#god my memory really is shite
thewomaninlilywhite · 2 years
my dash is so sad and dead now lol
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cadhla182 · 4 months
What do you think of Brook’s pervy antics compared to Sanji’s?
Look, Brook is a pervert but 1) He always asks and accepts the answer he's just really socially shite, 2) His english dub line delivery makes up for literally everything, and 3) He has no flesh and cannot do anything and if you think entirely too far into it, well beyond what Oda's intent, it gets kinda sad.
Sanji, however, learned Nami got sexually assaulted by an invisible man and was upset that he couldn't get the invisibility power and molest people. Then he got invisibility powers and snuck into the women's baths. And he puts everyone in danger because of his "no fighting women" and "oh my god a woman!" rules. And he's been a blatant transphobe with the only exceptions being Yamato and Bon Clay (we don't really see him and Kiku interact).
There's a version of Sanji I love, the guy who loves his wife entirely too much but she likes him too so it's cool. But Pudding took his memories and ruined that for me.
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How do you think the companions would react to stubbing their pinkie toe on something? Who cries? Who screams or swears (fuck, shite, etc)? Who just bite their lip and walks away, trying to walk it off? So on and so forth.
Gosh dangit, I hate this when it happens to me, it hurts way more than it should!
Nick Valentine: Bangs his foot quite often often on his desk or chair, but the pain never gets easier. He curses the Institute under his breath for programming him to feel pain and for the vivid memories of old Nick banging his toe while also working at his desk. It’s especially frustrating when he’s working intensely on case that’s been bugging him and this is what interrupts him.
Piper Wright: Was running around her office trying to get her latest paper printed out in time for the morning, but she passes a little too close to her printer press and there’s a bang loud enough to wake up Nat and all her neighbors. The reporter drops all her papers and lets them scatter on the floor, hopping to her chair while she hisses with the pain. She gets a now awake Nat to bring her an ice pack and a Nuka Cola to help distract her from her throbbing toe.
Codsworth: He doesn’t have feet. (Remembers that cursed YouTube video with Codsworth with legs) Oh God help me, I need to bleach my eyes.
Preston Garvey: Was helping around Sanctuary with little repairs when he gets too close to a workbench, resulting in him crouching over and grabbing his foot while trying to muffle his curses as there are children settlers around. It may hurt like hell, but he’s still gotta be a good role model for the kids to look up to. (I love this guy)
Curie: She was drooping with exhaustion and walking around half awake the clinic she was helping at, long overdue for a break. Just when she was about to walk off to finally have a rest, an evil wall corner makes contact with her toes and she falls over with a pained cry, shaking out her foot. Everyone within a mile radius is running over to offer their hands to help the poor overworked woman back up and onto a sofa for a much deserved nap.
Cait: She doesn't care who is around or where she currently is, every swear word in the book is leaving her mouth as Cait punches whatever happens to be nearby in frustration. Preston has to run over and help her hobble away so she’s no longer frightening the settlers and their children.
Deacon HAS to play it cool when he smashes his toe on a stone coffin the the Railroad HQ because he just finished bugging Carrington and this mistake will ruin the joke and give everyone a reason to poke fun at him. He waddles out of HQ like a penguin, waiting until he far away to start yowling like a wounded cat.
Danse: Bangs it on the corner of a wall almost immediately after exiting his Power Armor. His entire face goes all scrunchy and red as he bites back a yowl of pain, forcing himself to hobble to the nearest chair. If anyone is around to ask if he is alright, Danse will responded with a very strained “Yes.” and a nod.
Hancock: Straight up asks the table why they gotta do him dirty like that and attack his favorite toe. He’s pretty sure that he’s the one who purchased said table and gave it a good home when it was about to be turned into fire scrap, so for it to suddenly turn on him was completely uncalled for backstab.
MacCready: Does a silent scream while he cradled his injured foot and hops around on the other. He gets all tight faced and looks like he is just really constipated with how he waddles around tight cheeked, he’s really hoping no one walks by for awhile until he can regain himself. For the rest of the day, he has a little furrow to his brow.
X6: One would assume he didn’t feel any pain as he walks on without taking much notice to the fact that he just smashed his toe into a bed frame hard enough to break it. But he’s actually dying and screaming internally the whole time, and if you could see his eyes it would be a window straight into his pained stricken soul.
Strong: Was lumbering around a settlement and passing by a log. He glares intensely down at the log with pure rage and fury in his face, exclaiming “Strong smash puny wood!” The super mutant proceeds to kick said log until it’s a bunch of tiny splinters on the ground, then he has to go to Sole for help because he got a bunch of them logged into his fingers.
Moral Of The Story: Don’t EVER look up Codsworth with legs. (Seriously, don't)
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go-to-the-mirror · 2 years
i dont want to talk about scrutiny
i love scrutiny, i do, but in the way that i love threshold, and nothing beside remains, and seeing it through, and a guest for mr spider. meaning I really do, but I also hate it with vitriol. Not really? It's complicated. I have Some Feelings Towards it. Yep. Look this podcast makes me feel happiness and sadness and anger at the same bloody time, but it's all confused because it's overridden by being Very ADHD about it, so like, they're all rattling around in there. I hate it (affectionate), I love it (derogatory), you get it?
Anyway, y'all know how I feel about Jon already, and if you don't, it's love and only love, so uhm, yeah, let's just get on with it already, rambling and mostly rambling, attempts to set aside my undying love for the Jarchivist for like a day, etc.
Firstly, I'd like to draw attention to the posts I made on my instagram story about this when I was first listening to TMA, because I was Not Alright.
The first was highlighting the description of the episode: "Statement of an unknown bystander, regarding an encounter with The Archivist." "The Archivist." Not "Jonathan Sims," not "Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, London," not even "Jonathan Sims, The Archivist."
Just... The Archivist.
The second was regarding the first, saying that I knew it was deserved but he should be allowed to eat a few fears. As a treat.
I didn't say anything to my partner (who you should follow by the way, they're scarandjoelenthusiast), cause I think I was still attempting to be spoiler free for vex at that point, lol. And I had no other... friends. At all. Um. Yeah.
So, onto the relisten! Oh boy.
MARTIN Ah, alright, did he... did he look like he hadn't slept in about a week?
I absolutely love that Jon's descriptors are looking like shit, and looking like Jesus. That's just amazing.
Also uh,,, why did Martin immediately go to Jon? Hm..
Everything, every bit of light or sound or, or anything that changed, that said time was passing. There was nothing. Before that I never really thought about time, you know? But now… Yeah.
that must have been terrifying
So, it, it took a long time to get over that. I mean, that’s not weird, right? I me— It was a bad time. You know, it, it stays with you. Was signed off, what, I think about six months with the injuries. Had pretty bad, uh, nightmares, claustrophobia, I mean, obviously, right? But, uh, but, but I did my physio, and, you know, talked, talked with the counsellor they gave me. Look, I did everything I was supposed to and, and yeah, I… I guess I was fine. You know, once the bruises were gone I— Well, it’s easy to blame memory, right? You know, ha-hallucination, coincidence, all the classic shite you tell yourself. Life went back to normal. I— I was fine. Until about two weeks ago.
Jesus fucking christ, Jon. She was fine, trying to get over it, Floyd was fine and that's just it, because they think they're safe, and-
She was fine, she was okay, and he took that from her, he took that from her, he made it so she couldn't be fine anymore, he made it so every god. damn. night she'd experience that again, the bastard.
There’s this creep in, in the corner. Your guy. He just… keeps staring at me, like, like properly staring. Like, it is super intense and, and real weird. Like he knows me, but I sure as hell do not know him. I— I try to ignore him, look, I just, I just read my book, and every time I look up there he is, watching me.
Girls when they realise oh yes, he's an avatar.
So… Look, I’m packing up, all done and, and I just, I just sorta turn, you know, just, just to check if he’s still there and he is standing right behind— Like, like a few inches from my face. Look, it’s messed up!
That's??? Terrifying?? I mean, look, like, my sisters jump whenever I quietly stand behind them and stare intently, and they're my sisters, they know me, they know I only joke about stabbing them with a knife, Jon, that's freaky, stop being freaky, you have trauma at home. Go eat a stale trauma for gods sake.
Like, okay Mr. "I don't think it's me doing it." Who sat at a bloody coffee shop for an hour.
I. Understand. That there is a certain. Need. To cause and feed on fear. As an Avatar/Monster/Whatever. And I mean like it's pretty hard. To admit you're in the wrong for something. Even if you think you're in the wrong for other things. But like. None of this matters to Jess, to Floyd, to the three other people whose lives he ruined. He can try be better, he can never do it again, but he can't go back and fix it.
And I start to ask him, you know, what the hell, man, you know? Like— But he just starts talking. Slowly. But real intense. He says, he works here, at the, the Magnus Institute, and I say, what even is that and he says, he wants my story. He says he needs to hear what happened to me. And I— I want to tell him to jj-just go away. I want to, to, to kick him and run. But I— (long sigh) I sit down. And I start to tell him everything. About the job, about the collapse, a-about the hand. More than I told you, even, and, and as I do— it’s like I’m there again. Like I can feel it grab my ankle, th-th-that cold, dead hand and I just… I just can’t stop talking. I cannot shut up.
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[ID: A blurry photo of CC!GoodTimesWithScar with his head in his hands. /End ID]
And then it was over. And he looked— He looked at me like he’d just eaten, like a perfectly cooked steak. You know what he said? He said, “Thank you.” “Thank you.” Just like that. Like, like reliving the worst parts of my whole life were just a bit of a… a favour that I’d done him. And then he left and I— I just sat there and cried for a while.
i don't know what to say im just sitting here with my head in my hands.
And he’s there the whole time, just… watching me. Watching me scream and thrash and… He’s all eyes. He’s all eyes.
I kinda want to punch him right about now, because how dare he do that to her, how dare he ruin her life just because he wanted to. Whatever, avatar, feed your god or it'll feed on you, I don't care, that's his business, not hers. She wasn't involved, she didn't have to be involved, she was fine and he took that from her, the bastard!
How dare he sit there talking about choice, how dare he feel all guilty for ruining her life, how dare he! He doesn't deserve to feel bad about it. Christ, Jon, what the fuck.
But I feel like I’m seeing him when I’m awake as well. I’ve been… I’ve been having a lot of problems since he talked to me. Since I talked to him. Since I told my... story. The, the claustrophobia, it’s back, worse than it ever was and I can’t do my job. I have these, these screaming panic attacks every time I try and— What am I supposed to do? Like, feels like, like every time I’m even slightly underground I— Can’t even go into a shop basement more without feeling that… (sniffs) hand. Every time I do, every time I get that panic just rising up my throat, I see him. He’s there. Not when I look properly, but just at the edge. The corner of my eye. Then he’s gone.
(MAG 142 - Scrutiny)
Since then, she said she’d been seeing that woman everywhere she went.
(MAG 6 - Worm Sex Episode Squirm)
✨ becoming what you hated ✨
No, but I have a lot of feelings on becoming a fear entity Avatar and the cycle of violence. Of how Avatars often only became Avatars because of previous trauma, because they had no other options. Of how they often don't see themselves as victims, for example Annabelle Cane describing herself as manipulative, even as she was a child trying to cope in an abusive household. And I think that Jon being like Jane Prentiss, following his victims like her, starting to understand her... that ties into those themes. I love this podcast <3.
MARTIN No, no, it’s— Thank you. I just— [Agitated clatter] For god’s sake, can he not just stay safe for like, like ten minutes?! DAISY I don’t think that’s an option for him anymore. MARTIN Yeah, I mean, sure. But he just… he doesn’t think! He always just immediately charges straight off into danger with whatever, whatever half-arsed plan occurs to him at the time! I don’t get it! DAISY What’s to get? MARTIN What? DAISY I, I mean, it’s pretty standard stuff. MARTIN What? DAISY Used to see it all the time back in the force, especially with the sectioned. Not like there’s ‘normal’ trauma, you know, but it’s pretty common. The most important thing becomes control, engaging on your own terms. Even when it’s stupid or dangerous. Anything to not feel helpless. MARTIN Oh god… DAISY And of course for Jon’s there’s survivor’s guilt in there too. He thinks he’s not human. Makes him very… self-destructive.
Thank you, Jonny.
Like hgnhhrnhhnr <3 yep. mhhnm there's another post that talks about the meaning of putting that in with scrutiny, I'll tag a mag a day in that.
Like! Aa! Thank you. Don't really have much to add, I mean I said a bunch in other episodes rambles, specifically the MAG 131, 132, and 136 ones.
I mean you know, the whole spider thing, a bit of his self-blame about... the end of season 4... could come from... if he's not to blame, then he didn't have any control, then all of this was out of his control. If he couldn't stop it, if Jimmy Magma's plan was that good then... well, then he was helpless, and there's nothing worse than being helpless.
in conclusion, disregard the above Jon did nothing wrong- no, he's... he doesn't get to be forgiven by Jess, by Floyd, by the others, not unless they choose to forgive him. But he can work on doing better, you know? He's allowed to not wallow in guilt the whole time, he's not irredeemable, he just did bad things -- bad things he can't fix -- but he can work on never doing those bad things again, on mitigating the damage as much as he can. He's not a bad person, just a person who did bad things.
I dunno, I'm more interested in the metaphysics side of philosophy. You know there's a branch of philosophy called metametaphysics? I think it's so funny.
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Fuck it. I really like how you write Undertaker so could you please do an undertaker x reader, dealers choice? Could be fluff, le comedy, or ANGST, surprise me 💕
I apparently jump on angst when it comes to Undertaker, OOPS-
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You think endless years of life and loss have shattered your lover into pieces.
Whatever else he may be, you believe the UNDERTAKER is a very, very broken man.
How long has he even been alive for, you wonder? How many people has he lost over his lifetime? Other than the vague fact of, All of them. You don’t want to be another one, but… he knows better than anyone else the cycle of life and death.
It’s simply obvious that he thought he could put a halt to it.
It’s sad to watch him, as you see him now, in this derelict church, sitting among rotted pews and jagged pieces of smashed-in stained glass. There are vines and flowers everywhere; you get the distinct sense that he doesn’t think it’s a beautiful thing.
… This whole place. It reminds you of his heart. Maybe that’s why you assume he doesn’t think it’s beautiful, because he has a very low opinion of himself by this point.
Living has eroded his self-image to nothing, like water beating a rough stone until it’s perfectly polished. You think this place is beautiful, in a melancholy sort of way.
You think he’s beautiful, in a melancholy sort of way. In a contrast to this place, he hasn’t let the new blossoms of moving on grow over him. He’s rooted himself, allowing the memories of his losses to consume him and make growth impossible.
You lower yourself next to him, and it’s telling that he barely even moves. He doesn’t look at you, he doesn’t move away. He doesn’t let his grip loosen a single bit on the chain of mourning lockets that are wrapped around his long nails and draped over his fingers.
God. You can only imagine what’s running through his mind.
You’re quiet as you lean your head against his shoulder. Any words you can think to say sound hollow when they ring in your skull, so you don’t say anything. You just sit, and exist next to the person you love more than anything in this world.
Finally, he’s the one to break the silence.
“It never gets better, y’ know.” His thumb runs over the locket resting in his palm. His eyes are weary, red-rimmed with the evidence of someone who’s cried until he has no tears left, and continued crying regardless.
You tilt your head with a soft hum. A request for elaboration.
The breath he takes is a gasp for air after breaking the surface of nearly drowning. “That’s what ev’ryone told me. ‘It’ll get better.’ ‘Time heals all wounds.’ ‘What do y’ think they’d want y’ t’ do?’”
His hand might crush the locket if that weren’t the very thing he’s been trying to avoid with every effort he’s made. “It’s a bunch of shite. It doesn’t get better. It never heals. An’ how the hell would anyone else know what they’d want me to do? There ain’t no movin’ past a hole in your chest that keeps gettin’ bigger and bigger, somethin’ that ain’t there but it feels so damn heavy y’ can’t get outta bed sometimes.”
He swallows, and it’s audible, and he finally turns to look at you. Fluorescent green eyes are only hidden from you by a film of tears. Suddenly, every scar you can see dotting his body makes you think he’s stitched together with nothing but memories.
As if that’s all he is anymore. A vessel for the memories of all the people he’s ever loved, instead of being the person he used to be.
“I don’t want to let go.” It’s spit out furiously, a response to a question you haven’t even asked yet. He brings the lockets close to his chest and curls into you. “They’re all gone now, (Name). My mum… my dad… the first one I loved… all the other family and friends and lovers I cared about since then…”
He looks up at you, pleading with you to understand.
“They’re gone,” he says in a voice that’s barely a whisper. “If I don’t remember ‘em… if my life goes on jus’ the same as it did before I lost ‘em… don’t that mean I didn’t actually love ‘em? But I did… I did, darlin’… jus’ like I love you.”
The way he says it makes it abundantly clear: if he thinks he didn’t love all those people, and that he didn’t love you, because he moved on after losing them, he wouldn’t be able to live with himself.
Once again, everything you can think to say seems like a blade to shove and twist in his already gaping wounds.
So you put your arms around him, and hold his broken pieces together as best you can, and murmur a declaration that feels louder than it sounds. “I love you too, Adrian.”
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il-predestinato · 1 year
Netflix needs to do an entire series « We need to talk about Ferrari »
No tyres ? 😱
And it always just happens to Charles too… anyway. I’ll just try to erase 2023 from my memory.
lol you would think with everyone rambling about the radar and knowing that the rain was 100% coming in, you would be on standby in the pitlane just in case. kind of like how rb were immediately ready for perez. but alas, it's ferrari. what else did we expect from their organizational behaviour?
that being said, great call from charles that was all undone by his own actions. that contact with oscar, with the endplate damage and floor damage, ended his race. he's been extremely disappointing this weekend (and to an extent - for multiple races this season). i kind of get it - when you drive for such a clown team and clown organization with such a clown teammate, YEAR AFTER YEAR, and the car has ZERO chance of fighting for wins, i'm sure it all feels very pointless fighting for mere points. so yeah, i get it - he wants to push the limits and we LOVE that about him. but like for ffs, there's pushing the limits and there's going WAY beyond that while knowing the car is shite and has zero front end and you KNOW how it's going to end (looking at quali this weekend, but also multiple other examples this season).
i know charles doesn't care about anything other than the p1 and he'd rather take a risk than play it safe for a p4-5... but dear god, there is something to be said about having the maturity to grit your teeth and slog through a tough period to make the best out of what you have. 🤷‍♀️ but this is more the fan in me speaking. charles doesn't care where he is in the standings when he's not fighting for the win, but EYE care that he is the lead ferrari driver with the lead points, the best of the rest with what he can do. and it frustrates me that he won't just ... play with the hand he's dealt. not more than ferrari frustrates me, but still.
i hope he's back fighting at the front asap. if charles isn't winning, what's the point of f1? (that's really how sports works 😆)
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jackmercerenthuiast · 2 years
Putting On The Brits - Damon Albarn x !FemReader
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(Damon is literally so shagable)
☆ content warning - Swearing, alcohol
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- 1995 - 
‘For fuck’s sake Maddie! Where has your skanky ass put my hair rollers!?’ 
You yelled to your best mate as you frantically searched across your room for your favourite pair of heated rollers. 
‘If you could actually go a day with remembering the shit I tell you, you’d know that I asked you for them!’
She yelled from her room, suddenly you’re able to recollect the memory of her asking for them only mere hours ago. 
Shit, was the only thing you could think to yourself, having planned almost every aspect of your outfit except from your hair, you only really had time to put them in rollers. Then, Maddie walks into your room, plants the rollers onto your desk and sticks the V up to you on the way out. 
‘Cheers! Love youu!!’ I said to her on her way out, she had enough of my memory (lack of) for today, but that was besides the point, today was one of the biggest events of my life. The Brit Awards were being held tonight and me, being a highly paid model, was somehow invited. 
I knew I had to impress. Not only to show I deserved to be there, but to catch the eye of all the fit lads there ;).  Especially, the singer of my favourite britpop band, Mr Damon Albarn, because my god was he the most yummiest man I’ve ever laid my eyes on. I wanted him baaad and from recent articles in the news, it appeared that he wanted me too.
- Time skip bc I’m lazy x -
As me and Maddie left my car, all I could see were the plethora of cameras flashing at me and my beautiful black, strapless dress that complemented my figure perfectly, along with my black, red-bottomed heels, matched with a Vivienne Westwood clutch purse. I looked fucking fit. 
Me and Madison sat a few seats away from Blur’s table, much to Maddie’s dismay. 
‘No piss off y/n, you absolute pillock, I wanna sit near Oasis.’
‘Fuck off you old mare, we’re sitting next to Blur, not those grubby Man City supporters.’
‘Fair enough, they’re choice for footy teams is a sack of shite.’
‘But be honest, is Chelsea any better?’
‘Yes, it’s not City?’
‘True, Blur it is, but don’t expect me to stay there.’
‘Alright babe.’
  As me and Mads finally agreed on where to sit, my eyes immediately found Damon in the many tables of people in the building, ‘kin hell he  is gorg, I thought to myself, it was true, he was really pretty, weird way to describe a bloke but I wasn’t wrong was I?. 
‘Y/N love, be a dear and get us a cider.’
‘Cider? I see my Herefordian influence has gotten to you’ 
(Big up the cow town ☆)
‘Indeed it has, as much as I hate to admit it, it has. Now gowan get us a drink, I ain’t gonna be able to go up to LG any other way.’
‘Alright alright, alcoholic much?’
I made my way up to the in-building bar, asked for a cider for Maddie, and a pint for myself, and sat on the surprisingly nice barstool as I waited for the drinks.
‘Didn’t expect to see you here.’
I turned to my left to see Damon. Fucking. Albarn.
‘Trust me I didn’t see myself being here.’ 
I said in reply, he let out a small laugh at my pessimism. Oh my god, oh my god, I made Damon laugh.
‘Not one for socialising?’
‘Not a chance if there ain’t a bar near by, especially if it means I have to talk to fancy private school pretty-boys like yourself’
As I said that to Dames, my drinks came, so I placed them on the bar and took a swig of my beer. 
‘Right, does that mean you didn’t go to anywhere fancy?’
‘Not a fucking chance mate, you think a Hereford girl like me could go to anywhere like Cambridge?’
‘Where’s that?’ he laughed, a palm hit my head,
‘My point, just some cow town in the West Midlands, pretty shitty council estates, but I must admit, banging cider.’ 
‘Oh well fair enough then, but back to your point about pretty-boys like myself, you reckon I’m pretty do you?’
Damon asked as he leant in a bit closer to my face, god the tension was highh, luckily my saviour Chris Evans was about the announce the Best British Album award, thank fuck.
- Another time skip lols -  
After a while, Blur had earned 4 awards at the end of the night, and fair enough, their music was really fucking good. A big group of us decided to celebrate with a couple of bands at a nearby pub, and when I had brought what was meant to be mine and Maddie’s drinks back from the bar, she wasn’t at our table, instead she was with the Manchester lads, clearly having fun so I didn’t want to be a cockblocker. I just ordered more drinks and sat by myself as a few familiar faces came and sat at my table.
‘Funny seeing you lot at my table.’
‘Yeah we saw you sat alone and a certain someone had the great idea of joining you.’ Alex mentioned as he nudged Damon with his elbow.
‘Piss off Alex, anyways, impressed to see your favourite band win not two but four Brits?’ Damon asked proudly, winking at me. I already felt my face go hot at the sight of him oh my days. 
‘Contrary to popular belief, you guys aren’t my faves, favourite britpop band? Yes. Favourite band? Not a chance my love.’
Don’t know where I got the confidence to call him ‘my love’ but it seemed to have an effect on him considering he went red in the face before taking a sip of his drink.
‘Really now? Who is then?’ Dave asked me, clearly invested in my answer.
‘Drum roll please Alex and Gray.’
... 🥁🥁 ....
‘My favourite band is actually between Metallica and Black Sabbath to be honest with youse.’ (Change it if you want babes x)
‘Metal bands? Wouldn’t expect that from a lady like yourself.’
‘Well Damon, I’m a woman of many mysteries.’
‘Really now? I’d like to find out some other secrets of yours.’
‘Right you two seem to be in your own little world there so we’ll take our leave, well in Dame.’ Alex said to us as the rest of the band walked off. Leaving me and Damon alone for the rest of the night...bad decision ultimately.
- Time skip to the Next Day - 
‘Oh my God, my head actually kills.’ I said to myself, well, to what I assumed was myself.
‘Well that makes two of us.’ to my surprise, a shirtless Damon was in the middle my room.
‘Come again? Now I admit I drank a fair bit but what the fuck?’
‘Trust me, I remember just as little as you do love.’
‘Well, when I put two and two together, I kind of regret not being able to remember.’
‘Really? Anything that can jog your memory?’
☆*: .。..。.:*☆
The End LOL I’ll probably do a part two if a gal can be bothered x
Part 2 (Coming soon)
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talentforlying · 1 year
she's the first person he rings before he realizes it's a mistake.
you never call the one who'll get it, first. you call the people who DON'T, first, so the empty platitudes burn away the pond scum oil slick of terror and nausea and leave behind the thin, flickering flames of burgeoning rage. so you can cure your rambling, shit-scared diatribe down to the pinpoints of memory that will really need banishing, wrangle the beast off your back and get it out at arm's length — so when you DO call the one who gets it, the calm, rational ease with which they accept your practiced explanation makes it all the more easy to strangle the life out of the whole fucking thing and put it to rest in a way that will keep.
but she's the first person he calls, and his stomach's still in his throat when she picks up the phone, and he doesn't know what to tell her. hasn't stumbled his way through the haze of lead-tongued knee-jerk mind-not-here-anymore to fish up the lie with just enough truth in it to pass muster.
' oi oi. ' great start. good ground. he sucks in a breath that sounds painful and obvious even to his own ears: the kind you see in the movies before someone starts their big, flashy monologue, the one that got them the role in the first place. that's not the kind of thing they go in for, him and scully. less drama, more substance. straightforward answers to sideways problems.
' i think. ' his voice sounds distant, tinny, like a bad radio play of himself. christ, he's good, to sound so calm when everything around him is warping like a hall of funhouse mirrors. or else this is what he's always sounded like when he's scared. ' think i lost time, earlier. didn't realize it, right, 'til i looked up just now an' this book i was readin' was sixty pages down from where i'd left off. s'funny, right? i've done that before, got really inna something and forgot t'check the clock, but this . . . this en't my place. doors are all on backwards, like, used t'be the handles were on the right. there was a — light? '
in the hallway, like a lighthouse beacon. spinning and spinning and spinning. was it in his head, or was it real? he doesn't know, but some certain, stable cornerstone of reason settled in the back foundation of his mind says that she would. could shut this shite down in a heartbeat, put him right back on planet earth where he ought to be. if anyone could, it's her.
he's been sitting with his back against the wall for over an hour. nothing's come down from mars to get him, nothing hurts, but everything's off-kilter. time slipping away in leaps and bounds. heh, it'd be fucking funny if all this is just in his own sodding head. demons, angels, the tumultuous embodiment of the primordial darkness before god flipped on the lights, all fine — but you find out about aliens and it all goes topsy-turvy. fuck that.
' just . . . sod this. tell me somethin' real, alright? anything. i'm asking nicely. please. '
@beyondthescully / MIDNIGHT CALLS
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
The loved & the forgotten pt13
Part 12 here
Vivienne: *seated in the shamans house with the rest of the group as they fuss over him and his injuries* it’s not that bad Taliesin-
Taliesin: There is a HOLE! IN YOUR STOMACH!
Vivienne: there was one in my chest when I fell asleep and now it’s g-hHhone- ow that hurts! *whimpers as Taliesin cleans it so Storn can sew him back up*
Taliesin: Oh gods can you please just stop getting hurt for one day Vivi, you’re going to turn my hair grey!
Vivienne: I think you’d look quite nice with white ha-
Taliesin: Don’t. Even joke about that.
Vivienne: *giggles softly and hisses as Storn starts sewing up his wounds* is… everyone else okay?… I sort of… lost my mind when mora stabbed me I… don’t really remember anything.
Storn: oh yes, everyone’s fine thanks to you my friend. My daughters headed to raven rock to inform them of your victory. I imagine they’re all a bit rattled from those shockwaves you sent out fighting old herma mora. I swear we could feel the earth itself shake in your presence, I’ve never known one of a person who could hold such power.
Vivienne: it’s… not my power… it… was his…
Storn: his? Herma mora?
Vivienne: no… it belonged to Vivec but… even then it wasn’t rightfully his I… I saw him.
Kaidan: *looks up from his food* you… you saw Vivec? In apocryha?
Vivienne: *shakes his head* no I… saw through his eyes, his, memories… he was raised by a blind netchiman. I was raised by a blind fisherman. We both got abandoned as teenagers in some way or another… we both had to sell our bodies for money… but he… got saved by a very handsome mer, he had gold skin, white hair, he said his name was Neht…
Lucien: *suddenly chokes on his wine*
Inigo: *pats his back* you are meant to swallow not breathe it my friend.
Taliesin: *looks to them then back at vivi* what else did you see dear?…
Vivienne: I think he was in love with neht at some point they… they made love but… then I saw him… he… killed him. Vivec he… cut off his face I think?… but then I woke up and I was a baby.
Kaidan: oh aye, I’ve had one of those dreams before. Nothin more weird than seeing your grown self wearing a diaper being-
Taliesin: *glares at him*
Kaidan: oop… I’ll shut up now. *clears his throat* g-go on love.
Vivienne: I’d… just been born… vivec was holding me he… didn’t look well. He looked sick, and tired… so tired… he cut my cord with a knife and put me in a basket on his guar… I watched him collapse and bleed out in the Ashland’s before I woke up in apocrypha… im… sorry I brought miraak back with me… I couldn’t bring myself to kill him.
Taliesin: don’t apologise my love… if you trust he’ll behave himself then we trust you.
Kaidan: aye… but he’s still sleeping outside tonight for the shite he’s out you through.
*meanwhile outside*
Miraak: *seated under one of his dragons shivering* I deserve this.
*Meanwhile in Raven Rock*
Nerevar: *helping the councillor try to calm the towns people as they run about frantically trying to secure their homes and possessions terrified the mountain is going to erupt again thinking the shockwaves came from it* Please people calm yourselves, the mountain is not going to erupt-
Drovas Relvi: It’s because he brought that sharmat here with him! We’re all going to die he’s going to make the mountain erupt again!
Lleril Morvayn: Drovas! Hold your tongue and calm yourself! Lord Dagoth is not responsible for this-
Bralsa Drel: I-it’s not fair! The mines only just opened back up and now I’m going to lose everything again!
Voryn: Nobody is losing anything I assure you we will find the cause of all of thi-
Meden Maren: I-im not listening to the l-likes if you! Y-you’re the reason it blew in the first place-
Adril Arano: ENOUGH!
Adril Arano: If I hear another insult towards lord dagoth or disrespect towards the Hortator the mouths responsible will find themselves eating rotten ash yams in a jail cell for the rest of their lives! We do not know what caused this! But we do know it was not the mountain! You are all safe. So please. Just be calm and allow us to handle this.
Frea: *suddenly emerges from the crowd holding a letter from her father and the chief* Greetings of the all father upon you. I am Frea of the Skaal, and I know of what caused these disturbances, but it is not a threat to any of you.
Nerevar: *steps forward and bows his head to her* greetings Frea, you know of what caused these tremors in the earth?
Frea: yes. It was the dragonborn. In his quest to defeat miraak he asked for our help, but we were all tricked by herma mora. The demon tried to kill my father but the dragonborn leapt in the way. His wounds would have killed any ordinary man, but all it did was awaken an inhuman rage within himself and he tore the beast to pieces, quite literally. *suddenly pulls a cloth from her pocket and unwraps it revealing half of one of Hermaeus moras eyes making everyone recoil in disgust*
Nerevar: *looks at it then at the letter as she hands it to him* the dragonborn?…
Frea: Yes. This letter is signed by our chief and my father as witnesses to his battle. He returned at sunrise with miraak as his prisoner, the threat looming over solstheim is now at rest.
Nerevar: *opens the letter and reads it before looking back at Voryn who nods to him* … *looks back at frea* what… is this dragonborns name? If you don’t mind me asking?
Frea: He calls himself Vivienne. But I heard old Herma Mora call him Vivec.
Everyone: *silence* …
Nerevar: *clears his throat and nods* I. Yes… thank you my friend for delivering us this message, um, councillor can you arrange some compensation for her travels?
Lleril Morvayn: I- oh yes of course. *gestures to Frea to follow him and leads her off to the councillors office*
Adril Arano: Well then. If that’s settled. Everyone please return to your dwellings. Everything is alright.
Voryn: *sighs watching the crowd disburse before pulling on his helm once more*
Sen Dres: *walks past him slowly* Tsk Tsk. All this time and all you’ll ever be remembered for is all the death you caused. *waves his hand to him as he walks off towards the temple* oh well.
Voryn: I was hypnotised by the heart of a dead god. You walk as a proud slaver and son to a traitor.
Sen Dres: … *stops in his tracks gritting his teeth, knowing he can’t say what he wants to with nerevar so close by*
Voryn: At least I may take solace in the fact I can rest my head at night and be forgiven still. I was given another chance by the good daedra to redeem myself. How you can sleep at all knowing how many people despise you though… I’ll never know… *glares at him with all 3 eyes glowing red in the fading light of the sunset as dusk finally falls*
Sen Dres: *huffs and storms off to the temple*
Nerevar: *watches him leave before looking up at voryn* we need to make sure we get to him before he does…
Voryn: chances are he’ll be arriving here in a few days, or even tomorrow for all we know… we need to keep our guard up…
Nerevar: …do you… know why he’s been attending the temple so much?…
Voryn: something wretched is afoot…
Sen Dres: *storms into the temple* Galdrus! *hurries over to the priest* You were right! He is vivec after all!
Galdrus Hlervu: You see~ my sources are never wrong my lord~
Sen Dres: *sighs* I always knew there was something… Godly about him but I could never put my finger in it…
Galdrus Hlervu: yes, quite. But I have something you’ll be greatly interested in~ I had to steal this from Elder Othreloths study after he locked it away in there. But I’m sure it’ll be of more use to you, especially when it comes to, wooing our ‘god’ to lend us his powers~ *opens a box revealing the ash mask of vivec*
Sen Dres: *has no intention of helping the priest get Vivi or his powers, wanting instead to keep him all to himself and just using Galdrus, unaware he’s being used just as much* gods- *gasps softly and carefully picks it up* oh, it’s him, it’s my vivi…
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acapelladitty · 11 months
I think you’re really cool. I remember you reading out some kind of script with your accent for a group of us to unscramble an if I remember correctly none of us could understand completely what you said (most of us were American haha). But I always thought you were fun to interact with
Oh god I wish I could remember this but my memory is shite 💀 it does sound like me though! I enjoy dissolving into my typical accent and watching everyone collectively go "????!" And thank you!! That's a kind thing to be thought of as and I appreciate that xx
tell me your opinion of me on anon
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runeseaks · 1 year
Find the Word
I was tagged by @awritingcaitlin for the words: loud, learn, lose, labor, and loop (I didn't have labor or loop anywhere).
(Never done this before, but giving it a shot!)
[I had a single snippet with several words I've been tagged with all in it, but I decided to pick different smaller sections instead lol.]
Snippets of Alcander from Playing with Fire
[Young adult Alcander, Age - 20s]
Setan, with a bloody handprint on his mug, turned to face me and completely ignored my question. “I’m actually disappointed. Thought Arius would’ve taught you something more than a pitiful fireball and whatever the fuck that sorry display was.” He pointed towards the door. 
My ears pressed back on my head. “He didn’t teach me shite!”
Setan raised an eyebrow. “Oh, really? Then, who did?”
“No one…” 
“It shows.”
I crossed my arms over my chest. “What do you expect? He was entirely against me learning to fight at all! The fact that I can do this much—”
Setan let out a wheezy giggle. “Seriously? Arius doesn’t want his own mutt to learn how to fight? ‘Positive you’re not just inept?” 
I stared daggers at him. “I am not!”
“The fuck’s he been teaching you then?”
“Nothing!” I growled more than I intended.
Ruze leaned forward, over the bar, his chin resting on his hand. “Oo, family squabbles over drinks. Fun,” he cooed.
[Adult Alcander, Age - ??]
“Your father worries about you,” Val said, not looking up from his work.
I stopped in my tracks. “Good for him. And?” 
Val looked up. “Do you plan to ever stop acting like a child vying for your father’s attention?”
“Oh, you think I’m the childish one?”
“When one goes out of their way, making it their goal to loudly commit acts they know will anger someone in particular, I’d say that’s as childish as it gets—akin to throwing a tantrum.” 
I scoffed. “My apologies if I ever gave you even the slightest impression I cared what you thought.”
“No, you’ve made that clear,” Val replied, plainly. “Though, your reasoning, even behind that, is similarly lacking in any semblance of maturity.”
I took a deep, fiery breath.
[Extra adult Alcander, Age - 208]
His Highness went silent for a while, like he always does. Not a bit of emotion on his face, except for the slightest crease between his brows. “Would it be easier for you if you had no memory of me?”
I froze, staring at him, my pulse loud in my ears. “H—How the fuck could you even suggest that?” There was a pang in my chest. The only thing stopping me from throwing something at him was the half of me that didn’t want to hurt him any more than I felt I already had. Sarcastic comments ran through my mind like a flood, but they were followed by the realization he might take anything I said literally, and fuck knows I didn’t want that. “No!” I shouted. “Do you seriously think I want to lose more of my life? Nearly 200 hundred years wasn’t enough? I know that might be a blink to you, but—How could that thought even cross your mind!”
My sense for danger has never been… properly tuned. I’ve never been afraid of a higher demon, as akin to gods as some might be. I’ve even antagonized a good many who could kill me with a flick of the wrist; but, I had never felt so threatened by someone so reserved, so composed and out of arms reach. I had never felt so threatened by Him.
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Hello Penny! For the fic write asks, number 4, 36, and 41!
Happy Halloween! 🎃
🌸 anon
Happy belated Halloween, 🌸 anon!!!! I hope you had a good one! Me, I had too many children over, and the grown-ups got rather sauced. It was fun!
4. What detail in [insert fic] are you really proud of?
It's weird how I'm ridiculously proud of lots of details as I write them, but when you ask me this, I forget everything I've ever written in my life. Due to recent memory bias, my current favorite detail is the name of the exhibition in my forniphilia fic (Forniphilia: the Eroticism of the Inanimate) which is exactly the type of pretentious, vague name you'd see at an exhibition, tbh. My years in academia have served me well.
36. Do you visualize what you read/write?
Almost always, and it affects how hard/easy it is to write. If I can picture the scene I want to write like a movie playing out in my head, the words just fall out of me onto the page. This is the ideal scenario. If I only have a vague idea of what it looks like, the writing goes slower and I skip around a lot as my brain jumps around the scene. If I'm desperately trying to connect two scenes but don't know how to do it, I just cry and hope for the best. :D
41. Link a fic that made you think, “Wow, I want to write like that.”
J.F.C., so many, but I'd be remiss if I didn't link the fic (again) that made me start writing in the first place, Notes on Tutoring by @honestly-shite, who is probably getting tired of me saying this over and over. But---go read this fucking fic. And then come yell at me about in my DMs, I never get tired of screaming about Notes.
The other author who gives me major "oh this is a real writer and I have no idea what I'm doing vibes" is @radiowallet, and I could link to her ENTIRE masterlist for examples of this but some of the ones that stand out in my mind as "Holy Shit Oh My God The Prose" fics are Like a River and Funny Girl. Not a single word is wasted in these, not a single description without meaning and purpose.
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lilianasolaris · 1 month
My inquisitor Daylin Lavellan
she always loved exploring old ruins with her father before she passed at 10,she used to be quite the trouble maker but she became more quiet when her father passed away as they were close, daylins father actually had differebt beliefs than most elves, which was called insane for, he loved exploring old runes, he also believed the legends of the elvhen gods where a load of halla shite and he also believed fenharel not to be a villain. So he was just crazy old Havren to most, Her father had passed away when she was 10 due to a fight that broke out between an invading human camp, but she did get what she knows of the elven gods from him, she was definantly excited and worried her father was mostly correct about the old Elvhen history, Daylin also doesnt quite blame the humans though, even as a kid she did feel that they got to close to human borders so they lashed out. Daylin was also one of their best hunters in her clan and often led huntsShe has a younger sister Amora, shes 5 years younger and the keepers 1st and a fairly decent healer and fighter, she would definantly be interested in Cullen, Though sadly Amora actually died in the Haven event, she was helping her sister with Corypheous and he ended up killing her trying to save daylin, Daylin carried her sister through the mountain pass, but she ended up passing at their small camp, 10 years before Inquisition, she was newly married and newly pregnant by this time, her husband died in the 5th blight, later and she had her son Ta'lan 6 months after her husbands death. she wore braids but hated them eventually got rid of them, she didnt think she could move o after her husbands death but having a lot in common with solas and him being great with her son and willing to teach him magic definantly won her over, Solas taught Daylin and Ta'lan some anchient elven, she could also tell him off but she probably wouldnt, plus she lets talan hit bull with a stick, so everyone is happy and Ta'lan is a young mage, solas was teaching him magic along with rift magic as well, She does have a scar on her hip, got it at 5, she and her dad were in some ruins whe they were attacked by undead, she barely remembers but she was pretty injured, it also is a reason her mother tried forbaying her from exploring, but they butt heads often and arent close sadly, Both daylin and her mother Moria are very stubbon and refused to elaborate when daylin wanted to go explore, trying to make her not want to go, made daylin just grow mkre distant, Often times they are seen argueing but if daylin sees her son around she stops and leave the confrontation as she doesnt want to be the mother hers was, and she takes Ta'lan with her exploring if shes kinda scouted first for dangers, Daylin is a very calm reserved person from when she was a kid, very kind but also weary, Daylin is not a crowd person, and being in the palace for Wicked Eyes Wicked Hearts full of Shem, really made her uncomfortable, like even val rouyox was her first timw in a major shem city and wasnt even that crowded, the orlesians were definantly a different breed of Shem for her to deal with, Daylin definantly got decent at human formalities due to visiting small villiages for trade, but the orlesians were a different breed of shem, Daylin juat made sure no fights broke out, she was a peacekeeper of sorts, though she often traded her meats and furs she had left for stuff for her son, like toys, clothing, and some shem treats he enjoyed, Shes ok woth spiders but undead are not hee favourite, probably the repressed memory of how she got that hip scar, She is a dual daggers rogue, prefers the dual blade daggers and likes having someone at distance to surpress fire like solas and varric with one other like blackwall, cass or bull on frontline with her, shes a decent archer as she was her clans best hunter, her arm prostetic is a dwarven made Lyrium powered arm also made of Nevarite metal, and she did obtain Solas jawbone necklace after tresspasser at their "final" meeting before he left, he gave it to her
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coralsgrimes · 4 months
The best parts of the Narnia movies are the scores imo, in particular from the first two movies, with the music composed by Harry Gregson-Williams.
I haven't seen these fuckers in ages so I don't remember BUT since Imma in a good mood lemme tell ye all a story about how I got to see prince caspian in cinema, and it involves music too and also the first instance of a fancam from youtube
So, years and years ago when Prince Caspian was in cinemas and that was fucking summer, my cousins came for a visit. Three of them and they were all younger, two boys and a girl. Anyways I was not as much older than them but still I was THE BITCH. Anyways so there was nothing to do and it was hot as fuck so we ended up going to the cinema, and there were like two big things playing - the second narnia film or wall-e. A friend whatever said that wall-e is cool and ye know the kids were kids so that was my choice and my bestie that was going with us, and the boys wanted wall-e too. But not that little bitch my cousin like she wanted to see NARNIA SHE NEEDS TO SEE PRINCE CASPIAN. We told her no, cuz it's a fucking democracy and we going to see wall-e. So that little cunt goes full on crying mode that she won't be going to the movies to look at a robot beeping for two hours. Like that little viper is like 7 or something mind ye, and she gets her twin brother to change his mind too so now it's two kids crying and it's a whole fucking deal with her...... Yeah we ended up seeing Prince Caspian. Funny story, that little cousin of mine (the boy one) was actually really fucking scared of the film and the animal beasty thingies in it. And the little cunt? She was happy cuz first of all she won, second she liked it. She like cried cuz fantastic love story oh caspian my heart she had tears in her eyes. And if me remembers correctly, there was an original song at the end of the film and she loved it and she was watching caspian/susan (?? that was her name???) videos with that song on youtube. I swear to fucking god I don't have as many childhood memories as clear as this one and believe it or not, I still have the old movie tickets. I was a hoarder don't judge me like I even kept bus ticket stubs back then and boxes of my shite are still in my parents basement storage thing x.x
yeah I feel like I have mentioned this once before or told this story before but that was my first encounter with Benjamin. I was forced to see him, his bad tan and overachieving accent. It all stayed with me till the present day muffins x.x and as for me little bitch of a cousin what became of her... yeah I still hate her guts and the feeling is mutual like I was home for christams this time around and I got to see her again and she's as bad as ever I don't like her bitch ass x.x I like her brothers, it's just that bitch that I can't stomach lol she's actually engaged with intent to marry and her fiancé comes from a stuck up rich family of snobs who wouldn't even look in our direction during a dinner party so kinda like she found her perfect crowd lol
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conflagrate · 8 months
Kawagoe Boys Sing 12 [END]
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Truly, nobody gives a fooq.
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Christ on a bike
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Thank god no fairytale ending!
Bloody hell finally! I can put this completely shite show to bed and bury it deep in my graveyard of a memory bank, never to be accessed or recalled. What an utter waste of time...
My AniList Rating: 4.5 My Average Episode Rating: 4.67 Best thing about the show: That it's over Worst thing about the show: HARUO-SENSEI OFC My favourite character: YA KIDDING ME THEY ALL SUCK Would I Rewatch?: I'd rather cut off my tits with a switchblade
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vierandancer · 1 year
Still more. How was there still more to climb?
Meiko was starting to wonder if that big  dead sun up there even existed. Was it all just a trick, an illusion? Should they have attacked Meteion on the ship like Thancred? What if –
“You know,” A’kihiko let out a deep sigh as they stood before Meteion. “I think she’s underestimating how good a climber I am.” He looked up at his sister. “We can find a way up there, can’t we, Mei?”
She looked at him. So did Meteion.
“I mean, you’re tall enough. Can probably just launch me up, and I’ll throw a rope down or something.“
Meiko frowned at him. “You finally lost your bloody mind, Hiko?”
“I’m keeping up the hope through witty commentary, ‘tis the Mochikoko way.” He looked back at Meteion. “It’s hard, though, not to be overcome with rage. You know how much I hate birds.”
Meiko put her face in her hands and laughed. He had caught her starting to despair. Tears pricked the corners of her eyes, but that was all. Meteion continued to stare on, blank-faced.
“Your friends’ lives are vanishing with each passing second and your world is at its end. Yet you laugh?” she inquired.
“Aye. S’an average Windsday in Eorzea,” A’kihiko folded his arms. “Are you really surprised? You’ve said it yourself – to live is to suffer and all that. We suffer every day. It hurts, but we carry on. Or have you not been listening to everything our friends have said?”
“And the struggle is what makes triumph so great.” Meiko looked up, exhaling slowly. “But you can’t comprehend that. All this doom and gloom shite – so what if it ends? So what if it ends badly? The end of it all doesn’t make the good parts not good. Happy memories, jokes in the face of,” she waved a hand at their surroundings, “whatever the fuck this all is, it helps you carry on despite it all.”
“People are always going to seek better. It’s in our nature to want more. But not everyone wants to be gods,” A’kihiko shook his head. “And there are plenty satisfied with how their lives end, even if it’s sad. All you and your sisters did was generalize and jump to conclusions. You saw only the end, but never a beginning. Your data wasn’t complete.”
There was a silence. Then Meteion tilted her head. “Are you done?” Her lips curled into a small smile. “If you sought to bring about a revelation, I am afraid to inform you that you have failed. Neither of you can prove that the data we gathered was insufficient. Neither of you can even comprehend what we have learned, understood, or felt. And you are no closer to our nest than you were at the start of this conversation.”
“…Right.” A’kihiko turned to Mei. “We using the stone, then?”
“Thought you wanted to climb.” Meiko was already retrieving it from her belt.
“I just trimmed my nails, unfortunately.” He reached and took her free hand, giving it a squeeze. “Think of it this way. If we do end the universe, no one’ll be ‘round to scold us for it.”
“Except Y’shtola, likely for eternity.”
“I’ll take that over suicide feathers.”
Meiko squeezed his hand back and looked at the stone of Azem in her palm. She could take a bit of solace in the fact that neither her brother nor her really knew what they were doing. The burden of thousands of worlds containing infinite souls weighed heavy, and yet here they stood: two scrappy orphans from a fishing town too small to earn its place on a map.
She didn’t want to end the universe. She didn’t want her friends’ efforts to be for naught. She didn’t want to return to Eorzea triumphant, only to find that the lands had already been ravaged beyond repair. They had to make a decision now, now, now and yet she didn’t like their options.
Her fingers curled around the stone.
“There has to be another way,” she said quietly, and leveled her gaze with Meteion’s. “This place is ruled by emotions, aye? Well I’ve got a fuck ton of ‘em – and you’re gonna have to deal with every single bloody one!”
“–Mei, the stone’s glowing.”
“What?” It was. And now the ground was glowing with the same symbols as they had before.
A’kihiko’s ears lowered. “Did you summon them anyway by yourself?”
“No! I mean, I don’t think I –”
“Do you think Azem had these sort of conversations in his own head?”
"If he did, it would explain quite a lot about his irritating behavior.”
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