#goku can have a shirt with bulma on it. as a treat
tigirl-and-co · 10 months
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So. The new Saiyan Boots, huh?
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blossombriefs · 8 months
Agora Hills | A Goku OneShot [NSFW]
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Authors note: hey guys! Be sure to drop a follow and a like! The support goes a long way! I'm also happy to take requests - please be following me and shoot me a message. I can work of prompts such as songs, locations, colours, scents. Give me a brief description and the characters you'd like. This also has potential for a fully smutty part 2 so if that's something you'd want to see let me know! Prompt: Doja Cat's song 'Agora Hills' "who's that man with the big strong hands?" "You're the one you're the only man, me and you on my OnlyFans" Summary: The reader is an OnlyFans model and after being threatened at a party has to come clean to her boyfriend, Goku Content: afab!reader x Goku, mature themes, blackmail and drama (Vegeta being a total asshole), mentions and details of anxiety, story heavy, soft smut near the end Word Count: 2836 words
Times had been a bit financially straining on you since you tried to settle down with Goku. You both shared a lovely home and with plans to start a family together, you needed to find a source of income to start planning ahead. Goku was constantly off either fighting insane battles on faraway planets or was off training with his friends. Sure, you could have just looked for something in your local area like in a store or on a farm, but when Bulma encouraged you to look into the site OnlyFans, it piqued your interest. Bulma is the best source of motivation you have. You were a little unsure about it but with her lovely compliments toward your appearance, you couldn't help but try it.
You had set up a tripod with a ring light in the corner of your spare room to get the perfect shots, using your phone to capture so many pictures of you in cute lingerie sets you had. You also used a couple of your boyfriend's t-shirts for a baggier look on your body. Your income was plentiful as your platform grew and grew. It covered bills, put food on the table and even left some over for you to treat yourself and Goku. However, one question always lingered in the back of your mind.
"How long can I keep this hidden from him?"
You hated keeping secrets from Goku, transparency was such a huge foundation your relationship was built on. He was always honest with you, would this hurt his feelings?
On one of the evenings he had free, Goku had invited you along to a gathering at Krillin and Android 18's home. Everyone was going to be there and you could tell from his eagerness that he was excited for you to finally meet the rest of his friends. You felt that it had been a long time coming and you put so much effort into how you looked while Goku sported his traditional orange gi. Hopping onto the nimbus cloud, he held you tightly as it whisked you toward the Kame House. As you approached your destination, you were both greeted by waves as everyone gathered outside on the beach. You nervously held onto your boyfriend's arms as he waved gleefully to them all, keeping the same wave and smile through your descent. You both bounced off together, greeting everyone. Going around everyone, you were introduced to his friends one by one.
"Y/N this is Krillin and 18," he extended his hand toward a slender, tall blonde woman and her opposing counterpart. You smile as you shake their hands and introduce yourself. Gradually he made his way around the rest of his friends; Master Roshi, Piccolo, and Yamcha were part of the introductions. Finally, your attention was directed to Bulma and her partner, who you hadn't yet met. He stood beside her with his arms folded over a buttoned up blue shirt, his aura nothing short of intimidating.
"Y/N, you haven't met my husband Vegeta yet have you!" Bulma chirped, taking his arm and yanking him toward you and Goku. You smiled at him timidly, admitting you were kinda afraid of him wouldn't have been the best first impression in your mind. You could sense him looking you up and down, choosing to address you with a scoff.
"So this is Kakarot's harlot, yes?"
You looked to Bulma in disbelief as her hand slapped his shoulder harshly. Goku was quick to wrap his hand around your waist as he spoke up, "Hey, c'mon Vegeta you know that's not very nice!"
He simply huffed in your direction as he followed the rest of the group inside, Bulma not far behind screaming an earful toward him. You felt uneasy, Goku rubbed your arm to try and ease you. You weren't someone to take comments like that to heart but something just didn't feel right. You all took your seats in the living room and for the most part the evening was going well. You all shared some drinks, had a laugh, shared some food. You hit it off so well with everyone that you felt like you were part of the family... all besides one person.
Crossing paths in the kitchen, Vegeta glared you down as you look a fresh glass from the cupboard. When you sat it down again to pour another drink you glanced back in his direction, "Can I help you?"
"Don't think I don't know your secrets," he slowly walked toward you, you felt as if he hadn't uncrossed his arms from your initial introduction. If looks could kill Vegeta would've buried you 100ft underground. "You know your vulgar acts aren't suited to him, that clown deserves a woman with a bit more self respect."
"What the hell are you talking about?" you retort. Your hands shaking as you unscrew the lid from the top of the bottle. Deep down you knew what he was referring to but how did he know?
"That woman runs her mouth to me about everything," his reply was cold. He turned his back to you and began walking toward the door that led to everyone else. "You tell him or I will."
A shudder ran down your spine. The tension left behind lingered with his words. Your heart raced, the weight of your secret growing heavier on your shoulders. You took a moment to collect yourself as you decided Vegeta couldn't be the one to tell Goku. Just as he was about to reach the doorway, you spoke up and the tone in your voice was full of determination.
"Wait, Vegeta please." you plead as you set the bottle down. He turned to look back in your direction with his arms still crossed and his expression staying cold. You look to your feet, "I'll tell him but please could we continue this conversation outside."
Vegeta continued to eye you for a moment, his pride more than evident, but eventually he nodded. Hoping you had cracked him he turned away and led you out the back door to the beach, the soundtrack to your serious conversation being the crashing waves of the sea. You lowered your voice and spoke soft, revealing your own vulnerability beneath what you were portraying as tough, "I never intended on keeping anything from Goku. It's just complicated and I never knew how to bring it up."
His response was a shake of his head and a scoff as he stared you down intensely, "He deserves to know what kind of person he's with, that woman refuses to tell him. I don't even understand what it is you're up to! Y-you're lewd-"
"I have an OnlyFans account," you confess with a deep breath. "It's just a way to bring in some money for us and I just didn't want him to worry about our future. I never intended on disrespecting him I-"
As his scowl deepened and his silence remained, you could tell he was taking in what you were telling him. Wether he'd allow you to tell him yourself or not was on the table was another story. He grunted and without allowing another word to leave your lips, he turned and walked back inside with you close on his heels. Your heart felt heavy with what could follow. You didn't know what would be said. You reentered the living room, Goku glanced at you with a sweet smile, blissfully unaware about the conversation you had just had as you took your seat beside him.
The living room buzzed with conversation and laughter but as you cuddled into Goku's strong arm the weight of the conversation with Vegeta was weighing on your mind, you could feel his intense gaze follow you from the other side of the room as you tried to settle in. A silent threat that you had to tell him sooner rather than later.
As the evening continued, you'd engage in small talk with the others to try and keep your composure but what made your heart feel warm was seeing how happy Goku was. He's an incredibly social person, much more than your average person, and was more than happy being in the company of his friends. After a while, Bulma pulled you into the kitchen. She had noticed how reserved you had become throughout the night and was growing concerned, "Is everything okay?"
You nodded with a forced smile, "Just a little burned out and tired, that's all."
She looked at you with sympathy, placing her reassuring hand on your shoulder, "You sure? You know you can tell me anything, right? If it's because of Vegeta's comment earlier I can always talk to him?"
You shook your head and smiled gently, "Thank you Bulma, honestly, but it's fine! I didn't take it to heart."
You lied through your teeth but she bought it, patting your back as she left you alone with your thoughts. Your anxiety was gnawing at you, you knew what loomed ahead.
As the night gradually wound down, Goku yawned and stretched as he turned to the remaining few people left. With a thankful smile he suggested that you both head home. He stood up, spinning you in his arms to face him. "You look beautiful. You're perfect. Your dress you picked is so beautiful I just can't wait to get back home."
You beamed looking up at him, placing a delicate kiss on his lips. He smiled as he kissed you back in return. However, your loving moment was interrupted by none other than Vegeta.
"I bet you won't be the only man to see what's under that dress tonight, Kakarot," he smirked.
You looked up, witnessing the glee in your boyfriend's face shift into shock. The panic surged through your body as you clung to him tighter, Vegeta's words hanging in the air. You looked towards him with a disapproving look but Vegeta remained totally unfazed, his arms crossed and a sly grin plastered on his face.
"What are you talking about, Vegeta?" Goku furrowed his brows, his hands slipping from your waist.
His response was sharp, leaning in with a wicked glint in his eyes, "Oh, nothing, Kakarot. Just saying that some things... or some people... aren't as pure or nice as they appear."
The air was heavy with tension, your throat was running dry as tears began filling your eyes. Bulma stepped in between the two men swiftly, placing a hand on her husband's chest, "Vegeta enough. Stop it! There's no need for this you're making the poor girl cry!"
Goku's face was still taken over with confusion, turning his attention from Vegeta to you. You could hear his own worry take over, his eyes like a puppy's, "Baby what's going on? What does he mean?"
You were hesitant and unable to string your words together. Again, stealing your opportunity, was Vegeta, "Ask your precious partner about her little online endeavors. She's not as innocent as she appears."
You sigh, placing a hand gently against his chest as you look up towards him. Taking a deep breath and your voice was trembling, "Can we talk when we're home about this Goku, please."
The arrogant Saiyan prince wasn't done. It wasn't good enough for him. Purely with a sarcastic tone he chimed in once more, "Oh, how touching. Wanting to keep things private now? The woman who claims she loves you oh so much is selling herself online for a few extra zenies! Showing herself off to other men, tarnishing your trust."
Unable to process what he was being told, he hung his head as he let go of you entirely. Your arms dropped from his shoulders. He sighed gently, "I'll be outside Y/N. When you want to come home come meet me. We'll talk about this at home."
"Goku plea-" your words couldn't stop him from leaving, slamming the door behind him. You couldn't do anything but tremble. You knew why Vegeta did this, he loved seeing Goku weak or vulnerable. You also knew Bulma wouldn't let him live this down. You smiled sadly in her direction and thanked your hosts, leaving behind a now perplexed group of friends. Sat in the sand outside, creating little patterns in the sand with his finger, was your boyfriend who sat in an overwhelmed silence. You took a deep breath, shuffling in the sand beside him which left your dress covered. The beach was serene at night, the waves crashing against the shore heavy at the other side. "Please, let me explain,"
He sat in an almost child-like silence, his eyes fixated on the shapes he had drawn. The gentle sea breeze carried your tension and sadness. You had never seen him so hurt, it was all your fault. He looked up at you with tears starting to form in his eyes, "I can't believe you'd cheat on me with Vegeta..."
"Goku what?" you said, shocked. "I just met him today?"
"Look, Y/N, I love you. I don't want to lose you. If you've been chatting with him online and-"
This is where everything clicked, Goku had no idea about OnlyFans and what the site was. He took Vegeta's words at face value. You shook your head and cupped his face in your sandy hands. "Baby no, it's not that. I have an account on this website where I sell some pictures of myself and it brings us in lots of money."
Goku wiped his eyes, blinking back anything else that could spill. "What do you mean?"
"These men that buy these pictures don't see me in person. They don't touch me. We don't have sex. It was just an easy solution to our money problem and I'm sorry I wasn't honest. Vegeta knew because Bulma told him. I can't be angry at her for that..."
"So-so you're not sleeping with other people. He made it sound so filthy."
"I can show you what I do when we're home." you reassure him. His face softened as the weight of the misunderstanding started to lift from his shoulders.
"I should've trusted you, I'm sorry." he whispered. You held him close to you, you thought through that night you could've lost him.
"I should've been honest from the start, I just didn't want you to worry. I'd never have wanted to have hurt you."
As he gently pulled back from you he summoned his nimbus cloud. Kissing your forehead gently he softly spoke, "I just want to understand everything. We can move forward together afterwards can't we?"
You nodded gratefully at his understanding words. Together, you climbed aboard your transport home. You could tell from the way he held you that he was still skeptical and his emotions were mixed. You wanted to do your best to help him understand.
Once you arrived back to your house, hand in hand you led Goku upstairs to show him the tripod and ring light set up in your spare bedroom. Sitting him down on the bed, you ran through how the site worked. He nodded along taking in every drop of information. You shown him how much income you brough in each day and explained what everything went to. Finally, you handed him your phone to look through the photos. His eyes widened in a gleeful way as he began to flick through them.
"Babe, you look smoking hot in these!" he beamed. You could feel the negative tension lift off your relationship and a new tension start to brew. Looking up with a smirk, "Can I help sometime?"
"You wanna help?" you gently smile. He nodded his head fast. His hands wandered to the front of your strappy dress, carefully slipping it down to reveal your bouncy, perky tits to him. You flushed red a little. Once your phone was propped up on the tripod, you posed for a few photos with your ever supportive boyfriend. You tried letting him control the ideas, however his Saiyan instincts were close to kicking in and wouldn't leave much time for many pictures. He stayed behind you in most of the shots, cupping your breasts with his big, strong, calloused hands or encouraging them down to play with your pussy. You hadn't done anything sexual on your account yet and allowed him to assist with teasy photos. His hands grabbing your ass, his hands squeezing your thighs. He was giving you the content that could only grow your platform more.
He gently left little bites and bruises on top of your breasts, neck and shoulders. With a cocky grin and a chuckle, he whispered in your ear, “Now they’ll know you belong to me.”
Finally, he took some of you sitting on top of him. You gently straddled him as he slipped his fingers in your mouth for the final shots, your spit dripping down his hand as he looked up at you in pure amazement.
"That's my girl," he said with a gently slap to your ass. You tilted your head gently as you looked down at your strong, sexy boyfriend pinned under your thighs.
"Do you have any other questions?"
"When can I fuck you for all your fans to see?"
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jacquelinemerritt · 2 years
Dragonball Z: Abridged Episode 11 Review
Originally posted August 19th, 2015
Equal parts reverence and revision.
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The Freeza Saga is, as best as I can tell, the most famous arc in all of Dragonball. As such, the majority of the audience of Dragonball Z: Abridged would inevitably be approaching Team Four Star’s adaptation of that arc with a lot of pre-existing feelings about the story it is trying to tell, inevitably allowing those feelings to guide them in forming a critical opinion of it.
This “baggage” is clearly present among everyone in Team Four Star, and they are careful to open their second season and beginning of the Freeza Saga with a lot of reverence for their source material. But that reverence for the source material never blinds them, as at this point they have begun to recognize that the story they are telling, while related to the original Dragonball, is ultimately a separate being of its own, and they begin to treat it as much.
This is clear from the inclusion of a flashback to Goku’s first time meeting Mr. Popo. We as an audience potentially unfamiliar with the source material can assume that Goku and Popo have met before at some point, though we do not know how they met or what their meeting was like. This flashback very clearly articulates that Goku’s relationship with Popo is no different from Krillin’s relationship with Popo; they both fear him for the sadistic, omnipotent taskmaster that he is. It also serves as a more effective introduction to Popo than his actual introduction.1
Their reverence for the source material comes in how they handle the tone of Krillin, Gohan, and Bulma’s departure for Namek. It’s a dangerous and important mission, and both the source material and DBZA take it seriously. Unlike the source material, however, Team Four Star chooses to let the weight and importance of the mission come through Bulma, in both the performance (thanks to Megami33’s excellent voice acting) and use of score.
This is one of many revisions Team Four Star makes to the text, and they do so with good reason; Bulma is shallow, self-centered, and bitchy in the original, and there’s absolutely no reason one of the two only female characters should be this terrible a person.2 In this, Team Four Star acknowledges the strengths of the original story, while addressing some of the more problematic aspects of that story, and this is a trend that they continue to build upon.
Rating: 4.5/5
If you liked this review, please consider supporting me on Patreon.
Stray Observations
1I love the “pecking order” speech as much as anyone else, but seeing that Goku is just as afraid of Popo as anyone else more clearly establishes just how intimidating this guy is.
2Another change they make is with Chi Chi, who goes from a bitchy buzzkill to a reasonably concerned mother, countering a very unfortunate trope present in a lot of shounen anime (as well as Western cartoons, but that’s for another day).
Mr. Popo: “Oh, look at that, a woman who doesn’t know any better. What are the odds?”
Cutting to a drugged up, gurgling Goku as he still essentially votes for Bulma to go with Popo is a great visual gag.
Mr. Popo: “Yep, this carpet gets about ten thousand miles to the soul.” Bulma: “What?” Mr. Popo: “The gallon.”
Mr. Popo: “Making toast!”
Bulma: “So it responds to your name?” Mr. Popo: “No, it just knows better.”
Chi Chi: “Did you carry a baby around for nine months with a man who literally thought you had Cinnabons hidden in your shirt?”
Ambient ocean noise at Kame House and the ambient noise at the hospital give us a glimpse at the great sound design to come.
Weird how a Three Stooges reference is basically highbrow comedy in this show.
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melaninsaiyin · 4 years
The one where Goku tries his best (wc. 1200+)
Oh Goku, your sweet kind and caring Goku. He always has the right intentions, but always just barely missed the mark. But you couldn’t blame him really. All he wanted to do was show you love and appreciate you. It wasn’t his fault that somethings just managed to go over his head… a lot of the time.
Example A would be if you needed him to grab you something.
“Flower. Don’t forget flower when you go to the store hun. I need a lot of it”
Or at least you had said something like that. To be honest Goku wasn’t exactly listening as closely as he should have been. He was just so excited to head out and pay a visit to some of his old friends that he left the house with a hasty ‘yes yes of course’ as he pressed his lips to yours one last time before he took off to the sky. The request for flower sitting at the back of his mind.
Next thing Goku knew, sunset was already quickly approaching and he was waving goodbye to Roshi, Krillin and his family. The day was filled with smiles and laughter after reconnecting with Master Roshi, Krillin and his family that he had almost complexity forgotten your request. With sky darkening behind him, Goku asked for directions to the nearest flower market, thanked his friends one last time and took flight.
Hmm how many should I get, Goku thought, she did say a lot. Unsatisfied with any of the suggestions the florist provided for large bouquets, Goku suggested just taking home a majority of what was on display. The shop keeper stood in shock, jaw basically dropping at the demand, but made no complaints as the strange man handed him enough money to pay for nearly a months rent of the shop. And with the obscene amount of flowers in his hands, the onyx haired man made his way to the sky on route to his home.
“Hun?” He calls out to the house, his view obstructed by the various flora. “Im back with the flowers you asked for.
You pause to blink at him. One. Two. Three times before you sighed and started picking them from his hands as you place them in vases around the house. One at the bed side, one on the dining room table, a couple around the living room with you as you think to yourself oh my Goku. My sweet, sweet Goku who means so well.
“I meant flour. Like to bake with.”
Example B would be when he tries to surprise you
You would first notice something was off at the very beginning. When Goku began planning he would start sneaking around in the mornings when he thought you were still asleep and at night after you started dozing off in his arms. You had so much faith in your loving husband that you never questioned if there was ill intent to his sneaking out so you never mentioned it. If he was trying his hardest to keep something hidden from you, you were going to wait until he revealed it to you as a courtesy.
Of course it became harder to ignore his attempt to surprise you when he started asking all these questions out of the blue with his horrific timing. You could be in the middle of a shower and he would peek his head past the curtains, eyes only locked on yours despite your soapy naked figure, and he would be asking you if you preferred to have onigiris or takoyaki. How could food be on your usually insatiable husbands mind while you looked like that? It was a wonder. 
Eventually the reason for his wild behavior the past few weeks was revealed as you stepped in you kitchen after waking up alone in bed, the sleep suddenly leaving your eyes as you took in the banners and balloons and the table full of onigiris. Happy Birthday To The Most Beautiful Wonderful Love Ever the banner read as your eyes stayed wide, your voice stolen from you from the sheer surprise of it all. And there he stood, with his stupidly big grin, eyes shining bright with pride at his big show of love. He would move first, grabbing one the stuffed rice triangles, and offer it to you with a quiet murmur of an I love you.
All you could really do was kiss his cheek, then his mouth and whisper a soft thank you and you grabbed the treat and brought it to your lips. The two of you enjoyed the meal happily together and lazily napped the rest of the day to your request. And sure Goku was confused the following day when your friends called the house phone to wish you a proper happy birthday but you couldn’t be bothered that he got the day wrong with how much effort he had clearly put in.
Example C would be if you we’re trying to tell him you were pregnant
I would assume that after you found out, you would want the moment to be special because Goku puts so much effort into trying to make every little thing special for you, so the least you could do was return the sentiment. 
The first attempt would be while the two of you sat and enjoyed dinner alone together. As you brought him his second bowl of rice, you would drop a tiny shirt that you say Daddy’s munchkin or something similar. He would look at it and blink and say with his trademark grin, “Well that’s not going to fit either of us!” 
You looked at him with disbelief, before remembering that this was your Goku. And for how smart he truly is, you would somehow need to be more obvious in letting him know that he had a child on the way. After that you would take care in mentioning how you felt like you were eating for two or mention the baby names your mom had been messaging you the past couple of days. But it would seem that your husband was struggling to take a hint.
Of all the times for him to pick up on what you had been tell him for the past few weekends was at Bulma’s. She had invited the two of you to a casual dinner at hers with Vegeta solely for the reason of keeping well in touch after realizing Goku’s habit of disappearing for years at a time. Before asking Bulma had popped open a bottle of red wine that the two of you shared often any time you go together. But as she reached to fill your glass you quickly waved her off, stuttering out that you were fine for tonight. Your husband furrowed his eyebrows next to you before turning his whole body towards yours.
“If you’re worried about getting home I can always drive back if you don’t feel good enough.” But you were quick to wave off his concern and utter that you really didn’t want a glass one last time. Bulma simply shrugged and topped off the rest of her glass before putting the bottle away, ignoring Vegeta’s huff at the possibility of dealing with his wine drunk partner. However, Goku was still stuck on your refusal. You always had a glass of that wine whenever you got the opportunity because you had mentioned how you could personally never stomach paying that much for a single bottle. 
And then suddenly it hit him. 
The tiny shirt, the mood swings, the spontaneous vomiting and the wild cravings for octopus and mochi in the middle of the night.
“Your pregnant.” “Yes.”
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lilhemmo · 5 years
best on earth
request: jealous!vegeta leading to a smutty happily ever after pairing: vegeta x fem!reader warnings: language, blood, snarky comments, smut (OBVIOUSLY), and other things that young children should not experience word count: 15K (do NOT judge me) a/n: i HOPE i did this justice. this is my FIRST EVER SMUT. i am trash at writing it. @thegodbucky​ deserves a medal for enduring me during this time of exteme self consciousness and self depreciation. if you like it, feel free to request more!
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It’s not uncommon for you to spend a couple hours after a training day patching everyone up. Sure, the Saiyans have faster healing than regular humans, but even they need stitches most days. 
Right now, it’s Yamcha. He’s not always still, and he tries to talk the whole time, but you know it’s just a coping mechanism for the pain.
“Tch,” Vegeta scoffs from where he’s lounging in the chair behind you. “Man up, Yamcha. It’s just a few stitches.”
Yamcha turns his head, “Hey, Vegeta! Not all of us are soulless like you. Some of us still feel pain. 
“Why you slimy little bast-”
“Stop it!” 
You turn your head to look back at the Saiyan with a scowl on your lips. Your eyes are narrowed and the sight alone makes him turn his head, crossing his arms over his chest. 
“Sorry, Yamcha, I know it hurts,” you murmur to him, running a thumb down his bicep. “Give me just a few more minutes and it’ll all be over, okay sweetie?”
The fighter blushes at the nickname, distracted long enough for you to clean out his last wound and pull it back together with a butterfly bandage. Yamcha kisses you on the cheek and hops down from the hospital bed, flashing Vegeta a glare before finally walking out the back door. 
“Alright, Krillin! Your turn!”
Vegeta’s head spins, “E-Excuse me?! I was here first!”
You sigh, “What are you, ten? Humans first, Saiyan. You heal faster, most of your wounds will already be fine before I can touch them with a suture.”
Vegeta clicks his tongue and his nostrils flare, “Tch, you rude little earthling. I should be the first one you tend to. I am Prince-”
“The Mighty Prince Vegeta!” You roll your eyes, mimicking his voice as best you can. You sigh, encouraging Krillin to hop up onto the bed, “Vegeta, it would be a waste of supplies. Look, your eyebrow has already healed since I started. I would’ve wasted two or three stitches on that if I tended to you first.”
As you speak, you start to clean Krillin’s various wounds. He has a few on his face, but it’s mostly his knuckles. He chuckles as you rub the antiseptic on his bloody hands, “Goku’s a lot stronger than he used to be. Even when I can land a punch, I take damage almost as much as he does!”
“Aw, Krillin! You’re still one of the best warriors I know!” Goku chimes from across the room where he’s sucking down a protein shake. You smile at the two, wrapping bandages around both of Krillin’s knuckles to seal the wounds from outside air.
“You’re the best, doc!” Krillin flexes his hands just enough to get comfortable underneath the cloth bandages. He grins up at you and squeezes your bicep before leaping down from the table and rushing out of the room to go grab something to eat. 
You turn to tell Goku that it’s his turn, but Vegeta is already on the bed, eyes dark and insistent, lips in a fine line.
“Excuse me?” you raise a brow, “Did I call your number?”
“You didn’t give me a number, woman,” Vegeta crosses his arms, looking down on you in such a way that he’s trying to make you feel small. “It’s my turn.”
Shaking your head, you point to Goku, “I think I said Goku was after Krillin.”
“I will not let you treat that low-class Saiyan before me.” Vegeta swallows and turns so he can remove his shirt. You have to hold in a gasp at the sight of his physique so close in front of you. You’ve seen it a dozen times before - Vegeta has been here for years now. And yet, every time he moves, it captures your attention. You’d never tell him, though. He’d either scoff at you or reprimand you for gawking at his royal body. 
Goku says something along the lines of sure, treat Vegeta first because he’s kind and caring, and so you shut your mouth and break out the antiseptic wipes and start working on his cuts. 
Vegeta sits still, his eyes trained on you as you work. Your hands are quick, washing his wounds before stitching and bandaging them back together. You worked alongside Bulma to engineer a medical spray that accelerates healing, but you don’t use it on the Saiyans unless there is a really horrible injury and no senzu beans at the ready. Still, his eyes are boring into you, forcing a blush to creep up your neck and onto your cheeks. It makes your hands sweat and you almost lose a suture. 
“Can you quit that?” you snap finally, yanking a stitch through on his bicep. 
His brow raises and he leans away from you, snarling at the feel of the stitch tearing through his skin. 
“Why you little bi-”
“I dare you to finish that sentence.”
Your hands are on your hips and your eyes are narrowed, daring him with your facial expressions just as much as your words. He does not budge, the both of you locked in some sort of staring battle. You blink but do not waver, even when you feel his knees knock against your thighs. 
Finally he breaks, turning to look downward at his cracked boot. You’re sure he has some sort of bruised bone that is bothering him, but that’s not what you’re focused on right now. 
“If you’d stop looking at me like I was the enemy, this would go much quicker.” You pull on his arm, tying off another suture. “You’re making me very self-conscious of what I’m doing.”
Vegeta sighs, reconnecting your gaze after another moment. You swear he might just apologize, but the thought dies when no words escape from his lips after a second too long of waiting. You scoff and wrap up the wound on his arm, moving to research the wounds on his face. 
“Mostly bruising,” you murmur, running your thumb over a yellowed spot on his jawline. You shake your head, “You’ve got a split in your lip and in your brow, but with your metabolism, they should heal before the day is over. No stitches needed.”
Vegeta nods, a silent thank you. You know that you’ll never receive a verbal one, so you take what you can get around the proud Saiyan warrior. A sigh escapes your lips and you find your thumb brushing over the shallow split in his lower lip, imagining for a mere moment what his mouth would taste like on yours. 
The Saiyan Prince steps down from the bed and your chests brush. His usual scowl turns to a gentle smirk and you know that is as close to a smile as you’ll get any time soon. 
“Don’t get your ass kicked next time,” you mumble, tracing the bandage on his bicep. “And go raise that foot. I know it’s bothering you, but the bruise will wear off in time, especially if you keep it elevated or on ice.”
“Yes ma’am.”
He’s supposed to be patronizing you, but the way it comes out from his mouth makes the both of you blush. 
Goku pushes his way through the two of you to sit on the table, “Okay, my turn!”
You laugh, turning towards the child-like fighter with a fresh canister of bandaging spray in one hand and sutures in the other. “All right, Goku. Let me take a look at you.”
As Vegeta is walking away, his pride is wounded when he hears you and his rival laughing like life-long friends. He carries this burden on his shoulders, always striving for your attention, but always falling short.
In a fleeting moment, the prince wonders when he’ll ever be enough.
Bulma is famous for her massive cook outs. She orders the food and schedules the entertainment, all everyone else has to do is show up. You walk in with Tien’s arm threaded through your own, your head laid against his shoulder as you two share conversation on the way into the gathering. 
“Thanks for the ride, Tien,” you say, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek. “Just let me know when you’re ready to head out, okay?”
He nods and heads over to Yamcha and Krillin, making conversation. You turn to the pool and find your way to Bulma and Chi-Chi, grabbing a fruity drink off of one of the waiters on your way.
“You always outdo yourself, Bulma.” You get yourself comfortable in the afternoon sun, the warmth from the gentle golden glow falling on the exposed skin of your legs. You smile, turning to tap your drink against hers before taking a long sip. “What are we celebrating this time?”
“Nothing, I just wanted to throw a party!” Bulma giggles, her hand against her chest. She tips her sunglasses down to look you in the eyes, “I saw you came in with Tien? What’s that all about?”
Turning so you can look at her, you rest your chin on your palm, “He offered me a ride. Literally! We flew here!”
Chi-Chi raises a brow while fighting a smirk. She chuffs, “Better not let him get alone with Vegeta, then. He might kick him across the courtyard if he finds out he brought you.”
You can’t stop the scoff that parts your lips, “Are you kidding? Vegeta?” You wave your hand and take another long sip of your drink. From behind your glasses you’re searching for the Saiyan, “Vegeta just likes to be angry.”
“Ah ah ah,” Bulma shakes her head, leaning closer to you. She smiles devilishly and the way her eyes sparkle makes you feel the insecurities creeping in again like spiders crawling down your spine. “He’s always so jealous whenever you’re with any of the other fighters.”
Chi-Chi joins in, a wide smile on her face, “Goku is always talking about how Vegeta is in a bad mood when they leave the med bay after getting stitched up.”
“Yeah, of course,” you laugh, crossing your arms and leaning back. You try to fight the blush that’s working it’s way up your neck - you hope that they will blame the pink tint on your skin to the heat of the sun. “He’s always pissed after he leaves because I’ve been prodding him with a needle!”
“Nah,” Bulma closes her eyes and drinks in the sun, tilting her head upward. “I think it’s because you’re so nice to everyone else and it makes him jealous.”
You take a deep breath and try to absorb what she’s just said. There is no way Vegeta, that stuck-up Saiyan royal, cares how you treat any of the other fighters versus how you treat him. He’s always been indifferent towards you, always scoffed every time you walk into the room. You’re sure his eyes are stuck perpetually rolling when you’re around.
“I treat every one of the fighters just the same,” you argue, tilting your head so your face is under the shade of the umbrella. “Vegeta just doesn’t need as much babying as the others do.”
Chi-Chi giggles under her breath, “Oh, you sweet thing. I’m sure Vegeta would love to be babied by you.”
You wave your hand in dismissal at her suggestion, trying to find the Saiyan prince in the crowd. You lick your lips, “The last thing Vegeta wants is for me to call him sweetheart.”
Before the conversation can continue, you stand to your feet and finish off your drink. You look down at Bulma as you peel your top off, revealing the bathing suit underneath. She smirks at you before unwrapping her own cover up, “C’mon, I’ll have them turn on the hot tub.”
The three of you are grabbing towels and walking across the backyard to get to the hot tub when you hear a familiar voice shouting across the courtyard. 
Bulma and Chi-Chi groan simultaneously, “Roshi.”
You laugh at the arrival of the old geezer. Sure, he’s a pervert, but for the most part, he’s harmless. You wave at him, which he thinks is permission to scamper over to the hot tub and ogle at every inch of your available skin. You smack his cheek gently so he’ll move his eyesight away from your personal bits, but you don’t take it too personally. 
Roshi says something about your body, but it’s said so quickly and in such a high pitch that you can’t really make out exactly what it is. 
As you’re about to admonish Roshi for his wandering gaze and perverted words, you hear Goku’s shout from just a few feet away, “Vegeta! What the hell?! Do you sense a new power level?! I don’t sense anything!”
Goku touches his forehead to search for familiar power levels, but his brow is furrowed. You can’t help the way your jaw drops when you look just to the left of him to see Vegeta in full-blown Super Saiyan, blonde hair wafting in the afternoon wind and eyes a blue blaze as he glowers in your general direction. 
“Shut up, you idiot,” Vegeta grumbles, crossing his arms over his chest. He scowls and tears his eyes away from you, shifting his feet so he can turn to glower in the opposite direction. A moment later, his super form falls and his hair loses its glimmer, his muscles deflating just slightly. 
Bulma nudges you with her elbow, “See?”
You roll your eyes and step into the hot tub. Roshi acts like he’s going to follow you in, but when Vegeta’s hair burns bright again, he slinks away from the hot tub and makes his way over to the dessert table to start stuffing his face. 
“Hey Goku!” Chi-Chi calls her husband over. Goku smiles wide and drags Vegeta with him as he comes over to the hot tub. He leans his elbow against the edge, chin against his palm as he waits for Chi-Chi’s next words. 
She pats the edge of the hot tub, “You guys should come in with us!”
Goku doesn’t need much more direction than that before he’s stripping down to the compression shorts he wears beneath his signature orange fighting gi. He leans across to sling an arm around Chi-Chi, tucking her smaller body against his side. 
“C’mon, Vegeta!” Goku splashes a little bit of water in midair, a giggle not far behind. His eyes squint closed when he smiles at his rival-turned-ally. “It feels great!”
Vegeta is practically growling at the child-like Saiyan, the rumbling building in his chest, “I will not subject myself to-”
“Get in.”
You raise a brow, looking down at him from the hot tub. You smirk, rising just a bit out of the water to lean over the edge of the tub and rest your chin on your crossed arms, “We don’t bite.”
“And how can I be sure of that?” he asks, but you notice that he’s toeing off his boots and grasping at the clasps of his armor to remove his chestplate. Vegeta grunts, “You do have some pointy teeth.”
You can’t help the grin that lights up your eyes, “You’re one to talk, Saiyan,” he’s climbing up the stairs now, his feet making the water ripple, “you literally have fangs.”
Vegeta bares his teeth at you as he settles into the corner of the tub between you and Bulma. You laugh, leaning into his shoulder. It’s a test, to see if he recoils from you. He does hesitate when he first feels the bare skin of your arm, but he doesn’t act as if he’s been burnt, so you take it as a good sign.
Your thigh is pressed against his underwater, and you try to tell yourself that it’s the heat of the bath that’s making your cheeks burn red. A server brings more drinks and you find yourself snatching up two to try and help yourself get comfortable with the Saiyan who is practically parallel with your body, from shoulder to ankle. 
A while later, Tien approaches the hot tub and leans against the edge, tapping you on the shoulder, “You ready to go here in a little bit?”
You spare a glance over your shoulder to see the edge of Vegeta’s hairline flickering somewhere between blonde and brunette. A part of you wonders how much longer you can drag out your time with the Saiyan. 
“I’m taking her home.”
Apparently, Vegeta has made the decision for you. 
You don’t miss the way his arm slides around your shoulders as he leans back to look Tien in the eyes, a sarcastic smile tugging his lips upward. You’re not sure if you’ve ever seen Vegeta smile genuinely, so you know that Tien can sense the hostility.
Tien raises a brow, turning to look at you. All you can do in return is shrug, and he takes that for his answer. He sighs, “All right, sounds good. I’ll see you next time, okay?”
“Okay, Tien,” you lean forward to plant a kiss on Tien’s cheek, smiling at him as he pulls away. As you turn back to resituate yourself, Vegeta’s fingers curl around your shoulder, tucking you close much like Goku has done with his wife. It must be the liquor coursing through your system, because you don’t push him away, but rather lean into him as Bulma brings up her latest project she’s been working on. 
As the engineer talks in words that none of you can really understand, you can only pay attention to the way Vegeta’s thumb is brushing gently over your shoulder, almost tenderly. Underneath the barrier of the water, you slide your hand to his thigh, brushing your thumbnail against the hem of his shorts. His breath hitches, his throat bobbing. You feel his thigh muscles tense underneath your touch and you allow yourself a small grin out of satisfaction alone. 
It’s late enough in the afternoon now that the sun has set and it’s growing dark, so the placement of your hand isn’t obvious. Maybe that’s the only reason why Vegeta does not slap your hand away or make a scene.
Finally, you’re yawning and most of the guests have cleared out, the vendors packing away their things as well. You feel a squeeze to your shoulder and it jars you awake, your head lolling against a shoulder, “Hmm?”
A chuckle resonates beside you, “Come on, silly woman. Let’s get you home.”
Your mind races with what that could mean. Does he want to take you home? Does he want to stay at your home? The after-buzz of Bulma’s strong party drinks makes your heart race with ideas. 
“You gonna fly me there?” you ask him as the others start clambering out of the hot tub and start drying off. Vegeta scoffs, “How else do you plan for us to get there?”
You raise a hand in indignation, “All right, all right. No need to get snippy.”
As you stand to climb out of the hot tub, you almost slip on the first stair, but Vegeta’s hands grip you by the hips to keep you standing upright. You whisper a thank you over your shoulder and he merely nods in return. You’re sure that he’s bruised you from where he grabbed you, but the stinging sensation on your skin only does more to drive you wild.
You say your final thank you’s to Bulma and then, in your delirious, semi-intoxicated state, you turn to Vegeta and hold your arms out, “Well?”
“Tch,” he rolls his eyes, “you foul earthling. You never cease to confuse me.”
Vegeta turns around and squats just enough that you get the gist of what he’s beckoning you to do. You reach forward, gripping his shoulders tightly as you get ready to hop onto his back. As soon as your thighs make contact with his hips, he pounces into the air and you let out a squeal.
Your legs wrap around his waist, arms tightening against his throat. Ducking your head into his shoulder, you giggle, “You scared me!”
“Be braver,” he speaks simply.
The wind rushes through your hair and his arms around your legs make you feel like you’re still sipping on one of Bulma’s fruity drinks. You rest your chin on his shoulder, your temple against the shell of his ear as you watch the sights go by.
It isn’t long before you’re back at your apartment in the city. Vegeta lands on the balcony, lowering himself so you can slide down without much hassle. Your arms don’t leave his body, even when you’ve removed yourself from his back.
“Why did you go Super Saiyan at the party?” you ask, running your thumb over the ridges in his chestplate. He hasn’t turned around yet and you take advantage of the moment. Your eyes wander over the cuts and cracks in his armor, no matter how small. It’s a stark reminder of what his normal life is like - there is always another battle. Would there ever be time for anything else other than the next fight?
“I got angry,” Vegeta answers after a few minutes.
Your voice turns shaky, “At wh-what?”
His eyes are dark as he looks at you over his shoulder, “Isn’t it obvious?”
Maybe it’s the way his irises are glimmering under the moonlight. Maybe it’s the fruity liquor running through your veins. Maybe it’s the way your heart is beating faster the closer you get to him.
Whatever it is, it leads you to him.
Your fingers curl around the edges of his chestplate and your eyes track the pulse thumping against his neck and the way his jaw quivers under the stress of the bite of his teeth. Vegeta tilts his head, considering you closely.
“I want to hear you say it,” you tell him. Your voice is breathy and you’ve pushed yourself up on your toes to try and get closer to him.
Vegeta’s palms steady you at the base of your hips, reminding you of how he caught you earlier when you were about to face plant at the hot tub. You smile at the memory, your fingertips traveling up over his chest and up to rest against his neck. You feel the hair at the nape of his neck sift between your fingers.
“I don’t like it when other people look at you,” he admits through his teeth. Vegeta is almost snarling at you as he speaks, pulling you closer so your chests are brushing. You gasp at the contact, your eyes threatening to shutter closed. You glance up at him with half-hooded lids, “Look at me like what?”
He leans down, the tip of his nose ghosting down the bridge of yours, “Like the way I look at you.”
His lips brush over cupid’s bow and your eyes flutter shut. You card your hand into his hair, your free hand gripping his shoulder like a vice. Vegeta’s mouth captures yours, palming at you with his hands against your lower back to keep you close. You feel a moan surface from the back of your throat, but the sound only spurs the Saiyan on. He pushes you against the brick wall, hoisting you up with one arm around your waist. 
Vegeta slots his knee between your thighs to help hold you up, and it’s like you’re practically sitting in his lap in midair. You comb your fingers through his hair and feel the pulsating energy of his super form threatening to push through. A smirk works its way on your lips when his hand glides up your abdomen, thumb trailing between the valley of your chest and over your collarbones. His palm gets threateningly close to your throat and you wonder if or when he’ll squeeze the sensitive flesh of your neck.
You gasp when the pad of his thumb finds its way to the throbbing vein in your neck. He uses the soft flesh to tilt your head upward, leaving your skin bare and exposed in the balmy night air.
“You’re whimpering, angel,” Vegeta’s voice is gentle, the furthest thing from patronizing while still managing to be sarcastic. His nose brushes down over your cheek to your jaw, the puff of his breath against your neck bringing forth chill bumps on every inch of your skin. 
The way your body is leaning into his is nothing short of wanton. Your fingernails rake against his scalp as you guide him to the various sensitive parts of your upper body - your neck, your jaw, your collarbone. His mouth leaves a blazing trail everywhere it touches and only leaves you wanting more.
A shout from below startles the both of you and Vegeta shields your body with his own, pressing you even more flush with the brick wall of your apartment balcony. The noise was from a group of teenagers passing down the street, but it breaks you from your stupor. 
You laugh, dropping your head to his chest. Vegeta is rolling his eyes, you’re sure of it. His palms run down your sides until he wraps you up in his arms, hoisting you into midair. You squeal at the motion and throw yourself into him with your arms around his neck to keep yourself steady. 
Vegeta slides the balcony door open with the toe of his boot, carrying you through until he can deposit you on the bed, gently placing you there. He’s now hovering over you with his irises turning dark, thumbs circling the soft skin of your knee, slowly trailing up your thigh. You try to lean up to meet him halfway because your lips are aching to feel the touch of his kiss again, but he shakes his head, “Uh uh. Stay there. I’ll come to you.”
The short intake of breath that parts your lips makes Vegeta smirk. He gnaws on his lower lip as he loiters over you, thumbs circling your thighs in a tantalizing way. The way the pads of his fingers burn into your skin is like torture. All you want is to yank him by his armor to kiss the life out of you, but the way his eyes are boring into you tells you that you really should listen to what he said just a moment ago.
He leans forward, spreading your knees further apart so his thick frame can fit between your thighs. Vegeta’s body is heavy when he finally presses himself into you, his head tilted as he deposits warm kisses against your clothed body, starting at your navel and working upward. The obscene sound his wet lips make against the bare skin of your chest gives you gooseflesh. He nudges his nose over the swell of your breast as he uses his thumbs to hike up your cover up dress, the tip of his nail scraping gently against the back of your thighs, dangerously close to the hem of your bathing suit. 
A horn honks outside and it reminds him that the door was left open. Vegeta grunts before extracting himself from you, “I’m going to make sure all the doors are closed and locked, okay?”
You nod, tugging him by the neck for another kiss square on the mouth. He pulls away after a long few seconds, squeezing your thighs beneath the cover up. Before he completely removes himself from you, he slaps the sensitive skin of your thighs quickly, but all it does is allow another whimper to fall from your lips.
“I’ll be right back.”
Vegeta does a quick walkthrough of your apartment, making sure that your exit doors are closed and everything is in order before walking back to your bedroom. 
The position you’re in when he returns was not one that he would expect.
You’re wrapped under the sheets, your bathing suit and cover up discarded on the floor. The entirety of your legs are exposed, but your chest and waist are covered by the thin sheet. If he were to look hard enough, he’s sure he could see whatever he wanted, but the Saiyan prince knows more about respect and pride than to do that. 
Gentle snores pour out of your body, your chest heaving up and down consistently as breath blows out through your lips. You’re curled against a pillow, eyes shut but still active behind your eyelids. He allows himself to wonder what exactly you’re dreaming about. 
Vegeta reaches forward and brushes your hair out of your eyes, a sad smile on his lips, “I knew you were too good to be true.”
A kiss is planted on your forehead before he slips out of the balcony doorway and flies away into the night.
You’re not surprised to feel the thud of a slight hangover the next morning. Your eyes are practically glued shut, but luckily all of your window blinds are shut and none of your lights were left on in your drunken stupor the night before. You run your fingertips against your lips, the faint buzz of your dream still playing like a movie as you close your eyelids.
Vegeta kissed me.
Of course it was a dream. You know Vegeta isn’t one to care for physical affection unless you count an uppercut as a caress. And even though you were drunk by the end of Bulma’s party, you would have a distinct reminder if the Saiyan landed a blow somewhere on you. 
For now, you’ll have to settle with the ghost of a kiss on your lips and the thought of what his mouth might taste like.
You trudge back to Capsule Corporation, a full thermos of coffee in your hands and a pair of sunglasses covering your eyes. You nod to the front desk receptionist before heading to the med bay to start your day. 
It’s quiet for the first few hours - you’re mostly organizing the office and ordering medical supplies. You’re put in touch with Yajirobe to discuss the senzu bean supply and also to ship him some of Bulma’s leftovers in thanks for the beans. 
Once the sun starts to set and you open the windows to let a clean breeze roll in, you hear the two Saiyans out on the front lawn arguing about something. You laugh - no matter how much Vegeta wants to argue it, he and Goku have become something akin to brothers. Definitely more so in the no one can kill you but me way, but it’s still some form of family.
You’re washing beakers when the two stop by for their daily dose of vitamins. Goku gulps his down with a full bottle of water before turning to you, “Thanks! I still can’t believe Bulma hired someone as cool as you to be our doc!”
A bashful laugh escapes your lips - it doesn’t matter that Goku is married or that he is not necessarily what you would want in a partner, the bulky Saiyan’s compliment still sends a blush to bloom on the apples of your cheeks. You look down at your feet, your bland non-slip shoes tucked against one another at the arch, “Thanks, Goku. You’re not half bad yourself.”
Vegeta scoffs and tosses his little disposable cup in the garbage, sipping on a bottle of water, “Kakarrot, could you be anymore embarrassing?”
“Hey, Vegeta, that’s not nice!”
Goku leans on your shoulder, “Chi Chi offered to cook a really big dinner for everyone this afternoon. Do you wanna come?”
You pluck an already clean glass from the countertop and start wiping at it with a washcloth, “I-uh, I wouldn’t want to impose, Goku. I know I’m not a fighter or anything���”
“Nonsense,” Vegeta clicks his tongue, “Goku’s wife always makes too much food. There will be more than enough.”
And that’s how you find yourself sitting down at the outdoor dinner table at Goku’s farm.
Vegeta is on your right, and he passes you food as they all eat mercilessly. His hand brushes your thigh under the tablecloth and you feel your whole body tense at the motion. You swallow thickly and force yourself to eat another piece of grilled meat. You’re confused when he leaves his hand there, mostly because it is impeding the speed with which he can shovel food down his throat. 
“So,” Bulma speaks up after a mouthful of rice, “Is everyone still treating you right at Capsule? You haven’t had any issues with any of the other staff, have you?”
You shake your head, taking a sip of your drink before answering, “Oh, no, everyone is so kind!”
“What about the boys?” Chi Chi adds, raising a brow as she looks between Goku and Krillin, “Are they all being civil?”
A laugh bubbles up from your chest, “Oh, sometimes they squirm when I’m stitching them up, but for the most part they’re all compliant.”
Vegeta barks out a laugh, “Yamcha almost needed more stitches because he couldn’t sit still for the first ones.”
You narrow your eyes and turn to him, instinctively reaching under the table to squeeze his hand. Yamcha is sitting across the table, next to Bulma, and his face turns bright red at the comment. He goes to say something in retaliation to Vegeta, but everyone is shocked to see you and the Saiyan Prince having a silent conversation with your eyes. 
Vegeta snarls as he looks down at you. The pressure of your hand squeezing his palm actually causes him to wince, mostly out of surprise rather than pain. He tilts his head and you raise your right brow just enough that he gets the gist of what you mean. The harshness of the look on your face softens when you feel his palm turn over against your thigh, fingers slotting between the spaces of your hand.
“In Yamcha’s defense, it was a really nasty wound,” Vegeta grits out between his teeth before returning to the food on his plate.
Everyone is quiet for another moment and then they continue on as if nothing has happened. Your fingers stay intertwined with Vegeta’s, the feel of his gloved hand warm in your own. He keeps his head ducked, unable to look you in the eyes after his outburst.
“I’ll help you with the dishes,” you mention as you stand to your feet alongside Chi -Chi. She grabs a few plates off of the table, “Oh, that’s fine. No need!” 
You shake your head, “Oh, I’m sure you don’t get much help from these dunderheads! Let me do the first round.”
She relents, leaving you in the kitchen by yourself while the rest of the fighters and friends culminate around the bonfire that Goku has lit. You watch through the picture window in the kitchen as they all share drinks and laughs.
It’s another twenty minutes before the kitchen door opens, giving way to heavy muscle and dark eyes. Your breath hitches in your throat as he leans against the countertop beside you, arms crossed over his chest. You lick your lips and turn just enough to look at him, “Is everything okay?”
Vegeta grunts, “Tch. I can’t stand to be around them for more than a few minutes.”
“Your little comment about Yamcha earlier was really uncalled for.” You keep your hands busy by dunking them in the dishwater and continuing to scrub away at the plates and bowls. You take a short breath, “But I was more surprised by your attempt at an apology than the remark.”
“You can be intimidating when you try,” he mumbles, leaning his head back against the cabinets. Vegeta sighs, “Besides, the last thing I need is Bulma trying to defend that clown. She’s already irritable when we’re all just breathing.”
You can’t help a laugh, tilting your chin against your shoulder to conceal your giggle. You shake your head, “Be careful, she might be able to hear you.”
The smallest of smiles tilts the corner of Vegeta’s mouth and you wonder why every moment can’t be like this. Why can’t he be a proud man who smiles when things are funny? Why can’t he train to become stronger but also be gentle when it’s necessary?
You wipe your hands on a kitchen cloth, turning so your hip is pressed to the counter. Eying him, you smirk, “If I didn’t know any better, you’re jealous.”
“J-Jeal-” Vegeta chokes on his words, stumbling forward a half-step. The cap of his knee juts into your thigh and you laugh again at his actions. The prince catches himself midair, “I-How dare you? That would imply I care about-”
At just that moment, Chi Chi opens the door with the offer of finishing the dishes tumbling from her lips. She smiles and you wipe the remainder of the soap off your hands, “Sure, Chi Chi! Hopefully I did enough to be considered respectable. I really appreciate you cooking dinner for us.”
She squeezes your arms and then takes the position in front of the sink, hands wrist-deep in dishwater. You brush past Vegeta on the way out the door, careful to throw a glance over your shoulder to see him watching you as you leave. 
You don’t speak to him for the rest of the night, his sentence he wasn’t able to finish rattling around in your brain.
That would imply I care-
-about you.
Sure, he didn’t say it, but he might as well have.
You always thought Vegeta could never care for you in that way, but to hear it projected from his lips makes your heart burn. You wring your hands in your lap, unable to finish the drink Bulma made you. The fire is crackling in front of you, and Vegeta finds his way to the seat next to yours. Usually you would find a reason to lean closer so you could brush even just your elbows against his armor, but now you find yourself curling in on your own body, cradling your drink against your chest. 
The next few weeks are strange. You’re calling in sick and requesting an assistant to help you patch up the fighters when they come back in from intense training sessions. It’s not rare for Vegeta and Goku to need minor patching up, but it seems like since the night of the cookout, Vegeta always needs something stitched. You wonder if he’s self-inflicting wounds just to watch you squirm.
“You’re subpar,” he spats at your assistant one afternoon, a snarl on his lips. Vegeta scoffs, “I won’t let you touch me any longer.” He calls out your name and you barely lift your head from where you’re writing down formulas and equations. The faraway look in your eyes makes a chill settle in his spine, but he pushes the cold feeling away, “I’ll take this poor treatment no longer. I deserve the best care!”
You sigh and roll your eyes, “She’s doing a great job.”
“Tch! Seriously?!” Vegeta stands to his feet, a loop of suture work dangling from the skin of his arm, “I will not stand to be treated this way.”
“Then leave.”
Vegeta’s voice catches in his throat, a strangled noise echoing behind his tongue. His jaw muscles pulsate under the strain of his gritted teeth. Fists are tight at his sides, “A-Are you-”
“If you’re not happy with the way you’re being treated,” you tilt your head to look him in the eye for a short moment, “then go somewhere else.”
The Saiyan prince is taken aback by your stern words and harsh eyes. His jaw is left open as you turn your gaze back to your notes, pen scratching letters and numbers into the pages. You’re not surprised to hear the thudding of boots followed by the loud echo of the door slamming as Vegeta makes his exit. 
You sigh, sparing a glance toward the closed door, the stubborn Saiyan no doubt miles away by now. 
The looks he passes you when walking down the halls and across the courtyard is enough to make your heart go mad. You feel your chest tighten when he doesn’t give you the standard greeting, but you know that deep down, you’re to blame. You’re the one who embarrassed him. 
It takes another month or so for Goku to finally need a deeper set of stitches. 
“Vegeta has been really angry lately,” he comments, wincing through another set of sutures. He sighs, brushing his palm against the back of his neck, “Are you guys fighting or something?”
You choke on your own saliva, the threat of tears stinging in the back of your eyes. You take a short breath, “I don’t know, Goku.”
“Hey,” Goku grasps you gently by the bicep, “Are you okay?”
You swallow the emotion sticking in your throat like paste and drop your head to his shoulder, thankful you finished the final stitch moments before he asked his horrible question. Your palms rest against his chest as you try to regulate your breathing. Goku is nothing if not a brick wall, and it’s times like these where you’re glad to be his friend.
“I-I hate this back and forth!” You sniffle, turning so your cheek is against his shoulder, your eyes focusing on the scenery just outside the window. It’s a beautiful spring day, you should be outside wandering through the tall grass and plucking wild flowers. 
Goku’s arms encase your body, hugging you tight. You’re thankful that he can at least pick up on this social cue instead of how he normally reacts to human affection. 
“It’s so annoying the way Vegeta keeps going back and forth,” you try to remember to take short breaths as your head begins to spin. A hiccup parts your lips, “One moment, he’s holding my hand and leaning into me and complimenting me and the next he’s saying he doesn’t care and pulling away…it’s so…frustrating!”
“Have you talked to him?” He asks the question like it’s the simplest thing in the world.
You rub your nose against his gi, not caring if you get it dirty because it’s already soaked in sweat. You thumb at the collar, “Vegeta is not the most approachable.”
Goku laughs, pressing his cheek atop your head while he squeezes you tight, “Well, I think you should just talk with him. I bet you’d be surprised to see what he’d say!”
The idea alone makes you anxious, worry balling up in your belly like spiders threatening to crawl up into your chest and make a home there. Your body quivers, two tears falling from each of your eyes, wetting your cheeks. 
You’re shocked at the sound of Vegeta’s voice echoing in the medical bay treating room.
“What are you doing to her?! Why is she crying?” Vegeta’s boots are loud as he thunders into the room, eyes wide and brows raised. “What have you done, you imbecile? Do I need to strike you down where you stand?”
You shy away from the Saiyan prince as he bolsters towards you. Your body hides behind Goku’s, fingertips trembling against the bright orange fabric of his gi. 
“Vegeta, what the hell?” Goku shakes his head, “I didn’t do anything! She’s crying about you!”
The Prince’s pupils dilate as he stutters in place. His feet shuffle against the tile floor, “Wh-What?”
Goku rolls his eyes and takes a step forward, motioning with his hands, “You made her cry, Vegeta! So you can stop yelling at me. I didn’t do nothin’.”
Vegeta leans around to look at you, “Wh-What is he talking about?”
You curl your hands together, cradling them against your chest. Vegeta looks lost as he speaks his next words, “I-I kissed you! Isn’t that how earthlings show affection? What else did you need from me to show you that I wanted to pursue you as a mate?!”
The entire room goes still. 
“Y-You what?”
“Ew, gross!”
Vegeta’s scalp glows blonde and Goku throws his hands up, “S-Sorry!”
Your cheeks are bright red, palms sweating. You lean around Goku’s side to look at Vegeta, eyes wandering over every part of him. He’s tense, that much is easy to deduce. His body is tightly wound, like a coil ready to spring. 
“Kakarot, get the hell out!”
Goku excuses himself with pink cheeks and wide eyes, squirming through the front door and skittering down the hallway. 
Vegeta takes a short step towards you, treating you more like a frightened animal than anything else. His hands are open, palms facing upward as he trudges closer. You grind your teeth together, widening your stance to be a little more sturdy.
“The night I took you home from Bulma’s party, silly woman,” Vegeta cracks the smallest of smiles. You feel warmth seeping into your skin, starting where he circles your wrists with his own fingers. “We kissed then.”
The dream pounds like a bright light against your eyelids, the fuzzy feeling when you awoke clear as day. Your fingertips tremble against your lips, the closeness of the Saiyan dizzying. He is warm, radiating heat, and the mix of his musk and some sort of cologne makes your brain twirl. Vegeta runs his thumb against your pulse on your wrist, feeling your heartbeat.
“I-I don’t remember,” you admit, your voice faint. You look up at him and you’re surprised to see him still grinning. Vegeta shakes his head, “I gathered as much.”
He swallows, “I guess you had too many of those drinks she was passing out. I was planning on doing it again, unless you’re unwilling.”
Your pulse quickens and your eyes meet his, breath puffing from between your parted lips. There’s a stillness in the room that is normally never present where there is a Saiyan. They have an air about them which leaves the atmosphere buzzing, the threat of power on the cusp of their arrival. You’ve grown used to the sensation, but now that it’s absent, your chest feels tight.
“I’ve been told that earthlings say silence means no, but that gaping look on your face makes me think otherwise.” Vegeta’s knuckles curl against your jawline and his smirk deepens. The pad of his thumb drags across your lower lip and his voice drops an octave, “I could drop you here and you’d say thank you, wouldn’t you, little earthling?”
Your breath trembles, the threat of his fingertip against your front teeth, “V-Vegeta-”
His thumb flexes and your jaw is snapped open wide, his index finger pressed into the hollow of your cheek. Vegeta’s head tilts as he considers you, practically already clay to mold with his intentions, “You vulgar woman. You’re thinking about a lot more than kissing me, aren’t you?”
Your thoughts return to you and you force your jaw down to bite on his thumb, the slightest smirk of your own upturning your lips. You grip his chest plate and pull him forward, taking him by surprise, dropping your mouth down on his whole finger, releasing it with a pop. He barely has time to register the way the action makes him feel before your mouth is on his. 
Vegeta never realized how much his body ached to be washed in your presence. His very being sings at your closeness, the way your breath falls against his lips sending his mind into another dimension. He pulls you close, anchoring your bodies at the waist. His fingers slip under the hem of your shirt, thumb brushing over the taut skin of your stomach before drifting to hook into your belt loops.
The feel of your gentle tongue against his teeth sends him into a frenzy. His mouth is harsh against yours, teeth knocking together as he walks you back against one of the medical beds. The backs of your thighs bump into the metal frame and you stumble. 
“Your armor is in my way,” you pant, thumbing at the base of his chest plate, proving yourself right as you’re barred from his bare skin.
Vegeta breaks from your kiss, his temple pressed against your cheek as he breathes heavily, the heat blooming on your neck. Your thighs twitch with the feeling, warmth pooling in your belly as his lips ghost over your jaw.
“You want it gone so badly, take it off yourself,” Vegeta grunts before lavishing his tongue over your pulse throbbing in the thick vein on your neck. Your heartbeat hastens once the cold air hits the wet spots now on your skin.
Desperately, you search for the clasps. Your fingers fumble purposefully around the seams but you can’t focus with the way his mouth is working away at your collarbones. His teeth are bared against the swell of your chest and the tips of his fangs scrape against your tender skin. You gasp at the sharpness of his teeth, your back arching. 
You whine, your eyes screwed shut so tightly that you start to see stars, “G-Geeta, c’mon!”
“What?” He tilts his head so his hair brushes over your jaw. Vegeta nudges his nose over the dense muscle of your neck, trailing upwards to your ear, “Can’t wait to get your hands on me? Is it making you impatient?”
His teeth take your earlobe and you keen at the feeling. Your hands tighten around what little fabric you can grasp of his close-fitting uniform and you pull him forward so your torsos are aligned. You feel the brush of his pelvis against yours and your whole body lights on fire. His Saiyan blood makes him warm and you leech off the heat, your body igniting as if he were a match.
“Please,” you pant into his ear, desperate to do something. 
Your hands palm at him and your mouth searches for either his lips or his skin. His fighting gear leaves little available for you to explore.
Vegeta uses his large palm against your lower back to arch you upward, your body still sitting on the bed as he loiters above you. Your hands are trembling now and it’s almost like a game to him as he tortures your body with his mouth while you frantically pull and tug at his armor.
“Please what?” Vegeta echoes, breathing slowly against your cheek as he leans back to look you in the eye.
You let a string of curse words fumble from your lips in a quiet murmur. Your eyes are closed because you can’t bear looking at him when you can’t even unbuckle his chest plate. Vegeta nips the corner of your lip, tugging on the thin skin of your mouth.
He repeats himself in a rasp, dark eyes boring down at you as if he were drilling straight into your soul. You move one of your hands to cup his face, tilting him towards you as your eyelids struggle to stay open. Surprisingly, Vegeta allows you to maneuver him closer, tugging on him with your palm against his cheek.
“Help me, I-I can’t-” You’re cut short by his lips overtaking you again. His mouth is disastrous as it collides with your own, his hands finding yours as he ghosts over his armor, unlocking the latches with precision and ease. There is a loud thud as the weighted chest plate falls to the ground. 
“You weakling,” Vegeta murmurs into the openness of your mouth. He runs his tongue along the seam of your lips before clambering on top of you, knees between your thighs. Picking you up by the backs of your knees, Vegeta drags your body so your hips are flush and only your shoulder blades are touching the mattress.
He nips his teeth against the cloth of your pants on the inside of your knee, “Can’t even take my clothes off by yourself. Need my help with everything.”
You press your cheek into the mattress, your eyes shut with anticipation. He runs his nose along the inner part of your leg, the bow of his lips dragging over the sensitive flesh of your thighs. He chuckles and the breath heats your core.
“In your defense,” Vegeta murmurs as he kisses the top of your thigh, “only one with Saiyan strength can remove it.”
“Wh-!” You reel backward, widening your eyes as you look down on him, “You sneaky bastard.”
Vegeta pulls your shirt up by the hem, running the tip of his nose along the curves and contours of your belly. He presses a kiss against your hip, biting gently at the supple skin before sparing a glance upward at you, “I had to make it at least a little entertaining.”
You narrow your eyes, but the gesture is short-lived when the rough pad of his thumb runs just beneath the curvature of your breast. Every inch of your skin is pin-pricked with the threatening anticipation that the Saiyan’s mouth and hands provides.
“Take it off.”
You look frantically around the room - you didn’t even realize the door was still open from where Goku left however long ago. Not to mention all of the window blinds are partially angled to where anyone could see directly in and you’re sprawled out underneath this specimen of a man, powerless for however he wishes to use you. 
You shake your head, a blush burning into your cheeks, and cross your arms over your chest. He extracts himself just slightly, leaning back on his thick thighs to look down at you in questioning. His gaze follows yours and it appears that he can put together why you’re suddenly so against the continuation of what was about to unfold.
“Shh, s’okay,” Vegeta’s thumb is against your lower lip and you’re surprised at the sudden gentleness of his nature. He tilts his head, “D’you want to-”
His eyes widen at your quick response, but a chuckle fills the silence soon after. He plucks you up from the mattress, looping his arms around your thighs to hoist you into the air. You wrap your arms around his neck, tucking your nose into the crux of his shoulder.
Vegeta holds you close with one arm snaked around your midsection, the other settled on the underside of your thigh to keep you anchored to him. You cross your ankles around his back to hold yourself as steady as possible. Your mouth is against his collarbone, eyes just barely able to peek over the top of his shoulder. He’s walking you through the halls of Capsule Corp, glaring at anyone who dares to even glance your way as he does so.
A devious thought crosses your mind just then. You bare your teeth and press them against his skin, waiting for a reaction. He does nothing, and so you press your luck even further with a gentle biting of his shoulder. You don’t dare go any further, not yet. You’re afraid he may react too severely and drop you.
“Hmph,” he grunts, turning his head so his chin is against the crown of your hair. “You’d better stop, if you know what’s good for you.”
Another shadow passes on the opposite side of the hallway and you smirk into his neck, “Stop what?”
You feign innocence as you flatly press your tongue to his collarbone. You nip your teeth against the taut flesh before suckling on the skin, the sound of his hissing not going unnoticed by you. You only manage to mark him for a few seconds, but it’s enough to leave a bright red splotch of pulsing skin behind.
You turn your head and latch onto the patch of skin just beneath his ear, your face hidden by his stray tufts of hair. You lavish the spot with your tongue and teeth, this time able to pester him longer, your fingers dipping into the muscles of his shoulders as you cling onto him like an animal.
“Why you filthy little-” Vegeta clicks his tongue as he stretches his neck to look down at you. You smile up at him impishly and a small giggle escapes from the back of your throat.
A low growl rumbles in his chest, vibrating your torso. Your entire body flushes with heat at the sound. You latch onto another patch of skin near the base of his throat, and this time you pull the flesh into your mouth even tighter than before, sucking hard against the skin. Vegeta gasps but you don’t let him go, instead biting down harder, determined to leave a lasting bruise there on the most visible part of his body.
You hear a few beeping sounds and then the click of a door opening. Your back is against a wall before you can realize that you’ve made it to Vegeta’s room. His knee brushes between your hips as he leans forward to kick the door closed and you feel heat rush to the center of your body, pooling in your stomach. 
“I told you,” he growls into your ear, hips pinning your body to the wall, “to cut that shit out.”
Vegeta’s palm runs from your hips up over your breasts, squeezing quickly with his right hand before allowing himself to focus on the base of your throat. His thumb brushes against your pulse point that’s currently throbbing along with your speedy heartbeat.
“I can see it in you, though, can’t I?” His smirk is bright in the dimly lit apartment. He runs the pad of his thumb over your esophagus, applying gentle pressure to test your very basic limitations. “You’re practically begging me and you haven’t spoken a word since the med bay.”
You swallow thickly, your throat bobbing against his barely-there hold on your neck. Your breathing is shallow and you try to keep from panting like you’re desperate.
“Go on,” he nudges his nose over your cheek, voice commanding you even though it’s so low. “Ask me for it, I know you want to.”
You’re embarrassed that he can see right through you as if you were a glass window, or a book begging to be read. Your ears and cheeks burn bright red, your nerves reflected on your skin tone. You turn your head so your cheek is pressed to the cool wall and it effectively gives you some relief from the warmth bubbling inside of you.
This only encourages him, his palm creeping up your neck to press flat against your cheek, holding you there. He scoffs, “Can’t even look at me when you’re telling me what you want me to do you, can you? Even you know how vulgar and pitiful you’re being, don’t you?”
How he manages to be both patronizing and enticing, you’ll never know. It must be the tone of his voice. With your cheek smushed between his hand and the wall, your body is trembling under the idea of submitting to him. Your legs are shaking under the strain of holding yourself up, but he does not relent.
“Ten seconds, babygirl,” Vegeta mumbles against your neck, brushing his knee further into your hips. Your thighs cinch around him even tighter, searching for some sort of friction against your throbbing core. He barks out a laugh at your needy behavior, “Tell me what you want, or I’ll decide for you.”
You try to count down in your head, but your mind is fuzzy and you can only find a few numbers before you blurt unceremoniously, your voice nothing but a whine, “I-I want you to be rough with me!”
The laugh that echoes in the empty room is something of a mix between sadistic and proud. Vegeta tightens his grip around your throat, thumb and index finger digging into the muscles that keep your spine and esophagus safe. Your pulse thunders in your ears, pounding against his fingertips as he applies increasing pressure.
“How do you want me to rough you up, sweetheart? Where do you want me to make it hurt?” Vegeta trails his free hand over the length of your body, fingertips lighting your skin on fire as he applies varying amounts of pressure here and there. He raises a brow, looking up at you through dark lashes. His hand settles on the curve of your back, fingertips digging harshly into the soft skin of your ass. 
Your eyes roll back in your head as you reach up to circle a hand around his forearm, your breathing practically halted with the harsh hold he has on your throat. You squirm under his heavy body and he clicks his tongue, “Ah, ah. Be still.”
Your thighs quiver as you try to still your body. You brush your palm against his arm, the pulsating muscles of his forearm sending your thoughts buckwild. You close your eyes and delicately run your fingertips over the thick veins and sinews leading to his shoulders and torso. His bicep twitches under your touch. 
Vegeta notices the way your cheeks burn with color and he releases your throat from his grasp. His thumb trails down the length of your neck as you gasp and cough from the relief of pressure. You swear you see the slightest of grimaces default on his face, but the expression is gone before you can register it. You wrap your fingers around his bicep in an attempt to reassure him even if your voice isn’t functioning.
The skin of your throat grows tight as you gulp in air. You’re sure there will be bruises where his fingertips were, but instead of making you self-conscious, it only spurs you on to beg him for what you really want. 
“I want y-you to mark me up,” you manage to spit the words out even as your body drifts somewhere in between elated and exhausted. Just the idea of what he could do to you makes you want to curl up and rest, tired from the dream of him.
Vegeta tilts his head and you take it as a silent order to continue, and so you do: “I-I want,” you pull his hand from your cheek and guide it to your hip, “you to bruise me.” You risk exposing yourself to more pain when you reach up to cup his cheek, fingers sifting into his hair. You grip his head by the back of his neck and pull him close, “I want you to bite me a-and-oh!”
The feel of his sharp teeth against the thin skin of your neck cuts you short and instinctively a sound that is a hybrid between a gasp and a moan erupts from the back of your throat. Vegeta smirks, a low chuckle vibrating against your neck, “Vulgar woman.”
Vegeta plucks you from the wall, tossing you over his shoulder as he walks towards his bedroom. Your body must be like a paper weight to him, what with the way he carelessly drapes you against him. You can’t focus on much other than the thickness of his lower half - he’s all muscle, but it’s concentrated on his ass and thighs. His calves flex as he walks through the bedroom door and you wriggle one hand free to slap at his ass.
He gasps, “Why you little-you’ll pay for that!”
Your body is flung from his shoulder to the bed, the propelling of your body making the bed squeak as you settle. He pulls his tank over his head, tossing the fabric somewhere out of the way. The weight of his boots thudding against the floor makes your shoulders shake. 
Vegeta is in only his skin-tight training pants, the contours of his muscles bulging in strain against the fabric. You’re practically drooling at the sight of his bare torso. He clambers on top of you, loitering over you as he brushes his knuckles down your cheek. His voice is low and deep when he speaks next, “Can’t keep your hands to yourself?”
“C-Can’t help it,” you manage, your legs squirming under the weight of his body. He pulls you forward with his palms kneading the flesh of your thighs, snapping you up toward him.
“So desperate, and whiny,” Vegeta tuts, shaking his head as his tongue makes quick work of your sensitive neck. You slot your fingers further into his hair, holding him to you as much as you can, what with his Saiyan strength tossing you around like a ragdoll.
You hiccup and shake your head, “S-Sorry.”
Vegeta is quick to press a kiss square on your lips, effectively hushing you as he begins rolling his hips into yours. Your jaw drops and it allows him to lick the inside of your mouth, nipping at your lower lip as he pulls away. He nudges his nose against your cheek, “Don’t apologize, just spread your legs.”
You do as you’re told and your knees spread to hit the mattress. Your breath is like a ball of sandpaper in your throat and you can’t force enough air into your lungs, no matter how much your body protests.
“Besides,” Vegeta says, licking his lips slowly like he knows just what it does to you, “I like it when you’re needy.”
There’s a loud ripping sound that echoes through the room and you want to be pissed but the way the cool air hits your hot body, you can’t complain. Vegeta tosses the offensive clothing off to the side of the room to be forgotten, his eyes trained in on the valley between your hips. You feel squeamish all of a sudden, trying to bend your hips to best cover yourself, although you’re bare as a newborn in front of him. 
“Mm, babygirl,” he mutters, shaking his head as he dips his strong fingers into the flesh of your thighs. “Is that what I do to you?”
You know he’s referring to the horrific slick obscuring his sight from the inside of your sensitive folds, but you can’t seem to force out a response. Your head is dizzy now, between the pressure he has on your legs and the high you’re riding from the sight of him alone.
His thumb presses to the most sensitive part of your body and he circles the pad of his finger round on top of it, leaning his forehead against yours as he does so. The sensational jolts that brush over your spine like hot lava do little to calm your quick heartbeat. Vegeta is shockingly gentle in his ministrations, building up something within you that will eventually burst like water over a dam.
“I always wondered how I affected you.” His voice is low, a rumble in his chest that vibrates your torso. Your nipples harden at the sound and you fight the low whine that wants to burst open your lips. Vegeta chuckles, running his nose down your cheek as if he were stalking you like prey - you hope he devours you whole.
Without much warning, his index finger slides into you, filling you up more than you though, the thick digit curling upward inside of you, sending you keening loudly. The sound echoes off the apartment walls and only urges the Saiyan Prince onward. Your hands instinctively wrap up into the scruff at the nape of his neck, holding him to you as you try your hardest not to ride his finger desperately.
He smirks, “Now I know.”
Obscene puffs of breath part your lips and he uses his spare thumb to brush over the lower one. Your eyes are screwed shut as his finger relentlessly pulls and pushes against your walls, continuing to build the crescendo, threatening to spill you into the end too quickly, and with only one finger no less.
“Seeing you curl up around Tien, calling Yamcha every name in the book,” he huffs, his finger working faster within you as his temper rises. Vegeta grunts and it sounds like a growl, “I could’ve hurled any of them to the moon, but I never understood why.”
Vegeta tits his head back, looking down at you with something akin to awe in his eyes, “Now, holding you like this, watching you, I know.”
Your head rolls back and your eyes screw shut, but he pulls out his finger, coated in your wetness and throbbing from use, and you choke out a sob at the lack of contact. He brings his thumb back to your clit, pushing gently but enough that it brings you back down from your cry.
“You wanted marks?” His question is rhetorical. He can remember the way you cried out earlier that you wanted him to mark you up, to claim you as his own. The Saiyan in him bites away at his human resolve, begging to unleash the beast settled and tamed just under the surface. Every primal instinct within him tells his body to scar you with his affections, to bite and bruise until your body can take it no longer, until anyone with eyes can see that you belong to Prince Vegeta.
You nod your head but it’s feeble, the feel of his palm so close to your core pushing a blush from your belly to your ears, your body weak under his potential touch. Vegeta makes a guttural sound, low and deep, and somewhere in the back of his throat, and then his mouth is all over you.
Your body freezes at the feeling, but as soon as you register where his bites are, you melt. Your arms are jelly, barely hanging onto him now as you lazily loop your hands behind his neck. You sway with his mannerisms, your body little more than a vessel for his undoing.
“I’ve wanted to put a mark right here,” he nips at your jugular, “since that day you slapped Kakarrot.”
His mouth envelopes the soft skin of your neck, rolling it between his teeth as he sucks. You can feel the blood vessels bursting, no doubt leaving behind an angry red hickey which will soon bloom into beautiful blues and purples.
Vegeta releases you with a pop and then his fingers are agonizing you again, this time two are pressed between your folds, making your walls throb at the intrusion. You flex involuntarily against him, and his eyes light up. He looks down at you, “Do that again.”
“B-But,” you swallow, wishing the heat of tears away. For some reason he’s spinning you out already, and he hasn’t manipulated your body enough for you to feel exhausted like this. And yet, your body begs for release so you can fall into a dreamlike state, curled around him like a needy animal.
He tilts his head, beckoning you to answer. You lick your dry lips, cracked from your panting breaths, “I don’t know h-how much longer I can last. N-Not with that.”
“Oh, little earthling,” Vegeta kisses his way up your jaw between words, his fangs brushing against the thin skin of your neck. “I plan to wear you out, so this is just the beginning.”
As the words tumble from his mouth, his fingers work against you, curling devastatingly within you. You listen to his command, flexing your body against his touch, and your eyes widen as your bodies work together to bring you to another plane of existence as stars settle in your vision. Vegeta encourages you with a string of words whispered against the shell of your ear, but you swear he’s speaking some ancient Saiyan language because you can’t understand a syllable he’s saying between your loud panting and the high he’s pushing you towards.
He pulls back from you, loitering over you like a shadow, and his palm brushes your neck, making you wince as he touches the sensitive space he’s marked as his own. His fingers enclose around your neck again, thumb pushing harshly into your hickey.
You seethe between your teeth, your body arching upward at the wave of pain that washes over you. Vegeta surges forward to bruise your lips with his kiss. His mouth works you just as painstakingly as his fingers, the tandem effort between his hands and his lips making your eyes roll back in your head.
“P-Please, ‘Geta,” you whine in a hoarse voice, your toes curling. You grip your hands in the sheets in an attempt to diffuse some of the tension building up in your hips, but it does little to quell the strain. You start to see darkness around your peripherals as his palm flexes against your neck. 
Vegeta sucks a small hickey into the curve of your jaw before releasing his fingers from your throat, his hand drifting down to tug at your clothed chest. His thumb and index finger twist at your hardened nipple, which makes your whole body tense.
“Please what?” he mocks, his voice patronizing.
You groan, turning your head to dig into the pillow beneath you, “I-I’m gonna-ah!”
His pace quickens, thumb pushed against your clit as his fingers swipe quickly, the base of his fist pumping in and out of you. If this is how he feels with his thick fingers, you can only imagine how full you’ll be once he’s inside of you.
“Gonna what?” Vegeta kisses over the hickeys he’s left on your neck and shoulders. You bite your lip to keep from crying out at the pinpricks of pain that jar your senses. He chuckles, his forehead bumping against your chin to get you to look at him, his fingers still working at you, tugging you closer to the precipice with every flick, “You gonna come on my fingers? Silly woman, so quick to come apart when I’ve got you laid out like this. ‘m not even done with you yet, sweetheart.”
His voice sends you over the edge. You squeeze your thighs around his arm, your hips arching upward as you burn through the end of your resolve. The build up of wetness in your eyes spills over the corners, tracking down your cheeks as you mewl when your release finally hits. Vegeta continues, slowing his pace but pushing you through the aftershocks as your eyes go wide with stars, pumping in and out of you with his two fingers.
“S’pretty when you fall apart,” Vegeta murmurs as he nudges his nose down the column of your neck. His thumb brushes gently over your cheek and he trails his nail over your pulsing jugular, your shuddering breaths shaking both your bodies with the closeness, “Come down, come back to me.”
Finally, his hand relents and he pulls his fingers away, leaving your center empty and wanting for more. You can feel your arms again after you release the bed sheets from your fists, and you take advantage of it to touch over the dense planes of muscle on his back and shoulders. Your hands roam up his biceps and drift to his hips, mapping the sinew with the pads of your fingers.
You eventually make eye contact with him again, your irises glassy and wide, the innocence in your gaze alone causing his cock to twitch against his thigh. You see the deepness in his eyes and your stomach churns, hands massaging into the skin of his back. His muscles flex against your touch and it does things to your mind. You want his full weight on top of you as he drives your hips into the mattress.
“There you are,” he mutters, thumb brushing the remainder of the tear away from your cheek. He chuckles, “Sweet little earthling. You think-”
“Fuck. Me.”
Vegeta reels back, holding himself over the top of you so he can study you fully. He tilts his head, but he barely has time to speak before you yank him down by his neck to kiss him, your free hand cupping him through his fighting gear. He gasps against your mouth and you have the desire to flip him over, so you trail your hand from his neck to his hip, dipping your fingertips in so he knows what you’re trying to do.
You shift yourself at the waist and Vegeta allows you to roll over so you’re straddling him now, the wetness remaining on your thighs dampening the cloth of his pants. He gazes up at you with wide eyes, but it doesn’t take long for his demeanor to reset and he’s got that hardened look in his irises once more. 
You tug on his waistband, and he barks out a laugh, “Should’ve thought about that before you got on top of me, silly thing.”
To help, you raise yourself up so he can shimmy out of his pants, and you’re surprised that he’s not got any underwear on beneath his fighting gear, his cock bare as soon as he pulls the blue spandex from his body.
“Shit,” you whisper impulsively, rocking yourself against his thighs.
Vegeta raises a brow, “Still eager, angel?”
You nod dumbly, your words escaping you as you try to figure how you’ll take him. The idea of him stretching you out brings another wave of slick between your legs and you want him so desperately that a feeble whine slip from between your teeth and tongue.
“That’s what I thought.”
Vegeta picks you up by the hips and you squeal at the sudden movement. You giggle once you realize that he’s not about to throw you across the room, but it’s cut short when you feel the tip of his cock press flush with your clit before slipping between your slick to glide partially into you.
Your mouth parts as he guides you downward, your knees hitting the mattress before you can take him all in.
He must see you wince because he draws you back just enough for you to gather your breath and to get the pained look off your face. The fact that he’s able to hold you in thin air does little to staunch the wetness collecting in your core. You whimper, your hands wrapping around his forearms as you try to steady yourself and keep your eyes from watering because you don’t want him to think you’re weak.
Your fingernails must be drawing blood by how tightly you’re grasping onto him, but he does not complain. Instead, his eyes are trained in on you, tracking your movements with concern settled in his deep irises. His lip is quirked upward and you force yourself to release your hold on his arm so he won’t be so worried for you.
“I-I can do it,” you nod, biting down on your lip as you look him in the eyes. You take a deep breath and press your palms to his chest, rolling your hips as best you can with his firm hold on you.
Vegeta groans and his eyes roll back just enough for you to gain some confidence. You roll your hips again and you’re able to take a little more of him, stretching out your pussy and sending a jolt of pleasure up your spine, causing you to throw your head back.
He takes it as a sign and pulls you by the hips until you’re flush with his waist, a mutual gasp parting both of your lips. You fall forward, your body ghosting over his own as you hover atop him. Your hands are on either side of his head and his fingertips are digging into the soft part of your hips.
The glossy look in your eyes sparks something in the Saiyan and he reaches up to snatch you by the back of your head, balling your hair up into a fist, “You gonna be good, and take my cock like a sweet little bitch?”
You nod, unable to speak. He smirks at your inability to form words and threads his hand into your hair, holding your head tightly as he begins to buck his hips upward in a steady rhythm. Your mouth opens as you pant, eyelids fluttering somewhere between open and closed. Vegeta takes pride in the way your jaw hangs open and your eyes roll behind your lashes.
“Bein’ good,” he mumbles, his mouth knocking into yours as he belligerently slams his hips upward into yours. You feel yourself clenching around him, your tongue rolling in your mouth as you try to hold off from coming too soon. Vegeta licks at your bottom lip, “Such a good little babygirl, hm? Got all these marks on you…”
His thumb pushes into the biggest hickey on your neck and you throw your head back, whining at the sensation. Vegeta takes advantage of your shock to take hold of you by the ass, rocking your hips back and forth on top of his dick. Your toes curl as you feel his cock pulse within your walls and you can’t stop it when you flex yourself around him. The front of his hips manage to brush your clit and you see stars.
A pert slap on your ass brings your attention back to his face. Vegeta’s eyes are hardened as he looks up at you, one hand still tight around your cheek and the other free to continue the harsh spankings.
“Well don’t stop,” he beckons, rolling his hips to get you to go back to your rhythm. “Or else I’ll make it worse.”
If you weren’t already so spent, you’d beg him to make it worse. However, another loud slap resounds in the room when you don’t immediately begin bucking your hips against him. You fall face forward until your forearms are holding you steady over the top of him, your body gyrating to draw out some sort of reaction from him. You rest your forehead on his shoulder, your lips making quick work of his collarbones as his firm hands continue to alternatively spank either part of your backside.
You tense every time he hits you, your walls contracting around his cock, making him moan against your temple. You lick a stripe up his neck and find yourself murmuring into his ear, “P-Please, ‘Geta. W-Want to feel you come.”
“Then make me,” he grits between his teeth, landing a hard smack with both of his hands. He grips your ass just after, the burning mixed with the sting of his harsh touch making you whimper, ducking your head even further into the crux of his shoulder. You sniffle into his skin, thankful he can’t see your pitiful expression.
“I want to,” you nod, kissing his collarbone for good measure. You continue to tighten yourself around him in an attempt to bring his orgasm sooner, panting and whining against his ear so he’ll grab you harder.
Vegeta bristles and you feel his cock harden as he grows closer to the tipping point. His brows furrow and his palms are hot against your skin, hardened from battle and calloused from war, tearing into your flesh relentlessly. Your ass has practically gone numb, tears threatening to spill over your cheeks as you ride him to coax him to the edge with you.
He growls, “Fuck, good job, angel.”
His searing palm presses against your shoulders and your chest is flat against his as he takes the burden of leading off of your shoulders and starts canting his hips upward into you. He fills you up, the tip of his cock brushing all the way to the back of your stomach and you swear you feel him in your spine.
“Like it when I’m all the way in you, huh? Ya’ like it when you can feel me fuckin’ your tight, wet little-mm,” Vegeta nips at your jaw to try and get your attention. You lean back to look down at him, your chest bobbing with every movement he makes. “Everyone’s gonna-fuck-know who you belong to, looking at that shit on your neck. F-Fuck, gonna make me come, baby.”
You hear yourself begging for his release before you register what you’re doing, your wanton cries echoing in the small space and making you self-consious. Your whole body blushes at the sounds you’re making, but it only spurs Vegeta on, his pace quickening and becoming just sloppy enough for you to know that he’ll be falling over the edge soon enough.
“Please, ‘Geta,” you moan his name lowly against his mouth as you kiss him lazily. His hand slaps over your ass again, causing you to clench around his cock and you let loose one more begging plea before his whole body tenses and then he’s spilling into you. His hips are jerky as he rides out his high, but he doesn’t stop and you can feel the pressure building back up within your stomach.
His thumb finds your most sensitive spot and you squint, “‘G-Geta?”
“Hush, now,” he mumbles. Vegeta’s free palm finds your breast, nipple tweaked between the pads of his fingers. He presses his tongue against yours, coaxing you to play back, pushing your tongue between his teeth. Taking the moment for himself, he sucks your tongue harshly, pulling a whimper from the back of your throat.
Vegeta’s thumb against your clit and his mouth tugging on your tongue combined with the way his hips snap to meet yours brings you closer to your second coming. He releases your tongue in favor of kissing down your jaw, using the momentum to topple you over and switch your positions. His heavy weight pressing into you sends your mind down a thousand different tunnels. 
“C’mon, little woman,” Vegeta encourages, ducking his head to take your nipple in his mouth, rolling it around with his tongue. You gasp and dig your head back into the pillow, eyes screwing shut as your body builds with pressure, white noise filtering through your vision. He noses over your cheek, “Come for me, baby.”
It’s like his words are the key to your soul because with his next breath comes your orgasm, your body quivering with energy as you come around his cock, both of your slick dripping down your thighs. He doesn’t pull out of you as soon as you finish, the heat of him making your head dizzy.
Vegeta kisses up your sternum to your mouth, lips locking with yours despite the faraway look in your eyes. He chuckles as you fiddle with his hair at the base of his neck, a lethargic smile of your own tugging your lips upward. You tilt your head to look up at him, the threat of sleepiness washing over your body like a glaze.
“S’glad you finally got the hint,” you twirl a lock of his hair around your finger, tugging just enough to get a reaction from him. He growls and bites at your jaw, making you release him out of sheer instinct.
He presses his lips to the area he’s just bitten, smoothing over the gentle wound. Vegeta slowly shrugs himself away, separating your bodies with a soft sound. You whine at the separation and the Saiyan smirks down at you, “If you don’t hush up, I’m going to make you go another round.”
The idea of having to stay awake to satiate his Saiyan stamina makes your spine tremble. You hide your face behind your palms, embarrasment showing in the form of a pink blush on the tops of your cheeks and ears. Vegeta slowly pulls your hands away, a smile on his face as you glance up at him.
“You’re cute when you get flustered,” Vegeta brushes his knuckles over your cheek, “I’ll have to fluster you again later.”
Your blush darkens and you try to turn your face to hide, but his hand on your face keeps you from it. Vegeta rolls so he’s on his side, arms pulling you forward, “Now, sleep.”
You thread your thigh between his, pulling yourself closer, and tuck your head underneath his chin. Your arms are tucked into the space between your chests but Vegeta’s are palming at your shoulders to keep you anchored to him. He kisses the crown of your head, “I’m serious, earthling. Sleep, or I’ll have to wear you out all over again.”
“Sounds good,” you slur, your eyes closing despite you wanting to feel him fill you up and stretch you out time and time again. You brush your thumb over his pectoral, “R-Rain check?”
Vegeta laughs in your ear, tucking you both underneath the covers as the air conditioner kicks on. The sound of your slurred half-sentences keeps him entertained as you babble your way to unconsciousness. He merely listens to you as he pets his hand over your hair and over your back, trying to tempt you into the realm of slumber.
 “Hey, ‘Geta?” 
When you tilt your head to look him in the eyes, he’s carefully considering you with thoughtful eyes. He nods, “Yes, little woman?”
“Next time, I think I want to try to take it even harder.” 
There is a strangled noise that rumbles in the back of his throat but you’re yawning and tucking your head back into him before you can think too hard about it. Vegeta shakes his head and fights a smile, “I think that can be arranged.” 
The only sounds in the room are gentle snores and heavy breathing mixed with the pounding heart of one Saiyan prince.
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fishkinger · 4 years
Yamtien ficlet
Based off of this post.
Tien shifts awkwardly in the copilot seat, trying to muster up as much offhanded casualness as he can, and turns across the dash, his eyes wincing as the sun comes in scattered off the ocean. “How long have you two been together? You and- and Bulma, I mean. She... seems cool.” Cool? He cringes internally. This is a sort of self-punishment he's inflicting on himself for liking a boy that is both straight and taken - it won’t lead to any sort of conversation he wants to have, but he needs to hear it from Yamcha himself. Maybe it’ll get it through his thick head that it isn’t going to happen, maybe he’ll be able to let this whole thing go.
Sitting in the pilots seat, his curly hair just brushing the top of the blue collared shirt he wears on their off days from training, Yamcha blinks, seems mildly surprised at the abrupt change in topic from Chiaotzu's cooking skill. The trip from Kame House to the mainland for supplies is long, even in the new, faster ship Bulma ordered during the King Piccolo debacle. Tien and Yamcha are on duty this month, and they’ve made small talk through the hum of the engines for the last hour.
As soon as Tien mentions Bulma, Yamcha’s mouth quirks, and he says, “Oh yeah, she’s pretty cool. She’s really smart too, smarter than the lot of us put together, I think.” He’s more than happy to prattle on about all the things Bulma is cool for, and how they annoy one another, and how nice her folks are, as Tien sits stoically in the other seat trying to appear attentive, nodding along in agreement while internally growing increasingly miserable at the fact that he brought up the subject– especially when Yamcha turns to him and, slightly over-loud in the way that he is, asks "What about you, Tien? Have a girlfriend back at home? Arms like that must make you mighty popular with the ladies!" He laughs, sincere and friendly, and reaches across the dash of the ship to give Tien a light shoving punch on shoulder while keeping his eyes fixed on the ocean in front of them and his other hand on the controls.
Tien tries not to cringe away from the touch, but still unconsciously reaches his other hand up to rub where Yamcha hit as he gives an awkward chuckle, and his three eyes crinkle up slightly into a forced smile as he shoots him a glance. Did Bulma buy him that shirt? It looked expensive. "Well, not exactly. When we were with Master Shen we were.... Working, most of the time. And if I met any other- girls my age it usually wasn't under great circumstances."
This tears Yamcha's gaze away from the sky ahead, and his dark eyes flicker over to land on Tien, who would be squirming with discomfort by now if Shen hadn't disciplined him to be capable of sitting, expression schooled, through much less pleasant than this. He feels too large for his seat. Yamcha frowns, "Hey man, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring your past, I should'a thought more before I asked. How about when you and I get to the city, I treat you to that wheel cake cart by the beach and I can wingman for you, help you talk to some cute girls."
Tien reaches up to rub the back of his head, feeling the beginnings of a prickle from where Chiaotzu helped him shave it the day before, willing himself not to open the hatch and fly back to Kame House just to escape this conversation as he deflects, "I don't think it counts as treating me if it's Master Roshi's grocery money you're using. And not today. We have to get back to training if we want to be able to keep up with Goku in three years, there's no time for distractions." He pauses and adds, a little less harshly, "Thanks, though."
Yamcha cracks into a smile, and his face seems to light up with the blinding sun reflected in glimmers off the water. Tien stares.
"No problem buddy. We'll find you someone someday, just you watch."
#reposting bc i revised it and actually made it a whole scene#this is like super short but#please tell me if this is any good at all i would seriously really like any feedback or crit!#esp with how to write conversations/body language and how i characterized them#ik it was really short but i typically write about fandom stuff like stream of consciousness rather than scenes so im v unsure#and id like to start writing a fic for yamtien so I want to improve!#anyways this is after the defeat of king piccolo when the boys spend a summer at kame house training together#as soon as they get home with groceries later that evening tien excuses himself to go stand on the beach and listen to mitski LOL#he knows he put himself through the wringer in that convo for no reason by bringing up bulma and man it didnt feel great#but he also feels guilty for liking yamcha when hes STRAIGHT and especially TAKEN#(yamcha is not straight)#(also i think yamcha and bulmas relationship is like much more very good friends that bicker and occasionally use the other to#show off the fact that they arent single than they are super romantic... they do care though)#anyways tien has been too busy Killing People to have any more than very minor surface level crushes#and now theres this cute guy who will talk shit right back at him and who fights well and whose leg he broke that he LIVES WITH NOW#and its just run him over like a dumptruck.#tien is super respectful of course and tries never to initiate even any sort of casual physical contact and doesnt flirt at all#he just vents to chiaotzu telepathically sjdjgjs#them in the same room not saying a word with completely blank faces *clown to clown communication meme*#tien#yamcha#tiencha#yamten#yamtien#dbz#oh no i just posted cringe! v embarrassing!#*throws words into the void* is this anything? is this anything?#hopefully it will be ok that i reposted it..... sorry for doing that...#long post#sorry 😬 i couldnt figure out how to put it under a cut on mobile
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duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z 154
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Vegeta and Trunks are finally back from the Hyperbolic Time Chamber!   Remember, this is a special room where one year passes inside it for every day that passes in the outside world.    They were supposed to have come out several episodes ago, but for some reason they ran late.   
So what were they doing in there?   Trunks claims that they managed to surpass the Super Saiyan form after just two months, but Vegeta wanted to keep working on it until it was just right, but before he can specify any details, Vegeta shushes him.    He also discourages Goku from using the Time Chamber himself, since there won’t be any need.   Vegeta plans to defeat all of their enemies single-handedly.   The others can’t believe that, because they know how much stronger Cell has become, but Vegeta’s full of confidence.   What, for a change?
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Meanwhile, Bulma flies up to the Lookout in her aircraft.    Once upon a time, it was said that airplanes couldn’t fly up to the top of Korin’s Tower.   So I don’t know if this is a plot hole or Bulma’s tech happens to be that much better.
Also, the Nyoibo is still being shown connecting Korin’s Tower to the Lookout.   
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Elsewhere, the androids have taken refuge on an island, where they hope Cell won’t be able to find them.   Fortunately, they’s invisible to ki senses, and they don’t need much in the way of provisions.    There’s birds on the island, so 16 is all set.  
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18′s not as thrilled about this hideout as he is, though.
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Notably, 18 is amazed that 16 went out of his way to help her and 17 against Cell, even though he was built solely for killing Goku.    I mean, the same could be said about 18, since she helped 16 flee the island to come here, and she was built to kill Goku.    I never quite understand why characters treat 16 as unique among androids.   They were all built to destroy Goku.   I guess the fact that 16′s all-mechanical means that he was never originally a human with any other goals, but still.
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Bulma shows up on the Lookout and learns about the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.   She’s surprised by how much Future Trunks has grown, and then she asks why Vegeta’s hair didn’t grow out over the past day.   Vegeta explains that Saiyan hair doesn’t grow like human hair.    So I guess this is why Trunks and Gohan have hairstyle changes while Goku and Vegeta don’t.  
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Anyway, Bulma’s here to hand out Saiyan uniforms that she made based on Vegeta’s old outfit.   Vegeta and Trunks change into them because they needed new clothes anyway, while Goku and Gohan switch into them because hey, free clothes.  
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Piccolo and Tien, however, are like “fuck Vegeta and fuck his clothes too.”    I don’t know why Bulma made these for everyone.   Piccolo can literally make his own clothing, for one thing.  I can see Trunks wanting a set, but that’s about it.   But I get the impression that Bulma has some sort of uniform fetish going on here.   
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Goku offers to teleport Vegeta to Cell, but Vegeta’s like “fuck Goku and fuck his instant transmission too.”   Something I hadn’t noticed before, but Vegeta and Trunks’ uniforms have turtlenecks, while Goku and Gohan’s have an open collar.   
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So now it’s finaly time for Goku and Gohan to take their turn in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, but first, there’s one thing Goku wants to take care of, and it’s really important .............................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................can we get something to eat before we start?     Ha ha ha ha ha.   There’s food in the chamber you big goof.
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Meanwhile, Cell seems to have narrowed down his search to an archipelago not far from the previous battlefield.    I’m not sure I follow his logic, since he thinks this is the only place they could have reached with 16 being as injured as he is.   Why wouldn’t they have hidden underwater?    Why couldn’t 18 have flown into outer space?    Who’s to say that they aren’t still flying to some other place further away?   For that matter, Cell seems to be basing all of this on the idea that 18 wouldn’t just ditch 16 to save her own skin.   This is actually true, but how would he know that? 
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Anyway, Cell’s strategy is to just yell really really loud and threaten to destroy every island until she comes out of hiding.   One of the islands has a city on it, and the populace is confused to say the least.   Also, this city is home to the guy with a T-shirt that reads “THE SUPER SAIYAN” on it.   He’s never heard of Super Saiyans, and neither did the guy who sold him the shirt, but he’s rockin’ that look anyway.   
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Cell is so friggin’ loud that they can hear him all the way over at Master Roshi’s island.    Well, at least they know what’s going on. 
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The problem with Cell’s threat is that everyone knows he can’t risk killing 18 or then he’ll be stuck.   But he insists that he’ll destroy the islands anyway.   
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16 assures 18 that Cell won’t really go through with it but then he starts blowing up islands, startng with the one that’s populated.    R.I.P. “The Super Saiyan” T-Shirt.  
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So, minor spoilers here, but later on, the Dragon Balls get used to wish back all the people Cell killed, but what does that do for the people who were living here?    Do they just reappear in the middle of the ocean?   Would Shenron restore the island they were on as a courtesy?   Or would he place them on the shore of the nearest continent?
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Even though Cell’s not bluffing, 16 insists that they’re better off staying put.    He reasons that Cell is only using enough power to destroy the islands, but not enough to damage 18, so no matter what happens, she’ll survive.    But 18 figures that won’t help 16, since he’s hurt.   Okay, true, but when he was healthy, he turned out to be stronger than 18, so maybe he’d hold up better than we think.
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Interally, 16 wonders why Cell is so driven to become perfect.  I always though this was a dub thing, but it’s in the Japanese version too.   The reason I thought it was a dub-ism is because it seems kind of pointless.    Cell already explained his motivations to Piccolo several episodes ago, and 16′s the one who refused to fight anyone but Goku.    If anyone understands the compulsion to follow a program, it’s him.
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Anyway, Goku’s hongry.
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He eats like eight bowls of stir fry or something, then has an apple for dessert.  
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While this is going on, Bulma watches Trunks climb one of the columns.    Aww...
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And then they enter the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.   Not much that I can say, since we already saw this part when Trunks and Vegeta used it before.  
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joan-frias · 4 years
Seven Years After
A Gohan x Videl Fanfiction
This fanfiction is written in a format that mimics the anime/manga. The dialogues are on script format, and locations are written for ease of reference.
Photos credit to the owners.
SON GOHAN just finished answering his entrance examination. He looks happily at his paper, then outside of the window by his left side. The sky is blue, the day is sunny.
Gohan is now 16 years old. He's grown into a fine teenager. He resembles his father a lot, and if only his hair has the same spiky haircut then he could pass as Goku's twin. But he decided to have his hair cut short. He's also not much into wearing a gi, though he's wearing something that Goku used to wear. He has Goku's orange jacket, something he decided to wear to somehow give him the confidence he needs for today's entrance exams and interview. Underneath the jacket is a white shirt, just like his father. He completed the look with black pants and black sneakers.
Gohan looks at the woman in front of him. She is a TEACHER. The middle-aged woman is wearing a matching blue skirt and blazer suit. Her greying hair is tied into a bun, and her eyes are aided by a white-rimmed eyeglass.
TEACHER: Are you done?
GOHAN: Yes, Ma'am.
The teacher stands up and walks to Gohan. She takes his paper, then gives him some instructions about what he'll do next.
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Gohan is sitting on a chair as the principal is currently conducting an interview with him. The PRINCIPAL is a middle-aged man wearing a black-rimmed glasses and blue suit.
PRINCIPAL: So Gohan, tell me about yourself.
GOHAN: I'm Son Gohan, 16 years old. I live with my mother and little brother at East District.
PRINCIPAL: What about your father?
GOHAN: My dad... (holds the hem of his jacket) he's not with us anymore.
PRINCIPAL: I'm sorry to hear that.
GOHAN: It was seven years ago, so we kind of moved on from that already.
PRINCIPAL: I'm glad to hear that... So Gohan, you live quite a distance from the school.
GOHAN: Yes. Actually, Sir, this is the nearest school from our place. That is the reason why I was home schooled since I was young.
PRINCIPAL: I see. What made you change your preference?
GOHAN: My mother thinks that it will be better for me to go to a real high school. This is also to help me learn how to be with other students.
PRINCIPAL: I see... Well, it seems your home schooling has been good. You aced all your entrance exams.
Gohan smiles shyly.
As Gohan is taking his interview, CHI-CHI waits outside the principal's office. She's in her usual purple dress with her orange scarf. Her hair is tied in a neat bun. She is sitting at a gang chair and can be seen nervously looking at the door as she waits.
After what seems like forever to her, Gohan goes out of the door. Chi-Chi immediately walks to him.
CHI-CHI: How did it go?
GOHAN: (blushes) I... got in. I made it!
Chi-Chi bursts in glee. She hugs Gohan by his neck, making him stoop down because he's now taller than his mother.
CHI-CHI: Oh! I'm so proud of you.
GOHAN: Mom! Take it easy.
CHI-CHI: (lets go) So when can you enroll?
GOHAN: They told me to come back next week to process my enrollment. Then I'm good to go to class the week after.
CHI-CHI: That's great! Now… I know you're hungry. Let's go and eat lunch. Since you did great with your entrance exams and interview, I will treat you and you can have anything you want.
GOHAN: You don't have to, Mom.
CHI-CHI: Oh, come on! This does not happen quite often, so let's make the best out of it.
Gohan smiles at her.
The downtown district is the home for all commercial, cultural and entertainment establishments in Satan City. There is also an abundance of Mr. Satan's billboard all over the streets.
Gohan and Chi-Chi entered a luxurious restaurant and is given a table for two.
GOHAN: Are you sure about this, Mom? This place is quite expensive.
CHI-CHI: Oh, don't be silly! We can afford something like this once in a while. I told you, this is my treat since you did well in school. So order what you want and don't worry about the bill.
GOHAN: I wish Goten is here to celebrate with us.
CHI-CHI: He'll be fine. I'm sure Bulma can feed him more delicious food than what they serve here. Her mom's the best cook in West District.
GOHAN: I have to agree with that.
CHI-CHI: I will just cook a nice dinner tonight. Then, we can celebrate again. Oh, my dream of you becoming a scholar is about to come true! What a great future you'll have, Gohan.
Gohan looks at his mother who is obviously very happy. Gladness took over his face.
CHI-CHI: (realizing Gohan is staring at her) What is it?
GOHAN: I'm just happy you're happy, Mom.
CHI-CHI: I'm sorry if I have been hard on you. I just want you to have the best life and future.
GOHAN: I know, Mom, and I'm thankful for that.
CHI-CHI: Oh really? (raises an eyebrow) You'd rather be studying than training?
Gohan lets out a nervous laugh as he scratches the back of his head. Chi-Chi looks at him fondly. Gohan notices that look.
CHI-CHI: You really look like your father when you do that.
Gohan smiles back.
CHI-CHI: I wonder what he would say about you going to high school. He might argue with me again and insist that being strong and training hard is better that being a scholar.
GOHAN: You miss Dad so much, don't you?
CHI-CHI: Well, don't you?
GOHAN: Everyday, Mom. Everyday.
Tears are starting to form on Chi-Chi's eyes. She blinks them out and takes a deep breath to compose herself.
CHI-CHI: Oh well! Let's not be sad. He died saving the world making sure we will be safe. I just hope more people appreciates that. Cheering for a fake champion? They don't even realize that Mr. Satan is fooling them all.
GOHAN: Mom, you realize we're on the city where he lives, right?
CHI-CHI: I don't care! Your father is not here with us because of that sacrifice he made and people are cheering for that pretentious champion who makes martial arts look like a circus. I bet I'm even stronger than him.
Gohan looks around nervously.
The food is served, and Gohan eats voraciously. Other customers started looking at them, but Chi-Chi just tolerates it.
CHI-CHI: Don't forget to save room for desserts.
GOHAN: Yes, Mom.
After lunch, Gohan and Chi-Chi strolled along the city.
CHI-CHI: Gohan, somehow you need to familiarize yourself with this place.
GOHAN: Don't worry, Mom. I'll be just fine.
The two of them see a billboard of Mr. Satan.
CHI-CHI: Ugh! Do they really need to display his face all around the city? It's quite annoying already.
GOHAN: Mom! Please don't say that. Someone might here us.
A gunshot fills the air. Gohan and Chi-Chi look around and see a robbery happening inside a jewelry store nearby. Some bystanders have gathered outside to witness the fiasco.
BYSTANDER #1: Those crooks! They don't even care if this city is where Mr. Satan lives.
CHI-CHI: (sarcastically) Oh, for sure they're not bothered!
GOHAN: Mom! (smiles awkwardly at the man)
The police started arriving. They park outside the jewelry shop, assess the situation. But before they could come in the jewelry shop, one of the robbers exits the store with a female hostage.
ROBBER #1: Just try to make a move and her brain will explode.
The police were not able to do anything.
CHI-CHI: Let's go, Gohan. We don't want to get tangled with this mess.
Gohan looks at the store, but decides to follow his mother. He was about to walk away when he hears someone cry out. He looks back at the scene, and sees the crook taking the hostage with him on the car.
HOSTAGE: Please, let me go, Sir. Please, I beg you.
ROBBER #1: Shut up!
Gohan feels like he cannot let this to just pass by. He looks at his mother, but instead of following her he goes to the other direction.
GOHAN: (to himself) I'm sorry, Mom. I just really need to do this very quick.
Gohan enters a dark alley. He looks around making sure no one is there to see him. Then, he gathers his power and transforms into a Super Saiyan.
At the jewelry shop, the other robbers came out as well. Robber #1 still has the hostage with him inside their getaway car. Suddenly, a glowing man appears in their midst, surprising them.
GOHAN: Release the girl and give back all that you took from the shop.
ROBBER #2: And what if we don't?
GOHAN: I am giving you one last chance to give back everything that you've taken from this shop. Please cooperate or I'll have to force you.
The people around start to notice Gohan.
BYSTANDER #2: Who is that punk with golden hair?
BYSTANDER #3: He looks like an angel.
BYSTANDER #2: Maybe he is. He suddenly appears out of nowhere.
CHI-CHI hears what the others are talking about. She turns around and looks back at the crime scene, seeing Gohan on his Super Saiyan form.
CHI-CHI: Gohan!
Meanwhile, the robbers are still not cooperating with Gohan's orders.
ROBBER #3: You fool! You think you can scare us with that cheap trick of yours? You're not even half as strong as Mr. Satan's.
GOHAN: So you won't listen, huh? Well then, you leave me with no choice.
Gohan disappears. The robbers are surprised, but are more shocked when the door to the passenger seat of their getaway car suddenly fell down. The three of them look at it, as Gohan swiftly takes the hostage from the first robber then brings her to the police officers.
GOHAN: Officer, please keep her safe.
POLICE #1: (dumbfounded) O-Okay...
Gohan looks back at the crooks who are still not comprehending what is happening.
ROBBER #2: Where is he?
Gohan jumps and lands behind the two robbers in front the jewelry shop.
GOHAN: Looking for me?
The two men turn around and see Gohan behind them. Before any one of them can answer, Gohan went ahead and kicks Robber #2. The robber falls to the ground a few feet away.
ROBBER #3: You punk!
Robber #3 charges to Gohan, but the young Saiyan was quick to respond. He did not dodge, but instead anticipates the blow catching the robber's hand.
ROBBER #3: Wha-
Gohan twists the man's arm sending him excruciating pain. Afterwards he lifts him up and throws him beside Robber #2.
All the bystanders are amazed at what they are witnessing. Except for Chi-Chi. She is actually mad at what she's seeing. She clenches his fist and looks fiercely at Gohan.
Robber #1 goes out the car with his gun. He points it at Gohan.
ROBBER #1: Die, you monster!
Robber #1 fires his gun at Gohan. The latter did not dodge, but instead catches the bullets with his bare hands. The gun runs out of bullets. Gohan lets the bullets fall to the ground.
ROBBER #1: You're impossible!
GOHAN: And you're going to jail!
Robber #1 tries to get back in the car, but Gohan moves swiftly in front of him. The thief looks at the golden-haired fighter.
GOHAN: You still won't surrender?
ROBBER #1: N-No! I-I'm… doing what you said!
Robber #1 takes all the jewelry they took, then hands them back to Gohan.
ROBBER #1: Here! Take all that we got. I'm not fighting you.
Gohan takes the bag from Robber #1. He looks at the police officers.
GOHAN: Officer! Please take this loot, then restrain these three.
One of the police officers moves closer to Gohan. The young Saiyan gives the loot to him. Some of the police goes to the crooks and put handcuffs to them.
POLICE #1: Thank you so mu-
Gohan suddenly disappears.
POLICE #1: Where'd he go?
Gohan goes back to the dark alley and transforms back to his normal form.
VIDEL arrives at the crime scene. She's a sixteen-year old girl dressed in long white t-shirt and black tight-fitting shorts. Upon seeing her, the police officers went to her and told her what happened.
POLICE #1: Videl!
VIDEL: What happened? (looks around)
POLICE #1: Everything was taken care off.
Videl sees the three crooks being handcuffed and taken inside the police vehicles.
VIDEL: (quite amazed) You were able to get them this time.
POLICE #1: No. Actually, someone helped us earlier.
POLICE #1: A golden-haired guy suddenly appeared out of nowhere. He was super strong. He took these three all by himself in minutes.
VIDEL: Golden-haired guy?
POLICE #1: Yes. His hair looks like flames. He seems so strong and confident, quite cocky I should say.
Videl looks around, trying to search for the golden man the police is telling her about.
POLICE #1: He's not here anymore. He just disappeared suddenly.
VIDEL: Disappeared?
POLICE #1: Yes. He comes and goes instantly.
VIDEL: Strange...
Meanwhile, Gohan goes back to his mother, who is really furious about what happened.
GOHAN: Mom...I uh-
CHI-CHI: Yes, I know! I saw everything!
CHI-CHI: Let's talk later!
CHI-CHI turns around, leaving Gohan behind.
GOHAN: Mom! Wait for me!
Gohan follows his furious mother.
From Satan City, Gohan and Chi-Chi proceeds to the Capsule Corporation. They were met by Bulma at the reception area. The Capsule heiress has matured through time. Her hair was cut short, and right now she's in her working clothes with brown pants, yellow long-sleeved shirt and moss green vest. She removes her brown lab gloves as the mother and son approach. Gohan is still trying to appease Chi-Chi who cannot seem to let the matter pass by.
BULMA: Oh! Hi guys!
CHI-CHI: Bulma! Do you know what this young man just did earlier?
BULMA: What? (looks at Gohan)
GOHAN: Well...
Gohan smiles shyly as he scratches the back of his head.
CHI-CHI: He tried to play superhero!
BULMA: What?
GOHAN: W-Well, you see, there was a robbery at a jewelry shop in Satan City. I just...
CHI-CHI: He fought with those bunch of crooks at Satan City!
BULMA : (quite confused) What's wrong with that?
CHI-CHI: Didn't you hear what I just said?
BULMA: Gohan fought with the crooks.
CHI-CHI: And you're asking what's wrong with that?
BULMA: Chi-Chi, Gohan beat Cell, and I'm positive those crooks are not anywhere close.
CHI-CHI: (frustrated) Ugh!
BULMA: Chi-Chi! Calm down already. I'm pretty sure Gohan just wanted to do the best at that situation.
CHI-CHI: I know! I know!
Chi-Chi breathes deeply to calm herself..
BULMA: Besides, what's important is that Gohan is safe. He's unharmed. Those men don't stand a chance at him. Believe me. Someone in here actually trains day and night just to be as strong as he is.
BULMA: You guessed it right. Hah! If only I could disable that Gravity Room to stop Vegeta's madness... or maybe, I could.
GOHAN: (grimaces) I don't think you should.
CHI-CHI: I don't care if they are the lamest criminals on the universe. I just want Gohan to live a normal life like a normal teenager should...
GOHAN: Mom...
CHI-CHI: I'm just afraid that what happened to his father might also happen to him.
Gohan and Bulma look at Chi-Chi, both speechless. Chi-Chi's eyes start to tear up, and sadness is evident on her beautiful face. Upon realizing what is about to happen, she takes a deep breath and tries to compose herself again.
CHI-CHI: Now, where is Goten? Is he playing those video games again? He never gets tired, does he?
BULMA: They're in Trunks' gameroom.
CHI-CHI: I'll go get him now so we could go home.
Chi-Chi leaves. Bulma and Gohan looks at her.
BULMA: She still can't say his name, huh?
GOHAN: Yeah...
BULMA: I guess it still hurts.
GOHAN: It wasn't easy.
BULMA: It sure isn't... Gohan, I think you should just follow what she wants. It will make things easier for her.
GOHAN: Yeah... I guess so.
Gohan is preparing to go to Orange Star High School for his enrollment. He's wearing a green shirt and black pants. His mother comes forth, wearing her usual cheongsam, this time it's blue, and black pants underneath.
GOHAN: What? You're coming with me?
CHI-CHI: Of course I am! Who will drive for you, silly?
GOHAN: But Mom, I can ride Nimbus to school. That is how I plan on going to school everyday, remember?
CHI-CHI: Yes I know. We talked about this and Nimbus seems to be the fastest way to go to school. But you're not yet schooling. You're about to enroll yet and you need to look like a normal teenager.
GOHAN: I won't let anyone see me on the Nimbus. I promise.
CHI-CHI: I know, I know. But, I also need to make sure you don't mess up again just like what you did during your exams.
GOHAN: Mom...
CHI-CHI: Now, where's Goten? We need to drop him off to Bulma first before going to your school.
Gohan lets out a sigh.
Gohan and Chi-Chi are at the registrar's office. The school REGISTRAR is a plus-sized woman on her late thirties, with greyish curly hair and round red-rimmed eyeglasses.
REGISTRAR: Now, here is your school badge. (hands the badge to Gohan) You don't have a uniform here, but you need to wear that badge whenever you go to school.
GOHAN: (takes the badge) Understood, Ma'am.
After the enrollment, Gohan and Chi-Chi decided to walk along Satan City.
CHI-CHI: I think the dumpling house is along here on this road...
Two cars dash out of the road. Everyone's attention was caught by this raging vehicles.
CHI-CHI: What's wrong with those people? Don't they know how to drive?
Some police cars arrive. They stopped at a bank nearby. One of the bank employees comes out of the bank. He approached the police officer.
BANK EMPLOYEE: You're too late! They're already gone.
POLICE #1: Pardon me Sir, but it seems you informed us quite late than you should have.
BANK EMPLOYEE: The crooks didn't allow us. They were able to shut down our automatic distress call. I think they have someone who disabled our system before they came in.
POLICE #1: Where did they go?
A guy on his forties comes out of the bank.
MAN: Please, Sir! Please help me take back my money.
POLICE #1: We'll do everything we can.
The police officer deploys some of his men to go and follow the bank robbers.
CHI-CHI: Another robbery? Is that a daily happening here in Satan City?
MAN: (to the police) Please, help me! I need that money for my wife's treatment. Without that, she'll die because of that stupid virus!
BYSTANDER: Is that the heart virus that everyone is talking about?
BYSTANDER #2: Maybe. He said treatment, so probably it is.
Gohan is alerted by what the two bystanders were talking about. He remembers that time when his father was infected by the heart virus.
GOHAN: (on his mind) Could it be... it's the same heart virus?
MAN: That money is the what's left to us. My wife is… My wife is going to die…
GOHAN: Mom...
GOHAN: I'm sorry. I promised I won't do this again, but I just can't let this pass.
CHI-CHI: What do you mean?
Gohan starts to run away.
GOHAN: I'll go back when I'm finished!
CHI-CHI: Gohan! Come back!
Gohan continues running. He goes to a secluded area, then transforms into the legendary Super Saiyan. Then he flies to the direction where the crooks proceeded. It did not take long for him to track them down. He stops them by releasing an energy beam on both cars.
The trucks roll over. The thieves scramble to get out, only to be greeted by a certain blond guy.
GOHAN: Give back all that you've taken and I will spare you.
ROBBER #1: And who are you to tell us what to do?
ROBBER #2: Hey… wait! I think I know that guy.
ROBBER #1: Huh?
All the others look at Robber #2.
ROBBER #2: That… that is the guy that took care of those thieves at the jewelry shop!
They all turn to Gohan.
GOHAN: Now, are you going to do as I say? Or do I have to take you down by force?
ROBBER #3: I don't care who you are! I'm not giving you back the money!
Robber #3 fires his gun at Gohan. The Super Saiyan catches the bullets with his bare hands, throwing them aside.
GOHAN: You want it the hard way, huh?
Gohan charges to the four crooks. He kicks and punches them beating them all. After making sure all the four guys are beaten up, he looks around and speaks to one of the spectators.
GOHAN: You! Tell the police the thieves are here.
The spectator takes his cellphone out to contact the police. It didn't take long for them to arrive.
GOHAN: (to the police officer) Make sure the guy from the bank gets all his money back. His wife needs it.
Gohan flies back to the downtown district of the city.
Meanwhile, Chi-Chi is sitting at a bench by the sidewalk. She is looking at the crime scene, which is a few meters away from where she is. A news reporter is covering the robbery that just took place. She is now interviewing the man who cried for help from the police officer earlier.
REPORTER: Can you tell us what happened earlier?
MAN: I withdrew our money from the bank. I had to pay for my wife's treatment. She has this heart virus that's been going around lately...
CHI-CHI: That heart virus, huh? Somehow, they found a way to treat it. A very long and expensive treatment. If only Trunk's medicine was already discovered.
Her face turns sad.
CHI-CHI: Isn't it ironic? We were able to save you from the virus, but you still died that day... Is it because it was destined that you should die?
FLASHBACK to before the Cell Games. Goku and Gohan on their Super Saiyan form spend the remaining days with Chi-Chi before the Cell Games as if they are a normal family. They eat together, go on a picnic together, celebrate birthdays together.
CHI-CHI: I wonder... do you already know that time that you're not coming back? Did you spend those times on purpose, leaving us happy memories because you know… you know…
Tears flow through Chi-Chi's face.
CHI-CHI: Do you know how scared I was? How can I raise Gohan on my own? Then, there's Goten… Do you know how scared I was that I won't be able to raise them on my own? Why did you have to leave me like that? Why did you have to leave me alone?
A police officer approaches the reporter.
POLICE #1: We receive a report from a citizen that the robbers were already apprehended.
REPORTER: (to the camera) We just received a report that the police was able to stop the robbers and take them down.
POLICE #1: Actually, it was the golden-haired guy.
REPORTER: What do you mean?
POLICE #1: The golden-haired guy who also took down the robbers on the jewelry shop.
Chi-Chi smiles upon hearing that. She wipes out the tears on her face.
CHI-CHI: Maybe... maybe you let yourself die because you know we can make it. You know I can raise the two boys, and Gohan can be strong and mighty on his own. (takes a deep breath) Seven years… how strange? It still feels like yesterday sometimes… I guess because it seems you never left us. You are still with us. In us. In Gohan. In Goten… He kind of looked exactly like you… (giggles) And Gohan... I guess he has your superhero complex. Whatever I do, he still will do everything to save others. Oh, Goku! Did you pass on the throne to him when you died? I guess I can't do anything about it anymore. After all, he has your blood, Goku…
Gohan arrives. He sees his mother smiling.
GOHAN: Mom...
CHI-CHI: Did you get them?
GOHAN: Yeah...
CHI-CHI: I knew you would… Did you have a hard time? Did you get hurt?
GOHAN: No, I'm… I'm good, Mom.
Chi-Chi stands up and turns to Gohan.
CHI-CHI: Gohan, the next time you do that, promise me you won't get hurt. I know you're strong, but sometimes you let your guard down. That might be a problem.
GOHAN: How did you know?
CHI-CHI: Your father told me that before he died. He believes in you so much, that you are a good fighter. I guess I should start believing in that now, too.
GOHAN: So, you mean to say it's okay for me to help others?
CHI-CHI: As if I could do anything. You're Goku's son, after all.
Chi-Chi smiles at Gohan, and the young Saiyan smiles back. Somehow, he feels like everything has finally settled down.
CHI-CHI: Come on! Let's look for that dumpling store to buy some for Goten.
The two of them walks on.
CHI-CHI: I think we should buy some for Bulma and the others as well. Do you think Vegeta likes dumplings?
GOHAN: I'm not so sure. We're not really that close.
CHI-CHI: I guess I should ask Bulma next time.
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Back at the jewelry shop...
Videl looks at the facade of the store. Some police officers are still there wrapping up the scene, while the reporter is still trying to get the whole story behind the robbery and the mysterious golden-haired fighter as well.
VIDEL: Golden Fighter... Who are you, really?
Videl continues to look on as the people around her goes on with their business that sunny day at the Satan City.
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0 notes
duhragonball · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z 046
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Last time, Bulma, Krillin, and Gohan took shelter in a cave so they wouldn’t be spotted by the ARMY OF BAD GUYS that beat them to Planet Namek.   Good thing they did, because they just happened to fly past.
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They’re all really strong, but this one guy in particular caught Krillin and Gohan’s attention, because he’s way, way stronger than Vegeta.  It’s weird how this is basically the marketing slogan for Frieza at this point.     “A villain stronger than Vegeta.”   Like that’s some crazy impossible thing, or like it’s his single defining characteristic.   But for a while, that’s really all we know about the guy.
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Sadly, Krillin removes the blue shirt he was wearing under his Turtle Hermit uniform, and we won’t see it again for the duration of this adventure.  That makes me sad, because Krillin looks way cooler with the blue shirt under his uniform, but the Androids Saga isn’t that far away...
Basically, Krillin’s big idea is to spy on the bad guys and try to get a handle on what’s going on.   They already have four Dragon Balls, and they seem to be tracking down Namekians with their scouters to find the rest.   But are they friends of Vegeta or not?   There’s a lot we don’t know.    Right now, stealth is the only advantage the good guys have.
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Bulma heads into the cave and sets up a base of operations, and then she calls Master Roshi on Earth.   I thought she already did this, but whatever.  Roshi’s not wearing pants this time.
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So Roshi goes to the hospital to fill Goku in, but first he has to paw the nurse, because he’s a giant piece of shit.   Master Roshi belongs in jail.
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Goku’s all amazed to hear that there’s someone stronger than Vegeta.
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This is his mental image of that person.    It... kind of looks like Nappa.   Goku’s imagination leaves something to be desired.  
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Then Yajirobe shows up with the new crop of senzu beans.   He only grew seven in the past month.    Seriously, is the Senzu plant sick or what? 
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Goku eats a bean and just breaks right out of the bandages he had on him.    Or were those supposed to be casts?   The way he kept moving around while they were on, I really had no idea.
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The he fetches a fresh new uniform that King Kai sent to him.    Wait, how did King Kai send him clothes?   I mean, King Kai’s a big wheel in the afterlife, but if anything, I would have expected him to use Kami as a courier, and he’s dead right now.
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Roshi asks Goku how he plans to go to Namek, and Goku explains that he asked Bulma’s father to build him a ship.
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Turns out, there were still two Saiyan spaceships left for Dr Brief to work with: the one that Raditz arrived in, and the one that brought Goku to Earth as a baby.   Both were wrecked, but they still had enough working parts for him to do the job.   Incidentally, this doctor is tripping balls right now.
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So Goku heads out to see about his new spaceship, and Chi-Chi sees him leave from the roof, where she’s drying Goku’s underwear.    I... don’t think she’s supposed to be doing that up there, but I guess she can go home now that he’s healthy, so maybe it’s okay.
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Yajirobe is dumbfounded, because the news from Namek couldn’t be worse, and yet Goku is excited to rush headlong into the danger.   Roshi suspects that this is Goku’s Saiyan blood at work.   He wants to save the others, but he also wants to fight all these new bad guys he’s hearing about.
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Goku arrives at Capsule Corp., and Bulma’s mom flirts with him.
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Then she takes him to the ship, which Dr. Brief has built into a much larger vessel.  
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This is all based on Goku’s instructions.   He wants to train on his way there, so he needs room to do that.  Additionally, Dr. Brief has a device on board that can adjust the intensity of the artificial gravity. Using this, Goku can increase the gravity to 10 times that of Earth, to replicate King Kai’s planet, or he can turn it all the way up to 100 times Earth’s gravity, which he thinks he’ll have to do in order to handle a rematch with Vegeta.
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Goku’s confused because Brief told him the ship wasn’t ready yet, but it turns out the only thing holding it up is the sound system he’s planning to install.   In the dub, it’s a cappuccino machine.   Either way, Goku doesn’t care, so he takes off immediately. 
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Back on Namek, Krillin and Gohan find a safe place to watch the Namekian village as Frieza’s goons rough up the locals.    It’s kind of weird because Krillin and Gohan couldn’t use their full speed to travel, but it seems like they arrived only minutes after Frieza.    Then again, Frieza seems to be taking his sweet time about all of this.
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Throughout this part of the story, Gohan has trouble suppressing his ki, either because of inexperience or righteous anger over how the Namekians are being treated.   Dodoria almost spots them with his scouter, but he writes it off as an animal passing by.  
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There’s only five Namekians in the village: two children and three old men.  Frieza’s footsoldiers seem extremely cheerful about pushing these guys around.   I’ve always found it strange how Frieza’s henchmen feel about him.   They’re all afraid of him on some level, sure, but they also seem to trust him to protect them in some way.   Like, you take this guy on the left.    He’s not getting anything out of this mission.   He won’t be making any wishes on the Dragon Balls.   He’ll just be standing there like a good while his boss becomes immortal.   But I think he must get some kind of kick out of that, because working for Frieza suits him.   He gets to push people around all day, and no one can stand up to him because they don’t want to incur Frieza’s wrath.    So for him, the idea of an eternal Frieza works for him just fine. 
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Meanwhile, Goku sets his artificial gravity to twenty gees and starts his training.  
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The thing is, it’ll take Goku’s ship six days to reach Namek, and Frieza’s already got four Dragon Balls out of seven.    And it looks like he’ll have a fifth one in the next few minutes.   So will there be anything left for Goku to save when he gets there?
22 notes · View notes
duhragonball · 6 years
Dragon Ball 083
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This screencap doesn’t have much to do with anything, I just wanted to post it because it looks really awesome.   This is such a good cartoon, guys.
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By the way, Goku wants to eat that bird.  
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While that’s going on, there’s also a cool car chase happening nearby.    This green fox dude in a compact is running from three tough guys in a yellow muscle car.    They both run off the road, but somehow the three guys still think they’ve got their quarry right where they want him.   Even the bit players in Dragon Ball are extra.
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So we’ve got a tiger-man, a gorilla-man, and a boar-man.   They work over fox-dude for a bit, when suddenly...
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Looks like these guys made one mistake: They took a wrong turn and ended up in Goku Town.   Population: Whoop-ass.   Sister City: Clobberopolis.   Mayor: The Hon. Fightson McBeatemup.   I’ll stop now.
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Green fox dude’s name is Konkichi, and he’s so grateful that he gives Goku a ride to the airport, since he’s got to be at Papaya Island for the World Tournament the day after tomorrow.   Goku was planning to run the whole way, so using an airport never even crossed his mind, but Konkichi explains to him that Papaya Island is on the opposite side of the planet, so he’s pretty much gotta fly.    Also, Konkichi gives Goku his stash of canned food, and starts calling him “bro”.  
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I should point out here that we’re now in the “three years later” part of this arc.   I’m not sure what the chronology is with these last five episodes, but when Goku left it was still Age 750, and now it’s Age 753, so we’re definitely looking at the 15-year-old model of Goku now.   It’s a little tricky to tell him apart from 12-year-old Goku, but his neck’s a little more prominent than in the early episodes, and his arms and legs are longer and more defined.   I’m surprised that Shu’s ninja gear still fits him, but it was kind of loose anyway, and it does sort of look like Goku’s sleeves aren’t quite long enough anymore.  
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The Yahhoy Airport, Konkichi learns that the next flight to Papaya leaves at 3pm today, and the one after that won’t be for another week.   But Goku doesn’t have money to pay for a ticket, because he was never planning to fly in the first place.  Konkichi promises to find another way, but his scheme to pickpocket a pair of travelers misfires, so he takes Goku out of the airport to come up with another plan.
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And that plan is to hustle a carny.   If you can ring the bell on this strongman game, you win 30,000 zeni, enough to buy two tickets to Papaya Island (Konkichi has invited himself along too).   Goku forgoes the hammer and wins the game with his fist.   Well, that was easy.
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Then they run into Fortuneteller Baba, who’s apparently just cruising around Yahhoy for fun.    Treat yo self, says Baba.    Konkichi chats with Baba, but then he gets all nervous, like she can see right through him.   He excuses himself to get some juice, but...
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He runs into the same three guys he was running from when the episode started.   Long story short, Konkichi owed them some gambling debts, to the tune of 50,000 zeni.   They take the 30 thou he’s got on him, and tell him he can work off the balance by helping them with a little job...
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Meanwhile, the rest of the gang is preparing for their own trip to Papaya Island.   All right, let’s do a fashion check here.  Roshi’s wearing the exact same suit he wore to the last tourney, but he seems really anxious about it because he want to look cool.   Bulma asks him what the point is in an old man trying to look cool.   Hey, up yours, Bulma.   Your raincoat and socks look dumb.    I don’t like this outfit, but at least she finally ditched that pink romper looking thing.   She looked like a toddler in that. 
Puar and Turtle are nude, as usual, very classy.   Oolong’s sporting a pink shirt.  Daring choice for a pig-man, but okay.  Yamcha and Krillin are in their blue World Tournament suits, so no problem there, and finally Launch...
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Yeah, Launch is wearing what I like to call the Best Launch Outfit Ever.   Black shirt, some sort of army surplus pants, combat boots.    It suits Blonde Launch to a tee, and Blue Launch looks really cute in it too.   Launch isn’t coming along to the tournament because the city air is bad for her skin...
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Wait, nvm she’s coming along after all.   Slay, Launch, slay.
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Back at Yahhoy, Konkichi got arrested for robbing a bank.   He tries to explain this to Goku.   Okay, so he’s really a sneak thief, sure, and he owed those three guys money, but they only made him take the fall for robbing the bank.   He never actually robbed it.   I’m not sure the law makes much of a distinction there, but okay.   Anyway, he swears to Goku that he never had a friend before, and meeting Goku made him sincerely want to change his ways.  
And you know what, Goku believes him.   So he asks Baba where those three guys are now.   Baba doesn’t do psychic stuff for free, but Goku asks her to be a pal, and she agrees to take an IOU.   I wonder if Goku ever dropped by to clobber Baba’s five warriors again after this to pay the debt?
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It doesn’t take long for Goku to track down the crooks.  They thought they made a clean getaway, but their GPS must have been malfunctioning, because they got all turned around and ended up back in Goku Town!
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Incorporated Ninteen Eighty Backflip!
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Home of the famous white squirrels!  Also car-lifting!
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Your destinaton for outdoor wreck-reation! 
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So that takes care of that.   Konkichi is truly sorry about betraying Goku’s trust, even if everything turned out okay in the end.    Then this kid he gave a lollipop to earlier at the carnival shows up and gives him a lollipop back.   He even calls Konkichi “bro.”  So it turns out Konkichi can make friends just fine!  
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But Goku’s gotta jet.   He missed his flight, so he’ll just have to swim all the way to Papaya Island.   Now, in the dub, this whole episode focused on Konkichi calling Goku “brother”, and it was a bigger deal there.   When Goku learns the truth about Konkichi, he tells him to stop calling him “brother”, and then when after Konkichi repents, Goku calls him “brother” as he says his goodbyes.   It’s kind of sweet, especially since Goku’s actual brother turned out to be a real shitpiece. 
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Meanwhile, Tien and Chiaotzu are on their way to Papaya Island, apparently on a ship full of karate guys, sort of like that ferry they used for the Dark Tournament on YuYu Hakusho.    This is a great cartoon.   It really is. 
And that’s the Fortuneteller Baba Saga!   Next up, the waiting is over; here comes the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai.
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