#platonically calls you babe ︱ Lily & Sirius
georgie-weasley · 1 year
Sirius Black platonically and not so platonically calls everyone ‘babe(s)’
“James, be a doll and hand me my shoes. Thanks babe.”
“Babes you need to give it up, Lily isn’t into you.”
“Are you sure you’re alright babe? That was a rough full moon last night.”
“So what if you think he’s not into me? Babes, I’m everyone’s flavor.”
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allmymuseinspo · 3 years
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shadowhuntertrash · 4 years
@octoblus Sorry this is a bit of a mess I've had 8 tests this week lol.
"I love you too."
   Sirius had had a very long night. It had been a long day before that, they had been taking care of Remus all day since there was a full moon that night. Remus had really been struggling yesterday. He hadn’t eaten at all and he skipped all his classes, which was a sure sign that the night ahead of them was going to be horrid.
   James had the brilliant idea to prank the Slytherin’s so when McGonagall called after class she also told Peter and Sirius to come. She gave them all detention even though it was only James who had pulled the prank. That just left a guilty James, an annoyed Peter, and one murderous Sirius.
   They had detention until eight that night which made them all nervous. They were already supposed to be with Remus, it was always better for Remus when they were there. Mcgonagall had walked them back to their dorm afterwards to make sure they didn’t get into more trouble and had magically locked their door to make sure they stayed shut until seven the next morning.
   They had stayed up all night stressing and pacing and trying to make the door open. None of them slept that night, they were all far too worried about Remus to sleep. Sirius was the worst of the bunch screaming at James everytime the door stayed stubbornly in its place.
   “Sirius you’re not helping anything by yelling at us! The door isn’t going to open by your screaming!” James shouted back. Sirius’ started at the use of his real name. He glared at James and James ran his hand over his face exasperated. “Pads you just need to calm down. I know you’re worried about him but this isn’t helping him.” 
   Sirius had refocused his anger on himself after that which wasn’t any better. Eventually after long hours of trying their best they got the door open five minutes before seven. They all rushed out without a word. They found Lily in the common room reading and James quickly grabbed her and dragged her along.
   Lily knew that Remus was a werewolf, she had never seen him the morning after though. She kept asking where they were going but no one was answering her, she abruptly stopped when she saw the shrieking shack.
   Sirius was the first one inside and froze in horror when he saw Remus shaking uncontrollably on the floor covered in his own blood. Sirius’ feet began moving before his brain caught up and he dropped to his knees next to Remus’ bloody figure. He pulled Remus’ head in his lap and Remus let out a small gasp. Sirius carded his hands through the taller boy's hair.
   “Moony.” He said quietly. Remus groaned and buried his head in Sirius’ stomach. Sirius turned with wide eyes and saw James staring at him, horror bleeding from every fiber. Lily was next to James, her hand over her mouth, tears pouring from her eyes. Peter was standing there frozen.
   Sirius turned to James. “James, this is bad. I think we should get Madam Pomfrey to help us get him back.” James nodded and started talking quietly to Peter and Lily. Sirius turned his attention back to his boyfriend. “Moony can you talk to me?” Remus made a noise that was a mix between a hum and a whimper. His eyes were still closed.
   “Okay babe, you don’t have to talk but can you open your eyes for me?” Remus’ eyes open slightly and Sirius smiled at him softly. Remus tried to return the smile but it ended up resembling more of a grimace. Sirius lowered his head and kissed Remus’ forehead gently. “You’re okay.” 
   Someone cleared their throat behind them and Sirius froze. He only just now remembered they weren’t alone. Sirius turned his head slowly to see James gazing at them softly with an understanding glint in his eyes. 
   “You know Lily called this, I told her she was crazy but now it seems that I owe her 10 galleons.” Sirius let out a slightly hysterical laugh and realized he had been holding his breath. He had been so worried about telling James because if James didn’t accept him he would lose everything other than Remus.
   He lived with James, James was his family and the thought of losing him had sent Sirius into numerous panic attacks.
   James walked over to them and put his hand on Sirius’ shoulder and squeezed. Sirius wondered why he ever doubted James’ reaction.
   “I sent Lily and Peter to get Mcgonagall and Madam Pomfry.” Sirius clenched his jaw and looked back down to Remus whose face was contorted in pain. Sirius softly cupped his cheek and ran his thumb along a small cut on Remus’ face.
   Remus turned his face further into Sirius’ hand. “I’m so sorry. We were supposed to be here. We should have been here.” Sirius said softly and realized that he had a few tears falling down his face. Remus frowned and closed his eyes starting to shake his head. “It was a bad night I wouldn’t have wanted you here anyway. I could’ve hurt y’all.” 
   James laughed humorlessly. “Remy, you couldn’t hurt us if you tried.” Remus opened his eyes and narrowed them. “That’s so far from true and we both know it.” Remus said, stuttering slightly. He was still shaking uncontrollably and Sirius pulled him in a little closer trying to warm him up. 
   James swallowed. “Okay fine, you wouldn’t hurt us on purpose.” Remus smiled slightly and slurred, “Exactly.” before promptly passing out. Sirius’ eyes widened as he shook Remus slightly. “Moony, hey Moony you gotta stay awake.” When Remus didn’t open his eyes Sirius shook him again, this time more desperately. “Remus, please, I need you to open your eyes.” 
   James grasped Sirius' shoulder tightly and when Sirius looked at him he gave him a sad smile. “He’ll be okay Pads. He lost a lot of blood, I’m honestly surprised he has stayed awake this long.” When Sirius made a desperate sound James flinched. “Okay wrong thing to say.” James was further saved by the door to the shrieking shack opening and hurried footsteps coming towards them.
   McGonagll came in first gasping loudly as her eyes found Remus. “Merlin, is he awake?” James looked at Sirius as he answered, saving Sirius from having to talk. “He was, he passed out right before you got here.” Madam Pomfry entered the room with a big bad, followed by Lily. James raised an eyebrow. “Have you lost Peter?” Lily glared telling him silently that this was not the time for jokes. “He’s speaking with Dumbledore.” James gulped and nodded. 
   Madam Pomfrey walked quickly over to Remus and started cleaning the blood and wrapping the gashes. There were three very visible gashes, similar to the scars on his face, that were running along his side and bleeding profusely.
   Madam Pomfry didn’t ask Sirius to move, not that he would have done it if she had. He stayed there Remus’ head still resting in his lap, still twirling Remus’ silky hair around his fingers. Remus didn’t wake up and everyone stayed quiet for the next ten minutes waiting for Madam Pomfry to say something.
   She finally sits back and lets a puff of air out. “He’ll be okay but I need to get him to the infirmary.” Professor McGonagall nods and flicks her want murmuring wingardium leviosa. Sirius watched as Remus was lifted as if he weighed nothing and followed the others out. He was standing next to James who put his arm around Sirius’ shoulders, leaning in to whisper a quiet “He’ll be okay.”
   Sirius nodded and braced himself against James, his legs feeling as if they might give out. Lily looked at him sympathetically, tear streaks standing out on her pretty face. She reaches out and grabs his hand tightly.
   They all sat in chairs around Remus’ bed in the infirmary. Remus had been asleep for four hours. James had given Lily his chair when Peter had come back since there were only three chairs. James was leaning against Lily’s legs, his head tilted back so it fell in her lap with his eyes closed. 
   They were all exhausted and James and Peter were quick to fall asleep. Sirius was still too anxious to sleep so he watched Remus sleep, his leg bouncing noiselessly as he observed Remus’ peaceful face. Remus always looked peaceful in his sleep. Sirius had always loved it but now it just ramped Sirius’ nerves up more.He wished there was some feeling on his face, a smile, a frown, anything. 
   He shuddered and looked up at Lily to find her eyes already on him. She watched him for a moment more before speaking quietly. “He’ll be okay. I know you care about him like the rest of us but it’s different for you, isn’t it.” Sirius smiled at her.
   He was glad to know her. He loved her almost more than James did (no one could love her more than James) in a platonic way. She was like the sister he never had and always needed. He was struck with the thought that their relationship would be so different if he had ended up in Slytherin, stuck with his prejudiced cousins. He had been taught to hate people like her but he constantly found that muggle born wizards were far kinder and far more understanding than purebloods.
   “James says he owes you ten gallions.” Sirius said as a way of admission, Lily smiled widely and looked at Remus who was constantly moving who now lay still on the bed. “I knew it. There was no way you two weren’t together. Not loving each other the way you do.” Sirius blushed. They hadn’t said I love you yet. Sirius knew he loved Remus, but he was nervous as to what Remus would say.
   “Yeah. I’m honestly quite shocked that James hadn’t figured it out sooner.” Lily laughed and looked down at the sleeping boy in her lap. She smiled fondly and ran her hands through his hair, he shifted and smiled slightly in his sleep. Sirius snorted, even in his sleep Lily had him whipped. 
   “I do love him Lily. I haven’t said it but I really do.” Lily smiled knowingly as Sirius sighed and stood up walking over to Remus. He sat on the edge of his bed and took hold of his hand. Sirius froze when Remus shifted in bed before groaning. Remus’ eyes fluttered open and he looked around confused until he met Sirius’ eyes. He smiled widely and Sirius thought he might cry.
   He hugged Remus tightly, consciously avoiding where he was hurt. “Remus John Lupin don’t you ever scare me like that again.” Remus’ arms tightened around Sirius, still weak but he was trying. “I’m sorry.” He said quietly. Sirius pulled away and frowned. “You have nothing to apologise for, stop that.” 
   Remus laughed softly, “Siri you’re giving me whiplash.” Sirius found himself laughing at the inside joke. Remus always said that when Sirius switched sides on a matter too fast. Sirius reached out and patted some of Remus’ hair down. Remus leaned into the touch with a soft smile that Sirius returned quickly.
   “Y’all are so cute.” Lily said from behind them. Remus slowly turned to her and smiled wide. “Hello Lils.” Lily stood up quickly, forgetting about James who sat up with a start, and ran over to Remus pulling him into a hug similar to Sirius’.
   Remus hugged her back laughing. “I’m okay Lily.” When she pulled back she had new tears gracing her face. “Wass happening?” James slurred sleepily. They ignored him.
   “They were all losing their minds and I had to keep my cool because they would lose it if I did!” Lily exclaimed hysterically. Remus grabbed her hand with the one that Sirius wasn’t holding. Sirius squawked. “What do you mean! You promised everything would be fine!” Lily glared at him through tears. “I can’t tell the future Sirius! How was I supposed to know! Not my fault you listened! Plus he is fine so I didn’t lie!” 
   Remus laughed at James’ lost expression. “Guys I’m fine. Thank you Lily for comforting them. I'm sorry to have scared all of you. And Pads stop yelling at her.” Sirius frowned and Lily beamed at him. James stood up awkwards and stretched before walking over to Remus and sitting at the end of the bed.
   “We’re glad you’re okay Moony.” He said, patting his leg. Remus smiled at him. “Thanks Prongs.” James nodded and wrapped his arm around Lily’s waist. She let go of Remus' hand and sat in James’ lap.
   Remus looked as if he was going to say something when Madam Pomfry came in. She looked surprised to see all of them. “What are you still doing here! Oh, Remus honey, I’m glad you’re awake. The rest of you need to go to lunch! Out! All of you, that includes you Mr. Black so do stop glaring.”
   Remus chuckled as she pushed the rest of them out Sirius turned around once more. “I’ll see you later! I’ll come back!” Remus laughed again and nodded blushing slightly when Sirius winked at him.
   Madam Pomfry turned to look him over, handing him a vial of something. He swallowed it quickly not caring enough to see what it was. She smiled kindly at him before taking the vial back. “You know those four stayed here the entire time you were out.” Remus gave a thoughtful hum. “How long was I out?” 
   Madam Pomfry patted his head. “About four and a half hours.” Remus’ eyes widened. No wonder Sirius had been so concerned about him. It never took him that long to come to. Madam Pomfry gave him a knowing smile. “That boyfriend of yours was quite worried.” She said winking, Remus laughed before attempting to half heartedly deny it.
   “He’s not my boyfriend.” He said calmly. Madam Pomfry raised an eyebrow. “No one cares that much to not have feelings. If he isn't your boyfriend then he’s the suffering in silence type.” Remus found himself laughing again. Whatever she had given him made him feel lighter as if he was floating.
   “Yeah. Do you think I could go to lunch?” He asks trying to change the topic, he needed to talk to Sirius anyway. She quirked an eyebrow but didn’t say anything. “I advise against it but you never listen to me anyway do you?” Remus smiled at her and shook his head. He pushed himself into a sitting position. 
   He was still hurting but it just felt like a dull ache now. He stood up, hugged and thanked her, and then headed out to the hall. 
   He needed to see Sirius. He had heard Sirius say that he loved him and he needed to tell Sirius that he loved him too. He hurried down the hall and stopped when he got to the entrance of the Great Hall. He had been planning to pull Sirius aside to tell him but when Remus saw him sitting at the Gryffindor table, his head thrown back mid laugh at something Lily had said, he felt a rush of affection and adrenaline pump through him.
   He walked down the center of the hall, getting stares from everyone except his friends who hadn’t seen him yet and walked straight up to Sirius. When Sirius looked up at him he smiled in surprise. He started to say something along the lines of hello but Remus cut him off, kissing him square on the mouth.
   Sirius responded immediately bringing his hands up to Remus’ soft hair and tangling his fingers in it, pulling softly. Remus was aware of the hoots and hollers of his friends and all the other Gryffindors but he couldn’t bring himself to care.
   When he felt Sirius run his tongue against the seam of his lips he parted without hesitation letting Sirius roam his mouth. When they finally pulled away, both panting, resting their foreheads together, the entire hall applauded. 
   Remus laughed hysterically and Sirius smiled brightly. “Not that I didn’t thoroughly enjoy that or want to tell anyone but what was that for?” Remus smiled brightly pecking Sirius on the mouth again.
   “I love you too.”
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harleyquinnwritesx · 4 years
Y’ALL BE KILLING ME ALDFH there’s so many characters I love it’s so hard to pick lol
Who doesn’t love Chad Charming? Besides Audrey lmaooo but anyway thank you @willizawrites for bringing him back and doing that boy justice because we all know I didn’t. I’m still cracking up that he’s trying to see what’s up with Bendrey (Ben don’t even know though so don’t ask him)
I WILL SHOUT ALL THE PRAISES FOR @robbaerywrites and her Uma even though she swears up and down that she doesn’t know what she’s doing with her half the time. (I’m sorry I keep tagging you lol but you have too many amazing characters, stop making them all so great)
@professorsoak‘s Troy Fields has been fun to get to know! And shoutout to Caro for picking up the fuckboi slack since ALL THE FUCKBOIS GOT CUFFED?!?! I’m still so shocked by that
Uhhh time to give some love for characters I haven’t even played against because why not lol (WHOOPS I’M A CREEP AND PEEPED THE RP THOUGH i was curious!!!) but I like seeing the Sirius musing posts from @allmymuseinspo. Especially the Sirius x Lily tag klajfh I TOLD Y’ALL I’M A NOSY BITCH and i wanna know what that’s all about because those posts are cute and I’m living for the ‘platonically calls you babe’ tag
AND SINCE I’M ALREADY BEING A CREEP I’m also curious about @musecitybitch‘s Sienna because omfg her musing posts remind me so much of one of my old characters and whoops y’all might catch me peepin’ y’all’s rp again akdfh k i’m done being a weirdo 🤣
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theweasleysredhair · 7 years
Kiss Me [S.B.]
Character: Sirius Black Word Count: 3159 Requested?: Yes/No Summary: To win a bet against James, Sirius needs to find a way to make Y/n kiss him. What could go wrong? WARNING: Multiple swears Disclaimer: Gif isn’t mine, credit to whoever made it
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“I hate her,” Sirius stated, staring at you intently as he took a bite of his food.
“No you don’t, you’re hopelessly in love with her, don’t try and pretend you’re not. It’s her who hates you - you’ve been nothing but a git to her since you met,” James told him, pointing his fork at his dark haired best friend.
“Well… yeah but that’s because she’s… I mean y'know… I mean she’s…” Sirius trailed off, moving his hands around to help him think of an end to his sentence.
“Shut up,” Sirius muttered, a blush adorning his face as he ducked away to hide, scowling at his friends, who simply laughed at him.
“Ironic, since you never shut up, especially when you’re talking about her. It gets really annoying,” James stated.
“Oh yeah like you don’t spend every waking second telling us about how you’re going to marry Lily,” Sirius countered, raising an eyebrow at him.
“Oh I will, just you wait and see,” James said determinedly, “Me and Lily are end game, I’m telling you.”
Sirius stopped listening, his attention suddenly being taken away as he saw you moving out of the corner of his eye. He watched with awe as you stood up with your friends, your hair falling into your face as you pushed strands behind your ear and let out a laugh - one that Sirius wished he heard more around him. It was perfectly normal action, however Sirius found he couldn’t take his eyes off you.
“Huh?” Sirius snapped out of his daydream as he looked at James, who smirked and said sarcastically, “Hate her do you?”
“Y/n? Please. I wouldn’t touch her with a 10 foot pole,” Sirius lied through his teeth.
“Are you sure Sirius? You tend to enjoy touching girls,” you remarked, raising an eyebrow as you happened to overhear his comment.
Sirius blushed, though he played it off as if he were annoyed rather than flustered, “L/n, what a lovely surprise, what’s the reason you’re blessing us with your presence today?”
You shrugged, tilting your head slightly, “Just felt like telling you that you’re an egotistical, insensitive prick who I wouldn’t touch with a 10 foot pole. Now if you’ll excuse me.” You smiled sweetly as you walked off, immediately rolling your eyes to your friends as you moved out of his view.
“Excuse me,” you muttered as you slipped past the sea of students rushing around and nudging past you to get to their classes, “Sorry, excuse me.”
You looked down at the ground for barely a few seconds, and suddenly you hit something hard and stumble, dropping some of the pieces of parchment you were holding on the floor. “I’m so sorry!” You exclaim without looking up, immediately crouching down to retrieve your things.
As the person picked up one of your pieces of parchment to give to you, you gratefully reached out to take it back, “Thanks!” Their hand brushed yours, making you finally look up in surprise as you felt a jolt of electricity run up your arm. Your own e/c eyes met with stormy grey ones that seemed to be twinkling with mischief, before flickering down to the boy’s soft lips, stretched into a smirk.
“No problem, love,” the smooth, deep voice belonging to Sirius Black filled your ears.
Your mouth opened slightly, before closing again, holding your belongings close to your chest as you turned to walk away without another word, your heart beating exceedingly faster than previously.
Sirius stared after your retreating frame, ignoring the few students who bumped into him, a smile lingering on his face at the sight of your blush. As you finally disappeared down the hallway, Sirius shoved his hands into his pockets and made his way to the Gryffindor common room, where his friends said they’d be waiting for him.
“I think Y/n is finally noticing me for who I really am!” Sirius announced as he swung the portrait door open, grinning and his eyes shining as he flopped down into a chair across from where James and Remus were lounging across a large sofa, and Peter was sitting cross legged on the floor, surrounded by pillows.
“Well you’re fucked then, because you’re a twat,” James deadpanned, making Remus let out a chuckle.
Sirius’ face dropped, “Prongs, you’re supposed to be my best mate, at least try to be supportive.” He pouted, crossing his arms like a toddler having a tantrum.
“I would be, but you’re you, and she’s… well, her,” James said pointedly, “She’s not gonna say yes to you - she bloody hates you!”
“Actually, I just helped her pick up some things she dropped in the hallway and she seemed pretty flustered around me. I reckon I can change her mind,” Sirius told him smugly, lifting his legs to rest them across the arm of the chair he had settled into.
“I don’t think you can, she was probably just rushing to her next lesson,” Sirius made a strangled noise in protest that came out as a sort of half scoff half choke, as James continued, “But if you think you can… maybe you should bet on it.”
“I will. Tell you what, if I can’t get Y/n to kiss me by the end of the month, I’ll take a lap around Hogwarts through all the hallways - naked,” Sirius said cockily, grinning lazily at his best friend.
James smirked back, “Dea-”
“But if I do get her to kiss me… then you have to run 'round instead.” James’ smug grin faltered for a couple of seconds before returning, “The end of the month is in 4 days, you’ve got yourself a deal Padfoot.”
“You two are idiots, I hope you know that,” Remus said as he flicked over to the next page of the textbook he was holding.
“What’re you talking about Moony, this couldn’t go wrong if we tried,” Sirius said innocently, frowning at his friend.
Remus let out a scoff and shook his head, “Sadly, even when you don’t try, things tend to fail anyway. But good luck, and don’t come crying to me when Y/n realises that you’re a tosser.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t.”
Over the next couple of days, Sirius appeared everywhere you happened to be. You couldn’t explain it but it was as if he knew exactly where you were at any given time. If you didn’t find him annoying before, there was no doubt in your mind now.
Entering the library, you headed straight for a shelf of books that you knew held information to help you with your Charms homework. Your finger slowly ran along the spines of the leather bound books that sat in rows on the shelves around you. Your eyebrows were furrowed as you tried to find a book that would help you, however you were unsuccessful.
Just as you began to turn a corner, a face popped into your view, making you jump.
“Not a chance Black,” you deadpanned, crossing your arms across your chest.
“I’ve not even said anything yet!” Sirius said indignantly. You raised an eyebrow, “You don’t need to. Just leave me alone.”
He ran his tongue across his bottom lip, your eyes wavering down just for a second before you caught yourself.
“What if I don’t want to?”
“Well I want you to,” you said through clenched teeth, “So unless you want to be hexed - which would require a lot of effort of my part, and I really can’t be bothered right now - I suggest you go away.”
“Fine, I will for now, but I’ll be back. You can bet on that babe.”
You ignored the voice, knowing exactly who it was, and continued stirring your potion that sat in the cauldron on your desk. “Psst, Y/n!”
Sighing in annoyance as you heard your name being called again, you turned around, “What do you want?”
“A date,” Sirius said with an innocent smile.
“September 1st, there’s a date,” you said as you turned back around.
“That’s not what I meant!”
“For fuck’s sake, Black, please leave me alone!” You hissed, scowling at him.
“I can’t until you agree to a date. A date, I feel I should specify, is a social or romantic meeting. I prefer romantic but I mean I’ll go for anything if I’m honest,” he shrugged.
“I’m not going on a date with you, I don’t even like you,” you pointed out.
“Well that’s a bit harsh, love,” Sirius said with fake hurt lacing his voice, “Fine, have it your way. I’ll just accompany you on your prefect rounds tonight.”
“What- no!”
“The things I do for you Y/n L/n. Dragging me out of bed just to walk around the castle with you! You’d better thank me since I’m going out of my way to do this for you,” Sirius said with a smirk.
“You’re insufferable.”
“L/n! What a surprise to see you here!” Sirius faked his shock as he fell in line with your walking. “Merlin I didn’t think you’d actually show up! Why are you here? I don’t want you here!” You scowled.
“I’m starting to think you really don’t like me, love,” Sirius replied.
“That’s because I don’t? And you don’t like me either… wouldn’t touch me with a 10 foot pole, right?” You said bitterly.
“Hey I was, I mean, did that actually offend you? I only said that in front of Pron- James and all them. They’re always teasing me about you. They seem to think I’ve got a thing for you. 'Fraid to say it’s true, I jus’ don’t want to admit it to them.”
You scoffed, “Yeah, right.” “’s true!” Sirius told you. “Sure.” “I’m telling the truth!” He insisted. “I believe you.”
“Why do I get the feeling you’re lying?” He asked as he narrowed his eyes. “Because I am?” you said in a 'duh’ time.
“Sassy little thing aren’t you love?” Sirius laughed.
“I can be,” you said, twirling your wand at him. “Merlin I love you,” he said absent-mindedly.
Your head whipped up to look at him, “What?”
“What?” “Did you just say you love me?” Your mouth was open in shock. Sirius gulped, scratching the back of his neck, “Platonically, of course.”
“Right, platonically. Good, good. Because I mean… you’re not the type to fall in love, and I’m not the type of girl you’d fall in love with anyway,” you said, looking down.
“Are you sure?”
“Of course I’m sure! Why wouldn’t I be sure?” You asked as you through your arms up in the air, “You don’t do the whole boyfriend-girlfriend thing, and I’m not your type anyway!”
“I think you’re exactly my type.”
You stopped in your tracks, shooting him a questioning look, “Huh?”
Sirius stood in front of you, admiring the way you seemed to glow in the moonlight streaming from the window to your right, hitting your face at the perfect angle.
“You’re kind, smart and gorgeous,” he said softly, his voice lowering a few octaves as he gently ran the pad of his thumb along your jawline, “What’s not to love?”
You felt as though you couldn’t breathe, staring into his deep grey eyes as his body slowly moved closer to yours. It was only when he slowly pushed his lips to yours that you realised what was happening.
With one hand cupping your face, Sirius allowed his other to run down to your waist, to hold you against him as he kissed you. Your hands left go of the wand you were holding, allowing it to be cascaded on the floor somewhere, and instead found themselves in his hair, gently pulling at the ends as he flicked his tongue across your lower lip, gently nibbling every so often.
As he pulled away to see your blushing cheeks and wide eyes, he caught a glimpse of James, who coincidentally happened to be turning the corner behind you. James saw Sirius and gave him a big grin and thumbs up.
“Why did you do that?” Your question brought Sirius’ attention back to you. “Why did I what? Kiss you?” “Yeah,” you answer breathlessly.
“Because I like you. Probably more than I should. I know you don’t really care for me, and it’s been pointed out that I’m a bit of a twat. But I do quite fancy you.”
Your breath hitched in your throat as Sirius ran his thumb across your lip. Sirius liked you? Was it even possible for Sirius to like a girl?
“You’re… you’re not joking with me?”
Sirius let out a laugh, “No, ’m not joking with you. Will you let me take you out on an actual date to prove it?”
You looked down, the floor suddenly becoming a lot more interesting, “I-I probably shouldn’t.”
“That’s not a no! I’ll take you to Hogsmeade this weekend, yeah? You’ll have a good time, I solemnly swear.”
“Well.. if you insist.”
“I do,” Sirius said as he pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“Oh I better get back on my rounds, I’ll see you later?” You said, chewing your lip.
“Yeah 'f course, love,” he replied as you began to walk away. Sirius watched as you rounded the corner away from him, a stupid grin plastered on his face.
“Doesn’t count,” James’ voice filled the hallway.
“Wait what?” Sirius flipped his head round to face his friend, “Why not? Did you not see me and Y/n kissing? I won!” Sirius spluttered, his mouth dropping open.
“I saw you kiss her, but the bet wasn’t for you to kiss her, it was for her to kiss you,” James explained, “So, my dear friend Padfoot, you actually lost.”
“I was a bet?”
Your voice rang out through the empty hallway. Sirius froze, his eyes widening as he turned around. “Y/n! What are you doing back?”
“Dropped my wand. Bloody glad I did too, otherwise I wouldn’t’ve heard you, you absolute tosser,” You spat out, standing with your arms crossed, holding your wand, tears threatening to spill.
“No no Y/n!”
You shook your head and scoffed, “I should have known.” You turned to walk away.
“Y/n! Fuck, no! Wait!”
You stormed back down the corridor you came from, hands clenched into fists and your eyebrows furrowed. Hearing fast footsteps approaching behind you, you sped up, ignoring the calls of your name.
“Y/n! Y/n please!”
You grit your teeth and span around suddenly, pointing at Sirius, who came to an abrupt stop in front of you, his face panicked.
“I can’t believe you. Faking a confession and everything, messing with my feelings. I was a bet. A fucking bet, Sirius.”
“No you’re not! You’re not a bet!”
“Oh am I not? Then what were you and James talking about then, because I tell you what, it was awfully specific don’t you think? Mentioned my name too. I know what I heard. Do you think I’m an idiot?!”
“No, I mean… I mean I did bet James, but it wasn’t to prank you or anything, it’s because I… I really like you. And James didn’t think you’d ever go for a guy like me. And you did, and I will be forever grateful.”
“You think I’m going to believe that bullshit? You’re a liar, Sirius Black. You get a rush from the chase but when you finally get the girl you toss her away like something you’ve trodden in. I was wrong to trust you - I knew something was up when you asked me out. Why would you want to date someone like me? I should’ve… I should’ve fucking known you were playing me,” you poked him in the chest.
“I-Is that what you think? That I played you? You’re wrong Y/n. I never played you. It was never to embarrass you - never. The bet was if I couldn’t get you to kiss me by the end of the month then I’d have to run around Hogwarts naked. And if I won the bet, James would run round instead. It was just a spur of the moment thing. I mean sure, I tried a lot harder to get you to kiss me, but that doesn’t change that I always wanted you to kiss me. Jus’ had a reason not to chicken out like I have done so many times before,” Sirius took a shaky breath as he continued.
“So yeah, maybe I made a bet, and maybe it included you, but I don’t regret it, because without that stupid bet, I might never had built the courage to tell you I liked you. In fact, scratch that. I don’t just like you, ’m fucking in love with you.”
“How do I know you’re not lying?”
“You don’t. But if you let me I’ll spend every day from now trying to get you to trust me again, and trying to prove how much I want to be with you. Just give me a second chance,” he said desperately.
“Why should I? So you can win your idiotic little bet?”
“No, I don’t care about the bet! The bet was just something I used as an excuse to ask you out, but I meant everything I said! Tell you what, give me one last chance and I’ll take the forfeit anyway, just because I was a tosser for agreeing in the first place,” Sirius said, taking your hands in his.
“That depends.”
“What were the terms of the bet?”
“If I couldn’t get you to kiss me by the end of this month then I had to run 'round the school naked. And if I did get you to kiss me, then James would have had to,” He explained.
“Public nudity? Classy,” you rolled your eyes.
“Look, it was a stupid stupid bet that I made without thinking through. And I’m sorry. Please.”
“You get one more chance, Black. You can take me to Hogsmeade this weekend, and I’m expecting the whole works. If you disappoint, I’m gone. Understood?” Your raised an eyebrow at him.
“Oh thank Merlin! Yes! Yes, I understand.”
“Good. So um… who actually won then?”
Sirius looked down, “Well… technically James, since I kissed you, and the bet specified you kissing me.”
You checked your watch, “Well I mean, there’s still technically an hour left until this month is over, maybe you could still win?”
Sirius’ eyes lit up as he shot you a large grin. You grabbed his shirt to pull him down towards you as your lips connected for the second time that night.
James came round the corner at that moment, his face dropping as he saw you lean into Sirius to kiss him.
“Oh- FUCK.”
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waveringwands-blog · 7 years
Lightweight - Young!Remus Lupin x Female!Reader
Prompt: You are a lightweight who cant hold her alcohol and end up upchucking on Remus’ shoes and the floor by you guys, and he takes care of you, with a slight plot twist at the end.
Pairings: Marauders x Reader, Marlene x Reader, Snape x Reader (platonic) and Remus x Reader
Warning: This sucks! but its four am and im tired but I couldn’t sleep until I finished this! It sucks!
Word Count: 2,231
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You were new to Hogwarts. You had recently transferred from Ilvemorney, which was rare, but your father was one of the best Aurors around and had to come help the order. Which meant you and your mother had to come with him. It sucked, but it happened, and may I add, you fancied the boys at Hogwarts much more than the boys at Ilvemorney. The first day of school, you had to be sorted with the sorting hat, like the first years. Now it was your fifth year, but since you had switched schools. You had been placed in Wampus at Ilvermorny so it was a no-brainer to most others you'd be sorted into Gryffindor. After you had been sorted you instantly walked up to what seemed to be friendly faces - and were - but the faces belonged to four males and a female who looked done with the male who had messy hair and glasses on his face. Before you spoke to them, a blonde haired female popped up in front of you. "Marlene McKinnon, nice to meet ya!" She said overly bubbly for your liking, as she held out a hand. You took her hand in yours and shook it, tossing your hair over your shoulder after shaking her hand. "(Y/full/n), nice to meet you also, Marlene." you said while sitting down on a free spot on the benches behind you. "What's up?" "I just wanted to warn you about those boys over there. James is in love with Lily, the redhead who looks done with his bullshit. Sirius, the beautiful male, with charcoal hair over there, is kind of a man whore. But he can get away with it, due to his looks. Peter, the kind of rattish looking male, is sweet but something seems just..off about him. If you get what I mean. Next, there is Remus, Remus is a doll. He has a secret that only the boys and Lily know so if you hear them talking about it don't feel left out babe." Marlene finished with a sweet smile, as you nodded taking in all the information about the boys. "Don't get me wrong with Sirius either, I've had spent time with him. He's not terrible. Just don't get too attached to him. But, there is going to be a back to school party today in the Gryffindor common room. You're going to be with me and Lily tonight. Wear something nice, if you don't have anything I'm sure between Lily and I's wardrobe we can find something for you to turn heads in." Marlene added again, before walking away leaving you to turn around and see who you were sitting with, sighing as you didn't want to strike up a conversation with any of them or learn anything about any of the males and females. - About four hours later, you were dressed in a black crushed velvet skater dress, with long sleeves in which the end of the sleeves loosened causing them to be the bell bottom style. You had winged eyeliner on, slight eyeshadow, a nude lip color, and filled your eyebrows in with some powder. You walked down from your dorm, to the common room to see the party in full swing. You saw what looked like a wasted Peter on a couch, sulking to himself. Lily and Marlene had yet to catch your eyes because they were right behind you. "(Y/N) This is darling Lily, Lily this is darling (Y/N)!" Marlene exclaimed linking her elbows with yours and Lily's as she pulled the both of you the rest of the way down to the common room, and brought you to the table that held Giggle Water, Fire Whiskey, Tequila, and Vodka due to one of the muggle-borns sneaking in some muggle alcohol. You were quite grateful for that, having more experience with that and marijuana, due to that's what the students at Ilvermorny seemed more interested in. "Girls, vodka is amazing." You smiled widely as you grabbed a plastic cup, and filled it with the strong liquor. You pulled away from them as James walked up, deciding to go talk to other people. You saw a male, with greasy hair that looked quite out of place and sad as Lily and James shamelessly flirted with each other in front of everyone. You stood beside him, leaning against the wall he was leaning on also.You downed half your cup before speaking to the male. "I'm (Y/N), You look depressed. I only know two people here so you can tell me whats wrong." You bravely stated, shocked by how straightforward you were being. "Well, I'm Severus Snape. But the douche-wads known as the Marauders call me a different variety of names, (Y/N). Basically, the read head, Lily, well. She invited me here, so I, of course, came, not knowing I'd be left out. I've had the biggest thing for her for Merlin knows how long, and now I'm left sitting here watching them. But that's not the worst of it! I was actually dumb enough to think someone like her would have a crush on someone like me! What a dumb...dumb...I don't know." He chuckled softly, taking a sip of the cup of fire whiskey in his hand, moving so he was facing you more. You felt bad for the boy, you really did, but you didn't know how to help him, besides trying to make Lily jealous. You downed the rest of your drink, grabbing his hand and bringing him to the table that held the drinks and poured tequila in your cup now. "Severus, in America, where I'm from, we tend to either smoke or drink our feelings away. The best way to do that is this way." You said as you took a long gulp of the strong liquor, scrunching up your nose as it burnt your throat, and some went on your chin due to the fact you were chugging it. It made a warm feeling in your stomach, but it was nice. It reminded you of how one boy, Jackson, at Ilvermorny, made you feel. You smiled as you pulled your cup away from your mouth, wiping off your chin to get the slight trail of the drink off of it. "So, Severus that's how we do it. Then we embarrass our selves, by dancing with someone, but you look rather uncomfortable right now so I won't force you to dance with me...Yet." You smiled up at the boy again, being pushed up against him as someone else went to the drink table, pushing you and him some. "Snivellus, what are you doing here?" The rat looking boy sneered, causing you to roll your eyes. "Severus - not Snivellus - Is here with me. And we are going to dance." You responded refilling your cup and topping off Severus' cup as you pulled him to where everyone was dancing with you. "(Y/N) I hate to break it to you, but I'm not technically supposed to be here...I am a Slytherin. The only reason most people tolerate me is because of Lily..." "Severus, what is up with everyone being in love with Lily, I mean it's my first day here and I've already noticed it. Damn like yes, she's gorgeous, but seriously." You groaned as you started moving your hips to the beat of the music, starting to feel slightly sick from how fast you downed the cup of tequila, and how you were moving your hips. "It's just how she is (Y/N), you"ll have guys following you like lost dogs soon enough, I bet." He chuckled as Marlene popped up from behind you, motioning how she was going to steal you from him and led you to the Marauders. "You were talking to Snape! Why?" She tilted her head some as she questioned you, and you just rolled your eyes. "He was lonely and sad. And he's not as bad as I thought he'd be." You said with a shrug, waving at Lily as you both arrived at the group of everyone, besides Remus, smiling. "(Y/N), this is Lily, James, Sirius and-" Marlene started, pointing at everyone as she spoke getting interrupted by Peter as she pointed at him. "We met when she was talking to the snake." You rolled your eyes as he sneered again, sighing. "How about we start clean, Peter dearest?" You offered your hand out for him to shake, and he obliged. After a few moments of small talk ever one trailed away and Remus showed up, smiling at you. Your current cup was a little less than half full, and you knew if you got too nervous it wouldn't end well. For you or the other person. And it didn't. "Lupin, Remus Lupin." He smiled as he offered a hand, but to a drunk you, you thought he was offering a hug so you went for it. You full on hugged the male that was a bit taller than you and you felt embarrassed as you pulled away. "Merlin, Remus I'm so so sorry. But, I'm (Y/N)." You replied, before looking down, feeling sicker and ended up walking towards the dorms, and Remus followed. Remus followed, knowing to take care of you, he had seen Peter, James, and Sirius like this all too much. You leaned against a brick wall, pulling your dress off your shoulders so your back would cool down some due to the coolness of the brick, and it did help. Until Remus showed up. "(Y/N), lets go back to my dorm, we are right by it, and I'd rather you walk a short distance there and me be able to help you-" He was cut off by you regurgitating in your mouth, trying to swallow it as too much came up and you leaned away so it wouldn't hit the either of you, only a little hit his shoes and you felt terrible. "Well, I want to help you and change my shoes." He ended with a chuckle as he pulled you away from the shelves, pulling his wand up and using a spell to clean up the mess you made on the ground and on his shoes. You sighed softly, walking beside him with tears in your eyes due to embarrassment. "I am so terribly sorry Remus Lupin. The fact you have to see me like this and it's my first time meeting you." You felt a few tears trail down your cheeks as opened the door to his dorm, and closed it behind you, grabbing a spare toothbrush he had packed just in case one of the guys forgot one, and a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt for you to use and led you to his shower. "It's fine, shower in here, and then lay down on the bed that has all the books stacked on either side of it, I'm going to go be on James, Sirius, and Peter clean up duty." He said as he left the bedroom, and closed the door behind him, laughing gently. He had a good feeling about you, and he couldn't find out why. He knew he instantly thought you were gorgeous, from the dress that you were wearing that would've had people calling you a witch, due to the style of it, and how you owned it. How you talked to Snape without knowing anything about him and for being so apologetic about something you couldn't control. He knew one day, he'd at very least date you. But, he didn't know he'd have the pleasure of calling you his forever. He instantly knew he was the luckiest man alive when you said yes during the seventh year when he proposed, and even more so when you said "I Do," at the altar, two years later. Merlin, he loved the woman he chose to marry and you loved the man you had said a simple three letter word to: "Yes." - "Now, that's how I met my husband, Remus Lupin." You chuckled after recalling the memory at the small wedding the both of you had with just family and friends, you saw your mother and father shaking their heads, and the boys laughing. "If it wasn't for me being overly nice, I would've never had this moment." You added on, leaning up in your heels to press a kiss to his lips, still feeling terrible for the fact that you had puked on his shoes, and still had the sweatpants and shirt he had loaned you a few years before, hidden in a trunk with all of your Gryffindor belongings. He wouldn't know that. But also, what you didn't know, was that he still had the note you passed to him a month after that party with a few simple words on it. It read "Hogsmeade? I'll buy you chocolate, and new shoes." He also had the one that read "Remus, I like you, I know you like me. Just make a move. Please." Which urged him to make a move. Because it had been confirmed. The person he found it easiest to tell that he was a werewolf, still liked him after she found out. He was completely and utterly head over heels for the lightweight who couldn't handle her liquor and threw up all over him and always would be.
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allmymuseinspo · 3 years
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allmymuseinspo · 5 years
#comparing the twin scars on our forearms ︱ Alistaire & Lucinda#gold leaf across your lips ︱Regulus & Lucinda#i crave the balm of beautiful & soft things ︱Lucinda Talkalot#just get in the fucking blanket fort ︱ Peter & Sirius#platonically calls you babe ︱ Lily & Sirius#you look cute when i’m doing you︱ Sienna & Sirius#local dumbasses knew what they were getting into but did anyway︱ James & Sirius#as long as we don’t die this is going to be one hell of a story ︱ Remus & Sirius#merry band of weirdos ︱ Marauders#built on the same pretty lie ︱ Regulus & Sirius#is crying in class punk rock?︱Sirius Black#your smile lifted the world off me ︱ Verity & Christopher#and you sin you sin you sin ︱ Christopher Flint#we win because we do not know how to lose ︱ Lily & Glenda#so i did a stupid thing again ︱ Marlene & Glenda#we are syrup in coffee and hands that bite︱Sienna & Glenda#maybe it was the timing or the toxicity or the lifetime︱Peter & Glenda#nothing sets you off like how you want him︱Thorfinn & Glenda#if witchery is a sin she’s going to burn smiling ︱ Glenda Chittock#thank you for loving me through it all ︱ Amelia & Silas#six am sunrise shining down on us ︱ Edgar & Silas#is it a heart or is it a hole︱ Silas Bones#tag dump#🌻 glenda x peter ›› maybe it was the timing or the toxicity or the lifetime#🌻 glenda x sienna ›› book me first class to my fancy house in london town#🌻 glenda x marlene ›› so i did a stupid thing again#🌻 glenda x lily ›› we win because we don’t know how to lose
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allmymuseinspo · 3 years
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allmymuseinspo · 4 years
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