#goddamn Con
x3no9 · 8 months
Goddamn...have to post another with Daddy Izzy. Am I getting obsessed all over again??
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alexsiple · 4 months
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next week i'll be tabling at emerald city comic con! come swing by the artist alley and say hi if you're there! :D
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turtlecleric · 5 months
I had this idea, and then it morphed into something that reminded me so much of this blurple symphony au thing that desceros wrote, and now we're here.
There are waves of pleasure pulsing through your entire body like electricity. The pure, uninhibited need that you're experiencing is more intense than you've ever felt in your entire life. Your toes curl. Your thighs shake. Your hips lift, seeking, searching, begging, while you chase your high, and your thoughts are just a repeat of please, please, please. It's almost enough to have you actually cry, until finally, finally, your body shudders as you let go, moaning and writhing-
And then you wake.
You become aware of yourself suddenly, all at once, and it's incredibly disorienting. Phantom touches linger, and for a moment you're not sure what's real. Your whole body is fucking trembling. Your breaths are stuttering in your chest, your mind still clouded and confused, your core still pulsing from whatever the fuck just happened. It takes a moment for you to orient yourself, to understand that you had just been asleep, and now you were awake.
Did you just... did you just orgasm? In your sleep?
That's. That's never happened before.
You swallow thickly and shift, freezing when you realize that Leo is still asleep behind you, his hand limply draped across your waist. You can hear his quiet, slow breaths, can feel the air against the back of your neck when he exhales. You're suddenly very aware of the wetness of your underwear. Of the fact that, if he was awake, he'd be able to smell what happened.
God. That whorish moan - you're honestly not even sure if you'd kept it in or not. Did you dream that? Or had that actually happened? Had you been moving around and making noises in your sleep? Thank God he seems to have slept through it, because you seriously don't think you could handle the embarrassment. Your friendship might never recover, if only because you'd be dead from the absolute mortification.
Minutes later, your heart is still pounding against your ribcage. It's hard to focus. Hard to think straight. So you lie there, waiting until you feel like a person with a functioning brain once more. Waiting for the heat between your legs to dissipate. It takes a while, but you do eventually manage to calm down. You stay in bed, though, because you'd hate to wake Leo by getting up. He really does not get enough fucking rest. You won't deny him the little bit he's getting now.
By the time Leo stirs, it's definitely been long enough that you don't think he would be able to smell anything in the air.
(Thank God.)
He hums, pulling you a bit closer to him. "G'morning, hermosa." The sleepy rasp in his voice makes you smile, and you pat his arm affectionately before finally pulling away and going into the bathroom. He lets out a grumpy mumble about missing your warmth, but once you're out of the bathroom your offer to make breakfast easily has him forgiving you. Despite the... unusual start to the day, you're looking forward to a little more quality time with your best friend.
It doesn't occur to you that Leo normally snores when he sleeps, and he'd been quiet that entire time. It doesn't occur to you at all.
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bookshelfpassageway · 2 months
Miles Edgeworth is rocketing in my appreciation levels as I am playing Investigations
this man will not stop ending up in Situations, so far he's been kidnapped, framed, knocked out, passed out, had a guy murdered in his fucking office, and he just matter-of-factly rolls with it like "hm. guess i'm here now. inconvenient i suppose." while sassing everyone around him and being breathtakingly neurodivergent
like I can't screenshot my physical 3ds but i'm going insane over various moments, like him noting a flight attendant's lounge, going "smells like women's perfume. well, there's nothing of interest to me in there" and then immediately hard Zoning Out until someone goes "...you good?"
and this bc i remembered i have a phone camera
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"that's all." MILES
rotating this gay little man and all his mental illnesses
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God fucking damnit I KNOW Im never gonna find someone to talk abt my stupid little SP ships with if I dont come clean abt shipping them SOME TIME but I also REALLY DON'T WANT TO because NO MATTER WHAT I SHIP I feel like SOMEBODY'S gonna start HARASSING ME ABOUT IT OH MY FUCKING GOD-
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dragonartist56 · 3 months
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mixelation · 10 months
i think ninja cons should have actual ninjas as guest panelists sometimes. like they can't get anyone famous for being a ninja but you get local unaffiliated ninja #27 to explain how a henge works for an hour
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enchanted-keys · 1 year
Fumi Kaneko and Roberto Bolle in the pas de deux “Diana and Acteon” (Danza con me 2023)
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goodeye-cyborg · 1 month
White knuckling not cyber bullying my fave band for being cringe
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sunnibits · 1 year
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currently suffering in high school grad rehearsals. post emotional support dilf images.
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l8tof1 · 7 months
hi! where is this gift set from? thanks 🙈tumblr(.)com/l8tof1/656727707341701120
ohhhohoho GREAT question, anon 🙇‍♀️
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the gif set is from this 2017 abu dhabi press con where lewis and seb reflect on their season are being insufferable post baku lovers drowning each other in compliments
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inkedmyths · 2 months
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Some assorted con pics! We had so much fun this year, I love cosplaying so much
Successful 2024, here's to hoping 2025 is just as good if not better!
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britcision · 2 months
Y’all every single thing that can go wrong with the Mithrun armour cosplay has gone wrong
I’ve had to recut lining for every single piece at least once
I’ve been reshaping the jacket part since March and I need to wear the binder every time cuz the tiddies are not the shape I will be
The skirt which is deadass just straight lines all sewed together developed a curve so I took it apart and put it back together being so so careful to make it lie straight
The curve is now slighter but longer
Did the collar yesterday and all the points done fucked themselves when I added the main to the lining
This costume is destroying my mental health but at the same time I had this thought yesterday and my brain went “well this is the most Mithrun thing that could possibly happen”
And it’s such a funny fucking thought now I’m giggling every time something gets fucked so I’ve ruined it but also definitely a good thing
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someone better have changed their url to ballsdeepdestiel or some shit
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how much blood is too much blood? like "tea get yourself to a hospital because you'll lose a finger"? i may have accidentally cut myself
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dreamhot · 7 months
was wondering why the canadians were being sad in jan's inbox but i gather it's about the housing crisis and Yeah. yeah
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