#god what if he wrote fics too what an idiot (in love)
zablife · 8 months
Seamstress, Secretary, Sex-worker, Spy
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John x female reader
Summary: You've been seen with John numerous times and now the Shelby family is getting suspicious. Who are you and what's your true relationship to John?
Author’s Note: This was requested by a lovely anon. Tysm for the idea! I hope you don't mind that I wrote them as headcanons. I haven't had much time for full fics recently.
Warnings: language, mention of smut
🌹The first time someone sees you with John you're collecting the laundry, a large basket at your hip piled high with all his unwashed shirts. "Have we got a new washerwoman in town, Charlie?" Curly asks, scratching his head as he sees you passing on the street.
"Don't look like any washerwoman I ever saw," Charlie says ogling you.
💌The second time, you're in the betting shop, nibbling on the end of a pencil as you think of a clever note to leave on John’s desk. Linda rolls her eyes as she complains, "Perfect, they've sent me another useless idiot who can't do simple maths." When you disappear, she assumes you quit. "Thanks be to Jesus for that," she mutters under her breath.
❤️ The third time your presence is much harder to miss, a sharp cry of pleasure erupting from the snug in the Garrison. "Has John got a whore in there?" Isaiah asked, turning to Finn with a wicked smirk. Their suspicions seemed to be confirmed when you left minutes later, money in hand and a smoldering kiss to send you on your way.
🌹 The mystery of your presence remains in the following days and soon Tommy becomes suspicious as well. “I knew he was spending too much time in Solomons’ territory,” he grumbles, pacing the floor of his office. “What if that dodgy fucker sent her here?"
"A spy?" Polly chuckles as she leans back in her chair.
"Why not use a pretty girl to turn his head?," Tommy reasoned with a huff of frustration. When she rolled her eyes in return he shouted, "Everyone knows John thinks with his cock!"
💌 The family meeting begins without John who appears twenty minutes late, stuffing his shirt into the back of his trousers. Running to the meeting from your arms is difficult enough, but now the entire family is boring holes into him, expecting an explanation. When they begin telling him of their suspicions, his mouth drops open.
"You being serious, Tom?" he asks. "All of you?" he looks around the room aghast. Slowly everyone nods. "Bloody hell..." his voice drops as removes his cap and drops into a chair crestfallen.
❤️ Polly begins to look worried, leaning forward at the table to ask, "John, if this girl is going to be trouble, we need to know."
"Always thinking the worst, ain't ya?" he answers bitterly. Then he shakes his head with a little laugh, which angers Arthur first.
"You fucking laughing at us? Finn and Isaiah saw you pay the little tart! What's that about, eh?" he grumbles, anger contorting his face.
"What the fuck did you call her?" John seethes, lunging for his brother. A scuffle breaks out between them which Tommy and Uncle Charlie have to stop before either of them can land a punch.
🌹 John straightens his clothes as he begins, "Yeah, she's my girl. But she ain't a whore and she ain't a spy for Alfie fucking Solomons either alright? Moved to Saltley two years ago with her mum. I had it checked out....'M not as stupid as everyone thinks." He sniffs and takes a look around the room to see disbelief still hanging in the air. "Why is that so hard for you to believe?"
Polly places a hand on his arm, "We're listening, go on."
💌John's eyes soften as he speaks of you. "She takes care of me, does the laundry and shopping, leaves me kind notes..." Eyes glazing slightly at the memory he turns to Arthur adding, "Sucks me dry, I swear to God. Yesterday I thought--"
"We believe you," Polly interjects with a firm nod. Turning to her other nephew she states, "Tommy, I think this item of business is closed."
❤️ You're invited to the next family dinner as a way to placate John, but also for the others to get to know you. When they do, they adore you instantly and John is rightfully vindicated. "Shouldn't have doubted me," John reminds them.
"I know. I was wrong to say you were only thinking with your cock," Tommy apologizes.
"No, I was thinking with me cock, but for once it was the right decision," John admits with a wink.
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nariism · 1 year
my brother's best friend
pair. miya osamu x gn!reader
content: fluff, attempts at humour, miya atsumu is a little shit, first loves, mutual pining
synopsis. miya osamu takes pride in the fact that he’s the smarter of the twins. he, in fact, is not (especially when it comes to you).
wc. 3.1k
a/n: om nom nom nom nom brother's best friend trope nom nom nom... ok i have to come clean about this fic i literally wrote the first draft for this in 2021 on WATTPAD and it's been sitting dormant forever up until recently. enjoy 🫶
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‎oh my god, how did i end up here?
it’s the only thought repeating over and over again in osamu’s head as he sits there staring at you. you’re too preoccupied with the menu in your hands to notice his unwavering gaze, scanning through it and muttering to yourself indecisively about what to order.
of course, the question of how he ended up here on a date with you could be summarized in one simple sentence:
miya atsumu is the world’s biggest idiot.
if kita or aran were here they would surely be poking fun at him right now, lecturing him about how his dna is a perfect carbon copy of atsumu’s. and while they would be right, osamu is convinced his brother has at least 70% less brain cell capacity.
the thought makes him feel a little smug. (he’s in the class under atsumu.)
you were friends. at least as far as how often you saw each other, he considered you good friends. maybe. not that he knew all that much about you other than the fact that you were constantly... around. if he didn’t know that atsumu was the biggest knucklehead on planet earth, he would have assumed you were dating. but he knew his brother was too invested in volleyball to be seeing anyone seriously, and you didn’t didn’t seem like the type to mess around with guys like him anyways.
you were way too level-headed for that despite the raunchy, head-turning jokes you liked to tell, which honestly might be the reason why atsumu keeps you around.
whenever you came to their house, you would stick to lounging in atsumu’s room or the living room. you typically avoided disturbing osamu and the rest of their family — not like they minded having you around. no, in fact, their mother had a strange soft spot for you. you were quiet and well mannered, until it was just the three of you and suddenly an onslaught of fierce attacks on poor atsumu would commence.
for the majority of your friendship, you have stayed out of his way and he stays out of yours. you only talk to each other when deemed necessary, like when walking home from school or when you shyly greet him at the door because atsumu is on the toilet. he does, however, rejoice in the fact that there is another person on the atsumu hate train, and appreciates that you’re at least colourful with your insults. it’s impressive, really.
(he would never admit it. never. never ever. but it warms his heart a little that there’s someone out there just like him, expressing their love for miya atsumu in less conventional ways.)
you were quick witted and funny. a free source of entertainment when he would grow bored of his brother’s shenanigans. and it was a two way street, because when you needed a break from atsumu, osamu was always right there. 
you were noticeably gentler with the younger of the miya twins: asking him how school was, and if he needed help with his chemistry homework, and what he had for lunch. menial little things, but sometimes he found himself thinking that it was the highlight of his day.
otherwise, your presence in his life is, as osamu considers it, indifferent.
sure, he likes to look at you. and sometimes, maybe, he wishes you and atsumu would invite him around more often. it also doesn’t help his heart when you’re so nice to him, like when you’re all having dinner together and you pretend you don’t want the last dumpling on your plate and shovel it onto his. he likes that. or when you invite yourself into their freezer for ice cream, you always make sure to grab an extra one for him. there have been multiple occasions in which you’ve wordlessly slid him your notes to copy, too.
you were good at that; knowing what others wanted and being more selfless than the average person. you’re a people pleaser, and though he and atsumu used to make fun of your type when they were kids, your charm is undeniable.
unfortunately, actually making any sort of move on you is out of the question. not only would it potentially complicate things between you and him, it would also risk putting a strain on your friendship with atsumu. making his brother’s life a living hell is what miya osamu was born into this world to do, but for some reason his stomach turns at the thought of ruining your friendship.
you were just atsumu’s cute best friend. nothing less, nothing more. and he would very much like to beat the “i fell in love with my brother’s best friend” allegations, thank you.
he realizes he’s still looking at you intently with his arms crossed over his chest. he watches as your nose scrunches a little in thought, trying to decide between their two best sellers. he sighs in relief when you get up to order for yourself, tucking a stray hair under his cap before going back to sulking with his thoughts.
atsumu had a lot of bad ideas. so many that if they sat down and listed them all out they might be there for a couple days. but this? this is his worst one yet. and how osamu managed to get roped (bribed) into this, he will never know. but here he is, and here you are, and here atsumu is not.
he really should get better at saying no to atsumu.
(“c’mon, ‘samu! please? for me?!”
“what the hell? no. that’s a shitty thing to do. just tell them ya can’t go.”
“but it’s their birthday! they were lookin’ forward to this. they’ll hate me forever if i bailed!”
“and? why would i help you? ‘specially with somethin’ so stupid. it’s your fault you didn’t plan better.”
“don’t be like that, y’know it was a last minute thing!”
a beat of silence.
“pretty please? it’s their birthday… you guys are friends too, right?”
osamu can’t believe he’s entertaining this stupid idea for even a second. you’re not an idiot. you’d know it’s him with a single glance.
“this is an all time low, even for you. they’ll notice it’s me right away. are ya crazy, ‘tsumu? hit your head or somethin’?”
“it’s just this one time! i’ll never ask ya for anythin’ ever again. never ever ever ever, i swear it.”
“don’t sound so tired with me! do this for your big brother. have i mentioned it’s their birthday?”
big brother? osamu scoffs loudly.
“you actually mentioned it three times. and yer only a couple minutes older than me. but... fine.”
“don’t be such a jacka- wait, what?”
“i said fine. but you owe me lunch for the next two weeks.”
“... are ya sure they won’t know it’s me? i mean, i really think you should reconsider-”
“oh shut up, ‘samu, we’re identical!”
“just know that i won’t hesitate to throw ya under the bus if shit hits the fan.”)
what a terrible plan. pretending to be atsumu was proving to be harder than he initially anticipated. he would have thought that spending every agonizing, waking, living hour with his brother would have trained him well enough, but atsumu is so no-chill that it’s somehow making this already horrible idea even worse with every passing second.
surprisingly, you haven’t said anything. you haven’t acknowledged the massive elephant in the room. this could only mean one of three things:
1. you’ve noticed, but you’re desperately trying to spare atsumu’s feelings and osamu’s embarrassment by not bringing it up.
2. you’re dumber than he thought. dumber than a rock, actually, if you didn’t take one look at osamu and know it was him.
3. you are a cruel, wicked, evil, deranged human being who finds osamu’s situation entirely hilarious and wants this to go on for as long as possible.
judging by your casual banter, he’s willing to bet it’s either option one or two. you’re twirling a lanyard around your finger when you finally return with your drink of choice in tow. next destination: the local aquarium. atsumu put a surprising amount of effort into planning the day.
it’s a shame he hadn’t accounted for planning himself into it.
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‎he shouldn’t have agreed to come here.
spending time alone with you like this was bound to stir up feelings he’d long ago buried in the hollows of his heart. of the miya twins, osamu was always better at keeping his emotions under wraps. there were rare occasions in which he lost his cool, in which he was actually somehow worse than atsumu, but in general he was as level-headed as you were.
you’re ruining him and his plans to never acknowledge his feelings for you.
it’s unfair, really, how his heart seemingly gets lodged in his throat when you cling to his arm so tightly, laughing and pointing out all the funny-looking fish. and when you point at something called a vampire squid, raving about how long it took you to find one in animal crossing, he nearly crumbles to his knees and puts his head in his hands.
(in other words, he’s totally whipped. he’s not beating those allegations.)
osamu thought he could get used to looking at anyone’s face. he always found people boring — he grew up being the other half of his brother, after all. the miya twins are many things, but boring is not one of them, and to entertain them you have to be someone with a special brand of humour.
but now, as he looks at you with the soft blue glow from the tank shining against your face, he can’t help the thought that crosses his mind:
i could never get tired of this.
“... hailing from the depths of tropical and subtropical waters, the vampire squid feeds on marine snow.”
he blinks back into reality, eyes drifting from you to the sea creature you’re admiring, then back to you. “marine snow? sounds gross.”
“it’s the debris that falls to the lower levels of the ocean. lots of deep sea creatures feed that way since it saves them the energy of needing to go hunt.”
osamu seems skeptical. “they really just eat anythin’ like that?”
your head turns to look at him. there’s a little smile playing on your face, like you seem amused by what he just said. “sounds like someone i know.”
he makes a strange expression in response. were you talking about him? did you often bring him up when you were alone with atsumu? the soft and fond look in your eyes doesn’t help his racing heart. the idea that you and atsumu talk about him in private so sweetly makes his face burn slightly in embarrassment.
he shakes his head to get the thought out of his brain before stuffing his hands into his pockets.
your arm finds his again, locking together. it’s an oddly intimate action, even if you think he really is atsumu. he doesn’t know you to be the most touchy person on earth, though he supposes he can’t see what you’re like behind the closed doors of his brother’s bedroom. his blood boils for some reason.
you stop at the next tank, the one situated in the centre of the room filled high with kelp and schools of tiny fish. you’re looking at them with wide eyes, light shimmering in them. he could cry right now. you look like an angel bathed in the shadows of dancing fish as your gaze carefully follows a school circling around the top of the aquarium.
there’s a feeling swimming inside of him, unfamiliar and oh so dreadful. he can feel it in raging in every part of him — in his heart, in the fiery pits of his stomach, in his throat — and he knows exactly which word comes to mind.
miya osamu may be in the lowest class in his year, and he might share a single brain cell with his brother, but he’s read enough books to describe this feeling. he’s listened to enough love songs to know this ache in him.
if you asked him ten years from now, he’d tell you exactly the same thing as he would right now; that your first love is always petrifying.
“pretty, aren’t they?”
“yeah. real pretty.”
but he hasn’t looked at them even once. how could he when there’s a living, breathing angel standing next to him?
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‎osamu delivers you to your doorstep that night.
it feels like a dream, the whole day and having the privilege of holding your hand and feeling your body against his.
maybe it was just the greedy monster in him speaking. the laws of the universe dictate that if it’s you and osamu, atsumu needs to be there, too. the miya twins have always come in a package. a duo. there is no just atsumu or just osamu, at least there wasn’t until you came along.
suddenly it was you and atsumu. it was atsumu and osamu, and you. but there was never just you and osamu. it didn’t work that way.
well, screw the universe and its laws. osamu never believed in that astrology shit anyways.
he’s fully prepared to keep this day an untarnished memory — something to cherish when life goes back to normal and he’s unable to stand shoulder to shoulder like this with you again.
when you lean in to kiss him, there is only one thought repeating in his mind like a mantra:
it’s just once. just one day. one last perfect memory.
you’re so close that he can feel your breath filling his lungs. his heart hammers where it rests in his chest, so loud that he can hear it thundering in his ears. it’s then that he realizes this is wrong. all of it is wrong.
he recoils back with lightning speed, and his heart aches at the sight of your disappointed and puzzled expression. but it’s not fair to you, and it’s not fair to atsumu either.
he cares about both of you too much to be selfish right now.
how could he possibly risk hurting two of the people he cared most about in the world? he couldn’t be that self-centred, to be able to steal a kiss from you just to keep his memories of this day perfect.
perfect doesn’t exist if none of it is real.
“i’m not… i’m not who you think i am.”
he slides the hat off his head with shame burning in his cheeks, avoiding your eyes like a child who got caught with his hand in a cookie jar. it was time for him to be honest, both with you and himself.
“look, yer really cool. and i– crap, it’s complicated, ‘kay? i might like you. like– like you, like you. i wasn’t thinkin’ straight. 'm really sorry, i know it was wrong to string you along, i was just havin’ so much fun today that–”
his mouth suddenly comes to a halt as you reach forward and capture his cheeks between your fingers, squishing them together so he’ll stop rambling.
you look at him with a confused but amused smile. “um, ‘samu? i like you, too.”
“what?” he sputters out as much as he can with his face still held in place. his brows furrow, but all rational thoughts have stopped flowing in his mind. he’s staring at you like a flabbergasted idiot, so you continue.
“why else would i agree to go on a date with you on my birthday?”
“but– i– huh?”
your head tilts. “this was a date, wasn’t it?”
it dawns on him then. it had never occurred to osamu that there was another explanation for your strange lack of acknowledgment that he is painfully easy to see through:
4. you like him and simply thought this was a date. you like him as much as he likes you, which is a stupid amount. after all, he likes you enough to go through with an infinite number of atsumu’s terrible ideas just to make you happy.
of course you weren’t that dense. of course he was found out the second you laid eyes on him. of course he had misread the entire situation because he was blinded by his brother’s boisterous claims that they were indistinguishable.
“this is ridiculous. i can’t believe you–… atsumu somehow always pulls through even when he doesn’t mean to.”
“what do you mean?”
“whadd’ya mean, what do i mean?”
“about atsumu?”
“oh, he was freakin’ out about missin’ today and wanted me to go through this whole thing pretendin' i’m him so ya wouldn’t be mad at him.”
“but he already told me he couldn’t make it today? you really didn’t have to do… all this,” you gesture to his whole body with a flick of your wrist.
at your words osamu finally crumbles to his knees in pure agony. he looks up to the sky, to whatever god has forsaken him by making atsumu his other half, and sighs with the weight of the world on his shoulders. he can just imagine the shit-eating grin his brother has right now.
“i’m…” he pauses, carefully selecting his next words, “going to smother him with a pillow.”
you blink at him for a moment before all the pieces fall into place.
all the times you’d gushed to atsumu about your massive crush on his twin and the way he’d complain to no end about neither of you making a move, forcing him to watch on with mild disgust as his best friend and brother made goo goo eyes at each other. all the times he would “forget” his shoes at the gym and need to run back to grab them, pushing you into small talk with osamu. all the times he would suffer through your teasing just to see the two of you walking side-by-side sharing proud little smiles.
atsumu’s resume looks something like this: world’s biggest idiot, volleyball player, third-wheel, and tired wingman.
you’ll have to thank him later.
“no wonder you’ve been acting so weird all day! i thought you were just one of those guys who gets nervous on first dates!” accompanied by this statement is a laugh that makes osamu weak.
he grumbles. “what’s so funny?”
“say what you want, but you’re as dumb as ‘tsumu.”
“no… please… don’t compare me to that nitwit… i might have a heart attack at this rate.”
you snicker quietly as you help osamu back onto his feet, eyes shimmering with joy as you let his confession sink in.
“you’re right, he is an idiot.”
“he’s gonna hate us even more from now on,” osamu smiles uncontrollably, inching closer to you again.
“yeah?” your lips brush against his daringly, “i can live with that.”
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© ALABOADOA 2023 — please do not translate or post my works to other platforms.
🏷️ @hyomagiri (im dead like actually dead)
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novacorpsrecruit · 4 months
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Hi a quick lil read: I did a poll the other day because I was thinking of creating Steddie fic recs and so I decided I’m gonna do 5-10 fic recs a post based on some sort of theme and here’s the first installment! Please feel free to ask for themes, I can’t promise I’ll fulfill them but I’ll do my best.
Theme: my favorite fucking idiots
single / taken / pining by 96tears (Ao3) @pizzaqueen (tumblr)
T | wc 4,435 | no cw
Summary: When a girl Steve’s trying to flirt with starts flirting with Eddie, Steve says the only thing that comes to mind: he tells her Eddie’s married. It’s not his smoothest moment, but it works, and Eddie goes along with it. It's not like Eddie was interested, anyway, and he figures Steve wanted the ladies to himself. So, Steve figures that must be it, too.
But a little later it hits him: he doesn’t want to keep the ladies to himself. He wants to keep Eddie to himself.
Ugh!!! I love it when the dumbasses don’t understand why they’re jealous, or that they’re jealous in the first place. Post season 4, Steve and Eddie work at Family Video and the Arcade respectfully, and come and bug each other during slow times. Steve gets a little jealous when a girl starts hitting on Eddie.
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‘cause tramps like us, baby, we were born to run by stellapoint (pettifogger) (ao3) @heybluechild (tumblr)
T | wc 9,308 | no cw
Summary: Realization #1: Steve is wearing a costume. He’s dressed as Springsteen on the cover of Born In The U.S.A. The album cover is staring at Eddie from the stack of records by the speakers, and he flicks his eyes between the cover and Steve, almost laughing at how obvious the resemblance is.
Immediately after that, revelations two and three slam into him like an eighteen-wheeler.
#2: Bruce Springsteen is kind of hot.
#3: Steve Harrington is really hot.
A fourth and much louder thought echoes through Eddie’s brain: oh, shit.
(Many months ago, I wrote a tumblr post about Steve Harrington being a Bruce Springsteen enjoyer. This fic is about that.)
Takes place after season 4, Eddie and Steve are friend. Eddie’s love language is music. He’s a bit of a music snob, and doesn’t understand why Steve wants him to like his music. It takes a moment for it to click to Eddie what’s really going on. I love Eddie but sometimes you want to shake him like a snowglobe and oh my god, I’m shaking him so hard.
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wasted crying by MixAddams (Ao3) @mixsethaddams (tumblr)
T | wc 6,471 | cw ow (light angst)
Summary: Steve just wants a buddy.
So why does it hurt so much when Eddie introduces everyone to his new girlfriend?
There’s a happy ending I swear! You’ll just want to bundle Steve up in a few blankets first. Post season 4, Eddie gets a girlfriend, and Steve is not jealous. Not at all. He just … misses being in the honeymoon phase of dating? No that can’t be right… is it? There’s a lot of good heartaches in this fic. I do want to share one of my favorite lines:
“I think so. Stuff like this is supposed to scare you, I think,” said Eddie. “It’s supposed to feel….”
Eddie took a breath and Steve watched his eyes move around as he searched for the words. Steve thought he might wait forever for him to find them.
“It’s supposed to feel like a leap, right?”
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I can be pretty (why don’t you think I’m pretty?) by starsdontsleep (ao3)
T | wc 8,942 | no cw
Summary: When Eddie comes out as gay, he assures Steve that he doesn’t find him hot. Steve tells him it’s fine, he even teasingly asks what he should do to change that. It becomes a thing. A way to always make Eddie laugh, blush and relax around him—but as the days and weeks pass, Steve begins to realise that maybe there’s another reason why he cares so much that Eddie Munson finds him pretty.
Remember when I said I’m shaking Eddie like a snowglobe? I’m shaking Steve now. Steve, please tell me why you think you want Eddie to think you’re pretty? Why do you need to know what Eddie’s type? Steve’s only worried that Eddie doesn’t fully trust him with his sexuality. So Steve works to be the best ally… and definitely does not fall in love with his friend along the way.
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clown music at the disco by fragilecapricorn (ao3) @fragilecapric0rnn (tumblr)
M | wc 3,717 | no cw
Summary: “What the fuck are you doing here?” He nearly squawked, meaning for it to come out anyway other than that. The man turned around, and here he was. In a stare down with ghostly pale Steve Harrington, who was not only supposed to be straight, but was also in a MESH TANK TOP at Frankie’s on a Wednesday night.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” He pauses, glancing around the room, small voice. “It’s disco night.”
Post Season 4, Eddie, Robin and Steve move to the Chicago. Eddie has a new habit of going to the bar on gay disco night, finding another brunette ex-jock to fill the Steve shaped hole in his heart. Until he runs into said brunette ex-jock at the same gay bar on disco night. 10/10 no notes I’ve read this like 5 times.
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of all the gin joints by genesisofrhythm (Ao3)
e | wc 4,016 | cw: they fuck | spice level: I read this at my work desk in between meetings
Summary: “So, do you come here often?”
Steve choked at the familiar voice, turning abruptly. “Munson?”
“What’re you doing here?” Eddie asked, his mouth gaping open as he looked over at Steve.
Steve was surprised to see Eddie here as well. What were the odds of them both driving out of Hawkins to come to the same gay bar?
Or: Steve goes to a gay bar to support Robin, when he sees Eddie Munson. He can't tell Eddie the real reason he's there without outing Robin so he tells him he's bisexual. But Steve's totally straight... right?
Steve [Evan Buckley voice]: “I’m an ally ✊”
This is a fun fic, definitely Steve Harrington speed running a sexuality crisis. Good for him. (also I have a soft spot for fics that use fob lyrics as a title, forehead kisses for that)
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Exactly What It Looks Like - BilbosMom (Ao3) @bilbosmom-belladonna (tumblr)
E | wc 31,517 | cw | spice level: I should not have read this at my desk 😳🥵
Summary: Steve makes a face at Eddie. “You've imagined doing stuff with a guy?”
“Yeah, man,” Eddie replies, spreading his hands wide. “Doesn't everyone?”
Steve tilts his head to the side as he thinks. Maybe not very often, but his freshman year when Davey Riggs had been swim team captain? Yeah, he had definitely imagined some stuff that had made trips to the locker room kinda awkward.
“Yeah, that's true,” Steve answers, nodding. “I wonder why everybody acts like it's so gross, though.”
In the summer of 1986, Steve and Eddie have some perfectly normal fun between a couple of perfectly normal dudes.
I’m honestly insane over this. Like, I’m going to be thinking about this for a long time. Post-Season 4, Eddie and Steve find themselves watching porn together. And it’s not weird at all if you jerk off next to your new best friend. And maybe it becomes a habit. And helping them out every once in a while isn’t weird. And maybe sucking his cock isn’t weird. Or fucking his thighs —
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Please remember to leave kudos and comments on the fics you read/enjoyed! Support your writers 🖤
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I saw a recent reblog you did where you listed some fic recs and then tagged with your fic preferences, which are pretty much my own, favoring canon compliance fics where they're angel/demon (though I have read some 'temporarily human' AUs I've liked). Do you have a collected rec list? Or any more recs you might toss out? Thanks so much!
Oh gosh yes.
I’m going to assume you have already explored the other fics bu the authors in the first rec post I made- everything by @redfacesmiley, @books-and-omens , @racketghost , and Drawlight/ripeteeth is a stunner. Also dig through equestrianstatue and @darcylindbergh for real gems.
When I’m reading I find a fic I like, dig through all the author’s other fics, then look at the author’s bookmarks because I figure if they wrote something I like that much, they saved things I’ll like too.
Fell free to dig through my AO3 bookmarks- they are completely unorganized and I bookmark things I want to read later or think I might want to read again, basicly anything I might want to find again- so I haven’t even read all of them. BUT! Here are some more of THOSE FICS for me:
It's Funny Because Nobody Ever Says “Burkina Faso” by indieninja92
So funny omg. Azi is just DONE and I am here for it. It’s a locked fic to AO3 accounts so I’m not sure if the link will work-
What I shed for You by @darcylindbergh
This fic- this freakin fic!! I did not think I would ever go for a fic that was NOT azicrow but oh my god this one is so good.
But You My Dear Are An Ocean by megzseatle
After nursing his broken heart, Crowley moves on. He gets a cottage and relocates to South Downs to start over, and finds himself beloved in a small town where the people take him under their (proverbial) wing. His new friends are in no mood for charity when his ex shows back up- while Crowley might be able to forgive Az, the townspeople have a harder time with the bastard that broke dear Anthony’s heart.
If I’ve had a bad day and need to cheer up, I read this book! Omens sweet story.
…And if I’m in an emotionally stable place I will read this angsty heartbreaker. So beautiful, just so good.
Idiot/ Guts (and a load of Warbirgon’s Farmhouse White) / Ellipsis by @theyellowestmustard
A little slice of perfect right here.
I also love outsider POV criptids of soho stories- here are two good ones, one set in a coffee shop and one in a bakery.
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 4 months
Insta Edit ✩ Jack Hughes
“You can’t ‘out’ what has always been here.”
Summary: a gossip page thinks they’re outing Jack’s relationship but he turns it around on them.
Requested: yes / no
Warnings: all pictures are from Pinterest. none are actually Jack. use of “youruser” and one (y/n)
Authors Note: please keep in mind everything written in edits like the one below, in AUs, or fics/blurbs is completely fictional but may happen to fall in line with factual life events. Just because the storyline may line up with day-to-day life in some way it is not intentional. Unless noted before hand.
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liked by user63, user22, and 12,438 others
tagged: jackhughes, youruser
nj.hockeytea: These pictures sent in by an anonymous user of Jack Hughes and a mystery girl. The message attached with their pictures:
Jack and his family were staying in a beach house [redacted]. This girl came with them. So she isn’t a random hook up. Unless he picked her up at the airport but by the way he was all over her I doubt that’s the story. When they were outside and it was just the two of them it was pure couple stuff, but if his brothers were around she became one of them. I don’t know if she’s trying too hard or if she’s just that in with them.
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user98 ➤ shes been seen with jack before
user3 ➤ could they not give them privacy???
jackhughes ➤ she isnt a mystery girl, she is MY girl and has been my girl.
⟱youruser ➤ jackhughes dont get too worked up j, they just want something to get excited about.
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liked by _quinnhughes, njdevils, lhughes_06, and 84,387
tagged: youruser
jackhughes: (y/n) and I have never believed that we have to post one another to prove our love to each other. We have have never believed that we should have to come straight out to the media and say “hey we’re together!!” That is why you don’t see these pictures or any other. Our lives are chaotic and when we are together we want to be able to freeze time just like anyone else but it be for us, not the world.
comments have been limited by user
_quinnhughes➤ did jack just go soft...
⟱jackhughes ➤ shut up. ill be anything i need to be for (youruser)
youruser ➤ jack, you have always been the sweetest. except when you let your brothers dump ice cream on me when we were 12. :( but i wouldnt trade you for anything or anyone
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liked by jackhughes, trevorzegras, and 287 others
youruser: im begging for you to take my hand, wreck my plans, thats my maaaan♡︎
trevorzegras➤ hes going to be so upset you used swift lyrics and he wrote a book
_quinnhughes➤ ignore the idiot above me
_quinnhughes➤ your account is private no one would see if you called out media
_quinnhughes ➤ trevorzegras rowdy is probably staring at them in the pictures and hasn’t looked at the caption
youruser➤ im going to block u spammer
jackhughes➤ willow is damn jam
lhughes_06➤ dear god youruser what did you do to my brother. 23 years around each other is too long…….
⟱youruser➤ too bad youre stuck with me lukie pookie, im here forever. because i said YES.
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fourraccoonsinacoat · 7 months
Midnight Prayer | One Shot
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Pairing: Astarion x Dark Urge / Tiny bit of Enver Gortash x Dark Urge
Chapter Count: One Shot | Read on AO3 Word Count: 4,016
Summary: Takes place during the events of Baldur's Gate 3 after Gortash's coronation in Act 3. Explores the romance between Astarion and the Dark Urge after the implications of a past relationship between the Dark Urge and Enver Gortash are made known. Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Fluff, Humor, Idiots in Love, Mentions of Violence, Soft Astarion, Spoilers for the Dark Urge and BG3 in general, Dark Urge as Original Female Character Rating: Mature
Author Note: Those new lines in Patch 6 between Durge and Gortash are to blame for this. Plus the fact that I adore the Astarion x Dark Urge dynamic because they're on the same level, meaning they're both barely functioning beings who no business getting into a relationship and yet they make it work. Also, Astarion gets to be the supportive one when Durge goes off the rails.
All these idiots live rent free in my head and I had this scene that just wouldn't leave me alone until I wrote it out. This is a one-shot based on the same Durge MC, Eli, as my other ongoing fic - which I have not updated in some time, and I am sorry for that. Have some brainrot to make up for it! This is grade-A mushy, soft garbage.
Sleep was difficult to find as Eli lay on the stiff makeshift cot. Her glassy half-focused eyes were fixed on the patchwork ceiling of Astarion’s tent as her mind coiled around and around, like a snake trying to suffocate itself. Her thoughts were circular, aimless and chaotic as she chased the ghosts of memories that always haunted her nights.
Sleeplessness was nothing new, and Eli’s propensity for restlessness and nightmares was well known throughout camp. She had a tendency to toss and turn as rest evaded her, and when the darkness of slumber finally overtook her in the small hours of mornings it was never peaceful. She was often agitated and unsettled, mumbling low to herself until the shock of some cruel fever dream sent her into an outburst of screams as she flailed and fought to rouse herself from whatever terror had uncaged itself in her mind.
She’d wake shivering, breathing as if she were fighting for her life against legions of the Absolute rather than visions within her own mind. He was always there, though, whispering soothing reminders that they were safe. That they were together. That the horrors inside her broken mind were toothless phantoms. Remnants of a fractured past she could only catch flashes of.
She’d offered on many occasions to sleep alone, saying it made little sense for both Astarion and her to suffer because of her tortuous insomnia. He’d been firm in his refusals and finally told her that if she didn’t stop saying such ludicrous nonsense he’d figure out how to charm one of Gale’s used socks to jump down her throat every time she mentioned the idea.
Gods, was she thankful for that absurd and stubborn man.
She turned her head, eyes focusing on the pale elf who slept beside her. They’d settled into a habit of overnighting in his tent due to the plank of wood that served as a haphazard bed. Like her, Astarion’s sleep could be troubled, disturbed by his own breeds of monsters that lurked around the corners in his brain. His past was filled with grim and vicious memories. What small comforts he had been able to acquire over the past 200 years were things he clung to like life rafts upon a boiling and thrashing ocean. The stiff plank he slept on brought him a strange sort of peacefulness. He’d told her once that the only soft bed he’d been allowed to use while under Cazador’s control was the large plush bed in the palace’s guest room. The room where he and the other spawn “entertained” those who were brought back for Cazador to feast upon.
His bed in the dorms had been stiff and old, and yet he’d far preferred it to the lavish guest bed. Sleeping on something too downy and cushioned reminded him of the countless nights he’d spent being smothered into a pliable mattress by whatever piece of transient garbage he’d lured back to the palace. They’d have their way with him while he’d disassociate, his body working through the motions of sex while his mind walled itself off. It had become second nature to disconnect himself from the present the moment he slumped onto that soft bed.
It was a cruel byproduct of his torment that laying on comfortable bedding triggered a deep seeded anxiety in him, but Eli honestly didn’t mind the stiff makeshift cot Astarion had set up in his tent for them. Her body recalled sleeping on worse, even if her mind didn’t clearly remember the details. Astarion had even started laying down a thin bedroll atop the plank once their shared sleeping arrangements became a regular thing. It had been completely unprompted. One evening she’d entered his tent and it had simply been there, an unspoken acknowledgement of the validity of their relationship.
They were both uncouth morons when it came to navigating the delicacies and emotions of romantic relationships. They’d been quick to indulge in one another physically, the both of them looking to find refuge from the specters of their pasts in one another’s arms. They hadn’t meant for it to mean anything, and yet they’d kept seeking one another out - drawn together like kobolds are drawn to shiny objects. They’d tried ignoring their growing affections, but neither one of them were particularly good at pretending to be nonchalant and stable. Primarily because neither one of them really knew what that looked like.
Astarion had confessed first, admitting to his initially manipulative intentions with her and revealing truths about his enslavement to Cazador that made her heart ache for him. Eli knew, instinctively, that empathy was not an emotion she was incredibly familiar with. It made her anxious, feeling for someone else. And yet, when Astarion had said he wanted something real with her, she’d felt an almost wild desperation surge to life within herself. She wanted that, too. With him.
A cruel and vicious voice at the back of her mind had admonished her for her pathetic weakness. She should be punished, skinned alive for allowing herself to feel this kind of fondness and yearning for someone else. Once, she had been worshiped as a god by those around her. Once, she had been feared and her name whispered in awe and horror. Once, she had been something powerful, something violent and vicious, a conduit of destruction and carnage. Though the details were fractured, scattered about her ruined brain like shards of glass, she knew instinctually that she was a child of slaughter and that the bonds of mortals should have been beneath her.
But that didn’t stop her. Perhaps…perhaps she could be different. Something else. Something that was valued as more than just a weapon. Something that wasn’t just a means to an end. Something that didn’t need to butcher and rip the world inside out in order to be loved.
She’d pushed the Urge down, beating it back as she confessed her own affections for Astarion.
That had been some weeks ago, back in the Shadowlands. Now, they were just outside Baldur’s Gate, and things were…good between them. To her never-ending astonishment.
Her eyes focused on the sleeping elf next to her. He looked so peaceful, the worried lines of his face smooth and serene at rest. He was pallid, pretty and perfect like a cadaver forever tranquil. Just one stab, a stake through the heart and he’d always be like this – he’d never know torment or despair again. No one would ever hurt him.
She took a long, slow breath and banished the intrusive thoughts back to the shadows of her mind where they always lingered. She would never…she couldn’t…gods, she hated those thoughts that never let her be. They filled her with a sick guilt as she recalled nights tied up, howling and screaming and raging as she spat out all the ways she’d flay and ruin his beautiful body. Afterwards, once the Urges had quieted, Astarion would simply laugh as he cut her bonds, always joking about how you had to pay good coin for degradation like that in the city. He’d hold her until she calmed, the both of them quiet, content to just be together for one more day.
They shouldn’t work, not as a couple or as anything else, really. They were barely functional as individuals. Together, they should have been about as operational as a dumpster that was missing one wheel and was on fire. But they did work. They were careful with the broken pieces of each other, treating them with reverence and respect. They understood pain all too well, and not just the physical kind but the raw and panicked pain of having everything you valued ripped away. Of having your very self torn from your control…the pain of being used and the fear that no matter how loud you screamed or how hard you fought it would happen again.
The fear that you would never be anything more than a tool.
And so they were gentle with one another, in a way only reserved for them. Careful touches and trusting hands, concerned glances and warm smiles, constant wordless affirmations that they were at one another’s backs - that when one of them crumbled the other would be there to help build them back up, attentively and without judgement.
Neither of them knew what they were doing. Their combined histories with healthy relationships added up to an unsurprising number of zero. Astarion had admitted to her that he couldn’t remember ever bedding the same person twice. And Eli…well, she couldn’t remember anything, frankly. Her memories of past lovers were nonexistent…at least…
At least until today. Today, when they’d finally met the infamous Enver Gortash.
The name had always struck her as strange, from the first time she heard it when Karlach told Eli about the tiefling had acquired her infernal engine. The name had stirred something in her brain, like a familiar tune that she couldn’t remember the words for. And every time someone mentioned him, that sense grew stronger. It was as if there was a crack in her skull and every time she’d reach for that sense of familiarity, it would leak out and away just beyond reach.
Until today, when they stood in the opulent and grand hall of Wyrm’s Rock Fortress, surrounded by the elite of Baldur’s Gate, and she finally saw the man who had wrought so much suffering not only upon the city and the coast, but on her friends…
The flash in his eyes when they met hers…a sense of knowing, a sting of excitement. That spark of familiarity suddenly blazed hot and she knew this man was not a stranger. Not to her…
“If you keep staring, darling, I’m going to start charging you for the privilege,” a soft and slightly chiding voice lurched her back into the present.
Eli flinched, startled, blinking away the haze of her thoughts and focusing on Astarion, who now was peering at her through half-lidded and slightly weary eyes. He’d been sleeping with an arm draped across her waist – Astarion had grown fond of resting with an arm or a hand touching her, and she liked it, too. It was comforting.
He trailed his hand along her side in a calming manner, brows furrowing slightly with a hint of concern.
“Sorry,” Eli said with a slight yawn. “I was worlds away.” She gave him a small, tired smile as she reached out and brushed her fingers against the ruffles of his shirt, mindlessly beginning to fiddle with the cloth.
Astarion’s hand slid to her back, pulling her closer until her head was tucked below his chin and he could rest with his cheek against her silvery hair.
Eli could feel the soft rumble of his voice vibrate up from his chest as he chuckled quietly. “I’ve been told I have that effect on people,” he mumbled cheerily as his other hand began to gently brush through her hair, fingers carefully smoothing out any snarls as he stroked back and forth.
She hummed appreciatively, breathing deep and feeling eased by the familiar scent of rosemary and bergamot. “And who told you that?” she asked, teasingly.
“Hmm,” he pondered, running a dexterous finger along the side of her ear, causing goosebumps to prick along her arms. “I think it was you,” he mused slyly before his voice dipped lower into a growl and she felt his breath warm against her ear. “You remember, don’t you? That one night you told me I ravished you so thoroughly your soul left your body.”
He couldn’t see Eli’s exaggerated eye roll, but he could hear the grin in her voice as she responded. “I seem to remember that very same night you saying I exhausted you into delirium,” she teased, poking tenderly at his chest. “In the best way possible, of course,” Eli smirked.
Astarion sighed, the hand on her back drawing aimless circles as he murmured, “I do miss our nighttime trysts.”
Eli smiled, nuzzling into the crook of his neck and placing a light kiss there. “You know what they say. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Or some such bullshit like that…”
“They sound awfully boring, whoever they are.” The vampire hummed low in his throat, kicking a leg over her waist and hooking his foot between her legs at her knees so that they were tangled together in a possessive embrace.
Eli just chuckled. They’d backed off the sexual aspects of their relationship for now, the both of them having their own flavors of hang ups that they needed to sort through. For Eli, that meant parsing through her strange, sometimes disturbing Urges which continued to insist that the lines between butchery and eroticism were blurred. Bloodplay was one thing, and that would likely remain a happy little staple in their titillating toolbox once they were ready to be that physically intimate again. But Eli had…other thoughts. Thoughts she wasn’t exactly comfortable with. Darker ones that bubbled up at extremely inopportune times and had her questioning whether she really wanted to shed light on her obscured past.
She breathed in Astarion’s scent, grounding herself in the now and pushing those musing away for another day. The desire between Eli and Astarion had not diminished, and on more than one occasion they had teetered precariously on the boundaries they’d set and wondering whether they should just say fuck it and…well…fuck. They’d always talk themselves down from the ledge, though, comfortable in the knwoeldge that when it did happen it would be earthshattering.
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours, love?” Astarion’s voice held a note of worry and Eli realized she’d been drifting off into the confines of her own brain again.
“Everything,” she sighed, frustrated with herself.
Astarion was silent for a moment, considering. The hand in her hair stilled while the one on her back pulled her in a bit tighter. “Is it…” he began, then paused a bit uncertainly, hesitant with his question. “Are you thinking about today? About…Gortash?”
He said the name so quietly that it would have been inaudible had they not been so closely pressed together. Eli wasn’t surprised about the question. She’d been acutely aware of how Astarion’s eyes never left her as she spoke with the newly crowned Archduke of Baldur’s Gate earlier that day. How he had discreetly positioned himself closely behind her, just off to her right. How he’d tensed, fingers ghosting near the hilt of a hidden dagger when Gortash said he’d always liked Eli. How his gaze darkened and his jaw tightened as Astarion sized the man up from across the hall before they left.
She knew this was a delicate situation for the vampire. Astarion despised showing any sort of vulnerability that could be construed as a reason for pity. Vulnerability, in general, was something he was still figuring out how to navigate after two centuries of living in an environment where anything and everything that could be used against him was twisted into a tool for subjugation and pain. Even with her, there were times when he wouldn’t let his walls come down, needing space to sort through his own internal barriers before he was ready to open up. Eli didn’t mind, and would give him all the time and space he needed. And bit by bit it became easier, for the both of them.
“That…yes,” she admitted, wanting to be truthful with him.
It wasn’t just Gortash, though. It was what he had told her, about Eli’s role in the whole Cult of the Absolute fraud. It was difficult for her to reconcile what she had apparently done with who she was now…the misery she’d set in motion. The lives she had destroyed. She shut her eyes and pressed closer to Astarion, seeking comfort in the cool of his skin against the inferno she felt inside.
He hugged her close, voicing a thought that had been gnawing away at his insides all day. “Were the two of you…close? Like us?”
The tentative, halting way in which he asked squeezed at her heart. As if he were bracing himself for something terrible, for something that would rip her away from him, just like everything else he’d ever given a damn about.
She thought for a while, mulling over the question. There was still so much that she didn’t know about who she was. Who she had been. She’d tell him what she could, though. He deserved that.
“I think we were. Close, I mean,” she clarified when she felt Astarion stiffen anxiously. “Not like us, though.”
She pulled her head back, out from under his chin, so she could see his face and meet his gaze with her own. Astarion’s eyes were round and distressed, the pinch between his brows furrowed and the lines of his face were tense. His eyes searched her own, desperately wanting to know who that man was to her while also fearing the answer.
Eli smiled warmly, bringing her hand up to brush one of his white curls behind his ear. His face softened slightly at her touch while the hand on her back clutched at her shirt as if to hold her here with him.
“There’s still so much darkness in my memory. But, there are things that have come back in flashes and fragments,” she explained, holding his gaze as her finger trailed to the edge of his eyebrow. “And while I’m not wholly sure what Gortash and I were to one another, I know it wasn’t like this.” Her hand came to rest on his cheek, thumb gently caressing his face near the corner of his mouth.
“Not like us,” she affirmed with a tenderness that allowed Astarion to relax, the stiffness easing out of him as the hint of a smile twitched at his lips. “He knew what happened to me,” she said softly, putting into words a thought that had been lingering at the back of her mind.
“He knew what happened to me, and he welcomed the person who did it into his confidence,” she said with a tinge of sadness to her voice. There was an ache of betrayal behind her words, and thought she didn’t fully understand everything her history with Gortash entailed, she understood this. “He stood by while I was unmade. While everything I was, the person he claims to care for, was brutalized and decimated.”
Eli’s words took on a cold edge, sharp as a shard of ice. Astarion listened intently, his breath caught at the back of his throat. He ached to pull her back into him, to wrap her up in his arms and shut the world out. Instead, he placed his hand on the back of her own and intertwined his fingers with hers, holding it against his cheek as Eli spoke.
“When I woke up on the nautiloid, I was nothing. Just the discarded scraps of whoever I had been. I had been thrown away. And nobody came looking for me.” She paused, her eyes flicking down in a brief moment of uncertainty.
There were some truths between them that had still gone unsaid. Truths that neither of them were ready to admit, and some that simply didn’t need words to be understood. Not this, though. This, she wanted him to hear.
“Since then, it’s been difficult not to think of myself as damaged goods. Something that was used up until it broke and was discarded.” She felt Astarion squeeze her hand and she looked back to him. There was a pang of recognition in his red eyes. “Everyone who I spoke to about my…urges, they all confirmed that there was something very wrong with me, even if they sympathized. Everyone except you.”
She paused, brushing her thumb once more against his face before she lifted her hand from him and took his own hand in hers. She pulled it to her lips, lightly kissing his knuckles while he stared at her, afraid to take his eyes off her for fear that she and this moment might evaporate if he did. He had stopped breathing, which luckily was not something he necessarily needed to do in order to maintain his existence.
Eli searched his face as Astarion waited for her to go on, breathless and just a tiny bit desperate to hear what she would say next. She wondered if he understood just how much it meant to her to have someone who didn’t see the wreck that she was when they looked at her. Someone who didn’t see a monster and only saw her, broken pieces be damned.
She thought he probably did…
“You were the only one who encouraged me to simply be whoever I was, darkness and all. I know at the time you were probably just looking to entertain yourself with whatever chaos and bloodshed I could cause,” she laughed and the expression on Astarion’s face melted into one of complete adoration.
“Guilty,” Astarion admitted with a laugh of his own. “And you haven’t disappointed,” he added softly, brushing a knuckle back up against her lips with delicate reverence.
She kissed at it, holding his tender gaze. “I don’t think you know how much that meant to me, though. And then later, when I was at my worst, you stayed by me and took care of me and you never stopped.”
Eli swallowed down the lump in her throat and blinked away the warmth that was threatening at her eyes.
“Nothing else could be like us, because no one has ever cared about me like you,” she concluded, smiling softly and whispering the words with the sincerity of a prayer.
Astarion stared at Eli for a long moment, emotions colliding and burning in his chest with so much vigor he was surprised his dead heart didn’t start beating again. He felt elated and awed by what she’d said. So much so that he was struck speechless and could only play her words over and over again in his mind, wanting to capture them perfectly and tuck them somewhere deep inside himself where no one could reach to steal them away. He couldn’t recall anyone ever saying anything to him that made him feel so cherished and significant. He traced the planes of her face with eyes that were beginning to wet as he tried to clear his throat and failed.
Eli watched Astarion carefully for a moment before her eyes widened in concern and she lifted a hand to him, carding it gently through his curled hair.
“Oh shit, did I break you?” she asked, only half joking as she stroked her hand through his hair.
The feel of it helped to calm him as a wide smile spread over his face, eyes half-lidded and looking at Eli like she was the most precious thing he’d ever seen.
“Come here you sweet, silly thing,” Astarion said, voice low and underpinned with a raw adoration that caused a flutter to take up in Eli’s chest.
He pulled her into a needy embrace; one hand placed softly in her hair as he tucked her head back under his chin, the other hand tightening around the small of her back to hold her close. He kissed the top of her head and breathed in slow, savoring her scent. She’d always smelled like wildflowers and the cool mist before a storm, like something exciting and freeing.
“Gods, you’re incredible,” he breathed, wondering what in the hells he had ever done in his irrelevant life to deserve her admiration. “I don’t think I’m ever going to want to let you go, my love.”
Eli wrapped her arms around him and for a moment she felt safe, secure and at peace.
“Then don’t,” she whispered against him.
They stayed wrapped up in one another until dawn, thankful to have one more day and hopeful for so many more.
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mxqdii · 1 year
wait omg i’m an idiot when i requested false god i meant to add with chris BUT I READ THE MATT ONE AND IT WAS SO GOODDD (and false god is my fav from lover too twinnem omg)
would it be too much if i ask for another false god fic but with chris this time🥺
false god - c.s
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pairings: chris sturniolo x reader
summary: love confessions between reader and chris (based off the song false god by t.s)
warning(s): kissing, mutual pining
a/n: as much as i love this song, it's so hard to write with it, therefore this will be kinda short.
not proofread
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me and chris have been friends for years now, but we always seemed
everything has been normal recently
except for the way we look at eachother
and the small gestures
and the pet names
and the hand holding, and the cuddling, and the flirting-
okay! you get the point.
we're currently cuddling on his couch, watching a movie.
i'm more in my head though, the movie being more background to me.
thinking about how i'd die for chris, poems i wrote about him when we became closer
i think i love him.
everybody warned us about times like this, they said the road gets hard when one falls in love and it ruins the friendship
ruining our friendship.
"chris?" i ask quietly
"yes?" he says
"can you give me a ride home?" i say and he shifts his position, now looking at me in confusion
"you don't wanna sleepover?" he asks and i shake my head
i feel bad, i do, but i can't stay, not when i'm like this.
i gather my stuff and chris grabs his keys,
(lets pretend he can drive😭)
we head out the door and get in the car.
it's silent, but not how it usually is, theres tension and the air feels thick.
the rain is pouring on the windows, making it hard to see.
"y/n i'm sorry but we have to pull over, the rain is too much right now" chris says and i let out a shakey breath
"okay" i dryly say and he looks over at me
"listen. i know you, i know when somethings up, whats wrong? chris says and i open the car door, getting out.
i don't have the words to put together what i wanna say, i don't know how to tell him how i feel.
it's all too much.
the rain pours onto me as i hear the car door open, chris walkng towards me.
"you can't talk to me when i'm like this." i shout
"like what?" he shouts back, the rain almost louder then us.
realization hits me, blind faith
maybe for once, i don't need words i just need faith.
after all, we might just get away with it.
without thinking, i pull chris in and kiss him, a long awaited kiss, one i've been longing for.
he kisses me back and everything just falls into place, it all feels right.
i feel like religions in his lips, being addicted to him instantly.
we pull away, both worshipping our new profound love.
"i love you chris" i say and he smiles
"i love you too"
@stargirlv0id @strniolo @annaisabookworm
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callmejod · 6 months
Yey! I love him so much but there is so little for him! Could you do a headcanon for him falling in love again (reciprocated) post potc please- if we pretend he didn't die. Pretty please.
Hohohohohohohoho this was also on my mind for a few weeks
Had to mill it over the last few days, sorry for not responding. I also wrote this for an entire day so I hope you like it.
Kinda oc reader, foreign!reader, James being down bad for the reader , reader being too good to be true
This got really long so bare with me
I don't know if I'm even able to write short fics
So the jist is :
If he didn't die and came back to Port Royal as Admiral Norrgington - he would be happy he got his career, his honor and his purpose back.
Living on the sea has changed him. He no longer could stand this uptight, fake world that Port Royal thrives in. The cravats, the paperwork, the wigs. Fuck, he couldn't breathe most of the time, always sweaty in the thousand-layer suits, head itching from both the powder and the weigt of his hats. Having to sit through those god awful formal dinners, balls that bring nothing but superficial gossip was nothing but pure torture. Don't get me wrong - he's grateful for being able to even attend them, but the honest, freeing way of pirate life has broken him out of the cage of chaperoned conversations with ladies and standoffish men making fools out of themselves. He remembers the joyous dancing, full of fluidity and life, now having to endure stiff, distant and "civilised" english dancing.
One day, while having a conversation with one of the Ports ministers he hears about a merchant who's come from afar. He knows of your stay at Jamaica. He had a few documents regarding your long stay brought to his office to sign. Your ship suffered damage in a run-in with pirates and had a lot of repairs to do. A gorgeous vessel. He wonders if the captain is as handsome as their ship. Hopes he gets to meet you before you leave. You only arrived four days ago, and already the talk of the ton. Impressive.
The men described you as lively, wild as a tropical storm. The ministers complained about your accent, your way of dressing, your carefreeness, anything they can put a pin in, they do. James feels quite uncomfortable listening to the convesation not being able to put in anything. He then sets his mind to finding out who you are - he has grown out of judging a person by word from another mouth.
That encounter came earlier than he expected. And to be frank - saved him from a horrible stack of particularily boring paperwork. Having you barge in full-force into his office steaming mad, followed by two petrified soldiers was not something on his agenda. He noticed the few things the ministers mentioned - clothes of unusual cut and style, quite tasteful if his opinion was concerned, hair and hairstyle so different from locals that there was no mistaking you. You were the eccentric foreigner. But fawning over your beauty was for another time - now he had an angry merchant going off about something he both didn't listen to for a while and frankly, couldn't really understand due to your speed of speech.
'S-sorry could you slow down a second. I'm afraid I'm loosing some of what you're saying."
'Sir they need to make an appoin-'
'It's fine gentlemen, this must be urgent if I am needed. Please, let us speak in private.'
After the guards step out, he offers you to sit and something to drink.
'I have no need for no courtesy Admiral. I need a problem fixed. You can skip this stupid charade.'
'Oh, then it is more serious than I've thought. What is the problem?'
'Those - those'
You wave your hand in the air to make him help you find a word.
'Minosters of yours'
'Yes! Those idiots. They won't let me handle my own ship the way it needs to be. It needs to be seen by - argh!'
Your frustration runs high. He smiles.
'There's no need to stress. You mean carpenters? Is there a problem with the wood of your ship?'
'Are those who work with wood?'
'Yes, so you need to hire carpenters and the dock officials won't let you? That is strange. You have registered your stay and gave us all the documents we need.'
'But they don't!!'
You grab his forearm and try dragging him out of the office. He slows you down and explains that he will talk to them, just let him take a few things. You scoff and cross your arms.
'You English and your weird rules. Wasting time and not helping.'
He couldn't agree with you more. He smiles and starts walking out. When you two make your way to the port, he has difficulty keeping his pace with you - passersby stare at you storming off to port with their Admiral desperately trying to keep up with you. You sometimes mumble curses in languages he does not ever try to understand, but you two make your way faster than he realised was possible.
There you stomp to an official, who not seeing James trailing behond you shouts:
'Ow piss of ya cunt! I won't let you disgrace our carpenters by working on a ship that carries your kind!'
James is stunned you don't rip his head off when he sees your fists clench by your sides. Anger nips at his mind, how dare he treat you like this?! When slows his pace and asks in a flat voice:
'What do you mean "their kind"? Is that how my officials treat esteemed, foreign guests? And how dare you use such language to a person that was only looking for your help.'
The man's face whites and he starts to stutter an apology, but James stops it and sends him to get carpenters. Admiral's orders. When the official slips away to fill his duty, James turns to you and starts profusely apologising for the incompetence of his subordinates.
He's horrified when you inform him, that this is not the first - ha!, only time of being mistreated because of your looks or manner of speech. Anger boils in him when he hears that not only you, but majority of your crew had to endure this for a while now, accomodation denied not by matter of the lack of, but prejudice. Before he even thinks, he immedeately offers you a place in his home - something that brings surprise to you both. He cannot stand the thought you had to sleep on your ship when there was far grater comforts available.
He flushes red and again apologises for being inappropraite, but gets cut off by your boisterous laughter. The sound hypnotises him, seeing you smile for the first time makes his heart bang on his ribs. You laugh so hard tears come to you eyes and a shortness of breath. He cares not that many are looking at you two or the impropriatey of the situation. Time freezes for him. There's only you and him.
'Oh admiral, you are funny. I cannot leave my men to sleep on the ship when I am given all comforts of life.'
James flushes again and meekly asks:
'Then would you accept a simple dinner as an apology for your mistreatement?'
He almost doubles over when you beam at him and accept. The way you look at him so amused - he would make the biggest fool out of himself just to keep that look in your eyes. You set a date for a few weeks later and James makes sure that your your crew is not being mistreated anymore than they already have. Of course, Gilette and Groves relentlessly teased him for his obvious affection towards you. They weren't surprised though, it was hard not to even tolerate you.
Over those few weeks he started to watch you closely. Both of you were invited for a few balls, and the conversations you two had were the most fulfilling he had in a long long time. Your knowledge of the sea, of literature, politics and history had impressed him and added a new dimention to your person - not only beautiful, but wise.
He saw you many times playing with children on the street, helping people in need, play-fighting with young boys, showing them your battle scars and sometimes even your handpistol or sword.
You brought an air of freshness to the stuffy, ever "proper" society of Port Royal. You smiled often, you were polite to those who deserved it, made an effort to not be a bother. Yet, you never hesitated to get you crew in line when they were causing a ruckus.
Your manner of speech was charming, that certain twang to english and he would be a liar if he denied finding your way of trying to remember words or coming up with new ones when you couldn't was not adorable. Talking with using your hands was also a thing he found endearing. He would deny it to his grave in front of you, die of embarrasment if you knew. He heard that you got into a heated conversation with your first officer, and while talking with using your hands smacked a passing lady in the face. Apologised a lot and brought her an apology gift in form of a few yards of stunning blue silk. The dress she had comissioned to be made of it was breathtaking. But nothing could ever compare to your beauty.
All this was just pulling him into your direction. And when the awaited evening came, James was so nervous about everithing being perfect. You were perfect so your expectations were not to be let down. But, you being you, as if feeling his nervousness arrived early and instead of courtsies and stiff welcomes hugged him like a family member long missed.
As the dinner went on, your conversation flowed over many topics, never ending, never boring. You moved to the sitting room, where to James' torture you sprawled yourself over a love seat and rested. He sat, watching you strech like cat, admiring you quietly. You made eye contact with him and asked :
'James, would you like me to court you?'
He choked on his spit. In a coughing attack, he flushed so red, you jumped to your feet and held his shoulder to try and help. After a while of hacking and a visit from a concerned maid, he stopped and looked at you, not knowing what to say. He saw the unceirtainty in your eyes, even hurt.
'Do you not wish me to court you, James?'
His eyes widened. After years of endlessly chasing Elizabeth's affection, you being so open about it shocked him. He knew he harboured feelings for you but never imagined that feeling would be reciprocated. He took your hands and squeezed them.
'I was just cuaght off guard, dear don't worry. It's standard for men here to ask someone to court.'
'So I'm supposed to wait forever? You have been open with your feelings, but I am an impatient person James. I do not make games.'
'Play games?'
'Is that how you say it?"
James chuckled an held a hand to your face. That prompted you to surge forward and kiss him. For a second, he froze in surprise but leaned into you, sighing into the kiss. You threw your arms over his shoulders and he moaned.
That made you break apart from him and look into the sea green of his eyes. Your warm breath fanned his face, heating it impossibly more. You seemed lost in them and made him nervous that he did something wrong. Seeing his concern, you locked your lips again in a gentle kiss. God, he never wanted it to end. He smiled into the kiss, making you giggle. You two broke apart and looked at each other.
James then spoke :
'I would very much like you to court me, if you let me do the same.'
'Finally making some sense, James.'
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angel-of-the-moons · 9 months
Local Flavor
Poe Dameron x Fem Twi'lek!Reader
On a solo job to Ryloth to pickup a shipment for The Resistance, Poe runs into an unexpected hiccup. With his only transport damaged and BB-8 offline, Poe is forced to stash his cargo and venture out into the harsh Rylothian landscape, where he finds you. Or, more accurately... you find him.
TW/CW: Near death, infection, fever, dehydration, fluff, Poe is a disaster pansexual idiot, BB-8 is his son fight me. Bugs!!! Big!!! Bugs!!! Strip poker (technically), everybody checks everyone out, but nothing explicit happens.
A/N: It's about time I wrote something for Poe! I can finally do the idea I had now that I thought up a plot! This fic takes place before The Force Awakens! (I hope you guys like the reference I put in there! Dun dun duuuun!)
And like, I just wanted an excuse to show Leia being the "team mom".
Asdfghjkl god this is a long-winded one but I didn't wanna break it up into parts; and the ending feels a bit lacking, but i loved writing it.
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It was supposed to be a routine supply run for some extra credits for the Resistance.
Go to the location, pick up the package from the dead drop, bring it to his ship, and go deliver it to his contact for payment, then come on home.
What he didn't anticipate? Was the pack of gutkurr that ambushed he and BB-8, his droid companion after they spent almost a full day digging up the concealed cache.
The large carnivorous insects ambushed them on the way out of a rocky canyon bend, jumping from the well-camouflaged crevices they concealed themselves in and onto the speeder he'd paid next to nothing for.
It was a junker, for sure, but the fuel cells and thrusters were good enough to do the trip he needed it for. He wouldn't be able to fit his ship into these narrow twists and turns even if he tried.
Maybe if he had his X-Wing, but that would have been too high-profile for this run, which is why he had to settle for a simple, tiny cargo freighter.
But while on the ground he needed something more maneuverable. Hence that kriffing speeder.
As soon as one of the gutkurr landed on the hood, the thin metal folded in, the inner workings of the speeder sputtering and erupting into smoke as the sickle-like claws of the creature dug into the metal for better security as it snapped its jaws in Poe's direction.
He had to bob and tip away and try to see around the animal, while BB-8 shocked it if it got too close to Poe. Always his best sidekick, that droid was his partner in crime.
But try as the little droid might, he just was no match when the speedier just died, unable to take the strain anymore as the electrical system short-circuited and send sparks of light arcing every which way, sending the droid's head spinning with a high pitched "beep-wheeeeep!" before completely stilling.
The nose of the speeder was forced down, digging a gouge of dry craggy soil until it pitched forward because of the sheer weight in the front from Poe, the gutkurr, and the cases of cargo strapped to the sides.
Poe was sent flying through the air, just narrowly dodging the snapping maw of the gutkurr as it rolled back to its feet, a piece of jagged metal jabbing into its flesh where the natural armor plating had gapped.
Poe spun around, both blasters drawn as the rest of the pack caught up, salivating at the prospect of a fresh meal.
A big, handsome, juicy one, if Poe actually had to brag about it.
He'd tried to fire at them, but his blaster bolts simply bounced right off their thick carapaces.
He fired again, and once more the red bolts fizzed off the shells and into the canyon walls, sending shards of chalky rock and dust raining down on them.
There were three of them.
Three of them versus one of him. It may have been a bit more even had BB-8 not been fried by the overload to his system, but right now it was down to just what little he had on him to fight. And it wasn't much. He had a few grenades... but were they enough to get through their carapaces when his blaster couldn't?
The creatures all hissed as they slowly advanced on him, snapping their maws and growling deeply to intimidate him into turning and running away, just so they could strike at him from behind.
Poe was reckless, but not stupid.
Okay, well maybe there was that one time on Corellia, but--
He sucked his bottom lip between his teeth as he slowly put one foot in after the other, backing away as carefully as possible with no sudden movements.
"Okay, buglies... Easy, there..." Poe said gently to them, his dark eyes darting around frantically for an out.
Firing his blasters was pointless, it bounced right off the ugly shells--
His eyes quickly raked up the sides of the craggy rocks towering on either side of them. Maybe...
Ah... screw it.
Poe backed further from the speeder, leading the nasties away from his downed speeder and best pal.
If he timed it right... Then maybe he could pull this trick off.
"Come on, that's it... come get a nice juicy bite of some Dameron steak..." He continued to talk to himself as his hand slowly lowered his other blaster, letting it hang loosely from the worn leather strap. His fingers deftly found their way to the round objects in one of the pockets of his belt and he pulled one out, his thumb flicking the arming switch.
His feet moved beneath him in a blur.
In a second he was able to toss a grenade at the feet of one of the gutkurr, the creatures snarling and hissing at the object before it detonated, sending shards up through the softer shell of the underbelly through one of them, killing the creature with a thunderous boom and crack as the carapace gave way beneath the force of the explosion.
Poe had thrown himself backwards as the explosion tossed one of the remaining two insectoids against the canyon wall, disorienting it as the other lunged for Poe, snatching his leg between his jaws and crunching down.
Either the gutkurr didn't intend to rip his leg off or it was knocked off its senses by the blast, he didn't know. The searing pain as the animal's fangs shredded through his leather boot and ripped into his skin, sending hot gushes of bright red blood out onto the yellowish sand below.
Poe cried out, gritting his teeth and blinking back tears as he raised his blaster again, this time pressing the barrel straight against the eye of the beast; the white-hot bolt burning right through to the brain, killing it with a double-tap of the trigger.
Once it slumped to the side, Poe scrambled away once more, grabbing another grenade from his pouch and tossing it to the last surviving gutkurr.
He rolled into his side and covered his head as it detonated, sending chunks of rock crumbling from the canyon walls, falling and crushing the gutkurr beneath the weight of the stones.
Once the dust cleared, Poe laid back in the sand and heaved heavy breaths, sweat soaking his clothes as the adrenaline coursed through his body.
He managed to force himself to his feet and hobble back to his crashed speeder. His first action was to pull BB-8 free from the socket and proceed to check him over.
Upon seeing the scorch marks, Poe's brows pinched up and his heart fluttered.
"Oh, buddy..." He breathed as he leaned in, pressing his forehead to what would be the spherical droid's face.
"Don't worry," He promised. "I'll get us out of here. And then... we're getting the hell off of Ryloth."
Poe carefully set his droid pal to the side and began scrambling for his medical kit.
When he found the busted metal tin, he cringed when he saw the contents. One singular bacta patch and a bunch of bandages.
Seriously? What had he been thinking! The General told him he needed to keep a fully stocked kit on him, but did he listen? Noooooo.
"C'mon, General. It's me." Poe grinned at her. "How often do I get shot?"
She pursed her slightly wrinkled lips and crossed her arms, her brow quirking upwards skeptically, her bright beautiful brown eyes locking with his own.
"Do you want me to count on both hands or use my toes, too? Because I'd still run out if I tried to count."
Damn, the woman had been right. Again. He had half a mind to wonder if she didn't see a vision of him getting shot before this run, and reminded him solely because of that.
He read in a holo once that Jedi could use the Force to heal wounds, and he was currently fresh out of Jedi.
The throb in his leg sent fresh tears surging up to dew on the edges of his eyelashes as he dropped down.
Taking a piece of the cargo mounting that had broken off during the crash, Poe used his knife in his other boot to slice the remainders of his pants leg away and carefully toe'd the boot off his foot so he could better assess the damage.
And yeah, it was bad. He needed a medical droid or some kinda doctor, fast. With how bad the lacerations to the flesh and muscle, infection would be a death sentence. From a simple glance, even he could tell his tibial and fibular arteries weren't damaged (thank the Force) because of the gaps that were between the gutkurr's fangs.
But the force of the bite alone at least fractured his tibia, maybe even broke his ankle.
Poe ripped the foil packet containing the pitifully tiny bacta patch and pressed it down over the biggest hole in his leg.
Hell, if it couldn't fix it all, it was better it fix some than none.
He winced as the cold gel touched the open wound, and rifling through the kit once more provided him with some much-needed sterile gauze. No antibacterial gel however, so the risk of infection was still there. Especially from the saliva of that nasty critter alone.
"Beggars can't be choosers, Poe..." He grunted to himself as he broke another loose piece of metal from the cargo mounting and lined them both up, struggling to wrap them as tight as possible on either side of his leg so he could make a field splint.
He gripped the sides of his speeder and groaned as he felt his adrenaline wane as he looked at the wreckage.
Well... now he had another problem.
By another graced miracle, Poe was able to create a sled that he was able to drop the crates of cargo onto, as well as his precious droid friend.
After he stashed and concealed the cargo in a small cave, Poe took stock of what little provisions he had, which consisted of some pre-packaged meals and two or three water capsules.
Barely enough to survive long; but, he remembered the way out of the canyon. There was a forest or a jungle on the fringes of the desert, not far from where he'd come in... Maybe he'd have a better chance of surviving. Maybe...
Poe talked to BB-8 as he dragged the offline droid behind him on the sled, murmuring stupid jokes and ideas about the shenanigans they'd get up to once they were home free. And about the ear-bending lectures the General would give him.
He realized though, after two days, that he was hopelessly, terribly lost. His water was running low, his food rations were okay because of the portions he limited himself to, but once the fever set in, the logical side of Poe's brain told him he was going to die an inglorious death in the middle of nowhere, thanks to a bum leg and a bacta patch that did a piss poor job.
Poe kept going until he lost track of time, walking on and on until he collapsed, face first into his own tracks, shortly lamenting his own life choices as he drifted from the conscious world.
Man, did the universe have a twisted sense of kriffing humor.
It was a simple day for you. You were on your way back from picking clean a crashed Republic-Era ship for parts to bring back home to improve some of your farming equipment. Maybe you could catch some spare credits to stash in your emergency pouch beneath the floorboards in your bedroom.
Your blurrg, Kari, crooned deeply as she pawed at the rocky sand with her stumpy legs. You sighed, adjusting your sun visor back down to shield your eyes from the harsh light of your homeworld's star. It was an unusually clear day for this time of year, and the sun was especially unforgiving. You couldn't wait to get into the safety of the treeline and back to your meager little farm in the forest.
"C'mon, Kari. The sooner we can get home, the sooner I can get this cart off you." You say, leaning down to pat her, one of your lekku falling over your shoulder to dangle down, the tip curling slightly.
Sometimes you envied how humans could cut their hair, but if you cut your lekku, you were as good as handicapped, with how sensitive yours were to touch. Yeah, your head-tails were longer than average, and irritating, but hey, they were yours.
The sun gleamed off your sweat-soaked skin beneath your fatigues as you nudged Kari with your heel in the stirrup to get her to continue moving.
But once again, the stubborn she-beast refused to move, rumbling deeply in protest as she shook her stubby little head.
You grit your teeth and squint against the harsh sun, and that's when you see it. Your other animal companion, a can-cell, Cviki, circling overhead, his iridescent wings fluttering against the updrafts, the sun glimmering off his bright blue-green carapace as he made another aerial pass.
You frowned. There should be nothing in that canyon except the roving pack of scavenging gutkurr you have long known to avoid. Growing up in Ryloth, you knew Twi'leks were tasty snacks for the large insectoids. So why was Cviki circling like something interesting was there? There couldn't possibly be people, even the smartest smugglers knew it was dangerous in those canyons, all the locals avoided them with good reason.
You click your tongue and jerk the reins, "Alright, ma sareen. We'll go see what has you both so interested."
You bring your fingers to your lips and make a high-pitched whistle. The tune Cviki understood as "I'm coming, be careful" since you'd raised him from a larvae.
Maybe whatever was in the canyon was worth some credits in salvage?
You carefully marked your path into the narrow canyon as Cviki led you from above, knowing full well not marking your trail was a death wish to the unprepared.
But you were anything but unprepared.
Your lekku flopping in the breeze as Kari galloped through and in-between the canyon walls, you make an audible gasp as you yank the reins on Kari's harness, squeezing your feet instinctively in a command to stop.
A crashed speeder of some sort (honestly it probably looked better in the ground than when it was running) and the rotting corpses of three gutkurr lay in the craggy soil, smaller scavengers already hard at work picking the remains clean.
Living gutkurr smelled bad enough, but their dessicated corpses were horrible.
You dismounted Kari, patting her flank as you walked by, pulling your long blaster rifle from its sling low on your hips as you carefully walked around the wreckage, poking the twisted metal with the barrel of your rifle just in case.
Upon further inspection, you see nothing of value. Not even the droid that was surely busted judging from the scorch marks in the docking port.
Damn shame. A droid was just the thing you were missing to help out on your farm. Parts from whatever droid had been docked there really would have helped finish up the one you had in pieces back in your workshop.
Oh, well...
You kept looking around, noting that there was not only no sign of a droid, but no sign of the pilot of the speeder. You shoulder your rifle again and kneel down, touching the soul with your fingertips as you study the boot prints that had almost been fully covered by the drifting sands.
"Ah, hells." You mutter as you stand. Some poor fool had been sent on a fool's errand by some smuggler.
You turn, pushing your other lekku back over your shoulder as you whistle for Kari to approach. Cviki had stopped his flying to stick to one of the rocky walls, chittering down at you curiously.
You snap your fingers as you mount your blurrg once again, and whistle sharply at Cviki.
"Wachamio!" You shout up at him in Ryl, pointing down the canyon. "Let's go see if that poor sod is still breathing!"
Yeah, he was breathing all right. Breathing and feverish. Hell, when you caught up to Cviki you had to swat at his beak when he picked up the human man's uninjured leg in his mouth and tugged, playfully trying to see if he would play.
Yeah... he was the guy who fought those gutkurr, all right. He got damned lucky.
"Oh, kriff." You sighed, kneeling next to him as he weakly swatted at you, his eyes dry and crusted closed. You could tell by the sweat and mucus that he was battling an infection, most likely from the deep injury to his leg. He probably got bit by that gutkurr; everyone knew to immediately disinfect any bites--if you survived an encounter with a gutkurr that is--because of the bacteria that lived in gutkurr saliva. It was a death sentence to anyone without proper medical supplies.
And when you'd looked inside of the medical kit at the wreckage, you could see he had none.
'Equal parts desperate and lucky.' You think to yourself as you effortlessly (and gently) wipe the crust from his eyes.
"Nu nala quin-nala wilo?" You ask him.
"Whuh--?" He rasped, his lips cracked and split from dehydration.
You roll your eyes with slight exasperation. The man was delirious, of course he wouldn't be able to understand you right now. And, for all you knew, he couldn't even speak Ryl.
"I'm going. To help. Youuuuu." You emphasize slowly and loudly in Basic as his head rolls around and he mumbles incoherently.
"Ugh, you better be worth it." You grunt, whistling for Kari to come closer so the cart was next to you.
Kriff, that man was all dead weight, you felt your muscles strain as you dragged him onto the cart that was still hooked to Kari. You had to shove your meager salvage off to the side to make room for him and his little BB-model astromech.
At least it wasn't a total bust, if this guy died, maybe you could get his droid back up and running to work for you. But those were thoughts for later.
Right now you had some dumb human to lug back home and try to save.
Ugh... The only thing Poe knew was that he hurt. He hurt worse than that time he was tackled by that besalisk in that one cantina...
A drunken dare, mind you, but he still got flattened by the man's weight alone. There was still probably a dent in that cantina wall to this very day.
His head pounded, but he managed to drag his eyes open and force himself up with his palms.
His muscles ached and his skin hurt. He was shirtless and dressed down all the way to his undergarments.
Poe dropped back onto the bed he was resting on. It was comfortable, very much so; much more than the bunks on the ships and in the barracks he'd been hopping to and from the past few years.
So someone had saved his stupid kriffing ass, but he couldn't remember anything concrete.
He dropped his hand onto his forehead, the skin on his body peeling and flaking away as the sunburn healed; thinking back hard.
The last thing he remembered was his vision clearing somewhat, and then a bright light.
He remembered a voice. A woman's voice, talking in a language he wasn't sure he was familiar with.
"Man... must've been an angel..." He chuckled sardonically, his voice cracked and throat dry.
Poe winced and looked to the bedside, seeing a glass of water next to him on the small table. Instinctively, he grabbed it and chugged it faster than a pint of cheap weequay beer.
By the Force, it felt amazing to finally have something wet his parched throat.
He turned his head when he heard whirring and a rolling sound approach the room, and a grin broke out on his face as the curtain was pushed open and a certain round little astromech rolled into the room with him.
"Aw, I knew I'd recognize the sound of those servos anywhere! BB! C'mere, you little--" He grunted, rolling off the bed and biting hit bottom lip as his injured leg hit the wooden floor.
BB-8 made several high pitched beeps and whirs in a chastising manner.
"I know, I know, but c'mere, you little cannonball!" Poe laughed through the pain, wrapping his thick arms around the round little droid as he trilled happily at his companion's better spirits.
BB-8 chirped and beeped again.
"Oh, my leg? It hurts like hell, where are we?" Poe asked, looking around. This was clearly somebody's bedroom, in some kind of small, prefab house that had been patched many times over. Probably purchased at a scrap yard. Hah. Like that kriffing speeder he wasted his credits on.
BB-8 whirred as he rolled about the room, making various noises as he explained to his human friend the situation.
"An infection?" His thick brows shot up. "Damn. Please tell me I looked beautiful when I went down?"
BB-8 stopped dead in his tracks, and the only part of him that moved was his head, and he made a few beeps.
"Okay yeah I knew you were out, it was rhetorical. Who do you think dragged you through that canyon?" Poe sighed, shaking his head, his sweaty curls dangling.
BB-8 tweeted in reply.
"A woman? Wait, so I wasn't hallucinating that part?" Poe blinked at the tiny droid as he wheeled his way up to him once more, bumping into him a few times affectionately.
"Okay, yeah, I get it. I owe the lady. Definitely owe her if she fixed you up, little buddy." Poe smiled warmly, patting the droid's chassis sweetly.
He was so caught up in the reunion with his partner that he almost jumped out of his skin when heavy bootsteps halted in the doorway and the curtain was pulled back, revealing... you.
Hot, gorgeous, sweaty and badass you. You were covered in grime and dirt from working the field you had and fixing your tiller that had crapped out on you. Hot damn, you were probably the hottest Twi'lek he'd ever seen, even your head-tails looked absolutely luscious.
You had initially sent BB-8 inside to fetch a tool, and when he hadn't returned you came inside to see why.
You tugged off your rawhide gloves and leaned in the doorway, smirking at the human as you shoved your gloves into the waistband of your pulled-down coveralls.
'C'mon Poe, put on the charm...' He chastised himself.
He cleared his throat and gave you his best debonair smile along with his signature quirked brow and squinted eyes; the smile that had won him the companionship from many women (and guys and others in-between) throughout the galaxy.
But he couldn't fathom the fact that he looked positively pathetic with a kriffed up leg, lying half-naked on your bedroom floor.
That is... until you broke out laughing, and BB-8 spun in a circle, joining in on your revelry at his attempt at flirtation.
Poe sighed deeply, dropping his cocky expression. "Eh, so... Uh... you're the lady who I remember from the canyon, right?"
You nod, your lekku quivering from within the soft leather quiver you'd bound them in, "Yana."
Poe blinked up at you. You did speak Basic just then, right? His hearing just messed up for a second? Right...
"So, on behalf of... well, me and my little friend here, thank you for saving us!" He grins awkwardly. "What's your name, miss..?"
You smirk again and utter something, your name, perhaps? And then ask, "Zul nala z'rate nala quora?"
BB-8 speaks to you for Poe when he doesn't answer, merely giving you a concerned look as he began to fear he was stuck with a woman who didn't speak Basic. He really needs to brush up on his xeno-linguistics...
You click your tongue and shake your head, "Su'un na, mesh'e yahte." You roll your eyes and tip your head to the side and tell him your name, this time clearly.
"Oh, man, am I happy you can understand me." Poe grinned. "Uh... Can you... help me off the floor? Please?"
"Yahte." You sigh deeply, walking over to him.
The man you'd saved was someone called "Poe Dameron" a supposed "master pilot" for some "resistance". When Poe mentioned your skills as a medic and your ability to patch droids, he even hurled the suggestion to you that you join up.
You refused.
"What? Why?" Poe asked incredulously, setting his fork down on your tiny table as you both picked at your humble meal.
"Because I saw enough fighting when the Empire remnants sacked my hometown when I was a small child. They did it out of sheer spite for General Syndulla's role in the destruction of the last Death Star. I lost both of my parents, I lost my grandmother. If it wasn't for Numa saving me from the rubble I would have had nothing." You say, your lekku trembling at the memory of your home being blasted to smithereens.
Poe wilted. The two of you were close in age, the two of you were young enough and old enough to remember the Death Star, the war, the people you loved...
And, yeah, he understood your reasoning. Why get swallowed up by the war that devoured your family in front of you, when you can be a hermit, farming healing herbs and delivering produce and salted meats to one of the smaller towns further north?
"Okay... I'm sorry." Poe said, his eyes downcast as his own sour memories played back in his mind.
"No, no..." You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose. "I shouldn't have blown up on you like that. Kriff, I swear, living in the woods shortens my temper."
Poe smiled at you and stretched out his leg beneath the table, the brace you'd rigged up for him squeaking as he bent his knee.
"How's the leg?" You pipe in.
"Oh, it's definitely better. Whatever kinda magic plants you got, they're certainly doing the trick!" Poe grinned at you.
"It's not magic. It's just natural medicine." You waved your fork at him. "And don't forget, you owe me for using half my stash of bacta to help fix your leg. You still got a few weeks to pay off that debt to me, Mor'ski."
Poe held up his hands innocently, grinning sideways at you. "Heyyy... I'm a man of my word! And the deadline on that shipment is... Well it technically doesn't have one."
"Did you ever think that it didn't have one because your contact knew sending people into those canyons was a death sentence? Because they knew odds of one person surviving in that canyon were like, maybe 2 to 20?" You snort. "Sounds to me that the people who hired you have been feeding people to the gutkurrs until somebody could finally nab that cache."
Poe blinked and you could easily tell that the thought had never crossed his mind.
"Careful, Mor'ski." You snort, leaning on the fence as Kari bucks Poe off her saddle once again; before shuffling on to drink from her trough. BB-8 makes loud beeping and trilling as he spins in a circle, enjoying some humor at Poe's expense.
"Ugh!" Poe groaned.
Kari huffed and made a short bellow, trotting back around to nudge Poe with her flat snout.
Poe pats her as he sits up, "Okay, you like me but not enough for me to ride you? I mean I knew my charm worked on the ladies, but c'mon, I can't even stay on you for five seconds!"
"That's because I've raised her almost directly from birth, Poe." You grin victoriously before clicking your teeth, uttering a few words in Ryl before Kari abandons Poe altogether to rush up to you for affection.
"That's it, ma sareen." You coo at her.
"Uhh!" Poe scoffs as he stands up, dusting off the old worn pants you'd loaned him, his leg brace creaking as he walked over to you.
The damage Poe had sustained to his leg from the gutkurr was bad. Bad enough that even your small stash of bacta patches (some of which were probably past their best by date...) couldn't heal all the damage or regenerate properly. Or perhaps it was from the bacteria eating away at his flesh when you found him. You weren't sure, but the man would walk with a slight gait for the rest of his life.
But of course, knowing Poe, he would use it to his advantage just to cock his hips out to get some attention.
You were almost gonna miss that idiot when he was well enough to leave, and his cute little droid, too. It was nice to have company after so long alone.
"Well what about him?" Poe asked, pointing to Cviki, who had just plucked a fruit from a nearby tree and ate it messily. "I bet I could ride him!"
You laugh and smack your thigh, "Oh, be my guest! But remember, Mor'ski: Cviki is a can-cell. Not a fighter. If he decides he doesn't want you in the pilot seat anymore..."
Poe swallowed a bit nervously.
Maybe he should stick with the blurrg.
Three weeks had gone by, and you knew Poe leaving was inevitable. He had finally done away with the leg brace and you inspected his healing leg. It was coming along nicely. It would scar, for sure, but he'd be able to walk.
And you were right, before. He did walk with a gait, one he carried with confidence in combination with that aggravatingly handsome smirk of his.
Could this man find a dark side in anything? Other than the First Order? You doubted it, he seemed good at turning bad situations around.
And oh, you would miss listening to Poe dote on that cute little astromech, BB-8. He was like a father doting on his infant child. You even caught him scooping him up and carrying him if BB-8 couldn't flawlessly roll over something (though BB probably pretended he couldn't just to be picked up by Poe).
It's a wonder that droid got anything done at all! You remember when you first brought him online and he assumed you were some nefarious individual who had hurt his pilot and friend.
It wasn't until you physically brought the astromech in to see the unconscious and feverish Poe to earn that little droid's trust. With BB-8's know-how, you were able to fix a few systems in your own defunct protocol droid that you honestly assumed you'd have to fully replace, making it that much cheaper to get the old droid up and running. Once they left, anyway. You weren't in a rush to have the help anymore. You liked having Poe around, his stupid snarky comments and weird giggle of his...
And you'd be lying if you didn't catch yourself staring, sometimes, too when he was working on helping with your monthly harvest.
He was skinny from lack of decent rations, when you brought him in, but after being with you for a few weeks, getting a proper diet and food in him, he bulked up.
He was muscular, sure, but not that almost scarily-defined tone so many found attractive. Poe's figure had softened out around his muscles, giving his belly a slight pooch and the dimples on his back to become more prominent. The softness was certainly appealing...
He looked handsome healthy.
Why did you just think that? Why did you just--
Your hands stopped as you tied down your equipment for the coming storm system that was approaching from the north, and you looked up to observe Poe for a moment.
Poe was busy helping cover your younger plants so they could survive the tough winds. He'd even helped corral Cviki into his créche so he wouldn't get injured. As thick as his carapace was, all it would take was one piece of debris to shred his wings and he could risk being permanently grounded.
Cviki seemed to socialize with Poe rather well, chittering and purring when Poe would pat his bulbous head, his wings fluttering curiously and excitedly when Poe would launch a small branch in the air for him to fetch and bring back.
Poe was a masterful pilot--if his words were to be believed--but something inside you told him he was also suited for a calmer life. Like yours, running a farm, taking care of the animals; not fighting in a near-pointless cycle you couldn't understand.
But, it was his choice to make, and his life to live. And nobody in the galaxy could take it from him.
But little did you know, that you were already tempting him to...
You rushed then, to tighten the wenches on the equipment bindings as Poe covered the fresh plants, grunting as the wind tousled his hair into his face and struggled to get the tarps down.
You look up at the sky and frown when the angry and flashing storm clouds approach faster than anticipated. It could be a short, fast-moving storm, that was the hope.
But you were worried. If the clouds began to circle...
At least you had a cellar.
"Poe! Come on! The plants are covered!" You wince when a small twig is caught in the wind and smacks into one of your lekku as the wind pushes them about. You forgot to wear your sheath today and were paying for it.
"You sure?" He called out to you.
"Yeah! Trust me, I'm sure! Now we need to get inside before the main storm hits!" You wave your hand. "Wachamio!"
Poe took the spare second to slam the mallet down on the stake for one last measure, before hopping to his feet, BB-8 chirping and tweeting from the threshold of your door, urging you both to hurry up.
Once inside, you quickly spin around and use the metal bar and slot it into place so the door wouldn't blow inwards on you; all your windows had been properly covered and locked with the metal panels so they wouldn't get blown in as well.
Not one moment later, you begin to hear the first fat raindrops pelt the walls and roof of your home from outside, deep rolling thunder announcing the arrival.
"Well, uh... You ever play sabacc?" Poe grinned awkwardly, and you slowly grinned.
BB-8 made a sound that could be universally translated in any language as: "I've got a bad feeling about this."
It was just downright unfair. Clearly the universe did not favor him, or his hands at this sabacc game...
He was down to his socks and underwear while you were confidently sitting across the table, the only things missing from your outfit was your shirt, leaving you in your breastband only from the waist up, showing off the small scars and loosely defined muscles from your hard-working lifestyle poking through the light softness of your body.
You lean in as you see him begin to sweat, frowning at the cards in his hand. You'd both agreed on a simple game of sabacc, but because there were no credits to be put in the pot, you both settled on your clothes as the storm waxed and waned outside, rattling the walls and making his ears pop. He wondered how the sensitive little cones that were your sensory organs felt in the storm. Could ear-cones pop? It was a thought for another time.
"What's the matter, Mor'ski?" You rest your chin in your palm, grinning like a firaxan shark.
"...Afraid you can't bring much to the table?"
Oh, that was a low blow. He could feel the blush rise in his neck as his face heated up.
"Hah! Please, I doubt you could handle aaaallll this." Poe sputtered as he leaned back and huffed, forcing his confident demeanor back to the surface.
"Oh, I d'nno... I've probably handled farming equipment that was bigger." You toss back, moving a fresh pick between your lips and teeth as you boredly thumb through your cards.
"...Okay now you're just being mean."
"Hmm..." You look back up at him, a cold smile on your soft-looking lips. Poe felt a cold shiver creep up his spine when you looked at him.
And it was even worse when you flattened your cards on the table.
"Pure sabacc."
"Kriff!" Poe groaned, slapping his own bad hand on the table and pushing his hand through his curls.
"Oh, come on! I'm down to my skivvies, here!" He whined.
"Oh, I know." You giggle, batting your eyelashes at him and your lekku curl upwards a bit. "I'm not planning on making you completely strip. I'm feeling merciful..." You purred.
"...What are you planning?"
"The storm's let up a bit for now..." You hum casually, tapping your fingers on the top of your worn wooden table.
Poe blinked at you, his eyebrows raised up on his forehead. "No way..."
"One solid minute." You say, sticking your finger up. "Run around in the rain for one solid minute."
"Oh, come on!" Poe groaned, slapping his fist on the table.
BB-8 chirped and spun in a circle, almost laughing.
"Oh, whose side are you on?!" Poe glared at the droid with a scowl.
BB-8 whistled and wheeled over to your side, beeping and whirring in reply, making you grin even wider.
"You said you're a man of your word, Dameron..." You chuckle.
"....Agh! Kriff, why are women like this?!" Poe groaned, scrambling his hands through his raven curls.
"A bet's a bet..."
"Fine!" Poe scoffed, shooting to his feet and marching over to the front door, where your boots both lay.
He grumbled under his breath the whole time as he shoved his feet into them. Ah, well, at least the view from behind was nice...
You bite your lip as he pulls the metal bar free and the door rattles from the sudden gust of wind. Poe grabs the latch and it takes most of his strength to keep it from swinging open.
Oh, the moment he darted out into the freezing rain was glorious. The yelp he made as the first freezing drops made contact with his skin had you squirming and cackling madly as you clapped your hands and stamped your feet excitedly, BB-8 spinning in place and tweeting loudly.
He ran in a circle with his arms held out wide, shouting expletives the whole time as bumps erupted all over his body as his boots squished in the mud.
Once the minute was over with, Poe scurried back inside, soaked to the bone and shivering, his teeth chattering as he looked at you.
"Happy...?" Poe grunted.
"Very much so." You giggle girlishly.
"Good because I'm never playing sabacc with you again."
You both sat on the fence, watching as Kari ate from her feed trough, bellowing in between bites, her thick tail swaying as she eats.
"So..." Poe began.
"Hm?" You mused, spitting the weed from between your teeth.
"I still have that cache hidden in the canyon... I mean, I know you've already helped me out and everything but..."
You quirk your brow inquisitively. "You want me to help you transport it to the spaceport."
"...Well. Okay, I mean... Eh. Yeah..?" He said awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. "I don't have a mode of transportation or anything, and... I can give you a cut?"
You slowly look at him, blinking. "You'd pay me to help?"
"Yeah! I don't see why not... Plus it'll help pay back and replace the bacta patches I used... Might help pay for parts for that droid of yours..."
Your teeth gnaw at the inside of your cheek, thinking hard as you look down at the mud. He made some good points... He has no ride, he still needs those credits or his near death would have been for nothing...
And those credits really could help you out.
"Okay, Mor'ski. I'm in." You reply, slapping your palm into his.
Poe grinned and gave your hand a firm tug.
"Knew you would be, doll. Now let's get to it."
You watched as Poe slid the last crate into the cart next to BB-8, fastening them down with wench straps so nothing moved. There had been no sign of gutkurrs since the two of you returned to the canyon, but that's also probably from the musk bombs you made to irritate their sense of smell.
Maybe if he'd hired a local guide through the canyons he wouldn't have gotten so screwed in the first place.
But if he did, he wouldn't have met you.
Hindsight is... well. A funny thing when you think about it.
"Do you even know what's in those crates?" You ask him as you mount Kari's saddle.
"Eh... no." Poe cringed.
"Did you ever think to check??" You frown at him.
Poe's gloved hands pat the crate in front of him, and even BB-8 whirs curiously.
"Ryloth is known for its spice production, Poe..." You sigh softly. "Interspace gangs like to use it for drugs, remember?"
"Yeah..." He said, gnawing on his bottom lip.
Screw it.
He popped the latches and peeked into the crate.
There were different objects, all bearing the sigil of the old Empire. Poe felt his blood run cold as he tossed the lid completely open, and began rifling through it.
Several objects had the Empire logo scratched out, some had them painted over. It was clear this cache no longer belonged to them, but...
"What is it?" You ask him.
"...A bunch of old Empire junk. The weapons are pretty much useless, their cells are drained. There's a few other things in here, but... They look like they'd only be useful to a damn collector than anybody of importance." Poe said, his body relaxed slightly. Nothing really dangerous were in these crates...
"Holy kriff." He breathed, reaching down to a small wooden box. It was half a foot long, and surprisingly, there was an image burned into the lid. A symbol he knew well as a young man, scrawled and graffiti'd on many Empire propaganda posters.
The symbol of the Jedi Order.
"What?" You asked, turning to look at him.
Poe reached in and pulled out a lightsaber. Its once shiny metal surface scuffed and dented, the black tips at the end of the handle flaked of paint, the clip snapped long ago. This lightsaber had been through hell, and had probably even seen action as far back as the Clone Wars...
"Is... Is that..." You stumble.
"A kriffing lightsaber." Poe said reverently. He slowly and carefully set the lightsaber back inside the velvet lined box, closing it and gently placing it back inside the crate.
"Nothing in here is dangerous, except the lightsaber, maybe. But nobody really knows how to use these except..."
"Jedi and Sith." You murmur. "Who would want that stuff if it's useless?"
"Like I said, a collector maybe. Or a dealer in war relics." Poe said, closing the crate again.
"I know, but c'mon... Let's get going while we still got the sun."
"Right." You say slowly. You pat Kari's flank and jerk your head. "Get on, Mor'ski. We got at least a two hours' ride ahead of us."
Poe seemed wary. He'd ridden in the cart the whole trek out here, and all the failed attempts to ride that blurrg of yours made him hesitant to hop on her.
"Relax, if I'm riding with you, she'll be fine. Unless you wanna ride Cviki?" You smile wryly, the both of you looking up to where Cviki was poking at the rocks with his beak, his mandibles picking up smaller insectoids to munch on here and there.
"...No I'm good." He looked back at you as he stepped up to Kari's side.
As he grabbed onto your open palm with his, he looked at you with curiosity in his dark eyes.
"You good yourself, crazy lady?" He jabbed playfully.
"Rahn fanyo. Er... I'm fine." You mumble as he takes his seat behind you, politely placing his hands on your waist.
It was a gentlemanly thing to do, to avoid grabbing anything he shouldn't... but once Kari got into a good and decent trot, he'd bounce off her haunches faster than a blood fly.
"Poe, you're gonna need to hold on tighter than that. Or I'm gonna leave you in the dust and collect this bounty myself..."
Poe chuckled and awkwardly looped his arms around your waist, carefully adjusting it so your sensitive lekku were draped over his shoulders, so he couldn't squish them on accident.
"Like this?"
You rolled your eyes and tugged his hands until they were almost clasped together and his chin was practically on your shoulder. "There. Because being polite while riding a blurrg is gonna get you a concussion, yahte."
"Okay, you gotta teach me Ryl, doll." Poe chuckled.
You smirked over your shoulder as you snapped Kari's reins, nudging her with your heels.
"That would ruin the fun, Mor'ski."
You watched as a group of children fed Cviki fruit out of their palms, giggling and laughing when his long tongue unfurled to wrap around their fingers and clean their hands of any lingering juices left over. Cviki was very approachable, for a cen-cell.
Kari on the other hand... She didn't really like anybody other than you. And, well, maybe Poe now, you supposed.
You sighed as you watched Poe speak with his contact, a rather fat Twi'lek man who was obviously well off. A broker, you supposed. One who sets up people with jobs like these. Technically avoiding any trouble with the law because brokers around these parts were simply like bulletin boards for smugglers, you could pick what jobs they conveniently had around, and if you got in trouble, they could disavow any connections to you while still making decent credits.
And it was obviously a very good front he was wearing, judging by the bejeweled rings squished onto the man's fat fingers.
When the two began walking over to you, you groaned softly, Kari huffing when she sensed your irritation. You detested people walking up to you when you didn't want to talk.
Your emotions were high for reasons you couldn't quite place, and a feeling of anxiety gnawed in the pit of your stomach.
Poe was leaving.
Soon, he would load the cargo onto this broker's ship and he would leave Ryloth, possibly forever. You couldn't blame him, after almost getting turned into a tasty snack for a pack of gutkurrs.
"And this lovely woman must be the person who saved your skin, eh, Dameron?" The Twi'lek man chortled, his fat jiggling merrily as he elbowed Poe in the side.
His thin mouth was stretched wide, making his cheeks appear even larger and more plump, his bright yellow skin drawing little attention to his sharp teeth.
"Yep, my savior all right. Worked me right to the bone to pay back half my debt to her after those ugly bugs tried to snack on me." Poe grinned back.
"My my, sounds like a keeper!" The man smirked suggestively at you two.
You rolled your eyes and curled your lekku slightly. The gesture was hidden behind you, but anyone walking by could see the irritation and hostility in the gesture.
Men have tried to get your attention for years, and certainly, a man of status like this was always looking for aides or escorts of some kind. That life wasn't for you, not one tiny bit.
"She's.... Uh. A good friend." Poe said, smiling at you.
His soft eyes eased the tension in you somewhat, but you were still jittery and anxious. One, about Poe leaving; two, all the people bustling about the spaceport; and three, these confusing kriffing feelings regarding the quirky pilot.
The Twi'lek man handed Poe a small box, likely containing his payment, and BB-8 drove into his shins twice.
"I know, I know, buddy! I was getting to that!" Poe sighed exasperatedly at the astromech.
"I'll make sure the dock officials don't snoop, say our goodbyes." The broker winked as he turned to walk away.
"So..." Poe awkwardly began.
"Mhm." You hum.
"I'm glad you dragged my sorry carcass out of that canyon." Poe chuckled, his fingers nervously brushing the sides of the box he held.
"I'm happy my effort wasn't wasted when Kari didn't eat you." You snort in reply, smiling despite yourself.
Poe laughed softly and opened the box, plucking up a few chips into his fist. He held out his hand and placed the silver and gold chips into your palm gently.
"Here. I'm a man of my word, remember?" He smiled at you warmly. "And I promised you a cut. This should cover the bacta, and some parts for that droid of yours. Plus, y'know. To get yourself somethin' nice."
When he winked, you felt a flush rise to your cheeks as you laughed.
"Yeah, well..." You shrugged, not sure what to say.
"...Hey." Poe said, his bottom lip sliding beneath his teeth for a moment before licking it.
"So, I know this is sudden, but--"
"Sir! Your ship is cleared and ready to go! You got five minutes!" A dockhand shouted from nearby, startling Kari to the point she made a concerned bellow and stumbled back a bit.
You shove the credits into your belt pouch, and coo and shush at Kari, patting her down affectionately to ease her sudden fright as Poe shouts back at the dockhand.
"Ah... Great. Fun." Poe sighed as he turned back to you, noticing how your lekku were twitching and swaying as you struggled to calm your blurrg mount.
You didn't turn back to face him, biting your plush bottom lip as you patted down Kari, trying now to calm yourself as much as her.
Poe was leaving.
Probably one of the only people you'd call "friend" was leaving, and then you'd go right back to your boring tedium from before, while he flew headlong into danger with BB-8 by his side.
You couldn't really hear him as he spoke to you, imagining just how many horrible ways he could possibly die out there, at the hands of the First Order, or some pirate scum...
You did however, become aware of how close he was when he slipped an arm around your waist and tugged you against him. You barely had time to gasp and ask what he was doing when he pressed his lips against yours in a rushed, but fiery kiss.
He pulled back from you, winking as BB-8 whirled and trilled, spinning in place a few times.
"See ya around, doll. And next time I'm in town, I'll visit."
You were left, blinking, mouth agape as he sashayed with that new gait of his towards the hangar of his ship, BB-8 hot on his heels, tweeting a farewell at you.
You stayed like that, the tips of your lekku twining around one another twice, your face flushed with a different shade as the ship shakily lifted off, blasting off into the clouds.
...If he did come back...
"Come on, Kari." You say softly before whistling to get Cviki's attention.
"Let's go get some shopping done."
Maybe you would buy yourself something nice to wear.
Poe sighed as his ship launched into hyperspace, feeling sad as he kissed Ryloth's atmosphere goodbye. It wasn't as beautiful or as sweet as your lips were, for sure.
But it made his heart throb with sadness all the same...
He punched in a few buttons and the hologram of the broker appeared as the message began to play.
"Poe, my boy! Safe travels. I'm sure you and your companion had a lovely farewell, no?" He chuckled gleefully.
Poe rolled his eyes as he continued. "My contact got word back to me, and she's pleased that the cargo was intact and was impressed you were alive! How about that?" The man clapped his hands and laughed again.
"Well, just letting you know," His eyes twinkled. "Miss Kanata sends her thanks and hopes you enjoy the extra credits she left in your pay!"
Poe frowned at the name.
Wait... Miss Who?
Leia watched as Poe studied the small hologram of a Twi'lek woman in front of him, squinting and mouthing the words as they left her lips.
The older woman smiled as she walked up to him, her long robes shuffling softly as her slippers padded the metal flooring of the base.
"Pick up a new language to learn, Poe?" She asked, her brown eyes shimmering as she sat next to him.
Poe almost jumped, unusually engrossed in the tutorial program he had been watching. He bashfully rubbed the back of his neck and laughed.
"You could say that." He replied.
"I noticed you walking with a limp, now, Poe." Her tone switched to a more affectionate and maternal tone. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah... Someone on Ryloth saved my hide from a bad sitch. Unfortunately I'm probably gonna be stuck with it forever, but I'd trade a limp for my life any day of the week." He grinned.
Leia hummed with a sweet smile as her eyes were drawn to the paused tutorial. "Fall in love with the local flavor, huh?" She grinned mischievously.
Poe stiffened and coughed into his hand, a blush to his cheeks.
"You... Could say that."
Twi'leki/Ryl translation:
Wachamio! = "Let's go!"
Ma sareen = "My Sweet"
Yana = "Yes"
Wa-janeel = "Follow me"
Rahn fanyo = "I'm fine" or, alternatively, "Don't worry"
Twi'leki/Ryl Phrases I've smacked together/come up with (idk I'm not a linguist):
Nu nala quin-nala wilo? = "Do you know where you are?"
Zul nala z'rate nala quora? = "Can you tell me your name?"
Su'un na, mesh'e yahte. = "Oh great, he's an idiot."
Yahte = "Idiot"
Mor'ski = "Flyboy"
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
baby fever au
Loki comes back from a mission gone awry & he is just so pissed & all he wants to do is cuddle his girls to feel better
“Where’s Ella? I just need to hold her” *Y/N gives Loki baby Ella* *Loki instantly relaxes*
Little Mood Changer
☆ The Baby Fever AU ☆
Loki & Ella feat. Y/N
Summary: After Loki comes home from a failed mission, all he wants to do is hold his baby daughter.
Warnings: none, actually... Fluff! Pissed/sad Loki?
Word Count: 955
a/n: Thank you for this lovely request @aagn360 ! ☺️ I hope you like this cute, little fic I wrote! 🥰
Baby Fever Crew: @km-ffluv @lokisgoodgirl @eleniblue @loz-3 @vbecker10 @jennyggggrrr @lokisninerealms @peaches1958 @multifandom-worlds @fictive-sl0th @lovingchoices14 @simping-for-marvel @stupidthoughtsinwriting @lou12346789 @kimanne723 @lady-rose-moon @coldnique @mostclevermiss @aagn360 @acefeather2002 @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @chennqingg @lokiforever @anukulee
Baby Fever Masterlist °☆• Masterlist
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You could already hear Loki miles away. His quick, powerful footsteps - coming undoubtedly from his heavy leather boots, echoed down the long, wide hallway of the floor you lived on. Mere seconds later got the main door literally ripped open, before it got slammed shut again. You feared for a moment, that the force would take it off its hinges. Frowning, you placed your book aside and got up from the sofa, in order to look after your husband. Peaking around the corner, you saw him taking almost aggressively off his shoes. Okay... Something was definitely wrong.
"Babe?" You called out for him cautiously, and stepped in the hallway. The raven-haired god looked up to face you. His facial features told you that, yes, he was very pissed and in a bad mood. Before you even knew what was happening, he was rushing towards you; bestowing a fleeting kiss on your lips on his way.
Too short for your liking, given the fact that he was almost two days gone. "Where's Ella? I just need to hold her." You were a bit taken aback by the whole situation happening in front of your eyes. No hello, no proper kiss? What was going on? "Um, she, um, is in her playpen." That being said, Loki walked past you - straight into the living room and Ella's playpen. The little girl had heard her daddy already from miles away as well. Therefore, she was standing inside her playpen, having herself pulled up on the wooden bars and holding onto them for dear life. She could stand already. But not yet alone.
"Dada!" She squealed with laughter, bobbing excitedly up and down. Her tiny raven curls were bouncing; oceanic blue eyes shining with pure happiness. You watched from where you stood in the door frame, how Loki leaned down to lift your daughter up in his arms. "Hi, baby girl," you heard him muttering under his breath, before he cuddled the little girl close to his armour-clad chest. The god's eyes fluttered shut, as he inhaled her scent - and you could see how he instantly relaxed. His bad mood, washed away within seconds, because of the sweet creature you and him had created. "Daddy missed you so much, princess." He continued to whisper against Ella's clothed skin, while she just continued to giggle and babble happily.
You watched the scenes from the side-line, smiling like the idiot in love you were. Whatever happened on the mission he was on, Ella was seemingly able to let him forget about it within seconds.
He carried Ella then over to the sofa and flopped down with her. A shimmer of green seiðr enveloped his body, changing his armour in more comfortable clothes. A black green hoodie and grey sweatpants. He sat Ella down on his chest, steadying her and keeping her upright with his hands around her waist. "Dada!" The little girl clapped her hands excitedly and reached for the cords of his hoodie, playing with them. Loki watched her with an amused smile, playing along with her.
You decided to join them as well, "You know... She's never that excited when I'm coming home." sitting down beside your husband and daughter. Loki scoffed, eyeing you critically. "That is absolutely not true, my love, and you know it." You giggled, shaking your head. "It is - and you know it, my love." Another scoff. "Ella's a daddy's girl. She always was, always will be. I accepted it." That caused a low chuckle to rumble through Loki's chest.
You leaned onto your side and buried a hand in his raven black curls, gently massaging his scalp. "What happened on the mission that got you so pissed, huh?" Your husband turned his head slowly; stunning oceanic blues meeting your eyes. "I am sensing my bad mood must've been very obviously?" "Mhh, yeah... Quite a bit, babe." You held his gaze and continued to run your hand through his hair. "So... What happened? Do you want to talk about it?" Loki sighed; slightly shaking his head. "It just went not how we planned... A lot of misunderstandings, the failing of communication and Stark blaming me for it." You frowned. "Why would Tony blame you for this?" The god shrugged his shoulders. "Because he like to blame me. And somebody has to be the culprit, right? It's easier to put the blame on the still untrustworthy war criminal, rather than seeking out the real problem."
Your heart ached at his words; facial expressions turning soft and gentle. "I'm sorry for that, my love. I don't understand why Tony acts how he acts sometimes." You sighed, but felt Loki's hand on yours. He gently untangled it from his hair to intertwine his fingers with yours. "Darling, you do not need to apologise for that. I am just going to accept it. Perhaps you are right and Stark has his reasons why he acts like that."
Loki brought your intertwined hands up to his lips and pressed a soft kiss on the back of your hand. "I'm sorry for the unproper greeting, my queen, but I just... I just had to hold our baby." He gestured towards Ella, who had dozed off on his chest by now; small limbs dangling off his sides. You squeezed your linked hands, "It's okay, babe. I understand." and started to smile cheekily. "As long as you're making it up to me..." A boyish smile grazed the god's lips, before he let go of your hand again, "Oh, with pleasure." and used both hands to cup your cheeks. He brought your face closer to his, and before you even knew what was happening, Loki's lips met yours; kissing you senseless.
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Carnal, chapter four
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Summary: Mattheo Riddle can’t stop thinking about Daisy Waters, the pair admit their longing for each other, and she gives him an assignment
Warnings: 18+, mentions of sex, mentions of masturbation, Idiots in love, use of many pet names, a touch of dom!Matty
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x f!OC Daisy Waters
Word count: 2383
A/N: I had so much fun writing this chapter, I hope you guys like it. Also a reminder that they start school at a later age in this fic making them both at least 16 in this chapter.
Divider credit to @enchanthings
Chapter one Chapter two Chapter three
Character mood board Chapter two mood board Chapter three mood board Chapter four mood board
(I've been having trouble with links lately, if these links don't work please let me know.)
Taglist: @sylviaonyx , @helendeath , @secret-sophieee , @evaslytherpuff , @hotcinnam0nspicy
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The first week of school had passed far too quickly for Mattheos liking, something he never expected to think about school. With Daisy by his side the days seemed shorter, never giving him enough time with her. Even with everything going on at Hogwarts this year, the Triwizard Tournament, all the extra students filling the castle, she was still the only thing he thought about, the only one he saw.
Sitting together in the Great Hall watching as older students dropped their name into the Goblet of Fire he had something more specific on his mind. Her lips. They had shared a few soft kisses since the train ride but Mattheo was ready for more, ready to show a little bit of his desperation, his hunger for her. Tearing off a piece of paper from his notebook he wrote her a note. 
Can’t stop thinking about kissing you.
He dropped it on her open book, watching as she smiled sweetly. He was quickly learning that she was good at covering her emotions with a pretty smile while in public but she would let her guard down when they were alone. She’s such a mystery but I’ll figure her out one day, he thought to himself, chuckling as she pulled the pen from his hand, turning her body away from him as she scribbled a response. Standing, she closed her book and slipped the note into the pocket of his shirt, brushing her fingers over his cheek as she walked towards the exit. Moaning at her flirty touches he fished the note out, groaning as read her words. 
Then do something about it…
Gods this girl is going to be the death of me. 
Closing his notebook he raced after her, grabbing her hand when he caught up, leading her into an empty corridor. He wanted to pick her up, roughly press her against the wall, and kiss her until their lips bleed, but still trying to take things slow, he stopped and let her make the first move. 
She surprised him, leaning in and sniffing him, closing her eyes and moaning. What the fuck? Did she just sniff me? 
“Like the way I smell, do you?” He chuckled, not sure what to make of this but feeling himself getting excited nonetheless. If that’s what does it for her…
“You have no idea, Mattheo. No idea.” 
The undertone of lust in her voice made his cock ache and he bit back a moan, stepping closer to her, slipping an arm around her waist. “You’re an odd girl, Daisy. I like that.” Squeezing her tight to him, he kissed her passionately, making his hunger for her, all of her, known. 
“I’m so glad you do, Mattheo.” She whispered against his lips, nuzzling her nose against his cheek, something she did a lot during their time together. The first few times he thought it was a little weird but now he loved it, longed for those little moments, never wanted to go without them, they made him feel like she was gently staking her claim on him. 
“Tell me something. Anything. What’s on your mind, pretty girl? I want to know every thought.” While he waited for her to respond, why is it taking her so long, he covered her face in kisses, her little giggles making his heart flutter. “Having trouble deciding what to say? Or do I just take your breath away?” He meant it jokingly but looking down at her he realized he may not have been far off, her face reflecting the confusion of his own feelings for her. “What is it, baby, what’s wrong?” 
“I don’t know how I feel about my feelings,” she sighed, burying her head in his neck. “I’m so into you, Matty,” Matty? Oh I like that. “I’ve wanted you for so long but now that it’s happening I'm torn… I’m falling for you so damn quickly, everything I feel is so intense…” Is she reading my mind right now? 
“You’re not torn about being with me, right?” He didn’t care if he sounded insecure, not with her, he didn’t even think there was a possibility that was the reason, but he had to be sure. 
She whipped her head up so fast he heard her neck crack, a stunned look on her face. “What? Fuck no!” 
He’d never heard her curse before and the vehemence with which she did, shoving aside his idiotic thought, turned him on like nothing ever had. Growling, he picked her up and pinned her against the wall. “You feel torn between taking things slow because this feels so fucking right and you’re afraid of messing it up versus ripping our clothes off and not leaving my bed for days? Something like that?” 
The look in her eyes, like she would die if they didn’t figure out how to do both, told him everything his heart needed, her whimper of agreement and her fingers tangling in his hair didn’t hurt either. “Thank Merlin, I thought I was going crazy.” He chuckled, kissing her again, relieved he wasn’t the only one feeling this way. “What do we do about it, pretty girl, cause I gotta do something, need to make you mine one way or another.” 
“We let down our walls, share our secrets, we trust, we…love. I want to show you who I am, Matty, and there’s so much to share, so much I keep hidden…but I need to know you’re willing to do the same for me, know I’m safe giving you my heart.” 
“You are, Daisy, I swear, so fucking safe with me. Gods, my walls crumbled the moment you told me your name, the same moment I fell for you.” He stopped, feeling his face flush with this confession, knowing it was too soon to admit, but he didn’t care. He loved her already, beyond all reason, and even though it terrified him he wouldn’t want it any other way. “Trust me with your heart, help me learn to trust you with mine.” He pressed his forehead against hers knowing she could feel the things he didn’t know how to say. Words had never been his strong suit but he would find a way to show her what she already meant to him and that he couldn’t wait to see their relationship grow.
Daisy was good with words, he knew this, but many times she chose to stay quiet using soft touches and expressions to make her feelings known. He wasn’t surprised when she nuzzled against his cheek and pressed soft kisses to his face, making him sigh happily. 
“I trust you, Mattheo,” her breath fanned across his lips as she whispered, “more than logic tells me I should, more than I’ve trusted in a long time. I know trust is hard work, let’s take it day by day, yeah?” 
“Day by day…” He agreed, trying to ignore how worked up the feel of her breath was getting him. You’re in the middle of a tender moment, don’t bring your cock into it. 
She must have seen how hard he was struggling, is she struggling right now, too?, because she pressed her lips to his in a hungry kiss. “Annnnd we slowly work our way up to ravishing each other for days on end.” A blush spread over her cheeks, the cutest thing he had ever seen, and she giggled, hiding her face in his neck. 
He groaned, his cock twitching, hardening. Fuuuck yes! Sliding a hand into her hair he gently pulled, lifting her head. “Don’t hide that pretty face from me. I love the way you blush when you talk about naughty things. Say a few more for me. You really want me to ravish you, princess?” 
She moaned, locking eyes with him, her body shivering as he called her “princess”. Guess that one’s a keeper. My pretty little princess. “Want it? Oh, Mattheo, after the summer I’ve had, wanting you twenty four hours a day, I’m ready to demand it.” She pressed her forehead against his, gritting her teeth and growling softly. “I want to devour you.” 
He didn’t even know what to say, all he could focus on was his cock straining in his pants, begging to be free, to feel her. He groaned desperately and bucked his hips in an attempt to rub against her, getting frustrated when he couldn’t get good friction. “Let go, Daisy, I need to set you down, need to feel you against me.” He gently set her down barely letting her feet touch the ground before forcing her legs apart, hands gripping her hips, and grinding his aching cock against her thigh. 
“What was that about wanting me twenty four hours a day, princess? Is this what you imagined? Did you touch yourself to thoughts of me?” His voice was low with desire, desperate to know if she had done what he had forced himself not to and given in to her lust. Please say you did, baby. Please please please. 
A sweet whimper left her lips as she nodded, looking up at him with her deceptively innocent eyes. “More than I thought possible, so much more…was never enough, needed you…” The way she spoke made it clear that she was getting lost in those thoughts again, her lust clouding her mind, taking over. She gripped his hand, guiding it to her thigh, lifting her leg. He got the hint immediately and slipped his arm under her thigh, spreading her legs open further, giving him full access to her. What he wouldn’t give to pull his cock out and rub it against her folds. Why didn’t I take her back to my dorm? 
“You naughty thing…here I was all summer trying my hardest not to get off to thoughts of you, not wanting to disrespect you. Do you have any idea how difficult that was for me? You’re so fucking perfect, I was desperate for you, Daisy.” Spoken right against her mouth his words came out in hot heavy breaths, he couldn’t hold back his need any longer. “I haven’t cum in months and you’re going to help me fix that. Now.”  He let go of her leg, intending to drag her to his dorm, when a cold voice echoed through the corridor. 
“Mr. Riddle. What are you doing here…ah, Miss Waters.” 
Mattheo froze, groaning with frustration. Snape. Go away, we’re busy. 
He looked down at Daisy, who had frozen in place as soon as her foot touched the ground again, loving the irritated look on her face. He wanted to kiss it right off her face. Hold on, is she growling? The faintest rumble reached his ears, her body the only place it could be coming from.
“Mr. Riddle, go to your dorm. If you’re not there in ten minutes I will inform the headmaster of what I saw here. Miss Waters, I will be informing Professor Sprout so that she may keep an eye on you. Get to your house.” With one final glare Snape turned on his heel, robe billowing out behind him. 
“Fuck. I’m sorry princess, I didn’t mean to get you in trouble.” Mattheo leaned in and kissed her as soon as Snape was gone, desperate to have just a few more seconds alone with her. “Let’s get you to your dorm, pretty girl.” He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close as they walked. 
“Don’t worry, Sprout has different views than Snape on two kids making out in a hallway. She’s rather easy going.” She paused for a minute, her face blank as they reached the Hufflepuff house entrance. “How on earth did you manage to hold off, Matty? I felt like I would burst if I didn’t…please myself at least once a day.” 
He felt a blush creep up his neck knowing she had caught him. Do I admit I drew her multiple times a day? Sounds a bit creepy, but if she could confess to touching herself to fantasies about me… “I sketched you. A lot. A lot.” 
She gasped, her eyes lighting up, a grin spreading over her cheeks. “You did not!” She playfully smacked her hand against his chest, giggling. 
“I most certainly did, pretty girl. I’ll show you…if you ask nicely.” He teased her, kissing her neck softly. 
“Oh you want your princess to beg, Matty? I could do that, but you’d never be the same.” She teased right back, her smile turning into a smirk. Fuck. 
“Merlin, you look so good with that little smirk, my naughty girl. So fucking good. Now that you mention it, I do want you to beg. Beg me, Daisy.” He pressed her tighter to him, his lust for her spiking again. 
His stomach flipped, his knees going a little weak as her pretty eyes went wide, a little pout on her perfect lips. “Please, Matty, show me your sketches.” 
He groaned, a broken, needy sound, gripping her chin so she couldn’t look away. “So fucking good for me. How could I ever deny you, pretty girl. I’d do anything for you. All you have to do is ask.” 
She didn’t blush the way he had expected, instead her eyes sparkled mischievously and she smirked at him. “Is that so? Anything at all?” 
“Mhmm.” He nodded, kissing her lips softly, completely lost in her. What are you planning, little one? “What exactly did you have in mind?” 
“Spend the day with me tomorrow.” 
It was such a simple request, he couldn’t help but laugh. “Daisy, I was going to do that anyway-“ She cut him off, her fingers pressed against his lips. 
“I wasn’t done…there’s one more thing I want you to do. I want you to give in. Go get in your bed and think about me. Cum for me, Mattheo.” 
It wasn’t a suggestion, she was demanding this of him and it drove him insane with need for her. “Fuck, princess.” They were the only words he could manage, his mind already swimming with his favorite fantasies about her. 
She giggled, kissing him softly before pulling away. “Goodnight, Matty. Sweet dreams.” 
“Goodnight, pretty girl.” I love you. He watched her disappear into the entrance of the Hufflepuff common room before turning and running to his dorm, eager to obey her.
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thewolvesof1998 · 10 months
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by the wonderful @jamespearce9-1-1
I think I've finally cracked, I've gone insane, I wrote this last night for my Heatwave fic and I just couldn't stop laughing. I have no idea if it's actually any good but by god did it make me lose it. So let me know what you think about it:
“Fuck Buck,” Eddie groans, his own cock throbbing at Buck’s words, he drops his forehead to Buck’s hip, “God yes, but we don’t have any lube.” “I-ah-there’s some in my first aid kit,” Buck says, Eddie’s head whips up to look at him, he smiles sheepishly down at Eddie and gives him a half shrug, “I told you I’ve been wanting you to touch me for a while now.” “So you brought lube on this hike because you hoped this would happen?” “Well um I-I ah,” Buck stutters, turning bright red and looking anywhere but at Eddie, he mumbles something under his breath that Eddie doesn’t catch. “What’s that?” “It’s-I-not just here,” Buck vaguely answers, waving at the cabin around them and it all falls into place in Eddie’s head. He can feel his lips stretch into a wide grin and his heart feels too big for his chest, too full, too fast, like it’s going to beat itself out of his sternum, tearing through skin and muscle until it lands in Buck’s hands. He thinks it would be safe there, that Buck would protect it and keep it beating. God Eddie loves this idiot.   Eddie raises his eyebrows, “Mi amor, have you been bringing lube every time we hang out?”  Buck covers his face with his hands, his voice muffled as he says, “When you say it like that it sounds bad.” Eddie laughs, “It’s not bad, it’s-” Cute? Romantic? Hot? Because it’s all of those things and more, Buck hoped -knew- that they were inevitable so much so that he started carrying lube on him at all times, it’s everything, fuck he’s getting all emotional over a bottle of lube “-uh-practical.” Now it’s Buck’s turn to raise an eyebrow at him, “That’s what you're going with? Practical?” Buck says teasingly, propping himself up on his elbows.  Eddie nips at Buck’s hip in retaliation, he hums in consideration, “Hot? Romantic?" Buck smiles at that but before he can say anything he continues, “What about slutty?”
Last Snippet Previous snippets premise/moodboard
Tagging: @wikiangela @wildlife4life ​ @eddiebabygirldiaz @disasterbuckdiaz @spotsandsocks @try-set-me-on-fire @jesuisici33 @bekkachaos @buddierights @spagheddiediaz @911-on-abc @hippolotamus @shitouttabuck @911onabc @exhuastedpigeon @malewifediaz @your-catfish-friend @loserdiaz @ladydorian05 @watchyourbuck @king-buckley @chaoticgremlinwholikescheese @daffi-990 @fortheloveofbuddie @steadfastsaturnsrings @mangacat201 @theotherbuckley @hoodie-buck @eowon @rainbow-nerdss @nmcggg @pirrusstuff @evanbegins @giddyupbuck @sammysouffle @smilingbuckley @carrierofthepaperclips @jeeyuns @callmenewbie @thosetwofirefighters @monsterrae1 
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: ̗̀➛ Cat Lover ᓚᘏᗢ | WILBUR X READER
Pairing: cc!Wilbur x gn!reader
Word Count: 0.5k
Warnings: None
Author's note: Hii! So this is the first fic not that I wrote-- but have ever posted! So I just hope you guys will like it <3
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"What made you fall in love with Wilbur?"
You were asked that question a while ago. The thought of the moment made you grin widely, remembering the butterflies you felt that exact moment.
You giggled softly. "Well.."
It wasn't anything special; nothing out of the ordinary. Wilbur went to your house that day to brainstorm  for his new band Lovejoy, but other than that, it was just to hang. Although you two made good progress, much of the time was a whole lot of nothing.
You had already started to feel new yet unexplainable things towards Wilbur, and it didn't help especially when he was in your house. Something about the man made her feel like an awkward yet lucky idiot for someone like him to still find you fun to be around.
But you tried convincing yourself that these feelings weren't..'feelings' feelings. Just-- normal feelings? Yeah.
Wilbur sat on the sofa, tapping his hands on his lap. The conversation had gone dry and quiet, both waiting for the other to continue until one of them thought of a new topic to bring in.
"God, we haven't eaten anything. Do you have any snacks?" "Yeah, in the fridge. Don't go asking for any sand though." Wilbur chuckled at the joke you’d referenced, you chuckling along with him. It took a weirdly endearing man like him to make a joke so memorable.
He took himself to the kitchen. As he walked in the room, he felt something furry walk around his legs, looking down to see a fluffy feline.
Meanwhile, you scrolled throughout the endless twitter feed, thinking it could help find some inspiration, before you took a glance at the time. Shit. Wasn’t it time to feed Cleo? You always thought of buying your cat an automatic feeder, as she was quite impatient, but you haven’t really acted on that thought.
You walked to her kitchen, finding Wilbur there as well. And that was when you saw a sight you somehow could never forget. Your birman, snuggled right in Wilbur's arms, who had the most smitten and giggly face she had ever seen. You hadn’t quite introduced Wilbur to Cleo as she wasn’t the nicest to guests, but this said otherwise when it came to Wilbur.
You stood there, gaping. You then covered her mouth, watching in awe at his loving state. Whatever you thought or felt about Wilbur before had just grown to the size of the moon.
Seeing you, he grinned, "You should’ve introduced me to her sooner, She's too adorable~~!", while looking at Cleo who softly purred in his arms. The cat had crumbs on her mouth, and you knew Wilbur had probably fed her some of the treats in the cabinet. Yet you weren't going to complain.
That, in it's purest form, was the Wilbur you madly fell in love with from that moment on. The cutest, dorkiest, yet most loving man you’d ever met.
You learned two things that day: that Wilbur was a man who loved cats to death, and that you were someone who'd love him to yours.
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auspicioustidings · 7 days
Im the anon who wrote about the Mace and Ghost fic! I figured out how to find the rest of the posts! That was a mistake! 😃
Since I’m an idiot, can I ask for the background of Mace getting involved? God I can only imagine how he got her set up like that in the first place! I’m drooling for the story! Only if you want to write for it, of course 💕
Hello! Unfortunately my tagging system is not helpful for finding anything which I will perhaps fix one day :') I've only written two little drabbles on Ghost and Mace I think, got some plans for them for if I do Kinktober tho!
I pinwheel between whether Mace or Ghost is in charge between the two of them, but I like to think it's neither. They met when they were both younger and a lot more recklessly violent and it was just convenient at the time to take that violence out on each other.
They're not together romantically but they are some demonic version of soulmates. They fuck bloody and violent whenever they get together regardless of whether either has a partner because to them it's not cheating, not if it's with the other. Their bond is demented, love is too pure a concept to even begin to describe it.
It does mean you get things like what Mace did to Ghost's new girlfriend. They understand one another. Mace understands that Ghost needs to possess someone and that all too often he gets frustrated when they don't accept that they belong to him and not themselves anymore. And when he gets frustrated, he tends to break his toys and then beat himself up about it.
As for how Mace got her there it was pretty easy tbh, he has access to Ghost's quarters and she was sleeping nice and pretty. A little needle to keep her sedated while he got her into his playroom wasn't difficult at all, although she was a right bitch about it all when she starting coming to.
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sarahisgay01 · 2 years
Needy 👏 Bottom 👏 Nancy 👏 Wheeler 🤝
Please write top Robin with needy bottom Nancy. Honestly I need this. I need this to survive. I literally have no ideas I’m so uncreative, I just would really love if you wrote something with this. Thank you in advance.
In honor of Valentines day, I pulled an all nighter to write this for you guys💖
update: it’s a day late, I apologize that I couldn’t finish it in time!! My thoughts for this fic just kept going and going…anyway enjoy the smut lol
Minors DNI (18+ Only!!!!)
Valentines Day💌
Dom!Robin x Sub!Nancy
Notes: Both of them have a praise kink, overstimulation, crying. all the good stuff
Today’s February 14th, also known as Valentines day. For the past 18 years this day has meant nothing to Robin, she’s never had a valentine and has loathed the holiday for as long as she can remember. This year though, this year is different. Why? Because she is dating the most beautiful girl in Hawkins, no other than Nancy Wheeler. She couldn’t sleep the night before because she was too excited for the surprise she had planned for her girlfriend. Once Robin’s alarm went off that morning, she jumped out of bed, for once actually excited about this stupid holiday. Yesterday, she went to her local florist and had a special bouquet made for Nancy. It had a bunch of different flowers in it, but it’s color scheme was Nancy’s favorite colors, pink, yellow, and orange. The florist balanced out all the colors with white roses and the bouquet looked absolutely amazing. Steve picked Robin up that morning to take her to school and when he saw the beautiful bouquet, he smiled. He said, “Aw, are those for Nance?” Robin smiled, but then started rambling out of nervousness, “Yeah. Do you think she’ll like them? Is it too much? Should I have just done roses? Oh my god, does she even like flowers?” Robin gently places the flowers on her lap, then turns to face Steve. She puts her head in her hands and says, “Oh my god, I’m an idiot.” Steve grabs her shoulders and says, “Hey, relax for me, Rob. Nance is gonna love them, okay?” Robin’s hands slowly fall from her face and she looks at Steve. She quietly, with a bit of worry in her voice, says, “You really think so?” Steve replies, “I really do” and Robin takes a couple deep breaths, then seems to relax a little bit. After knowing Robin for so long and seeing her almost every day, Steve knows exactly how to calm her down. He says, “Tell me what you have planned for you guys tonight.” Robin gets excited and starts to ramble about the night she had planned for her and Nancy.
When Steve pulls into the school parking lot, Nancy’s standing outside her car. A wide smile appears on her face upon seeing Steve’s car pull in. Before Steve could even put his car in park, Robin had already hopped out, throwing her backpack over her shoulder and holding the bouquet in her hands. She started running toward her girlfriend, a wide smile on her face as well. Nancy’s smile grew when she saw the bouquet her girlfriend was holding and once Robin got close to her, she said, “Happy Valentines day, my love.” Even though the pair had been dating for months, Robin still blushes when Nancy uses cute nicknames like that. With her cheeks tinted a bright pink, she replies back saying, “Happy Valentines day, angel”, then gives her a cute little kiss on her nose. Robin then hands her the bouquet and says, “I uh- I hope you like them. I’m not sure if you like flowers, if you don’t, I can take them back, really I don’t mind.” Nancy’s eyes soften and she gently puts the bouquet on the roof of her car, just for a second. She then takes both her hands and cups Robin’s face, then kisses her sweetly. Nancy says, “Sweetheart, I love them. Thank you so much, they’re beautiful.” Robin lets out a sigh of relief with a wide smile plastered on her face. Her girlfriend opens up her car door and says, “I have a surprise for you”, then pulls out a heart shaped box. Robin immediately gets excited and says, “Is that- Is that chocolate!” Nancy nods her head and says, “Mhmmm, milk and dark chocolate since I know you like them both equally.” With no warning, Nancy is now wrapped in a tight hug by Robin. She says, “Thank you so much, Nance!” Immediately, Robin rips open the box and pops one of the heart shaped chocolates into her mouth. With her wide smile still on her face, she hums in pleasure at the deliciousness of the piece of chocolate. Nancy’s smile stays on her face, almost like it’s glued, at the endearing sight of her girlfriend looking like a little kid opening a present on christmas morning. She looks at her watch and says, “Come on baby, we’re going to be late.” Robin replies, “I wish I could just spend the entire day with you” with a small pout on her face. Nancy says, “One day, baby, but I’ll be over at 5:00pm and I’ll be there all night, okay?” Robin smiles at the thought and says, “Alright, alright. Fine.” Nancy grabs her wrist, then both girls wave at Steve as Nancy gently pulls Robin towards the school building. She gives Robin a kiss before they go their separate ways for classes.
Robin may have physically made it to all her classes, but mentally, all she could think about was Nancy. When the final bell rang for the day, Robin was the first one out of her classroom and was hauling her way to Steve, who was waiting for her in the parking lot. He drove her home and that’s when the Valentines day preparations began. Robin wanted to make this Valentines day super special for Nancy, because, as she explained to Steve, “Nancy’s super special so she deserves a super special Valentines day.” Her parents were out of town, so it made everything she wanted to do 100 times easier. First, she rearranged the furniture in the living room to make a fort with twinkly fairy lights around it. She made sure the TV was inside, along with blankets and a few different movies. Next, she made chocolate covered strawberries, 6 dark chocolate, 6 milk chocolate. After that, she went upstairs to get changed. She put on a black tank top and paired it with her short red and black flannel pajama shorts. Underneath those shorts though, she purposely put on the pair of panties that always makes Nancy’s eyes pop out of her head. By the time she had changed and made her way down the stairs, Nancy’s car was pulling into her driveway. Before Nancy even had a chance to knock at the door, she was greeted by Robin smiling and practically shaking from excitement. Nancy asks, “You okay, baby? You look like you’re going to explode with excitement”, then she giggles. Robin says, “Yeah! I’m just super excited to show you something. Close your eyes.” Nancy does as she told and Robin says, “Good girl”, eliciting a small, needy whine from Nancy, just like she wanted. Robin acts like she didn’t hear it and helps guide her into the living room. Once they’re both inside her living room, Robin says, “Okay open your eyes for me, angel.” Nancy’s eyes open to the sight of the beautiful fort and the chocolate covered strawberries on the coffee table next to it. Her eyes soften and her mouth slightly opens in shock. It’s silent for a little too long, as Nancy’s trying not to cry because this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for her. Robin’s nerves kick in and she thinks Nancy hates it. She begins anxiously rambling, “If you don’t like it, we can move the furnit-”, but her rambling was cut short by the sweetest and most intimate kiss the two of them have ever shared. Nancy doesn’t fail at many things, if anything really, but her trying to hold back her tears at this moment, she failed at. A couple tears start rolling down her cheeks accompanied by the biggest smile on her face. She says, “Robbie, I- I love it. This is the sweetest thing- the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me. Thank you, baby.” Robin smiles, wipes away her tears, then kisses the tip of Nancy’s nose and says, “Anything for you, angel. Happy Valentines day.” Nancy’s smile grows and she grabs her girlfriend’s wrist, then pulls her towards the fort saying, “Come on!” enthusiastically. The two of them crawl into the fort and start to watch Nancy’s favorite movie, ‘The Breakfast Club’.
During the movie, while the two of them are all cuddled up, Robin reaches over and grabs the plate of chocolate covered strawberries. When Nancy goes to grab one, Robin gently taps her hand away. Nancy looks back at her confused, then Robin says, “Pretty girls don’t get their hands all dirty, allow me, my love.” Robin takes a strawberry and holds it in front of Nancy’s mouth. As she’s about to bite into it, Robin says “Ah, ah. Did I say you could do that?” Nancy now understands what’s happening and she’s definitely not mad about it. A quiet whine leaves her mouth, followed by a quiet, “No.” Robin’s voice somehow got raspier and she replies, “I’d hate to have to punish you on Valentines day, sweetheart. You want to be a good girl for me, don’t you?” Nancy’s dire need to be praised, her dire need to be Robin’s good girl, made her submit right then and there. She was already needy for her girlfriend before she arrived, but now, now she’s on the edge of desperation. She’s desperate to have Robin’s hands and mouth all over her body. Nancy says, “I do! I do, Robin I- I promise! I want to- I want to be your good girl! I promise I’ll be your good girl, Robin! I swear!” Robin could easily hear the desperation in her girlfriend’s voice, the pure sound of her need. She responds back saying, “That’s my good girl. Now open that pretty little mouth of yours.” Nancy opens her mouth and Robin places the strawberry in between her lips. She bites down on the half of strawberry that was placed in her mouth and hums at the taste. Nancy says, “Robbie these taste so good. Oh my god!” Robin smiles and says, “Thank you, angel. I’m glad you like them because I love watching your perfect lips wrap around them. Perfect.” Robin then pops the rest of the strawberry in her mouth with a slight grin on her face as she sees the slight blush creep onto Nancy’s face. A small whine slips from Nancy’s mouth soon after. Her eyes are fixated on Robin as she takes another strawberry and bites into it, her perfect, soft lips wrapped around it. In this moment, Nancy realizes why Robin said she likes to watch her eat them. Nancy watches her girlfriend’s lips wrap around the strawberry and for some reason, this very simple action, just looks so sexual. Nancy can feel her arousal in her panties and Robin hasn’t even touched her. What makes it worse is after she takes a bite, Robin hums and says “Mmmm fuckkkkk.” Nancy lets out a small, quiet whine and Robin turns to make eye contact with her. As she looks over, she notices that Nancy’s bottom lip was now in between her teeth. She knows that she’s trying her best to hold back more whines, which plants a grin on her face.
Robin cocks her head to the side slightly, acting confused on why Nancy had just whined. She asks, “Everything okay, baby?” and Nancy responds with a high pitched “Mhmmm.” Anyone with half a brain could tell that Nancy was needy, but if she didn’t want to flat out tell Robin, she was going to have to coax it out of her. Robin says, “You sure, sweetheart?” and simultaneously places one of her hands on the inner part of Nancy’s mid thigh. She starts to glide her hand back and forth, driving Nancy to release another whine, this one louder than the others. Still acting naive, Robin says, “Why don’t you be a good girl and tell me, sweetheart?” Robin was confident that her question would be Nancy’s breaking point and she was correct. Almost breathlessly, Nancy says, “Please, Robbie.” Robin thinks to herself, if Nancy wanted to play games, so will I. So, she replies back, “Please what, angel? You’ll have to be a bit more specific if you want something. Be a good girl and tell me, Nance.” The praise hits her immediately and she says, “Touch me, please. Want you, Rob. Need you. Need you so bad, please. Please, Robbie.” You’d have to be an idiot to turn down Nancy Wheeler, but you’d have to be an absolute psychopath to turn her down while she’s begging for you. Robin is neither one of those things. Her lips crash into Nancy’s hungrily and both girls taste the chocolate on each other’s lips. She pulls away, causing another whine to escape Nancy’s perfect lips, then a small pout forms on her face. Her pout doesn’t sit on her face long though, because only a few seconds after disconnecting their lips, Robin says, “You wanna go to my room, sweetheart?” She knows the answer to the question before she even asked it, but she wanted to hear Nancy say it. Nancy nods her head and says, “Yes please. Can we? Please, Robs.” Before she knew it, Robin was out of the fort, standing up, and grabbing her wrist, lightly pulling her towards her stairs.
Once they both were in her room, Robin grabs Nancy by her hips and pulls her up against her. She leans down and hums as she kisses those perfect lips again. She releases from the kiss shortly after and says, “Take your shirt off for me, angel.” Without a single hesitation, Nancy does what she was told and within seconds her shirt winds up on the floor, exposing her lace white bralette. She was rewarded with Robin acting like she was about to kiss her, but instead stops mere inches away from her lips and whispers, “Always such a good girl for me, aren’t you Nance?” At that moment, Nancy’s brain had short circuited and she could only reply with a whine of pure need. Robin grinned for just a moment before reconnecting their lips again. While kissing, Robin undoes Nancy’s bralette and lets it drop to the floor. Then, she backs her up, until the back of Nancy’s knees hit the edge of the bed. Once Nancy feels the mattress against the back of her legs, she gasps and practically within a blink of an eye, finds herself laid down on top of it. Her eyes trail upwards to find that she is being towered by her girlfriend. Robin stands in between her legs and looks down at Nancy. Their eyes lock and neither one of them can spot the blue that’s normally there. Currently, all that’s visible are their pupils. Robin loses eye contact to look at her girlfriend’s exposed chest and says, “You’re so pretty, sweetheart.” She reaches both of her hands down and starts to knead her breasts roughly. A loud gasp, followed by a moan leaves Nancy’s mouth and Robin continues on, saying, “Just so pretty for me, aren’t you? So perfect and beautiful, all for me.” Another moan escapes her mouth and she breathlessly says, “All for you. I’m yours, Robin. All yours.” Robin hums at her words, then leans down and whispers in her ear, “Good girl. All mine. My good girl.” She then bites Nancy’s ear lobe, not too roughly, but not too soft either. Nancy whimpers in response and she can feel her arousal starting to pool in her panties. Robin’s lips soon make their way to her neck and she sucks several marks, marking what’s hers. After the last mark she sucks onto Nancy’s neck, she moves closer to her ear and whispers, “I’m marking what’s mine. Your body, is mine. It belongs to me, you belong to me.” Nancy whimpers, then breathlessly says, “I’m yours, all yours. My- My body belongs to you, Robin.” Robin looks Nancy in her eyes, then says, “Good girl” and watches as Nancy attempts to hold back a whine. The longer her girlfriend’s eyes are looking into hers, the harder it is to stop herself from whining. The whine eventually slips out after seeing Robin’s hungrily eyes for too long. Robin’s lips start to trail below Nancy’s neck and soon her collar bone has several marks on it as well. As her lips continue to get lower, Nancy begins to whine, growing impatient with how slow Robin’s being. She whines out, “Please, Robin. Please touch me. Please!” Right as she was about to lick one of Nancy’s nipples, she stops and straightens her posture. Nancy whimpers and watches as her girlfriend’s facial expression changes.
Robin looks down at her and says, “I thought you wanted to be my good girl, sweetheart and we both know good girls aren’t greedy, right?” Nancy whines, but responds back with a quiet “No.” Robin continues and says, “Now, do you want to be my good girl or would you rather be punished for being a greedy little whore, hmmm?” Nancy loudly whimpers, then replies back saying, “Good girl! I’m sorry! I promise I’ll be good! I promise! I’m sorry!” Robin says, “You’ll take what I give you, understand?” Nancy nods rapidly and says, “Yes! I understand!” Her girlfriend hums, then leans back to down to continue where she left off. Her tongue licks across one of Nancy’s hardened nipples, then she grazes her teeth against it. Nancy sharply and releases a shaky breath. A few seconds later, Robin’s mouth is latched around her nipple and sucking on it roughly. Countless moans are slipping from Nancy’s mouth, each one as beautiful as the one that came before it. Her moans stop for a second, but only because Robin switched to her other nipple, giving it the same attention. Once she was satisfied playing with Nancy’s breasts, she lifts her body back up so she’s standing straight up. Robin hooks her fingers around Nancy’s pants and her underwear, then looks into her eyes for consent. Nancy starts to nod her head, then mutters out a breathless, “Please. Yes, please.” Robin grins, then pulls down both articles of clothing in a single fluid motion. She peaks at Nancy’s pussy and sees it’s glistening with her slick. Her grin widens and she says, “You’re so wet for me, angel. Is that all for me? All mine, sweetheart?” Nancy breathlessly replies back, “All yours. All yours, Rob”, then Robin hums. As she starts straightening up, she says, “Good girl.” Nancy whines in response, then whimpers as she finds herself, again, being towered over by Robin. Before Robin could do something else, Nancy lets out a small whine. This time, Robin was a little confused on why she was whining, so she asked, “What is it, my love?” Nancy replied, “Want to- Want to see you. It’s not- It’s not fair you have all your clothes on and I’m naked.” Robin can’t help but let a out a little giggle and she says, “Okay, angel”, then takes off everything, but her underwear. When Nancy sees the panties Robin chose to wear, she moans and says, “I knew you were wearing those.” Robin playfully rolls her eyes, then starts to crawl onto the bed, over top of Nancy. She responds back while planting kisses down her body, saying a word, then following it up with a kiss until she reaches her girlfriend’s hips. Robin says, “Because you’re so smart. And so pretty. And so nice. You’re absolutely perfect, Nancy.” Robin stops for a second, then her lips continue downwards. They start to go to where Nancy’s been begging to be touched all night, where she needs Robin to be so desperately. She grips Nancy’s thighs harshly and pushes them deep into her mattress, eliciting a loud moan from Nancy’s mouth. Robin’s lips hover inches away from Nancy’s clit, then she says, “Look at me.” Their eyes lock again and Robin says, “You’re absolutely perfect, Nancy Wheeler. My perfect girl. So perfect for me.” Those words alone, leaving her girlfriend’s mouth could have made Nancy’s arousal pool out of her. But the mixture of them with how close her mouth is to her clit and with the borderline bruising grip she had on her thighs, it caused another loud moan to leave her lips. The praise went straight to her head and after being teased for what feels like forever, she is finally given some relief.
Robin’s tongue flattens and licks a stripe from Nancy’s entrance to her clit, eliciting a loud moan of not only pleasure, but also relief from her girlfriend. Robin hums at the taste of Nancy’s arousal and only pulls her mouth away to say, “You taste so good, angel. So sweet. I could eat you all night.” She takes a few kitten licks at her clit, then hums and lifts her head again. This time, for just a moment, and she says, “And I just might”, then finds the perfect pace to lick Nancy’s clit. She’s already so worked up, so it doesn’t take her very long to feel her orgasm building inside her. As Robin speeds up her licks, Nancy moans out “Fuck Robin! Oh my god! Feels so- Feels so good! You’re doing abso- fuck- absolutely amazing! So good, Robin! You’re doing soooo good!” All the praise makes her tongue work even faster. Not too long after, Nancy’s legs begin shaking and she moans out, “I’m cl- I’m close, Rob- Robin! I’m close! Can I- Can I c- cum, please? Please, Robin! Please! Please, let- Please, let me cum! I’ve been- I’ve been so good! Please! Need to- Need to cum! Please Robin!” Robin lifts her head briefly and says, “Cum for me, angel. Be a good girl and cum for me.” She lowers her head back down and her tongue moves even faster than it was before. Nancy screams out moan after moan of Robin’s name until she’s finally interrupted by her orgasm. Robin gradually slows down her licks until Nancy’s orgasm is completely ridden out. She gives her only a couple seconds to catch her breath, then she shoves two of her fingers inside Nancy’s neglected entrance. Nancy lets out a loud moan, saying, “Oh fuck, Robin! Fuck!” and Robin says, “Mhmmm, you’re such a good girl, baby. You’re taking my fingers so well. Such a good girl for me Nance.” The praise, along with Robin’s fingers working perfectly inside her, makes Nancy throw her head back in pleasure and scream out a moan. Robin grins, knowing she’s doing a good job, then starts doing kitten licks on Nancy’s clit again. A high pitched strangled noise leaves her girlfriend’s mouth and her walls start to clench around her fingers. Nancy moans out Robin’s name, over and over again, until her second climax hits her hard. Robin leaves her fingers inside of Nancy’s entrance, but moves into a different position.
Robin now has her knees planted on both sides of Nancy and is eye level with her, hovering over her naked body. She waits until Nancy’s breathing has completely steadied, then connects their lips for a heated kiss. While they kiss, Robin unexpectedly curls her fingers and Nancy lets out the most beautiful sounding moan directly into Robin’s mouth. Robin pulls her head up and Nancy chases her lips, then whines when she can’t reach them. Her eyes meet Robin’s and Robin says in a condescending tone, “Aw, you’re still so needy sweetheart, aren’t you? Still desperate for me to make you feel good, hmmm?” Nancy can only reply with a whine, but Robin can’t have that. She says, “Be a good girl and use your words for me, sweetheart.” Nancy whines out, “Yes. Still need- Still need you, Robin. Please.” Robin’s grin returns on her face and she says, “Okay, baby. I want you to be a good girl and look at me while I make you cum, okay?” Nancy replies with a high pitched “Mhmmm” while squirming underneath Robin. Robin continues on and says, “If you break eye contact with me, I’ll stop. Do you understand?” Nancy’s eyes widen and she whimpers out, “Robin, pl- please no! Please!” Her girlfriend’s tone quickly switches to one that’s more assertive and she says, “If you want to cum, you will do what I said.” Nancy whimpers again and replies back, “Yes, Robin. I under- I understand.” Robin smiles, then says, “That’s my good girl” and Nancy whines. Her whine quickly turns into a moan as Robin’s finger curl inside her again, perfectly hitting that special spot inside her. She almost breaks eye contact, but she’s too needy for Robin to stop her movements. The way Robin towers over her body and how her eyes look at her, makes her feel small, so very small. She loves it and it makes the knot in her stomach form faster. Robin starts moving her long fingers in and out of her entrance, almost fully taking them out, then pushing them back in, knuckle deep. Nancy’s moans are loud and her hands quickly make their way to grip the sheets beneath her. It doesn’t take long for her knuckles to turn as white as the sheet she’s gripping onto. Her loud moans turn into screams of pleasure as Robin starts to move her fingers faster. Their eyes are still locked and Robin says, “You look so perfect like this. So perfect as you fall apart underneath me, sweetheart. So beautiful as you take my fingers so well. Such a good girl for me, Nance. So perfect for me.” Robin feels Nancy’s walls clench around her fingers at the praise she’s given her. While her walls are clenching, Nancy lets out a sound, something between a moan and a whine. Her eyes are still fixated on Robin’s and she feels the knot in her stomach start to tighten. She breathlessly starts to stutter out, “I’m- I’m cl- cl-”, but her girlfriend takes some pity on her and interrupts her, sweetly saying, “I know, angel.” Seconds later, Robin then adds a third finger and Nancy screams out, “Oh fuck! Fuck Robin! Fuck!” Robin can’t help the wide grin that appears on her face as her girlfriend screams even louder, loud enough that she thinks her neighbors could hear. It didn’t bother her, not one bit. The whole world could hear for all she cared, that just means more people would know who Nancy belonged to. With all three fingers inside of her, Robin curls her fingers upwards, hitting Nancy’s special spot perfectly. She does this motion repeatedly until Nancy cums, which didn’t take very long. Tears start to form in her girlfriend’s eyes from Robin’s fingers making her feel so good. As she’s about to fall off the edge, Nancy screams, “Yes, Robin! Yes! Oh my god, yes! Yes! Robin! Robin!” With a couple tears beginning to roll down her flushed cheeks, the last scream of Robin’s name was strangled in her throat as she cums all over Robin’s fingers.
Nancy’s breathing is now erratic and she’s overstimulated. Her eyes are still looking into Robin’s and she can’t help but whine when Robin says, “You did such a good job, sweetheart. So perfect.” Then, she asks, “You can give me one more, right angel?” in a sweet tone. All Nancy can do in response is nod. Robin knew that there was no way Nancy was going to be able to talk anymore, she’s honestly surprised she can still comprehend what she’s saying. She gives her a sweet kiss on her lips and when she pulls away, she whispers, “You’re so perfect, Nance.” Nancy’s eyes are still looking into Robin’s and she loves that she can tell by the way Robin looks at her, that she means it. She means it when she says that she’s perfect and in that moment, Robin feels Nancy’s walls tighten around her fingers. This time she doesn’t say anything though. Instead, still using her sweet tone, Robin asks, “Do you wanna suck on my fingers while I eat that pretty pussy of yours, my love?” While she asks the question, Robin repositions herself, so her head is in between Nancy’s thighs, but her eyes never leave Nancy’s face. Nancy weakly nods and Robin says, “Okay, sweetheart. I’m going to take my fingers out nice and slow, alright?” Again, Nancy weakly nods her head and Robin slowly pulls out her fingers. Nancy loudly whimpers as Robin slowly retracts her fingers. Then, once her fingers are entirely out of her, she starts to sob from the emptiness. Her sobs are soon muffled by the three fingers previously inside her entrance, now entering her mouth. Robin sweetly says, “Shhhhh, it’s okay angel. It’s okay” while her free hand runs up and down the top of one of her thighs. A few seconds later, Robin begins to lightly lick Nancy’s clit again. Her girlfriend’s clit is so sensitive from overstimulation and she loves it. The light licks she’s giving, allow her to bask in the way Nancy’s body responds to her tongue. Meanwhile, Nancy’s trying her best to suck on Robin’s fingers, but she just can’t. She’s too overstimulated and she can’t stop herself from sobbing. Her body is trying to move away from pleasure of Robin’s mouth, but Robin takes her forearm and pushes Nancy’s hips into the mattress, not allowing her to move. Her mouth then latches around her clit and she sucks on it, her tongue occasionally swiping over it. Robin removes her fingers from Nancy’s mouth once her girlfriend’s already shaking legs, start to spasm out of control. She quickly wipes her hand on the sheet, then moves her hands so they’re gripping Nancy’s thighs apart and pushing them down into the mattress. Her grip is so hard that it’ll probably leave a bruise. Nancy continues her sobbing from the overstimulation, now completely unmuffled. With a few more licks and sucks at Nancy’s clit, a high pitched scream leaves her mouth as she cums for the fourth time tonight. Robin quickly, but gently, licks up all of Nancy’s cum and wetness. When she finishes, Nancy’s still sobbing, so she quickly scoops her up into her arms and places her onto her lap. Robin holds her there in a tight embrace while she whispers, “Shhhh, it’s okay, I got you. I got you, angel. You did so good. So perfect for me, always so perfect for me, Nance. Such a good girl. It’s okay. I’ve got you, sweetheart. I’ve got you.” Within about 5 minutes, Nancy’s sobs stop, tears stop rolling down her cheeks, and her breathing patterns return to normal. She moves her head onto Robin’s chest and her ear is placed right against her girlfriend’s beating heart.
Nancy still can’t manage to form words and her brain still feels fuzzy, like cotton candy. Robin doesn’t mind though, she just continues to hold her and eventually starts running her fingers through her thick curls. She occasionally kisses the top of her head, comforting the weak girl who’s slump in her arms. After around 20 minutes of sitting like this, Nancy mumbles, “Thank you.” Robin lets out a little giggle and gently pushes Nancy’s face up to look at her. They’re both smiling and Robin says, “Happy Valentines day, my sweet angel.” Nancy’s voice is soft as she replies, “Happy Valentines day, baby. I love you so much.” Robin’s eyes soften at her voice and she says, “I love you more”, then gives her a sweet kiss on the tip of her nose. She says, “How about we get you all cleaned up, does that sound, okay? I can draw a nice warm bath for you, then we can do whatever you want afterwards.” Nancy’s eyes soften and she asks, almost sounding shy, “Are you- Are you going to join me in the- in the bath?” Robin smiles and says, “If you want me to, sweetheart.” Nancy quickly responds back, “Please” and Robin replies, “Then of course I will, angel.” Nancy smiles back at her and says, “Thank you.” Robin says, “I mean, honestly Nance, only a complete and total dingus would turn down getting into a bath with a naked woman. They’d have to be blind and an idiot to say no to getting into a warm bath with you though.” Nancy giggles and Robin continues, “No, seriously! Blind and a complete idiot. You do know what you look like, right? Like, you’ve looked at yourself in the mirror?” Nancy’s smile widens as she playfully rolls her eyes. Both girls are now giggling, then Robin gives Nancy a kiss before leaving to go draw the bath. She comes back around 5 minutes later, scoops Nancy up in her arms, and carries her to the bathroom where the warm water awaits for her arrival. Robin gently places her inside, then strips off her underwear and climbs in, behind Nancy. Her long legs are spread, long and wide, and Nancy sits in between them, with her back up against Robin’s bare chest. Robin cleans Nancy up and the two of them sit in the bath until it starts to get cold. As they’re drying off, Robin says, “What do you want to do now, my love?” Nancy smiles and says, “Go down to the fort and cuddle while watching movies please.” Robin nods, acknowledging she heard her. She bends down slightly to plant a sweet kiss on Nancy’s lips, then she says, “Think you can make it down the stairs?” Her signature devilish grin appears on her face, followed by a few giggles. Nancy laughs, she wishes she could be mad, but she was just about to ask if Robin would carry her down. After they’re both dried off, Robin lets Nancy borrow one of her t-shirts and finds a pair of underwear that Nancy keeps at her house, for times just like this. Robin throws on a tank top and a pair of boxers, then carries Nancy down the stairs. They get into the fort and cuddle together while watching where they left off in, ‘The Breakfast Club’. Both girls think to themselves, “Maybe Valentines day isn’t such a stupid holiday after all.”
I hope you liked it!!🥺💖
I’m going to try to get back into writing since my mental health is getting better!! Hopefully posting once a week, but we’ll see🤷🏻‍♀️
Thank you for reading!!🥺💖
I’m going to try and continue writing more, now that my mental health is slightly better😊
133 notes · View notes
losersroom · 4 months
could u directors cut the conversation of gay90s where it's like "I’ve been thinking about April. You know, before I left." to "“Absolutely,” says Brock, who has never understood anything less in his life"....whatever pieces of that that u want to!! i just love that conversation and would love to hear ur behind the scenes!!!!
GOD so like. alright that whole fic grew out of a conversation me and g were having Forever ago about this post, particularly the second point. and i was like, oh hey, that reminds me of this story i wanted to write about brock going to the gay 90's. and then i sat on it for like two more months.
so the important thing to take away from this is that it was only ever supposed to be that first part, where brock and jonas run into each other and then jonas sucks him off and they kind of subtly agree to not talk about it, the end. but like, i am at heart a gigantic sap and i wrote up to there and realized i couldn't leave it on the final line of. it can never happen again. because i too have been gay and closeted and sad about it, and i didnt want to give all that to brock.
(the other thing, which you didn't ask about but here it is, is like. a lot of these thoughts and attitudes i gave brock in that fic were just... how i felt, about myself and queerness and everything, at age 21/22, born and raised in the midwest. and like obviously i grew up and got over it and i'm extremely queer and trans and married now, and i want to think, hey, in this universe i'm constructing, it can get better for brock, too. we just have to get him there.)
anyway i had to then construct like. a narrative throughline from blowjobs to some sort of mutual understanding. ive said this before but i always think it's fun in these things to like, present brock's opinions and perspective and expectations and just pepper in around the edges hints of what jonas is actually thinking and feeling and doing, which. doesn't always line up. and then make people guess what's going on in his head, same way as brock is guessing. what i HOPE people took from that scene is that, you know, that whole summer brock spent thinking about jonas, jonas was thinking about him, too. trying to work out in his head if brock being there was a one-time thing or if there's an opportunity to have something more. and i DONT want to get into whether or not i think jonas actually has a history in this continuity with any of the people that brock imagines he might, because i think it's more fun to leave people room to draw their own conclusions, but he definitely has more experience with Being Queer In The NHL than brock does, and navigating that world, and being just. careful about it. exercising caution. he might want to mess around with brock again, but he has to approach it with discretion, you know, in case brock... Isn't into that. (but in my heart, because i'm me, i also like to think that jonas is interested because it's brock, not just because he's there and potentially the only one of their teammates available. u know. in my heart everybody's in love, im a romantic, i can't help it.)
so that scene was just intended as like. connective tissue. but it wound up being my favorite part of the entire fic lol. just the... palpable awkwardness of trying to figure out if a guy is interested in you. being on the same page without really being on the same page. and then jonas choosing to just hang out awkwardly and watch a terrible movie at 2 am with brock not just because he cant think of another way to extract himself from the situation now that its clear theyre not going to fuck, but because he sincerely likes spending time with this idiot, lmao. that's Real. that's a move i would have done, when i was dating.
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