sassaspazz · 3 years
I’m sorry your day is starting off bad okay off the fly I’m a bit tired so let’s see Romanogers I’m back to working weddings again so that’s gonna me a focus ooo maybe photographers at a wedding? Oh wait I just saw something someone paints wedding ceremonies oooooo Steve being hired to paint Tony and Peppers wedding or someone and meets Nat there? Do with that what you will.
Oooh I can definitely see Steve as a hired painter at Tony and Pepper's wedding. Like he'll do the sketch of the outside ceremony. Then during the reception he moves onto the painting and finalizing.
"That's an amazing picture you did," turning around Steve is met with the most gorgeous pair of green eyes, "you really captured everything beautifully."
A blush appears on Steve's face, "Thanks, glad you like it."
There's a bit of mischief in the women's eyes, "Although," she pointed at the image of her as she's standing next to Pepper as the bride's maid, "I think you made the bride's maid a bit too detailed."
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chalantness · 4 years
Oh my god Tatiana sneaking out and doing her own missions would she tell anyone? Or does someone find out?
Honestly, I totally go back and forth between wanting the kids to be involved in crime-fighting but also wanting them to just have civilian lives because their parents worked so hard to make the world a better and more peaceful place so they could lead simpler lives that don’t require them to suit up and, ah, I love both ideas so much! But in the version where the kids do fight (or at least some of the kids, because I’d like to think, even if they become their own version of The Avengers or maybe just agents in general, some of the kids would be more on the tech side than the physical side) I can totally picture Tatiana maybe only telling James at first. Maybe not even Sarah, or not right away like James, but of course James feels conflicted because he knows he should tell their parents but he doesn’t want to go behind his sister’s back - and so obviously his solution is to suit up with her and tag along.
Eventually, though, they do come clean to their parents, and chances are that Nat has known after the first or second time and that means Steve has known ever since then, too, and they were waiting for their kids to come to them on their own.
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dresupi · 7 years
If your still accepting promts how about Bucky/Wanda and “Hi”. Idk it was the first word that popped into my head.
Pairing:  Bucky Barnes/Wanda MaximoffPrompt:  Hi
“Hi,” Wanda said, meaning to continue the greeting, but instead choking on her spit and looking like an absolute idiot in front of him.
Bucky’s eyebrows raised, his head tilting to one side as he reached out to softly pat her back.  “You okay, doll? You need water?”  
Nodding, she extended her hand and, using her powers, opened the fridge.  Of course, halfway through floating herself a bottle of water, she started coughing again and it fell to the floor.  
He bent at the waist and picked it up, uncapping it and placing it in her hand with a soft smile.  
“Thank you,” she sputtered, once she was able to.  “I almost got it there.”  
“Almost,” he said, “Only counts in horseshoes, hand grenades, and floating bottles of water from the fridge.  So…” Bucky shrugged. “Pretty good, I’d say.”
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agentsofshitposts · 7 years
gomustanggirl16 replied to your post “Using Dove Cameron to seduce the Hydra Youth is preeeeety creepy like...”
Thank you! It is creepy. Cause he’s at least 25 from what I could tell.
Like did anyone else pick on this too? Cause it’s creeeeeeeeepy
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captnswilson · 4 years
Happy birthday!!!!! 🎊🎉🎂🎁🎈
Thank you! 💖
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steverogersnotebook · 7 years
catpainsteevrodgers replied to your photoset “Bucky’s “Bucky” birthday party. What better birthday for a Rescue...”
Holy shit! This is AMAZING! I love it! Happy Birthday Bucky Barks!
fasole-dulce replied to your photoset “Bucky’s “Bucky” birthday party. What better birthday for a Rescue...”
This is too cute.
gomustanggirl16 replied to your photoset “Bucky’s “Bucky” birthday party. What better birthday for a Rescue...”
Oh my god this is awesome!!!
Thank you all!! It was fun (except for the burning out of my mixer), and now I need to re-Bucky my shelves!!
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copperbadge · 7 years
gomustanggirl16 replied to your post: Oh my god dear medical center literally ALL I WANT...
@copperbadge ok so I don’t know what you had done, but typically and I’m still in school learning how to do medical billing so forgive me if I’m off a little, they bill your medical insurance. You don’t receive a bill unless the insurance company didn’t cover it all. And sometimes you only see it after the insurance company has been mailed and payed what your assignment of benefits allows. Or your plan allows. If it’s online I would check for an option to receive a bill via mail.
See, here’s the problem: he amount they had marked overdue on my account was definitely for my deductible, it was what the insurance wouldn’t cover, my online account said as much. But when I asked why I hadn’t been sent a bill for it, and why I’d had to find out the amount by checking an online account with them, first they told me it wasn’t my “real” deductible since insurance hadn’t finished processing yet -- despite the amount being marked as over a month overdue for payment on my account and insurance being marked in the account as complete. Then when I asked them why it was marked overdue if it wasn’t a “real” amount, they told me yes, okay, actually I do owe this amount and will be billed for it...when it was already marked overdue, I hadn’t been billed, and also I had paid it already that morning. So I guess, if they manage to magic me up a paper bill, I’ll get a bill for an amount I’ve already paid at some point in the future. 
(Just for sanity’s sake, I am not mad or ranting at you, you just gave me the opportunity :D)
The problem is that there’s no way to get digital billing OR paper billing, apparently. I’m currently set up for paper billing because that’s literally all they offer, but no paper bills are reaching me even though they say they have my correct address. What I was looking at online purportedly wasn’t a digital bill -- it was just an “account summary” that doesn’t have a “notify me of a bill” functionality because...technically it’s not a bill...even though it’s marked overdue. (This is an ongoing issue -- I never get a bill, and then I get a call from billing like “You’re ninety days overdue". It’s happened at least three, now four, times in the past year -- which is the reason I checked my account this time, because I actually noticed I’d had a doctor’s appointment in January that I wasn’t billed for.) 
It’s just very frustrating that they can’t give me a straight answer or bill me in a straightforward fashion. If I could get them to goddamn send me an actual paper bill that would be fantastic, but they appear to be incapable of actually getting a paper bill across town. 
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crazyaboutto · 5 years
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This subtitle is from Marvel’s official channel and they indicated Thaddeus. Clearly post CACW
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They look like a villain so they are villain. I think they are the Leviathan.
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As it can be seen in the red circle, it says California, a reference to IM2
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I put these 3 shots of Yelena to show the mirroring. even the earring are mirrored. Nat has few piercings on her left ear and  Yelena on the right. Honestly, I love how their fighting moves are the same.
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If you check out carefully, you see Yelena hugging as if a Koala hugging tree; Nat is reaching out to Melina who is about to fall. Judging by the clothing, Melina goes to Budapest too.
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Yelena is wearing Nat’s jacket from AIW. this was pointed out before but the trailer solidified it. She along with Nat are wearing white (timeline 1). I hope Nat didn’t dye her hair blonde and wore Yelena’s jacket because something happened to her :cry: I must say that I thought Melina and Alexei would be the villains too but as my friend @gomustanggirl16​ said Alexei is the weird uncle, Melina is his wife that doesn’t understand why she’s still married to him and Yelena keeps coming around for the laughs 
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Nat is dangling from the helicopter ( @superbcap​ ) as if she is a spider. the first shot is obviously from the beginning of fight then she drops between those guards and we get a good look at the white suit. the second one is from the escape part
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The way he draws the arrow is the same as Clint. I think Clint and NAtasha met Taskmaster/Mason when in that famous Budapest event. In the later shot Taskmaster fight with Alexei and his shield is broken . I don’t know why but this fight gave me the vibes that Alexei will die.
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We know that there will be two timelines. The white suit one is Timeline1 and the grey is Timeline 2. In the picture above, the computers look old. there is a woman and a man. the man is the blonde villain we saw earlier and the woman is Nat. So this frame is from the past
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Nat is holding something here. I think it has to do with the mission she accomplished. and on the picture below, she looks cold. Just like the time in IM2. Of course, she might be disguising but it could be from pre SHIELD era flashback.
But on the last picture where Nat jumps from a building in the sky...
I think the thing she was on was flying so it can’t be past. Also look at her tips. They are blonde! I don’t want to give myself false hope but girl, I can’t help it.
I really wonder if which timeline is the present (post-CACW) and which one is the past. Lastly, on both suits, she has the exact same hair color as she did in EG. I hope this will mean well for her. PSS: Just look at the chest of her new suit. It doesn’t show any part of boob and I love it. I am so glad that women took over this movie!!! 
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sassaspazz · 4 years
Bearded Steve with IW length hair or Bearded Steve with Chris length hair?
How dare you
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Make me choose
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chalantness · 5 years
yet another holiday drabble meme; steve & natasha // prompt: james’ first snow fall (for @gomustanggirl16)
The first thing she sees when she wakes up is James’s bright, bright blue eyes staring back at her.
She’d known that Steve had brought him into their bed, of course. She could hear his little babbles and Steve’s hushed whispers before she had totally shaken off sleep, but also, it’s just something she’s come to expect. Steve is always up before dawn, and it works out because James tends to be, too, so he’ll hang out in the nursery with him, give him a bottle if he’s being fussy and then bring him into their room so that they’re both there as soon as she wakes up. She teases him for not being able to go a second without being in James’s face, but honestly? She kind of loves seeing both of their faces peering down at her first thing in the morning, even if they’re never as quiet as they like to think they are.
James is literally a foot away from her face, laying on his stomach and holding himself up with his little arms, letting out a peel of laughter when he notices that her eyes are open now. He tries to reach for her, moving as if to crawl, which he hasn’t quite gotten to yet, but they think he could any day now. He makes a noise of complaint when he still can’t quite reach her, but before he starts to fuss (because he’s every bit as stubborn as his dad, though Steve likes to say he gets it from her) she leans forward and presses a kiss to his cheek.
God, he’s got the best laugh. It makes her damn heart flutter, especially when she gets to hear it against her husband’s deep, rumbling chuckle.
“Good morning,” Steve greets, hand sliding underneath the covers to curve over her hip and give her a squeeze. She’s lost count of how many times she’s laid with Steve like this, facing each other on their sides, their little boy squirming happily between them.
But today is a little different, and of course she’s quick to notice it. “Good morning,” she echoes (because he’ll actually pout at her if she doesn’t say it back) but she knows he hears the question in her voice because his lips pull into a wider grin. Her eyes linger on his sweater and the scarf wrapped around his neck; it’s far from unusual for Steve to head out for a morning run, or to grab her coffee and fresh bagels from the bakery just down the block, but he almost always peels off those extra layers before crawling back into bed with her. It’s not as if she ever plans to get up early, and he’s more than happy to come back to bed after doing his thing so he can laze around with her until she finally feels like getting up.
It’s not just that he’s dressed, either. It’s that James is dressed, too, in his fuzzy onesie and a little knit beanie that Natasha is surprised he hasn’t yanked off of his head yet, though maybe that’s because of the little mittens on his hands.
“You two going somewhere?” she asks, one eyebrow arched.
Steve’s eyes are twinkling. “It’s snowing,” he says, and she laughs as she playfully rolls her eyes. He’s sworn all week that it’ll snow any day now, even if the weather forecast didn’t predict it to fall below freezing any time soon.
“Did you take him outside yet?” Natasha asks as she reaches over to adjust James’s beanie as it starts sliding over his eyes with his squirming. Steve has always loved winters in Brooklyn as a kid -- something she finds ironic when he’d told her he was sicker than usual most winters, especially when they couldn’t afford to keep the heat on every night, or the damn thing just didn’t work half the time -- and of course he’s been itching to share that love with his son. It’d make sense that Steve would take James out the second he saw an inch of snow sticking to the ground.
But Steve shakes his head, squeezing her hip again as his thumb strokes the sliver of skin between the hem of her camisole and the waistband of her pajamas. “No, we were waiting for you. It’s James’s first snow. I wasn’t going to let you miss out on it.”
She doesn’t want to find that cute. Look at the man; nothing he does should ever be considered “cute”, but, god, it is.
“Well, I guess I better get dressed then,” she says, moving to sit up. James startles slightly at her sudden movement, his little head whipping in her direction. She’s definitely just imagining it, but he looks every bit as excited as Steve does to see her getting up. But before she can move off of the bed, Steve grasps her arm and gently tugs her forward, murmurs, “wait,” before bringing her close and slanting his lips against hers, and Natasha feels herself laughing into the kiss as James giggles between them.
Then Steve pulls back, a bright, boyish grin on his lips. “Okay, now you can get ready, so I can kiss you while it’s snowing.”
She’s laughing as she walks to the bathroom, but fuck if that doesn’t sound perfect right about now.
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agentsofshitposts · 7 years
Well I did not see that coming any of it. What the f***ing hell?!
I thought they wouldn’t follow the comics....looks like they did :(
I’m still trying to figure out the physics of the whole thing but whatever
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captnswilson · 7 years
So I saw your ask for prompts and got giddy at these two for Romanogers (because I'm a sucker for anything Steve/Nat) and thought they would complement each other: "What are you afraid of?" & "you want the truth" Thanks dear!
Warm, calm night and fresh air affect Steve’s well being as he goes out for a walk in the garden of Tchalla’s residence. Hiding his hands in his pockets, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He tries to clear his mind, forget, just stop thinking. If only it would be so easy.
After a few moments of silence, Steve hears footsteps on the path. He doesn’t need to open his eyes to know who it is. He memorized the sound of her footsteps long ago, and he could easily recognize her scent in the crowd. He knows her better than he knows himself.
“Amazing place. Perfect for hiding from the world,” she says, stopping next to him. Although Steve still has his eyes closed, he can tell that she is standing so close. Too close for him to concentrate. “I assume that’s your purpose, Steve.”
At the sound of his name, or rather the way she pronounces it, he opens his eyes. It’s already dark, yet he’s able to see her blond hair fluttering slightly in the wind.
“If I wanted to hide, it would be more difficult for you to find me.”
A corner of her mouth lifts as she crosses her arms on her chest and glances at him.
“You underestimate me, Cap,” Natasha asserts him, but her smile fades when she notices the sadness clouding his features. “Are you okay?”
“I’m not a Captain anymore, Nat. I’m a criminal, hiding in Wakanda and not knowing what tomorrow will bring.” He sighs, looking away. “I’m aware of the fact that we can’t stay here forever but at the same time, I know that the world no longer needs us. Well, I guess I’m not okay.”
Without thinking about what she is doing, Natasha touches his chin and turns his face towards her, forcing him to look at her.
“Bullshit. You can grow a beard, get rid of patriotic accessories and give up on the shield, but never, ever stop thinking that people need you. Because they do. They need the Avengers, they need hope. It’s your choice. If you don’t want to be Captain America for now, that’s fine. But you’re still Steve Rogers, don’t forget about that.”
Steve is looking at her for a moment, speechless and surprised at how much he has needed these words. Finally, he nods and watches Natasha pull away and smile mysteriously.
“By the way, this beard is a good idea. I like your rebellious version.”
Reflexively reaching for his chin, he can swear that there’s still a trace of Natasha’s touch on it.
“You also decided to change a little. Why blond hair?”
“I’m fighting my demons and fears,” she answers, feeling a sudden breeze of cold air.
“What are you afraid of, Natasha?”
Their eyes meet again and this time a long silence reigns between them. Her heart beats quickly as she tries to calm her breath. She knows that no words can describe what is going on in her mind, in her heart. Nothing will erase memories, nothing will alleviate the pain.
“You’re not the only person who’s going through an identity crisis, Steve. When I see all these people living in Wakanda and these beautiful, picturesque places, I feel so strange. I feel that I don’t belong here, and then I remember that I really do not belong anywhere. You ask what I’m afraid of. You want the truth? The only place where I feel good is by your side. And when I see you suffer, I’m afraid I will lose you too.”
A single tear appears on her cheek. At first, she feels stupid for getting emotional, but when he wipes her tear and then kisses her lips, she stops caring. He’s the only person who she can open her heart to and there’s no shame in acting like a human being. The walls created around her heart are crumbling whenever she finds herself in Steve’s presence. Maybe one day they will fall down completely.
There’s a lot of desperation, pain, but also hope in their kiss as the salty taste appears on his tongue and her hands cover his face. And for a moment, this one sweet moment, Steve reaches his true goal. He forgets about the problems of everyday life. About nightmares that don’t allow him to sleep. He no longer has to be afraid, because Natasha is here, with him; a person who has always believed in him. And apparently, she has no intention to leave.
“I think that the only way to fight our demons and fears is to do it together,” he whispers, passing his hand over her short blonde hair.
He knows he’s finally ready for what tomorrow might bring when she grins and kisses him again.
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xo-stardust720 · 4 years
Tagged by @chalantness!
Tagging: @sleepygrimm​ @beezyland​ @aquajules​ @marshunter06​ @evanzski​ @natrogersfics​ @gomustanggirl16​ @thoughtsandlife23​ @roaminginspiration​ @swietek93​ and anyone else who wants to participate :)
1. How has your day been?
Things are pretty good today! Not too busy at work, and so far clients haven’t yelled at me on the phone, so I consider that a win!
2. What is the last thing that made you smile?
Chris Evans posted a couple photos this morning of him and Dodger -- honestly, living for his IG photos of his dog at this point. And chatting with @chalantness​ about washi tape -- because we are both obsessed and I loooove that we have this in common!
3. What’s keeping you entertained these days?
A lot of Netflix and Disney Plus!! Now that the weather is warmer, I’ve also been going on hikes a lot more. Doing a lot of writing (sometimes it seems like I’m productive, other times I don’t think anything is getting done at all -- story of my life...), trying to get back into bullet journaling as I’ve been ordering a ton of washi... been itching to use it all!, and slowly getting back into reading more books!
4. If you’re in quarantine/self isolation, is there anything you’d like to achieve in this time?
Been working on my cooking/baking skills. Not sure if I’ve improved on any of the recipes I’ve made, but at least they’re edible?
5. Post a selfie if you’re comfortable with that.
Not a selfie, but here’s a picture of me totally realizing how high up I am on top of a mountain after a long day of hiking lol
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superbcap · 5 years
[Avengers as coffee types at Avengers cafe]
steve: i will have one Black Widow please.
natasha: i want one Captain America-
clint: for fucks sake, everyone knows you’re getting each other every night
natasha: -with a bit of sugar because he is a tad bit boring today
thor: as you can see my friend, it’s always not enough
steve, ignoring them: and i want some milk. otherwise, it’s so dark and bitter
tony, shouting from the table: she’s the milk to his coffee!
nat, looking at both steve and tony: what did you just say?
steve: nothing!
tony: i also said, you’re the biscuit to his tea ☕️
special mention to @crazyaboutto for coming up about this with me and special dt to @gomustanggirl16
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thoughtsandlife23 · 4 years
Tagged by @xo-stardust720​
Tagging @dragonydreams​ @freyreh​ @gomustanggirl16​ @sassaspazz​ @heir-to-the-commander​ @littlethingwithfeathers​ @nyssarra​ and anyone who wants to participate
1. How has your day been?
My day’s been ok, I’m probably just gonna be chilling although I’m dreading Monday cause uni starts again so.
2. What is the last thing that made you smile?
The adorable fics that I’ve been reading and rereading the whole week and going back to my childhood by watching the Bbabysitters Club on Netflix
3. What’s keeping you entertained these days?
A mix of netflix and random movies, I’ve also been a watching a lot of Law & Order: SVU and Criminal Minds before that, I’m on a binge of crime shows for some reason.
4. If you’re in quarantine/self isolation, is there anything you’d like to achieve in this time?
I want to start working out again and start cooking some treats.
5. Post a selfie if you’re comfortable with that.
Not a selfie but here’s me some sesame street characters in Universal Studios
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crazyaboutto · 4 years
8 People You Want to Get to Know Better
Tagged by: @artemis0122
Favorite Colors: all of them but pink and red attract me the most
Last song I listened to: Backstreet Boys - I want it that way
Favorite Musicians: Britney Spears. I swear I know almost all of her songs
Last Film I Watched: The Bourne Legacy
Last Show I Watched: Dexter
Sweet, Spicy or Savory: Spicy fics are always welcomed. XD Was this about food taste? Then no preference
Sparkling Water, Tea or Coffee: I don’t drink hot stuff. I only drink coffee when I need to be wide awake; most likely when I burn the midnight oil during finals
Pets: Dragons Random seagulls
Tagging: @gomustanggirl16 @superbcap @quincy-sue (you can’t escape this Ms Emo) @just-a-regular-hansome-guy (👀👀) @midorimairu @vormirjumper @makewithheartandsoul @moony-moonlight
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