#goddess among men ~ aerith
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Canon Scene Meme | Open
@roleplay-abiogenesis2​ asked:  ☜  + Reno's POV as he confronts Cloud for the first time in the church and watches him run away with Aerith~
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"If you’re gonna bullshit me, at least try to make it believable!!”
He couldn’t help cackling. This guy, with that snarky look? Sure, he had a reasonable build, but nothing that matched what he generally saw pumped out of SOLDIER. And that was just the point--he’d seen the men come and go, and vanished, and desert. Sometimes he’d been in the middle of it, sometimes not. Sometimes it was all classified, but this guy... Eyes were one thing, the rest screamed Big Fat Cocky Fake.
But then he launched at him, with that big, familiar sword and despite the thoughts that flickered through his mind at the sight of it, he went into battle mode. Quick movement brought him out of the blades way, and he spun around to land a kick--he felt a thrill at the potential for a good fight, a taunting, “Oooh~.” slipping from his lips. His kick collided with the blade, sending the bland back a sort distance.
That’s when Aerith decided to chime in again, with a tone aimed firmly at all of them. “Hey, watch the flowers!!”
He sighed. Her and her flowers. Whatever. He knew where this visit was going, as it ever went any time he and his partner were sent out on another collection attempt. The only difference was her new little friend she was giving the pitiful title of ‘bodyguard’ to--funny, her adopting one, against who? He could only imagine this was one of her games, her methods to stave their visits off. It certainly kept things lively. However, he wouldn’t last. Poor girl never really kept people close for long. With good reason. 
Whatever. Better to leave those flowers be. He could manage that at least, so he looked to his men with a patient, expectant smirk, and gave the order without speaking it to fire. “You heard the lady...”
He watched his men fire off, and watched the switch, surprisingly skilled movements of this blond ‘ex’, and he couldn’t help chuckling. “Bodyguard, huh? You know I’m hers, too, right?”
Aerith, coy as ever in the distance, chimed in with, “Really? Since when? This is the first I’ve heard of it!”
Reno tapped his EMR against his shoulder, giving her usual shit-eating grin he awarded just to her, the valuable brat she could be. “’Cause it’s a classified op, princess.”
“I don’t think that counts, then.”
He scoffed. Of course you don’t, but it’s not up to what you think, now is it? he thinks. They’ve been at this for years, she should be used to it by now, honestly. But whatever, what mattered in this moment was this damn guy, carving through his men. He moved, and watched, letting him busy himself as Reno moved up one of the pillars for a better view, getting a little bored. But his men were dwindling, and he wasn’t ready just yet to get his hands dirty, so he called in reinforcements....that didn’t last much longer. He rolled his eyes, kicking his leg lazily from where he sat up on the pillar. He had to wonder sometimes what good these fuckers were for, really.
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As the blond finished his last man, he jumped down. “Good ol’ whats-his-face, hardly knew ya.” then his gaze snapped to the swordsman as he launched with rapid speed past his line of vision. “Hate doing clean up, but...” he snapped his gaze at the back of the mans head, feeling the proud thrill of unleashing his prowess on this sucker to give him a real fight, “I’m damn good at it!!”
And then the battle begins. He wouldn’t admit it, but the asshole was more skilled than he’d noted from his brief fight against the infantry brats. He certainly held his own, for now. He wouldn’t for long, as he was determined to knock him on his ass before too long. He couldn’t help smirking when Aerith called after the blond to tell him to be careful. Cloud, huh? That would be this bitches name.
Coy and taunting remarks slipped from his mouth with each new turn to their battle. That sword sure packed quite the hit, and he had a good handle on it as well as his physicality. He reacted quick, but it wasn’t enough to keep up with Reno himself. And Aerith still stood watching with bated breath in the distance. He had to wonder to himself, when she’d just give in, or if she ever would--did he give a damn about why they wanted her? Not really, it was all about what the scientists wanted and what the President approved. Would he stop coming to collect, as well as check in on her well-being. Nope, not as long as he was given orders to. This would only ever continue, as long as both sides stood strong, which he imagined they always would. So he’d keep playing his part.
This Cloud guy didn’t really understand the shit he’d gotten himself into.
“Woohoo, SOLDIER boy!” he called, before speeding at him for another hit with his EMR. This asshole was just picking up strength as they went, he noticed, like the fire of battle kept pushing him. He had to take him down, though. Get him out of the way, so he could talk with Aerith, send this little fucker running.
But....this little fucker was proving himself to be a greater problem. It was really pissing him off, and Reno moved faster, pulling out more of his tricks, getting tired of this. The impatience was his downfall, as in the end, the supposed ex-SOLDIER had beat him down, and knocked him on his own ass. All he needed, was to get the guy out of here, so he could complete his visit with Aerith, but the asshole just wouldn’t let up. He stood, only to fall to his knee as the blond started stalking towards him.
“You got it all wrong, man... I just wanted to--” he watched him raise his blade, eyes going wide before turning to a glare.
“Cloud, no!”
Aerith stayed his hand. Of course. He looked to her, and watched as she looked on in confusion and concern, and the weird blond too. He took that moment to catch his breath, some late infantry charging in, just as his targets vanished into the back room of the church. “The hell...?” Had that blond asshole taken her...? It seemed like something pulled her back...and the Cloud guy, too. This was different, and he could feel, something more was going on, even if he didn’t know what. As one of his mean bent to check him, he shoved him off.
“I’m fine--go get the girl.” he told him. They were useless, not a scrap of awareness on them. Something was up, and so they followed after the possible retreat/possible grabbing. The doors were locked, but they broke through, Reno letting one of his men assist him in following after them. And he watched, at the blond asshole managed to help her, and his idiot men fired--they’d get it latter, they should know better than to attack. But Cloud never left her alone. This guy had to have only just met her, and he was still sticking around, trying to get her out of there, and out of what he must be assuming was harms way.
They finally got out, beyond the Turk’s reach, and he knew his part was done. “They’re in the attic! Should we pursue?”
He sighed, shaking his head, having already made up his mind once they were completely out of sight. “Nah, leave’em be...” it was time to get back to his chopper, and wait for Rude to make his move, considering his reports all the while.
“But sir!”
“Partners’ got it. We. Are. Out.” he retorted, with no more room for argument.
You’re growing up and adapting, princess. he thought, considering the new lengths Aerith was going to, to avoid her usual visitors. Good for you. 
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enigmaphenomenon · 8 years
The World of FF7 PT. 1
How well would you say you know FF7 as a whole? Not just the storyline or the characters, but the themes and symbols presented in it? 
Now that the remake has been announced, I thought of writing an essay about this subject. 
FF7 has quite a lot of Norse Mythology in it, as well as Jewish mysticism (with various other religions as well) This is only part 1...so I am going to tackle some of the Norse Mythology presented in the game that I find interesting. 
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Let’s start with Midgar which is the starting point of FF7 and ShinRa HQ. Midgar’s name is derived from “Midgard” in Norse Mythology, which translates to “middle yard” 
It is also known as 
“World inhabited by men”  
“Human world”
“Middle Earth” 
Midgard is surrounded by uninhabitable wilderness. It is surrounded by desert and endless sea. In FF7, Midgar is also surrounded by a wasteland.
 I am reminded of a scene in Crisis Core where Zack and Cloud talk about their hometowns, and say that a Mako Reactor beyond Midgar means “nothing else out there.” 
I don’t know if this was an allusion to Midgard, or them just talking about their towns being tiny and backwater. Probably the latter, but might be both? 
Midgard also has a  psychogeographical distinction between the worlds that surround it. (Midgard is one of 9 worlds) 
(Psychogeographical =  The study of the influence of geographical environment on the mind or on behavior)
And that is the concept of  innangard and utangard which was the most important concept in the ancient Germanic world view.  
Innangard means “inside the fence” is meant to be orderly, law-abiding,and civilized. 
And as you can guess, Utangard is the opposite--Chaotic,  anarchic, and wild. Utangard means “outside the fence” 
It applies to both the geographical plane and the human psyche.
I think of Professor Gast and Professor Hojo. Gast was a great scientist, but has humanity as opposed to Hojo’s lack of humanity. You could say that Gast represents innangard while Hojo represents utangard. Gast also died a man protecting his family while Hojo slipped deeper into madness and corruption. This just is my speculation and parallel. 
Since Midgard is one of the 9 worlds (thus being surrounded by 8 other worlds), FF7 shows Midgar as having 8 Sectors. 
 Oh, the use of “middle-earth” was popularized by J. R. R Tolkein. You’ve most likely heard “middle-earth” through the Lord of The Rings series. 
During Ragnarok, Midgard is destroyed. This is similar to how Midgar was destroyed during Meteor’s fall. 
Ragnarok is a series of foretold events such as a great battle which results in the death of many major figures, and an occurrence of various natural disasters. After Ragnarok the world is to resurface anew and fertile. 
In FF7 Midgar is destroyed by the impact of Meteor and Holy, and Midgar is shown at the end of the game to be overtaken by vegetation 500 years later. However, in Dirge of Cerberus we see Midgar lavish with grass and trees. 
A number of people lose their lives in FF7 as well, including President Shinra, Aerith, Sephiroth,  and the entirety of ShinRa HQ. 
In FF7, it starts out as just an organization trying to stop a tyrannical power company that is killing the planet, and then spirals into something much greater. The weapons awaken, and more and more damage is caused to the world before the conclusion. 
FF7 atmosphere is very dark and gritty, and overall has a very foreboding and apocalyptic settings, with it ending with a “rebirth” in a sense. 
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Let’s move on to FF7 planet. Gaia. 
In Greek Mythology, Gaia is the personification of Earth. 
Gaia is the ancestral mother of all life: the primal Mother Earth goddess.
Her Roman equivalent is Terra.
The word Gaia means “Earth” 
It is alternatively spelled as Gaea. 
Beliefs regarding Gaia vary, but Gaia has been believed to be the Earth to the belief that she is the spiritual embodiment of the earth, or the Goddess of the Earth.
In FF7, there are three known sentient races of the Cetra, the humans, and then Red XIII’s race. The residence of FF7′s Gaia uses the Gregorian calendar, which is the same as the one we use. 12 months, 365 days, and takes place in the year 2007. The game starts on December 9th, 2007. 
In FF7, the the planet Gaia is shown to be alive and speak to the Cetra. 
Gaia is not only the Goddess of Earth, but she was the great mother of all creation. 
There is a church in the slums, but any religion within FF7 is vague and not talked about generally. It is possible that at one point, they worshipped the planet as a whole...i.e. similar to the worship of the Greek Goddess Gaia. 
But the poem LOVELESS mentions a Goddess, and in CC...a name is mentioned. “Minerva” 
In FF7 Minerva is implied to be related to the planet’s consciousness. She is interpreted by Genesis as the Goddess in the LOVELESS poem.
Minerva is the Roman  equivalent to the Greek Goddess Athena.
Minerva is the Goddess of wisdom, war, and art. 
In FF7, Minerva seems to be the personification of the lifestream. So in FF7, it is possible the people worshiped or once worshiped the planet or the lifestream. 
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Let’s move on to Nibelheim. Another incredibly important town in FF7.
Nibelheim is Tifa, Cloud, and Sephiroth’s birthplace.
The name is derived from “Niflheim” and those who have played FF15 will recognize this name. 
Niflheim is part of the same mythology as Midgard, and is also one of the 9 worlds. 
The most common way that the worlds are listed places Niflheim as the 7th world. 
This ties into FF7′s recurring 7 theme within the game and compilation. 
Now, since Nibelheim is derived from Niflheim, I’ll go into detail about it.
Niflheim is known as: 
“Mist home”
“World of fog” 
“Abode of mist” 
“Mist world” 
“Fog home”
For those World of Final Fantasy players, you may notice that Tifa talks about a town called “Mist” that existed before Nibelheim. This is the reason why Rydia is in Nibelheim in WoFF, given that both Tifa and Rydia are from a town named “mist”...in basic terms. 
Anyway, Niflheim is a world of ice and cold. It is the homeland of
primordial darkness, cold, mist, and ice.     
(Primordial -  existing at or from the beginning of time)
In early drafts, as scene in the early files of the Ultimania Omega, Nibelheim was actually called Nifelheim at one point in time. 
In German, “nebel” or the old-fashioned spelling of it “nibel” can be translated as cloud. Which would make Nibelheim also meaning “cloud-home” pointing to the protagonist Cloud, and Nibelheim being his hometown. 
The word “Niflheim” is only found in the works of Snorri and is often used interchangeably with “Niflhel,” a poetic embellishment of “Hel,” the world of the dead. In other words....the underworld.
(Hel is a sibling of Fenrir.)
In a story told by Odin, Niflheim met the flames of Muspelheim.
I’m sure you all know a big point in FF7 is the burning of Nibelheim.
(Muspelheim is the home of fire and heat)
When the cold of Niflheim met the flames of Muspelheim the “creating steam” was born when the waters of both realms mixed. 
Niflheim later became the home to Hel, a goddess daughter of Loki, and the afterlife for her subjects, those who did not die a heroic or notable death.
And while Hel may make you think of “Hell” the bad place where sinners go to be punished...”Hel” was morally neutral. The word “Hel” means hidden or concealed.
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Now let’s talk about Cloud’s motorcycle. Fenrir.
In the movie, Cloud is shown to have a wolf theme. We see a wolf appear several times throughout the movie that symbolize his guilt. We see one in the church when Tifa has fallen, we see one at Aerith’s grave, and we see one at Zack’s grave as well. 
Cloud also has a wolf emblem on his outfit, uses this same wolf as his phone wallpaper, and also has a wolf earring. To fans, this wolf is known as “cloudy wolf” but the most notable part of Cloud’s wolf motif is his motorcycle. 
Fenrir has many translations, one of such is “He Who Dwells in the Marshes” 
Fenrir is a monstrous wolf that appears in Norse Mythology. In a story, the Gods raised Fenrir to keep him under control and prevent him from wreaking havoc throughout the 9 worlds. He grew at an astonishing pace that the Gods attempted to bind him with chains. 
Fenrir broke free both times, and on the third attempt was finally bound. However, during Ragnarok he broke free. Fenrir devoured the son, killed Odin (the king of the gods), and ran his lower jaw among the ground and upper jaw in the sky, devouring everything in his path. 
Fenrir exists in many other stories as a wolf, but under a different name. One name being “Skoll” which means “mockery” 
There is some symbolism to be had between the wolf and Cloud. One is of “Skoll” which can point to Cloud’s false persona, or “mockery” of Zack within the first disc of the game. 
In Advent Children he is heavily associated with wolves. His motorcycle’s name is Fenrir, he was born in Nibelheim...see the connections? 
Part 2 will consist of: Sephiroth, Tifa, Aerith, and Barret.
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// Hi, don’t mind me, just tag dumping.
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Tag List
// Don’t mind this unless you need guidance, I’m just working towards being a better and more organized roleplayer by trying to actually properly tag things and develop tags for content, if i can get into the habit of tagging most of my reblogs lol. when it comes to characters or content i really like or want seen like meme prompts, i will most definitely tag. But others that are just mild reblogs, i may not take the time.
Tags Thus Far For Meme Prompts - #onewinged meme For Cloud content - #my beautiful warrior ~ Cloud For Sephiroth content - #onewinged tragedy ~ Sephiroth For Kadaj content - #silvershade-of-rage ~ Kadaj For Vincent content - #CrimsonWings ~ Vincent For Reno content - #number one red bastard ~ Reno For Tifa content - #kiss with a fist ~ Tifa For Aerith content - #goddess among men ~Aerith For Red XIII/Nanaki content - #flame of the wild - Nanaki For Rufus Shinra content - #shining gold shadow ~ Rufus For Rude content - #number one shade bastard ~ Rude For Tseng content - #the shadows hand ~ Tseng For General Turks content - #the shadow squad ~ Turks For Yuffie content - #sneaky shiny ball collector ~ Yuffie For Cid content - #redneck sonuva bitch ~ Cid For Cait Sith/Reeve - #the heavy hearted puppeteer ~ Reeve For General Avalanche content - #new dawn squad ~ Avalanche For Zack content - #angel among devils ~ Zack For Genesis content - #onewinged loveless ~ Genesis For Angeal content - #onewinged hero ~ Angeal For Jenova content - #Sephiroths lullaby ~ Jenova For Cetra content - #gift of life ~ Cetra For Hojo content - #greasy rat bastard ~ Hojo For Lucrecia content - #a crystal tear ~ Lucrecia For Deepground content - #the beasts below ~ Deepground For Angst content - #give me despair ~ angst For Fluff content - #chocobo fluff ~ Fluff For Headcanon content - #archives of the mind ~ Headcanon For Aerti content - #I found you ~ Aerti For Sefikura content - #hold me like I never did anything to hurt you ~ Sefikura For Zakkura content - #I would walk five hundred miles ~ Zakkura  For Cloti content - #I promise you ~ Cloti For Clerith content - #just in time ~ Clerith For Rando Ship content - #too good to be true ~ misc 7 ship
...more to come...
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[Aerith to Sephiroth] “ i’m not afraid to die, just wish i could live a little first. ”
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He hummed thoughtfully, as they stood and sat at their standstill for the moment. It was an unusual situation, but not one that unsettled him. No, instead, it left him curious. They were alternate sides to the same coin, in a way. What went wrong, what went right, so they could say.
But he turned to look at her, and nodded. “We have that in common.”
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Character Tags (work in progress)
-- FF7 Specific Tags (muses first)--
For Sephiroth content - #onewinged tragedy ~ Sephiroth
For Kadaj content - #silvershade-of-rage ~ Kadaj
For Vincent content - #CrimsonWings ~ Vincent
For Reno content - #number one red bastard ~ Reno
For Nero content - #unholy divinity ~ Nero
For Evan content - #self-made golden boy ~ Evan Townshend
For OC Aurelia content - #the golden tsviet ~ Aurelia
For Cloud content - #my beautiful warrior ~ Cloud
For Tifa content - #kiss with a fist ~ Tifa
For Aerith content - #goddess among men ~Aerith
For Red XIII/Nanaki content - #flame of the wild - Nanaki
For Rufus Shinra content - #shining gold shadow ~ Rufus
For Rude content - #number one shade bastard ~ Rude
For Tseng content - #the shadows hand ~ Tseng
For Yuffie content - #sneaky shiny ball collector ~ Yuffie
For Cid content - #redneck sonuva bitch ~ Cid
For Cait Sith/Reeve - #the heavy hearted puppeteer ~ Reeve
For Zack content - #angel among devils ~ Zack
For Genesis content - #onewinged loveless ~ Genesis
For Angeal content - #onewinged guilt ~ Angeal
For Deepground content - #the beasts below ~ Deepground
For Rosso content - #thriving in blood ~ Rosso
For Leslie content - #with a bite and a kiss ~ Leslie
(more to come as I gather ideas or need for specific tags for characters)
Ship Tags (work in progress)
-- My Ships --
-- Sephiroth Muse Ships
For Sefikura content - #hold me like I never did anything to hurt you ~ Sefikura
For SephZack/Zephiroth content - #to the end of the line ~ SephZack
For AeriSeph content - #tear through the divine to reach your sanctuary ~ AeriSeph
For GenSeph/Sephisis content - #the hand not taken ~ GenSeph
-- Reno Muse Ships
For Reti content - #I’ll give up everything just to find you ~ Reti
For CloudReno content - #even crossroads lead back to you ~ Cleno
For RuNo/Rude and Reno content - #just me and you partner ~ RuNo
For Rufus/Reno content - #give my all for your precious embrace ~ RufusReno
For Tseng/Reno content - #it began again with you ~ TsengReno
For Reno/Sephiroth content - #take my hand and watch the world fall ~ RenoSephiroth
-- Vincent Muse Ships
For Vincent and Lucrecia/Crescentine (I actually don’t have a big muse for this ship but with the right partner, maybe and well...he kinda needs to have a tag for this romantic experience so lol) - #my crystal heart ~ Crescentine
For Strifentine content - #embrace me in your silent absolution ~ Strifentine
For ValenStrifesodos/Cloud + Vincent + Genesis content - #heaven and hell brought me to you ~ ValenStrifeSodos
For Vincent/Veld content - #the secrets when it was just me and you ~ VincentVeld
For Vincent/Reeve content - #we’ll see the new day tomorrow together ~ VincentReeve
-- Kadaj Muse Ships
(more for relationships than romantic ships)
For Kadaj/Cloud content - #you hold me and I am home ~ KadajCloud
For Kadaj/Rufus content - #what you said and what you kept ~ KadajRufus
For Kadaj/Zack content - #tell me reality is better than memory ~ KadajZack
For Kadaj/Tifa content - #hold me close and show me hope ~ KadajTifa
For Kadaj/Aerith content - #i saw heaven in your embrace ~ KadajAerith
-- Nero Muse Ships
(open but undefined options as of yet)
-- Evan Muse Ships
(open but undefined options as of yet, played as mostly straight and head over heels for Kyrie by default)
-- Aurelia Muse Ships
For Aurelia/Rosso - #Passion Bleeds Golden ~ Rossorellia
(more to come as I come up with ideas for ships I support and play)
-- Ships I Like But Don’t Play --
For Aerti content - #I found you ~ Aerti 
For Zakkura content - #I would walk five hundred miles ~ Zakkura 
For Cloti content - #I promise you ~ Cloti
For Clerith content - #just in time ~ Clerith
(more to come as I consider the ships I like and figure out tags for them)
Extra Tags (work in progress)
For Angst content - #shall I give you despair ~ angst
For Fluff content - #chocobo fluff ~ Fluff
For NSFW content - #NSFW
For Headcanon content - #Umbral Headcanons
For Crack content - #this guy are sick ~ Crack
For OOC content - #Ash Talks
FF7 Timewise
For content based before all the games, for any muse, IE before Before Crisis and Crisis Core timeline content - #V::BF
For content based around Before Crisis/Crisis Core (I don’t do much with BC though) - #V::Crisis
For content based around OG/R timeline (given they are a bit different, i may be inclined to use a specific one if the rp calls for it, or a join one if it seems the thread could apply to either or) - #V::OG , #V::R , #V::ORe
For content based between OG and AC - #V::PreA
For content based during Advent Children - #V::AC
For content based after Advent Children and between Dirge of Cerberus- #V::Advent to Dirge / V::A2D
For content based during Dirge of Cerberus - #V::D
For content based after Dirge - #V::After
DIVERGENT (some of the muses had basic verse tags for the general canon, but not all of them do, because i’ve added to muses off and on and honestly some tags aren’t necessary unless its really divergent or AU, so please forgive if I use some and not others)
For my Sephiroth canon/divergent for least Jenova influence - #Beyond Hope | Di-Verse
For my Sephiroth canon/divergent for 50/50 influence - #Between Hope and Hell | Di-Verse
For my Sephiroth canon/divergent for zero influence - #Bask in Hell | Di-Verse
For my Reno general canon/divergent with HC involved - #Never Strikes Twice | Di-Verse
For my Kadaj canon/divergent that is basically based in canon - #What Remains | Di-Verse
For my Kadaj canon/divergent that is heavily influenced by alternate history HC--specifically this title is used for when he’s died and been brought back as amnesia’s Kadaj from AC and has to re-remember his former life - #What Became | Di-Verse
For my Kadaj divergent/AU verse where he is a SOLDIER and made and raised similarly to Sephiroth within ShinRa, as he is in What Became verse, except this verse tag is specifically for that time period and/or for if he continued on from that time without ever dying and being brought back by Sephiroth in AC - #ShinRa Bound | AU Verse Kadaj
Vincent Valentine
For my Vincent canon/divergent that is basically canon with some HC influence - #Original Dirge | Di-Verse
For my Vincent canon/divergent that is alternate due to Vincent breaking free instead of sleeping, and seeking revenge - #Howling Requiem | Di-Verse
For my Vincent divergent/AU where instead of being abandoned after the years of experimentation and revival at the hands of Hojo and Lucrecia, Hojo instead comes back, collects him, and makes him an ongoing back burner project of brainwashing, memory manipulation, and basically making him Hojo’s attack dog that is lent back to the Turks as a superpowered member but is also removed at a whim to be thrown into Deepground to work with the projects there. - #ShinRa Bound | AU Verse Vincent
For my Aurelia verse where she survives Deepgrounds rise and fall via being trapped until after - #Golden Main | Di-Verse
For my Aurelia verse where she was involved in Deepgrounds rise and battle, fell in battle, and rose again after - #Septimus Rises | Di-Verse
For my Aurelia verse where Deepground overtakes the Restrictors, ShinRa, and then Midgar, taking their freedom - #Golden Freedom | Di-Verse
For my muses in the FF8 verse - #SeeD into Savior | 8 AU Verse
For my paranormal fantasy AU for early four muses (Sephiroth, Vincent, Kadaj, and Reno) - #Before the Dawn | AU Verse
For my Deity AU for early four muses (Sephiroth, Vincent, Kadaj, and Reno) - #Call Thy Name | AU Verse
(others to come for other verses with other muses)
For Reno Headcanons - #Umbral Red Bastard HC
For Sephiroth Headcanons - #Umbral Onewinged HC
For Vincent Valentine Headcanons - #Umbral Crimson HC
For Kadaj Headcanons - #Umbral SilverShade HC
For Nero Headcanons - #Umbral Unholy HC
For Evan Headcanons - #Umbral Self-Made HC
For Aurelia (OC) Headcanons - #Umbral Golden HC
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