#just get in the fucking blanket fort ︱ Peter & Sirius
allmymuseinspo · 3 years
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bethansfandoms · 4 years
remus and sirius living together and being all domestic and fluffy ♡♡♡♡♡♡
yes yes yes yes yes. sorry i’m being slow with listing your prompts, life’s busy <3
(also i sort of hate this so i hope you enjoy, thanks for the prompt :))
A scream from the kitchen startled Remus and he ran towards the source of the noise.
“Sirius, you okay?” he asked, rounding the corner into the room.
“What the fuck is that,” he asked, pointing accusingly at the object in question.
Remus chortled with laughter, “you screamed at the toaster?”
“It is not natural for bread to pop up out of nowhere, Remus.”
“I can’t believe you’ve never heard of a toaster before, you did muggle studies!”
Sirius waved a hand and sushed him. They’d only just moved into the flat in muggle London. It was full of boxes and nothing worked quite as it should, but they loved it because it was all theirs.
“The beans still cooking?” Remus asked. He walked over to the hob to investigate. Apparently neither Sirius or Remus were gifted in the cooking department, so beans on toast it was.
He held his hand near to the pan to see if any heat was coming off of it. “Shit,” he muttered, “electricity turned off again.”
Sirius produced his wand, “let me do it. Every time you’ve done it the muggle way, it broke again.”
“Sirius, we do not mix magic and electricity.”
“Tsh, says who?”
“Says literally everyone.”
“Keep your hair on, Moony. Look, i’m starving. Do you want cold beans on bread, or do you want hot beans on bread?”
Remus sighed, “on your own head be it.”
Sirius grinned and cleared his throat slightly. He experimentally shot some sparks at the hob.
The whole house plumited into darkeness. The silence was broken by Remus applauding very slowly.
“Ah... whoops. Lumos.”
His wand illuminated to reveal a not very impressed looking Remus.
He walked over and opened the curtains in an attempt to let a little of the moonligt enter the flat. “Oh... woah.”
Remus walked over next to him to see what he was looking at. Every single light as far as he could see was out. Remus couldn’t help but laugh. “Sirius! You blew the fuse on the whole street!”
“Yeah, I can see that.”
“Right, give me that wand, you’ve done enough damage with it today.” He snatched the wand from Sirius’s hand.
“But that’s our only source of light!” He protested as Remus sent them back into darkness.
“We’re doing this the muggle way. I’ve got some candles on one of the boxes, you find them, and i’ll try and attempt to find something we can eat without cooking.”
Sirius rummaged around for a bit before finding a collection of candles and tea lights. He asked for his wand to light them but his request was denied so he spent about five minutes breaking matches before they eventually ignited.
Their bed was yet to actually be constructed and the floor in the bedroom had been torn up, so the mattress in the living room was the closest thing they had. Sirius placed the candles around the mattress, at a safe distance as a fire seemed like the last thing they needed.
“Okay, we have cheese which needs eating as the fridge will no longer be able to keep it cold, and I found some crackers. We also have ice cream which will melt without the freezer.”
“Tonight we dine like kings!” Sirius announced. He patted the mattress next to him indicating for Remus to sit down.
“You know,” Remus said, cutting some cheese and opening the crackers, “this would almost be romantic if it weren’t for the circumstances.”
Sirius looked around at the room. It sort of was, really. Candles seemed to always have that effect. The mattress, with all their blankets, pillows and their duvet piled on top of it, created what could only be described as a pillow fort.
A little bubble for them and only them, a safe place from the rest of the world.
“I know you were nervous about leaving hogwarts,” Sirius said, mouth full of cracker, “I was as well. But this... this is okay, is it not?”
Remus smiled, “yeah. Yeah it’s okay. It would be even better with electricity.”
Sirius poked him in the ribs, “oi. I apologised did I not?”
“I don’t think you did actually.”
“Oh shut up,” Sirius shushed him.
“Make me.”
Sirius raised an eyebrow, “you trying to seduce me, Lupin?”
“Depends, is it working?”
Sirius grinned and placed a hand on Remus’s face before closing the distance between their lips and kissing him quickly. “Maybe a little bit.”
Once half a packet of crackers and a whole tub of ice cream had been consumed, Remus allowed one final use of a wand to clear all the things away and extinguish the candles as neither could summon the little effort it would take to stand up.
Sirius and Remus lay close together, limbs wrapped around each other tightly as the heating in their flat was yet to be fixed.
“It’s weird not having Peter and James here,” Sirius mumbled sleepily.
Remus laughed, “I’m sure we’ll still see plenty of them.”
“What if we don’t?” Sirius asked quietly. “There’s a war, Remus.”
Remus hugged Sirius impossibly closer, “no war talk,” he mumbled. “Just for tonight. We spend so much time worrying. How about, for a few hours, we just don’t.”
Sirius hummed slightly in agreement and nuzzled into Remus as much as he could. “We really need to get that heating fixed.”
“Yeah I know,” Remus replied, kissing Sirius’s forehead, “tomorrow.”
“Love you,” Sirius said, barley audible and voice heavy with sleep.
“I love you too. Even if you hog the duvet.”
Sirius started poking him, “if anyone’s a duvet hog in this relationship, it’s you.”
Remus kissed Sirius’s nose which he’d learnt was a quick way to defuse a situation, in this case it was to stop Sirius prodding him in the ribs, which he did.
Sirius fell asleep shortly after, his breathing deep and his body relaxed. Remus looked out of the window, which they hadn’t attached a curtain rail to yet.
Maybe there was a war going on outside, maybe the order of the phoenix was about to go into battle, maybe they were about to receive the news that somebody had died.
Right now it didn’t matter. Remus had Sirius. Remus swore there and then that he’d fight tooth and nail to make sure that never changed.
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cheekytorah · 5 years
Wolfstar | Drabble
Smoke and Chocolate
By Lacey Black
[Inspired by this beautiful picture/post]
Also you can find this on my Ao3
Owls swoop through the room, packages and rolled up bundles of papers falling in front of students of all ages. There is the usual murmuring of the professors, there's the groaning from the oldest students hungover from a night of underage drinking and the excited chattering of the younger innocent ones who've no idea of the coming darkness. Nothing that is unusual for a Monday morning.
Sirius lay his head on the table shielding his eyes from the sunlight and cringing at the smell of food. He was pretty sure he was dying, no, he was certain he was dying.
“I’m dying,” he whined.
He heard Remus snort beside him, and peaked through his fingers to glance at the tall lanky boy. Remus Lupin was, in every way, beautiful. He had sandy blonde curly hair that would fall in his eyes in a way that made Sirius twitch with the desire to push it out of the way. So he could get lost in his green-yellow eyes that reminded him of a tree in early fall. He had long arms and legs, lean muscles and the cutest round arse he’s ever seen on a person. Especially cute, exceptionally cute, fabulously cute. He might be obsessed with that arse.
“I’m certain you’ll survive, Pads,” Remus responded and Sirius could hear the smirk in his voice.
“You’re just weak. What you need is to get some bacon in you, Sirius! You’ll feel lots better!” James laughed and tossed some bacon on the empty plate by Sirius’ nose.
Sirius scrunched up his nose in disgust and pushed the plate as far from him as possible. How James could be so peppy after a night of two bottles of fire whiskey between four people is absolutely horrible. He should be arrested and sent to Azkaban for that peppiness.
“I’m definitely dying, I’m going back to the dorm, tell Sluggie I’m sick, or dead. I don’t really care which one,” Sirius pushed away from the table and headed out of the Great Hall to the Common Room.
Inside the common room he debated laying on the couch, but knowing that students coming and going would make his already pounding headache worse he decided against it. He dragged himself up the stairs to the dorm room he shared with James, Peter and Remus. He paused at the door. A flash like a memory but more like a dream flitted through his mind, overwhelming his senses.
Something about the door, the feeling of the handle in his back. The sensation of someone pressed against him, vibrations through his neck from a mouth chuckling into his skin. It feels so real, but Sirius has no recollection of any such thing happening last night. He must have had quite the dirty dream.
He flopped down on the bed, curled up under the covers, flicked his wand and the curtains pulled around the bed casting him into pleasant darkness. It’s not long till he’s fast asleep.
When Sirius wakes, it's to the sound of laughter and scuffling around the dorm, instead of the pounding that was crowding his head hours earlier. He pulls the curtains away and watches his friends all attempting to lean out the one window at the same time to smoke and look at the stars. He smiles watching James nudge Peter and his wide shoulders over, trying to free some space for him and Remus.
“Oi! Someone gunna toss me a fav too, or you love birds too busy cuddling over there?” Sirius says and laughs.
He stood up and stretched his tight arm muscles over his head, leaning back in the process and popped his back pleasantly. He looks again at his friends, just barely catching Remus looking away quickly to watch the night sky once again. James grinned and tossed the pack over so Sirius sat just under the window beside Remus, and lit his smoke with his wand.
“Feeling better, Pads?” Remus asked softly.
“Mmm,” is the reply, and Sirius pressed his shoulder briefly against Remus’ thigh before pulling away again.
“You still want to play exploding snap, lads?” James says brightly. “We can play in the common room, probably get a few more in. Maybe we can even turn it into a drinking game!”
“No more alcohol for me,” Sirius said determined. “I’ll never drink again.”
“Sure, sure. You say that every time you get a hangover,” James laughed. “Come on, Wormy, Moons? Let’s go!”
“I think I’ll head to bed actually,” Remus said thoughtfully, and walked to his bed after tossing the finished but out the window and casting an incendio on it. It turned to ash before it hit the ground.
After a few objections, James huffed and left the room, dragging Pete along too. The room became very quiet suddenly, and Sirius shifted uncomfortably under the window finishing his smoke.
“Do you regret it or something?” Remus said quietly.
Sirius looked at Remus with a puzzled expression. The boy across the room looked nervous, sad and small for being a 6 foot giant. He sat on the edge of his bed, staring at his feet speaking into the room, and waiting as if his life was on the line for a responce.
“Regret...regret what exactly?” Sirius asked blowing out the last puff of the cigarette. He flicked it out the window and did the same with the but as Remus had.
“What...what happened last night that’s ‘what’!” Remus glared at Sirius.
Sirius went stony quiet, he had no idea what Remus was talking about. But Remus looked mad and hurt and at Sirius. Had he said something to hurt Remus? Had he done something terrible again, because he really had meant it when he promised never to do such a horrible prank at Remus’ expense every again.
“Moony, what did I do? Whatever I did I take it back, I’m sorry, Moons,” Sirius sent a pleading look at Remus.
The other boys reaction was a flash of hurt in his eyes, pink ears and clenched hands.
“I...I understand..I get it. It was a mistake..to think...we were both drunk...” Remus stood up then and still avoiding Sirius’ eyes went to the door.
“Remus, wait!” Sirius steppes towards him.
“Don’t!” Remus bit out in a rough voice before he left and slammed the door behind himself.
Sirius stood stunned in the muddle of the room. What could he have done, it must have been horrible. He was always saying stupid things, doing stupid things. Though, he had been so determined to never hurt Remus again. Even drunk he should have been careful enough not to hurt him. So what did he do? What mistake...
At that moment, Sirius remembered. He remembered the wink at Remus across the table in the common room last night. He remembered the brush of their knees and the flush that heightened across his own cheeks. He remembered saying he was going to get all the blankets and pillows from the dorm to create a muggle fort. And he remembered Remus. Remus saying he’d help. Remus pushing his up against the door, his back pressing painfully into the handle. Remus’ hair falling into his eyes, and Sirius brushing it away and then rubbing Remus’ scars on his cheek with his own thumb.
He remembered the kiss, not just the first kiss but the second and the third after that. Spaced around smiles and laughed and bites on the neck. Sirius touched his neck, remembering the vibrations coursing through his body right down to his toes. How had he forgotten that? And then Remus ran away thinking...
Sirius burst out of the room and found Remus sitting at the bottom of the stairs watching over the group of Gryffindors playing some odd alcohol variation of Explosing Snap. Sirius sank into the step beside him, their knees touching slightly.
“I was really drunk last night,” Sirius began.
“You really don’t have to,” Remus’ voice broke.
“Shh...look I didn’t remember, not till you left the room. Moony,” Sirius grabbed the collar of Remus’ jumper forcing Remus to look at him. “I don’t regret that, I couldn’t regret it. I’ve wanted that for so long.”
Remus blinked. He blinked again. “Oh.” Was all he said, obvious shock all over his beautiful face.
“Don’t act so surprised, I mean you are the only one I want when I have a nightmare. You are the one who I stare at, like, all the fucking time. It’s always been you Moons.”
Sirius leaned closer, pressing his forehead against Remus’. Then their lips met, melting together and Sirius nibbled slightly at his bottom lip. Remus tasted of smoke and chocolate, and he’d have him no other way.
And if there was cheering, hollering and whistling across the common room, just then, neither of them noticed.
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likeawildthing · 7 years
K I just got anon asking if I wrote Comm. I have my own accounts - snapslikethis at ao3 and ffn. Here’s my writing tag. And here is a comprehensive list of everything I’ve posted to AO3 and/or FFN:
* indicates most popular fics
^ indicates personal fave
Your Next Great Adventure Eleven-year-old Lily is packing for Hogwarts, and it’s a dream come true, but it feels more like saying goodbye to her childhood than hello to her next great adventure. ffn «» tumblr
Your Next Great Mischief Eleven-year-old James Potter’s last night at home before he goes to Hogwarts. ffn «» tumblr
Love, Unbroken^ The Evans family as told through Lily’s interactions with her mother’s old pearl necklace. ffn «» tumblr
Cards on the Table James surprises Lily with an unexpected visit to a Slug Club party. ffn «» tumblr
Chin Up, Head Down^ James gets into an altercation with some Slytherins and finds himself in McGonagall’s office. ffn «» tumblr
Feels Like Love^* Lily & James try using each other’s wands for the first time. ffn «» tumblr «» ao3
A List is Just a List  The Marauders think the parchment James just dropped is a list of the places they’ve pulled pranks, but Lily knows better. ffn «» tumblr
Pep(per) Up, Peppermint^* Sixth year Lily is home, sick, at Christmas. Can a visit from her friends cheer her up? ffn «» tumblr «» ao3
The Power of Prongs* Lily uses all the Marauder nicknames casually, except for James’s. He’s rather upset about it…until she tells him the reason why. ffn «» tumblr
The Sweetest Morsel^ Sirius, Peter and Remus work hard at exact revenge on their best mate. Do they know him well enough to pull it off? ffn «» tumblr «» ao3
Your Other Pillock Boyfriend “Mum thinks I’m a pillock, and Dad reckons I’ve been hit with too many Bludgers. They’re not wrong, but I need to explain why we weren’t at the house after you returned from taking the girls home.” James writes to Lily to explain a few things. ffn «» tumblr «» ao3
Shining Stars^ The ’78 Hogwarts class—Gryffindors, mostly—gather at a pub to catch up when someone brings up who, exactly, was to blame for Breda Padgett’s broken ankle, sixth year. ffn «» tumblr «» ao3
Worth Fighting For Lily and the Marauders receive an offer from Dumbledore. What now? ffn «» tumblr «» ao3
Cricket Bats and Fireflies^* James and Lily have been fighting non-stop for months. When Moody orders them on respite, they retreat to Lily’s old stomping grounds. More specifically, camping grounds. ffn «» tumblr «» ao3
Come to my Window In which James has problems with windows. tumblr
Three Quarts of Milk^* James and Lily have been in hiding for two months. James is stir crazy and trying not to show it. Lily jumps into action. ffn «» tumblr «» ao3
Christmas at Godric’s Hollow                             Lily and James are shut up in Godric’s Hollow with Harry. They invite the boys over to decorate the cottage for the holidays. This will be incorporated into Something Stirring. tumblr
Blanket Fort alt, 1753 words of Potter family fluff  tumblr  
An Ordinary Day James, Lily and Harry celebrate his second Halloween. tumblr
Hello, Mister* Me and my housemate just spent twenty minutes trying to take the lid off of a blender and had to resort to taking it to our next door neighbor, who we have never spoken to before. He opened in it about six seconds. ffn «» tumblr «» ao3
One Week Since U Looked @ Me* James and Lily are fighting, and it’s 100% the other person’s fault. Everyone is just a little bit unhinged. Text fic. tumblr «» ao3 Provisionally Yours^** Lily Evans discovers she’s been married off to James Potter without her knowledge. She and the spoiled count (in whom she appears to have finally met her match) have three days, for better or worse, to decide whether to accept the contract. With her sister adamant to make her life miserable, and a husband who is equally determined to repel her, what else can possibly go wrong? Royalty AU ffn «» tumblr «» ao3
Saving Kittens Thing* Bleeding heart James Potter does his level best to save seven cats from a terrible fate, but Lily Evans, his heartless monster fiancée, tries to thwart him at every turn. Text fic. tumblr
Subtle Arrangements^* Prompt: Lily owns a flower shop. James storms in one day, slaps twenty bucks on the counter, and says, “How do I passive-aggressively say ‘fuck you’ in flowers?” ffn «» tumblr «» ao3
Summer of ‘81^ After his mother’s passing, Lily returns to her childhood home and opens a tattoo shop. James and his mates, working for the Order, are glad to find a small, nondescript town where they can lay low. When he passes by her shop, however, an old memory resurfaces, and they both realize this might not be a simple as they’d intended. Tattoo shop AU tumblr «» ao3
The Flip Side ^* What if the Potters had found themselves on the flip side of the prophecy, and Neville had been The Chosen One? They might have had their chance at happily ever after. ffn «» tumblr «» ao3
1 – Nov 1981 – Deadly Stairs and Rumors  The Potters wake up to find themselves on the flip side of the Prophecy.
2 – Aug 1984 – Broomsticks and Little Sisters Harry struggles to grasp the concept of sharing.
3 – Oct 1986 – Slicing Jinxes and Peter Pan Harry wants to celebrate the Muggle way.
4 – Dec 1980 – Jealousy and Christmas Pudding James and Lily visit his parents for Christmas. Baby Harry causes drama he knows nothing about.
5 – Oct 1996 – Semantics and Insubordination James receive a disciplinary owl about “there’s no need to call me ‘sir,’ professor.”
6 – Cartography and a Talent for Trouble On the eve of his first day at Hogwarts, Harry learns of the existence of the Marauder’s Map. Can he continue the Marauder legacy and nick it back from Filch?
The One That I Want*                                            James and Lily end up at the same costume party dressed up as two members of a famous fictional couple. Everyone makes them take pictures together and quote lines from the movie. It starts out really awkward but then Sirius, dressed as a pirate, finds them making out in the bathroom. ffn «» tumblr
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allmymuseinspo · 3 years
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allmymuseinspo · 5 years
#comparing the twin scars on our forearms ︱ Alistaire & Lucinda#gold leaf across your lips ︱Regulus & Lucinda#i crave the balm of beautiful & soft things ︱Lucinda Talkalot#just get in the fucking blanket fort ︱ Peter & Sirius#platonically calls you babe ︱ Lily & Sirius#you look cute when i’m doing you︱ Sienna & Sirius#local dumbasses knew what they were getting into but did anyway︱ James & Sirius#as long as we don’t die this is going to be one hell of a story ︱ Remus & Sirius#merry band of weirdos ︱ Marauders#built on the same pretty lie ︱ Regulus & Sirius#is crying in class punk rock?︱Sirius Black#your smile lifted the world off me ︱ Verity & Christopher#and you sin you sin you sin ︱ Christopher Flint#we win because we do not know how to lose ︱ Lily & Glenda#so i did a stupid thing again ︱ Marlene & Glenda#we are syrup in coffee and hands that bite︱Sienna & Glenda#maybe it was the timing or the toxicity or the lifetime︱Peter & Glenda#nothing sets you off like how you want him︱Thorfinn & Glenda#if witchery is a sin she’s going to burn smiling ︱ Glenda Chittock#thank you for loving me through it all ︱ Amelia & Silas#six am sunrise shining down on us ︱ Edgar & Silas#is it a heart or is it a hole︱ Silas Bones#tag dump#🌻 glenda x peter ›› maybe it was the timing or the toxicity or the lifetime#🌻 glenda x sienna ›› book me first class to my fancy house in london town#🌻 glenda x marlene ›› so i did a stupid thing again#🌻 glenda x lily ›› we win because we don’t know how to lose
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allmymuseinspo · 3 years
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allmymuseinspo · 4 years
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allmymuseinspo · 4 years
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