#goddess blackpink imagines
luxora · 1 year
Blackpink -> {Goddess AU} -> Meeting their demigod child
Requested: No
Group: Blackpink
Genre: Fluff.
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There was hardly anything that could instill fear in a god since they are the most powerful beings in the world, or rather, through all the combined worlds and universes. They were capable of taking out mortal civilizations with nothing more than a flick of the finger or a gust of air, mortals unable to fight against them simply because of their lack of power in comparison to the gods.
Jisoo was a goddess worth being feared of, mostly due to her disdain for mortals. While she was known as being a very reclusive goddess, her power was not to be underestimated, especially when she believed that you have committed a wrongful act in her realm. She was responsible for everything connected to nature; therefore, she perceived anything that tended to try destroy it being an enemy; human mortals being the primary enemy in her realm.
And yet despite her obvious disdain for humans, she fell in love with one, and to make matters worse (or better), she had conceived a child with them.
Jisoo was at a loss of what to do. While she has obviously seen offspring being produced between two mates, human and nonhuman, Jisoo never perceived herself as being one of the gods or goddess that decidedly fall in love with a mortal due to the obvious difference in power. In all, honestly, it never was supposed to happen and yet it did, and Jisoo had to endure nine months of pregnancy until you finally gave birth to a beautiful baby girl.
A demigod baby girl, to be more exact.
Jisoo didn’t quite know what to do, she was hardly the motherly types, especially since her reputation precedes her as a cold goddess with a hatred for humans. And yet here she sat on a bed, you in it as you cradled the newborn babe in your arms, a tired smile on your face as you gently hummed a tune which was foreign to Jisoo but familiar to you. Jisoo just watched in silence, her dark eyes fixed on the blanketed figure on your arms until your finally raised your head to look at her.
“Do you want to hold her?” You asked, stunning Jisoo with the question.
“Oh...I...I couldn’t.” She refused, shaking her head as she glanced back down at the sleeping babe in your arms. But you were not accepting her answer.
“Come sit next to me.” You said, shuffling in the bed to provide a sitting space for her next to you. Jisoo obeyed immediately, slowly moving from her seat on the foot of the bed to sit next to you, her back pressed against the headboard. You then began to move the babe towards her, and embarrassingly, Jisoo panicked.
“Y/N, it is not a good idea!’
“Jisoo, she is your daughter. Hold her. She isn’t going to bite.”
The goddess floundered at the statement, it not quite sinking in that she was a mother, especially to a demigod child. She recalled once in the past that she stated to all of her siblings and fellow gods and goddesses that she never intends to become romantically involved with a mortal, much less have a child with one. But it seemed that she went back on her word as she found herself nervously cradling a baby, its head pressed against her chest as it continued to slumber.
Jisoo couldn’t help but stare down at the babe in memorization. Despite it being born a few hours ago, she could already see features that belonged to both herself and you. The babe had her black hair, dark as a Winter’s night during the full moon, as well as her perfectly angular nose, while from your side, the babe had your adorable cheeks, slightly red and plump, almost charming her to give them a soft squeeze. The babe was so tiny in her arms, and yet was not light. Jisoo felt her arm sinking at it supported the babe’s weight, its head nested in her elbow.
“Isn’t she beautiful?” You cooed, resting your head on Jisoo’s shoulder as you smiled down at the babe in Jisoo’s arms. The goddess couldn’t help but nod in agreement.
“She the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.” Jisoo confessed, gingerly moving her other arm to slowly trail a finger tip along that adorable cheek that was calling for her to pinch it. She instead gently poked it, reveling in its supple skin. She felt you press a kiss to her cheek.
“She’s our daughter Jisoo.” You breathed, returning your head to its previous position on her shoulder. Jisoo nodded again.
Jisoo was a mother, a mother and partner to a pair of humans. It was you who truly desired a child from Jisoo, and despite her previous misconceptions regarding mortals and their continuous need of expanding their numbers, she gave in to your desire and now she had a daughter in her hands. A daughter which was the mixed creation of a goddess and a human. Despite the newness of the whole situation, a span of warmth filled Jisoo until she could feel nothing else but the one emotion that entered the realm of her younger sister.
“I love her.” Jisoo confessed, which in turn made you smile as she gently brought your hand to your daughter’s head, gently stroking its black locks as it continued to sleep.
“I love her too. Thank you for giving her to me.”
“No.” Jisoo suddenly said, turning around to look at your confused eyes, shaking her head gently before leaning in to press a kiss to your lips, whispering against them as she uttered the words ingrained in her heart. “Thank you for asking for her.”
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Jennie was quite used to figuring out the unusual and discovering the solutions to all problems, hence her title as the goddess of wisdom; therefore, nerves was not a concept she had a firm grasp on. But it was all that Jennie could feel as she appeared in the middle of her temple, like all the times she had before, only this time there was more than just you that she was meeting. There was no one to greet her as she arrived, but she heard movements at the front of the temple, so she slowly walked down the steps and head in the direction of the temple entrance, the movements becoming more prominent until she finally heard the tinkling laugh of a young girl.
Suddenly her heart was in her throat.
Jennie slowly stepped out from the shadows of her temple to see a beautiful girl with chocolate brown locks dancing about on the pathway that led to her temple, small arms reaching above her head as she attempted to catch the fireflies that were flying about in the night sky. Jennie couldn’t help but become transfixed at the sight of the girl, a familiar gummy smile on her face as she giggled at the glowing bugs as she continued to try catch them but to no avail. However, despite the lack of success, she continued to try catch one, a slightly determined glint in her eye as she continued running about which was also very familiar to the goddess.
Movement from the side caught Jennie’s attention, causing her to turn and lock eyes with the very same eyes that were reflected on the little girl’s face, the crooked smile that sent her heart asunder flashed in her direction as its owner stepped towards Jennie, hand reached out to the little girl.
“Ana love, our guest has arrived.”
The little girl immediately turned to you before looking at Jennie, a stunned look on her face as she took  in Jennie’s ethereal beauty before flashing her a gummy smile, hurrying over to Jennie before you could say or do anything to stop her. Jennie couldn’t help but immediately kneel down at the girl’s small height, a soft smile on her face as she allowed the girl to invade her space.
“Mama?” She asked, eyes filled with wonderment as she continued to stare at Jennie with memorization.
The very sound of the title sent Jennie’s chest into a flourish of butterflies, filling her up with so much warmth. Jennie nodded and flashed her signature gummy smile at the little girl before holding out her hand to her, the girl’s small hand immediately placing itself in Jennie’s larger one, allowing the goddess to enclose her hand with her own.
“Yes little one, it’s so lovely to finally meet you.”
An adorable squeal left Ana’s lips before she all but dived into Jennie, wrapping her arms around her neck as she squeezed her tightly, Jennie’s arms immediately wrapping around her waist in a tight hug, her own nose nuzzled into Ana’s neck as she rebelled in the first hug given to her by her very own daughter.
“Mama...mama...” Ana continued to whisper, nuzzling her own nose into Jennie’s hair, inhaling her natural scent of roses and vanilla.
Footsteps caught Jennie’s attention once again, prompting her to lift her head away from Ana’s neck to look at you walking closer to them, your signature smile on your face as you took in the sight of the two of them finally meeting one another. Jennie stood up from her kneeling position with Ana in tow, her arms still tightly wrapped around the little girl while she wrapped her legs around Jennie’s abdomen so that she would not fall. Jennie smiled softly as you once you eventually reached them.
“You came.” You smiled back.
“Of course, Ana has been wanting to meet you for so long.”
Guilt flashed through Jennie as she glanced at the back of Ana’s head before looking back at you, her grip on Ana tightening ever so slightly.
“I would have come sooner if-”
“Jennie, it’s okay. I understand.”
“But I-”
“You gave me your blessing remember? No harm will come to us when I know you are watching over us. I know it isn’t easy, but we will make it work.”
“I...She...is not going to have an easy life Y/N. A demigod...there are so many dangers that are posed on her.”
“Well, its a good thing that you’re her mother, because she will certainly know how to protect herself since she is a lot more like you than me.”
Jennie chuckled at your words and shook her head, stepping towards you and leaning forward to press a sweet kiss to your lips, pulling away from a few seconds for leaning in for a more fiery one, one hand removing itself from Ana to cradle the side of your neck, keeping you in place as she took her fill of you after being separated for a long while.
“I dare to disagree. I see you in her.”
“Looks and personality are two different things, my goddess.”
Your name for her sent another flurry of butterflies within Jennie, causing her to pull you in for another kiss before leaning away to press her forehead against yours.
“Not to me. You both are perfect.”
“Mama?” Ana’s voice called out, prompting Jennie to pull away from you to give her daughter her undivided attention, smiling serenely at her as she pulled back from her spot at her hair to look at the goddess with wide eyes.
“Yes little one?”
“Are you going to stay with us?”
Jennie glanced over at you before locking eyes with her daughter, a soft smile in place as she nodded and leaned in to press a soft kiss to her daughter’s forehead.
“I will for a little while, my love. I promise.”
The both of you flashed her large smiles as her words, clearly both ecstatic at the prospect of her staying with the two of you, and quite honestly, Jennie was ecstatic at the idea too. She has missed you a lot, and she has missed the first few years of her daughter, she wanted to make up for it and she intended to do so.
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Chaeyoung did not flinch as you continued to squeeze her hand in a death grip, she instead cooed and gently dabbed at your sweaty forehead as you panted heavily, your swollen belly being the primary focus of everyone in the room, mainly of Chaeyoung’s brother as he continued to hum charms under his breath to try ease your pan levels.
“You are doing so well my love, so well.” She cooed, pressing a kiss to your temple as you continued with your labored breaths.
Another wave of pain washed over you and your already impossibly tight grip tightened even more but Chaeyoung showed no sign of any pain as she continued to allow you to use her to ground yourself in the situation. You whimpered from the pain and turned to look at Chaeyoung, sheer pain and fear in your eyes.
“Chaeyoung, I don’t know if I can do this.” Chaeyoung immediately shook her head and gave your hand a comforting squeeze.
“Don’t say that my love, you can.”
“But I-”
“You can do this my love, I know that you can. Just keep breathing.” Chaeyoung leaned forward and pressed a kiss to your lips before whipping her head around to look at her brother, flashing him a glare. “What is taking so long?”
“I am trying Chae, but things like this can’t be rushed.”
“She is in pain, do something about it!”
“What do you think I have been doing?!”
Both gods glared at one another, Chaeyoung glaring with protective rage in her eyes while her brother glared at her with frustration and exhaustion. Chaeyoung growled and looked back to stare at you, her eyes softened for a moment until you let out another whimper of pain, prompting her to turn back to her brother with a harsher glare than before.
“Will you make this easier for her already?!”
“Childbirth isn’t something which is supposed to be easy Chaeyoung, especially not when it involves your child.”
Chaeyoung gritted her teeth before turning back to you, placing the damp rag down to instead cradle your cheek, tenderly stroking your cheekbone with her thumb as you continued to groan and whimper in pain.
“It will all be worth it in the end my love, just a little bit longer.”
Despite the obvious pain you were in, you simply nodded at the Goddess of Love and Chaeyoung responded with a tender kiss to your lips, trying her best to take your mind off the obvious pain you were experiencing. She wishes that she could take your place to elevate your pain, but she was unfortunately not in the position to do so, and so she had no choice but to remain by your side during your labor as your body prepped itself to give birth to her and your first child.
While she knows that her brother is the God of Medicine and Healing, she fully wanted to throttle him because she felt that he was not doing his job, especially since you were still in pain despite the many charms he was uttering for you. Chaeyoung saw no reason of why you had to suffer so much, but according to her brother, it was impossible for a human not to experience pain during childbirth because it was literally their body which was going through painful changes to accommodate the newborn babe.
It was a fact that Chaeyoung had to accept, but that didn’t mean she liked it. In fact, she hated it, but she could only hold your hand and continue to spout tender words to you as your body was eventually ready to push, her brother talking you through the entire process while Chaeyoung remained by your side, waiting anxiously for the infamous cry of your and her child.
/ - /
Chaeyoung couldn’t take her eyes off him, her arms cradling him in a protective hold as his makeshift blanket ruffled against her arms as he moved his arms about, clearly adjusting himself to the new world he has been born into. Despite the heated glares and shouts they had shared, Chaeyoung’s brother gave her a smile as she handed off her newborn son.
“Congratulations sis, its a boy.”
Chaeyoung didn’t acknowledge his words as she continued to stare down at the beautiful sight in her arms. While Chaeyoung was the very representation and essence of beauty in this world and all its many other realms, she couldn’t help but bow in submission to the little babe in her arms. Despite his eyes still being tightly closed shut, she couldn’t help but feel she was staring into the eyes of the very universe, before even the creation of the gods that held the answers to everything from the beginning.
“Chaeyoung?” Your voice called out, tired and fatigued but also happy, prompting Chaeyoung to turn around and face you as you continued to lay in bed.
You looked exhausted and pale, most definitely due to the intensive hours of labor you were forced to endure, but you had a glow around you which made you look ethereal to Chaeyoung. The Goddess of love suddenly smiled at you, stepping forward and taking a seat beside you before looking down at the newborn babe in her arms.
“We have a son love.” She whispered, still mesmerized by the fact that she was holding her son in her arms. You hummed and reached out to trace a finger along his forehead, a tired smile on your face.
“Yes...a son.” You repeated, turning to glance at Chaeyoung only for her not to pay too much mind to it because her focus was entirely fixed on the babe. You chuckled. “Am I allowed to hold him?”
“Huh? Oh...Oh! Yes, of course my love!”
Chaeyoung couldn’t help but flush in embarrassment at being caught completely unaware of her selfish actions despite it being you who had delivered your and her son in the first place. Chaeyoung heard her brother snicker at her expense but decided to ignore it as she slowly shifted her son into your arms, wrapping her arm around your shoulder and she pressed herself against your side, not wanting to be separated from you or her son for even a moment. She pressed a kiss to your temple.
“Well done, my love.” She cooed, which prompted a giggle out of you.
“I wouldn’t have gotten through it without you.” Chaeyoung pressed another kiss to your temple.
“I’m just glad you are okay now. I hate seeing you in pain.”
“After seeing this treasure...it was worth it.”
Both you and Chaeyoung smiled down at your son, mesmerized at the very sight of him and allowing each other to revel in each other’s presence with the promise that you and the babe are safe from any possible dangers. Chaeyoung’s brother murmured his departure to the two of them, but Chaeyoung stopped him with a look.
“Thank you.” She uttered, which he answered back with a smile.
“It was a pleasure sis. I am honored to be the first one to meet my nephew.”
And then he vanished, leaving Chaeyoung and her small family behind in your bedroom, enveloped in a haze of warmth and happiness.
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Gods and goddesses are renowned for their reputations of being bad parents, courtesy of their inability of being there fore their children when they needed it the most. Being the Goddess of War, almost nothing terrified Lisa, and yet it came to meeting you to figure out she did have a fear after all and that was to be a terrible parent like her parents were to her.
At the beginning, she never wanted a child, especially not with you because then it would put you at risk. Demigod children were notoriously known for being difficult births and after everything you have lived through, she did not want you life line to be cut all because you wanted a child with Lisa. But like the warships in a war, you eventually wore down her walls and she gave in, but now a whole new level of fear was created because she wondered about her possible future with you and her child.
It is almost embarrassing with how much time she spent with her older sister Jennie to try prepare herself for parenthood, especially since her sister had recently become a parent herself. But unlike Jennie, Lisa never really was the favorite because of her more...rebellious nature, but it did not phase Jennie much as she was more than happy to impart her words of wisdom to her younger sister, her partner even informing Lisa of how to care for you before and after the birth of the child.
When the due date already came, Lisa was scared to her wits end. She could face the battle of war, the corpses that were the results of the bloody battle, but nothing could ever prepare her for the fear she felt when she watched you scream in pain as you gave birth to the child. It almost didn’t seem worth it, no pain could be worth anything, especially not when Lisa could not do much about it. She eventually got so panicked and terrified that you all but ordered her out the room, unable to focus on the process when she was pulling daggers to the healers throats as they tried to help her during the birth.
It was almost as if Jennie sensed her panic because while Lisa was pacing outside of the healer tent, Jennie appeared beside her and grabbed her by the shoulders and forced her to look at her.
“You need to breathe.”
“But Y/N is-”
“Lisa. Breathe.”
Despite her desire to shove her sister away from her, she instead obeyed and matched the slow, heavy breathing pace that her sister was instigating to try calm her raging heart, eventually getting it under control. Jennie remained by her side for a small while until the sound of a baby crying caught both of their attention, Lisa’s head snapping in the direction of the tent. Jennie smiled and nudged Lisa in the back.
Lisa did not need to be told twice. The goddess all but sprinted to the healers camp and pushed herself inside, eyes immediately going to your bed with your body laying in it. You were holding a small bundle in your arms and had the most serene smile on your face as you softly cooed at the bundle and slowly rocked your arms. A lump formed in Lisa’s throat and she didn’t even realize she was walking towards you until she was finally at the foot of your bed, your head raising to lock your eyes with hers. You smiled at her.
“Come meet your son Lisa.”
Her son.
Lisa’s lips parted at the information, her eyes widening before she slowly made her way to stand by her side and peer down at the very carbon copy of you. Even though it was a newborn babe, Lisa couldn’t already tell it had your nose and mouth shape, your adorable plump cheeks staring up at her, as well as your signature dark locks. You beamed up at Lisa before removing one arm from under the babe to pat the space next to you.
“Sit with me.”
Lisa hesitated for a moment before obeying, taking a seat next to you with her eyes still transfixed on the babe in your arms. And then you were suddenly handing it to her.
“Wha- Y/N!!”
“It’s a baby Lisa, not a bomb.”
Lisa suddenly became panicked at the idea of holding the babe, it hardly being something she was used to holding, but then she found herself cradling her son, him being surprisingly heavy despite being so small. Lisa just stared wide-eyed at the babe, glancing between you and him before trembling from the weight of him in her arms. You huffed a taught and then moved a pillow under arms to help give her and him some support.
“That better?”
Lisa shifted on the bed so that she was now laying more comfortably beside you with her back pressed against the headboard and her legs laid out in front of her. She kept a firm hold on the babe, warily eyeing him before looking at you, an uncharacteristic nervous look on her face.
“Are...are you okay?” You smiled at her.
“Of course Lisa, I’m still here.”
“Yes but...you...he...” Lisa was unsure on what to say, a mixture of emotions boiling up within her, but then panic set in when the babe began to wiggle and cry in her arms, making the goddess want to bolt from the bed but she was rooted on the spot due to your hand placed on her arm.
“He is okay Lisa. Just rock him a little bit. Yes, just like that.”
Lisa felt so awkward doing such subtle movements in an attempt to appease her crying son, to the extent that the healers in the tent chuckled at the sight of the Goddess of War becoming terrified at the aspect of a crying child. But they immediately paled when Lisa flashed them a fiery glare.
“I don’t know how to do this Y/N.” She eventually confessed, her glares forcing the healers to flee from the tent. She expected anger or annoyance, but instead you smiled and leaned in to press a kiss to your cheek.
“It’s okay. You’ll learn, just like me. We’ll learn together.”
Lisa fixed you with a disbelieving look but then snapped her head at her son as she realized that he was questioning down, her awkward rocks being enough to seduce him back to sleep. Lisa stared wide eyed at her achievement and felt you kiss her cheek again.
“See? Fast learner.”
And Lisa couldn’t help but smile her first smile ever since you got pregnant, nodding before resettling herself on the bed, being sure to support her son properly as he continued to sleep in her arms.
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residentflamingo · 11 months
Only One Call Away
Rosé x gn! reader
Summary ———> Rosie decides to go out to drink with her friends. All is fine until reader gets a call from her two hours later. What happened while she was out?
Requested?: yes 🫶
Warnings: bullying, toxic friends, & cursing
Genre: hurt/comfort & a fluffy ending
A/N: To the person who requested this, thank you so much because this was probably the most challenging and longest thing I've ever written. And I put all my heart and soul into this. I think I made it a lot longer than I was supposed to, but that's okay. I always love a challenge, and a perfect opportunity to hone my writing skills. Anyway, I hope both the person who requested this and everyone else reading, enjoys this imagine. You can also check out my other stuff if you would like, it's very much appreciated ❤️
Word count ———> 5,394
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 → 10:00 PM 
“Babe, are you sure about this? Your friends are terrible! They don’t even pay attention to you half of the time when you guys hang out.” 
“Yes, it’ll be fine! Besides, they're not as bad as you say they are. I’ve been friends with them for a long time, they love hanging out with me!”
You were currently standing in front of your girlfriend, about to escort her into the cold winter night, trying to convince her not to go out with her friends. She was wearing a beautiful purple dress, with a cream colored fluffy coat over her shoulders, and a beautiful pair of Saint Laurent heels that made her look powerful with each step.
Her hair was curled, and it effortlessly flowed down her shoulders, making her look like an absolute goddess. You couldn’t believe how beautiful she was. You felt so lucky to have her as your significant other.
The only thing you found truly bad about her, was her friends.
No matter how good she looked, they always found different ways to ridicule and belittle her. Not her four best friends from Blackpink. No, these were her other friends she claimed she met in high school.
She would tell you stories of how they were really close back then, and how she kept in touch with them over the years as she got more famous. You loved hearing her tell stories of the adventures they had, and how she used to sneak out during the night and go on joyrides with them.
You hung out with her and those friends one time, just trying to see what they were like, and you couldn’t stand how rude they were. They constantly threw insults at her, mentioning how her aussie accent makes her sound silly when she talks, saying she needs to get a different hair style, and even making fun of the outfit she was wearing. You were absolutely disgusted at the way they were acting towards her. It was as if they didn’t even treat her like a normal human being.
They would even emotionally manipulate Rosie, making her think they were just joking, so she never noticed their horrible behaviors. When you confronted her about them, she always just insisted to you that that’s how they joke around. So it was hard trying to convince her to not be friends with them anymore. You love your girlfriend very much and you just want the best for her. You would hate for her to keep getting her heart broken over and over by those low-lifes she calls “friends.” But for now, all you could do was wait for Rosie to realize the huge mistake she was making.
You sighed, “Okay, whatever you say. Are you sure you don’t wanna stay home instead? I can order takeout, and we can watch movies.”
“Yes honey, I’m sure. There’s nothing to worry about. My friends will keep an eye on me, and make sure I don’t get too wasted.”
“Alright then. Just remember, I’m only one call away if you need me. I don’t mind picking you up.”
Rosie shook her head, and smiled at how protective you were being. She then stepped up towards you, put both of her hands on each side of your face, and looked you in the eyes and said “Okay. I’ll keep that in mind. I love you darling.” She then gave you a soft kiss on the lips, slowly walked towards the door, and turned around before opening it to look back and make sure you said “I love you” back to her.
“I love you too.” You said softly, as you waved her goodbye and watched her walk through the door and saunter down the long hallway of the apartment complex. Her words from earlier kept replaying in your head, making you wonder if she was ever going to come to a realization of how she needed to get rid of her supposed high school buddies.
After closing the front door, you turned around looking at Hank saying, “I guess it’s just me and you now buddy.” He leaned his head down on the tile floor with a loud sigh looking depressed. Almost as if he perfectly understood what you just said. You let out a loud sigh and plopped down on the couch, deciding to watch some boring Netflix shows that have been recommended to you for sometime.
Man you sure did miss her already, even though she’s only been gone for ten minutes. Before you started watching tv, you picked up your phone and made sure your notification volume was at full blast, so you wouldn’t miss one text or call from Rosie.
→ 11:30 PM
Meanwhile at the bar in downtown Seoul…
“Hey I’m gonna go get a drink from the bar, you guys want anything?”
“No, we're good, you hoe. Besides, you probably wouldn’t even order our drinks right anyways, knowing you and your terrible accent. People can even understand what you’re saying half of the time!”
Rosie’s so-called friends all started laughing at McKenzie’s remark, making Rosie’s lip quiver and her eyes start to water. So far tonight they didn’t hold back on the snide comments, and rude remarks against her. By the end of the night, Rosie had already felt like she was being pushed to her breaking point.
She had no idea how she never realized how mean her friends actually were to her. She hated how she would just ignore the rude remarks half of the time, and never say anything about it. She hated being taken advantage of. She knew deep down that they weren’t her real friends, it was just a matter of realizing it that was important.
Tonight she had a recollection of all the times they asked her for money, begged for free concert tickets, made fun of her outfits, bullied her, and even made her pay for most meals because they were “too expensive”. After tonight, she wanted nothing to do with them. She knew she should’ve listened to you, but she was too scared to let them go. She’s had so many good memories with them, and it was so hard for her to just throw it away.
They used to be such good people. It saddened her how much they changed over the years, and how she couldn’t do anything about it. Tonight was her chance to finally lift that weight off of her shoulders, and move on with the next chapter of life. Preferably without them in it.
“Okayyyy bestie, we’re gonna go to the bathrooom real quick. We’ll be righttt back heheh.” McKenzie slurred. Her and the rest of the people in the group turned around, and walked off into the bathroom, leaving Rosie alone as she went up to go order something at the crowded bar.
About 15 minutes later when Rosie finally got her drink, she walked over to the table everyone was originally sitting at, expecting them to be there waiting on her. Only to find out that none of them were there like they said they would be…
“Hey guys, they finally got done making my drink! Wait where is everyone..?”
→ 12:05 AM
“Aw shit, what the fuck is that?!” You shouted with confusion, as your phone suddenly started going off. You fell off the couch, startled from the loud noise, and then frantically searched for your phone in between the cushions. You realized you had fallen asleep on the couch, and was out for almost 3 hours. God that show must have been really boring then you thought. After finding your phone, your stomach dropped reading the caller id. Rosie. You quickly pressed answer, and whispered “Hey what’s up? Is everything alright?”
There was a couple seconds of silence over the phone, making you really worried, wondering if it was a prank caller or a kidnapper. Panic was about the only thing going through your mind right now, just begging for her to say one word over the phone. Then she finally did. You could hear her sniffling and crying, making your stomach drop.
“N-no. Something happened earlier. We were at this really crowded club and I went up to get a drink real quick, and when I turned around a couple minutes later, they were all gone. l-looked through the whole club asking if anyone knew where t-they went, and all of them said no. So I went outside, thinking I could walk home by myself, but I-I ended up getting lost, and now I have no idea where I am. They left me all alone and n-never texted me asking where I was. I’m so scared, Y/N. Just come and get me please.”
“What the fuck? Are you serious? They just left you all alone in the club? Those fucking bastards. Okay, I need you to stay where you are, and try to send me your location from your phone. Once you do that I’ll be able to track you down, and come pick you up. Can you do that for me?”
“Y-yeah I can do that. I’m so sorry for calling you this late Y/N. I didn’t think something like this would happen.”
“Honey it’s okay, it doesn’t matter anyways. I don’t give a shit about what time it is. If it was 4 AM, I still would’ve come to pick you up. Don’t worry about it at all. Just focus on sending me your location.”
You let out a deep breath that you had been holding in, hoping it would calm you down a little, after thinking about Rosie’s friends leaving her by herself at the bar. They were absolute pieces of shit to her. Completely knowing that she’s an idol, and that she could've gotten kidnapped or stalked, they still did it anyway. I mean what did she ever do to deserve that?
You couldn't even begin to imagine how scared she was right now. All alone in an unknown part of the city, losing her friends in the same night, and knowing she was being used all those years because she was famous? Absolutely terrible.
While waiting for her to respond, you hurried up and got dressed, picked up Hank, grabbed your car keys, and rushed out the door to run to your car.
“O-Okay I sent it to you. You should be getting it in a second.”
“Alright, I’ll be there in five minutes! Don’t move or go anywhere unless someone is following you okay?”
“Okay I will. I love you Y/N. Please hurry…” She said in a quavering voice.
“Okay I will don’t worry, bye!” You quickly hung up the phone, tossed it in the passenger seat, and swallowed a big lump in your throat. Your hands were currently gripped on the steering wheel so tight that your knuckles were turning white, your legs were shaking with anxiety, adrenaline was coursing through your veins, and sweat was running down your spine.
You had never been more panicked in any situation, than at this very moment. The constant reminder that your girlfriend was all by herself walking through the streets, in the midst of the dangerous neighborhoods, had you on edge. In a split second you quickly pulled out of the parking lot, faster than you ever had in your entire life.
You were currently speeding through the streets, going at least twenty miles over the speed limit, with all of your surroundings flashing by so fast that you couldn’t even process where you were. Quite a few citizens and onlookers had given you dirty looks, and shouts of insults along the way.
You obviously knew better than to speed. But with the situation at hand, you didn’t give a fuck if you got a ticket or not. Emotions were running high, and your mind was working faster than your normal decision making usually was.
Funny enough, right before the navigation on your phone signaled you weren’t that far from the destination, “A Thousand Miles” started playing on the radio. “Really? Right now?” you thought. The irony of it was quite hilarious, but that was something you wouldn’t notice until later. You really would walk a thousand miles for your girlfriend if you had too.
After making a sharp turn through the dark alleyway, you drove very slowly down the unfamiliar street, making sure Rosie would spot you in your small vehicle. The alley was filthy, trash layed out everywhere, and street lights were flickering making the area seem even more ominous. You hated going down dark places like these since they always made you so nervous, but that nervousness turned into determination as you were frantically searching for your girlfriend.
While your eyes were scanning the area through your windshield, you were suddenly startled by your girlfriend standing in front of the beaming headlights. You swiftly slammed your foot on the breaks, and made the car come to an abrupt stop. It seemingly scared the both of you, as you put your hand over your heart wondering if you just had a mini heart attack.
Meanwhile, Rosie’s eyes were widened with fear seeing an unknown car drive slowly in the alleyway, thinking she was about to get kidnapped by someone. Fear was running all the way through her body. So much so that her hands were shaking, and chills went down her spine. She slowly backed away from the car, and clutched her purse with both hands just in case she had to make a run for it. You looked at her and tilted your head in confusion, wondering why she wasn’t coming towards the car. Then you realized, “Ohhh. She probably thinks I’m someone else trying to pick her up.”
You then rolled the window down, and stuck your head out the window shouting "Hey, it’s me!” Rosie let out a deep sigh of relief, and thanked the lord for sending you her way to protect her. She felt so reassured to see you, knowing she could finally wrap her arms around you, and let out all of her bottled up emotions from tonight.
She was finally safe.
After a couple seconds of calming her nerves, she snaps out of it, and slowly walks over to the passenger side of the car. Climbing in, and firmly sitting down on the comfort of the smooth leather seats. She sits her purse down near her feet, and leans back in the seat letting out another deep sigh. This time to suppress her emotions down, so she wouldn’t have a full on nervous breakdown. You looked over at her and mumbled “Hi honey,” not wanting to speak too loud, since it was still late at night. But still trying to show excitement in seeing her, since you were so glad you found her.
She looked over at you and tried to speak, but words couldn't come out of her mouth. Her lip was trembling and her breaths became short, as all her emotions were threatening to break free from the invisible bottle she was containing them in. You took notice of this, and reached over to wrap your arms around her chest, enveloping her in a warm hug.
You had never seen her this pent up before, and it absolutely just broke your heart to pieces. You then made sure to speak up and let her know it was okay to let her emotions go, since she was so used to hiding them for the camera and the public eye.“It’s okay love. Let it all out, you can let your guard down around me. I’m here to listen.”
The flood gates had then been opened, and Rosie’s eyes began overflowing with tears as she let out a heartbreaking sob only you had ever heard. Not even her long time friends, or family members had ever heard her cry this hard. She felt completely comfortable around you, and decided to just let all of her emotions go in that moment.
She couldn’t believe how long her friends were using her for, and just the selfish way they had left her behind. On top of all the insults thrown at her. She tried to just ignore them, but she just couldn’t take it anymore. Along with that, she also felt guilty not listening to you whenever you tried to warn her about the toxicity she was constantly putting herself around. “How could I be so dumb, and not think to listen?” she thought.
She suddenly pulled away from your embrace, looked you in the eyes, and said “I’m so sorry for not listening to you, I don’t know what I was thinking. Y-you were only trying to help me, and instead I-”
As Rosie was going on trying to apologize to you, you interrupted her and hugged her again saying, “Hey hey hey, don’t worry about it. That doesn’t matter now. Everyone makes mistakes, and I know it wasn’t your fault. Besides, you’re better off without them now. You got me, Lisa, Jisoo, and Jennie to talk too. So trust me, you aren’t losing much.”
“Thank you Y/N. I don’t know how, but you always know the right thing to say. It really amazes me how perfect you are sometimes” Rosie mumbled, leaning her head over your shoulder, and giving you a tight squeeze to your chest.
At home whenever she needed advice, or a little encouragement for the day, you somehow always knew what to say no matter what it was. You’re always the best person she can rely on, the one person she could really be her true self around. As she thought about it a little harder, this was a moment in her life that determined how much she really does appreciate you, and how much she really does want to be with you.
She smiled to herself, thinking of how good of a partner you would be when you guys got married someday. She couldn’t wait for that day to come. Marriage was always something she had dreamed about, and you made it even more possible for her. When she finally snapped back to reality, she took a look over your shoulder and saw a familiar face sitting patiently in the back seat.
It was Hank, her favorite dog in the world! She slowly pulled away from you with one of her eyebrows raised, “Is that Hank there in the back seat?” You turned your head around to look at him too and chuckled saying, “Yeah I brought him, knowing you would be super excited to see him.” Hank looked up at Rosie and started wagging his tail with enthusiasm, sharing the same excitement Rosie had.
She then leaned over and picked up Hank, gently putting him in her lap. “Hiiii buddy! Are you so excited to see mommy? I know you are! Hahaha” You looked over at both of them and smiled, happy to see Rosie so cheerful again. While looking at her, a good idea had suddenly crossed your mind and you thought it was perfect for the situation at hand.
“Hey babe, you wanna go get some ice cream?” you asked.
“Yeah that sounds great!” she said cheerfully.
After checking to see if Rosie had her seat belt on, you put the car in drive, and gently pressed your foot on the gas to make the car accelerate. As you drove around a little bit, you could see people walking home from the bars, and stumbling over their own feet from consuming so much alcohol.
It was pretty much a normal sight, since it was a late friday night. You could tell that the only places that were open were the bars, making you a little bit nervous since you promised Rosie her ice cream. And most fast food restaurants definitely did not stay open until midnight.
But to your luck, as you made a left turn down to main street, you spotted a nice burger place that was still open. With the name “TJ Burger”, flashing on a huge, bright, neon sign. “Perfect” you mumbled under your breath. Hopefully they had ice cream, because this was probably the only fast food restaurant open for miles.
As you pulled up to the drive through looking at the menu, they had almost every kind of American food you could think of. Burgers, onion rings, chicken tenders, whatever it was, they certainly had it. Then when you looked over to the other side of the menu, there it was, twenty different kinds of milkshakes and ice cream flavors.
You smiled and looked over at Rosie, pointing to the menu to prove to her that they indeed did have ice cream. She smiled and mumbled “Yayyy”. While you were looking at the menu, you were suddenly interrupted by a booming voice from the loudspeaker that spooked the both of you a little bit. You shook your head and laughed over how jumpy you were, then you turned to Rosie and asked her,
“What flavor do you want honey?”
“Uhmm, I’ll just get chocolate.” she answered with a whisper.
You turned back around facing the loudspeaker, ordering a small vanilla cone for yourself, along with Rosie’s ice cream, then casually pulled up to the drive-thru window to wait.
The atmosphere in the car was kind of awkward, since you hadn’t really talked about what had previously happened earlier. So while waiting, Rosie wanted to find a way to kill the time. So, she got curious and asked you, “Have you ever been here before?”
You looked over at her and answered, “Nope! But I heard it’s really good. Why do you ask?”
She shook her head and said, “Oh I was just wondering. I figured you knew about this place already.”
“Nope I had never been here until now. I mean, I knew it was-”
Before you could finish your sentence, the fast food worker interrupted you and said, ”Here’s your ice cream.” with a rude tone. He then carefully handed you the cones, and before you could even say thank you he said “You’re welcome have a nice night.” then shut the window with an attitude.
Rosie chuckled saying, “Wow he must be really pissed off since we came in 10 minutes before they closed.” You widened your eyes sarcastically and laughed, “Yeah I think so too. That’s okay though, at least he didn’t notice you. That would’ve been a whole other ordeal. Anyways, here's your ice cream honey.”
Rosie smiled and grabbed the cone saying, “Thank you so much. I really don’t deserve you.” You smiled back at her, got all of your stuff organized, and then put your foot on the gas driving away into the city. She continued to shuffle in the seat trying to get comfortable, and finally took a small taste of her ice cream. Her smile grew even more after tasting the ice cream, and she started to do her little happy dance. You took a quick glance over at her, and laughed at how cute she was being.
On the way over towards the secret destination you were driving to, “Cooler Than Me” by Mike Posner started playing on the radio. It was a song both you and Rosie were very familiar with, since you both grew up in the early 2000s.
She quickly got excited upon hearing it and started singing the lyrics, “ If I could write you a song to make you fall in looove, I would already have you up under my arrm~” You giggling over how silly she was being by swaying her arms and singing with the music. Soon enough, you caught on and started singing along with her too.
By the time you both were done singing to the song, you were driving up a gravel road leading to the top of a hill. Rosie looked around confused, having no idea where she was at. So she turned to you for help.
“Hey, where are we at? I don’t think I’ve ever been here before.”
“Haha, you’ll see…”
You slowly drove the car up onto the top of the hill, and put it in park. There, through the windshield of the car, was a marvelous view that cast upon the whole city of Seoul. It was an absolutely beautiful site that made Rosie’s jaw stay open in shock. She had never seen anything quite like this before.
You could see all of the twinkling lights coming from the towers, all of the ant size cars driving down the highways, and all of the shining stars in the sky that were more visible tonight than they had been any other night. Your father used to take you to this spot during the early years of your childhood. It was a very special place to you, and you had only ever shared it with two people. Your mom, and Rosie.
Rosie couldn’t even believe what she was seeing right now. She had been living in Seoul for almost half of her life, and she still never knew there was even a spot like this. She was absolutely amazed as to how beautiful this sight was. I mean, how could you not be? Rosie wanted to see the view even more, so she placed Hank down in the back seat, slowly opened the door, and stepped out of the car in awe.
You watched her as she walked up even closer to the edge of the hill, and continued to look into the distance with amazement. She then turned around and signaled you to come on, waiting to share this moment with you. You obliged and got out of the car, jogging towards her.
Now standing next to her, you looked out into the distance admiring all of the lights gleaming in the vast city of Seoul. It was still as beautiful as it was during your childhood. But as happy as you were to see it, Rosie looked like something was bothering her still.
“What’s on your mind honey?” you said softly.
As she looked out in the distance, her smile faded a little bit and her expression was replaced with gratitude. “Well, I-I don’t know what to say. This is the most beautiful view I’ve ever seen. Even though this night was supposed to be one of the worst ones of my life, you made it the best one. I haven’t had this much fun in, gosh… I don’t even know how long. All I can think of right now is, thank you. Thank you so much, I don’t know what I would ever do without you. And, oh yeah, and I guess this ice cream is kinda good too.”
She started giggling over the little joke she made, and tried to continue eating the ice cream from earlier. At that moment, it almost seemed like she had completely forgotten what had happened a couple hours prior.
All the snide comments, the betrayal, losing her friends, it was all becoming a mild loss for her now. At that moment she had realized how much she really needed someone like you in her life. Rosie continued to laugh so hard that tears were forming in the corners of her eyes.
You smiled back at her and said “You don’t have to thank me Rosie. You are my girlfriend after all. I would do anything for you. Like I said, I’m always one call away if you need me.” Rosie’s laughter slowly settled, and she walked over to you to give you a warm hug. “But I do have to thank you somehow.”
As Rosie pulled away from the hug, and gave you a soft kiss on your lips, you were suddenly lifted up to cloud nine. She had kissed you many times before, but this kiss felt extra special. It was a kiss of gratitude, love, and compassion rolled all into one.
You stood back from her, feeling stunned, and tried to cover the growing smile forming on your lips. Along with your cheeks turning red, like you had just received your first kiss. Rosie giggled even more and took the perfect opportunity to tease you.
“Honey are you really blushing?! I have kissed you so many times, how could you be blushing now?”
You retorted back, “Whaaatt, I can’t help it when the hottest woman in Seoul is practically kissing me. You can’t blame me ya know…”
“Yeah true… Haha! Naur naur, I'm just kidding.”
“Oh shut up! Don’t make me take back what I just said.”
“Oh yeah? You won’t. I dare you!”
As the both of you continued to bicker and giggle like longtime best friends, the night had gone by a little bit faster than the both of you had realized. About an hour later, you both realized you had left Hank in the car after he started barking and whining continuously. He wasn’t in danger or anything, you both knew he was probably getting lonely waiting for the both of you to finish talking to each other.
So as soon as you heard him barking, you stopped laughing and said, “Oh shoot! I better get Hank, I bet the poor guy is getting lonely in there.” You then quickly jogged back over to the car, and picked him up out of the car seat, bringing him to where Rosie was standing.
While the both of you, including Hank, were looking into the incredible night view of Seoul, a little lightbulb popped into your head and you had a great idea to finish off the night. You jumped up onto the hood of your car and leaned your whole body back onto it, trying to make yourself comfortable.
Rosie laughed, “What are you doing?” You looked back at her and said, “I’m looking up at the stars silly. Here you should come try it too. The stars are really nice at this time of night.” You patted the spot next to you, intending for her to lay there. She shrugged her shoulders and mumbled, “I guess it couldn’t hurt to do it once.”
Rosie then placed Hank down next to her spot, and climbed up onto the car to lay back and stargaze with you. Exactly like the reaction from some time ago seeing the lit up city, she looked up at the sky in awe, with her mouth slightly open in amazement.
The sky was aglow with a visible canopy of shimmering stars, and the constellations were perfectly aligned making the sky look even more magical. “Wow..” she mumbled, “You really do have all sorts of tricks up your sleeve huh.” You smiled, loving how she was enjoying the view as much as you were.
“Yeah I guess I do. Wait, look up there, it’s the big dipper!”
“Oh look there’s the little dipper too!” Rosie shouted back, pointing up at the sky.
As the both of you were looking up at the sky, savoring the moment for what it was worth, the moon became very visible as the clouds started to drift away from it. It was a full moon. Rosie thought it was a cute coincidence. The moon was full just like how complete her life felt with you being in it. She looked back over towards you, and said, “I love you y/n.” With the stars reflecting off her eyes, making her look even more ethereal. You smiled and turned your head over towards her, “I love you too Rosie.”
The both of you continued to lay in comfortable silence, as the cool summer breeze drifted through the air, and not a single sound could be heard for miles. Rosie knew that after tonight, her whole perspective of you had changed. Not in a bad way of course, but in an even lovelier way.
You had done everything you could to make her smile again, and she really appreciated it. Not many people would go that distance, but now she definitely knew you would. Even though she had lost some “friends” of hers tonight, she gained something more important. Her unconditional love for you. Thanks to you, this would be one of her favorite memories to be shared for years to come. The love you both have for each other would become even stronger. And when she got back home, she could brag to the girls how cool you were too ;)
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youremyheaven · 1 year
Vedic Astrology Observations:
ive noticed that revati, punarvasu & swati naks are most often associated with the cyberpunk genre/its aesthetics. there are sooo many examples of this:
keanu reeves is a punarvasu stellium and he was in the matrix movies
arnold schwarzenegger is best known for his work in sci-fi/cyberpunk movies, including total recall, the terminator movies, the 6th day etc
aespa is a kpop group known for their cyberpunk aesthetic and futuristic concepts, the 4 members have the following naks: karina is a revati sun, punarvasu moon, giselle is a swati sun/mercury with punarvasu rahu, winter is swati mars with punarvasu rahu , ningning is swati venus (i have a feeling she's revati asc)
gakuryu ishii, the acclaimed cyberpunk filmmaker has punarvasu moon amatyakaraka and revati mars atmakaraka
aditi, the mother goddess is the creator, when we log on, we enter a different reality. revati is consciousness itself (the nature of which is questioned often in science fiction+ cyber punk works of art) swati is maya or illusion. this explains why these naks are so intricately linked to these themes.
2. 🦋 I've noticed that although butterflies are most commonly associated with punarvasu, sooo many sidereal pisces folks (Revati + UBP) are drawn to butterfly imagery. There are a ton of examples but here's a short thread:
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Erika Sawajiri has Revati sun + UBP moon. This movie itself features heavy butterfly imagery 🦋
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Here's Salma Hayek, a UBP moon with temporary butterfly tattoos + wearing a butterfly top
Salma was in a movie called In the Time of the Butterflies where she played 1/2 of a duo of sisters called "Butterflies" along with Lumi Cavazos who has Revati Saturn as her atmakaraka and Rahu in UBP
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Bella Hadid has UBP Ketu & here's her with 2 separate butterfly bday cakes 🍰🦋. Anyone who knows her knows how obsessed with butterflies she is lol
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Woosung has Revati Moon & Venus and his debut EP is literally called "Moth" 😭his album cover features butterflies too but for some reason I can't upload it :(
a little bit of a stretch but Jackson Wang is UBP sun + Revati venus & he has a song called "Papillon" (French for butterfly🦋 👀)
3. i think vishaka's invented siren eyes
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both beyonce & laura prepon have vishaka moons (there are a million other examples including jennie from blackpink but im too tired to attach pix ya'll)
4. a lot of writers who employ the stream of consciousness technique have the same combination of naks or naks that fell under the same planet.
Virginia Woolf was Shravana sun, Uttara Ashada venus, Mrigashira mars with ketu in Rohini (also Rohini asc)
James Joyce was Shravana sun & venus, Pushya moon, Shatabhisha mercury, Mrigashira mars with ketu in Rohini
(These two have their bdays super close together and its interesting how they are both considered the figureheads of this style of writing).
Anton Chekhov had Shravana sun & rahu, Revati moon, Uttara Ashada mercury & Shatabhisha venus
Literally 3 Shravana sun natives
William Faulkner had Hasta sun, Uttaraphalguni moon & mercury, Pushya ketu and was Ardra asc
Leo Tolstoy was also Uttaraphalguni moon & mercury, Pushya venus & saturn with Revati ketu and was Ardra asc
These two have the same moon, mercury & rising sign
Henry James was Aswini sun, Revati mercury, ketu in Ardra & Magha asc
Marcel Proust was Aswini moon & asc, Magha venus and Ardra rahu.
Two Aswini natives to the mix
As we can see there's a strong Moon, Sun & Nodal influence. I believe having nodal signs can make an individual very imaginative + Moon influence gives grounding to the endless nodal imagination.
5. Punarvasu natives have a habit of returning to the same themes in their works over and over again. I attribute this to the "boundless" nature of this nakshatra and its cyclic nature.
Makoto Shinkai has Punarvasu Ketu and his movies can be said to be interconnected, and have a similar over arching theme and take place in the same spiritual universe.
Frida Kahlo who has a Punarvasu stellium (sun, jupiter & rahu) literally drew herself over and over again
Gustav Klimt who has Punarvasu sun atmakaraka repeatedly used the same gold motif across many of his paintings. Jupiter is associated with the color yellow/lead and it features prominently in most of Klimt's work <3
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6. serpent yoni ladies have the most distinct look. you can tell just by their eyes
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Natalie Portman has Mrigashira sun
Myrna Loy has Ashlesha sun & Mrigashira venus darakaraka (I know Ashlesha does not have serpent yoni but naks associated with Nagas often have serpentine physicality)
Look at how serpentine their eyes look!! There are mannyyyy more examples ofc. I'll make another post about it sometime.
That's it for now folks<3
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tinyidle · 1 year
MASTERLIST (masterlist)2
I post whenever I don't feel lazy posting lol
Will get frequent updates
f- fluff, sg- suggestive, s- smut, sf- safe sfw, ang- angst, ⚠️- trigger topic
masterlist 1
(g)i-dle as goddesses sf
(g)i-dle reacting to s/o twerking onstage with the members watching sf, slightly sg
'hear me out' minilist s, some ⚠️ 'hear me out' 2 minilist s
(G)I-DLE to Being Able to Squirt the Hardest sg, s
MTL of (G)I-DLE Having an Exhibitionism Fetish sg, s
hard!dom soyeon letting dom!minnie punish brattysub!yuqi s
Allergy to Hyposexuality - JSY slight ⚠️, ang, s
not happy - khj x yn x jsy ⚠️, s, ang
a-z (g)i-dle nsfw headcanons: cho miyeon sg, s
You Like This? - MN x CM x YN ⚠️, s
gwimyeon!camgirl!miyeon being a tease and playing with herself s
I'm Not Sorry, Baby - CMY x YSH s, slight f
hard!dom soyeon letting dom!minnie punish brattysub!yuqi s
a-z (g)i-dle nsfw headcanons: kim minnie: nicha yontarak sg, s
You Like This? - MN x CM x YN ⚠️, s
Imagine Biker!Minnie sg, slight f, s
a-z (g)i-dle nsfwheadcanons: seo soojin sg, s
hard!dom soyeon letting dom!minnie punish brattysub!yuqi s
I Just Know You Did This On Purpose - SYQ s
daddy!shuhua s
I'm Not Sorry, Baby - CMY x YSH s, slight f
Vacay!teez and their Boyfriend Behavior sg, f, s
photographers!topaz sg
ATEEZ with Size Training sg, s
Sleep Better - KHJ (part of feb filth fest day 6) s, f
After Hours - KHJ s, f
not happy - khj x yn x jsy ⚠️, s, ang
japan!hongjoong feeling a bit more domestic than usual f, s
Missed This - PSH s, f
anything you want - psh f, s
Fun Friday Night - JYH s, f
feel much better - jyh a, f, s
Let Me Protect You - CSN ang, f, s
I'm Ready - SMG (part of feb filth fest day 15) s, f
Make It Worse - SMG f, slight ang, s
mingi and his arms sg, s
Can You Please - JWY s
photographers!topaz sg
Prettiest Sitting Down - CJH s
Need More - CJH ⚠️, s
I Want You Instead - MM (pt. 1) sf
Having a Piss Kink (hc) ⚠️, sg, s
Happy Birthday, Baby - KJN x YN x PRS/PCY f, s
Reaction Tuesdays
You Call Them "Daddy" - (G)I-DLE sg, s
TWICE Having a P⚠️ss Kink as Doms (in Depth) sg, s
Kinktober 2022 s
Mommy!May s,f
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chickie-empress-kie · 2 years
Post your top 6 biases to see what's your type.
Tagged by @chrxsify so fanks a lot mayte. :3
I'm an OTsimp in almost every case. So instead of posting biases, I'm gonna pull a funky and post the person who caught my eye first in the group. (If you asked me a couple of months back, I'd prolly say this person was my bias, but now it's an impossible decision. Forgive me -_-)
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Okay, so it's pretty obvious I went over the 6 limit, but I think it's important to the narrative so let me have this.
Felix and Hyunjin (Stray Kids) - Thunderous Felix and Hyunjin. Yes, it was that tiktok. Brownie boi's dumptruck ass dragged me into the Kpop rabbit hole
Yeonjun and Beomgyu (TxT) - Blue Hour Yeonjun and Beomgyu. It's the eternal war for me.
Ni-Ki (Enhypen) - Dimension Dilemma era Riki. Imagine my horror when I found out the boy I was simping about is literally younger than me. *Has war flashbacks to high school*
Jooyeon (Xdinary Heroes) - Happy death day Jooyeon. He gives me Hwang siblings vibes but he's sho cute in his own right. My baaaaby. UwU
Ryujin (Itzy) - Wannabe Ryujin. Periodt. Also Yeji, but Ryujin was the first person I noticed.
Dami (Dreamcatcher) - Boca Dami. I remember going absolutely CRAZY over her blue hair era X)
Wooyoung (Ateez) - Kingdom era Wooyoung. Never gonna get over that.
V (BTS) - Butter Taehyung. Idk why but I absolutely LOVED his fried noodle perm. But this was a hard choice actually, cuz I knew this guy for YEARS and I have ZERO idea which one of his looks to pick. I just went for the one that stuck with me the most.
Lalisa (Blackpink) - Pretty Savage Lisa. My goddess, my queen and everything in between.
So, after thorough analysis of the people that caught my eye first from my ults, I have come to the conclusion that I am, in fact, a simp.
Nah, I already knew that lol.
My type is tall, sassy but soft, angular features but squishyyyyy, overgrown babies who deserve all the hugs in the world and last but absolutely NOT the least...........Nape-length hair, plus points if its curly. Yep. That's it. That's the whole post.
Dudes with long hair? Yes. Gals with short hair? Yes.
I ain't kidding when I say that it was their hair I noticed first. Cuz....ya know, yer chickie empress is an absolute SLAVE for hair.
Basically, my type is curly nape-length hair. Gender isn't a necessary factor.
I have no idea whom to tag. But uh- @quokki @suengwoo @jinniebit no pressure tho :|
Wow, I gotta make more kpop tumblr friends.
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sahjian · 4 years
The world might underestimate you
but look at you ~
Slaying, Rocking, Wrecking the stage
with every ounce of your body isolation ~
The goddess with a 4D personality!
0 notes
pollenat · 4 years
BLACKPINK and 5 ways to say I love you
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Rays of sunshine shining through strands of her hair, looking like a crown. You’re trying to capture her royal smile on the camera, but it’s hard to catch the image when you’re lost on breath. All because of the woman behind your camera lens, a lookalike of a goddess. Her smile turns wide and earnest, the flirtatious smirk now just a memory abandoned few takes ago. “Beautiful.” is what you mumble all of sudden.
Waiting for her call after she walked you home. It’s the evening, and you have all sorts of dark possibilities keeping you wide awake. What if she gets lost? What if someone picks on her? You start typing a message for the fifth type that evening. Before you can even wonder whether to delete or send it, Jisoo finally calls you.
The smell of exclusive shop she has taken you to. Its heavy and exotic, making your insides turn from how alien it is. But even if you’re unsure of how to feel, you can’t leave. You stay on the seat, waiting for Jisoo’s head to pop out from behind a curtain, and be followed by the rest of her body, now dressed in an expensive pair of jeans.
Her hand feeding you sweets when you’re busy with work. Being unable to give Jisoo all of your attention makes you ashamed, but she doesn’t mind. It’s something you have to take care of. The least she can do is keep you well fed.
Falling asleep on her shoulder during a night out with your friends. You don’t remember when the consciousness left you, neither does Jisoo. She’s used to the weight of your head. Some friend points out your state, and Jisoo only smiles. In her eyes it’s the sweetest thing imaginable. When everyone is focused on someone else, she places a small kiss on the surface of your forehead.
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The smell of her hair shampoo filling your lungs. The closeness of her body warming you up. The softness of her skin under your fingertips. You want to tell her how much it means to you to have her in your embrace, but you get so lost in the way she feels, you forget your speech. When she notices you’re not letting her go, she giggles.
Acting indifferent when she takes your food without asking. You have every right to be mad, but you can’t even come close to the feeling when it’s Jennie behind it. Instead you just watch her from the corners of your eyes, fondness blooming inside your chest. When she isn’t looking, you push the dish more towards her.
“Wait.” Jennie does as asked, eyes widening at the sight of you kneeling in front of her. She stammers a “what”, looking for more words to ask you, but nothing comes out. When you’re finished tying her shoelaces, you stand up and offer her your hand once again. She takes it. “I could’ve done it myself.” “Yeah. So?” The two of you don’t expand on the conversation.
Struggling to wash stripes of liquid lipsticks off of your forearm. They’re a consequence of your visit at the shop earlier that day. As you’re scrubbing your skin raw, the smell of Jennie’s perfumes reaches your nose. It’s momentary, but still makes you smile.
The coldness of her expression freezing you. As heart-melting as she can be, her angry side is one to be reckoned with. Jennie doesn’t want to talk, and you’re in no position to stop her from walking away. Later when you make up, you ask her why does she leave your side whenever angry. “Because you’re too adorable to stay angry at.” is her answer, followed by a pinch of your cheeks.
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The casual way she places a hand on your thigh in the most random moments. She doesn’t seem affected by her own behavior, comfortable the way she is. You don’t want her gone. It’s just nice to notice her doing that, feel the warmth of her palm, sense the honesty in her gesture. “Nothing.” you say once she gives you a questioning look.
Braiding her hair out of boredom, while she’s too taken by the TV screen. Chaeyoung doesn’t realize what you’re doing. At least not completely even when you pull on a stray lock, causing her small pain. She turns around, thinking you wanted her attention, then looks back at TV. The day after, both of you laugh at the results, half of her hair curled, half straight.
Walking down the street, huddled together under an umbrella. The weather is ugly type of cloudy, and the heavy rain has already soaked your feet. Neither you, nor Chaeyoung speak. All that matters is to get somewhere dry as fast as possible. In the most random of moments, you catch her humming quietly a familiar melody.
Leaning over the kitchen island, eating your homemade casserole straight out of the heat-proof dish. Chaeyoung giggles happily at the taste, excited to announce that she was right to make changes in the recipe found online. You nod in agreement, your mouth too busy chewing to speak.
The thudding beat shaking the ground beneath your feet. The overwhelming smell of sweat. The pain in your ears. Chaeyoung’s body is rubbing against yours as she jumps along to the melody. Others are also pushing at your silhouette, but that’s the magic of concerts. When your date notices your hesitation, she pulls you under her arm, asking whether you’re alright. You say you are, and Chaeyoung kisses you for a short moment, only to then pull you into dancing with her.
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Holding hands under the table as you await your meals. You’re talking about your days, smiling, frowning, laughing as you listen to one another. When the waiter brings you plates, you forget about your interlocked fingers, and just start eating with the other one. “Hm?” you turn to look at laughing Lisa. “Nothing, nothing.” and she follows your lead.
Being scared. Not of her, but of the consequences your disagreement may be the origin of. You spend hours turning over her blunt words, worried that some of the hurtful ones may be right. Even when she apologizes and locks you in the tightest of embraces to show you how much she’s ashamed of ever hurting you, the possibility of her being honest haunts you.
Pieces of clothing you find around your home. Their appearance is a product of pure coincidence, not ulterior motives. Lisa tends to be forgetful when spending her time at your place. But can you really blame her? How can she focus on anything other than you? (Her words, not yours.)
Attempting your best to keep straight face when you’re play-fighting. Lisa knows you’re not really angry at her, but without seeing your smile, she can’t be 100% sure. So she does one thing you can never survive without melting inside - act as cute as possible. Lisa’s pouting, pulling at your hands, talking in pure honey. All until you eventually relent, and give into the gentlest of kisses that follow.
The contests of speaking in pure cringe that you so often busy yourselves with. They consist of lines, all made of pure filth, all almost impossible to choke out without frowning. Chaeyoung often asks you why are you doing this to yourselves, but you can’t figure it out either. “It’s just a couple thing.” you conclude one day, and Lisa only nods is agreement.
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➛ pollenat’s list of reactions
➛ pollenat’s list of shorts
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antihero-writings · 4 years
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Before It Kills You Too
(Cover art by _xstlyricax_ on Instagram!! I’ll put a link to her profile in a reblog!!)
Fandom: Lore Olympus (Webcomic)
Fic Summary: 
Hera goes for a drive after a fight with Zeus, and has some time to think. Her internal monologue and memories, using Blackpink's "Kill This Love" as a prompt. ||
Anger was a fire, it burned white hot and devastated the world around it. But then it faded...This was more than anger.
Character Focus: Hera
Notes: If you haven't listened to, and/or watched the music video for Blackpink's "Kill This Love" (I’ll put a link in a reblog!), I highly recommend you do so either before or after reading, as the fic is based on the lines, and a few of the visuals of it!
The cover art is based off of the visuals of 0:59-1:12 of the music video too!
 I'd really appreciate it if you could leave a comment and/or reblog!!! I'm not kidding when I say that makes my week!!
(I’ll put some more notes in a reblog!)
Chapter 1: I Owe It All to You
Hera kept glancing from the road to the speedometer, the dial sneaking steadily upwards: sixty miles an hour to seventy in seconds.
She leaned over and took a cigarette from the pack, putting it between the fingers of the hand on the steering wheel. She took out the lighter and clicked it open, lighting the end, then closed it again and set it back down in the cupholder while she breathed in.
Smoke never tasted so sweet as when she was angry with him.
Eighty, ninety.
“Good to see you again, Bunny!”
“It’s only been a few days!” She laughed, “And who’s Bunny?”
“You are!” Zeus took her hands and gave her eskimo nose kisses. “Who else?”
The golden girl smiled, big and bright—
—the kind of smile one can only give when the world itself is big and bright. When one lives in a realm of hope, where beings keep their secrets, and their promises, and no one lies, or steals, or cheats.
She breathed out, smoke billowing like her mouth was the gates to the Christian’s hell—(they say hell hath no fury right?).
Sometimes she wished she had Zeus’s power; that she could set the world on fire with a glance.
A hundred.
The world was nothing but streaks of light across her vision. Not trees, people, and buildings; not distinguishable as life or meaning, just lines of color as she flew by. Maybe things were better that way. She could dance in the in-between, reach up and grab the ribbons, twirl around with them in beautiful absurdity. Only absurdity was beautiful; truth and sanity were far too ugly.
“Bunny I—”
“Don’t ‘Bunny’ me!”
She took another long draft, letting the smoke’s medicine filling her lungs.
And out.
Breathe out, feel the negative emotions leaving your body, all the meditation gurus say.
What a load of bullshit that was.
For every soothing inhale there was always an exhale that felt like it was clawing its way out of her throat. For every sweet hello there was a bitter goodbye, full of curses at his back, in return. For every incredible high there was a unfathomable price. That was the rule to life; what goes up, must come down.
And she had risen too high, once upon a time.
The test of life had no answer, let alone a right one. Even the gods were slaves to fate, and emotion.
The tires screeched hellishly as she rounded corner.
Hera walked around the corner.
“It just—I feel like the world’s on fire when I’m with him! You know?”
The queen stopped. It was that nymph’s voice. The one who came by earlier.
“Ahh I’m so jealous! Tell me more! Tell me!”
“Well he just…I don’t know! When he kisses me the whole world just kind of…stops. You know? And when he listens…I feel like he’s actually listening.”
“Ugh, too sappy! Tell me the dirty stuff!”
“Oh stop! I’m not gonna tell you about our sex life!”
Hera rolled her eyes, beginning to walk away when—
“Well he is the king of the gods. You’re right; It’s better if I imagine.”
The queen froze.
“Eugh I don’t want you imagining me in bed with him!”
“No, I’m imagining me in bed with him!”
Hera couldn’t hear them anymore. Couldn’t see the world in front of her. She was staring at a space before her eyes only she could see; a space, a memory, where the world was wide and she and Zeus were the only beings in it.
That space was shattering piece by piece.
Her breath was shallow in her chest, her blood pumping her ears.
“Mama?” Ares’ little voice brought her back to the world. “Mama, you’re hurting me.”
She immediately let go of her son’s tiny hand. “I’m so sorry sweetheart!” She crouched down and took his hand in both of hers, this time with the most gentleness she could muster, and kissed his fingers. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah…‘m okay.” He took his hand back and rubbed it.
He looked at her apprehensively.
“…Are you okay, mama? …Are you angry?”
She whizzed passed broken stop sign, catching her reflection in the rear view mirror; her hair in tattered locks like rags about her face, eyebrows permanently furrowed, lip permanently pursued, blue eyes dim and hollow, with nothing of the brightness they once contained; only a few lingering sparks of electricity in an abandoned power plant.
‘Okay’. ‘Angry’.
Such ugly words.
“I just…” the golden girl pushed her hair behind her ear sheepishly, her eyes bright, “I feel like the world’s on fire when I’m with him…you know?”
“Can’t say I do,” Aidoneus muttered softly.
She put her gently hand on his. “Don’t worry, I know you will one day.” She grinned.
And what made it better was that she really meant that.
He tried to smile back.
“So what’s that…like?” he asked softly.
“Well…when he kisses me the world kind of …stops. It feels like there’s nothing and no one in the universe but him and me. We can talk about anything. And when I talk it feels like he actually listens. He always makes me laugh. When I’m with him…it feels like nothing else matters…”
She hated that word: okay. It was too simple, too easy; one could always throw it out as an answer. It didn’t mean, I’m doing very well, or I’m doing poorly—(though it could mean either depending on the context). Okay was just, ‘fine’, ‘alright’. Okay could mean you were doing wonderfully, having a great day, and okay could mean you would rather be dead, and either way people would smile and say good! I’m okay too!. Okay was never truly satisfied, never fully living. Just existing. ‘Okay’ was a word for ghosts; for those who are neither dead nor really alive, neither sinners nor saints. Just floating through the world, caught in between.
She was always okay…and she was never okay.
She rolled down the window, cool air rushing in to the car and scooping up all the smoke, taking it out into the night, giving it to some other lonely Goddess who needed it.
“Ugh, this again? I thought we were done with this…Just leave it for now. You’ll feel better after lunch.”
And, anger, anger was a fire that blossomed like a rose high, and bright, and scorching for a while, eating everything it saw. Then it dwindled. Sometimes it could be lit again by a passing breeze, if the embers were still fresh enough. And sometimes that relight could touch a passerby leaf or bush, and from there desecrate forests and cities. But often, even then, once it had finished blazing it would wither and die. Anger burned white hot and violent at first, but eventually it would fade, and the world would be left to deal with everything it blackened in its wake.
She sometimes had a vague image of smashing Zeus’s head in, of him clutching his big ugly skull, golden trails of blood intermixing with his violet hair, draining down his cheeks. And there she was, holding the stem of glass, half of the vase, in her hand, the rest of it in pieces all over the floor before them. Sometimes. Sometimes it felt good to take out all that anger out on innocent paintings. Sometimes she had to destroy something, before it destroyed her.
“You’re acting crazy.” He had said.
Crazy, was she?
Crazy for believing visions in her head, which were always right in the past? Crazy for being angry? For kicking him out? No.
Crazy for staying with a being like him?
Yes. If she was crazy, that was why.
If I’m crazy, well, then…
She smirked, taking a long draft, and letting it out, grey wisps filling the air around her.
Thanks, baby, I owe it all to you.
She had a faint recollection of being sane once. Before him. He always made her crazy, be it when she was first fell in love with him, or when she rose in hate for him. But there was a time, when, before all this, she was a sweet, naïve little golden girl in the forest, with her sanity in tact, who loved animals, and taking care of broken things, her innocence still put together.
He thought he knew crazy. He hadn’t even scratched the surface.
But then that impulse would fade as quickly as it came, and she was left with guilt for even thinking that way. She’d never do that. She might burn his picture, but she wouldn’t actually hurt him…would she? She hoped it would never get that far.
No. That was anger. The boiling thing rising inside her that made her want to smash, and spit in, his face, and burn paintings, that was anger. Anger rose, vehemently, but in the end it dissolved.
This was more than just anger.
This, this feeling; this dull resounding ache at the back of her consciousness like an unending death knell; this thing that bored a hole in her stomach, making her feel constantly sick; this thing that hung as a weight in her chest; this thing wrapping around her, chaining her wings; this thing that stained her eyes with sleeplessness; this thing that broke into her mind and ransacked her thoughts, tainting all those happy memories, making them seem diluted with lies, and sickening to think of, and never, ever left her house—
This was heartbreak. Eternal, infernal, heartbreak.
She was on a long stretch of road now, out where nature still bloomed and she didn’t have to look at anyone’s faces or talk to anyone. The ribbons of light still outlining the air—(was it two hundred now? She’d lost track.).
Lucky me.
Everyone always told her she was lucky. Not everyone got to be the wife of the king of the gods. Just her. She was lucky she had a husband who was powerful. Who was rich. She was lucky she had a husband who adored her. Who doted on her. Who listened to her. Who she could talk to. Who made her laugh.
Not everyone had that. Some had husbands who were poor. Who were weak. Who didn’t love them, and whom they didn’t love. Husbands who didn’t dote on them, or give them so much as a wanton kiss. Who fixed a permanent scowl on their faces. Who they couldn’t talk to. Husbands who lied to them, and cheated on them.
She was lucky she didn’t have that.
Not everyone got to be queen.
Lucky her. So lucky he chose her. So lucky she got the crown. No one else.
No one but her.
So lucky she had that handsome face to wake up to every day.
(Every damn day)
So lucky could talk to him every day. So lucky could kiss him, and hug him, and make love to him.
(Sometimes she couldn’t even look at him.)
So lucky she had Zeus. That goofy, dumb, brave, arrogant king as her better half. So lucky she had a husband who was so sweet, and kind, and gentle, and funny, and patient, and forgiving. So lucky she didn’t have had a cheating, lying, conniving, backstabbing little weasel for a husband, who put that crown on his head, and walked into his office like he owned the world—!
And he was the one person who could say he did. Including her. Sometimes she couldn’t say a word against him.
He owned the world. Along with every fucking girl in it.
And he did fuck them.
After it all, what would he say?
We all lie, so what? Something like that.
So what.
Him; the illustrious king with his throne, and his lightning. Her; a jealous queen with a stolen crown.
The only one to blame was herself.
“I just feel like everyone’s lying, everyone’s—!” the golden girl cried, her hands over her eyes.
Someone took her arm, someone whose grasp was gentle.
He put his finger on her chin, tipping her gaze up to him.
“I’d never lie to you.” Zeus said, giving a gentle smile.
And what made it better was he meant it.
She returned the smile, placing her hand over his. “Nor I to you.”
That naïve little ray of sunlight darkened by his moon.
We’ve both lied, so what? That would surely be his excuse.
“You know what?! Why don’t we talk about you for a change?”
He’d said he was sorry before. He’d promised to be better.
And she believed him, then.
He’d spent enough time telling the truth that she believed he meant it when he apologized. When he made promises. When he spoke to her, she thought he meant the things he said.
I cheated on you, I’m sorry.
I lied to you, I’m sorry.
Now she questioned everything he had ever said. His apologies, his promises, his compliments, his kisses. Were those words so long ago just another lie? His promise to never lie to her, was that just the first lie of a thousand? As numerous as the hours they spent together. Did he ever intend to keep his words back then?
That was the unfortunate thing about lies; they could reside in even the most sincere of promises.
I’m sorry.
(I’m not sorry.)
Long ago she’d wanted him to apologize. She’d been more than desperate to hear those words falling from his lips.
Now she knew they meant nothing. They could, and usually would, be just another lie. And, even if he meant them, they wouldn’t fix this aching hole he’d left in her chest.
She remembered herself at her wedding; them, the picture of a perfect, royal couple, his violet a compliment to her gold. Both of them practically shimmering, wearing traditional wedding attire—(though impossibly embellished and adorned)—and those goofy, light-filled smiles. The whole pantheon applauding, smiling, wiping away tears at their back.
In other countries, at weddings, they said they’d be together in sickness and health, till death did them part.
Did this count as sickness? As death?
Didn’t he break that promise? Did her promises matter after he broke his? Was her faith and faithfulness worth nothing anymore?
She now imagined herself in a black dress, standing at the back of that ceremony with a bow, and an arrow made of adamant, laced with the venom from a certain many headed monster, its gleam reflected in darkened gaze. She breathed out as they spoke, and loosed that arrow, shooting that girl in the back. Olympus shouted in vain, as she watched all that gold flow out of her past self, those blue eyes fade to a cool grey, keeping her from making the biggest mistake of her life. And she’d look at Zeus’ horrified face and think
I’m sorry.
(I’m not sorry.)
That was surely better than this. Better than dying slowly, the blue in her eyes dimming day by day into lifeless grey still animated somehow, better than that gold leaking out of her with each forsaken sunrise she woke up next to him.
Would he be happy then? Without her? He could fuck around with whoever he wanted.
Would she be happier, dead, without all this?
There was no way she could have known, back then what their lives would become after a few millennia. How that god who held her hands and said he’d never lie to her, who hugged her and kissed her, and seemed so in love, could become dissatisfied. That lust would overtake him; he’d keep wanting more and more, gorging himself on it. She had no way of knowing that she wouldn’t be enough one day.
She was young, and innocent then, and didn’t know better.
She couldn’t forgive herself for that.
Something flashed gold in the headlights before her, and for a second her mind manifested before her; she saw that golden girl still, her own hair draining down the street like liquid, that white wedding attire—old, ragged, covered in burns—her own naïve eyes, still full of light and life, staring up at her, terror overtaking their innocent frames. And her own eyes boiled.
The sound of breaking glass was like a cooling rain upon a fire that had been left raging too long.
Zeus was doing important business work. Focus was imperative.
Someone knocked on the door. “Your majesty.”
He fumbled with the spinner he was playing with, dropping it on the floor, sitting upright. He folded his hands on the desk, clearing his throat, trying to look professional.
“Yes? If it’s Hermes wanting to install racing tracks in the sky again—”
“Uh, n-no,” the messenger poked her head in the door, looking nervous, “It’s… about your wife.”
He blinked, then sighed, leaning back in his chair. “…What’s does she want this time?”
“Um…” she swallowed, avoiding his gaze, “S-She’s been in a car accident.”
Notes cont.: Do you guys have any ideas for what song I could use for Zeus for the next chapter? (I want the next chapter to be framed like this one--based around a song, but for him, and from his perspective.) Let's see...In the simplest terms, I'm looking for a song about someone who knows they've made mistakes and/or hurt someone, and wants to do better. It doesn't have to be kpop, it can be anything XD (Though to be honest I'd prefer if it wasn't American pop...)
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kpop-zone · 4 years
Blackpink reaction to their s/o flirting with them post wisdom teeth removal
Full request: Blackpink reaction to their s/o flirting with them post wisdom teeth removal and then the s/o gets really sad when the members tells them that they’re taken
Wow that must have been one hell of a night. When you opened your eyes, everything was turning around you and you felt like you were high as a kite. Taking in your surroundings though, you were confused. This definitely wasn’t your bedroom.
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“Y/N? How are you feeling?”
You suddenly heard the sweetest voice that you had ever heard, ask you, accompanied by a touch on your hand. When you looked to your side the light of the window was blinding you, but squinting your eyes, you could see an angel sitting beside your bed.
“Am I dead?”
You mumbled out, not being able to open your mouth completely. Suddenly you could hear laughter. You realized that there were three more girls standing in your room that were apparently amused by your state.
“No. You just had your wisdom teeth removed.”
The angel beside of you chuckled. Looking at her, you felt a wave of courage overcoming you.
“And you? Who are you? Is it possible to ask for your number?”
You tried to smirk charmingly but felt a sharp pain and winced instead. The other three broke out in even louder laughter now. The tiniest one was holding her phone camera in your direction and the tallest was tumbled over, because she was laughing so hard.
“Nope. She is already taken.”
The blonde one answered with a grin and you felt incredibly disappointed.
“Oh. Must be the luckiest person in the world.”
You said more to yourself, now looking ashamed to your bed.
“Yes. An idiot, but even luckier, therefore, to have me.”
The angel now took the word, which made you look at her. She suddenly leaned forward and put her lips softly on yours. You pulled back in shock,
“Ma’am you’re taken!”
You stuttered out offended.
“By you, pabo.”
She said, now laughing along with the others. Oh my god if this was just a dream, you never wanted to wake up.
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“Look who’s awake.”
You heard an unfamiliar voice speak, before you could make out the frame of a blonde girl leaning over you.
“Let me to the front! I am going to make a video! She’s going to die of embarrassment!”
Another voice yelled too loud for your taste and suddenly a taller girl almost shoved her phone into your face.
“Do you know what’s your name?”
She asked excitedly and was fairly disappointed when you could answer her question correctly.
“She’s on painkillers, she doesn’t have amnesia.”
You heard the sweetest voice and saw a dark-haired, petite girl making her way over to your bed with a smile on her lips.
“How are you feeling?”
She asked softly, making your already dry mouth even drier at her loving gaze.
“Knowing that I have the cutest nurse in the whole hospital, a lot better.”
You answered drowsily, making the other break out in loud laughter.
“See, I told you, she would say something dumb.”
A third unfamililar voice choked out between laughters.
“Ya! Would you shut it. This is my chance to shine. I want to know what other compliments she has for me!”
The dark-haired girl spoke again, glaring at the others.
“But Jennie, you’re already taken!”
The blonde one said in exaggerated shock. Taken? Of course she had to be, she was the most beautiful girl you had ever seen. You started to pout as best as possible, now not feeling in the mood anymore to be awake.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. Sleep a little, I have the feeling when you wake up, a sweet surprise will wait for you.”
The pretty girl spoke up, stroking your hair out of your face.
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“Jisoo, you will not take a video!”
“I will! Y/N would want me to!”
At the sound of your name used during, what sounded like, a heated discussion, you tried to lift your head, seeing four girls sitting on a couch in front of your bed. The blonde one immediately took note of your movement,
“Y/N! You’re awake! I’m sorry if we woke you.”
Sweet Lord. Were those your friends? What in the world had you done to end up with four angels? They all moved to your bed, although the one who you assumed to be Jisoo, stayed further behind to be able to take a video.
“Are you my friends?”
You asked confused, making all of them laugh. The blonde one was the first one to stop, however, instead she sat on the edge of your bed, stroking your cheek softly.
“Yes. Your best friends even.”
Were you imagining things or was that girl low-key flirting with you?
“And did we ever had a thing going on?”
You wondered at her affection, making the other laugh even more and the one sitting in front of you look a little offended.
“No. Chaeyoung here is happily taken for a long while now.”
The tallest one of them all spoke up. Of course you were just imagining things. Why should a goddess like her ever be into someone like you? You sighted loudly, feeling in the mood to self-pity yourself right now. Single, apparently hurt, otherwise you wouldn’t be in a hospital, and the girl you wanted, was taken. Broodily you stared ahead.
“Y/N, don’t listen to them. I only have eyes for you.”
The girl on your bed spoke up again, leaning forward to press a kiss to your lips that was light as a feather, but still made your heart jump out of your chest.
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“Where am I?”
You mumbled confused, being startled when suddenly a voice actually answered you.
“You’re in the hospital. You got your wisdom teeth removed.”
A girl with a cheeky grin replied, making her way towards you, followed by three other ones.
“Do we know each other?”
You asked now, not being familiar with any of their faces. Although you couldn’t rip your eyes from the one in the front, because she was just so gorgeous that you felt like having a heart attack. Good that you already were in a hospital.
“Yep. I’m Jennie, this is Chaeyoung, this is Jisoo and that is Lalisa, she is dating a really good friend of ours.”
A girl behind the one that caught your eye answered. You were happy that you had friends that cared so much about you, but you also felt disappointed at her saying that the beautiful girl was already taken.
“We’re together for a while now already. Although I have the feeling that I’m the only one who remembers that we’re dating right in this moment.”
The one with the cheeky grin said and her grin widened even more at her statement.
“I would never forget if I dated a beautiful girl like you.”
You suddenly heard yourself say, shocked that you actually said that out loud, not having any sort of filter apparently due to the pain killers.
Turning your head, you could see three of the girls laughing, but the one in the front was actually blushing.
“Ok, I actually wanted to tease you a bit longer, but that was really cute, jagi”
She spoke up, making your eyes widen. Jagi? Could it be? Was that beautiful girl your girlfriend?
“What did I do to deserve such a goddess like you?”
You asked when the girl carefully laid beside you, cuddling up to your body.
“Damn, Y/N, I think I have to give you painkillers more often.”
She responded at your compliment.
“Please, don’t. I think I have to puke.”
The one who had introduced the others earlier said, making everyone in the room laugh.
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luxora · 2 years
Blackpink -> {Goddess AU} -> Falling for a mortal
Requested: Yes
Group: Blackpink
Genre: Fluff. Angst.
Warning: Mention of poisoning. Some violence. Mention of nsfw.
A/N: Goddess Blackpink. First Goddess Au! Let me know what you think!
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Jisoo cocked her head as she watched you celebrate over the deer you had managed to successfully hunt, your body dancing around its body while you arms were in the air in celebrating, a wide smile on your face as you turned to look at Jisoo.
“Did you see that? I did it! I really did it!”
She only hummed in response, her eyes flinting to the dead dear before glancing back at you, a look of pride on your face as you looked down at your prize. When she had first met you at her temple, you could hardly be classified a hunter. You were all but a traveler by trade trying to live off the land, considerably terribly at first as you were not one who knew much about nature.
You were a child of a noble who escaped an arranged marriage and became an unknown face to others as you traveled from city to city, trying to adapt to your new way of life which was not surrounded by luxury and servants whom were at your beck and call. Jisoo usually did not go to the mortal realm, but being the Goddess of the Hunt, she did like to envelop herself in nature and so she decided to visit simply to enjoy the pleasure of the natural landscape.
And then she came across you nearly dying from poisonous berries.
Usually she did not become involved with mortals due to their constant disrespect of nature and destruction of it, but something moved within her when she locked eyes with you, your face going an unnatural shade of red while you clutched at your throat, eyes wide and reddening as you just managed to make out her figure standing above you. Believing that you had reached the end, you had reached out to Jisoo.
“Angel...” You rasped, making Jisoo cock her head at you while you arm trembled with effort.
“...Not quite.” She has said, deliberating if she should save you or not, since she did have the power to do so.
Perhaps it was because you seemed so helpless and had managed to tug at her heartstrings for a moment, or it was the fact that you were had mistaken her for an angel, but she decided to ease your pain, removing the poison from your body with her powers. She watched you with silent deliberation as you sat back up, rubbing your throat which you could now easily breathe through and no longer swollen to suffocate you. You had then turned to face her, her appearance now more distinguished due to your eyesight returning to normal, and you immediately threw yourself to the floor in a deep grovelling bow.
“I owe you my life. Thank you so much!”
Jisoo did not say a word before she all but vanished, leaving you behind in confusion and shock. But she did not stay away for too long, instead she found herself observing you from afar as you tried to navigate your way through the landscape, tripping all over yourself most of the time but demonstrating your resilience as you tried to learn through your experiences. Eventually Jisoo could not observe from afar anymore, deciding to become involved in your life and becoming a guidance of sorts to you, much to your surprise.
She taught you the ways of the forest, the way of survival, training you to become a hunter like her, albeit a mortal one, and becoming one with the forest. And today you had managed to kill your first animal without any of her aid, which was a remarkable achievement on your behalf.
“Jisoo I did it! I did it!”
Seeing your mortal delight of something so simple made Jisoo smile, prompting her to walk towards you and to cup your jaw, halting your from your celebration as you stared at her in confusion. Without saying a word, she leaned in and pressed a kiss to your forehead, lingering for a few moments before pulling away to see your face becoming completely flushed.
“Well done.” She said, tracing your cheek for a second before pulling away and walking in direction of the camp you had set up, not looking back at you as you watched her retreating  figure in shock and embarrassment, unaware of the smile and slightly pink cheeks on Jisoo’s face.
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Mortals have always been fascinating creatures as they always came up with the strangest of things and always sought to make things better and easier for themselves, something which Jennie could respect as she herself understood the feeling of wishing to improve things, given her status as the Goddess of Wisdom. While most gods and goddesses tended to avoid the mortal realm, Jennie was often a frequent visitor due to her fondness of mortals, being one of the few gods that freely interacted with them.
Jennie was naturally very curious and with creatures like mortals, Jennie always strives to learn more about them, which is why she frequently visited her many temples in order to interact with her worshipers and to cement her status as a true being. It was always considered a blessing to be able to witness a god or goddess appearing in a temple, especially considering they were the most powerful beings in the world and way more superior than mortals, and Jennie often blessed most of her worshipers whenever she would appear at the alter at one of her temples, gracing everyone with her presence.
However as of late, she does not appear as frequently in public as she did before, as she now only appears at the later hours in the evening where she knew most worshipers were asleep, aside from one.
Jennie smiled when you stumbled over yourself to reach the alter, holding your hand out to help her down with a bright smile on your face. As always, you looked at her with complete and utter devotion, and it prompted her to cup your cheek and lean in for a kiss, a greeting that was often exchanged between the two of you.
“My goddess...” You breathed, never quite getting used to Jennie’s sudden entrances at the temple despite often being a witness to many of them. Although her visits to the temple were now very different, because instead of visiting for the sake of her many worshipers and granting them their fortunes and blessings, she visits the temple for the sole purpose of seeing you. Her precious mortal lover.
“Y/N.” She uttered your name, making it sound as sweet as honey as it left Jennie’s lips before she smiled and gathered you into her arms, hugging you tightly as she has reunited with you after a week of separation. You hugged her back just as tightly and nuzzled your face into her shoulder, smelling her sweet scent while she pressed a kiss to your head. “It has been too long.”
Her voice was lower than usual and it made you shudder, Jennie have such an effect on your that it was almost extraordinary. although it was not quite a secret as Jennie chuckled as she pressed another kiss to your head and moved to cup the back of it, holding you close to her. “Did you miss me my darling?”
“You know that I do.” You said, pulling away so that you could look at her.
Jennie’s smile was radiant, almost as bright as the sun but shining like the moonlight, and she cooed softly at you as she moved to cup your cheek again, stroking it tenderly with her thumb.
“The feeling is mutual, my darling. You have no idea how I wished to see you.”
“You could have come...” You started, but a click of Jennie’s tongue silenced you as moved to tangle her hand in your head instead.
“While I would love nothing more to spend all hours of the day and night with you, my darling, I do have other duties to fulfill. Every one is as deserving of a blessing, I must not show favoritism, unless you want a riot on your hands.”
She gave you a pointed look, making you duck your head in slight shame. While you were not as accomplished as the temple priests were in Jennie’s temple, you were working your way up. You were all but a worshiper who had somehow managed to capture the goddess’s heart, and you had to make sure to not be greedy about your spiritual prestige. No one should know of you connection to Jennie, because others will either see it as a threat or a blessing that can be used, and neither you or Jennie wanted that to happen.
Jennie tucked her fingers under you chin and tilted your head up to look at her, a slight frown on her face as she gazed at you.
“Do not hide your face from me. I have yearned to see it for a while.”
“I’m sorry.” You immediately apologized, not wanting to upset her since she had taken the time to visit you despite it being so late. Although unlike her, you were the only one between the two of you that needed sleep but you always stayed up as late as you could cleaning up the temple for a possible chance of being visited by your lover.
“You are forgiven. Let’s not fight my darling, we can do much better things than that.”
Noting the hint of desire in Jennie’s voice, you only smiled and titled your face up to her to prompt her to lean in and kiss you, overpowering you in the best way possible in the middle of the temple which was constructed in her honour. It was somewhat symbolic and sentimental in some kind of way, not that you or Jennie were complaining.
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The sheets of the bed shifted and you mumbled something unintelligible as you began to return to the waking world, courtesy of the feathering kisses which were being pressed against your bare shoulder while an arm tightened around your waist as it pulled you back against the equally naked body behind you, the curves easily encompassing yours like a two perfect puzzle pieces.
Chaeyoung smiled against your shoulder, gently sucking at it as you uttered her name, a bit roughly due to just waking up, as well as the passionate night that the two of you had before. You finally turned in her arms to face you, and smiled sleepily at her as you nestled yourself in her embrace, the two of you only being breaths apart while your legs were entangled with one another.
“Good morning.” You mumbled, which earned you a soft giggle from Chaeyoung and a delicate kiss on your nose.
“Good morning my love.”
It was quite rare for you to wake up with Chaeyoung right by your side, because usually she was gone the day afterwards due to her duties as a goddess. However, whenever the two of you were intimate, she always remained because it was against her nature to leave you entirely after spending so many hours worshiping each other’s bodies. For the Goddess of Love to leave her lover after sex, it would be shameful on so many levels, and she could never do that to you.
You were not some harlot which she had decided to humor herself with. You were her love, her favorite mortal, and she was going to treat you as you deserved.
A hand crawled along her side and shoulder before finally cupping her cheek, tenderly stroking it and causing her to look into the eyes of its owner, meeting your loving gaze with one of her own while you smiled lazily at her.
“You are so beautiful.” You whispered, completely mesmerized by her appearance.
Being astoundingly beautiful was one of the many aspects of being a goddess, but Chaeyoung’s looks were far more astounded than all the other gods and goddesses. She was the Goddess of love and beauty, so of course her looks would be the most superior among the gods; however in comparison to you, she believed was undeserving of the title, because you were the most beautiful person between the two of you in her eyes.
“So are you.” She whispered back, pressing herself closer to you so that your foreheads were pressed against one another and so that she could give you a small Eskimo kiss, rubbing your nose with her own. You couldn’t help but softly scoff.
“Not like you.” You downplayed, not believing that you could be as beautiful as the goddess of love and beauty herself. But Chaeyoung quickly kissed you, molding her lips with your own and surging all of her love for you in the single action before pulling away, the two of you breathless despite the kiss being small.
“To me you are. You are the most beautiful person I have ever laid my eyes on.” She confessed, moving to cup the side of your neck to pull you closer to her, resting her forehead against yours once again. Your cheeks were slightly flushed but you giggled at her passionate words.
“I’m sure it is no surprise that I think the same of you as well?” Chaeyoung smile and pressed a light kiss to your lips again, rubbing her nose against yours again when she pulled away.
“I still enjoy hearing it from you.”
“I think you’re beautiful. The most beautiful women in all the worlds.”
And Chaeyoung thanked you with a kiss, only separating when air became necessary and when her body began to spark in desire, mirroring yours as you hands began to explore her naked body, taking the similar journey that they did the previous night as you worshipped her body as if it was one of her many temples in the city.
Although there was a vast difference between worshiping her name in a building and worshiping her as a woman in your bed.
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It was the dead of night when Lisa appeared in the medic bay where all the injured were, all battling for their own lives while the war plotted and brooded during the darkest hours of the day. Being the Goddess of War, Lisa knew the inner workings of war and she knew that night time was the most dangerous time during a war, because while most armies and their soldiers rested after a whole day of fighting, they are always caught off guard whenever the other side decides to strike in the middle of the night.
She has seen it many times before, participated in it even, but there was only so much she could do for the mortals who were at each other’s throats. She can only cast the battle inspiration and will to live through her presence in the mortals, but aside from that, there was nothing more that she can do. She was a Goddess, not a soldier, and she could only implement her powers in spirit, and on the odd occasion, she would get get directly involved in a battle but only occasionally because it was against the rules for all gods and goddesses to interfere with mortal activities.
But it is different when it comes to a mortal that affects a goddess and god so, and that is precisely the reasoning behind Lisa’s visitation in the middle of the night in a medic bay.
She silently walk through through the tent, eyeing the makeshift beds until she finally found you, your lower torso bandaged tightly with red stained cloths while your chest rose and fell unevenly, breathing apparently being a mission of its own. Seeing you in this state infuriated her immediately, and she felt herself pulse with power with the thoughts in her mind which involved exacting vengeance on the side that caused you this harm.
At that moment, you had shifted in your bed and Lisa watched as you opened your eyes and squinted at her, eyes still adjusting to the dark until finally you recognized her. A small smile crawled along your face.
“Lisa...” You breathed, lifting a hand and reaching out to her, relief and joy in your voice but mixed with pain. Lisa immediately grabbed your hand and moved to knell beside your makeshift bed.
“Don’t move unnecessarily. You are hurt.”
“Tis...but a scratch.”
Your attempt of humor was not appreciated, and Lisa gave you a hard stare in response before she glanced at your torso, the cloth stained with your blood. She looked back at you, noticing your eyes not leaving her for even a second. Despite being in obvious pain, you held a soft expression as you gazed at the goddess, a small smile on your face as you gripped her hand tightly.
“How did it happen?” She demanded, squeezing your hand back tightly as she stared at your face for an answer. You winced as you tried to move to sit up, Lisa immediately pressing you back down by the shoulder with a scolding look, which made you sigh.
“We were busy pushing them back, but then one of them got lucky with their sword. I didn’t see it coming, I was trying to fight off another one of them. They had snuck up on me from the side and I didn’t have time to dodge.”
Lisa pulsed in power again, her anger often being the cause of it because she was truly ready to travel to the other army to slaughter them all just to end this war, just so she could you out of risking your life any further. But by the Elder Laws, she could not do that, nor would you forgive her if she decided to end it for you and your army because then it would be an empty victory because you and the others did not earn it yourselves.
“You are an imbecile.” Lisa scolded, but her sharp words did not match her soft touch as she tucked your hair behind your ears and out of your face, gently tracing her fingertips along your skin. You flashed her another smile and moved to grab her lingering hand, pressing it to your cheek.
“But you love me regardless.”
It was quite arrogant of you to say that so easily, especially since gods were higher deities than mortals. But it was not unheard of gods and goddesses falling in love with mortals, and Lisa was not an exception because she did fall for you despite your reckless nature. But she did not correct you because then she would be implemented a lie, and she has always been bluntly honest.
“Its very stupid of me, but I do.” She confessed, which resulted in you flashing her a bright smile before moving to press a kiss to her palm, making her smile at you in return.
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melodramex · 7 years
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bobowhooo · 5 years
Potent savages
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Genre : Drama/ Angst/ Smut/Trigger warningsss/ Exo, oc, and blackpink gang au!
Summary : Not everyone is cut out for this kind of fast-paced lifestyle, but for these young, rich savages, it’s second nature.
Chapter 17 : The land of sweetness and danger
  Give me reasons we should be complete...
“Heyyyy, biiitch!” Lisa said before throwing her arm over my shoulder and hanging onto me. “I thought you weren’t going to come.” Her breath smelled like all the alcohol she consumed while I wasn’t here and her eyes looked a bit dazed. Even though she’s obviously wasted her perfect ponytail is still intact and so is her makeup. I must say im impressed. 
I smiled at her while lifting her head up by her chin. “Of course I came. You know I can’t miss out on a good party.” I said. A few hours ago kai and chanyeol invited me and the girls to this new club they invested in downtown. I, being completely not in the mood, turned down the offer, but the girls went in hopes I would meet up with them later. I only decided to come because the silence in the house was eating me alive. Everyone was busy tonight so I was alone in that big mansion. I couldn’t do it. That’s how I ended up here, all dolled up and ready to party. I guess...
“Well, you look fucking delicious! I could just eat you up!” Lisa yelled into my ear as she pulled open my unzipped black leather jacket to get a better look at my tight silk black dress. 
“Says the goddess herself!” I yelled back while smiling. 
“Ahhhh! You made it! Isn’t this place just to die for!” Jennie said with her arm locked onto chanyeol’s as the big man just looked around. I nodded my head slowly at them, seeing right through their little friends with benefits act. “Come on, let’s go to the VIP area! It’s too crowded here!” Jennie grabbed my hand to lead the way and lisa stayed attached to me, following my every footstep. The luxurious club was lit up with neon blue lights that began to soften as we made our way to the desired area. Unlike other clubs we used to hang out at, this place didn’t make their VIP area obscure at all. I'm guessing this is a tactic to make people want to hang out here more. The more they see it the more want it, type of thing. I'm already not a fan. I always hated being stared at by strangers but it seems so much more unbearable these days. I groaned before taking a seat on the surprisingly soft white leather couch. 
I spotted kai with jisoo, and rose deep in the crowd of people on the dance floor probably admiring each other's lean bodies and perfect jawlines as I sipped a shot jennie poured me a minute ago. “You’re supposed to down it, aya.” Jennie said with narrow eyes. 
“I know that. I just don’t really want to get shit faced tonight.” i said back. 
“Why not? You haven’t been shitfaced since baekdumbass left you here. Maybe getting drunk is what you need to do to get over it all!” She said, an excited smile plastered on her pretty face.
I put my hand on her shoulder and shook my head. “That makes almost no sense.”
“Almost.” she smirked.
A laugh erupted from my throat as I gripped her shoulder a little harder. “I’ll think about it.” I said to end the discussion. I can’t imagine how getting drunk could possibly help at all. I downed the rest of the alcohol in my shot glass and slammed it onto the table with a smile. Jennie was beating softly on my right arm excitedly with her two hands as she watched me. “Yasss, bitch!” She laughed before pouring me another. My eyes traveled to her hands before catching a glimpse of chanyeol, who was seated right next to the girl. He was just staring me down, well more like my cleavage. I tilted my head and stared right back at him, but even after I did that his gaze never wavered, not at all. He seemed dazed. He finally looked me in the eyes and licked his lips, making me scrunch my eyebrows. Does he want me to rip his balls off his body or something? 
“Here we go!” Jennie said while holding up two shot glasses. “Why is your face all mushed up?” 
“Give me those.” I downed the two drinks with no hesitation, trying to forget what just happened. One minute he’s confessing his feelings, the next he’s staring me down like a fucking five-course meal. I swear I can’t take this shit anymore. I have to have a serious conversation with him tonight before things get out of hand. I can’t give him anything he wants. Like at all. Jennie downed two drinks herself after handing me another one. Or I could just get drunk and talk to him about it later. I smiled at jennie and we clicked our glasses together. 
Fuck it. 
I saw chanyeol staring at me again while I drank the poison in two gulps. It reminds of how baekhyun used to watch every move I made, and how it would excite me beyond belief to know his eyes were on me. It makes me want another drink. I got up to make my way to the bar after telling jennie I would be right back. I slipped through the crowd and to the bar and filled the modern style white bar stool in front of it with my silk-clad ass. A very cute boy looked up at me from behind the bar as he carefully mixed drinks in a little glass. He smiled and I smirked. His face is so sweet and innocent. Almost like baekhyun’s. Ugh, everything reminds me of baekhyun. My eyes rolled on their own when a pout took over my lips. What the hell is wrong with me. 
“Let me guess, you want the strongest drink I can make.” The cute little bartender said after handing out a drink without even looking. 
“You guessed correct, cutie.” I said back.
“I thought so. That adorable pout just screams boy troubles. And everyone knows the cure to that is some good hard alcohol.” He spoke with a little grin that makes me wanna pinch his cheeks. 
“I was not aware of this but thank you, now I know.”
“You’re very welcome. You can call me joong. That’s what my friends call me.”
“Interesting. You can call me aya. That’s what people call me.”
The man handed me my drink and tilted his head cutely. “That your real name, or just a nickname?”
“Both.” I said before sipping on what he had made me. I was surprised to taste a soft sweetness in the drink because of his earlier “hard alcohol” comment. I was really expecting something nasty and bitter. I looked up him with wide eyes and he smiled at me. “This is kind of good.” I said.
“Of course it is, I put effort into it.” He nodded with pursed lips.
“Imma need about ten more of these, my guy.” I said as I gulped down the rest of this one. 
“Coming up!” 
He kept serving me drinks and I continued to chat him up for another twenty minutes or so. I could feel myself getting looser with every passing minute. His smile is intoxicating and his conversation is so stimulating im started to think the drinks aren’t the only thing that’s making me feel this way. 
“So, what made you decide to dye your hair this very pretty silver color?” He asked.
“Well, this was my way of saying that I'm a new person. Now I just like it because it looks good with all the black I'm wearing.” I giggled.
“I can’t disagree with that. It looks really good.” He eyed me up and down as I sat there in front of him. Giggly and flirty.
“Why don’t you come over here, fuck bartending!” I yelled in his face before biting my lip.
“Well, this is my job.” He laughed. 
I narrowed my eyes before reaching over the bar and grabbing his shirt. “Fuck your job. I'm filthy rich, baby boy.”
He cocked one eyebrow before sighing. He grabbed my hand and kissed it just to walk away from the bar with a smile. How daring. I grabbed him up once more to lead him to the VIP area. I saw kai and rose look surprised when I passed them on the dancefloor as jisoo didn’t pay me any attention. I don’t know if it was because of the man I'm dragging around or just because they didn’t know I was here, but either way, they looked very surprised. 
“Everyone meet my new friend! You can call him joong! Isn’t he cute!?” I yelled at everyone in the VIP area. He laughed again while placing his hands on my hips. “Heyyy, joong!” Lisa said while clapping happily and jennie just smiled at him. “I brought him here cause I want to give him lots of money! But I don’t have enough cash! Gimme cash!” I yelled in my drunk voice while trying to put my arm on the bartender’s shoulder. He was too tall though. Joong just laughed and shook his head no. Which I don’t understand. Who doesn’t want free money?
“I don’t want money, aya. I really just wanted to talk to you more.” He said into my ear. I bit my lips to hold back my laughter. His breath tickled. 
“Blah blah, take my damn money!” I said with a giggle before reaching into my bra where I left my cash. I saw him struggle not to look at my cleavage but he lost that fight and ended up looking shamelessly. I smirked when I whipped the money out. 
“Here you go, my good si-” Before I finished my sentence chanyeol put a death grip on my wrist and pulled me towards him. Me, being fairly drunk, lost my balance and crashed right into his chest. 
“Who the fuck are you?” Chanyeol said. 
“That’s joong!” I yelled into chanyeol’s chest.
“I’m joong...”
“Beat it.” Chanyeol said in a very intimidating voice.
“Well-” Joong tried to speak but chanyeol’s deep voice overpowered him.
“I said fucking beat it.” The big man said as I felt him reach for something on his body.
“Chanyeol!” Jennie yelled. I pulled myself from out of chanyeol’s chest and saw him holding a glock to the bartender’s forehead. He looked so terrified and stunned. Has he ever even seen a gun before? My hand landed on top of chanyeol’s, trying to force it downwards. “Just go back to bartending, joong.” 
Without any second words, the man took off like a scared little boy. Like a coward. But what did I expect? Did I want him to stand up to someone with a gun? I have to remember that normal people wouldn’t do that. Any normal person would have gotten scared in that moment. Normal people run. I guess when you’re around people who would do the opposite for so long you’ll start to forget about that. Suho always said not everyone is cut out to hang with us. Not everyone is capable. And of course, he’s right.
“What the hell were you thinking!? I liked him! Why did you have to run him off!?”
“Why the hell do you think!? He was obviously only using you for money! Besides, why would you want to hang out with a bitch ass guy like that? ”
“So what! I have a shit-ton of it! I'm a grown woman and I do what I want! If I want to spoil the shit out of some cute bartender then I will.”
“Oh, so you think he’s cute? What do you think baekhyun would say about that?” Chanyeol reached in his back pocket before pulling out his phone and waving it in my face.
“You piece of shit.” I said before the man smirked at me. I grabbed his phone and threw it harshly onto the ground. “You know what chanyeol, stop being such a jealous prick and worry about your own life!” I pushed him before storming off into the crowd of people. I heard him call my name in the distance which made me even more frustrated.  I walked up to the bar and grabbed the first bottle I saw while throwing down some cash. Before I could walk off a man grabbed my arm, dragging me back towards him. No words were exchanged when I turned around. I threw my fist into the center of his face and yanked my arm out of his hand. Everyone around me stared like I did something terrible but this was really the least harm I could have done to him, in my opinion. 
“What!?” I yelled at the people staring. “Yeah, I punched him! I’m a bitch it’s what I do. If you want to do something about it then stop staring and do something!” I yelled at everyone as I swung around the bottle of alcohol I took. 
“Aya, stop.” Chanyeol said out of nowhere. 
“Fuck.” I forgot I was trying to get away from him. I kicked rocks right when chanyeol reached out for me, trying to tame me. That’s all everyone wants to do to me. Hold me down, and tame me like im a wild animal. I'm not. I’m just like everyone else. I just want some damn respect. That’s all. 
I pushed open the club doors and stumbled out into the warm night air. I walked while trying to open the bottle of whatever the fuck this is, and thank goodness the damn cork was unscrewed already. I took a few swigs as I walked on the sidewalk slowly. This is how it should be. I should be alone. Just for tonight. I need to be alone. 
I tilted my head back so I could take a big gulp of uhhh I think this is vodka. People eyed me intensely from my head to my toes as I passed them. The pretty lights that colored the city intrigued me more than ever, all the different colors sparking a different kind of loneliness in my heart. They’re much like the stars when I think about it. Shining so brightly at night like this. Shining over my lonely presence like this. If only baekhyun was here to make me feel full again. If only he could come and take this emptiness away like he used. I miss him so so so much. Sometimes I wonder if he’s doing okay out there. And I wonder if he’s standing somewhere feeling alone. Just like me. And maybe if I just stand here alone long enough, he’ll come back with arms wide open. Waiting for me to hug him. Just like he used to. But it’s so much easier to be mad than to be hurt. It’s so much easier to say I want to kill you than saying how much I miss you, baekhyun. Please, understand me.
I whipped my head to the left to find chanyeol in his black Mercedes. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! Please forgive me! I can even go get bartender boy if you want! If that will make you happy!” He yelled through the passenger seat window as he kept the car at the pace of my footsteps. 
“no, that’s not what I want.” I said to him, crossing my arms in the process.
“Then, tell me what you want! I’ll do anything! Just, please get in the car.”
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“Tonight is the night we finally get revenge.” Minseok said as he looked through the window. 
I smirked at him, loving just how ready to go he is. My stomach has been turning all-day just because I'm scared something will go terribly wrong.  I can’t help but think about how suho must have felt ready for all this to be over at that time too, but look what happened to him. And it goes without saying that im not even half the man suho was. So, what’s going to happen to me? I would hate to think that bitch si yeon is unbeatable but what else am I supposed to think. 
“Baekhyun, I know what you’re thinking,” Minseok said while still looking out of the window. “All those thoughts are just a source of self-doubt.”
“Listen to me, baekhyun. You can’t doubt yourself anymore. This moment in this hotel room is where all of that stops. You have to trust that this will work and that you will succeed. If you doubt yourself for even a second right now, you will lose. And we’re not losers are we, baekhyun?”
“No, hyung.”
“Most importantly, when you get this done, you will be the new leader of exo. Which means self-doubt has to be thrown out of the window more than ever.”
“Wait, i thought-”
“I don’t want to be leader, baekhyun, and we both know that suho wanted you to take his place.”
“I know he said that a few times but-”
“Baekhyun, don’t make me repeat myself. I lost my best friend! This is not a game! Snap out of your insecurities and kick yourself into gear!” Minseok yelled loudly as he shook sense into me.
“Yeah, I know hyung, I'm trying.” I said to him.
Minseok pushed his forehead against mine and gripped the back my neck. “Don’t just try, fucking do it. Fucking do it, baekhyun. Trust in yourself, you hear me? I want you to show everybody the fucking hungry beast you have hidden inside you, baekhyun. And eat everything that gets in your way! You got it!?”
“I mean it! Eat everything!”
I’ll do it for suho. I’ll leave a trail of fire just for suho hyung. I swear, no one is safe in this battle to protect everyone and everything I love.
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Chanyeol pulled up into the driveway of the exo mansion after a fairly silent car ride from the club. Neither of us moved to get out because the atmosphere of the car didn’t allow it. We just sat there. Feeling all of our feelings, right next to each other. “Aya, you have to give me a break here.” Chanyeol said, daring to break the silence. 
“What do you mean?” I asked while rolling my head over to look at him.
“I don’t think you realize how hard it is to see you every day. It kills me to watch you waltz around without even knowing how crazy you make me.  And it hurts that even now that you know.... there’s nothing that can be done of it.”
“well, what did you expect, chanyeol?”
“I’ll tell you what I didn’t expect. I didn’t expect you to fall mindlessly in love with baekhyun, and I didn’t expect him to do the same. I didn’t expect you to think of me as nothing more than a friend. And I sure as hell didn’t expect baekhyun to leave you here for me to look after, even though he knows how much I love you.”
“Listen to me, these past few weeks with just me and you, have been so awesome. And the more time I spend with you the more I fall for you. The more I need you. I'm done holding my feelings back for baekhyun. I thought I could do it but I can't anymore. Not anymore.”
“Chanyeol, you already know how I feel. You said it yourself. I'm mindlessly in love with baekhyun. I can’t return your feelings. But I know that jennie reall-”
“Don’t. Please, don’t mention anyone else right now. This is supposed to be about us.” Chanyeol said before grabbing my hand and holding it gently like baekhyun used to. If I didn’t feel sober before, I definitely do now.
“Chanyeol.” I said with all my emotions building up. I feel so fed up with everything that I could cry. Does he have any idea how this feels? What am I supposed to say!? I thought this type of thing would never happen to a girl like me. “You have to understand I am in no position to tell you how to feel. But I have to tell you to stop where you are. This can’t go any further. Your love for me has to end with this night. Please, forget about your feelings for me. I know I sound crazy saying that like it’s easy. But, trust me, you will only get hurt.”
“Don’t you think I know all this!? Stop saying unnecessary things, aya! Just look at me. And I mean look at me. Not like a friend, or someone you don’t know. Look at me like you love me, aya. Just this once.”
“I can’t. You know I can’t.”
Chanyeol pulled my chin in his direction and I got a good look at just how desperate and vulnerable he is. Just like me. I stared into his eyes seeing my own feelings in them somehow, and before I could turn away he caught my lips in a kiss. The warmth of someone who loves me giving me the affection I needed for weeks warmed my heart for a minute before I realized this isn’t the one I love. This isn’t the one I want. This isn't and will never be, byun baekhyun. 
I slapped chanyeol’s hand away from my chin before pushing him away from me. “What the hell did you just do!?” I looked at him as I brush the back of my hand on my lips to get the chanyeol off. 
“Aya, wait-”
I stormed out of the car and slammed the door completely confused and disgusted. What the hell just happened? What the hell did I just do? How come I just let him kiss me like that? That’s not what I wanted to happen. I don’t understand how I got this vulnerable. I just don’t understand. I stumbled into the mansion and threw off my shoes. I could feel my eyes burn but no tears fell as i ran for my room before locking the door and running fingers through my hair. My body pushed up against the door as it slid to the floor in exhaustion.
“Baekhyun, I'm sorry.” I whispered into the dark. “I’m sorry.”
I could feel a slight buzzing in my jacket pocket as my tearless eyes burned. Someone must be calling me. I squinted my eyes to adjust to the phone light after I got it out from its place. Without a second thought, as if I had no worries in the world, I picked up quickly.
“Baekhyun?” I spoke into the phone softly.
“Aya, you picked up.”
“I did it, baby. I handled it.”
“You did it!?”
“Yes, beautiful. I took care of it. Everything will be better now. I promise.  I just have one more thing to do and I'm coming back right after I’m done even if I have to fucking run back on my own two feet, I’m coming home.” 
“Baekhyun. Oh, baekhyun, i love you so much.” I said while pressing my hand over my mouth in happiness and shock. Finally letting the tears fall.
“I love you so much more, babydoll.”
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Kisses <33333 lailaaa ~~~~
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eviestrol · 5 years
Writing Rules
Monsta X
NCT (ot21 or you may request a specific unit)
Red Velvet
SHINee (ot4 only)
Stray Kids
The Boyz
Coming soon: fromis_9, Ateez, Oneus, Loona
No smutty requests for 00 liners and younger.
I’m happy to do girl x girl, boy x boy imagines. I’m bi af. Every identity is welcome here <3
AU Scenarios
Tell me the AU you want.
I’m fine with anything. My favs are Mafia, Greek Gods/Goddesses, Apocalypse.
Let me know if you want it angsty, fluffy, etc.
I will not do full on smut. I don’t read it and don’t feel comfortable writing it.
You can request groups or specific idols from the list above.
I can combine groups. So if you want a scenario with both Seventeen and Monsta X (Monteen <3) I’m willing to do that!
I can include a moodboard for these as well.
Tell me which group or idols you want and a theme.
Ex. Paris and Minghao (Seventeen), The Boyz Kevin and Blue, Blackpink and Greek Goddesses, etc.
A short drabble/song lyrics will be included.
Request by mood, theme, or group.
Ex. Sunny days playlist, Get Hyped, Top Songs from Monsta X, etc.
Tell me which group or up to 5 idols you want.
Ex. How they cuddle, first date, how many kids they’d want, etc.
I’ll rank members of a group or specific idols from most to least to do/want a certain scenario. 
No requests about sexuality, gender, or physical appearance. I just don’t want any harmful content on here. Let’s assume they would like everything because some assumptions made could be harmful.
Happy requesting!
- Jennie
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ninesoftkids · 6 years
ship ur mutuals with skidz! bringing this ask meme back cause y not! friendship! woo! 💓❤️💓💖💗💕💞❣️💗❤️💞❣️
Aayyy, I love these asks! Unfortunately, Stray Kids only has nine members :( so I’ve finished the rest of my mutuals with other idols I think fit! I hope that’s ok lmao. Right. (It’s gonna be quite long so i’m going to insert the line thingy) Here we gooooo :D
·        Woojin – Andy. Thefirst person to fight your corner, but sometimes they lack belief inthemselves. An essential part of our family, just like Woojin. One of the mostcaring people I’ve met, but also definitely one of the most chaoticallyencouraging people ever. Don’t let them eat the trees. @haknveons
·        Minho – Roxi. Two bubblypeople with serious visuals! But don’t let their cuteness fool you – there’sdemons hidden beneath the angel exteriors. Just as Roxi loves to both hurt andheal us with gorgeous pictures of our faves, Minho loves to tease. The push-and-pullrelationship. Roxi the Angel, and Minho the Devil. But he cares deeply, andwould always listen to whatever worries you had. You can expect cute good nightmessages and missed Skype calls that are made up with a thousand nose kisseswhen you finally see each other. The Opposites Attract Couple @lxx-fxlix
·        Chan – Syd. Bluntand honest, forthright with their beliefs, I think Chan and her would have amazingphilosophical arguments that would end in cuddles and Disney on the sofa whilethey throw popcorn at each other. Chan could teach you Korean, and you canteach him your slang :D Also that height difference would be cute af. @hwarang-my-loves
·        Hyunjin – Mer. Twoanimal lovers with visuals to merder. 😉 You share the cutestgiggles and are always down for pillow forts and cuddle piles. Fancy dinnerwho? Give you two pizza and some fluffy dogs and you’re good to go. You’d takethe best pictures of each other and you’d be the Aesthetic Couple @softstan4softboys
·        Changbin – Liz. Edgelord?Bitch, where? Like Changbin, your aesthetic is the opposite of your personality.You’re both whole dorks who love fiercely and are genuinely amazing people. Plus,I just really like imagining Changbin doing aegyo for the last Cadbury’schocolate or something and you judging him so hard, but doing the exact samething thirty seconds later. Softies. Both of you. The Tsundere Couple @darkaegyo
·        Jisung – Hae. Two kidswith unbelievable and unending energy. Plus the visuals? God damn you’d look sogood together. Another Aesthetic Couple. Give the two of you energy drinks andyou’ll be bouncing off the walls. Expect midnight runs to your local supermarket,throwing grapes into each others mouths, cute holiday vlogs where Jisung triesto befriend a squirrel and you throw peanuts at him. @squirrelboiii
·        Felix – Csen. He’dlove to watch you draw in the park while he kicks a ball around with the boysand pretend he’s not trying to figure out who you’re drawing – he hopes that it’shim. Teaching each other to cuss in other languages. He’d roll his eyeswhenever you scream over Namjoon or a Stray Kids Comeback but secretly love howexcited you get about things you love. The sarcasm also runs strong in thisship. Cute selfies returned with a ‘I did it better’. 100% down to prank eachother. The Friends to Lovers Trope we all adore. @lee-minho
·        Seungmin – Esther.People can’t decide if you’re the most savage or the most soft couple to exist.You both put so much thought into what you do for others and you’re so treasuredby everyone who gets to call you a friend. Birthdays are always anticipatedbecause you try to outdo each other in what presents you get each other. You metat a theme park, both the odd person in a group and having to sit next to eachother on a ride. When the ride ends you leave the others to find some ice creamand drinks – and it isn’t your fault that you forgot you arrived with otherpeople. The Meet-Cute we all deserve. @goddamngyu
·        Jeongin – Charz. Thelittle sister we all wish we had. You and Jeongin would be the cutest ok. You’dcompete at baking and force the boys to choose which is better without themknowing whose is whose (you’d both try to bribe the boys beforehand) You’ddance long into the night, not watching the time and just laughing at eachother’s attempts at popular dances. You were probably introduced through mutualfriends at a bonfire, and spent the night arguing over who had the best randomfacts. The Must Protect Couple @strayedtoofar
And now my other mutuals! :D
·        Tayla – KimSeokjin, BTS. Both visuals and Jin would help raise your self-confidence levels byalways taking pictures of you looking cute and bragging to the boys about you. Absolutedorks, with ridiculous nicknames to match. You steal his shirts and he pretendsnot to notice because his jumpers give you sweater paws and it’s adorable. But thosesweater paws come in handy when he tells a particularly bad pun and one lookfrom Yoongi has you whapping one sleeve across his arm, despite laughing atleast as hard as Jimin. Couple Goals. @mindieu
·        Ash – Lee Jihoon, SVT. You’re another Opposites Attract Couple, but both of you makeme want to cuddle the shit out of you. Both completely adorable, you probablymet like one of your AU’s :p A penpal thing that your friends mischievouslysigned you up for and it grew from there. You’ll send him Kpop memes and thoughhe won’t understand many of them, the second he sees his face he’ll be like ‘hey!It’s me!’ He hates aegyo but he’ll do it to make you smile, even at the expenseof his dignity in front of the other members. The Pen Pal trope that I am anabsolute sucker for. @lovelyhoonie
·        Stacia – KimTaehyung, BTS. Infectious laughter would follow you everywhere you went, and you’dalways be touching each other in some way – holding hands, an arm wrappedaround your waist, you name it. Also secretly evil – together with Jungkook,you prank the shit out of the other members and no one ever links it back toyou. And why would they? Both of you have Angel faces. The Trouble Maker Couple @softtrasshh
·        Jazz – Taeyong, NCT. Istill don’t know a lot about NCT, but I think your personalities would match sowell! Both fun loving and so caring and ready to give advice if people need it.You’d bond over your protective instincts and probably spend lots of time atsmall parties with close friends, laughing over good memories. @always-a-winwin
·        Ty – Jeongyeon,Twice. Neither of you could look like a mess if you tried. Goddess-tiervisuals, I swear. I also like to think that Jeongyeon sends really cutemessages to her members and always tries her best to make everyone feel better.And you’re literally the same, in that respect. You love angst so much, and youdon’t need a happy ending, so when she finishes a sad movie or novel, you’rethere to tease her back into laughter again. Neither of you are good for myheart and you fucking know it, you demons. Pet names between you range from ‘babygirl’ and ‘sweetheart’ to ‘nerd’ and ‘oi, you’. The Playful Relationship. @softspearb
·        Bri –  Kihyun, Monsta X. Outspoken about what youthink is right and wrong. Incredibly loyal and fun-loving. Always up for anadventure, and weekends will find you two trying to get lost in the city purelyfor the fun of it! The Adventurous Couple with so many stories to tell! @b-interest
·        K – Jennie, BlackPink.You seem kinda intimidating but you’re actual fluffballs. Always have eachothers backs, and spend your weekends at the park trying to get pictures of thecutest dog – loser has to buy ice cream. The Cute Couple @straychijeu
·        Roo – Jung Hoseok, BTS.You always try to see the best in people and in every situation. You’ve beenthrough difficult situations, but you smile your way through it with your headheld high and you always show concern for everyone else, sometimes forgettingthat you deserve to be cared for too!!!! @chanscurls
·        Tia – Jin Jin,Astro. Visuals for days and with smiles that make the sun jealous! I thinktogether you’d be the couple that always out and doing something. Trying a newrestaurant, racing each other down streets, going to karaoke rooms. Your IG isfull of, not necessarily aesthetic photos, but definitely short videos of JinJin doing something amusing and you laughing in the background, or you leaningon a fence pointing at ‘the view’ with a comment from him ‘you are the view’. TheCheesy Couple! @ ????
·        Flora – Youngjae,GOT7. Very affectionate and take the cutest selfies! If someone can’t find eitherof you, it’s because you’re hiding somewhere with ice cream and a movie. You loveteaching each other your own languages and laugh together over both yourattempts at the correct accents and pronunciation! @ ???
I cannot remember some of your URL’s so like…. can the rest of y’all link this to them bc i’m an awful human being lmao
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tayegi · 6 years
I always imagine the Oc of new rules as Jennie from blackpink, idk why. They have some similar personality traits.
Haha really? I can kindaaaa see that... except tbh she’s too fabulous and beautiful to be the oc 😂 like maybeee if Jennie gave up her chanel for jeans and flannels and instead of being cool, she decided to be the embarrassing raving weirdo 😂But yeah. My conceptualization of them is that mijoo is the goddess type (like actual mijoo from lovelyz), yerin is the cute one (like actual yerin from gfriend), and hyejin is the sexy queen (like maybe hwasa from mamamoo? Or hyuna?) And in comparison, the OC is like imperator furiosa from mad max, protecting her precious girls haha
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sahjian · 4 years
We couldn't imagine BLACKPINK without you!
You're the strong glue that makes the band stick together! You're stronger! Thank you for being healthy, for keeping us updated in Vlive, for making us laugh harder!!! you're the best unnie!!!
Jisoo 9th
Kim Jisoo
goddess of beauty
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