothering to put the shirt back on i run to my door opening it quickly to be surprised with y/n also ripping her door open. I can’t help but stare at her in awe, she is absolutely perfect… her white sock scrunched around her ankles she has a couple thin beaded anklets wrapped around her right ankle, her shirt is way too big for her it seems like it’s going to swallow her whole. She steps closer towards me, i do the same i would do anything to be closer to her again, “ hi.” her quiet little voice is music.
“ can’t sleep?” i say cooly, not wanting her to know how much of fuckin goon i am. Her feet shuffled a little bit closer to me, those green eyes glazed and bloodshot squinting a little bit under the guise of a nervous smile. I take my time analyzing every inch of her beautiful face, taking notice of all the tiny things that catch my attention, the little tendrils of brown curls that hang by her face that she sweeps behind her ears so often, the freckles sprinkled on her button nose. Among my favourite things, the little gold hoop in her septum and nostril piercing, the tattoos that cover most of her skin. But her smile… god that is perfect, it shows her perfect little fangs.
Looking down at her white cotton socked feet smiling, she sweeps her arm up and tucks a curl behind her ear. “ no, i don’t think so… not without a kiss.” Y/n’s eyes brimming with lust as well as hesitation, so she had the same idea… i wanted to take things slow- to not scare her off but it seems as though she is a infatuated as i. Not to say i haven’t like girls before, or that i haven’t been with any- but it’s her, i can’t stay away. The week after or first meeting i blared music at all hours, early morning, late at night just to get her attention in hopes that she would come tell me to ‘shut the fuck up’ but she didn’t. I really could bare rejection from her in any form.
“ A good nights kiss it is then.” and with that our mouths collide in a frenzy of kisses, teeth clashing, tongues dancing, her spit-sweet as candy. She takes my bottom lip between her teeth and gives it a tug drawing a spot of blood, “ ouch.” i say pulling away from the kiss to touch my finger to my bloodied lip. Her hands slip around my face to pull me closer, her tongue slips out of her mouth and swipes across my own licking up the blood.
“ i’ll be having sweet dreams tonight, Munson.” her hands drop to her sides, mine slide down to find her hips and give a small squeeze. I can’t help but swoop down to cradle her face and plant a kiss on her forehead.
“ can i see you in the morning?” she says before turning to walk back into her apartment, i give her a nod before retreating to mine. “ obnoxious satan worshipping music starts playin at 7, right?” she poorly winks at me. Her small body leaning again the door frame,
“ i could have kissed you a lot sooner if you hated my music that much. I think you like it, you didn’t come to complain.” my hand pushes through my hair and i shrug. y/n rolls her eyes and closes her door, “ whatever Munson.” could be heard faintly through her door.
the next morning
You had tossed and turned all night thinking about Eddie, the kiss you shared, the chemistry between you two. It’s electric, you hadn’t been around a group of people and Eddie but you’re pretty sure that you would still be drawn to him… Since Eddie normally plays his music obnoxiously loud in the morning, you decide it’s your turn, your feet bare feet hit the cold floor and scurry over to your sound system, Robin had made you a mixtape of all the music you guys listen to well you’re together.
Don’t you- Simple Minds the popular song from the movie Breakfast club is the first song, in anticipation you unlock your front door hoping that Eddie will respond to your loud music. Retreating to the kitchen the idea of making Eddie breakfast rolls around in your mind, you could keep it simple and make him some pancakes, although you don’t have maple syrup… “ i wonder how he’d feel about strawberries and whipped cream?” you say aloud while grabbing ingredients from the fridge, a couple days ago you had gone to the farmers market and purchased too many strawberries, at least they’re getting used and not thrown away after going bad in a few days.
You’re standing again the counter with almost all of you kitchen utensils out on any flat surface in the kitchen, with knife in hand slicing up the berries on a wooden cutting board swaying and singing with the song, you pop the red fruit in your mouth feeling the juices burst on your tongue. The music had been turned up so loud that you couldn’t hear Eddie sneak in the front door and slink up behind you. His ringed hands slip around your waist and wraps his body around yours finding a comfy spot in the crook of your neck, before heading to bed last night you had decided to tame your messy curls into two little space buns on top of your head, you weren’t sure if they would hold over night but it was a way to get the unruly shit out of your face. You were pretty surprised to see that they did i fact make it through your night of tossing an turning.
“ mm- i like these little buns. Y’look like princess leia.” Eddie mumbles against your extended neck. He places hot little kisses all over your throat and shoulder. You snort ready to correct him, “ Princess Leia had braided buns that sat at ear level, my buns are at the top of my head, i am an alien- and these” you put down the knife and point to the two buns, “are my space buns.”
“ fine, fine, space buns- whatever my little martian. you look cute.” Eddie let go of your waist and moves toward the counter beside you, he leans against it still shirtless and in a pair of back jeans. Did he sleep in jeans? your eyes can’t seem to look away from his naked torso, he’s quite pale, there is a few black outlined tattoos across his arms and rib cage, one on his chest. your eyes trail up his body and to his face. His lip is a little fat and there is still some dried blood on the corner of his mouth, right where you left it.
“ did you sleep in your jeans?” your eyes settling on his bare abdomen, the little trail of hair leading down beneath his jeans. He isn’t overly muscly but he is toned he has light abs that are highlighted when he moves or stretches. Honestly you’re still in awe that he even wanted to be around you- let alone kiss you.
“ No, i slept naked…” a smirk plays against his lips and his eyebrows raise in a playful way challenging you, “ i just didn’t think the whole apartment building needed to see me naked coming over to your place first this in the morning.” Eddie takes a step toward you, leans down and places a kiss on top of your head. There they are, the swarm of butterflies are back, they circle your stomach leaving a warm pit there.
“ o-oh, yeah i guess people don’t need to see that- huh.” he makes you nervous, the words can’t seem to come out confidently. He continues to watch you as you make breakfast, handing you utensils every once in awhile but mostly just disrupting the process with kisses and being in the way.
“ do you like to cook?” he inquires while sitting on the stool in your kitchen in front of the window with a cup of coffee and a cigarette resting between his fingers. Eddie looks so good like this, it feels like he belongs here in your home shirtless waiting for you to tell him breakfast is ready. you’re not much for ‘domestic bliss’ but something just feels right with Eddie, he feels like home.
“ yeah actually, i find it pretty calming. i prefer baking- you just follow a recipe and everything is perfect and it turns out right. i wish everything was like that, life especially i guess… i don’t know what i’m talking about. yes. i like to cook.” Eddie listens closely to what you say to him, he doesn’t judge but it seems as though he understands.
“ no, no i get it. it’s the same with my music. i just sit down and i play my guitar and all is right with the world, y’know? it’s kind of a similar thing, if i don’t play the right chords it’s doesn’t sound right… i’m just following a music recipe.” so he does understand you a little. the pancakes are almost done and his practically salivating watching you flip the last pancake over in the pan. the apartment smells like vanilla and strawberries. you walk towards him with a plate full of pancakes in one hand and bowl of strawberry syrup you had made in the other hand. he watches as you struggle to put the plate down around the small amount of clutter on the table, he scrambles to his feet and moves the stack of books,papers and other random items and takes them over to the coffee table placing the books and papers nicely stack in the middle of wooden table.
“ you know i would have been fine with coffee and cereal.” he says pulling a chair out for you, his voice soft and full of gratitude. he is not what you expected him to be, he is kind, and gentle, he doesn’t talk over you he actually listens to what you say to him and makes it known that he’s interested in what you’re talking about. most of the guys you have dated were dickheads, they interrupted you, didn’t call when they said they would, one of them hit on your mom.
“ yeah,don’t get used to it.” your eyes roll at Eddie and bring your fork to the plate with pancakes on it and take two, you reach toward the bowl of strawberry syrup and take the spoon into your hand, drizzling a little bit all over your pancakes. Eddie watches you as your hand comes up toward your mouth and lick the sticky sweet syrup off your fingers. He grabs your wrist before you could get all of the strawberry of your finger and brings your finger towards his pink full lips, his eyes peer at your in a way that asks for your permission- you nod.
his tongue swipes the tip of your finger and his mouth close around it, embracing your digit coating it in his saliva. “ yum.” he says releasing your finger from his mouth and licks his lips, he smirks at the expression strewn across your face. your mouth dropped open into an ‘O’ shape clearly showcasing your surprise at ed’s boldness.
“ do you taste this sweet everywhere else?” his voice low almost a growl, he pulls you toward him yanking you out of your chair and onto your feet so your standing looking down toward him as he sits in the chair across from where you were sitting previously. you can’t make out his expression at the moment, he looks as if he wanted to consume you, and that’s exactly what he wanted to do.
“ you will have to taste me to find out i guess.” the words come out as a seductive whisper. your wrist still in the grasp of his big metallic covered hands, this is bad, very bad. you thought about what it would be like to have him between your thighs licking and sucking your sopping wet core, just the thought of him moaning into your bare cunt gave you a sharp pang in your stomach almost as if it dropped. you feel wetness pooling in your cotton panties, knowing that if he touched you- sticky wet clear strings of arousal would cover his long fingers. eddie’s brown eyes dart between your pressed together thighs and your face, you weren’t sure of his next move but you hope it involves you cumming all over his face and hands. eddie stands up-towering over you, his hands drop your wrists and take up residence on the back of your neck, pulling your head up to look at him. without any warning his dominant hand dips between your thighs flat against your soaked cunt. you’re bursting with anticipation and excitement, eddie groans knowing what he has done to you.
“ come on pretty girl, let’s get you undressed.” his demeanour is gentle now, time to change that.your eyes never leaving his-holding the eye contact intensely as you step back towards your couch and take a seat on the soft velvet armrest, you wrap your arms around yourself and pull your tank top off letting your bare breasts fall out and jiggle a bit before being cupped by Eddie. his eyes remained wide and full of desire as he drags his thumbs over your pierced nipples. you currently have plain black bars through them with black stopper balls as well.
“ you are so beautiful.” eddie mutters lunging hungrily towards you putting his mouth all over your heaving chest nipping and licking at your pebbled hardened nipples. “ holy fuck- i can’t wait to make you feel good, my girl.” now he’s pushing you back into your sofa, bare back hitting the soft material. you watch him as he crawls over top of your, eyes deranged and animalistic.
he is going to wreck you.
eddie’s hands rip into your pyjama shorts. in one quick pull he has them down around your ankles. suddenly- you’re feeling a little bit exposed, so you bring your hands toward your glistening soaked pussy and cover it from his view. he stops, and pulls himself up onto his hands to get a better look at you, his body language changes.
“ what’s wrong?” his brows furrowed with concern, and eyes soft like a doe. he was actually concerned with you being comfortable, you didn’t have much experience with respectful guys honestly. most of the time if you covered yourself in that way while hooking up with someone else they wouldn’t even recognize your hesitation or uncomfortability. not wanting to ruin the moment you sheepishly uncover yourself.
“ don’t make it a big deal or anything but i’m just.. i- don’t know? self conscious with how it looks.. i’ve never actually seen it but i guess it’s just an insecurity.” you shrug feeling your face get hot and pink. eddie’s hands run down your body as he sit up on his knees and pulls your body up toward him to prop you against the couch.
“ this.” he says grabbing your desperately wet cunt with a flat palm, “ this fucking pussy is gorgeous, next time you touch yourself i want you to look in the the mirror and watch yourself cum.” he dips his fingers in the entrance of your hole, just teasing not fully letting you feel any relief. a little moan escapes your lips, he smirks devilishly at you, leaning in closer to your ear whispering unholy things. the air is thick, finding it so hard to breathe with eddie looking so deliciously turned on above you. his fingers start to work themselves on your swollen begging pussy, his thumb stroking your little nub in small circles making you writhe with pleasure. his movements stop abruptly letting you whine for more.
“ you’re so soft what’s your shaving routine.” he runs his hands on your pubic bone, and down your inner thigh. everything was completely hairless, no razor bumps, or ingrowns. this is something you’re proud of, your hair never grew in thick or coarse to be honest you normally just a little tuft of wispy hair right above your slit.
“ i actually get waxed, a razor will never come near this thing.” you point your fingers down toward your cock hungry cunt. this gorgeous man shuffles down to ground and places himself between your thick, soft, sunkissed thighs and stared in awe. it was almost as if he had never seen anything so pretty and pink before, the color of your sweet pink little fuckhole matches your lips and your hardened nipples.
“ such a pretty pussy baby, i bet you want me to taste you.” eddie says sweetly while caressing your wetness. “ don’t you?” he makes direct contact with his mouth almost swallowing you whole. you look down at the messy head of brown curls between your legs, his metal rings touching your soft inner thigh making you jump from the coldness. he’s got a grip on your ass and is shoving your naked pelvis in his mouth.
you are a melting mess on the velvet sofa trying to hold yourself together for eddie’s sake. he doesn’t need to see you sobbing while he devours your pussy. a tight knot is forming low in your belly waiting to come undone, you could finish on his face or you could cum on his cock. you were definitely hoping you could do both, but you didn’t want to get your hopes up thinking that he could make you cum vaginally. the heel of your hand pushes eddie’s forehead up to get his attention.
“ mm- i wanna cum now..” the words sound pathetic through your whines and groans. you are a sticky mess between your legs, also starting to leave a wet patch on your sofa. eddie peers up at you through thick lashes and wipes his wet face with the back of his hand. he swipes his thick long fingers through your folds collecting a mix of his saliva, and your arousal on three fingers. without skipping a beat he sucks your juices off his fingers staring you in the eye.
“ you wanna cum baby, let me take care of you. make a mess of my face princess.” eddie pleads- face returning back in your cunt. you had thought about this for days, you wanted to sit on his face, for him to tongue fuck you into oblivion. you wanted him to make you cum so hard you turn stupid on his tongue. the knot starts to come undone, heat building in your belly, toes curling.
“ ye-yes. yes holy fuckkkk.” you mewl, your thumb in your mouth muffling your angelic noises, “ im gonna cum!” eddie picks up the pace- kissing and sucking your clit, hands roaming your naked body usually falling upon your bare tits. he groans against you creating a delicious vibration as you come undone in his mouth.
Eddie stands up proudly with your clear sticky cum all over his face and mouth, he licks his lips and motions for you to lean up and plant a kiss on his lips. “ i was right my little slut, you taste so fucking sweet. i want you to taste.” without warning he runs his whole hand over your sopping wet sensitive bud. you jump at the overstimulation, making a pathetic whine as you twist away from the man in front of you.
“ open.” the words commanding a submissive response. his fingers waiting in the air for you to open your mouth wide for all four digits to be shoved in your mouth gagging you, holding your jaw open. his other hand busy rummaging in his pocket for a condom. he frees your mouth from his hand to take off his pants, you didn’t know what you were expecting but you definitely weren’t expecting a fucking horse cock. it so big and thick- full of veins. the tip is pink and throbbing, dripping pre cum in anticipation of your hole.
“ fuck me raw,eddie.” you plead, bottom lip sticking out into a pout. eddie’s eyes widen and without another word he’s flipping you so your ass is pressed against him. your draped over the back of the couch so he can fuck you from behind.
finally you feel contact, he is rubbing his mushroom tip through your wet folds, teasing your hole. his one handing gripping a handful of ass.
this is it, that moment when his cock slides right in, filling you up entirely. stretching your tight little cunt to the girth of his thick member. you feel his pelvis rub against you, every inch he has is pressed up inside of you, clenching around him in hopes of the knot forming. he is relentlessly fucking you, the sounds of skin slapping and panting fill the air. he stops for a moment to turn you around and kiss you wet and sloppily on the lips, he grabs the back of your thighs prompting you to jump up and wrap your legs around his slutty little waist.
eddie doesn’t waste any time, because any moment his cock isn’t in your warm hole is agony. he sits back down on the couch with you on top of him, he lines up his dick beneath, you can’t take another second without his cock drilling into you. eddie helps you lower yourself on to himself, there is a second where you slowly slide up and down on him, looking at each other lustfully, caressing each others flushed warm faces. genre changes up pretty quickly as you play with your own tits, dewey and covered in sweat. the valley of your breast adorned by a large moth tattoo, he admires you as you tug and pull at you nipples. your head is thrown back riding his cock almost screaming as reach your finish line.
“ yeah cum with me you fucking goddess, i wanna feel you clench around me as i fill you up with my nut.” he grunts holding your hips thrusting up hard into your sore cunt, his movements begin to get sloppy, his grip moves to your ass trying to make his movements as precise as he can in his moments of ecstasy. your cunt is being being filled with warmth, his cock twitching in sensitivity- lips parted and muttering sinful phrases as finishes.
you’re still straddling his lap, dick still inside. you collapse in puddle on top of him nuzzling your face on his chest breathing heavily. eddie’s arms wrap around your waist, drawing small curl legs on your back lovingly. you hum against him as he tries to slip out of the wetness.
“ mmm- not yet. please.” your lips pressed against his tattooed body, feeling exhausted. his movement stops, instead he kisses your sweaty forehead and pushes the curls sticking to your face away from it, repeatly petting your head in comfort.
you feel so safe
so taken care of.
“ come on baby girl, let’s go clean up and we can lay in bed, want me to run a bath or do you want just a warm cloth.” his voice soft and comforting as he stands wrapping your little legs around him carrying your dead weight to the small bathroom. he set you down on cold counter, your bum dipping into the sink a bit, his hands hold onto you steadying your wobbly body.
“ just a cloth please, i’ll take a bath later.” your voice small and quiet against his body still, tilting your head to look at his handsome features. Eddie’s cheeks still flush from the previous activities, curly hair stuck to his forehead and cheeks, dick still coated his cum as well as yours. you lazily smile up at him as your tired body finally gets the strength to sit up on your own and point to the drawer beside you assuming he was looking for a cloth.
it takes both of you a few minutes to clean yourselves up and put some new clothes on.
you now have a pair of your high-school cross country running sweat shorts on, they’re grey and worn a little bit too small for you as you’ve gotten a little bit curvier since high school and a white and purple striped tank top it’s cropped and stained with hair dye. not in your most flattering outfit but eddie can’t help but stare at you as you crawl into your queen sized bed. he was just lounging in his tight black underwear still shirtless, eddie has propped himself up on your various pillows his lips hang onto a lit joint.
“ y/n you have too many pillows. these are not coming with you when you come live with me.” you eyes dart up to him with a sneaky smile playing on your lips, you can’t believe he said that.
“ munson, what makes you think i’m gonna move in with you?” you say settling beside him after placing the bottle of water on ur nightstand and take the joint from between his lips placing it between your own,he blushes but doesn’t lose any confidence.
“ c’mon you know we can’t stay away from each other, i give it a month. you or i will basically be living at either mine or your apartment and going back and forth wasting money on rent when you could just cave in and live with me and get your pretty little fuckhole pounded like that morning, noon, and night.” eddie’s says nonchalantly shrugging both shoulders in the process.
he’s not wrong
i’m obsessed
“ my pillows are coming with. and things need to be put on lower shelves or get me a step ladder.” you negotiate knowing that he was right, you two had no plans on staying away from each other. a big smile creeps onto his face as he leans toward you to plant a kiss on your bare shoulder. you look at him ,“ you know i didn’t forget about you stealing my birthday money. i hope you’re a better boyfriend than you are neighbour”
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harcidian · 3 years
Mmmm, for writing meme: [prompt] in the realm of "lowkey" Rebecca expresses to Jean her concerns about Riza's dedication to work and/or her excitement over Riza finding someone 😏 and maybe Jean distracts her from those worries
why not both? 👀 here u go, based on the au of lowkey !! thank you for the ask btw this was fun to write!
Rating: Teen and Up
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“Tell me something, Jean.” Rebecca turns to her side, shuffling under the covers until she’s greeted with drowsy, ocean-blue eyes. “Would you buy clothes for someone? Like, I don’t know, after your first date?”
Jean looks at her as if she asked him if he ever went to work without wearing boxers. “Uh, no?” Rebecca then jabbers a series of incoherent I knew it I knew it IknewitIknewits, rubbing her hands together until Jean is noticeably gawking at her. “What, did you finally find someone you wanna date?”
“No, just asking for a friend,” she chirps. “Remember Riza?”
“Oh, yeah. Riza.” He’s rubbing the blonde bush at the top of his head (as if it couldn’t get any messier than it already is). “Are you finally letting me date her—”
She yanks the said bush of hair, gritting her teeth as she says, “No. Way. In. Hell! Are you even paying attention?”
“Sheesh, Becca, I was only kidding—”
“Somebody bought her new clothes even though they only met once! Once!” Rebecca’s cupping his face and squeezing his cheeks. “I mean, who the hell does that right?” Jean only chuckles, watching her squeal her heart out of her throat before he mutters, “My boss, probably.”
She stops shaking him. “Pfft. Mustang? I don’t think he’s that romantic.”
“I mean, some people could be desperate to get laid, right? They’d give them gifts or sweet words or something just to get in their pants. Not everything’s romantic or genuine.”
Rebecca gasps at this. ”I don’t think Riza’s dating someone like that.”
“What makes you so sure about that?”
“Well, all the other people she dates are high-profile. At least, that’s what she says. I mean, I’ve never heard of their names! And I know my taste in men is better than hers, but, come on, I don’t think she’d ever date someone who notoriously sweeps everybody’s feet.” She pauses, and suddenly all her excitement melts into dread. “Oh my God what if she is seeing someone like that? What do I do whatdoIdo? Should I steal her phone and fucking yell at whoever that creep is—”
“Hey hey hey.” Jean claps her cheeks, squeezing her lips into a little ‘8’. “You said it yourself: she knows what she’s doing. Do you seriously think she’d let anyone get to her that easily?”
Her hands touch his wrists, just enough to soften his hold on her face. “Yeah. Yeah I guess you're right.” It takes a while for her to notice that Jean is tucking an error lock to her ear. “You could always ask her about it. See if she needs some of your advice.”
“I did, and,” she pauses to meet his gaze, “she said she couldn’t tell me yet. She’s always been like that, you know?” She closes her eyes, indulging in the way his hands are brushing her hair.
“Do you trust her enough to punch anyone who’s just trying to get into her pants?”
“Hell, yeah I do.”
“Then there you have it.” He pats her head. “I don’t know much about her but I trust you’ve taught her everything you know about dating. Sometimes I wish you would lecture my ex.”
She laughs. “Oh, boy, no amount of lecturing would stop her from chasing her boyfriend’s boss—”
“Hey hey hey, now don’t you go insulting my boss and my ex like that— only I can do that.” His hands attack her stomach and she bursts into giggles. Laughter fills the room, until Rebecca finally grabs hold of his arms, still chuckling. “God, I still can’t believe she dumped you just to simp on Mustang and other guys like him.”
“I know, right? I’m way too damn taller than him or the rest of the men in town.”
“Damn, right you are!” Rebecca playfully slaps his arm and rocks him back and forth. “To hell with those exes, and to hell with their hoes! You’re way too damn worth it than she thinks! Nobody else is as cunning, and sweet, and funny, and…” she trails off, biting her lips as she feels her face heat up. But there’s nothing wrong about it, right? Isn’t it normal for friends to compliment each other? Now he’s looking at her with that same damn goofy eyes she always hated but couldn’t get enough of. “What are you looking at?”
“Nothing. You’re red as a peach.”
Her palm meets his face, pushing him away. “It’s ‘cause you tickled me to death, moron.” When he doesn’t budge, she rolls over, turning her back on him. “There. If I bother you that much, then this would do.” Rebecca feels his warm arms over her stomach, pulling her back to him, until his breath is on her ear. “You don’t bother me at all.”
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omg my first havolina ficlet HAHA lemme know if you love it! and go read lowkey 👁👄👁
ask me
ask game reference
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smutsonian · 4 years
Hi, I love your work btw. The talent!!! Could I pls have a Ransom Drysdale smut where the reader meets his family for the first time but before they got there reader was teasing him so he takes her into one of the bedrooms to punish her for being a bad girl and they almost get caught
a new member of the family
summary: ransom brings his girl to meet his family but she wants his attention more than she wants his family’s attention. 
warnings: SMUT, daddy kink, kind of public sex?, reader is rich af (like really), err just pure nastiness, not proofread. pls let me know if i missed anything
word count: 2.4k
a/n: i did it again... i made this just today so i can post something because i cant seem to finish that damn lee bodecker fic sjvfkvnsjfu
BTW thank you anooonnn 🥺
Lowkey missed doing them moodboards 🤧
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“That’s really impressive! How much do you make? Say… Yearly?” Joni gives the young woman a wide smile, clearly excited with the talk of money while her daughter, Meg, shakes her head in disappointment and embarrassment. 
 “Oh my god, mom! You don’t ask people that!” Meg gives her mother a glare before the young woman, Y/N, places her hand on her shoulder to calm her down.
“It’s fine, Meg. I quite like the interview,” Y/N smirks before turning back to Joni with a proud smile.
 “Well, I make 7 to 8 digits in an hour 10 on a good day so… I’ll let you do the math,” she chuckles at Joni’s stunned expression before turning to her boyfriend with a wink. Her hand snakes toward his chest as she pulls the man into a hug while her other hand travels down the front of his slacks, palming him discretely while Ransom’s family watched them in awe, not aware of Y/N’s wandering hand.
 “When can we go home?” She whispers close to his ear while he plays with his member through his slacks but he stops her with a glare and a firm grasp on her wrist before leaning down to whisper against her ear. 
 “Behave and enjoy the attention of my family. Continue teasing me and you won’t get any attention from me,” he warns as he kisses the top of her head while the family just watches with adoration in their eyes. 
 “Y/N, is it true that you can access new models of devices before they’re released?” Jacob’s quiet yet snobbish voice forces her to pull away from Ransom. She looked at the teen with a smile before nodding.
 “That’s somewhat true. Obviously not every brand but there are some.” Jacob’s eyes light up at her words but they even grew brighter and wider at Ransom’s words.
 “By some, she means a lot.” Ransom scoffs before walking off to sit on one of the sofas. Y/N’s eyes follow her boyfriend’s figure when Jacob grabs her attention once more.
 “Is it possible for you to…” The young boy had the audacity to be shy now but Y/N ignores it. She came here to impress Ransom’s family, didn’t she? So why not push the limits?
 “I’ll send you packages whenever new models come my way.” She grins and winks at the boy before patting him on the shoulder. Jacob’s eyes widen in glee before he surprisingly gives her a hug, muttering his thanks again and again.
 “Well, that’s new,” Walt chuckles at the sight of his son hugging Ransom’s new girl while Donna just smiles at her son’s elation.
 The Thrombeys are on about their usual banters, surprisingly calmer than the other gatherings because just like Ransom’s girlfriend, they’re trying to impress her as well. The young woman didn’t even have to try hard because her name already had the Thrombeys falling for her. She will be a good addition to the family. 
 Y/N was bored. She’s also needy, hot, and bothered but her boyfriend continues to ignore her attempts of leaving the place and doing it at their shared apartment…. Well more like a shared mansion? Their bank accounts mixed together could buy a whole country and that’s not even an exaggeration. 
 Y/N is so needy that she’d let Ransom have his way with her in the car. But it seems like her boyfriend just wasn’t in the mood.
 That will not work at all for needy little Y/N.
 I’m dripping here, Ransom. 
What should a girl do to get some action?
I see that huge bulge you’re hiding and it’s looking realll delicious right now.
God, how I want to ride that huge cock
 Y/N bites her bottom lip as she watches her boyfriend staring at his phone screen, probably reading her text messages. 
 She smirks when Ransom’s head snapped up to look at her with dark and lustful eyes. 
 It worked.
 Y/N smirks at Ransom’s clenched jaw and she’s a hundred percent sure that he’s just as needy as she is. If he wasn’t ready to go home a few minutes ago, he is now.
 Ransom continues to stare at her before he squints his eyes at her as if he was assessing her and what he’ll be doing with her. Y/N’s smirk falls when Ransom breaks eye contact before looking down and shaking his head dismissively. 
 The rest of the day continued with Y/N trying to work Ransom up but he never budged. Does he still like her? What, is he tired of her? Negative thoughts flood Y/N’s mind as she tries one last time to get to Ransom. 
 They are now having dinner and she’s sitting beside Ransom while the rest of the family continues to talk about whatnot. Y/N didn’t care. She’s too busy running her hand along Ransom’s thigh, carefully and slowly inching close to his still hard cock. Maybe he does still like her…
 Y/N’s face falls when Ransom gives her a harsh look before ripping her hand away from his thigh and continuing to eat. Y/N lets out a huff before rolling her eyes and eating her meal quietly and quite grumpily. 
 She’s been chewing on the mashed potatoes when a large hand falls down her exposed thigh. The short dress didn’t cover much of her legs. She looks down at the hand before following the arm to see Ransom giving her a smirk.
 Y/N stares at him blankly before ripping his hand off just like he did with hers earlier and turning back to her sad-looking mashed potatoes. The hand that she pushed off comes back, gripping her thighs hard and forcing her to look back at her boyfriend with a frown. She glares at his smug face before wearing a faux smile. She leans towards his face as if she’s going to press a kiss on his cheek but she’s not in the mood to be all cute right now.
 “Fuck off,” she whispers, voice filled with spite before grabbing his hand and shoving it away with all the strength she could muster.
 Not too fond to be with Ransom right now, she excuses herself to the bathroom.
 Lo and behold, her boyfriend follows.
 Just as she was about to close the bathroom door, Ransom’s hand pushes it open, making her stumble back as he entered before closing the door himself and locking it.
 “I don’t appreciate you cursing at my face, little girl.” Ransom stares at her, eyes scanning her body while he starts to undo his pants.
 Y/N scoffs before turning away from him. “Well I don’t appreciate my boyfriend making me feel like shit the whole day then suddenly is all up on me.” Y/N lets out a whimper when her front is suddenly against the walls as Ransom presses his body against her back. 
 “That’s not how you talk to me, little girl. You’ve been very bad.” Ransom rubs his cock against her back before hiking her dress up so he can rub his tip along her wet folds.
 “No teasing is included in Daddy’s rules, am I right?” He growls against her ear and she nodded in response, whimpering as he continues to rub his tip against her wetness, teasing her slit but never entering.
 “And those fucking texts,” he lets out a laugh before stroking her hair gently. “My family’s attention is not enough for my little girl, is it?” He nibbles on her ear before his hands find their way to her front, groping her breasts harshly that elicits whines from her.
 “I-I only want daddy’s attention,” she whispers before rubbing her back against Ransom’s pulsing cock.
 “So needy for me, aren’t you?” Ransom chuckles before moving one hand to guide himself to her entrance.
 “You’ve been a really bad girl. I don’t know if you deserve daddy’s cock right now.” He clicks his tongue before pressing a kiss on her shoulder. 
 “But you’ve made daddy so hard and needy for this pretty cunt so I guess you’re a lucky one, aren’t you?” He chuckles before slamming his cock inside her, holding her hips so he can pull her closer to him. She lets out a cry from his actions but he covers her mouth with a huge hand.
 “You don’t want them to hear you now…” He trails off before removing his hand.
 “But you just love attention… I have a feeling that you’d love for them to know how much your daddy makes you feel good, huh?” He continues to slam his hips against her ass, groaning quietly as he feels her wet walls sucking his cock with hunger every time he pulls out. He watches as she bites her lip in hopes to not make a sound. 
 “Ahh fuck! I fucking love this cunt! You don’t know how those texts made me feel. All the touching… You wanted attention? You’re getting it now.” His pace becomes faster and it became harder for her to conceal her moans so she moves her arms so that her forearm is against her mouth, covering her cries.
 “I can feel your walls, baby… You’re going to cum, aren’t you?” His grip on her hips becomes tighter and she only nodded in response, silently begging him to make her cum but before she could find her release, he pulls out of her completely.
 “Daddyy…” She whines but lets out a squeal when he roughly turns her body around so she’s facing him now. 
 A hand grips her face, fingers digging into her cheeks as he forces his mouth on hers, hungrily lapping every corner of her mouth before he slams his cock back inside her cunt.
 A knock on the door makes her stiff against Ransom but he only smirked as he continues to ram into her, eyes watching her in amusement, waiting to see how she’s going to respond to the knock.
 “Y/N, dear? Are you okay?” Joni’s voice tears through the sounds of their skin slapping together and Y/N had held onto Ransom’s broad shoulders when she feels herself getting closer.
 “I-I’m okay, J-Joni! I’m almost done!” Y/N manages to shout and Joni thankfully leaves. Ransom smirks at Y/N with dark eyes before using one hand to stimulate her clit while the other gropes her breasts. His head dips down her neck to suck hungrily before nipping on it gently and licking at the same spot. 
 “You’re almost done, huh?” He nips her neck one more time before moving to her lips, easily shoving his tongue in her mouth while she could only whimper against him in pure pleasure.
 “I’ll help you finish,” he whispers before pulling away and focusing on fingering her clit while he continues to slam his cock into her.
 He watches, observes, her face while he continues to please her. He enjoys every reaction he pulls out of his girl as he starts slamming hard and deep all while his fingers rub her clit with such speed that had her mewling in ecstasy.
 “Mmm, you close?” He smiles as her eyes are closed while her mouth opens but no noise comes out. Her back arches at the feeling and he stares at her beauty in awe. He’s very lucky to have her.  
 Ransom continues to stare as she finally cums, body shaking against his hold and it might just be his most favorite thing to watch. 
 “Daddy!” She moans, no longer able to hold out and Ransom immediately pulls her in for a kiss. Though the thought of his family knowing he’s able to please this fine woman makes him swell with pride, he didn’t want her being ashamed or abashed when they go back out. He really cares for his little girl.
 Ransom continues his thrusts, eager to have his release as well.
 “Where?” Ransom grunts breathlessly and his girl smiles at him in a daze, lust flashing her eyes before she grinned. 
 “Inside, pleasee daddyy…” His girl whines and who is he to deny that?
 With a few more thrusts, Ransom finally gives a final hard thrust before his face scrunches in pleasure and his eyes closes as well while he spills every single drop of his cum inside her. His head falls back as his mouth spills profanities and his girl watches in admiration just like he did with her. Just as thankful as he is to have him as hers.
 “Ahh, I fucking love you!” Ransom grunts before pulling out and putting his slacks back on. He grins at the sight of his cum spilling down her thighs. He swipes the trail with a finger and his eyes widen in fondness as his girl grabs his wrist before putting her lips around the finger and licking his finger clean of his cum. He could feel his cock twitching against his slacks and he scoffs in amusement.
 Ransom helps her fix her dress before he pulls her into a hug. 
 “I fucking love you,” he repeats and she nods against his chest.
 “I love you too, daddy,” she smiles up at him before chuckling when he leans down to press a quick kiss on her nose.
 “I think we’re ready to leave now. Continue this at home.”  Ransom laughs at her eagerness and follows her out of the door and out of the house, quickly saying their goodbyes to his family.
 Oh, he got really lucky with you. He’s fucked up a lot in his life but he’s not going to fuck things up with you.
 “They’re literally doing it in the bathroom!” Meg screeches, face contorting in disgust.
 “Mom, you heard them!” Meg looks at her mother, expecting to back her up but the older woman remained silent.
 “Jesus!” Meg cries, rolling her eyes at her mother.
 “Why are you so worked up?” Joni asks her daughter with a frown.
 “Yeah… Doing it is pretty normal. It’s one of the needs of humans…” Jacob gives Meg a look, jaw clenching when Meg scoffs at him.
 “How would you know?” She gives him an irritated look before Walt speaks up.
 “Don’t be so pissed, dear. Jacob is right. It’s human nature.” Walt grins when everyone agrees. Everyone seemed to be on Y/N’s side.
 Meg scoffs at everyone. It’s a fucked up family and she doesn’t know if she’s worried for Y/N or happy to have another sane person in the family. 
 One thing is sure. Y/N will be a part of this family.
General: @readermia @unlikelygalaxygiver @xoxabs88xox @anncutamarica @chaoticfiretaconerd @i-love-superhero @caffiend-queen @coconutqueen21 @jtargaryen18 @jennmurawski13 @mushyjellybeans @ninjabucky @evnscvll @buckstaybucky @donutloverxo @rebloggingeverything @adriannajackson @la-cey @awaywithtime @gotnofucks @littlegasps
Anything Chris: @patzammit @princess-evans-addict @shadowcatsworld @notyourtypicalrose @onetwo3000 @bluemusickid @heyiamthatbitch @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @empath-bunny @slytherinandoutasgard
Chris and seb: @harrysthiccthighss
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kaz11283 · 3 years
The Shape of You
Summary: While at one of Tonys top end parties the god of mischief asks you to dance to your suprise. You didn't think he was the type to dance muchless to the song that he decided to ask you to dsnce to.
Characters: Loki, Thor, Tony, Natalie, Wanda, Clint, Steve
Pairings: you x Loki, you x Thor (platonic), you x Tony (Brother, sister)
ANNOUNCMENTS: I got this idea while listening to "Shape of You", then I really started getting into the story everytime that I listened to it (which was a lot). Ive had this on my head for a while now but i had to finish up I think I'm in love and part 2. I also got 200 followers today, next is 300, lets get this! BTW I know that this is a GIF from High Rise but it gives you a PRETTY good iead whats going on. 💚💚💚
Loki Masterlist
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"Why do you insist on bringing me to the boring ass parties Nat?" You asked trying to pull the hem of the dress down that she had picked oit for you. It wad a dark blue thigh length dress with a very low v neck, the shoes where a high heel ankle strap black shoe with small bows on the side the same color as the dress.
"Stop. Stop pulling, your not gonna make it any longer by doing that." She said swatting your hands away. "I bring you to these 'boring ass parties' because you spend to much time in the library doimg research, in your room working, or sitting in the lab trying to make something better. Point is, you are always working."
"I dont hear you complaining when something of yours gets improved, or an upgrade. Nat I love you but I am a weponds expert. I work better in the quite, thats my zone. Not here."
"Is that why you enjoy spending time with Loki? Because I have to tell you y/n hes not really the quite type." She rasied an eyebrow to look st you.
"Hes not the quite type around all of you because you all make snide remarks. Hes usually quite around me because I dont pick on him or call him names." You turned and looked straight at her.
"All of the other reindeer, use to laugh and call him names." Tony sang walking up to the two of you with a drink. "Couldnt be talking about reindeer game could you?"
"Thank you Tony, and we were just finishing talking and Loki." You answered walking off to sit at the bar where Steve and Thor was sitting.
"Your brother throws one heck of a party." Steve saod tilting his beer to his mouth. "Defiantly better than some of the parties I've been to."
"It is a good party but nothing like the ones on Asguard." Thor boomed with laughter. "You must come some time, we would have a grand celebration in your honor."
"Hes always been a little over the top, if you cant tell. Always had an eye for big, expensive things. Flamboyant parties, playboy style women, expensive cars. Whatever he wants he gets, now dont get me wrong he does work his ass off, but sometimes it would be nice to just have a weekend were the walls didnt shake while I am trying to work on something."
"Ah but little sister, all work and no play makes y/n a dull boy." Tony answered lightly slapping your back.
"Jesus Christ Tone, stop quoting movies, it gets rather annoying."
"Another round, bartender, for little sister." Tony said ruffling your hair.
"You realize I cant stand you right?" You shot him a sideways look.
"Thats why I dont let you work on my toys." He answered giving you a kiss on the top of the head before walking off.
"Thor?" You turned to the god of thunder.
"Yes Lady y/n?" He turned to were he was facing you, his legs on either side of your thighs.
"Do you know of your brother is going to show up?" He laughed turning back to the bar. "Dont get me wrong I absolutly love your company but...."
"You would rather have the company of a more slender, raven haired man tonight." He raised a brow while taking a drink of his beer.
"Well, yes. He is quite interesting to say the least." You laugh.
"Well lady y/n, he said he would be down shortly. He did say he was going to make an apperance though."
"Thank you." You stood, leaning down to kiss his cheek before walking off to find someone else interesting to talk to.
"Hey y/n! Over here!" Clint shouted waving you over to were he, Nat, and Wanda were sitting.
You sat talking to them for a little bit about what new stuff you had added to their weapons and gear, Clint was excited about trying out some of the new arrows that you had developed. You kept gnacing around the room hoping to catch a glips of Loki when he decided to come down.
While you and Wanda was in the middle of a conversation you felt a tap on your shoulder. Turning slightly you seen Loki stamding there was a know it all smirk on his face, he was wearing a completly black suit with his hair slicked back, you coud have swore that your heart stopped.
"Hello Darling, I heard you had been asking about me?" He offered you his hand to help you stand.
You laughed tucking your chin down slightly, you could feel your cheeks heat up. "I am going to kill your brother." He lead you back to the bar and getting you a drink handing it to you.
"You look quite ravishing tonight." He leaned in whispering in your ear. "Dont start being bashful tonight, after what happened last night." He had caught you off guard causing you to spit your drink back in your glass.
"Loki," you hissed smacking him on his shoulder. "We dont need Tony going all Iron Man on you tonight."
"Dance with me." He took your glass sitting it back on the bar and grabbed your hand.
"Oh no no no no. I dont dance." You tried stopping but he pulled you to the edge of the damce floor.
"Then dont dance, let the music guide you, or just follow my lead." He grabbed your waist pulling you closer to him, the song was an up beat song and he started moving. "Midguardian dances are so simple, it would be a type of tango I am assuming." He took you hand and wrapped it around the back of his head before placing his hand on your lower back pulling you even closer.
"This is crazy." You laughed after a few practice steps. It was simple yet intimate at the same time, you had a feeling you knew where this was heading.
"But simple, you are better than what you give your self credit for." He spund you around a few times as the tempo changed, when he spun you back to him his chest ws aginst your back as his hamd splayed across your abdomen.
He traced his nose up the side of your neck as you both moved causing you to give a small moan. "My bed sheets still smell like you." He whispered.
"Loki, can I let you in on a secret." You turned back in his arms to face him.
"Of course my dear." His fingers stroked your back.
"I think I'm in love with you." You wrapped your hand around his head so that you could pull his ear down to your level. You heard him take a breath and the dancing faltered slightly but he kept moving.
"It feels as though I might be returning those feelings y/n." You smiled up at him he turned you in a few more circles causing you to be facing away from him again. His hips following yours in a delicious manner causing your thoughts to go back to the night before. His trailing kisses down your neck to your collar bones, fingers caressing up your sides pulling your shirt over your head. You returning the favor and being speechless at finally seeing him with out his shirt on. He had a more slender figure but his muscles were still there. Remembering the feeling of his chest clenching as you ran your fingers up and around his neck to pull him closer for the earth shattering kiss that had lead to so much more.
"You reliving some of last nights activities, y/n?" He asked quietly.
"Yes but sadly I am having trouble remembering some parts. You might have to remind me." The song ended as you pulled him off the dance floor and through the doors leading to the hallway.
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ANNOUNCEMENT 2: Wow wow wow, ok so some slightly adult situations but oh dear lord, my face is a little red just from writting that. I've read worst but never wrote. What I would give to be twirled around the dance floor like that by him. Thank you guys for reading! I really hope you enjoy this one. Like I saod I have been thinking about this for about a week now and here it is. I habe to say this is like top 3 of my faves (my first was and still is my fave "Bath Time For a Prince") Thank you again for all the love and the support!!!!
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taegyuun · 4 years
shortcake kisses
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request: hi there! :) can i request a 16 & 23 from the kisses prompt list for either sunoo or jake? hehe thanks a lot!! ur writing is real cute btw <3333
prompt: 16 - one person pouting, only to have it removed by a kiss from the other person 23 - kiss that tastes of the food/dessert they are eating
pairing: jake x reader
word count: 1.1k+
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for it being a sunday morning, you expected to be able to have more of a lay in.
what you didn’t expect was your door to slam open with a very happy, “gooooood morning, y/n!” booming throughout your room, only to have a whole body being thrown on top of you at the early hour of 9 am. expect the unexpected i guess?
“jake, get your fat ass off of me... this second.” however, jake didn’t budge. i mean, why should he? you literally just woke up and probably don’t even remember your own name, let alone be capable to cause him even an ounce of harm at the fact that he's crushing your body with his. he simply snuggles further into your warmth - his original plan was to wake you up but well... if you can’t beat them, join them, right?
you stopped bothering to try and get him off of you and instead wrap one of your arms around his back and bring him closer to you before once again falling back into a comforting sleep.
the second time you’re woken up, you feel your face being peppered by soft kisses: one on the cheek, one on the nose, forehead, chin, other cheek and finally your lips. you slowly kiss back as he then pulls away, a bright smile on his face. you gently smile back, eyes still half closed as you cuddle further into your cool pillow. you hear jake sigh before you feel your warm covers being ripped away from your body. you curl up until a ball to try and preserve some heat but unfortunately, before you can even try and attempt to hold your knees to your chest, jake grabs your ankles and drags you to the end of your bed and forces you to sit up. 
“good god, it’s 11 am and you��re giving me a whiplash - why are you here anyway?” you voice holds a tiredness to it as you rub the sleep out of your eyes and look for your hairbrush.
“is that a complaint i’m hearing? i’m here to take you on a date,” he smiles so widely at you, you almost start worrying about his cheeks and how much pain they must be in. “a date?”
“yeah? now go get ready, quick! shoo!” he flaps his hands at your forcing you to leave your room and go to the bathroom to get ready. you laugh at his antics and pull your hair back, ready to wash your face.
once you’re out the bathroom and dressed, you head downstairs only to find your very much beloved boyfriend drinking a coffee with your mother and sitting at the barstool. “jake, i thought you were here to take me on a date, not a mother’s meeting?” you playfully smile as he looks up from his coffee and his eyes widen at the look of you.
“yeah... wow.” your mother shares excited glances between the two of you before standing up and dusting her clothes off, “come one you two, stop ogling around and get going, or places are going to close!”
“mum it’s 11:45 am what places are gonna clo-“
“go go go!” you don’t waste another second, neither does jake as you both put on your shoes before waving a goodbye to your mum and heading out the door. “so where are you taking me?” you peer up at him as he tenderly grasps your hand and interlaces his fingers with yours. “y’know that café that specialises in those mini cakes? yeah i thought it would be a cute place for a little date,” your heart start beating just a tad faster at the thought of him being so cute. the fact that he doesn’t even have to ask if you’re happy with the place puts an even larger smile on your face.
as you enter the doors of the café, you’re met with a sweet yet not very overwhelming smell of cakes and other delicacies. you grip jakes hand tighter at the excitement coursing through you - merely at the thought of the delicious desserts you were going to try today. you both walk towards the counter and look around at the different pastries, cakes, macaroons - anything the heart desired.
“what will it be for today, dears?” you look up at the sound of an older ladies voice and smile slightly, “ill have a strawberry shortcake.”
“ill take a matcha cheesecake.” she then smiles brightly and ushers you to go find a seat for the both of you. heading over to a little table in the corner of the café near a window, you sit down and look over to see jake smiling and shyly laughing, ears flushed red at whatever the lady was saying. 
“hey, what did she say to you?” you enquire as he sits down and places your cake in front of you, smiling as a thank you before taking a bite of the fluffy goodness. “just said something about us being the cutest couple she's seen or something.” jake muttered with his arm resting on the edge of the table and and a fork in hand before taking a bite of his own cake to cover his words that were said oh so quietly. you almost didn't catch what he said, but your guess was confirmed at the uprising heat that jake felt in the moment as his neck and ears started heating up. 
“huh? what was that? do you mind repeating?” he smiles shyly at your teasing before trying his best to give you an annoyed look at your words which, considering his face was a bright pink, didn't exactly seem intimidating in the least.
“you know exactly what i said.” he muttered under his breath. you laugh at his shy antics before taking another bite of your cake, almost in tears at how good it was. “can i try yours?” jake lifts his head and usually, he’d be the one asking if he can give you a piece of his but, today was different. he pouts and turns his away to the side, trying his best not to smile, “no. you were mean to me today, what makes you think you can have a piece of my delicious matcha cake, huh?”
you stare blankly at him before leaning over the table and pressing your lips against his, tasting the matcha on his soft lips. you pulled away with a hum and a smile on your face at his flustered and shocked state, “i might get that one next time, its good.” 
“uh... y-yeah, g-good idea.” 
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squishytenya · 4 years
𝕂𝕖𝕖𝕡 𝕄𝕖 𝕎𝕒𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘
↬ Parings: Mina x reader (smut)
↬ Reader: Gender Neutral but afab
↬ Warnings: face sitting, teasing, mentions of public teasing, mina has a tongue piercing
this is 2k of pure smut btw 
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Candles fluttered in the soft breeze of the night coming from the balcony doors. You kind of felt like them, fluttery and fidgety whilst waiting for your girlfriend to come out of the shower but it was a good fluttery. It was your anniversary and you had been promised a gift by your pink girlfriend. Of course you were jittery! Every offer of a gift or reward shot tingles up your spine like lightning and you couldn’t help but get a little excited.
The nerves only rocketed when you heard the shower turn off and your girlfriend come shuffling out of the shower. You turned and couldn’t help but gasp at the sight of her. She had a black towel wrapped around her but it was a little short and ended a fair few inches above her knee, slit in the towel exposing her side up to her mid stomach. Drops of water were still clinging to her neck from her hair but the rest of her had been dried and moisturised in the bathroom, leaving her with a diamond like glow that had you fidgeting once more.
“Fuck, Mina that’s not fair” you whined, writhing slightly on the bed sheets.
She let out a deep giggle at the way you had begun to rub your thighs together and cooed a teasing ‘not yet baby’. To your dismay, she slipped onto the vanity table and began to dry her hair.
Muscles in her upper arms moved with every brush stroke through her hair and you gasped slightly. Despite her rather slender frame, Mina had stacked up quite a bit of muscle since becoming a pro-hero and you loved it. She did her best to show it off too. Lucky for you those arms had been used to pull you onto her, maneuverer your head and pull your leg up to her shoulder when she was-
“You gonna come back to earth for me sweetie or are you keeping me waiting?”
Snapping your eyes from the ceiling, you looked down only to see amber eyes looking at you. Her magenta eyebrow was curved in a mock-questioning way and you whined at it, pushing her shoulder. The object of your affection giggled and pulled your chin up to meet hers, dancing her lips over yours for a moment. From your spot sitting on the bed you could only push yourself up in an effort to connect your lips but she was quick to pull away from you. Whining, you tried to push up from the bed but baby pink hands gripped your hips and held them down.
It was like a fire had been lit in you when she finally let you kiss her. It was always like that with Mina, her kisses had a fire and warmth behind them. It was enough to excite you and make you feel like you were home at the same time. They all started the same but you knew when it was going to lead somewhere different because of her hand placement. For example, now her hands were resting on your waist and slowly moving up to cup your chest. Not to mention the tongue that slips between your lips when you moan at her wandering fingertips.
She snickered from above you and moved to pull your sleep shirt off. There wasn’t really an effort made for you to be sexy for her, no lace or silks. It had been a long day and Mina found you hot in everything. Especially the oversized shirt you were wearing and your baby pink underwear that you had matched with her for some giggles. Her cold fingertips dragged along your ribs as she pulled it off, causing you to shudder at the movements. The moment her eyes fell on your exposed torso she let out a groan and gripped your chin once again for you to kiss her. It was deeper this time, hotter and with a certain desperation that had your hips rutting against the knee she had slipped between them.
Soft lips began to trail down your jawline and between the valley of your chest, leaving bitemarks and bruises in their place. She was always gentle when it came to reaching your stomach, knowing it could be a place of possible insecurity. Being the loving girlfriend she is, any stretch marks or scars she left softer kisses on before pausing at the waistband of your underwear and flickering her eyes back up. To your dismay she stood and moved to the other side of the bed. A whimper escaped you involuntarily at the lac of touching and she met your eyes with a smirk.
“Needy are we baby? Don’t worry I was just moving” she teased, tapping the floor next to her “come here”
Urgently, you scrambled over and stood where she tapped. Slender fingers pulled off your pastel underwear, her muttering about how soaked they had been. It was true, she had been teasing you all throughout your dinner and you couldn’t help it. It was fine, you had expected her comments on it eventually and you knew how hot she found it when you got all worked up over her. You didn’t expect her however to lay down and grab your hand, pulling you onto the bed. You sat confused for a second and stuttered out a question.
“Mina are you gonna sleep?” you questioned
The snort she let out wasn’t exactly appropriate but it was very Mina and it calmed you a little.
“No silly, you’re gonna to sit on my face”
It felt like a hot candle had been poured on you with the way your face felt after that statement. You had eaten her out plenty of times and god had she done that same to you but never like that. It was a little embarrassing and you hid your face for a second. Would she be okay? It was a hot thought at being completely ruined by your girlfriend’s expert tongue. Not to mention that piercing she had gotten a while ago, you had both been too busy to test it out but what better time that now? The thought of the silver ball embedded in her tongue made your knees weak and you began to shuffle towards her.
A smirk met you when you looked up. You had ended up kneeling next to her head and this was when those arms came to play. One slid up your side to rub over your breast, tugging at the nipple that was already hardened by the soft night breeze. This further helped relax you and your eyes slipped back into your head when the other hand moved to rub your thigh. It was a nice amount of stimulation but she had decided it was enough and used the rest of her strength to tug your leg over her chest until you were sitting inches away from her awaiting mouth. She let out a sultry laugh at your squeak and you whined at her. It was soon cut short by her sliding down the bed. Her mouth was now fully under you and her hands pulled you down onto her tongue.
It was like someone had set off fireworks in your hips the way the immediate relief felt, You hadn’t realised but the ache between your legs had become painful and your mind wandered back to the soaked pink fabric currently thrown next to the bed. It was evident how horny you had been by the act that the insides of your thighs were glistening and so was what you could see of your girlfriends chin and mouth. She moaned at the taste and licked a long stripe which made you finally settle properly on her face.
The piercing finally came into play when she swirled it around your clit, making you arch your back. You were sure you would’ve shot off of her if her grip hadn’t been so strong and kept you tight to her mouth. The metal continued to flick around the sensitive bud and it felt like it was sending shocks of electricity racing through you. Grinding slightly on your girlfriends tongue, you moaned out her name and her only response was to slide her tongue further down and prod it at your hole, not quite sliding in yet. When you whined and bucked your hips she pulled you away from her.
“Feeling good huh angel?”
You whimpered and nodded, eyes rolling back at the feeling of her hot breath against you. She removed one of her hands from her thigh to slip it into your heat. Both of you were panting heavily at this point. Mina could honestly work magic with her tongue and you were so close to coming already. Not to mention the teasing she had been doing in the restaurant and the taxi. It had you almost dripping above her mouth but that was the way she liked you. This was evident by her groan and the  carnation pink hands pulling you towards her face. This time two of her fingers had slid up and were pumping in and out of you whiler her tongue and that damn metal ball tease your clit.
‘God Mina please” you begged, threading your fingers through her locks “you feel so good oh my god”
Despite her fingers being thin, they were long and were quick to reach all the right places inside you. Not to mention that added stimulation of cold metal against you that was driving you crazy. Your ears seemed to ring so much you couldn’t hear the moans you were releasing. The neighbours were probably going crazy but it’s not exactly like the Ashido household (as the postman called you guys) were known for being quiet. As you were reminded by the muffled moans coming from between your hickey littered thighs.
It wasn’t long before you felt yourself getting close. Grinding harder on your girlfriends fingers, you warned her of this. She giggled in response and tapped your thigh to get you to shift.
“That’s fine cutie, use my face. You’re doing so well for me, taste so sweet”
You cut her off with a loud moan and another grind down onto her tongue. The warmth enclosed you one more time and her fingers resumed their movements. This time the desperation was evident in your hip. The way they stuttered and jerked made Mina moan into around your clit, finger curling just right. Heat shot up your hips and pooled there, waiting for the release she was all too eager to give you. The final switch was flipped when Mina got a thought and stuck in a third finger at the same time she ran her piercing over your clit in circles.
It was like a bomb had gone off the way you arched away from her mouth and her face was coated once again in your cum. She still didn’t let up her tongue in an effort to draw it out. Only stopping and releasing her hold on your legs when you began to writhe away from her, legs twitching at the overstimulation. The deep chuckle she let out made them shiver more. How did something as simple as that get you excited after she had just eaten you out with that much passion.
You flopped back onto the bed, legs being moved once again by your girlfriend until you were in a more comfortable position. Strong hands rubbed circles into the bite marks she had left on your thighs.
“Holy shit” you breathed out, speechless from just how hard she had made you come
She giggled again, wiping around her mouth
“Enjoy that huh baby?” she asked, leaning down to press kisses along your collar bones
You ran a hand through her hair, tugging lightly at the nape of her neck to see her shudder. It was obvious she was still excited if the sheen dripping down her thighs was anything to go by. You nodded shyly. Chuckling again, she sighed and led your finger towards her folds this time. Rutting back and forth on them she smirked won at you, gripping your jaw and turning it towards her.
“Hmm that great cause it’s my turn to feel good now isn’t it, gorgeous?”
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leave it up to me to make my longest and most descriptive fic about riding mina’s face huh taglists are open 
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