#golden lancehead viper
tiredsurvivoronmain · 3 months
Some details about the Medusa/Blind lover Chrisker AU
Medusa Wesker (and his snake hair) are based off a Golden Lancehead (a highly venomous pit viper)
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His lower half is more hydra/dragon than snake; he has two small but strong front limbs and crocodilian like scales on his back.
His eyes are blue with slitted pupils that change to orange when turning someone to stone.
He has two forms; a natural form which is large and has a serpentine lower body, and a lesser form where he's human sized and has normal human legs.
Chris was not born blind, he lost his sight when he was 20 (he's 25 in the AU); a trader that was importing goods from Africa unknowingly had a spitting cobra hiding in a crate of his goods and got loose in the coastal town where Chris and Claire lived. They stumbled upon the snake unaware that the snake was capable of spitting venom as nobody had seen one before. He put himself between Claire and the snake when it became defensive. It spit venom directly into his eyes which caused him to become permanently blind.
Chris was formerly a hero with a reputation and defender of the town, but when he lost sight he became a target for his rivals/competitors that would bully him.
Wesker dwells in a temple just outside the town and is seen as a false deity. He's known as 'The Golden Terror' or 'The Ouroboros'.
People will offer gold, trinkets and prayers (from a safe distance and not when he is visible to them) to appease him; he doesn't care about gold but he accepts it anyway because as long as people feared and worshipped him, that's all that matters.
Occasionally heroes from all over would try and slay him as he has essentially created a cult that views him as a god when he isn't and was a monster. They unfortunately would all die; anybody who tries to kill him doesn't survive.
The temple he resides in was carved into a mesa that leads to an open area at the top that he can access, it has grass, a small lake, a few trees and wildlife. It's where he goes to sunbathe. Inside the temple there is an indoor pool, a library, a treasury and a large bedchamber.
Both Wesker and Chris are touched starved, Wesker more-so than Chris.
Chris is good at singing and managed to relearn how to play the lyre when he lost his sight.
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doodleferp · 11 months
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I haven't seen ANY fanart depicting a naga au for Trigun and I have scoured the recesses of Google Images, Tumblr, AND Twitter. I am hereby making it myself. Here's my naga!Vash. He's semi-based off of a golden lancehead pit viper.
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ask-the-tf2-mercs · 11 months
So Scout, Sniper and Spy if you get bitten by one of the following snakes witch on do you prefer ?
The Gabbon viper
golden lancehead
Or the inlandtaipan
An no answers like none if them xD choose wisely
Sniper: I'll just answer for all three of us because neither one'a those two are gonna know. Gaboon Viper. Simple as that.
Scout: Why?
Sniper: Golden Lancehead bite'll melt your flesh, and Inlandtaipan is the most venemous snake out there.
Spy: And let me guess.. in that kit of yours in the back of your camper you have-
Sniper: An antivenom for them all, yes. Don't mean you're gonna prefer to get bitten by those two though.
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abybweisse · 1 year
Because this post was getting so long.
Webster bites Sebastian and says he's from Queimada Grande, aka Snake Island, which is in Brazil. He's a pit viper of some kind.
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Though Webster doesn't too much look like examples I've seen, his homeland suggests he's a Golden Lancehead viper, which are only found on that island. Wikipedia. Smithsonian. It's a cousin to the Fer-de-Lance viper found on the mainland. According to the Smithsonian article, they evolved from the Jararaca, which some people consider synonymous with the Fer-de-Lance, but Wikipedia has a separate page and species name for it. To me, Webster's strongly zig-zagged sides make me think of the Fer-de-Lance, but 🤷🏻‍♀️. Well, it's got to be a Bothrops, either way. The Golden Lancehead's venomous bite is so potent that it practically melts human flesh, and a victim can be dead within an hour. No wonder Webster is shocked by Sebastian's ability to stay alive, let alone remain standing. We are talking major necrosis, kidney failure, and bleeding to death.
If Webster bit Doll.... 🤔
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truedarkhunter · 1 year
A look at Snake's snakes
I noticed there were more up-close looks at some of Snake's ophidian friends. So I took a few moments to stare at them and try to determine the species. Some are very likely, others are best guesses, but it's still a fun exercise. I started with the notes online with the kuro fan-site then expanded them.
Johnathan is a rattlesnake (called the “Old Man” by the others.) Likely a Western diamondback given the ridge over the eye.
Emily:  Kingsnake (false coral snake)  She has the red touching black, so false-attack.  The bands are wider than on Milk Snakes. Bronte:  Looks to be about 2 feet long and has a pale body and dark spots.  Belly is pale.  Guesses:  Could be a hognose snake, a night snake, or a variety of brown snake.
Donne:  Very small snake.  Can subtly reside at the top of Snake’s ear when travelling (Guess:  Common Krait aka “Karait”– the small, but deadly brown snake from Rikki Tikki Tavi.)
Goethe:  Orange snake, white spots, round eyes.  Childish and friendly (My guess:  Leukistic boa or python)
Keats:  Depicted both with a pattern on his back and as an non-patterned snake.  Often used as a guide.  (Sheds often?)              (Guess:  Ball Python or other python based on uneven loops of the pattern drawn and the thickness of the tail tip.)
Oscar:  Shiny two-toned green snake with a dark back, lighter stomach.  Tip of his tail is dull grey.  Tongue is blue.  Oscar has a rough temperament and speaks like a young man.  (Guess:  Red-tailed green rat snake. It has both the blue tongue and sometimes has gray tails.)
Webster:  Zig-zagged, cross-banded pattern, 4-5 markings atop head, slit pupiled eye.  From Queimada Island (Snake Island, home of the Golden Lancet/Golden Lancehead Pit Viper.)  His poison can kill a human within 30 seconds.  (Guess:  Golden Lancet. It’s the only place they live.  Webster is just a strongly patterned one.)
Wilde:  Black-and-brown spotted python, largest of Snake’s snakes.  Widest part of his body measures between 4.72” (12cm) and 5.12”(13cm) and his head is relatively small in relation to his body.  (Guess:  Boa Constrictor based on loose loopy pattern.) Head small in relation to body only the size of a small fist. 
Wordsworth:  Dark brown snake with lighter brown and black crossbands.  Has straight belly bands.  Speaks like an old man and is quite knowledgeable.  (Guess:  Eastern Copperhead.  This snake is not that dark on the body, the markings are a strongly open diamond shape and the head is strongly colored.  However, there is a clear band over the nose and past the eye that isn’t present on the copperhead.  Tail is thick.  Could be another constrictor.) Unnamed:  Black Mamba killed by Patrick Phelps in Book of Murder.  It’s highly venomous, from Southern Africa. 
                     Victims die within an hour of being bitten.  Black mambas are the fastest land snakes in the world and                      excellent tree climbers.
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bleacheddalsuta · 1 year
OC ASK ✨️❤️💀🌂🍥
I guess I'll do Lan for this one
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
They're name is short for Lance, after the golden lancehead vipers from Ilha da Queimada Grande. I jusht thought an island covered in gold snakes was neat
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
Being cradled and read picture books as a very small child 😌
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Water. Anything deep enough to drown and/or be swept away in. They do not swim and will even avoid getting on boats or structures built over water. They even hate the smell of the ocean.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
Fantasy. They'd be a very good character for a children's fantasy about a fictional jungle ecosystem imo, something in between how to train your dragon and an animal encyclopedia. But if I make anything it'll probably be a comic.
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
Luckily my old dA still exists so I know I was exactly 15 when I made them
OC ask game!
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petnews2day · 3 months
Inside world's 'most dangerous' island overrun by venomous snakes that melts human flesh
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/news/pet-news/exotic-pet-news/inside-worlds-most-dangerous-island-overrun-by-venomous-snakes-that-melts-human-flesh/?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr+%230&utm_campaign=social
Inside world's 'most dangerous' island overrun by venomous snakes that melts human flesh
Snake Island, a viper-infested landmass, is teeming with venomous snakes that can kill with a single bite. The island, so perilous that it’s illegal for anyone to set foot there, is located about 90 miles off the Sao Paulo coast in Brazil, Ilha da Queimada Grande. It’s home to between 2,000 and 4,000 golden lancehead […]
See full article at https://petnews2day.com/news/pet-news/exotic-pet-news/inside-worlds-most-dangerous-island-overrun-by-venomous-snakes-that-melts-human-flesh/?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr+%230&utm_campaign=social #ExoticPetNews
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Meet the Character: Mercury
TTRPG: Cyberpunk RED
Pronouns: They/Him
Role: Solo Rockerboy (orator/singer)
Age: Indeterminate--appears late 20s/early 30s
A quick summary I provided on a previous post:
Imagine Rick Gonzalez and Robbie Daymond had a love child with the dress sense and body language of Klaus Hargreeves, the goofy yet undeniable sex appeal of David Tennant, and Michael Sheen's attitude and ability to serve cunt in any situation. That's Mercury.
Knowing that appearance and swagger are genuinely the most persuasive arguments during a negotiation in Night City, Mercury has invested much in maintaining and improving his image. Their nails are always neatly self-manicured, typically painted all black save for the ring finger on each hand, which is usually a crimson or orange. He is rarely seen without makeup--and has never been seen without his bold, black eyeliner by anyone but his twin sister, Rhapsody.
Physique & Physical Appearance
Standing at a solid 5'3" and rail thin, Mercury is often considered a "little guy" by those who underestimate him. Their thin frame belies the wiry, Nightcrawler-esque musculature underneath, honed from a life growing up on the streets in Belize. You don't survive as many scrapes as Mercury without having the athleticism and wit to get quickly out of reach.
Their café con leche skin is dotted with moles and individual freckles, and starkly contrasts the white of their surprisingly well-cared-for teeth. His top and bottom canines are filed to wickedly sharp points--just enough to look uncanny when he smiles.
Their long hair is a flame-like ombre that starts at a shimmering metallic crimson at the roots, gently graduating to a flaming orange, then yellow-gold as it cascades down their chest. He keeps much of the right side of his scalp closely shaved to display the intricate orange and gold EMP threading that glimmers in script-like patterns. They maintain well-trimmed and cared-for black facial hair that somehow still manages to work with their wildly unnatural hair.
His hooded, almond-shaped eyes give the appearance of calm nonchalance, despite his constant vigilance. Their trademark golden snake-eye contacts have become such a part of their persona that no one knows the natural color hidden beneath them. His thick black brows play an enormous role in every part he plays, though his right brow is marred by a scar towards the outer corner--one encounter he only narrowly escaped.
Piercings and Light Tattoos
Piercings and light tattoos are extremely common in Mercury's line of business, and he is no exception. Their ears are studded and dripping with various, asymmetrical piercings, all black and crimson metal. The black bar piercing their tongue is set with a smooth, red, heart-shaped gem. Glittering black snake-fang piercings adorn each nipple, though they are often covered--Mercury must leave something to the imagination, after all.
Their arms, which are nearly always on display, are decked out in vibrant light tattoos.
Starting at his neck, a crimson red lancehead viper curls down his left arm, the snake's mouth open wide as it reaches his wrist displaying glowing silver fangs and golden eyes. The words "Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy" are inscribed in flaming orange along the snake's body, the words facing outward for all to see.
On the inner part of their right forearm, the name "Rhapsody" is written in brilliant orange ornate script, surrounded by black musical notes lined in glowing gold.
On both hands, each finger holds a ring of crimson light that covers the flesh between the first and second knuckles (and the knuckle and base of the thumbs).
Clothing and Accessories
Mercury is nothing if not well-dressed for the role they play.
His sleeveless and hooded black leather duster jacket bears faint red EMP threading designs, and terminates at a sharp angle around his knees. The crimson, feather-patterned lining is rarely seen, but made of high-quality and durable silk and holds many pockets of various sizes. A pair of large, crimson EMP-thread wings fold across the back, wrapping around to the front.
The top beneath their jacket is a tightly-fitted crimson sleeveless turtleneck that's just a smidge too short, leaving a small expanse of skin exposed between its hem and Mercury's pants. Two stylized, orange devil horns glow a bright orange around his collarbone, while a matching devil tail begins in the lower back, wraps around the middle twice, before terminating with the tip pointing up at his face.
Their tight nylon-like pants tuck neatly into their boots, a thick stripe of flame ombre color running down the front and back of each leg starting at the waistline. The pants are further held in place by a set of black suspenders with red metal accents.
His boots are stylized black leather knee-high combat boots with crimson soles and accents. They use a complex series of buckles and leather straps across the front to keep them on their feet--or at least, that's the way it seems. Mercury's actually broken them in so thoroughly that they can quickly and easily be removed or put on without fuss.
Despite their constant use of contacts, no one survives in the City long without some form of eyeshades. Mercury keeps a pair of crimson red, round, mirrored lenses in sturdy black metal frames. Perforated black metal "blinders" cover the sides of the frames, helping to hide any radiant glow from his eyes while still maintaining peripheral vision. The perforations are shaped like small stars.
The final accents are a series of inexpensive metal and silicon rings across their fingers and a gorgeous, glittering black cybernetic snake necklace with glowing red-orange eyes. The necklace moves about on its own, but has no combat capabilities or other function. No one is certain whether the necklace is sentient, but it does sometimes appear to react to situations and comments. It typically rests around Mercury's neck by clamping its jaws around part of its body, the rest of its tail trailing down his chest.
(Simplified) Backstory
Mercury grew up on the streets of Belize with their twin sister, Rhapsody. Their parents were betrayed by a close family friend (or family member, details unknown)--a fact Mercury is unaware of. Their parents were gone before Mercury and Rhapsody could form any concrete memories of them. Mercury doesn't even know whether their parents or alive or dead--and does everything he can not to think about it. Due, in part, to this, an undercurrent of rage, betrayal, and abandonment issues color their interactions with people, but they have to be particularly stressed to show it.
After being abandoned at such a young age, the twins made a childhood pact to never leave the other behind for any reason. A promise that family would always mean everything. But life often has other plans, and as often happens with siblings in a place like Night City, they were eventually pulled in different directions. Rhapsody moved onto a more luxurious life as a lounge singer and personal entertainer, with a whole host of wealthy patrons. Rhapsody eventually cut ties with Mercury, sending a handwritten letter by courier to say goodbye--she knows how much they value this archaic form of communication. Despite that, Mercury refuses to believe she wrote actually wrote it, thinking someone had paid her off to stay away from him--and yet he still keeps the note on him at all times. In truth, Mercury may have pushed her away subconsciously--partly out of self-preservation and partly because they thought she would have a better chance in life without them.
After losing their sister, they threw themself into their work, picking up singing and speaking gigs at nightclubs all across Night City--along with more than a few lovers along the way. Despite their carnal predilections, Mercury has indeed had three true romances in their life.
Love Life
cw: death/suicide/violence
Anthony, his first love--oh he was beautiful. And kind and caring. Anthony believed in a world beyond the executive and corporate horrors they lived in each day. Unfortunately, he burned too brightly. Barely a year into their relationship, Anthony died in a horrific fire--one Mercury is unconvinced was an accident, despite police reports.
Then there was Phoenix--oh how they soothed Mercury's soul and brought them back from the brink of destruction after the loss of Anthony. Phoenix truly lived up to their name, a brilliant life rising from the ashes of the flames that destroyed Mercury's world. Then, a mere two years later, Phoenix's implants drove them to cyber-psychosis, and they tried to rip Mercury--who barely escaped--to shreds. He never went back to find out what happened, leaving all his belongings in the ruins of the home they'd made.
And finally--Eve, Mercury's latest--and last--great love. For all his swagger, Mercury could not believe he'd turned the head of such a majestic creature. She was everything--beautiful, talented, smart, tough, wise. When she sang, Mercury could believe in the existence of angels. But Eve was not without demons...and one day, they took her from Mercury forever. He found her in their shared cargo space, splayed along the now darkly-stained couch. She didn't even leave a note.
After losing their parents and sister, a series of truly tragic romances, and a harrowing experience with a particular Exec that tried to buy (and then capture, when Mercury refused) them, Mercury keeps all people at a less-than-healthy distance and can't stand most of them, though you wouldn't know it from their interactions. They've mastered the art of being disarmingly charming, and can make almost anyone feel adored and flattered while keeping themself out of harm's way.
On the surface, they're the most friendly and gregarious person you've ever met--especially for a place like Night City. But inside, they know that people bring pain and danger--and worst of all, they always eventually leave.
Values, Beliefs, and Motivations
Above all things, they value these two: their sister and their word. Despite their estrangement, Mercury still considers Rhapsody their whole heart and would do anything for her--except sell out and join her serving the wealthy and powerful. It hurts him to be estranged from her, but he'd never admit it.
They've seen too much bad in society to truly trust people anymore--and yet some small shred of hope still glimmers within their soul. A hope that people are, in fact, innately good and kind--they're just driven to misdeeds by societal pressures, fear, and hurt. Despite his superficial cynicism, his music and speeches show a very different side of him. One that they rarely show off-stage. One that inexorably draws them back to people, despite their need to protect themself.
And just because Mercury doesn't believe in trusting others doesn't mean they are equally untrustworthy. Oh, they'll lie--all day, any day. But if they give their word, they will abide by it, no matter what--which is why they give it so sparingly.
Mercury is subconsciously haunted by the constant rotation of abandonment and the cruel reality of their childhood, but they repress it by being constantly busy. If they have too much downtime, they begin to spiral out of control. So they are constantly writing new material, doing shows at nightclubs all across the city every night, and occasionally sinking into the arms of whichever patron was just eager enough to play and interesting enough to be worth the time and effort.
They believe that if people would stop catering to Execs and corporations and band together against the oppressive technology of this age, life would improve for everyone--something impossible to achieve under the current regime.
That's not to say they don't approve of (or use) tech--they absolutely do. But Mercury knows tech has gone too far, and that corporations have made everyone dependent on their technology (and by extension, the corporations themselves). So, they speak against corporate rule and plutocracy, advocating for turning to history as a means of fighting against their oppressors--particularly the French Revolution.
Mercury is built for negotiation, persuasion, charm, and rapid escape. They are, quite literally, a lover--not a fighter. Cyberpunk RED does not offer character progression in the same sense as some other TTRPGs, so their stats will largely stay the same unless we have time and money for gear and cyberwear upgrades.
Base Stats
Intelligence: 7/8
Reflexes: 8/8
Dexterity: 6/8
Technology: 6/8
Cool: 7/8
Willpower: 6/8
Luck: 7
Move: 3/8
Body: 5/8
Empathy: 5/7 (lost some due to implants)
I've invested extra points into the following skills:
Conceal/Reveal Object (INT)
Concentration (WILL)
Perception (INT)
Athletics (DEX)
Contortionist (DEX)
Stealth (DEX)
Brawling (a bit) (DEX)
Evasion (DEX)
Acting (COOL)
Conversation (EMP)
Human Perception (EMP)
Personal Grooming (COOL)
Persuasion (COOL)
Streetwise (COOL)
Trading (COOL)
Wardrobe & Style (COOL)
Education (INT)
Language (Streetslang) (INT)
Language (Creole) (INT)
Local Expert (INT)
First Aid (TECH)
Pick Lock (TECH)
Pick Pocket (TECH)
Player Note: You'll notice some visual cues from Crowley (Good Omens) and maybe Freddie Mercury, because they were my initial inspirations for their appearance. However, nearly everything about the character, from country of origin to number of past loves, was rolled for on a table--I just added some extra color to them. Also, I have no experience with the Cyberpunk games prior to this invitation, so anachronistic criticism means nothing to me.
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brightsoulblogger · 1 year
Situated off the coast of Brazil, Snake Island is home to some of the world’s deadliest snakes. The island is off-limits to visitors, as it is home to the golden lancehead viper, which is one of the most venomous snakes in the world.
Although there is no confirmed number, it is estimated that there are around 5,000 snakes on the island. That means there’s roughly one snake for every square meter of land. In other words, you’re never more than a few feet away from a lethal snake when you’re on Snake Island.
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ctenvs3000w23 · 2 years
Unit 9: Sense-Making of Nature Interpretation - Snake Island??!!
Are you interested in snakes? Well, if so, you've come to the right place! As an individual who loves nature and being outdoors, I have always been fascinated by snakes and enjoy learning about them, however, they also creep me out quite a bit! I guess the fact that they scare me increases my level of curiosity and makes me eager to learn more about them. In elementary school, I always loved going to the library and reading "The Ten" series by Dr. Jeffrey Wilhelm, as all of the books in the series presented really cool facts about animals and other amazing things. Some of the books in the series included, "The Ten Deadliest Sea Creatures", "The Ten Most Amazing Birds", and "The Ten Most Fascinating Phenomena". I truly believe this is where I developed my love for cool new facts and my curiosity for reptiles like snakes! Although I have seen several snakes in the wild, they were all non-venomous species. While they were non-venomous, I still found them to be incredible creatures. For example, about seven years ago, my Dad and I were working at one of my family's rental properties in St. Catherines, Ontario, and in the shed, we discovered an Eastern Foxsnake. Using a shovel my Dad attempted to make it leave the shed, as it was too large to pick up with a stick. After looking it up online, I found out that these snakes can reach over 1.7 meters in length (Ontario, 2014)! Considering Garter Snakes are the most common snake species in Ontario and average a length of only 45 to 66 centimetres, the Eastern Foxsnake is huge (Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection, 2018)! According to the Ontario Nature website, this snake is the third largest in the province (Ontario Nature, n.d.).
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Aside from my experiences with snakes, I mainly wanted to highlight one of the most interesting things I know about nature, and yes it involves snakes! In fact, it involves so many snakes that it's called Snake Island. Formally named, "Ilha da Queimada Grande", Snake Island is a small Island found off the coast of Brazil (Glatz, 2023). The Island is home to thousands of venomous pit vipers called Golden Lancehead Snakes (Phelan, 2023). What makes it even scarier is how concentrated these poisonous snakes are. According to the Smithsonian, the population of Golden Lanceheads is so large that there is 1 snake for every square meter of land, and the Island is 430,000 square meters in size (Brethauer, 2018)! That's crazy to me! This practically means you couldn't take a step without seeing one of these snakes. It is believed by some cultures that the Island and its snakes were used by Pirates to protect their loot (Phelan, 2023)! Pretty cool!
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One of the questions that came to mind when I first learned about this Island was, "How did the snakes get there and become an established population on an isolated island?" After conducting research, I discovered that it was due to global sea levels rising by approximately 60 meters during the Early Holocene period (Phelan, 2023). As a result of ice masses melting and ice streams breaking up, the rise in sea levels caused Ilha da Queimada Grande (Snake Island) to dissociate from Brazil's mainland (Phelan, 2023). This meant the snakes were also separated from the mainland and evolved separately from their continental cousins, commonly known as the Brazilian Pit Viper (Bothrops Jararaca) (Phelan, 2023). Sadly, these snakes were deemed critically endangered by the IUNC Red List, as they can only be found on this Island (Phelan, 2023).
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With respect to nature Interpretation, Felipe Grazziotin, a scientist based out of a Brazilian biological research facility, believes that tourism could play an important role in protecting the Golden Lancehead from future extinction (Phelan, 2023). In the last chapter of the course textbook, it states, "Interpretations future role will bring greater vitality to society. Interpretation promotes living with a lighter impact on the earth and with stronger ties to our cultural heritage. It produces a more harmonious relationship between the individual and the environment - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually." Interpretive experiences help people grow into caring stewards of the land and their heritage (Beck et al., 2018)." As a result of nature interpretation's ability to help people grow into caring stewards of the planet, I too believe investing in tourism would be a great way to help save the Golden Lancehead from extinction. If you get a chance, go online and look up Snake Island, there's so much to learn!
PS. Don't forget to check out the image descriptions!
Beck, L., Cable, T. T., & Knudson, D. M. (2018). Interpreting cultural and natural heritage: For A Better World. SAGAMORE Publishing.
Brethauer, A. (2018, December 2). 25 things about snake island that we preferred not to know. THE TRAVEL. https://www.thetravel.com/things-about-snake-island/#the-snakes-can-39-t-swim-phew
Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection. (2018, March 9). Common Gartersnake. Connecticut’s Official State Website. https://portal.ct.gov/DEEP/Wildlife/Fact-Sheets/Common-Gartersnake#:~:text=Adults%20range%20in%20size%20between,Juvenile%20garter%20snakes%20resemble%20adult.
Glatz, K. (2023, February 4). Snake island: The true story of the most snake-infested island on earth. az ANIMALS. https://a-z-animals.com/blog/snake-island-the-true-story-of-the-most-snake-infested-island-on-earth/
Ontario. (2014, July 17). Eastern foxsnake. https://www.ontario.ca/page/eastern-foxsnake#:~:text=The%20Eastern%20Foxsnake%20is%20one,is%20light%20yellow%20and%20black.
Ontario Nature. (n.d.). Eastern foxsnake. https://ontarionature.org/programs/community-science/reptile-amphibian-atlas/eastern-foxsnake/
Phelan, J. (2023, January 3). Almost 4000 snakes rule this Brazilian island. DISCOVER. https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/almost-4-000-snakes-rule-this-brazilian-island
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angrysnowflake · 3 years
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Snake In The Grass
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the-fools-prince · 3 years
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I've just re-read @serafaina's "A Model Guardian" (which I absolutely adore! All the love for this story!) and had to draw these based on Crowley's photoshoot in chapters 1 and 2.
[ID 1: A drawing of Crowley, staring straight ahead. Their face and neck are covered in golden freckles. They are wearing a white blazer, and their hair is pulled back into a French twist. They have circular pupils.
ID 2: A drawing of Crowley, sticking their tongue out at a snake that is looped around their shoulders. They are wearing a black top with a plunging neckline, their hair is pulled into a French twist, and their eyes have slitted pupils. The snake has pulled up to their eye level and is sticking its tongue out as well.
ID 3: A close up of the snake that was on Crowley's shoulder. Its tongue is flicking out and it almost has a slight smile. It has little spiky scales poking up around its eyes.
Video description: The first drawing being tilted to the side, showing the gold on Crowley's freckles shining.]
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krystal-prisms · 3 years
My favorite thing is when things evolve just Fuck You potent venom or poison. Like, there is no reason for there to be venom or poison that strong, but they went ahead and evolved it anyway, just put all stats on Kill You Dead
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curiositydotcom · 5 years
Curiosity Daily Podcast: Big Five Personality Traits Are WEIRD, Why Mouth Wounds Heal So Quickly, and Snake Island
Learn about why the Big Five personality traits may not be reliable in developing countries; why Brazil's Ilha da Queimada Grande island is full of outrageously venomous snakes; and why wounds in your mouth heal so quickly.
In this podcast, Cody Gough and Ashley Hamer discuss the following stories from Curiosity.com to help you get smarter and learn something new in just a few minutes:
The Big Five Personality Traits May Not Be Reliable in Developing Countries — https://curiosity.im/2KgKNJm 
Snake Island Is Teeming With Nothing But Outrageously Venomous Snakes — https://curiosity.im/2SvwQtq 
Why Do Mouth Wounds Heal So Quickly? — https://curiosity.im/2SGgpuF 
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via https://omny.fm/shows/curiosity-podcast/big-five-personality-traits-weird-why-mouth-wounds-heal-quickly-snake-island-ilha-de-queimada-grande
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