#goku's birthday
carnal-lnstinct · 1 year
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Pairing: TP Goku & SS4!TP Goku x TP!Reader Warning: competitive & possessive behavior Content: 5k words. m/f/m. rivalry. fluff. humor. confession. first kiss A/N: Tiny reminder that ss4!TP Goku is not xeno goku, i just love the fit and accept it as his Time Patrol outfit ♥ This was supposed to be nsft but yall seen what I've been fixated on lately, just didn't get that far. Happy (late) Birthday to my himbo king 😭♥♥♥
What the hell is going on?
You stared up from your position, shadowed by the two figures above you. Butterflies in your stomach fade as your eyes bounce between the mirrored glares all while your wrists remain pinned on each side of you by a different hand. You were trapped while the two saiyans stared daggers at each other in a bitter display, one pair of eyes flashing a wild, golden color and the other a searing blue. 
There was always a playfulness in the tension between the duo of Gokus in Conton City. But something about it had shifted after a while. Despite the shared passion for battle often overwhelming their better judgment, they could always be brought back to a place of peaceful neutrality that made them a delight to be around in the end; All that was pleasant about the earthly saiyan was doubled. However brief that peace could live when it came to rivaling saiyans, there was no animosity in trying to surpass each other even when they were the same person. Only now it seemed they were intentionally pushing for a rise out of the other.
Prior to the change in history that brought you all together, each Goku lived a relatively similar life— Shared the same lessons, sacrifices, and faced the same foes— until their next level of potential was unlocked from training with Whis. Further dividing their path into the realm of the gods and becoming the foundation of their rivalry.
By the will of the kais overseeing the Time Patrol, both saiyans were corralled into the lifestyle under separate circumstances and given a new responsibility of protecting the universe. What it entailed for their innate thrill of battle brought another, greater benefit of the job: The pleasure of working directly with you.
The Hero of Conton City!
Goku was your training instructor, handpicked by The Supreme Kai of Time herself to help you on your journey to becoming stronger and protecting the history of the universe. You’ve had your share of instructors in the past to help you get to a place where you could stand your ground with a Super Saiyan God and beyond, but there was something else deep down about Goku that made him so exalting to learn from. He was very clear about getting you stronger so he himself could battle you without either of you having to hold back, but there was also a tenderness he had for you that made him...dreamy ♥. He was always impressed by your growth and praised you as his prized pupil. It conflicted your feelings, to say the least. As his trainee, you didn’t want to think of his innocent affection as anything more than a means to inspire you to become your best self. But beyond the roughness, the experience has been as beautiful as it has been enlightening. A companionship with someone like Goku truly made your heart restless and left your spirits high. No one’s made you feel like that before. You kept such sentimental feelings to yourself, of course. No time for romance when you’re The Supreme Kai of Time’s go-to patroller. 
But you would continue to always have Goku by your side. When battles became more than you could handle alone or missions too challenging that not even Trunks and his partner could help, The Supreme Kai of Time would set him up as your time patrol partner as well. Granting Goku something he’s always wanted after hearing about what you do as a patroller.  
The other Goku came to your side under a particularly special condition. The result of a forced change in history by the mysterious Fu who meddled with the timeline for…well, fun. Posing as Whis, no less. In the timeline where this Goku along with Vegeta were to obtain the Super Saiyan Blue transformation, Fu’s tampering made it so the two saiyans became Super Saiyan 4 instead and sicced them on you. Faced with an entirely new power, your instructor didn’t hesitate to show off to his counterpart what a true super saiyan beyond a Super Saiyan God looked like and sparked the battle between Super Saiyan 4 and Super Saiyan Blue. Consequently, the power of their clash gave Fu exactly what he was really after, the power generated from changes in history. 
You didn’t return to the Time Nest completely empty-handed, however. As soon as you thought it was over, The Super Saiyan 4 Goku accidentally hitched a ride back with you both to the Time Nest. He wasn’t satisfied with making the most of his new transformation and sought to continue his battle with your partner. Before you knew it, the rift holding the change in history had been absorbed by the demon, taking with it all his alterations like it never happened. But the extra Goku was still here! In the Time Nest! Fu wasted no time revering his own handiwork and thanked you for your help before suddenly vanishing without a trace. Leaving behind a single proof of his experiment. A change like this never happened before. The timeline was indeed fixed now for the most part and there was no longer a rift, but there was also nothing that could be done to return the Super Saiyan 4 Goku without causing more drastic changes. 
There was a lot to be worried about a Super Saiyan 4 that could channel god ki and still so much unknown about Fu’s intentions, so joining the Time Patrol was the best of a bad situation.There was no denying the trouble two Gokus would cause to the timeline if he was “put back”, but the same could be said for two Gokus in Conton City. Naturally, as Goku, he was easy to get along with and more than willing to help where he could to right the wrong he unintentionally spurred on. But he got a sharp new gi out of it (mostly to avoid confusing the two) so he rolled with whatever came his way. Stumbling along, however, with taking in the other aspects of being a time patroller. 
Which is why The Supreme Kai of Time didn’t hesitate to entrust you with showing the new recruit the ropes and, more importantly, holding down the order between the competitive duo. As if your plate wasn’t packed enough lately, but you were all fortunate to have “4!Goku” as yet another reliable partner for you. It was a spin on the norm, where your interactions with the Goku you were already familiar with were that as his pupil, you were now the one teaching him (even if it was just a variant of him) a thing or two. Oh, but it was still the same Goku charm you found irresistible, just wrapped in a new red and black bow. The eagerness to assess a situation in the hopes of getting his hands dirty, you expected. What surprised you was how robust and graceful he was once engaged in a battle. Something beyond his instincts drove him to fight with mischievous precision, yet his power never gave a sense of something malicious. Just…powerful.
You would be lying if you said you weren’t impressed with the new rookie patroller. It came with suspicions of the power of Super Saiyan 4 and Super Saiyan God may have awoken a cockiness in 4!Goku that you initially worried may insight another visit from Fu, but it was hard to focus on the “what ifs” when a super saiyan 4 looked damn good doing his job. That, and still very much being the core of the object of your affection, you would hate to miss out on having him as a partner. You found yourself barely able to look him in the eye while he was transformed, stuttering your words when you did speak and trying to mask your crumbling disposition when that rugged voice hit your ears. His allure was intimidating, and thankfully he was oblivious to your reactions.
Once he figured out how all the cogs work in the job, you soon found yourself with more free time to do as you like. Even your instructor “Xenoku” was able to take on more students to train between the hunt for Fu. Though, the two Gokus never failed to find a reason to turn a get-together into a friendly spar that would go overboard. Not even your own training sessions were safe. Admittedly, there was something enjoyable in watching a super saiyan 4 and super saiyan blue trade blows with each other. That very difference between them is what made them the perfect rivals to push for the next level in their strength. But it does lose its spark after a while of too many city violations.
Over time you found it less tedious with only one of the saiyans with you at a time, however you never denied yourself the pleasure of enjoying both their company when you could. A selfish desire to indulge your withheld feelings a little. You thought trying to work around your crush on Goku was hard enough. Two of them consistently winning over your heart at once, the same presence of wisdom, jubilance, and every sense of what made you attracted to who Goku is, was torture sometimes. Spoiling yourself with both of their presence was the best you could do to keep yourself from losing it. It was as if the Supreme Kai of Time knew exactly what she was doing saddling you with both of them. They were a handful, yes, but they were fun and they were handsome to look at. There was nothing you would not do for them. And, in some way, they were yours.
But the more time you spent with them together, the more you noticed the change. Their harmony was interrupted by something that seemed uncharacteristically ominous for someone like Goku. The charm of their harmless mischief could easily get lost in the bragging and snide remarks. Very little would set them to transform into their respective red and blue forms and you’ve had to physically get between them to keep them from going all out more than once. You couldn’t figure out why, naturally you just knew you had to fix it. But asking them directly got you nowhere. The two would exchange a look as if talking in some secret language through their eyes and then change the subject, becoming passive once again like nothing ever happened. You’ve seen Goku do some weird things before, but this was definitely the strangest. It’s often the things he does not say that should worry you and they’re both keeping a tight lip about it. 
If only you knew they were already aware of your little crush. Goku is always more intuitive than he gives away, and two of them spending enough time with you do well to take notice of your attraction. You are as much a rival as you are their student and partner, so their awareness of your power is fine tuned to you and watching you closely was just as natural to them as your feelings for either of the saiyans. They took it as a cute quirk of yours that you just seemed to turn 3 shades darker the closer they stand to you, the way you fidget and try to hide your smile the longer their eyes stare at you. It was easier for you to assume otherwise as they came to the decision to continue to overlook it, since you just didn’t seem ready to be truthful with your feelings. But they liked it. Getting to know you so well over time and having this instinct to protect you, it just seemed fair to let you do it on your own terms.
“Maybe I do like (Y/n), too.” One of them muses out loud to the other, an idea they have both pondered to themselves, never really feeling necessary to admit. Of course he liked you. You're his partner.
 “Yeah…me too.” The other would openly admit between them. Speaking it into existence like this cleared the intentions of their own feelings and now it was like knowing you in a new light. All that they knew and shared about you in confidence just pushed you into their hearts. You like them, and they like you. The two saiyans now look at each other wondering who it was you would admit your feelings to. You couldn’t have both of them in that way, could you?
It wouldn’t be much longer until you got to the bottom of it. With the right bait, you would come to find the truth, and wind up in your current predicament.
"I got some good news, found out something pretty neat on my last mission!" You brought up over today’s lunch. You waited until both were almost halfway through their own respective stacks of lunch boxes before springing this on them, prepping yourself to go into the next detail. "While I was working undercover on Frieza's ship, I snuck away to Planet Vegeta." 
Their eyes lift towards you in a synchronized reaction, blinking curiously. “Planet Vegeta?” Your instructor repeats with a mouthful. 
“Did you find another strong saiyan?” 4!Goku adds in after a big gulp, proceeding to chase his food with his large drink.
You shake your head, grinning with barely contained excitement. “Nope. Even better! I promise it’s a good one! Hang on.” You held up a finger to pause the convo for a sec as you slid another food box from behind you, a little bigger than the lunch boxes. Your smile grew once you popped the lid open for a peak inside, but held off lifting it back to reveal what it contained just yet. Instead you turn it their way and push it forward encouraging them to open it, looking back up between the two for their reaction. They look over it for a brief moment before inching closer together, one of them not wasting time and lifting the lid back all the way. Their eyes light up at what they find.
There was a large cake inside, decorated with borders of icing and cute little drawings of the two saiyans in their corresponding attires.
“Ta-da! Happy Birthday Gokus!” You announced as they read it across the center of the cake with excitable smiles. “I found out on Planet Vegeta that today is your birthday. I-It took some help deciphering the old saiyan language but once it was figured out I wanted to show my appreciation for you both being born today.” You explained, already displaying the first shade of a shy temperament in your features. 
“Really? This is amazing, and it looks tasty! Did you know today was our birthday?” Xenoku turns to his counterpart with a thoughtful look.
“No, I never even thought about it before.” 4!Goku admitted after briefly searching his own thoughts. “Wow, today’s really my birthday. You really did this all for us, (Y/n)?” He looked back at you with a sweetness returned to his expression.
“M’hm! You both definitely deserve more than a cake but it was all I could do with the time I had.” You also did not want The Supreme Kai of Time with her “broad tastes” to get involved lest she decide to make the cake herself. “I feel silly asking, but have you ever celebrated your birthday before?”
This time, your training instructor spoke up. “I’m sure it wasn’t my real birthday now but I remember when I was still a little kid, back when it was just me and my Grandpa, we had a special day we celebrated that he said was just for me.”
“Yeah, me too! We would go to a place in the mountains and he would make his special meat stew and dumplings. That was usually enough for me but he always gave me a gift, too. That’s how I got the power pole.” 4!Goku adds, pointing to his back where the power pole was normally worn in his younger days.
“Sounds like a birthday to me.” He nodded with a proud smile.
"Oh…yeah, actually.” You nod, as well. “That sounds exactly like a birthday.” Though now you were prickled with brief moment sorrow that the special celebration may have completely stopped after the old man’s passing. It’s not like any of his birthdays came up before your discovery and you never saw either Goku celebrating it. You hate the idea that he just never did it again. You take in a deep breath and continue to wear your smile, shaking off the feeling. Today was not the day for frowns. “Well then, I’m glad to help you start a new birthday tradition for yourselves. Maybe with a touch of the old if we’re lucky!” With that, you gathered a utensil in each of your hands and dug up a large piece of cake, careful not to take from their decorative drawings. “Come. Say ahh!” You instructed, holding out each serving to the birthday boys.
Raring to taste their special cake, they grin and crawl closer to you. Once again moving in sync, they learn forward with their mouths open. Xenoku clamps down catching a mouthful of sweet flavor, a delighted hum vibrating back to your fingers. But 4!Goku takes a different approach, grasping your hand and bringing his serving closer as he inched in to fill his own mouth. His dark eyes watched you until he slips the utensil free of his lips with a soft, yet rousing smile. As expected, you were jolted by the more intimate approach and the second, darker shade of color filled your expression. Your instructor takes notice of your change in demeanor and cuts a glance at his counterpart and his pleased expression. His brow knitted to his eyes for a moment, a small wrinkle above his nose before he lightened his expression for you.
“Mmm, mmm! Oh,(Y/n)! That is something really delicious!” The orange-clad Goku complimented you in a boisterous manner, licking his lips emphatically. He closes both hands around yours affectionately, further holding your stolen attention as you look at him doe-eyed. “Did you make it yourself? If so, you’ve got great tastes.” You fall into his flattery, a shy laugh all you can respond with when your heart starts racing. 4!Goku’s eyes shift between the two of you. In a single breath, he was consumed with a feeling that he has been shut out from you and narrows his eyes just the same. His own lingering hand on yours slips to hold your wrist to him and a bright grin returns to his features as he focuses on you. 
“Can you feed me some more, (Y/n)? It’s better than I imagined!” He pleads politely, leaning closer to you with a toothy smile. “Pretty please, for my birthday?” 
His tail whipped behind him and his smile only seemed to widen as he successfully claimed your attention, watching as your eyes faltered when you noticed his hold. “Oh! O-Okay, sure.” You agreed, lowering your arm from his grasp and gathering up more cake. Before you could even carve out another piece with your utensil you feel your instructor’s hold squeeze your other hand a little. 
“Me too? Pleeeease!” He asks with the same grin though more eager to be heeded. You give a nod and once your other hand is freed you dig it into the cake once again. Preoccupied with maneuvering the cake pieces to hang onto each utensil, you completely miss the tense exchange of dark eyes above you, the duo flashing glares at each other and dispelling them when you lift back up. You proudly display each gathered piece to them again and this time they both accept it the same way: a quick chomp scooping the large helpings into their mouths and emulating Whis’s mannerisms when the perfect taste hits his tongue. It’s odd, but you don’t think much of it, though how they both tried to out moan each other in their delight almost made you hesitate to continue. But you do, and it somehow turns into a speed eating race of who you fed the most before the cake was almost gone. 
Xenoku takes your wrist again when another scoop of cake is held to him only to guide it to your face. “You should try it, too.” He encouraged, ghosting the piece of cake over your lips. “There won’t be much left if you keep giving it to us.” The sweet smell catches your nose and it entices you to open your mouth for it. But sharing a utensil was so intimate and surely that final stage of flush engulfed your face at the thought.
Another serving is shoved in your face by your captured hand, this one bearing the likeness of 4!Goku on it and lightly smeared icing on your lips. “Here, now you say ahh!” 
For good reason, you hesitate to open your mouth. There was suddenly an anxious feeling they would try to shove it down your throat in an attempt to be the first to feed you. You look up to the two saiyans and give them a suspicious look. “I don’t think so.” You answer in a dry tone. “What are you two up to now?”
“See? She doesn’t want yours.” Xenoku declares proudly and ignores your query, sticking his tongue out at his counterpart. In response, 4!Goku swipes the piece given to you by your instructor, shoving it in his own mouth and chewing it up with a smug grin. The surprise on both your faces said it all and that seemed to be the last straw for them both. As they locked eyes, you felt the air shift around them. The color in their gaze alters with their rising power, the two saiyans now controlled by their innate motivation to “settle” things. You sense their ki skyrocket in no time and as their visible scowls met once again their power released around you, the two transformed into their respective forms.
In meeting eye-to-eye, their grip on your wrists tightened and you were pushed back as they physically butted heads, unrestrained. Neither sought to let go of you however in spite of your struggle, simply holding you at bay from their savage display.
“Hey!” Your voice sharply calls out, tugging back on your arms in an attempt to free yourself. “We’re still in the city, you lunatics! No fighting!” You couldn’t quite slip free, so instead lunge forward gripping a round ear from each of them in a painful pinch and pull. Effectively breaking things up as the two Gokus sought to free their ears from your hold. “That’s enough! What the hell is wrong with you two?! Do you have to turn everything into a challenge?!” You tightened your pinch in your annoyance and your wrists are freed as they howl in pain. “This was supposed to be a celebration!”
“Ow ow ow! Okay, let go!” “Ow, ow- (Y/n), That really hurts, let go!” The two plead for mercy until you finally release them, tucking your arms at your chest with an impatient grump.
“Spit it out right now, what is going on with the both of you?!” You demanded. There was no way of changing the subject on it this time, you needed to get to the bottom of this. Like before, the two saiyans turned to each other as they nursed their ears and in some silent delegating, they both sighed coming to a defeated agreement. Even they knew they couldn’t keep this up forever, there was no use hiding it anymore.Yellow and blue eyes turn back to you. 
“(Y/n), we got something to tell you but you gotta answer a question first.” The Super Saiyan Blue Goku lightly pouts, but is ready to spill the truth. You arch your brow first, but nod once in anticipation to what was on their mind. Xenoku turns fully to face you, sitting flat in the grass now and asks without hesitation. “Why do you want to keep hiding how you feel around me?” There’s a stern look in his eyes from his transformation, but they soften as he presses on. “Are you embarrassed?”
“What?” You answer with widened eyes, feeling your heart jump from his direct approach. You certainly got what you asked for, but the last thing you expected was your feelings to be involved in this. You glance at 4!Goku as well, who looked at you with the same demand and you realized they both knew how you felt. You felt a little breathless with the rush in your chest and continued to look between them. “What… does how I feel have to do with this?” The words slowly fall from your lips.
“You did this to us.” The Super Saiyan 4 admits. With a droop in the tip of his tail representing his own pout, he joins his counterpart's side on the ground and folds his arms against his chest watching you. “We already know you have a crush on us. Problem is, we both have feelings for you too and realize you would have to choose only one of us you like enough to confess to.”
 Xenoku nods at this. “I guess we just wanted to prove which one of us it would be in the only way we knew.” It definitely seemed silly now, the two seeming to remorse over their clashing. Even against the likeness of himself, Goku knew there were better reasons to scrap with each other than for some envious desire to do what they believed was needed to be the one you gave your heart to. It rotted their fun. Only you could decide what to do with your feelings and they can’t control that no matter how strongly they fought for it. But now that it was all out in the open your instructor saw no further reason to delay your answer. “So which of us is it? Me or the other me?”
“-H-How can you ask me something like that?!” You quickly snap back at his lack of tact, feeling your face flush in the urgency put upon you. This was not an easy choice, they weren’t exactly like apples and oranges. Regardless, they both watch you with their doe-like eyes shining through their transformations in anticipation. Things like that continuing to make this difficult. You give a sigh and cross your legs where you sat, thoughtfully staring into the grass beneath you. “How do I possibly choose? You’re both…you!” You muse over, looking up now and tucking your arms to your chest again. “I mean there are some differences but…”
It’s still Goku. It didn’t matter who caught your eye first or who made the better impression when they both effortlessly sweep you off your feet by simply being the best of who they are. Splitting hairs on it wasn’t going to help you pick one Goku from the other. A frown grows in your expression and you lower your eyes again. “I guess… I shouldn’t have either of you if it makes you want to hurt each other for my affection. I don’t think I have it in me to pick one of you when it could hurt the other’s feelings.” That felt to be a fair answer, though after saying it out loud it didn’t seem fair to either of their feelings. But you won’t pick between them. 
Your answer catches them off guard, for sure. They give each other a defeated look. Safe to say they’re not fans of that option. It’s rare that something could affect Goku so deeply like this, but when it does it just pushes him to seek his desires more. Ever the optimist, the two could only seek a means to make it favorable for all of you or at least try. A light bulb seems to go off for them at the same time and cheerful smiles rise in their features as they both move in closer to you.
“So if it doesn’t matter which one of us you pick, then-” Xenoku started, 4!Goku finishing the thought. 
“-Accept both our feelings. Only seems fair and it won’t change much between all of us.” 
The two are immediately met with an incredulous look from you, but their enthusiastic expressions show they mean it. Like them initially, you don’t immediately see that as possible. Some doubt in that logic making it seem wrong. “That seems greedy somehow..” You utter your thoughts out loud, unconvinced. The temptation doesn’t stop there.
A heavy hand comes down on your shoulder from the Super Saiyan 4, causing you to look up at him to find his reassuringly warm smile. “We already like you.You’re a kind person and an admirable fighter. If our hearts are in it, all we need is yours.”
“...I must be dreaming.” And discovered yet another level of blushing in your timid approach to your own feelings. Though the time patrolling Goku only laughs fondly at your reaction. Your other side becomes occupied by your trainer, Xenoku taking hold of your hand also reassuring you there was no issue to be had.
“It’s not like you can deny us on our birthday.” He teased, bringing the special occasion back into the mix to goad you into it. Something he’s picked up from Bulma who never shies from doing the same on her birthday. 
“-I can too!” You argue, though not so strongly. It widens both of their smiles as the idea seems to be wearing you down, shyly looking away from both of them in your fluster. “B-But…If that’s what you really want.”
“It only seems fair you take responsibility for making us crazy about you.” 4!Goku chimes in your ear, the husk of his voice sending goosebumps across your skin. “You don’t want us fighting in the city every time you give us a rush, right?” A knowing smirk grows in his face as he looks over to this counterpart, met with the same smirk as they both pull away from you preparing for yet another round of trading blows.
“I guess if anyone is going to pull that kind of anger out of me, it’s none other than myself.” Xenoku provoked with a challenging glare, making you look up between the two.
“I was just thinking the same thing.” Their playfulness is fully intact this time, no hint of that envy between them any longer. But you couldn’t risk it.
“Okay, okay!” You interrupted them. Rubbing a hand at your forehead, you huff and let a smile rise across your lips. “We can work this out. I’m in… Just no more fighting today.”
The two snicker amongst themselves with toothy grins and come back to you. Immediately, 4!Goku seals his lips to yours, your surprised face captured in his large hands. Xenoku is also stunned by his other half’s impulsive act. You were overcome with the warmth that filled your pounding chest and left breathless when he pulled away.
“I’ve been waiting to do that.” He grinned, tail swishing behind him happily as he nuzzled his cheek against your red face. “First kiss with (Y/n) is all mine.”
“Hey, that’s not fair!” The blue-haired saiyan contended with a jealous pout. Though, he also asserts his feelings and captures you away from him, With a hand around your body holding you close and the other full of your cheek he plants a full, eager kiss to your lips.The push your hopeless heart couldn’t take and sent your mind empty. Your legs felt weak in ways you only dreamed of.
“There. The best kiss with (Y/n) is mine!”
They’re both simply too much. But one could never be too much for another who couldn’t get enough of them.
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lamichicuenta · 6 months
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flamboyantgoddess · 6 months
Happy Birthday Toriyama sensei!! 🎉🥹
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Happy Birthday to Akira Toriyama today would have been his 69th birthday. It is still a shock that you are no longer with us, but you left us with incredible art to enjoy. Thank you so much and may you have an eternal rest 🩵🕊️
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mr-not-null · 4 months
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biscuit-munchies · 6 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE ONE AND ONLY YAMCHA!!! some of my favorite frames below
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fullmetalgirl98 · 11 months
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(No glasses ver. under the cut!!)
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goku-nba · 1 year
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i've never panicked and scribbled something faster than i did 30 minutes ago when i made the insane realization that i grew up with these bastards yet couldn't recall ever drawing them.. wowie zowie or wtv
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tightjacketkidda · 5 months
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Happy birthday 🎉🗣️
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dragon-ball-meta · 5 months
I don't know who needs to hear this, but...
Goku does not have a canonical birthday, fam. It's entirely fan-invented. Which is fine, to be clear, but don't beat yourself up or stress too much if you think you missed the day. Celebrate it whenever you like.
(I personally prefer to think of it as the day DB premiered. lol)
BUT, if you choose to celebrate it today, have fun!
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darius-1 · 5 months
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It's Goku's birthday in Japan today! Happy Birthday, Kakarot!
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saiyuki-chainsmokers · 6 months
Happy Birthday Goku!!
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shinigami-striker · 10 months
Sean Schemmel | Tuesday, 11.21.2023
Same actor, different characters - featuring Sean Schemmel (and on his 55th birthday, too)!
Son Goku - Dragon Ball series (anime, movies, & video games)
Black Doom - Shadow the Hedgehog (video game)
Gonard - Kappa Mikey (2006-2008)
Lucario - Pokemon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew (anime movie)/Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS & Wii U (2014 video game)/Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (2018 video game)
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andonuts-about-you · 11 months
no matter which side of the "does Jeff like donuts" debate you're on, I think we should all agree that he likes cookies more. maybe even a lil' too much.
I mean c'mon. in most playthroughs/timelines, he enters that one room and doesn't even fucking hesitate.
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1945sellmeats · 1 year
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ALL OF YOU WILL GO WISH @epicswagdivorceguy1 A HAPPY BIRTHDAY RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!! AWESOME EPIC BIRTHDAY LETS EXPLODE IT (several cities destroyed)
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shinipede · 5 months
It’s never officially listed but I always see Goku’s birthday celebrated on either the 16th or the 18th of April. Me personally, I’d celebrate it on the 16th because that means I share a birthday with fucking Goku.
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tytarax · 16 days
Happy Bday!
I want to wish a happy birthday to @kaynizo, she asked for this gift.
Hope she and all of you like it!
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(I couldn't do the other one, sorry. Not enough time)
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