#gojo did not use his infinity to make geto miss he just missed <3
seoafin · 11 months
i personally thought the walking scene was HILARIOUS geto walking like a 90 year old with a hunched back? gojo with his swinging noodle arms? they're literally so obnoxious i can't stnad it
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gojos-thot-patrol · 11 months
please can i get headcanons for gojo,geto and nanamis love languages please! thank youuuu
But of course you can Anon!! I read this request and instantly got ideas, so thank you for the ask <3 without further ado,
Now Presenting...
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Starring: Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Kento Nanami, and a bonus Ryomen Sukuna ;)
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The Touch Starved,
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Satoru Gojo
PHYSICAL. TOUCH. Gojos love language is physical touch, no I’m actually not taking criticism at this time <3
“But Narrator! He always has his full body condom (infinity) on!” I hear you yell. And Yes, dear reader, that’s the point.
He’s spent so much of his life unable to let anyone get close. Touch is inherently an act of trust, and he doesn’t touch anyone.
So the first time you hug him, and he actually lets himself experience intimacy, he actually turns into a puddle and melts in your arms.
And that shit is basically coke, he’s had a taste and he can not get enough.
When you’re driving he’s touching your thigh, you’re going to sleep he’s cuddling you close, you’re taking a walk he’s holding your hand, watching a movie on the couch and his head is in your lap. You get the idea, if you’re around he’s touching you
If you really want to make his day, offer to play with his hair. There is a 40% chance he’ll tear up about it.
Honestly, I genuinely feel like he’d be a little bit annoying about it. Random hugs and kisses constantly happening, it would be hard to get anything done, I’m not gonna lie
He’s kinda like a cat! The moment you try to get any work done, he’s crawling into your lap and you gotta work around him.
Hold on, wait, where's my cat meme-
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It’s Him.
I’m being serious, cup his face like that and watch him turn to putty.
Moral of the story: Gojo just wants to be held
Man is never defeating the Baby Girl allegations
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The Sickeningly Sweet,
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Suguru Geto
Suguru was born with a silver tongue in more ways than one and he knows how to use it.
“You’re breathtaking, you know that?” “How did I get so lucky to have someone as magnificent as you?” “My darling is so talented, what ever will I do when the world learns to appreciate you as much as I do?”
He’s going to single handedly raise your self esteem, watch him. He is going to pour honeyed words over you like a warm, safe shower
….Look, I’m not good with words, BUT HE IS! You get what I’m trying to say!
He would leave little notes for you to find around the house with sweet little messages. Just to give you a little dopamine rush, ya know?
He definitely sends you random texts throughout the day letting you know that he’s thinking about you and missing you.
God help you on any holiday that could possibly call for card giving. Valentine's Day, Christmas, your birthday, your anniversary, He’s going to write you a card, and it’s going to make you cry. It’s a personal goal of his.
Doing simple household chores has never felt more rewarding tbh.
Like, yea, you’re going to do the laundry anyway. But having him tell you how thankful he is for you and how much he appreciates it really makes getting through the task easier.
Would writing a song for someone count as acts of service or gift giving?...
Doesn’t matter, he writes songs for you, there I said it.
He’s 100000% The type of boyfriend that points out how attractive you are Every. Single. Time. He sees you in any state of undress. Prove me wrong, you can’t. Doesn’t matter if he’s seen it 101 times before, He’s going to call you hot.
Honestly he’s a major confidence booster.
Ngl, part of me thinks I’m giving him too much credit but oh well LMAO.
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The Always Helpful,
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Kento Nanami
Nanami is giving me Acts of Service tbh.
Like, he’s 1000% the “I will make you breakfast in bed” kind of husband material, and that is an act of service if I’ve ever heard it. 
Honestly, He just wants to do anything he can to try and make your day a little bit easier.
If that means doing the dishes even if it’s technically your turn, then so be it!
Doors might as well not exist to you when you’re with him, he will open them all
“I noticed your water bottle was empty. I got you another one.” “I know you’ve been stressed lately, I made your favorite for dinner tonight.” “Here, let me get that for you.”
He was made to be a caretaker tbh.
You can read between the lines there as little or as much as you’d like
If he catches you doing a chore, he’s going to find a way to help, sorry I don’t make the rules.
You’re washing the dishes? He’s drying and putting them away. You started cleaning the living room? Perfect, he’ll clean the kitchen. Oh, you washed the laundry? Looks like he’s gonna fold it and put it away.
He wants you to feel like you’re in a partnership. I genuinely don’t think he buys into this traditional idea that one partner makes money and the other takes care of the home front. Homemaking is a team effort god damn it!
It goes both ways though. If you really want to make him feel loved, a warm home cooked meal is the way to this man's heart.
He’s going to make the next meal to show his appreciation though.
 Someone put this man in a maid dress tbh.
I need me a Nanami tbh lol
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The Ever-Present,
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Ryomen Sukuna
OKAY sooo here’s the thing. It’s fuckin Ryomen my guy. Love languages almost require conscious acts of love, or to at least ya know admit you’re in love. In that sense, Ryomen doesn’t have a love language; he actively mocks the concept of “love languages” as humans refusing to accept the fact that their emotions are all just chemical reactions in their brain designed to make them want to fuck.
That being said, it's Quality Time. 
Ryomen’s love is always quiet. It’s him sitting in the same room as you while you read, casually talking with you while you do chores, or insisting on being in the garden while you tend to it because “It’s my (his) garden, I’ll be here if I want! Don’t think I’m here for you.” He absolutely is there for you.
His biggest act of love is letting you sleep in his room with him. That's quality time by definition my guy.
He genuinely gets so jealous when you spend time with other people because that's how he defines love. It's the person you want to spend time with (Don’t ask him about it, he won’t admit it) so you spending time with other people means you love them. And he can not handle the idea of you loving anyone that’s not him.
Remember when I said Satoru was like a cat? I take it back, Sukuna is like a cat. He wants to be in the same room as you but the last thing he wants is to be perceived by you.
He just wants to watch you read your book and not be grilled as to why he insists on being with you all the time. He’s clearly just, uh…enjoying the fireplace! Duh! Foolish mortal, why would he vie for your affections?...so, uh..whatcha reading?
He will never admit it, but his favorite thing in the world is to sit in the garden with you, listening to you talk about flowers while he pretends not to care.
This is followed closely by holding your close to him at night, whispering words of affirmation to you you will never hear when awake. 
I think that spending quality time with you is the only way Sukuna knows how to show love. I think he often gets overwhelmed by physical affection. He’s not used to it, and he didn’t immediately take to it the way Gojo did. Words of affirmation are out because he’s not a wordsmith unless he’s making threats. Can’t do acts of service because his ego would never let him do a favor for anyone else, and he can’t find any gifts that feel worthy of you- none of them feel right. So, Quality time it is.
Words may fail him, but he’s aware of how he feels. And the soft intimacy of listening to your favorite music with you, watching you hum along and dance makes him feel so viscerally raw, that it’s almost enough to make him admit there maybe more to love than just chemicals making you want to fuck. 
Should I just write a fic at this point? Maybe because GOD I am a fucking sucker for soft Sukuna. Yes I am aware I am part of the problem, I do not care, give me 2 weeks. I can fix him!
Just imagine stargazing with Sukuna for a second. Imagine listening to the crickets chirp off in the distance, both of you are aware that it goes against everything he’s ever said for him to be out here with you, and both of you know better than to acknowledge that fact. You know you’re not supposed to love him because he claims he will never love you, but as your hand meets his, and you watch him tense for just a second before relaxing under your touch again, you both know it’s only a matter of time now. 
 I always get carried away on Ryomens section in these.
I just really love my weird little demon dude lmao. 
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onyxoverride · 3 years
Special - Gojo Satoru x Reader, Nanami x Reader (female reader) [PART TWO]
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warnings: implications of virginity loss (flashback basically) otherwise it's sfw. I already got chapter 3 written so I'll try to post it soon!
word count: 1.7k
¶  summary: The morning after. You talk about your technique and how you really need an update from Nanami. Reminsencing in past memories. 
note: Also, thank you for your likes and reblogs! They really keep me going! I also post on Ao3 and I've written a Kirishima x Reader called Red Lipstick that's fluff with smut coming soon. I appreciate all of you, thank you for reading!
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Gojo probably left sometime between your own attempt at aftercare and when you fell asleep. Again, you still were a skilled Jujutsu Sorcerer, you could sense even his presence and cursed energy like a sixth sense, and you didn’t feel it when you stepped out of the bath. You are getting rusty though, and your muscles and endurance you’ve developed over time are slowly withering no matter how much you work out. The school stopped calling you out to the occasional assignment a long time ago and you’re missing the thrill, the adrenaline, and most importantly, you miss being genuinely needed. People needed your abilities to help, to save, to prevent, and here you are the morning after your husband fucked you like you were his personal toy. Which, unfortunately, you were both toys for each other to break when needed. Not break to the point beyond repair, but just enough to feel the release of frustration you two bottle up. 
The morning light shines through the bedroom window, your bedroom window, it’s not like Gojo ever sleeps with you unless those occasional nights when you find comfort in each other and he’s too lazy to move. You call it lazy but deep down you know why he stays. To comfort you, to pity you, to pity himself, to try to tend to the weird strings of fate tying you two together. Maybe those times when he stays with you is when he realizes just how dangerous his job is and his ego may be inflated to the size of Mars but he still knows the risks he takes and the risks that are pushed onto his precious students. Gojo knows that the risks he takes and the consequences will ultimately affect you. You really need to ask about his students whenever he shows up next because you are still invested in the world of exorcisms and curses. 
To stay in touch with this world you are in continuous communication with Shoko Ieiri, the woman who was a student with Gojo and Geto. You were one year under them and as much as you were present during Gojo and Geto’s… “falling out,” you know just enough to understand but still too little of what happened between them. Shoko still talks too much when she’s drunk but never truly elaborates. Recently she’s been starting to smell like cigarettes again which is never a good sign.
The main person you still communicated with was a horrible texter and would just call when he could if you texted him. He was in your grade when you two went to Jujutsu Tech and you still remember that time after you graduated when you both went on an assignment for a grade one curse. That whole assignment was more than bargained for. You both didn’t expect there to be multiple grade one curses and you were still getting used to your ability, even after graduation. Your ability, you could argue that it could be stronger than Gojo’s if you could correct it. Correct is a very restrictive word for this complicated technique. The technique you inherited skips an unknown amount of generations and you were just lucky enough to be born with it, a Russian Roulette where you actually got the bullet. 
It isn’t simple to explain and even more complicated to use but while Gojo’s inherited technique has to do with space and being limitless yours has to do with time. You could limit Gojo Satoru’s, one of the most powerful Jujutsu Sorcerers, limitless techniques. You could make his infinity finite. Which would be great if it was easy to control and wasn’t such a hazard. Do one thing wrong and all of time is erased or compressed, you and everybody you care for don’t exist, not that they died but that your ability completely erased them and you from existence because controlling time is playing with the gods and spitting at their feet. But, besides Gojo, the man you are going to text, and some of the higher-ups, no one knows the vastness and potential of your ability because that would surely cause trouble. 
Maybe becoming a housewife was your punishment for not getting the full extent of your abilities controlled? You could still use aspects of it and from an outsider's point of view, it just looks like you create tiny black holes which are actually tears in the time continuum that reverse whoever the target is back to an anatomical state where it doesn’t exist in the current time you’re fighting it. The higher-ups that have studied your ability still don’t know what those small tears really are. They don’t know if you’re sending them forward or backward in time, or perhaps you send them parallel, into a completely different universe, or even adjacent where they are stuck in time just outside of the dimension. It’s unpredictable, and it’s not fun being the user of a technique that's a ticking time bomb.
That assignment after graduating from Jujutsu Tech: You were working with Nanami Kento, the year both of you turned nineteen, almost ten years ago now. One or two grade one curses you both could have handled with little trouble, but there were multiple, like a pack of wolves. And you got too anxious to use your technique because you really didn’t want to have Nanami get stuck in a tear and never be able to come back and there are way too many curses right now and holy shit is there a special grade too?
It definitely wasn’t a fun fight, but you both got it done with some injuries. When you both were patched up by Shoko, who was already working as a doctor for Jujutsu Tech, Nanami’s and your adrenaline were still thrumming underneath your skin because this is the one assignment where you really thought you both would die. You can still remember the look on his face, a little wide-eyed and disheveled, with an arm and abdomen injury, and when he looked at your injury he finally realized how bad it was- a jagged slice from your knee almost to your hip that you still have the scar from- thankfully Shoko was skilled and healed you enough for it to be relatively fine. 
When Nanami helped you limp back to your apartment to heal, the adrenaline was thinning out, and the realization he could have died, that he could have lost you tonight finally settled in his veins. So when he gently lowered you into your bed to get the weight off your leg, he held you, and you held him back as he pushed his face into your neck where he was spitting out some curse words. You don’t remember how it changed from that to him kissing you like a starved man but you do remember the rest. He was so gentle, careful as if you were delicate glass and he kissed your adrenaline tears away and you wiped his own tears off his face with shaky hands. He was so shell-shocked and shaky he ended up biting your lip a bit too hard and with a quick “oh god I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” you giggled at him. Because the pain of a bit lip is nothing compared to reality slowly hammering down on the both of you. 
Both of you were inexperienced (read:virgins) but the care he handled you with made the difference. Settling himself between your legs on your bed, he’d caressed down your thighs, over your belly, and when you had turned your face into the pillow out of embarrassment, “No, look at me,” he said demanding but desperate. So you turned to him with the warmth of the embarrassment spread down to your chest and even he was flushed, the tips of his ears red. He’d stripped off his shirt and felt under yours as you were tracing your hands down his chest to the bandaged keeping his wound covers. 
“Two injured people really shouldn’t be doing this,” you muttered light-heartedly to him.
“Well here we are,” he leaned back on his haunches and looked at you, “unless you want to stop?” 
Ah, you could’ve backed out then but honestly, you don’t regret what you both did.
He traced the tips of his fingers oh-so lightly over the bandage wrapping your leg and by then your pants were already worked off, as he’d grind into you holding your hips as flush as possible to his. Caressing every part he could touch without hurting you, and when you tried to feel his arms or anything he would gently take your hands and push them into the pillow behind your head, holding your hands with a look that said “let me savor this.” 
The marks he left were nothing compared to the scar that wound was going to leave but now instead of associating the scar with the near death experience, you associate it with Nanami Kento and the rapture you both shared with each other, the man you’re still in contact with today who is a still horrible texter. You genuinely couldn’t ask for a better first time even when it took place after you both almost died and you both were injured.
Sometime after you and Nanami shared that night together you started getting hammered by the Gojo family until you gave in 2 years later. It was interesting how determined they were to get you to marry Satoru because all they knew of your technique is that it was powerful and had a lot of potential. 
By the end of the day, Nanami was able to call you after you texted him a simple “update?” 
“Do you always just expect me to call you?” Blunt as always, but you have known him long enough to tell when he actually means to hurt your feelings (and he never does). Usually, it’s Gojo on the receiving end of his harsher blunt words. 
“Without fail, you always do,” you tease him, “plus, I didn’t want to interrupt your workday, and what if you had overtime?”
There was a pause, “Yeah, I do.”
“Then I would just call you back when I have the chance,” you can already feel the upward tick of his lips even through the phone. 
You push out a laugh and kick your feet onto the ottoman so pleasantly placed in your living room area. “Well, I still need that update, and you sound like you need a drink?”
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//: 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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seoafin · 3 years
Me: reads your answer
Also me: *rant mode activated* sorry about that. Long ask ahead😅
Oh god, mc's abilities are fascinating. Not me imagining all the harmless ways she could use it. Pranking gojo that one time he really gets on her nerves. Imagine she freezes time for a meal/cup of tea. Boom. Automatic refill and it doesn't get cold! (Probs wouldn't work like that but my tea-lover self needs to dream T^T )
I could totally see gojo flirting with her at the most inappropriate moment. Like fighting against a curse for example. (Mc? Clueless. Mahito? Facepalming at how oblivious she is. Gojo? Stepping up his game.) Btw, did they ever fight together at some point?
And boy. The reunion in shibuya? Yes. Yes. YES. I live for this. Mc being overwhelmed Gojo style (maybe not as intense but definitely shaken). Getwo behaving exactly like geto would. *kiss flashback intensifying as he gets closer and holy shit he smells so good and omg is he going to kiss her again?* (Nope. Geto said "dontcha touch mah girl bish) Totally not simping on getwo bc holy crap. This man is charismatic af. There's just something okay? (I need more content on Getwo... guess i'll have to make my own 😤)
(Do not question Gojo's knowledge. He's a walking encyclopedia. Annoying tf outta everyone with the most random facts bc of limitless. No, they didn't want to know that there are over 200 corpses on mount everest used as waypoints for climbers. Him knowing if mc's finger size is nothing to him. He just compared her hand to his bc of the amount of time he watched/held them. Would propose the second he gets out of his cursed rubik's cube.)
these are so good i—
Yes!!! Food was one of the first things I thought after the ability LOL it’s the reason why geto, shoko, gojo always sent rip!mc out to get takeout bc her ability would let it stay warm!! So it does apply to inanimate objects too! And yes, I could def see her pranking gojo with it, especially since he deactivates infinity when they’re alone together. And when he’s annoying her when she’s trying to work it’s war!!!
HE WOULD. That’s exactly what i was thinking of when i wrote that drabble where gojo interrupts the meeting just to answer rip!mc’s phone call. He’d be exorcising a curse, and would randomly call you up because he’s bored and wants to hear your voice and then he’d start complaining to you about how you’re never in tokyo!! Meanwhile rip!mc is none the wiser, except for when sometimes you can hear a crashing noise in the background.
You hang up at that point.
And yes they have fought together. Well. the best they can fight together considering gojo just blitzes through the curses so rip!mc doesn’t have to raise a finger. Even though it’s your mission. I answered in a previous ask that while they were still in high school gojo used to tag along on rip!mc’s missions so he could ditch meetings haha well that’s the excuse he gave anyway
I FEEL YOU I WANT TO WRITE FOR GETWO SO BADLY!! I think im just waiting for the arc to be almost done but the angst potential....yes getwo is just as charismatic as geto was and that’s my weakness :))))) just his honeyed words and pleasant smiles as he talks about how much he missed you even though you instinctively know that that’s not the suguru you knew, but the curl of his lips as if he knows a secret you aren’t privy to, the way he holds himself, confident, self-assured, the same exact way he used to makes you falter—
I’m glad we’ve collectively agreed as a fandom that gojo is indeed a walking encyclopedia. Gojo calls rip!mc at three in the morning (bc he had a feeling you’d be awake. But also sometimes he wakes you up for the hell of it, and you always end up indulging him anyway) and randomly starts talking about conspiracy theories, and then before you realize the two of you are in a full fledged conversation about your research and gojo is keeping up with you every step with the way. And that’s when you notice his slight rasp, the warmth in his voice when he chuckles at something you say, how he says your name in a tone you’ve never heard him use on anyone else before— 
that’s when you tell him you have to go— early morning!
Also Gojo’s fixation with rip!mc’s hands is definitely😁
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