#going a little soft and bashful and just glancing over at him
punkshort · 3 days
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Can You Remember Who You Were?
Pairing: Dave York x f!reader
Summary: When you struggle to stop obsessing about the handsome stranger you met at a coffee shop who ghosted you after one date, fate eventually forces you back together.
Warnings: language, possessive behavior, smut (18+ MDNI), unprotected piv sex, oral sex (f!receiving), omegaverse dynamics, alcohol consumption, minor physical altercation
WC: 9.1K
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
A/N: For @burntheedges's Roll a Trope challenge I got reincarnation. I also mixed in some a/b/o stuff because I've always wanted to give it a try. Go easy on me, I'm nervous about this one - hope you enjoy. And thank you to @txtattoostark for holding my hand.
When you first met, it was happenstance. An awkward run-in at your favorite coffee shop where he thought your coffee was his until he read your name written on the cup aloud and had the grace to look bashful when he handed it over. A moment later, his own order was ready and you caught the name Dave scrawled on the side. He smiled and raised his cup to you before taking a sip and wishing you a good day before disappearing out onto the busy street.
It was a simple interaction. Nothing terribly special. But you couldn't stop thinking about him the rest of the day.
Dave, Dave, Dave.
Dave, with the soft, gentle brown eyes. Dave, with the chiseled, clean shaven jaw and strong, angular nose. Dave, with the broad shoulders that strained underneath his blue button-down shirt. Dave, with the bare ring finger that still had a visible, yet faded, tan line.
Something about him stuck with you. You felt drawn to him. Connected, somehow, yet you didn't even know him.
After the weekend passed, you managed to clear him from your mind, if only because you stayed as busy as possible. You cleaned your apartment top to bottom. You went to a concert for a band you didn't even like with your friends. You even called your parents and suffered through another phone call where you heard about your brother and sister's lives, how their respective children were, how your brother got a promotion and your sister was thinking of having a third baby. The unspoken question hung heavy in the air, your parents already knowing the answer and predicting your negative reaction by now, so it remained unsaid. But it still stung to be compared to your siblings in that way. Your parents had a skewed notion that maybe it would encourage you to try a little harder if they kept pointing out your brother's success and your sister's natural instinct for motherhood, but it only made you draw into yourself tighter.
Once it was Monday again, you dragged yourself to work. You were so tired from your overly busy weekend that you didn't even think about Dave when you entered the coffee shop. You stood in line, zoning out and in desperate need of caffeine when the door swung open and shut behind you and the sound of dress shoes tapping on the hardwood floors neared.
"Promise not to steal your coffee again."
You swiveled around, eyes wide and heart rattling in your chest when you fixed your gaze on none other than Dave. And much to your dismay, he looked even better than you remembered.
"Oh," you squeaked, subconsciously fixing your hair and glancing around to buy yourself a moment to recover. "Hi again. Two days in a row, what are the odds?" you chuckled dryly, hoping you didn't sound as stupid as you felt. Dave shoved his hands in his pockets and smiled down at you.
"Could've been four but I guess you don't come here on the weekends."
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise and you struggled to respond. Dave took that to mean he caused you offense and quickly rectified it, not wanting to sound like a stalker.
"I'm just kidding."
You laughed and rubbed the scar on the back of your neck, your head spinning. Was he just kidding? Did he come here over the weekend? And if he did, was he hoping to run into you?
"I work around the corner," you explained, telling him the company you worked for. Your mother would have scolded you for telling a stranger where you worked, especially one who might have just admitted to coming to the coffee shop in the hopes of running into you, but you knew it was safe. You didn't know how you knew, you just knew.
Dave nodded and was about to speak when the barista ushered you forward so you could place your order. Before you had a chance to pull out your wallet, Dave leaned over you to tell the barista you were together and added his order before handing over his card.
You couldn't stop the shudder that went down your spine when you heard him speak so close to you, the vibrations of his voice sending a current of electricity through you. At this distance, you could practically smell him, too, and it wasn't just his cologne. It was something else that you couldn't identify but had you weak in the knees.
To be polite, you turned to deny his offer, but he spoke first. And when he did, telling you not to argue and he was happy to do it, his voice deepened and the timber alone caused your body to weaken and your eyes cast down obediently.
"Do you work around here, too?" you asked once you got your coffees and you thanked him for the third time.
"No, I don't."
He walked towards the door and held it open for you, a fourth thank you slipping from your lips. You got the feeling he liked hearing you so thankful and sweet. He smiled every time you said it.
"What brings you out this way, then? Do you live nearby? I don't think I've seen you here before."
Dave walked you to the corner where a shiny, black BMW sat parked.
"Let's just say there's something about the atmosphere I like at this place."
Your face flushed and you took a sip from your coffee, burning your tongue in the process, while you tried to think of something to say. Then you heard the bells from a nearby church and you were stricken with panic.
"Oh, shit! It's already eight?" you asked, yanking your phone out to check the time. You were already late and you still had a ten minute walk ahead of you.
"Come on, get in," Dave said, holding open the passenger side door. "I'll drop you off. You said it's just down the street?"
You contemplated his offer for about three seconds before nodding and jumping into his car. In only took him about two minutes to drop you off in front of your building but you couldn't stop thanking him the entire way, something that continued to delight him.
The rest of the week followed the same pattern. You showed up at your usual time and mysteriously, Dave would appear within a few minutes. He would insist on buying your coffee and on nice days, he would walk you to work. If it was rainy or windy, he would drive you.
By Friday he finally asked for your number and by Saturday you were getting ready for your first date.
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Shannon was your age but she always seemed to be so much wiser and grounded. She had a very different view on life, but she was sweet and fun and you got along the moment you met. While you were used to going out to bars on a Friday night, Shannon preferred to stay in and read about horoscopes, take stock of her essential oils, do some light yoga, or scour eBay for rare crystals. You thought she was a hippie, she preferred spiritually inclined.
Regardless of your differences, she still was a wonderful person and was always there for you. Whether you were going through a bad breakup or upset about something your mom said, she would always be there to listen, rub your back, and kindly suggest a way to unblock your chakra.
You had a handful of other friends who would gladly come over and drink wine while you tried on outfits and help with your makeup, but that wasn't what you needed. You had something else entirely on your mind and you couldn't think of anyone else who might be able to help besides Shannon.
"I've been having dreams."
Shannon raised an eyebrow so far up, it got lost under her curly blonde bangs and thick rimmed glasses.
"What sort of dreams?"
You sighed and sat down on the edge of your bed, your dress partially zipped. "About Dave. And me. And it's just... strange."
Shannon shifted a bit on your mattress, her clunky jade bracelets knocking together in the process. "Go on."
"It feels like a reoccurring dream, but it's not exactly the same. The feeling is the same, though."
"I see," she said thoughtfully. "And what are you doing in these dreams?"
Your face warmed up and you stared at the floor when you said, "Well, we're having sex. But it's not just sex. It's different. Like," you waved your hands in the air as you struggled to come up with an explanation. "I know this will sound crazy, but it feels like in my dreams, we have more of a connection. Like, a purpose or something? And in my dreams it feels so much more intense compared to other guys I've slept with."
"How so?"
You had to give her credit. Shannon was too kind to ever tease you.
"Intense like... if we don't fuck, I'll go certifiably insane."
"Oh," she said, nodding her head, completely unphased. "Interesting. It kind of sounds like something I've read about once before. Have you ever heard of -"
Your doorbell buzzed and you leapt off the bed. "Oh, my god! Zip me up! He's here!"
When you flung your front door open, Dave spun around with a smile, one which widened when his eyes drifted appreciatively up and down your frame.
"Hey," you said breathlessly, feeling that magnetic pull low in your belly again just at the mere sight of him.
"You look beautiful," he told you, and just as he was about to lean in and kiss your cheek, he spotted Shannon emerge from your bedroom behind you with a little wave.
"Oh, this is my friend, she was helping me get ready," you said, turning to introduce them while you grabbed a leather jacket and your purse.
"Have a great time, I'll lock up when I leave."
You both thanked her before heading outside towards Dave's car. His arm naturally found its place protectively around your waist and you practically glowed from his touch.
Dave picked a restaurant that you'd never heard of and when you walked inside, you quickly figured out why. It was easily the fanciest place you had ever eaten and if it wasn't for his reassuring touch or warm smile, you would have felt out of place. But once you sat down, the rest of the room melted away and it was just the two of you in your own little world. The entire time you both were leaning across the table, bodies pulling closer and closer on their own accord as you absorbed every little detail about each other. You learned Dave used to be in the military and now works as an operative in the CIA, something that should have intimidated you but it just made him more attractive. He was a protector, he knew how to handle himself and he was smart, qualities which turned you on and had you yearning for more.
When he admitted to being recently divorced, the hairs on your arm stood up and jealousy bloomed hot in your chest. The sudden idea of him with another partner unlocked something inside you that screamed mine, mine, mine.
By all accounts, your first date was perfect. There was never any lack of topics for conversation, you always felt perfectly at ease and safe, and it went by way too fast even though you were the last table to leave the restaurant.
But when he dropped you off and walked you to your door, something changed from that point forward. He kissed you, gently and sweetly at first, but when your lips brushed together for the very first time it set something on fire inside you that you couldn't ignore. You had no idea how it happened, but the next thing you knew he was pinning you up against your door, your wrists captured in each of his massive hands and held next to your head while his tongue licked aggressively into your mouth.
Then you released a little whimper, a little cry against his mouth and it nearly brought him to his knees. The needy sound reverberated through his entire being and had him forgetting who he was, where he was, what planet he was on because that little sound had his body and mind responding in a way he couldn't explain.
And it frightened him.
He pulled away and put some distance between you, palm dragging over his wet mouth, eyes hungrily devouring your wrecked state. Still leaning against the door, you panted heavily and stared at him through heavy lidded eyes.
He scratched at something invisible behind his ear and took a deep, steadying breath.
"I should go."
You frowned, still trying to catch your breath. "W-what? Was it something -"
Dave quickly shook his head and stepped further away.
"I'll talk to you tomorrow," he promised, then turned on his heel, practically running back to his car while you stood there, completely dumbfounded.
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As it turned out, you did not hear from him the following day. Nor did you see him at your coffee spot the entire fucking week. By Tuesday, after sending a few pathetic texts that went unanswered, you forced yourself to accept reality.
Dave ghosted you and you would never see him again.
It was just one date. You only knew him for a week but it felt like so much more and you couldn't help but be torn up about it.
On Tuesday night, you called Shannon to tell her. You did your best not to cry but she could hear it in your voice.
"It felt like such a strong connection, you know?" you said sadly, plucking at a loose thread on your sweater.
"Well, what do you think happened?"
You shrugged and tossed yourself backwards onto your bed. "I don't know. The date went great, he dropped me off at the front door, we were kissing and things were getting heated and then all of the sudden, just -" you snapped your fingers. "He had to leave. Said he would talk to me the next day and I never heard from him again."
You heard her hum on the other end and clink a spoon in her mug. "Suppose my silly theory was wrong, then."
"What theory?"
"The dreams you were having and the feelings you were describing sounded like something I've read in one of my books, I wondered if it were real."
One of her books. You rolled your eyes, knowing she had a very strange collection of reference material spanning from meditation and Hinduism to books about Karma and the Kama Sutra.
Even so, you humored her and let her continue.
"Do you believe in past lives?" she asked. You hid your scoff behind your hand and cleared your throat.
"Uh, can't say that I do."
"That's okay, I know it's a bit out there, but it sounds very much like you might have a connection with this man that supersedes this earthly plane. And what I mean is, you may be destined to be together."
"Like, soulmates?" you asked dubiously.
"Mmm, not exactly. What I'm thinking is a little more physical. I have a book that talks about reincarnation and the ability to imprint on another person to the degree where the link follows you throughout all your lives. If it's at all possible, you will always find each other. Although it's usually pretty rare..."
"What do you mean, if it's possible?"
Shannon flipped through some pages of a book, humming under her breath before she said, "Well, if one of you comes back as a bear and the other a human, odds are it won't be a happy reunion."
You couldn't help it, you had to laugh. Shannon wasn't offended. She knew you didn't mean any disrespect and her beliefs were a little more difficult for others to understand.
"Okay, thank you. I needed a reality check," you said with a smile. "I hear what you're saying: we just met and there's zero reason for me to be acting this way."
"No, that's not at all what I mean," Shannon replied. "I haven't actually known anyone personally who went through something like this, but I've read about this phenomenon online."
"Alright, this is getting a little too weird, even for me," you said, sitting up in bed.
"Just Google it!" Shannon told you before you finished your call. "Read what others have said and see if you can relate."
You promised her you would give it a try the next day but you never got around to it. Instead, you went back to moping and staring at your ignored texts to Dave for the rest of the week.
By the time Friday came, you were ready to blow off some steam, refusing to spend another night wasting away over some man who just happened to be an insanely good kisser and whose scent you couldn't erase from your memory.
You agreed to go out with a small group of girls after work. The alcohol buzzing in your veins and the loud music in the bar helped you forget about Dave, but when other men approached you to dance, you just couldn't do it. You politely turned them down and stayed with your co-workers, Dave's rejection still leaving its mark on you. You listened to them complain about a team lead they couldn't stand who got a promotion she didn't deserve and then, as they began to drink a little more, discussed the finer qualities of the cute guy in the mail room.
In retrospect, leaving by yourself when you became too tired wasn't the best choice. You had a longer walk back to your bus stop than usual and it was eerily quiet out, but you wrapped your arms around yourself and kept your head down. And it almost worked, too, until you heard a familiar voice behind you.
"Need a ride, pretty girl?"
The hairs on the back of your neck stood up and you kept pushing forward after tossing a no, thanks over your shoulder.
"Don't need to be rude," the voice replied, now much closer. You glanced around nervously and didn't see another soul on the street. Only parked cars.
You moved faster but it wasn't good enough. A hand clasped onto your shoulder, grip firm and frightening, and fear shot through you. You broke out into a cold sweat when he pushed you against a building, caging you in and leering down at you, his sour breath poisoned by alcohol. You recognized him as someone from the bar but before you had a chance to process anything else, two massive hands dug into his shoulders and yanked him away in the blink of an eye.
You shirked away when you heard a fist meeting soft tissue, then the clattering of teeth and a pained groan. Your savior's voice growled threateningly, warning the man to get the fuck out of here before I put you in the goddamn hospital, then you heard the squeaking of shoes against concrete and hurried, retreating footsteps down the street.
You were scared. He could sense it. He could fucking smell it. It made his skin crawl and his stomach turn.
Dave's voice was so deep and gravelly, you didn't even recognize him. Not until he crouched in front of you on the street, his dark eyes filled with worry as they scanned your face for any injury did you realize it was even him. Tears welled up in your eyes and he cupped your face. He looked like he was in extreme pain as he watched your tears begin to fall. He then stood, scooping you up so he could carry you to a nearby parked car.
"I'm going to take you home," he said when he placed you gently in the front seat. You had about fifteen seconds to gather your thoughts while he hurried around to the other side of his car.
"Why are you here, Dave?" you asked when he turned his key in the ignition. He paused momentarily before putting his seatbelt on and merging onto the empty street.
"Right place, right time," he muttered. He was gripping the steering wheel so tight, his knuckles turned white. You watched him closely from the passenger seat, not believing him for one second but for some inexplicable reason, it didn't frighten you. In fact, you liked it. The idea of Dave being nearby, possibly watching you, made you feel safe and protected, although you hardly knew him.
You took a deep breath, about to muster up the courage to ask him why he had ignored you all week when you were suddenly overwhelmed with his scent. You couldn't describe it but it was a smell uniquely tied to him. You made a little noise in the back of your throat and squirmed in your seat, desperately trying to stay focused and present, but your body had other plans.
Dave's eyes shifted to you, his nostrils flaring at the way your legs rubbed together and your breath picked up and then he smelled it: the first scent of your arousal in the air. That was all it took for him to forget who he was and succumb to his baser instincts.
His cock throbbed painfully hard in his jeans and his molars were practically ground to dust by the time he arrived at your apartment. You fumbled with the seatbelt, desperate to disappear inside and pretend this embarrassing interaction never happened, but you weren't fast enough. Dave had gotten out of the car so quickly that he was already yanking your door open and violently pulling the seatbelt away from your waist. You blinked up at him as if you were trying to clear your vision and jumped out of the car.
Something felt wrong.
You had an ache between your legs that was growing impossible to ignore and your brain was a hazy, swirly mess being so close to his scent. Did someone spike your drink at the bar?
"Thanks," you whispered, chest rising and falling faster as you tried to drag in more air. Your skin was far too sensitive. All you could think about was getting inside before you tore your clothes off in the middle of the parking lot. "I'll, um, see you around, I guess."
He nodded, his neck and cheeks tinted pink as he stared down at you hungrily. "Wait," he croaked when you made a move to leave, eyes burning red hot into you. "Can we - can I explain - fuck," he winced, pinching the bridge of his nose in an attempt to block your scent from his nostrils so he could take a second to fucking think. He felt like he was going insane and he had no idea why.
"You wanna come inside and explain why you haven't talked to me in a week?" you asked bitterly, your arousal temporarily forgotten. "Why you've been ignoring me? Why you made me feel terrible? I was out tonight trying to forget you, Dave. I was hoping it would be the first night all week I didn't cry, but it's too late for that."
He swallowed thickly, eyes all wide and filled with despair as he gazed down at you. "I made you cry?" he asked softly. Every fiber of his being was screaming at him that he failed, that he did the one fucking thing he shouldn't have done.
You huffed and crossed your arms before looking away. "You hurt my feelings, Dave," you mumbled.
His heart lurched in his chest and he took a step forward to gently cup your face. Despite your anger, you gazed up at him with glassy eyes and almost immediately melted into his touch.
"I'm sorry," he whispered, "I'm so, so sorry. Will you let me explain?"
Reluctantly, you nodded and allowed him to trail after you to your front door.
You flicked the lights on in your kitchen and living room before turning around. Dave stood there looking too big in your average sized apartment, gaze drifting over your walls, your pictures, your plants, your life.
With a little distance, he could feel the clouds clearing and his senses returning, so he took a steadying breath before speaking.
"About last week," he began. You were in the middle of closing your curtains when you turned around to listen. "I didn't want to scare you, but something happened to me that night." You frowned, pulling the curtains closed the rest of the way and took a few steps towards him. Almost instantly he could smell you again, the wetness between your legs practically calling to him, and he quickly held up both hands so you would stop.
"You gotta stay over there," he warned. Hurt flickered over your face but you obeyed and stepped back until you were by the window again. After a moment, the air cleared enough so he could focus and he slowly dropped his hands back to his sides. He was so hard, it almost made him sick.
"I'm sorry," he said once again. "That's part of what I'm talking about. When you're close to me," he pursed his lips and dropped his chin to his chest while you patiently waited for him to continue. "When you're close to me, I can't fucking think straight. And I know it sounds dramatic," he chuckled, looking back up at you across the room. "I know it sounds like I'm making it up but I promise you, I'm not."
"I think I know what you mean," you said softly after a quiet moment. His eyebrows raised a bit, curious for you to elaborate. "It's like... your scent."
"Yes!" Dave exclaimed, snapping his fingers. "I don't understand it but you're giving off a scent and it's doing something to me. Something that frightens me."
You swallowed nervously and took a small step forward.
"Would you... hurt me?"
Dave's eyes went wide and he vigorously shook his head.
"No," he whispered, "never."
You took another step forward and his eyes flickered down to your feet.
"Then what would you do to me?"
His eyes slid shut and he crossed his arms over his chest. What wouldn't he do to you? He would bury his face between your legs until you screamed his name. He would stuff you full of his cock over and over, as many times as you could take it. He wanted to leave love bites all over your body so anyone looking at you would know you're his.
But that would be absurd. You just met and only had one date.
Without even needing to open his eyes, he knew you were closer. The thick smell of your slick filled the air, swirling around him, driving him to the brink of insanity until he was convinced the only cure would be to fuck you senseless.
"I feel it, too, Dave," you whispered, your hands coming up to pull lightly on his arms, unknotting them from their protective place over his chest. You nipped hesitantly at his neck, your lips puckering over his tanned skin, and he felt his resolve crumble.
"Fuck, what is this?" he breathed, his body pulling him forward. He wrapped his arms around you, holding you close. His mouth pressed into your hair, deeply breathing in your scent, then he dragged his mouth lower. His tongue flicked out to taste your skin, the burst of flavor - you - making his head swim the closer he got to the back of your neck. Before he reached the scar you kept hidden by your hair, he pulled back, gasping for air.
"Come with me," you said with heavy lidded eyes and wet, parted lips. He nodded and followed you, logic and reason fading with each step. He had never felt like this before. It felt like he was being driven by pure instinct, like some kind of animal.
Dave swallowed when you pulled your shirt over your head as you walked, your bare back teasing him with what he could not yet see. Then you worked on your pants, unbuttoning and shimmying out of them as you approached your bed. His cock strained against the metal zipper of his jeans, begging to be touched, begging to be buried deep inside your soaked cunt. And it was soaked. He could see your dampness darkening the fabric of your underwear when you bent forward.
Finally, you turned to face him wearing nothing but your panties and a nervous smile. A low groan escaped from the back of his throat while his gaze drifted slowly down your body, taking in every soft curve and slope while he began to unbutton his shirt.
"You're perfect," he said lowly, shrugging off his shirt before his hands found his belt. "I want you so fucking bad, sweetheart, it hurts. I want to make you mine, make you scream my name til it's the only word you ever remember. I want to fill you up so you're feeling me for days. Want to give you everything you could ever need. Then I want to do it all over again."
Your knees felt weak as you felt another wave of arousal spread through your stomach and between your legs. Shakily, you crawled onto the bed as Dave approached like a predator from the doorway, shedding his clothes and pinning you with an intense stare that, if it were anyone else, would make you nervous.
"You want all that?" he asked you. You were nodding but you couldn't tear your eyes away from the bulge straining in his boxers now that he stepped out of his pants. "Say it," he commanded, and something about his tone made your eyes snap up to his and your spine immediately straighten.
"Yes. I want it. I want you," you replied, then reached your arms out for him to join you. A pleased look passed across his face at your invitation as he kneeled on the bed with you, towering over you with his broad frame, making you feel so small.
He leaned forward with his hands brushing lightly over your shoulders and his lips parted as he admired you openly. Then he murmured, "Lay down and spread your legs," and you felt your stomach flip as you did what you were told.
Dave palmed himself through his boxers when his eyes locked onto the wet spot spreading in your underwear. His long fingers hooked around the fabric and pulled them down, slowly exposing yourself to him. You watched, squirming impatiently, as his eyes turned from brown to almost black when he took a deep breath and spread your legs wide into the bedding.
"I need you," you whimpered. Your skin felt like it was on fire and you were so aroused it almost fucking hurt but you were certain Dave would be able to fix it. You didn't know why or how, but you just knew.
"I know, baby," he said, shifting down so he laid between your legs, his angular nose nudging against your folds and his hot breath fanning over your leaking cunt. You shivered and whined but his big hands held you in place.
"I'm gonna take good care of you, don't worry," was the last thing he said before he placed a sweet kiss on your mound. Then he kissed you again except that time, his tongue flicked out, catching your clit, and the noise that came from your mouth was borderline embarrassing.
"God, you're so wet," he whispered in awe inbetween plunging his tongue in and out of your opening, reveling in the taste of your pussy. The way your scent had engulfed him made him feel insane and the only thing he wanted to do was pull more sweet noises from your lips.
There was no explaining that night. At least, not rationally. The two of you fell into something neither of you experienced before but somehow was all too familiar. You found yourself being far more submissive than you ever were with anybody else, like your body had taken over and knew just what to do. Anything Dave asked of you, you did it, trusting him implicitly.
It was a combination of your sobs and whimpers that drove him forward like an animal, unable to stop eating at your cunt until you came twice from his tongue. You finally had to tug on his hair to pull him away, your skin coated in a thin layer of sweat and chest heaving beneath him.
"Could smell you all fucking night," he admitted hoarsely, wiping his palm over his slick covered mouth. "Drove me crazy, couldn't stop thinking about it. Christ, I- I've never needed someone this badly, baby," he told you as he pushed his boxers off and gripped the base of his cock in his fist. "'M sorry, can't explain it-"
"I know," you croaked before hauling yourself up from the mattress. You moved towards him on your knees, legs still wobbly but you managed to hold yourself up. "I feel it, too. I don't want to leave this bed for a week," you murmured before pressing your lips against his and groaning at the taste of you on his mouth. Again, all you could think was mine, mine, mine. You were consumed by the thought, overwhelmed by the idea of Dave smelling like you so everybody would know he was yours.
Your tongue dove into his mouth greedily, a sentiment he easily returned. You dragged your fingers through his hair, down his neck, over his broad shoulders and down his soft stomach until you found his cock standing at attention between you.
"I- shit," Dave moaned when your lips nipped and sucked down his jaw until you found a tender spot behind his ear you seemed to like while your fist slowly pumped him up and down. "I don't have a condom, I didn't think... do you have any?"
You did, but you paused and thought about it. Even though you were on birth control, you still always used a condom, just to be extra safe. But the idea of having a barrier between you and Dave just felt wrong. You wanted to feel him bare, you needed it. So, you decided on a non-answer.
"I'm on birth control," you whispered, and Dave seemed just as relieved as you at the prospect of taking you raw. He tipped his head back and closed his eyes, enjoying the way you continued to suck and bite at the spot behind his ear while stroking his cock. He wanted to tell you there was a scar there, one he couldn't remember getting, but he was struggling to form a coherent thought.
When your teeth grazed his skin too harshly, he growled and bared his teeth like a goddamn animal, but not because it hurt. Because it felt good.
"Think you can take it, baby?" he rasped, fingers pressing into the softness of your hips.
"Mhmm," you hummed, finally tearing yourself away from his neck, proudly leaving a little red mark of your own before letting go of his cock and twisting around to fall onto all fours.
Dave moaned at the sight of you presenting yourself to him on a silver fucking platter before crawling forward.
He took hold of himself, all heavy and leaking, so he could notch at your entrance. He hummed a little, enjoying the way your warmth spread over his engorged tip, using it to spread your slick around to make it easier to first enter you.
Impatiently, you wiggled a little and tried to spear yourself on him, but he chuckled and grabbed your waist, making you still.
"Want it that bad?" he taunted, voice dropping low, the lust in his veins pumping hard and fast through every inch of his body.
"Yes," you whined, tilting your head back as if you were in pain. "Yes. Please, Dave, don't tease me."
And how could he deny you? He simply wasn't strong enough, his need for you so hot that it burned through his resolve in a matter of seconds.
His eyelids fluttered when his tip slipped past your folds, jaw dropped when he first pressed a few inches inside, face twisting and breath growing ragged when his hips finally came flush with your ass.
"Oh, fuck," he groaned, blinking away the tears that suddenly burned his eyes. Shaky hands found your hips and he braced himself, taking a few deep breaths while he waited for your walls to relax and your whimpering to quiet down.
Dave swallowed and looked down, nearly coming apart right then and there at the sight.
"God, baby, you oughta see the way you stretch for me," he breathed, still staring down where you were connected. "That feel good? Hm? Talk to me," he pleaded before drawing back an inch just to watch more of your arousal get pushed out when he slid back inside.
"Yes," you hissed, "I'm so hot, Dave, it feels like I'm on fucking fire, please fucking move."
"Are you sure?" he asked, but his hips had already begun to rock into you without his permission. You nodded and let your eyes fall closed so you could focus on the way each one of his thrusts and grunts soothed the flames roaring inside you.
"Harder," you whispered, not even sure he heard it, but then a moment later his grip around you tightened and his hips snapped faster, the sounds of his skin slapping against your ass filling the room and making you dizzy.
You heard him whispering something to himself but you couldn't make it out. You craned your neck back, bleary eyes trying to find his but every forceful thrust of his hips jolted your entire body and sent you halfway up the bed just to have his massive hands drag you back down.
"Fuck it," he murmured before grabbing you by the shoulders and yanking you up so your back was pressed to his chest. You gasped in surprise and cried out at his relentless pace, never once missing a beat. One of your hands reached around to grab the hair on the back of his head, pulling him close so his mouth was directly next to your ear.
"So - fucking - tight. Want you so - fucking - bad," he whispered through clenched teeth. Both his arms circled around your middle in order to keep you steady, sweaty skin sticking to sweaty skin. You twisted your neck, seeking out his mouth so you could swallow down those words and have them echo like the beat of a drum inside you.
Your lips crashed together, messily licking and biting at one another while he grunted and growled, hammering into you with everything he had. The tip of his cock reached a spot deep within you that forced all the air from your lungs just to be followed by a sharp gasp. It was making you lightheaded, the persistent pattern - grunt, thrust, gasp, grunt, thrust, gasp - and then his hand traveled lower.
"Oh!" you cried out, your fingers slipping through the thick hair on the back of his head and body slumping a bit but he kept a firm hold around your ribs, still pressing you against his front while his fingers rubbed fast, precise circles over your clit.
Your thighs began to shake and your hips sunk lower, unable to keep yourself from giving into the pleasure mounting low in your belly. Your muscles fucking burned from the effort to stay upright, even with his help it was becoming impossible to do.
"Dave," you whimpered, eyes squeezed shut as your head came to rest on his shoulder. It was all you could remember to say, Dave, Dave, Dave. Just like he said. And it was perfect because that was all he wanted to hear.
"You're close," he murmured, lips pressed against the shell of your ear, fingers working expertly over your clit and hips still snapping tirelessly against your ass. You just nodded, slack jawed, as you focused on your release. So close. So fucking close, you wanted to say, but no words came out.
"Give it to me," he growled, voice sounding like a command. Your eyes flew open and a moment later, you came. You bore down on him, pussy clenching around his thick shaft still slamming inside you, in and out, in and out, while you wailed his name over and over until you grew weak and your muscles threatened to give out.
Dave made a pleased sound before pushing you forward onto the bed. You fell onto your forearms with a huff, still in a rosy haze from your orgasm. One hand gripped your hip, the other your shoulder, and he used you. He fucking used you to get himself off, slamming into you as hard as he liked, chasing his release, puffing and growling above you until he finally stilled and you felt his spend slowly fill you up.
"Fuck!" Dave groaned, gaze pinned to the way he spilled out of you when he pulled out. "Fucking beautiful, baby," he whispered hoarsely, still panting for breath as he continued to watch. You whined and your hips began to drop, so he collapsed next to you and tugged you against him, spooning you with his face pressed into your shoulder and his hands soothingly stroking any part of you he could reach.
"I'll... I'll get you something in a minute," he muttered, chest still heaving as he held you close. You just shook your head and closed your eyes.
"It's okay," you whispered softly.
There was so much you wanted to say, but fear held you back. You wanted to tell him how incredible it was, how you never came that hard before in your life, how amazing you felt now that he finally gave you what you needed.
Once his breathing evened out, he began to nose gently at your back. He trailed up through your hair, pushing it aside until his tongue found the skin on the back of your neck. It felt so good, melting in his arms and sharing in a warm glow while he bit and licked at the back of your neck. It didn't even strike you as an odd thing to do, the pair of you were too deep to recognize it.
With a sigh, you lifted his left hand from your stomach and examined his long fingers, your own slowly tracing his as he continued to mindlessly suck at your neck.
"What's the story here?" you asked bravely, tapping twice on the tan line of his ring finger. "You never really said much."
He grunted into your skin and forced himself to unlatch from your neck.
"Was married," he said simply. "Didn't work out."
You hummed and laced your fingers with his while he watched from over your shoulder. His cock twitched alive against your thigh when you wiggled in his grasp.
He shrugged, lips dragging over your shoulder. If someone had asked him that six months ago, he would have had a much more emotional reaction. Anger mixed with pain, most likely. But you had somehow managed to dwindle it down to a light shrug.
"Don't think it was just one thing," he admitted.
You nodded solemnly, thumb brushing lightly over his knuckles.
"Does it still hurt to talk about?" you asked him. You wished you knew more but you feared you might burst the perfect little bubble you had found yourselves in.
Dave smiled and, with his free hand, lifted your leg so your ankle rested on the outside of his knee.
"Not anymore," he said right before sinking back inside you.
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It was the dreams that finally made you both snap out of the lust filled stupor you were lost in.
Dave had spent the night and entire next day with you, only giving yourselves enough time to eat and rest in between the countless times you found yourself impaled on his cock. It was sometime in the mid afternoon when you had fallen asleep on his chest that you awoke with a start, unable to shaky an eerie feeling.
His eyes snapped open and found yours, looking slightly rattled, himself.
You breathed a sigh of relief and nuzzled into his bare chest. "I had such a weird dream."
"Me, too," he said, voice thick with sleep. He swiped a palm over his face before stretching both arms above his head. "What was yours about?"
You went on to tell him about the very vivid dream you had about him, although the man in your dreams didn't look like Dave nor did he have the same name, you just somehow knew it was him. With your face heating up, you glazed over the part where you fucked like animals in heat for a week straight and all together left out the end where you had a full blown family together, figuring it would be a bit too much and it would most definitely scare him off. But much to your surprise, he detailed a dream of his own that was so similar, it gave you goosebumps.
"Maybe we need to get out of this apartment for five fucking minutes," you joked, yet still couldn't shake the lingering feeling of familiarity.
After a few moments where you both remained quiet and lost in thought, Dave spoke again.
"There was something else."
You tilted your chin up to meet his gaze.
"I think we had... a family."
Dave closed his eyes as if he too felt like saying it would be too much too fast, but you shot up excitedly in bed.
"We had kids in my dream, too," you confessed, and the both of you stared at one another in shock. "And this isn't the first time, either," you added. Embarrassment was the furthest thing from your mind now as the words came tumbling from your lips. "I had them before we even had our first date."
Dave's eyes went wide and he sat up, as well.
"Shit," he muttered, "me, too. Thought I was crazy."
"Maybe we are," you huffed, still in complete disbelief. Then you remembered what Shannon had said when you poured your heart out to her and your brow furrowed before digging in the sheets for your phone.
"What is it?" he asked as he watched you.
"My friend, the one you met the night we had our date," you said as you busily focused on your phone. "She knows a little about this stuff. She's a little strange but -"
"Let's go talk to her," he said before you even had to ask. You sent your text and looked around your room.
Could you really have known one another in a past life?
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You weren't sure how you got there, but in just a few short days you found yourselves standing outside the old Victorian house of Talia Carter, a friend of Shannon's whom she recommended the minute she read your text about your shared dreams.
Talia, or 'Duchess' as she preferred to be called, claimed to be clairvoyant and promised she would be able to do readings on you both to find out if your hunch was right or if you were both just certifiably insane.
Despite all the evidence, you still had your doubts as you climbed the old wooden steps of her porch. Talia swung the door open, her bright red lipstick laid on thick and stretched into a wide smile framed by her very long, straight dark hair. But her smile faded almost instantly once she saw you and she gripped the doorframe for support, alarming you both. She quickly shook her head and refocused her gaze on you both before apologizing and ushering you inside.
You hesitated for a moment and glanced up at Dave.
"My friend Shannon called, I'm -"
"I know, sweetheart," she said as if it were clear as day. "I know exactly who you are."
Dave's hand fell to your lower back and he peered inside her house before determining she wasn't some kind of obvious psycho before nodding to you and taking your hand. Talia bit back a smile and she stepped aside, holding the door open wide for you both.
"If you would like to follow me, I have a study where I do my readings just off the kitchen. Can I get you anything to drink?" she asked over her shoulder, leading you past a dark cherry wooden dining room table and matching China cabinet, as well as countless green plants stuck on every flat surface.
"No, thank you," you said, gaze roaming around the room, temporarily stunned by the very unique Elizabethan style she chose. It seemed as though she liked her wallpaper dark and oriental rugs mismatched. The woodwork appeared to be all original, or at least it was made to look that way, and it was all meticulously cared for.
"I prefer to model my home after my own past life," she said when she caught you gawking at the beautiful wainscotting and then the glittery chandelier above her desk.
The two of you sunk down into a soft velvet sofa across from her.
"You remember your past life?" Dave asked, his hand falling to your knee, body curling protectively around you when he crossed a leg and leaned forward. Talia noticed but she didn't say a word. Not yet.
"Yes. I believe Shannon mentioned I preferred to go by Duchess," she explained as she pulled out some tarot cards as well as a few books from the built in bookshelf behind her. "I was the Duchess of Argyll and I still very much connect with that lifestyle, so I have tried to recreate it in my home."
"Well, you've done a beautiful job," you told her honestly. She paused and gave you a sweet smile before opening one of her books and flipping through the pages.
"You are very kind, thank you," she said, "but we are not here to talk about my past life. We are here to talk about yours."
You bit your lip and leaned closer to Dave. Without even looking up, she asked, "Hundreds of years ago, the human race was suffering and on the brink of going extinct. It's believed Mother Nature took over and created ranks among human beings in order to boost the population. Have you ever heard of Alphas and Omegas?"
You both frowned and shook your heads. When she found the page she wanted, she lit up and turned it around, pushing it across the desk so you could see.
"I could do a reading on you both, but it's simply not necessary," she said. You were about to lean forward to look at the page when you froze.
She grinned and sat back in her chair, looking at the two of you like she couldn't believe her eyes.
"I sensed it the moment I saw you. You were mates in a prior life," she replied. She pointed to Dave's hand on your knee. "You're very protective of her, yes?"
Dave shrugged and scooted closer to the edge of the sofa. "That isn't unusual."
"No, you're right," she said, then leaned forward to rest her elbows on her desk, lacing her fingers together. "But tell me, do you have any noticeable scars? Maybe ones you have trouble remembering how they came to be?"
Your hand immediately came up to rub the back of your neck and Dave noticed. Visions of him licking and biting in that very same spot swam in your memories and you glanced up at him once again, watching as he came to the same realization.
"How did you get that?" he asked you softly. Your eyes darted wildly back and forth between his before answering.
"My mom and dad always told me different stories, I'm not - I was never really sure."
Then you recalled how fixated you were on the spot behind his ear the first time you had sex and you lunged forward, brushing his hair out of the way with a gasp.
"Where did -"
"I don't know," he said immediately, the energy in the room shifting as you both stumbled into something inexplicable. "I grew up in an orphanage. No one was ever able to tell me."
Your eyes watered for a moment at the thought of a young Dave growing up scared and all alone, but you forced yourself to put it out of your mind for now. You turned back to Talia, who was watching you both with an unreadable expression.
You told her everything. You told her about your dreams, the extraordinary pull between you, the intensity and passion when you had sex, the hopelessness you felt when you thought he rejected you. And most importantly, the calm and secure feeling whenever he was near.
She gave the book a little nudge and you took it on your lap so the two of you could read, but you were hardly absorbing any of it. The words knot, glands, scent marking, heat, imprinting floated across the page while she spoke, explaining everything she knew. And as crazy as it all sounded, neither of you could deny the signs.
You stayed for over an hour, asking question after question. She explained how your scars were most likely remnants of the scent glands that each of you pierced, which bonded you forever as mates. How the dreams that you both had were memories of your past life and the unbreakable bond you shared was what drew you together. When you mentioned the way your body felt like it was on fire, skin hot to the touch, she explained in more detail about heats and ruts and how it was your body's response to finding one another.
When you finally stood to leave, exhausted and unable to think of another question, she refused to take Dave's money. When he tried to insist, she held up her hands and shook her head firmly.
"You have no idea how rare this is for someone like me. Meeting the two of you is an experience I will never forget."
She even let you take home the book you had still open on your lap, your minds racing as you tried to keep up with the whirlwind of information thrown at you.
When she walked you to the door, the sun dipping low in the sky already, she placed a hand on each one of your shoulders and looked at you both intently.
"Promise me you will not squander this gift," she said. "You have no idea how unusual it is for mates to find one another again. The odds are astronomical and yet here you are, reunited by a twist of fate."
You had no idea what to say. You looked up at Dave sheepishly and he smiled warmly at you before saying, "We promise."
Once back in his car, silence surrounding you even though your minds were buzzing with activity, he reached for your hand.
"Do you believe her?" he asked. You bit the inside of your cheek and stared straight ahead down her long driveway before slowly nodding and turning to face him.
"I think I do."
A big grin stretched across his face and he brought the back of your hand up to his lips. "I think I do, too."
You giggled and ran your fingers through your hair, a rush of adrenaline burning through your veins.
"Now what?" you asked him, letting him drop your hand so he could shift his car into drive.
But before he pressed on the gas, he gave you one final look and said, "I don't know, but whatever it is, we'll do it together."
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pseudowho · 3 months
"So, you go against the hairs...that's right...and then with the hairs..."
"...is-- is this right?"
"Mmm. Now, clean your blade..."
You pretended to tidy the bedroom, sneaking glances up to Kento, and Yuuji, stood shirtless at the bathroom sink. Both had thickly lathered faces, and sharp razors, examining their faces in the mirror with absolute precision.
Sshhhhick. Swshswshswsh. Shhhhick-ck-ck. Swshswshswsh.
Peach fuzz.
"...and so anyway, I said to Fushiguro, shadows are great but sometimes you gotta just hit a guy..."
Kento listened, quiet, his mind always calculating several threads while mentoring Yuuji; yet, he was distracted. The old school corridor bathed in orange evening light, setting Yuuji's hair aflame, to coral in rocks. With Yuuji's nattering profile illuminated, the edges of his cheeks blurred from their usual sharp relief.
"...like, Kugisaki gets it, but she's like, just a bit feral and..."
Kento wondered if Yuuji had noticed. Kento recalled he only noticed, when his grandfather brushed his jaw with one clawed-over old hand, softly mocking Kento's furry scowl in lilting Danish. Kento's eyes lowered to the floor, counting his own steps and thinking in one, two, three and thoughtful on four, five, six.
"...Gojo's great but it's hard to learn from a guy who's that far out of my league, y'know? So--"
Kento had stopped, straightening his glasses, looking out onto suburban skyline. Yuuji stopped with him, inquisitive. A train rattled through, distant, splitting through the sunset. Kento looked back to Yuuji.
"It's important to look tidy, at work. Professional."
Yuuji raised his eyebrows, elbows rounded as he held his arms out, looking down at himself. He shot Kento a bashful smile, rubbing the back of his head.
Fuzzy peach.
"...ah-- yeah...guess I've always been a bit scruffy, huh? My grandad used to tell me I'd never get a job with hair like this."
Kento hummed. He stepped forwards, and raised one long-fingered, broad hand to gently grasp Yuuji's jaw, tilting it back and forth in the amber glow. Yuuji's bottom lip drew up, his eyes wide in surprise.
"Has anyone taught you how to shave, Yuuji?"
Yuuji blushed, his eyes flicking away from Kento in a mortified little scowl, his jaw still clasped. Kento released him, clearing his throat and checking his watch.
"I think we're finished up, here. Do you have any evening plans, Itadori-kun?"
"If you need to go over an area again, get more shaving foam-- not that much-- and repeat the steps..."
"...this is...tricky..."
"With regular practice, you can improve any skill, Itadori-kun. Unless you'd like a beard, which still needs management, you'll be shaving every few days, or more."
"...you always...look so tidy..." swshswshswsh.
"It takes effort." Shhhick. Swsh.
"Yeah right. I bet you wake up like that. Tie and all."
A deep, rumbling laugh. Yuuji's foamy, surprised face, looking so boyish.
You slid past the bathroom. You pulled your phone out, surreptitiously clicking a photo. Kento and Yuuji, leaning over the sink while Kento steadfastly instructed him, became your new phone background, and stayed as such for a full year.
"Took a lot of portions to send him to bed with a full tummy."
Kento chuckled at you, his hair mussed and soft. Legs crossed in bed, with a book on his lap, he read to the sound of soft snores in the guest bedroom next door. The lamplight, low and warm, illuminated Kento's face in the gloom.
You reached a hand out, brushing across his jaw, feeling its sandpaper rasp across your fingers.
"I think you were so busy teaching Yuuji," you whispered, scratching Kento's chin as he crumpled his lower lip up, "that you missed some patches yourself. C'mere."
You stood, walking to the bathroom and sitting on the counter, grabbing a razor and shaving foam. Kento's eyes twinkled at you, feigning annoyance. He walked to you at the sink, looking straight into the bones of you. He grasped your thighs, pushing them apart before settling between them, chuckling again as you lathered his face.
Shhhhick. Swshswshswsh. Shhhick-ck-ck. Swshswshswsh.
You felt a growing pressure between your legs as you focused on shaving Kento's jaw. Kento fidgeted, pyjamas tight and tenting. You bit your lip, smirking.
"...Mr.Nanami. I am trying to concentrate."
"Mmm, so am I, but it's...hard."
"Yes. I can feel that."
Another deep rumble of a laugh. Kento grasped your thighs tighter, pressing forwards into you. You gasped, taking the razor from his face as Kento nuzzled shaving foam into your giggling neck.
"Don't stop." He whispered, a crooked smile on his lathered face. "Concentrate, please, Mrs.Nanami."
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star-sim · 9 months
"is your girlfriend single?" ☆ enha hyungs
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☆ youtuber! non-idol! bf! enhypen hyung line x fem! reader ☆ summary: when your youtuber boyfriend finally shows you for the first time to his audience. ☆ genre: fluff, jealous and whipped boys... kinda dumb lol ☆ warning(s)? no! just fluff!! and attempts at humor :( ☆ reblogs and comments are appreciated :D also not proofread lol
maknae ver.
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heeseung ☆
i like to think that hee would be a gaming youtuber
posts maybe like once or twice a week, has about 3 million subs
he sometimes likes to stream, just to get to know his fanbase better and to just hang out
normally he texts you to let you know abt it, but today he totally forgot
you came home from work and you saw his office door closed + heard the sound of his loud ass keyboard clicking.... my guy beats that shit UP atp
that was normal tbh
you were probably like "my little keyboard warrior ❤️" and went to go wash up in your shared bathroom and bedroom
you were going to just pop into his office, say hi and maybe give him a kiss
meanwhile... heeseung is taking a break from gaming, just talking to the chat
he definitely didn't notice you coming home... probably bc of that bigass head set that's creating a fucking valley in his skull... (btw have u seen those videos where gamers take off their headphones and they have a dent on their head 😭)
anyways you open the door, ready to say hi, but heeseung is visibly surprised, looking like a deer in headlights
you look at him, then at the back of his monitor, then back at him, then at his monitor
"should i come back another time...?"
hee's already taking off his headphones, leaning back into his gaming chair--
"no no no!" he grins, glancing at the chat, which is now blowing up
"who is that?"
"gf reveal?"
"she sounds so pretty"
heeseung pats his lap, "cmere, baby, i wanna introduce you to the stream"
of course you comply <3
you take a seat on his lap, his arms slithering around your waist
it takes you a moment to take in what's on his screen: obv there's your reflections, then the chat boxes and announcement pop-ups
the way that the blue-purple light of his screen reflects onto your skin, casting a glassy gleam over your eyes-- and the way that your pretty eyes look at the monitor so curiously, lips parted ever-so-slightly-- made you look SO beautiful
heeseung himself has to angle his head in a way so that he could see your face properly.... and a soft grin unknowingly began to spread over his lips
he presses a soft kiss to the crook behind your ear, before looking back up at the stream
"hey guys," there's a clear smile in his voice, "this is my girlfriend, [name]."
you take that as your queue to introduce yourself
honestly, you're a little shy and softer-spoken now, bc you're not in front of a camera nearly as often as your boyfriend is, "hi.. i'm [name], and... uhm..." you give the webcam a clumsy, awkward (but very cute) smile, "i'm hee's girlfriend"
the chat blows up immediately
"i've never seen heeseung look so soft"
"[name] you're so pretty :)"
"this might actually be one of the most beautiful women i've ever seen im not joking guys"
"chat is she real... bc why is she actually GLOWING oh my lord🧎🧎🧎"
those comments make you a lil shy and bashful, and you feel your cheeks kinda warm
you just giggle reading them, unable to contain your smile
heeseung, on the other hand, is feeling prideful
"that's right, guys," he squeezes your waist, puffing his chest out, "my girlfriend is so beautiful" "i know i'm so lucky to have such a wonderful woman as my girlfriend"
he's overjoyed by all the compliments you're getting... it makes him so happy that he can show you off and that everyone gets to see that YOURE his gf
in fact, he's reading a lot of them aloud, and following it up with "i agree with you"
like he'll read "'[name] is absolutely stunning, like wow..." and heeseung nods and is like "i agree with you, xXdragontittysucker23Xx 🤓☝️"
but then a comment stops him in his tracks...
"heeseung is your girlfriend single by any chance?"
his face drops immediately
"hey... who in the chat asked if [name] is single?!"
he's actually offended, putting a dramatic hand on his chest and scoffing
"how rude!" heeseung pouts against your shoulder when even more of his viewers begin saying similar things
"[name] are you free this weekend"
"hi [name] (i'm 6'2 and drive a lamborghini and save orphans every weekend)"
"heeseung get out i'm trying to have a moment with your girlfriend"
you're actually such a cutie, becuase you're just giggling as more and more comments come trying to rizz you up
"what do you have to say for yourself?" heeseung asks you half-sulkily and half-defensive, pushing his face into your neck and pouting
your eyes glimmer with a little mischief, wanting to tease your boyfriend a little bit
"i mean... " you pretend to think
and then someone named jungkooksleftpinkytoe562 says in chat "please [name] i'll rock your world so hard just one chance"
you laugh
"jungkooksleftpinkytoe562, i'm free tomorrow at 5, you should take me out on a date" and you wink playfully and laugh again
chat blows up like
but if there's anyone that's scandalized, it's heeseung lee himself
"HEY! HEY! WHAT?!!?!" he's squinting and scrolling so fast in the chat to find jungkooksleftpinkytoe562 that you can hear the scroll-wheel oh my god
"you guys better back off," heeseung says, pulling you even closer. he presses a kiss against your shoulder, then gently clutching your face to kiss your chin, "she's mine!"
heeseung's eyes narrow, "especially you, jungkooksleftpinkytoe562..." your bf gives you a quick peck on the lips, "i'll kick your ass if i see you flirting w my girlfriend again >:("
im gonna be fr... none of his viewers care
in fact they keep flirting with you
and the fact that you keep playfully flirting back adds fuel to heeseung's flames
but he'd never blame you <3
he's pouty after the stream lol (but he knows it's all in good fun) so kiss his cute lil pouty lips
i think this definitely goes viral on twitter
like #[name] or #heesgf trends for a good 48 hours
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jay ☆
my guy is a cooking channel
i think jay would try to be more private abt his personal life to his viewers, just given the nature of his content
though, it's no secret that jay has a s/o to his viewers, and i think they'd know your name
but yk how at the end of cooking videos, after the chef cooks, they try the food...
i think in a few of his videos, there's clips of you and him trying his food, but while jay is usually in-frame, you're either behind the camera or just barely in the frame so that most people have really only heard your voice and seen your hands
the comments are usually tame, like
"[name]'s voice is so pretty!"
"i want someone to look at me the way jay looks at [name]"
"my parents!"
but one day
for one of his subscriber milestone specials
let's say 2million subscriber special
jay does a cooking challenge
it's "cooking a meal but BLINDFOLDED"
he starts the video explaining the parameters of the challenge and what he's doing, etc
but then he reveals that you're behind the camera to supervise him
obv bc he's in a kitchen with ovens and knives and he's blindfolded...
throughout the video, you kind of just guide your bf
"omg jay move your hand or you'll cut your fingers off!"
"turn on the stove-- no the other way!!"
at some point, jay is cutting up onions
and normally he's a pro at it, and you never question his abilities
but because he can't see and he's using the knife so quickly, you're freaked out like "babe!!!!!! that doesn't seem safe!!! 😰😰😰"
so then behind the camera, you're heard fussing about it and it's cute lol
then you take it upon yourself to help him
you go behind him, slithering your arms around him so that your hands were places on his
you guide his hands to cut the onions slowly
"babe, i got this," jay says, but tbh he's not complaining because he gets to be close to you :D
"nonono i don't want you to die!!" you say, and it seems like you're more concentrated on cutting the onions than him
this is the first time that your face is in-frame for one of his videos lol
when you're done, jay tries to kiss your head, but he can't find you so you raise yourself on your tippy toes for him
its a quick peck but you giggle and place a kiss behind his ear
when he's done cooking his little dish, it's time to garnish and decorate it with sauce
jay's plan is to use the sauce to write "happy 2 million subscribers" on the dish
but because he's blindfolded, the writing is so fucked up
it's completely unintelligable and just a glob of sauce 😭
and then he tries to draw a dick on it but it's also super fucked 😭😭😭😭
when you see this, you burst out laughing so hard
and this makes jay laugh too
anyways the video goes up, it's very cute and well-received
now.... the youtube comments are still tame
"[name]'s laugh is so cute!"
"i screamed when she popped into frame... she's gorg"
"the way that [name] looks at jay when he's blindfolded is everything"
"[name] looks so beautiful"
but uh
it gets crazy on twitter
as it always does
"jesus fucking christ if a woman like that wrapped her arms around me and kissed me i would fall to my knees and die happily"
"jay CANNOT handle allat.... but i can!!!! me next!!"
"god... when is it my turn to have a pretty woman kiss me"
"[name] i'll treat you so well PLEASE"
i think the clip of you helping jay cut the onions kinda goes viral, just because you look so attractive doing it
like the way you popped into frame as you rolled up your sleeves and the way you smirked at jay's inability to see... ZOOWEE MAMA!!!!!
and i think this eventually makes its way onto tiktok
like pretty standard videos of ppl being like "JAY'S GIRLFRIEND HELLO???" with comments like "she's so beautiful," etc
jay honestly thinks its funny
he knows that people are joking and he sometimes actually plays along with them
he loves that people are appreciating your beauty (but he loves even more that he's the only one that actually gets you)
when you first go viral, you're kinda shy about it, but jay just pulls you close, kisses your cheek, squishing them, and says "my baby is so beautiful"
youre like "jayyyyyy stoopppp"
he only chuckles and starts to pepper your face with more kisses, despite your lil whines for him to stop
but then while you two are cuddling one night, you laying on his chest with your face in his neck
a tiktok appears on his fyp
its just some teenager being like "hi does anyone know if jay's girlfriend is single?" while showing off a black BMW in the background... and then jay's directly tagged in it
he takes this as his opportunity to strike back
he stitches that tiktok, and makes his own tiktok in response
it's just a really short video where jay shows you all snuggled up against him completely silent before he just says "No, she is not single. 😐."
the caption's like "i'm taking [name] out on a date tomorrow shhh don't tell her"
everyone thinks it's really sweet tbh
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jake ☆
truthfully i think jake would be into youtube commentary
something like danny gonzalez or jarvis johnson
he looks at troom troom videos and makes fun of them lowk 😭
speaking of, troom troom or troom troom - adjacent content usually has crazy ass lifehacks
so for one of his videos jake is testing out troom troom life hacks
and for one of them, he has to drill a hole in a skateboard or something and put pasta noodles in it idk i'm pulling this out of my ass but its not surprising if this is a legitimate troom troom life hack
unlike heeseung and jay, jake's viewerbase doesn't rlly know about you
again, given the nature of his content, jake never rlly found it necessary to mention his personal relationships
anyways jake is in the middle of your living room floor drilling a hole into a skateboard and putting spaghettie in it when you come home from work and see that shit
jake is in the middle of talking to the camera but the moment the door cracks open he trails off
he gives you that smile-- the one that a puppy gives when their owner catches them doing something they shouldnt aw
when you take in the sight before you, you let out a laugh, not noticing the camera rolling
you place your things down and slink toward your boyfriend
"what's going on here, jakey?" you ask him with a cocked brow, loving the way he chuckles nervously
you crouch down beside him, poking the skateboard-spaghetti abomination with your foot
"i'm testing out troom troom life hacks" he sounds defeated lol
anyways you give him a kiss on his cheek and leave him to his own devices
in the final video, your little interruption is only like 15 seconds bc jake cut it down-- but he def keeps the part where you kiss him
because jake's audience didn't know he had a girlfriend
a few of his fans look at who he's following on instagram, and they find your account
your ig is public, but it's definitely small and personal
they find pictures of you and jake doing cute couple things, a lot of mirror selfies, matching costumes, and cute pictures that you take of jake
they also find your own personal pictures
ones of you in a bikini at the beach, ones of you with the golden sun on your face, ones showing off your outfit and hair, ones of you in the morning, ones of you being a baddie
and lets not mention jake in the ig comment sections hyping you up like a teenage boy like "YOURE SO HOT [NAME] 🔥🔥🔥🔥"
jake and you see all the comments and tweets about you
so jake decides to take it upon himself to clarify everything
he posts a picture on instagram of you and him with the caption "yes, that's my girlfriend"
safe to say that it becomes his top post LMAOAAO
his ig comments are flooded with support
"you guys are so cute"
"i'm glad to see jake have someone that he loves"
YOUR ig comment section on the other hand?
flooded with support
and thirst
his fans are respectful but they REALLY love to compliment you
"woahhh you look so good in this one!"
"gorgeous 😍"
"[name] will you marry me?"
but i do think a few are outright insane omg
"[name] you're my sunshine in the ran, the tylenol when i'm in pain, when it's burning hot on summer days you're exactly what i need"
i think they pull out poetic shit omg
like shit like
"the memory of you is a tapestry I had decided to wrap myself in until it suffocated me, to such extent that in the morning, people will not find my body, but a new silhouette woven within its threads"
"there is a city in my heart where you are its only population"
"if i could remake universe, i would replace you as the moon amongst the stars after your time, so i may gaze upon you every night"
jake is NEVER escaping
you appreciate the hype
but jakey?
he loves that you're being appreciate but YOU'RE HIS
"jakey they're just being nice"
"no they're trying to STEAL YOU"
like a day later he posts a picture of you on his instagram with the caption "she's mine btw"
his comments DO NOT CARE 😭😭😭
when someone comments
"jake is your gf single and can i take her out on a date"
jake straight up responds
what a cutie
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sunghoon ☆
i actually don't think sunghoon would be a YOUTUBER youtuber
instead i think he'd be a famous ice skater, but he has YOUTUBE interviews and is active on social media
definitely the type of athlete that's very personable
like sunghoon is def in touch with his fanbase and interacts with them on twt and stuff
his fanbase knows that he has a gf, but that's basically the limit
anyways sunghoon is doing one of those "WIRED answered the web's most searched questions"
you're actually in the studio with him during the interview, kinda there for support
the questions are tame like
"sunghoon park height" "sunghoon park winter olympics 2018" "where was sunghoon park born" etc
sunghoon's killing it
until one of the last questions on the board is "does sunghoon park have a girlfriend?"
he immediately lights up
"i do have a girlfriend!" he says, looking off-set at you, "her name's [name] and she's the most beautiful woman i've ever met"
you chuckle quietly at his comment, flashing him a pretty smile
sunghoon continues- "she's actually here with me today" and he points to you, making the cameraman pan over to you, who is sitting off the set
you just give the camera a thumbs up
you thought that would be the end, but sunghoon asks, "baby, do you want to do this interview with me?"
ofc you agree
he makes u sit on his lap lol even when the camera crew is bringing another chair for you
instead of answer more questions sunghoon just talks about your relationship the entire time
he's giving an entire history lecture about your relationship
you don't say much, but you listen to him intently
when this interview goes up
a lot of his fans make edits of it
sunghoon is already known as a quiet typa guy, but when he talks for like 2 minutes straight about your relationship everyones like "oh god this guy really likes his girlfriend 😭"
in fact
the official interview cuts down sunghoon's tangent about you to 2 minutes, when the original clip was actually 10 minutes
i like to believe that WIRED released an uncut version of his tangent 😭
his fans make short edit videos like "sunghoon being whipped for [name]" or "sunghoon really likes his gf"
i think his fans also make edits of YOU
even though you're honestly in a very short clip of his interview
the way you look at him and listen so intently is SO GOOD
like you were definitely giving him 'the look' as he talked abt your relationship yk?
that once-over, maybe a little lip bite, MMMMM SO GOOD
ik i said that heeseung was the keyboard warrior but like... i think sunghoon is the real one
he's out here fighting BATTLES with his keyboard oml
when stan twitter sees this.... sunghoon starts to fight them
there's tweets like
"the more i listen to sunghoon talk about his gf i more i feel like i'm falling for her"
"the woman that you are, [name]..."
"when she looks at the camera i feel shy"
sunghoon gets petty OH MY GOD
he responds to all the tweets about you
"she does not want you 😐." "you have no chance with her. 😐." "too bad she's mine 😇"
it's def in a playful joking way and it's really funny, but sunghoon is out here defending your honor
i think at some point sunghoon stops responding with words and just begins responding with pictures
someone tweets "sunghoon is your gf single"
and he straight up just responds with a picture of him staring blankly at the camera
an absolute cutie if i do say so myself
on valentines day he posts a picture of him holding your hand to be extra petty lol
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maknae ver.
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lyvhie · 4 months
nct dream having a s/o who's shy during sex
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nct dream x fem!reader (18+ mdni) a/n: reposting this one bcs somehow this just disappeared from my blog and i remembered to repost it now 😭😭 cw: smut, oral (f), fingering, petnames.
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MARK seemed taken aback at first. like, he didn't want to make you uncomfortable, he wanted this moment to be good for you too, so he kept asking if you were sure and if it was okay to continue. when you gave him a green light, he would nod and take things slowly with you, checking to make sure you were fine with what he was doing and reassuring you that it was fine to be shy. he let you wrap your arms around his neck and hide your face there, knowing that this was your way of cooperating with the situation.
he was understanding and patient, knowing that you needed time and didn't want to push too quickly. he loved having you close to him like that, everything seemed more intimate when you were close together. it was like a whole new level of intimacy and he couldn't really explain it with words, but it just felt right to him.
“babe, please,” he murmurs against your forehead, his voice shaky with restraint. “think you can relax a little for me? your tightness is amazing, but i need to move,” as soon as you relax, he begins to move his hips slowly, savoring every inch as he pushes deeper into you. each stroke hits just the right spot and elicits a soft moan from your lips. he showers you with praises as he makes love to you tenderly.
it seemed like there was an unspoken contest between you and JISUNG over who could be the most bashful in that moment. and, just as usual, you managed to claim victory! despite seeing himself as the one to lead, he was surprisingly unsure of his next steps, attempting to put you at ease as best he could. with a gentle determination, he whispered reassurances in your ear about making it feel good and creating a memorable experience for you. yet, every word he uttered only seemed to amplify the heat in your body.
but through all the nervous laughter and flustered glances, you could sense jisung's genuine care for your wellbeing. as his hands explored your body, they were hesitant yet firm, as if trying to learn your every curve by heart. he gently nuzzles your neck as he speaks, his breath hot against your skin. "i promise i'll take it slow. just tell me what feels nice.”
HAECHAN remembered how he saw you struggle to just take off your clothes, how embarrassed you seemed, so he figured he'd take the opportunity to help. initially, he was gentle and supportive, telling you it was all right, and you could take your time. however, when you were underneath him, hiding your face with your arms and holding back your cute moans, oh boy, that's when he would get really devious. he'd force you to look at him and whisper dirty words in your ear, really making you squirm and, more important, he would make sure to tease you enough to make you beg.
“look at me,” he would say demanding. “i’ll stop moving if you close your eyes again,” as he says this, he's already thrusting into you in an agonizingly slow pace. it would be so much worse if he just stayed still.* “n-no, hyuck, p-please,” you stutter out in a pleading tone as you open your eyes quickly and look at him. “please what? i said you have to use your words, love,” he leans close to nibble on your earlobe, making you shriver. he loved how responsive you were. “please… f-faster, i…” you tried to move your hips to match his rhythm but his grip on your waist tightens, keeping you exactly where he wants you. "mmh, i'm listening,” he nuzzle against your neck, patiently waiting for you. "i want to c-cum again, please, go h-harder,” you say in a frustrated tone, burying your face in his neck to hide yourself. he was pleased with you words, his smirk widen and he feels his cock throb with excitement. he would let you hide this time. “can’t deny it if my love asked so nicely.”
seeing this side of you, the vulnerable and timid one, was something truly endearing to JAEMIN. “my bold princess is feeling shy today?” he asked, amusement tugging at the corners of his mouth as he pressed a light kiss to your quivering lips. “there’s no reason to be,” he assured before placing another tender peck. gently coaxing your arms away from hiding your chest, he encourages you with another kiss, his thumb tracing lazy circles on cheek. “you’re stunning, princess,” his lips soon follow suit, moving down to your neck, leaving trails of kisses as he goes.
jaemin’s breath is hot against your skin as he nuzzles further downwards, pausing at your collarbone. he flicks his tongue across the delicate flesh, the sensation makes goosebumps break out on your skin, causing you to shiver slightly. “you’ve got nothing to hide from me,” his hands move to unclasp your bra, freeing your breasts completely. with a low groan, he finally takes one of your nipples into his mouth, suckling lightly.
CHENLE would be so confused. he was trying to make you feel good, but you were making things difficult. it wasn't because you didn't want it, so he was even more confused as to why you weren't letting yourself enjoy it. "baby, why are you doing that?" he asked with a puzzled look, raising an eyebrow as he saw you closing your legs. "stop closing your legs," he said, making you look away from him. “n-no, it's... i-it's embarrassing..." you mumbled, biting your lower lip. he let a small "oh" escape his lips when he realized what was happening.
"aw, are you feeling shy? you're so cute!" he said, letting a small sigh escape his mouth as he ran his hands gently up and down your thigh. the touch was comforting, his hands caressing the skin as he leaned in closer. "what about this? keep your eyes closed and let me take care of you, just relax,” he kissed your thigh, his voice so gentle it made your heart flutter. the thought of just letting go and giving him control was enticing, so you nod and kept your eyes closed as he requested. with a wicked grin, he pushes your legs further apart, revealing your beautiful, swollen center. he takes a moment to appreciate the sight before leaning down to taste you, his tongue sliding effortlessly inside. you gasp and grab onto his shoulders, trying to steady yourself as he begins to explore every inch of you.
JENO had come to understand your behavior patterns, he knew that you would react just this way. you were always the type to talk too much and do less, specifically in regards to your flirting. you seemed to derive a lot of fun from sending suggestive texts, spicy pictures that didn't give too much away, raunchy voice messages and all. yet when it came time for the actual act, you seemed to always shy away from it. he had learned to read your subtleties, and this time he didn't let you ran away.
"aww, look at you now," he says, his voice low and teasing. "you were all fire and ice earlier, sending me those naughty texts and photos, making my imagination run wild." he leans in closer, his breath hot against your cheek. "but now that we're here, you're suddenly shy?" he held your chin to force you to meet his eyes. "what happened to the feisty little thing that had me on edge all day?" before you could try to say something back, he shut you up with a hard thrust, making you gasp. "you know, you really shoudn't start something you can't finish."
RENJUN knew you were naturally shy about physical contact, he wasn't surprised by your reluctance. in fact, he knew that you would be a little coy whenever the physical intimacy went up a level. he knew your shyness would make this a delicate process, so he decided to start things off gentle. "that's it, just spread your legs a bit more, darling," he asked softly in your ear, continuing to keep you in a gentle hug from behind. you could practically feel your heart beating out of your chest. you had asked him not to look at your face since you felt nervous, and he agreed. but he was lying, he just had to move his head a little to capture your expressions.
he starts gently caressing your inner thighs, sending shivers up your spine. he feels your pulse quickening and your breathing becoming more ragged, which makes him feel even more determined to give you pleasure. he continues to tease you, getting closer and closer to where you really need him to touch. he traces his fingers lightly over your wet panties, feelings your arousal seep through the fabric. he slowly pulls them aside and slips a finger inside you gently, pumping slowly as he watches your reactions. your breathing quickens and your moans get louder with each thrust, so he adds another finger, stretching you just enough to feel amazing. as he continues to move inside you, he presses his thumb against your clit, massaging it in slow circles. he’s careful not to go too fast or hard knowing that anticipation can be just as satisfying as release.
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mariasont · 5 months
Spoiled - A.H
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a/n: felt feral writing this hope y'all enjoy it as much as i did
think im ovulating or something YALL IDK
anyhow happy reading let me know what yall think 🤭
‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧
pairings: aaron hotchner x fem!reader
summary: in which hotch overhears your conversation with penelope and decides to do something about it
warnings: 18+ MDNI, phone sex!, sex toy!, fem solo masturbation, penelope being a little instigator lmao, dirty talk, soft dom!hotch, established relationship, honestly a little bit of angst whoops, reader is slightly dramatic like hotch has been gone for prob 5 hours STAND UP!
wc: 3.3k
"Penelope Grace Garcia!"
Her comment earned her the full government name, igniting a burst of laughter that you attempt to smother behind your hand. Sinking deeper into the couch, you dismiss the absurdity with a shake of your head. You even find yourself glancing over your shoulder even though you know no one is home.
"You know, I really shouldn't be telling you this, but trust me, that's the least of our worries in this relationship."
"Look, whatever floats your love boat or rocks your bed frame is strictly your business," she comments as if that were the most casual thing to say.
You giggle, a warmth spreading through you as you tread across the kitchen tiles, the phone pressed against your ear. 
"Oh my god, Pen," you let out a laugh, feeling a soft crimson spread across your cheeks, while your thighs swell with the thoughts of your doting boyfriend. "No, no, like I said we're more than okay in that department. It just gets, well, lonely when he's away."
Your hand curls around the neck of your favorite bottle of red, easing the cork free with a satisfying pop. The liquid swirls into the glass, a little more than probably necessary, as the gentle hiss of water beginning to simmer breaks through the kitchen. 
"You, my dear, are a saint among mortals."
"Well, he makes it easy," you shrug, pouring the rice into the bubbling pot, a cloud of steam rising to paint the windows.
"Honestly, I don't know how you manage. I'd be itching for it, especially if it's as good as you say," Penelope admits with a dramatic sigh.
You laugh, propping the phone against the backsplash, its speaker projecting the conversation into the room. Aaron stands just out of sight, unnoticed, taking in your every syllable.
"When he gets back, trust me, every second apart seems like a small price to pay."
"Ever thought about getting yourself a toy? You know, for those long nights?" Penelope hints not (at all) so slyly. 
The wine almost sprays from your mouth as you stifle a surprised splutter. Aaron, still unseen, raises an eyebrow.
"Oh, um, no, I haven't really considered... a toy," you murmur, cheeks burning. You clear your throat, pretending to be engrossed in the simmering pot. "Aaron might have an opinion on that, I guess."
Your attempt at nonchalance was failing, you definitely knew that.
Aaron rested casually against the door frame, a soft smile touching his lips at the sound of your bashful laughter. He'd always had a soft spot for the way your cheeks bloom with color--a sight he wasn't afraid to go great lengths to witness. The idea of a toy seemed to pique his curiosity, drawing a pensive frown as his attention stayed fixed on you for a moment longer.
He slips away silently, his steps carrying him to the front door as you continue your conversation with Penelope.
The call disconnects with a soft click, and you're left in the quiet of the kitchen, unwittingly promising to keep Penelope updated. Turning back to the stove, you stir the sauce with a distracted hand, your lips downturned. Aaron should have been home by now.
The dining table is set, candles flickering, their glow falling on the chair he's yet to fill. You let out a sigh, stealing another look at the ticking clock. The food is ready, but with each passing minute, it grows cooler, just the unfamiliar feeling of disappointment settling in your chest. 
The audible twist of the key catches your attention, and you can't help but glance over your shoulder. Aaron walks in, his lips curving into a smile upon seeing you.
"Hi, my gorgeous girl," he greets, his voice a familiar sound that kindles a familiar flutter into your heart.
He places his briefcase down, the sound muted, and as he approaches, his lips brush a tender kiss against your temple. The annoyance that had been bubbling inside you melts away with his touch. Damn him.
You turn to him, a sheepish "Hi" fluttering out, your cheeks tinged with heat. It's a feeling that's always fresh, the way he still makes you feel like you're back in high school, hearts doodled in the margins of your notebook.
Aaron settles into his chair, the soft scrape of wood against the tile following his movements.
"Sorry 'M late," he offers, his tone warm, appreciative. "Everything looks and smells wonderful, honey. Thank you."
His fingers gently sweep a loose strand of hair from your face, his smile softening you, disarming you. He's so beautiful.
"You're welcome," you reply, your cheeks growing warmer with each word. "And, um, I hope it's okay. It might be a bit cold. I thought...I guess I assumed you'd be home sooner."
You voice trails off, leaving behind a trail of embarrassed concern, wondering if perhaps you'd somehow overstepped. 
Aaron looks at you, his eyes turning kind as he discerns the unease on your face.
"I'm sorry, baby, got held up with a little errand." He bites into the food, and a gratified hum indicates his approval. "This is delicious."
You find yourself beaming at the praise. He had a talent for that--praising you, almost as if he'd made it his life mission. This was a first for you in a relationship, and it's exactly why the late nights and time spent alone didn't weigh so heavily. 
After dinner, you're rinsing off the plates when Aaron's hands draw you close, his hands claiming your waist, the heat of his palms radiating through the fabric of your shirt. He plants a soft kiss on your shoulder.
"Let me help with that. You're spoiling me," he insists, his words spoken into your damp skin.
You lean back into his embrace, his chest flush against your back.
"I like taking care of you," you admit, heart skipping a beat under the weight of his gaze, the softness in his eyes dissolving your concentration on the task at hand. 
A deep, affectionate groan escapes Aaron as he pulls you even closer. But all good things come to an end, and the ringing of his phone seems like an icy intrusion, like a sudden draft into the kitchen.
"Hotchner," he answers, and even though the word leaves his lips, his fingers gently sketch patterns across your hip. 
You feel your heart sink. When he hangs up, his eyes lock with yours, brimming with an apology he doesn't voice. It's unnecessary, you already know.
"A case?" You hate how small your voice sounds, dipped in an understanding you wish you didn't have.
He nods, a simple stupid gesture that sends a lump of disappointment soaring up your throat, which you desperately try to swallow down. 
"Okay... just, be careful, okay? I'll miss you."
"And I'll miss you, angel. Be good for me."
There's a hollowness in the house that follows you through each room. You were well aware of Aaron's demanding job when you started dating--the unpredictable schedule, the sudden departures, the cases that required his immediate attention. Still, this awareness did nothing to soften to sting of his absence. At all. 
You found yourself wandering aimlessly, picking up a book only to set it down unread, starting a movie but not really watching. Eventually, you ended up in the bedroom, his bedroom, where the subtle scent of his cologne lingers. It's both comforting and heart-wrenching. God, you felt like you were being so dramatic.
You climb into the bed, the sheets cool against your skin, too big and empty without him. Your eyes darts to the phone resting on the nightstand. You've always been careful not to disturb him while he's working, but tonight felt different.
With a trembling hand, you pick up the phone, your thumb hovering indecisively over the screen. Reluctantly, you returned it to its place. There was no point in bothering him.
A sudden draft sent a shiver up your spine, reminding you of the blanket Hotch had bought for you a couple months ago. You sighed, rising from the bed and moving to the closet.
But your eyes skipped over the blanket, instead fixating on a shiny pink bag tucked away in a secluded corner. Compelled by a spike of curiosity, you grabbed the bag and pulled it open. Your eyes widened, cheeks burning with a sudden flush as you placed it on the bed. How long had this been hiding here? And the timing--just after your conversation with Penelope--felt almost too uncanny. 
You went back to your phone.
The message was simple. You hit send before you can second-guess yourself.
Almost immediately, your phone vibrated--Aaron's name illuminated the screen. You answer, and his voice was there, infused with immediate concern.
"Hi honey. You okay?" His question was straightforward, cutting through the noise.
You nodded, forgetting for a moment he couldn't see you. Shifting on the bed, you said softly, "Um, yeah, I'm fine. I didn't mean to bother you. Is it a bad time?"
His response is quick. "You could never bother me."
A blush flares on your cheeks, and a smile instinctively forms. You fidget on the bed, the sheets sighing with your movements, sounds that don't escape Aaron's attentive detection.
"Can't seem to find the right spot without me there, huh?"
"I can't seem to do a lot of things without you here," you grumble under your breath, intended more for yourself than for him. The bed emits a soft creak as you turn again, your breath hitching in a pout that he can almost see through the phone. "Aaron, I found something in the closet..."
You lost your words, fingertips tracing the toy's edge, as you fumbled with the strings of your shorts.
"Hmm? Care to enlighten me."
"You know."
You weren't in the mood for his teasing, because you knew he knew. You could sense his smugness, his voice dripping into that familiar, velvety register that prompted your lips to purse.
"I don't know, sweetheart."
Once again, you found yourself stirring against the linen, nibbling on your lip as a wave of exasperation washed over you, your eyes rolling into their sockets.
"Where are you?"
"Just got to my hotel room." You could hear the subtle movements in the background, accompanied by the soft groans of the mattress under his weight. "What did you find in the closet that was so urgent you needed to text me in the middle of my case?"
Your face was warm. "You said it wasn't a bother."
"And I meant it, now spell it out for me."
Your hands cautiously pushed over the toy, examining its buttons and sides. Subconsciously, your tongue swept over your top teeth. You lowered your voice as though someone else might overhear.
"The toy...is it for me? I mean, I would hope so. If not, well, we'd have a rather awkward issue."
"Yes, it's for you, baby."
You stifled a grin. How could he have known? That profiling business was really no joke.
His muffled chuckle filtered through, and you could almost see the flash of his pearly whites. You really missed him, so much so that you were conjuring vision of his mouth of his on places that should not be said aloud. 
"I just want to make sure my best girl is taken care of when I'm not home." You could practically hear the smirk on his lips.
You were deep in your fantasy now, your free hand sliding down your shorts as you envisioned him propped against the headboard of his hotel bed, tie hanging loosely, hair tousled just so.
"I'm always taken care of by you, Aaron," you said quietly.
You didn't know how to go about this, whatever this even was. You were treading into unknown territory; never having had phone sex with Aaron--or anyone for that matter.  It was a far cry from the occasional suggestive text.
"That's right." His voice flowed like honey in your ear, causing a shiver as your finger skimmed over your underwear, your breathing momentarily faltering. "You're going to be well taken care of for the rest of your life, yeah?"
You could hardly breathe, squirming against your own touch, glancing over at the toy that sat beside your hip.
"I want you to know how much I appreciate your patience. You're a good girl, honey. Far too good for me." You weren't. It was the other way around; you didn't deserve him. You told yourself that every day. "I know you get lonely, and I know it's something you'd never admit to."
He didn't let you finish. "Why don't you tell me what you're doing right now?"
Your actions came to an abrupt standstill, thumb suspended above your clothed clit. You entertained the thought that this FBI gig might have been a front for a psychic, maybe one of those fortune teller types.
You were mumbling into your sleeve, a private conversation with the threads. "Just...um, well it's hardly worth mentioning, honestly."
Wow you're sure you fooled him.
"I'm not fond of dishonesty." The low rumble of his voice sent a tremor through your core. "I'm giving you a final chance. Tell me what you're doing, sweetheart."
A hard swallow passed your throat, your thumb rubbing idle circles into the band of flesh on your hip. 
"Well, I, uh, was touching myself." The words felt as awkward as they sounded, an internal wince accompanying each syllable at how unsexy you were speaking.
"Where, sweetheart?"
You exhaled sharply at the question, heavy with exasperation at his insistence on drawing this out. But the slickness between your legs was undeniable. Your hand slid back to the delicate skin between your thighs.
"Aaron, please," you breathed out so faintly it was almost inaudible.
He was playing a cruel game, and he knew it. You hardly cussed let alone talk about your lady parts so openly.
"I hope I've never given you a reason to feel judged, honey." There was a sweetness in his voice that masked his darker intentions. "Just tell me where. I want to help."
Your tongue flicked nervously across your lip, your finger dipping into the valley of your folds as you mulled over his offer. You were wet, far more than you had anticipated, practically coating your thighs in the process.
"No, 'course not," you said softly, biting back a sigh as your thumb worked slowly against your inflamed clit. "It's just, you're so far, Aaron."
"Why do you think I got you that toy?" Your gaze darted to the pink thing, resting against your hip. "I want you to use it. I'll walk you through it, just like I would in person."
You could melt. You could liquefy into nothingness on the spot. Your fingers pressed more urgently against yourself, a deep-seated wish for him to be here surfacing, knowing all the while it was a baseless hope.
"Yeah, okay."
"There you go, that's my girl."
You couldn't hold back the whimper that fell from your lips as you arched against the bed, fingers diving into your cunt.
"My needy girl," he repeated, his laughter resonating with a patronizing tone that oddly egged you on. "Alright, can you pick up the toy for me?"
You wedged the phone snugly between your shoulder and ear, your hand closing around the pink, curved object, scrutinizing its every detail with careful eyes.
It was big, not as big as Aaron, but its dimensions were nonetheless imposing. You felt your chest heave in anticipation, waiting for his instructions.
His silence was stretching your patience thin. You turned it on, and it came to life, watching as it vibrated, the soft buzz permeating the space. You let it trail over your stomach, fabric gathering as your shirt rode up. Nearing your clit, you braced, taking in a quick breath.
But that breath was released in a strangled moan as you pushed the toy firmly into your sopping hole, legs spreading expansively as a taut sensation gripped your center.
"Did I say you could use it already?" he questioned, his tongue clicking in disapproval as you strained against the device, the second prong vibrations coursing against your nub, your whole-body jerking in response.
"N-No, 'M sorry," you panted, your focus narrowing as you pushed to toy in and out, your lips rounding into an 'o'. "It feels really good, Aar."
"I'm sure it does, baby," he teased, his voice carrying a certainty that your own lacked. "Let me hear you fuck yourself with it.
You loved hearing him curse, it was rare, and usually reserved for intimate moments like this. It fueled your actions, your wrist quickening, driving the device deeper, your stomach twisting in tight knots, a loud moan escaping unrestrained, suddenly you were thankful for the distance between Aaron's house and the next.
It felt so good, and yet somehow still not comparable to how it was with Aaron. Weren't you spoiled?
"Miss you so much," you slurred, your movements stuttering as the device worked your body in ways you didn't know were possible.
"Miss you too, angel. You're doing so good."
"Can you, ah, come home, p-please?"
You weren't even sure of what you were saying, all your thoughts on chasing your high and pretending the toy was Aaron's cock. Thinking about how he'd fill you up right now, how he'd press you to the mattress, how his body would cover yours.
"Your present isn't enough?" His tone was taunting, your eyes welling with tears, clouding your vision as your hips bucked against the toy. "That's a shame, sweetheart, think maybe you've been a little spoiled. You can't have my cock all the time."
You were completely dazed, his sentences barely making their way through the fog as you'd like them to. You were crying, you think, hot and relentless tears carving a path down your face as you fucked yourself harder against the toy.
The noises coming from your pussy were obscene, soaked and squishing as you tried to respond to Aaron, but nothing but small hiccups were escaping your mouth.
"It's okay, baby, I know. You're doing so good for me. I can hear it."
Your cheeks and ears flared with a heat that spelled out your shame, but it was the least of your concerns. Your walls tightened against the device, the pressure on your clit suddenly all too much and not enough at the same time. Gasping for air, your breaths came out in uneven bursts. When you tried to call out Aaron's name, it emerged as nothing more than a choked sob.
"C-Can I? Please, need to so bad." You weren't entirely convinced you were speaking English, but Aaron understood. 
"Go ahead, sweetheart."
That was all you needed. Your cunt contracted again before vaulting over the edge, nearly losing consciousness in the process, a string of moans and half-said words pouring out of your lips.
You could hear the sound of his voice, but the words were just out of reach, not fully making sense. You felt your body twitch, and you blinked deliberately, once, twice, three times, in an effort to reconnect your body to your mind.
"You're so good, baby. So good. Miss you so much."
You pulled the toy, now soaked, from yourself, cringing at the lewd sound as you laid it beside you, making a mental note to wash the sheets later. Although if Aaron had his way that wouldn't happen.
"I miss you." You hated the way your voice betrayed ever emotion you had.
"Need you to go pee for me, sweetheart."
He sounded so soft and tired, but somehow still present. You let out a soft snicker as you curled onto your side. 
"Can't move my legs," you mumbled, the sound muffled by the way your cheek was squished into the pillow. "Need you to come carry me."
His laugh was something you wished you could bottle up. "Spoiled."
"And who's to blame for that?" You were ready for his witty retort, but it was cut short by the sudden flash of your phone. You squinted at the caller ID. "Sorry, Penelope is calling me, can I call you back in a second?"
"Course, honey. Thank her for the idea, yeah?" Your mouth fell open as you scrambled for the right words. Of course he had heard. "Also, I plan on spending a few solid hours fucking you when I get home, so I suggest you get some rest."
taglist: @hotchhner @khxna
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feralthoughtdump · 9 months
False God
Warnings: 18+, MINORS DNI, smut, threesome, alcohol and ambiguous substance consumption, lip biting, a little bit of blood, oral (m&f receiving), facefucking, spitroast, a lot of bodily fluids, squirting, a teeny bit of bi!Felix, a little bit of butt stuff, not fully canon compliant (let’s imagine that Felix didn’t find out about Oliver lying)
Word Count: 2k
Felix wasn’t the type who liked to share his toys. Whether it be his girlfriend, or his shiny new friend who comes to visit every summer, Felix felt a certain possession over them that he didn’t like to admit. But Oliver came to Saltburn with that woeful, wide-eyed gaze that Felix couldn’t fully resist. He also couldn’t deny how he looked at his girlfriend and how she looked at him. All of the shared glances across the dinner table, how she’d swallow when he had something witty to say to her, how his gaze would linger on her just a little bit longer than hers. 
Felix trusted her, he knew that she’d never go behind his back. And it’s the trust he holds in her that fuels his desire to let this happen. He adores her. Especially now with her, as Farleigh calls it, slutty fairy costume, and he’d do anything to make her happy, even if it meant letting Oliver touch her in ways that were solely reserved for him.
So, the three of them find themselves in this predicament, with her draped against him, and Oliver leaning against the doorway.
“Baby, know Oliver, right?” She nods, pressing herself closer to his chest. Felix wraps a comforting arm around her midriff, rubbing circles into her exposed skin with his thumb. “It’s his birthday today, and I thought this would be a nice present.” 
His lips pressed against her neck, her pulse thrumming against them, while his hands wandered, pushing the little skirt that she wore past her hips, exposing the intricate set that he bought for this occasion. 
Oliver grins, stepping closer to the pair. He looks at her, the antlers on his head casting a shadow over her glittery doe eyes. 
“She’s a very nice present.” His fingers push at the strap of her fairy wings, letting them fall to the ground with a soft clatter. “How’d you know I was into her?” 
“Saw you looking.” He chuckles and expertly unclaspes the back of her lacy bra. “But I can’t blame you, she’s pretty.” 
His large hand palms at her now exposed tits, rolling a nipple between his fingers. 
She whines and lets her head fall back against his chest, still covered in the ribbed fabric of his tank top. 
“Don’t tease, Felix.” She sighs. 
Oliver approaches them, stripping himself of his embroidered suit in the process. The pair watch with bated breath as he sinks to his knees in front of her. He noses at the inside of her thigh, taking in how soft and plush she felt.
He savors her, kissing and nipping at her thighs, letting his fingers drift from her ankles up to her knees. As he pushes her legs apart, Felix thumbs at her pussy through her panties, creating a wet patch on the expensive lace.
“Can I give her a taste?” Oliver asks, lips parted and eyes gleaming, staring up at Felix. 
“Of course you can.” Felix carefully positions her on the bed, her back flat on the mattress and Oliver places himself in front of her, right in between her thighs. 
Her shaky fingers push the lace waistband past her hips, but Oliver stops her, letting his teeth catch on the fabric to do it himself. He hums at the sight of her pussy, all wet and wanting. 
Felix places himself over her, jerking at his cock as Oliver licks a strip along the length of her folds. 
She yelps, pulling back, oversensitive from Felix’s previous ministrations, but he tightens his hold on her, keeping her in place.
“C’mon, be a good girl. Let him make you feel good.” She turns her head, bashful at how his words affect her, but he takes her chin and forces her eyes to meet his. “You’ll be good for Ollie, for me. Won’t you?”
She licks her lips, shallow breaths making her chest rise and fall. 
“Yeah, I’ll be good,” she whispers. 
He smiles, and affectionately pats her cheek, and her thighs widen as she shifts against the mattress, trying to relax. 
With a nod of approval from Felix, Oliver grabs her thighs and pulls her onto his face. His tongue laps at her, circling her clit and teasing at her entrance. 
As she parts her lips, moaning at the heat that grows in the pit of her stomach, Felix places his thumb against her tongue, keeping her jaw open. He takes this as an opportunity to slip his cock into her wanting mouth. She sputters around him as the length of his shaft fills her mouth. 
“Fuck.” He groans. “Taking me so well, baby.” 
Felix fucks himself into her mouth, letting his tip hit the back of her throat. She hollows her cheeks before sucking, letting her lips wrap tight around his shaft, saliva dripping past her lips with every drag of his cock. 
Oliver wraps lips around her clit and slips two fingers into her dripping entrance. His fingers curl and she cries out. 
“Do that again,” Felix demands. “She likes it.”
He angles his fingers, letting the pads of his fingers press against her G-spot. At the sight of her legs shaking, he curls his fingers, practically forcing her hips to jerk against his face. 
She feels her body tense, falling closer and closer to the edge, as Oliver teases her, over and over again. Her arousal, in combination with his saliva, is spread across his lips. 
It’s messy, but none of them care. Both she and Felix love the sight of his flushed cheeks, eyes half-lidded in pleasure from the way her cunt tastes. 
“Don’t let her cum yet” he breathily orders “Have her suck you off first.” 
Felix manhandles her onto her knees and crawls onto the mattress, he taps his cock against cunt, dripping with a mixture of both her arousal and Oliver’s saliva. She looks up at Oliver, keeping her mouth open and drooling, and sticks out her tongue, an open invitation for him to start fucking her face. 
“So well behaved,” Oliver whispers, tapping his hard, flushed cock on her tongue, pre-cum dripping down into her throat. “You’re Felix’s good girl, aren’t you?”
Before she can respond, Oliver shoves his cock past her lips and Felix pushes himself inside her, forcing all of him into her cunt. She yelps around Oliver’s cock, the vibrations from the back of her throat making him shudder. 
The sound of skin slapping against one another fills the room as Felix fucks into her, letting his hips slam against hers. 
The reflection in the mirror across from them is obscene. Her chin is covered in her own drool, smeared across her cheeks and chin, dripping onto the expensive sheets. Felix has his head thrown back in pleasure, hands on her hips with a bruising hold, sweat gleaming on his skin, soaking through the front of his thin tank top. 
Oliver takes Felix’s face and plasters his lips against his. He’s taken by surprise, but he grabs the back of Oliver’s neck and pulls him in closer, forcing Oliver’s hips to push his cock deeper into her mouth. She grabs at the back of Oliver’s thigh, digging her nails into his skin. He hisses at the sting and bites down on Felix’s lower lip, a metallic taste blooming on his tongue. 
They pull away from each other, and blood trickles down Felix’s chin. 
Oliver stares at Felix, about to apologize, but Felix grins. “I could taste her on you, you know? Doesn’t she taste good?” 
All he can do is nod in agreement, cock twitching in her mouth. 
Oliver nods and leans forward, licking up the blood pooling on Felix’s lips. The pair lock their lips together. Wet sounds of their kisses and Felix’s cock being sucked into her pussy reverberate throughout the room, accompanied by her gagging and choking. 
She whines, drawing both of their attention back to her.
“Aww, my baby needs some attention?” At the sound of her whimpering in confirmation, Felix chuckles, shaking his head. “I’ll give you some attention then.” 
Felix reaches forward, pressing his thumb into Oliver’s open mouth, biting his lip at the sight of him swirling his tongue around the digit. With a loud pop, Felix removed his thumb from Oliver’s mouth. 
Wet with Oliver’s saliva, Felix’s thumb circles her other hole, slowly teasing it open. She whines, feeling a foreign stretch as his thumb pushes past the muscle. 
“God, you’re so fuckin’ tight.” He groans. “Don’t know why I haven’t fucked your tight little ass yet. Maybe I should tomorrow, I know your pussy’s going to be sore.” 
Her holes clench around Felix, the feeling of fullness, overtaking her body. She shudders, legs about to give out underneath her, as he forcefully drives his cock into her and teases at her hole, letting his thumb push against the rim, stretching it open. 
“Oh, she likes that, doesn’t she?” Oliver grins, messily grabbing at the length of her hair, forcing her to look at him. “You like it dirty? Like getting all of your holes filled?” 
She blinks away the dark streaks of mascara that run down her face, trying her best to nod. He lets his cock slip free of her lips and gives her cheek a pinch.
“Come on, use your words.” 
“Yes,” She gasps, back arching, pushing herself into Felix. “I like it.” 
He presses her front into the mattress, forcing her back to arch deeper into Felix. His fingers wrap around his hard, leaking cock, letting her spit lubricate his hand as he tugs, slowly bringing himself closer and closer to his own release. 
She tightens around Felix, whining as she feels an oncoming orgasm about to wash over her. 
Her glassy eyes look up at Oliver’s and he coos, thumbing at her cheek. 
“You’re gonna cum, aren’t you?” 
“Yes, Ollie, I- ah!” 
Felix lets his thumb hook inside of her clenching muscle, pulling her into him. 
His cock buries deep inside of her, forcing itself against her cervix. She screams, and Oliver is thankful for the loud music playing throughout the house. Her arousal gushes, spraying against both her, and Felix’s thighs. 
“Fuck, baby, making a mess over here.” Felix groans. His head falls back, panting, his grip on her tightening. 
His hips still, with tense thighs and stifled moans, he cums, coating her insides. Carefully, he slips himself out, using his fingers to spread her pussy open, watching with pride as his cum and her arousal drip out of her clenching, gaping cunt. 
Oliver pushes his cock back into her mouth, releasing down her throat. Her eyes tear up at the sudden intrusion. She’s overwhelmed and over-sensitive, but she swallows around him, obedient as always. 
The trio collapses on the mattress, chests rising and falling in tandem. Felix wraps a strong arm around her and pulls her in close, letting her temple rest on his chest. Oliver gently grazes her shoulders with his fingers, calming her down and letting her shaky and twitchy body slowly fall still. 
The lights of the party filter through the large windows, illuminating their sweat-slicked bodies. They shimmer, her body glitter having rubbed onto each other.
Distanced from the commotion happening outside of his room, it was just the three of them, sprawled across Felix’s bed. It was the three of them. Felix, their shining Adonis, and her and Oliver. Felix’s favorite toys.
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heirofnight · 23 days
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meddling, pt. 3
pairing: azriel x reader
word count: 1.9k - i will never not be a yapper
summary: ah, my favorite little adorable pair. part three of the meddling series. reader wants to thank azriel for being so kind to her since her arrival at the house of wind several months ago. she gifts him with a silver chain. azriel loses his mind. fluff, so much fluff.
warnings: none, except for potential cavities from the sweetness.
a/n: this was the brain child of a post that i made thirsting over azriel wearing a chain & rings. someone commented on that post and suggested i incorporate that into this series. and here we are. probably my favorite piece of writing that i've done so far, ok. i'm simple. pining azriel makes me weak. enjoy! <3
read part one & two
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you clutched the tiny, wrapped gift box in your hands, your fingers moving to glide along the cobalt blue silk bow adorning the lid.
you felt jittery, nervous. butterflies had taken flight throughout your chest and belly, relentless wings swirling.
you supposed this gesture wouldn't strike azriel as odd, or out of left field. after all, the male had been going out of his way for you for months.
his warm, kind gestures toward you as he sat next to you during your first dinner at the house of wind - you'd been so petrified, but he took you under his wing (literally). the kind, soft eyes he'd given you. he'd served your plate, giving you hushed anecdotes about each dish so you could choose what you'd wanted to indulge in. you hadn't admitted it, but you only chose to try azriel's favorite foods.
then, the sweater. he'd given you one of his oversized sweaters to snuggle into. you'd mentioned to him one time that you often froze, no matter the weather conditions, and he'd somehow remembered that detail - presenting you with the best solution he could muster. now that you knew him a bit better, you weren't sure if he'd actually remembered you admitting how cold you always were, or if that fact was just something he was able to observe himself. he was the spymaster, after all. maybe you were just easy to read.
if you were to actually ask azriel, he'd say that he remembered every word you'd ever spoken. every detail, every slight reaction. and it wasn't because it was his job to do so - wasn't because rhys had ordered him to watch over you seven months ago upon your arrival to the house of wind. no, you no longer needed his watchful eye. you were settled in, comfortable, part of the family.
he remembered the words you spoke because he hung onto every word that left your lips.
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today, you sat in that favorite armchair of yours in the private library on the third floor - as always. you glanced over to the large shelf closest to you, a smile slowly spreading across your lips as you took in the romance books neatly lined before you. the romance books that azriel had removed from an obscenely tall shelf that was completely unreachable. to you, at least - unless you felt like scaling the entire thing.
he was so observant. he'd noted your favorite genre, remembered that you struggled to reach that row of books. took time out of his day to rearrange the entire left side of the library in favor of making you more comfortable. and now, here you sat. your favorite novels within arm's reach at any given moment, all because of this achingly kind male.
yes, he deserved this gift. he'd done so much, you wished you were able to bestow him with more. you were wearing his sweater again today, but this one was different. he's since presented you with four more sweaters from his closet, although he hadn't grown less bashful about offering them over to you - even though your reaction is always the same. blushing, bright eyes staring up at him in wonder as you grip the fabric and hold it to your melting heart.
and azriel, he revels in those moments. he can't help the sense of pure pride that warms his entire body from the inside out. he couldn't stop doing things for you if he tried, your smile and twinkling eyes circulating throughout his bloodstream like the first hit of a drug so strong, it threatened to bring him to his knees.
you took a deep breath, eyes flitting towards the elegant grandfather clock to your left. he'd normally stroll into the library around this time each day, joining you to read in silent, comfortable companionship.
and, like clockwork, that feisty, stray tendril of shadow that you'd come to love twirled through the crack in the wooden double doors with a flourish. it darted straight towards you, as it always did - worrying over you for a moment each time it found you. you'd imagined it was giving you a general once-over to make sure you were safe and content. it was much like its master in that regard.
the shadow looped through your fingers and hands, taking notice of the gift box that was sitting on your lap. it focused its attention there momentarily, swirling through the silky bow that matched the color of azriel's siphons - a detail you'd hoped he didn't find weird.
azriel made his appearance a second later, pushing through the doors with a book held under his arm. he moved with so much grace, despite his tall, muscular frame. he was astonishing to watch, even if the action was something completely mundane. tearing your eyes from him sometimes felt impossible, the allure he possessed was almost suffocating - but in the sweetest way.
he didn't even try to hide the fact that his sights were set on you immediately. he used to give a sweeping glance of the entire space before he allowed himself to find you, but now, he looked for you first - and you were always there. he felt any lingering tension within his body melt into the floor beneath him.
"hey, you," you spoke tenderly towards him, and the smile that he gave you made your chest warm.
he approached you, as he always did, unable to stay too far away. his eyes raked down your torso, never tiring of the feeling of seeing you in his clothing.
"i think this one is my favorite on you," he noted, eyes turning to molten honey as he took you in.
you preened at this, making a mental note to don this particular sweater a little more than the others.
"i, uh, i have something for you," you started, extending the small gift box towards him. now you knew how he felt, waiting to see if you'd accept the items of his clothing each time he presented you with them. you held your arm out without wavering, even though you felt a bit silly now.
his cheeks tinted a light shade of pink, and he studied the box in your hand for a moment. it wasn't lost on him that you'd chosen a bow that was the exact color of his blazing siphons. he felt his heart lurch against his ribcage at the realization.
"it's just a little something," you started again, voice woven with a nervous undertone at his continued silence. "i wanted to thank you for being so kind to me since i've arrived," you cleared your throat. "you've really made this place feel like ... like a home," you finished, giving him a shy, tentative smile. he could tell by the look in your eyes that you were pleading with him to accept it. you didn't have to beg him - well. maybe he'd like that, in other circumstances. however, not now, not for this.
a small smile spread across his lips at your last words. a home. he'd made someone feel like they were home, and that was enough of a gift for azriel. several times since meeting you, he'd felt as though his heart was swelling uncontrollably, growing beyond the confines of his chest. like you were somehow nurturing and tending to it. this was one of those times.
he reached a scarred hand towards the box, taking it from you gently. "y/n," he traced the bow with his fingers, slowly tugging the ribbon apart. "you really, really didn't have to do this. i just wanted you to be comfortable here, with us," he flicked his soft eyes towards yours, and you were doing that thing you did when you were nervous - fiddling with your fingers. he wanted to grab your hands then, run his lips along your knuckles, kiss each fingertip slowly. i will love it no matter what it is, he thought to himself, please don't be so nervous.
you dipped your chin at his words, huffing a small, breathy little laugh. "well, i am, az. comfortable here. with you," you tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, and azriel trembled with the urge to gently place the delicate gift box aside in favor of gently tugging your delicate body towards his instead.
he took a deep breath then, composing himself, as he lifted the lid from the box. inside was a custom-made, silver curb link chain. one that was long enough to rest right in the middle of his clavicle. small, glimmering cobalt blue stones were hand-set throughout - only able to be seen when the light hit them a certain way. but when the light did hit them, they were stunning. the surface of the gems danced with the fragments of light as though they were on fire, alive.
this made him think of you: the light that found his shadows, setting him aflame.
his breath caught in his throat, and he lifted the chain from the silk pillow that it rested on. he loved it. absolutely, wholeheartedly, loved it. it was powerful-looking, strong. the best gift he ever remembered receiving.
now, you'd be lying if you said this present wasn't also - maybe, sorta kinda - for your benefit. his strong, tanned neck hugged by a silver chain? gods. okay, yeah, this was slightly indulgent on your part.
but, in your defense, azriel had begun sporting silver signet rings on several of his elegant fingers. you thought a similarly-fashioned chain would tie the look together nicely. this was just a product of your own observant nature. really, that's all it was.
azriel let out an exhale of astonishment, meeting your eyes with widened ones of his own.
"this, is - i mean. beautiful. this is - thank you," he breathed out, setting the now-empty box, and the book he'd been cradling under his arm, down beside you. he gently began working at the clasp of the chain, his movements so careful, you could tell he was trying his hardest not to break it - ruin it.
you stood up before him, taking a step so that you were right in front of his towering frame. "here," you whispered, tenderly taking the chain from his hands. you unclasped it with ease, standing on your tip-toes to reach behind his neck - wanting to place it on him. he ducked his head for you politely, allowing you to see what you were doing a bit better.
you were so close to him, and with his head ducked down towards you, his chin was nearly resting on your shoulder. you fought every instinct within your body that was screaming at you to move closer, breathe deeper, inhale his scent, touch him.
but you didn't. you held your composure, clasping the necklace around his neck - making sure to be careful of his wings.
azriel had his eyes closed, also fighting similar urges of his own. he wanted so badly to rest his face within the crook of your neck, wrap his arms around the middle of your back, tug you into him.
two lovesick idiots, silently pining for the other.
necklace now adorning his neck, you stepped back. azriel stood to his full height once more, and he peered down at you with a gaze that he fought to keep friendly - instead of one that screamed complete adoration.
"well," he croaked out, swallowing thickly. your eyes darted to the movement, watching his adam's apple bob beneath the silver jewelry.
you were fucked.
"how's it look?", he continued, his hand reaching towards his neck to trace the smooth, curbed chain.
it was your turn to swallow hard, which of course, he noticed. he fought a smirk, especially when he witnessed your cheeks growing hot.
you pursed your lips together, trying your best to think of a response that wasn't akin to a dog barking.
"it's -," you sighed thoughtfully, smiling warmly up at him, "you look very handsome," you stated playfully, hooking a finger underneath the chain, tugging him towards you lightly.
he faltered for a moment, almost stumbling into you. not because of your light tug, but because of your words. handsome. he loved that compliment - was one of his favorites. however, the one bit of praise that always sent him to his knees was being called pretty.
"so pretty, az," you whispered again, seemingly more to yourself than to him, eyes caught on his neck.
okay, so now azriel was fucked.
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a/n: okay, i think this was my favorite installation of this series so far. i'm giggling and kicking my feet, and i'm the one writing it lmfao. azriel is making me WEAK, i need to lay down now. let me know what you think! thank you for reading <3
tag list: @stressed-reader @vhjlucky13 @scarsandallaz @victory-salads @weirdo-fun @topaz125 @mrsjna @lovegoodlunaa @lilah-asteria @andreperez11 @luna9876 @kennedy-brooke
let me know if you'd like to be added!
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kissedsuns · 2 months
how about max verstappen with a soft, gentle, girly!reader
just her going to the paddock to see him and they're polar opposites but he drops everything for his girl??
your writing is incredible 🫶
the paddock buzzes with the usual pre-race energy, engineers and team members rushing about, deep in preparation for the upcoming race.
in the midst of the controlled chaos, you make your way through, drawing curious glances.
as you approach the red bull racing garage, you spot max, engrossed in a conversation with his race engineer.
he is completely focused, the fierce competitor everyone knows him to be. but as soon as his eyes land on you, a transformation takes place. his stern expression softens, and a bashful smile spreads across his face.
without a moment's hesitation, he excuses himself from the conversation and makes his way over to you.
"max, you don't have to leave your meeting," you say softly, a hint of concern in your voice.
he shakes his head, taking your hand in his. "nah, don't worry about all that. it was boring." he replies.
despite the fast-paced world he lives in, max always makes time for you. it's one of the things you love most about him.
he leads you to a quieter corner, away from the hustle and bustle.
"how was your flight?" he asks, brushing a strand of hair away from your face.
"it was good," you reply, smiling up at him. "i missed you."
"i missed you too," he says, his eyes filled with warmth. he leans down, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead. "love that little dress, by the way,"
a playful smirk crosses his face as he adds, "c'mon, give me a little twirl, sweetheart."
you blush, feeling a touch of shyness, but you can't help but smile. you slowly spin around, your sundress swirling gracefully around your figure.
max's eyes light up, clearly pleased. "how did i get so lucky with you," he says, his voice filled with admiration.
"oh, shush." you reply, trying to hide your blush.
he steps closer, clearly enchanted by how beautiful you look. "seriously, you're something else."
without warning, max's race engineer approaches and calls him back to the garage. max glances over, his expression reluctantly shifting to something more serious.
"i'll see you after the race, yeah?" he says hurriedly, voice tinged with urgency. he leans in to give you a passionate kiss, his lips lingering on yours for a moment longer than necessary.
as max pulls away and turns to leave, he suddenly stops in his tracks. you furrow your brows in confusion, and before you can react, he spins back around eyes and strides towards you with a grin.
"sorry," he reaches to cup your face in his hands. "jus' look so pretty."
max presses one last kiss to your lips before dashing off to join his team, leaving you with a stomach full of butterflies.
everything seems to fade away as you hold onto the tenderness of his touch and the love in his eyes. you look forward to being in his presence again after the race, cherishing the moments when his world and yours come together so perfectly.
© kissedsuns
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dreaisgrayte · 2 months
The Best Friend Bet | Mitsuri Kanroji x Obanai Iguro x fem!reader
warning: NSFW, MDNI, kissing, poly, threesome, oral (YN to Mitsuri), oral (YN to Obanai), raw sex, vaginal sex, overstimulation, creampie, aftercare, I wish I was YN...
word count: 3.1k
a/n: you ever just sit in your bed using a squishmellow as a table and go from there?
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The train ride in your home city of Tokyo was more appealing than you initially thought. The cramped car was nothing more than a homey familiar feeling – at least that’s what you told yourself. By the time you’re in front of the apartment door, it’s past sunset. You raise your hand to text the owner quickly, you weren’t crazy enough to knock on the door. 
Eventually, Mitsuri Kanroji, a longtime friend, opens up with a huge smile on her face. “YN! I’m so glad you made it!” Her bubbly excitement immediately lights up your mood. “Come in, come in.” She ushers you into the living room, kicking the door shut with her foot. Her apartment is eerily similar to when you last visited, except now there’s a ravenette sitting on her couch, glaring into your soul. 
Your eyes widen and an uncomfortable feeling swirls around in your stomach as you glance at Mitsuri. “Uh-uhm…hello,” you trail off, becoming bashful under the intense stare of the male. He clears his throat, standing from his position to wander over to where you stood. 
His eyes draw you in as he circles you. One, is like the deep ocean, swimming with a tycoon of emotion. The other is golden like a doubloon, glinting in the soft glow of the lamp in the corner. “She’s prettier than you mentioned,” He turns to Mitsuri, her smile turning into a mischievous grin. 
The comment strikes you with the straightforwardness of it. “I told you her beauty is hard to describe.” She bumps shoulders with you, though you’re still shell-shocked from whatever is happening. Therefore, a nervous laugh bubbles out of your throat, silencing both of them. The male has an amused smirk lining his lips – you want to wipe it off his smug face. “YN, this is Obanai, the guy I was telling you about. My boyfriend.” They clasp hands, smiling at each other. You’d assumed he was the infamous Obanai Iguro when you first saw him, but his comment had thrown you off. 
Mitsuri clears her throat and gives her boyfriend a secretive look that you almost don’t catch. An unsaid message passes between them and for once you’re stunned into silence. A part of you wants to ask, but another part of you is afraid of what you’d figure out by doing so. “Pleasure to meet you YN.” Obanai is quick to extend a hand toward you. His hand is warm as he shakes yours in greeting. 
It almost seems like he holds the shake for a little longer than proper when Mitsuri jumps you, wrapping her arms around your neck. “We have so many fun things planned for your visit!” She squeezes you tight and while you’re returning the embrace you catch a glimpse of Obanai slowly looking you up and down. Your blood freezes and your throat stalls. His brows raise when your eyes meet, sending a shudder down your spine.
What was happening?
You didn’t want to be mistaken, but should you tell Mitsuri about this? I mean the things he’s doing are downright suspicious. Your brows furrow and you move Mitsuri in front of your view of Obanai. She’s a ball of giddy smiles. “What’s the plan for tonight?” You ask, wanting to draw attention away from the present situation. Mitsuri glances over her shoulder as if to confirm the plans silently with Obanai. Were significant others just supposed to know what the other is thinking? It made you feel like the odd one out. 
Despite the growing ache of jealousy in your stomach, Mitsuri grabbing onto your hand makes you flourish. “Well, Obanai and I were thinking of taking our best girl out for a night on the town,” she starts and for the first time – or the first time you’ve noticed – her eyes grow dark with an expression that both confuses you and makes your stomach churn hot with desire. That’s new. “We were going to chill out before getting ready, but since you arrived so late we should be doing that right now.” She pulls you toward the hallway during the latter half of her sentence. You’re deposited into what you can only assume is their bedroom. Mitsuri’s green eyes light up as she starts digging through her closet. “Mmm, nope. Not this either.” She tosses articles of clothing behind her like one of those movie montages. “Ehh, no. Ouu…wait,” She pops in front of you with a short red dress held up to your body. “Perfect.” She waits expectantly for you to grab the hanger and when you do she whips around to find something for herself. “Go put that on.” She instructs, nodding toward the hallway bathroom. Crossing the hall you step into the cool green and black tile bathroom. 
Where exactly were they taking you that you’d need this kind of dress? You hold up the dress to your body in front of the mirror, glancing at the knit fabric and cold shoulder neckline. Once you slip into the dress you realize how stunning you look. The fabric clings to your curves, the shade of red compliments your skin tone wonderfully, and there’s a slit that rides up your thigh. You walk out of the bathroom with a newfound confidence pulling a grin onto your lips. “Hmm, lookin’ good.” Obanai rakes his gaze up your body from his position against the wall. You begin to shy away from his intense appreciative stare, but something inside of you cocks your head to the side with a side-swept smirk. 
“Like what you see?” You dare to ask, but relish when he rolls his lips under his teeth. A playful hum echoes out of his throat as he chuckles lightly. 
You’re not sure why you said what you did, but there was this weird compelling notion that you should bite back to see what Obanai would do. What you don’t expect is for him to stride over to where you stand. His large hand splays over your outer thigh, which the dress barely covers. A stuttered gasp gets caught in your throat as he leans into your neck, drawing his nose up the curve of your ear. “And if I do?” You meet his gaze, heart hammering against your ribcage. Stammering incomplete words fall from your mouth until Mitsuri bursts through the bedroom door. She’s in a silky and strappy emerald green dress. You yelp, shoving Obanai away from you, but it’s too late, she’s already seen you two pushed against the wall. 
Her face immediately falls but instead of yelling at you – which you much rather would’ve preferred – she turns to Obanai with a dull glare. “You play dirty,” She complains with a grunt. He shrugs, stepping back from you with a growing grin. “I thought we weren’t going to start until after we took her out.” A frustrated frown creases her forehead as she turns to you, an oblivious expression plastered on your face. 
Start what? “What’s…going on?” You question, glancing at both of them. You were frazzled by the whole situation. 
Obanai nods to his other half. “Mitsuri was so excited about you coming over that I asked her if she ever regretted not trying something with you. When she said yes, we made a bet. Whichever one of us could convince you to join us would get the first taste.” He explains, dragging Mitsuri closer to his side. Join…first…huh?
It must be obvious your confusion because Mitsuri angrily stomps over to you, grabbing your cheeks. “Sex YN, we want to have sex with you.” As the words fall from her lips a connection must be made because a slick feeling slides down your stomach. Oh. You glance at Obanai and he nods calmly. “He’s only doing this because I made him, but I can’t lie that seeing you ride his cock turns me on,” Mitsuri confesses as you maintain eye contact with her boyfriend. At the mention of riding Obanai your eyes fall to his lower abdomen, a heated bubble forming in your chest. “So? Are you up for it?” You don’t respond – well, in a way you do – instead, you pull Mitsuri in for a kiss. She’s taken aback momentarily but folds into your lips like this kiss was meant to happen. You keep staring at Obanai as you press into his girlfriend. He quirks a brow, his tongue darting out to lick his lips as if he were kissing you both. 
Mitsuri pops off your kiss panting with flushed cheeks. You turn her around to face Obanai, sliding your hands over the space on her chest. His eyes track your movements with bated breath. “You like what you see?” You press your mouth to Mitsuri’s neck, causing her to let out a breathless whimper. He meets your gaze, a smirk tugging on the corners of his mouth. 
He closes the distance between you, biting down on Mitsuri’s neck. She shudders in the middle of you both. He grazes his teeth down to her collarbone, glancing to meet your eyes. “Mmm, I think it’s only right if we give Mitsuri what she wants.” He purrs and it takes you a beat to realize what he means. The lady in question slithers out, grasping both of your hands. 
She leads you both into the bedroom, sitting herself on the bed. Obanai lays a hand on her thigh and she looks at you patiently. You grab her inner thigh, working to spread her legs apart with her boyfriend. “Want me to show you how to eat pussy?” You quip, sliding to your knees to gaze upon Mitsuri’s center.
Obanai laughs while peeling Mitsuri’s thong down her calves. “You should be grateful I’m even letting you go first.” He shoots back, positioning himself behind Misturi so she can lean in his arms while you work your tongue against her clit. You smirk, appreciating the view. Obanai has slipped Mitsuri’s dress down her chest, revealing her perfect tits. His fingers play with her nipples, enticing light moans from her as she leans into his chest. He brings her lips to his, enjoying a passionate kiss while you stare on. He breaks free, holding the junction of her neck. “Well? Come on then.” He smirks.
His words encourage you to make Mitsuri cum so hard all her attention is focused on you. Her pussy is pretty and pink, trimmed but not all the way – not that you’d mind a bit of hair in your mouth. You start by trailing kisses down the length of her thigh, captivated by how dense her plush skin is. You’d be lying if you hadn’t thought about being crushed between these thighs every once and a while. On your way back you make quick work with your tongue, using the flat side to lick up her seam. She pants out a moan, eyes widening as Obanai watches with a little too much enthusiasm. 
She tastes sweet, almost like she’d been preparing for this moment. “Mmm, like honey.” You groan into her sex, spitting a long strand of saliva onto her already soaked cunt. Obanai had never been one into sitting back to watch, but the way you gobble up his girlfriend’s pussy is downright hypnotizing. She’s a writhing mess under your ministrations, balling up her fists in your hair and squeezing your head between her thighs. You made Mitsuri beg for release, edging her over and over again. It was mesmerizing how much pleasure you seemingly gain from lapping up her arousal. It made him want to figure out what made you scream – better yet how you’d look if he overstimulated your pussy relentlessly. 
Mitsuri is panting wildly as she cums for the second time, grabbing your face to furiously kiss you. It’s something different to observe your partner kissing someone so passionately but in this context, Obanai could feel himself harden each second that passes. “Fuck, you did such a good job.” Mitsuri kisses the tip of your nose and you giggle together. It was an innocent exchange amid the thick air of her previous climaxes. Then, those sparkling green eyes are blinking at him. They fall the obvious outline of his cock, begging to be released from pant prison. “YN, sweetheart, what’dya say to giving Obanai some attention?” She grins, an understanding look passing between her eyes. He finds himself nervous like the first time he’d ever laid with Mitsuri as your eyes dart to gather information. 
A sweet smile takes over your face, one that hides the glint of pride you felt. “If that’s okay with him,” You start, standing from your knelt position. He gulps and slowly nods. Mitsuri moves to the side, propping herself on an abundant amount of pillows. 
Obanai slides off the bed, joining you on the floor. There’s a beat of awkwardness that passes before he gently helps you remove your dress by sliding each of your arms out with tantalizing steadiness. You stand before him bare and feel a flush of shyness crawl up your neck. “I can see it in your eyes, you want me to treat you like the worthless whore you are,” Obanai scoffs, grabbing your chin forcefully. A tiny whimper tries to escape your lips, but Obanai yanks you into his body. “Good whores always have their mouths full, don’t they?” He coos, guiding you to your knees once again. “Now suck my cock like you mean it.” He demands, curling strands of your hair around his hand. He shoves your cheek against the warmth of his hard-on, smirking when you gently press your lips against the fabric of his jeans. “Mmm, that’s my good girl,” His body cools with the warm fuzzy feeling of ecstasy. 
In truth, Mitsuri had told Obanai all about your kinks, maximum degradation being one of them. Hearing the words come out of his mouth reminded him of the way he acted before dating Mitsuri. She was his light and you? You were just some mouth to feel good in. 
Meanwhile, you’d managed to free his aching cock. The pressure was going to kill him if you didn’t do something about it. “Open wide, bitch.” He hisses, yanking your hair back until a gasp makes your mouth fall open. Obanai lines his cock up against your lips, his knees nearly buckling at the sensation of how plump they were. Your eyes are locked on him, innocently blinking your lashes with tears streaming down your face like you were daring him to fuck you without a care. He chuckles, running his knuckles over your cheekbone. “You love being full aye? Like a bitch in heat, raising your ass like you’re begging for more.” He croons, shuddering as you swirl the flat of your tongue around his length. “Haa, you’re going to wet my cock so when I burrow it in that sweet pussy of yours it’ll slide right in, huh?” 
A garbled moan hums around his cock, earning a guttural groan from the male in front of you. He pants, nostrils flaring as he yanks you off with a loud popping noise. “On the fuckin’ bed,” He growls, hastily helping you to your feet so that he can toss you toward the mattress. You stumble against it, falling onto your back. Mitsuri brushes your hair away from your face, placing herself in a similar position as Obanai did initially. 
You’re watching him slip out of his shirt, tossing it with abandon as he closes the gap between you. He leans down to peck Mitsuri on the lips then glances at you. “Open your mouth,” He orders and you do as you’re told. He spits into it with a devious glint in his heterochromic eyes. “So obedient.” He purrs before taking in your gleaming cunt. Your legs are spread so beautifully for him and he revels in the way you wiggle down the bed in complaint. 
His cock brushes against your clit, making you hiss out in pleasure. Mitsuri massages your head, using her nails to scratch your scalp. You’re paying so much attention to the way she’s making you feel that your next breath is sucked away as Obanai plunges his cock into your warmth. “Hmm, don’t make me jealous. I don’t do well with jealousy.” He lifts your legs over his shoulders, kissing your ankle before snapping his hips against yours. 
You yelp, feeling breathless from how Obanai stretches you out. “Come on, you talk a big game and suddenly you’re quiet? Let me hear you moan like a true slut.” He slides out before pounding into you with fervent thrusts. Quivering moans string together a melody of heavenly bliss. 
Obanai finds a spot that makes you wail with pleasure and hits it with no regard. By the time you’re done moaning, he’s croaking another one out of you. At this point, the noises you’re making are pitiful imitations of moaning. “Hngh, yes yes right there. S’good, fuckin’ me s’good. M’gonna cu-cum,” You hiccup across your words, clenching the sheets underneath you as the spring unloads in your core. 
You flutter and clench around his cock, cumming hard. A smirk lines his lips as he continues to pump into you. Your voice is so hoarse that only strangled mewls manage to come out as he hits the same spot over and over again. You’re a shuddering sobbing mess by the time you cum the next time, but he doesn’t stop fucking into you until his seed mixes with your slick, spilling out over the sheets. Your skin feels like it’s lying on a bed of nails as you try to catch your breath. “You were perfect,” Mitsuri kisses your temple, rubbing your neck gently. You feel like you’re going to faint so you don’t notice Obanai slip out of you to grab a warm towel and a bottle of water. 
He hands the water to Mitsuri and uses the towel to wipe the sweat and cum away from your cunt. Your body aches, but in a perfectly wonderful way. Mitsuri presses the bottle to your lips, helping you gulp down the water. It’s fresh and cool as it slides down your scratchy throat. 
Obanai smiles to himself as he cleans you up. You took him so well, it was honestly surprising how good your pussy felt considering Obanai never saw himself with anyone other than Mitsuri. Yet, something blooms in his chest, a feeling he can tell is affecting his girlfriend too as she studies you dribble water from the corner of your mouth. 
This is why Obanai was never really a betting man, unseen factors always fucked with the odds. 
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candyfsh · 2 months
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𐙚 ⋅ ˚ ₊ ‧ the diner
by candyfsh
dallas winston sits inside of a booth, manspreading and glancing around the diner while he chats simply with his buddies, ponyboy and johnny. he seems to be looking for something, which brings the attention of johnny.
"you lookin for somethin, dal?" johnny asks. dallas looks back toward the slightly younger boys with a small, casual scoff, not meaning annoyance. he shakes his head no.
"nah, man, jus' lookin around..." although, dallas was looking for something. he was looking for someone. despite his denial, johnny and ponyboy couldn't help but notice how he looked over the workers and smirked at one of them. she was giving someone their coffee at the table right behind them, which means the three boys are next.
ponyboy is very observant. so he automatically notices dallas's smirk and what it means. it means he's gonna tease her, which is exactly what dallas does.
"hey, sweetheart," dallas calls out to the waitress, his new york accent thick in the "heart." he licks his lips before speaking again. "how's the shift goin, baby?"
this waitress doesn't even have to look to know who it is. she sighs softly as she finishes with the customer behind them. "decent."
dallas chuckles at her response. she's always like this. whenever dallas is here, he always makes sure that y/n is serving him. even if he gets a different waiter or waitress, he demands to talk to her. dallas is just like that.
"not gonna look at me?" his amused smirk is very genuine. dallas watches y/n intently as she wraps things up by giving the customer a sugar packet and a thing of cream. he's unadmittedly impressed with how she works.
"nope." she responds simply, smiling at the other customer before asking if that's all he wants. dallas notices how genuinely sweet she is. it isn't an act. she just doesn't like to be sweet to dallas because of how annoying he is, which he can respect. now, she starts to walk over to his table. he adjusts his position to sit straight forward, facing her, still with the cocky smirk. he leans his elbows on the table as he can hear ponyboy and johnny share a snicker. "you ready to order?"
dallas shifts to manspread again while his friends nod. "for sure, sweetheart." he winks playfully, which pulls a disgusted nose-scrunch from y/n and amused giggles from ponyboy and johnny.
y/n goes in the order she sees them, except dallas is going to be last. she pulls the cap off of her pen gently with her teeth which is unspeakably attractive to dallas. "okayy, what do you want, cutie?" she asks, nodding her head toward ponyboy with a soft smile. while ponyboy gets ready to order a drink, johnny can't help but notice the look on dallas's face. it's a look that can only be described as a pure liking to the waitress. dallas has a crush.
"uhh, a rootbeer, please." ponyboy responds with a sheepish smile. he scratches the back of his head, obviously a bit nervous but flattered by her compliment. dallas looks at ponyboy and furrows his eyebrows. he's not jealous. ponyboy has a tendency to get slightly nervous around pretty girls.
y/n writes that down in her notepad. "okay, baby, how 'bout you?" she nods toward johnny. johnny looks up at her and can't help but feel a bit bashful himself. dallas rolls his eyes and looks back up at his favorite waitress.
"a coffee." as he responds a bit quietly, y/n can't help but notice how different they seem to be from dallas. they're sweet and bashful while dallas flirts with anyone and is naturally rough around the edges.
she nods and writes it down. "how do you like your coffee?"
johnny shrugs a little and thinks with a small hum. "a little cream." he looks over at dallas before looking back up at the waitress. dallas is still looking at her, waiting for her to give him attention.
she writes it down once more before looking over at dallas. when their eyes meet, dallas smirks again. it's the same amused smirk as before. he waits to see if she'll give him a sweet nickname.
"what would you like, dallas?"
he leans forward a little, looking up at her. they both seem to notice the other's pretty eyes at the same time. dallas's big brown eyes looking up at her with her soft doe-like eyes looking down at him. "what, no nicknames for me? thought i was special, babydoll."
she chuckles at the last sentence, her pen still ready to write in her hand. "no, the most you're getting is 'dally.' so, why don't you tell me what you want?" she tilts her head while looking at him, glancing back at her notepad.
he sighs dramatically, raising his arms a bit in mock defense and leaning against the booth. "just a coke, and i don't want that gross cherry coke shit." he says playfully, knowing she loves cherry coke.
she rolls her eyes playfully, writing down regular coke in her notepad. "boo. okay, will that be all, boys?"
johnny and ponyboy nod in response again, while dallas prefers to be outspoken. especially with her. he loves having her attention on him, even if he'd never admit it. "yeah, that'll be all. thanks, doll. you're not that bad at your job."
"thanks, dal." she responds with a small smile. he returns the smile before she turns around and heads to her coworkers. as she gets stuff ready, dallas tries to pry his eyes off of her.
"you love her." johnny teases gently. ponyboy snickers. although, dallas is not amused or entertained. he just rolls his eyes.
"i don't love nothin."
ponyboy pipes up. "yeah, you do, and it's the pretty waitress." ponyboy wasn't one to tease dallas due to slight fear and not liking him much, but this is acceptable. johnny chuckles and so does ponyboy.
dallas shushes them. "shut the fuck up, she could hear..."
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dyaz-stories · 9 months
an indentation in the shape of you || Cha Hyun-Su x f!Reader
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summary: Hyun-Su wants to learn how to make you feel good. The two of you experiment some more.
word count: 2.8k
warnings & tags: fluff, smut, reader is afab, explicit consent, pwp, porn with feelings, fingering, dry-humping i guess?, they're both virgins and pretty awkward but they're getting better at this, all very vanilla.
first one-shot · previous one-shot
This one-shot can be read independently as there is nothing intense plot-wise that requires having read the other parts, but I do recommend reading them for context.
A/N: this is my first hyun-su one-shot without angst lol (...don't get too used to it). anyway, this is more smut, and i think it's more intense than the previous one. hyun-su is more confident in this one, and he takes charge a little more (but in other ways he's pretty subby, so do with that what you want). hope you enjoy!
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There is something about watching Hyun-Su moving around in your house that warms your heart in a way you can’t quite explain. He’s seemed more confident there lately, no longer tiptoeing or stiffening around you like you could kick him out any second. It reminds you of days forever gone, when your mom used to sit at the table while doing her crosswords and your dad put music on the second he walked in through the door.
It reminds you of when this house was a home.
Right now, Hyun-Su’s fixing up a spear he’s brought here with some of your dad’s tools. It’s not his, you know that much. ‘Yi-Kyeong asked me to take care of it’, he’d said when he had set to fix it. There was something to his tone that had stopped you from asking for more, even if you think he’d have told you. He’d said her name respectfully, but with deep sadness, and you had known that there was a lot more to this story. You’d get there some day, you were sure, but not tonight.
Hyun-Su glances up at you, and you almost whip your head away to pretend you weren’t looking at him, like you’re a highschooler with a crush. Instead, you don’t even try to make it look like the long forgotten book in your lap is of any interest to you, and you give him a smile.
He stills his movements.
“Is something wrong?”
His voice is calm and deep. He sure has come a long way.
“Just like looking at you,” you answer, because it’s true, and even with all that progress, you’re not surprised when Hyun-Su looks away from you, cheeks turning red.
When he gets the courage to look back at you, though, a bashful smile illuminates his features, and you don’t think that would have happened even as recently as a few weeks ago.
“You do?”
There’s just something in the air. Something fresh and sweet and new, something that makes you bite your lower lip while you nod, suppressing the giggle that’s forming in the back of your throat. Hyun-Su’s eyes on you feel intense, and you’re not used to getting that kind of look from him. After a few seconds of that, he abandons the spear behind him to stand up and walk towards you, eyes not leaving yours for a second.
A long, intense shiver runs down your back. Under his hoodie, you can see the muscles of his shoulders moving as he walks, and fleetingly, you wonder if you’d have had a chance with him, in a world without the Apocalypse, but even that is quickly swallowed by the fact that you have him now.
He puts a hand on the back of the couch as he leans close to you to kiss you, the other coming to rest on your waist and oh, if he keeps doing things like that, you think you’ll just turn into a puddle. Your heart is fluttering, and when his hand sneaks under your t-shirt, long, cold fingers carefully caressing your skin, you think it just might fly out of your chest.
His lips move slowly against yours, and you tilt your head back as he towers over you. You feel like you’re going into overdrive from how sensual he’s being, how his tongue dances with yours as the soft sounds of the kiss fill the room. It’s not long before he’s gently pushing you onto your back on the couch, and he goes down with you, putting one knee between your legs to support himself.
And it’s all just so much. Hyun-Su’s lips, his taste on your tongue, his warm body half-covering yours, his fingers running over your ribs, and, fuck, now his knee just almost, almost pressing right where you need him to.
But this feels nice, too, and you’re not trying to initiate anything sexual just yet, so you do your best to be patient. You wrap your arms around his neck to pull him closer, and find some satisfaction in the way Hyun-Su loses his rhythm at that. Knowing that you still have that kind of effect on him, even as you’re unraveling completely under his touch, makes you just a little more confident in what you’re doing.
It isn’t long before Hyun-Su’s gotten his bearings back though, and then he kisses you with renewed passion. The kiss turns less controlled, mouth crashing against yours harder, his hand tightens on your waist— before he pulls away, panting.
“Sorry,” he says before he can catch himself, cheeks flushed.
“I didn’t mind,” you answer, but your voice is squeakier than you had intended.
“I didn’t mean to— I wanted to ask you something.”
His black eyes are wide, and as much as the blue eyes are like an electric shock running through you, you love them so much. You love how you drown in them, you love how kind they are, love that they are, truly, a window to his soul.
“What is it?” you whisper, not trusting your voice anymore.
“Just— What we did. Last time.”
No need to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out, so, even if you feel blood rushing to your face, you nod.
“I wanted to, uh, return the favor. If you don’t mind.”
It’s your eyes’ turn to widen, and you push yourself onto your elbows to better read his expression. The skin of your face tingles with how burning hot it is.
“I mean I— Sure but you don’t— You don’t have to do anything—”
“I know,” he says, shaking his head. His voice is soft. “But I want to.”
You swallow, but you lay back down. You’re more nervous in this situation than you would have expected, feel vulnerable, exposed, even if you’re all clothed for now. But you trust Hyun-Su, you do, with all of your heart, and you cannot imagine a better person to have this experience with. So, slowly, you nod.
“Are you sure?”
“Very sure,” you whisper.
“Then can I…?”
He pulls on your shirt, but without putting any force into it. His eyes are on you, waiting for your approval — or whatever you decide to answer with.
You swallow.
“Um, yes, but could you— could you also…?”
He understands your meaning without you having finished, and acts on it faster than you would have expected, almost immediately pulling his own hoodie over his head and letting it fall to the floor. You’d noticed before that, for all his shyness over other things, he doesn’t seem to care about nudity all that much, but you’re not sure what to do with it.
For now, you can at least admire the work of art that is his body, his well-defined muscles and hard pectorals, and since he’s out in the open now, you give him a nod.
“Go ahead.”
He takes off your shirt like you’re made of porcelain, pulling it slowly and softly over your head, and taking his time so it doesn’t get caught in your hair. It is such a sweet sight, how focused he gets on the task, on making sure he’s doing right, so that he doesn’t hurt you in any way. It’s only once he’s done that his gaze lands on your body. He stills, Adam’s apple bobbing up and down, and you can’t help but stiffen.
It might be silly, at this point in your relationship — and when the world has literally ended outside your window — but you’re feeling self-conscious. You want to fold your arms in front of your breasts, hide your stomach and any imperfection.
“You’re beautiful,” Hyun-Su says, so obviously in awe, and the weight on your stomach is replaced by sweet, sweet butterflies. “Is it— is it okay to—”
“Touch me,” you ask instead of letting him stutter through the rest of his sentence, and he almost gasps at that, pants suddenly feeling a lot tighter.
“You shouldn’t say things like that to me,” he mumbles, bright red once again, stealing a kiss from you when you open your mouth to tease.
Then he’s kissing down your neck, and you can tell that he’s mimicking the things you did to him the last time something like this happened between the two of you. You barely have time to find that sweet, though, because soon the only thing on your mind are the open-mouthed kisses he’s pressing against your skin, and how they make you so desperate to buck your hips against he’s oh so well placed thigh.
He doesn’t linger on your neck, though, soon moving down to your chest, sneaking a hand behind your back to try and unclasp your bra — something he ends up struggling you with so much that you’re the one that eventually reaches back to get it done. He’ll have all the time to learn that kind of things later. For now, there’s something on your mind, and you don’t want to have to wait any longer.
You let him slide it down your arms, then discard it, letting it fall with the rest of your clothes.
“Can I…?”
“You still don’t have to ask.”
He hesitates for a second, before going back down to press a shy kiss under your collarbone, right where your breast starts to form. He keeps kissing his way down, hands for now cautiously staying away. Finally, he reaches your nipple, and you cannot hold back a distinct gasp when he carefully wraps his mouth around it. It turns into a full moan when he flicks his tongue against it — and you could swear you feel his mouth stretching into a grin right after that.
It’s then that he cups your other breast with his hand, and you shiver. His body may be radiating heat, but his hands are cold. They don’t stay that way for long though, not with how hot you’re running right now yourself. He starts off shy over there too, at first massaging your breast gently, before his fingers dare brush against that nipple. It’s hard already, and with his mouth on the other side, all you can do is arch into his touch, moans still falling freely from your lips.
Pleasure’s running wild in your body, each and every sensation going straight down to your core, more so when his fingers experimentally pull on your nipple. You’re dripping wet already, desperate for relief, and it’s not long before you can no longer hold yourself back and buck your hips up against his leg.
He lets go of you almost immediately, glancing down at your lower body as if he doesn’t understand what’s happening. When he looks back at you, his eyes are impossibly wide, his pupils dilated.
“Did you— Did you just—”
“Hyun-Su,” you call out in a sigh, running your fingers over the nape of his neck. “Touch me.”
For a second, his whole body tenses and he just stares at you. Then he exhales.
“Fuck,” he mumbles under his breath. “Fuck. Um. Then I’ll— I’ll just—” He starts fiddling with the button of your jeans, and just the anticipation of his touch where you need it the most sends pleasure rushing through you once more. This time, he manages to get them off of you without your help, and there’s another slow exhale. “You’re so— You’re so—”
Wet is the word you think he’s searching for, and he’s not wrong about that. The urge to reach down between your leg to take care of the ache you’re feeling is strong, but the desire to feel him down there is all-consuming, and so you wait for him, your breathing loud and ragged.
“Tell me, okay? Tell me what feels good to you.”
He doesn’t take off your panties, probably because he hasn’t gotten your jeans fully off, and instead just pushes them to the side. He’s cautious here too, at first barely brushing against the lips, which still makes the muscles of your thighs tense. It feels like you’ve been waiting for it for centuries when he finally inserts a long finger inside you, sliding in so easily from how dripping wet you are. Your hold on his shoulders tighten, fingers digging into his skin, and even with your lips pressed tightly together, your moan reverberates through your body.
“Good?” Hyun-Su asks, and his low voice in your ears does absolute wonders to you right now.
“You can add another one,” you say, except it’s probably more of a whine, but you can’t tell for sure, not with how much your head is buzzing right now.
Hyun-Su obeys almost immediately, and you bury your head in his neck to muffle the groan that follows. You feel so good, so full, and he hasn’t even moved yet. You let yourself adjust, before giving him more instructions.
“You can— You can spread them open and— ah!— m-move them in and— Ah!”
Hyun-Su follows your advice diligently, and soon you no longer even have the strength to hold on to him, falling down onto your back with your whole body arching into his touch, following after him if he pulls out. It’s so, so fucking good, nothing you’ve ever done on your own can compare to this and you don’t know how you’ll be able to go back after that.
You’re gasping and writhing underneath him for you don’t know how long, and you’re so, so close to the edge, but you need— You just need something more, so you push yourself back up on your elbows, something harder than you’d think, when your muscles feel like jelly, and that’s when you realize that his hips are bucking against your leg. You hadn’t paid any attention to it, but now you see how obviously hard he is, and the small, almost shy movements of his hips as he ruts against you.
“Hyun-Su,” you call — you’re no longer paying attention to how your voice is coming out —, “here—”
You grab his wrist, and even if it means he pulls his hand out, something that immediately has your walls clenching around nothing at the loss, guide him so his fingers brush against your clit.
“There,” you whisper. “You can keep, uh, keep your fingers inside and— and touch me there, too.”
He nods, pushes the fingers back inside. There are a few seconds as he figures out how to best put his hand, and then when he strokes your clit with his thumb, you almost immediately lose it. You only have the presence of mind to lift your leg up, just a little, so it presses against his hard cock.
It’s his turn to freeze and to let out a moan then, one obviously surprised out of him.
“You should feel good too,” you manage to mumble through the haze of pleasure.
“But I— I want to make you feel—”
“We can both feel good,” you answer, and Hyun-Su just cannot resist kissing you again. It’s messy, tongues clashing together without much control, but fuck, he cannot explain or control the way he feels about you.
You come just a few moments later, waves of pleasure crashing through you all at once as his thumb circles your clit, fingers deep inside you, moving at a tranquil pace that lets you feel all of his movements inside you.
When you open your eyes again, he’s above you, staring at you lovingly.
“Good?” he asks.
Better than that.
“That was incredible,” you tell him though even that feels like an understatement. You love the way he obviously preens under your compliment. “But— But what about you? Didn’t you—”
You reach out, but he grabs your wrist before you can touch him.
“I, um, I’ve already—”
He’s turning bright red again, but you understand without another word. His jeans are still on, and you haven’t even actually touched him, and yet he still came in his pants, against your thigh, while fingering you.
Blood rushes to your face so fast you feel light-headed.
“Oh,” is all you can truly think to say. Then, shyly, “Want to go get cleaned up?”
“Together?” His voice is soft, questioning, but his eyes are in yours, comfortable instead of avoiding. You nod.
Later, you’re still in his arms, your back pressed against his chest, his face buried in your neck. And you, too, are comfortable.
There’s just something in the air, something fresh and sweet and familiar, and you think something you haven’t let yourself explore all that much, even if you’ve known, deep down, for a long time.
It just might be love.
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and here we are! this one felt a lot smuttier to me than the previous part, but it was fun to write about this relationship in a less angsty way, too. maybe i should let them be happy a little more lol. anyway, i hope you liked it! next part probably won't be smut, but i don't know when it will be out. i have a new, time consuming internship that doesn't give me a lot of free time, so i don't know how much/when i'll have time to write. but i definitely have more stuff i want to write for this couple! so don't hesitate to comment and/or reblog to give me the motivation to write after work lol, and i'll also be answering my asks when i have time!
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tadpolesonalgae · 2 months
Rhysand x reader
For day 4 of @acotar-omegaverse-week — Getting Knotty: …you really didn't think we'd have omegaverse week without a whole day for knots, did you?
a/n: this is kind of short but I’m hoping also relatively sweet/soft 🧡💛
warnings: cockwarming; knots; edging…?; soft Rhys; fluff; sub reader
word count: 1,208
You squirm in his lap, hips shifting faintly as you aim for some kind of stimulation.
Rhys grunts faintly from the movement, feeling you tighten around him as inner muscles flex to aid your positioning. “Darling,” he chastises, “keep still. You’ve a while left yet.”
“But Rhys…” You pull back far enough to peer up at him, trying to look as fuckable as possible to tempt him to give in. Sadly, he seems immune this particular evening, simply settling back in his chair and stroking his palm over the crown of your head. “Are you going to behave? Or should I put you over my lap?”
“I’ll behave,” you try to negotiate, “but I want…” You fumble over the finish, still getting too flustered to voice your needs. He’s been nothing but encouraging and comforting in the bedroom, and yet bashfulness keeps you quiet, glancing away with hot cheeks.
“Darling. What is it?” Deft fingers delicately push beneath your jaw, inclining your chin to meet his twinkling eyes, “Talk to me.” Your flush deepens, hips instinctively tilting before you still their motion, remembering you’re trying to be good. “I…you.”
“Me?” His mouth quirks. “I hope you’re not about to argue, darling. I’d hate to make you wait any longer. And just when you were reaching the end, too.”
“No! No, I just…” you look up at him pleadingly, begging for him to just go into your mind and read what you’re thinking from there, so you can be spared the humiliation of voicing your desires.
Rhys merely raises a brow, amusement clear in his handsome features as he watches you struggle and fumble.
“Can you…I want you to finish.” The words push from your tongue, Rhys swallowing down a groan as you tighten around him. “Or at least, get close to…climax,” you hasten to add, fingers playing nervously with the hem of his collar, pale linen folding beneath your digits. “Please, I just want to feel you a bit more.” You make the effort to look up at him, thighs faintly squeezing his waist with need. “I’ll feel better…comforted…if I can feel you like that.”
“Want to feel me locking you in place? Would that make you feel more secure?”
You’re unsure if he’s patronising you—he has a mean streak that occasionally surfaces in light-hearted ways—so you choose to take him at his word just in case, flushing as you nod your head. It’s been ages, and maybe it makes you needy but you want that reassurance. Just that little extra piece of intimacy to soothe the irrational mumblings of your mind.
Violet eyes twinkle, holding your gaze for what feels like minutes before his lips soften at their edges, his palm cupping your cheek. “Promise you’re not saying this to get out of your little predicament?”
“I promise.” Then after a moment follows a muffled ‘sorry…’
His smile fades a little, bringing you closer so he can press a kiss to your cheek. “You’ve nothing to apologise for. I’m happy you’re telling me,” he adds on when he sees your lips parting to argue for your imagined short-coming. “Let’s get you moving a bit, hm?” You manage a nod, tiptoes grazing the wooden floor of his office before finding your footing, softly bucking your hips as you mumble a ‘thank you’. It earns you another kiss to your cheek, having warmth sizzle throughout your body as butterflies flutter.
“Is this okay?” You mumble, palms splayed out across his chest, the pads of your fingers lightly digging into the sculpted muscle of his stomach. “Perfect,” Rhys whispers, hands trailing reverently up your arms until they’re cupping your shoulders, rubbing to keep you reassured. “You’re doing so well.”
“You’re just saying that.” You huff, too flustered to accept the praise, instinctively rejecting it. Rough hands grip your hips, pulling you to an abrupt stop, a whimper whining from your throat. Violet eyes pierce into you, “Would I lie to you?”
You fumble, trying to look away so you don’t have to answer. It doesn’t fly. His grip tightens but his tone remains soft; calming, “Darling, answer me. Would I lie to you?”
“…no, Rhys.”
“No, I wouldn’t. If I tell you you’re doing well, it’s because you’re doing well. If I say you’re perfect, it’s because you’re perfect. If I say you’re my good, sweet omega…?” He raises a brow in your direction, encouraging you. A flush creeps up your neck, but you answer. “It’s because I’m your good…sweet, omega.”
“There you go.” The chuckle is both pleased and pleasured, pride twinkling in his features and he once more presses a kiss to your cheek, then drops another to the tip of your nose for good measure.
“Now, I want you to keep moving until you’re happy.” You blink, glancing up at him for more guidance. When he gives none, leaving it up to you, you falter. “But what if I come?” You ask—that was the whole point of the scene, for you to be denied pleasure. You don’t want to disappoint him. But Rhys shrugs his shoulders, squeezing your hips, “if you come, you come. You lasted long enough.”
“Don’t stress over it,” he smiles, raising his hand so his thumb can stroke back and forth over the crest of your cheek. “Make yourself feel good,” violet eyes meet your own, “okay?”
You want to kiss him. Want to pull him to your lips and pepper him with tiny kisses for making you feel so comfortable. For being such a safe space and remaining so open, even when you’re like this. He would never encourage the self-deprecating thoughts but it’s hard to come to terms with some of the more needy parts of yourself, the constant seeking of reassurance through touch or time or intimacy.
You manage a nod of your head, beginning to carefully rock your hips back and forth. Slowly getting him riled up until his knot is almost fully formed. You’d probably still be able to slip off if you tried but it would be a stretch. It’s as close as you want him to be, able to feel that swell of his cock lodged a little inside your cunt, pushing outwards to your walls and your squeeze him contentedly.
“This is good,” you murmur, leaning into the heat of his chest, greedily hauling down his warmth and basking in the sturdiness of his chest. “Can we stay like this for a bit?” You request, nosing at the skin the neckline of his shirt exposes, breathing in his scent that has tension seeping from your limbs, melting all over his lap. Powerful arms wrap around your back, tucking you closer as he sits back up in his seat, allowing you to remain there for a little longer while he goes back to his desk.
“Just start moving again whenever you want more.” The instruction is soft beside your ear, but it sends a shiver of need up your spine nonetheless. You want to press kisses all over his skin.
Instead you shimmy closer, laying your cheek to his chest, basking in the rightness of your unity. There’s no place you’d rather be.
general taglist: @myheartfollower @tcris2020 @mali22 @slut4acotar @sfhsgrad-blog @needylilgal022 @hannzoaks @hnyclover @skyesayshi @nyotamalfoy @decomposing-writer @soph1644 @lilah-asteria @nighttimemoonlover @mrsjna
rhys taglist: @azrielshadows1nger
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bbyleiah · 11 months
| serial killer Toji comes across you in the creepy hardware store you work in. He initially found you annoying, as you always somehow managed to get in his way but then he became infatuated with you..completely obsessed and set on tying you to him forever. |
cw : serial killer!Toji , black reader, kinda graphic murder scene description, heavy stalking, heavy degradation (bitch, slut, whore, etc.), physical harm(she cuts him, he puts her in a chokehold), threats, manipulation, spitting, choking, blowjob, shoe riding, wet dream, lots of dirty talk, pet names (bun, peach/peaches, little mouse), naive reader, kinda dub-con, nipple play, dry humping, marking, lots of slapping (tit-slapping, pussy slapping, he slaps her in the face once), mating press, fluids, biting, unprotected sex, creampie, dacryphilia, sadist!Toji, masochist!Reader, and probably way more warnings I forgot abt 🥹 (there’s some soft parts in this fic too ☝🏽)
word count : very longgg, so get comfy 🫶🏽
sn : this is my contribution to kinktober 🤲🏾 read at ur own discretion
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You were completely exhausted towards the end of your shift at this hardware store. You’d been here since 11am and it was now going on 9pm. Your feet hurt so bad from standing at the register and you had enough of the weirdos that frequented your store. “Only 30 minutes left..” you muttered to yourself with a sigh as you glanced at the clock.
You’d hoped no more customers would come in during your last few minutes but of course luck wasn’t on your side. Two men came in, one after the other seemingly shopping for different things. One of them seemed like an average creepy suburban dad, wearing khakis and a polo shirt with one of those bushy mustaches. The other man was spooky.
You couldn’t even see his face due to the fact he had a hood hanging perfectly over his head, he was dressed in all black from head to toe. Black boots, black pants, a black zip up jacket that seemed heavy duty, and the man was huge, towering over the shelves in the store. You definitely hoped he’d get whatever he was looking for and leave soon.
You knew you shouldn’t be judging books by their cover but this job was boring and you were a people watcher at heart, it was the only thing that kept you entertained. The suburban dad came up to the register first, purchasing simple things like tape, paint, and nails. “You found everything okay?” You asked, putting on your customer service voice and smile.
“I sure did! Say, what’s a pretty thing like you doing working so late?” The male spoke with a flirtatious lilt that immediately made you uncomfortable. You didn’t even look attractive at the moment, dressed in your work uniform with your curly hair in a messy bun, slight eye bags under your brown eyes, looking beat and worn down from your shift. Men always had the audacity. “Uhm just getting a hard work’s pay, you know?” You tried to laugh it off.
“Mm, hardworking and beautiful. Sounds like a treat. You wouldn’t have to work so hard with me~” He continued his advances, licking his lips as he eyed you. You wanted to throw up, this interaction was disgusting. “No thank you.” You replied as you began to ring up his stuff faster so that he’d leave quicker. “Ah, don’t be so mean. I don’t bite. Unless you want me to.” He purred as he got more into your personal space.
Before you could respond, you saw the man’s face get bashed into the counter. You screamed in horror, it happened so quickly you could barely register it happening. “Fucking creep.” The spooky man spat out in disgust as he let the man go, watching him drop and slump onto the floor. Your eyes were wide in shock and fear as you stared up at the tall violent man.
“Don’t worry, he’s not dead.” The man told you, all nonchalantly in that deep raspy voice of his that sent shivers up your spine. You were too scared to respond or move, just standing there like a little deer prey in headlights. You still couldn’t fully see the man’s face, only seeing his lips and his chin, it appeared that he had a scar on the corner of his mouth.
The man placed his items on the counter casually, ignoring the blood now splattered on it. “Do I have to ring these up myself? Or are you gonna do your job?” He questioned you. “N-No! I got it!” You squeaked, immediately snapping back into work mode as you scrambled to ring up his items. Your hands shaking and tears forming in your eyes.
This man was intimidating beyond belief. You could just feel him staring you down as you haphazardly rung up his items. “Relax little mouse, I’m not gonna hurt you.” The man suddenly said, it seemed like an attempt to comfort you but it honestly only freaked you out more. Especially the pet name he used. You did some breathing to calm yourself though and regain your composure.
Toji wasn’t surprised at how terrified you were of him but he didn’t care. He honestly didn’t mean to attack the guy but Toji was already riled up from a previous altercation he just had and that prick irked his last nerve. Toji felt like the guy rightfully deserved to get his face bashed in. Toji was slightly intrigued by you though, you were mostly well composed despite being scared shitless. It was obvious you were just an innocent little thing though, oblivious to the fact that a serial killer was standing in front of you.
“H-Have a great rest of your night” You stuttered out, not looking at the man as you handed him his bag. He hummed in response, grabbing it from you before he began to leave. You noticed his bruised and bloody knuckles as he grabbed the bag, that man was definitely dangerous and another reason why you should quit this job.
“Wait!” You called out to him once you realized something, it was stupid but you weren’t always the smartest. He stopped in his tracks, looking back at you. “Uh..my shift is over and uh..what am I supposed to do with this guy..?” You sheepishly asked the scary man as you pointed to the unconscious man on the floor. Toji was amused by your question. “Leave him there.” Toji said before he left fully. Leaving you there dumbfounded.
“What the actual fuck?” You said out loud, talking to yourself at this point. You had enough of this shift and this job in general. You let your manager know about the situation and you clocked out and left, leaving the man there just like the dude told you to because there wasn’t much else you could do anyways.
You called your bestfriend on your walk home, ranting to him about everything that happened. “So he just bashed the guy’s head and dipped?! Like nothing?” your friend Oliver exclaimed through the phone. “Yes! I was scared to death. Literally shaking in my boots. I still have no clue what creepster dude even looks like” you huffed.
“Well he kinda sounds like a pussy throbber to be honest…but! he’s psycho which is a major red flag. Plus you know there’s a serial killer roaming around. It’s all over the news.” He hummed. “Ew! He was not a pussy throbber!” You denied even though you blushed a little. “There’s a serial killer roaming? Since when?” You asked, clueless.
“Bitch, do you live under a damn rock?. They’ve been killing people for weeks!. Lord, you’re such an easy victim too, so oblivious to everything.” Oliver sighed while shaking his head even though you couldn’t see him. “Uh actually I have a taser and I took self defense classes. I’d say I’m a pretty tough victim.” You defended. “Girl, you’re delusional.” Oliver cackled.
You knew he was probably right, it was proven by how you were walking alone in the middle of the night right now. Taking alleyways as short cuts which was stupid but you’d walked this path plenty of times and nothing has happened before so you doubted anything would happen. You were so wrong though. You ended up walking towards a fight it seemed, an unfair one at that. The tall male figure beating the shit out of some guy.
You stood there stupidly and watched, even though you knew you should’ve turned around. You let out a scream when you saw the tall male slit the other guy’s throat before stabbing the male repeatedly in the face. The killer immediately snapped his attention on you after hearing your scream. You felt like your heart stopped in that moment, going into panic mode as you instantly turned around and began to run for your life.
You had tuned out your phone call with Oliver, who was still on the line and worried sick. Even though you were running, no one was chasing after you. Toji groaned in annoyance, “Pesky fucking mouse.” He said as he ran his bloody hand down his face in frustration. Toji had never been caught while he was murdering someone before, he was too smooth and precise with his kills but apparently luck was not on his side today at all.
This kill was pretty reckless too but he still hadn’t expected to be seen, and of course it had to be you. Typically he’d kill anyone who got involved with his kills but he knew you were harmless so he was gonna leave you be..for now. You were sobbing once you finally made it to your apartment complex, completely out of breath from sprinting with all your might.
You’d managed to actually respond to Oliver and ease his worries once you stopped freaking out. He still was concerned though and said he’d come visit in the morning and take you to work. You wiped your tears, taking off your uniform and getting into a hot shower. Hoping the shower would soothe you and get you to stop trembling. It helped slightly, but you were still traumatized.
You could barely sleep, tossing and turning in your bed unable to get the visual out of your mind of someone being brutally murdered in front of you. Part of you had the right mind to tell the police about what you saw, but the other part was terrified the killer would come after you next. So you decided the best decision for now would be to stay quiet and out the way.
You probably got about two hours of sleep before you woke up to Oliver banging on your door, hugging you tight the minute you let him in. “I was so worried!. Are you okay? Like actually okay?.” He asked you. You shook your head, “No I’m not, I couldn’t even sleep. I can’t erase it from my mind. First the psycho at the store and then the killer, it’s like the heavens are against me.” You pouted, tears starting to fill your eyes again.
“Oh baby, I’m so sorry this happened to you. I’m here now though and we’re gonna get rid of all that bad juju.” Oliver hummed as he cupped your face before hugging you once more. Oliver proceeded to make breakfast for you and help clean your apartment, cracking jokes and being his usual charismatic self. It definitely brought your mood up and eased your mind. You were lucky to have Oliver.
“Alright I wish a motherfucker would try and bother you today. Ain’t no one surviving with me around!” Oliver said as he began to show off his fighting moves while the two of you walked to the hardware shop. You couldn’t help but to laugh, “Oo super scary, so feisty. People are gonna be too spooked to even look at me.” You amused him as you laughed.
“I know, I know. It’s what I do baby.” Oliver said playfully as he winked at you. Little did you know, someone was watching you. Toji was merely keeping an eye on you to see if you squeaked to anyone about what you saw last night. He was surprised to see you smiling and laughing it up as if nothing happened. He assumed you likely told the guy you were walking with, which wasn’t a smart choice. Toji debated whether he should kill the guy or not.
Truthfully he didn’t know what to do about you either, he knew he should kill you because that was the smart thing to do to save his ass and cover his tracks. However, Toji was too intrigued by you. He didn’t know why, maybe it was how pretty you looked whenever you got scared, or how harmless and clueless you appeared to be. But Toji didn’t have it in him to kill you. Toji continued watching the two of you, fascinated by your relationship. It was obvious you two were close, Toji didn’t know how he felt about that.
It’s not like Toji knew you personally so he didn’t care who you spent your time with, but part of him was irked at how happy this guy seemed to make you. You were dreading your shift today, but at least Oliver was gonna stay with you the whole time that was the bright side. Luckily your manager handled the guy that was on the floor, sent him to the hospital and had the blood cleaned up.
There wasn’t too many customers today which was great for you, you just people watched with Oliver and joked around. His presence was always refreshing. Towards the end of your shift a man walked in. It appeared to be the same scary man from last night, although this time he had his hood off allowing you to see his face in all its glory. Oliver gasped, “That man is hot as fuck!. I thought you said only creeps shop here?” He whispered.
“He is a creep! That’s the head smasher!” You exclaimed to Oliver. “Ohh, you lied then. He is a pussy throbber.” Oliver said, making you pop him and he began to laugh. Toji only showed his face because he wanted to see if you recognized him as the killer from last night. It appeared that you only recognized him as the violent customer you encountered so he was grateful for that.
You had to admit to yourself that the man was very attractive but that didn’t excuse the fact that he was terrifying and violent. “New coworker?” Toji asked, talking about Oliver as he came up to the register. His question caught you off guard, “Uh no..it’s still just me. He’s my friend.” You clarified, although you didn’t know if you should be telling this info to this creepy man. “Mhm, her bestie. Had to come protect my girl, things been a little crazy lately.” Oliver hummed as he shamelessly eyed the man down, embarrassing you.
Toji didn’t pay him any mind at all, his attention solely focused on you. The pretty little mouse that’s been getting in his way lately. Oliver noticed Toji’s predatory stare on you. He cleared his throat, “So uh, what’s your name big guy?” Oliver asked him. “None of your business.” Toji responded deadpanned. “Ouch..anyways, you think my girl is pretty?” Oliver cut to the chase. Your eyes widened, a blush filling your cheeks. “Shut up Oli” You muttered to him.
Toji was getting seriously irked with this ‘my girl’ bullshit. He didn’t know why it bothered him so much but everytime your friend said it Toji wanted to cave his teeth in. “You talk too much.” Was Toji’s only response to Oliver, not answering his question. It made you frown a little bit, not like you cared about the guy’s opinion on your looks but it would’ve been nice to hear.
Oliver rolled his eyes, “Welp, this guy’s a dead end. We’ll try the next sexy man because you need to get them cobwebs off that pus-“ Oliver went on before you quickly slapped your hand over his mouth. You were completely embarrassed now. Toji was highly amused, a small smirk creeping onto his face. “I’m so sorry about him, oh my gosh. He indeed does talk too much..” You said to Toji, your face flushed. Toji thought you looked adorable all embarrassed and shy.
“It’s alright. Although I wouldn’t recommend trying the next man, too many crazy people out here these days.” Toji said, even though he himself was the ‘crazy people’ he spoke off. “That’s true..” you sighed as you were reminded of what you witnessed yesterday. “Can you pass me some cigarettes too?” Toji added to his items. “Ugh, nasty. Definitely glad you dodged that bullet.” Oliver muttered in disgust. Toji’s jaw ticked, he was beyond irked with this kid.
Toji hadn’t even been smoking much recently but he’s been too stressed lately and needed something to take the edge off. “I’ll get them for you.” You said and you attempted to grab the pack he asked for but they were high up in the contained case. “I gotchu.” Toji hummed as he suddenly came behind the counter, standing over you and reaching to grab the cigarettes. “You can’t come behind here-“ You squeaked out but got quiet once feeling his intimidating presence over you.
“So you are like a little mouse.” Toji actually grinned as he looked down at you, after hearing the noise you let out that sounded similar to a squeak. You felt your breath get caught in your throat as you looked up at him, locking eyes with the man. His eyes were so dead, void of anything. Just black pools with no soul. “Your eyes are scary..” You mumbled out without thinking. “That’s a compliment little mouse.” Toji replied as he grinned still.
“You afraid of me?” Toji taunted, his voice low as he leaned closer to you, his nose brushing against yours and his breath fanning against your face. You were trembling, you were terrified to say the least. But something about him was intoxicating. “I-I am..” you managed to breathe out. “Smart girl.” Toji hummed in response. Toji didn’t know why he felt the urge to mess with you but you were just such a treat to his deranged mind. So easily frightened and breakable.
You were so pretty too. Freckles scattered across your perfect brown skin, hair curly and thick and falling over your shoulders, mesmerizing brown eyes filled with so much emotion and life. You were everything that he wasn’t, and he liked that. “What’s your name?” You asked him softly, repeating the same question Oliver had asked him. You were so curious to know now. You doubted he’d tell you but you wanted to take the chance.
Toji was silent. Just staring you down as he contemplated wether or not he should tell you. He wasn’t meant to be known, especially not by an average person like you. But for some reason he wanted you to know his name. Toji moved his mouth towards your ear, his lips brushing against your earlobe and giving you goosebumps. “Toji.” He whispered darkly into your ear, only for you to hear. You felt lightheaded at this point from interacting with this man.
Toji then pulled away and turned around, grabbing the items he purchased and leaving the store. He pulled his hood back over his head as he walked off into the darkness. You were speechless, mind still processing everything. “Well shit, maybe he isn’t a dead end after all.” Oliver spoke up, he watched the whole scene unfold quietly. “He wants youuu, gonna creep under your bed and snatch you up.” Oliver teased with a cackle.
“Hush!” You said as you popped Oliver on his arm, embarrassed. Although the thought that Toji might want you wasn’t so bad, even though he was clearly a walking red flag that you should probably stay far away from. You finished off your shift with no complications this time and you walked home with Oliver. The two of you hugged as he dropped you off at your doorstep.
You sighed and did your usual night routine before you collapsed into bed. While you were sleeping though, Toji had expertly broken into your apartment. He knew he had no reason to be in your home but it was just too easy and too tempting for him. Toji was covered in blood, having killed three people tonight but he made sure not to leave a single smidge of blood inside your tidy home.
Toji stood at your bedroom door, the door wide open. He watched you as you slept peacefully, the slow rise and fall of your chest so fascinating to him. Toji didn’t know why he was so fixated on you but he couldn’t stop himself from stalking you. Part of him figured the reason he was infatuated with you was because you were so regular that you gave him a glimpse of sanity. Toji was very mentally deranged and you were the opposite of that.
You felt that lingering feeling of being watched while you slept and it raised a panic in you but you were too afraid to open your eyes to check and see if the feeling was real or not. Toji tilted his head, a small grin pulling to his lips as he saw your breathing pick up. He was curious to see if you’d actually wake up and attack him. Excitement grew inside him as he awaited a reaction from you. It was like he was a demon feeding off your fear. It was so euphoric for him.
The energy of whoever was watching you overtook the room, making you feel suffocated in their presence as fear consumed you. Tears began to well up behind your closed eyes, clutching your blanket closer to you as tried to pretend sleep like a toddler hiding from a ghost, hoping the creep wouldn’t get you if you continued your act. Toji cooed at the sight, it was truly adorable how naive you were, thinking so lightly of the dangers around you.
It only made him want to mess with you more, addicted to how easily frightened you were. Toji took a few more tentative steps towards the bed, the weight of his footsteps sounding through the hardwood flooring. The sound sent chills down your body, a quiet sob slipping out your mouth before you could stop it. Toji’s keen ears heard it though, a sadistic grin forming on his lips at the cute noise. It satisfied his twisted soul.
“good night little mouse.” his low voice whispered darkly and tauntingly into your room, you felt like your heart stopped in that moment. You immediately recognized the voice, now regretting ever encountering the man who frequented your hardware shop. Toji swiftly exited your apartment after that, he knew by now that you knew it was him. He purposely wanted you to know though, wanting to scare you shitless.
But also, wanting to assert his claim over you. You were his new fixation, his current drug, he still couldn’t fully understand his entrancement with you but all he knew was that you were his now and that you needed to know that too. You felt like you could finally breathe once his presence was gone, letting out a shaky exhale and instantly bursting into full on tears. You didn’t know what else to do but cry, if you were smart you would’ve called the police but instead you called your comfort person again, Oliver.
You incoherently rambled to him about your dire situation, your words all choked up and jumbled from your nonstop tears. He didn’t waste any time coming to your aid, not needing to hear much more. You turned on all the lights inside your apartment as you anxiously waited for Oliver to arrive, the lights providing you some sort of false comfort from the monster that now lingered in your shadows.
The relief that washed over you once Oliver came was immeasurable, he held you and gave you a shoulder to cry on. “That fucking creep. I’ll kill him for you sweetie. I swear.” Oliver huffed, worried sick and filled with rage at the thought of you being in harm. You sniffled and snuggled deeper into Oliver’s embrace, eventually falling asleep from the exhaustion of crying and the distress from being terrified.
You awoke the next morning to the sound of Oliver talking to someone in a hushed manner. You rustled in the bed sluggishly as your heavy eyelids fluttered open slowly. “Oli?” You softly called out in your sleepy voice that was slightly hoarse from your crying. He perked up at the sound, also gaining the attention of the police officer he was currently talking to. “Oh great you’re up! I was just giving this officer the description of creepster.” Oliver said as he came over to you, frowning at the sight of your red puffy eyes.
“Morning ma’am, sorry to hear about the occurrence that took place in your home last night. Your friend has been a great help with all the information he’s provided. I just have one more question, do you happen to know the name of the man that broke into your home?” The officer asked you politely, notepad in one hand and pen in the other, hovering and ready to write. It seemed he’d already written a decent amount on the paper.
You were silent, processing everything still and debating whether to give his name or not. You didn’t know why you were debating it at all, you had no reason to not give up his name, in fact you should be screaming it at the top of your lungs. But for some reason you couldn’t, something in your gut told you not to.
Worries of him coming after you and doing something terrible to you if you revealed his name spooked you too much, and then there was some weird part in your brain that felt like his name held so much power and he told it to you specifically for a reason, almost like a sworn secret between the two of you, or maybe that’s just what your naive mind wanted to believe. “Sweetie?” Oliver interrupted your thoughts softly as he gently grabbed your hand. “Oh, sorry. I don’t know his name.” You finally answered the officer, who let out a soft grunt in disappointment.
“Well that’s okay, I appreciate both of your cooperation, we will get back to you as soon as we get a lead on the guy.” The officer said assertively and politely before he exited your apartment. You could feel Oliver’s stare bore into your head, “You don’t know his name?” He questioned you again. You shook your head, “I don’t. I’m gonna shower.” You changed the subject, getting up and making your way into your bathroom.
At the same time, Toji was lingering around your apartment again, unknowingly to you. He’d been there since early that morning, watching when the police arrived until the moment they left. He’d wondered if his little mouse squeaked on him. Not that it mattered too much if you did, Toji had full confidence he’d never get caught, he was too skilled and experienced. It wasn’t his first time dealing with police and he knew it wasn’t his last.
Now the real problem was your little friend. ‘Always in the way’ Toji thought, irritated with the chatterbox that always seemed to be by your side as your pathetic knight in breakable armor. Toji wanted to kill him, he could already taste the satisfaction that would fill his nerves at the thought of your friend’s blood splattered all over him. He couldn’t act so recklessly at the moment though, and he knew you probably wouldn’t like him so much if he brutally murdered your little sidekick.
Not that Toji cared much about if you liked him or not, but he still couldn’t risk his chances of winning over his cute petrified mouse. You were such a distraction for him lately and you didn’t even know it, he couldn’t get you off his mind for a single second. Always thinking about you, your teary brown eyes, soft chub cheeks, parted plush lips, that innocent fearful look on your face, your shaky breaths and pretty sobs, fuck he was addicted to you and this was just the start of it. His addiction was only gonna get worse until he had all of you completely to himself.
Toji had other business to take care of though than to continue obsessing over you, going on about his tasks for today but he was sure to come back to his little mouse later. “Why did you lie?” Oliver prodded you for answers, following you around the apartment as you cleaned. “I didn’t lie, stop saying that.” You replied, tone agitated as you were growing tired of him accusing you.
“Yes you fucking did. Covering up for that psycho. Are you crazy? They could catch him!” Oliver exclaimed. “I’m not crazy! He could kill me! Did you think about that? Or are you still trying to play captain savior? I don’t know his fucking name so leave it alone!” You finally snapped as you glared at Oliver. He sighed, “I’m sorry..I know you’re going through a lot right now but I just don’t want you to get hurt. But..if you say you don’t know his name then I’ll believe you.” He resigned.
“thank you” you sighed also, “I appreciate you being here for me so much Oliver, it’s understandable that you wanna help as much as possible but there’s only so much we can do.” You said honestly. “You’re right, I just hope that fucking weirdo stays away from now on.” He said while running his fingers through his hair, feeling stressed about the situation as well.
“Wanna eat ice cream and watch romcoms?” He suggested after a moment of silence, you smiled at the offer. “I’d love to.” You happily agreed, plopping down onto the couch and patting the spot beside you signaling Oliver to join, to which he excitedly did. This was great to temporarily clear your mind from the current dark cloud in your life. You called out of work today too, not wanting to take the chance of encountering Toji again and needing a break from that nightmare of a job.
Toji was not happy at all to see an unfamiliar face that wasn’t yours when he entered the hardware shop that night. He was already riled up and this was aggravating him even more. He didn’t even bother to buy anything, ignoring the customer service greeting from the middle aged stout man that now stood behind the counter, Toji just left the store almost as soon as he came in, his feet bringing him to your apartment. He saw that your friend’s car was still parked outside, making his jaw tick in annoyance.
He pulled out his phone and called your number that he gained without your permission, using his sources that made his way of living a much smoother process. You were still on the couch, with a now fast asleep Oliver laid on your lap when you heard your phone ring. Being the ditz you were you didn’t even check the caller ID, just answering the call without a single thought. “Hello?” You greeted. “Tell him to leave.” Toji demanded lowly on the other end of the line.
Your breath caught, goosebumps forming over your skin as fear filled you again for the 4th time this week. “How did you get my number?” You breathed shakily into the phone. “Don’t worry about that. Get your little friend to fucking leave while I’m asking nicely.” He gritted in response. Tears filled your eyes, you were sick of crying now but it seemed that’s all you knew how to do lately.
“No. You need to leave me alone. I didn’t do anything. What do you want from me?” You exasperated, you kept your tone hushed though not wanting to wake Oliver. “I want you. Just you, my pretty prey just for me to play with.” He hummed darkly, his words giving you shivers and shocking you. That’s the last thing you expected to hear and you hated that the untamed part of your brain seemed to like the sound of it. You tried to shake that feeling away though.
“Why me?. I’m nobody. Just leave me alone please.” You pleaded, tears streaming down your cheeks now as you sniffled softly. As much as Toji loved to hear you cry and beg, he was getting annoyed. “Look dollface I really fucking hate repeating myself so here’s what we’re gonna do. You’re gonna kick your boy toy out or I’m gonna let myself in and pour his pulsing bloody guts all over your nice shiny hardwood flooring. You want that sweetheart?” He wasn’t even giving you an ultimatum, he was making a statement that he intended to fully act on.
You gasped in horror, “Y-You’re sick!” You spat in disgust as you began to sob. Oliver had awoken now, instantly getting worried seeing your current state. “Time’s ticking sweetheart. I’m giving you 5 minutes. tick tock tick tock.” He taunted in a haunting manner, instantly raising your anxiety the moment he hung up. “You need to leave!” You blurted to Oliver, your eyes wide in a panic as you literally tried to physically grab him and push him out.
You didn’t even process his words asking ‘are you okay?’ and ‘what happened’, your mind just solely focused on kicking him out before your personal monster came to kill him. “Just leave! I’m okay but please just leave!” You practically screamed at him as you cried. He was baffled as he stared at you in confusion and shock, you looked crazed at the moment and it scared him a little. “Woah..I’ll go..just relax, okay? I’m here for you if you need me just give me a call..” He replied in a calming soft tone that eased you a little but still didn’t stop the racing of your heartbeat that was fueled by fear.
You let out a breath of relief once Oliver finally left but that relief was short lived when Toji creeped into your apartment soon after. He was still covered in all black from head to toe, hood over his head covering most of his face in a dark shadow and blood soaked into his clothing, just barely noticeable due to how well it seeped and blended into the dark shade of black he wore. “You just beat the clock little mouse. Congratulations.” He teased, it was not amusing at all to you nor was it celebratory.
“Aw peach, don’t act so petrified and down, I’m not gonna hurt you.” He cooed, seeing the shell shocked teary eyed scared look on your face. To be honest Toji was thrilled to see your face, it instantly brought him peace for some reason unknown to him. He was so riled up moments ago but now he felt a smidge of sanity and comfort being in your presence. “Y-You’re a liar..you were gonna hurt Oliver.” You managed to mutter out shakily.
“Eh, that’s because I don’t like him. I like you though little bun, more than you know. So I’m not gonna hurt you, unless you want me to.” He said honestly with a smirk that you could see appear on his visible lips. Toji then took his hood off, allowing you to see his face and all its glory, it was truly such a curse that he was actually attractive. You naturally got lost in his features, admiring his looks against your better instincts.
Toji noticed you eating up his looks with your eyes, making a smug grin form on his lips. If he wasn’t a psycho stalker who was obsessed with haunting you, you would’ve swooned at the sight. “You like my face, peaches? It’s all yours if you want.” He teased with a grin. Your face scrunched up in disgust, “Ack, you’re deranged.” You insulted, he only grinned more. “Aw, that’s putting it lightly sweetheart.” He hummed as he sat on your couch, making himself comfortable as he manspreaded.
You couldn’t believe what you were seeing, him acting all cozy in your home as if it was his. “You tell the police about me little mouse?. Saw them here early this mornin’, you tryna get rid of me already? The fun just started though bun.” He questioned almost in a mocking tone with false sentiment, faking a pout as he looked at you. You were baffled, “You saw them? Why are you watching me and my house? You fucking creep!” You exclaimed.
He rolled his eyes, “That’s not important. You know you’re terrible at listening and answering questions. I’ll train you well though.” He talked as if he didn’t hear anything you said, completely ignoring your questions. “You won’t be training anything. You need to leave me alone and get the fuck out of my house now!” You demanded as you marched over to him, full of anger, feeling sick and tired of dealing with this.
“Aw, you look so adorable all angry peaches. You really want me to go? make me leave then. Come on, give it your best shot. I won’t fight back I promise.” He taunted with an amused grin. You hated his condescending tone, it was so belittling and made you want to punch him. You knew you wouldn’t stand a chance against him though, but you weren’t about to let him win without at least attempting to fight.
So without a second thought, you charged at him, using all your strength to get him off your couch. He was true to his word and didn’t fight back at all, which it’s not like he had to because you couldn’t get him to budge at all. He was like a boulder, an immovable statue, you attempted to push, pull, drag, and even hit the man, but nothing worked. Toji honestly had to hold back from laughing at your attempts, he had to admit though he admired your spirit and will to put up a fight even though you knew it was fruitless.
It was starting to frustrate you as you grew exhausted from exerting your energy to get him to leave. “You done yet?” He asked you in a bored tone, noticing you getting tired and moving slower. Tears pooled in your eyes once again from the frustration. “I hate you! Just leave me alone!” You sniffled as you glared at him with your teary eyes. “Awe, you know things would be much smoother for you if you didn’t fight against me so much sweetie.” He cooed.
You weren’t trying to hear that bullshit, since fighting him wasn’t working, you were gonna go to desperate lengths. You ran into your kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife you had. Toji perked up, “This is so typical. A knife little mouse is like a needle to me.” he sighed. You blocked out his words, charging for him again but with more spite this time.
He fought back this time, standing up and towering over you, dodging you as you attempted to stab him, no precision in your movements just going for it with the hopes of getting lucky. Your wild movement ended up paying off, because you managed to cut his arm, it wasn’t any serious damage but it felt like a victory to you. “shit.” He muttered. That small pride you had quickly dissipated though when Toji snatched you up.
He ended up pinning you down underneath him onto the floor, gripping your wrists in a painful hold as he held your arms above your head. “My patience is running very fucking thin with you little mouse so I suggest you start acting right unless you want me to show you why you should be very fucking afraid of me.” He stated, his tone serious and menacing as he stared you down, face inches apart from yours.
You were pouting, tears falling from your eyes, breathing heavily from trying to fight him. You felt so trapped in this situation, trapped by him, it was never ending. “Now, drop the knife peaches, while I’m still being nice.” he told you, forewarning you of the consequences you’d face if you didn’t listen to him. You obeyed, dropping the knife and letting it clatter onto the floor. “Good girl, wasn’t so hard was it?” He hummed, looking into your spiteful eyes.
“Are you getting off on this? Stalking me, harassing me, ruining my life? Does it satisfy that fucked up brain of yours? Preying on me like some deranged animal, you’re a monster. I’ll never be yours, not even in your sick perverted dreams. You piece of shit.” You said to him, full of hatred, voice not having any edge to it but full of intent to hurt him. It didn’t hurt him though, it amused him actually. “That was a nice monologue bun, you just came up with that? I’m impressed.” He teased.
“I’ll humor you though. I do get off on it, love seeing those tears in your pretty eyes, hearing you scream and sob in fear, the way you tremble and how your breathing slows down and picks up, how naive and unaware you are, I’m addicted to it. Especially now, you should see yourself right now bun because fuckk…you look so petrified I just wanna eat you alive.” He expressed, leaning close to you and breathing in your scent, exhaling into your neck and making you tremble and whine quietly in fear.
“smell so good little mouse, it’s intoxicating.” He sighed as he pressed himself against you more, you felt helpless underneath him trapped in his hold. “T-Toji..please just leave me be, I won’t tell anyone I promise.” You whined, attempting to plead again. “Fuck, it sounds so good when you say my name like that sweetheart, can you say it again for me?” He was too caught up in your voice, your body, your scent, your presence to even hear your pleas anymore.
His cock was painfully hard in his pants, so turned on by you and your being. You could feel his dick pressing against you as he was positioned between your spread legs, it was making your mind jumbled up, now struggling to focus on the situation at hand. “You feel how hard I am for you peaches?. God, I wanna ruin you so bad. Feel your cute cunt squeezing and pulsating around me.” He practically groaned as he began to rock his hips against yours.
You could barely process what was happening, it was lost on you how you ended up here after just trying to stab this man. But you hated to admit that it felt so good, your pussy betraying you as it throbbed in need and soaked your panties in your wetness. “Look at you, letting a monster, your stalker, dry hump you on the floor, such a dirty pathetic little slut. A little attention to your pussy and you shut the fuck up.” He degraded, you moaned embarrassingly in response, your hips starting to push back against his desperately as you chased an orgasm.
“I-I’m not a slut” you defended yourself as you whined, Toji scoffed. “Yet you’re humping me like a bitch in heat. Are you just a slut for me then? Is that what you’re trying to say peaches?” He spoke directly into your ear, the feeling of his lips and breath against your earlobe sending shivers down your spine. “Never for you!” You managed to spit out despite the pleasure that was currently clouding your mind.
Toji’s jaw ticked at that, “For that Oliver kid then?. I’ll slit his throat you know. Right in front of you. Make you watch as his blood slowly pours from his body.” He threatened, you whimpered shaking your head frantically, not wanting that to happen at all. “Don’t hurt him, please.” You sobbed, Toji just rolled his eyes in response. Despite the horrific convo, your hips never ceased their movement, rocking desperately against Toji’s as you wrapped your legs tightly around his waist.
You felt sick for giving into pleasure from such a monster but you couldn’t stop, it felt too good and there was a part of you that you tried to deny that got off on being afraid of Toji, like some twisted adrenaline rush. “Say that you’re mine then, and I won’t hurt him.” He pressed as he wrapped one of his hands around your throat, squeezing slightly and making you moan.
Toji didn’t know why he was so hooked on you to the point of jealousy, but he had to have you as his or else he’d kill anyone who would even think to take you away from him. “Come on, sweet girl. I know you can say it for me.” He uttered as he rocked his hips harder against yours, his clothed cock bumping against your clit in the most delicious way. With pleasure clouding your mind, you couldn’t even make proper judgement any more, all you wanted to do was cum and appease the man who was able to give you that relief. “I-I’m yours, all yours, please” you cried as you bucked your hips against his feverishly.
Toji’s eyes nearly rolled back hearing you say those words, it satiated him to the fullest. He wasn’t gonna let you take those words back either, from now on you were his officially, whether you liked it or not. “I knew you were a smart girl, all that fight for nothing. You just wanted to give me a hard time, hm?.” He cooed as he squeezed at your throat again, a proud grin on his face. You just nodded and moaned in response, solely focused on the orgasm you were chasing.
Toji moved his grip to your jaw, squishing your cheeks together as he leaned down to kiss you. You wanted to avoid the kiss, you didn’t want to go that far as to kiss your psycho stalker you felt you had a least enough morals for that. Toji of course didn’t care one bit about you trying to move your head, tightening his grip on your face as he pressed his lips messily against yours.
You whimpered at the feeling of his fingers digging painfully into your soft cheeks, he took that opportunity to slide his tongue into your opened mouth. His tongue tangling with yours and exploring the caverns of your mouth, you hated that you moaned into the kiss, your body betraying you.
“I don’t know why you continue to fight me when you know you won’t win. Just accept your fate bun, your soul is now tainted, forever entangled to mine. If you even think you can escape me, forget about it because I’ll always capture you again. My sweet beautiful mouse..made for me.” He spoke in sickly sweet tone as he kissed you in an affectionate manner that made your skin crawl.
You hated how his words seemed like reality, you didn’t want to believe it but it seemed that you were bound to this man now and that you would never be able to get away. That thought alone seemed dreadful and you wanted to erase it from your mind. Toji trailed his kisses down to your chest, roughly pulling down your shirt and bra and starting to kiss and suck at your nipples. Your back arched and you moaned at the attention to your erect nipples, his teeth grazing and biting at them making you whine out his name.
“Fuck, I love it so much when you say my name peaches. In that whiny pathetic voice of yours, makes me crazy, you know?” He groaned against your skin as he continued to push his hips against yours. “Y-you’re already crazy you- ah sick fucking bastard.” You said, your words holding no edge to them due to your moans as Toji tugged at your nipples.
“You like it though, don’t you? That’s why you’re letting me treat you like a dirty whore. You get off on me stalking you bun? Hm? You like that I can hurt you if I wanted to? I could easily kill you right now. Snap your neck, strangle you, stab you, how’d you like me to kill you peaches? I know you’ve imagined it, picturing it vividly while your little clit twitches in need at the visual. You’re the one that’s sick. A whore for a killer, what would your mother think of you?” He provoked, his words bringing tears to your eyes and turning your brain to mush.
You came at that moment, your body trembling as you cried and came in your panties, making a sticky mess. Toji whistled as he watched you fall apart, a grin on his face. “So pretty peaches, love seeing you like this.” Toji muttered in adoration as he watched you cry, he licked up your tears like a sick pervert, groaning in pleasure as he did at the salty taste. He came too, his cum pouring into his jeans in ropes, soaking the black denim. You immediately felt regret and shame afterwards, continuing to cry as reality sank in.
“Awe bun, I’m not so bad really. Cheer up.” He half assed comforted as he squished your puffy cheeks. “I hate you!” You sniffled as you looked up into his eyes. “I know, but that’s just a phase. You’ll get over it.” He dismissed nonchalantly as he got off you, standing up and pulling off his hoodie. You couldn’t help the way your eyes widened seeing his sculpted body in the fitted tank top he wore underneath, ‘why the fuck does he have to be so visually perfect?’ You thought.
You frowned though seeing the bleeding cut you left on his arm, you should still feel happy about successfully hurting the psycho but you were too soft hearted. “Does it hurt?” You asked softly. He scoffed, amused slightly at your question. “Cute. But no, it doesn’t. This is nothing to me sweetheart.” He said honestly. You still felt a tad concerned about the blood running down his arm but you decided to take his word on it that he was fine.
“Clean me up if you feel so bad bun.” He said with a sly grin. “Clean you up?..” you repeated, clueless. Toji pulled you up so that you were on your knees, his hand laid on top of your head as if you were a pet. “Come on, put that tongue to good use. Since you love to mouth off.” He pressed as he pushed your head close to his crotch. You felt so small, so inferior, as he had you in this position and demanded you to do something so nasty and degrading. But that sick part of you did enjoy it and wanted to do it, and you hated that part of you.
You let out a shaky breath before you ran your tongue along the soaked tainted fabric of his jeans. It was so rough against your tongue, you could taste the remnants of his cum along with a metallic taste of blood and you had no clue who or where the blood came from, giving you chills at the thought and the taste making you cringe. You instantly stopped and pulled away, wanting to rid the taste from your mouth as your saliva built up due to you not wanting to swallow.
Toji laughed at the disgusted look on your face, he was laughing at you and that realization made you feel so humiliated and sick. “Aww, such a good pet for me. Doesn’t it taste good, Hm?” He teased as he patted your head as if you were a dog, it made you even more embarrassed and infuriated you. You were pulled back into the reality that this was a sadistic psycho in front of you that you hated with every fiber of your being.
With the anger and humiliation fueling you, you stood up and spit in his face. Satisfactory filling you as you watched the spit run disgustingly down his chin. Toji froze, his eyes closing as he breathed in a slow heavy breath. “How’s that taste?” You retorted back with pride at catching him off guard and gaining the upper hand for just a second. Although you felt fearless at the moment, something about how calm he was made you nervous. The way his soulless green eyes pierced into you, unwavering; left you on edge.
Before you had enough sense to run off, he grabbed you quicker than you could think. His large arms trapping you in a painful chokehold and lifting you off the floor as you kicked and trashed, hands clawing desperately at his arms. Toji just hummed into your ear as you struggled to breathe, choking and gargling over your screams that barely seemed to make it out.
“You did this to yourself you know? if you just were a good little mouse you wouldn’t end up like this. Constantly provoking me knowing I don’t want to hurt you..tch, such a shame.” He spoke in an almost disapproving tone, speaking so calmly as if he wasn’t literally crushing your air supply. “F-Fuck You!” You managed to choke out in response. “Soon.” He hummed before he pressed a soft peck to your temple. You wanted to gag, he truly was sick and deranged.
Toji waited until that moment he felt your fight start to die down and your eyes start to flutter close to let you go, dropping you onto the floor like you were nothing. You went into a coughing fit, caressing your throat as you tried to suck in as much air as possible. “If you play nice, I will too.” He told you, he was being honest but he could tell by now that you were stubborn, so was he though.
You scoffed, wiping your tears as you stood back up “I don’t want to play with you. I’m tired of this shit. I should’ve fucking told the police your name, should’ve told them every fucking thing. Should’ve got rid of your ass.” You ranted as you walked aimlessly around your now messy apartment, walking just to ease your emotions. Toji watched you, wiping your saliva off his face with his tank top as he did.
“Aw bun, you didn’t rat on me to the cops? That’s so sweet, knew I could count of you.” He sweetly said with a fake grin that was mocking. “You can’t get rid of me though sweetie, even the police can’t keep me away. I’ll always find you and trap you, so you might as well get used to me.” He said seriously, dropping the sweet act. You felt like pulling your hair out, this man was actually driving you crazy.
You decided to use your brain for once though and start thinking more rationally about this situation. You knew you couldn’t fight him anymore, you had lost that battle enough and you didn’t know if you’d survive the next time. You knew you couldn’t escape him or get him locked up, so scratch that idea too. You didn’t want to comply to this creep…but it seemed like the only option for now..but if you were gonna do it, you were gonna do it on your terms.
“Alright let’s make a deal.” You offered suddenly after your thinking session. Toji had cleaned and patched up the cut you gave him while you took your time thinking to yourself. His interest was piqued, raising a brow as he looked at you “What kind of deal?” He asked. “About this..companionship? no that’s not it, this hostage situation? yeah that’s better.” You began to ramble. “Get to the point.” He urged you, not having the patience for your antics any longer.
“asshole..” you muttered. “Anyways, I’ll be ‘yours’ or whatever the fuck. But you have to listen to me, no more hurting me physically or making threats to me or anyone close to me, and no more stalking me either.” You stated, arms crossed as you stood in front of Toji who was sat on your couch again. Toji scratched at the faint stubble that was starting to grow on his chin as he considered your offer.
“Hm, seems boring but not bad. I have some terms too though, I have to know all of your whereabouts and who you’re with, I also get to come and stay in your home as I wish, and I get to fuck that tight cunt of yours. How’s that deal sound?” He stated back, declaring his own wishes. You stared at him in disbelief, “sounds like bullshit! You’re not touching me, fucking pervert!” You huffed. “No deal then.” He chuckled as he ran his fingers through his hair.
“Why can’t you just compromise with me?. I’m literally giving you what you want.” You sighed, exhausted with the whole situation. “I am compromising, you’re the one still being stubborn. It was your idea to make a deal.” He shrugged. “Also it’s ironic that you’re acting like you’d rather die than have me touch you but it seemed like you were enjoying yourself quite a bit when you were grinding that desperate cunt on my dick.” He reminded you with an amused grin, the reminder filling you with embarrassment all over again.
“It was a moment of weakness…shut up about it. Just agree to the deal, there will be no fucking though. Understand?” You stood on your terms, unwilling to bend to his again and let him win. “No deal.” He replied once again, standing up and grabbing his hoodie. “I’ll be back to see you again bun, hopefully you’ll come to your senses by then.” He grinned and placed a kiss on your forehead before he left your apartment, leaving you standing in your living room speechless.
You took a shower, wanting to wash off any trace of Toji left on your body and wash away your sins. You were spaced out underneath the hot water, the steamed filled bathroom creating a warm blanket on your skin. You had so many thoughts and no thoughts at all at the same time, Toji’s entrance into your life had completely mind fucked you. While you had always wished for something exciting and new to your boring, mundane, routinely life, this was not what you wished for or expected at all to add spark to your life.
You’d like to think that maybe this was all for a reason though, that this all had some purpose even though the purpose seemed pretty fucked up. You turned off your shower and got out, getting wrapped in your fluffy cozy towel and then curling up into a ball onto your bed. You didn’t bother to get dressed as you drifted off to sleep after yet another draining day. Unfortunately though, the man you desperately wanted peace from also plagued your dreams.
“so pretty for me peaches, crying so sweetly while swallowing my cock. You were meant for this, hm? taking my cock down that little throat.” Toji purred as he held your hair in a tight grip, holding your head in place as your nose pressed against his pelvis, his trimmed pubic hairs tickling your face as you gargled around his cock.
Your eyes rolled back, choked moans and whines leaving your drool and precum stuffed mouth as Toji’s booted foot pressed and rubbed against your cunt. The friction pushing you to the edge as you rutted pathetically on his shoe like a cheap desperate whore. “dirty fucking slut, you like being treated like this, don’t you? treated like a braindead bitch, only good for one thing.” He degraded you harshly, thrusting hard into your throat, his balls slapping painfully against your chin.
You tears pooled from your eyes as you let Toji use you as he wished, like his own personal slut made special for him. You’d never admit to liking the treatment you received from Toji, too ashamed of your deep rooted masochism. But that part of yourself that you were in denial about and tried to fight against was the reason you hadn’t fully pushed Toji away yet, he was bringing that side of you to the surface and it scared you.
You woke up from your deep sleep with a whine, rolling and stretching around in your cozy bed. “Sleeping naked and moaning my name in your sleep..” Toji tsked, the sound of his voice making you sit up with a gasp. “It’s like you’re doing this on purpose peaches. You’re lucky I do have some sort of morals, or else I would’ve had my way with you since your unconscious self clearly wants it.” He teased, a grin resting on his scarred lips as he leaned against your doorframe.
“Why are you always fucking around?” You groaned in annoyance, wrapping your blankets closer around your indecent body. “Because I can be, you’re already getting tired of seeing my face bun? That’s a shame, here I thought you wanted to cum on my face because you loved it so much it made your pussy drool just from the sight of it.” He said in faux disappointment while shaking his head.
His words and wittiness never failed to baffle you. “I hate you.” You muttered, repeating those words you felt so deeply. He laughed, “I know sweetie, that’s the best part though. You hating me but being unable to get rid of me, like an annoying piece of gum stuck to your shoe. Although I don’t think you actually hate me that much, you just want to convince yourself of that.” He responded. You just stared at him, “and you said Oliver talked too much..” you mumbled.
“Get out so I can get dressed, I’m tired of your presence.” You told him. “Say please.” He requested immediately, that annoying grin still on his face. You sighed, “Please.” You obliged, no longer having any energy to fight him or argue with him. To your surprise he actually listened and exited the room after you asked politely. You weren’t gonna give him any brownie points though, he was still a psycho that was stalking you.
You freshened up and got dressed in a baggy t-shirt and some leggings, wanting to be comfy since you had no intentions of going out today. You put your coily hair into a puff on top of your head and then walked out your bedroom to find Toji sitting on your couch. He seemed to enjoy being on your couch as he made himself comfortable and even started watching tv. “Don’t you have a job or something? Or your own damn house?” You asked, slightly irritated but choosing to not let his looming presence get to you.
“Aw, finally interested in me bun?. I do have my own house, just prefer being in yours. I guess you could say I have a job if killing people counts as a profession.” He answered casually. You stared at him wide eyed, “That does not count! You’re a murderer!” You exclaimed. “You’re just now catching that?. Sweetie, I knew you were a little slow witted but come on now. You literally saw me kill someone.” He said as he looked at you, watching how your expression turned into one of horror as realization hit you.
“Oh my fucking god! Oh my god! You’re the serial killer Oliver was telling me about!” You couldn’t believe it, even though part of you always knew, the confirmation was terrifying. You felt almost dizzy at the realization that this whole time you were dealing with an actual serial killer, not just some really dangerous mentally unstable stalker. “You really lack awareness skills..I don’t know how you’ve survived until now.” He muttered, genuinely surprised at how clueless you actually were.
“…are you planning to kill me?” You knew by now it was probably stupid to ask, but you didn’t know so you had to make sure. “Little mouse, If I was planning to kill you I would’ve done it the moment I met you. No, I don’t plan on killing you nor do I plan on hurting you.” He told you honestly. You felt a little relief hearing that, “You’ve already hurt me though? My neck is literally bruising.” You stated, calling him out. “In my defense, you pulled a knife on me and tried to stab me.” He said as he held his hands up halfway in an appearance of surrendering.
“Touché” You couldn’t refute his stance since it was valid. You hated how casual conversing with him was becoming though, especially with him being in your house it was all beginning to feel a little too ‘domestic’ but maybe that was his goal to make you get used to him and comfortable with him. You tried to ignore that feeling though, trying to constantly remind yourself of the fact that Toji was a terrible monster.
You went into your kitchen and began to cook breakfast for yourself, well it was just for you until of course Toji made himself known. “smells good, whatcha’ making?” he hummed as he came up behind you, his body towering over you as you stood in front of your stove. It gave you Deja vu to the moment the two of you shared in the hardware store, when he told you his name. The moment that tied you to him. “food.” You responded bluntly.
“Don’t be so mean peaches, it doesn’t suit you.” He said, the soft manner he spoke in currently was too soothing to your ears and you knew it shouldn’t be affecting you the way it did. You sighed, “It’s just eggs, bacon, oatmeal, and biscuits.” you finally answered properly. “Mm, sounds amazing. You making some for me too? you know sharing is caring.” He hummed as he wrapped his arms around your waist, leaning down to comfortably rest his head on your shoulder.
This position felt way too intimate and you hated the way it gave you little flutters in your chest. “Make your own food.” You huffed softly. “I can’t cook.” He responded honestly, which took you aback a little because you weren’t expecting that response. “What do you eat then?” You asked out of curiosity, you just received silence and no answer in response. “When’s the last time you ate?” You questioned as you now turned your head a little to look at him, feeling concerned now.
He just shrugged, “Not too long ago. It slips my mind sometimes.” He said as if it was nothing. “That’s not okay. How do you not remember when you last ate?. You need to eat something.” You frowned, your natural empathetic nature coming out as you actually felt worried about the dangerous man holding you. Toji smiled seeing you worry over him, “You’re so cute bun, all sympathetic for a killer.” He cooed before he pecked your cheek.
You blushed but tried to hide it as you focused your attention back on the stove. “Shut up. I’ll make some extra for you..” you muttered. “Aw, see I knew you liked me bun.” He chuckled as he squeezed you affectionately for a second before letting you go, going to sit at the island to watch you as you continued cooking. You finished cooking pretty fast though, making a plate for yourself and Toji.
Those domestic feelings came back as you handed the plate of food to him, everything just felt too personal and intimate and it was messing with your mind. Toji actually politely thanked you for the food to your surprise, “So you do have some manners.” You remarked as you sat with him and began to eat. “I told you I’m not all that bad peaches, just gotta warm up to me.” He grinned before he started eating as well.
Toji ate as if it was the best meal he’d ever had and it honestly flattered you a lot. “I should marry you, so you can cook for me forever.” He suddenly said as he finished eating. “You’re actually crazy if you think I’d ever marry your ass.” You laughed while shaking your head. “I am crazy though, you know this. You reconsider your little deal yet?” He reminded you. “I’m not changing my stance, you’re not fucking me.” You stood on your terms.
“You just love to be difficult. I bet I could fuck that out of you, make you all pliant and obedient. Turn you into a babbling mess, fucked stupid. When’s the last time you even got fucked, hm?” He asked, genuinely curious. You gasped, “That’s none of your business!. Why must you always be so perverted? Creep.” You avoided the question, feeling flustered from his crude words.
“So I’m gonna take that as an obvious answer that you haven’t been fucked in a long time. You love being in denial, don’t you? You want me so bad, you just don’t want to admit it yourself.” He called you out, you honestly didn’t have any comebacks because he was right despite you not wanting to admit that. “You think you know everything but you’re wrong.” You huffed, wanting to keep your pride even though you knew you’d lost that long ago when you first got caught in Toji’s trap.
“I’m never wrong peaches. You’re just a coward. Always the ever so frightened little mouse, even afraid of your own self. It’s a shame really.” He said while shaking his head in mock disappointment. His words stung, offending you more than you expected them to. The truth did hurt. “I’m not a coward, I fought you didn’t I?. That’s enough evidence that I’m not cowardly. I’m just not a sick fucking pervert like you.” You spat, anger building in your tone due to feeling belittled.
Toji was amused at how easily riled up you got over a few words, he knew he’d hit the nail on the head. “You are just as sick as me though bun, I’m just more open about it than you are. You’re a dirty fucking slut, wanting to be hurt and humiliated by me, treated as if you’re nothing but a flesh toy for pleasure, isn’t that right?. That’s what you were dreaming about earlier weren’t you, love? dreaming about me having my way with you, turning you into my little pet. Oh how I’d love to make your little dream into a reality bun, to mold your cunt into the shape of my cock.”
Toji went on and on, his hand moving to grip your face as he spoke those filthy words that had your pussy pulsating in need. You didn’t want to give in but god did he make it sound so good, your body desperately craved it despite your better instincts telling you no. “Tell me you want it.” Toji uttered lowly against your lips. You felt like you stopped breathing for a second, the world freezing around you as you got lost in the moment with Toji so close to you and persuading you to give into your deepest desires.
You decided to not listen to your incessant back and forth thoughts for once and just allow yourself to make a decision solely on your inner feelings that wanted to desperately to claw out. “I want it..” you breathed out, sealing your fate. Toji didn’t waste a second as he pressed his lips against yours with vigor, grabbing you and pulling you into his arms as he pushed his tongue into your mouth.
He lifted you onto the kitchen countertop, making you gasp as your glass plates fell onto the floor and shattered during the process, Toji not bothering to move them. “The glass!” You tried to point out, your words getting muffled due to Toji kissing you hard and messily. “clean it up later.” He brushed off as he gripped your thighs harshly, trailing his feverish kisses down your neck, dragging his tongue along your neck up to your jawline. It honestly seemed as if Toji genuinely wanted to eat you up.
Toji ripped your shirt, startling you as the fabric tore with ease, you pouted a little as you watched Toji toss it aside since you actually liked that shirt. You couldn’t dwell on that thought for much longer though as Toji began to mark you as his, sucking and biting those pretty red and purple blemishes across the expanse of your body. You whimpered and squirmed every time he bit you, the sting of his teeth digging into your skin and the coating of his saliva afterwards when he’d lick and suck over the forming bruise.
“it hurts” you whined. “good, it should hurt. You deserve it for being such a fucking slut.” He degraded as his hand came down hard to slap your boob, causing you to let out a sob. “You look so pretty like this, covered in my marks, tears filling up those brown eyes. So perfect for me little mouse.” Toji cooed, a complete contrast to his previous tone as he continued to harshly play with your boobs, tugging your nipples and slapping them until you were fully crying.
“Ah, there she goes. My pretty crybaby.” He grinned sadistically as he watched you cry. He smoothed his hands over your now sore boobs as he kissed at your tear streaked cheeks. He was so hot and cold, constantly changing from being cruel and mean to being the slightest bit of sweet and caring, it messed up your head. The switches making you dizzy. Toji removed your panties and leggings, his eyes taking in and admiring every part of your body once you were fully naked underneath him.
Toji wanted to memorize every inch of your body, engrain it and paint it inside his mind. You felt a little self conscious under his intense stare, especially since he was still clothed while you were completely bare in front of him. “stop staring. pervert..” you muttered, embarrassed as you attempted to cover yourself up with your hands. “don’t try to be modest now, move your fucking hands or I’ll cut them off.” He threatened, tone menacing as he stared you down with those dark evil eyes.
You trembled a bit in fear, moving your hands away as your lip quivered due to your tears. Though you were scared shitless, you were so turned on, the fear making your pussy clench around nothing as your arousal started to drip out. “good girl.” He praised, making you swoon for a second because it felt so good to be praised. “look at this cute cunt, weeping to be touched. So fucking wet and I’ve barely touched you. Such a fucking touch deprived whore.” He tsked as he ran his fingers through your soaked folds.
He spread his fingers, admiring the sight of your creamy essence clinging to them. You moaned at the feeling of his rough padded fingers playing with your pussy, your legs subconsciously spreading wider as Toji began to rub circles onto your clit with his thumb. “such a sloppy pussy.” He said as he pushed a finger into your needy cunt, your walls eagerly swallowing up his thick finger.
Your eyes fluttered at the stimulation of Toji’s finger filling you up, you truly were touch starved and sensitive, already getting bliss from the pleasure of his fingers rubbing against your plush walls. You shamelessly rocked your hips onto Toji’s finger, matching the pace of his thrusts as you moaned. Toji almost groaned at the sight of you losing yourself over a single finger.
“Fucking cock hungry whore, just one finger and your pussy is dripping all over my hand. You gonna cum just from my fingers fucking into this useless cunt, hm?” He was relentless as he shoved another finger inside you, curling them just right to make you cry out. His hand came down again, this time slapping your pussy repeatedly. The wet smack smack smack sounding throughout the kitchen as he battered your poor pussy, making you twitch and sob at the agonizing pleasure.
You were so wet, your fluids soaking Toji’s hand and dripping onto your pristine kitchen countertop. Your clit throbbing and pussy clenching each time Toji slapped your cunt, while his fingers pressed against that sweet spot that had your eyes rolling back. “So pretty for me, making a mess of yourself bun.” He sighed in awe as his eyes took in your state.
Your body all marked up in red and purple bruises, tears pouring down your puffy cheeks, drool slipping from the corner of your mouth, legs trembling and toes curling, hair strands falling from that puff on your head, slick coating your thighs and dripping everywhere. Toji was so enamored by the sight that he felt he had to document it, pulling out his phone and pressing record.
“You should see yourself bun, so fucking slutty and pathetic. Fucks sake, I should show this video to the world. Let everyone see just how much of a greedy bitch you are.” He taunted as he captured your filthy state on camera. You whined, shaking your head as you cried. “N-No! please don’t.” You begged as you moaned and cried nonstop. “Awe peach, look at you being so polite and asking so nicely. I’ve already trained you so well.” He spoke in that sweet condescending tone of his as his fingers never ceased their movement inside your wet cunt.
“I could show your little friend Oliver, reveal to him how much of a pain kink whore you are. He’d probably be so disgusted to find out that such a cute dollface like you is just a slut that loves to be treated like worthless pet.” He laughed, his threats were empty ones but he loved how panicked and upset they made you. You cried harder at his words, hands moving to grab the phone from him and throw it aside.
Toji didn’t like that at all, slapping you in the face the moment his phone hit the floor. “Fucking disobedient bitch. What the fuck did I tell you about those hands?” He growled angrily at you, you could barely process his words as you were cumming hard, cunt spasming on Toji’s fingers as you sobbed loudly, face stinging due to the slap. You don’t remember the last time you came that hard, Toji slapping you pushing you over the edge. Your head was buzzing as your creamy climax coated Toji’s hand, seeping through the cracks of his fingers.
“Did I say you could cum?” He asked, glaring down at you as he slapped your thigh, you whimpered. “m’sorry.” You pouted as you looked back up at him, meeting his eyes with your teary ones. “You never fucking listen, just a braindead whore.” He said, tone agitated while shaking his head. “I don’t think you deserve my cock, been an insolent girl with no manners.” He reprimanded, you truly felt like he was scolding you and it made you feel more desperate to please him.
“no no, ‘m so sorry, please please. I’ll be good, I promise.” You pleaded unabashedly as you tugged needily at his pants loops, you wanted him to be inside you so badly you felt as if you’d die if he didn’t fill you up. He had successfully brainwashed you, making you crave him insatiably. Toji smirked as he listened to you beg, his chest swelling with pride at the fact that he got you to this point.
“You’ll be good?. You think you deserve it? I don’t know if your words are good enough.” He teased as he pushed his cum covered fingers into your mouth, making you taste yourself as he shoved his fingers down your throat. You moaned and gagged around his fingers, “I’wll do anyfthing, pwease, I sw’er” you sobbed, words muffled and slurred around Toji’s thick fingers as you continued to beg.
“Aw, you’ll do anything bun? you’ll be mine forever?” He asked as he smiled down at you. You nodded instantly in response, “that’s my girl.” He cooed prior to placing a kiss on your forehead. You felt giddy about the small show of affection, smiling around Toji’s fingers. Toji pulled his fingers from your mouth, undoing his pants and pulling out his hard cock that was dripping precum down the veins of his heavy cock.
You were practically drooling at the sight, hips moving to eagerly push against the tip of his pretty cock that curved a little to the left. “so needy.” He murmured as he tapped the tip of his cock repeatedly on your abused red puffy clit, your back arching slightly at the stimulation to your sensitive clit. “n-need you inside, please” you sniffled as you begged once more. “yeah yeah, I heard you shut the fuck up.” He dismissed as he finally shoved his cock into your hungry walls.
You moaned out, head thrown back as his cock filled you up to the brim. “Fuckk” Toji groaned as he got consumed in your tight cunt squeezing around his cock. “Feeding this cock deprived fucking pussy. shit.” He gritted as he began to pound into you, not waiting for you to adjust to his size at all as he slammed into you mercilessly. You were getting fucked stupid, mouth parted with no sounds coming out, hands holding onto Toji’s shirt and nails clawing at his chest as he fucked you like his life depended on it.
Toji hissed at the sight of his cock bulging in your stomach, pressing his hand down on it to feel the movement of his dick inside you each time he pushed in and out. “You feel that peaches? My fat cock rearranging your guts? Feels so good doesn’t it princess?” His words falling on your deaf ears as your pussy soaked his dick, the squelching sound growing louder with each thrust as your juices dripped down to his balls. “Ah, my little mouse is finally quiet. All it took was some good dick to shut you up.” Toji huffed a laugh as he observed your fucked out state.
He pushed your legs up over his shoulders, folding you up into a mating press as he seemingly began to slam into you harder, the tip his dick battering your cervix and making you let out a scream. Toji loved hearing you scream, his eyes rolling back at the sound as he groaned into your ear. “Sound so fucking pretty ngh fuck— love this slutty pussy, could fuck it all day.” He moaned as he relentlessly pounded you into your countertop, his balls slapping painfully against the cusp of your ass.
“I should fuck a baby into this needy cunt, tie you to me forever. would you like that bun? Hm?” He breathed into your neck, by now Toji was just as blissed out as you were, saying things he’d never usually say but you felt so good wrapped around him and looking so pretty that he felt like he’d risk it all. “m-mhm, w-wan’ ah mm— wan’ it please” you hiccuped out in between whiny moans. Toji kissed your drool slicked lips, moaning into your mouth as he tasted your saliva. He was truly obsessed with every inch of you, wanted to eat you up, mold your body to his. He felt like he was in heaven being inside you.
“so good for me, taste so fucking good sweet girl. You wanna have the child of a serial killer? Gonna be a good momma?” He spoke in between your messy kisses, his ruthless thrusts never ceasing as your pussy swallowed up his cock with each stroke. “yes! yes! I’ll b-be a g-good mhph- momma” You were too cock drunk to register what you were saying, responding instinctively without thinking.
Your mind and body was solely focused on the drag of Toji’s cock against your walls, his rough hands gripping you and leaving his handprints in addition to your already beautifully marked up form, his breath ghosting your skin, his lips slotted perfectly against yours, his dark sweaty hair that fell over his green eyes, the scar across his lips that seemed mesmerizing every time he moaned and grunted in pleasure. He looked like a wet dream, better than any of the ones you’ve had.
You were a babbling mess as you felt your orgasm build up intensely, back arching as you wailed in deep pleasure “m’ hah- m’gonna-“ you could barely get the words out as your body trembled, pussy clenching and spasming around Toji’s cock. “Do it whore, be a good little bitch and cum all over my cock.” He grunted as he brought attention to your clit, drawing figure 8’s into it and slapping it as your pussy gushed around his cock.
You sobbed, screaming once more as you came hard, squirting and making a mess all over Toji’s lower abdomen and your kitchen countertop. Your whole body shook as you climaxed, it was the most intense orgasm you’d ever had. “there it is, good fucking girl.” He praised as he continued fucking you through your orgasm, his pace unrelenting. You were completely fucked out, body practically going limp as you whined in overstimulation.
It was honestly amazing to you how Toji still had so much energy, pounding into you just as hard and fast as he was when he started, if not harder as he chased his own climax. “you’re so perfect like this, my personal cum dump. Pliant and breedable just for me.” He panted, his balls growing heavy as he neared his orgasm. He was lost in the easy glide of his cock in your sloppy cum soaked cunt, the white ring around the base of his cock and the way more slick gushed out of you with each thrust was enthralling to him.
He couldn’t look away from the sight, along with the way his cock bulged so prominently in your cute tummy and how your pussy throbbed around his cock as if it was begging to be filled with his cum, it sent him over the edge. Toji let out a guttural groan as he came hard, pouring thick white ropes of cum into your spent cunt. “oh fuck-“ he moaned as his thrusts slowed, his hips still moving as he fucked his cum into you. You were just a whiny whimpering mess, eyes closed as you laid there and let Toji use you.
Toji finally let your sore legs drop from his shoulders as he came down from his high. He pulled out slowly, his low eyes watching intently as globs of his cum poured out from your pretty cunt. “You still with me, bun?” He asked you as he ran his fingers through your sensitive folds, pushing his cum back into you with his fingers. “m-mhm” you hummed in response as you trembled slightly in oversensitivity. “s’ too much.” You whined as you weakly tried to push away Toji’s hand.
“shh, it’s okay little mouse. jus’ gotta make sure this cum stays inside this sweet cunt.” He coaxed as he continued his ministrations. You shook your head, letting out a soft sob as another orgasm hit you suddenly. You were way too sensitive and the moment Toji’s fingers hit that spot you fell apart instantly. “Awe bun, you’re so sensitive, cumming so quickly.” He laughed as he found you adorable. He decided to stop torturing you though as he pulled his fingers out, putting them into his mouth and licking the mixture of your fluids off of them.
Toji then picked you up, carrying you to the bathroom as you slumped against him. You still had half the right mind to think that you probably shouldn’t trust Toji at all while in your current vulnerable state but you had already gone this far so you felt you had no choice but to go along. To your surprise, Toji started a shower for the both of you. He actually cleaned you up with care, contrasting to how roughly he treated you as he fucked your brains out.
He even put your bonnet on your head for you before the two of you fell asleep. All this domesticity was jarring to you for a multitude of reasons, but you were currently too exhausted to confront it so you decided to leave it for the morning. Unfortunately for you, your sleep got interrupted by knocking at your door around 4 in the morning. You groaned in annoyance as you tossed and turned a bit.
“sweetie! It’s me! I just really wanted to check up on you after last time!” You heard Oliver’s faint voice call out from outside your apartment door, it made you open your eyes once you registered his voice. You sat up, only to get pulled back down by a groggy Toji who had been sleeping next to you. “leave him.” Toji muttered half asleep. You blinked a few times to process if all of this was real or not.
All you could think was ‘how the fuck did I get here?’ even though you knew the events that brought you to this point you were still baffled. “he’s worried so I can’t just leave him, I’ll talk to him and tell him to go.” You told Toji prior to getting up again, he let you go this time. You grabbed the first clothing item closest to you to cover up your naked body and it just so happened to be Toji’s hoodie. It draped over you like a warm blanket.
You walked to your front door, opening it only slightly to talk to Oliver. “Oh my god, I know it’s really late but I was worried sick so I had to come see you. Are you okay?” He asked you in that concerned tone of his, eyebrows furrowed as he looked at you. “yeah, I’m fine. I’m sorry I snapped on you last time, that was uncalled for. I was just…stressed you know.” You apologized and reassured him.
He sighed in relief, “I’m just glad you’re okay. That creepster hasn’t come to bother you again has he?” He checked in. You chewed at your bottom lip as you contemplated your answer, “no, he hasn’t surprisingly.” You lied smoothly. Oliver raised a brow as he sensed something off about you, “…you do know I can always tell when you’re lying, right?” He stated.
“Did he hurt you? threaten you? what happened? you don’t need to cover for that asshole. He needs to pay for messing with you!” He expressed in deep concern. “Oliver! It is okay, nothing has happened and honestly you shouldn’t be involved. This is my problem and I’m dealing with it.” You tried to brush it off, you just didn’t want Oliver to get hurt due to your situation. “Dealing with it how?” He questioned you.
You opened your mouth to answer but got cut off by Toji butting in. “Y’all done talking about bullshit yet? I’m tryna sleep.” His agitated voice spoke from your bedroom. Oliver’s eyes widened, “He’s in your house?! What the fuck is going on?!” He exclaimed as he pushed the door open fully to see you. His jaw dropped seeing you dressed in Toji’s hoodie along with the fresh bruises and marks that covered your body. “You-…what did you do?” He asked in disbelief.
“Oliver..you should leave.” You told him as you look away from him, staring at the wall as shame filled you. “No! I’m not going, he needs to fucking go. That bastard ruined you!” He yelled as he grew angry with the situation. “I was already ruined! Just go! it’s for the best that you just go, I know you want answers but I don’t have them for you right now..please just go. I’ll tell you everything eventually, I promise.” You expressed genuinely as tears began to fill your eyes.
Oliver was speechless. “this was not how this was supposed to go…I-..I should’ve never let you lie to that officer.” He scoffed as he slowly eased his way out of your apartment. You didn’t have much more to say to him either at the moment, “bye oli..” you said softly before you closed the door on him. You let out a breath you didn’t realize you needed to release as you let everything settle in. “he’s really upset with me..” you frowned as you came back into your room to Toji.
“He’ll get over it.” He dismissed with a shrug as he pulled you into his arms. You still felt terrible about it since Oliver was your bestfriend but you hoped that you’d be able to make amends. You fell back asleep with Toji once you relaxed again but it seemed as if dreamland didn’t want you because you got woken up again but by something much worse.
Bright helicopter lights flowed through your window and police car lights emanated outside. “Come out with your hands up! You are under arrest!” an authoritative voice blared over a loud speaker, causing you and Toji to jump up. “shit!” Toji swore as he ran his fingers through his hair. “well bun, looks like I let my guard down for you a little too much.” He chuckled half heartedly.
He seemed so nonchalant about this predicament but you were panicked, screaming when a swat team broke down your front door and burst in. “shh, it’s okay, relax.” He comforted you as he held you and gently rubbed your back, you began to cry as you held onto him tightly. “Step away from the lady! We have a warrant for your arrest!” One officer shouted as they crowded into your bedroom with flashlights and guns pointed at the two of you.
Toji’s jaw ticked in annoyance, “You’re scaring her.” He stated as he held your shaking form tighter. As much as he loved seeing you terrified, he only enjoyed it when he was the cause of it. “Step away and put your hands up! Or we will be forced to use excessive force!” The officer demanded, ignoring Toji’s comment.
He sighed, “I gotta go bun..but I’ll be back to see you, I promise.” He whispered to you softly and placed a kiss on your temple before he let you go and surrendered himself to the police. You cried as you watched them handcuff Toji, you knew Oliver was the one who told them about Toji’s whereabouts. You never thought you’d cry and feel a little heartbroken over Toji being captured since he deserved it, but it stung your fragile heart.
“Don’t cry little mouse. Remember what I said?. You can’t escape me, I’ll always come find you. You’re mine forever.” He had that familiar sadistic grin of his on his face as he spoke, getting roughly pulled out by the swat team once he finished his last words. You’d hoped deep inside that those words rung true.
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cressidagrey · 20 days
Looked to the Sky - Chapter 18
Eira Archeron was neither a Valkyrie, nor a Seer, nor the High Lady of the Night Court. She was, however, Azriel‘s mate with her own mysterious, untrained powers.
Also known as: Azriel tries to court his mate the human way.
Amren Bashing, Low Self Esteem and without @k-godling this would have never happened.
(super pretty dividers by @tsunami-of-tears)
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The first time Azriel heard Eira play the harp...was Winter Solstice Eve. She had moved the instruments into one corner of the Living Room and was contently plucking the strings, Nyx on her lap.
Azriel watched from where he stood in the doorway as his mate strummed the harp, the sweet, lovely sounds filling the room. She gently bounced Nyx to the sound of the harp's music, Nyx's head bobbing with each movement.
Nyx was having the time of his life if his bright grin was anything to go by.
Azriel smiled gently as he watched the scene. Eira looked so...so happy, content, sitting there and playing her harp with Nyx on her lap. They were both grinning like fools, and Azriel's smile widened when Eira's gaze flicked up and landed on him.
"Happy Solstice Eve," his mate said softly, continuing the song, the last few notes ringing out in the room. It was decorated with pine garlands and dark ribbons, with little twinkling fae lights in the decorations.
He chuckled at her soft murmur, striding over to them, his gaze flickering across the living room as he moved, taking note of the way Eira had decorated the room. He knew it had been her because he had spent an evening a few days ago helping her string up the pine garlands and tying the bows she had made onto them. 
"And a very Happy Solstice Eve to you as well, my love," he replied, resting a hand on her shoulder to give it a light squeeze as he leaned down to press a kiss to her cheek. "And you, Nyxie-" he added, grinning at his nephew.
Nyx giggled gleefully at him, reaching out for him with a babble that vaguely seemed to be an attempt at a greeting.
Azriel gently plucked him from Eira's grasp and tossed him into the air in a move that was a little more reckless than usual, catching the babe again a moment later and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
"I am surprised you aren't in the kitchen baking," he told Eira, who smiled as she watched him and Nyx play.
"Feyre told me to relax," she answered with a sigh. "I am not allowed to enter the kitchen on threat of no presents."
"Well, I suppose we'll have no cake this year..." he muttered with mock disappointment, bouncing Nyx a little in his arms and eliciting a giggle from his nephew.
Eira just snorted. "Have some trust in me, love. I made cookies days ago."
"Oh, did you?" he inquired, bouncing Nyx in one arm. "And where in the house did you hide these baked goods, Sweetheart?"
"Far from Cassian, hopefully," she muttered under her breath. "I have the shadows protecting them."
Azriel chuckled, the sound low and soft. "A wise choice," he agreed. "Or else Cassian would've devoured them all in five minutes."
Nyx giggled then, seemingly finding the conversation funny, and Azriel bounced him in his arms again, pressing another kiss to the baby's cheek.
"Yes, yes, Nyxie, this is all very amusing," he said with a grin, resting the baby on his hip as he glanced down at his mate, still sat by the harp. "Can you play another song, Eira?"
Eira smiled at him, a bright blush sweeping across her cheeks. "Of course," she answered, picking up the harp again, her fingers shifting to a different position on the strings.
Her fingers started to move across the harp's strings, and another sweet, lilting tune filled the room, a smile on his mate's face as she played.
Azriel listened silently, his gaze shifting between Eira - who was still blushing adorably - and Nyx, who was watching her play with wide, fascinated eyes. The baby's head lolled and bobbed to the beat of the music, his eyes tracking his aunt's fingers as they shifted across the harp's strings.
The rest of their family decided to trickle in slowly, even Varian and Amren deciding to show up.
Nyx squirmed in Azriel's arms as people began to fill the room, giggling eagerly and watching the guests with excited little squeaks and babbles.
Eira continued playing softly, nearly absentmindedly, smiling at Nesta as her sister found a seat next to her.
"Only three more days," Nesta murmured and Eira gave her a happy little grin.
"Three more days," she agreed, her excitement apparent in her voice.
Azriel heard her words, and they sent a small jolt of something - anticipation, he realised - through his chest. Three more days...
Nesta caught his eye, raising a brow meaningfully with a smirk on her face that he ignored.
"That does sound better than your screeching," Amren said suddenly and Eira's hands froze. A growl rose up in his throat. He opened his mouth to respond, but Eira was quicker than him. 
"I'd like to see you play the harp, Amren." she sniped, and oh by the stars above, the sharpness and the snark in his normally sweet mate's voice was so different, but in a...good way. It was unexpected, but he liked it more than he expected.
"Touchy," Amren answered, but it seemed more like a remark than a real complaint. She had a strangely...amused expression on her face that even Azriel could not interpret, but the look only lasted for a moment before it disappeared again.  "You gained some claws," Amren complimented.
"Amren," Rhys said in a warning tone.
"What?" Amren asked, turning to him with feigned innocence in her eyes.
Rhys just rolled his eyes, shaking his head and muttering something that sounded suspiciously like unbelievable.
"Are you done now, Amren?" Eira asked, her voice icy. "I am still waiting on an apology for last time."
"Whatever for?" Amren said with a scoff. Azriel felt the growl in his throat grow louder.
"Oh, I don't know," Eira said in a mock-thoughtful tone. "Maybe for the fact that you called me a waste? That you wanted to turn me into a weapon? Maybe for that? Maybe for upsetting me so much that I winnowed straight into Illyria and burned down a forest?!"
"I didn't say it because I disliked you," Amren said with a huff. "You're so damn...soft. Vulnerable, even.  And you have unimaginable power at your fingertips. Not using it is a waste."
A low snarl rose up in Azriel's throat, and he was considering going over there to tear the silver-eyed menace limb from limb.
Eira's hands stilled on her harp, her expression growing cold. Her eyes were like ice, glimmering with suppressed anger as she said, "Then it's a good thing your opinion of me means so little."
A smirk appeared on Amren's face. "You used to fear me," she purred. "You used to run when you saw me coming. But now...now you're a little bit more confident, are you?"
"I have more to fight for, to live for," Eira said coldly.
"Oh, yes." Amren's smirk widened. "I was wondering when you'd..."
That's how far she came. A moment later, lightning crackled in the palm of Eira's hand
"Finish that sentence, Amren." Eira hissed, and the lightning in her hand crackled and glowed, shining like silver in the light of the room.
The look on Amren's face suddenly changed as she stared, almost dumbstruck, at the lightning in Eira's hand. She was, for the first time since Azriel knew her, shocked into silence
Rhys' eyebrows rose as he took in the situation. On one hand, Feyre was giggling into Rhys' shoulder at the sight of Eira holding lightning. On the other...well, Azriel would not stand for anyone disrespecting his mate. Not when they were already pushing her this far.
A glance around the room showed that Feyre and Cassian were thoroughly interested in the scene in front of them. Nesta was watching Eira with something akin to awe, and Mor was leaning against a bookshelf with a slightly amused smile on her face.
Azriel turned his gaze back to his still-fuming mate and the shocked, nearly apprehensive Amren, the baby on his hip still babbling and giggling happily, blissfully oblivious to the scene in front of him.
"My, my, you are feisty today," Amren breathed, her composure back in place with an almost forced casualness.
"And you're far more annoying than usual today," Eira retorted.
The tension in the room was so thick, that Azriel was half-convinced that you could've reached out a hand and physically touched it.
"You have grown bold," Amren said conversationally, seemingly unbothered by the lightning Eira was still holding.
But Azriel could see the flicker of something in her eyes. Something...not quite fear, but similar. She was slightly nervous in the face of Eira's unexpected anger.
"Amren, that's enough," Feyre cut in.
Feyre's voice echoed through the room, stern and commanding. Amren's head whirled around to peer at her as Feyre stared back with a firm gaze of her own.
"No more," she said firmly, her eyes flickering between Amren and Eira.
"I just wanted a peek at her power."
Azriel's eyes darkened. Eira clenched her hand into a fist, the lightning in her hand vanishing as she muttered angrily, "Next time, I won't just give you a peek."
Amren huffed. "Are you threatening me?"
Azriel growled, low and sharp, handing Nyx to Nesta. "She isn't. I am," Azriel snapped. "Either you treat my mate with respect or we will be having a very different sort of conversation."
Amren looked up at him, a flicker of surprise in her silver eyes. It was gone the next moment, but she wisely made the choice to not say anything.
Meanwhile, Eira was still bristling, tension written across her face as she took a deep breath, clearly trying to calm herself.
"I apologise," Amren said stiffly.
Eira's eyebrows rose, startled by Amren's unexpected apology.
A tense silence followed, but it broke a moment later when Azriel said, "That is something you don't hear often, Amren."
Amren shot him a glare, but there was no real malice behind it.
A huff of agreement came from Rhys, and Feyre muttered something that sounded suspiciously like not going to get used to this.
For once, Azriel thought he had to agree with his friend. Amren actually apologising, especially to someone like Eira... He doubted they'd see that sight ever again.
It was something that much was certain.
Cassian suddenly let out a snicker, and they all turned to look at him.
"What?" he asked, grinning in their direction. "That Lightning is badass!"
Feyre chuckled as well, but it quickly turned into laughter as other people chimed in. Even Varian gave an amused chuckle that sounded surprisingly sincere coming from him.
Eira's cheeks turned a little red, as they always did when attention was focused on her.
She glanced up at him, a mixture of embarrassment and something like pleasure at the little caress, and he had to bite back a smile.
His mate, still so shy when confronted with praise or attention.
Azriel kept his gaze on her for a while longer, and his smile widened a little when she let out a shaky sigh.
Her curls were as beautiful as always, and she was dressed in a gown, silver threading winding across the dark velvet of the skirt. On every other female, the dress would've simply been pretty. On Eira, it was breathtaking.
Ours, whispered the shadows, and Azriel had to agree.
She was his in every way- his mate, his partner, his family. He wouldn't trade that for anything in the world.
"Can I...May I give you your present already? I think you can use it tomorrow," she asked him softly as the evening came to a close.
Azriel turned his attention back to her, hearing the quiet but excited tone in her voice. She truly was too sweet.
"Of course," he answered with a soft smile. "But what is it?"
Eira just gave him a smile, her eyes sparkling with excitement, and his heart started beating a little faster in anticipation. He'd never seen her this...eager about anything before.
"Something I hope you'll enjoy," she said mysteriously, standing up and grabbing his hand, tugging him to his feet. "But you have to come with me."
She led him up to her room, which was halfway packed up, most of her things already up at the House that she had christened Bluebell Cottage.
Azriel glanced around the room, a flicker of sadness going through him at the sight of the already half-emptied room.
But he had to admit, there was a strange sense of... anticipation in his chest. 
The package was soft and wrapped in red wrapping paper. Azriel took the package from her, his eyebrows rising as he felt how soft it was.
"What's in it?" he asked with a hint of curiosity and excitement.
"Unwrap it," she answered.
He let out a little hum, carefully working to open the wrapping without tearing it too much. He could feel Eira's excitement rising as he slowly worked his way through the wrapping, and his curiosity grew as well.
He could hear a few amused chuckles from the shadows, as some of them seemed to know what was in the wrapping.
A moment later, there was a pair of buttery soft, black leather gloves in his hands. He could only stare at them for a moment.
"Your hands start to hurt you more when it gets cold outside," Eira explained quietly. "I lined them with the offcuts from the second pelt you gave me. And I had them enchanted so that they were water resistant."
Azriel stared, shocked and silent, as he held the gloves in his hands. He could tell without even putting them on that they would be perfect- not just for the cold, but also fit snugly around his scarred fingers like they'd been made for him.
He could feel Eira's nerves increasing as he stared at her in shocked disbelief, almost like she was worried about his reaction.
It was an absolutely... perfect gift, and he knew that he could never ever repay her for this. That, for once, he didn't know what to say.
He had never had someone... think about him like this, someone who'd even care about something like the scars on his hands.
"Was that alright?" she asked worriedly.
"You made them for me," he said weakly, not a question.
Eira's eyes widened a little, and he realised that she thought that he was upset.
"Of course it's alright," he said quickly, staring down at the gloves in his hands.
His mate, his perfect kind and sweet and caring mate... He couldn't comprehend how lucky he was to have found her.
But Eira didn't look entirely sure, her anxious expression still on her face as she asked, "Do... do you like them?"
He tore his gaze away from the gloves and looked up at her.
"Like them?" he repeated, his voice soft and slightly awed. "Eira, they're perfect."
The anxiety on Eira's face vanished at his words, replaced with an adorable mixture of relief and excitement.
"You do?" she said, her voice eager and her eyes sparkling as she watched him hold the gloves in his hands.
Azriel just nodded, gently setting the gloves down on her still-untouched bed. He had to fight back the urge to take her into his arms right there and then.
"What did you make out of the rest?" he asked her. She looked at him with wide eyes. “You made the shrug for yourself. You made me the gloves. What else did you make?”
Eira gave him a slow smile.
"You'll see," she said quietly. "Hopefully soon. And now I expect you to win that Snowball Fight tomorrow.“
Azriel raised an eyebrow, both at the change of topic and at the implication of winning that Snowball Fight.
"And what will I get if I win?" he asked, a smirk slowly spreading across his face.
Eira took on a thoughtful expression as if she was actually thinking about his question.
"I don't know," she said slowly, looking like she was considering the idea. "What do you want from me if you win?"
Azriel shrugged casually, trying to ignore the eager, almost greedy shadows.
“A Kiss.”
Her sister's birthday dawned bright early, mostly because Eira was already in the kitchen by dawn. It did mean that she got to kiss Azriel goodbye though, before he, Rhys and Cassian disappeared to their annual Snowball Fight...and she got to finish the finishing touches on Feyre's birthday cake.
It was a beautiful morning, one of those days that just seemed perfect, and Eira hummed to herself cheerfully as she finished decorating Feyre's birthday cake.
Despite the fact that her sister was a literal High Lady, she had insisted that her birthday be a quiet affair, no huge celebration or party, just the inner circle and the family.
"Do you...need help?" Nesta's voice came from the doorway.
Eira paused in her decorating, glancing up to find Nesta standing in the doorway.
"I wouldn't say no to the help," she answered with a smile, waving her sister over.
Nesta came over to the counter, silently watching as Eira finished the last touches on the cake.
"It looks good," Nesta said admiringly, studying the cake's smooth dark chocolate surface and the bright silver icing.
"I did stars this year," she said brightly.
"So I see," Nesta said, studying the various silver stars that had been carefully piped onto the cake's surface.
"I think I might've made it a bit too plain, though," Eira said as she looked it over. "I should've added a few more,."
"It looks good as it is," Nesta said, her expression slightly bewildered at the sight of her younger sister worrying over cake decorations. "Feyre will love it, believe me."
"Right," Eira said, taking a step back and studying the cake with a critical eye. "Yes, I think this works."
Nesta looked slightly amused at the way she was looking at the cake, almost studying it, and shook her head, muttering faintly, "You're worse than Feyre with her painting, I swear."
"You did manage to make yourself very clear to Amren though," Nesta said calmly. "I am proud of you."
"I wasn't trying to," she mumbled, heat rising in her cheeks as Nesta chuckled softly. "I was just, y'know, frustrated. I guess I spoke more than I should've."
"You don't have to apologize for putting her in her place," Nesta said, looking amused at the memory of Eira's outburst the previous day. "It was a long time coming, honestly."
"I just-" Eira paused, fiddling with the end of her sleeves.
"It just really made me angry, that she was saying all those things," she mumbled. "I never did anything to her."
"That's because you've always been nice ," Nesta said with a sigh, her gaze and voice surprisingly fond. "In a way that a lot of people tend to overlook. But Amren was pushing it yesterday, and I'm just glad you finally snapped at her."
"It was about time, in my opinion," Feyre chimed in from the doorway, where she was cradling Nyx against her chest. "Amren's been treating you like a doormat for long enough."
"You aren't supposed to be in here!" Eira complained. "Happy Birthday!"
Feyre just smiled, not bothering to look apologetic at all as she said, "Thank you. This looks great."
Nesta just laughed as well, and Eira huffed, but there was no real displeasure in her expression.
"Go away," she said firmly to her sister, shooing both Feyre and Nesta out of the kitchen. "No birthday girl of mine is going to see her cake before they're supposed to."
Feyre let out a mock-offended gasp, but obeyed anyways, ducking out of the kitchen with Nyx still in her arms.
"Spoilsport," she called out over her shoulder, grinning.
Eira just rolled her eyes, even when she was already pulling out all the makings for breakfast.
They spent most of the day playing with Nyx, before Azriel, Rhys and Cassian arrived back, Azriel with his 200th victory in tow.
The three males arrived back not long after lunch time, their clothes rumpled and hair messy from the snowball fight.
Cassian and Rhys headed for the chairs, while Azriel made a beeline for her, looking slightly predatory in a way that made her heart beat faster.
She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks under his gaze, his gaze looking like he was ready to drag her off to a privatepart of the house.
She suppressed the urge to shiver, instead asking with forced innocence, "Did you boys have fun?"
"We certainly did," Azriel answered, his voice a low rumble as he closed the distance between them and gripped the waist, pulling her into his arms.
She let out a soft gasp as she landed against his chest, one of his hands resting on her hip.
"We had a wonderful game," Rhys chimed in from one of the couches, earning an annoyed muttering from Cassian.
"Wonderfully brutal, you mean," Cassian said dryly. "I swear, we were closer to frostbite than we were to a friendly match."
"Sounds like someone is just being a sore loser," Rhys said calmly, earning a scoff from Cassian.
"I am not!" he protested, looking more like a child whose favourite toy has been taken away than a centuries-old warrior.
"Want to help me in the kitchen?" she said quickly.
Azriel shot a warning glare at both Rhys and Cassian, before tightening his grip on her waist and nodding.
"Of course," he said, his voice so low that it rumbled in his chest.
They did manage it into the kitchen. And then his hands were suddenly all over her.
Azriel backed her up against the wall as soon as the door shut behind them, trapping her against the wall with his body.
The shadows swirled around them in an almost excited way, filling the room and blocking out the sounds of the voices in the other room.
"You owe me a kiss," he said, his voice a low rumble against the skin of her neck as he leaned down to press kisses against her neck. She shivered at the feeling of his lips on her skin, the heat of his body pressed up against hers. "I won."
"I guess I do," she answered breathlessly, wrapping her arms around his neck and gently running her fingers through the short, soft hair at the base of his head.
His mouth moved against her neck, his lips teasing and tempting, and she had to stifle a soft moan as his hands gripped her hips.
The shadows were almost dancing around them, swirling like they were as eager as she was. His hands were gripping her hips with a possession that made her feel almost faint with want, and the heat in her lower belly was spreading like wildfire throughout her body.
It was like a flame, igniting every inch of her body as his mouth moved up to press against her jaw, his lips brushing against her skin. She was shaking with the effort of holding back her moans, with the effort of holding herself together.
It was harder than she'd expected, with him so close, his presence almost overwhelming and his touch devastatingly good.
His mouth moved across her cheek, his breathing a low growl as he said, "I love it when you get flushed like this."
She shivered heavily, her hands gripping the collar of his shirt as he pressed his hips against hers in a way that made her pant helplessly.
And then he kissed her lips. Fitted his mouth over hers, his tongue plundering her mouth with no forewarning.
And she responded instantly, opening her mouth and letting his tongue into her mouth. Her mind was going hazy, her thoughts disappearing in an instant as she clutched at his shirt and pressed her body closer to his.
His hands were gripping at her hips like iron, forcing her body to stay still and taking as he claimed her mouth with a possessive ferocity.
She was completely at his mercy, shaking against him as he completely overwhelmed her with the force of his kiss.
His tongue was everywhere in her mouth, sweeping in and claiming her mouth as his own. She let out a desperate moan, the noise swallowed up by his mouth as his body pressed her up against the wall.
She was almost mindless with desire, her every thought and sense focused only on the feel of him against her, on the way his hands were gripping her hips and the hot, heavy feel of his body against hers.
And then he pulled back, panting. Resting his forehead against hers.
She was as flushed as he was, her lips slick and swollen from his kiss as she struggled to get her breathing under control.
His forehead was pressed against hers, the two of them just standing there, trying to catch their breath, as the shadows danced around them.
"Three days," he whispered.
"Three days," she echoed.
She rested her head back against the wall, her eyes fluttering shut as she let out a weary sigh.
Her heart was still racing, the heat in her lower abdomen aching like a throb, but they couldn't simply disappear to a private room when they were surrounded by the entire inner circle.
And she was not going to have her first time with Azriel somewhere public.
So instead, she focused on getting her breathing back under control, the heat of his body still overwhelming.
She forced her eyes open, studying his face. He was just as flushed as she was, his breathing heavy, but his eyes...his eyes were still dark and burning fiercely.
"You still owe me a solstice gift," she said with a weak grin.
Azriel managed a strained chuckle, lifting one hand up to cup her face and brush his thumb over her lip like he couldn't resist touching her.
"Indeed I do," he said, his voice still low and husky. "Let's see if we are already at the gift giving portion of the evening.
They heard the sound of laughter drifting in from the sitting room, and Azriel let out a rueful sigh, leaning his forehead against herss again.
"We should probably go back out to the others," he said quietly, his thumb still rubbing against her lip.
She almost wanted to disagree, to tell him that she wanted to stay right where they were. But reluctantly, she nodded in agreement, letting out a sigh of her own as she pushed herself off the wall.
Azriel's hands slid from her waist and hips, but he took her hand as they made their way back out of the kitchen.
They reappeared in the doorway, and Eira had to force down a flush as all of the others turned to look at them, as if they knew exactly what had been going on in the kitchen.
No one commented though, either because they didn't actually know or because they were being tactful for once, and instead, Rhys simply lifted the bottle of wine and said, "There you are. Come and sit down already."
But Azriel just led Eira over to one of the couches and sank down beside her, one arm wrapping around her shoulder to pull her closer. Not that she was resisting at all.
Eira just let herself lean against Azriel, resting her head on his shoulder and enjoying the solid warmth of his touch.
Gifts were exchanged, for Feyre's birthday and for Winter Solstice.
The wrapping paper piled up as more gifts were handed out, Nyx having more fun with the paper than his actually toys and Eira managed to find herself sitting almost on Azriel's lap with his arm still around her.
Not that she was complaining. If anything, she was simply enjoying the close contact and the heat of his body.
There were little piles of gifts before each of them. Eira was quite proud of the embroidered hair ribbons she had made for Nesta, Valkyrie white silk with little silver flames all over them, while Feyre had gotten an embroidered silk scarf. She had made other things, of course, other than the gloves she had already given to Azriel. A bright red silk dressing gown for Mor, even Cassian had gotten a new leather sheath for his daggers, while she had made a notebook cover for Rhys.
The others seemed to appreciate the gifts for the most part, with Mor giving her an overly dramatic show of affection as thanks. 
Mor herself had oviously decided to go the route of extravagance that year...with Cassian giving an offended noise at the box she handed him, glaring at it and protesting, "I don't need a face cream."
Which only made the rest of the group burst out laughing, even Amren managing a smirk.
"You certainly need something for those scars and freckles, darling," Mor said with a smirk. "I can see your skin deteriorating as we speak."
"It is not deteriorating," Cassian protested. "That's just the rugged look that I was going for."
Eira bit back a laugh at that, still staring at the dagger Cassian had given her, with a wink and the words "Not quite as cool as lightning. But I think Azriel would be happy to teach you."
She was still staring down at the dagger and the scabbard when Azriel gently leaned down to murmur in her ear, "You like it?"
His voice was a low rumble that thrummed through her body, and she almost shivered at the sound.
Eira  didn't hate it. Not as much as she had thought she would. She wasn't quite sure if she wanted to learn to fight. But maybe she didn't need to. maybe she could just learn how to defend herself.
She could feel Azriel watching her closely, and she was sure that he could probably feel the tension in her body.
But she still nodded slightly in response to his question, her eyes fixed on the dagger and scabbard in her hands. And he seemed to get the message, resting his chin on her shoulder and giving her a small squeeze.
The scabbard had been made of fine, supple leather, polished and oiled to shine like satin. But the dagger itself was the real beauty. The slender obsidian blade was polished to a mirror-perfect gleam, and when she pulled the blade out to study it, she noticed the little lightning bolt patterns carved into the blade.
"Here," Azriel said quietly. "That Solstice Gift I owe you."
Eira was only mildly startled as his quiet voice drew her back out of her thoughts, and she blinked at him in surprise.
"You really don't-" she began, but Azriel just shook his head, the shadows swirling with excitement.
"I talked them out of buying you another 3 dozen gifts, but I still wanted to give you something," he told her gently.
Eira couldn't help but feel touched that he'd gone to such trouble, even if she had been firmly telling them not to make such a fuss.
She was still speechless as he pulled a small, silk-wrapped box out of his pocket, handing it to her with an almost nervous smile on his face.
"I thought..well...I...I thought that you could use more pearls," he finally said quietly.
Eira almost gaped at his words as she stared down at the gift in her hands, her heart clenching at the thought that he'd given her pearls.
She carefully unwrapped the gift, her hands shaking slightly as she opened the box and uncovered a King's ransom in Pearls and Diamonds. A Necklace, Bracelet and a set of Hair Combs, all laid tucked into black velvet.
"No Earrings, but everything else," he said quietly.
She was literally speechless as she stared at the jewelry, her heart stuttering in her chest.
It wasn't just the jewelry that stole her breath away, but the thought and care that Azriel had taken in creating it.
He'd given her pearls. Diamonds too, but the pearls just made her throat ache.
Pearls like these very first earrings, like her engagement ring...and now there they were, ready to encircle her throat and her wrist as well.
The pearls were perfect, flawless and shining under the light like they were made of living ice. They looked smooth to the touch and more flawless than anything she'd ever seen before.
"They're beautiful," she told him, her voice a little strangled as she stared down at them. "Azriel...I don't know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything," he told her as the shadows swooped around her, like they were eager to see the jewelry on her. "Do you like them?"
It was an oddly vulnerable question, and one that made her heart flutter in her chest.
"I love them."
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sunflowergirl522 · 1 year
M'Lady, M'Lord
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Summary: Eddie’s smitten from the moment he sees you playing pirates with your brother.
Word Count: 5176
Eddie Masterlist
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The first time Eddie laid eyes on you it was basically game over for him. You were dressed as pirates with your younger brother sword fighting in the park where Mike tricked Eddie into having a Hellfire meeting purely because he had to help Nancy watch Holly. Each time they had to pause so he could take his turn playing with her or pushing her on a swing Eddie’s attention went straight to you. Once you had your brother on a fake plank, sword pointed at him looking triumphant and the next time he looked over your wooden sword was knocked out of your hands that were being held up in surrender.
Your family was new to town and after days of your brother begging you about going out instead of unpacking you agreed. Which led him to immediately ask if the two of you could play pirates when you got to the park not far from your house. You weren’t expecting there to be a group of boys playing a game at one of the picnic tables when you got there or to become so intrigued with the story the boy with curly hair was weaving that Henry actually got the upper hand on you instead of you letting him get it like you normally do.
“Come on Y/n, you weren’t even trying that time!” Your hands go up in surrender and in an apology.
“Sorry little man, just got a little distracted is all. Won’t happen again scouts honor!” And you lose yourself in the game once more, not even glancing back over at the group of boys knowing you’ll get sucked in again.
Eddie doesn’t know it’s game over for him till the second time he sees you. He was stuck cleaning up by himself after Hellfire having yet another meeting at the park because his friends liked having it outside with how nice the summers been this year. He was just leaving the table when he spotted you sitting in a fucking tree headphones on book in hand and not a care in the world. Your bandana matched your brown flowy skirt and your black cami hugged your body like a second skin. He couldn’t help himself from approaching you. Luckily you spot him approaching and rest the headphones around your neck in case he was going to try to talk to you.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing up in a tree?” You shrug marking your place in your book and resting it on your raised knee.
“What’s a pretty boy like you doing at a park in the middle of the afternoon?” Eddie freezes not expecting you to flirt back with him so quickly. “It’s just peaceful up here. I really gotta get home though so thanks for saying something.” You add in after realizing how long you’ve been here. When you jump down Eddie near has a heart attack worrying you’ll hurt yourself and surges forward to catch you. A fact that you notice and can’t help but smile and feel warm inside at the thought of someone caring about your safety that much.
Time seems to freeze as you look up at him and your eyes meet his widened chocolate brown ones. His mouth stays slightly parted as he takes you in soft curves and all now that you’re standing in front of him. While his eyes roam up and down your body you just can’t stop staring into them wondering how you’ve never seen such pretty eyes before.
“Hi, I’m Y/n.”
“Hi.” His voice is breathless and it doesn’t seem like he was paying much attention to what you said. Your giggles at the fact are what seem to wake him from the daze you put him in. “Sorry you’re just, you’re so much prettier up close.” Heat crawls up your neck and you become bashful quicker than you ever have in your life.
“Thanks.” You start walking and he’s quick to follow you swinging his bag of DnD stuff back over his shoulder.
“I saw you here the other week with your brother?”
“Yeah, I saw you too, playing that game with your friends. That was Dungeons and Dragons right?” He’s almost left speechless at how you know about his favorite pastime.
“Dungeons and Dragons, yeah. You know about it?”
“A little, I had friends who played it before we moved here but I just didn’t have the attention span for it. Most of the time I’d bring a book and watch them play.”
“Are you walking?” Eddie asks when you keep walking past the parking lot getting completely distracted from what he originally wanted to ask.
“Yeah, I’m not too far.”
“Do you want a ride?” He points over his shoulder with his thumb to his van.
“If I say yes, are you going to serial kill me?”
“Guess you’ll have to say yes to find out Princess.” He winks but also then doubts his words almost immediately because the two of you are strangers,
“Hm, alright.” You take the journey of a couple  of feet to stop in front of him. “I like to live on the edge anyway so lead the way.”
“M’lady.” Eddie bows as he opens the passenger side door and holds it open for you.
“M’lord.” You’re quick to play along, adding a curtsy before hopping in and stunning Eddie once more. He mouths ‘wow’ before shutting the door and rushing around to his side. 
When he starts the van he’s so unbelievably relieved that he turned the radio off because otherwise his music would’ve been blasting. You let him know your street and he starts to back out of the parking spot. He almost stops the whole car when he spots the book you rest in your lap as you unwrap your headphones from your body and unclip your walkman. It’s silent in the van as Eddie untwists his tongue to comment on it.
“You’re reading Lord of The Rings?” He clears his throat before he speaks, only glancing at you out of the corner of his eye while he drives.
“Yeah, it’s one of my absolute favorite series. Have you read it?”
“Only a million times!” Despite his excited words it’s at this moment that Eddie knows he’s absolutely screwed. Especially with how you light up and start talking about your favorite characters and parts of the story.
The next time you see Eddie is at Family Video just a handful of days later. You brought Henry to pick out a couple movies for sibling bonding movie night, a night you created for the days your mom worked late to distract him from the fact of not seeing her. It was invented when he was younger and unsure as to why she was gone, you found him crying in her room thinking she left the two of you like his dad did, and it’s just become a norm now neither one of you would miss it for the world.
“Eddie?” You’re moving around the store looking for him when you spot Eddie stocking movies with the green vest on. He nearly drops all the tapes in his hands at the sound of your voice.
“Hey Princess! What’re you doing here?” 
“Movie night.” You hold up The Muppet Movie to show the reason even though he still hasn’t looked away from his task. “You work here?”
“Sadly I do.”
“Good thing you do, otherwise who knows when we would’ve seen each other again.” He looks at you then and you look like an angel standing there in front of the window, the sunset making it seem like you’re absolutely glowing and he’s speechless for a moment. You’re in another flowy skirt, green this time with yet another matching bandana, but this time you’re in a white long sleeved shirt that flares at the end of the sleeves. You’re beautiful.
“You haven’t seen my brother around have you? He’s about ye high, looks a little bit like me, cowboy hat on.” 
“Yeah, I reckon he’s over yonder in horror.” Eddie cringes at his stupid decision to do a silly cowboy impersonation but when you start laughing at it he knows he’d do it again in a heartbeat.
“Thanks!” You leave then and Eddie hurries up with stocking the shelf to rush to the counter so he can be the one to ring you out.
“Move Harrington!”  He all but shoves Steve away from the counter he was leaning on bored.
“Woah, what has you suddenly wanting to do your job Munson?”
“If you stop pouting about it we can go to the arcade tomorrow.” Your voice greets both boys behind the counter as you round the corner of aisles.
“You mean it?” Your brother rushes to your side and follows close to you up to the counter. Steve watches you get closer and then how his friend seems to get more and more jittery with each step you take. He holds back the chuckle that wants to escape as he takes it in and instead just shakes his head choosing to lean against the other counter arms crossed over his chest.
“Course I do. I haven’t been able to get the Burgertime high score yet.” You place the movies on the counter before turning your attention and soft smile over to Eddie. “Hello again.”
“Hi. You find everything okay?” 
“Easy peasy lemon squeezy.” You beam at him and even Steve is stunned by it for a second.
“So The Muppets and The Thing huh? That’s an interesting combo.”
“What can I say? We have a wide berth of interests.” You shrug and then motion to your brother. “He was stuck between Thing and Poltergeist but last time we watched it he had to sleep either in my room or with all the lights on for a week.”
“You can’t just tell people that!”
“It’s alright cowboy, I’ll keep your secret.” Eddie tips an imaginary hat to him while you dig around your saggy brown tote bag for your wallet.
“Oh, Eddie this is my brother Henry, Hens this is my new friend Eddie.” 
“Howdy partner.” Eddie's mock cowboy voice comes out again and it earns him another wonderful laugh from you, a beaming smile from Henry, and a ‘I can’t believe you just did that’ laugh from Steve. He goes pink at hearing Steve’s laugh having forgotten he was there while your eyes dart over to the other boy behind the counter.
“Oh hello.” You greet him a shy smile on your face and a small wave after handing Eddie the cash for the movies.
“Steve Harrington.” He holds his hand out for you to shake which you do once getting your change back.
“Y/n Y/l/n.” 
“That’s a pretty name.” Steve throws on his best flirty smile and Eddie resists the urge to roll his eyes.
“Thanks.” Eddie wants to stick his tongue out at his friend at how uninterested you seem in him. “Oh Eddie, do you have a pen I could use?” He nods and hands you one of the loose ones behind the counter that’s missing a cap. You grab his wrist before he can pull it away and shove his long sleeve up writing your number along the inside of his arm. “Should’ve done this the other day but now we don’t have to just happen upon each other.”
“Thanks Princess, I’ll be sure to use it.”
“You better.” You look up at him and wink before stepping back. “Alright Hens, let's go get some snacks.” You shove the VHS tapes into your bag and push on the back of his shoulders to get him to lead the way out of the store.
“What the hell just happened?” Steve asks once you’re gone and turns to his friend who’s busy smiling at the writing on his arm.
“That my dear friend was my turn getting the girl.” He beams as he proudly shows off that you added a heart after your number.
Eddie doesn’t call you the days after giving him your number. And he wasn’t working the day you went to return the movies so you were beginning to think maybe you came off too strong or you read the vibes wrong. You were trying not to let it get to you but it was hard because you at least wanted to have Eddie as a friend.
“Woah, hey there Princess.” His voice graces your ears and his warm hands consume your shoulders as he stops you where you are. You look up from where you were digging around in your bag trying to find your keys and find that your nose is probably an inch away from his chest. “You should probably watch where you’re going before you trip or walk into something.” You’re quick to figure out that you were about to walk into him on your way out of  the shop.
“Sorry Eddie, got lost in thought. How’re you?”
“Good, good. Hey I’ve been meaning to call ya.” He brings his hand up to rub the back of his neck and you fight with yourself to not look when his shirt rides up revealing the smallest sliver of tummy.
“Oh?” You genuinely don’t know what to say with how genuine he sounds. 
“My friends and I do this movie night thing once a week, was wonderin if maybe you wanted to come?” You open your mouth to respond but he keeps talking. “I was gonna grow some balls and finally call you after I picked up the movie since it’s tonight. I just haven’t called you yet because everytime I go to pick up the phone I chicken out. You’re just so pretty and you’re really cool and you love Lord of The Rings which is like the biggest deal to me.” Your giggles interrupt Eddie and he freezes eyes wide as he stares at you.
“I’d love to come to movie night with you and your friends.” You reach out to hold onto his arm to help get him to stop talking.
“Really. What’s the movie?” You retract your hand and go back to digging to the bottom of your bag and Eddie immediately misses your touch.
“The Fly, we went to see it when it was in theaters but the kids weren’t able to come with us and finally convinced Steve to watch it again.”
“That has Jeff Goldblum in it right?”
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure at least.”
“Oh I’m definitely in then!” Your fingers hook through your key ring and pull them out a triumphant smile on your face. “When and where?”
“I’ll pick you up around seven?”
“Sounds great!” You start to move around him and he turns to get the door for you.
“M’lord.” You beam at him as you leave the store and Eddie swears his world gets dimmer when you turn away from him.
Eddie shows up at your door at exactly seven o'clock on the dot. He hesitates for a minute before knocking on the door nervous for if he might meet your parents or not. When he does he can hear a muffled yell before someone runs to the door. Henry’s the one who opens it.
“Y/n’s in the kitchen.” Is all he says before leaving the door open and disappearing into the living room. 
Eddie stays in the doorway for a minute unsure if he should just walk into your home before deciding to go in if only to shut the door. Ultimately he decides to find you so he doesn’t feel awkward in the entranceway. He finds you washing dishes in a kitchen that smells like freshly baked cookies.
“Hi Eddie.” You greet him as you place the big plastic bowl you were washing on the drying rack and grabbing the dish towel on the counter to dry your hands. 
“Hey Princess, not to rush you or anything but you ready to go?” 
“Yeah, I just gotta say bye to Henry first. Can you hold this for me real quick?” You hand him your tote on your way into the living room where you know your shoes are.
“What are you packing in here Sweetheart? It’s way heavier than I thought it’d be?” He could just peek in and see but he doesn't want to be rude or invade your privacy.
“Oh! I baked cookies so I hope all your friends like chocolate chip.” You fall onto the couch next to Henry, who’s snacking on some of said cookies and watching Transformers, to pull your sneakers on.
“You really didn’t have to do that. Now they’ll never want you to leave.”
“That’s the point.” You smile at him standing up and taking your bag back before turning to Henry. “Are you sure you’re good if I leave?” You lean down to speak softly to him, voice low enough that Eddie barely hears it. As much as you want to go tonight if he were to say he wanted to hang with you, you’d stay. 
“Okay. Be good, if you need anything call me. Eddie, can you write down the number for whatever house we’ll be at?”
“Yeah, course.” He immediately searches for paper and a pen.
“Mom will probably be asleep for the rest of the night so I need you to be responsible, go to bed at a decent time, don’t stay up till I get home because I don’t know when that’ll be.” It’s something he often did when you went out with friends worrying about if you would come back. 
“Number’s right here.” Eddie places the piece of paper he found on the coffee table in front of Henry.
“Alright, bye Henners, love you.” You duck down to hug him and place a kiss on his head.
“Love you too.” 
“See ya cowboy.” Eddie says waving as he follows you out of the room and the house. Once outside he beats you to the van holding your door open for you.
“So you two seem to have a good relationship.” Eddie says about halfway to Steve’s house about you and your brother.
“Yeah.” You’re silent for a beat before turning to look at Eddie. “Sorry if he seems a little standoffish towards you, he has issues getting close to people when he doesn’t know if they’ll stick around.”
“It’s fine, really. I’m not always the quickest to accept people into my life either.” 
“Hmm I’d say you were with how quick you brought me into it.” You’re teasing but you can sense the truth in his words and he gives off the vibe of someone who just has one small group of people he’s close with.
“Ah you were a special case though. A pretty girl who plays pirates and reads Lord of The Rings? I had to scoop you up before anyone else could.” 
“I play cowboys and cops and robbers too.” You speak just as Eddie parks and he’s able to turn his whole body to face you.
“Careful Princess before you steal even more of my heart.”
“Just wait till you hear about my ren faire costumes.” You wink before opening your door. “Now c’mon so you can introduce me to everyone.” Eddie’s frozen there for a couple seconds, mouth partly open. Everytime he thinks you can’t possibly get any better you go and prove him wrong. He can just imagine you dressed up as an elf or an actual princess.
Once he breaks out of it he’s quick to follow you out of the van and lead you to Steve’s front door. He goes straight in grabbing your hand as he does so to steer you through the big house to the basement where they always have movie nights. The sound of his friends' voices greet the two of you as soon as he opens the basement door.
“Eddie’s here!” Robin announces as she peers up the stairs in passing. “And it looks like he brought someone.” There’s a chorus of ‘ooo’s and Eddie rolls his eyes, shaking the urge to sweep you away and keep you to himself. 
“Did Eddie finally get a girlfriend?” He can barely hear El’s quiet question but it makes him go red all the same wondering if you heard it too.
“Hey guys, this is Y/n.” He introduces you once you’re both at the bottom of the stairs motioning to you with the hand that isn’t holding onto your own. 
“Hello.” You wave with your free hand and hold onto Eddie’s a little tighter with your other at seeing all the eyes on you.
“Y/n this is Robin, Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Will, El, Max, and you’ve met Steve before.” He leans down to whisper in your ear then. “Careful around the kids they might imprint on you like baby ducks the way they did Steve and I.” You smile and shove him away at the joke taking your hand back.
“I brought cookies. Think of it as a peace offering of sorts.” You reach into your tote and pull out a big tupperware that Eddie can’t help but wonder how it fit inside.
“I’ll take that.” Robin comes over and takes it out of your hand before grabbing your wrist to pull you over to the couch. “Come join the party we were just about to start the movie.” You sit next to Robin at the end of the couch. As soon as she opens the container Dustin’s reaching up and over laps to get some from his spot on the floor next to Steve who’s at Robin's feet. He groans in delight as soon as he takes a bite and you can’t stop the smile from forming on your face.
“These are the best cookies I’ve ever had!” Eddie whistles as he takes his seat on the floor beneath you.
“That’s really saying something with how good your moms cooking and baking is.” He reaches up and grabs his own before Mike steals the container to take over to the couch he’s sharing with Lucas and the girls. “Oh my God.” Eddie says with his mouth full throwing his head back as the taste of what seems to be the perfect cookie completely envelopes his mouth.
“Is that a good oh my god?” You ask in a timid soft voice leaning over so your head was positioned right above where Eddie threw his on the couch between your legs.
“Princess, this is the best thing I think I’ve ever eaten.” You visibly light up at his praise. A wide smile overtakes your face and your eyes shine and it makes Eddie do the same. There’s a chorus of agreement to Eddie’s words but the two of you are so lost in eachothers eyes that you don’t pay them any attention. 
“Eddie, you better bring your girlfriend around all the time if she’s gonna be bringing more of this stuff.” Lucas says reaching into the container as Steve starts the movie. 
“Shut up and stop hogging them, pass em over.” Mike hands them to Eddie while he’s up to turn the lights off and neither of you correct Lucas.
It’s a little after eleven when Eddie pulls into your driveway. After the movie ended Robin immediately started to ask you questions about yourself, Max joining soon after making Steve move so she can take his spot. You happily answered, asking questions right back almost giddy with the thought of making friends so soon after moving here. 
Eddie had chimed in here and there like when Mike asked when the two of you met. “You assholes abandoned me after the last Hellfire meeting and I found her in a tree.” Or when you answered a question about your music taste, saying you liked Blondie and the Bee Gees. “What about Motorhead or Judas Priest?” And when you shrugged and told him you’d never heard of them he mocked injury, falling over and pulling the imaginary sword from his heart.
“That was fun.” You say to Eddie as you round his van to head to your front door. “I like your friends.”
“They liked you too. I don’t think I’ve ever seen El get so comfortable around someone so fast.” She had come over to join the group around you soon after the conversations started and while she didn’t say much Eddie could tell she was taking to you. “Stick around and they’ll be your friends in no time.” You smile at the thought of having a group to hang out with again.
When you open the door the soft sound of the tv still on drifts to your ears and you let out a small sigh before moving silently and quickly into the living room. You leave your keys in the door which Eddie is quick to take out before shutting it and following your path. He finds you knelt next to the couch and brushing some of Henry’s hair off of his forehead.
“You gonna wake him up?”
“I should, let him know I’m home and get him to bed. But he looks so peaceful that I don’t want to.” You whisper back not taking your eyes off of your brother that you’ve basically raised yourself.
“Want me to carry him while you lead the way to his room?” You didn’t hear Eddie get closer so when he crouches next to you it makes you jump a little.
“You’d do that?”
“Course.” He ignores how shocked your wide eyes reveal you to be and instead takes your hand to help you up before scooping Henry up. “Lead the way.”
Eddie’s careful not to move the boy in his arms too much as he follows you up the steps and then down the hallway. You leave his door open and move his blankets out of the way to make room for Eddie to place him down. Once he does, you cover him and place a soft small kiss on his forehead before leading the way out of the room, closing the door once you’re both in the hallway.
“Do you want a drink or something before you go?”
“I could use a smoke, you want one? If not, I can just wait till I get home.” He follows you back down the stairs as he speaks.
“I don’t smoke but I don’t mind hanging out with you while you do it. We could go sit on the swing on the back porch?”
“Sounds perfect.” You lead the way through the house and Eddie holds the back door open for you. “M’lady.”
“M’lord.” There’s a comfortable silence between the two of you as you sit slightly moving the porch swing back and forth with your feet while Eddie pulls out a cigarette and lights it up. “My dad died when I was young.” You say suddenly after another beat of silence.
“Oh, I’m so-”
“You don’t have to be sorry or anything. It happened so long ago and I’ve had a long time to grieve so it doesn’t really hurt to think or talk about anymore.”
“Okay.” It’s all Eddie can think to say sensing you had more words coming his way.
“Mom started working more after he died but not too much so she could still y'know be a mom. And then she met this guy, Doug, and she became pregnant with Henry. They didn’t get married or anything but he took care of us. Mom was able to stop working so much and when Henry was born she was able to take time off even. But then one day when Henry was four, probably closer to being five, Doug just up and left. Just completely disappeared.” Eddie takes another drag of the cig and places a hand on your knee as you take in a shaky breath. 
“It absolutely broke mom but Henry? He didn’t even know what was happening, he’d ask me when dad would be home and why mom was crying all the time. We had to move out of the house and into a small apartment and mom had to work all the time, constantly pulling doubles to make sure we’d have rent and food money. Henry hasn’t been the same since he figured out his dad wasn’t coming back, so he has a hard time bringing people into his life and worrying that one day me or mom are going to do the same thing. That's why he tried to stay up till I got home tonight, to make sure I was actually coming back.”
“You don’t have to tell me all this darlin’.”
“No, I do, because I like you Eddie. And I think you like me.”
“I do, like so much.” You smile and let a small laugh leave your mouth at his eagerness to say the words.
“So if we’re gonna do this I need you to know I’ve got baggage but also that Henry is my whole world. When mom started working all the time I slipped into that role the best I could for him and I’m still in it. So I can’t always go out and do things because I spend most of my free time watching him.”
“That’s fine.” Eddie stomps out his cig and grabs your hand. “I’ll hang out here or we can take him to the movies or I don’t know whatever he’d wanna do. He seems like a fun kid and I’d love to get to know him.” Your eyes tear up at that and you launch yourself into his chest holding him in a tight hug. No one’s ever been so kind and understanding about how much you want to take care of your brother before. “Besides everyones got baggage, my dads been in and out of jail my whole life and I live with my uncle in a small trailer. The whole rest of the crew has their own thing too so don’t feel like anyone would judge you or anything alright?” 
“So, be my girlfriend? Because I’ve been dying to ask from the moment I found you in that tree.” He doesn’t say how he decided you were probably his soulmate when he found out you were reading Lord of The Rings.
“I’d love to. I’ve been dying for you to ask since you did that awful cowboy impression in Family Video.” You don’t say how you can see yourself falling for him hard and fast.
“Then it’s settled. What do you say to pizza and a movie? I’ll bring the pizza, you and Henry pick the movie.”
“I’d say it’s a date.”
“Tomorrow night? I’ll come over after my shift at Family Video?”
“Sounds perfect.”
This time when you’re holding the door open for him to leave you bow holding your arm out to show him the way.
“M’lord.” Eddie smiles at how you beat him to it and grabs your hand landing a kiss on the back of it before he speaks himself.
Eddie Taglist (25/40): @sadbitchfangirl @notbeforelong​​​​ @navs-bhat​ @emotionaldreamer​ ​​​​​ @fangirling-4-ever  @gaysludge​​​ ​@eddiethesexy @mazerunnerrose​ @midnightsgetawaycar  @goldylions  @mushroomelephant @saramelaniemoon @nojamsonmytoast @vintagehellfire @esoltis280 @spikedhe4rt @siriuslysmoking @toobsessedsstuff @alana4610 @gretavanfleas @sparkletash @aactuaaltraash @spookyemorockbabe @jesssssmaybankk @tlclick73
Everything Taglist: @matchamunson​ @bubsonnobx​ @practicalghost @katsukis1wife @crustyowos @yourfavdummy @protecteddiemunson4vr @kennedy-brooke @m00nkn1ghts @rory-cakes
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dwaekkicidal · 5 months
Hii sian!! Im new to your page and i love your writing! I don't know if requests are open rn tho. So feel free to ignore this! I was thinking if you could write something like dom!hyunjin x fem!reader and like hyunjin punishing reader for flirting with some other guys. feel free to ignore it and if you do want to write it i will be more then happy to read it! Also it can involve anything:3
hi nonnie❤! thank you :') I'm glad you've enjoyed everything so far! requests are open :3 if you're ever not sure just check my pinned post!
hope you enjoy hehe <3
Much Needed Reminder
˚ʚDom!Hyunjin x Model!Readerɞ˚
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ word count: ~2.3k
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ warnings: fem!reader, rough sex, meaner Hyunjin (my staple at this point sry not sry), dirty talk, ‘slut’ name calling, some spanking, overstim, mentions of edging
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ notes: fun fact: the name Choi (최) is actually pronounced "Chwe/Chwi" :)
DO NOT republish or translate+post my work!
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You’re currently in some random studio in Seoul, modeling for an upcoming collaboration you were having with Beauty of Joseon, a skincare company. Your boyfriend happily tagged along for once, since he finally had some free time outside of his schedule. He sat in the sidelines and watched you do your thing, giving you a huge smile anytime your eyes met his. It led to some of the team’s favorite shots of you: your genuine smile shining from the attention of your lover.
All was going well until a few hours in, you noticed the lingering eyes of the producer staring at your cleavage any chance he could. It made you feel grossed out, but when your eyes landed on your boyfriend’s murderous gaze, you couldn't stop your legs from pushing together. ‘It’s been a while since we’ve had sex anyways… why not make a little game out of it.’
So, a game you started. It started with fake bashful glances at the producer, making sure both mens eyes were on you when doing so. Then, it quickly moved on to overly dramatic whines and puppy dog eyes whenever the producer would come up to you in order to describe a new pose. You could tell by the pink cheeks of the producer and the narrowed eyes of your boyfriend that the game was already going in your favor.
The final straw was when everybody was wrapping up, putting away the products and their cameras. You all but skipped over to the producer, placing your soft hands on his bare arms and squeezing. “Thank you so much, Producer Choi! I had soooo much fun today.” You made sure to say it loud enough so that the outraged boy watching your every move could hear your tone clearly. If Hyunjin wasn’t so blind by anger, he would’ve seen right through your fake act.
However, he is NOT God’s strongest soldier, and the sight of your hands on another man had him rising to his feet. He turned his back to the scene and walked towards the snack tables to grab a bottle of water. You watched him from your peripheral and the nonexistent victory screen was already in your line of sight.
Feeling quite proud of yourself, you suddenly tell the producer that you couldnt wait to ‘have him as a friend’ and quickly moved your hands away from him. You ignored the way his eyes widened and his smile faltered, and you offered him a sweet smile as you swiftly made your way to the double doors labeled “EXIT.”
As you’re walking down the long hallway, you hear long steps following you. You smirk to yourself and make a show to sway your hips with each step you take. There’s a faint groan and you bite your lip to stop yourself from laughing. As you step in front of the door with your name on it, you’re suddenly pushed against it. You let out a sigh as the ‘unknown’ man behind you pushes you into the door, rubbing his bulge between your ass cheeks. He sighs out a low “Jagiya..” and your mouth moves before your brain can stop you from digging yourself into a deeper hole.
“Oh~.. Is that you, Producer Choi?”
The man behind you tenses before essentially growling into your hair. He swings the door open and shoves you in, slamming the door behind him before stalking towards you. You’re quickly turned and pushed up against your vanity, meeting the angry and narrowed eyes of your boyfriend. His eyes dip down to your smirk and he rolls his eyes before grabbing you by the chin.
“You are such a pain in my ass.” He mumbles out, pulling you into a wet kiss and pinning between his body and the table. His hands fiddle with the bottom of your dress, pulling it up and above your head as he pulls away from your lips. You go to complain and ask what he thinks he’s doing all of the sudden but his hand moves to grab your cheeks, squishing them together and making it hard for you to speak clearly.
“If you wanted to be fucked so bad you could have just asked me, honey. No need to go rub your pretty hands all over some filthy freak who you don’t even know. You’re mine.”
You giggle against his hold and when his hands move down to cup your waist, you finally speak out, “Yeah but where’s the fun in that?”
“You think you’re just sooo cute, don’t you baby…” He whispers into your ear, his hands teasingly trailing down your sides to rest against your hips. When you nod with a big grin on your face he can’t stop himself from laughing. “Yeah, you really are. But I think you need a reminder of who you belong to. That cuteness won’t stop me from fucking you stupid all over this room.” He spins you around and roughly pushes you into the laminated table top by the back of your head.
You wiggle your hips impatiently as you hear him unbuckling his belt and pulling his lower clothes down in one go. He lands a loud smack to your right ass cheek, pulling your hips against his own when you squeak and run from the contact. His hands grip onto your waist and pull you back into him, also pushing you into the table to angle you downwards.
His free hand traces his tip along your folds to gather your wetness before pushing in rather impatiently. Off the bat he set a brutal pace, pummeling into you with each thrust as his hands roamed all over your body. He possessively squeezed at your hips and your shoulders anytime he passed them, hoping if he did it enough it would mark his name into your skin forever.
“F-Fuck! Hyunjin, wait! The d-door is unlocked.”
“Good. Maybe I’ll even fuck you up against it and let the staff hear your slutty moans so they know who you belong to.”
You whine at the thought, letting your eyes flutter closed. Your cheeks constantly rubbed against the table as your hands dug into the edge of it. Your hands shakily move near your chest in an attempt to push yourself up. But before you know it, one of his hands trails into your hair and grabs a fistful from your scalp. He angles your head back and uses his grip as leverage to hold you in place against the vanity as he fucked your brains out.
You cry out when your eyes land on the mirror above you. You were met with the sight of your boyfriend’s thick lips caught between his teeth, his eyes narrowed and focused on where his hips smacked against yours. His arm muscles flexed with the sheer strength he used to hold you down, and the sight had your legs shaking.
“Jinnieee.. Fffuck. I’m so close, pleaaase.” Your pleas sounded so desperate, but you couldn’t find it in you to care when one of his long fingers reached under you to rub messy shapes onto your clit. With the added stimulation, it took you no time to gush around him. Your legs shook beneath you as your orgasm ran through your body. It passed fast and once you were finished, Hyunjin quickly pulled out. You didn’t feel him cum and you looked back at him confused.
“I’m not even close yet, so we’re not done. You wanna act like a slut, you’re gonna get treated like one.” He growled out, pulling you away from the vanity and towards the loveseat in the room. He took a seat, spreading his legs widely before pulling you onto his lap. As your hips went to rest on him, he positioned himself so that you sat on his dick. You both let out low moans at the feeling, but his hands quickly moved away from you in favor of resting behind his head. When you made another confused face at him, he just smirked and leaned back against the couch. “C’mon baby. Work for it. I won’t do any of the work this round.”
You whine loudly and frown down at him, getting ready to complain that your legs were too weak but he thrusts his hips upwards roughly after your whine. “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Now hurry up before I leave you high and dry for the rest of the day.” You both knew he would never actually do it, he was way too obsessed with you and your body to even think about doing such a thing. But the way he casually lounged had you believing it and you clenched tightly onto him, pulling a cocky smirk from him.
Your bottom lip quivered but you dragged your hips against his, grinding against him slowly for a few minutes. You barely processed one of his hands moving as you ground yourself harder against him, whimpering at the way his shirt rubbed against your puffy clit. There was a harsh sting and a loud slap to your ass that sent you jumping forward. You expected to land against his broad chest, but instead you landed in a grasp that was his long fingers wrapped against your throat. Your gaze moved to lock with his but your eyes quickly shut feeling another slap hit your ass cheek.
“F-Fuck!” you cried out, tightening even more as you felt his fingers tighten around your neck. 
“Do it the right way, baby.” He commanded, moving his hand from your ass to rest on your thigh. You finally lifted yourself and bounced on his dick, letting out desperate moans as you swore you could feel him in your stomach. You rode him like this for some time, only slowing down to admire his features.
He was leaned as far back as the chair allowed, face dripping with sweat as his lips held the biggest shit-eating grin ever known to mankind. From your movements, the hand on your thigh had fallen to your knee and his other hand continued to rest like a puzzle piece against your throat. Your hips stuttered as your orgasm suddenly snuck up on you. Creaming from just looking at your boyfriend must have been a new record.
Your movements almost completely stopped as your thighs shook uncontrollably, but Hyunjin wasn’t having any of that. His hands moved from their spots to grab your wrists, pinning them to your back in an X formation as he pulled you to lean on him. You were too distracted to notice the way your head fell to his shoulder, but you nestled into his neck when you felt his hips begin to slam into you.
You silently screamed from the overstimulation, quickly biting into his neck and crying out against his skin as he gave you no chance to recover. With the way his hands held yours, you had no choice but to take what was given. You felt saliva pooling in your mouth and you tried desperately to swallow it but one deep into your cervix thrust had you seeing stars. It finally dripped down your chin as he spoke up for the first time in what felt like forever. 
“Nice and d-deep, right baby? Just how my little slut likes it?” He stuttered through the teasing statement at the feeling of his balls tensing up, and you could feel his thrusts getting sloppier. You nodded into his neck as your third orgasm built up fast, causing your nails to dig into your palms.
“You’re MY girl. This pretty pussy and this?” He pauses to land a slap on your ass, “This nice ass? Is MINE. Nobody can fuck you or love you like I do.” This sends you over the edge and you let out an porn-star like moan as you cum, your tightness finally being too much for him to handle and he finishes next.
The room is filled with nothing but your combined breaths as your heartbeats slowly return to normal. Your legs shake almost nonstop for a while after you calm down, and you find yourself whimpering at the feeling of Hyunjin pulling out. His dick slaps against his stomach and he coos soothingly against your ear.
Your forehead was still shoved against his shoulder when your eyes finally noticed your drool connecting your lips to his jacket. You shakily pulled away and wiped your mouth with the back of your hand.
You sat on his thighs, feeling his cum drip out of you and onto the floor as his pretty hands massaged circles into your hips and his pretty lips whispered sweet nothings into your ear. Ranging from “You did so good for me, honey. Took me so well.” to “You’re so pretty, my little masterpiece. I got you, I got you. Don’t worry.”
By the time you both return to normal, you’ve been changed into new clothes and Hyunjin has become distracted and newly obsessed with the drool stain on his jacket. He could feel himself getting hard again while staring at it, but forced himself to tear his eyes away once it was time to leave. He grabbed your combined belongings and had you hold onto his arm as he led you to the taxi he had called on the ride down the elevator.
Everything was back to normal and extra sweet as he opened the door for you to sit first, then shoved your things into the truck before taking his own seat. You smiled up at him with those pretty eyes and whispered into his ear, “That was so much fun, Jinnie.. Sorry I flirted with the producer, but you see what my vision was.”
He laughed and pulled you into a soft kiss before leaning into your ear to whisper, “Oh, don’t worry baby, your punishment has barely even started. Once we’re home I’m edging you all night.”
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