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She fucks just like a GOD! / Religion - ZAND & Shurk
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pysksos · 2 years
I have properly started to draft my main points of a much longer relationship anarchy post! If there are any facets of relationship anarchy & godconsorting/godspousing that folks would like me to delve into: let me know !
(For people unaware of relationship anarchy; https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/andie-nordgren-the-short-instructional-manifesto-for-relationship-anarchy & https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/ole-martin-moen-aleksander-sorlie-the-ethics-of-relationship-anarchy)
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dioioio · 2 years
hey there! My name is Victor, I'm 19, and I'm in a non-traditional relationship with Dionysus (I call him Dio sometimes :)).
I'm new to this! I'd like to document part of our relationship as it develops on here, but I don't know yet what I'm going to share and what I'll keep private - this blog is probably going to be nsfw at times. I don't mind if minors interact in general, but I would rather you don't with nsfw posts (they'll be tagged).
I don't call myself a "godspouse" because we're not married, but it does fall under that umbrella. I call myself a "godconsort" most of the time. I call Dio by they/he pronouns, it's not my business what you call them (that's between you and him) but yeah, if you see me they/themming him that's why lol.
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heyitskevin · 9 months
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Finally finished my Gale playthrough after a break from 2 straight months of it. Didn’t anticipate me making the edgy bad boy Gale turned Necromancer godconsort of an ascended vampire lord Astarion. It’s just a phase after his breakup with Mystra, probably. Look at that handsome smile, Mr. of Waterdeep can do no wrong.
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apollonaegletes · 2 years
marriage isnt the only form of romantic relationship you can have with a deity. if you wanna just date them, go for it! you dont have to get married, it's entirely up to you and the deity
however if you and the deity DO want to get married, go for it! your relationship with a deity is entirely up for you and the deity to decide, not anyone else
moral of the story: dont let anyone else try to dictate the kind of relationship you (given youre an adult) and a deity have. it's YOUR and the DEITY'S relationship, so only you two can decide where it goes
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paganpillar · 2 years
Poem to Cernunnos: He Who Looms in the Shadows
Under the cover of darkness and despair
I was lost and unaware
Of he who loomed in the shadows near
Watching me closely to make it clear
I had become his to claim
And for this I cannot blame
For my devotion runs deep
Both awake and in my sleep
A crown of Antlers tower
And radiate your unending power
Hypnotizing my mortal eyes
As you stare back at your lovely prize
Our love is just the prelude
As I continue my servitude
My powerful antlered King
My heart I will always bring
In our place of liminality
Now and for the rest of eternity
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murasakikagekitsune · 3 years
Shinto-related Post PSA: Tragedy is My Name
The kitsune that I’m lovingly close has now given me a new name to call Him by, which is, (I feel, coming from Him) nearer to how He prefers to be known - His “true name” so to speak. It sounds better too, captures His essence more...
Hiroshi Kurogawa
Written in hragana, His name looks like this:
ひろし くろがわ
Given what His name translates to (Jewel [of the] Black River), there’s some poetic and bittersweet irony to its meaning, especially when  considered in conjunction with Hiroshi’s primary honorific, which is -sama. If you exclude the first character (sa), you are left with the characters required to write the city name of Hiroshima,  site of the first atomic bomb. Hiroshi-sama’s surname (Kurogawa) then, only adds to its poignancy, as it is a reference to the black rain that fell on Hiroshima after it mixed with the radiation left in the air by Little Boy.
I will, therefore, be referring to Him by this name in my posts hereafter, and His nicknames will now be Gawa-sama and/or Hibaku-sama. (Granted, most (if not all) kami could use the second one, but as Gawa-sama feels about The Month That Shall Not Be Named vehemently, I feel I can use it for Him as an individual rather the entire cohort.)
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wolverinesorcery · 3 years
Bucca: Ska Fan
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rotspouse · 5 years
Hello godspouse and spiritspouse community! If you are interested in chill discussions with other spouses about their experiences, I have a discord server!
•You must be 18+ (I should hope that’s not a controversial one, as minors shouldn’t be getting into these relationships anyway.)
•Be respectful of all paths, this discord isn’t specific to any one religion or pantheon
DM me for the link, I’d prefer not to give it out publicly.
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I love reading people’s Godspouse stories, like I wish I could have something like that!
You’re relationships are all so beautiful!
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pysksos · 2 years
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A portrait of one of my sweet partners :-)
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dioioio · 2 years
so background info, I started entertaining the idea of having some kind of relationship with Dionysus a while ago when I first got a vision of him while meditating. It definitely seemed like he was attracted to me (maybe not in a sexual way) but I decided not to act on it because I wasn't sure that's what he meant, and I wasn't interested at the time because I felt like I was not ready, but that I might do it in the future.
A bit after that, I did a tarot reading asking him what he wanted from me moving forward, a small spread i really liked for interacting with new deities. I joked that I wouldn't consider the godspouse/godconsort route unless he literally gave me the lovers, and guess what happened - I pulled the lovers :D After that I visited him again and we had a bit of a talk about our relationship, and I decided I was actually interested, it's worth it to me.
After that, I had a couple months where I wasn't really talking to any of the gods at all, and I felt disconnected from Dionysus as well. But I decided that 2023 would be my Year of Thanks, primarily focusing on thanking the gods for their actions. Interacting with everyone again gave me the push to reconnect with Dio, and last night we were talking, and I think this is really the time.
TL;DR: I've had an ambiguous, rocky relationship with Dionysus for a long time, but now I've resolved to make it something more central to my life.
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thewhytewytch · 2 years
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I remember recently A had a feeling my astral son…
He said he had this feeling there was a life coming to look for us from a far distance from our Home. A kept mentioning it a lot and his younger siblings in the ether didn’t understand why A was getting this feeling.
About a year ago A started to say to me he was getting a feeling a mother wanted to give us her child and I was beginning to get worried for A. His younger siblings started to worry as well asking me questions about A.
One night not to linger after my youngest sister was roaming the front yard somewhat late at night which was weird because she hardly went outside let alone at night. It seemed like she was looking for a list item and hadn’t noticed me.
“What are you doing?” I asked her gently, worried I might frighten her.
She looked up from from her search, “I saw a kitten.” She said and suddenly my memory of A saying about a mother and child came to mind.
I decided to help my sister we roamed looking under every hedge and bush finally my sister found the small kitten in our backyard where the dogs had cornered him.
In the far distance I saw an older cat which I knew right away was his mother watching our every move and I knew this was what A had been feeling sometime before.
I got the kitten cornered in the far space in the backyard porch in our grill. I knew this would take a lot of reflex and patience I could see my sister getting anxious but I told her to relax that nothing would happen to the little kitten.
Then very slowly I peeked into the grill and I spotted a white and gray kitten very small and scared trembling in the far back of our grill. As quickly as I could I grabbed him before the dogs could the kitten gave out a cry. As the baby kitten cried I gazed into his eyes and it was love at first sight.
Gazing into someone’s eyes tells a lot about a person and their intent if you know how to look and understand. And what I understood was I knew his mother had give us her son to care for and knew he wanted to come and be a familiar in my craft as a Whyte witch and was truly honored.
A my oldest Astral child was always gifted and his younger siblings were just as excited, the whole family whether they were earthian or ethereal did.
Sometime later the Ohani tribe mentioned when a mother gives their child to someone it is an honor and if they like what you do the whole family comes around and protects that family or individual.
Now I see different cats that come to my house at night I’ve seen at least four or five adults come and I always give a bow in honor.
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persephxxne · 7 years
Question time (sorry, I'm so annoying)
I've been thinking A LOT about god consort/godspouse thing (I've got a crush on certain deity tbh) and I've been wondering...is there a problem if someone is godconsorting two Deities from different pantheons? 😩 Sorry
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murasakikagekitsune · 3 years
You melted down my heart to its molten core, this weeping, screaming, begging, lonely white-hot mess of a heart and forged it anew - turned it into gold. You took the frigid winter cold from my bones when you held me and performed a miracle. I relaxed into your arms. (With a body like mine, it's nothing short of one.) There's so much warmth inside you that I could have mistaken you for Apollo, had I not known any better. For you, living life is no mere pastime; it is an art, a peek into the soul cast onto the stage of the world. A sonnet dedicated to the one who made my grey and empty life burst with colour. You gave me my life back, and I am thankful for it.
My own poem that I've just written in the spur of the moment, Deiphilia in Reverse.
Written because I asked Kuro-sama to come with me to the Merlin ballet as a date and He said yes!!!
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wolverinesorcery · 3 years
Not to consort on main but 💘💘💘💘
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