#admiral james norrington
callmejod · 2 months
Yey! I love him so much but there is so little for him! Could you do a headcanon for him falling in love again (reciprocated) post potc please- if we pretend he didn't die. Pretty please.
Hohohohohohohoho this was also on my mind for a few weeks
Had to mill it over the last few days, sorry for not responding. I also wrote this for an entire day so I hope you like it.
Kinda oc reader, foreign!reader, James being down bad for the reader , reader being too good to be true
This got really long so bare with me
I don't know if I'm even able to write short fics
So the jist is :
If he didn't die and came back to Port Royal as Admiral Norrgington - he would be happy he got his career, his honor and his purpose back.
Living on the sea has changed him. He no longer could stand this uptight, fake world that Port Royal thrives in. The cravats, the paperwork, the wigs. Fuck, he couldn't breathe most of the time, always sweaty in the thousand-layer suits, head itching from both the powder and the weigt of his hats. Having to sit through those god awful formal dinners, balls that bring nothing but superficial gossip was nothing but pure torture. Don't get me wrong - he's grateful for being able to even attend them, but the honest, freeing way of pirate life has broken him out of the cage of chaperoned conversations with ladies and standoffish men making fools out of themselves. He remembers the joyous dancing, full of fluidity and life, now having to endure stiff, distant and "civilised" english dancing.
One day, while having a conversation with one of the Ports ministers he hears about a merchant who's come from afar. He knows of your stay at Jamaica. He had a few documents regarding your long stay brought to his office to sign. Your ship suffered damage in a run-in with pirates and had a lot of repairs to do. A gorgeous vessel. He wonders if the captain is as handsome as their ship. Hopes he gets to meet you before you leave. You only arrived four days ago, and already the talk of the ton. Impressive.
The men described you as lively, wild as a tropical storm. The ministers complained about your accent, your way of dressing, your carefreeness, anything they can put a pin in, they do. James feels quite uncomfortable listening to the convesation not being able to put in anything. He then sets his mind to finding out who you are - he has grown out of judging a person by word from another mouth.
That encounter came earlier than he expected. And to be frank - saved him from a horrible stack of particularily boring paperwork. Having you barge in full-force into his office steaming mad, followed by two petrified soldiers was not something on his agenda. He noticed the few things the ministers mentioned - clothes of unusual cut and style, quite tasteful if his opinion was concerned, hair and hairstyle so different from locals that there was no mistaking you. You were the eccentric foreigner. But fawning over your beauty was for another time - now he had an angry merchant going off about something he both didn't listen to for a while and frankly, couldn't really understand due to your speed of speech.
'S-sorry could you slow down a second. I'm afraid I'm loosing some of what you're saying."
'Sir they need to make an appoin-'
'It's fine gentlemen, this must be urgent if I am needed. Please, let us speak in private.'
After the guards step out, he offers you to sit and something to drink.
'I have no need for no courtesy Admiral. I need a problem fixed. You can skip this stupid charade.'
'Oh, then it is more serious than I've thought. What is the problem?'
'Those - those'
You wave your hand in the air to make him help you find a word.
'Minosters of yours'
'Yes! Those idiots. They won't let me handle my own ship the way it needs to be. It needs to be seen by - argh!'
Your frustration runs high. He smiles.
'There's no need to stress. You mean carpenters? Is there a problem with the wood of your ship?'
'Are those who work with wood?'
'Yes, so you need to hire carpenters and the dock officials won't let you? That is strange. You have registered your stay and gave us all the documents we need.'
'But they don't!!'
You grab his forearm and try dragging him out of the office. He slows you down and explains that he will talk to them, just let him take a few things. You scoff and cross your arms.
'You English and your weird rules. Wasting time and not helping.'
He couldn't agree with you more. He smiles and starts walking out. When you two make your way to the port, he has difficulty keeping his pace with you - passersby stare at you storming off to port with their Admiral desperately trying to keep up with you. You sometimes mumble curses in languages he does not ever try to understand, but you two make your way faster than he realised was possible.
There you stomp to an official, who not seeing James trailing behond you shouts:
'Ow piss of ya cunt! I won't let you disgrace our carpenters by working on a ship that carries your kind!'
James is stunned you don't rip his head off when he sees your fists clench by your sides. Anger nips at his mind, how dare he treat you like this?! When slows his pace and asks in a flat voice:
'What do you mean "their kind"? Is that how my officials treat esteemed, foreign guests? And how dare you use such language to a person that was only looking for your help.'
The man's face whites and he starts to stutter an apology, but James stops it and sends him to get carpenters. Admiral's orders. When the official slips away to fill his duty, James turns to you and starts profusely apologising for the incompetence of his subordinates.
He's horrified when you inform him, that this is not the first - ha!, only time of being mistreated because of your looks or manner of speech. Anger boils in him when he hears that not only you, but majority of your crew had to endure this for a while now, accomodation denied not by matter of the lack of, but prejudice. Before he even thinks, he immedeately offers you a place in his home - something that brings surprise to you both. He cannot stand the thought you had to sleep on your ship when there was far grater comforts available.
He flushes red and again apologises for being inappropraite, but gets cut off by your boisterous laughter. The sound hypnotises him, seeing you smile for the first time makes his heart bang on his ribs. You laugh so hard tears come to you eyes and a shortness of breath. He cares not that many are looking at you two or the impropriatey of the situation. Time freezes for him. There's only you and him.
'Oh admiral, you are funny. I cannot leave my men to sleep on the ship when I am given all comforts of life.'
James flushes again and meekly asks:
'Then would you accept a simple dinner as an apology for your mistreatement?'
He almost doubles over when you beam at him and accept. The way you look at him so amused - he would make the biggest fool out of himself just to keep that look in your eyes. You set a date for a few weeks later and James makes sure that your your crew is not being mistreated anymore than they already have. Of course, Gilette and Groves relentlessly teased him for his obvious affection towards you. They weren't surprised though, it was hard not to even tolerate you.
Over those few weeks he started to watch you closely. Both of you were invited for a few balls, and the conversations you two had were the most fulfilling he had in a long long time. Your knowledge of the sea, of literature, politics and history had impressed him and added a new dimention to your person - not only beautiful, but wise.
He saw you many times playing with children on the street, helping people in need, play-fighting with young boys, showing them your battle scars and sometimes even your handpistol or sword.
You brought an air of freshness to the stuffy, ever "proper" society of Port Royal. You smiled often, you were polite to those who deserved it, made an effort to not be a bother. Yet, you never hesitated to get you crew in line when they were causing a ruckus.
Your manner of speech was charming, that certain twang to english and he would be a liar if he denied finding your way of trying to remember words or coming up with new ones when you couldn't was not adorable. Talking with using your hands was also a thing he found endearing. He would deny it to his grave in front of you, die of embarrasment if you knew. He heard that you got into a heated conversation with your first officer, and while talking with using your hands smacked a passing lady in the face. Apologised a lot and brought her an apology gift in form of a few yards of stunning blue silk. The dress she had comissioned to be made of it was breathtaking. But nothing could ever compare to your beauty.
All this was just pulling him into your direction. And when the awaited evening came, James was so nervous about everithing being perfect. You were perfect so your expectations were not to be let down. But, you being you, as if feeling his nervousness arrived early and instead of courtsies and stiff welcomes hugged him like a family member long missed.
As the dinner went on, your conversation flowed over many topics, never ending, never boring. You moved to the sitting room, where to James' torture you sprawled yourself over a love seat and rested. He sat, watching you strech like cat, admiring you quietly. You made eye contact with him and asked :
'James, would you like me to court you?'
He choked on his spit. In a coughing attack, he flushed so red, you jumped to your feet and held his shoulder to try and help. After a while of hacking and a visit from a concerned maid, he stopped and looked at you, not knowing what to say. He saw the unceirtainty in your eyes, even hurt.
'Do you not wish me to court you, James?'
His eyes widened. After years of endlessly chasing Elizabeth's affection, you being so open about it shocked him. He knew he harboured feelings for you but never imagined that feeling would be reciprocated. He took your hands and squeezed them.
'I was just cuaght off guard, dear don't worry. It's standard for men here to ask someone to court.'
'So I'm supposed to wait forever? You have been open with your feelings, but I am an impatient person James. I do not make games.'
'Play games?'
'Is that how you say it?"
James chuckled an held a hand to your face. That prompted you to surge forward and kiss him. For a second, he froze in surprise but leaned into you, sighing into the kiss. You threw your arms over his shoulders and he moaned.
That made you break apart from him and look into the sea green of his eyes. Your warm breath fanned his face, heating it impossibly more. You seemed lost in them and made him nervous that he did something wrong. Seeing his concern, you locked your lips again in a gentle kiss. God, he never wanted it to end. He smiled into the kiss, making you giggle. You two broke apart and looked at each other.
James then spoke :
'I would very much like you to court me, if you let me do the same.'
'Finally making some sense, James.'
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hjbirthdaywishes · 4 months
March 1, 2024
Happy 51 Birthday to Jack Davenport.
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t-annuki · 14 days
We need a picture of James Norrington astride a noble steed!
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Thanks for reminding me I have to do more fanart of him
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itsadmiralactually · 1 month
Given everything this man has been through, is it possible he will ever be the same man he once was (a.k.a. the COMMODORE we all fell hopelessly in love with)?
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cupcakeshakesnake · 2 years
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Military Man | A Norrington MV
Military Man | James Norrington Tribute | Pirates of the Caribbean MV
James Norrington was brought up in the British royal navy. It’s the only life he knows. If ever there was a theme song for the Commodore who deserved better it's ‘Military Man’ by Gary Moore and Phil Lynott
I own nothing, just a fan doing this for fun and free.
If you guys want cheap Disney Pirates of the Caribbean Swag, with Norrington including Tshirts, Face Masks, Pins, Stickers, Phone Cases, Hoodies, Blankets, Pillows Cosplay and more check out this shop: https://rdbl.co/360SlIl
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butternuggets-blog · 1 year
Ahoy mates! I'm looking for an old fic!
Potc Au where Jack gets immortality or time-travel-via-blah and ends up living in modern times. He's given the opportunity to bring someone from the past forward, someone on the brink of death, and he picks Norrington.
Jack and Norrington run themed day trips where customers choose to be pirates or the Navy. They usually pick pirates 😄
Norrington also develops a taste for peanut m&ms, I think??
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90snerddesigns · 10 months
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Hey Pirates of the Caribbean Fans!
Celebrate the 20th anniversary of Disney's Pirates of the Caribbean with our new " Property of the EITC Athletic Department" Design. Find it on Shirts, Mugs, Phone Cases, Hats and much more at the link below!
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melhekhelmurkun · 11 months
I just went on an entire rant to my sister about how much I loved James Norrington
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hjbirthdaywishes · 1 year
March 1, 2023
Happy 50 Birthday to Jack Davenport. 
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callmejod · 2 months
I have a headcanon request: James Norrington x Pirate!Reader.
How would he feel about them being a pirate? How would the relationship pan out? In an alternative world where he lives, would he still be part of the navy or would he completely side with the pirates? What would the reader think of him being a part of the Navy? Would they consider giving up their pirate life to be with him?
Thank you :)
Buckle up - this can of brainworms just exploded.
I think living with pirates and experiencing their life and lifestyle shed a new light for James. He'd be more mindful of what causes people to turn to piracy and if given oppurtunity - tries to help.
After all, in both DMC and AWE he did commit piracy in order to become an Admiral at the hands of Beckett.
If the only thing in the AU that changed was his death, I think James wouldn't even entertain the idea of coming back to the Royal Navy - not after all of Becketts dirty tricks would've been exposed.
If it comes to Pirate!reader and James' relationship.....
I want them to meet between The Curse and DMC.
You would probably meet on Tortuga or something life that.
Maybe even when Jack gets him onto the Pearl and then maybe just dumps him with you when you meet at some rundown port in the middle of nowhere.
That would be delicious.
Taking you are the captain, an extra pair of hands is always welcome. Jack probably conveniently did not mention, that the blackout drunk sailor he was bestowing upon you was in fact The James Norrington. No no. You have to find out yourself.
'What's you name son?'
When he finally wakes gets woken up with a cold seawater bucket to the face courtsy of first officer you do what any sane captain would do -
'Dont fuckin- - call me son.'
'Oof he has bite to his bark gentlemen......'
After a good chow and a hissy fit you get to actually talk to him.
What kinda ticks him off is your kindness towards him - taking things slow with the hangover that you ensured wouldn't get worse, not coldly demanding him to do everything he should be doing.
You get a minute to talk to each other in private and he just presents himself as James, scared you'll do something terrible, torture him for what he's done, even kill him.
He knows thinks he deserves it.
'Just James huh? Alright "Just James", what drove you to the sea?'
Gets surprised when you don’t press further on his identity. He works on your ship quite well actually - he's well versed in many things. A week later you try prying more information from him.
'A stupid expectation and even stupider decisions.'
'Damn, you sailors always come up with the same story huh.
He can feel the cold sweat at your words.
Even if he was ex- Navy - you started to harbour a crush on the guy. He's really charming when he wants to be and can spot a British ship from miles away. His knowledge of the sea is impressive. Many-a-time had he pulled you out of hot shit you were about to get yourelf in.
You knew. Of course you knew. You recognised him the moment he got on your ship. Stood with his back too straight for being so drunk. Almost saluted when first officer "woke him up". Carried himself with an aura of an old, tired soldier.
In a drunken moment at port he tells you his full name and makes peace that he's staying back. He then wakes up on the ship and almost cries.
And he has those eyes..... that seafoam you would willingly drown yourself in. And a great ass? The package is a perfect fit for you.
He then realises that your kindness for him may have awakened a feeling he long forsaken - love.
*two dense motherfuckers in a room*
*the crew collectively suffers when looking at you two lovesick fools who believe the other is too good to be with them.*
As time goes on, you continue to floor James with both your wit and bravery. You do not charge into battle unprepared or without good reason.
Over the months spent together your realtionship with James improves to the point he reveals a little of his life in Port Royal and how he sometimes wishes he could go back there. It breaks your heart but you bite your tounge. After all - he smiled so sweetly when he told you he found a new home on your ship, with the crew, with you.
And then DMC happens.
James deals with Beckett that with your help he will get Jacks compass. The plan is set to save you and your crew. God, he would throw himself off a cliff if he didn't donanything in his power to save your life - he would sacrifice himself in a heartbeat if it meant you were free from the East Indian Company.
Oh the anguish I feel when your ship gets captured by Beckett.
You are brought to the Lords' office and he offers you a deal. Your heart breaks when you see James there. You fall to your knees. He fucking feels the floor shake from the force of your fall. You pull on the chains, making two guards holding you almost stumble to keep you in place.
Hot tears are spilling from your eyes. Every one that falls twists a knife in his heart.
'Get them to agree or neither you, or them are leaving this port alive.'
You of course deny the deal but Beckett is no dumb. He saw how hard James tried to act neutral. When the guards drag you away somewhere Beckett gives James a pointed look.
On the way out he recieves a key. James knew exactly where to use it. He has never run as fast as he did to your cell.
Seeing you in those chains - nay - in such histeric tears makes him want to carve his heart out. The damp, smelly dungeon doesn't really help with making you look less miserable.
James grips the metal bars so hard his knuckles turn white.
'Please. Please let me explain.'
'There's nothing to explain. Admiral.'
The distant look you give him makes his blood run cold.
He forces the doors open fuck the key right? , bursts in and gathers you in his arms, despite your protests. You cry, wail, curse him. And he lets you.
Now he really desereved it.
All he can do is soothe you.
You give up on trying to pry him away from you. He just won't let go. He holds you like your're going to fall apart at any moment and frankly, your'e close to doing so. The feelings you so meticulously hid away surge to the surface and you can't help but relax into the warmth of his arms.
'I'm so, so sorry that it's come to this.'
'You're not sorry. You got your life back. I knew what I was getting myself into. I knew my happily ever after wouldn't come. Especially not with you.'
You feel James freeze.
'Yeah, I never even intended to tell you but now that I'll probably hang by tommorow-'
'Your happy ever after - what does that mean?'
He moves so fast you barely register when he looked into your eyes for the truth and when he buried his face in your neck. You sit and listen to his heathing breaths, the thumping of his heart and wonder - is it stress or- Owwwww fucking hell out with it already - you think.
After a little you whisper :
'It means i love you James. And I hoped life wouldn't be so cruel to those who long for freedom.'
You feel something wetting your shirt. A full body sob jostles you.
It's James' turn to weep.
'You big baby, don't cry. We'll be alright.'
Leaving on a cliffhanger >>>>>>
I hope it's readable - I've last written fiction like 5 yrs ago.
9.4.24 I wrote it fast so there's probably some spelling issues, I'll look later k mbyeeeeeee
10.4.24 K, I've looked this through, added a few thingies
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t-annuki · 10 months
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Ok,I was commissioned by @homelesspersonchic inspired on her post about the original AWE script, Captain Elizabeth Swann, and Admiral Norrington fight.
Here's the post where you can see the tags that user and @boltlightning posted.
My first time painting a pirate ship and without reference, I'm so damn proud. It looks like concept art
The color palette 🙏 and the details of Lizzie's costume
Now I want to make a comic of the whole scene
"I am a pirate, you are a princess.We could sail the seven seas"
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ari-the-arotistic · 7 months
You discussed this already in your character analysis of James Norrington, but I was wondering what specific sort of ego death / metaphorical death James would have to experience if he did survive? Any ideas on what specifically would have to happen to him to achieve the proper character arc completion?
Ooooh that's a good question! Thank you for taking an interest in my original post :>
Now, what specific ego death would James have to go through to complete his character arc... well, let's get into it! To begin with, the most important thing that needs to happen is for James to realize that his Commodore/Admiral persona is not as just or righteous as he thought it was, and that most of the decisions he had made trying to hold onto that persona either directly or indirectly got people hurt, or even killed. I believe that James would begin to question his decisions up to this point as Beckett starts mass murdering people in the name of ending piracy, but he would try to ignore it and convince himself everything was fine, up until his reunion with Elizabeth where she informs him of her father's death and Beckett's deception on the matter, and he fully, completely realizes that he has let himself become corrupt and complacent to corruption, and that he needs to change.
After this, there are a few ways his "death" scene could go. Maybe he fakes his death so he can escape with Elizabeth without raising suspicion. Maybe he does get injured as he escapes with Elizabeth, and the crew of the Dutchman don't think he'll survive. Either way, the crew of the Dutchman need to think that the Admiral is dead - not just that he deserted, because he had done that before as a Commodore and still came back, but properly dead. Because as far as James is concerned, the Admiral is dead. Now that he has found a way off the Dutchman, James needs to come to terms with the death of his own internal identity. He is no longer Admiral James Norrington, Scurge of Piracy, and upholder of righteousness. He's just James. And he needs to fix the mistakes he has made. So he accompanies Elizabeth to Shipwreck Cove, and gives the pirates all the information he can about Beckett's approaching fleet. The number of ships, how well supplied they are, any weaknesses that could be exploited - anything and everything of relevance that could help the pirates take Beckett down. And then we get to the final battle - the Dutchman versus the Pearl.
Now, there are only two ways I can see this going that would be a satisfactory end to this part of James's character arc. Either he would die on the Dutchman, sacrificing himself for Elizabeth, Jack, or Will, or he survives the final battle, and pledges himself to Elizabeth and her unborn son, Jack and the Pearl, or Will and the Dutchman. Choosing to pledge himself to Elizabeth would be the easiest option, as there is no real moral dilemma or personal conflict there, and he'd be doing a good thing by looking after her and her son. Choosing to pledge himself to Will and the Dutchman would be a bit more difficult because of his personal conflict with both the ship and its new captain, but it would be rather poetic for his arc to end with him helping ferry the souls of the dead when so many had died because of his actions. Choosing to pledge himself to Jack and the Pearl would be the most difficult, both because of his personal conflict with Jack, and the moral dilemma of becoming a pirate after having spent so long in the Navy, even if the Navy turned out to not be as righteous as he had originally thought. It would definitely take him some time to come to terms with the decision, and he would need to find a balance between being a pirate, and being a good man(thankfully Jack already haa some experience in that department). Ultimately though, there is no correct answer for who James would end up choosing, and it's really up to personal interpretation. As a Sparrington shipper, it's clear who I think James would end up choosing, but if you think he'd be more likely to choose Will or Elizabeth, your opinion is equally as valid as mine!
And so, that's how I think James's ego death would go, and how he would reshape himself afterward. Thank you so much for the lovely ask, and thank you all for reading! I hope you all have a wonderful day <3
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itsadmiralactually · 10 months
He couldn’t resist. His exhaustion was starting to show, and his filter was waning.
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cupcakeshakesnake · 2 years
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Aggie.io session with @/Melpotc on Twitter!
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