#golden heart au
weirdozjunkary · 2 years
Golden heart (a SATBK AU fic) chapter 1
ive been rewatching playthroughs of SATBK and it made me kind of inspired to make a wholesome, but also kind of bittersweet au. Sonic is written so well in the game, but I wonder what would happen if sonic lived in that world and meeting merlina was a coincidence. What would happen in the aftermath of the story? And what if a different blue hero somehow made his way in?
Idk if ill continue this fic, but it was fun to do. Enjoy
Chapter 2
Chapter 1(?)- blue blood of a hero
It was morning, early in the morning. The golden light of the sun shone upon the cold castle, it’s rays bouncing off of every reflective surface. It was quiet, as it was the norm. After merlina’s defeat, things have usually been quiet. Though she had accepted that things would eventually wither and die, Merlina left in search for a new life, not tainted by any shadow. Any sound in the castle now was of rattling drapes near a gusty window, or footsteps from someone who was awake doing their duties.
A book feel from the library shelf, from the echo of the room it’s thud increased tenfold, alerting to whomever was nearby. The book jostled, jerked and writhed. It opened itself and not a moment later, exploded out a portal of bright light, outshining the suns golden rays. Through the light of the book came… screaming? A famous blue hedgehog rocketed out of the book and into the air, his face collided with the cold wooden floor, it took him out for a moment. The bright portal that released him had dissolved away, leaving no evidence of how he got here.
Sonic sat up on his hands and knees and groaned, his face hurt from the harsh fall, but it wasn’t the hardest he’s been hit. He rubbed his sore nose and cheeks, making sure his face wasn't broken or bleeding. Good, it wasn't. A figure with a slightly  familiar voice came up to him. 
He extended his hand to the blue hedgehog. “Um, are you alright?”
Sonic took the figures hand and stood up. “Heh, yeah. Not the worst that’s happened to…” he looked at the figures hand. A metal gauntlet was in its place, it was cold and sleek, decorated with gold trimmings, but somehow it didn’t feel unfriendly. 
“… Are you just gonna stand there and stare at my hand or what?” The figure said.
Sonic finally looked up at the figure. It was… him? Or we’ll, a version of him? He certainly looked like him, but a few years older. He was taller, about as tall as vanilla was. His quills were unkempt and greying. Bags accompanied his tired eyes, and a few scars adorned his body. A crown laid gently on his head. He also had a cape which was cool as hell.
Sonic’s eyes widened at him, it was him. A version of him, but still. And he looked so badass with those scars and that cool cape. Perhaps he starred a bit to long though as his older duplicate spoke again.
“…. I think you can let go of my hand now, buddy…”
“Ah! Sorry!” Sonic said as he released his grip from the other hedgehogs metal hand. “You just look really cool!”
His other self chuckled “didn’t expect to see another version of yourself, ey?”
“Wait you know that I’m a version of you?”
“Well it’s not every day you see your younger self in front of you, now is it?”
“Fair point” Sonic chuckled “you look great though! Like you’ve been in so many adrenaline making adventures!” Sonic replayed a few of his action poses to his other self, who weakly chuckled in response.
“Man, was I really like this as a kid?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing. I’m glad you think I’m ‘cool’.” His older self smiled at him.
Sonic grinned in response. Though it was kind of weird, it was definitely cool to see himself from the future- well, A future. He didn’t exactly know where he was.
“So, uh, I’m guessing from the crown you’re some kind of ruler, huh?” Sonic smirked “Didn’t take myself to be the kind of guy when I was older. What? You married some kind of princess chipmunk or something?”
The older hedgehog laughed “no, nothing of the sort. I’m not really into the dating pool like that.”
Sonic raised a brow “really? So why are you standing there with a dope ass crown and cape?”
“Well, I sort of pulled a sword out of a stone and defeated an evil king. Honestly the sword is the more important thing out of that”
“ ‘pulled a sword out of a stone’?” Sonic repeated like a question. What did he mean by that? Okay, yeah he defeated an evil king, but that doesn’t usually mean you were allowed to be crowned a ruler. Plus he said that ‘pulling a sword out of a stone’ was the more important part…. Wait… 
“YOU'RE KING ARTHUR?!” Sonic exclaimed
His older self laughed at his bewilderment, a loud and guttural laugh, one that sonic himself honestly rarely ever really used. For his older self, it was amusing to see himself be so surprised by who he has become. Once a hero as free as the wind, now a king interested in taking it easy from his many years of adventures. He was King Arthur… that name never really sat well with him.
“Yep. Surprising, I know.” 
“To be honest, not really?”
The older hedgehog gave a doubletake “Wait what?”
“I mean, I know I’m awesome as heck!” Sonic stood proudly “so I’m not to surprised that I’d become king! I AM surprised that you seem to be, well, retired from the hero biz”
The king glanced away from him. He was retired, so to speak. He hasn’t had an adventure in a long time, other than the usual stoping of a runaway wagon, he hasn’t slain a dragon or stopped another evil king. Not that he’d want to do that stuff again. His drive for adventure was still there, but sealed away by a layer of taint from the years before.
But he can’t lament over it. He sighed and turned back to the short blue hero. “If you’re anything like myself, you probably have an appetite by now, right?”
“Oh, uh, yeah I guess I could eat” sonic responded 
The king walked past him, waving him over to the door. “Then come on. Maybe I can get you something that would suit your taste.”
“Got any chillidogs?” Sonic bounced over.
“What’s a chillidog?” 
Sonic blinked in surprise. “Uh… I’ll tell you later”
The royal blue hedgehog raised a brow, but decided to leave the blue hedgehogs comment. The kitchen wasn’t far from the library so it wasn’t really worth smalltalk, he wasn’t the one for smalltalk anyways. The main hall they had to traverse through felt large and hollow, despite being decorated with various tapestries and suits of armor that held the most delicate and pretty weaponry. 
Sonic looked at the armory that adorned the halls, more amazed by each one. He turned to his older self to express his admiration, but the hedgehog seemed agitated by the presence of the suits of armor. His brow furrowed as he looked straight to the end of the hall, not even glancing at the shiny sheets of metal that would catch anyone's eyes.
Sonic shut his lips, preventing any unwanted words to come out. This other older version of himself wasn’t much of a talker, huh? It was strange, he was always up to talking, why wasn’t he? The silence in Sonic's ears was deafening. He could barely hear his steps on the carpeted wood. It was, honestly, sort of awkward, to not chit chat or give small proads at someone. 
But Sonic always respected boundaries. Even if someone never explicitly said anything to him, he could tell when someone was uncomfortable. He continued to walk with his other self in silence.
To ease his mind, he continued to look around, soaking in all of the pretty decorations along with the stone walls and the wooden doors and pillars that kept this castle standing. The wood, though looked worn for wear, never was rotting, like it was being taken care of by, um, whatever they use in this timeline. 
Sonic’s eyes drifted, and he slowly came to a stop in front of two large open doors. It was the throne room, empty, despite it to, being as decorated as the hall connected to it. The throne had a cold look to it, like it hadn’t been sat upon in years. And If any had, it came with a bitter feeling. 
Sonic tilted his head up above the cold throne to a beautiful case for a blade rested atop it, empty. A sword belonged up there, but there wasn’t one.
“I thought you were hungry?” The king hedgehog said with aggression in his throat
“Oh! Uh, sorry! I’m coming!” Sonic quickly paced his way to him. “You just have, uh, a lot of cool things in here.”
His other self grunted, or maybe scoffed in response. Continuing the silence all the way to the kitchen. Sonic glanced up at himself. His face so tired and cold, like he had been fighting an eternal battle for years of his life.
“… I’ll talk to him later” sonic thought to himself. “After all, I just got here” the corners of his mouth rose slightly as he looked in front of himself. “Plus, I really want something to eat right now”
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prompt-master · 2 years
Ok now that the meme poll is out of the way I'm gonna make a few geniune ones
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donelywell · 5 months
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February 29- March 2 2024
The first time Sonic went Super in Road Trip wasn't exactly as stunning to Tails as other au's and stories.
Tails is like maybe 5 here (I'm not actually that organized on the timeline for this au yet, I'm getting there though, things are getting in order.) and he wasn't forced to grow up and be a hero in this au. So he's a bit more childish than canon Tails because he doesn't feel as pressured to mature and grow up fast. Plus, he genuinely thinks Sonic is going to die and this is the last time he see's him, so tears are bound to come down.
Part 1
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doks-aux · 1 year
William refusing to definitively gender his own fursona because maybe he just doesn't have the vocabulary to express a nonbinary identity but also definitely to leave room for customers to assume the Spring Bonnie character is Fredbear's love interest.
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Vengeful Spirits
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nothingbizzare · 2 years
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Bruabba cowboy au designs. !!!!!!!!!
Really had fun with this one using less colors and more detiles !!
Married couple with outfits to compliment eachovers
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emeraldstarlight · 4 months
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maybe real Misty dodged a bullet. Veneer still has plenty of problems (customers) to deal with
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lunameimei · 2 months
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diadop slice of life
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phoxphenex · 1 year
can you writee more about markkk
more mark
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puddlestheduck1 · 2 months
I redrew one of my first goldenheart artworks I posted on here!
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evillillad · 11 months
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idk the logistics of tattooing on fur but just hear me out
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prompt-master · 1 year
I would LOVE to discuss potential GHAU scenes if you're willing to share!
I guess to start this off (and to gauge if there's enough interest to get very spoilerly) I'll talk about one scene I'm super excited to write and one scene that's causing me trouble
Below the cut incase you don't want ghau spoilers
So first off there's a scene I have pictured very vividly and have even partially written (and I LOVE what I wrote personally).
The scene is the final trigger for Kuwata's corruption. Maizono has Naegi pinned down to the ground, nearly about to gut him with her knife. Naegi is fighting back with everything he's got, and Kuwata is right there. The only other person who's there.
Naegi asks him fr help. BEGS him, even.
But Kuwata is too scared, he froze up. S he abandons Naegi and runs away. This conflicts entirely with his character motivations in GHAU so it causes a breakdown
Now a scene that's giving issues:
EVERYTHING to do with the investigation. Everyone in the next chapter is supposed to go and investigate how Maizono could have died in a similar fashion to the games, but crafting a mystery meant to be solvable is. Incredibly hard. I know that I want them to investigate Maizono and possibly even Kuwata's room at some point. I know I want thee to be some twists on her case, some of which play on the expectations of fans.
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nightmaretherabbit · 4 months
alloy golden freddy ?🤪
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[Color Palette Ask Game]
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doks-aux · 1 year
So the Springtrap Snaps figure comes with a little Spring Bonnie hand puppet, and now I can only imagine that one of the original Fredbear and Bonnie routines was Bonnie annoying the piss out of Fredbear with a little puppet of themself.
William got to flirt outrageously through two layers of deniability (in front of an audience!). It was one of his favorite bits.
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Happy 10 Year Anniversary Five Nights at Freddy's
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nothingbizzare · 2 years
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He is planning on doing pranks what a silly God
Did Giorno's design for @t4tfugio 's fantasy au !!
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