#gonna put it all in my bfs valentine’s day gift <3
kiyoors · 2 years
ten days till valentine’s day >.<
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gabzlovesu · 3 years
here’s what happened...
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we celebrated valentine's day on saturday because i wasn't sure what my schedule for monday was gonna look like — nursing school doesn't stop for nobody yall and i can't afford to get behind. i had to study for an exam on sunday and the restaurant wasn't gonna be open that day, so we settled for the latest reservation we could get at char on saturday, which was 12:00.
ok say boom, friday night i washed my hair and prepped it for my wig and stuff, but ya girl was in distress because i didn't finish until like 1 or 2 in the morning and my hair was still a little damp. so i'm like, i'll just get up in the morning to put it on.
saturday morning i get up at 8 and to lay my wig — almost burning myself in the process — and do my makeup. and look...i'm no pro but i did wtf i had to do! i was on crunch time with only 3 hours to get ready and i mf did that! i literally did not get dressed up until the last minute and i was scared that we weren't going to make our brunch reservation. here's my otufit ig, i literally don't know how to take pictures so don't say nothing:
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i tell him to pull up to my dorm because i'm getting dressed and it will only take a few minutes to get myself together and the resturant was just down the street. AS SOON AS I GET DRESSED I REALIZE I DON'T HAVE MY WINTER COAT! but being the bad bitch that i am i was just gonna suck it up and go out in the 30 degree weather and just grab my coat from the car. that would be fine right? NOPE! i fucking forgot that my sister took the car to work that morning so i wouldn't be able to get my jacket. when my bf pulled up i literally sprinted to the car with his gift in my arms looking like a skank 😭 but yall would do it too for a check!
we made it in time, we get our table with no wait at all. cool. and i just know people are staring at me for being dressed like this when its freezing outside, idgaf tho and they need to worry about they food. we had the stupid chocolate milk debate at the table lmaooooo. anyways, i got the shrimp and grits and he got the chicken and biscuits (ya know some real southern shit purrr). now exaplain to me why my shit was expensive and i got like a cup of grits and 5 pieces of shrimp and this man had hella food for less. i was cheated yall, but he did share some of his food with me hehe 🥰 we got desert also, which was alright but the options were limited and i'm a picky eater lol. here's my food:
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he takes me back to my place so i can change into some comfy clothes and clean up my room before i go to his apartment. and we made a quick stop by walgreens on the way to his place.... iykyk.
so we walk up the stairs and he like pauses before he opens the door, and i'm just like, you good bro?? BUT IT TURNS OUT HE HAD ROSE PETALS LEADING TO HIS ROOM WHERE THEY WERE ALL OVER THE FLOOR AND ON THE BED IN A HEART SHAPE WITH CHOCOLATES AND A BIG SQUISHMALLOW!!! he knows i loves squishmallows, they're so cutee aaghhhhh. he also said that he will take me to get a mani pedi wenever i want; he didn't want to make an appointment in advance because he knows nursing school has my schedule all fucked up. then he opened my gift which was a basket full of candy, a card, the new pokemon game that he wanted so bad, and a nike gift card.
and ummm this is the nsfw part so go away if your not 18+ or you don't want to read it. so we started making out and shit and my clothes just disappeared like idk what happened yall 🤷🏽‍♀️ he at my coochie, as he should, and then broke my back while folding me in half like a lawn chair. there were some slipups, like a rose petal got stuck in my butt crack and i didn't even know lmfao, and i said "you gonna fuck me like a slut?" and he didn't respond how i wanted him too and i was embarazzed (he's so vanilla yall, we're working on that tho). then this man said — and i quote— "squirt all over my dick" EXCUSE ME??!!! WHERE DID YOU LEARN THAT BECAUSE I AINT NEVER HEARD YOU SAY THAT BEFORE OMGGGGG...but i did it tho sskksks.
when we were finish we really just laid around and had a chill day after that, we don't have to be doing much to enjoy each other's company. i watched him play the pokemon game for a little bit before watching tiktoks on my phone. eventually he fell asleep (that coochie knocked him out 😮‍💨) i was fighting off sleep but i stayed up to study a little for my exam. we eventually went on a food run with his friends that night an then went to sleep. i did unfortunately loose my BRAND FREAKING NEW set of lashes that i had put on that day :(
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vancilocs · 3 years
Ive got a headache so im not gonna read every single option presented so top half for fuckerswoods wolf vampire hunter polycule aaand neja and yecal (or dana and hecca if neja and tecal have been answered for this already)
have a paracetamol and a lay down xx
1. Who's the one who's reckless and always getting into trouble while the other gotta pull em out
If anyone gets into trouble it's Kältre, but the others keep him so well in check that if he's even thinking of sneaking into the forest during new moon Soren will either go along or pull him back by the hood
2. Who's the one to send the other "I love my gf/bf" memes
Nanoha would send pictures of piles of cats cuddling and just go that's us!
3. Who's the one who listens to a music genre the other doesn't like and how does the other react
They all play well together, nobody hates the music the other listens to
4. Which one spoils the other more and do they ever get competetive to show the other more love
Everyone is very spoiled with four pairs of hands on them, nobody gets left out so it doesn't become a competition
5. How many years did it take to get married or was it just not for them
Given how open their relationship was in the beginning nobody really considered marriage, and now it would just be such a hassle with five people
6. Is their friends/family supportive
It's... a little weird to them but hey, everyone's happy and the relationship works so why not. If anything, Soren's family is weirded out by him shacking up with a vampire and Striga's parents being likewise mistrustful of a werewolf
7. How does one comfort the other when the other is in distress/having a panic attack/crying
In wildly different ways, ranging from Kältre arming himself to kill a bitch and Nanoha starting to make soup. Virve and Striga are the types to hug or hold hands if allowed and ask what's wrong, Soren is the type to just hug. One of the five starts crying and there's a swarm of comfort around immediately
8. Which one dissociates
Striga and Soren tend to during new moon/full moon respectively, best to just leave them to lay in bed for the day bc their energy is at 0
9. Which one stares at the other's booty like "damn" and how does the other react when catching them
Nanoha and Striga are a bit flustered, Virve and Kältre like it, Soren is indifferent. All do look at butts tho
10. When they live together what kinda place do they live in? What does their home look like?
It's an old hunting hut that was converted to a living space by Virve's family when she moved in with Kältre, it's kinda small for five people but it's cozy, it's warm, it's pretty cluttered and one of the corners has been turned into a mattress/pillow/blanket/fur pile that fits all five
11. What do their dates look like
Walks in the forest, grabbing some food and walking to a meadow or stream to eat, going for a swim, going to the nearby village for a drink, staying home when the three others are gone and enjoying peace and quiet for a while
12. How does each act when getting drunk
Kältre gets loud and clumsy, Soren gets sleepy and cuddly, Virve also kinda loud but less so than Kältre, Nanoha gets giggly and sloppy and has to be looked after, Striga barely drinks because it hits her so hard, she gets emotional and very clumsy
13. Which one rolls over in the morning to wake up the other one just to give them a kiss
Striga and Nanoha give kisses but don't wake the others up, Virve will wake them up if it's almost noon and it's time to get your butt out of bed
14. Have they saved each other's lives before
Striga is fairly sure she would have made it out of the blizzard during new moon if by just huddling under a rock, but Soren finding her and bringing her to a warm spot didn't do any harm for sure
15. Does one have an interest the other thinks is weird but wants to listen to it regardless
Not really, whatever little crafts they do is something the others are always interested in and willing to hear about
16. Which one uses cropped hentai as reaction images
Virve and Kältre, and Nanoha uses one by mistake and Kältre informs her that it's from a hentai and she goes and how did you know that you wee cunting man
17. Does one of them kinkshame the other
Nanoha thinks Virve and Kältre have too much interest in Soren's werewolf and Striga's full vampire forms
18. Is one of them self conscious about their body? If so how does the other comfort them
Not really, Striga is a lil ashamed about her cold hands and feet sometimes but it's fine to the others, put on some woolly socks and put your hand on Virve's tiddy, it's soft and warm
19. What kinda joyrides do they go on? Relaxing ones or wild ones?
Soren agrees one time to let Kältre sit on his back and come along to a proper werewolf hike, very very wild ride
20. Where would they vacation for a honeymoon
No time for vacations, the grind never stops --------------
21. Do people ever get annoyed of their PDA
Honestly sometimes yeah, hands off his tiddies for once woman
22. Would they live in the city of the country
They live in the city, Neja grew up in a city too so it's comfortable for her
23. Are either of them mentally ill, if so how do they help one another cope
Not really? I can believe Yecal having some kind of PTSD from some events but nothing very severe. Neja will cuddle and pet feathers if needed
24. Does one have a spot on them where they would melt when the other kisses them there
General tender spots for Neja are the sides, inner thighs, neck, nothing unusual
25. Do they dance together
Neither really knows how to dance but it doesn't stop them
26. Do they sing together
Ditto, it's not super pretty but they have fun
27. Which one is better at cooking than the other and makes most the dinners
They are both alright at cooking, Neja makes some mean spicy noodles and Yecal some proper sauce, if one is running late from work then the other can have food ready just fine
28. Are they a reckless couple or safe
They began as very reckless but have toned it down a lot for each other
29. What be they kinks and do they try each other's kinks
Yecal gets pegged
30. What would their Valentine's gifts be to each other
Neja with a ribbon on her boobs (maybe some wine if she wants to splurge, some candy), she enjoys flowers and candy and wine herself
31. Do they get into fights often? If so what do they fight over and how do they make up
Not often, if anything it's small arguments about money of if Yecal tried to fix something he doesn't know how to and made a mess when Neja was gone. They make up with kisses and hugs every time though, nobody stays mad for long
32. Which one's top, bottom, verse
They switch flawlessly, sometimes a small girl wants to be small girl and sometimes she wants to ram her husband into the mattress yanno
33. Who would fight in honor for the other if someone would insult them
Yecal will defend Neja in anything, she needs to be held back also because she do be smol
34. Which one has a favorite movie that they have the other watch with them again and again
If either then Neja
35. Do they want kids
Nah, neither dislikes them but they don't want any of their own. They struggle keeping a houseplant alive so no way they would have a kid
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bangtansfavwriter · 5 years
💘bangtan as boyfriends: taehyung💘
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-he was rather shy at the beginning of your relationship but you soon realised how serious he was about you
-very commited to you, your relationship and your future together
- but all in all he was rather slow to open up but you have taught him to trust more in people
-with each passing day his walls crumbled more and more and you started to see his soft side
-you have taught him that vulnerability is not something to be afraid of
-this is why tae is absolutely bound to you, no matter what happens
- the depth of your relationship is what keeps you going despite every hardship you face, for example when he's gone on tour for months
-you miss each other terribly and it's difficult for both of you... but embracing each other again once he's back makes it worth it again
-his career is very important to him obviously, but he knows that he must make time for you as well to make things work out
-bc he's also very serious about you.. even when you guys were a new couple he knew that this was gonna be long-term
- he will give you his honest opinion and full support whenever you need it most
- very very dependable
- knows when to be straightforward with you and when to goof around to make you smile
-oh my god he loves your smile so much, it can brighten up his entire day and you get so shy when he tried to tease you to smile at him and he adores it sooo much
-he managed to catch a blurry pic of you while doing that and it's his phone wallpaper ever since
- sends you good morning texts every day and will never end the day without sending you a good night text
- will never let you pay when you're out together so don't even try, he'll take personal offense tbh
- sends u gifts per mail from every country that they're touring through and will write you small letters about how, when and where he bought it and how much he misses you.... you'd send him a picture of it whenever it arrived and it'd just make his day to know how excited you got when the package arrived
-he's very thoughtful and sweet
-and you knew that you wouldn't get to hear him say "I love you" very often but instead he'd show it through actions like the ones I listed before, that's his love language
- also, he's not too big on pda, very private displays of affection, like when you're cuddling at home and back hugs like when you're making yourself tea and suddenly he's behind you and slowly roams his hands up your body and wraps you up against his body, while planting soft kisses against your neck
-needless to say, your focus was not fixing tea anymore
-kisses start off slowly but will turn steady, he knows how to build up your tension
- he's a very sensual lover, stimulate him in the right way and .... you're in for a ride
- very passionate when he wants to be, body talk let's him say things he fails to put into words sometimes
- loves pillow talk and your topic range would be HUGE bc I can see him being into unusual and lengthy conversations with someone who can keep up with his unconventional side and match this energy in a conversation
-so it wouldn't be rare that you guys would chill on his balcony on summer nights talk until without realising how quick time would pass and you both would go "oh, the sun...."
- sometimes your lengthy talk wouold be much to the dismay of the other members who'd chill with you from time to time
tae: i just KNOW we're not alone in the universe
you: but will they ever accepts humans and show themselves to us ?
tae: right... 😔 they probably think we're stupid as hell and -
jimin, from his room: go the fUCK TO SLEEP!!!!
- taehyung glared towards the door bc aliens are the best topic ever tbh and you'd look at him and say "the last time I saw you glaring at jimin like that was when the dumpl- ", tae: "DO NOT EVEN START WITH THAT"
- anyway, let's not lose focus here lmao
- since tae and you started off as besties you guys are very chill together, sometimes tae forgets his bf duty because of that
-like the time he forgot valentine's day, which u didn't really mind bc you knew that he was busy but he pulled up at your flat at 11pm and insisted on taking you out and did so.. to a very very fancy restaurant and you were like "oh crap" when you saw the prices there but tae didn't take no for an answer bc he loves spoiling you
- he always makes you feel special and it doesn't take fancy dinners to do that
- whenever you tell him some story he's fully concentrated on you and listens to each of your words so intently that it was making you shy at first bc he'd sit there like you were telling him the secrets of the universe
-so you told him that it's kinda weird for you, only to realise that he didn't even know he was doing that and he became shy afterwards
you: oh god I didn't want to make you uncomfortable with that, I'm sorry 😔
tae: nooo *grabs your hands* I should be the one to say that... I never realised I do that, it's just weird, right?
you: not weird, but unusual, I guess ? It's not like everything I tell you needs your undivided attention
tae: everything you say needs my attention. everything you say is important to me, sweetheart. you could say the dumbest words and it would still sound like heaven to me. maybe that's why I stare at you like that... I don't know.. but I hope you don't feel uncomfortable around me because I do that. You're just very dear to me...
-he told you all of that and shyly scratched his head and you'd sit there completely awestruck about the fact that kim taehyung pretty much adored you in any way, even when talking about whatever random stuff that came to your mind... and you couldn't find words at that moment that could show him the immeasurable amount of love, warmth and affection that he made you feel that moment so you just hugged him very tightly, which was surprising to him at first but then he started chuckling and hugged you back
- makes you knees weak every time he calls you "my love"
-finds your odd habits cute, looks at with the biggest smile when you did a sing-song to remember where you put your keys
- at least 40% of your texts are memes, tae would get a message from you, grin and get up before opening it next to the guys and they'd be like "ohh, risky texts?👀" whereas it was just a meme streak you guys were doing
- your biggest fan and hype man tbh
-you had some good lighting in your room one day and used it to make like 34 selfies out of which 3 were like okay-ish and 1 actually looked pretty nice so you decided to put it as your new profile pic... tae was doing promotions and a fan sign that day and he got the notification and actually suddenly GASPED and everyone was like "????", his fan signs actually captured the moment which made you laugh your ass off when you found out about it and it is now your favourite picture sequence
-he texted you after this happened
tae: how dare you... my heart couldn't handle it.. even the fans noticed
you: ????
tae: your dp... how dare you look so ravishing... 👀
you: lmaoooo, is that what this is about ?? - you sent him a link of the gasp moment -
tae: when u hype ur lover and still get mocked 😔✊🏼
you: nooo you were so cute baby, thank u for being my hype man 😚💕
tae: always, baby 🥰
-btw couple items even couple outfits are a huge thing with you two
yoongi, seeing your matching coats and yeontan's matching sweater:
taehyung, while trying on some of his 6274 sunglasses with you:
"it's called fashion, hyung"
"and love, yoongo"
"looove, hyung"
*dog panting*
yoongi: -walks away-
-you pretty much feel invincible when he's with you and he feels the same way
- you two are very devoted to one another and that's why everyone is sure that this will very likely be a long-term relationship
-he's rather dominating sometimes but you know... 👀 you don't mind 👀👀
-never jealous bc he knows there won't be any other hoes
- you once were in the front row during a concert and stared him down when he winked at some bimbo who yelled her lungs out.... and he had the audacity to laugh and mouthed "fan service" to you.. you nodded, but still were disgruntled af, so some time later he danced his way to your side of the stage and knelt down, while you put out your phone to film his anpanman antics and he took your phone and filmed him and the guys on stage before he gave you back your phone, but not without turning away from the audience and throwing a kiss into the cam...
the girl next to you: LUCKY YOUUU
-one word from bang pd and your relationship would be public right away
-taehyung's trust in you and your support for him are a solid foundation for this and everyone is very well aware of that
- tae goes into these moods sometimes where he puts up his walls again and starts distancing himself from you
-this used to be a reason you got into fights at first until you talked it out and you realised that he needs you show him love in times like these
-he assured you that he doesn't do this on purpose but that it's more like that he loses his trust in himself sometimes and thinks you're better off without him
-this tended to happen most when he was away from you for a long time and this made things worse bc you couldn't speak to him directly
-but when you two finally talked it out (when he was back) you knew that taehyung needed grounding from this stressful side of his life... so you promised him that you're gonna stay by his side as long as he doesn't shut you out, which he promised you too
- after a long talk you both felt drained but knew that this was gonna change things between you, your bond has strengthened and just when you were about to drift to sleep in his arms, you heard him whisper "I love you.. you have no idea how much..." and you finally fell asleep and had the most blissfully peaceful sleep in ages
-he loves to see you interact with his friends or even family members
-you were so nervous when you met his parents but soon your worries faded into thin air as the kim family made you feel their warmth and love
- tae's heart grew like 3 sizes when he saw you laugh with his parents, while playing with yeontan who wouldn't leave your side (taehyung occasionally calls him brutus), all in all he knew that you indeed were a perfect match for him
-loves to help you reach your goals, as much as you support his
- to him, you stand out in any crowd and he's just very proud to have you by his side and call you his
- knows how to surprise you and will give a lot of thought into the dates he plans
- takes a lot of pictures of you, for example when you guys were at the zoo and he saw you looking at cubs with
heart eyes or when you were at an art exhibition and discussed some piece with an elderly man who was there too... half of taehyung's gallery consists of your candids
- btw you two are regulars at a dog cafe nearby and both of you lose every bit of self-control as soon as you see the first pup run towards you
- he once planned a 2 hour trip to some cabin just to go stargazing there with you and it was truly worth it as you saw the night sky in it's most mesmerising form... taehyung and you were trying to figure out some constellations, but some time later you noticed that he went quiet and chuckled when you caught him looking at you.. "you're gonna make me blush again.." you said shyly. "too bad it's dark and I can't see you blush", he teased and winked at you when you looked at him. "seriously, tae, you should keep looking at the stars." - "i am, my love.."
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blindlybabbling · 7 years
My bf ruined our cheap ass Vday meal
Poor dude thought you could put frozen chicken nuggets in the oven for 3 minutes 😓. Then he microwaved them instead of putting them back in the oven, and my only “meal” was a cup of instant Mac around 9 pm. All I got was a migraine. Dad stopped by somewhere and made Vott get me a card (he also got me some chocolate but like.. the same kind and quantity as he’s eaten from my Christmas (from family) chocolates. But like /whatever/ This guy I’m talking to asked if I got any Valentine’s Day gifts. Idk what to say 😂 I’m ready to find another partner, I hope this new guy becomes one. If so though it practically doubles my desire to get a girlfriend as well. Just bc then I’m gonna need a little not-testosterone in my dating life even more (I’m surrounded by dudes it kinda blows)
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differentdove · 8 years
all the questionsss :D
Top of tha mornin to ya, anon! I guess you DO wanna know something! Is it you that wants to know everything? If not, thats a pretty popular view, hahaha! But i like your hutzpah, kid! 1:   Full name : Madison Grace 
2:   Age : I am nineteen 
3:   3 Fears : I mean, I dont really have but one fear, but I suppose silence, darkness, and opening up to people, but those are just due to inner issues and are things easily fixed that i deal with on a daily basis. 
4:   3 things I love : I love Paul and dinosaours and my family! 
5:   3 turns on : Passion, no fear of social standards, hilarity! 
6:   3 turns off : Common camo, no consideration of others, my ex bf!
7:   My best friend: all of my friends now??
8:   Sexual orientation: ?????????
9:   My best first date: That is by far this last one i went on! It was incredible, i will never forget it! 
10:   How tall am I: Smol standing at 5′6′’
11:   What do I miss: I miss traveling. I cant do it so much anymore as of this exact moment, but i do what i can
12:   What time were I born: I was born exactly on the dot at 8:45 in the morning! 
13:   Favourite color: ALL THE COLOURS! 
14:   Do I have a crush: Nope! 
15:   Favourite quote: I dont really have one, but ill just put the last one that i shared. I came across it by accident and it is actually a lyric, but it says: “We make each other better, we may not be perfect, but we are perfect together” and its such a sweet, aweome song and it made me too emotional than i am confortable with.
16:   Favourite place: I do not have one, actually! 
17:   Favourite food: How could you ever pick just one? There is so many delectable things out there! 
18:   Do I use sarcasm: Wha-whaaaattt! Pshhhh, haha, do i, do I use sarcasm?!?!? Hahahaha, noooooooooooooooo. 
19:   What am I listening to right now: I just have The Office playing in the background, ive gotta shower here soon, but I am tryna crunch out these questions first! 
20:   First thing I notice in new person: Existence? 
21:   Shoe size: That is a tricky question, but the shoes i am wearing today are a 9.5H
22:   Eye color: As of rn, they are lightish brown! 
23:   Hair color: Browwwnn
24:   Favourite style of clothing: I mean, i dont have an answer for this, but eccentric? 
25:   Ever done a prank call?: I mean, do middle school girls do dumb things at sleep overs?…yes. 
27:   Meaning behind my URL: I have used this url for soooooo many years now, it is basically my signature username. I came up with this in,,,a round fourth grade time, and that was when i was really noticing my connection to mother nature and i was the weird kid and so ‘different’ stood out to me, (”different” being a good connotation and “strange” being the opposing) and ‘dove’ was a nice word, showing a bit of religion and peace and so i feel they fit together very nicely! It also turned out for Morning Dove to be my first larger role, and my ancients gave me this bag of random jewlery from all over and it had a beautiful handmade dove in it with beads.  
28:   Favourite movie: N/a
29:   Favourite song N/a
30:   Favourite band Really, how does one pick these things?
31:   How I feel right now: I,,,I feel, not necessarily happy, but, almost. Content?
32:   Someone I love: Rachel
33:   My current relationship status: Single and ready to fla-stay that way.
34:   My relationship with my parents: Nonexistent?
35:   Favourite holiday: I dont have one! I really kind of like all of them! Well, except for valentines day. Thats so stupid, im not even gonna get that soap box.
36:   Tattoos and piercing i have: Sadly, i just have my lobes pierced, but i want soooo many more piercings that are underway. I want too many tattoos, and i cant really get them, so im just gonna deal without. 
37:   Tattoos and piercing i want: Well, the next is my conch ear pierced. I have an ear map of ones that i want. 
38:   The reason I joined Tumblr: I mean, this is not my original tumblr, but it was actually my friend Tahlia who suggested it. I was making really cool art out of fruit at lunch and she wanted me to post it, and so she told me about it and i cant remember what that blog was, but i will remember eventually. But i joined off of her recommendation and here i am! 
39:   Do I and my last ex hate each other?: No, i mean,,, he hurt me beyond belief and its really something ive been trying to get the heck ut of my life, but no, i dont hate him. I know he despises me, but i feel what i feel and as much wrong as he did me, i do not hate him. 
40:   Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?: I meaannn, technically yes, but ive not gotten a “good morning” text in a good while. I tend to talk to people very late, and so we will say good bye n good night, but not really, no. 
41:   Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?: I have not. 
42:   When did I last hold hands?: Goodness, that is a time ago, huh. Thats not something ive thought about in a good while. I held a mannequin hand earlier, but a human, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?
43:   How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?: It depends, anywhere from and hour to five hours.
44:   Have You shaved your legs in the past three days?: HAHAHAHAHAHA
45:   Where am I right now?: I am sitting on my couch in the living room. My home. 
*the part where i shorten answers, sweet and simple. AKA i didnt realize how long this was and i want to get them all, but im on a time crunch*
46:   If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me?: Then it would be whichever friend is there. We have good care for one another. Or the DD
47:   Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?: Suuuuuuuuuuper loud, man. 
48:   Do I live with my Mom and Dad?: Ugh. Unfortunately. 
49:   Am I excited for anything?: I am excited, yes. I get to give a gift tomorrow and get ready for KCACTF.
50:   Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?: Theres not really anyone, of any gender, that i have told everything to. 
51:   How often do I wear a fake smile?: too much. 
52:   When was the last time I hugged someone? I hugged this guy today…
53:   What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? I mean she IS married, soooo
54:   Is there anyone I trust even though I should not?: Huh? No?
55:   What is something I disliked about today? I should have gotten something different at the restaurant, i didnt know it would be huge.
56:   If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?: The frozen head of walt disney
57:   What do I think about most? Theatre? God? Honestly, my thoughts are nothing to mess with
58:   What’s my strangest talent?: I can,,,uhhh, I am great at champagne towers? 
59:   Do I have any strange phobias?: Nope. But my friend is afraid of two things. Whales and jello.
60:   Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?: Boooooth
61:   What was the last lie I told?: Im hanging out with Shelby and Ariel.
62:   Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?: Both is pretty cool. Talking is easier for my situation (more available, etc.)
63:   Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Yep. YEP.
64:   Do I believe in magic? Of course! 
65:   Do I believe in luck? Yes, but sometimes you have to make your own luck.
66:   What’s the weather like right now? It is actually starting to snow! :D
67:   What was the last book I’ve read? A Meisner book by friend lent me.
68:   Do I like the smell of gasoline? Overall-yes. but i hate pumping gas, and thats really the only time i smell it. 
69:   Do I have any nicknames? Not particularly, no.
70:   What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? Probably my heart, itm.
71:   Do I spend money or save it?: I am trying to balance. 
72:   Can I touch my nose with a tounge? Yes, i can, actually.
73:   Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me?: My ipad has pink in the case! 
74:   Favourite animal?: None. All of them.
75:   What was I doing last night at 12 AM?: Dude. Freaking out over Gravity Falls! 
76:   What do I think is Satan’s last name is?: Uhhhhhhh, what? (McBadguy)
77:   What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?: I mean, all of the musics. Ooh lala? By ginger minj.
78:   How can you win my heart?: I dont know you, it depends on you. But i feel my sparkling personality is a shooin. 
79:   What would I want to be written on my tombstone?: “Theyre not dead. Theyre never gonna die, but still chipped in for a cool tombstone, TAKE THAT DEBORA.”
80:   What is my favorite word?: I dont have one, but there is this thing where people say a word and it just sounds perfect with their voice. My freshman english teacher had one. And its just strange and itll stop me in my tracks. 
81:   My top 5 blogs on tumblr: Theres so many great ones! I highly reccomend lots of my mutuals, theyre all perfect hoomuns. 
82:   If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?: Made you look. 
83:   Do I have any relatives in jail?: Not that i know of.
84:   I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power?: The power to have every power.
85:   What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on?: Really anything on my personal life. 
86:   What is my current desktop picture?: I dont have a desktop.
87:   Had sex?: Regerts. So many ragreeerrrts
88:   Bought condoms? Nope. 
89:   Gotten pregnant? Nope. 
90:   Failed a class? Yes. And it is not hindering me. 
91:   Kissed a boy?: yes i have
92:   Kissed a girl? Yep
93:   Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? No. 
94:   Had job? I have, i need another, though.
95:   Left the house without my wallet? Only all the time. 
96:   Bullied someone on the internet? Of course not. Thats never okay. 
97:   Had sex in public? I mean, technically, but no, not really. If ever. 
98:   Played on a sports team? Yeah, several actually. 
99:   Smoked weed? The devils lettuce. That gateway drug? THe wacKY TOBACKEE?!?! Yes. 
100:   Did drugs? Yep. 
101:   Smoked cigarettes? No, goodness no. And thats not gonna happen. ick
102:   Drank alcohol? Yep. 
103:   Am I a vegetarian/vegan? Never had this question before, i am vegan, yes! 
104:   Been overweight? Never not
105:   Been underweight? HAha, yeahright
106:   Been to a wedding? Yes! I love weddings! My last one ive been to was my dear friend Kelley. 
107:   Been on the computer for 5 hours straight?: Minimum. 
108:   Watched TV for 5 hours straight?  Childs play.
109:   Been outside my home country? Yes and i cannot wait to go back
110:   Gotten my heart broken? Hahahahaha only a lot. 
111:   Been to a professional sports game?: A few actually! I love it
112:   Broken a bone? No, knock on wood
113:   Cut myself? Yes. Dont do it. 
114:   Been to prom? Twice. Prom ruler yoyo
115:   Been in airplane? Yes! Its great, good memories. 
116:   Fly by helicopter? Gosh i wish. I had an opportunity to at school, but i didnt learn until after the fact, They didnt think id want to. WOULDNT WANT TO. PSSSHHH. HA. 
117:   What concerts have I been to? So many. THe last big one was P!ATD and FOB in Georgia
118:   Had a crush on someone of the same sex? Maybe?
119:   Learned another language? I am working on it, yeah. 
120:   Wore make up? I am actually wearing it at this very moment. 
121:   Lost my virginity before I was 18?: Ugh. Regeerrrtttsssssss
122:   Had oral sex? Nope. 
123:   Dyed my hair? Nah
124:   Voted in a presidential election? Sadly i have not. not yet. 
125:   Rode in an ambulance? No, actually. And i hope i never will. Unless its just a fun parade-type thing. Or a car chase.
126:   Had a surgery? Besides oral surgery, no.
127:   Met someone famous? A few, yeah. Shout out Fanboy
128:   Stalked someone on a social network? Mildly, yeah. 
129:   Peed outside? So. Hard. 
130:   Been fishing? Nah
131:   Helped with charity? Yeah, i love volunteering!
132:   Been rejected by a crush?: Yuuuppppppp. 
133:   Broken a mirror? ……maybe a little
134:   What do I want for birthday? Is surprise party a bad answer? Ive always wanted oneee
135:   How many kids do I want and what will be their names? Ahhhhhh, who knows. Not present Madison. Thats future Madisons problem. 
136:   Was I named after anyone?: No, but who knows. 
137:   Do I like my handwriting? Yes. Its changed so much and is all over the place, but its great.
138:   What was my favourite toy as a child?: Iiiiiii, i dont know. 
139:   Favourite Tv Show? N/a.
140:   Where do I want to live when older? Nowhere. I want to keep traveling and live in cast/crew housing and yes.
141:   Play any musical instrument? Clarinet, beginners piano, beginners cello, beginners bagpipes. 
142:   One of my scars, how did I get it? Ive not one on my right leg, four o’clock from my knee that i got from my kittens the last time i saw them…
143:   Favourite pizza toping? Vegan thingssssss (a rare commodity where i live)
144:   Am I afraid of the dark? Not teccchnically, but i cant be in it. 
145:   Am I afraid of heights? Nooooo, theyre wonderful! 
146:   Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? Nope. Its only illegal if you get caught. 
147:   Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? School is being a dumb dummyhead.
148:   What I’m really bad at. Everything, really?
149:   What my greatest achievments are. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh…?
150:   The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me. Honestly, i have those stored atm and really couldnt tell you. 
152:   What do I like about myself. Uhhhh,,,,,,, my minds not there atm. Come again. 
153:   My closest Tumblr friend. Teccchnicaly its @shelby ashley 3, but idk if thats cheating. 
154:   Something I fantasise about. Fantasise? Idk if you know me, but thats a vvv tricky subject. 
155:   Any question you’d like? Well, you didnt specify for this, so i suppose were finished! You might have noticed by now, but i am not able to answer every question in the ‘traditional’ way, but i hope you had fun reading these and you learned something new! I enjoyed answering them! I hope you have a wonderful day!
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