#onewinged tragedy tags
Starter for @stubbornness-and-weapons​ | Leslie(AU) and Sephiroth
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The silver haired 1st Class knew when was the time to commit to work, and when was the time to rest. Granted, few saw him rest and so would likely assume he wasn’t a man to value such. But he didn’t need to make show of every time he took to resting his mind or body. Perhaps he still didn’t rest and unburden himself as often as he should, but he couldn’t be expected to spend every waking moment training, working through paper work, following tasks for Lazard, or going out on missions. 
And so he was to be found in one of the more private, but not entirely cut off lobbies. It was one where some higher ranking employees would frequent, and it wasn’t strictly assigned for any specific division which meant SOLDIERs and Infantry and others alike would wander here. Sephiroth preferred it for the fact that it provided some presence, but not an overwhelming amount, and never the likes of the more excitable rookies and grunts. That, and the view from his favorite spot to sit.
Not that he was currently enjoying it, not with the rain outside, nor with the book in his hand. He had a small stack sitting to his side, and one he currently flipped through. He wasn’t as fantastic of taste as perhaps his fellow 1st Class Rhapsodos, however he was comfortable in his taste as is. He enjoyed studying now and again, especially when he could get his hands on something he hadn’t known or studied before.
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His spot was a bit hidden unless you wandered through the lobby completely, so few noticed him or paid much mind. Even those that did, they did not engage. So he was taking this time to indulge further.
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oflockhearted · 4 years
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@celestialborn​ says: Angel  hands Tifa  basket of sweets followed by a bottle of aged wine ... particularly fancy, a card reading "to : my dear dear friend"     "Happy Valentines day Tifa,   you should share the wine with Reno~ "He says with a wink
Unprompted ask | Always accepting
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The gifts were resplendent. Finely made, and wrapped neatly.
“Wow! Angel. These look gorgeous and so delicious! Who knew you were such a talented baking artist too?” Not that he didn’t look the part. Just the fact he wielded a gun and knew how to tear an enemy a new hole... yet, his fingers were gentle enough to take time to practice the fine art of sweet decorations.
When it came to his last comment Tifa nearly dropped the basket. However, studying herself, she attempts to play it off with a laugh. Its not like anyone knew. nobody knew.
                    Angel was just messing with her.  Yeah. Right! That’s all! Just jokes!
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“Ah...ahaha. I...I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Her smile was wide. Perhaps too wide. Fake, definitely. Sure. She may think the turk ( @onewinged-tragedy​ ) was...interesting. But Angel couldn’t have been implying that maybe. Perhaps. She kind of... liked him?       Jokes!
“A-Anyway. Thank you so much for this. I’ll be sure to break in this wine when I take my bubble bath!”
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azure-steel · 3 years
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1. alias / name: Saphie or Saph. Either’s good~
2. birthday: March 25th
3. zodiac sign: Aries
4. height: 5′8″ same height as the muse, who’d have thunk it~?
5. hobbies: RPing, drawing, video games, music, you know, the usual stuff xD I also kinda see my job as a sort of hobby because there are times I work for free if the project is something I’m SUPER into. I tattooed that Squall on my best friend the other day and I loved every second of it (8 hours and 45 minutes it took all in all) I love my job, okay?
6. favorite color: I like all colours tbh, I work with them enough. But if I HAD to pick just one then I’ll probably go for yellow. I’ve always wanted a bright yellow car, ya see~
7. favorite book: I have a few tbh. I LOVED George.R.R.Martins A Song of Ice and Fire (LOADS BETTER THAN THE GoT TV SERIES BY A HOT MILE even if it’s not complete yet...) and then there’s Ready Player One. I also like a lil horror too. Desperation by Stephen King and The Regulators by Richard Bachman (Still Stephen King but you know~) are two of my absolute faves. I also love Jurassic Park but it has dinosaurs in it so... lol. 
8. last song: Public Service Announcement by S3RL 
9. last film / show: Everybody Loves Raymond was the last thing I watched tonight. 
10. recent reads: The last book I read was Ready Player One for the 3000th time a few months ago. But am currently reading through the K Project manga at the moment. 
11. inspiration: Music for sure, if I don’t have music playing when I’m doing something, be that writing, drawing or even at work then nothing happens. My brain likes to party~
12. story behind url: It’s lame. Blue eyes and a big sword? Azure Steel. Got a bit of a ring to it yes? Or we can go down the Zoolander route if you want, the choice is yours xD
13. fun fact about me: I freaking LOVE Dinosaurs. I even have a couple dino tattoo’s on my right arm. I collect all things dino too, I have models and plush toys, even my bedspread is covered in starry constellations in the shape of all different dinosaurs. My favourite dino is the Tyrannosaurus-Rex. I love them... if Jurassic Park were real I’d be at the front of that queue, mate!! 
Tagged: @storyofpetals (Thank you, dear~) Tagging: @roleplay-abiogenesis2, @oflockharted, @onewinged-tragedy, @neko-mun-rp​, @mercyxkilling​, and anyone else who wants to :3
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hiislegacy · 3 years
Which of my favorite specific character archetypes are you?   
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Your Result:
The Ancient Star.
A being from somewhere distant, far from here. Ethereal, enigmatic, mysterious, kind, and a catalyst for greatness in others.
(This doesn’t sound right at ALL. LOOL. Could be a cool AU thing, though. Him not knowing this about himself.)
Tagged by: @merciful-reaper​  (Thank you!!!)
Tagging: @cnavant​ , @onewinged-tragedy , @yumetohokori , @manintheblackcape , @surpassing-limits , @floralcetra , @jencva , Anyone Else!
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ghostofnibelheim · 3 years
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The plan is perfect in every way. Everyone where they need to be, at exactly the right moment, with exactly the right smile. You have moved and manipulated the situation, but did you remember to put yourself in the correct position? You, after all, are still a player in the game - whoever thinks they control the pieces still has to make the next move eventually. Whoever is playing the game is playing against an opponent. Ensure that they have not played better than you.
tagged by :  @magnumbullet (kinda)
tagging: @azure-steel​ @honorisen​ @oflockharted​ @onewinged-tragedy
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makoeyedmerc · 4 years
I got tagged by @reaperlight on my main, but since all my current WIPs are Final Fantasy related, I’m posting from this blog! Thank you, Reaper! 💕
Rules:  you have to share the last line from your latest WIP and then tag the same number of people as there are words in that line.
Sephiroth chuckled, his own gaze falling to stare greedily at Cloud’s lips. “If it will help balance the scales between us, you may take what you want from me, Cloud.”
That low baritone purr went right through Cloud like a shock, and he tensed, gasping as what felt like every nerve ending in his body lit up with pleasure at the same time. The sensation retreated to leave him breathless and flustered, and he might have bolted if it hadn’t been for the almost inaudible sound of pure want that fell from Sephiroth’s lips.
Cloud could feel the tension radiating off of Sephiroth’s body, the fingers on his jaw tightening subtly and sending another frisson of desire through him as he raised his gaze back to Sephiroth’s. What the hell, why not?
With five words in the last line, I suppose that means I’m tagging five! @my-one-true-l @onewinged-tragedy @the-wintry-mizzenmast @yuneyn @pyreneese No pressure! 🥰
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daemoniumsmajesty · 3 years
What Kind Of Villain You Are
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righteously evil
      You've been hurt. what you're doing is wrong. there is no doubt. but it's what you need to do. you were not going to roll over and let it just happen. so you did what you had to. and you will continue doing what you had to. when you die, its with fury in your eyes. your opponent says you're stubborn, having kept this up for this long. you laugh, and spit in their face. you curse them until your very last breath.
tagged by: @ravusnightblossom​
tagging: @loqis​ @symbioteburnout​ @zenos-zos-galvus​ @banairai​ @gingersmiith​ @onewinged-tragedy​ @justapawn​ @bransles​ and anyone else who wants to steal this from me
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ghostoftasslehoff · 4 years
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Thank you for the tag @my-one-true-l this was a lot of fun!
Pinterest Aesthetic Rules: go to pinterest and search
favorite color + aesthetic
favorite color + outfit + aesthetic
favorite color + shoes + pick one that matches your style
favorite color + accessory of choice
a word you identify with + “quote”
favorite celebrity/character + favorite color
favorite hobby
favorite color + aesthetic again
favorite word + favorite color + aesthetic
Tagging: @reaperlight @cloudstrife1stclass @iinfinitys-end @unconditionalpotterhead @verymememuchimpresswow @yuneyn @chaotic-undying-loki (or @onewinged-tragedy whichever blog you wanna use!) – aaaand I think that’s it! If anyone else wants to do it, feel free, and if anyone I tagged DOESN’T want to, no pressure!
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dreamsofasoldier · 4 years
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Special tag @onewinged-tragedy​ -
❖ ███ ── мʏ нεαʀт ιs ɢεттιɴɢ sιcк ғʀoм тнε тαʀ тнαт ’ s oɴ ʏoυʀ ʟιρs  ) 。 ( onewinged-tragedy )
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@poeticphoenix​ Gen and Seph thread
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Honestly. Some would ask how the hell he'd managed to kindle a friendship with this man. They were polar opposites - Genesis as the chaotic embodiment of fire and Sephiroth as the stoic, immovable earth. And probably just as dense.
Cleaning the blood from his Rapier, he rolled his eyes at the statement. "I am aware of that, but still... I'm quite sure that that's not how we speak in public."
Genesis heaved out a mildly agitated sigh as he sheathed his blade. "You know, you are allowed to have a life outside of work." Standards were one thing, but he was lacking in etiquette. "Otherwise people might think you have a stick up your ass. Which I'm quite sure you don't want."
With that, he began to head off, glancing behind him every now and again. "Anyway, how about a drink?"
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He didn’t care much for how he spoke in public. He did well enough to ‘behave’, or moreover perform for the sake of ShinRa’s reputation--the shining beacon they made of his image in the world, he had to deal with living up to some level of the attention and thoughts and beliefs. But he wasn’t one to waste effort. If he did not feel or act naturally, more often he would not fake feeling or acting otherwise.
“The people can think what they want.” he said easily, sounding as if he truly didn’t care about the thoughts. “So long as their thoughts stay in line, that’s all I need to worry about. And you seem to have an inflated idea of what social life fits me and what doesn’t.”
He didn’t need much socialization beyond what he’d found satisfaction with, from within ShinRa. He’d had occasion, through force and choice, to interact with the outside world and...suffice to say, it held very little appeal on most levels.
He didn’t bother addressing the comment about the stick up his ass, as he’d already been accused of such before. Instead, dressed down out of his former gear, to the basics of what he needed, he gave Genesis a nod as his first answer.
“A drink would be perfect.” he answered further, following after him after letting his hair down from the ponytail he’d had it in.
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RP Thread | Cloud and Sephiroth || From this Prompt || With @wclfstrife​
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Tifa finally caught back up to Cloud, after what she’d just seen, she was vastly confused and concerned with echoes of old fears and anger pulsing in her chest...she’d seen...that man’s blade, and then it vanished. And when she found Cloud, his blade drawn yet lowered, her concern grew. Catching her breath, she looked around, and noted small droplets of blood leading to a hallway that turned.
“Cloud...?! What’s wrong, did you...see something?” she asked, mind still swimming over the sight of the president, bleeding out over his desk.
Aerith was catching up in the distance, but Tifa stepped closer to Cloud.
“...ShinRa... The President, he’s d-dead...he...was stabbed by... It, well, it couldn’t be but...it was a blade that looked...like.. Oh, Cloud, what is going on...?”
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// Hi, don’t mind me, just tag dumping.
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Sephiroth || Before the Dawn AU ~ Dryad || Open Starter
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His mission was not yet over. Though the world had grown wary of the ancient’s land and kingdom, and what the crystal angel protected there, they still had not learned enough. Sephiroth had stood his ground against those who would seek to take the power of Gaia’s great Crystals for their own, claiming the mother energy without consent or right or worthiness, and he had dispelled them both with reason and with threat from the Forgotten City and the ancient’s land.
However...the world was filled with a great many more crystals, and they were being violated and sucked dry. This, he could not, and would not stand for. As Gaia’s only Crystal Dryad, he would defend them with his life.
With that determination driving him, he wandered far and wide, finding a great many battles, meeting more enemies than he was making allies, but he managed to make a few. Rage filled him every time he crossed a crystal that had been drained dry, but he was determined to end this crual violation of the earths life. He was on yet another mission to do so now, as he marched barren land on bare foot, seeing some sort of town or city ahead.
He could feel, somewhere bound to this thriving land of civilians, there was a crystal, still pulsing, still fighting on in the grips of it’s life. And he would save it, by any means necessary.
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At the edge of the town, he noted the presence of a few. He didn’t bother hiding his unique features, the crystals seeming to natural form out of his very flesh, the faintly glowing, branch like horns jutting from his hair, elongated nails and shining green blue eyes, so on. And so, those that saw him drew back, either unnerved, or a few knowing who he was, making mention of a crystal angel before running into town.
He marched on, looking to the nearest soul daring enough to stare him down, unmoving.
“The crystal serving this land.... Where is it?”
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Tag List
// Don’t mind this unless you need guidance, I’m just working towards being a better and more organized roleplayer by trying to actually properly tag things and develop tags for content, if i can get into the habit of tagging most of my reblogs lol. when it comes to characters or content i really like or want seen like meme prompts, i will most definitely tag. But others that are just mild reblogs, i may not take the time.
Tags Thus Far For Meme Prompts - #onewinged meme For Cloud content - #my beautiful warrior ~ Cloud For Sephiroth content - #onewinged tragedy ~ Sephiroth For Kadaj content - #silvershade-of-rage ~ Kadaj For Vincent content - #CrimsonWings ~ Vincent For Reno content - #number one red bastard ~ Reno For Tifa content - #kiss with a fist ~ Tifa For Aerith content - #goddess among men ~Aerith For Red XIII/Nanaki content - #flame of the wild - Nanaki For Rufus Shinra content - #shining gold shadow ~ Rufus For Rude content - #number one shade bastard ~ Rude For Tseng content - #the shadows hand ~ Tseng For General Turks content - #the shadow squad ~ Turks For Yuffie content - #sneaky shiny ball collector ~ Yuffie For Cid content - #redneck sonuva bitch ~ Cid For Cait Sith/Reeve - #the heavy hearted puppeteer ~ Reeve For General Avalanche content - #new dawn squad ~ Avalanche For Zack content - #angel among devils ~ Zack For Genesis content - #onewinged loveless ~ Genesis For Angeal content - #onewinged hero ~ Angeal For Jenova content - #Sephiroths lullaby ~ Jenova For Cetra content - #gift of life ~ Cetra For Hojo content - #greasy rat bastard ~ Hojo For Lucrecia content - #a crystal tear ~ Lucrecia For Deepground content - #the beasts below ~ Deepground For Angst content - #give me despair ~ angst For Fluff content - #chocobo fluff ~ Fluff For Headcanon content - #archives of the mind ~ Headcanon For Aerti content - #I found you ~ Aerti For Sefikura content - #hold me like I never did anything to hurt you ~ Sefikura For Zakkura content - #I would walk five hundred miles ~ Zakkura  For Cloti content - #I promise you ~ Cloti For Clerith content - #just in time ~ Clerith For Rando Ship content - #too good to be true ~ misc 7 ship
...more to come...
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Sephiroth || Open Starter || @azure-steel​
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He watched idly at the beasts on the mountain side. He’d only been to this town a few times, only knew he’d known of it before by a simple sense and the knowledge provided by reports and entail from grunts, way back then. But now was different. Now, he’d seen the town thrive, and rise in flame, only to thrive as a falsified corpse. And even still, here he was, time seeming questionable, as he tried to understand what he was looking.
It wasn’t as if he’d never seen a monster before, of course... He’d seen many unique beasts in all his years, with sane and warped perception. But here, he simply stared and wondered of them, not yet killing them as they were doing a fine job of that themselves at the moment.
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No, what he stared at were beasts, trying to pick apart their origins with just his gaze; where they came from, what made them and why, and how far did they go to earn this damned fate? Were their paths cruel, and their fate deserving? Were they walking a road paved with good intentions? Were they corrupted at the very cusp of greatness in their lives? Were they simply unfortunate innocents? Were they even living, thriving in good health, before this corrupt touch took them...?
He’d learned a great deal in his time on the run...on the run from everything. His crimes, the company that had been his life, from the friends living and dead....everything his life had been. All that he had planned to do, and the moment that brought him back to a cruel awareness. The greatest of all, was learning that the Mother he’d looked to in the end of it all, was the grandest Mother of Monsters to ever curse this planet, and his feelings toward the beastly being, with or without gender, were twisted at best, and empty and wasted at worst. Every beast he’d ever slain, however, he wondered...could he see them as kin? Was it accurate or twisted? Had his mind been in this cruel darkness too long?
Because the beasts clawing and chewing out one another on the Nibelheim mountains weren’t simple creatures, at least, they weren’t always. No, they were natural beasts, four legged or human or other. They once thrived, before finding them in the clutches of calamity. But...were they not the same...? He still held his former form, but how much of it was natural, and how much was just the delicately crafted form of a mad man and a monster? He wondered, if there was really much different between him and those he watched, save for intellect at this point.
With a sigh, adjusting still to the deformity he’d earned over time, or perhaps simply discovered after unfortunate events, he let out a grunt, releasing a thick, black wing through tear in his leather cloak. He winced, and his fists balled together, only to feel nails elongate.
He raised his hand, looking at it, and back down at the beasts.
Really...were they not the same?
Perhaps this land is where he was meant to be, for the time being. At least, until everything he left behind would catch up to him once more.
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// Hello all~
So given that I started this account originally to only be a Sephiroth RP account, and it’s morphed into a multimuse account I’m rather proud of, and I may be adding a specific FF8 muse as well (which will involve extra tags and content and things I will need to edit), I have something to consider.
But, I want feedback from those I RP with, simply because if I decide to do this, I don’t want to inconvenience anyone and their tagging system and/or their ways of keeping track of me.
How would my RP partners feel, if I changed my URL? Onewinged-Tragedy is basically just my tag for my Sephiroth, like Number One Red Bastard is for Reno, etc. So it’s just beginning to feel just a tad off, especially when I roleplay Sephiroth the least now.
If anyone is concerned or has any opinions or comments, feel free to response to this post or DM me! Still under consideration, so no big rush!
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