#gold leaf across your lips ︱Regulus & Lucinda
allmymuseinspo · 5 years
I wasn't here for it so the story of Regulus and Lucinda's first kiss please
Omg!! Lucinda and Regulus’ first kiss was actually super cute. So, they were going out to the pitch for just some one-on-one practice as was pretty usual for them, and they were in the locker room getting ready and stuff and Reg gave her a new broom as a present. It was a brand new model that wasn’t really out yet and she was super excited and loved it, and like they’re normally v touchy and affectionate and stuff but in her excitement literally just… kissed him? A v small, barely there kiss. And he kissed her back for a second before they pulled away all embarrassed and stuff and both of them sort of ran off – I think he bailed on practice and she went to compulsively practice. And then they ignored it for… hella long because they’re very, very stupid. 
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allmymuseinspo · 5 years
rl 💘 + A SHIP
where they first met and how
They met when they were tiny lil babies. I feel like they probably met each other pretty young but they weren’t betrothed until they were about eight. I don’t even know how they met – probably some sort of function or something 
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved
They were best friends for years and years before either of them realized they had feelings for each other. They were fifteen when they realized? So I want to say they probably started becoming like unintentionally flirty for a year or so before? They were always super super touchy and stuff, and I think they both had crushes on each other that came and passed until they actually started having feelings
who fell for who first ( if applicable )
I think it probably happened at similar times, but maybe first for Reg? He was definitely the one who accepted it first lool 
where their first date was and what it was like
LMAO ummm do they go on dates? I don’t feel like they’ve ever gone out on a proper date date it’s always just like them hanging out like they’ve always done?
who asks who out and how ( with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’? )
Can you imagine if one of them did that? No, they kissed that first time, then didn’t talk for months and she tried to do everything she could to prove that she didn’t care about him, and then… yeah. I think they made up and just started making out 
who proposes first
Neither! They’ve been betrothed since they were children so sadly there was never like a proposal proposal. But Reg is the one to suggest they like move forward with the wedding
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away
They stupidly kept it a secret for five minutes because pressureeeee but like lmao everyone knew
where the proposal happens and how ( kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park? )
Again, not applicable for them sadly 
if they adopt any pets together
If they ever do it’s because the kids realllllyyyyy want one, I’m not sure if that’d ever happen tho. Maybe
who’s more dominant
Ummm I think it’s pretty even? Maybe Reg?
where their first kiss was and what it was like
It was in the quidditch locker room and Reg had just given her this new broom and she kissed him. It was cute but very awkward 
if they have any matching couples stuff ( mugs? sweaters? pillowcases? )
Lmao def not
how into pda they are
Not very – maybe only super rarely and that’s mostly because of Reg. I don’t think she’d really mind
who holds the umbrella when it rains
Reg. He’s too tall
where their usual ‘date spot’ is ( if applicable )
Damn, idk. Lowkey I want to say their flat in Italy LMAO not a date spot 
who’s more protective
I think they’re both pretty equal as they’ve both done stupidly protective things. 
how long it is before they sleep together ( can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’ )
I think it was about a year that they were together before they slept together? Or near that 
if they argue about anything
Lmfao they argue quite a bit but it’s usually just bickering things. They have their big fights and they’re just very bad at stopping before things get to a point where it’s going to take a while to fix things. They’re both just very hot tempered and they’re shit at dealing with conflict 
who leaves more marks ( lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc. )
Oh, Lucinda. 100%
who steals whose clothes and how often
She totally steals his clothes all the time
how they cuddle ( spooning? facing each other? )
They’re big spooners. She’s usually little spoon but sometimes they switch – rarely but sometimes
what their favourite nonsexual activity is
Lmfao quidditch
how long they stay mad at each other
Sigh it really depends. It can be a few minutes or it can literally be like months. They really need to work on that shit
what their usual coffee / tea orders are
Straight up do not know regs coffee order. Luce is like a latte kinda girl 
if they ever have any children together
So many fucking children. She’s pregnant with their twins now; Ophelia and Aramas (although she does not know they’re twins), then they have Celeste and Cassiopeia just a few months apart, and then literally like fifteen years later decide they want some more kids and actively try to get pregnant again and surprise!! More twins. This time boys. They dont have names bc we’re v bad at boy names
if they have any special pet names for each other
Ehhhh, not really. He calls her love sometimes but rarely 
if they ever split up and / or get back together
Dont even talk to me about this. Yes. a few times. I hate them. 
what their shared living space is like ( messy? clean? what kind of decor? )
I feel like it’s v clean and neat and organized. Probs v chic because they both prefer a modern vibe (which i dont get but you do you, guys)
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like
Ahhhh a terrible one. Her dad died like two weeks before christmas good times good times 
what their names are in each other’s phones
Just Luce and Reg. she has a heart but that’s about it
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ ( buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening? )
They’re v supportive of each other so like reg will always come to her matches and cheer for her, they eventually really make quidditch their thing and like buy a fucking team. They travel together a lot, and rarely spend much time in a singular home as they’re always switching things up. 
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first
I think she falls asleep first but he also probs wakes up first
who’s the big spoon / little spoon
Reg is big spoon and luce is little spoon (usually) 
who hogs the bathroom
Lmfao lowkey reg
who kills the spiders / takes them outside
He’s gotta do it im sorry she wont
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allmymuseinspo · 5 years
for a diff pairing ( HOVER ) hovering their lips over mine’s.
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that,” Lucinda said, amusement in her voice as they stepped into the room, Regulus shutting the door behind them. Referred to as Mrs. Black a number of times, she was still very much getting used to even reacting to the name, having a difficult time thinking of anyone other than Walburga Black when it was said. The latest usage had been as they were escorted to their hotel suite for the night, their overnight bags already placed inside and unpacked by house elves. The day had been a good one, and despite the awkwardness between them in the weeks prior, Lucinda could hardly act as though she’d not been looking forward to the day for years. He’d been her best friend for years, her fiance for years, the man she loved for… years, and while things were certainly complicated now, she had wanted to enjoy herself as much as possible, not thinking about what it was that strained them. 
Which was still easy, thankfully, as she’d not yet begun to show under the satin fabric of her gown. Yet, as they stepped into the room and silence enveloped them, it was a bit more difficult to ignore, the usually easy conversation more difficult than it had been before. Hair down in waves, she tucked a wayward strand behind her ear, and turned to face him, a small smile on her face. “You look really handsome today. And I’ve seen you in many a suit and I think this might be my favorite.” 
“You look beautiful, Luce,” he said in reply, voice quiet even as the words were said with meaning. He’d said it a few times that day, but it had been a compliment worth repeating. Slipping off his jacket, she turned to look in a mirror and removed her veil, gently setting it down on a table, happy to remove the pins that secured it to her hair. Moving back over to him as though to ask for help with the dress, she instead wrapped her arms around his waist, face settling into the crook of his neck. His arms dangled for a half second before he lifted them, one hand moving to tangle in her hair while the other one went around her, and they stood there for some time. 
Eventually they let go, and kicking off his shoes, Regulus moved to the bedroom and lay down on the bed, one arm moving to cover his eyes. He was tired, and the resulting sigh showed as much. Lucinda on the other hand, felt very much tired herself (although, really, she always felt tired by this point), but made no move to get out of her dress, dawdling a bit in the main room before she moved to the door, watching him for a moment. Then, deciding that she didn’t really care that things weren’t totally alright, and that she was tired, and anxious, and missed him, and loved him, and was honestly a bit too fucking pregnant and horny not to get absolutely railed by her husband on her goddamn wedding night, moved from the door and onto the bed. She straddled his lap, the dress practically covering his entire person as she did so. “Luce, what –” He began, clearly very much surprised by her, but she shook her head, interrupting him. “We’re not doing this. I love you. And I meant everything I said today and I know things aren’t alright with us, but, it’s our wedding,” she said resolutely. “It is our wedding,” he repeated, a bit confused. And despite any feelings he may have had, reached over to settle a hand on hers, thumb reassuringly tracing the pulse point on her wrist. 
“What are you doing?” He asked, and despite the look she gave him – that one which screamed ‘you know what, idiot’, Lucinda bent down, one hand braced against his chest while the other moved to his jaw, her fingers tracing the hard line. Close but not doing anything other than hovering over him, she felt his hands move to grip her waist, his touch familiar yet so missed over the last few weeks. Their lips almost touched, but not quite, and she could feel his breath on her own. Too close for anything else, when she spoke her words were hushed, as if afraid that if she spoke any louder he would judge her for her words. “Can I kiss you? Please?” There was also a tinge of pleading, and where anyone else to hear she’d be embarrassed by it. But this was her best friend, who had seen and heard far worse than this. He didn’t say anything, scanning her face for a moment before he closed the remaining distance, kissing her lightly. A single, fleeting, soft kiss. Both pausing, they met equally for another, and then again, and again, and again, until soft kisses shifted into something needier and harder; kisses that held a note of desperation and frustration, and kisses that screamed ‘I miss you’ without needing to outright say so.
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allmymuseinspo · 5 years
Send “@” for a SCARED text. (rl)
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allmymuseinspo · 5 years
( HAND ) kissing mine’s hand.
“What are you doing?” Lucinda asked, a quiet laugh leaving her as she watched him, the ghost of a smile pulling at her lips. She’d stumbled upon something wonderful, really, and she’d been tempted to stand in the doorway for much longer than she had, watching. But he’d caught her as he turned, the baby that wouldn’t sleep drowsily clinging to his shirt, Regulus held her with one hand, the other rubbing comforting circles on her back. He said something to Celeste that Lucinda could quite hear and chuckled, turning to look at his wife with mild surprise, not having known she was awake. “Did we wake your mummy up? Seems like it,” he hummed, voice low and filled with both tiredness and amusement. It was past four in the morning, and while the twins slept soundly in their room, their sister had very much refused to cooperate that night. 
Lucinda stayed near the door, leaning heavily on the frame. She crossed her arms, very much endeared by the sight. “We’re dancing,” he then added, still just as quiet. “Mmm,” Lucinda hummed, nodding. “She does love a dance.” 
“Like you.” 
“Like me.” 
The words were said and met with soft smiles on both ends, both far too exhausted and the hour far too late for much else. Regulus turned again, humming some sort of melody under his breath that she felt sounded vaguely familiar – perhaps something they’d danced to at the hundreds of functions they’d been forced to attend over the years. Yet at the moment her brain couldn’t quite place it, and so she just watched and admired, enjoying the quiet and the intimacy of the moment. “I think she’s sleeping.” Celeste had closed her eyes a minute or two earlier, and although Lucinda couldn’t tell from her vantage point, her breathing had already evened out in slumber. 
Regulus moved and instead of walking to the crib, he went towards the door, hand outstretched. A bit confused, Lucinda took his hand, primed to speak when he interrupted her. “Dance with us.” There was a smile in his voice, and he brought her hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to her knuckles before he draped it over his shoulder. “You’re being very romantic,” Lucinda noted, voice teasing even as a sappy little grin spread across her lips. One arm slung over his shoulder, she used the other to smooth her daughter’s hair back. Unlike her older sister, Celeste had been born with a full head of hair, and just as she had with her son, Lucinda had loved playing with the soft locks. She tilted her head back to look at him a bit, and felt Regulus’s arm wrap around her waist, and wasn’t sure whether she was just so tired or if the tightening in her chest was from happiness. But she chose not to question it, and just looked at him while they swayed, happy.
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allmymuseinspo · 5 years
who hogs the duvet
I think they’re both pretty likely and it just changes depending on the night. Reg might be worst
who texts/rings to check how their day is going
Definitely Luce, just because he doesn’t really pay much attention to his phone. But while she’s pregnant and he’s away I think he’s definitely more likely to call and check up on her (and then with the babies too). He needs his updates
who’s the most creative when it comes to gifts
I want to say Reg, just because her gifts usually turn out to be ‘hey here’s me sporting some fancy lingerie’ 
who gets up first in the morning
I think Luce! She’s very used to getting up at like the ass crack of dawn for practice (especially now that she’s playing professionally). But when she’s pregnant and not working that’ll likely shift
who suggests new things in bed
Ummmm both? Maybe Luce? I feel like she’s suggested all the like… sexual milestones they’ve had? But that was also him not wanting to push her? I think it might be pretty equal now but like… they’re lowkey vanilla. 
who cries at movies
Lucinda Leonora Talkalot come on
who gives unprompted massages
I want to say Reg
who fusses over the other when they’re sick
Honestly, Reg. He gets very worried at the slightest hint that she’s not feeling good and wants to consult healers and says she needs to get into bed straight away
who gets jealous easiest
Oof, they’re both pretty jealous but I want to say Regulus? He’s definitely been so more in the past 
who has the most embarrassing taste in music
I’m stealing Ciara’s answer and saying that no music taste is more embarrassing so… Reg.
who collects something unusual
Neither tbh
who takes the longest to get ready
LOL Luce. Like way too long for someone who acts like they’ve v down to earth when they’re really not down to earth at all. Reg is a close second though because he also takes long af
who is the most tidy and organised
Regulus. Definitely
who gets most excited about the holidays
Honestly, at the moment neither I don’t think? Once the kids are around though I think it’ll change and Luce will get super about like Christmas and dressing them up for Halloween. 
who is the big spoon/little spoon
Reg is big spoon!! He’s so much taller and then he just likes to hold her. They fucking love to cuddle. But I also feel like they’ll switch in the middle of the night sometimes (like unconsciously) because she lowkey likes being big spoon
who gets most competitive when playing games and/or sports
They’re both so! competitive! It’s all the quidditch coming out, they can’t help it. 
who starts the most arguments
Honestly probably Lucinda. Definitely Lucinda. But like unconsciously? She’s never trying to start fights
who suggests that they buy a pet
They’re never suggesting they get a pet. If they get one it’s because Ophelia and Aramis have annoyed the shit out of them until they agree
what couple traditions they have
Ooh, I don’t even know! I think because they’ve been friends for so long they do a lot of things out of habit that are tradition? I feel they definitely like get up together in the mornings for breakfast (or at least try to) and then he always come to her games and whether or not she wins they have to go out and celebrate just because she’s doing something she loves so much. 
what tv shows they watch together
LOL arrested development. JK ahhh I feel like Lucinda loves trash reality tv? I don’t think he’d really get into that tho
what other couple they hang out with
Ummm none if they can help it tbh
how they spend time together as a couple
They have a lot of sex and they watch quidditch matches and they honestly just love hanging out alone and chatting and chilling
who made the first move
Lucinda kissed him first and then they didn’t talk for weeks so you know, normal shit
who brings flowers home
Lucinda! She likes fresh flowers in the house and the color and the smell 
who is the best cook
LOL neither can cook for shit. Luce I think is a bit more capable in the kitchen but not by much 
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allmymuseinspo · 5 years
✤ + RL
send me ✤ + a ship and i’ll tell you…
who said i love you first?
I honestly can’t remember who said it first. I think it was when they got into their huge fight. I think neither of them wanted to say it? And then she was just like ‘why didn’t you tell me!!’ and he was like ‘I thought it was obvious!!’ because they’re fucking stupid
who laughs when the other trips?
I feel like they both do but then they try not to be too obvious about it? Maybe. They also might just be dicks and laugh. 
who pays the bills?
LMFAO that’s funny. No one, they don’t think about bills.
which one makes a bigger deal around the holidays?
1000% Lucinda. I feel like she especially goes hard during Christmas and such because she thinks about her dad and really wants to feel happy instead of depressed. 
who’s more clumsy?
I don’t think either of them are really clumsy enough to be considered clumsy? But if I had to say then maybe Luce? But like, not really? They’re not. 
who checks their daily horoscope?
Neither. Nope. 
who sings louder in the car?
They don’t have a car and if they’re in it they’re not alone (and therefore wouldn’t sing), but I think she’s way more likely to sing randomly or would sing louder if they did. 
who leaves the cap off the toothpaste?
Lucinda Leonora fucking Talkalot
who is more up to date in pop culture?
LMAO Luce. 1000%
who insists on going to see the newest movies?
 Again, Luce. If they ever see anything it’s because she forces him to go.
who cries when the abused animal commercials come on?
…. I’m just going to write Luce for everything I think
who’s the lighter sleeper?
Regulus, I think. If only because he’s a more restless sleeper and probably has a more difficult time sleeping. 
who believes in ghosts?
who does the grocery shopping? 
who updates their facebook status more often? 
No facebook, but she uses Insta often enough and if he posts it’s because she’s told him to or done it himself. 
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allmymuseinspo · 5 years
#comparing the twin scars on our forearms ︱ Alistaire & Lucinda#gold leaf across your lips ︱Regulus & Lucinda#i crave the balm of beautiful & soft things ︱Lucinda Talkalot#just get in the fucking blanket fort ︱ Peter & Sirius#platonically calls you babe ︱ Lily & Sirius#you look cute when i’m doing you︱ Sienna & Sirius#local dumbasses knew what they were getting into but did anyway︱ James & Sirius#as long as we don’t die this is going to be one hell of a story ︱ Remus & Sirius#merry band of weirdos ︱ Marauders#built on the same pretty lie ︱ Regulus & Sirius#is crying in class punk rock?︱Sirius Black#your smile lifted the world off me ︱ Verity & Christopher#and you sin you sin you sin ︱ Christopher Flint#we win because we do not know how to lose ︱ Lily & Glenda#so i did a stupid thing again ︱ Marlene & Glenda#we are syrup in coffee and hands that bite︱Sienna & Glenda#maybe it was the timing or the toxicity or the lifetime︱Peter & Glenda#nothing sets you off like how you want him︱Thorfinn & Glenda#if witchery is a sin she’s going to burn smiling ︱ Glenda Chittock#thank you for loving me through it all ︱ Amelia & Silas#six am sunrise shining down on us ︱ Edgar & Silas#is it a heart or is it a hole︱ Silas Bones#tag dump#🌻 glenda x peter ›› maybe it was the timing or the toxicity or the lifetime#🌻 glenda x sienna ›› book me first class to my fancy house in london town#🌻 glenda x marlene ›› so i did a stupid thing again#🌻 glenda x lily ›› we win because we don’t know how to lose
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allmymuseinspo · 5 years
Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT. (rl)
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allmymuseinspo · 5 years
rl 💘 + A SHIP but like the crazy rich asians au
where they first met and how
I think we said that they met in like the city or something? RL meeting in NYC is a bit mad but I don’t remember how specifically they would have met. Definitely at some sort of wizarding establishment… ohhh or maybe they met at a match!! 
how long their ‘flirting’ phase was before feelings got involved
Probably not too long tbh. I think Reg was a bit more hesitant to get involved with her, but I don’t think they skirted around things for that long at all
who fell for who first ( if applicable )
I think it probably would have been Lucinda tbh
where their first date was and what it was like
Maybe they would’ve gone out for drinks or maybe to like a quidditch game or something? I feel like the second option is much more them than drinks loool. But they hit it off! I think it’d be a pretty great date, they’d at least make out by the end of it
who asks who out and how ( with a sign? spelled out on a cake? just a simple ‘will you go out with me’? )
Lowkey, I feel like this version of Lucinda would probably ask him out? I could see them both doing it tbh but I just feel like she would. And it would probably be just like a general ‘we should hang out’ sort of thing
who proposes first
Definitely Reg
if they keep / kept their relationship secret or let everyone know right away
Oh, definitely a secret. Not that it’s like super, super secret or anything but they don’t really publicize it? 
where the proposal happens and how ( kiss cam at a baseball game? on a hillside surrounded by ducks? at a disney park? )
I feel like it wouldn’t be some crazy plan or anything, I think it’d likely be a kind of spur of the moment proposal 
if they adopt any pets together
Again, like OG RL, I don’t think they’re pet people and would only be if they had children
who’s more dominant
Again, pretty even – more even in this rendition I think 
where their first kiss was and what it was like
I think they probably kissed before their first date? So it really depends where they meet? I think they just hit it off very quickly and they probably kiss very quickly. Um, it’s hot. They don’t sleep together that night, though. I don’t think so anyway 
if they have any matching couples stuff ( mugs? sweaters? pillowcases? )
Lmao def not
how into pda they are
Not very much at all. Maybe a tiny bit more in this version? Just because Lucinda isn’t super like aware of that lifestyle and so she’s not used to keeping her shit at bay in public. But they will never be the people who make out in the street
who holds the umbrella when it rains
Still Reg
where their usual ‘date spot’ is ( if applicable )
Probably some really chill restaurant in the city. It’s likely just their place 
who’s more protective
Definitely Reg – especially since she’s so ignorant about like how insane his life is
how long it is before they sleep together ( can be as in ‘had sex’ or as in ‘shared a bed’ )
Not long at all. Probably pretty soon after they start dating
if they argue about anything
I think because they’re more grown when they meet (and a bit more mature) they argue a bit less? Still fairly often about stupid little things, but not about huge huge things I don’t think 
who leaves more marks ( lipstick, hickeys, scratchmarks etc. )
Oh, Lucinda. 10000000% 
who steals whose clothes and how often
She totally steals his clothes all the time
how they cuddle ( spooning? facing each other? )
They’re big spooners. She’s usually little spoon but sometimes they switch – rarely but sometimes
what their favourite nonsexual activity is
Lmfao quidditch
how long they stay mad at each other
Probably not that long. A day or two at most 
what their usual coffee / tea orders are
I feel like black and black with a bit of milk and sugar
if they ever have any children together
Do they have as many kids in this au? I don’t know, honestly. It’s very hard picturing them without their babies at some point, but maybe they just wouldn’t have as many? Def would still have a couple, though 
if they have any special pet names for each other
This version of Lucinda uses pet names I’m sorry. Love, babe, get used to it
if they ever split up and / or get back together
No, in it for the long haul. Well, they have a brief breakup but it’s not v v long
what their shared living space is like ( messy? clean? what kind of decor? )
They don’t live together for quite some time and she’s always thrown by how neat and minimalistic his flat is when she is over. I think she’d soften it up when they do live together, and like… they think they’re not messy but they are messy 
what their first christmas / hanukkah / etc as a couple was like
I don’t think they’d spend it together, tbh. He’d probably go home and spend it with his fam and she would do the same – especially if it’s before they’re like introduced to each others families 
what their names are in each other’s phones
Probably like Lucinda and Reg mostly likely. I don’t think they’re very creative on that front
if they have any ‘couple traditions’ ( buying a new mug for their collection every year? baking every friday evening? )
I think they do a lot of quidditch related things regardless of what sort of au it is loool. I think they like to travel a lot as well in this version, and probably go on pretty regular date nights 
who falls asleep first and who wakes up first
He probably sleeps first and wakes up first tbh
who’s the big spoon / little spoon
Reg is big spoon and luce is little spoon (usually) 
who hogs the bathroom
Highkey Reg
who kills the spiders / takes them outside
She still won’t do it
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A Lucinda and Regulus Playlist: @regulusxblack
Stop The World I Want To Get Off With You - Arctic Monkeys: With the exception of you I dislike everyone in the room. Stop the world 'cause I wanna get off, with you. Eyes the color of (water left in mud). Icing sugar dust (crazy green flashes). It's a funny thing, that I cannot explain. Don't you know the train keeps a-rolling?
Pete Davidson - Ariana Grande:  I thought you into my life, woah. Look at my mind, yeah. No better place or a time, look how they align. Universe must have my back, fell from the sky into my lap. And I know you know that you're my soulmate and all that. I'm like ooh, ooh. My whole life got me ready for you, ooh. Got me happy, happy. 
With You - Aly & AJ:  Lying low with your heartbeat. Kinda drunk on a side street, like a kid on a shoulder always need to be closer. Right now, right now I just wanna be with you. Right now, right now. Reaching out just to feel you, show me a door I can fall through. 
Still Into You - Paramore:  Can't count the years on one hand that we've been together, I need the other one to hold you. Make you feel, make you feel better. It's not a walk in the park to love each other, but when our fingers interlock, can't deny, can't deny, you're the worth it. 'Cause after all this time I'm still into you. I should be over all the butterflies but I'm into you, I'm into you and even baby our worst nights. I'm into you, I'm into you. 
Dress - Taylor Swift:  Say my name and everything just stops. I don't want you like a best friend. Only bought this dress so you could take it off, take it off (ha, ha, ha). Carve your name into my bedpost. Inescapable, I'm not even going to try and if I get burned, at least we were electrified. I'm spilling wine in the bathtub, you kiss my face and we're both drunk. 
Moon River - Frank Ocean:  Moon river wider than a mile. I'm crossing you in style someday (someday, day). A dream maker (maker, maker). My heartbreaker (you heartbreaker), wherever you're goin', I'm goin' that way (the same, the same). Two drifters off to see the world. There's such a crazy world to see. We're all chasin' after all the same, chasing after our rainbow's end.
Honestly (Remix) - Pink Sweat$ ft. Jessie Reyez:  She said, "What if I tell you all the things I've done? Would you run away from me?" I told her, "Baby, we all got bags full of shit that we don't want, but I can't unpack it for you, baby." She said, "What if I dive deep? Will you come in after me? Would you share your flaws with me? Let me know" I told her, "Thinking is all wrong. Love will happen when it wants, I know it hurts sometimes, but don't let it go" 'Cause I want you. I want you. 
Into You - QUIN:  And I'm just so into ya, into ya. I came to answer ya, answer ya. Been calling my name from your land above, and I wanna land in your land of love. And I'm just so into you, into you. I can't explain it, you're all I want. You've been callin' my name, say it again, babe. While you're fast asleep (Let me), let me settle in your fantasies. The shower in the garden, the mirrors on the wall, oh. Everywhere you look, I'll be staring 'til you fall.
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@alistaireaverilltalkalot @regulusxblack @emmaisalostgirl @robustan-lester
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Lucinda Leonora Talkalot II Regulus Black → M o o d b o a r d (06//??)  
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