#gonna check their discography now
aenslem · 1 year
strange how laughter looks like crying with no sound raindrops taste like tears without the pain
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unsleepingtales · 9 months
The character artist credited for this season on the FAQ is Cait May! Without further ado, let's get into it.
Each character card has the PC art, the PC's name, the player's name, and a couple extra details such as an NPC they're connected to and/or plot points from the previous seasons.
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Here is Adaine's character card! Boggy gets pride of place of course, with his backpack and ESF (Emotional Support Frog) flag. The sword is possibly a step towards confirming the popular prediction that Adaine will multiclass as a Fighter this season. There's also a small sketch of Jawbone in the corner. Adaine's jacket has an owlbears patch on the sleeve!
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Fabian's character card follows a similar formula. There's a small sketch of Bill Seacaster in the upper left corner (titled PA-PA), and there are many references to dancing. Fabian holds his sheet. In several places the words Toxic Masculinity have been crossed out! He dances now! One of Fabian's first defining lines is referenced: "I'm here to be great!"
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It's not very clear what this ticket is for, but to me it looks like a ticket to a dance recital!
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Kristen's character card is next! The many holy symbols she has previously believed in are seen, a sun has been crossed out, as well as "yes?". Cassandra appears in the upper right corner, while an ear of corn appears in the lower left, not crossed out!
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Cassandra looks vaguely worried, which could be their natural state, or it could indicate that Kristen's questions of faith are still just as present as they have been previously.
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Riz's character card is a lot more detailed than the previous ones. Trailer analysts far more intense than I will have a field day with this, I'm gonna give the sparknotes. Riz takes front and center, with his (un)license above his shoulder! Next to him is a sketch of Coach Daybreak. Several sticky notes with the words Night Yorb appear, as well as references Riz's previous cases. Drawings of Kalvaxus and a Corn Cutie are next to each other. The photo of Pok and Kalina is shown, as is a drawing of Baron. There's also a sticky note with "Jorjug" on it, which probably isn't as important but I certainly enjoy it.
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Fig's character card features her art for the season, a large Anarchy symbol, and her bass guitar. A small sketch of Gilear is shown, as well as a ticket to what's likely a Cig Figs concert, and a skateboard!
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The toe of a combat boot is poking out from behind the paper with the skateboard on it. Burn Towns, Get Money is also written in the corner, which is the name of one of Fig and the Cig Figs' hit songs. The Sig Figs Collective put out a fan song version that slaps, which you can find here! (Tbh you should just check out their whole discography)
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Gorgug and his greatest hits appear on this character card! The 'are you my dad' bit keeps on running. Keep Going is also written several times. The white streaks are still in his hair, headphones around his neck, and his axe gets the most movement we've seen in one of these cards.
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(Gorgug gets a small animation in the transition to his character card!)
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The word metal is shown, as well as a sketch of the metal flower from the very first episode.
There are also a couple of group shots!
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Look at them go! The Bad Kids are back and I am so excited to see where they go this year.
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scarletwinterxx · 1 month
every comma, every question mark - mark lee scenario
helloo🥺 it's been a while since I wrote a mark lee scenario, and this one was supposed to be out for his birthday but i only finished now, better than never😅😅hope you like it!
all song credits belong to NIKI btw!!! her songs are amazing and I'm a big fan. true story is when I first heard plot twist, all i can think of is how mark lee coded that song is so here we are🤍
and yes the ending may be a hint that there's a next for this (?) not sure tho hahaha anywayssss
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
and if you want, u can buy me coffee(totally optional but any donation is very much appreciated!) thank you🥺💛
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2024 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
(gif not mine, credits to rightful owner)
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"You need to let him go, it's 5 in the morning. You've been here since yesterday!"
Your manager's loud voice resonated through the room, breaking you from your train of thoughts.
"You're distracting me, if you do more of that I will never get out of here" you told him, turning back to your laptop trying. The only other person in the room besides you and your manager is your co-producer. These two is your closest companions, like your two older brothers. You spend most of your time with them, and you being the introvert you don't really have that many friends in the industry.
"As your manager, I love this whole creative wave you're going through. But as a concerned citizen, I'm begging you. Go home. It's your birthday, why are you hauled in this dark room" your manager continues to rant but you pay him no mind
"Yo, you're just making this last longer than it already is. I'm just letting her find whatever it is she's even looking for" your producer say, he's been here with you since yesterday ready to help you out when you need it.
Those two guys know you take your craft very seriously, each and every song you put out is like your own child. Each and every word, every tune, every melody all came from your pretty little mind. They are both very in awe of the discography you have created throughout the years and you're still so young.
Your manager exits the room, muttering something about getting breakfast and coffee before closing the door to the studio.
"How about one of the songs in your vault? You have a lot of unreleased demos" your producer suggests
"I don't know if there's one fit for this"
"Girl you have tons, surely there's one for now. Let's have a hear"
The two of you go through unreleased tracks, some finished and some still on the works before landing on a few possible candidates
"What are we looking for anyways?"
"Not sure, but I promised my fans I was going to put something out just in time for my birthday. It's my birthday and here I am" you grumbled, then suddenly you come across a demo you've written a while back
"Uh this one's old" you say before clicking on it, the beat playing through the speakers in the room
Where have you been All of my life? It's all growin' dim, now That you've come to light And who could've known, who would've thought Between the wishbones and dot-dot-dots There was always gonna be you and I
"When did you write that?" he asks
Just like that, the exact memory of when and where you first wrote that verse came flooding in your head.
"Oh what?"
"I feel like this is the one but I don't know if I can release this" you say
"What do you mean? Why?"
"I wrote this like some time a few years back... about a guy.. I had a crush on"
He chuckles at your reasoning, "So? All songs are inspired by something. You gotta start somewhere"
"Yea but what will I say when people ask what's the story behind it? I'm suppose to perform this on my birthday event this month"
"Then say it, what's the worst that could happen?"
Turns out a lot of things could happen. On the day of your birthday event where you're going to release your new song, your manager informed you a few artists are also present to watch you.
"What?? Why???"
"Cause they like you?" your manager asks back
"Who is it?" you ask but then the prod team calls for you
"Hey Y/N, we need you backstage now"
You get on stage, go on with your show and a short interview. The host surprises you with a cake from your fans and the crowd sings you happy birthday.
"I know it's my birthday but I have a gift for you also" the crowd cheers
"So I wrote a song, I actually wrote it a while back. It's about those unexpected moments that happen in my all to normal life. To be honest with you guys, I've always liked plot twists. The good kind" you add, making the crowd laugh
"Yea and uh sometimes there's someone who comes in your life who you didn't expect and suddenly the sky is bluer or the sun shines just a tad brighter" you blush a bit while trying to explain the song
"Anyways here's the new song, I hope you like it. It's called Plot Twist"
Look what we got A thickening plot Just when I started getting used to The thought Of closing the book There you were, in every nook Of every word, every page And now I wanna stay and wait, 'cause Met every comma, every question mark Bored of how all of the chapters start But you feel like a brand new arc That I never knew, oh I'd like to think I know a thing or two Like every day the sky's a different blue And then along came you, oh
The crowd turns their flash on, it's like a sea of stars in front of you. This made you smile while singing the words
Where have you been All of my life? It's all growin' dim, now That you've come to light And who could've known, who would've thought Between the wishbones and dot-dot-dots There was always gonna be you and I
You get to the last part of the song, enjoying watching the crowd have fun. Unbeknownst to you, the one who inspired this song was in the crowd bopping his head as he listens to your melodic voice.
Who could've imagined? Who could've imagined you? Who could've imagined? Who could've imagined you?
You finish the song and say your final ment before bidding goodbye to everyone.
Your team welcomes you backstage. congratulating you on another successful event. You were busy talking with the band when your manager pulls you on the side, "There's a few people here who wanted to greet you"
"Huh? Oh okay" you follow behind him down the halls.
When you get there the first person you saw was Haechan, a member of a group you're a fan of.
Your first thought was, what is he doing here
The second being, if he's here then surely his member is also here and you already have a hunch on who it might be
"Y/N, you already know Haechan and Mark. They came to watch tonight" your manager say
"Uh yea, oh sorry I wasn't expecting this. I'm a big fan" you tell them, bowing your head down as a sign of respecting and greeting. The two boys doing the same
"Me too, Love your songs" Haechan says, then adds a greeting at the end
"Happy birthday, we uh wanted to come and see you play live since we're on a break. Usually our schedules clash so we can't go to your shows" Mark says
Not believing this is actually happening, you give yourself a pinch on the back. It hurt.
"Me too, I mean I'm a fan too and uh thanks for coming"
"It's Mark hyung's birthday too so this was my gift to him" Haechan jokes, earning a jab on the side from Mark
"I invited him" Mark clarifies, you just laugh at that.
"You guys want some snacks? Refreshments? Let's go to the lounge room" your manager leads the three of you to the lounge area. The two guys, Haaechan and your manager, have a conversation between them. Turns out they're neighbors and Haechan's manager are friends with yours.
"I uh like your new song" Mark clears his throat as he tells you this
"Thanks, it's been a while since I wrote that actually" you mumble, feeling shy all of sudden. You definitely did not expect Mark of all people to be here tonight.
The very person who inspired you to write the song.
"I love the way you write your songs. There's always a story to uncover, big fan of your word plays" he tells you with a smiles you know will haunt your dreams for nights to come and until you make another song about him again.
"One of the few songs I've written that isn't about a heartbreak. And this is from my own point of view, usually I write them imagining the scenario in my head"
"What a lucky guy" he says
You chuckle, looking down at your shoes "He's great, but that song was a confession I'd probably never tell him"
"How come? It's a great song, he should feel honored"
You smile at that, finding the situation all too unreal.
"If he does figure it out, then I'll take my chance"
For a moment you gather up the courage to look him in the eye as if confessing the words without saying it. Like you wanted him to know it's about him but you're not sure if you can ever admit that to him.
Maybe not now. Maybe some other time, you do after all think he's the biggest plot twist of your story.
Then he's looking back at you, a glint in his eyes you wanted to know more about before he smiles at you again. His voice already writing the words in your head, ready for the melody and for your creative genius. He tells you,
"He'd be a fool not to take a chance with you"
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solarwynd · 12 days
Jimin really is the new BTS. Actually no, he's the old BTS. Jungkook is new BTS, in the sense that he's a perfect representation of everything that went wrong with BTS starting with Dynamite (and he's actually worse). But Jimin is that old BTS that made people fans in the first place. Cause no one became a fan because of the english songs. Yes, people discovered the group through those songs since they were playing everywhere, but all that did was introduce people to BTS and make them check what else they had to offer. And what they had to offer was what made people fans. If the rest of BTS's music was the same as the english trilogy people wouldn't have stuck around.
Armys have this thing where they pretend like someone liking BTS but not liking most of the members as soloists is a crazy, unfathomable thing. But as someone who likes BTS as a group and, despite being continously uninterested, continues to give the members at least a few listens whenever they released something, I can tell you that what BTS offers with their music and performances is not being offered by any other member expect Jimin. There's definitely pieces of the group in all their individual carrers, but it's either not enough or it's not the good pieces (like with Jungkook).
Cause what do people love about BTS? It's their songs, those songs that were a good balance of being people's taste (so more pop leaning or if a different genre than at least something exciting) while still being of good quality and having enough depth for fans that like thinking about and discussing the meaning of songs. It's also their performances of those songs (which, of course, first requires having those good songs), is having full intricate choreographies and a lot of energy on stage.
When you think of all of that – easy to like but not basic and shallow songs with impressive performances – then what members of the group are offering that? Go down the list, one through seven, and tell me if any other member expect for Jimin has all that? I'm not asking if any other members has something good to offer, I'm asking if they have the specific things that made fans became fans in the first place. Let's see:
Rapline: Armys aren't rap fans. Rap enjoyers? Maybe. But rap fans? No. They like rap enough to have a few verses of it every song, but not enough for it to be the whole songs, the whole album. And the attempts rapline have made with genres other than rap have somehow been even less armys's taste. Their performances are also lacking. It's fine if you wanna see someone just rap, but armys want dancing too. J-hope really could've had something here but for some reason he refuses to actually dance to his solo songs.
Jin: Now, to be fair, we haven't really seen what he has to offer as a soloist, so he could surprise me. But is he likely to? Probably not. He'll probably have an album made up of mostly ballads and no dancing.
Taehyung: His music is boring. I'm sorry, but even his fans lowkey don't care about it. Also, they can scream all they want about him being a danceline member but I have yet to see him actually make use of that position. Taehyung's appeal is his looks and that's all.
Jungkook: Mister Dynamite himself.
Continuing with the rest of my accidently sent incomplete ask. I think I was talking about Jungkook? He's doing what BTS was doing with the english songs. That stuff is definitely popular I'll admit, but does it make for a good foundation for a whole carrer? Cause BTS could get aware with it since they already had that foundation, but Jungkook doesn't. You can't have your entire discography be Dynamites, Butters and, god forbid, PTD's. Fans are gonna get sick of it eventually. I mean armys already did after PTD, three songs in and they were ready for it to be over and for BTS to go back to how they used to be before 2020. Jungkook is currently getting away with it because it's just one solo album that gives armys the records they like while they wait for BTS (what they're actually fans of) to come back. But if he wants an actual solo carrer, he's gonna have to step up eventually. So as you can see. None of them are really offering what fans want. So why should people who became fans of BTS for those specific reasons be forced to be fans of the other members as soloists when they're not giving them what they want. I'm not a fan of people out of obligation, I'm a fan because I genuinely enjoy things. And Jimin is the only one whose solo work I genuinely enjoy. Sorry not sorry 🤷
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takemealivelh · 1 year
you wanna wait till tonight? || l.h. (part two)
it’s 2018. after last night, luke and daisy deal with the consequences of their reckless and restless fucking. it all goes to shit when they hook up again.
tw: cheating. mild sexual content.  
i know i promised this a while ago. i hope the wait was worth it.
part one
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“can i have your number?”
she leaves the hotel room with her shoes in her hands. legs too shaky to wear heels right now. fuck. that was hot. that was actually so fucking hot she can’t believe it happened only two minutes ago. she’s still trying to regulate her breathing. how can you treasure a moment in your memory in a way that you can experience the same body response every time over and over again? she waits for the elevator. alone. it’s 3:23 am and she needs to go to sleep. hadn’t intended to stay out so late, just a quick fuck to feel better about herself. but luke had been so relentless. for so long. and now she can’t wait to get a cab and go pass out on her bed.
luke lays on top of the white comforter, naked. he looks out the window and sees the empire state. what a gorgeous view. he can’t believe he didn’t get her number. alright, i’ll give you mine then. and now she has the upper hand. his stay in nyc doesn’t end for another three days. he hopes she calls. or texts. maybe he can ask around. someone from the crew must’ve brought her to the party. but who?
they both sleep, thinking about the other. the body heat and the moans in the room. it would’ve been cool if he’d gone down on her. he seems like he’d know what to do.  why didn’t she give him her number? he really wants to see her again before flying back to la.
sun is shining through the window. it’s 8 am and his phone is going off. fuck quickly, luke picks up. “what?” he’s rather annoyed. “hey man,” michael sounds tired too. “car’s here in twenty. we’re having breakfast downstairs.” “right, right. give me five.”
what the fuck do i do with this number? she doesn’t want to just throw it away. but she can’t call him, can she? he’s a rockstar. it’s probably the number to a chinese place. and she can’t humiliate herself like that. not again. his name was sam. he was british and was playing gigs, trying to make it in america. she never really found out if he’d made it or not. she kinda just moved on really quickly.  she only goes to bed with rockstars she’s not that familiar with. maybe she’s heard them on a spotify playlist. 5 seconds of summer was an intriguing name but she didn’t really explore much further into their discography other than that song youngblood and that killer queen cover from the freddie mercury biopic. they were good, and their set was tight. she saw the show from the last row of the left gallery. hypnotized by how whiny the frontman’s seemingly perfect voice sounded, she decided she was gonna fuck that rock god that night. and she did. it’s called manifesting. 
after a quick shower, luke puts on pants when his phone rings again. he figures it’s another one of his bandmates, wondering where he is. it hasn’t even been that long, he rolls his eyes in silence. the ring insists and he checks the screen name. “hi love,” his voice is a little raspy and he clears his throat. “show was great. wish you were here,” he smiles into the sentence as he runs his fingers through his damp curls.
“where did you disappear to last night?”  “uh... was just tired, really.” luke shrugs off the question and reaches for a tall glass of orange juice. no one says anything and he looks at the three of them as he drinks. they avoid eye contact with him, he notices. “you’re awfully quiet today.” it’s uncharacteristic of them to not be chaotic at every meal. luke sets the glass down, “what’s up?” “nothing man, we just thought this was, like, a guys trip,” michael starts complaining and shrugging his shoulders to show his disappointment. calum sets his fork down and pats his friend’s back, trying to comfort him as he looks at his other friend. the one who bailed on them last night. “now you’ve made mikey upset.” ”don’t call me that.” luke frowns, kind of not understanding what’s going on. they know he still fools around on tour, don’t they? this is the second encounter of the american leg. did they seriously not know? “you need to get your shit together, man.” ashton cleans his glasses on his shirt and puts them back on. he hates that luke does this. his girlfriend doesn’t deserve it but it’s not his place to tell her anything. so, he keeps his mouth shut around her. but it’s gonna be real fucking hard once they go back to la because luke has been a stupid motherfucker since the european leg of tour. ashton sighs. there’s a family having pancakes on the table next to them. the little boy makes a mess with the syrup. his mother wipes his face clean with a napkin while his father talks business on the phone. “we need to get going,” michael finally breaks the silence that’s been reigning for the past three minutes. “interview’s in an hour.”
12.14 pm breakfast has been on his head ever since. he wasn’t really concentrated in the questions the radio host was asking them. luke could only ask himself two things. why do they care? why hasn’t she texted? it hits him like a flash. the small talk they had in the cab on the way to the hotel. “you liked the show?” she nodded. “and i liked the way you move.” a small smirk on her lips, making him blush a little. “thank you guys. we’re off the air.” luke followed his bandmates out of the studio and into the dressing room. “you okay?” ashton pats his back. “yeah.” he checks his phone as michael gets a bottle of water from the mini fridge and the other two sit on the couch. why hasn’t she texted? it’s not like they’d had a meaningful connection, not really. it had been mind-blowing sex, of course. but that’s not enough to know someone, is it? did he learn anything about her as she sucked him off? he knows she’s daring, she’s spontaneous and confident. and he likes that. he also knows real life will eventually happen in a few days. but he just wants to stay in the fantasy a little longer. he’s been with his girlfriend for a year and things are hard between them. at least with daisy, this new york girl, things seemed to be easy. until she left. and now he’s wondering if he misinterpreted the whole thing. “hey, dude,” michael greets the crew guy that walks in with the new itinerary. he hands a copy to each band member. “did you have fun last night?” the guy shrugs his shoulders. “remember i told you i’d gotten a date outside the venue? well, she ditched me. probably left with someone else.” luke’s eyes burn the screen to avoid the man’s stare. did he steal his date? “shit,” calum pats the cigarette pack in his pocket. “was she the one who sang love is a battlefield at the bar afterwards?” “nah.” luke’s heart pounds in his ear. “she was wearing this over-the-top makeup. like, orange eyeshadow and shit.” he remembered that hue well. it was a glossy finish that glistened under the moonlight. he appreciated when she closed her eyes, because he could admire her freedom of expression. his stomach sinks. he feels so bad.
daisy gets back to work from lunch. she’s a broadcast technician in z100 new york radio. when she walks past the dressing rooms on her way to the studio, she hears a familiar voice. the door is half open and the sign reads 5 seconds of summer. “fuck,” she curses under her breath, picking up the pace and refusing to look inside.  “hey layla,” she sets her bag on the chair next to the broadcast console. “is teddy done editing?” the other woman nods her head as she chews on gum. “he said he’d drop the script by on his way to lunch.” 12.45 pm “alright,” she sighs and runs a hand through her long, wavy, brown hair. sitting down in front of the mixer, she opens up the radio software and starts setting it up for the next transmission in fifteen minutes. “you should’ve come here earlier, though.” “why’s that?” “this band, 5sos they call it... like, those guys are fit as fuck. like damn.” daisy tries to fake a laugh, “did they leave already?” as soon as the words leave her mouth, teddy -a man in his fifties, and the producer of the show- walks in with a binder and hands it over to the girls “so, the frank ocean interview fell through. and rick called in sick, so we’re gonna just play singles for the rest of the day. you girls can go home if you want. i can take it from here.” bubblegum pops in layla’s mouth. “don’t have to tell me twice.” “oh, before i forget. daisy,” teddy points back to the dressing rooms. “luke is asking for you.” the woman frowns in confusion. layla widens her eyes as she looks at her co-worker. the man doesn’t seem to notice the awkwardness in her body, and so he leaves. “who’s luke?” “shut up.”
the door is half open and he sees her walk by. how couldn’t he when her boots made such a squeaky noise? he remembers that spongebob squarepants episode and he smiles, and then hates himself for it. she looks like a diamond, jeans and a green tank top. he wonders what her eye makeup looks like. he sits on the couch with ashton and calum. they don’t talk to him. haven’t uttered a work since teddy came by and luke asked about her.  a knock on the door. the blond springs up in half a second. he clears his throat as michael rolls his eyes and brings his stare back to his phone.  “uh, hi,” daisy’s voice is cautious when she peeks her head inside, immediately focusing on luke’s tired smile. his leather jacket makes his shoulders look ridiculously broad and she tries her best to keep the composure. if no one else was in the room, she probably would’ve jumped him. burying her hands on his perfect curls. their lips biting each other’s. the rest of the band eye her. she won’t come in and ashton immediately picks up the dynamic. she’s the girl. she’s the girl luke cheated on his girlfriend with. at least one of them. he’d interfere, but his friend looks like there are no thoughts in his brain. just the face of the girl in front of them.  “the producer said you were asking for me?” “um, yeah.” he nods imperceptibly, feeling his hands go cold all of the sudden. the tension in the room is too much. the rest of the band hates him, he just wants that woman in a bed. wants that pretty blue on her eyelids to glisten. “can we talk outside? i wanted to ask you something about the interview.”  worst excuse ever. “oh, okay.” her head disappears and luke walks out of the room. he stands close to her, close enough to smell her shampoo. she shoves her hands in her pockets and looks around.  “you didn’t text.” daisy shrugs, “i didn’t think you’d show up at my work.” “i didn’t know either.” they fall silent for a few seconds before layla shows up with her purse in her hand. “you ready?” peeling her eyes off luke’s, daisy nods her head.  “we gotta go,” she tells the man. “meeting,” she lies. “um... alright. can you... i mean, if you want we could... i mean, like...” layla looks up at her taller friend. she can tell the man wants her to himself. “actually, molly cancelled the meeting,” she chimes in, putting a hand on daisy’s shoulder. “this one’s free.” daisy calls layla a motherfucker in her head.  “we have soundcheck for tonight’s show actually.” luke looks for daisy’s eyes. “i was wondering if you wanted to check it out.”
she’s not sure how she ends up in a car with him, but it doesn’t matter anyway. his hand is on her thigh, dangerously close to where she’s throbbing. she breaks a small sweat and looks out the window. luke wonders if he’s pushing it too far, and he’s about to remove his hand when daisy closes her eyes, rests her head on the back of the carseat and parts her legs a bit wider so luke can grab her flesh. a smirk on his lips.  “calm down,” she chuckles, feeling his eyes burning her body. the man has electricity running through his veins. she’s a shot of adrenaline. a boost of serotonin and dopamine. every good drug he’s ever done, he’s as intoxicated with her, completely lucid. “i want to fuck you tonight,” he murmurs close to her ear. the driver doesn’t seem to listen to whatever the two are doing. daisy chuckles softly. that small laugh that makes her lips curve into a devastating smile. “you wanna wait till tonight?” she whispers back, looking at him through thick eyelashes and so much lustful energy. his knees are weak.
the band walks up onstage. ashton tries out the kick, calum plugs in his bass, michael adjusts his pedals and luke grabs the mic. he looks up at the balcony in front, daisy waves at him. the venue is a thousand-seats club in manhattan, and when she found out they were going to play at the irving plaza, she got even more excited. she’s always wanted to come here for a show. the place really is beautiful. “one, two... hello we’re 5 seconds of summer,” luke speaks into the microphone and the whole place resonates with his voice. “should we start with want you back?” he asks his bandmates. none of them says a word, but ashton nods and counts a one two three four with his drumsticks. can't help but wondering if this is the last time that I'll see your face? luke’s eyes focus on daisy and he sings those first two lines as if they were directed at her. 
it’s all kissing and grinding against the wall of the bathroom. they’d locked it.  there are no words in the air, just the faint sound of their heavy breathing. lips on lips on skin on lips. he doesn’t wanna talk, just needs to eat her whole. it’s the only thing that keeps his racing mind shut down. the whole thing with the band, it guilt-tripped him. the judgy looks and the ambiguous sarcasms they’d given him, it all fades to nothing when he is as intoxicated by her lips and her skin and the way she drags him closer by his shirt.  daisy can’t help it, she knows he’s leaving and this might be a bad idea, because she can’t get attached to someone so good leaving so soon. but his hot breath against her neck before he licks the spot that makes her skin bristle, they have her stupid. just the thought of how big he is against her leg. she reaches down to palm it and luke moans a bit louder in her ear. “you like this?” she whispers, feeling his thigh tightening against her core. she’s wet. and the natural lubricant makes it easier to roll her pelvis against his pants.  it’s hot. it’s wrong. it’s a forbidden passion. none of them want to stop. because if they do, they’ll know they’re fucking up. and why feel shitty when you can feel this good?
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green-socks · 7 months
TOTD diary 4
Jake, Bradley, and Beyoncé (and Javy)
I know a lot of people like to HC Jake as a Taylor Swift enthusiast, but personally I'm more of a believer in Beyoncé stan Jake. As @enthyrea puts it, he's "country and cunty" and yeah. What more do you need.
(i have more)
Obviously, he was listening to Beyoncé way before he ever met BradBrad, but oh he liked to associate some love songs with him (we got the classics. Crazy in Love. Baby Boy. Check On It. Drunk in Love). I also like to think their Big Breakup coincided with Lemonade. That album saw him through it. The Hold Up music video?? Rooster was gonna regret leaving that baseball bat at Jake's place. Don't Hurt Yourself?? He does so many angry workouts to that. Sorry?? It's everything to him. Javy walks in on Jake screaming "suck on my balls pause" and quietly backs out the door.
(Daddy Lessons is just one of his favorite songs in general.)
Jake wasn't gonna wallow. He was gonna get angry, get empowered, and get over it. (Not sure if he really got over it tho) Poor Javy though, he went THROUGH IT. He saw all the angry and the heartbreak and the truly excessive blasting of Sorry. He got Jake tickets to Beyoncé as a cheer-up and obviously they were at Beychella too. He was there for Jake every step of the way but he never forgot how in pieces his best friend was, no matter all the empowering songs.
Jake may not be a big Renaissance girly because house wasn't fully his vibe, but you bet your ass Church Girl is one of his and Javy's friendship anthems. They YELL the lyrics and get absolutely silly with it on the dancefloor back home. Natasha catches it on video. Perhaps Bradley gets a taste of what he's missing via social media and boy is he missing. But now Jake really is over it *hair flip*
This is where I'm altering the timeline of Mrs. Carter's discography though, because I need Texas Hold 'Em to already exist post-mission. First of all Jake is SO ready for act ii are you kidding. But yeah post-mission sometime they're at a bar and they've been getting closer again, but this time Jake refuses to give in unless Bradley is serious about it. Texas Hold 'Em starts playing, and Javy to this day still glares absolute daggers (heh) at Rooster every time Beyoncè plays anywhere because he Does Not Forget. But Jake has forgiven and forgotten, and looks right at Bradley from the dancefloor as he sings "don't be a bitch come take it to the floor now" and finally the bird gets off his perch.
(Javy is all 😒 until Nat pulls him by his shirt collar to the dancefloor too and he promptly forgets some idiot named Bradley Bradshaw ever even existed. 'Twas the night all the exes got back together for good. <3)
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devilish-parrot · 5 months
quick question whos will wood is he a part of tally hall
not so quick answer, no will wood is not a part of tally hall. will wood is one of my special interests. theres a large overlap of people who listen to both of them
will wood makes music in a bunch of different genres, he doesnt strictly stick to one. hes been in a bunch of different bands, including but not limited to
will wood and the tapeworms (now just will wood) often shortened to wwattw
a verbal equinox
will wood and the pirates (i might be misrememberring that one though)
i havent listened to all his albums yet, but i love what ive heard (Everything Is A Lot 2015, SELF-ish 2016, the normal album 2020). im not gonna name his entire discography though
his earlier tapeworms stuff was way more high energy loud chaotic while his newer stuff ("in case i make it" 2022, camp here & there: campfire songs edition 2021) is way calmer and more personal. the normal album (I LOVE THIS ALBUM) is like the middle
he wrote all the music for camp here & there
he doesnt remeber 2012 cus he took too much lsd
his song titles are usually really long. he likes to make people google stuff
songs, i really like are:
Everything Is Alot (WWATTW)
Skeleton Appreciation Day in Vestal, NY (Bones)
Cover This Song (A Little Bit Mine
Chemical Overreation / Compound Fracture
Destroy To Enjoy
SELF-iSH (WWATTW) this is my favourite tapeworm album
Cotards Solution (Anatta, Dukkha, Anicca)
Mr. Capgras Encounters a Secondhand Vanity: Tulpamancer's Prosopagnosia/Pareidolia (As Direct Result of Trauma to the Fusiform Gyrus)
Dr. Sunshine is Dead
The Normal Album (Will Wood) this is my favourite will wokd album
Suburbia Overture / Greetings from Mary Bell Township! / (Vampire) Culture / Love Me, Normally
2econd 2ight 2eer
...well, better than the alternative
Love, Me Normally
Mimento Mori: The Most Important Thing in the World
i havent fully listened to camp here & there but I LOVE YES TO ERR IS HUMAN SO DONT BE ONE SO SO SO SO SO MUCHHH
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hopefully this was a nice introduction to will wood
btw i recomemd checking imrpov slam poerty with will wood on youtube its only 8 minutes. i keep saying this but i really love it its SO SO SO FUNNY (/nf obv its ok if u dont) i cant recomend it enough
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and finally
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william woodiam
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thatonefemmelesbian · 3 months
Can I request an au where Julien is the guitarist on readers tour and it’s like a friends to lovers scenario?? Thanks lovely xx
I’m sorry I only just saw this now! Thank you for the suggestion🩷
I decided I’d make this into a mini series since I think it would be easier to write, idk how many parts it will have but I will try post a new chapter every 1-2 days :)
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(For the sake of this story, pretend that Julien is still an underground artist and reader is semi-famous)
You were spinning out, stressing about your upcoming tour. You had been planning it for a few months, and everything was going fine, until it came to your search for a band. You had successfully found a drummer and a bassist, but were still lacking a guitarist. You were used to playing solo, and to very small audiences, so the idea of finding a band and playing for bigger venues was quite terrifying. Your manager had suggested a couple different guitarists, but there was also something with them. Either cancelling on you last minute or just not having the greatest work ethic to play full time on a tour. You lay awake in bed for hours, listening to whatever music Spotify auto played for you, until a certain song catches your attention. You pause your spiralling out for just a moment, to see who was singing. Julien baker.
You had to check out more of her music, so you spent the next couple hours studying her discography. You were entranced by her voice, her writing, everything about her music. You knew it was pointless, but you were desperate, so you decided to search her up on instagram, sending her a message about how much you loved her music. “What am I even doing? She’s never gonna respond to some random person in her dms” you thought to yourself, finally putting your phone down to get some rest. You continued to toss and turn for a while, overthink and stressing yourself out about anything and everything, until you eventually exhausted yourself and fell asleep.
By the time you woke, you had completely forgotten about the message you sent last night, until you saw the notification on your phone. She actually replied? You opened instagram, even more surprised when you read her text. “Hey! Thanks so much for your support, I’m actually quite a fan of yours too. I love the way you write, it’s so honest and poetic, have to write something together some time!” You had a slight hope, replying to her message, “Oh thank you! I’m actually on the hunt for a guitarist for my tour, and I know it’s a long shot, but is there any chance you’d wanna be dragged around the country by a random person for a year?”
You knew it was an unlikely scenario, but you didn’t know what else to do at this point. Tour was getting closer and closer and you were missing out on important rehearsals, only adding on to your stress. You continued about your daily routine, anxiously but despondently awaiting a response from Julien. You were in the middle of binge watching the same show for the 100th time, when you heard your phone go off, a notification from instagram popping up,
“Actually I think that sounds like a pretty cool idea, when’s tour start?”
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libertineangel · 9 months
Hey Clashblr, check these out
Since there's a few of you around now that are still getting into some of the deeper cuts, I thought I'd put together a post highlighting some of the oft-forgotten obscure material for you to check out. Gonna stick it under a cut, 'cause there's a fair bit and Youtube links take up a lot of space on the dash.
Fasten your seatbelts, hold onto your hats, let's go yeah?
First up we have The Escapades of Futura 2000, lyrics by the man himself with music written & played by the Clash. Futura was the rapper on Overpowered By Funk, and also a graffiti artist who accompanied the band on the Combat Rock tour across the US painting stage backdrops live through the gigs. This particular upload is the 12" mix, which has a good extra minute over the version released last year on The People's Hall.
Here we've got the complete double-sided 12" 19-minute experience of This Is Radio Clash - the track we all know and love to open, then the more commonly remembered B-side Radio Clash (almost identical, not quite the same), then things get real funky with Outside Broadcast, and Radio Five ties it all together. Those last two have never seen a reissue on any compilation whatsoever, probably the most obscure tracks in their entire official discography.
This one's Robber Dub, a remix of Bankrobber from Mikey Dread (not to be confused with Rockers Galore, his other remix that actually features him on vocals). Featured on Super Black Market Clash but interestingly not in the "complete" Sound System box set, an omission that's always perplexed me.
Speaking of, I'd thoroughly recommend checking out both of the mentioned collections if you're not familiar, between Super Black Market & Sound System you've got every officially-released song other than those two Radio Clash extras - so, with that in mind, let's dive into the real offcuts that never even made it onto a record.
How's about seven and a half minutes of Topper playing around with a drumkit & piano to start us off? Some people still don't believe this is even The Clash, that someone scrounged up some random sounds and stuck it on a bootleg, but that's bollocks because I'm pretty sure bits of it ended up in Hell W10, their endearingly crap short film from '81 (watch it here, it's a 50-minute London crime drama). What people are wrong about is that it was ever going to be on Rat Patrol From Fort Bragg, because this is the real tracklist; relatedly, there's alternate mixes of most of those tracks around if you care to look for them, they're not hard to find, except for the high-quality acetate rip that surfaced two years ago that has been scrubbed off the face of the fucking internet, from the 20 minutes I just spent searching it seems even Internet Archive wasn't able to withstand the might of CBS. Anyway...
OK, so technically this one has made it to a record, but that record was the Vanilla Tapes bonus disc of the 2004 reissue of London Calling, it never actually got beyond demo stage. Honestly I doubt they ever really expected or intended it to, sounds to me like the band having fun in the studio, but fun it is. There's actually a few demo-only Vanilla Tapes tracks I could stick here, but this is long as fuck already so instead I will simply give you the lot to peruse at your leisure.
Sticking with demos that eventually got an obscure release, this one is from the Give 'Em Enough Rope sessions but wasn't heard until the On Broadway compilation in '91. It's a solid number of course, they hardly put a foot wrong, but it's nothing groundbreaking.
This is from that same compilation, from the same sessions, it's a cover of the classic soul tune and I like it. Understated, gentle but with that pained passion in the vocals Mick carries so well, and that nice subtle bass is a sweet touch.
Our last couple of tracks are live numbers, and this one's a special one-off performance with the great Beat poet Allen Ginsberg, from the 10th June date of their infamous Bond's residency. He wrote it specifically to perform with the band, six minutes of cantankerous complaining about just about any ideology you care to name while the band (and their sound man, gotta credit those perfectly-timed dub echoes) give a strident backing. Topper was on fucking fire for those gigs, just listen to that kick drum.
And finally let's close out where they began, way back in '76 with Keith Levene. This one's probably my favourite of their earliest offcuts, but personally I prefer an even earlier version of it that Youtube doesn't seem to have, from their third ever gig (and first known recording) at the classic Screen on the Green punk showcase. Five of the thirteen tracks on that setlist never made it to the studio, plus it includes the original lyrics to I'm So Bored With You, and it's all here.
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sarcasticassian · 2 years
Robin, Chrissy, Vickie and Nancy are in a rock band, Robin sings, Chrissy and Vickie on guitar and bass and Nancy drums, Steve is their manager and Dustin, Steve’s little brother is their number one fan and tags along to gigs all the time, Mike is more reluctant but even he can admit his sister is kinda cool for being in an all girl rock band that slaps, Lucas is their best friend and so he comes along for the ride, holding back Dustin when he gets too enthusiastic and underfoot until he also gets too excited and they cause a small amount of chaos and Erica is an admirer of the band so she squeezes her way into events as well
Corroded Coffin are currently the world’s biggest new metal band, Jonathan is their actual manager but Max, Eddie’s little sister, likes to follow him around and tell him what she’d do instead, Will and El encourage her much to Jonathan’s dismay and Eddie’s delight, they’ve just dropped a killer album (Satanic Panic) and they’re organising a tour, Max suggests the rock band she’s always listening to and after checking out the discography Corroded Coffin agree it would be a good fit
Steve switches off his hearing aid before he tells the girls about CC reaching out because they’re all big fans and CC is a small influence on their work, Robin and Eddie share the same raspy vocal quality, and he was thankful he did because they all scream, he snarks that he’s assuming they’re up to be CC’s opener and he’ll get back to Jonathan
Max and Dustin connect on social media before the band’s get together and it’s the meeting of two of the most chaotic minds and they’re already causing trouble, I just want them to cause shenanigans and that leads to them deciding to parent trap several members of the bands and teams because then they’re forever intertwined and Dustin and Max can keep going to both of their concerts for free, Lucas thinks its a little manipulative, Mike and Will think it’s genius and El would just like to go to concerts and learn about girl power and fucking the patriarchy and Erica knows a lot about that
the adults don’t know they’re being moved around like chess pieces until it’s too late and then one day Steve sits up in bed, accidentally elbowing Eddie on his way up from where they were spooning, and he’s like those little shits they did this on purpose, it’s 3AM but he’s calling Dustin and making Eddie call Max so he has them both on the phone because he knows they did this only for the two fuckers to laugh and say they really only meant to get Vickie and Jeff together because the two of them had openly stated that they thought the other was cute, everybody else just fell into place after that so they can’t be punished but they’ll take the credit
Gareth and Argyle, who are both still happily single, neither ready to settle down, will take it to the grave that they helped the kids by passing on info about any crushes or hook ups with in the adult group, they just sip on their drinks that the kids money bought them because the information came at a price as well as their silence and enjoy the peace and quiet now that nobody is moaning about being in unrequited love or never getting laid
it went something like Vickie and Jeff started to date which made Chrissy realise Robin wasn’t in a secret relationship or pining after Vickie and Robin realised Chrissy was interested so they make a move on each other, Steve gives Robin some space to date Chrissy without him hanging around and ends up ferrying his brother to hangouts with Max who just happens to be getting dropped off by Eddie despite the fact that both of them can drive but Steve and Eddie make plans to hang out and they make it complicated because it’s them but eventually they get together properly and while all this was happening Nancy and Jonathan were slotting into place quietly but sweetly and it works and now the kids have four couples for the price of one and their favourite bends are gonna be able to collab forever
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certified-pinkwasher · 3 months
i finally got around to checking out dreamcatcher and now know all their names and am starting to work my way through their (amazingly extensive and awesome) discography
only time will tell if i will be normal about them and just have a ton more really good music to listen to or if im gonna lose my shit and hyperfixate so hard i cant talk about anything else for like a month
anyway im dami biased in case anyone cares. there are very few things hotter than a woman with a deep and unique sounding voice making music tbh
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genderqueer-karma · 3 months
Hii, I'm back! Thought I'd do un update. So I listened to the albums you recommended, and then after that I listened to the entire Malice Mizer discography. Oopsies! I'm kind of obsessed now! They are SO good
I've got to say my favorite album has to be Bara no Seidou because OH MY GOD?????? That's what heaven sounds like. Genuinely may be one of my favorite albums of all time. And my favorite song was Seinaru toki eien no inori because I could feel my sould ascending listening to it, drove me crazy. This truly is vampire music, people weren't lying
I ended up doing rankings in my notes app of the songs in each album, the singles, the albums themselves and also just a ranking of my favorite songs in general but this ask is getting too long lol (It's not an exhaustive list as I started getting really tired of writing everything down by the last few songs so I didn't rank songs like Portugal and Lafflesia, though I did love those in case you were wondering)
There were a couple of songs that weren't my thing, but I ended up saving like 95% of the songs I listened to so I'd say that's a win lol So thanks for the recommendations, they really did help! I think I'm gonna go listen to Moi Dix Mois now because I've also always wanted to check them out^^
YIPPEE!!!!! i’m very glad you enjoyed most of the songs i recommended! plus, i won’t lie, when i saw this ask appear in my inbox, and actually started chanting “one of us”, because that’s just how it is.
i’d also be interested in hearing your rankings, if you’d feel comfortable sharing (but of course, no pressure).
as for mdm: i’m legitimately Insane about them (as my blog’s theme suggests) so i hope you enjoy them as well!! definitely a jump from malice as their primary genre is gothic metal, but i’d say you can tell they spawned from the same mind.
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iamnotawomanimagod · 1 month
So here's a story... despite all the Halsey that ends up on my dash from following you, I never really checked out much of their music. I'd liked whatever songs I'd heard bits of but couldn't really like... name or sing them off the top of my head.
Anyway yesterday I stumbled onto "The Tradition" (from a IWTV playlist lol) and I was like "ohhh this is amazing, I'm gonna listen to the rest of this album actually" and now I am OBSESSED in a listen-on-repeat way. "Easier Than Lying"? "I'm Not a Woman I'm a God"? SLAP SO HARD. And I've been like "damn why didn't anybody tell me... except for my mutual who has been telling me constantly."
Just thought I would share. :) Excited to dive into more of her discography if I can stop listening to those 3.
Nicole I LOVE this <3
I am a true believer in the idea that music (and other media) comes to people when they're ready for it, at the right time. Hopefully my endless blogging about her prepped you for the journey!
If you like those three songs, you will definitely enjoy the rest of If I Can't Have Love, I Want Power. My favorites (besides the ones you listed) are Bells in Santa Fe, Whispers, and Honey.
A lot of their earlier work on Badlands might be up your alley too, especially Gasoline, Control, and Young God.
And her newest single, Lonely is the Muse, is very much in the same vein as the music on IICHLIWP.
Much of her discography is more pop than rock. Her second album, Hopeless Fountain Kingdom, is probably the most different from the rest of their work, because it has a heavy RnB/hip hop influence. And Manic has a wide range of genres.
I really hope you continue to enjoy their music and I'm so glad you found songs you connect with!! Halsey is very underrated imo, especially her work that doesn't end up on the radio.
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usamingif · 1 year
How do I get into THE IDOLM@STER?
...is a very frequent question we idolmaster fans get!
I recently got a message from someone asking me if I could make a post answering this question, and I said I would try. I'm very bad at explaining things, but idolmaster is my biggest special interest, and I am always really happy to try to get people into it.
Before we start, I want to remind you that Idolmaster has no localization. All translations are fanmade. Please remember to support translators. I'll leave as many resources as possible. If you have any translators or sites you'd like me to mention, please let me know.
If you're willing to try and get into it, please open the readmore. I wont only be including Cinderella Girls, I'll try to include every branch.
How do I get into THE IDOLMASTER Cinderella Girls?
Alright, I know I said I wouldn't only be including CG, but this is still a deresute gif blog. I know what most of you are here for.
Cinderella Girls is a huge branch. There's 190 idols. I see some people backing out when they realize this, but I don't think that should discourage you! With that many idols, you're guaranteed to find someone for you. And please, just because you think the voiced girls are more worth your time, please check out the unvoiced ones as well.
Alright, but how do you get into it?
There's a lot of Youtube channels that translate different commus from it. From card lines, to memorial commus, to entire events. Simply search "deresute translation" if you'd like. HNKM_days on Twitter also translates most of the events as they come out.
CG's music is great! there's tons of uploads on soundcloud. My soundcloud playlist has about 200-ish songs. You can find a bunch by just searching "idolmaster".
To find more information on a song, search it up on project-imas.
Project-imas is *the* best idolmaster resource I can think of. It's entirely in English, it has every single song, CD, card — anything you can think of. I use it everyday of my life, which might sound sad but I assure you it isn't. Probably.
How do I get into THE IDOLMASTER Million Live?
Sankyuu ML subs on YouTube does a great job at translating mirishita related content! Another personal note I wanna add is that million live has an amazing discography, and full versions of pretty much every song are on Spotify. Even tho the cast is way smaller than Cinderella Girls, there's still a lot to love about the branch. I dont play Mirishita as much as I do some of the other games, but I still consume lots of content from it and it's a lovely branch I definitely recommend you get into. As of writing this post, Mirishita is celebrating it's 6th anniversary! It's a good time to download the game. Remember, you will need a Japanese VPN or Japanese Apple ID to play it. This goes for every imas mobile game.
How do I get into THE IDOLMASTER SideM?
Well, this is where we're gonna have to start getting into the thorny dark side of being an idolmaster fan. SideM is a great branch which I absolutely adore, and all of it's producers are so passionate about it, however.. Bandai Namco has never been kind to it.
This year, it was announced that it's only current running game, THE IDOLM@STER SideM Growing Stars, will be ending it's service. This was extremely sudden, and hard for everyone to handle. This means that there will basically be no way to properly produce the idols. SideM won't fully die, with there being lives and such, but producing the idols is such a big part of this franchise. I don't want to make this post gloomy out of nowhere, I swear. It's just a bit touchy for now.
There's a huuuge translation masterdoc for SideM, if any of the units or characters catch your eye from the project-imas wiki page on SideM, I suggest you search for whatever idols intrigue you most in the doc. As well as the doc, you can search up "#sidemTL" on Twitter for more translations not on the doc. There's so much to love about every unit and idol, I swear it's worth your time! Even tho it's current state might steer you away, I think it's important to still appreciate the branch for what it is. Oh hey, SideM's discography is also on streaming services! Please stream Piece Montee and Secret Ornament.
How do I get into THE IDOLMASTER Shiny Colors?
Here's ones that's been gaining traction! Luckily, it's actually a pretty accessible branch to get into, if you're willing to download the English patch. The gameplay might seem complicated and scary at first, but even that has tons of guides. I think a lot of this post is motivated by my emotions on the franchise, and I'm sorry about that, but I really mean it when I say the writing is incredible.
You can play Shinymas on your web browser here. If you search up "Shiny colors English patch" on google, you can download it using the instructions. If you're still hesitant on playing for whatever reason, you can read episodes recorded in the English patch on YouTube. I'm not exaggerating when I say the writing is amazing.
p.s if you dont care about that then I should let you know there's unlimited free ten pulls when you start the game
How do I get into the original idolmaster games? (765AS + Dearly Stars)
If you specifically want to get into the console games, there's English roms and translations of routes on Youtube, as well. Dearly Stars is currently in a very weird state, tho. You see, the 765AS girls are all in Million Live, and there's a lot of consolemas games they appear in. But for Dearly Stars, there's only one game. Which is, well, Dearly Stars. And 2/3 of the Dearly Stars just.. havent gotten content since?
I think that it's still a game you should check out, tho! There's not a single bad song in it, and even tho 3 idols might seem like an underwhelming number, they're all brilliant and very lovable. As with a good chunk of consolemas games, there's Dearly Stars translations up on YouTube! A really dedicated RyoP posted them all and I am eternally grateful to them for it.
Alright, phew. I wrote half of this at 11 am and procrastinated for a few hours then wrote more at midnight. Remember that project-imas is an insanely good resource and I encourage you to tell me if I should add more things onto this post. 100% of this post was made off the top of my head and based off of my own experience with the games. I want to mention that there's also a channel called "アイマスSUBS" that covers all the branches in terms of translations, and they've got a bunch of those. Have fun, producers!
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nevermore-grimes · 3 months
The Elemental Rhythm Tumblr Dashboard Simulator!!! 🎵
I was going to make a part two for my last tumblr dashboard simulator, but then I was like, “Lemme make one for my paracosm’s band AU!” and now here we are.
Also a quick note: The urls and pfps are the same as they are the first part for the sake of ease.
TW: Crude humor
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🎤 the-elemental-rhythm ☑️ Follow
Catch our latest single, a cover of Vana’s BEG!, coming to anywhere you stream your music!
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🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
I have so many questions. First of all, who tf owns this account? 🤨
💄 hopeless-hottie Follow
Uhhh… We all do? Do you not have access to it?
🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
No??? Wtf???
💰 i-am-iron-man Follow
Yeah, well, your PR team strongly advised against it, so no Elemental Rhythm tumblr for you, Red.
🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
🪞 mirror-mirror Follow
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Dude, you’re asking all the wrong questions. I just wanna know who bought the verified checkmark.
💧 sweetest-otaku Follow
I did! I wanted us to look official. ☺️
🪞 mirror-mirror Follow
Well, now we look like desperate sellouts.
💧 sweetest-otaku Follow
#I thought it was cute at the time #Sorry
(9,293 notes)
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🎤 the-elemental-rhythm ☑️ Follow
Check out our full discography, now compiled together on Spotify! It'll be coming to other streaming services soon!
🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
I'm fully convinced my sister's making most of the posts on this account. 🤣
💧 sweetest-otaku Follow
Did I make it that obvious? 😅
#Whoopsies! #I guess I do make them all sound super cheery #but that's just because I love us! #Hehehe!
(1,898 notes)
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❤️ a-random-fan Follow
Ahhh! The Elemental Rhythm made the perfect choice for their lead singer! I just love how Nevermore always puts her whole Embussy into every song.
🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
...My what?
#Also #You know the others sing too right? #Like I'm not THE lead singer #I'm one of four #Also please never mix my former hero name with the word 'pussy' ever again
(213 notes)
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🪞 mirror-mirror Follow
Yo, i-am-iron-man. Dude. When's our next tour?
💰 i-am-iron-man Follow
First of all, I'm your manager. Don't call me dude.
🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
What do you want us to call you then, dude?
💄 hopeless-hottie Follow
I vote we start calling him daddy~ 😏
💧 sweetest-otaku Follow
...I'm not doing that. 😳
🪞 mirror-mirror Follow
I miss when this thread was about our tour dates.
#Can we go back to that? #Please? #For my mental health
(429 notes)
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🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
A member of my PR team just called me, sobbing and begging me to shut the fuck up- 💀
#Like damn #I'm not gonna #but damn
(236 notes)
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🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
They don’t. They fuckin’ love it! Never miss a show. Front row, in fact.
And neither should you! I'll send you a ticket to our next show so you can see us perform Kiss Me You Animal by Burn the Ballroom live. I think you’ll enjoy it. 😌
#I don’t know about flailing #but there will be much moaning #See ya there anon!
(10,528 notes)
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💰 i-am-iron-man Follow
I need to have a discussion with my band in regards to their social media usage. Clearly, PR isn't doing their job very well.
💄 hopeless-hottie Follow
Does this mean I can't promise to flash my tits if we hit a million streams on our latest single?
💰 i-am-iron-man Follow
🪞 mirror-mirror Follow
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"You ladies"? 🤨📸
💰 i-am-iron-man Follow
Oh, come on. Don't twist this around. You know what I meant.
🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
Me watching everyone in the notes flame Tony for accidentally sounding sexist:
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🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
Also, to the person who said "You'd know a thing or two about heart problems" in response to his tags, you may be going to hell, but you have my utmost respect. 😭
#Also I laughed so hard I started choking #and one of my boyfriends had to do the heimlich on me #So thanks for the failed assassination #I'll still be seeing you in hell #just not yet #lmaooo
(13,840 notes)
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🎩 petition-to-kill-the-fedora Follow
The petition to get Nevermore to stop wearing fedoras is currently at 1,257 signatures. Let's keep it going!
🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
First of all, it's one fedora. ONE. Second of all... Y'all hate it that much?
#This ain't a democracy #No amount of signatures is gonna get me to trash my hat #but damn...
(258 notes)
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💧 sweetest-otaku Follow
not-ember-blade mirror-mirror hopeless-hottie Do you guys watch our fan edits, too? I think I fell down a hole. Chase said I was watching them for three hours straight but it only felt like two minutes. 😅
🪞 mirror-mirror Follow
The first and only one I saw of myself was a thirst edit. Never again.
💄 hopeless-hottie Follow
Speak for yourself! I watch fanmade thirst edits of myself every morning!!! They're like affirmations, but in video form while that one mashup of Pony by Ginuwine and Bloodline by Ariana Grande is playing.
🔥 not-ember-blade Follow
I'm with Gif on this one. I watch thirst edits of myself at least once a day. My favorites are the ones to random German songs.
💧 sweetest-otaku Follow
I mean, I was talking about the cute edits where we're all dancing... or holding hands... or singing... or other cute and non-sexual stuff, but good for you...
#Now let's stop talking about this #You two worry me
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edge-oftheworld · 2 months
albums & activism part 1: saviors by green day
as part of doing something productive with this blog, I'm starting a series where I look into how musicians have done activism and reviewing their music at the same time!
the obvious choice to start with, who have a long resume of activism activities under their belts (and who 5sos wanted to be like for a long time, driving them to pursue their current 12+ year career) is green day! they've been going on for more than 35 years now, through every historical event any of us remember, and have been on campaigns for HIV/AIDS destigmatisation, for various peace and aid drives, natural resource extraction and climate change action. in 2024 they have released their 14th studio album while the albums that boosted their fame, dookie and american idiot, turn 20 and 30 respectively!
because my cd player isn't working and can't play my american idiot cd I decided to jump right in and listen to saviors! and 2024 is already the year of albums I absolutely adore being released, so I'm like, how many more good ones can there be? there's got to be a limit. now, I didn't grow up listening to green day like a lot of people did and I've heard a scattered bunch of their more famous songs of course, but I didn't really know what to expect. and I'm only halfway through but I think i'm in love
the genre is everything I like to listen to, there's a lot of music going on and varying melodies on the top lines, riffs, etc. it's got just the right amount of angst and sadness and optimism. plus the music fits this vibe perfectly and is just as layered, the kind of thing I can see myself making into orchestral remixes once I've worked through 5sos' discography and some of my other favourite artists--or even before if they keep growing on me! I can relate to a lot of the concepts I'm grasping on first listen which means there's gonna be a lot more hidden that I'm gonna pick up on the second and subsequent listens and frankly I can't wait for this new album to become something I cherish for years to come.
my first activism lesson that I got from this album, is that you have to express how you really feel about yourself and your life and incorporate it with how you feel about injustice to make a really good song and a really heartfelt message. this can be seen in the first track, the american dream is killing me, which as an urban designer trying to fix things like homelessness as well as someone who's had my own share of injustices from 'the system' hits home excellently. related to this, I love the inclusion of a lot of major keys in songs with themes we're sad about, because we need optimism to keep us going. we can see this in the song corvette summer which sounds like a happy anthem but has lyrics like 'maybe i've had enough of this shit brigade'. it also exemplifies the fact that they have realised what music means to them as a band: they don't want money and fame and the things that mark 'success' in our world, but instead music is an outlet for pain.
overall this seems like a really sustainable attitude to have and it checks out with everything I already know about green day and also the fact that they've been going for almost 40 years. the passion and love has to be there. and it is, and I'm so glad that we get to witness this legendary band and that we get to see their impact in the music industry and the world as a whole. there's a lot we can learn from green day but also some really good music to listen to and I hope you go check out their latest album saviors!
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