#gol and maia
troblsomtwins829 · 6 months
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Young Gol and Maia
They're gonna go to the creek and find cool stuff
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seirei-bh · 1 year
A theory about Maia and Onin
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Reading through J&D TPL's design bible, I realized that Onin and Maia have one thing in common: they can both predict the future and can hear and interpret prophecies.
The description about Maia in TPL design bible says Maia was able to predict the future and shout prophecies with a voice that was not her own. In addition, Maia is said to have used a "dark socery" and it is even hinted that she was so powerful that she created an army of enemies (it may refer to her creating the Lurkers or at least experimenting with them to mutate them in different ways). Onin is also renowned in Haven City as a true sort of fortune teller and sorceress. The two are the only human characters who have these powers so strange and uniques.
But why do they have these powers? Why does Onin know so much about the Precursors? And why was Maia going into a trance and speaking in a voice that was not her own? Why did Maia and Gol wanted to experiment with dark eco?
Here we go, theory time!
I believe that Maia and Onin are people "chosen" from birth, just like Jak, to fulfill a role that guides Jak to be the hero he is today. But Onin and Maia had an opposite role. One was chosen by the Precursors, and the other by the Dark Makers.
Onin was born blind and mute, therefore, the Precursors spoke to her and gave her a gift of light eco, so that she used her gift for good, and was, like Samos and Damas, a key person to guide Jak on the good path of his hero journey. Meanwhile, the voice Maia heard was not the voice of dark creatures who used to be Precursors: the Dark Makers, who tempted her and Gol to the dark side. On the one hand, this would cause the future, Jak and Daxter to have to embark on their path as heroes and become stronger, but it would also be what would trigger Jak and Daxter to find the Rift Gate and with it the metalheads could reach their world, destroy, conquer, and later the Darkmakers might also come to that world and destroy it.
However, it's true Onin came to do things that can be considered not very good, since it was she who told Erol that Jak was "special" and that is why the KG took him to prison, but we need to remember that the Precursors are gods who play with people as game board pieces, So Onin knew that Jak needed to go to prison to gain the power of the dark eco to defeat Kor, in the same way Samos also knew it was necesary Jak needed to go to the past and later go to the future.
And in certain way, Samos also is a opposite parallel to Gol, both being sages with an important role in Jak's journey. In both cases, we have a sage and a sorceress.
It was necesary that also Jak had people in both sides of that coin that helped him to become in the hero Mar. Since he achieved both eco powers: light and dark. That's whay the Symbol of Mar represents: the balance.
//extra side note: I also have some headcanons (for fanfics that I never couldn't finished and I hope I can back to write them some day) about Onin being a long lost member of the House of Mar (a Damas's great-aunt or something like that), and that was why she knew so many things about the tomb of Mar, and Jak's mother being a distant relative descendant of the Acheron clan -not directly of the evil twins, of course, I mean descendant about other non-mentioned members of Acheron family. Being those things even here more representative and symbolic to Jak's light/dark sides, but I'll talk more about this in other post~)
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linkoftime-64 · 2 years
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segaphantom · 1 year
Dark jaks outside of DJ Wednesday?? BLASPHEMY
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boggyass · 1 year
Eat it up boahs
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playstationpark · 4 months
Gol And Maia's Citadel (Yellow Sage Mix) 'Jak & Daxter' PlayStation 2 Mark Mothersbaugh & Josh Mancell
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torn-slander · 2 months
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anyways so I have some headcanons/ideas about light eco and blah blah
the reason that light jak in TPL looked like this:
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and not like blue boi - is because the light eco Jak channels to defeat Gol and Maia is made from the sages' ecos, not naturally found in the world which is what he channels in Jak 3/what light Jak is made of
was thinking on the whole precursors saying eco contains their DNA - what if precursors ARE blue like what came from the precursor stone - and for whatever reason take ottsels as forms (maybe to interact w the world in a state that isn't light eco? idk im not 100% solid on this lmfao and I don't think the game writers were either)
and then dark markers are precursors from dark eco ofc but yeah anyways that was the whole thought not much else behind it LMFAO
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sparguscityangel · 2 years
you ever think about how the game developers loved jak as much as we do?
the general fan consensus is that jak is Baby. he's a seventeen year old kid who goes through a lot of horrible things with little to no reprieve. but ive noticed something pretty interesting regarding jak, his role as a hero, and those who had a hand in it: jak doesnt kill.
think about it. gol and maia fell into the silo alive and for all we know, survived due to their mastery of dark eco. erol was a sore loser that crashed into a year's worth of eco (side note: praxis was going to give the winner a year's worth of dark eco. pretty worthless to the average havenite). praxis was shot by kor. erol (again) was blown up within the terraformer. mizo blew up after crashing.
jak doesnt really kill anyone. he's not above it, there's no moment where the narrative says that killing is wrong, he just happens to never kill someone and i think thats because the developers love jak. no one wants to see someone they love - a hero, someone we are rooting for, a child - commit murder. sure, he kills kg but they aren't really designed to look human. the only reason we know they aren't robots is because of the sliver of skin on their ears. i think that was intentional, a loophole that allows jak 2 to cosplay gta without actually being gta. our opinion and perception of jak would be severely changed if we saw him kill someone onscreen.
its like the developers wanted to hold on to that last scrap of innocence jak had left as hard as they could.
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faunrasthewinterelf · 2 months
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2024/07/23 - MAP VERSION 1.4!
fans of Jak and Daxter, I need help!
I have access to Inkarnate, and i keep seeing people attempt to cobble together the various maps from the games and try to make sense of it, so i figure I'd try out my version, and I'd LOVE some feedback!
WASTELANDS/SPARGUS [Desert Island, apparently??]
KRAS CITY [never played Jak X, concept art has it as a Floating City on water, has to be far enough from a coast to be safe from metal heads, but close enough for Krew to operate in both Haven and Kras regularily?]
Icelands [again, in Jak X, only seen via race track? most people put it far north, but feasibly, it would also have to be close to Kras for the Grand Prix Race thingy. If my map building goes as it is, perhaps it is actually far South? Antartic vs Arctic? COULD also be West of the Precursor Legacy, via the snowy area off of the Lava Village place]
ICELANDS are a Maurader territory atop the same mountains that we originally see the Yeti Babak in from JaD:tPL. The Babak village up there is gone? trading with the Marauders? dont know yet. ICELANDS are up along the spine of that mountain area!
BABAK VILLAGE should probably be moved closer to Haven! where ever it ends up it should also determine where the Eco Mine will be! [also potentially close to the original Blue Eco Temple on the other side of Sandover? I know those are Eco Vents, but its still an area with an over flow of Eco? dunno, theres not much room there for more things XD
I put SPARGUS/WASTELANDS to the far west of both the ICELANDS Mountains and Haven for three reasons!
A La using Australia as a 'prison colony / exile' via the british, you wouldnt Exile people somewhere close by, even if it IS an island? (pls correct me if that's wrong btw) Spargus SHOULD be far from Haven, and it makes sense that you'd need an 'air train' or whatever they call it in the games, to get there, beyond it just being an Island
the ruins from the city that you run around anc corral Reapers in! I have it between the Marauder Colony/Strong hold and the general area where they came from to give reason to why it failed! I don't know the canon around that ruin, but i like the idea that it was a Spargan Colony that fell to Marauders a long time ago, BUT was avenged years later, and the Marauders were forced further into the desert, cut off from their home land after losing that area. It's particularily dangerous to travel, and also why not a lot of people travel past the center volcano, or to the temple in the South East of the Wastelands!
the Catacombs/Subrail thing! please correct me if im wrong! but you enter the Subrail from the Catacombs of said beforehand mentioned temple! and those catacombs/subrail connect to haven, going in a West to Eastern direction, under the mountains, in my little world now!
HAVEN IS HUGE - like, no matter how you put it, Haven is a MASSIVE area??? like, this is wild to me! it makes a little more sense if you consider it a massive area that was claimed by Mar and his Acolytes? (no idea if that's canon) and then the city was built within the walls.
There's potentially to much space between Haven and the Mountain range to its west, and Spargus. [It could all be Metal head infested jungle? But that's on the opposite side of where I head canon the Metal Head Nest to be. The Rift Gate is originally found in the Citadel, but is moved to Sandover for the start of Jak 2, however, this doesnt make sense during the game itself, so i believe that the Metal Head leader (Kor, probably) after emerging 300 years in the past through the gate and wreaking havoc, moved it to the new location that we find during Jak 2. I like to think that the Metal Head nest was moved *back to* Gol and Maia's Citadel [Dark Eco Silo nearby, YUM!], and Mar's Gun, built with the salvaged remains of the gun that helps you get to Klaww, is moved closer, but is unable to be moved. HOWEVER, that puts everyone WAY outside the Walls of Haven, So. I dont actually know at the moment! I'd LOVE feedback please and thank you! gimme ideas that I can use to modify and add to the map, throw headcanons at me, discuss where the Wastelands adn Kras should be, and what sizes they should be?
I love this game series and I wanted to be able to flesh out where exactly everything is in the world out of shear curiosity! [Yes, the clouds are a hint at the areas in the Game-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named, The concept of that area is *way* to cool to ignore it!]
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shenzuul · 2 years
More Jak headcanons. I like to think that there's a lot that old Samos deliberately withheld from young Samos, but he straight up forgot to warn his younger counterpart that Gol & Maia Acheron are full evil. His younger self arrives in the past and is like, damn, these dark eco sages sure are creepy bitches, but I guess I don't need to worry about them like, trying to destroy the world or anything. I mean my older self gave very clear instructions about training Jak for his destiny of defeating Kor, so I'm sure he would have provided guidance if there was anything else of equal importance that needed to be handled—
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troblsomtwins829 · 1 year
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I imagine Samos and Gol were fairly amicable in their early interactions, and eventually became somewhat comradery over time.
Especially when you need someone on hand in case of any Dark Eco issues or afflictions
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sonicasura · 2 years
Primal Dark and Spiritual Light
Figured I might as well write this after mentioning Dark Jak yesterday in the last post. My viewpoint on Dark and Light Jak are slightly different than most people.
In simple terms, Dark Eco side is sentient primal instinct while Light Eco is a spiritual guide. People often associate light and darkness to good n evil. Light being benevolent while dark is malevolent. I personally think it's a load of bull.
There can be forces that used light for malicious deeds and darkness to protect the innocent. Neither elements are inherently good or bad. It's how they are used and who is using them.
Dark Jak is a manifestation of our hero's primal instincts. Something that can adapt to meet his needs but also change depending on his viewpoint. Jak was raised in the past where Dark Eco is considered evil, a toxic mindset fueled further by Samos and the actions of others like the Archeons.
A possible reason why he couldn't control as his mind deemed a threat when it truly wasn't. Constant abuse of eco is what made Gol and Maia mad just like how Haven's misuse polluted the area around it. Eco can be like nature in a sense. Depending on how one uses it, it can help or cause harm.
If Jak's viewpoint on Dark Eco was different, then his Dark Form would act accordingly to it. This is a manifestation of pure primal nature and animal instinct. One reason why he can't use his weapons is that this form doesn't need it.
Claws are meant to shreds, fangs to tear apart, tough hide to defend, and dark energy to destroy what these features can't fend off. Dark Jak is his inner beast in a sense. An apex predator ready to strike once Jak has a target insight.
Light Jak is the opposite of this. A spiritual embodiment that reflects our hero's being as a whole. The core aspects of his mind and being. Light Jak symbolizes this as Jak furthers his Light Eco abilities.
A force of nature that always been linked to salvation and hope for various people. Something Jak was taught despite the truth behind such thinking. The path of a martyr stained in Light Eco and his wings are proof.
Angels are depicted as pure beings who bring salvation to others in need. What many people don't point out is these sacred entities will fall. Whether through sacrifice or questioning their beliefs until they become fallen angels.
Light Jak's powers are all mostly defensive in nature but they do reflect another aspect than just a martyr: his dreams and desires. Jak never felt the same after he came into Haven City. He wanted to feel safe, a chance to heal from all the suffering he took, more time to himself and to be free.
Light Jak is a manifestation of both concepts. If his beliefs and views were different then this form would follow suit. A savior that would adapt to fit Jak's needs as a person.
It's what I think of it really. The possibilities and implications does make you wonder though.
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aces-to-apples · 1 year
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boggyass · 1 year
Feast you fuckers
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adhdavinci · 1 year
The only Sage Gol and Maia wanted to keep alive was Samos because he was the only one who could grow the best weed
i love you so much for sending this to me
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sarandipitywrites · 8 months
sip of snips 1/13
rules are here for anyone interested in playing along!
missed yesterday's snip because i had no instances of 'paltry' or anything remotely close in any of my WIPs. on the other hand, i have way too many instances of 'glass' and it took me an embarrassingly long time to pick one (i also might have lost track of what i was supposed to be doing and just started reading instead. you know how it goes). so here, without further ado, is glass:
"Oh, sweetness." The woman's voice, sharp as splintered glass when she'd spoken to Gol, dropped to a peacat's purr. "Gol's the only Minister here. Call me Maia, would you?"
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