magikchicken · 2 years
What would Klaus say if Alfonse marries Caesar?
*The GoldenBacon Wedding, Caesar Giving a speech*
Caesar: They stole from me first!
Alfonse: Mhm.
Caesar: Stole my heart...
Klaus, interrupting by yelling: It is still illegal to commit murder.
Everyone at the wedding: O.o
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45654757899987 · 4 years
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Hopefully the line art will be cleaner :’) 
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This Little Piggy Needs Help
Summary: Caesar’s been trying to think of the best way of confessing his feeling to Alfonse. Unable to really come up with any good ideas, Caesar goes looking for one of his friends that could help give him advice of what to do. 
Caesar had looked high and low all around the academy for a certain pastel blue haired prefect in which he was making his way to the last possibly place she could be in hopes of seeking her assistance. It took him a little while but upon arriving to the prefect’s office he swung open the door before entering while shouting out “LIZZY YOU HERE?!”
Scanning the room he was instantly able to see the girl he was looking for was indeed here. She had instantly turned around as his eyes widened seeing she was ready to throw a medium sized sphere towards him until Lizzy seemed to stop herself. “Oh Caesar hey,” she said as it seemed she looked between him and her glitter bomb only to quickly hide it behind her back before looking at him with a nervous grin. “W-Were you about to throw that at me,” he asked as though then again he wouldn’t be surprised even if it was out of reflex. 
Letting out a short laugh Lizzy replied, “What of course not silly… So uh what’s up, did you need something Caesar?” Staying silent for a moment before quickly nodding and walking over to her. “Well I’ve been looking for ya since I could really use your assistance,” he said taking a seat in one of the chairs. “I’d be more than happy to help! Are you trying to prank someone,” she asked wondering what he’d need her help for in which he shook his head in a no manner.
“Is it class related?” “Nope”
“Does it have to do with prefect work?” “Not that either.”
“.... Please don’t tell me Zeus summon something again,” she asked with an expression of dread and annoyance as once again Caesar quickly shook his head no. “It has nothing to do with Zeus… I need help with asking out Alfonse,” he said finally getting to the point before she could keep guessing. Her eyes lighting up with a big smile she walked over to plop herself into another chair getting comfortable. “Alright, I'm all ears; what have you tried so far,” she asked wanting to get what’s he’s tried out of the way. The strawberry blonde nervously rubbed the back of his neck while lightly biting the bottom of his lip for a moment before answering, “I sent him flowers and a few little gifts.” 
Lizzy looked at him while listening to him she blinked a few times before letting out a sigh. “So we got our work cut out for us huh,” she said resting her chin in the palm of her hand as she started to think of what would be a good way. Caesar sat there as he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t nervous of the possible advice she’d give him, but she was one of the few that gave pretty good advice about these types of things. “Oh! Since Alfonse is a doctor why don’t you go to him pretending to be sick as when he asks what’s wrong you could say you got the love bug… Or something along those lines and then go from there,” she said brightly as that wasn’t too bad of an idea. “But what if there’s other people in the infirmary or wherever we are,” Caesar asked as it wasn’t that he was nervous of what others thought, it was more of he didn’t want to get rejected in front of a bunch of people.
“Hmmm well we can get him to think something bad happened to you in which I could get him to come here to check up on you and you could still take that course of action,” she said with a small grin as of course it sounded like a mix of a prank and a love confession. Mulling it over for a few minutes, it was probably his best bet as he nodded giving an approval of her advice. Lizzy hopped up out of her chair as she started to walk towards the door. “W-Wait where are you going,” he asked in a small panic. Glancing over her shoulder she simply said, “I’m going to get Alfonse, just make sure to be ‘sleeping’ before we get back.” As with that she exited the room, shutting the door behind her leaving Caesar by himself. Getting up to move over to the couch to get ready for when the time came. “I really hope this works,” he said softly to himself taking a deep breath to calm his nerves.
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eye-cri · 4 years
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I’m putting it here cuz its just probably to big of a post it to handle over there. 
and just know, I just typed w h a t e v e r that came to mind. 
but feel free to give feedback. 
Luca-  Okay but why do I keep on seeing him as a silent type tho.
He and Elias’s actor are definitely dating no cap. 
He and Yukiya’s actor? I think they tease each other playfully but even they end up going up and down with each other. 
Prof S and Luca’s actors….. I don’t think they talk to each other. Honestly.They just don’t have anything to say to each other. Maybe some hellos and such but other than that,, yeah no
Klaus- lol his actor is probably playing Klaus to get years of pent up rage out of him. But otherwise he’s probably friendly. 
I actually imagine that he and Zeus’ actors get along pretty well.
 I want to say his and Albert’s actors also get along well too but I’d probably be lying. 
Randy and Klaus’s actors are friendly with each other. 
Probably neutral with Sigurd’s actor. 
I want to say that Alfonse and Klaus’s actors get along all dandy but…. I have a feeling they’d be up and down with each other ngl. 
His and Elias’s actor I imagine either very friendly with each other or just simply neutral.  I can’t really see them on bad terms. 
Oh my gods. I just had this idea where he and Hiro’s actors are adoptive brothers. 😭😭 Can u imagine that? My heart- so needless to say they get along just like brothers do :) 
Alfonse and His actor’s relationship? Hrmm. I think that… Sometimes they do hang out together!
Okay so- I want to say his and Caesar’s actor have something going on? But im also a bigger goldenbacon shipper but I can just see Zeus’ actor and Caesar’s actor having at least something going on.  
Lamo i imagine Zeus still thinking of Lucious as a younger brother. 
Hiro- I imagine him as approachable. Somewhat quite like his character but still approachable and friendly to you at first meeting(unlike his character that way).
 He and Alfonse are cool. Neutral friendly I’d say. 
I think he and Caesar are good friends. very nice friends.
And…. for some reason im seeing him and Lucious together. Why? I have no clue but, roll with it.  
Alfonse- Yeah you know how Alfonse has this little passive aggressive side to him? That’s just his actor’s natural personality kind of seeping in. And,, I think that he has a minor geek side too. But its minor.
Okay okay. So I’ve decided that Caesar and Zeus probably had a relationship before breaking up. Alfonse was there for Caesar and after sometime they started dating. There. Boom. Goldenbacon saved. (that doesn’t mean that he and Zeus ended up on bad terms tho. I think that Zeus and Caesar just decided that they just weren’t meant for each other and broke it off.) 
Hey…. His and Elias’ actors actually don’t get along 🙃
Hmmm His and Hugo’s actors are minor frenemies. Like not strongly but minorly(lamo thats not even a word), ya feel? 
Hugo- I just thought of him as a slightly goofy sunshine and thats what im going with. 
He and Mishca’s va,,, dated before. They don’t allow the tension get in the way of acting tho. 
He’s on friendly terms with Zeus and Hiro. They don’t hang out much tho. 
Vain,, I’d say he likes him. More like… Admires him perhaps. 
Rem and Felix? They have minor ups and downs but for the most part, get along. 
I have no idea why exactly he and Alfonse are frenemies. Stuff just happens i guess…
Rem-  so, his horns and tail are just costume fyi. Gentle as his character, but with a little bit mean side. He probably gets aggressive sometimes. Could be because he was triggered by something or just randomly happens. 
He and Felix have been bestfriends since childhood. 
I think it’s because Hugo isn’t sure about Rem when Rem is mean that they have their ups and downs. 
He and Vain? Neutral. 
Nox- I think he’s actually all about reading books. Whether it be for fun or for studying I think he likes books. And i literally just thought of this hc that he may want to be an engineer?? 
So yeah he and Rex’s actor are dating uwu. 
I think that sometimes he, Zeus and, Hiro hang out together. Sometimes Rex joins them but its mostly those three. 
Maybe He and Zeus have bonding moments over some books? Sometimes maybe. Maybe its rare tho. 
I think that Hiro occasionally pushes Nox out of his comfort zone. Occasionally  
Light- Somewhat like a dad? Even with the dad jokes sometimes lamo. 
He and Florin are best friends and they’re just so carefree together, ya kno? 
He and Albert also don’t get along. Albert is just to full of himself smh. 
His sister’s actress is a close friend of his. they used to be frenemies 
Felix- soffft. Unlike his character he doesn’t have a guard up at all. So Rem has to make sure that he doesn’t end up getting hurt. 
(okay,, so im talking about the group in felix’s ending and how he gets along with them in a whole here cuz im getting lazy) he gets along with everybody in that group except Joel. Why? Because Joel is just a total ass to him. It has nothing to do with their characters but its just for some reason Joel likes being an ass to Felix :/ 
Viggo- edgy? Yes. But still soft? Yes. 
Okay… Let’s start off with his and Zeus’ relationship status. I think they may have had a one night stand with each other but something happened and now they’re on bad terms :( Thats why the tension btw them is actually believable. 
At one point Hiro had a crush on Viggo but he didn’t know what to do about it. (he doesn’t know about Zeus and Viggo’s one night stand) He’s over it now tho and managed to befriend Viggo.(hmmm maybe they’re best friends now?(I mean Zeus might feel conflicted about it but its not his business to ruin their relationship))
Vain- I’d think of him as a stern person. Hard to approach and sometimes hard to get. But guess what? Sometimes he acts like a mom friend. 
He and Hugo are close. He’s more likely to show his mom friend side to him than anybody else. 
He and Mishca’s va are also close. But he doesn’t show his mom friend side much to her. That’s cuz she teases him about it smh. 
He’s neutral with Rem and Felix. 
Mishca-  computer animation. Oh u want to kno bout the va i guess. I think she’s probably just as sassy as her character. Maybe not so about lady-like and manners and stuff as her character but she has her sas that for sure.
I think she’s on good terms with everybody! She may be sassy but she’s a friendly one. 
I mean sometimes sometimes she and Hugo kinda act awkward together but she tries to be his friend. He seems to have mixed feelings about that…. But hopefully soon they’ll be able to be friends with little to none awkwardness.                                                                      
now u see y i put the max to 8. long post man. 
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magikchicken · 2 years
Can you write a fanfic of Alfonse taking care of Caesar?
One GoldenBacon fic coming right up (I’m kinda hungy so be patient with me😉)
“Golden boyfriend to the rescue!”
“ACHOO” came out of Ceasar, it may be a common cold but the piggy prince wanted some royal treatment from his Golden haired mans, “Good morning my Sizzling piece of bacon, I brought you some soup to help with your cold.” Alfonse chimed as he entered the room, Caesar smiled warmly as he looked at the soup “no spice?” He looked inquisitively “no spice!” Al beamed as he bent down to give his little pork chop a kiss on the cheek. “Oh my you feel warm,” Alfonse pulled away and turned around to grab something to cool off the hot menudo (pork belly), Caesar began to squeal “no come back I want anotherrrr kissyyy” Caesar puckered up as Alfonse grabbed a damp cold towel, “be patient you Canadian bacon youu.” The blonde playfully exclaimed as he set the towel on the ham haired boys forehead, then Caesar gently grabs Alfonse’s chin and the two share a deep passionate kiss. “You’re gonna get me sick too” Alfonse pulled away blushing a vibrant pink, “yeah but i can’t make it through this cold if I don’t get your kisses!” The pigboy blushing and trying to get more kisses. “Oh how can I say no to that face~”
I’m gonna go ahead and cut it there thank you for the ask!💕💕❤️❤️❤️
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The Master List
Ello lovelies Lizzy here as here’s a master list of the works thus far as I will be making sure to keep this up to date as much as I can so it’s easier for you all to find my content. uwu 
Dark Wizard Au pt2
Dark Wizard AU pt1
FE3H Meets WH (Houses & Classes)
WH/FGO Crossover
The Boys As Dragons
Elias Telling Luca His Feelings
Fluffy Buddies
The Surprise Calendar
Happy Birthday
Heroes That Light The Path
Never Touch The Glitter: Yandere Lizzy 
Prank Time W/ Lizzy Luna
Warmth of Spring
Welcome To The Family 
Yandere Elias
Prom Night Surprise
Prom Night Surprise
Lost To War
Miracle Ending
Prom Night Surprise
Changing History?
Only For Me
Love In The Club
A Brother’s Pride
Camping Trip
Good Enough?
The Heart Thief ch1 (discontinued)
Prom Night Surprise
Prom Night Surprise
Sweetly Haunted
Little Do You Know
Prom Night Surprise
Yandere Joel
Yandere Leon 
Not Related
My Boyfriend’s A Bunny
Glitter Heels
Yandere Sigurd
You’re The One I Love 
It’s Cliche 
Yandere Alfonse
This Little Piggy Needs Help (GoldenBacon)
Yandere Lucious
Surprise Encounter
Love War
The Great Phantom Thief Always Gets What He Wants
Her True Rage
Danced Your Way Into My Heart pt1
First Meetings
After All This Time
She’s Mine
My Dream Come True
My Sleeping Beauty
Stealing Her Away
Yandere Viggo
The Dragon’s Core
Allies To Lovers
What It Means To Love
Just Research
Not Your Time
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Can you do a fanfic of Caesar asking Lizzy for help to ask Alfonse out?
Okay so I know I said I wasn’t going to be taking these kind of requests (this post here) BUT I will make this ONE exception since Goldenbacon happens to be one of my absolute favs and I had a cute/funny idea for this; however, it will be pretty short. 
This Little Piggy Needs Help
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