#with some birthday fish and birthday rice
biscuit-munchies · 6 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE ONE AND ONLY YAMCHA!!! some of my favorite frames below
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Happy Birthday, Beidou!
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Whoa, you're saying ALL this delicious food is for me? I'd better get stuck in!
After eating salted fish for weeks on end out at sea, nothing gets your appetite going like a tableful of piping hot Liyue cuisine. I reckon we're gonna need some more rice to go with it!
You want to know what's in the chest? Haha, what else could it be other than the piles of treasure I picked up along the journey?
If there's something in there you like, just take it. You're my best buddy, after all!
Oh and by the way, here's another treasure map we found. Fancy hopping aboard to try your luck next time we head out to sea?
Thanks to Hitoto for the fantastic artwork!
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yellowocaballero · 2 months
Naruto Roleswap Fic: Sasuke and Obito's Post-Massacre Bonding Hour
“Um…” Tobi wriggled uncomfortably, craning his head to look around the room. There were three boxes near the door, full of clothes and scrolls. “When is Mikoto-nee picking you up?”
Blandly, Sasuke said, “Mother’s dead.”
“Oh.” Tobi picked at his rice consideringly. “Um…what do you mean by that?”
“She’s not picking me up.”
Wow. That sounded - right. It shouldn’t have sounded right, but it sounded right. A memory surfaced, blood-red, and Tobi -
Sasuke and Tobi, after the fact.
This one has a lot of playing with Tobi - what Tobi means to Sasuke, who Sasuke is to Tobi, and what Tobi means to Obito. Very short story featuring a good kid and Konoha's #1 and #2 weirdest men under the cut.
“Your friend will be watching over you,” the man rasped. “Always. So…don’t be sad. And don’t be scared. Your friends are doing it all for you.”
Tobi woke up screaming. 
He bolted upright in bed, tangling himself in his own futon. A nightmare. He hadn’t had a nightmare in a while, had he? It had been about - he couldn’t remember what it was about. Like…something terrible was happening, and everybody was sad, and it was all his fault. 
A small figure in a small futon next to him rolled over, squinting blearily at Tobi. The futon had little duck patterns. It was…so cute. “Did you have a nightmare?”
The small figure was Sasuke. Tobi would recognize that duck-butt hair anywhere, smooshed as it may be. What was Sasuke doing in his bedroom? Some kind of sleepover? That was fucking random. The fuck. 
Still mostly asleep, Tobi mumbled, “Sasuke-chan, why are you here…”
Sasuke stared at him for a long second, two, before turning around and pulling the covers over his head. “I’ll explain in the morning. Go back to sleep.”
“Just go back to sleep,” Sasuke repeated. “We’ll talk in the morning, okay?”
And, out of lack of anything better to do, Tobi went back to sleep. 
When he woke up the futon beside him was empty and his house smelled like slightly charred fish. Tobi’s first insane thought was that Gai had snuck into his house again, but Gai would have woken him up immediately. Instead of making breakfast. In Tobi’s house.
The full contents of the night returned to Tobi. Right. Sasuke was over for a sleepover. Why couldn’t he remember why? He had the sense that there was some sort of reason, but it was…fuzzy. Weighty, as if there were a great deal of memories swimming underneath the surface, but still a distant shadow rippling on the water. Tobi - 
Didn’t feel like dealing with that, so he went into the kitchen. Sure enough, Sauke was standing on a stack of Rin’s medical textbooks and carefully charring fish on the stove. There were already bowls of miso soup on the table, and the rice cooker was steaming. It was genuinely pretty impressive for an eight year old. Tobi knew that Mikoto had been teaching Sasuke how to cook, but he had really improved since his last attempt. 
“Is it my birthday?” Tobi hazarded. He would remember that, right? “Is…that why Sasuke’s making breakfast?”
Sasuke swallowed a sigh. The daylight streaming through the window cast his face into sharp relief, and Tobi was struck by just how terrible he looked. His eyebags had eyebags, and he had clearly lost weight. Sasuke was such a cheerful kid. The somber countenance just didn’t seem right. It was like he had transformed into Itachi overnight. 
“It’s not your birthday.” Sasuke pointed his cooking chopsticks at the stained table, sending flecks of fish skin everywhere. “Just eat, okay?”
Out of lack of anything more sane to do, Tobi sat and ate. The soup was watery and the rice was burnt at the edges, but not half bad. 
“This is great, Sasuke-chan!” Tobi chirped as Sasuke placed a small plate of fish in front of him. Sasuke sat down in front of his own table setting, grabbing his own chopsticks. Something was so strange about his expression. “This cooking is so adult!”
Normally Sasuke loved being called an adult. But today he just mumbled something and began half-heartedly sticking grains of rice into his mouth. Single grains. He didn’t seem particularly hungry. Tobi had the sense that he had only cooked a meal for him. 
“Um…” Tobi wriggled uncomfortably, craning his head to look around the room. There were three boxes near the door, full of clothes and scrolls. “When is Mikoto-nee picking you up?”
Blandly, Sasuke said, “Mother’s dead.”
“Oh.” Tobi picked at his rice consideringly. “Um…what do you mean by that?”
“She’s not picking me up.”
Wow. That sounded - right. It shouldn’t have sounded right, but it sounded right. A memory surfaced, blood-red, and Tobi -
“So when is Shisui-kun coming over?” Tobi asked cheerfully. “Are we having a playdate?”
Sasuke prodded a sliver of fish. He didn’t look up. Rotely, he said, “Shisui is dead.” Tobi opened his mouth. “No playdates.”
Alright. That was - 
“Then is Itachi-kun picking you up?” Tobi asked, confused. “Who’s picking you up?”
“Itachi Uchiha killed my mother,” Sasuke said. Although - although that made no sense. Although that really didn’t work at all. “Nobody is picking me up. I live here now. ‘Cause you said my house was no good.”
They ate in silence. Tobi slowly processed all of this information, and some more information besides. Slowly, inch by inch, it began to filter back to him. 
Slowly, Tobi said, “How often have you had to remind me of that, Sasuke?”
“Three times or something.” Sasuke didn’t even pretend to drink his soup. “You aren’t really getting it. That’s okay. Gai-san said that you’ll get used to it.”
And the memories came back and back and back -
“Why did Itachi-kun kill Mikoto-nee?” That just wasn’t tracking. That made no sense. Something about that just wasn’t clicking. Was he just too stupid to get it? Was it something Sasuke could explain?
“‘Cause she was weak,” Sasuke said plainly. “That’s what he said, anyway.”
More information that Tobi just couldn’t process flooded into his mind and he -
Fell off the couch.
Tobi sprawled on the floor, blinking up at the ceiling. Sasuke leaned over the edge of the couch, blinking at him. A mutual favorite children’s cartoon blared on the television. 
“Tobi?” Sasuke asked. He - he really didn’t look good. Why didn’t he - “Are you okay?”
“Um. No harm done!” Tobi rolled to his feet, brushing off his shirt and sweatpants. He looked at the television and saw some scary movie with monsters playing. “Aw, Tobi loves this one! I watched it with Sensei.”
“Yeah, you said.” Sasuke gestured a sock vaguely at the seat next to him. Was he folding laundry? “Sit down, you’re blocking the screen.”
“Okay, ohkay.” Wait. Tobi stopped and took a second look at the screen, rubbing his chin. “Wait’a minute. Sasuke-chan, you aren’t supposed to be watching this! Mikoto-nee said you’re too young for monster movies!”
Sasuke rolled some socks together. Terribly. He didn’t take his eyes off the screen. “Well, Mikoto-nee’s dead, so whatever.” Tobi stared blankly at Sasuke. “That means she doesn’t care about my TV, Tobi. Just sit down and don’t worry about it.”
“Ah. Alright.” Tobi slowly sat down. Even slower, he took a pair of socks out of the laundry basket. “Why don’t I show you how to fold socks, Sasuke?”
Sasuke squinted skeptically at Tobi. “You tried to show me how to wash clothing and you just got water all over both of us.”
Automatically, Tobi said, “Was it funny?” Sasuke’s squint turned suspicious, and Tobi quickly said, “Sensei always did the washing, but Tobi and Kushina-nee folded the laundry. We got this!”
What wasn’t he worrying about? 
Oh, yeah. All of the -
“ - so go away!”
Tobi slowly walked alongside the wooden walls, one hand trailing the rough wooden edges. They said that Hashirama made this compound for them. A beautiful home, or a bird in a cage? 
A low voice sounded from beyond the open gates. Sasuke was standing on the other side of the gates, behaving quite rudely. Tobi had never heard him so angry. 
“I don’t care!” Sasuke screeched. “We don’t need you, we don’t need anybody! You’re just as useless at this stupid village, so don’t pretend you care! I can take care of him myself and you can heck off!”
“Your passion on the matter is admirable,” a familiar voice said, low and stern, “but you’re still a child, Sasuke. It’s no shame to accept some help.”
“Stick your help up your -”
Tobi skidded to a stop in front of the gate doors. He had started running the second he recognized the voice, and the sight of Maito Gai did not disappoint. He looked particularly unyouthful, which was unusual. Maybe Sasuke’s bad attitude was catching. “Gai! Hi-hi! It’s been forever!”
Gai smiled at him. Just a small smile. Wow. Gai was practically depressed. In front of Tobi, Sasuke was fuming with his arms crossed. His eyebags had eyebags and his skin was white as paper. He looked like Itachi, honestly. “Well met, Tobi. Have you been well?”
“Just peachy!” Tobi said cheerfully. He put a hand on Sasuke’s shoulder, who tensed. “Sasuke-chan, what’s with the cold welcome? Gai’s our friend.” 
“We don’t have friends,” Sasuke snapped. “We have fakers. Gai’s a faker so he can go away.”
Wow. Tobi had no idea it was possible to be actively hostile to Gai, of all people. And Sasuke liked Gai! He thought he was funny. Tobi lightly knocked Sasuke on the head. “No insulting our friends, Sasuke-chan! It’s bad hospital. Uh - hopital tea?”
“Hospitality,” the baby dictionary said. 
“Hospitality!” Tobi crowed. “Hospitality is tea and cookies! Yay, cookies!”
“Fine,” Sasuke bit out. He turned on his heel and stalked away. “But he’s not allowed in our house!”
“Our house?” Tobi turned to Gai, frowning a little. “Why is Tobi’s house Sasuke’s house?” Oh, wait! Tobi snapped his fingers. “It’s ‘cause Mikoto-nee and Fugaku-san and Itachi-kun went bye, right?”
Gai placed a hand on Tobi’s shoulder. He was as serious as Tobi had ever seen him. “I’m sorry for your loss, Tobi.”
And Tobi just blinked. “Loss’a what?” Oh, oh, right. That was right. “Um. Yeah! Because they aren’t coming back, right?” 
Gai just stared at him. Awful vibes in this place. 
Even the tea had bad vibes. They ended up sitting at the picnic table outside, clutching cups of lukewarm tea. There were no snacks or anything. They seemed to be out of snacks. Seriously, no junk food? Tobi always bought junk food. Joys of retirement, baby. 
Worse, Sasuke and Gai were having a very serious conversation. Tobi had tried to scamper away three different times just because he hated the atrocious vibes of the conversation, but when they both asked him to stay he reluctantly settled down. Something about how they didn’t want to have the conversation without him. Tobi didn’t see why. It was all going over his head, anyway. 
No it wasn’t. Tobi was a fucking genius, one conversation between an eight year old and Konoha’s second weirdest man didn’t go over his head. Yes it did. It was just too complicated and Tobi would rather think of other stuff. What the fuck was wrong with him, what the fuck -
“There are ANBU assigned to your home for your protection. One of them informed me about the situation.” ‘For their protection’ his ass. They would be lucky if it was real ANBU and not Root. “Has he begun reliably remembering?”
Sasuke scowled. Somehow it felt like his new favorite expression, although it was the first time Tobi had ever even seen him make the expression. Wait, that wasn’t right. What the fuck? “What business is it of yours?”
Gai took a threatening sip of his tea. “It’s me or a doctor, Sasuke-kun.”
It was a bluff, but an effective one. Sasuke took an angry complementary sip of his tea. It was unsweetened, of course. Because he was a big boy! “Whatever. No, he’s not reliably remembering. He’s stopped completely forgetting, but it’s all weird. He’s always convinced that either Itachi Uchiha’s dead or he’s on a freaking market run. I thought he knew what dead people were. He always used to talk about his foster parents.”
Gai rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “It took a little while before he settled into that knowledge too. Due to the…circumstances of Rin-chan and Kakashi-kun’s deaths, they were easier to understand. But Minato and Kushina died while he was in a safehouse and guarded by one of the Hokage’s guards. He’s not terribly adept with abstract concepts.”
“What does abstract mean!” Sasuke shouted. Gai explained the meaning of abstract. Both Sasuke and Tobi listened avidly. The definition did not assuage Sasuke. “What’s abstract about this? The ANBU found him hiding underneath a pile of - you know whats!”
“I don’t know what,” Tobi said blankly. Sasuke made a sharp gesture at Tobi - ‘you see?’.
“You told me that he would be back to normal shortly,” Gai told Sasuke sternly. Tobi had never heard Gai be stern in his life. How many times had that man taken a single thing seriously? Was this, like, the first time? “I thought that keeping your environments consistent would be best for the both of you. But I have been told that you have been acting as his full-time caretaker, Sasuke. I applaud your sense of responsibility, but you have taken on far too many responsibilities in far too short a time. When you ought to still be recovering.”
“I am recovered,” Sasuke said, irritable. “They let me out of the hospital, didn’t they?”
“That is not the sort of recovery I mean.”
“Caretaker?” Tobi asked blankly. “Since when do I need a caretaker?”
Both Sasuke and Gai shot him strange looks. A little irritably, Sasuke said, “Since you got distracted trying to cook and forgot to extinguish the fire. You almost burned down the house. And you’re zoned out all the time. And you don’t get stuff as well as you normally do.” 
“That can’t be right.” Something in his tone made Gai raise an eyebrow, but Tobi could barely process that. “I’ve never needed anyone. I’ve been careful about that. What? Sasuke, you’re eight?” His head hurt. His head hurt so much. A monster swam underneath still waters. “What about…uh, Shisui? What about him? Can’t he help?” Memories boiled the ocean, apocalyptic - “Is Itachi-kun on a mission or something?”
Evenly, almost rotely, Sasuke said, “Itachi Uchiha killed cousin Shisui and the rest of our family. They aren’t coming back.”
Right. That was - that was the situation. 
Sasuke stood up, wiping his hand on his squeaky clean shorts. “Just go away. You’re upsetting him. You think you’re helping but you’re not. I can take care of him and you can’t and nobody cares anyway, so go away.”
No. No, wait. This was fucked up. This was all sorts of fucked up. Sasuke was eight, Tobi was a grown-ass man. And a genius. Whatever happened to that? The genius part? Since when did he need help just to live? Just because he -
Was having blackouts. Since when did he have blackouts? That wasn’t normal, was it? Maybe - maybe once or twice after Sensei and Nee-chan died. Who the hell had babysat him back then, Genma…? Tobi had really put Genma through the wringer, but that was just because it was hilarious. Had Genma actually babysat him?
“I care a great deal, Sasuke!” Gai said boomed. “A passionate and determined friend can always find some way to help! If you’ll just allow me to -”
“Nobody cares about us, so stop pretending like you do!”
“I have been friends with Obito since we were children, Sasuke, you are well aware of -”
Obito. Where the hell was Obito? Where had Obito gone? Was he at the market, waiting just outside? Was he about to come and pick Sasuke up, when would he be home? Whatever happened to Obito Uchiha?
Itachi Uchiha had killed Obito Uchiha and the rest of their family. They weren’t coming back. Obito Uchiha was dead, so he didn’t exactly care about the television Sasuke watched. Obito Uchiha wasn’t coming over for a playdate or picking up the kid, because Itachi Uchiha had killed Obito Uchiha. That was what being dead meant.
“Sasuke,” Tobi said quietly, “here’s what we’re going to do, okay? Please sit down.”
Dumbfounded, Sasuke sat. Tobi squeezed his hands in his lap. Keep it together, keep it together, if the fucking small child could keep it together then he could too, he had to.
“Thank you for wanting to help, Gai,” Tobi said. “I want your help very much. I feel bad making Sasuke do all the work. I’ve been…um, I know I haven’t been remembering much. I’m very sorry…”
“It’s not your fault,” Sasuke said immediately. “It’s Itachi Uchiha’s fault, it’s all his fault!”
That didn’t sound quite right, but for the life of him Tobi couldn’t remember why. “Gai’s a really nice person. Mikoto-nee always told us to be nice, so we should be nice too and let him help. Gai can come over three times a week, okay? He can see if we’re okay. And if I need a little extra help, then he can help. Sasuke, please let him do that.”
Sasuke looked away, fingers crumpling his shorts. His face was red and scrunched. “Whatever.”
“Yes, Tobi, he can help.”
“Yay. And, um, Gai…” Tobi turned to Gai, fighting the urge to fiddle with his fingers. He had to look straight at him. He had to be brave. “If you’re seen with us too much, things will be bad for you. So we gotta be sometimes friends, okay? And that’s okay. Because Sasuke and Tobi will help each other. We’re the family we have left.” Tobi gave Sasuke a shaky smile. “Your cousin’s sorry that he hasn’t helped you, Sasuke. But that’s not the case anymore. Let’s help each other a lot. Okey-dokey?”
“Yeah,” Sasuke said, sniffling hard, “that’s okay.”
“Yay! Can we get sweets?”
“Ugh, Tobi, that stuff’s so bad for you.”
The next morning, Tobi woke Sasuke up with breakfast. He only did it once: Sasuke got incredibly offended. Tobi hadn’t known that you could eat rice so angrily. Somewhere along the way food became a ‘Sasuke chore’. Laundry became a Tobi chore, once he got the hang of it. They folded laundry together. Usually while watching a scary monster movie. They got hooked on ninja soap operas, though. 
Tobi found Obito again eventually, in bits and pieces. It happened so slowly that he didn’t notice. He only recognized that anything had happened at all during their weekly shopping trip to the market. 
As usual, people were either looking or not-looking at them. They were either gossiping behind their hands or not-gossiping. It was all the same. Sasuke’s shoulders hunched upwards and upwards at every  sideways stare, and Tobi walked loudly and talked louder beside him to draw some of the attention away. Tobi ‘No social graces whatsoever’ Uchiha also enjoyed pointing out large moles on the foreheads of old women, which always satisfied Sasuke. 
People still disliked them. No surprise, considering - a lot of stuff that Tobi still couldn’t fucking remember, damn it. Sasuke definitely noticed, even if he didn’t know why, but he thought Tobi didn’t realize. He furiously tried to protect Tobi from the realization. But he couldn’t do anything about the old lady selling tomatoes from a large wicker basket, barking out prices and bargains to the passerby. 
Sasuke had stopped to salivate after some particularly ripe and juicy tomatoes. Which he could eat like an apple, what a little freak. He had only picked one up to take a closer look at it when the old lady snatched it out of his hands. 
“Don’t steal my goods,” the lady barked. At least three people around them were inspecting the tomatoes too, but she completely ignored them. “Get out of here, git.”
Sasuke drew himself up, breaking out his best scowl. They had grown very impressive. Tobi had the sense that he was proud of them, so far as anybody could be proud of a facial expression. “I was just looking for bruises! What if I wanted to buy one?”
“I’m not so desperate that I need your business,” the lady snapped. Tobi tilted his head. “Now git.”
Tobi looked down at Sasuke, blinking guilelessly. “Our business? Why not us?”
“Stop harassing me and go!”
“How are we harassing you!” Sasuke cried. “You awful old hag -” 
Then the people around them were whispering, and some were tittering, and Sasuke’s cheeks reddened. He dropped the tomato back in the basket and turned around on his heel, hoisting his basket higher on his little shoulder. “C’mon, Tobi, let’s go.”
Tobi saluted. “Okey-dokey!”
He made it two steps before he delivered a delicious pratfall over the basket of tomatoes. It practically happened in slow motion: Tobi tripped over an errant tomato, slipped on it with a thick squelch, and toppled backwards with pinwheeling arms onto the basket of tomatoes. He squealed, his landing cushioned by the wicker basket, but the tomatoes went everywhere. Some of them even splattered the tittering women, who screamed as if boiling water was dumped on them. And the old hag ended up with a big fat faceful of tomato. 
“Whoops,” Tobi announced, scrambling back upwards. “My bad. C’mon, let’s vamoose!”
They sprinted out of the market, weaving between the crowds and ignoring the furious howls of bitchy old women. When Tobi glanced to the side he saw Sasuke furiously stifling laughter, chest heaving with exertion from the run, before he couldn’t hide it anymore - he laughed, gasping and wheezy and light. When Sasuke looked at Tobi, he saw a gleam in his eye and the faintest hint of a smirk. 
Sasuke’s eyes widened. “Wait. Was that on pur -”
Tobi held one finger to his lips, winking. “Let’s not tell Gai-kun about this, okey-dokey?”
And Sasuke grinned, knowing without understanding that he was seeing a flash of the biggest secret in Konoha. “Okey-dokey!”
Tobi did not remember what he knew about the Uchiha Massacre until much later. What he had known before it had even happened. But that, at least, he knew was in self-defense.
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Bachelor/ettes and Cooking
Gonna rank how I think the marriage candidates would do in the kitchen
Elliott -- it takes a while, but once the man has a real kitchen at his disposal and some encouragement to try, I think he would really enjoy cooking and could be very good at it! I HC him as growing up in a wealthy home where he probably wasn't allowed to cook for himself, and then the cabin has nothing... but he remembers dishes he really enjoyed. I like to think he starts cooking just trying to help out once he moves to the farm, and there is DEF a learning curve... but there's a master chef hiding in there. I can feel it.
Alex -- you do not grow up with Grannie Evelyn and not learn how to cook. Impossible. Now, he's not a fancy chef by any means, but he can make a meal without issue. If you get this man a grill, he will 1000% become Grill Master, Kiss the Cook apron wearing Grill Dad. Also, though he rarely does it, he can bake up a storm. Generally only bakes for birthdays.
Harvey -- He can cook, but only cooks healthy meals. He will need to be taught that it's okay to season your food. Brown rice, steamed veggies, and plain tofu/ chicken breasts type guy. Otherwise, it's pre-packaged frozen food. Maybe he can get better w/ encouragement but he's always going to be checking portions and making sure you eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and watch your sodium intake. The most likely bachelor to be vegetarian/ be willing to go vegetarian. Gets nauseated if he's preparing meat.
Shane -- Mid-tier like Harvey, but even though he's had kitchen access he rarely feels like cooking. He knows what seasoning is-- his usual cooking style is the exact opposite of Harvey, mostly family recipes. All flavor, calorie count who?? Loves making food covered in cheese, sauce, or gravy. His chili would win awards, but he only makes it once a year.
Sam -- He could keep himself alive if the box has directions. Anything more complicated than boxed mac and cheese, though, and he gets a little lost. Can help YOU in the kitchen very well, but to be honest he would rather be doing something more exciting.
Sebastian -- The only one who is a worse cook than him is Abigail. He is NOT allowed in the kitchen even to watch. Could burn iced tea.
Emily -- Oldest sister + working at the Saloon added together means she's definitely going to be a decent cook, but she genuinely enjoys cooking. She loves to experiment with different cultural dishes. She only cooks vegetarian or vegan dishes.
Penny -- She's pretty self sufficient. I don't think she knows too many recipes, but she enjoys experimenting if she moves to the farmhouse. She's very adapt at stretching a budget, and I think she would enjoy making jams/ pickles. Not the big amount the farmer does, but small batches in special flavors.
Leah -- She's a simple cook. She prefers raw dishes, or things like buddha bowls. A lot of texture and flavor. Loves using herbs and edibles from foraging locally. Leans vegetarian but doesn't mind fish from time to time.
Maru -- Maru is proficient at cooking, but I think takes after her dad too much and is very nutrient focused vs what actually makes a good meal. Occasionally makes questionable decisions in the name of efficiency. Could go from making some sort of casserole if busy w/ a project to Extremely Experimental if she has the time. No in between.
Haley -- I considered putting her higher but no. She has rarely if ever had to cook for herself before, so if she's at the farmhouse she will be surprised if you expect her to do anything in the kitchen. Eventually I think she could be fine. It's not hard. She just hates doing dishes. Enjoys baking somewhat, especially w/ Alex.
Abigail -- She eats rocks as a snack and thinks if you just crank the oven to 600 for fifteen minutes it's better than 350 for an hour. Her stomach is alien to this world. Can and will eat anything without issue.
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vanilladove · 1 year
This request is a bit long and specific but I hope that's not a problem efvevefvrgb I'm sorry
So if that's not a problem I would want headcanons for gn reader who is Atsushi's sibling (a year older), has the same ability and also is in ADA and is in love with Akutagawa and he hates them at first but then fall in love. Also reader has very similar personality to Atsushi. (I know, readers description is almost Atsushi, I kin him okay tgbrbrgbrbg 😭)
So fluffy sibling headcanons with Atsushi, romantic (and suggestive/nsfw if thats okay (I'm 19)) headcanons with Akutagawa and also headcanons about dynamics between reader, Akutagawa and Atsushi.
I'm sorry that it's so specific rtgefbefbefg And thank you in advance if you'll write this erfefvvejad ♡
hihi tysm for being my first request, anon! this is actually so cute ahhhhh :,) i felt like keeping this pretty fluffy. engagement is always appreciated (from anyone & everyone:D)! thank you guys for all the support + requests so far ♡
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pic creds luvpngs
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ pairing: akutagawa x nakajima!gn!reader
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ genre: fluff + a lil suggestive (hickeys)
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ content warnings: none!
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₊˚⊹♡ being siblings with atsushi...
Since you're a year older, you've always been quite protective over your younger brother. Despite having very similar personalities, you're a bit more rational and street-smart than Atsushi.
You made him his first ever ochazuke (green tea over rice) at the orphanage one day to celebrate his birthday, and since then it's been his favorite food ♡
You cheer him up a lot and are kind of like his strength:,) After the kids at the orphanage cut his hair, you convinced him it looked cute and yelled at them to never mess with him again.
You always keep extra tissues on you for him bc he’s a lil crybaby sometimes :(
Both of you train together since you have the same ability. Luckily, neither of you are super competitive, so you both are at the same skill level.
You both share one brain cell...
₊˚⊹♡ being akutagawa's lover...
You fell first, but he fell harder :D
The first time you saw Akutagawa, you were enamoured by his beauty. Unfortunately, the feeling wasn't reciprocated since he held a grudge against you and Atsushi (*cough* bc of Dazai bragging*cough*).
Dazai sent you to negotiate with the Port Mafia on behalf of the ADA once, and you saw him again in a meeting. Higuchi was gone, so naturally you sat next to Akutagawa--much to his dismay.
He was side-eyeing you harshly the entire meeting until his lung decided to act up and send him into a coughing fit...
You gave him your untouched cup of tea and fished some cough drops out of your pocket (always prepared bc you're the older sibling lol). This surprised him (along with the other Mafia members).
He didn't have the luxury of declining, so he took them without thanking you and stubbornly looked away (you swore you saw a faint blush on his cheeks though...)
After the meeting, he pulled you aside and demanded to know your favorite café, so he could take you there, warning you, "don't get the wrong idea, I just don't want to owe you". (he's awkward ik :,) )
Somehow your little 'dates' went back and forth as you kept bringing him more things to ease his condition (handkerchiefs, tea w/ honey, medicine, etc.)
Akutagawa fell for your bubbly personality and giving nature (which he would've regarded as weak before). As much as he didn't want to admit it, it was nice to have someone take care of and genuinely look out for him. It's the reason why he secretly hopes he'll never stop 'owing' you.
His love language is quality time and writing you poems/love letters. Anytime he isn't working or with Gin, he spends with you. His go-to is a romantic moonlight walk by the ocean (he def hates water tho and refuses to even dip his feet in--black cat energy hehe)♡
Expect a lot of subtle affirmations from Akutagawa. Not many “i love you”s but a lot of “the moon looks beautiful tonight, doesn’t it?”
Also lots of affectionate head bonks hehe.
SUPER POSSESSIVE!!! Will constantly hold you/your hand when you're alone together or out in public and leaves hickeys to show you're his.
One time Atsushi saw one on your neck and asked about it...you told him it was "from Akutagawa", and he immediately got defensive thinking he'd hurt you. You awkardly laughed and told him it was a "hickey". Poor, innocent Atsu asked Dazai what that was and obviously Dazai's evil ass explained it in the worst, most suggestive way possible :p Afterwards, Atsushi wouldn't look at either of you for a week...
₊˚⊹♡ dynamics between the three of you...
Although at first Akutagawa refused to hang out with Atsushi, he began to tag along more after you expressed that it made you sad to leave him out. When they did fight, you were the middleman breaking it up.
Akutagawa has been nicer to Atsushi lately--scoffing at his jokes instead of clapping back, claiming "it's for your sake and definitely not by choice".
Nicknames! You call Akutagawa "Ryu" when you're alone together. Aku calls you by your name but still refers to Atsushi as 人虎 "Jinko". Tried to call Atsushi by his name once, but it felt wrong, so he never did it again lol.
Dazai likes to tease that you guys are "Triple Black". You're a powerful trio, and you often strategize and provide support to the other two.
Since you guys are so similar, you once asked Akutagawa why he liked you so much but couldn't stand Atsushi...
Mans was absolutely dumbfounded. The question made him realize it was because he loved you, but he couldn't bring himself to admit it flat out. The thought of that made his face red like a tomato. He was so flustered, he couldn't even think of a cute, poetic thing to say.
He brought you close to him in a hug to try and hide his crimson face, burying himself into your neck.
"Your haircut isn't stupid like his, that's all".
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kitorin · 1 year
in which, itoshi rin's midnight writing exposes what he's kept concealed from you.
contents. itoshi rin x reader, 2.878 k words, fluff, angst (in the past), itoshi backstory spoilers (mixed with a few headcanons), 1st person rin pov for a bit (journal entry), regular highschool au
a/n. is this my best? no. but is it the best i have for today? yes. happy birthday to rin <3 after assignments are done i'll definitely rewrite this (i gave up on proofreading)
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10 / 09 / 2023 : SUNDAY, 12:04 am - 3:21 am
Solitude has never been a foreigner.
In fact, he's quite a familiar individual, an old companion that never seems to leave.
Even before Nii chan left for Spain, solitude was still there for me. During class I wouldn't utter a word to anyone else unless necessary, and contrariwise for said classmates. People still spoke to me; just not to the extent that they'd know what my favourite foods were, or what I liked to watch in my free time, not even bothering with it. I've never been invited to hang out with anyone after school, or been to someone else's house (not that I particularly cared, I was just sure that I was the only one).
But I was okay with it. I didn't want, or need anyone else when Nii chan bought me ice blocks, giving me the bigger piece as we'd watch the sun's warm hues bleed into the sky; the saccharine iciness contrasting how warm is was to be swallowed by sunlight together. Dad took us fishing a lot, he's always been well acquainted with the sea, taking us to locations well populated by bream; my favourite. On our way home we'd harvest kelp (Nii chan likes it in rice, salted) and take photos together on our yacht, admiring how the sun greets the world farewell, sinking into the aquamarine. Mum makes amazing food, I'm constantly astonished at how she manages to memorise every preference, from my love for ochazuke to being able to pour the perfect amount of tea; the rice never becomes too soggy (even I can't pour the exact amount I like). Solitude was close to me, but my family were closer.
There's a lot I could say about them, they've done more than remember what I love and ensuring I was happy; I'm thankful they've delivered the right for me to be comforted, to have a shoulder to cry on, to be able to freely ramble on about whatever fascinated me.
I've always been happy, even if I'm alone outside of the walls I call home. Because whether I laughed my heart out or sobbed to the point I couldn't form a coherent sentence, I'd always come home running to my family. Nothing can beat dinner; where we all relish mum's food, ask each other about our days' and offer solace or advice when necessary.
I miss that. Terribly, to the point my heart aches.
I knew that Nii chan's departure to Europe (Spain, to be exact) would change a lot. I'd have to score without his guidance, walk home alone and buy my own popsicles. Dinner time would have one less soul to laugh with, and home would have one less to embrace.
I just never expected it to be painful change. I never predicted that his return would result in losing us entirely. I didn't think his homecoming would cause my immortal resentment towards the snow, or how my eyes prickle a bit at the mere thought of an ice block. I'd say it was the worst thing that had ever happened to me, separation from him following it on the list of my worst experiences.
Solitude avoided me at home, but wasn't enough.
One time on the way home, I was overhearing the team's conversations (nothing particularly new really) and it was a discussion about the future. It was honestly surprising to find out only some of us intended to become soccer players; Nagi would rather stream or compete in professional gaming, Kurona wants to study marine biology in uni, and Yukimiya wants to give acting a go along with his modelling career. Even Isagi has a plan for if professional soccer isn't an option. He said he wanted to help others achieve their dreams if he fails to do so himself.
I remained silent as always, but had a lot more thoughts racing through my mind. Retreating to my room immediately that night, my first thought was to lie in bed, to neglect the clips I planned to analyse, to ignore muscle training for today and to slack off a bit. That's when I realized how sad the life I was living. I was sad because I was reminded of my reality.
I'm a mere myriad of distinguished achievements, though a hideous attempt of replicating genius Itoshi Sae. I'm a collection of formidable accomplishments, basking in the spotlight of glory and honour. The trophies and awards adorning my room prove it, standing tall with pride and flaunting my hard work.
That didn't mean anything. I had remained in a constant cycle of training, eating, and sleeping. My teammates were just as ambitious yet still worked hard on other things; Yukimiya enjoys modelling and Reo has a passion for economics, That must've been where I was lacking.
That's how I ended up writing again. It was an attempt to break out of this cyclical torture of constant training and sports.
I don't know how I remembered it, but I found my notebook from primary, all the stories messily scrawled yet legible. Scarlet adorned narratives birthed from child-like imagination, eulogising the prose, even though I almost flinched out of embarrassment.
Flipping through the pages, I had found the paragraph my teacher left me, insisting that I keep writing. Obviously, I never did. After getting into soccer I ignored everything school related, and would've found words on a page foolish anyways.
Many years later, I finally followed that advice.
The end result wasn't pretty. I paused a lot, struggled a lot, and almost gave up, a lot. It may have been hideous, but it was mine. A piece birthed from curiosity and memories from the past turned into another attempt. Another attempt morphed into extensive reading, I wanted to observe what was considered worthwhile or meaningless.
Writing rewove the early nights into late night reading, fully immersed in the author's thoughts translated into prose. Reading was the push to giving academics a go. Academics pulled me out of the endless cycle of soccer, there was more to life than training and diet regulation.
Books I can read. Words I can write. Exams I can study for and sports I can practice. Weights I can lift and competitions I can train for.
But to be loved, is so difficult.
It's not like an exam that you can study for and simply memorise the answers to. Or a match that has the security of a referee and reinforced rules. It's not something that can be guaranteed with a mentor.
People treat Isagi to his favourite whenever he has a bad day (he likes kintsuba). People advocate their favourite novels to Yukimiya and Chigiri, even going as far as memorising their preferences to curate their recommendations flawlessly. It must be nice, for someone to invest that sort of effort in you, even if it's simply remembering a hobby.
As my peers savoured the allure of love, estrangement and desolation constantly haunted me; a pest habituating the sleepless nights where I try to escape with a cup of coffee that's long gone cold.
It's lukewarm, praying for another's attention, care and love, to be hungry for one's time. I pathetically plead whoever manipulating my fate to provide me some sort of human connection. I shouldn't be so hopeful of others, yet I find myself dying of curiosity; what would it be like for someone to remember my birthday? Or tell me about the horror movie they adored?
I despise solitude's clinginess. But I hate how it makes me sob endlessly when no one watches.
I have myself. I have my thoughts which I've transcribed to oeuvre. I have the pile of books resting on my bedside table which sleep alongside with me. I have the trophies and awards I've won, I'll always appreciate my own talent and diligence, even if playing soccer brought me so much pain.
I think I'm somewhat pretty. I find my prominent eyelashes special to me, it's something unique to both me and Nii chan. My physique isn't too bad, either. I like the way my legs look, and my shoulders as I dry my hair.
I've always been proud of myself. I've always been enough and I always will be. Just not for others.
That's why I never expected my bond with solitude to be severed so easily. Especially because of y/n out of all people.
I still don't get how it happened. The oblivion to their presence became a peculiar first impression. An odd first meeting turned into abrupt yet regular greetings amidst hallways. Soon, I was sitting with them in every class, passing notes during tedious lessons and discussing our favourite media on the bus ride home.
Before I knew it, passionate rambles about books turned into watching movies together in my room. Whenever they greeted me their friendly wave was replaced with a tight hug, passing notes in class were accompanied with subtle kisses on the cheek.
Our relationship as friends was reimagined to lovers.
Something must've possessed me to blurt out the stupid crush I had on them, and I thank whatever drove me to do that. As awkward as I was it doesn't compare to the skip of my heartbeat when they accepted my feelings.
It's been almost a year since I met them, yet I still feel hot whenever they hold my hand, and flush red at every compliment they whisper. I still find myself stuttering sometimes whenever they're showing me a new outfit they've styled.
I love the way they smile, the creases of joy that adorn the outer corner of their eyes, and how they squint with glee and the sweet, melodious laughter that accompanies it; how breathless they sound whilst laughing. The expression they wear when deep in thought fascinates me, even if it's midway through an exam or them simply observing a video Bachira sent them. I adore their late night thoughts they text me at 3 am, the fatigue itching my eyes seem to evaporate when I notice their name on the notification. I treasure the notes we've scrawled on spare sheets of paper, they're still in between the pages of my books.
Even now, they're sleeping soundly in my bed, arms wrapped around the plush I bought them; I keep getting distracted by the sight of them so relaxed, chest rising up and down with each breath.
I would die for them. Because now I don't need to pretend to be invested on my phone to look less lonely. Now, I don't need to put my bag on the seat next to me to make it look like I sit alone by choice. I don't have to persuade the teacher to let me do group projects alone, or have to observe others with jealousy. Someone defends me from disparaging comments.
Because now, I'm not alone.
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7:15 am
THE ENTRY COMES TO AN END, AND EMBARASSMENT DUSTS Rin's face a faint tint of pink. His eyes avoid contact with yours— as he waits for your input his latest piece.
"Well? What do you think?"
You're not sure where to start. You've always known about his strained relationship with his older brother, and how his friendship with his teammates wasn't the same in the beginning. But he never explained it in detail; you wouldn't've guessed that he had some sort of chionophobia, or even cried because he felt so secluded from others. The thought of him concealing his tears and pain from the rest of the world made your eyes prickle and sends your heart racing miserably.
"Doesn't matter—" He reaches for the notebook, closing it and tossing it onto his desk. "Forget it, you didn't see anything." He plops backwards again, head hitting the pillow and groaning as he covers his face with his forearm. "It was shit anyways, I'll rip it out and toss it later."
"It wasn't."
Rin stays silent.
You lie down, mimicking his current position and cup his cheeks with your hand. "You'll never be alone again—, I promise you that." Your voice falters ever so slightly, the thought of his pain makes you feel weak in the knees and sick to the stomach. "You're more than enough, you always have and always will be. You don't need anyone's validation to be beautiful, you never did."
Rin sighs, "I'm only like that because of you." Yet something seems to throb in his heart, the small but overpowering part of him that insists he requires another's approval to be important— someone finally proving that wrong.
"That's not true."
"Yes it is, our classmates still loathe me, so do people who barely see or speak to me." There was no lie in that; but it wasn't Rin's fault. "Yoichi and the others only spend time with me because of you."
"I was only the push for them to speak to you, you know they've always cared, they were just too nervous to speak to you. As competitive as he gets, Yoichi really admires you, to the point he gets so heated and ends up rambling about your skills." That's a secret that was supposed to remain in your private messages, but Yoichi doesn't need to know.
Satisfaction momentarily appears on Rin's face at the thought of his rival's great respect, though it doesn't last very long.
"He's my teammate so it's expected... everyone I speak to at school seems to have something against me, even our English teacher." The mistreatment at school is undeniable, it's not exactly bullying but there's no respect or human decency in how people behave towards him.
"Rin, love, you've done nothing wrong, hate isn't always rational. There will always be people who can't stand seeing others more successful, and that's not your fault."
"Really?" His eyes light up; despite having a sophisticated and cold demeanour all the time, he looks like a child again, hope dances in his wide eyes.
"Really." Your fingers take advantage of the opportunity and pinch his cheeks gently. "Don't listen to all those stupid rumours and assumptions, idiot. I'd fight anyone who tries to hurt you and win every time."
When your fingers let go he immediately kisses you, and it leaves you breathless; the way he pulls you in flexes his well toned biceps and his hand supports your head.
"Thank you." Rin whispers, pulling away a bit. "Thank you for appreciating me. Thank you for everything." It's a rare occurrence for him to sound so frail, same goes for the tremble of his bottom lip.
"Of course, I love you more than anything."
"I love you too." It's escorted by a peck on your nose, and a soft expression sculpted on his face.
Before Rin can throw a blanket over the two of you again, you interrupt.
"You shouldn't throw that entry away." You still haven't forgotten his initial intention with it. "I don't get why you think it's shit."
"It's rushed. And it's just me waffling on about my feelings and the past. There's no proofreading, and it's rushed. It's not even complete either."
"That's the whole point of writing, no? It's the expression of our words and thoughts." You reach towards his desk to pick up the notebook. "Not everything has to be written in one sitting, too."
Rin doesn't bother stopping you from looking through the notebook at this point. "It's still stupid. It's just that I had the urge and motivation to write in the dead of night."
"Well. I like it."
Rin's stoic expression crumbles, revealing the bashful side he keeps concealed from the world. "Then that's good enough for me." The red on his cheeks tell you that you've won the argument.
You turn back to the entry page, impressed with his barely legible yet pretty handwriting. "You should've slept instead."
"I don't get tired anyways." He's quickly betrayed by the yawn clawing out of his throat.
"Liar. Why would you stay up writing so late... your sleep is important you know?"
"Because you are love itself. I won't get a wink of sleep if it means I can think and write about you instead." Rin's pulls you in again, tossing his notebook elsewhere as he leans in. "I promise I'll finish that entry, no— I'll write a book about you one day."
"Writing this, writing that, sleep first dumbass." A smile tugs at your lips as you pull Rin back into the position you were cuddling in a few hours ago. Even though you were the one who slept a lot more, fatigue itched your eyes, and a yawn spilled out too.
In response, Rin tosses a blanket over the two of you, whispering good night as you begin to nod off a bit. He should rest too, he has training tomorrow and has to go to the gym as well.
The Itoshi Rin from before would've slept immediately. In fact, he wouldn't've stayed up in the first place, let alone date someone. But the Itoshi Rin now instead stares at you, admiring each and every feature of yours. You're his savior, the luminescent moon irradiating his world, guiding him away from the grasps of solitude and embracing him with love instead.
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Tagging: @yuzurins (yumi you inspired this fic btw lol)
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© kitorin : do not repost, plagiarize, change, or translate
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I was watching papaya the cat on YouTube and the girl was making a birthday cake with tuna and wet food so now I'm wondering who of the boys as cat owners would do something like that. (Bc they don't allow pets let's say it's MC as a cat)
Jin does it mostly to annoy his father or Thoma in Darkwick, like sending Thoma out to buy canned food and decorate it like a cake and he better not dare put one thing that could be harmful to cats. If he is feeling playful he might even ask him where your gift is.
Kaito is such a baby, crying over you eating the cooked beef while he sings happy birthday and records the whole thing.
Sho spends the evening cooking a chicken breast and 'decorating' it with pumpkin puree and some peas. Leo takes some pictures to post in his stories.
Romeo does it as a kind of show off, like look how my partner cat eats better than you.
Subaru may not get you cake but he would make catnip tea and get Sho to give him cooked unseasoned chicken or fish and rice and attempt to make little sushi.
Rui is so mommy hen that he would prepare that day's dinner totally cat friendly so you didn't have to eat a different food. (Lyca and Ed are sad that it's so unseasoned but everything for the kitty)
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orange-cheetah · 3 months
Yanagida Jien (柳田慈円) Character Profile
Bofurin | Tamon Unit Secondary | 3rd Year
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School: Furin High 3-1
Height: 182cm | Weight: 72kg | Birthday: 18 June | Constellation: Gemini | Blood type: A
Image colour: Willow [#ADCA80 - see below]
Likes: Smell of incense | Dislikes: Vehicles in general (gets dizzy easily)
Favourite food: Nukazuke [1] | Disliked food: Kimchi
Fashion style: Dresses like Jason Statham [2]
Hobby: Sutra copying
Favourite season: Spring | Favourite music genre: Psychedelic
Best subject: Classical literature | Worst subject: English
Special skill: Sutra chanting
Dream: Funny monk [「面白いお坊さん」 - if anyone knows what this means please let me know! ><]
Recent W (or L): Went to a test of courage at the graveyard even though he comes from a temple family; his father found out and got mad at him
Favourite place in Makochi: School
What they always do in the morning: Cleaning
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[1] Nukazuke (糠漬け) is a type of Japanese preserved food, made by fermenting vegetables in rice bran (nuka), developed in the 17th century.
Almost any vegetable may be preserved using this technique, although some common varieties include eggplants, daikon, cabbage, carrots, and cucumbers. The taste of nukazuke can vary from pleasantly tangy to very sour, salty and pungent, depending on the methods and recipe used or region, usually with a crispy, crunchy texture. Less common are fish nukazuke, found in the north part of Japan, using sardine, mackerel, puffer fish roe, or Japanese horse mackerel. (wikipedia)
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[2] Jason Statham is an English actor and martial artist. He is known for portraying characters in various action-thriller films who are typically tough, gritty, or violent. Statham has been credited for leading the resurgence of action films during the 2000s and 2010s. (wikipedia)
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makarajester · 8 days
We already know about Sunny's, but what are other characters' favourite things to eat? What do they like to drink?
Basil: espresso/americano/capuccino to drink, and for food something comforting and warm, like beef stew or something. he tried going vegan like a hundred times but he's not ready for the commitment. i think he would go for angel cake as a dessert, or just granola bars.
Aubrey: alcohol probably, coke on casual days and as a favourite dish i think she would really enjoy sushi or ratatouille. her favourite dessert would probably be donuts, m&ms, or peeps.
Kel: orange joe for a drink, obvi, and i feel like he would enjoy crazy american combos like bacon and waffles, deep fried anything, probably raising canes, oh and empanadas. for dessert he would probably go for... the entire breakfast menu? i'm sure he's a big waffle/pancake/torrijas fan, and also sour gummies.
Hero: probably plain ol black coffee, blueberry lemonade or sparkling water (he's one of those..), milkshakes too. For food I think he likes trying out new things from time to time so his favourites change pretty often. his go to sweets would be... fruit tarts, tiramisu or chocolate chip cookies.
Jamie: Jamie loves decaf lattes, and sodas, and for food probably some classic chicken nuggets with fries, and birthday cake flavoured sweets. they've got a huge sweet tooth, so anything would do, except hard candy.
Brent: he loves coffee and hot cocoa, especially accompanied by a treat. for food, i would say he likes jollof rice, salads with all kinds of dressings, anything beef and a lot of salty snacks. he would always snack on some chips. for sweets, i'm inclined to say lava cake with ice cream on the side. he likes chocolate bars too, like snickers and bounty. he's got a full drawer of snacks in his room because his mom wouldn't let him eat too many while growing up.
Ash: he loves coffee to the point that it's a personality trait, and he usually gets a flavoured latte. avocado toast and sunny side up eggs for breakfast, alfredo pasta and salad for lunch, and fish with vegetables for dinner, specifically salmon. for dessert, he would go for a cinnamon roll or rugelach.
think that's it. for me i love lattes and dr pepper, and for food probably something really lame like a mcchicken or chilly cheese fries or pasta. for sweets.. i don't know. everything at once. i love chocolate and anything with a soft chewy texture.
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littlefaefeather · 6 months
Black Butler manga foods/drinks
I'm sure I missed some things, but it was all things that weren't really named or specified, or I couldn't tell with certainty what they were. @sebastian-ciel-mutual-bullying this is for you! feel free to take and use as you need o7 Book 1 breakfast: poached salmon and mint salad with toast, scones, and pain de campagne on the sides, ceylon tea horribly salty lemonade dinner: Japanese green tea, gyuutatakidon, Italian red wine, apricot and green tea mille-feuille dessert: orchard fruit cake with pears, plums, and blackberries dessert: deep-dish apple raisin pie milk
Book 2 assam tea afternoon tea: keemun and summer pudding of currants and other berries lunch: stuffed cabbage and minted potato salad chocolate earl grey afternoon tea: cornmeal cake of pears and blackberries salty rosehip herbal tea
Book 3 hot milk with honey or brandy peeled apple assam tea with milk oranges with shalimar tea steak and kidney pie and salmon sandwiches messy birthday cake and donburi strawberry-decorated birthday cake
Book 4 fish chai with ginger breakfast: shrimp curry and French toast with ginger mackerel with gooseberry sauce and cottage pie
Book 5 British-style Bengali chicken curry chicken curry afternoon snack: gateau au chocolat beef curry blue lobster with seven curries curry bun assam tea white darjeeling tea champagne sushi
Book 6 Christmas pudding cookies shaped like bones fish and chips, meat pies, bread
Book 7 rice porridge dinner: milk risotto with a three-mushroom medley, a pot-au-feu of pork and wine, and a warm apple compote with yogurt sauce
Book 8 oranges afternoon tea: chocolate macarons with fruits and three-berry shortcake
Book 9 custard cream puffs red wine white wine brunch: herring pie and spinach quiche dinner: curry, and chopped vegetables for an appetizer
Book 10 dinner: soybean hamburg steaks
Book 11 elevenses: darjeeling tea and petits fours tonkatsu, shougayaki, tonjiru, tonshabu, yakiton
Book 12 cake with strawberries on top
Book 13 spiny lobster saute, roast turkey, sticky toffee pudding, fairy cakes (cupcakes) warm milk with honey
Book 14 watered-down darjeeling tea darjeeling tea dinner: roast duck and gateau chocolat
Book 15 golden syrup sponge pudding tea cakes lemon myrtle souffle glace with milk tea
Book 16 lunch: beef mince pie
Book 17 dessert: strawberries, cream, and meringue (Eton mess) with a side of iced summer pudding
Book 18 chicken pie coffee and walnut cake
Book 19 ravioli (maultaschen) and wurst soup, stewed pork with herbs and spices (eisbein), and rote grutze (sour berries boiled and chilled to jelly, served with cream) evening snack: caramel macarons, coffee cream eclairs, dark chocolate florentines. black tea ceylon tea
Book 22 earl grey tea with orange almond cake and berry tarts
Book 23 smoked salmon sandesh (milk sweets)
Book 24 soft licorice candy apples
Book 25 berry-filled pudding fish and chips and steak and ale pie gulab jamun (fried balls of dough drenched in syrup)
Book 29 kidney pie, fish and chips, and ale wild-hare pie tapioca steak
Book 30 nilgiri tea breakfast: pea soup, meatballs, croissants, boiled egg, orange jelly chicken and steamed vegetable salad, oxtail stew, pain de campagne with butter oolong tea
Book 31 candy cigarettes
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mykingdomforapen · 1 month
more adventures of Frog Guang
(a drabble from the universe of my fic, courage of stars)
Lu Guang had proudly named his pet frog Milk Toast. He cultivated a comfortably damp environment for him in his enormous tank and added new leaves almost daily for wont of something to do to spoil his new friend. 
The first day he went to school after his birthday was the most he ever spoken since the beginning of the school year. He told everyone who was willing to listen that he had a new pet frog. The girls shivered until he told them that the frog’s name was Milk Toast, which made them coo. The boys demanded proof of the frog’s existence, and then bombarded him with so many questions that he almost regretted telling them anything. What color was his webbed feet? How long was his tongue? Does he eat flies? Does he ribbit? How high can he jump? Ten centimeters? Fifty? 
He rushed home from school every day to spend time with Milk Toast, which usually took the form of reading books out loud to him. Lu Guang read his frog books out loud, in case Milk Toast was curious what humans liked to say about his kind. He charged Yeye and Maamaa to let him do all the feeding, so that he could choose the best-looking crickets to set into the tank. The crickets were a considerable match for Milk Toast, and Lu Guang stared approvingly as his tiny frog hunted viciously for the insect larger than the size of his head. 
During art class, Lu Guang drew pictures of Milk Toast every time. Whether they used crayons, marker, colored pencils, watercolor, or cut-out pieces of colored paper, Lu Guang created rendition after rendition of Milk Toast. Even when the art teacher asked if Lu Guang would draw flowers, he added Milk Toast on a leaf. When tasked to draw a portrait of little Mei, his desk mate, Lu Guang snuck Milk Toast onto her shoulder, which she did not appreciate as much as he thought she would. 
After school, Lu Guang showed the drawings to Milk Toast through the glass of the tank, as he was fairly certain that at least Milk Toast would appreciate the effort he put into his art pieces. 
“That’s you,” Lu Guang said helpfully as he pointed to the blueish blob with bulging eyes. Milk Toast stared ahead, his little throat puffing rhythmically. 
“This is you too,” Lu Guang said, showing another drawing. “And this is me.”
He pointed to a drawing of himself, who was roughly the same size as the frog and with skinny lines as limbs. Milk Toast shifted in his place, which Lu Guang took as interest. He propped it against the glass so that Milk Toast could continue to admire it.
“This is you with Qi Mei,” said Lu Guang, showing him the portrait of his classmate. “I asked her if she wanted to keep it and she said no, so I think you should have it instead.” 
“Guangguang, it’s dinner!” Maamaa called out. “Hurry and wash your hands.” 
Lu Guang added another new leaf into the tank as a treat before shuffling off to dutifully wash his hands while his grandmother set the table. He toddled to his usual place, next to Yeye, and saw that the table was set for three. 
“What about Ma and Ba?” Lu Guang asked. 
“Ma and Ba are very busy at the library right now,” Maamaa said. “They’ll eat dinner later.” 
“Can I eat dinner with them?” Lu Guang asked. 
Maamaa pursed her lips as she scooped a mound of rice into Lu Guang’s bowl. 
“They won’t be back until you’re getting ready for bed,” she said with a sigh. “Come on, before it gets cold. I worked hard to cook you a good dinner.” 
Lu Guang hid his disappointment by shoveling rice into his mouth. Yeye stroked the back of his head, his hand strong and ticklish. 
“Come on, have some fish,” said Yeye. 
He scooped a large portion of fish onto Lu Guang’s bowl, and a healthy helping of garlic pea sprouts. He tactfully did not offer the frog legs that Maamaa had cooked for the grown-ups, and Lu Guang avoided eye contact with them. He was convinced that Milk Toast would be able to see whatever Lu Guang saw through his eyes, and he would be sorely disappointed if he knew what was going on in the dining room. 
“When will Ma and Ba be done going to the library every day?” Lu Guang asked. 
Maamaa’s eyes flashed with pity. 
“When you go into the fourth grade, little one,” she said.
Lu Guang’s shoulders sank lower. Fourth grade felt like an eternity. The fourth graders towered over him in the playground at school. They were so big and mature and they knew what fractions were. Lu Guang was right now in the first grade. Was he never going to have dinner with Ma and Ba again? 
Maamaa, snapped her chopsticks as she added tomato egg to Lu Guang’s bowl. 
“Eat more, Guangguang,” she ordered. 
He obeyed. After eating more than his fill in dinner, Lu Guang sat at his desk to finish his homework while Yeye walked him through the mathematics. Milk Toast had changed positions during dinner time, which cheered Lu Guang up. He spied on Milk Toast while the frog basked in low light. For the rest of the night, he rested his head in his arms as he watched Milk Toast up close, starry-eyed.
Even when Maamaa ushered him to bed and switched off his lights, Lu Guang crept back to the tank and spied on Milk Toast, watching the frog breathe, sit, and occasionally swim. By the time Ma and Ba came home, and Ma peeped open his bedroom door to spy on him, she found Lu Guang fast asleep at his desk, cheek pressed up against the glass. 
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genshinpng · 7 months
Happy Birthday, Beidou! (2024)
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Whoa, you're saying ALL this delicious food is for me? I'd better get stuck in! After eating salted fish for weeks on end out at sea, nothing gets your appetite going like a tableful of piping hot Liyue cuisine. I reckon we're gonna need some more rice to go with it! You want to know what's in the chest? Haha, what else could it be other than the piles of treasure I picked up along the journey? If there's something in there you like, just take it. You're my best buddy, after all! Oh and by the way, here's another treasure map we found. Fancy hopping aboard to try your luck next time we head out to sea?
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"Beidou, tell us some more stories about your adventures!" "Alright, alright, I know you want to hear the one about striking down Haishan..."
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discendia · 24 days
Juuuuuunebug!!! 💗💗💗
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Hi, Hi! I have some asks for Rio!
🍄 (mushroom) - Does your character like being in nature or do they prefer the indoors? Do they have any outdoor hobbies like camping or fishing? If they prefer the indoors, why?
🧣(scarf) - What comforts your oc? Is it an item? An action? A person? Whatever it is, how any why does it comfort them?
🐞 (ladybug) - What does a perfect day look like for your oc? What do they do? Who do they see?
Next is Stella 🤭
NIMOOO!! 💕💕 Thank you for asking! It took a bit more thought but I'm happy I could answer these questions too. You were so nice with your choices. ✨
《 Red Emoji OC Asks 》
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🍄 (mushroom) - Does your character like being in nature or do they prefer the indoors? Do they have any outdoor hobbies like camping or fishing? If they prefer the indoors, why?
She has more indoor hobbies but on sunny days, instead of doing crafts in her room, she likes to set up a table in the garden and work there. She also loves going on walks around the city, enjoying the salty breeze of the coast, or visiting Dino’s stables and grooming the horses after a peaceful ride.   
🧣(scarf) - What comforts your oc? Is it an item? An action? A person? Whatever it is, how and why does it comfort them?
She usually finds comfort in Takeshi. She doesn’t need to use words with him, he can perceive when his sister needs a hug and opens his arms for her. Many nights Rio would grab her futon next to Takeshi’s to snuggle up to him and sleep surrounded by his warmth. It calms her down to know that he’s with her.
Eventually, Dino also becomes a source of comfort, his warmth is different to Takeshi’s, as well as the way they communicate, but she loves it dearly and searches for it.
If she’s alone and away from Namimori, she’ll look for comfort in the smell of home: cooked rice and fresh fish, petrichor and straw, or in the small talk with people from the neighbourhood and children playing.
🐞 (ladybug) - What does a perfect day look like for your oc? What do they do? Who do they see?
The perfect day for Rio would start with sleeping in, no alarms, only snuggling and a soft wake-up call if it's getting really late. She wouldn’t expect anyone to wait for her for breakfast but it would be perfect if her family were still around, doing their things while chatting with her.
It would be a peaceful day, she would run some errands around the shopping district, taking her time to talk to the neighbours, and she would stop by the flower shop and pick up some orchids before returning to the restaurant.
Takeshi would play a perfect match, he would be the ace, the star, the undisputable MVP, and she would be there to support him in his moment of glory. And it would be a thousand times better if it were their birthday!
She would prepare a celebration dinner with Tsuyoshi, just the two of them in the kitchen, listening to hyped conversations and laughs over drinks while they waited for the food. It would reunite all the people important to her, family and friends, in the same place without having to worry about conflicts or appearances, to spend time together and enjoy homemade food around a big table.
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recentadultburnout · 1 year
Info for writer in Thai series fandom: Holidays and Festivals
In my opinion, most holidays and festivals can be sorted by their relevance into a few categories, like the royal family, religion, or something inbetween. If its origin is something related to the royal family, it is likely that it will have fewer activities for people who are not government officers or students to do than when it relates to religion.
Piyamaharaj Day
Date : Oct 23
King Chulalongkorn (or Piyamaharaj) Day is to commemorate the day King Chulalongkorn passed away. King Chulalongkorn made many contributions in his reign, like the educational system, military affairs, national communication, the state railway, and the Slave Liberation Act without bloodshed in Thailand. Piya (ปิย) means beloved and Maharaj (มหาราช) means the Great King. As the name suggests, he was really popular. Many people have his picture in their house or their shop. He is also somewhat considered sacred, and some people will make a wish to him. The offerings that people believe he liked consist of brandy, cigars, shrimp paste rice, pink roses, and other general offerings. 
The various departments will send their representatives to lay wreaths of flowers to pay homage at his statue and make merit in His Majesty King Chulalongkorn's name. People who loved him will do that too. Many government agencies, schools, and universities will also hold exhibitions to educate the public about his life and work.
The current queen’s birthday Date : Jun 3
The current king’s birthday Date : July 28
Activities Most government agencies and schools will set up the king or queen's picture, decorate it, and arrange a place for people to sign their name to wish them a happy birthday. They might also hold exhibitions about their lives and the work they do for the public too.  I'm glad I didn't have to do it anymore. It's really hard to make an informative board when there is so little information in the first place.
Coronation Day
Date : May 4
In Thailand, we call it Chat-Mong-Khon day. Chat (ฉัตร) means several-tiered umbrella. In this case, it is nine-tiered, symbolizing the sovereign. Its Thai name refers to the ceremony they do on the date that the coronation of the current king happens. Originally, this ceremony was considered a private ceremony of the King, held in the royal court, but later it became a national holiday.
There are none, but like every special day and occasion in Thailand, it was encouraged to make merit on this day.
The Royal Ploughing Ceremony
Date : May, at the beginning of the month, depends on what day is the most auspicious according to astrology.
The main purpose of the ceremony is to boost the morale of farmers across the nation. The highlight is the sacred bull's choice, which will predict the amount of rain and which product will flourish, and the rice sowing, which won't really have a chance to grow because the audience will collect it up immediately as it is believed to bring luck and help the crop grow when they mix the seed in. After the ceremony, the model farmer usually received a plaque of honor from the king or representative. 
Other than in the ceremony, there are none.
Magha Puja
Date: The 15th day of the waxing moon (full moon) of the 3rd month according to the Thai lunar calendar.
A day celebrates a gathering that was held between the Buddha and 1,250 of his disciples who came to see the Buddha without being summoned. From the tale, all of them are already Buddhist saints (Arhat) and all of them are direct disciples ordained by the Buddha himself. 
Go to the temple, abstaining from all sins, offer alms or make merit by giving freedom to animals (release birds or fish) that got caught-about this one, I must say that it's a thing you shouldn't do on a whim. Too many people do it without any consideration for the environment or even whether the animals they release will survive. They do it just because it's a "tradition". Their actions also create demand for birds or fish that wouldn't get caught otherwise. It's more sin than merit at this point.  Listen to a sermon and go wian tian (เวียนเทียน) which is to walk with lighted candles in hand around a temple in the evening.
Visakha Bucha, or Vesak
Date: The 15th day of the waxing moon of the 6th lunar month or, in other words, the full moon day of the Visakha (visakha is the name of the month in the lunar calendar).
It is a day that marks the three most important events in Buddhism, namely the birth, enlightenment, and death of Gautama Buddha, with all three events taking place on the same day but in different years according to Thai interpret.
The same thing you do on Magha Puja.
Asanha Bucha
Date: The full moon day of the 8th month of the lunar calendar.
It is the day that Gautama Buddha gave his first sermon, the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutra, to Kondanna, Bhaddiya, Vappa, Mahanama, and Assaji. The day after Asanha Bucha will be the day Buddhist Lent starts.
Buddhist Lent or, in Thai, Khao Phansa.
"Khao Phansa" means "Rains Retreat", which means all monks must stay at any temple during the rainy season. Because the monks in Buddha's time had a duty to make pilgrimages to animals and spread the Dharma and teachings to the people in various places. There is no need to have a fixed place to live, even in the rainy season. The villagers blamed them for stepping on the seedlings and other crops until they were damaged. Therefore, the Buddha laid down a Buddhist Lent regulation for the monks to stay stationary for three months in the rainy season. 
Because Asanha Bucha and Khao Phansa are next to each other, sometimes the activities get mixed up. For Asanha Bucha, we do the same thing we do on Magha Puja and Visakha Bucha days. Khao Phansa will have more occasional things happen, but like I say, it can get mixed. One day is not a big deal at all. There will be a Buddhist ceremony, as well as preparations for the monks' and novices' residence to be in good enough condition to be used for three months during Buddhist Lent. There will also be a Candlelight Procession (Phi-Tee-Hae-Tian-Phan-Sa:) in which we will take special candles (one of the popular activities is to cast that candles by providing materials such as wax, candle wicks, crucibles, and pans for the crowd to use to make them together in a public place such as in front of the mall), we make before Khao Phansa Day, go to the monastery to present the candle to the monk, then put candles into the temple, and light candles to worship the Three Jewels. There are also other activities, such as offering clothes to the monk, praying that they will conduct themselves within the framework of the Five or Eight Precepts, listening to sermons, and the Dharma. You can choose to participate as much or as little as you want. It is up to your faith and abilities. For monks, there will be a lot of other activities, but for ordinary people, I think this will be all. At the end of Buddhist Lent there will be Tak Bat Devo festival.
The Vegetarian Festival, or Tesakan Gin Jay (เทศกาลกินเจ)
Date: Start on 1st day of the 9th lunar month according to the Chinese calendar and last 9 days.
It is came from Taoist tradition. During the fastival people who choose to paticipate will only eat food that prepared without meat or products of animal origin (e.g. milk, eggs, honey, fish sauce, gelatin, collagen) and not flavored with strong smell vegetables such as garlic, onions, spring onions, shallots, chives, and cilantro, some also Including hot and spicy spices.
Moon Festival
Date: The full moon day of the 8th month according to the lunar calendar.
It is a traditional Chinese cultural festival that takes place in the middle of autumn to celebrate the harvest. Some households will celebrate it with their family, some don't. The ceremony will be held in private, so I'm not sure how popular it actually is, but the mooncakes sure are.
Chinese New Year
Date: The 1st day of the 1st month in the Chinese calendar.
Thais of Chinese descent will follow the tradition for 3 days: pay day (wan jai/วันจ่าย), pay respect day (wan wai/วันไหว้) and travel day (wan tiao/วันเที่ยว).
Pay Day is the day before the end of the year. It is a day when we have to buy food, fruits, and various offerings before the shops close for a long vacation.
On Worship Day, the day starts in the early morning by paying homage to "Bài lǎoyé" (拜老爺 / 拜老爷) which is a form of worship to various gods. The offering is three meats (Sasae, Sam Cheng), pork, duck, and chicken, and liquor, tea, and paper money. After that, we pay respect to "Pai Pae Bo" (拜父母), which is to pay respect to ancestors, parents, relatives, and relatives who have passed away. This will be completed no later than noon. The offerings consisted of sa sae, sweet and savory dishes (mostly done as the deceased once liked), as well as the burning of paper money, gold paper, and paper clothes to dedicate to the deceased. Then the whole family will be gathered to eat and exchange red packets afterward. Finally, we will pay homage to "Pai Ho Hia Tee" (拜好兄弟), which is respect for the spirits of the deceased brothers and sisters. The offerings will be kanom keng, kanom tian, taro in syrup, silver and gold paper, along with firecrackers to ward off evil and for good luck.
The day of travel or holding day is the new year's day. It is the first day of the first month of the year. Today, it is a tradition called "Pai Jia," which is an occasion to go to another's house to wish them luck and ask for blessings from the elders and loved ones.
Date: 15 days after the spring equinox.
It is believed that Qing Ming Day is one of the three days when the human world and the spirit world are closest to each other. So during this period, it is a custom to go sweeping and pay respect to ancestors' tombs. Moreover, during Qingming, the weather is good. Therefore, it is suitable for the descendants to travel to the graves of their ancestors to pay homage, sweep and clean around the graves of their ancestors.
( He is coming to me's Thai name is He came to Qingming next to my grave.)
Songkran or Thai New Year
Date: 13 April
The word "Songkran" comes from Sanskrit and means "moving." It refers to how the zodiac sign is moving, which means the new year. Songkran is a traditional family practice where water is the main element of the ceremony. Basically, there will be  1.Bathing Buddha images at home and at temples for good fortune and making merit, offering food to monks ***By bathing, I mean gently pouring water from a water bowl (ขันน้ำ) onto the Buddha images. 2.Gently pouring water from a water bowl onto each other and wish each other luck in the new year. It will be more formal when it's between an elder and a child than between friends. 3. Ask for forgiveness for something that has already passed or a New Year's wish from an elderly person. 4.Loading sand into the temple. It is believed that it will bring auspiciousness, happiness, prosperity, and a lot of money, like the grains of sand that are carried into the temple. Another belief is that taking the sand that is attached to the feet from the temple is a sin. Therefore, to not commit a sin, we should bring it back to make up for what we take during the past year.  It is mainly a family event, so it is also a time when most people travel back home to their family. Many people work far from home and don't have many chances to go back, so in the Songkran period they will go back and have a family gathering.
The water fight is not really traditional, but it's a main event that has many people waiting eagerly now.
Loy Krathong Festival
Date: The 15th waxing moon of the 12th month according to the Thai lunar calendar.
Loy means float, and Krathong, in this context, means banana leaf vessel or floating basket. The traditions vary by region, but one thing they all have in common is that it takes place at night and includes float Krathong. The purpose of this event is to either worship the goddess of water, Ganga, pronounced in Thai as "Khong-ka", or to worship the Buddha, or both. The krathong that is used in this event can be made from a lot of things, such as banana leaf, banana stalk pith, foam, coconut shell, or bread. There are many beliefs around this event. For lovers, sometimes the pair will use one Krathong together or go float it together and try to make it stick together after it goes into the water, as it is believed to be a good sign for a pair of lovers. During fastival, the atmosphere can be quite romantic. There is also a belief that you can float away all suffering along with the krathong by cutting nails, hair, and money and putting them into the krathong before floating it.
Yi Peng Festival
Date: the 13th to the 15th waxing moon of the 12th month according to the Thai lunar calendar or the 15th waxing moon of the 2nd month according to the Thai Lanna lunar calendar. On the same day as the Loy Krathong Festival.
Yi Peng is actually a variation of Loy Krathong, but instead of only Krathong, it will also have Khomloy, which is some kind of hot-air balloon, and it will actually happen two days before. The Yi Peng starts on the 13th day of the waxing moon, which is considered "Wan-da(วันดา)" or the day of the preparation to make merit at the temple. When it comes to the 14th day of the waxing moon, Father Oui (grandpa/elderly man), Mae Oui (grandma/elderly woman), and those who have faith will go together and conduct themselves within the precepts, listen to the Dharma, and make merit at the temple. A large krathong will be made in the temple courtyard. Inside the krathong will be food and other consumables. Anyone can bring something to make a contribution. Those items will be given to the poor to make merit. On the 15th day of the waxing moon, the big Krathong at the temple and the small personal Krathong will be floated on the river.
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kuzusushi · 2 years
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happy birthday to the biggest babygirl of genshin. hopefully this wasn't too ooc.
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sunlight peered through the window, its bright glare obstructed by the translucent blinds that swayed along with the morning breeze. birds chirped a chipper tune as they flew about, ready to start their day.
yet kunikuzushi finds himself lulled to slumber, yearning for your warmth which had encapsulated his form the night prior, hands sweeping over your side of the bed searching for your form, which had already gone a little cold due to your absence.
rubbing his groggy eyes with a groan, he stretches a bit, swaddling himself with your blanket as he pads over to the kitchen—his little voyage through your tiny cottage in hopes of dragging you back to bed with him.
"love, i'm fucking cold, come back to bed." he whines, wrapping your blanket tighter on his form as he follows the lovely scent of food that wafts from the kitchen. there amidst the chaos of the clinking pots and pans you stand, humming as you dust your hands on your apron, seemingly unaware of your lover's presence.
kunikuzushi couldn't find it in himself to complain—no. not when it feels so domestic and comforting like this. he leans against the doorframe as he watches you in awe, complete adoration swimming in his indigo orbs as he stares, absolutely enamored by you, a small grin settling upon his features.
it's funny really. never in a million years would kunikuzushi have thought that such a day like this would come. in the past, you were at each other's throats, scorching words and scathing gazes burning into one another in hopes of burning one another alive amidst the echoes of your weapons clanking against one another, drawing out a twisted symphony from your battle.
almost like fate was mocking you both, it had decided to bring you both together in more circumstances than one, allowing you both to discover each other's vulnerabilities, characteristics, things you relished—and you both fell for one another. perhaps kunikuzushi would have to thank the stars another time for intertwining you both together.
"kuni? oh! you're awake!" comes your sheepish chuckle, eyes flitting to his adorable form to the surprise you have been working on nervously before meeting his gaze.
"i had planned to surprise you today—you know, since it's your birthday and all..but if you wish to go back to bed then that's fine! i'll just finish this up and-"
"i'm not going back to bed without you," kunikuzushi says flatly, attempting to saunter smoothly to your side (which to you looked like he was waddling due to the blanket that almost swallowed his form) as he gives you a pointed look. "its cold."
despite his sharp tone, his gaze softens as he peers over your shoulder to take a glimpse of what you had been working on the whole morning: tandori chicken, fish with cream sauce and two bowls of steaming rice. he also notices the small pot of tea on the side, the scent of green tea providing a sense of comfort to his senses.
"like what you see?" you tease, setting the plates of food on the table as you gesture for him to have a seat, turning to fetch the two bowls of rice and the pot of tea.
kunikuzushi huffs at that, sitting down as he waits for you to sit down, courteously thanking you for the food as he takes a bit of everything, placing it on your bowl before doing the same for his.
brunch passes by comfortably, filled with lighthearted teasing and occasional snarky comments thrown about—despite such atmosphere, kunikuzushi couldn't help but notice your antsy stance as you both head over to your shared bedroom.
"go on. spit it out. you know nothing good happens when you choose to stay hesitant about something." he states, as he fluffs out your pillows. he hears some shuffling as he chuckles teasingly, "you know, if you wanted to kiss me so bad then-"
his eyes meet your form, so meek and shy as your hands stretch out to hand him a notebook. you look absolutely adorable, and he couldn't help but gaze at you adoringly. snapping out of his trance, he stutters, unsure of what to do with it, hoping for an explanation as he tries to articulate and recompose himself.
"ah- this...i...i just think it's best if you open it yourself, dear." you mumble shyly, handing over your present as you fidget about. kunikuzushi opens it and much to his surprise, every page he flips through are filled with letters addressed to him. some date back to when you first discovered your not-so-secret crush on him, your first kiss and even your first anniversary together as a married couple.
his heart softens at this and without a thought, he captures your lips with his, intertwining your fingers with his as he parts away, placing a small peck on your ring finger.
"thank you, really."
honestly, the years with the lack of companionship left kunikuzushi completely desolate about his birthday, seeing it as a cruel reminder of yet another year of loneliness and anguish—yet he allows himself to become greedy with you.
so kunikuzushi allows himself to chase you lips once more, the sweetness of your lips replacing the bitter feeling he's forced himself to be accustomed to.
birthdays are no longer a painful reminder—rather, they are celebrations of yet another year with his beloved; with you.
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auxiliarydetective · 6 months
Straw Hat Fun Facts - Evie's OCs Edition
A while ago, I posted these character bulding questions on my resources blog. And now, in the light of my lingering obsession with One Piece, my growing number of OCs for the fandom AND my recent milestone, I've decided that now is as good a time as any to finally answer them for my own OCs! Not all of them are, in fact, Straw Hats, but I'll still answer the questions for them because I can.
Featured are Aurelia, Cora, Inari, Lily, Luna and Lux AND the two still undeveloped ones, for now code-named Betta Fish and Flying Squirrel because... well, that's what they're based on.
Have fun!
Note: I wrote this post over a week ago, told myself I'd proofread it and never did... And then I proofread it last night at about 11pm, so... Yeah, you'll find no braincells here, just pure vibes and the braincells that were already there a week ago. That being said, I'm particularly proud of the "As a Family" section
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Animal Resemblances
Aurelia: Peacock
Cora: Mouse
Inari: Red fox
Lily: Fennec fox (obviously)
Luna: Swan
Lux: Lynx (once again, obviously)
Betta Fish: Well.... a betta fish! Also known as Siamese flying fish!
Flying Squirrel: I actually get to say some more here, it's specifically a Japanese giant flying squirrel.
Specific Numbers
Aurelia: 107 (do-na)
Cora: 6/5 (sixth Straw Hat to join if you count Luffy, fifth if you don't, i.e. fifth recruited), 96 (ko-ra), 25510 (a-ka-i-to), 19 (ichi-ku)
Inari: 8/7 (eighth Straw Hat to join, seventh recruited), 176/576 (i-na-ri), 53 (ka-mi)
Lily: 5/4 (fifth Straw Hat to join, fourth recruited), 66 (ri-ri -> Lily)
Luna: 8/7 (eighth Straw Hat to join, seventh recruited)
Lux: 106 (ji-rou), 693 (ru-kku-su -> Lux) 080 (ou-ya-ma; short for ouyamaneko = lynx)
Betta Fish: to be determined
Flying Squirrel: 6331 (mu-sa-sa-bi = Japanese giant flying squirrel)
Specific Colors
Aurelia: black, gold
Cora: a very dark fuchsia/dark red
Inari: pastel orange/pink mixture
Lily: pastel purple/pink mixture
Luna: (soft) icy blue
Lux: beige, white
Betta Fish: Cobalt blue, rainbow
Flying Squirrel: Dark cyan/blue
Specific Smells
Aurelia: violets, a hint of sandalwood, expensive perfume
Cora: cherries, cinnamon
Inari: strawberries, birthday cake
Lily: sea salt (the smell gets caught in her fur), water lilies, usually a hint of cigarette smoke because she's been around Sanji for a while
Luna: almond milk and honey
Lux: cheap cologne; grease or oil if he hasn't showered since last working on the Tang
Betta Fish: salt water, lavender
Flying Squirrel: Incense, wax, fireworks
Favourite Type of Island and Season
Aurelia: Previously spring on a summer island, now spring on an autumn island
Cora: Spring on a spring island
Inari: Any season on Totto Land; summer on a spring island
Lily: Summer on a spring island
Luna: Winter on a spring island
Lux: Winter on a winter island
Betta fish: Autumn on any island with a forest
Flying Squirrel: only knows Wano seasons
Favourite Food
Aurelia: Spaghetti carbonara, most likely
Cora: Honestly? Fish and chips. I don't know why. But not the cheap kind. High-end fish and chips, freshly made by Sanji. Fish that is fresh out of the sea, with a crispy crust, and the chips aren't your typical burger fries but more like fried potatoes. I feel like she'd also enjoy sweet potato fries
Inari: Inarizushi, which is a pouch of fried tofu filled with sushi rice. She loves it because it has the same name as her and because it has little fox ears. Sanji usually decorates it with a fox face to match
Lily: Omelette. Why? Because fennec foxes love eggs. Generally, preparing her an egg is good enough, whether you cook it or fry it, she loves eggs, but she especially adores omelettes because they look cool and because of the way Sanji makes them
Luna: Yoghurt, preferably with honey. She also loves elderberries, or yoghurt with elderberry jam
Lux: I feel like he'd like turkey hen? Generally, some sort of poultry. Also chicken (which is a poultry, I know)
Betta fish: Oysters, seaweed
Flying Squirrel: Daifuku (the food, not the character), udon
Least Favourite Food
Aurelia: Chips as in crisps, specifically she doesn't like salted ones. ESPECIALLY not salt and vinegar ones
Cora: I feel like she's not a fan of bitter foods in general and she hates it when food gets burned and she has to eat that charred black stuff. Luckily, that doesn't happen to Sanji. For somewhat obvious reasons, I feel like she also doesn't like oregano
Inari: Funnily enough, she doesn't like fried tofu. Her favourite food is inarizushi but she doesn't like fried tofu. That's because it takes the correct tofu, the proper frying technique and enough rice for her to like inarizushi. She doesn't like the taste of just fried tofu on its own
Lily: I'd say she doesn't like dried, salted fish. It's a common preserve on sea travels and she probably had to eat it a few too many times. Poor girl. She may also be slightly allergic against high amounts of salt
Luna: I don't know. Honestly, she might not be a fan of alcohol? Or at least drinks where you can taste the alcohol, so anything spiked probably isn't for her. There's this dish called Herrencreme in Germany - she wouldn't like it
Lux: Lux isn't exactly a picky eater, but I feel like he has a personal vendetta against cooked meat, especially if it's overcooked
Betta fish: Easy, mermaids don't eat meat and they don't eat fish. A certain group of people tricked her into eating fish at some point and, when she learned what she ate, she immediately had to throw up and felt bad about it for years after
Flying squirrel: I feel like she wouldn't like typical American™ fast food. Too greasy and weird
As a Family
Aurelia is normally the mother but, in the case of the Straw Hats, she might as well be the rich aunt
Cora has middle child vibes (says I, the person with no siblings). She's younger than Nami, vibes-wise. Then again, she's Sanji and Zoro's boyfriend, so... She's the girlfriend that's already part of the family
Inari: The youngest daughter, but only because her and Lily don't exist in the same universe. Technically, she'd be a cousin though? Or a half-sister? Yeah, she's a half-sister!
Lily: Well, you got me there. Youngest daughter, but she's also Sanji's daughter, which would mess up all the generations, so let's say she's the baby daughter that Sanji mainly takes care of
Luna: She's the oldest sister, or, because she's Sanji's girlfriend, she's the girlfriend who the parents like more than their actual child because she's so responsible
Lux: Technically not a Straw Hat, so let's say he's either a cousin or the kid living next door who's always playing soccer with the Straw Hat kids and comes over so often that he practically already lives with them
Betta fish: I can't give too much away without spoilers, but she's the other mother. She's the dad's girlfriend. We're doing a patchwork family here, people. Two moms, two dads.
Flying Squirrel: Neighbour kid who helped the Straw Hats get their ball out of a tree that one time and now they love her. Her and dad no. 1 bond over woodworking
Real-World Nationalities
Aurelia is Mexican, no doubt about it
Cora is English
See, this is where "nationality" becomes the deciding factor because, nationality-wise, Inari is English. As for her heritage, she's probably not just white. I see her as being part Japanese
Lily doesn't really have a nationality because she grew up on a ship, but she eventually moved in with Kaya, who is English
Lux, I'd say, is Russian
Betta fish lady is Thai, because betta fish are also known as Siamese fighting fish and Siam is the historical name of Thailand
Flying Squirrel person is Japanese and of Chinese and Japanese descent
Inner Brain
Aurelia: It depends! Her inner brain is either fully on danger mode or fawning over Mihawk 24/7
Cora: Mostly sewing-related. The other half belongs to her boys <3
Inari: Sweets and chaos.
Lily: There's no way to pin it down. Her mind is 100% childlike whimy and chaos
Lux: Is Zoro around? If so, he's 100% in love. Otherwise, he's honestly either about training or repairing the Tang - or a no thoughts head empty sort of person. He loves his naps
Betta fish lady I honestly don't know too much about yet. Further in the story, she's thinking about her partners for sure (and trying to babysit the Straw Hats, probably), but before that...? I dunno. Let's say she's thinking about tea.
Flying squirrel person is thinking about archery, revenge, stealing, honor and the occasional woodworking project
Suited Flower
Aurelia: Aster flower
Cora: Somehow, I'd say it's a poppy. Because poppies make you fall asleep, which is something that Cora is notoriously bad at lol - and it's red!
Inari: Snapdragon
Lily: Water lily
Lux: Zinnia
Betta fish lady: Hyacinth
Flying squirrel person: Hydrangea
I think I'll leave it at these for now? Maybe you'll find some interesting fun facts here <3
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