#going back and forth between resting my arm and over working it i have yet to find a middle ground
vangbelsing · 1 day
Emmrich X Rook: Laugh Together Prompt for DADreams
WOW, A STORY I'M ACTUALLY RELATIVELY PLEASED WITH? AND THAT I GOT OUT EARLIER THAN BEFORE MY BEDTIME??? Wild. Anyway, this is set at a point where Alina and Emmrich aren't together yet but are very clearly already in their pro yearning stages. I had SO much fun writing this, especially the more flirty bits 🤭 ENJOY 🫶
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Her long legs draped over the arm rest of the chair in his study, swinging back and forth mindlessly, the occasional bump of her feet into the wooden surface causing a subtle thud every now and again. Once in awhile, she would peer up passed the little book in her hands that she skimmed with only a shred of interest, looking to see if perhaps the man at the other side of the room had finished with his papers.
He had not.
She groaned, staring at the way his quill swayed rhythmically in his hold, the motions very near to hypnotic, but not so much as to keep her attention. She groaned again, this time with far more force and intentionally higher in volume, her arm slumping down to her side while her fingers maintained only a meek hold on the book she had barely even read half way.
"Have I failed to rouse your enthusiasm, madame Crow?" Emmrich asked rhetorically from his spot at the desk, the question tinted with a hint of playful sarcasm. His head did not so much as twitch to look back at Alina, instead continuing to flip expertly to another page, dabbing his quill into the ink pot beside him.
Alina shifted positions, propping herself up on her elbows to shoot a pout at the mans back as she allowed the book to fall from her hands entirely, the spine contacting the stone floor with a quiet thump.
"Well, professor, when you said I could wait in your study with you while you finished some business, I had assumed it would take a few minutes... maybe even several... But an hour?"
The man flitted back and forth between two pages now, inspecting his prior work to ensure there were no inconsistencies. He settled on one sheet of paper again, flicking his writs slightly as he leaned forward to write once more, the motion producing a sweet little symphony of clinks and jingles from his bejeweled arms.
"I did say I would fetch you afterwards if you preferred not to wait, I happen to recall."
Oh, he was grinning. She couldn't see his face, but she knew it for a fact. She could just tell from the pitch of his voice and the little flicks of his free fingers how decidedly amused he was by this.
Alina rolled her eyes, pushing herself up from her seat to stand before starting a particularly lethargic saunter in Emmrichs direction.
"True, but back in Antiva, we have something of an unspoken rule:" The raven tressed elf began to purr, striding forward until she reached the spot where the older man sat, his head still set on his work.
She gripped the back his seat to spin his chair around, forcing him to face her. Surprisingly, he didn't seem the least bit perturbed, his mouth quirked up on either side into a lazed smile, his eyes attempting to feign a look of reprimand. She leaned into him slightly from where she stood above him, leaving little distance between them now.
"If a pretty girl is trying to spend time with you, you don't make her wait. Especially not an hour."
He hummed mindfully in response, taking his chin between his thumb and pointer finger, "A wise convention. Though, we have our own saying in Nevarra."
"Oh?" She cooed, setting her chin atop her hands as she rested her elbows on the arm rests on either side of Emmrich, their faces now more level, "You have a better one?"
His expression shifted, his face more overtly amused, "Better is a matter of perspective."
"Uh huh. And how does your, 'better according to ones perspective' saying go?"
He allowed himself to smirk fully now, as if emboldened. "Any time passed in the presence of a beautiful woman is always time well spent."
The grin on Alinas countenance was cheshire, her comely visage exuding satisfaction. This had been what she wanted when she suggested she and Emmrich spend time with one another. Banter, ribbing, gossip; anything bracing. So long as they were doing it together.
She released her grip on his chair, moving with a felines graceful fluidity to seat herself on the edge of his desk instead and crossing her legs in a single motion. He turned in his place so that only the side of his face was visible from her new perch.
"I see you Nevarrans have some universal practices. But don't you think there are better uses of a - oh, how did you put it?" Alina pressed a long, delicate digit to rest at her chin, pretending to search her memory, "a beautiful woman? Yes, that was it. Surely there are better uses of a beautiful womans time."
The necromancers chest swelled with self satisfaction. The way she emphasized his words, how she brought overt attention to them. He thought she might like that.
"I believe women are capable of choosing the best possible use of their time. Though I suppose they have something to say about that in Antiva as well?" His tone was clearly teasing.
She reclined on his desk, supporting her weight on both arms. "Only that the one thing more likely to spill your guts over an offense than a scorned woman is a Crow."
Emmrich smiled, but paused a moment, his face twisting thoughtfully as if weighing his next words with care. He grinned then, the look more playful than teasing, obviously having deemed that the risk would be worth the reward.
"I should have known you Antivan Crows would be so... ma-caw-bre."
Silence enveloped the room, natural, at first, and then quickly not. Emmrich maintained his composure, but the bead of sweat forming on his brow betrayed the tension he had begun to feel creeping in.
'Was that a bird pun?' she thought to herself. 'Did he just... make a bird joke?'
She gaped at him, her verdurous eyes wide like plates and her mouth parted. She looked as if he had grown a second head rather than tell a corny pun. It was so stupid. Utterly nonsensical. It wasn't even a good pun.
As if possessed, Alina barked one sudden laugh, then another, until she fell into a continuous stream of mirthful chuckles. Emmrich frowned, the blush spreading from his neck to his ears, his composed shell thoroughly chipped.
"What?" He asked, the question defensive as his voice cracked somewhat.
Alina paused, trying to regain her breath, but failed, almost immediately returning to her laughing fit. She pointed to him, tears in her eyes and incapable of uttering a word not broken by laughter.
"I what?!" He mimicked her, pointing to himself now as his tone grew more affronted, clearly embarrassed.
"You said... You... That was so stupid!" She fell on her side, now balling up on the desk.
Emmrichs first instinct was to feel somewhat offended at Alinas display, her reaction far more animated than he would ever have thought her capable of over something so trivial as a poor pun about birds.
But looking at her there, her eyes pressed tightly as tears pricked the corners of her eyes, her cheeks reddened and lifted into the most jovial mien he had seen her wear in all the time he knew her. And her laugh; not the breathy chuckle of a woman with the intent to beguile or the sharp cackle of mockery, but a laugh. True, pure and filled with gaiety. To see her so happy and carefree, to know he had been the reason - it was worth feeling like a fool to see her this way.
He smiled, his face still pink as he settled in his chair again. "It wasn't that bad..." He practically pouted vocally.
They sat there for a few moments, the only noise filling the room being the laughter Alina couldn't seem to stifle. Steadily, it slowed, the once gleeful, high pitched and continuous echoes dulling to the occasional throaty giggle.
She sighed, apparently having caught her breath and regained her composure. Her bright eyes blinked open in the direction of the necromancer, who had, it seemed, watched her display without pause, the visible aura of delight that surrounded him abruptly making Alina feel flush.
"That was really bad." She asserted quietly, the scathing words contrasted by the sweetness of the tone in which she spoke them.
"Well," he started, crossing one leg over the other, "it was intended to make you laugh..." he rolled his eyes over her frame, taking special note of the wet streaks of eyeshadow that had left a teary trail down her cheeks, "And its results can't exactly be called into question."
Alina hummed at that, breaking the eye contact to stare off to the side at the numerous rows of books, which lined each wall neatly. Emmrich quickly caught the twinkle of mischief in her verdant eyes, her nose scrunching as she appeared to suppress a grin.
"Still, saying something like... It must have been embarrassing for you. I could never force myself to say anything that ridiculous." She then whipped her head to him, her gaze capturing his, demanding his utmost scrutiny.
She had it completely.
The smirk she hoped to hide now showed itself in full, despite her efforts, "I've always fancied myself as being more... caw-tious..."
Emmrich stared, unfazed for only a moment, before tearing his eyes away from her, his head turning as if he was physically incapable of staring in her direction, a long chortle escaping from him.
"Maker, you were right," he lifted a hand to his face, resting his temple and cheek on his pointer, middle and ring fingers, a half amused, half cringing smile tugging at his lips, "it is awful."
She huffed, gaping in mock offense. "I never said it was awful!"
"You should have." Emmrich laughed fully at last, staring back at Alina once again.
They both remained in his study for a time, sitting in a comfortable silence until Alina had insisted that Emmrich read to her, which he did gladly. An hour or so had gone by before Bellara had beckoned them for supper, excitedly announcing that she and Lucanis had put special, coordinated effort into a cultural fusion dish tonight. Emmrich had offered Alina his arm to take, and when she had locked her arms into his, she could just barely restrain the urge to lean her head against his shoulder; a gesture she could not have realized just how deeply he would have welcomed.
Events had been tumultuous at the least strenuous of times of late, but even so, in moments like this, when all that was felt was the presence of another soul, riding out the passage of time in blissful, carefree afternoons spent without the anxieties that pervaded their every day, it kept them grounded, made them realize how much was left to fight for.
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delirious-donna · 3 months
Hiromi is not one to back down from an argument. It’s the lawyer in him plus his inherent desire to always be right, even when he isn’t. He doesn’t necessarily get angry, he isn’t going to raise his voice or swear at you, but he is going to lay out his argument in excruciating detail and expect you to listen. It could be the simplest of little disagreements and Hiromi will treat it like his entire professional reputation is on the line, an imaginary jury of your peers fills the courtroom in his head and what started as a playful butting of heads grows arms and legs, maybe even a second head.
However… there is one surefire way to shut him up mid-flow, and that is to approach carefully and forcibly shove your hand across his mouth. You have to maintain eye contact to ensure it’s working, but it has never failed yet. His intelligent darkly lit eyes mellow, his breathing turns reedy and he mumbles out a moan behind the meat of your palm. Heat rushes to fill his cheeks, the warmth of his breath tickling your fingertips as you arch an eyebrow and lean in closer.
The scratch of his five o’clock shadow grazes at your palm, his eyes bouncing erratically between yours as he lets you walk him backwards toward the bedroom door. You can feel him thickening behind his trousers, his hands antsy to reach out and touch you whilst all those pesky little points he had yet to voice spill quietly out his ears… never to be heard.
The bed creaks under the intensity of your movements, bouncing on his leaking cock with such fervour that you worry you might break either the frame or Hiromi. The man in question huffs into the pillows, sweat rolling freely over his temples as you drape yourself across his chest. “What were you saying, Hiro? I can’t quite hear you now…”
He tries to speak, tries to make any noise at all that isn’t the pathetic whimpers filling the air but you’ve got him beat and the use of dirty underhanded tactics only makes him harder for you. Your teeth skim his nipples, tongue poised to flick them in turn before you return to bearing your weight forward with your hands on his shoulders. The wet ‘pap pap pap’ of your pussy greedily swallowing him down turns those keen whimpers into something only dogs would hear and all he has for you are heart eyes out on stalks and the ability to gulp like a fish out of water.
“That’s what I thought. Listen here, Mr Lawyer man, you are a fantastic attorney but when you’re at home… remember that I’m not your adversary.”
Hiromi moans diligently, nodding his head fervently and gripping at the plush of your hips hard enough that you feel bruises bloom. He’s right at the precipice, you can feel it swelling… his balls drawing tight to his dick. He needs to cum and he’ll do anything to make it happen. Your hand reaches backward, fondling those heavy balls in your palm whilst you roll your hips aggressively back and forth. He cums with a bark, the tendons on his neck taut and straining before he crumples back to the sheets.
“I rest my case…”
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an: this came about from a conversation with @pseudowho (yes, this is the calibre of our chats 😂) who I love very dearly.
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oceantornadoo · 4 months
his favorite patient (simon riley x f!reader)
part 5 of the two lieutenants series...toothrotting fluff
"where is she?"
ghost thundered into the base hospital, all teeth and claws. the hospital staff scattered in his wake, avoiding eye contact. finally, a doctor approached, looking down at her clipboard nervously. "who are you looking for, sir?" he tried not to antagonize medical staff, but someone needed to get it together. "the lieutenant." he spit out. "right this way, sir."
the doctor pushed through the door to your hospital room, the sterile breeze drifting through ghost's mask. the doctor moved out of the way so he finally could view you.
you, who had taken two bullets to your left arm and yet still managed to complete the mission. had dragged gaz out with you, who was recovering in the room next to you. you were asleep, brows furrowed even in your sleep. he drowned out the words of the doctor, opting instead to move closer to your bed. "she's alrigh'?" ghost mumured, almost to himself. "she'll need some PT to regain range of motion, but she'll be okay, sir. she's just taking some much needed rest." he nodded his thanks, and the doctor made her way out, smiling to herself as she closed the door.
ghost took off his balaclava, setting it on the table behind him. he took a seat on your bed, dwarfing the small bed with his frame. he smoothed out the furrow between your brows, his gloves long forgotten back on base, abandoned the moment he heard you were in the hospital. "s'pposed to be end game, yeah? can't get shot on me now." his thumb traced the slope of your nose, trailing to your lips, down to your jaw. "my brave dove." his thumb traveled to your collarbone, brushing back and forth. he lost sense of time, entranced in the feel of your skin, the softness against his battle worn skin. almost half an hour had passed until...
"simon?" you croaked out, throat parched. "yeah, baby? feel ok?" he was so enamored with you, all doe eyes staring back at him. ghost was gone, the bloody work done, and simon was here to stay. you nodded slowly, still recovering from the events of the past days. "thirsty." he was up immediately, looking for water. he found a water cup a nurse had dropped off earlier, so deep in his trance he hadn't seen her come in and out. "go'on." he offered you the straw and you sipped, trying to go slow. he watched your throat move up and down with every sip. "better?" you hummed your appreciation. "you don't have any recruits to bother?" he gave you a sideways grin, one of his rarities. "you're more important."
you're more important. simon was here, sitting vigil at your bedside. he shirked his duties just for you. "why are you here, si?" he clicked his teeth, breaking eye contact for the first time he'd been in the room. simon stared at the clock, stared out the window. "ya don't get it, do ya?" he turned back to stare at you. you shook your head, brows furrowing again. his thumb jumped out and smoothed it before even realizing. "i haven't taken you out on that date yet, but y'r it for me. i'm y'r lieutenant, yeah?" you reached your uninjured hand towards him and he leaned in, letting you cup his face. "its all or nothing for you, isn't it?" he nodded. "hav' to be in our line of work." you gave him a small smile. "what is this, a proposal, riley?" you brushed his thumb over his lips. "let me know when your left hand is healed for a ring, baby." you laughed and it was the sweetest sound in the world to him. "my answer is yes. and a maybe to the proposal. you're on a trial period." he nodded again, nuzzling into your hand. "jus' let me take care of you, yeah?" you nodded, falling back into your hospital bed. "now i can sleep." he kissed your forehead, and all was right in the world again.
ugh i want a boyfriend
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thepastdied · 1 year
No Filter
eddie munson x fem!reader FLUFF
18+ because some sexual themes. Overall, just fluff
Word Count: 2.1k
Eddie is drunk and whiny because he's jealous of Steve. Not my gif. Would have tagged if I knew.
part 2 out now
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A heavy arm clad in leather slumped around your shoulders.
You turned your head and were met with your alcohol reeking best friend, Eddie.
"Well helllllloo there, pretty girl. Come here often?" He winked at you, eyes hazy and body swaying.
"Eddie, this is my house." You laughed through your nose and wrapped an arm around his waist to steady him.
Music thumped throughout your house, and people were scattered in each corner. You weren't necessarily popular, but it was you and Eddie's idea to throw a party so he could make some quick cash. With the help of King Steve, of course. Seeing how he was already drunk, he must have already made his rounds. Unfortunately you had to work and didn't arrive until around 9 pm, about 3 hours into the party. Eddie was absolutely wasted and probably was on something else, too. You never knew with him.
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"Steve.. the fuck is in this?" You took a sip of your drink and cringed. He laughed and shrugged, taking a sip and mirroring your reaction.
"Huh." Eddie huffed next to you, eyes narrowing and darting back and forth between you two.
"Should we whip together a new punch? May have put a little bit too much rum in this one." Steve pinched his thumb and pointer finger together, taking a couple steps back in the direction of your kitchen.
You were about to follow him when Eddie's arm tightened around you, leather squeaking against your shoulder. You looked at him quizzically when he let out a whiny groan.
"Eddie.. What's up? Do you feel okay?" He pulled his arm off you so that you could face him.
His cheeks were flushed and eyes hooded as he gazed down at you.
"Jus' want you to stay with me 's all.." He clumsily placed a hand on your waist and pulled you toward him. "You always gotta be aroun' King Steve… hmph." His lips turned down into a pout.
Your brain short circuited and you stared at him trying to piece together what's making him so mopey. Of course you were often around Steve. Though he hasn't asked you out yet, there was definitely something going on between you two.
You nervously laughed and gripped the front of his leather jacket as he stumbled back a bit. Your head was getting fuzzy yourself and you wished you were able to think a bit clearer.
"I think you should take a rest, Eds.." Your eyes trailed around the living room, pushing him toward the half empty sofa.
His fingers tightened on your waist as he was about to sit down and you pulled yourself from his grip gently. His lips turned down even more and he slumped his shoulders before he leaned his head back and closed his eyes.
"Fine. Go with your new boyfriend 'cause he's just s' cool with his cool hair and his cool coolness." He waved you off as he dramatically crossed his arms like a kid and huffed.
"Stop being a baby. I'll be right back." You gave him a deadpan expression and stuck your tongue out, tapping your shoe against his before going into the kitchen.
Steve was sitting on the counter with his arms crossed, various bottles of liquor, mixers, and other drinks littered across your island table.
"Soo.." He kicked himself off the counter to stand beside you, eyes scanning over all the ingredients.
"Is Eddie alright?" He itched the back of his neck as his eyes peeked through the doorway to where Eddie sat, still grumpy but now playing with a glowstick that someone left on the coffee table. Him and Steve were friends, actually, but he was so blasted that he was letting his feelings show a little too much.
"He's fine.." You laughed, shaking your head. "Such a big baby."
You both made the new punch and talked about random stuff, almost an hour passing before Eddie waddled in the kitchen.
"You two lovebirds done yet? I'm thirsty." He leaned his shoulder on the doorframe, seemingly a little less drunk than before as he scowled at Steve.
You gave him an annoyed look at his comment before filling a cup and handing it to him, which he just took from you and set it on the counter.
He stared at Steve with his tongue in his cheek before kissing his teeth and grabbing his cup before disappearing again.
You opened your mouth to call for him as Steve put a hand on your shoulder.
"You should uh.. go check on him." He nodded his head toward the door.
You clenched your teeth as you weaved in and out of people. You were pissed, to say the least, because it felt like you were babysitting instead of enjoying the party. It took you almost twenty minutes to find Mr. Crankypants laying in your backyard. You trudged over to him, fists clenched by your sides and the water bottle you were holding crunching in your grip.
"Eddie, what is wrong with you?" You looked down at him, crossing your arms.
His eyes left the stars and met yours, widening as he stuck an arm up and pointed at you.
"Ah! My favorite star just appeared!!" He yelled, hand flapping in excitement.
You struggled to keep the scowl on your face, failing miserably as Eddie beamed at you, laughing at himself.
You sighed as he stood up, dusting himself off and eyes looking into yours fondly.
"You okay?" You stepped forward and placed a hand on his arm.
He let himself fall forward and stuffed his face into your neck, arms clenching around your waist.
"Miss you, sweetheart.." He mumbled, lips brushing up against your neck.
"You're the one who ran off, silly." You hugged him tighter.
"Y-yeah but…" His voice cracked and you pinched your eyebrows together.
"Don' go with him, please." Eddie stuffed his face further into your neck when you tried to pull away.
You'd never been this close before, aside from his side hugs.
"What are you talking about, Eddie." You whispered.
He sighed, hot breath warming your throat. You pulled back and looked into his eyes, waiting for an explanation.
"Uhm.." He furrowed his eyebrows and puckered his lips.
"What're we talking about?" He quirked an eyebrow up. "Too much vodka-"
You rolled your eyes and pinched his cheek.
"Eddie. You don't want me around Steve." You blurted out, patience wearing thin.
His mouth opened and closed, lips turning downward and eyes glazing over with tears. You gasped and put your hands up.
"H-hey, it's fine- we don't have to talk about it." You hurriedly tried to change the subject.
He bowed his head down and sniffled as a tear rolled down his nose. Your heart sank when you tried to grab his hand, his whole body shrinking away from you. You said his name again but he only shook his head, huffing as more tears came out.
"Jus' wish I had a chance 's all." He hiccuped and angrily wiped his face with his sleeve, hair covering his face from your view. "- don't know how t'do this sorta thing like him." Another sniffle escaped him as he stepped further away from you.
The lump in your throat grew as you realized what the problem here was. He liked you and didn't want you to go with Steve. You mentally slapped yourself for being so blind to it.
You hopped forward and grabbed his hand, pulling him back toward you and walking further into your yard, away from the several nosey eyes that were in Eddie.
You pushed his hair from his face, all wet due to his tears. He felt so embarrassed, confessing his feelings in this drunken state. But he just couldn't control what came out of his mouth. This wasn't planned. He never intended to tell you, was going to let you be with Steve because he knew deep down he was better for you. His low self esteem was what truly kept him from actually asking you out.
Your own eyes watered when you saw his tear stained face. His eyelashes soaked with fresh tears, face red and puffy. He took a deep breath and swallowed the saliva that collected in his mouth before lifting his hand to take a sip of his drink.
You giggled when his eyes quizzically looked at his empty hand and head turned to see his cup empty on the ground. His eyes met yours again, pinching at the corners as he lazily smiled at you. You handed him the water bottle you'd been holding.
"I think we should talk about this when you're not drunk, okay?" You leaned your head forward to peek under his curtain of hair that he suddenly flicked in front of his face.
"But… don't be sad. We are on the same page here, okay? I.. I won't go to him. I know what you're trying to say." You gently whispered and sighed in relief when he simply nodded back.
You pulled him into a hug and he hummed as he let the water bottle fall to the ground, his heart hammering against your chest.
"Look so pretty tonight.." He mumbled as his arms snaked around your waist, lower than they had been before.
You felt tingles run throughout your body due to both the tone of his voice and the path his hands were on. Eddie's palms smoothed over your lower back as he pulled you in more, if that was even possible.
You hummed and thanked him for the compliment, your face feeling hot.
"-always look s'pretty. But never seen you in a dress like this before.." Your lower belly began to feel hot as his lips brushed against your neck while he talked. He could have moved his head so his chin was resting on your shoulder. He knew what he was doing.
"T-thank you, Eds.." You gulped and his eyes shot open, smirking as he continued moving his hands.
"Hmm.. love it when you call me that." You could feel his teeth in your neck now, mouth fully on your skin as he spoke.
Your breath hitched when he placed the most gentle kiss behind your ear, lips barely touching your skin as they trailed down your neck and placed another peck before he sloppily began to mouth at the flesh there. He panted as he nibbled and kissed messily all over your neck, the night air feeling cool against your wet skin.
"E-eddie." You breathed out.
Eddie grunted and laughed when you tugged on his hair, pulling his head back. Your face felt like it was on fire and you were grateful it was dark.
"S-sorry." He snorted out a laugh nervously and started to shimmy off his jacket, getting annoyed when it got stuck on his arm. " s'hot out."
Your chest raised with each breath as you watched him. How the fuck could you even allow yourself to go out with someone else after the one you truly liked confessed to you? And he went at your neck like a fucking vampire-
"Mmm.. miss you." He croaked up at you, his voice weak from when he had been crying.
You blinked down at him to where he was now sitting, arms reaching out to you.
"Please don' go back to him." He pouted again and a laugh bubbled in your throat as you sat next to him.
"Well how am I supposed to after that?" You wiped a hand over your face and sighed.
He stared at you, eyes struggling to stay focused on yours when your neck was so visible.
"Need to do this side too-" He quickly scooted so his body was pressed against yours and latched his lips onto your neck, sucking the skin between his teeth and letting his tongue dart out.
"Eddie!" You gasped loudly as you pushed him away and laughed incredulously, slapping a hand over where you know a hickey is.
"Don't… don't tell me there's a mar-"
"Uh-huh there's mos' definitely a mark." He snickered at you and clumsily made his way onto his feet, eyes filled with lust as he watched you lick your lips and squeeze your thighs together. His legs stumbled a bit as he didn't have you to hang on to and he looked toward the house. Fuck, he was so hard.
"Gotta piss- be back in like.. fifteen." He held up 4 fingers.
You stifle a laugh and nod, wanting him to leave so you can fan your face. You were fucking sweating.
" 'f I wasn't so drunk… hmph." He put two fingers down out of the four he still had up and made a V, sticking his tongue out and obnoxiously laughing when you covered your face at the gesture.
" 'm actually going to jack off, I lied-"
"Eddie! Can you please leave!!" You laid on your back and covered your face, still laughing.
"Alright alright, sorry- no filter right now, sweetheart."
Your friendship will definitely never be the same.
Next part (18+) ->
updated 5/5
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diorcities · 5 months
𝑎 𝑔𝑙𝑖𝑚𝑝𝑠𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑢𝑠
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── haechan feed your baby girl for the first time pairing haechan x afab!reader genre fluff content dad!hyuck, jisoo and donghyun are back! a lot of parenting and concerns, mention of postpartum and breastfeeding, based on a tiktok i saw a while ago, don't read unless you want baby fever to take over <3 happy reading. find more here wc 1.5k
the days at the lee's house were always different, though the last few days had become a routine for you; it was time for you to get back to normal. so you did some writing, did some chores, turned in some work to-dos, had your first unaided bath, and by the time haechan came home from the park with the kids, you were cooking some kimchi for dinner: his favorite.
the first thing haechan does upon arrival is to aid the kids in taking a shower before bedtime. although haechan used to say that jisoo could have your eyes and hair but had everything else from him, it was donghyun who most resembled the boy now playing lively with them while dressing them up with their pjs even though he's dying of exhaustion and wants to go to bed with you.
that is, until he hears the soft humming of a lost song coming from the kitchen; haechan feels like he can take a ride to the moon back and forth. finding you at the kitchen counter, you taste something that smells delicious. he wraps his arms around your waist and snuggles up against you, inadvertently humming the melody as he rocks your bodies. suddenly, he's not so tired anymore.
you turn around and his face overloads you with deep affection. eyes flutter and close when you begin to fill his face with smooches. gentle, longing, lovesick kisses until you run out of them, and haechan's lips touch yours, caressing you with his mouth, small and short, lots of them, making purring sounds between each one.
“love, shouldn't you be resting?” he asks, letting you cook again. he can't help but not let you go. you smell divine, like baby powder and coconut perfume, but with something else. more domestic. and wholesome. more like home.
you hum, “i wanted to make you happy.”
he laughs tenderly. you already do.
his hands hold you fondly as you work on the sauce. inevitably, drifting to your belly. empty. “she's sleeping right now,” you whisper, “i have to feed her in a minute, do you want to do it while i put the twins to bed?”
“absolutely,” he says complacently, smiling like a fool.
“can you go prepare her while i finish this?” you're aware when he stops for a fleeting moment before his thumbs make circular motions on your skin again. “you're not coming yet?”
“i'll be in a minute, dear.”
“okay... sure.” his voice is tinged with something akin to fear and anticipation as he removes himself from you. eyes going to eyes in hopes of getting emotional support. because haechan is afraid that he might be very rough, that he might hurt her because he's clumsy. having doubts when he carries her, letting the anxiety take up space until you arrive like a beacon that brings him back, telling him, “there's nothing to be afraid of.” for you only know his gentleness and his sweetness.
“you'll be fine, my love,” you encourage him, leaving a small kiss on both of his cheeks, at the corner of his mouth, until you leave a final peck on his lips, turning your attention to the stove before you burn something.
haechan departs from you and it feels hollow, lacking, where your heart settles, now broken into four pieces. one for each part of you that stays in the people you love the most.
you give the sauce a taste and decide it's done; only a few minutes have passed.
you move to the kitchen counter to prepare the bottle for every time haechan wants to feed little haru. you've milked yourself whenever you can, saving a few rations in the fridge for midnight sessions.
donghyun and jisoo have been growing big and strong. they're mischievous and smart like haechan, even though he says they've taken it out of you, just like your stubbornness. they get into shenanigans every now and then, like the time they wanted to sneak a cat in without you noticing; haechan had allergies for a week because the couches and bathroom had hair from the small animal. and despite that, he sided with the twins to keep it.
haechan's bubbly energy comes out a few times in them, and the picture felt like watching an old photograph of him in motion.
you tuck both of them in bed, rocking their bodies to sleep after they dad their milk, “dad will be here in a minute, to wish you goodnight. i love you, with all my heart.”
“i love you with all my lungs,” jisoo says as you kiss him goodnight.
“but i love you with all my fingers,” donghyun competes, cupping your face with his little hands.
they start bickering until they start to feel too tired to respond to each other. “i love mommy,” jisoo mumbles as he falls asleep. and donghyun hums, “and daddy.” following him, “and baby...”
you leave with a smile, happy. full. steps leading you to the room next door that haechan decorated for the arrival of the baby: a small room with beige furniture and a super comfortable nursing chair where you fed the twins when they were babies, now with pink-painted walls full of sunflowers in pastel shades.
haechan stands at the nursing table where now haru's diapers are changed, having a full conversation with her that you don't feel like interrupting. haechan leaves kisses full of affection and love. and the brief thought that maybe he just can't stop doing it floats in your mind for a while because it happens to you too, until you find out that he says something.
most of them are gibberish you barely can decipher because he's whispering it for her ears only. and his voice is nothing but calm, soft, and lulling as he speaks. “you're my daughter, and you are loved. and i'm gonna take care of you. i will provide for you. mommy will nourish you with good milk. and she will protect you. because we love you, so immensely.”
he hums in agreement with himself. forehead full of his kisses, until they can dispel any doubts. “are you hungry?” he whispers, “mommy is on her way,” he reports diligently. his gaze is filled with fondness, “you have mommy's eyes. they're my favorite thing in the world.” his honey-colored orbs travel to you, aware of your silent stay, and he thinks they shine.
and as he smiles at you, he says, “you'll soon be able to see why, when you grow up.”
a smile blooms on your lips, and he thinks to himself because they don't shine, unless they're full of love.
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chiliyue-archived · 1 year
Sitting on his lap
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Includes; Dazai, Chūya, Nikolai, Jōno
Requested ! [Bsd M.List]
" Belladonna, come sit on my lap~" Dazai had crooned to you, his cheeks tugging into a familiar expression of amusement. Before you could even protest, cotton hands and nimble fingers hooked around your waist, beckoning you close to his chest with just a couple of mere couple tugs.
" Osamu - you have work to do." You attempted, though you hardly resisted when you felt his chest press against your back, the tip of his nose nestling in your hair. And counterproductive to your words, habitually, you sunk into his embrace.
It didn't help that Dazai made quick work at finding purchase at your hips, running his index fingers over the clothed spot in a manner he knew would make you indulge to his needy touches. He chuckled as you exhaled deeply, surrendering to his actions.
" Hmm, don't underestimate me, love. Surely I can do both." He hummed nonchalantly, his grip unwavering as he opted to pepper kisses along your shoulder. You could feel him smirk as you failed to suppress a shudder, muscles stiffening beneath his saccharine affections.
" Besides, having a pretty you to keep me company? Why I call that motivation." He quickly interjected as you glanced over your shoulder, sending him a skeptical look comprised of pinched brows and pursed lips. Distractions would be a better term, you reckoned.
Dazai showed little signs of letting you go, arm encircled around your waist and all but enveloping you against him. His legs also hooked around your own, occasionally swaying your locked limbs back and forth.
Had it been up to him, you could foresee yourself always being within his clutches, smothered in sweet kisses that nudges did little to cease. In that reverie, it wasn't entirely unappealing - until you acknowledged his camaraderie.
" Good thing Kunikida isn't here. Otherwise, you'd really be in big trouble." You muttered, casting an uneasy glance toward the door. Even as the words hung in the air, you contradicted yourself, fully immersing against him and allowing the warmth of his chest to reverberate along your spine.
If anything, his grip tightened in response to your light quip, leaving you entrapped as he pressed a peck to the crown of your head. His voice took a complacent tone.
" Even if he did, 'Bella, don't think I'm ever gonna let you go."
" Hey Chū, can I sit on your lap?"
The question had caught your lover off gaurd, his grip on his pen stiffening to an unceremonious halt. Given his expression; a light rose expanding from his cheeks to the tip of his nose accompanied with the flutter of his eyelashes, you had almost assumed he was going to say no.
Very quickly, however, your concerns were met with swift reassurance as Chūya meekly nodded his head. It was followed by a terse answer of " Go ahead." Wordlessly, he accommodated himself on the elaborate cushioned chair, motioning you to join him with a shy flick of his hand.
His grip was tenuous at first, resting at your hip as his other continued to sway his pen. He let out a prolonged breath as you sunk into his embrace, arms draping over his shoulders and pressing your chest against his own. He wondered if you could hear his heartbeat spike as you squished your cheek against him.
" Comfortable?" He asked, his voice a little daunt with the proximity of the situation. He continued to shift a bit more until you replied with a satisfied hum.
With little results, he attempted to quell his thumping heartbeat, no doubt echoing through your ears as you nuzzled into him for the nth time. Yet against his own rationality, it hadn't even occurred to him that his own body arched forward, seeking to eliminate all spaces between you.
Flustered but undeterred, a soft sigh left him as his pen continued to work on the documents littering his desk - though his fingers moved rather aimlessly as his eyes kept glancing to your figure. You could feel his breath prickle your temples, lips just shy of the skin as he pondered for a moment.
Suddenly, he paused, favoring to instead tug the glove off from one of his hands before slipping that very limb beneath the hem of your shirt. Though shaky as first, tender motions traced out your spine, the pads of his finger slightly cold to your sensitive skin yet in a manner that was oddly soothing. He chuckled softly as you squirmed at his ministrations, his movement persisting at a tantalizingly slow tempo.
For the rest of the evening, Chūya made due with working with one hand whilst the other continued to rub at your back comfortingly. And of course - he took every opportunity he could to steal a glance, feeling a sense of pride - and a touch of hidden possessiveness- that you felt safe in his arms and that this was something he alone would share with you.
You hardly managed to get a word out when you found yourself caged within the heat of Nikolai's arms, the limbs deftly circled firmly around your waist.
" Kolya-?!" You sputtered, the name muddled as one of his hands rested on the back of your neck, effectively pulling your cheek against his chest. In a couple of movements you found yourself situated on his lap, gloved fingers lazily rubbing at your sides.
" Don't fret too much, doll." He lightly chastised, an all too familiar grin coming to his lips. " Indulge me for a couple minutes, no? I believe you'll find yourself to enjoy this." He mused against your temples, voice reverberating along your skull.
You really could do nothing more than to slump your forehead against his chest as his fingers aimlessly ran along from the point of your shoulder down to your elbow. He watched with an increasingly growing gleam as you slowly succumbed to his pokes and brushes.
As you reclined your head against his shoulder, you could faintly make out a hum resonating from his throat, adams apple bobbing as he spoke; " See Dove, I kept my promise." A satisfied look etched on his features, taking note of your pliant state, muscles loose and relaxed.
The sound you made in response was muffled, cheek and hand settled over his sternum.
Your ears caught the sound of a light-hearted chuckle, gloved hands trailing to cup with your cheeks and puckering up your lips involuntarily. His gaze remained locked on yours, the intensity making you shift around with little avail - not with your body pressed against his own, both of your legs dangling off the edge.
With his hand remaning on your cheeks, he veered you in a for a kiss, gentle lips pressing on your own. He lingered there for a moment before withdrawing with a pronounced "Mwah!~" He watched with a broad grin as you sputtered over your words, lips still fully puckered with nothing but a playful glare that you can send him.
Nikolai let out an exasperated sigh, bringing you close to the clutches of his embrace once more and settling his chin to rest on the crown of your head. His mind drifts as he stirs other wondrous ideas for later use, gaze flickering down to your figure.
He observed with little words as you ultimately snuggled against his chest, arms slipping around his shoulder and eyes shutting close in serene verity.
He remained like that, having you sit on his lap as his fingers played with your strands of hair, coiling it with his pinky and watching it unwind.
Even as seconds and minutes melded together into a sloppy time frame, he relished having you in his presence for as long as that persisted.
He can hear the pitter patter of your shoes as you approached him, the sound amplified in his sensitive ears. His head was already perking toward your direction before you could even have the opportunity to mumble a word. His brow quriked, curious to what you may want.
" Can I sit on your lap?" The question left your mouth, a sheepish undetone hidden. Well, he certainly wasn't expecting that.
Much to your disappointment, you were met with prolonged silence as Jōno took in your inquiry. You were fully prepared to be met with a hard cold denial until...
"... I suppose." The hunting dog replied, fixating on your habits; the light fidgeting on your fingers against his sleeve, the subtle thump of your heart or how you exhaled in relief when he didn't deny your request. How cute, he thought inwardly.
He pushed the chair back, wincing as the legs of the furniture grated on the floor. Though that keening ache hasitly vanished away as he felt your back press to his chest.
The raidence of your warmth was evident, proliferating from his sternum and to the tip of his fingers that set his nerves ablaze - yet not in a way he would click his tongue at in mild annoyance - instead he allowed for that warmth to accumulate, pricking the pads of his fingers.
His grip was tighter than usual, hands busied at kneadning your skin, letting out a nonchalant sound as his muscles loosened slightly by the passing second. It was almost a complete change in his demeanor, the ambiance coaxing a gentle smile to your lips as you reclined into his bulky form. He hadn't failed to notice how you slightly snuggled into him, a soft hum escaping you as you did.
" You are incredibly clingy sometimes." He added; however, his indicated nothing serious about his statement, even if it held merit to some extent. Yet contrary to his sentence, Jōno pulled you closer to him with small tug, thumb swiping over the pulse point on your wrist - a habit he had acquired in response to fuming emotions that only stirred whilst in your presence
" Right, I'm the touch starved one." Your playful retort was earned with a gentle pinch to your forearm. Before you could pout too much, however, you felt his lips brush against your forehead; the curve of a satisfied grin present, fully resigning to your snuggles and sugared endearments.
" I suppose we're both guilty of that allegation."
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A/n; sorry for my absence, I didn't like the drafts I had for this originally and kept editing it. Still don't really like it but oh well 💀
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rebelliousstories · 1 month
Relationship: Remy LeBeau/Gambit x Reader
Fandom: X-Men
Request: Yes by Anon
Warnings: Fluff, Mentions of Ailments and Sickness
Word Count: 1,073
Main Masterlist: Here
X-Men Masterlist: Here
Summary: Running a fever and having to deal with medical shenanigans is a recipe for disaster. Thankfully, a certain Cajun knows how to keep calm under pressure.
Consider Donating: Here
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There was nothing fun about being sick, anyone will tell you that. What is worse is being sick in a home full of people with powers. And yet, no one can heal whatever ailment she had. It was ridiculous. She was not sick enough to go down into the infirmary, but just enough that she was staying hopped up on DayQuil and trying to rest as much as possible. But she still had tests to grade, and assignments to make, and none of this could be done from her bed. It had to be done at her desk so she actually got the work done.
“Ma cher, da Gambit is here. Where ya at?” Bumbling into their room with a card between his fingers and a new bottle of Jack Daniels, her boyfriend had come in. She tried to call out to him, but was cut off with a cough that revenged her throat.
“Oh, cher. Whatcha doin’ now, huh? You ain’t supposed to be up if you feelin’ like dis. Come on, to bed wicha.” He slid across the bedroom, and set down the objects in his hands in favor of helping his lover.
“No. I’m glad you’re back Gambit, but I’m fine, sweetie. I need to finish my work and then I can go to bed.” Remy leveled her with an unamused expression as she turned back to her work.
“How long you been workin’ at dat?” He questioned, coming over as he was still dressed in his suit. Taking off the long leather trench coat, the man ran a hand over her shoulder as she did not take her eyes off the pages.
“Ever since I finished my classes for today.”
“You did your classes today feelin’ like this? Mon amour, you must take care of yourself.” He pulled the fingers off of one hand and pressed it against her forehead. It was starting to feel clammy and hot; she had a fever coming on, and she was being too stubborn about accepting help for Remy’s liking.
“You’re burning up. Come now, cher. You go bed now.” But no matter how much he tried to move her, she remained stubborn and resolute.
“No Remy, I’ve gotta get my work done.” She protested.
“Yes. Come on.”
“No. I can’t take any time off.”
They went back and forth for a minute or two before the man releashed his touch on the woman and hung his head.
“Why won’t you just take some time to recover, cher? These can wait.” Remy, once again, tried to reason with her.
“No, they can’t!” She screamed, throwing her hands up in frustration. “I’ve gotta-”trying to form the proper words to convey her frustration, her breath skipped. Once that skip happened, it was all over. Her heart began beating hard and fast. Her hands were shaking. She was hyperventilating. She was sending herself into an anxiety attack.
As soon as he recognized what was going on, Remy jumped into action. The other set of fingers came off, and soon he was wrapping her up in his arms. Pulling her into his chest, he began stroking her hair and trying to calm her down. Her tears continued to fall. They fatten with each passing second, and showed no signs of slowing. He showed no signs of letting her go, out of comfort. Which was the same reason she was clinging to him now.
But he just provided her the comfort that she needed in that moment. He slowed his breathing, and placed her head on his chest. Remy’s hand grasped one of hers, and rubbed soothing circles on her knuckles. She was starting to slow her breathing, following Gambit’s lead, and was letting out quiet sniffles as she was resting against his chest.
“There, there cher. You gon’ be alright,” Remy whispered, and pressed a kiss to her head. “Just let it out. You gon’ be just fine.”
“I’m sorry,” she whimpered, “I’m just- I’m so overwhelmed. I hate being so sick. And I can’t think cause my head is all stuffy. I’m worried about getting droplets on my papers from coughing, but I’m more worried about coughing because I don’t want to spread this to the kids. But I need to finish these before tomorrow. I promised I would have these done by tomorrow.”
Remy’s heart broke at the sight and sound of his lover. Her own downfall was going to be her steadfast nature to stay ahead of her work for the school. But surely, this was not a matter of life and death for anyone.
“Dey’ll understand if you take a lil longer for how you feelin’. Come on, you not gonna do any good work like dis. Let Gambit take care o’ his cher. I make you a thing of Nawlens syrup. Best thing my mama ever make for me when I was sick.” With that, she finally conceded and allowed him to help her to bed. Remy sat her down on the bed, and turned to give her a pair of pajama pants. He set it down on the bed, averting his eyes from her, and only turned around when she tapped his shoulder. Gambit took her clothes and pulled back the covers as he watched her crawl in.
The man disappeared into the bathroom afterwards to change from his suit. He heard rustling from inside the next room, but felt better knowing that she was finally taking care of herself. Slipping into a cut off shirt and some sweatpants, Remy opened the door to the bedroom to see an adorable sight. His girlfriend was lying in the bed with her face smushed into the side of his pillow. Making his way to the bed, Gambit felt bad for disturbing her, but it must be done. He grabbed her and realized that she was already fast asleep.
Remy sneaked underneath her on his side of the bed, and replaced the pillow with his own chest. She moaned, squirmed, but ultimately resettled in her new spot. While she drifted off, Remy stayed up for a little just watching her sleep. He was always going to be there to tell her to take a break. He was always going to be there to take care of her. Even if she did not understand why he did or said what he did or said, he knew why. Everything was done to keep her safe.
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fear-is-truth · 3 days
how about some.. Tate in the rubber suit + thigh riding..
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NSFW MINORS DNI 18+ wc: 764 . . .ᐟᅟ TAGS: sexual content・ fem!reader ・gimp sūit!tate ・thigh riding・ slight asphyxiation・english is not my first language so bear with me・not proofread
a/n: this isn’t very good bc i wrote this in 10 minutes
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you were hunched over your desk, trying to ignore the way your neck ached from hours of bending over your notes. the words on the page blurred slightly, your focus slipping. that’s when you felt it—a shift, the faintest presence lingering behind you. the hairs on the back of your neck stood on end as the feeling of being watched crept over you. you didn’t have to turn around to know who it was.
“Tate,” you sighed in exasperation, but your voice caught when you did finally glance over your shoulder. there he was, standing right behind you, arms folded casually across his chest, wearing a full black latex gimp suit. the glossy material clung to him like a second skin, the soft creaking noise breaking the otherwise silent room.
“really?” you asked, trying to suppress the laugh bubbling up in your throat. “where the hell did you even find that?”
“in the attic.” your boyfriend shrugged, as if this was the most normal thing in the world. he walked over to your bed, the latex squeaking slightly with each step, before plopping down on the edge. “all work and no play makes jack a dull boy, y’know.”
you rolled your eyes, “of course you’d say that. you don’t even go to school, Tate.”
Tate patted his thigh, motioning for you to come over. “c’mon. you’ve been working too hard. take a break.”
hesitating, you glanced back at your study materials. the open textbook seemed to mock you, taunting you with all the information you hadn’t absorbed yet. but Tate’s puppy eyes, pulled you in like they always did. with a resigned sigh, you shut the book and stood up.
as you padded over to him, Tate sat up straighter, arms opening slightly in invitation. you swung one leg over his thigh, straddling just that, letting the pressure of your weight sink into him. your knees pressed into the plush bed on either side of his leg, your body leaning into his for support. the slick feel of the latex beneath you felt weird but not entirely unwelcome. his arms wrapped around your waist, and you rested your forehead against his, your breath mingling in the small space between you.
you shifted slightly, adjusting your position to get more comfortable, but the friction from the latex against your clothed cunt made you shiver. Tate’s hands moved under your skirt, fingers digging in just enough to steady you as you found yourself instinctively rocking back and forth, the movement slow at first.
you hadn’t meant to—hadn’t planned on it—but the sensation of his firm thigh under you, coupled with the warmth of his touch, made it impossible to stay still. you squirmed a bit more, shifting your weight as a soft moan escaped your lips. the back-and-forth motion created a delicious friction, and you felt the familiar, pulsating need between your thighs. his grip on your waist tightened, his eyes darkening as he realized what you were doing. his smirk was gone, replaced by something more intense. he didn’t say anything, simply watched you, his gaze dropping to your lips before flicking back up to meet your eyes.
“you comfortable there?” there was a new edge to his voice. you bit your lip, trying to act casual, but your body betrayed you as you rocked again, the sensation sending a spark from your cunt to your gut. your panties were soaked, and you prayed that he couldn’t tell.
you admitted, feeling heat creep up your cheeks as his thigh flexed beneath you. Tate chuckled, his breath ghosting over your cheek.
“yeah,” he muttered sarcastically, “thought so.”
abandoning any semblance of shame, you began to grind your hips, nudging your aching clit against his the hard muscle of his thigh. the friction was sweet torture, but you couldn’t bring yourself to stop, not now, when you were this close. without warning, one of Tate’s hands slid up your body, his fingers grazing your ribs before trailing over your collarbone. his palm settled on your throat, thumb brushing lightly over the side of your neck. he held you there for a moment before he squeezed, just enough to make your breath hitch. his eyes locked with yours, dark and half-lidded, his lips curving into a slow, wicked smile.
“dirty girl… can’t even sit still, could you?”
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 fear-is-truth 2024 — all rights reserved. do not modify, repost, translate, or plagiarise my content.
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augiewrites · 10 months
“secret admirer” - dead poets society (final)
summary: y/n confronts their poet (lightly inspired by this post)
pairing: (not-so) anonymous!dead poet x reader
word count: 536
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Y/N felt like they were having an out of body experience—maybe they were dreaming? That seemed like the most reasonable explanation for a night like that.
They kept waiting for the moment where they shot awake in their dorm room, but it had yet to come.
No, this was real, and it was more beautiful than they ever could have imagined.
It was also over much faster than they would have liked. Y/N and Charlie bounced glances back and forth all throughout Neil’s monologue and the following final words from the poets. They were the last two to exit the cave.
Y/N spoke up once there was some distance between them and the rest of the poets, “So it was you this entire time?”
“That it was,” Charlie grinned as he shoved his hands in his pockets.
“God, you’re so annoying.”
“What?” Charlie laughed out.
“It’s such a you move to be waxing poetic to me in secret while being an absolute terror in person.”
“Well, I had to get through to you somehow.”
Y/N was having a difficult time being annoyed at the grinning boy.
“You could have tried talking to me like a normal person—you know, the old-fashioned way of doing things.”
“I thought this was the old-fashioned way?” the grin still hadn’t left Charlie’s face, and the light look in his eyes made Y/N’s stomach flutter, “Besides, you wouldn’t have had any of it.”
“Who said I’m having any of it now?”
“Well, you’re here, and you’re actually having a conversation with me without trying to run in the opposite direction,” he stopped walking and faced Y/N, “I’d say that’s a start.”
“Maybe so,” Y/N shrugged and couldn’t help the smile spreading across their face.
Charlie’s features softened, “I liked your poem, by the way…not as good as mine, but it’s the thought that counts.”
“You’re insufferable,” Y/N laughed.
“But you’re suffering me anyway.”
The pair stood in silence for a beat, exchanging soft smiles and savoring the moment.
“So, where do we go from here,” Y/N inquired, “what’s your master plan, Romeo?”
“We go out on a couple dates, get married, grow old together—you know, the usual.”
Y/N rolled their eyes as their cheeks flushed, “would it kill you to be serious for five seconds?”
“Maybe,” Charlie grinned as he entwined his hand in Y/N’s, “I’d really like to kiss you.”
“Then kiss me, Dalton.”
And so he did, and it was perfect.
That is, until the cheering and wolf whistles began from up ahead.
Y/N was impossibly red as Charlie pulled them along with him back to the poets, a mixture of pride and adoration on his face as he looked at them.
“Really, Dalton? We leave you alone with an individual for one minute and you’re already putting the moves on them?” Knox teased the boy.
“Long con, boys,” Charlie wrapped his arm around Y/N’s shoulders, “works every time.”
“Have I mentioned that you’re insufferable?”
Charlie just smirked and leaned in for another short kiss. Sounds of mock disgust fell upon deaf ears.
Meeks was right, Y/N thought, this night really did wonders for my spirit.
a/n: keeping it short and sweet for the finale—thanks for all the love on this story <3
taglist: @vvnbxz @edb954 @coralineyouareinterribledanger @ashisabitgay
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the-froschamethyst4 · 4 months
Old Lovers
𖤐Pairing: Husband! Price x Wife! Reader
𖤐Pronouns: She/Her
𖤐Warnings: fluff, smut, angst, language, old married couple, meet cute, eating out, P in V, dirty talking, kissing, children, blowjob, fingering,
𖤐Summary: The years of husband Price and his wife Y/n
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September 84' (The Meet Cute)
John Price, starting to join the military at the age 18. He didn't want to work in a corporation, he wanted to help his country and help his family.
He sits at the bar with his mates, joking around and drinking. One of his mates was trying to bet John into picking up girls. John wasn't really there for girls, he was just here to have fun and drink with his friends.
Price looks around and sees a girl his age sitting alone, her finger circled the rim of her glass, she looked bored or waiting on someone. She looks at the door hearing the bell ring, but soon looked disappointed when it wasn't who she thought it was.
"Hey, go get her number," his mate says, slinging his arm over Price shoulders.
"What? No, what if she's waiting on someone?"
"She probably is, but have you seen anyone come to her in the last 20 minutes? No. Go talk to her, hot shot," Price's friend encouraged him.
Price downed his drink and slammed the glass on the bar counter, and walking towards her, her chin rested in her palm as he sits next to her.
"Hey," he says.
"Hi," she says back, but looking back at the TV still on the wall.
"You waiting on someone? My mates and I saw you and you've been here close to an hour now...are you waiting for a date?" He asked.
"I am...were you stalking me?"
"N-No, I wasn't sorry, I guess that came out wrong. I've just noticed that...nah, nothing I'll say next will be better," he says.
"Yeah," she turns back to the TV's.
"Sorry, I'll start again. I'm John," he puts his hand out, she looks down at his hand seeing it all scared and calloused and then back at his eyes.
"I'm Y/n."
"Nice to meet you...so...date?"
"He told me around 8, it's almost 9...guess I'm getting stood up."
"No...I'm here...why not hang out with me?"
"And your friends?" Y/n looks passed Price seeing them all hit each other or headlock one another.
"Nah, just me...their...idiots," John says.
Y/n smiles at Price leaning on her knees close to John. He smirks at her as her hands then go to his knees.
"I guess...we can hang out."
Y/n held a pool stick in her hand and Price leaned over the pool table hitting the Cueball and hitting the triangle of balls till one went into a pocket. He then comes to Y/n his hand going onto her waist.
"Have you ever played pool before?"
"A few times, but I'm never that good," she says.
"Guess, I'm solids," he says, leaning back over the pool table. "I can show you how to play?"
"Thanks," she says as he missed.
She leans over the pool table, Price behind her, his hand on her waist and the other where her hand rested on the pool stick.
"You wanna move the stick back and forth like this, try not to accidently hit the white ball and then...boom..." he says as the white ball hit against hers landing in a pocket. "There you go," he tells her.
They played pool for a little bit going on 3 rounds of it till Price won one, yeah, beginners luck maybe, but Y/n had won two rounds.
"Are you happy you won?" She teased him.
"Very...you wanna...come back to my place, maybe?"
"Sure," she says with a smile on her face and her hands resting on his belt.
"Woah, risky?"
"Not just yet."
Price had Y/n pinned up against the wall of his apartment. He had rented an apartment close to the base he worked on, his hands going up her skirt feeling the lacy panties she was wearing.
He hasn't had sex in a hot minute but he was ready and so was Y/n. He stops and she strips out of her dress.
John smirks seeing her bare breasts on display for him and her hip dips looking sexy, he goes on his knees kissing between her thighs and biting at her soft flesh.
He smirks looking up at her as his hands gripped her ass earning a soft moan from her lips.
"Fuck," he cusses.
He picks her up taking her to his bedroom setting her on his bed and pulling her to the edge pulling her panties off and getting a view of her pussy.
"Holy shit."
"What?" She was scared.
"Oh n-nothing bad...it's been a while since I've done it so," he licks his lips and starts licking between her folds. "And she looks cute," he says talking about her clit.
She tosses her head back and moans, her fingers getting tangled into his short hair.
He groans into making out with her clit. Licking her bud and suckling on it here and there.
"Don't stop," she moans.
"Wasn't planning on it," he says, kissing her clit and licking it. Her head goes back against the mattress, her legs wanting to close around his head.
She was close and Price knew. He then shoves his tongue in and out of her, earning moans from her. Price could feel her squeezing around his tongue he groans when he felt like his tongue might get cut off.
He pulls his togue out and cum leaks from her clit. He smirks licking her clean, but cum kept coming from her.
90' (Proposal)
Price was messing with the velvet box in his jacket pocket. He was nervous, he was going to propose to Y/n. They've been together for 6 years now, and today was the day he was going to make her his fiancé.
He had asked Y/n to meet him at their place. Their 'place' is a little pond in a park, there was a white bench Y/n and Price had sat on and feed the ducks in the pond for hours, it was one of their most peaceful dates and every now and then would come back to this pond to just talk and that's all Price was going to do was just...talk.
"John," he hears Y/n's soft voice. He looks up and sees her in a cute summer dress.
"You look gorgeous," he says to her.
"Thank you," she says, kissing his lips and sitting with him on the bench. "How come you wanted to meet here? Why not at home?"
"Just...wanted to talk," he says.
"Okay...about what?" She asked him.
"Life...I want to...Y/n I'm gonna be straightforward, I want to spend my life with you, entirety with you, you make me happy ever since the bar where we first met, all dates before, I love you Y/n, you know I do, and I know you love me. I want...to spend my life with you forever. I love you, I want you to have my children, I want to grow old with you, I want everything with you...you make me so, so, fucking happy. When I'm gone on deployment all I think about is you, and how am I going to make it up to you for being gone for so long."
Price then starts to get on one knee back straight pulling the velvet box from his pocket, he opens the box showing off the most beautiful ring she's ever seen before. Her hands cup over her mouth in shock and awe.
"Y/n L/n...would you please...make me the happiest man of Earth and...marry me?"
"Yes, yes, yes, hundred times yes," she gets off the bench and bends down kissing his lips and he slides the ring on her finger.
"It looks gorgeous on you," he says, kissing her lips again.
2000 (Wedding)
It hasn't been that stressful, all of Price's and Y/n's family took care of all the plans of wedding, whatever they wanted their families would try and do for them.
All Y/n and Price had to do was get their dress and tuxedo.
Y/n was in the bride suite nervous as hell. She was pacing back and forth in the suite, she was biting her thumbnail and the door opened and her mom and step dad.
"What's wrong, honey? Her mom asked.
"I'm just nervous."
"I get it, I was nervous marrying your mom."
"You're not helping, Chris."
"Honey, we are right in the crowd if you want to stop this."
"I don't want it to stop. I love him, I'm just-I've never been married before, my nerves are just shot...I need a drink."
"Don't drink before you get married," her mom says.
"A shot of vodka."
"No vodka."
"Mom!" Y/n groans.
"We need to get going," Chris says, putting his arm out for Y/n to take. "He's waiting for you."
Chris was always there for Y/n, treating her like his own daughter. Y/n's dad cheated on her mom when she was 4 months pregnant with her. She did everything on her own and once Y/n was born, she met Chris, and he became Y/n's father for her, being a father figure she needed in her life.
Everyone stood up in the crowd and looked at Y/n, she hated that everyone was staring at her but she knows it's for a good reason, Chris's hand landed on hers.
"Everything will be okay."
"I know," she whispers.
Once they made it to the end of the aisle Chris handed Y/n over to John. Y/n's veil was still covering her face and then the Priest started to talk.
"Now do you John Price, take Y/n L/n to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
"I do."
"And Y/n L/n do you take John Price to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
"And now with the power invested in me...you may now kiss your bride," Price lifts Y/n's veil exposing her beauty to him, he smiles leaning down and kissing her lips, both families cheered as the veil then draped over Price.
John then picked Y/n up carrying her down the aisle.
The rest of the night was just a big party for everyone. Everyone dancing having a good time. John and Y/n sat at the Bride and Grooms table looking at everyone dance.
Y/n had changed from her big dress that weighed more than her to a short white dress that was light and stopped at her mid-thigh, Price's hand rested on her smooth thigh pitching at the skin every so often.
Her small hand rested on his as he messes with her.
Price held Y/n against his bare body, they laid on their shared bed, it was soft and comfortable. His tongue grazed her lips, they haven't been off each other since the party. His hands touching her body, her hands resting on his shoulder as they just been making out since they've got home.
"God, you're so hot."
"In what way?" She pushed.
"You know, your body is warm, you tongue is hot, and this," his hand goes between her thighs, she moans throwing her head back. "She's so fucking hot, wet."
"Come on, all we've been doing is making out, I want sex," he says sitting up, putting her legs on either side of his, hands smoothing down her thighs and stomach.
Price leans over her kissing her lips and aligning himself at her entrance slowly pushing into her. She moans into the kiss her legs wrapping around his waist.
He starts to thrust, at a fast pace, she moans and grips his arms leaving nail marks into his skin.
"AH!" She moans.
Price kissed her jaw, and her neck earning soft moans from her, his tips hitting her spot just right, he sits up holding her waist trusting harder and faster into her.
"Fuck," she puts her head back.
"God you make me so fucking horny, it's impossible to comprehend," he says.
He starts going faster making her feel weak under him but she loves him and will do anything for him just the same just the same for her. She grips the pillow behind her head as she feels herself about to come soon.
"God," he moans and then pulls out seeing cum leak from her and his tip.
Y/n sits up and gets on her hands and knees and starts licking his tip. Price put his head back and placed his hand on the back of Y/n's head. She bobs her head up and down as he then starts to gently squeeze her ass and then slowly start to stick two fingers into her.
She moans around his cock, he also groaned when feeling the vibrations around his cock. Price then bucks his hips up, his tip hitting the back of her throat and coming into her mouth.
She moves her mouth and cum leaking from her mouth along with some drool.
"Fuck, you look so fucking hot with my cum in your mouth," he says, cupping her chin to make her look up at him and cum leaking from the corners of her lips.
04' (First Pregnancy)
Y/n hasn't been feeling good for an entire month, she went to her doctor about and told her about a potential pregnancy, but John is away on deployment, and has been for a month, it might have happened before he left.
She never did bring up the fact she was sick to him, so he didn't have to worry about her. She sits on the toilet lid looking at her hands as the pregnancy test laid on the sink. She waited for 10 minutes.
It was 5 for it to developed but she was too afraid to look at it. Her and John haven't talked about kids. She looks at the test, she'll have to look at it at some point.
She gets off the toilet lid and looked down at the pink test.
After the one she took about 4 more to be certain! And each one came back positive.
She paced around the bedroom as she was making a gift to send to Price. With every test and then a onesie saying "You're gonna be a daddy" on it. But she also was thinking about not telling him, but he'll know.
He'll find out whenever he comes back, seeing her plump in the belly carrying his child.
Fuck it.
A Week Later
"Hey, Lieutenant Price you've got mail, it's from your wife," everyone in the barracks all oh and awe at Price as he gets up and grabs the box from his Captain.
He heads back to his bed, placing the box on his lap and opening it after smiling at your handwriting. He then looks down into the box and smiles seeing what contains. He pulls out a smaller box and opening it seeing the pregnancy tests and then the black onesie with white lettering on it.
"Hey Price, what get?" His mate asked seeing everything. "Holy shit."
"I'm going to be a dad...I'M GOING TO BE A DAD!!" He yells as everyone cheered Price.
2 Months Later
Once Price back home, he stares at the house knowing what contains inside now is his pregnant wife. She's two months pregnant. Price sees the door open and Y/n came out.
"John," he puts everything down and hugs her body.
"Holy shit, honey, you're pregnant!"
"I know," she giggles, she's glad Price isn't upset with her, but how could he? He could never be upset with her. "You're not mad are you?"
"Why would I? When I proposed I said I want you to carry my babies, I'm glad you're carrying my child," he placed his hands on her stomach, it was barely plump. He bends down on his knees close to her stomach.
"Hey baby...it's me your daddy...I can't wait for you to be here, I can't wait to show you so many things, I can't wait for you to either be a boy or a girl, I don't care...I can't wait for you," he kissed her belly.
"Come on, Solider...let's get inside."
9 Months Later
Y/n was in pain, so much of it, she tried to roll on her side but the doctors wouldn't allow her, Price held her hand and could only watch her with sorry eyes as for how much she was in, her head leaned to him and he placed his left hand on the side of her head and kissed her.
"I'm sorry, love, everything will be okay, I promise, you are strong and I am so proud of you, okay?"
"Shut up before I rip your tongue out," she says through painful groans. He knows she doesn't mean it but it was still a threat.
"I see the head, one more push, Mrs. Price," Y/n did just that giving a big push. "It's a boy!"
Y/n held her newborn baby boy in her arms, John laid next to her looking at his wife and son.
"You didn't really mean you were gonna rip my tongue out were you?"
"When did I say that?"
"Not too long ago."
"Sorry, honey, must have been just the moment," Y/n says, cupping his chin and kissing his lips. "I didn't mean it," she says.
"Sure...mama is a bit scary sometimes, little Beau," Price says, rubbing his nose and Beau's tiny forehead.
"I'm not scary."
"You can be," he says, kissing Y/n's forehead.
"Nah, I'm not scary, baby," Y/n says holding her baby up and kissed his chubby cheeks.
A few Months later
Price had stayed home from deployment ever since Beau was born. Beau was always stuck to his mom, Y/n could barely put his down for a minute without having to be yelled at by her son asking to be held.
"Hey, don't yell at your mother," Price says as he picks up Beau who was still crying for Y/n.
"He's such a mamas boy, hey why not ask for daddy, huh? I'm here to," Y/n giggles at Price.
"He's a baby, he doesn't know any better," she says, taking Beau from Price.
"See now he's quiet...those are mine you're laying on," Price says, referencing to Y/n's breasts, Beau has made claim as his pillow, even though they were Price's first.
"My boobs aren't pillows for anyone," she says.
"They were mine first," Price says, leaning closer to Beau.
September 11' (Price's Promotion to Captain)
Price stood on stage as General Shepherd was promoting him from Lieutenant to Captain. Price has worked so hard to become where he is. He looks into the crowd seeing his wife sitting his with his 7 year old son and 4 year old daughter Iris.
He smiles at his family and continued to stand tall as he was given a metal for his honor, bravery, and one for being Captain of Task Force 141. A new force Price was going to be in charge of which would be an honor for him to do.
After the ceremony Iris came running up to her father. He bends down picking up Iris putting her on his hip and Beau hugged Price's legs.
"I'm so proud of you," Y/n says, placing her hand on Price's chest and kissed his lips.
"Thank you, love," he says.
Once going home all Price wanted to do was celebrate but not by party no, no, not at all.
"AH! AH! J-John wait," Y/n was pinned on her back as Price was trusting fast into her.
"No waiting. I've waiting to do this all fucking day," he growls pinning her hands above her head.
Y/n's legs wrapped around his waist. They weren't young like before, Price was hurting after they did it before Iris came along. His back was hurting along with his legs, he was sore for a while.
"Y-You're going t-to hurt yourself a-again," she says.
"I'm fine, I'm a grown man, I can handle a bit of pain," he says.
"A weeks worth?"
"Less talking more fucking," he growls moving a bit faster.
23' (Beau's Graduation)
Beau had graduated and Y/n was a crying mess and Price stayed strong and Iris...she could careless.
"My baby boy."
"Mom, please."
"Y/n, let the boy breath."
"I'm sorry."
"I'll still be home before I go to Uni."
"I know, I know, it just seemed like yesterday you were just a baby."
"Mom," he groans again.
Beau had picked a college all the way in California...Berkley. Y/n was proud of him, but wished he could have found a college close to home.
2 weeks now, 2 weeks and Beau and his family were in the airport waiting for beau to board his flight. Y/n hasn't let Beau go since they walked passed through the doors.
"Don't you mom me, I'm going to miss you baby."
"I know, but I'll visit, you know I will," Beau looks up at Price.
"You did good kid," he says, messing up Beau's dirty blond hair.
"And you don't put stress on mom and dad," he says to Iris.
"Yeah, yeah, go on before mom changes her mind."
"On what?" Y/n sounded offended.
"To even let him board the plane."
"Sure, bye," Beau says as he waves to his family. Y/n held Price's waist as they watched him go through the gate to his flight.
"I'm gonna miss him."
"I know, love," Price says.
34' (Old Hearts)
Price is sitting on the front porch of his little home, he built for him and Y/n, they were living in Yorkshire now, their kids are grown up, they have 5 grandchildren and they are living happily in the middle of Yorkshire.
Price's eyes were closed listening to the birds and watching the sun fall in the distance. Price had retired after the Military when he was 45, he's close to 70 now, and Y/n was 67.
"John...I made your favorite."
"Shrimp Alfredo?" Price opens his eyes and looks at his wife standing in the door way of their home.
"You know it, come on," Price's back was hurting him that's what he gets for being old and working so hard in the military.
Y/n was giving him a plate as he sat at the table. Price's legs became weak and he couldn't stand up for a long period of time, so he always had to sits as for Y/n she was perfectly fine, even though she was older, she still felt young in her heart.
"Thank you, love," he says, as she leans down to kiss his lips.
"You're welcome," she says.
Price sits on the couch turning the TV on and watching a random show that popped up, pulling the lever on the side of his recliner, he was laid back and his eyes became heavy.
"John, do you want desert?" She asked with a bowl of ice cream in her hands.
"No, thank you, love," he says, moving his hand to her lower back and gently rubbing her back.
"You sure?"
"Yes," he says, giving her a small smile.
"Whatcha watching?" She asked, sitting down on the couch next to his chair.
"I don't know...Beau might know what it is."
"Maybe...speaking of, Iris and Henry are coming over tomorrow with the kids."
"Oh good, haven't seen them in a while," he says, eyes wide open now. Price didn't like Henry, there was something about Henry he didn't like, but could never tell anyone, but he doesn't let it be known to Y/n every now and then.
"I don't like Henry," Price says.
"I know, love, you tell me almost every week," she says, she digs the spoon into the ice cream and brought it to Price's lips which he leans over and takes off the spoon.
"Why don't you?" She asks.
"I'm not sure, I just don't trust him," Price says.
"Is it because he's a scrawny little man?"
"You said it I didn't."
"That's just her type, Price, like how mine is an retired military man," she teased.
"You still have some spark in you after this many years?"
"Just a bit," she teased.
The next morning Y/n was fixing cookies for her grandchildren, she soon sees a car pull up into the gravel road.
"John! They're here!" She calls wiping her hands and John comes into the living room claiming his chair before his grandkids could, kicking the leg rest up and turning the TV on.
"Hi!" Y/n says.
"Hi, mama," Iris says, hugging her mom and her grandchildren ran passed to go bother John.
"GRANDPA, GRANDPA!!" They yelled. He gives them a smile as Iris and Henry came in.
"Hi, Mr. Price," Henry says, waving and sitting on the couch. Price rolls his eyes and scoffs making his grandchildren laugh.
"Grandpa, can you tell us a story?"
"One from your military years."
"Sure, kiddos," he picks up the youngest which was Avery who looked up to her grandpa and Jake made himself comfortable on the arm of Price's chair.
"How's dad doing?" Iris asked with a glass full of milk and looked at her father in his chair telling his stories to his grandkids.
"His legs are hurting him badly. The doctor said he needs to use a wheelchair or some sort of chair instead on walking without any assistance, but you know your dad, he's stubborn," Y/n says.
"Dad, you need to start using a chair."
"Eh! I'll use one when I'm dead."
"Dad!" She groans. Price plays around too much when it comes to death, he isn't scared of death, that went out the window when he started the military, he realizes he could have died at any moment during his deployments but never has, now that he is older 70 years old, he just expects death to here soon.
"Price, don't say that around your grandchildren."
"Eh! I'm only kidding," he says, waving his hand at the two women.
"Don't you wave me off, John Price," Y/n warns.
"Grandma can be scary sometimes," he tells his grandchildren who just laughed.
Gone Days
Beau and Iris stared looking down at the two graves in front of them. Seeing their parents names on them and the years they were born to the years they've passed.
Price passed before Y/n and Y/n passed of a broken heart which put her in a depressive state, she was glad to see her family one last before she passed.
Beau placed roses on Y/n's grave which were her favorite and Iris dumped half a bottle of whiskey on her dads grave, before she took a swig and handing it off to her brother to also take a shot in their parents honor.
"Thank you..." Iris says.
"For everything," Beau finishes.
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winksasleeplesseye · 1 year
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A/N: I wrote this for my OC and Leon but decided to rework it to be reader fic (bc I’m nice like that but don’t be surprised if I end up posting that one as well at some point).
Pairing: Post!RE4R!Leon Kennedy x F!Reader
Summary: Leon’s home resting from Spain, Jill invites you out but Leon wants you to stay in but you’re not budging, luckily for Leon, he’s always up for a challenge.
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: straight up smut, oral (f receiving), Leon being hot
You sat at the vanity, putting on the finishing touches of your makeup and your outfit. Jill had invited you out on the town since she was visiting, a momentary return to normalcy you both seriously needed.
From the corner of your eye, you could see Leon sprawled out on your shared bed.
If he wasn’t wearing his comfiest pair of sweats and an obscure band tee, you probably would’ve thought he was posing for a spread in Playgirl. Either way, you’d always want to climb all over him like a tree.
His eyes flitted back and forth between pages of a mission report, a pair of reading glasses perched at the tip of his nose, clearly not helping with reading.
“You know, it’s not too late for you to get dressed to come with me.” You offer, but you already know exactly what he’ll say.
“Or you can stay in with me,” You looked at him from the reflection in the mirror, he was making the cutest pout face in your direction.
Raccoon City and now Spain had changed you both in different ways fundamentally. Leon had become more of a homebody, while you didn’t mind going out into the world, had everything occurred differently, you imagined he’d come with. Yet, you couldn’t fault him for it, the hells and horrors you both endured certainly weren’t normal.
“That won’t work on me, Kennedy, I know your ways,” You laughed.
Papers shuffling and the springs of the mattress dipping sound behind you. “Oh, really?”
One thing you occasionally forget is that Leon Scott Kennedy is never one to back down from a challenge. And right now? His challenge is clear.
Leon is quick to wrap his arms around your middle, bringing you up to a standing position crushed against his front. He nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck, placing hot, open mouthed kisses against it.
The helpless sound that escapes your lips is equal parts pleasure and annoyance. “You evil man.”
He lets out the sexiest chuckle as his lips travel over all the exposed skin you have on display. The butterfly top you’d gotten only recently is now already disheveled as Leon works a hand underneath the cup of the fabric, rolling a nipple between his fingers.
You turned your head, pulling Leon into a frenzied kiss before pulling away for mere seconds only to face him fully in the kiss.
Your phone, a slim black Nokia was going off in your back pocket but quite frankly you were more lost in your fingers exploring underneath Leon’s clothes as he did the same to you. Jill would just have to wait.
Leon’s hands gripped the back of your thighs and lifted you with an ease that shouldn’t have been so sexy but it was.
Challenge? Oh, who were you kidding? You barely put up a fight. Leon knew exactly what would convince you every time.
“You really thought you could go out, looking like that?” he asked huskily, wrapping your legs around his slim waist.
Feeling particularly wicked, you answer with a smirk, “Yes.”
You felt victorious but that was going to be short-lived, Leon practically threw you down on the mattress, no care for the papers that now laid all over the floor.
You tried to contain your excitement as Leon undid the buttons to your black jeans, just barely ripping them off of you. Your underwear wasn’t so lucky, the flimsy material now laid on the floor alongside Leon’s papers.
For a moment, you shudder at the feeling of being bare.
You didn’t even have to wonder what Leon would do next; he was already sinking down to his knees, pausing long enough only to pull you to the edge of the bed. He didn’t give you any time to prepare yourself. His broad shoulders shoved your legs apart and his mouth was on your in an instant.
“Oh, shit, Leon,” You breathed. Your head fell back against the mattress as his mouth explored your folds. Your fingers found their way to his hair where they tangled themselves in his blonde locks with abandon.
Leon’s tongue licked kittenish and broad stripes up your pussy, earning him a tug that had him letting loose a small groan against your core. He’d always liked his hair pulled, but he seemed to like it even more now.
You couldn’t think of anything but Leon, focusing all your attention on looking at the man between your legs to find that his blue eyes already bore into you, watching for every single reaction, certainly feeling some gratification that he’s always able to do all of this to you.
His tongue alternated between licking between your folds and disappearing deep inside you. Occasionally his nose would brush your clit but he seemed to be ignoring it on purpose, driving you nearly mad with need.
“Leon, baby, please,” You pathetically whimper, eyes heavily lidded gazing needily at the man between your legs.
He gave you one last long, sinful lick before gazing up at you through lust-blown eyes. Clearly, you didn’t have to wonder if he enjoyed pleasuring you like this.
“You’re gonna have to tell me exactly what you want, sweetheart. Now, what do you want?” he asked.
You bit your lip, you really didn’t want to voice your thoughts out loud, considering Leon knows your body so well, but you both knew he wasn’t going to budge until you said it. So, you caved. “I need your mouth on my clit. Ple-“
His tongue darted out and swirled around the engorged bud, instantly drawing a loud moan from your lips. you clapped a hand over your mouth, not wanting the entire building to hear you. “Like that?” he asked salaciously, looking up at you with now nearly black eyes, pupils overtaking the blue color. Before you could answer his mouth found your clit again, giving it a gentle suck. A strangled cry left your mouth and he relented to lavish the rest of you with deft licks.
“You really are an evil man,” You murmured fondly. You could practically feel him grin. To hell with Jill, this way was more important. You knew she’d probably be a little mad to be blown off for a few hours but you couldn’t find it in yourself to care; it felt too damn good.
In mere minutes, Leon had reduced you to a pile of jello on the mattress, you were pretty sure that your hand was the only thing keeping you from screaming your euphoria to the high heavens. “L-Leon, baby, I’m so fucking close-Oh my-ah!”
“That’s it. Come on my tongue,” he whispered filthily. Your breathing became unstable, vocal cords shaky as Leon’s name spilled feebly from your mouth; your toes curled, your legs shook as your thighs clamped down on his head as your orgasm sent your body off the edge of the earth.
Your fingers tugged sharply on his hair and his resulting moan felt like it resonated throughout your whole body. He worked his tongue over your clit until the sensation was obviously overwhelming then switched to spearing you with it, moaning as though you were the best thing he’d ever tasted.
When you were spent he finally ceased, standing slowly and removing your shirt in one fluid motion. “You’d better call Jill and apologize now,” he wore a proud grin, hands pulling up his shirt.
God, you love this man.
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eepwriting · 5 months
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One More ✶ IV x GN! Reader
Warnings: nsfw, smut, thigh riding, overstim, fingering, intercourse
To the anon who requested thigh riding, praise + overstim with ivy: I was in the middle of writing this and accidentally posted it instead of saving it to my drafts…so I had to delete that shit lol I’m so sorry. Anyway, this is for youuu! I hope you can still find it + thank you for the request 🤍
!! mdni !!
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚
“Hop on. You can help yourself.”
It took you a second to register what he just said.
“You can pretend I’m not even here. Hm, how about that?” He reaches for your hand, his covered mouth pressing to the back of your hand, leaving gentle kisses. When you don’t answer he looks at you with impatient eyes and taps his thigh. “C’mon.”
You shift in your seat before standing to remove your bottoms. One leg bends and comes to sit in between his thighs, the other resting beside him, his thigh now caged between your legs. “See? That’s wasn’t so hard was it?” His hands grip your hips. “Now, I’ll sit here, and you do whatever you want.” His eyes are relaxed as he lets his head fall against the couch cushions.
You blush. The way he’s speaking to you, demanding yet calm. The way his hands are ever so slightly guiding your hips back and forth over his thigh. All of it makes your brain fuzzy.
You take a deep breath before firmly pressing down on his thigh, your hips slowly rolling forward then rocking back. You can’t help but let out a whine, the friction feeling like a reward after the yearning you’d felt all day. Your pace quickens slightly.
“Mm, that feel good?” His hands grip tighter as he flexes his thigh. You give him a weak nod. “Oh yeah? You look so pretty up there using my thigh like that.” You whine out at his words, one hand landing on his shoulder, the other gripping the back of his neck. You lean over him, your lower half, having developed a mind of its own. Hips snapping back and forth, your own thighs, closing and opening as you push yourself harder down on his leg.
IV’s hand shoots up to pull his mask up and over his chin and mouth before he grips your jaw, bringing your mouth to his. He kisses you, deep and slow. You moan into his open mouth and grip the back of his neck tighter. He pulls away slightly “Tell me how you feel baby. You like riding my thigh like this?” He’s bouncing his leg now, looking up at you through his lashes, his hands gripping your hips even tighter.
You let out a breathy yes and a quick nod. “You feel so good baby. So good.” You moan out, your eyes squeezing shut. Your release is so close you can almost taste it. You take notice of the way iv’s hips slightly buck up towards you, the way his hard cock is straining the denim of his black jeans. Everything combines into the perfect mixture, aiding that knot in your lower half to finally unravel. Your head rolls back, a cool flash starts at the top of your head, crashing down your body before settling between your legs.
“There you go baby. Always so good for me, aren’t you?” He says with a slight groan as he watches you. IV’s hands run up and down your sides as your hips slowly come to a stop. Another whine leaves your mouth as you lean into him, your head on his shoulder. He lets you stay that way for a short while, before wrapping his arms around you, standing up slightly and laying you down on the couch.
He’s standing over you now, his hands making quick work of his belt. “You gonna let me fuck you now? You’ve been asking all day.” He shifts you over on the cushions before straddling your hips, his head coming down to kiss you. His hands roam your neck and chest as he licks into your mouth. Soon his hand finds its way in between your thighs, his fingers lightly rubbing and teasing you.
Your teeth come down on iv’s bottom lip as a whine crawls up from your throat. “Hmmm, easy.” You make a poor effort in shifting yourself away from his hand.
“Shhh, I know baby.” He moves to leave open mouth kisses on your jaw. “You can give me another, can’t you? You asked for this, remember?” His other hand pushing down on your hips, keeping you still.
You let out a guttural moan because he’s right. You have wanted this all day but you’re already so sensitive. You know it’ll take little to no time before you cum again. You can already feel yourself reaching that peak. IV pulls away to sit up, his hand still moving between your legs, faster now. He looks down at you and grabs your hand. “Be good for me baby. Make a mess on my hand, c’mon.”
Your pleasure catches up to you and you feel that familiar feeling again. You can’t help the almost silent cry that leaves you. IV works you through your second orgasm, one hand still working you, the other still gripping your hand. “Oh, good job baby.” He lets out a chuckle as he leans back down to capture your mouth in a sloppy kiss.
His mouth travels down your neck. “One more.” He sits up again, his hand reaching into his boxers, pulling his cock out. He gathers some spit in his hand, pumping himself a few times.
You don’t know if you have another in you, but you can’t bring yourself to push him off. Deep down you want this just as much as he does.
He teases, the head of his cock just barely entering you before he pulls away. He does this multiple times until he finally pushes his full length into you. You moan out, basically on the verge again, having just finished mere minutes ago. “Wait. Wait, just sit there for a second.” You breathe out, your hands gripping his forearms. IV listens, his hips still while his hands rub comforing circles on your hips and stomach.
You give him a slight nod when you’re ready. He pulls out until just his tip is still in you, before burying himself again. A low but long moan leaves him, his head thrown back. “Shit baby. Feels so good when you’re wrapped around me.” He lets out a huff before bringing his hips back and snapping them forward.
Tears prick your eyes, everything feeling overwhelming and sensitive. IV notices and leans down to rest his forehead against yours. He coos at you, peppering kisses on your cheeks and mouth. “You can take it can’t you? You’re doing so good for me.” His thrusts are somewhat harsh and quick, but you can tell he’s loosing himself with the way his breath stutters.
Arms on either side of your head, he picks up his pace. His cock pummeling in and out of you. His whines and moans are gruff and constant.
His hips falter and his breathing becomes shallow and quick. “Where do you want me?” He whimpers. You wrap your legs around his waist, arms around his back and bring him down to you. Your mouth attaches to his in a hungry kiss, occasionally interrupted by moans from both of you. IV’s hips stop when you feel him twitch and release into you.
With him, his sounds and your overall sensitivity, another orgasm washes over you, smaller and weaker this time. Your whole body shudders as you moan out a weak cry into his mouth. You have zero energy left.
You hear a groan from IV before he pulls away from you. “Hm, you okay?” He’s breathless as he cups your face. You nod, on the verge of sleep.
He pulls out of you, before leaving the room in search for a wet cloth. He’s back a short time later, gently cleaning you and himself up. When he’s done he squeezes your hand before slotting himself behind you on the couch. He drapes a blanket over the two of you before wrapping his arms around your waist. “You did such a good job baby, thank you. I knew you could give me one more.” You feel him kiss the side of your face before your heavy eyes close.
⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚⋆。°✩₊✩°。⋆˚⁺ ⁺˚
This was so fun to write y’all! Sorry if the ending kinda sucks :/
If you want to see anything in particular, feel free to request.
K. Bye bye.
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tomssexdoll · 3 months
hi could you write tom from 2014 and yn(fem reader) where he is hiring a new maid to take care of his house to keep it clean and that and when he finds a maid (yn) she comes to his house and then tom started to fuck her in his in the living room
(only write it if you comfortable ❤️)
His girl
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PAIRINGS: Tom 2014 x Female reader
SYPNOSIS: Y/N is hired as Toms maid, he is a CEO for a very imporant law firm. She observes his odd behaviour for weeks, the way he looked at her, the way he'd make flirty comments. It wasn't until a random day he decided to make his first move..
A/N: meow
WARNINGS: dom!tom, sub!reader, p in v (missionary), nipple and breast play
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I was a maid, desperately in search for work. Anytime I'd apply to work for someone there'd always be excuses, saying how I don't have enough experience or how I'm a lovely girl just not right for the role.
One day, I saw an advertisement for a man named Tom Kaulitz, a billionaire CEO of a law firm. He was in search for a maid, but I knew I would never have a chance, why would a billionaire hire someone like me? Would he even notice my application?
I decided to do it anyway, what's the difference if I don't get accepted, there's a chance I would get accepted, even if it's very slim. I filled it out, closing my computer and sighing, hoping one of the many people I applied for had accepted.
It had been about a week since I applied, no one else was answering, leaving me at home yet again, basically digging in pockets and between the couch for money. Then, a notification popped up on my phone, a message from an unknown number.
"Hello Miss Y/N, I am Tom Kaulitz, I wanted to speak about the application you've sent in. I am very impressed with your resume and want to set up an interview, perhaps this coming friday?" it wrote, my heart jumped out of my body, he wanted to meet with me?
I paced back and forth, thinking of ways to charm him, impress him, prove to him that I was worthy for the job. If I were to be accepted, I could live with him, eat free meals and get a monthly allowance.
As Friday came, I was panicked, wondering what I should wear and how I should do my makeup. I decided on something casual yet formal, not wanting to scare him away. He had planned for one of his drivers to escort me to his home, and as he arrived I hesitated going out the door, the fear consuming me.
As I gathered enough courage to leave, I approached the black sports car, opening the door and sliding in, greeting the driver. The ride was silent and a little bit awkward, tension from my fear filling the air.
We arrived shortly after, I stared in awe at the beautiful mansion in front of me, "beautiful, isn't it?" the drivers chuckled, "very," I smiled and walked with him to the front door, going inside and observing the walls around me, covered in lavish paintings and decor.
"He is upstairs, the first door to the left," the driver smiled, letting me find Tom myself. I sighed and nodded, nervously walking up the marble stairs, approaching said door.
"You'll be ok Y/N.." I whispered to myself before pushing the door open, I was met with a handsome young man, nothing like I imagined, he had long brown hair, tucked away in a low manbun and a kempt beard, sitting perfectly on his face.
"Well hello Miss Y/N, take a seat," he ordered, his piercing gaze boring into me as I nervously approached his desk, his posture straight and unyielding. He regarded me with a mix of curiosity and scepticism, his eyes roaming over my features.
"Hello Sir," I shyly smiled, taking a seat across from him, trying to keep as still as possible, leaving my hands in my lap. "Well, you're not what I expected, you're quite young," he chuckled, leaning forward and resting his arms on the desk, his intimidating gaze never leaving me.
"What makes you think you'd be suitable for this position schatz?" he smirked, my heart fluttered at the nickname, knowing a little bit of german from past houses I'd looked after.
"Oh, well. I've basically been cleaning my whole life, I know I'm young and you may think I don't have much experience but I assure you I do," I smiled softly, he leaned back in his chair, studying me, "I'll be the judge of that.." his eyes flicked to my resume, a small smirk playing on his lips.
"Yes, you're young and inexperienced, but I can see the drive in you," he chuckled, "tell me, how do you handle pressure?" he looked back up at me.
"Oh I do amazing under pressure, I've basically been under pressure all my life, my childhood, previous jobs and things I've gone through. When I'm met with pressure I'm always able to solve it quickly," I said, he hummed in approval, obviously satisfied with my answer.
"Good, so you know how to keep a cool head. You're going to need it here, I demand perfection and anything less than that is not acceptable," his look became more intense, his voice lowering slightly.
"Yes sir, I understand." I nodded, eagerly waiting for his acceptance for the job. His eyes narrowed slightly, studying me once again with a piercing intensity. After a moment he nodded, a small smile playing on his lips, "very well, I'll give you a chance. But let me make one thing clear, if you can't keep up, you're out. No exceptions," he said firmly, leaving no room for further discussion.
"Of course, thankyou for giving me the job," I smiled. We both stood up, he simply walked around the desk. He extended a hand, meeting mine with a firm grip as he looked me in the eye, "I only hire the best, and I expect nothing less from you," he said with a confident air, his voice low and commanding.
"You'll start today, I can arrange for some people to pick up your things and move them here schatz," he said, towering over me. I lost my train of thought, focusing on his features, his beautiful brown eyes and perfect nose.
"Miss?" he called out, making me jolt slightly, "oh, yes I'm sorry," I softly chuckled, walking out the door and grabbing the cleaning products left outside the room for me to start cleaning.
The first few days were chill, I had gotten settled into my new room and did very basic jobs. Cooking for Tom, cleaning up his office after he was done working, nothing too hard for me.
As the days turned into weeks, I noticed he began to trust me more, assigning me more responsibility and eventually inviting me to sit in on important meetings. My hard work not going unnoticed.
Another thing I had also noticed was the way he'd look at me, the way he'd just stare at me when working, not like he was trying to intimidate me to work harder but like, his eyes would just soften.
For the time I'd known him he never looked at anyone like that, then the comments started, he'd say something that would spike my attention and make me giggle, obviously giving him pleasure in hearing my amusement.
Sometimes he'd just invite me into his office for no apparent reason, just saying he wanted me to be there. During one meeting, he leaned in and whispered into my ear, "you look stunning today.." his breath hot on my neck as he continued to study the documents in front of him. He was non chalant about it, but his gaze told a different story.
"I do? But I'm wearing what I always wear sir, how is it so different today?" I chuckled nervously, his lustful gaze taking a toll on me. "Because I'm noticing things now that I didn't before. You've caught my attention and I have a keen eye for detail.." his voice was low and husky, his eyes never leaving mine, sending a shiver down my spine.
"I guess that's apparent with all your decor and paintings," I tried to shift the conversation, but he wouldn't budge. Tom chuckled, closing the folder in front of him and leaning back in his seat as he turned his body completely towards mine. His eyes glinted with a hidden fire.
"It's not just decor and paintings, schatzi. It's about appreciating beauty when you see it.." he smirked, "oh.." I felt blush creeping up my neck and onto my cheeks, he chuckled at my reaction, loving to see me so flustered, only by his words.
He stood up, walking towards me, "mmm, you're blushing.." he reached out, gently tilting my chin to look up at him, leaving me no choice but to meet his gaze.
"How about we go watch a movie? Wind down a little..you seemed, bothered," he smirked, a playful look in his eyes. "Oh, of course," I stood up, met with his hand instantly locking with mine, dragging me out of the office and downstairs to his living room.
"No one's home tonight, they're all busy with running errands for me," he sat down, patting a spot next to him. "Would you like something to drink? Whiskey, brandy, wine?" he said, standing back up and walking to his bar.
"Just some white wine please.." I smiled, watching as he poured my drink and poured himself a shot of whiskey. As he walked back, I noticed the way his muscles would ripple under his shirt, feeling a burning in between my legs.
As he sat back down I gladly accepted the drink, "thankyou sir," I mumbled. He raised an eyebrow, sipping his whiskey as he sat back down next to me, his hand reaching out to rest on my knee, giving it a gentle squeeze.
"You're very welcome, now let's find a movie," he grabbed the remote, flicking through movie channels. "How about something a little more...adult.." he smirked, scrolling though the options, pausing on a steamy romance that looked like it would have plenty scenes to get my heart racing, just the things he wanted.
"Oh..s..sure.." I stuttered, the tension filling the air. He knew he was getting to me and it only made him want me more. He clicks play on the movie, leaning back on the couch as it begun.
"Come closer, relax schatzi," I felt his hand wrap around my waist and pull me closer towards him. As the movie went on the tension built up further, I felt myself getting hotter as the scenes intensified.
"Is it hot in here..?" I sighed, taking off my jacket. "Yes, it's very hot in here.." he smirks, seeing my jacket come off and knowing I'm getting closer to giving into his advances, his lips just inches from my ear.
My breath hitched as a sex scene came on, feeling his grip on my waist tighten. He watched with me, his body pressed against mine on the couch, making me feel his hardness through his pants as he grinds against me, letting out a low moan in my ear.
As the sex scene intensified, he couldn't resist the urge to touch me any longer, pressing his lips to my neck, trailing hot kisses down to my collarbone as his hand slips under my shirt, caressing my skin. "God, you're so fucking sexy.." he growled lowly.
"Sir..we can't.." I gasped, he ignored my protests, too consumed by his desire for me. His hand slips further under my shirt, finding the curve of my breast, "tell me to stop.." he looked back at me, I just stayed silent, giving him the permission he needed.
His pinched my nipple through the fabric, rolling it between his fingers as he continued his assault on my neck. "Sir..." I moaned softly, he groaned in response to my noises, his fingers deftly unhooking my bra from behind and pushing the fabric aside. He cups my bare breast, thumbing my nipple as he leans in to capture my lips in a hungry, demanding kiss.
I moaned against his lips, reaching down to my shirt and unbuttoning it. He smirks and pulls away for a moment, watching my shirt come off. As he buttons open he moves down to capture a nipple in his mouth, sucking it in and swirling his tongue around it as he reaches down to palm my other breast.
The moans coming from the movie only made Tom hungrier, laying me down on the couch and quickly turning the movie off, wanting to hear my raw emotion and noises, not some bimbo on the TV.
"Good girl.." he smirked, moving his lips down to my stomach, dragging the zipper of my skirt down and removing it, revealing my red panties, "ah, red is my favourite colour," he chuckled, tugging my panties down my legs and tossing them aside, pressing his hips between my thighs.
His hard length pressed against me, teasing me as he reaches down to rub my clit in slow circles, "do you want me to fuck you, sweetheart?" he looked down at me, I softly nodded, "please.." a quiet whine leaving my lips.
He nodded, quickly removing his pants, his cock straining against his boxers, the size making me question everything. Then, he started to unbutton his shirt, flinging it off and revealing his hard, muscular chest.
"Oh fuck.." I bit my lip, closing my legs and pressing my thighs together to get some sort of relief, he chuckled darkly, leaning down to suck on my neck, leaving a mark as he reached into his boxers, pulling his thick, veiny cock out.
"Sir.." I whimpered, "shhh..just call me Tom," he smirked, his fingers grasping the base of his cock. He lined himself up, the tip nudging my entrance before he thrusted forward, burying himself to the hilt inside me with a low groan, "fucking hell, you're so good.."
He began to move, his powerful hips setting a relentless pace as he fucks me hard and deep. The couch creaked beneath us with each rough thrust, the sound mingling with my moans and the slap of skin on skin.
His hands gripped my hips, pulling me into each powerful stroke, "oh Tom!" I moaned loudly, my hands flying to his shoulders for support. He chuckled low in his throat, the vibrations sending shivers through me as he redoubles his efforts. His thrusts grew even more forceful, pounding into me with an animalistic intensity.
One hand released my hip to move up my body, meeting my breasts another time, pinching and rolling my nipples as the other hand kept me grounded. "Such a good girl, taking me so well.." he moaned softly, his eyes locking onto mine, dark with lust and possession as he watched my reactions.
He increased the pace, the tip of his cock hitting my cervix with each dominant thrust, "you like that baby? You like it when I fuck you dumb like this?" he said, love seeing how I melted from his touch.
"You're such a good little slut for me. Taking my cock like this, so wet and ready for me," his words only served to fuel my desire, my hips bucking back to meet his thrusts. He shifted, lifting one of my legs over his shoulder, opening me up further. The change in position allowed him to hit even deeper, his cock spearing into me with unrelenting force.
"Ohh my god! Tom, it's so good!" I cried out, arching my back as the pleasure got more intense, he groaned at my desperate pleas, his pace becoming almost brutal in it's intensity.
He sensed my impending climax, feeling my pussy start to clench around his throbbing cock, in need for release as well. "Cum for me, baby. Let go and cum all over my fucking cock.." he demanded, his own orgasm building in response to my awaiting peak.
"Fuckkk!" I yelped, one last harsh thrust triggering my orgasm, my juices spilling all over his cock.
Feeling my tight walls milking his shaft as I came, Tom followed suit, his cock pulsing as his hot seed filled me. He continued to thrust, riding out the aftershocks of my orgasm, the feeling of my walls clenching around him an almost unbearable pleasure.
He collapsed on top of me, his chest heaving uncontrollably, "fuck, that was amazing.." he panted, sitting back down on the couch and pulling me into his lap.
I buried my head into the crook of his neck, calming down from my earth shattering orgasm. "You wanna come up to bed with me, get some rest?" he chuckled, tilting my chin to look up at him, "yes please.." I whined. And with that he stood up, holding me against his chest and walking up to his bedroom, gently laying me down on the luxurious bed.
He pulled the covers over me, sliding in behind me and pulling me closer, his strong arms wrapping around my trembling frame. "Get some rest.." he whispered, kissing my hair gently.
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tags: @itsmealaiah @itsangelll @ballhair
tags: @kaulitzsbabyy @kaulitzswhxre @bkaulitzlover
tags: @bills-wife-1 @ella1289 @20doozers
tags: @tomsonlyslut @miyukafujii
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Send in requests! (no like seriously, my mind is so empty)
LE SSERAFIM x 6thMember!Reader
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Naps are the perfect way to recharge in the middle of the day, especially with your one and only.
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True miracle if you end up napping with Chaewon. She isn’t the most physically affectionate member. It would likely only occur after a very long and exhausting training day. You two would go straight to your own rooms, however after a few minutes of tossing back and forth, you decide to go over to Chaewon’s room instead and cuddle up to her instead. She is your girlfriend after all. And you were craving the comfort of her arms at that very moment.
Chaewon would have just fallen asleep and then halfway wake up when you crawl into bed with her. She cracks an eye open to see who or what did crawl into bed with her, but then immediately relaxes again when she sees that it’s you. She’ll wrap you in her arms, understanding that you just want to be held and you’re both too tired to talk anyways.
You fall asleep with your face buried in the crook between her neck and shoulder. It’s the best rest of your life. You’ve never felt more comfortable in your whole life, and you’re not sure if you ever would. However, you two do eventually get woken up by a phone call from your manager, informing you guys of the schedule for the rest of the day.
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Naps are a common occurrence for you and Sakura. You both are tired after training days, and what better way to relax and recharge then to just take a nap together. It doesn’t really matter whose room it’s in, as long as you two are together. She’ll usually be the small spoon though, that’s a non-negotiable. It’s just what she needs after a long day of wrangling her 4 children/members.
And to you, it was nice knowing that the love of your life was safe in your arms as you fell asleep. You also tended to have the best dreams this way, not that you’ve told Sakura that yet. And no matter what though, there’s always a sleepy mumble of ‘I love you’s before you guys fall asleep.
Napping with Sakura is an almost everyday habit. You two just love falling asleep, wrapped up in each other. You’ve both been doing it for so long that your hearts no longer race as fast, unless of course you pull her closer and steal a kiss. Then it becomes a little difficult for either of you to fall asleep, even though you were both dead tired moments before.
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“Babe, I’m so tired,” you say yawning as you walk into her room.
“Then come here baby gworl,” she replies, lifting up the sheets so you can crawl in.
You immediately crawl in and curl up against Yunjin, almost like a koala. You had just finished filming for a variety show that you were to do alone, without the other members.
“How did the shoot go?”
“It was good, I won one of the games.”
You snuggle more into Yunjin’s chest and she softly strokes your back, soothing you to sleep. Before you know it, you’ve fallen asleep.
Yunjin can’t help but smile at the adorable sight before her. She remembers how nervous you were that morning about the shoot and was glad that it went well. However, she notices herself getting a little drowsy as well, watching you sleep. Reluctantly, she ends up falling asleep as well, however not before she tightens her grip around you, which causes you to get impossibly closer to her. You two don’t often fall asleep together, but when you guys do, she always makes sure you’re secure in her arms before going to sleep.
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Naps with Kazuha are a rarity. You both tend to do want to do something instead. However, after a long day, it’s the perfect thing for you two. She definitely would prefer to be held. She wants to feel protected by you. You would be more than willing to, after all she’s your love and you want to protect her, so it works out.
To fall asleep you’ll usually murmur sweet nothings into Kazuha’s hair and link your fingers together. It’s your way of telling her that you love her without saying those three magical words. Even though you guys have been together for a while, they still make her blush madly to know just how much you love her.
You would probably fall asleep first, since it would take her a while to stop her rapidly breathing heart. She loves being in your warm arms, it’s her favorite place in the world. The nap would be perfect though, right before you guys have to head off to your next location, it’s the perfect thing for you guys to recharge and also feel more connected to each other with.
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Eunchae needs her naps, unless she went to bed really early the night before. You guys would normally take one after school but before practice with the members. After all the classes of the day, it’s the perfect way for you guys to prepare to dance and sing until the sun goes down. Definitely would be wrapped up in each other as well. You two love being around each other and being as close as you two can get.
Your after school routines after walking to your shared dorm usually involve you guys deciding which room to take your nap in. Typically it’s yours though, since it’s closer to the front door. You two climb into the bed and you open your arms for her to cuddle into. It doesn’t take too long for you guys to fall asleep, especially since you’re both tired after the day of school you guys had.
However, it’s the best part of you guys’ day, since you’re always together for it. Neither of you guys have had any nightmares since you started this routine. Unfortunately this magical moment does have to come to an end, when your alarm goes off, informing you guys that you have to head to the studio now to practice with your other members for the rest of the day. Some days you stay in bed a little longer, at Eunchae’s request, it’ll make you two late to practice, but it’s more than worth it in your book. You just love her so much.
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oliversrarebooks · 10 months
walk home late at night
TW: mind control, hypnotic induction, blood drinking, nothing explicit but it's pretty horny
You're walking home from work late at night. You had to work overtime yet again, because your shitty boss forced a shitty deadline on you, and it's either work late or risk another bad performance review. Unfortunately, your need to make rent has to be prioritized over your need to sleep -- or else you won't have any more place to sleep.
The night is foggy and wet, almost like out of a suspense film, but you're too tired to indulge in much imagination. It's making your clothes and shoes damp and cold, which you do not appreciate in the slightest. At least you're not far, now. Only a few blocks.
As you pass under a flickering street lamp, you see the dark outline of a person in the space between buildings, and it startles you a bit. Probably nothing to worry about, probably just a loiterer or a homeless person. You're just jumpy because you're tired. You keep walking.
"Excuse me, dear."
The voice behind you is ethereal, neither male nor female, and almost seems to echo. It must be that person you passed a minute ago. A robber? Shit. You walk faster.
You stop. 
Your mind reels as it tries to catch up with what you've just done. Why did you stop? This is clearly bad news.
"Please face me while I'm addressing you, dear."
You're turning around. Just to see who this person is and what they want, since clearly they aren't leaving you alone. Yes, that is the reason. "Who are you?"
"Silent, dear. Still and silent for me."
"I --" Your words die in your throat. Your muscles relax, like sliding into a warm bath. What's happening to you? It feels like a dream.
"Oh, dear," says the mysterious figure with a soft chuckle. "It seems you've already fallen under my power." They raise one hand and flutter their fingers downward, like rain, and your eyes follow. "Under my power. Deep, deep under my power."
It's like... your mind... shifts downwards. It feels so nice. But this isn't right. You have to get away from here -- you have to flee --
"So still, dear, so silent. Your limbs so heavy. Falling down, down, down." They flutter their fingers back and forth, and you feel yourself swaying along with it. "That's a lovely pet."
You're -- you're not a pet. You need to leave. But it's like your mind has disconnected from your body, and your body feels far too relaxed, like you've been hit with a tranquilizer. Tranquilized, yes, that's exactly how it feels.
"Come closer now, dear." With both hands, they beckon you closer. You take one step, then two, sleepwalking forward. "Closer and deeper under my power. Closer and deeper. Deeper and closer."
You can feel it. With every clumsy, sleepwalking step, your mind is draining away, your thoughts of escaping growing further and fuzzier. Distantly, you know that something bad will happen when you're in this strange person's clutches, but you can't stop yourself.
"Deeper under my power," says the echoing voice. You're so close now, in arm's reach, and the figure cups their hand under your chin and draws you in the rest of the way. Their touch feels electric, making you shiver with pleasure. 
"That's a most excellent pet. Good, good pet," they praise, and the warmth of the praise spreads through your body. The thoughts of wrong, wrong, wrong are dimming as they pet your head as though you are a puppy.
Their fingers lift your chin, and you find yourself gazing into their deep, dark eyes. You can almost see stars in them, swirling and dancing, so beautiful. "That's right, dear pet. I need you to look into my eyes, now. Look deep, deep into my eyes," they say. "You're going to start to fall into a hypnotic trance for me. Deep, deep into trance."
Hypnotic... trance... there's a brief struggle in your mind.
"Yes, dear, you're being hypnotized. You're already starting to get sleepy, so very sleepy. Getting so sleepy as you look deep into my eyes, so sleepy as I sink you into hypnosis. So, so sleepy."
The sleepy, drowsy feelings are overwhelming. You can't think any more. You feel your body slumping, and they catch you in their arms and hold you upright so you can keep staring into those eyes. So hypnotized... so sleepy...
"Keep gazing into my eyes, dear. You're getting so, so sleepy. It's time for foolish little pets like you to go to sleep and surrender to me. Go to sleep, dear, a deep, hypnotic sleep. You're so, so drowsy. So hypnotized. Practically asleep already." Their eyes seem to get even closer and brighter. "Far too sleepy to resist, dear, too drowsy to fight it. All you can do is look into my eyes, let yourself be hypnotized, and go to sleep, deep, sweet sleep."
They're right. You're far too sleepy to stop this from happening. You're already so hypnotized, and they're so, so powerful.
"Your eyes want to shut, don't they, my pet? Yes, of course they do. They crave sleep so badly. Your mind desires sleep. Your mind wants to be hypnotized, wants to lower all its defenses and just relax. Yes, relax your mind for me, dear, let me soothe it to sleep. Your eyelids are drooping, pet. They're closing. You're losing control. You're surrendering. You're surrendering to sleep and to hypnosis, more sleepy and hypnotized by the minute. Isn't that right?"
Your head bobs forward, nodding in response to your master's question.
"Good pet, good, good pet. Let me put you to sleep now, dear. You're going to go to sleep and surrender your hypnotized mind to me. It's only right for a foolish little pet like you, so utterly helpless. Go to sleep, dear. No more fighting your heavy eyelids. No more resisting your drowsy mind. You can't stay awake any longer."
Your vision blurs, your eyelids almost closed. The urge to give in and sleep is so powerful. You can't even remember why you were trying to stay awake.
"Sleep, my pet. Sleep and surrender. Sleep and submit. Sleep and be hypnotized." Their voice goes lower. "I'll take such good care of you while you sleep."
A soft, quiet noise escapes your lips as you fall forward into the mysterious figure's arms, head resting on their shoulder, fast asleep. Their hand rubs your back in a slow circle.
"Good, good, my pet, my thrall. Sleep so deep in hypnotic trance. You won't remember any of this, my dear. You won't remember a thing. You're going to sleep and forget... sleep and submit... sleep and let down every defense while I feed."
Your sleeping, defenseless mind absorbs the commands to forget. In your trance state, you can feel cold fingers tilt your head and run down your neck. 
"You will submit," says the echoing voice at your ear. "You will remain completely asleep and completely hypnotized while I drink my fill from you. There will be no pain, only sleep and submission. Do you understand, my dear thrall?"
"Yes... master..." you whisper.
"Very good," they purr. "Now relax and be especially still. Good pet."
Your breath catches in your throat as you feel sharp fangs at your neck. Despite what your master just said, there is a brief moment of pain, followed by a strange warm sensation as they begin to drink from the punctures on your neck. You can feel yourself bleeding, feel their tongue and their fangs as they lap at your precious blood, feel yourself surrendering utterly.
The warmth from the wound is spreading through your body, and when it hits your brain, there's a wash of intense bliss that makes you shiver and release a low moan, a small part of your mind embarrassed as you fall apart to the sensation. Your master chuckles. "Enjoying yourself, my thrall?"
"Yes, master," you respond immediately.
"Very good, pet, you're so hypnotized and submissive for me, aren't you?" They lick at the wound on your neck. "Perhaps I'll keep you, after all. Do you want to be kept? Do you want to go home with me?"
You know the right answer. "Yes, master."
"If you insist, my hypnotized and helpless little thrall." They nurse the wounds for another moment, before whispering once more in your ear. "Go deeper asleep now. Do not resist the hypnosis. You belong to me."
There's nothing left in you to resist. Your body goes limp and lifeless as your master picks you up in a princess carry, the cool evening breeze on your face as they whisk you off to god knows where.
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shadowsndaisies · 14 days
dogfighting 101: 05 - sugar and spice
wc: 1.6k
synopsis: hangman leaves everyone hanging... right?
main masterlist
athena-verse master post
a/n: absolutely loving all of your comments!! heres some hangman and then centric stuff which I KNOW people are waiting to see more of. the next update will be the final for dogfighting 101 but will feature an interaction between rooster and athena that probably (very honestly) wont answer your questions (yet)
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“Howdy Miss ‘Thena,” is Hangman’s opening as you both enter the range.
“Hangman,” your greeting’s lacking a little luster.
Despite your early success, you’d only managed tone once and this was rotation four for you, and that’s not even taking into account the variations in which you weren’t flying and that no one else had managed to take your dad down yet.
Your arms hurt, your shoulders hurt, your back hurt, and you wanted to shower so incredibly bad. More than all of that though, you were emotionally exhausted. Flying with Bradley had been the gift that kept giving because even though you’d already gone through another rotation, you kept thinking about the blow out, about the before, about Bradley. As you stood on the tarmac again, you took in the little indents in your palms from the gravel being pushed into them during your push-ups, rubbing over one red mark and shaking your head. Safe to say, you could not wait to finish out the final few rotations, and then go home.
“What’s the matter, Honey?” the tease comes over the comms and even though you know he wants an answer all you can do is scoff.
“Getting tired of push-ups is all,” you say simply.
“I was hoping so,” Jake decides and your brow furrows. You don’t need to see him to know he was planning something.
“What are you planning?” you ask seriously, fully aware that your dad and the rest of the detachment was listening in.
“I was wondering, are you still made of sugar and spice and everything nice?” it sounds condescending, and you’re sure Phoenix and Halo are scoffing at the question, but you know better.
Sugar and Spice was a code, a reference to something you’d only ever talked through with Jake during some downtime on the carrier. Unlike Rock and Roll which you’d actually trained for with Harvard and Yale during Top Gun, Sugar and Spice was completely theoretical.
“You’re joking,” you deadpan, turning to glare at him through the canopy.
“You said you were tired of push-ups. I think it could work, especially since two highly decorated and competent aviators came up with it. Unless, of course, you’d rather continue the heavy set arm day you’ve got going on?” he says nonchalantly.
“Why does it feel like you called me a coward while also complementing me?” you scoff.
“Because you know me,” is all he offers.
“That’s a lot of chatter for two aviators who don’t have the bandit in their sights,” Maverick’s voice finally cuts through, interrupting your back and forth with Jake.
“Hangman, you got eyes?” you ask staring around and out the canopy after confirming your dad wasn’t on the radar.
“No, my guess is he’s coming from below the hard deck again,” the other aviator offers and you do a quick roll, inverting like you had on the first run.
“No contact,” you huff, rolling back.
And then all of a sudden you hear a boom and Mav comes zipping down in front of you. Breaking the sound barrier as he drops from where he’d been miles above you and Jake moving faster than you’d anticipated.
“Holy shit!” you shout.
“Oh fuck!” Jake’s curse echoes with yours.
“Fight’s on, Aviators, let’s see how your arms feel after, kid,” your dad teases as he circles around.
“Break left!” Hangman’s shout echoes.
And you do.
You break left and loop around, looking for Jake who’d gone int he opposite direction. He hadn’t ditched you, yet. Not like he had with Phoenix and Bob earlier. You know it’s not entirely fair a line of thought though, he was different with you, he’d yet to break a promise or leave you out to dry, not like he so flippantly seemed to be with everyone else. You hesitate a second longer before deciding, no, I do not want to do more push ups, and yes, I do trust Jake.
“Sugar and Spice,” you finally shout.
“Wait, really?” the surprise is evident, as if despite his cocky attitude he couldn’t believe you were agreeing.
“Yes!” you confirm, rolling your eyes. “Now move your ass, Hangman!”
“My fine ass, you mean,” he shouts back and you can hear the smirk as he loops back to meet you so you could assume the correct positions.
It’s tricky, you decide.
You always knew it would be, but you never thought you’d actually try it out. In theory, Sugar and Spice was supposed to create a gap that was a trap for the bandit. Where Rock and Roll was a distraction and attack, with each aviator having a specific goal, Sugar and Spice held more risk. Here both pilots act as the distraction, while attempting to get tone at the same time. When you’d initially talked it out with Jake there were three possible formations. Option A was the Side by Side, where you fly parallel. Option B was the Stack, where one pilot flies directly above the other. And Option C, which you had succinctly named, the collision course; in which one approaches from the tail of the bandit, and the other nose.
It seemed Jake had decided to run the collision course. It took a few maneuvers, some creative flying in order to lure Maverick into the right space at the right time, but then you were approaching form his nose, while Jake came in from the tail.
“What the fuck?” was your dads response when he realized that he had to make a choice, continue to attempt tone on you, move before Jake got tone on him, or move before you got close enough to get tone on him.
He feigned a left, which you followed, but then he made a sharp turn right.
What Mav didn’t anticipate was the height change. Jake had moved up, just enough to angle himself perfectly, and to ensure that if your dad didn’t move from the game of chicken you were playing with him, you wouldn’t just crash into your own teammate.
When Maverick flipped a hard right, probably hoping to get tone on you, Jake got tone first, having seen the move coming, and prepared accordingly.
It was silent for a moment, as the tone rang out.
“Well I’ll be damned,” Maverick’s voice crackles over the comms as if he hadn’t meant to say it out loud.
When you land Hangman’s already on the ground by your ladder, having rushed out of his jet after landing first.
You’re not even all the way down when his arms wrap around you and he pulls you down, “Holy shit, ‘Thena, that was fucking incredible!” he shouts, squeezing you for just a moment.
This is Jake, you think fondly. You liked Jake, a lot. You liked him a hell of a lot more than Hangman. Unfortunately, you knew that not everyone got to meet Jake, and that, you decided was a god damned shame.
“I mean, I always knew you were smart, ‘Thee but this idea really was something else entirely! And getting to test it out, I’m fucking ecstatic the height change worked….” he was rambling, and there was this twinkle in his eyes that made the green seem alive.
You hadn’t seen him ramble since before the announcement of the detachment, honestly not for a while if you’re honest. Maybe the last time you’d both had feet on solid ground instead of an Air Craft Carrier in the middle of the Pacific. He seemed younger, the southern drawl more evident as he talked too fast to fully enunciate each word.
“Seresin! Mitchell!” the shout from your dad forces Jake to stop, and you notice as his brain finally catches up, how he steps back from you and straightens out, how the excited gleam in his eye dies out a bit, and you frown at Jake, because you watch as he tucks the more authentic parts of himself away.
“Yes, Sir?” you ask, turning to your father who was approaching.
“Hell of a move, where’d you learn that?” he asks, looking between the two of you.
“Lieutenant Mitchell designed it, Sir. After a cat and mouse training exercise on the carrier between our squads,” and if your dad was shocked before, hearing Hangman of all people pay another pilot credit was the blackout on top of the bingo.
“It was a team effort, Sir,” you argue. “Then and now, I honestly wouldn’t have been able to do it with anyone else,” you admit, and something in both your father’s gaze, and Jake’s softens.
“Keep thinking outside the box. It’s a good skill, and you’ll need it,” your father praises you, before turning to head to Hondo for his push ups, giving the next group a bit of a break.
“Hey Maverick!” you shout after him, “Always think the 360!”
A random sentence that no one else would understand, but he would, and based off of the near prideful smile he shoots you before turning back around, you know he understood.
While your dad did his push ups and the next pairing came down, you stopped in an empty hallway. “Hey, Jake?”
“Yeah?” he asks, pausing and then turning back once he realized you were no longer right beside him.
“I’m happy it worked too. Thanks for not leaving me hanging,” you say softly.
He looks down and then back at you, brows furrowed as if something wasn’t adding up for him, “Mitchell, you should know by now, I’d never leave you,” he says in response, green eyes swirling with emotion, too many to place, but his words feel like so much more than just talking as your wingman.
everything: @butterfly-skinnylegend
athena’s tags: @omgbrianab @smoothdogsgirl @bazellawriz @sbrewer21 @inky-sun @djs8891 @rory-cakes @geeksareunique @je6291 @kee-0-kee @fanreader75 @whoismurphyslaw @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @thespillingvoid
if your tag is striked it means i was unable to tag you.
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