#gonna try and post more on the new year xoxo
grittyreadsfic · 9 months
besties, we’re so back
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lilacstro · 1 month
my personal opinions on your big 3: your sun, moon, rising
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I was remembering the time when I was 10 years old and used to read those astrology posts that said things like "zodiacs in school", "what does your sun sign do when bored" and I wanted to make a less complicated, fun post just like that but wanted it to still be in accordance to people I have seen so far, so expect this post to be more fun and very not serious and rather light hearted, so here we goooo so since it is like so, please scroll past if you do not resonate :) I would be posting more serious stuff kind of what i learnt from my diploma the following week if possible, luv you<3
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Sun: You guys are so full of passion omg. Sun is really powerful here and you guys actually shine, so passionate and full of energy. Every Aries Sun I have seen befriends anyone within 5 cm radius to them and has a very extroverted energy. If you are close to them, they will make sure to fight for you and protect you for sure.
Moon: Chaotic emotions and restless, but this restlessness always leads to some kind of creation. The types who work out to release pent up energy. It is possible you guys keep on discarding and making new habits and do not stick to one. Very destructive if provoked, especially emotionally
Rising: Beautiful people. You guys are likely to have a intense energy and aura around. Unlike Aries Sun, many Aries risings could be reserved at times. I think you are the people everyone is afraid of to participate along with in any competition because you scream this energy of "competitive, I am gonna win you see" without even trying!
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Sun: LORD YALL ARE SO CHILL, but probably sometimes way to chill and turn ice, I mean not ice cold(yes if you are annoyed by someone lmao) but sometimes may become too boring in the sense that you may not want to do crazy things, you like stable, calm energy. The types to watch a movie, or do some art when they are bored. ALSO VERY STUBBORN but also not mad easily but if mad really really angry. ALSO yall are so beautiful and elegant without even trying
Moon: This archetype is the mother in zodiacs. But you guys indeed if once emotionally connected to someone, would make sure they are well fed and had 8 hours of sleep and make sure they are feeling ok while having 10 mental breakdowns. Also, you guys can hold more grudges than Taurus Suns and Mars, and can sometimes or maybe most of the times be unwilling to change opinions.
Rising: Gorgeous Gorgeous people, who are a little shy at first and once comfortable, everything else, whatever that is, comes out. You guys are actually really good at cooking and also, even though Taurus is the sign of wealth and stability, I have seen many Taurus risings be good with money until its the time to spend on something they like, they spend crazy lmao. Very comfortable energy around you, make other people comfortable once they are.
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Sun: Do you want to know Gossips? Ask your Gemini Suns, I bet they know a new one from 10 minutes ago. They are updated fast on drama than most google sites. Also, they have pure crackhead energy no doubt, but they can carry a conversation so well and talk about anything you want, even though might have no idea about it
Moon: Crackhead energy once again. If you want a good time and do not take things seriously or do not get offended easily, go to your Gemini Moon friends, they indeed say the most out of pocked things at times, but they are very funny. But if you are serious and want to have serious conversation, it is 9/10 chances that you would not be taken much seriously, since anything that is boring distracts gemini moons to zone out, so they probably heard you half and would comment on that half info without asking you to repeat because they do not want to listen again lmaooo But for the 1/10 times they listen seriously, they offer really good and short and simple advice.
Rising: These people are like chameleon to me, I mean they adapt so well to wherever they are and who they with. They also are very hard to recognize since they come in all different beauty and styles and aesthetics. Very good conversationalists once again and always seem to be talking about something or to someone, never really idle. Good at texting and probably post many selfies on social media.
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Sun: GOD you all are so innocent and cute until someone really gets to see past that lmao, or I may rather say, you let someone see. For some reason you guys always have your guards up, but you are good at fooling people by making them think they probably have seen all your cards, especially in terms of what you are really capable of. Most cancer suns I have seen, regardless of whatever kind of relationship they may have with their moms, they seek their validation somehow.
Moon: Very intuitive and sensitive to emotions, especially of other peoples. Really good at understanding others and healing them, they are really soft people honestly. They are again very unlikely to show you your feelings and emotions, but somehow would see yours. Very nurturing and caring, especially emotionally. Your comfort friends who treat you with ice cream and listen to your sob story.
Risings: Wonderful people, very kind and loving and caring. I have often seen Cancer risings are very keen on making people around them feel seen and heard and cared for, they carry so much charm in them. Very down to earth, and they are always willing to listen. Very emotional people like all Cancer placements and very empathetic, would try their best to make you feel warm and they do it so well that people can let their guards down and connect to them, probably even spill their secrets.
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Sun: SHOW STOPPERS. So charismatic, and even if they are not loud like most leos, there is a 9.9/10 chance that you have atleast seen them once or heard about them once it is impossible that you are not aware about their existence. They usually like attention and validation from other people, but if no one would do that, they do it themselves and then other people reflect that energy back and yeah...the cycle never ends. I do know that people say Leo Suns are selfish and egoistic, while that maybe true on some level, they are really good at making people feel confident and worthy and also very generous.
Moon: 9/10 Leo moons I have seen have some kind of egoic validation and connection related to their mother. They are likely to be people who are "mumma's girls/boys" because until and unless they feel their moms validation, they would not proceed. Cancer Moons are like so too, but somewhat less than Leo Moons. Also, very possible that you are the oldest, or you act like the oldest. Very charming people though. If they are introverted, their energy is loud and charismatic without even trying, and if they are outgoing, then it is visible and double charismatic of how they are able to validate their emotions and act on them, be verbal about it. BUT BUT sometimes or I may say, most, you guys are really dramatic when hurt and high on emotions. You cannot stand being ignored I knowwww.
Rising: Um how do I say it. Leo suns are bright bright sun, Leo moons are golden enveloped kind of shiny, while Leo risings have a halo on their head and back. I mean it is an energy that you look at and feel drawn to, you do not force yourself like wanting to see the Sun in the eyes but you just see them somehow, they have a warmth around them. Usually very outgoing, great sense of style, and befriend people easily. Although all Leo placements are comfortable to put a fight, Leo risings would especially are not afraid either, especially if they feel the challenge at themselves or hurt at the ego. They are usually very kind and I have seen trust people easily irdk why. They often try to direct their light on other people and try to shine them along. Though, I sometimes see such people dimming their own light to get along with others. Generous people at hearts.
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Sun: You guys are the ones who are so serious about the next exam 2 months in advance, probably even before the exams are announced. Very critical of themselves, usually very introspective and rather quiet and even if you are outgoing, it is ambiverted, you are not in someone's face lmao. Very organized and may tie their worth to studies and grades, and their friends too, often. YOU GUYS DO NOT LIKE INTERUPTIONS IN PLANS LMAO
Moon: Logic with emotions, you do not let things hurt you until you have processed the feelings mentally. Your feelings do not go to the heart directly, it first goes to the mind and then you decide if you can make sense out of it, which most of the times you cannot, so you hurt your head with brainstorming as an extra with your heart. It feels like you guys have compartments in your head, and you put those memories and feelings in each so you can pull them up asap when needed to retrieve. Usually good at following routines and structures and like predictability in some form. If they are not in a clean or organized they do not feel good, whatever that means to them, whether that means trash in their room or floors so clean you see your face
Rising: Beautiful people yet again. Look very youthful and young. Really work oriented, and would really really want that they be seen and recognized at work/school for their efforts or can feel upset otherwise. They say and do things in exact manner, no less no more and usually avoid fuss and drama. Like showing up in a rather neat and clean, minimalistic manner than being more big and bold, all with their appearance and emotions and words. Just like Virgo Moons, these people like clean places especially and cannot handle unhygienic people and places at all. The types to be careful with spellings at school and work and while texting and maybe avoid emojis or use wrong ones.
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Sun: I think the more you guys like justice and harmony, most Libra Suns I have seen have rather disbalanced scales are WILD, but the justice is indeed super important when it comes down to them ahem ahem. I also see you guys put great efforts in wanting to be liked by people often, and sometimes if not all, would try to make efforts to do that. Usually very charming and friendly and would even make a beautiful smile on their face for their worst enemy in social settings rather than letting people know they hate them. They can hate many people honestly, but with you, you are the best one and the most special person ever, behind your back, idk depends vastly honestly, so if you ever confided in a Libra Sun because of their nice nature in the 1st meeting, good luck babe!
Moons: I think Libra Moons are very nice again and do all the nice talking to make you comfortable but they are actually most justice oriented and fair than Libra Suns. Their mood can actually depend on how good they look honestly. Also very kind and nice and usually would say the things someone would blow up on your face for in the nicest manner idk how do they have so much patience. Also they have a silent charisma to them often I have seen. They again are nice to everyone and never really blow up even when the scales are highly unbalanced or I may say, unless the scales are trashed :D
Risings: AH SUPER CHARISMATIC. Very lovely people. And super attractive I must say, and I would say effortlessly idk how. If I could describe libra risings by one color I would say pastel pink idk every thing about them screams aesthetic and pretty, their aura is usually very fun and uplifting and it is unlikely they take any kind romance they have ignited in people by their words and charisma to be taken seriously. Popular people, liked by everyone kind of placement. I mean they can be worst people too but atleast from far and in the first glance, it is highly unlikely you would be able to guess.
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Sun: I would say they are either of extremes, either you have never seen or heard from them are they are one of the mysteries of the world and super quiet or they are LOUDDDDDDD there is no in between and regardless, these people have some kind of charm and I would say MAGNET in them. They can be the most toxic people (they are not, tho there are exceptions) but you would still feel attracted to them idk why would be that so, but it would be like that most of the times. Also sometimes I have seen these people often cannot stay in friend groups for too long even if they tried to, some kind of drama would always happen if there is a friend with Scorpio Sun in the group because these people are actually super sensitive, though I never say its a bad things. I have seen whenever I simply hear or even sit near a frustrated or jealous or angry Scorpio Sun I feel a certain kind of vibe to them. It feels like heaty and heavy I cannot explain. But yeah strong emotional reactions, even if quiet or even if someone else is narrating it, I can know it was a Scorpio Sun idk how. Very territorial and possessive and if they know someone did their friend wrong they better fear lives but it only happens when they feel close to you or vice versa and that happens super rare....But once they decide they really want to keep you, it is a long friendship.
Moons: Tough, Strong people. They are brave and fight the worst adversities that are thrown on them. Their emotions change them in the sense that before going through anything they would sense a storm is about to come, and their emotions would adapt to the change before their mind and body. Really good at reading people and the room and understanding your deepest, most unexplainable feelings as if they have experienced every kind of emotion possible. Usually psychic, intuitive and empathetic. Could often dream about the past and can have troubles breaking mental patterns especially if they are harmful in some way.
Risings: They remind me of the black and white filter honestly idk why. I think I can say most scorpio risings are not as loud or outgoing, they can be fun and wild but they usually have an intimidating aura, I would say more intimidating that Sun and Moons. Often seen them have shadows on their face, and also, sleepy eyes like they do not seem intoxicated exactly but their eyes are not wide awake normal like most people. You can never know them honestly, just like any scorpio placement and they can merge into the background if they wanna hide and you would not know. They are the friends who respond to your texts 2 months later or are out of reach every 2 months. Never consistent on social media or never post is one more thing.
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Sun: AH VERY BLUNT LMAO. Most Sag Suns I have met are very blunt especially if they are comfortable with you or your friend. Always have a world of their own, maybe they have occupied their mind in some movie or drama or maybe they are busy creating some art or lost in their day dreams they are not really present in the current world and I guess that is why they have energy, especially physical energy I must say. Every Sag Sun I have seen has liked dancing at one point and always has some kind of engagement outside their own culture, be it supporting a sports team different from their own country or being invested in some other culture's movies and entertainment.
Moon: Sag Moons I know sometimes seem to have problems in understanding other people's emotions because theirs are so big and expanded that they cannot really see it for other people. I have seen Sag Moons are often the kinds of people to develop an affinity for some kind of place or person they have never met very easily. They are actually very dramatic just like Leo Moons honestly but different in the sense that it takes longer for them to see things clearly I feel. Usually very optimistic and motivating and very hopeful for the future. The most bold and big actions they take are when they are impulsive because of high emotions I have seen.
Risings: AH I do not know why but Sag risings are very beautiful, yes, beautiful. Literally. Such a beauty to them, even if they may not be conventionally or beauty standard pretty, they feel beautiful. These kinds of people who you sit with for 10 minutes and they say the most life changing things in a single line without even them realizing, maybe while doing random things and they do not even realize it. Always wanting to travel or connect with other cultures, more proactively than other people I feel.
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Sun: I do not know but every Capricorn sun I have seen has a vibe of "do not touch me you peasant" or "no thanks, do not wanna hear your good morning I have a business meeting" and this is when you would be seeing them at lunch in the cafeteria, probably even in high school irdk. A serious persona and appeal idk they also seem mysterious for some reason and feel like they are unwilling to talk, its a hard and confusing energy. Also you can be their friend for years and you do not really know if they are your friend. I think the best way to know if a Capricorn Sun is your friend is when you see them respond to your texts in time, give you their time and energy. And if a Capricorn sun is spending money on you, I feel you are really serious for them lmao
Moon: STOICS. You can never read them. They will never tell you about their emotions even after they die, especially if they have specially decided not to. They hold their emotions back, and often wait for some kind of time or opportunity, which does not make it better but probably worse since the jist of the emotions and when was the right time to say was probably gone. If you are a Capricorn Moon, please tell your crush you like them before they have 10 grandkids. ALSO, you guys are good in this sense that you do not disassociate at worst emotional pressures and dramas and never act out on your emotions no matter how DRAMATIC AND INTENSE the situation is so you never really make a fool of yourself actually.
Risings: AH Capricorn risings, they are actually elites, or they feel like that. They have that serious and "do not waste my time if you have nothing important to say" kind of look. Very savage and people fear you for some reason and your intensity and seriousness is not something you try to do, its just silently felt lmao. The kind of friend in the friend group where after cracking a joke people see if you laughed, and if you did not, they feel they messed up and even if you did, they ask you if you were not offended lmao. Good people to go to for taking serious advices/conversations they have capacity for that.
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Sun: Honestly I cannot even lie anymore, I have never seen an Aquarius who does not has completely, completely different and sometimes, even concerning views on the most common things and they are actually proud of it and its crazy. You wanna compete with your Aquarius Sun friend in what most weird things have happened to you, you cant actually LMAO. Also, most Aqua Suns can have really good emotional intelligence in understanding other people, but themselves. Always aware on what is happening in the world, and also, good with internet and computers. Kind and Generous at hearts<3 Also idk why do most of them speak with a lot of pauses in between.
Moon: I have seen 9/10 times people with Aquarius Moons have some very weird relationship with their mother. Either she is absent but not absent really, and she loves you but does not love you idk. I also feel as a child you could have been the weired one, the one people tried to tame but in the end YOU are the one who ends up doing something completely different from their family and usually succeed (especially if you do it consistently and do not get a superior complex in between) I have often seen regardless of how good and bad it is, these natives are always distant from their family emotionally, and more connected to their grandparents than their own parents. Usually people you can share anything with! and they take their friends very seriously I have seen.
Rising: Aquarius risings I have seen are mostly active on social media, and are very likely not posting themselves but rather posts on geopolitics, or maybe poetry or maybe something that people would find relatable. They also seem to be people who make you comfortable being weird around them without even trying. It is like you can say something really quirky or weird around them that people would probably make faces at you for, but they would respond genuinely without judgement lmao. Very friendly and welcoming to all kinds of people and as a result have a very colorful friend group.
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Sun: Very sweet people and usually very introverted but they are always occupied and they are always doing something, especially artistic or musical. Most Pisces Suns I know are actually really good at artistic stuff. The types to doodle at the back of their notebook, or zone out in classes. They are usually very kind but actually very sensitive. Also even if you probably bother them, they would not say much but if you bother someone they feel protective about then that is another thing. Very emotional. Random but I have often seen these people confuse romantic and platonic love they feel, so I do not know if I would say they are emotionally intelligent in that way.
Moon: Pisces Moons I know really really connect to music, or do music in some shape or forms. Really artistic. Also, I would not like to be awful and generalizing, but out of Sun and Rising, Pisces Moons are in their feels really easily. They attach themselves to things and people super easily as well. Apart from Sag Moons, Pisces Moons are also able to attach themselves to people and places they never seen and even dream about them. But they actually have really intense connections to their imaginations are fully emotionally invested in their hopes and dreams, even the ones they see in sleep. Really good at manifesting. idk but Pisces Moons are also good at lying and also making up real emotions when they need to, its like their super power.
Risings: I personally have never known a Pisces rising. But I would talk from what I have seen so yeah. First of all regardless of gender, people with Pisces rising have some kind of feminine look to them, like how do I explain, like pretty white stars shining on them. I feel most Pisces risings, at some point in their life, have been really gullible. I also feel Pisces rising really do have two completely different. opposite sides to them, now if is apparent to them or people is one other thing. Good at artsy stuff and have really good skin. Really beautiful, probably a little downturned eyes, it looks like their eyes have stars and dreams and hopes in them, and this is something I have seen be constant. Idk for some reason it feels they somehow always carry their past with them and probably never really show their vulnerable side
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typing this broke my hands lol
i love you all
leave suggestions in the asks
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somanypetals · 1 year
please tell me what’s going on in riverdale you are my only source - I haven’t watched since season 1 is it clown of me to hope that Betty and Veronica are kissing again
oh my dude, my guy, my pal, it’s not clown of you at ALL, I’m cooked rn and I’ve actually been thinking about beronica all night so I’m gonna catch you up on their recent moments w a fuckton of screencaps you’re welcome bestie
okay for context, idk if you know this but in s7 they’ve all gotten stuck in a 1950s universe bc of a comet, crazy stuff yknow how it be, anyway so everyone’s a wee 27-year-old teenage virgin and no one remembers the previous 6 seasons (except for lots of signs that they still have emotional memories)
7.02 Veronica tells Betty she’s a catch, a total Marilyn, and she gets all blushy! Seems innocuous but Betty’s journey this season is very much being filtered through the lens of her discovering her femininity and sexuality, and Lili said in interviews she’s been playing it like Betty is seeing all her peers in a new sexual light so I’ve been reading into every microexpression this season feeling insane but actually? Not insane at all*
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7.06 Betty goes to Veronica for advice about feeling sexy, Veronica tells her all about how she loves to wear lingerie, describes loving the sensations etc. and invites her over to try some on, and the whole locker room scene* Betty is like 👁️👄👁️
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7.09 We find out that Veronica is one of the people Betty fantasises about, and one of her fantasies includes this locker room* kiss that, imho, combined with Lili's interview about how she's playing Betty this season? Defffffinitely connects back to Betty's awe during the locker room lingerie talk
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7.12 After all the Riverdale parents have been classically negligent, Veronica and Betty start living alone together w no adults in V's apartment at the Pembrooke. They invite Kevin and Clay over for a sleepover and they all sing I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outta My Hair, and then later when it's just B and V, Veronica brings up Kevin and Clay's relationship and they both express curiosity about same sex relationships, V admits she's kissed a girl, B admits she's thought about kissing V specifically, V asks if she wants to try it, they almost kiss before they're interrupted by Mary (who, sidenote: schooled all the moms in Riverdale that week for their negligence and reset the living arrangement status quo)
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oh shit I hit image limit and I'm only halfway through this LMAOOOO look what you've done anon you've got me long-posting
alright I'm gonna reblog this and continue to make it even longer and more annoying bc THIS IS IMPORTANT STUFF xoxo
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galvanizedfriend · 4 months
hii Yokan! i miss you!😭
how are you? how is work?? I hope everything is going well<3
rn there's a little Comic Con in my city, and it really did help my mood!! (even tho I throwed up 6 times and fainted during the morning of the first day due to the heat and lack of iron🥲) 2 days down, 2 more to go 🙏
ANYWAYS! I know you've been going through a writer's block lately, and I read a post that said something about asking/commenting about the fictions to help the "stucked" autor, SO!
I've been re-reading TW III (shocking, I know) and those little hints about married!kc are just 😭😭 my heart melts, really, although... I was never really sure you'd get them married, mostly due to Care's speech to Cami about how Klaus supposedly sees weddings, and because I remember you saying that you weren't planning on giving them an actual marriage, but rather the closest thing next to it. I checked to comments to see other thoughts, and I saw one of you reply saying that you were completely against married!kc at the start, but then you were slowing changing your mind about it...
so, what was it that made you say "fuck it, I'm gonna ring the bells"?? is it because many people asked you to do it, so you are throwing us a bone, or is it something else?? I'm really interest on hearing the process of your change of heart <3
have a good one, friend <3 love you xoxo
I don't know if I am eloquent enough or if my train of thought makes much sense, but I will try 😂
Also grab a chair because this will be a long one. Be careful what you ask me, I do not know how to shut the fuck up 🙃
Objectively, I still think Klaus is not the marrying kind (in canon context, at least). That man has been alive for a thousand years. He's the vampire of vampires, one who sees humans as a lower species. He's used to getting what he wants by conquering and subjugating because he can. Why would he ever submit himself to an inherently human institution that, throughout history, has served as a tool for various types of social, political and religious control? The ceremony itself doesn't mean anything to him. He probably thinks it's ridiculous and performative, not to mention extremely frail. You can just change your mind and get a divorce, or the good old spouse murder, and then what? What's even the point?
(Just to be clear: I'm not personally preaching against weddings and marriages here btw, it's just how I think Klaus might have seen it.)
If you look at it from the sentimental side, Klaus spent almost a thousand years saying that love is a sign of weakness, a character flaw. He carried his siblings, the only people he genuinely cared about, inside coffins because he didn't trust them enough not to leave him, betray him or end up captured and killed by one of his enemies. Now, why would he want to marry someone, thus exposing yet another vulnerability to be exploited?
Having said that 😂
When we first see Klaus in TVD he's trying to surround himself with a whole new OP supernatural species that will have no choice but to stand with him. They will protect him, they will go to war for him, do whatever he asks them to and they will never leave (or that's what he thought, anyway) because they don't have a choice. That is the only way Klaus knows how to trust people: by completely removing their capacity to challenge him. That's how paranoid he is.
But as the story progresses, and especially with The Wolf in particular because it takes their relationship much further than the show, Klaus realizes there is more than one way to earn people's trust. I feel like that's one of the pillars of his relationship with Caroline. He could've just compelled her (in TVD, not TW because she's a witch), but he never did because he wanted more from her than obedience. All of the things he liked about her - her personality, her honesty, her fire, her loyalty - would've been essentially erased or made meaningless if he'd compelled her. Which puts her in direct opposition to how he related to his hybrids, right? He pretends to be fine with people who have no choice but to follow him, but what he really craves is more real than that. He surrounds himself with people who will worship the ground he walks on after some forged "gratitude" for releasing them of their curse, but he is fascinated by how gutsy Caroline is to look him in the eye and tell him the things that no one else will dare to. What he really seeks but doesn't have the courage to admit is that he wants someone who will choose to be with him. And that's the difficult part, because it can't be conquered or taken, it has to be earned.
Klaus comes from a place of paranoia and extreme distrust of everything and everyone around him, especially after Mikael in New Orleans, and he feels very isolated and alone. He tells Stefan about that, right? The loneliness of immortality. When The Wolf starts, in spite of how he and Caroline were having a bit of a thing before it, he's not sure she would want to stay with him. Actually, he thinks the first chance she gets, she's gonna bail. It's why he's mad when he thinks she wants to terminate the pregnancy. It's not about the baby (it's never about the baby), he couldn't care less about the damn baby at that point, it's the fact that he thinks she's trying to get rid of him, as if that pregnancy is the one thing that is holding them together at that point and so if she's no longer pregnant, she doesn't have to be with him. What I'm very inarticulately trying to say is that his initial approach to Caroline being pregnant is the same he had with his hybrids, as if the baby is a version of a sire bond. It's crazy and dysfunctional, yes, but it's how Klaus rationalizes it, how he thinks he gets to keep people around him - either through daggering them or giving them no choice.
Slowly, Klaus internalizes the fact that Caroline is choosing him. She tells him that a few times throughout the story, and even when he's hallucinating her at the beginning of TW4, because that's something that she has said before and that has stuck with him for reason. She could've left him at any point, but she didn't because she wants to be with him. It's a choice that she has made not because he forced her to, but because she's in love with him. She protects him, she fights for him, she walks through hellfire for him because she wants to, not because she must. He has earned her trust and her love and her loyalty. And that is something that is new for Klaus in his one thousand years of life, at least at this magnitude and with this much clarity and certitude.
So I think when I started writing TW3, which was them in their domestic era, it started to feel like something Klaus might actually do. Not just because it obviously does mean something to Caroline and he would basically do anything for her (even though she never asks for it, which in itself is something, because Caroline comes from relationships that made her feel so insecure and unsafe that she would've held on to a ring like a lifeline, but with Klaus she simply does not need hard evidence to feel safe and reassured, she knows how Klaus feels about her, she's very comfortable in their relationship, she knows that what offers her means a lot more than a thousand weddings to other people ever would - even though she does still love a good wedding lol), but because it suddenly makes sense to him. Not the big party, or the tradition of it, or making it official or anything of the sort, but as a way to externalize what he feels. There is a symbolism to it that while not ideal, it might be the closest to thing to expressing just how devoted he is to her and how she is, pure and simple, eternity for him. When that comes from someone who has lived for as long he has, and who has been as cynical as he was for as long as he was, it does mean something, even if nothing else does.
There is a territorial factor to it as well, of course. 😌 He's a very possessive man and so he wants everyone to know Caroline is his, and it's why it first came to him during the thing with Jackson, but it's more than just that. If it was just about that, he wouldn't do it. He is at a point where he no longer has any doubts about how Caroline feels for him (although there will be a little something something on that front at the beginning of TW4, just because they've been apart for so long, but it will be quickly dispelled).
The most sacred thing for Klaus was the vow he took with his siblings when they fled Viking Falls. They stuck together through everything because of that. He knows the value of a vow and a promise. And he wants a version of that with Caroline. It's the first time in his life when he contemplates genuinely offering that to someone other than his family. There are a million ways he could go about it, probably, but he knows asking her to marry him is the one that will be most representative to her, because of the age where she was born and how she grew up, etc.
And so that is why I decided that Klaus was going to buy a ring even though I crossed my heart and hoped to die a million times for years when people asked me about that. 😂 I just think it's the natural course this story has taken. It's long enough that it eventually made sense to me that he might do it.
Does any of that make sense???? I don't know! I just typed my stream of thought and hoped for the best and now I'm afraid to read it again, so apologies if it's just crazy words.
Now if only I can get back to writing and actually get to that part. 🥲 Pray for me 🙏
THANKS FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK! 🙃 Here have a pretty married Klaroline gif.
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causeitsagame · 1 year
Ok syke one more. Doesnt need to be a whole fic or anything (obviously you do whatever you want) but Fuyuhiko breaching the aforementioned torture subject with Hajime? Like hey bro you're gonna hate this but uh if anyone ever gets captured, you need to let me get tortured bc it's the safest thing for everyone. OK SORRY IM JUST EXCITED. -xoxo hajihiko
OKAY follow-up (or prequel, really?) to this one:
"I'm taking Kaz's plane and going."
Blinking, Hajime straightened from where he studied the radar. Most of them were edging into panic mode, and the only thing keeping things together was the collective trust they had in him to pull some sort of rabbit out of some sort of hat. "What?"
Fuyuhiko stared at him with a grim sort of calm. "He's going to set the plane to autopilot right toward them. You're going to get everyone else off the island in some other direction."
Well, it was some plan, at least. Grimacing, Hajime began, "I hate to give up that plane he put together, but if it can hold their attention for even a little while—"
"I'll figure out a way to make it work."
Fuyuhiko stepped forward and gripped his wrist. "Fucking. Listen. To. Me."
Hajime stared back at him. His heartbeat pounded in his ears. "I did. You said that you're sending Kaz's plane toward them."
"For fuck's sake, we don't have time for this." Fuyuhiko's grip tightened. "A plane is not bait. I am bait."
Heat washed across Hajime's face, and his mouth quivered. "No. This isn't how we're doing it."
"This is the only way to do this. We need someone who can slow them down. I can take whatever they throw at me—"
"God, are you serious?" Hajime cried, and wrenched his arm out of Fuyuhiko's grip. "Whatever they throw at you? You mean fucking torture?"
"Yes," Fuyuhiko said simply. "I can, and everyone else can't. They'd be fine with killing most of us, too, the second they get their hands on us. But not me or Sonia, 'cause we had the most information. They'd keep both of us alive to wring it out of us. Years' worth."
Hajime's vision went blurry with sudden tears.
"Who'd stand up to it better?" Fuyuhiko demanded. "Me or her?"
He couldn't swallow, suddenly. Gasping, Hajime turned away.
"I need you to promise me you'll get them away. Everyone." Fuyuhiko's voice wavered, and he coughed hard. "That'll make it all worth it."
"You… fuck. Fuck!" Hajime slammed his hand into a metal support post and turned back to Fuyuhiko as the post crumpled. "We'll come get you out. We won't leave you there."
"No, you fucking won't."
Hajime stepped toward him, eyes blazing, and leaned forward to put every bit of height he had on Fuyuhiko to good use. "We are not abandoning you, and fuck you for even asking."
"You are not rescuing me," Fuyuhiko spat. "If anyone else decides to try, I guess I can't stop them. They shouldn't; they'll just be caught and killed. But I can't stop them."
Hajime's jaw twitched. "You can't stop me, either."
Fuyuhiko reared up and caught Hajime's shirt in his fists, and gripped it with iron intensity. "They'd keep me 'n Sonia alive for some torture. They'd keep you for an entire lifetime of it. They want you more than anyone else on this island, and I'm not letting them get anywhere close."
"So you throw yourself at them, on purpose, but I'm not even supposed to try?!"
"What they'll do to me is nothing compared to you. If you come for me, you're throwing away every last thing I'm about to go through." Fuyuhiko's hands trembled before he shoved Hajime away. "If I see you again, I'll never forgive it. You got that?"
Stunned, Hajime rocked back on his heels. Tears dripped off his chin and splattered against the floor. "A… a week. It won't be me, fine. But a week, and we'll come for you."
"Don't be an idiot," Fuyuhiko muttered, and swiped at his cheek with the back of his hand. "It'll be a damn year until you're settled in somewhere new. Settled in well enough to monitor intel, anyway."
"A month."
Fuyuhiko's eye closed. "Hajime, please…" He turned away, and for one vulnerable moment, emotion threatened to overcome him. "Please, don't."
"Two months. Final offer. Imposter and Peko, in and out." Hajime swallowed hard. He could play dirty, too. "If you don't want to accept that, then you have to tell Peko that she's not allowed to try to rescue you. If there's a way to do it, she'll figure it out. You have to tell her that she can't."
"She already knows." Fuyuhiko's gaze went very distant, and he had to shake his head before it re-focused on Hajime. "There's not going to be any point in an attempt, by then. Don't bother."
"Don't bother?" Hajime repeated in disbelief. "No point?"
"Peko knows the whole plan. She'll tell you… in two months." Fuyuhiko's eye filled with renewed purpose as he confirmed, "In two months, you'll hear why a rescue attempt won't be worth it."
"We're out of time," Fuyuhiko said simply, and turned for the door. "You'd better get everyone out."
"Fuyuhiko!" Hajime pleaded, and ran to follow him.
A sure hand caught his wrist as he left. Hajime turned in surprise to Peko, who'd been waiting outside the door. Her eyes were bloodshot, her cheeks blotchy, but her gaze was filled with grim acceptance. "Let him go," she whispered. "He's made his choice."
"But… I can't…"
"If we do not save everyone else, we will diminish that choice." Peko's jaw clenched, then released. "What we can do for him now is to not let his efforts be in vain."
Something about her grip on his wrist kept Hajime there, even as Fuyuhiko vanished into the distance alongside Kazuichi. "I'm supposed to ask you in two months," Hajime said with a shaking voice. "About a rescue attempt."
Peko slowly nodded.
"He said that, in two months, you'd think it wouldn't be worth it."
"I know why he said that," Peko softly confirmed. "I do not agree with him, but I know why." Her hand tightened until the nails began to dig into Hajime's skin, then suddenly released. "We should round up the others. I refuse to let any of them die."
"…Right," Hajime agreed, and felt his shoulders slump.
I'm sorry. But I'll save everyone. I promise.
Two months.
Everyone. Including you.
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helloliriels · 1 month
It's WIP Wednesday!
Liri, Liri, oh so cheery
How does your WIP garden grow?
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🥰 Aahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, STELLA!!! I'm currently reviving several WiPs (and super excited about them!!!) THANK YOU FOR ASKING!!! (and now i feel like i have some accountability):
Six Impossible Things - John finds a list hidden in a book ...
(I Thought I Knew) The Shape of You - tentacles happen
Antagonish - a non-TEH compliant return fic 1st ch already up
The Shape of Us - another 1st ch up fic that i am continuing
FTH fic for thegildedbee (making progress!!!) - it has morphed again (a collage was an excellent way to put it!!!) and I have a good feeling about it this time! It will be something brand NEW!
Christmas in Honeycutt - thinking thinky thoughts ... and may get a few scenes written soon! Found my way forward!
Sleepless in London - may start to jump around writing scenes and see what happens *crosses fingers* definitely have a way fwd!
Paint Me Like I'm Yours - John is taking an art class. Sherlock volunteers to model. Explicit. (yes, im finally going to finish it and POST dammit!) 😎
Spin the Bottle - explicit jumper chapter insert I teased (2 yrs ago???) and wrote three or four times, but never shared (only im taking the jumper authorship back). and going to move it to my psued. see how this works ... 🤞(oh god)*takes deep breath*🤞
We'll see what happens!!!!
And then a few new prompts jumped into my mind:
Sherlock Moves the Furniture - (jeezus) ... this one is happening! (apparently)
An Annual Engagement (TBD) - Sherlock visits the office every year, to fill out papers and other formalities. This year he runs into someone interesting, and wonders if he has to wait a year to see them again?
Prompts I'd love to read but not gonna write, have at!
Invitation Only - Unilock. John gate crashes a party at a posh house and spends the evening hiding with another gatecrasher (or so he thinks). Turns out to be the guest of honor. Embarrassment and misunderstanding ensues. Sherlock crashes John's next party in return to try to win him over.
Twisters AU - John is a YouTube star and local storm wrangler with a New York journalist riding along for the storm season, when a gorgeous outsider shows up from London (?) making waves in the rival teams camp. Who is this guy? and how the hell is he always one step ahead of John's team? (I wonder if we can beg @discordantwords for this one instead??? haha.) (kidding not kidding) i would eat this up for breakfast.
Something Missing - Sherlock has a habit. Stealing. He only steals what he needs. And has rules. So many rules. About the houses he steals from. About the frequency of theft. An egg or two here. A cup of milk there. A scoop of laundry detergent. Never enough to get caught. When he frequents a couples house (Watson's) and figures out the wife is not what the husband thinks ... he begins to wonder about his rule of not interfering in his hosts lives ... ?
I guess that's enough to be going on. There are a few more, but I'm unburying myself from the loudest first. THANK you STELLA for asking!!!!! (god that was a long answer) bahaha! - xoxo Liri
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cinnapuppymilk · 2 years
Rose Thorn in His Side
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A/N: Hi!!! if you think you are seeing this post AGAIN, yes, yes you are! I had to switch accounts so I'm reposting this here and all following chapters will be posted to this account. I pinky promise to write extra spicy scenes to make up for it! Mwah!! xoxo
Original A/N Hey! This is gonna be my first fanfic ever, and kind of long so bare with me as I world-build. I get nervous thinking about posting this but my maladaptive daydreams just come up with the best material I have to type it out. This is gonna have some key points that I've entirely made up and doesn't exist in the TLW universe but hey, anything to make the story flow yeah? Lastly, this is Fem!Rabbit (medium-sized)(Y/N Ramirez)x Death(Lobo)
conejita = bunny (fem)
if there are spelling errors feel free to alert me! enjoy ☆
Chapter One: Table 7a.
'I am definitely a morning person.'
You thought to yourself as the sunlight from your bedroom window basically blinded you. You sighed, it must be 10am. You always woke up at 10am. No alarm needed, somehow your body knew what awaited it and got itself up without much help.
'I am absolutely a morning person.'
You tried to convince yourself as you stretched and felt all of the stiffness from sleep crackled and popped itself away. You finally summoned the energy to stand and immediately a shiver shot up from your feet to your head. The floor was ice cold, making you want to jump back into the sunny warmth of your bed. But instead, with a heavy sigh you treaded forward into your bathroom. You splashed warm water on your face and when you did you realized your face was cold as well, and the water felt nice. You let the water form a shallow pool in your hands and gently placed your face there.
'Maybe you really are a morning person.'
The thought crossed your mind only to be quickly interrupted by the sound of loud knocking on your front door.
You hastily patted your face dry and rushed to the door to see your long-time friend, Mateo standing there, looking more guilty than a murderer in Church.
"Don't be mad-" he started before you cut him off with a whiny retort.
"Noo Mateo don't do this to me pleasee." You begged, trying to avoid the inevitable B.S you knew was gonna come out of Mateo's mouth.
"I'm sorry Y/N, but Diego got hammered last night and he's really sick this morning, I even went over to check, just to make sure he wasn't lying and the poor kid is throwing up chunks. There's no way he can work, can you pleaaase work a double, por favorrr."
You sighed, knowing that you were definitely going to cover for him, but you were absolutely going to complain to yourself about it all morning.
"I am NOT a morning person, Mateo...but fine. I will come in, give me an hour and I'll be there and before you ask, sí, you do owe me, as well as Diego."
"Wait what, I'm just the messeng-" Mateo blurted before being interrupted with a playful "Adíos" and the door being shut in his face.
While getting ready to start your work day hours earlier than usual you cursed everything under the sun.
Curse your anxiety for making it so you would work at the same bar for 6 years, too afraid of new settings and people to ever try and get another job.
Curse Deigo for not knowing his drinking limits, forcing you to come in early instead of following your usual morning routine that you clung to so tightly.
Curse your need for control over your life, making you feel so overwhelmed and anxious when simple things like covering for a coworker occurs unexpectantly.
Curse life for being so difficult all the time.
Curse death too because if you were immortal you wouldn't have to worry about any of this at all.
You chuckled at your mini rant in your head before heading off to work at the bar that's been somewhat of a second home to you.
When you arrived at the bar, you took your usual position behind the counter, setting up your work area with clean glasses and making sure your kegs were ready. Your boss, Maria, placed a hand on your shoulder making you jump.
"Hola Y/N! Sorry to call you in like this, I know you already were gonna work the night shift but idiot one, Mateo, spent the after hours taking shots with idiot two, Diego, knowing he's a lightweight so, here we are, your lunch is on me today okay?" She gave you a reassuring smile before zipping away to take care of her duties.
You caught Mateo cleaning a table across the room and you shot him the coldest dirty look you could muster. No wonder he looked so nervous this morning, he was the main culprit. Mateo mouthed a pitiful "Sorry...love you!" while making a heart shape with his hands before running away out of your view into a backroom.
You sighed, and decided that you were going to try and make today a good day. At least at work you can escape your head. No room to overthink when you have to think about orders and drink making and cleaning tables.
Looking at a wall clock that read 11:34am, you decided to get lost in your work.
To your appreciation, the earlier work day went by fast. You saw the usual customers with their usual tales and problems and met a few newcomers who were just happy to see the bottom of a glass.
Checking the time again, it read 1:39am.
'Last call is at 2am, if I go fast I can be outta here by 3am.' You thought to yourself while drying some shot glasses.
Most of your coworkers bid you goodnight a while ago, they were lucky enough to only have one shift. You were left with Gabriella, a nice girl with good street smarts, and Maria, your ever so loving boss.
Gabriella bumped her hip into yours with a tired but happy smile on her face. She was always a bit of a space invader but she also was the first person to check in on you most times as well as defending you from customers who got a bit belligerent after too many drinks. So, you didn't mind her touchiness.
"Hanging in there Y/N? We're almost done! I'm ready for a nice hot bath tonight." she said while she picked up a few glasses, helping you get them clean.
"I'm definitely tired. When I see Mateo and Diego again they're never gonna hear the end of it....like...ever. I will haunt them in the afterlife, just watch Gabi, just watch."
Gabriella laughed before greeting Maria who then came behind the counter and got very close to you and Gabriella.
"Alright ladies, mira mira, table 7a.-"
You glanced up at the table that sat in the back corner of the bar, there sat a hooded figure, so tall they looked like they would tower over you even while sitting. You couldn't make out much of the figures face, except for a nose and mouth that definitely belongs to a wolf.
You were a little unsettled by them, afterall, if they wanted a late night drink, shouldn't they have approached the bar? Why sit in the dark, and why not speak to the bartender..? Are they looking for trouble?
Your thoughts were interrupted with the rest of Maria's sentence.
"He called me over, said he wants a Black Russian, I've got to count the drawers for the night so you two handle that..and be extra kind to him..seems like he's in a bad mood..."
Maria looks up at you both with a hint of concern in her eyes.
"If he causes trouble..call the coppers first...then me..kay'?"
Both you and Gabriella were a bit taken aback by Maria's request.
'Did he really give her that bad of a vibe?' you thought before returning your glance to the hooded figure. He now was looking up, and straight at all three of you. He had piercing red eyes that seemed illuminated no matter the lighting. You could swear you saw a small sinister grin on his face as he stared intently. You suddenly felt so uneasy, and unsafe. Your heart quickened its pace so you forced yourself to look away. Maria had apparently already left and you turned your head to see Gabriella caught in the same petrified state you were in.
"Gabi-" you started only to be cut off by her somewhat shaky voice. She snapped her head to look you in the eyes.
"Y/N, I'll wash the dishes, wipe the tables, sweep the floors and even prepare the kegs for tomorrow. But I'm not serving him."
"Gabi, you don't have to do all tha-"
Gabriella took another glance at the hooded figure and whatever she saw made her have visible goosebumps.
"I'll start now." She chirped quickly before dashing into the backroom.
You looked back at table 7a, and now there was no mistaking it. He was smiling. A bit wider than he was before as well. He found something funny, and for some reason, that gave you the same goosebumps Gabriella had.
You didn't want to trigger an anxiety attack, which were at times unfortunately frequent for you, so you figured you would just make his drink, the quicker you can get this stranger out of here, the better.
His drink...
His drink....
'What the hell did he order again???'
You cursed yourself for forgetting what Maria said he wanted. You cursed this strangers intense gaze for erasing all of the thoughts from your head. Maria kept her office locked while counting money, and there was no way Gabriella remembered since she never had the intention of serving him anyway.
You were gonna have to ask him.
You grabbed your little notebook and pen from behind the counter before hesitantly making your way to table 7a.
You tried to keep your eyes down at the floor but you did glance up while making your way over and confirmed your suspicion that this wolf was staring you down all the way to his table. It left this ball of uneasiness in the pit of your stomach. You took a big but quiet breath in as you approached his table.
"Hola señor, I'll be serving you tonight, could you please remind me what your order was again?" You prayed your unease didn't show in your tone as you put on your best customer serving voice.
The wolf said nothing for a few seconds, staring at you with a smile that maybe would seem friendly on anyone else but him. Those seconds felt like an eternity as you took the time to see his face up close. His fur was white, with a dark mask like pattering over his eyes leading all the way down his snout. Despite the ghastly hood that might have suggested otherwise, his fur looked soft. You admittedly thought about what it would feel like to touch it. You concluded that on closer inspection, he was a bit handsome.
"A Black Russian." His voice interrupted your shameless thoughts. His voice was deep, smooth and cold and had the inflection like he thought something was just a bit comical.
"Of course, coming right up." You quickly spun yourself around and sped walked away back to the safety of the counter.
In practically no time, the Black Russian was made. This time while walking back to the table you made sure to keep your eyes down. You wondered when the last time someone even ordered a Black Russian was.
When you reached his table, you desperately didn't want to meet his eyes again, they made you feel like you were frozen in place, staring hopelessly at something that looked like it kinda wanted to eat you. So instead you focused your sight on your hand placing the drink on the table, trying again to hide your uneasiness.
All the while, Death, unbeknownst to you, was having a bit of a fun time watching you. The way you had tapped your pen nervously on your notepad, the way you bounced from one foot to the other, biting your lower lip and desperately trying to avoid eye contact. And he especially took notice of the way your tail twitched now and again. He knew he made you unbelievably unnerved and you wanted nothing more than to escape the situation. And yet there you were, taking his order with the shakiest smile ever. You could've cowardly escaped to the backroom like your friend but you didn't. You endured his unsettling gaze and he admittedly loved every moment of it.
"Will that be all..it's the last call so.." Your voice finally gave in and you couldn't hide your uncomfortability towards the end of your sentence.
He decided he was having more fun than he planned to, and he wasn't finished torturing you yet. He licked his lips, and you took a shameful amount of interest in the size of his teeth and the way his tongue rolled over them.
"Actually, I meant to order a White Russian. Would you mind.." He looked up at you, giving a smirk that didn't hide his devious amusement.
It took you a second to find your train of thought.
"Right, a White Russian..so cream then, I'll be right back." you chirped before retreating once again to your counter.
While fetching the cream needed for his drink, Maria finally left the safety of the office, she had her coat on, so you guessed she was ready to leave. She glanced over to the wolf, before turning her gaze back onto you.
"Any trouble out of that one?"
Truthfully, despite feeling as though you wanted to run for the hills during your entire interaction with him, and having a hunch that you will never forget those daggers he has for eyes. He wasn't actually guilty of anything other than looking like serial killer. You couldn't truthfully claim he did anything worth being labeled trouble.
"No, he um, just wanted a White Russian instead." you stated while motioning with the small pitcher of cream in your hand. Maria breathed a sigh of relief.
"That's good, well Gabi seemed a little sick when I saw her last in the back so I sent her home, she didn't get to wipe the tables so that and locking up are your final tasks for the night. It's raining pretty hard so try and find a spare umbrella in the back. Night Y/N." Maria then made her way out of the back exit. Leaving you and the wolf in the bar alone.
. . .
Oh right, his White Russian.
You spun around to see him tapping his claw on the table. Guess you took too long, he no longer seemed as amused.
You zipped to his table, while simultaneously trying not to spill any cream. When you approached him he immediately startled you with his voice.
"Any longer and the ice would've melted..and I thought rabbits were meant to be fast." He gave a deep half chuckle.
You were almost offended at his comment, there wasn't a need for stereotypes, after all you could say a lot about him being a big scary wolf. Suddenly, you had newly sprung courage bubble up in you. You poured the cream carefully and decided to speak up.
"If you had ordered the right drink the first go around you wouldn't have to wait Señor Lobo. We all can't be perfect."
As soon as the words left your mouth, you desperately wanted to swallow them back up. Hesitantly, you peeked up at the wolf. For a second you thought you might've saw a surprised expression on his face before quickly being replaced by one of devious amusement once again. He gave a deep hearty laugh before downing his drink and licking his lips. You cursed yourself for focusing on his mouth so much.
He then abruptly stuck out his paw with a grin.
You hesitantly placed your hand in his and gave a small shake.
"Death." he spoke as he tilted his head slightly, not letting go of your hand.
"What? Wait like, that's your name or..are you wishing it on me?" You asked giving a fake chuckle, hoping that he wasn't actually wishing death on you.
"That's my name. And yours is?" He still held your hand, it was strangely cold for someone who was covered in so much fur.
"Y/N..Ramirez." You gave a small smile before gently trying to pull your hand back only for him to hold it tighter for a second longer before letting go.
You hadn't really thought too deeply into his name, you've met a lot of folks with all sorts of unique names, some they were given, others they came up with themselves. If anything, his name suited him well. You couldn't imagine if he had a name like..José or Luis.
"Well, Death..the bar is now closed and I've just got these tables to clean before locking up. It was..nice meeting you and I hope you come again." You gave him the same spiel you gave every new customer.
"Of course, enjoy the rest of your evening, Y/N," He said smoothly. You nodded and reached into your servers belt to fish out his receipt.
However, when you looked up to give it to him, he was gone, and on the table was a pile of gold coins that were worth more than what one lousy White Russian would cost.
You looked around in confusion as you didn't comprehend how he could've gotten past you without making a sound. Or how he could've left through the front doors without ringing the bells at the top. You shook your head as you realized how tired you were. You scooped up the coins and left them on Maria's desk for tomorrow, after that you wiped the tables down and let your mind wander as you locked all the doors and windows of the bar.
You initially thought that Death's encounter with you would leave you with nightmarish memories of his red eyes and chilling demeanor. Instead, however, you kept thinking about all the wrong things.
You thought about how you liked his fur, and how soft it looked.
You like his scent, it reminded you of how it smells right after it rains.
You liked the way he talked, deep, smooth, and confident.
You liked the way his tongue glossed over his large teeth..and the way your hand felt in his..
You forcefully ejected yourself from your embarrassing thoughts as you locked the front door and stepped into the hard rain.
'Right. Maria did say it was raining and I did not grab an umbrella. What a damn idiot am I.'
You sighed deeply, preparing yourself for the 15 minute soaking wet walk you were gonna have to take home. You only got a couple paces in the direction of your home before you stopped in your tracks.
'Ah, I was right. I didn't forget those eyes.'
You thought to yourself as you immediately recognized Death's illuminated red eyes in the shadow of a tree not too far from where you stood. Hesitantly, you called out to him.
Instantly, he emerged from the shadows, chuckling to himself as he approached you.
"Bien, conejita, muy bien. You have good awareness."
For some reason, you made a mental note to remember his compliment to you.
"Were you out here waiting for me?" you asked as he finally got within a few feet of you. It was then you truly realized how big he was. You weren't as small as other rabbits in your family, in fact you kinda considered yourself tall for a rabbit and yet, your head only came up to his chest, forcing you to lift your head up to look at him.
"Sí, it's raining hard and you have no umbrella. So I'll be a gentleman and lend you this."
Suddenly the hard pellets of rain no longer battered down on you, you blinked and realized, Death no longer had on his poncho, instead, it was on you.
You felt your cheeks and ears burn red with embarrassment.
"Ah, gracías.." You focused your sight on the ground as you found it too hard to face him in that moment.
"No problem, though of course you can't keep it..we are strangers after all, sí?"
'Oh right. Well then he'll have to take it back...after I get home.....Oh.'
You then realized what he was implying. He was gonna walk you home, you felt your cheeks and ears burn even hotter, and for a second you wanted to feel the rain on your face to cool you down.
"Right, well just this way then.." you trailed off as you began picking your pace back up in the correct direction.
While you focused your gaze on the ground out of shyness, Death focused his gaze on you.
He admittedly wasn't entirely sure why he was out here, walking some bunny to her home in the rain. He only meant to stop in for a quick drink after a long day. He mentally flipped through reasons that led him to be here, chauffeuring a little rabbit home.
He found you interesting, he liked the effect he had on you, specifically.
He had a strong effect on practically everyone. The running, screaming, pleading, fighting back kind of effect.
But on you, there was a push and pull. He noticed the way you couldn't be still under his gaze, how when given the chance you practically scattered to the comfort of the counter away from his table...but he also noticed the way you had unconsciously grazed your thumb over his paw when you shook hands... and the way your breath hitched when he leaned in too close. He chalked up his interest to wanting answers for this strange behavior and figured a quick chat on the way to your home would be all he needed to satisfy his curiosity.
....Plus, he enjoyed the way you had to keep pulling up his poncho because it was much too big for you. He couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.
"It's just past this uphill, not too far." You interrupted his thoughts. Your voice shaky, but this time not from uneasiness, instead, you found yourself very, very cold. Despite his poncho covering most of your body, it wasn't thick enough to not be eventually soaked in the relentless rain.
The shivering as well as the now slippery uphill walk slowed your pace greatly. Death, who was already making an effort to not speed past you with his naturally longer strides now had to come almost to a complete stop. He watched you helplessly attempt to conquer a small hill.
He didn't want to spend this much time on this little side quest of his. Shaking his head, he decided there was no other option.
He swiftly got close behind you and scooped you up bridal style into his arms. You screamed out in surprise as you found yourself suddenly looking up at Death, and the cloudy night sky, with rain more gently now, hitting your face. Death looked annoyed as he moved his mouth dangerously close to your ear.
"Hush now, conejita, you're starting to become more of a burden than you're worth." he whispered in your ear.
Offended, you scowled and looked away from him.
'It wasn't like I asked you to walk me home.' You thought to yourself as you begrudgingly let Death carry you in his arms, wishing you were home already in your warm bed.
Death looked down at you, seeing your hurt expression made him upset. He truthfully didn't mean to come across as rude as he did. The whole reason he's even here right now was to talk to you. Strangely for him, he regretted his comment and tried to change the subject.
"How long have you worked at the bar?" He asked plainly.
"Six and a half years, 17 days and 14 hours but hey who's counting." You grinned at your joke. You honestly did love working at the bar, despite all of the challenges it can present you.
Death nodded before carrying on.
"So then, you've seen many different kinds of people. What do you think of them?"
You gave your answer thought before speaking, humming while you did so.
"Ahh, most people are fun. They just want to let loose and chat everyone's head off. That, or they are looking for some comfort in drinking. Either way, I've had no real problems with most of the customers. I just do my best to give them what they need."
The rain has now come to a light sprinkle, the cold air pushed against you, making you want to retreat into the fur of this large wolf, but you refrained, not wanting to cross a line.
Death hummed in response and then there was a silence. You closed your eyes and focused on the crunch of the leaves under Death's feet as he carried you to home.
You could faintly hear his breathing, calm and steady despite just overcoming the uphill in the rain. The rhythmic rise and fall of his chest combined with the sway of the walk was just the break you needed after such a long day.
Death's voice broke the silence.
"And what do you make of me."
Although it was a question, Death said it like he it was more of a thought to himself, as if he already knew the answer and was just thinking out loud.
You took even longer to answer this time.
"I think you must have it hard, with your appearance being so...unnerving. But you're a good guy I think. Plus, when you get a good look, you look kinda handsome. So cheer up, and don't be so down, you don't have to be the big bad wolf, you can be whatever you want."
You decided to answer honestly as you saw your cottage not too far away. And it's not like you'll ever see this guy again, so who cares if you say something just a bit embarrassing.
Suddenly, Death placed you gently onto your feet and removed his poncho from you.
You turned to look at him, hoping your honesty didn't tick him off. Death stared off at something else. This time he was the one avoiding eye contact.
"You're home, rabbit." He said as he put his poncho back on himself, seemingly unbothered by how cold and wet it was.
You turned to see your cottage just a few paces ahead of you.
"Ah thank you, be safe on your travels."
He paused, still glaring into the void.
"You too conejita, I don't want to see you too soon."
Before you could ask him what that last part meant, you blinked and he vanished. And somehow, with his departure, the air felt warmer.
That night, after a much needed shower and dinner, you laid in your bed with your head full of nothing but the wolf from the bar.
You wished on every star you could see from your window that he wasn't just a passersby.
That you might get to see Death again.
You drifted off to sleep, with dreams of Death filling your head.
Not far from your home, Death sat against a tree. Your words replaying in his mind. He ruffled the fur on the top of his head with a heavy sigh.
He knew he couldn't leave you alone after that.
End of chapter one.
Chapter Two 🔽
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elicathebunny · 2 months
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Hey guys! I have been gone for 2 months, i wanted to break my hiatus with at least one post as i will be busy throughout the summer but I made this post and was wanting to publish it. I cannot say I will be back fully but I have slowly gained my inspiration back slightly. My 2nd blog @angelacademy is still on a break because I need more time to research for that account to make better content for you guys. For now enjoy this one post bc idk when my next one will be 😭
I finished my school now so i’m gonna try write more over the summer holidays. I will not be posting as much as I used to post because I did end up burning out. Instead I will be releasing posts when I get the motivation to write. When things get busy again with school in the new year. I will go back on my hiatus until I finish the school year to focus on my studies.
Thankyou all for the follows whilst I was gone ☺️☺️!!
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florentism · 1 year
my uni tips as a second year student 🍂🧸💭
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💭 know when your classes start!
This may seem like a no-brainer but believe me when I tell you there are students who won’t know when or how many classes they have. This will only lead to stress and an unorganised mind. Check your schedule for the first period/semester ideally 2 weeks before school officially starts. That way you’ll have plenty of time to plan other activities around your lectures!
🍂 make friends, especially the first few weeks
Now, call me naive but I thought I could go through uni all by myself, without the headache of keeping up with the social scene but I couldn’t have been more wrong. Most studies are fairly big, with the number of students being 300 or even more if you follow a popular study. Simply put, this means chaos. Having friends to answer questions like: “When did the professor say the deadline was? Do we get the extra points if we do x, y, z? What was the new date for the midterm?” will save your academic life more than once. Two people know more than one, so help each other! Plus sitting next to someone you know and having people to talk to about your courses is very comforting to have :)
🕰️ make your assignments on time!
I know this is an obvious one, but trust me when I say that pushing that assignment, project, or homework to the very last day will only give you unnecessary stress. Ideally you should start your assignment on the day it’s been published so you can really take your time to grasp the concepts being discussed, thus preparing you better for the upcoming midterm and finals (less work for future you!)
🧸 make time for rest and relaxation!
Many students will tell you that they don’t have time for anything besides their study. In my honest opinion, this is easily dodged by simply having decent time management. I try to plan the following week on a Sunday so I know what assignments are due, when my classes are, etc. In my experience it’s more difficult to follow the planning I made than actually making it, so try to keep it realistic. You’re probably not gonna manage to write 2 essays and make an assignment in one single day so keep that in mind. I’d suggest to go to campus (or a cafe or library or another cosy study spot) in the morning and stay there until the afternoon. This makes you more productive and gives you free time for the whole evening!
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I hope you found some good tips in this mini guide and please, do let me know if you liked it and would like to see more such posts <3
Xoxo, Florentism
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tiggggered · 1 year
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this feels like the only place i can post this. no one checks this as far as i know..
this week has been so intense for my emotions. i had graham stay over for the week my family went to sicily
it was so wonderful and i never have felt better than when i was with him. i know it’s honeymoon and puppy love and all that phase but i think he is going to be somebody i love for a while. i don’t know how long but knowing i would like to makes me feel to scared about never getting to be with william ever again.
as for the photos, EW. you’re the love of my life. nothing in the world is going to ever change that and i really want to end up with you. there’s nothing more than that. we’re meant to be and you’re my everything. i do truly think though we do need to try move on (for now) and grow. try new things and see what changes could be made? idk sorry i’m high and very stoned hahaha
anyways, william, i wanna marry you. i spend my life with you but i need more and you to love me more and really appreciate me. there are so many things you’ve listed to me that you were bad for like with not hanging out or walking me home and all. like idm not being with you sometimes but it is nice to see you for as long as possible 😁😁😁😁
hearing you say how much you’re scared and you miss me and just so sad about it i totally feel it. it hurts and i wish i could just say yes to you. but i do really like graham. he makes me feel adored and he is always helping me and doing little things he makes me smile and laugh he kisses me all the time. i can see myself living with him for a few years. i just know deep down i’m going to end up back with william at the perfect age for everything to work because it has to he’s so wonderful.
that feeling of hope that isn’t going away makes me feel guilty for wanting to even try now or does that mean i’m leading graham on? is it mean of me to just have my little secret feelings? what happens if i caved after 30 years and cheated? like idk the future is scary because i know i only wanna spend it with william but it really isn’t working so far in a lovers way :(
anyways again haha the second pic is how the day looked when i did this. around 7am.
i’m excited to see how we both grow and learn to be friends and i want to see you put in some real effort i want an invite somewhere as much as possible haha also don’t move out of drogheda i love having you here. without you i’ve no one i wanna see that’s close by :(
okay i’m gonna sign off for now i have to catch my bus.
peace love and hugs
elaine xoxo
i love you william 💛
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mcrcki · 2 years
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Was that [DANIELLE ROSE RUSSELL]? Oh no no, that was just [DANIELA DIMITRESCU], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [RESIDENT EVIL VILLAGE]. They are [TWENTY TWO] years old, use [SHE/THEY], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here
about four months as of 12.15.22. she’s very much still new here, does not like being on her own, but she’s kinda having fun. there’s a palpable tension in the city that has her intrigued and honestly kinda excited
what is your character’s job
rich stay at home daughter xoxo, maneater. technically unemployed
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom
gonna go with a classic move, and pull them post death !! res 8 is p open ended when it comes to this part of the game, and you can kinda kill the sisters in any order depending on who you run into first. but the most popular way that people run through ( and the way i did it when i played ) was daniela was the second sister to die. so, i’m gonna say right now, she’s pulled after bela and their own death, and has no idea the fate of ethan, cassandra and her mother!!
has any magic affected your character
they’re not just bugs anymore, she has a full body, but she still has the ability to use her fly swam, otherwise they’re the same daniela, so no !!
and any other information you might find useful for us and the other members to know!!
again, peer pressure brought me here. but time for me to ramble about YET ANOTHER murder bitch !!!!! except this time i’m switching it up and bringing the actual posterchild for that ‘cute but psycho, but cute’ quote kgfjglf but gonna give y’all a breakdown of daniela in case you don’t know anything about the game, or have only seen the lady d memes
the youngest of the dimitrescu sisters, daniela is considered the most unstable of the sisters. described as the most ‘delusional’. they’re definitely just the vibe of that ‘i just A BABY’ audio.
youngest sister vibes of, can do no wrong, will cry to mom if you mess with them and she doesn’t like it
spoiled vampire brat
created and then adopted by alcina dimitrescu ( also known as lady d , or vampire milf ), the “sisters” were originally maids within the castle, who were chosen by alcina to be used as an experiment with mother miranda. they were infected by the cadou and eventually, when they survived the experiment, were turned into vampire-esc mutants.
the girls are actually 7 million flies in a trench coat (shoutout to an truly unhinged vc where kasey did the math to actually figure this out)
they lived together inside the castle after that as a family, the girls were turned roughly around the late 50s, and the events of the game take place during 2021 sO
at the end of the day, they may be classified as a villain, but HONESTLY ethan fucking winters broke into their house, and started attacking their family. what were they supposed to do??? just let the man kill their mom and NOT try to stop him???????
honestly she’s just very much the annoying little sister, and they are the kind of person that will absolutely use a pout to try and get their way.
loves their sisters and mother more than anything, is extremely loyal to them
is p excited to be in the city ngl, this place is just the right kind of weird ?? there’s something strange going on and daniela (while worried about their family) is excited to see what it has to offer
native language is romanian, but speaks fluent english
canonically 6′7 so  there’s that
also has a scar on the side of their head with a shaved portion of their hair over it. it will not grow back, so they just have a shaved side as a Fashion Statement
is slightly less ready for straight up murder than her sisters, but is always here for revenge and just being a little unhinged. would rather play with her food than just jump right to killing
open to absolutely screwing with your characters head :)
she’s got killer quotes like : "good, now harder.“ , "mm, bad boy! you can’t go anywhere.” ,  “a dream. this is a dream.” followed by "i don’t wanna …die …“
just wants to be told she’s doing a good job, and that someone is proud of her pls
someone just kiss her on the forehead, ik she is probably covered in blood but like she deserves a nice forehead kiss
connections :
✩ nightmare friend group
daniela is a fucking mess. i’m not gonna sugar coat that. they 100% would be looking for friends that will make them more powerful, that are their own brand of supernatural and freaky. just anything that will help them feel more at home here in dc!!
they miss the lords and their sisters, they want that feeling of home back and will try to make that with a group of terrible people here
✩ people to terrorize
like i said. terrible person
she just really likes to play with her food, loves to mess with people and get in their heads. would 1000% spend too much time messing with you and trying to see what gets you all hot and bothered and then flirt just to confuse you
i’m sorry if you interact with her
✩ human guide
dani is more adjacent to human here in the city, rather than mutant like they were back in romania. so, honestly, they don’t really know how to pretend to be human, or fit in with humans
i think it’d be fun to have either another supernatural being, or even a human that like can get past her being Terrible, and kinda show them the ropes when it comes to being human passing
✩ roommate (s)
roommate from hell situation
would absolutely call you their maid.
has never washed a dish in their life and doesn’t intent to start now
i just think the tension would be funny.
✩ a ship down the line
dani is def not straight, i am still figuring out all of that, but they’re pretty much open to any candidate for a ship
i’ll be honest though, they’d rather find someone who is just as crazy as them. very much “we can make each other worse” sort of ship over ‘i can fix him/her/them’ vibes.
would like to just have it in early stages, see where the vibe is and if we don’t like it, reassess and maybe they’ll be better as friends or something but i definitely want this to be a like slow moving plot !! just while i get comfortable with their voice !!
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1d1195 · 4 months
hiiii !!! i finished ding and i just jasndjfhkadjadj I ADORE them🥹 they truly are just perfect for each other (girl omggg i NEEEEED a future blurb about the rematch and him winning he deserves it after all that anxiety😭 also you should do something where bc they do a rematch and none of them consider that first fight a real match IF HE WINS THE ONE STRIKE IN HIS LOSS COLUMN SHOULD JUST DISAPPEAR LMFAEJFKK)
I WAS SOOOOOO HAPPY TO SEE A TRADITIONAL BLURB !!!!! idk what it is about them but they just have a special place in my heart, i think when you were first posting the series i was just in a really different place in my life, not bad but not really good it was sort of an adjusting period, and i would get on here and read them and they just made me feel sooooo good and it was just a safe place to get lost in and everything. your writing truly is such a blessing thank you so much sam <3
AND THENNNNN last night i couldnt sleep so i was scrolling on here and i saw an anon mention committed and i realized I HADNT READ IT YET so you know i went back and read everything including their blurbs and ohhhh myyyy goodnessss😩😩 THEYRE SOOOOO ADORABLE they way they were just soooooooo down bad for each other ???? i need that otherwise it would never work between me and someone else. THE JEALOUSY BLURB WAS PERFECTION AND THEIR FIRST TIME ?????? AHHHHHHHHH
things are kinda boring on my end, it's officially iced coffee season again and i LOVE THAT. i CANNOT drink it during winter i already tend to run cold so that just pushes me off the edge and i just cant warm up again but now its hot out and im not sick anymore!!🥳 so thats fun
music wise i havent really been listening to anything new but i was on the phone with my sister this morning and i turned on Magic by 1D and its suchhh a fun song😭 ive been feeling more upbeat songs lately and that one has been on repeat ALSO last first kiss :))
hope your doing absolutely amazing lmk whats new with you what've you been up to ??
Ahhhhh! Hi! I've been thinking of you! Glad to hear you're not sick anymore! I don't have very many new songs either--I'll have to look! I'm def PMSing so I'm looking for depressing songs to fit my mood rn lol. I'm back on my Noah Kahan kick. MAGIC IS SUCH A BOP. I use it to help me clean my apartment.
I'm so glad you liked Ding and I'm thinking that's a great idea 😉 I'll try to work it in!
That's really sweet about Traditional. It's def the series most people seem to like overall. I'm sorry you were in a tough place but it makes me happy you felt safe here on my little blog. It means a lot to me 💕
I loved Committed! I think it was a random idea (not super suggested) or at least I hope it wasn't because I can't remember. I just liked that TikTok that went with it 😂😂 They were oblivious little cuties for sure. Loved them 💕 SO glad you got to read something knew from me even though I'm def gonna be slow this week! I remember you saying you liked to read finished series so that's probably for the best. They were being annoying part way through if I recall. Not quite a cliffhanger but very Ross-Rachel just shut up and be together sort of thing 😉
I'm SCREAMING about iced coffee season. I drink it year round. My friends send me the snowblower memes during storms that say like "need anything from dunkin?" it's so me. I'm happy for you though! It's like it's officially summer once you start right? That's good news!
Tbh May was really tough for me in about every direction. I'm still kind of overwhelmed with a lot of stuff, but summer is looking more relaxed while still doing a bunch of things. The highlight of the last few weeks was probably reading my trashy romance book and going to a couple book stores and getting more books that I shouldn't have 🤭 It's also POLLEN SEASON around here and it's quite miserable. But it's okay, I will be fine. Just got to get through a few more days of craziness 😅
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I’ve been pretty isolated and I’d like more interaction with the rest of the corpoverse, so I thought I’d make a little post!!~
Things about ✨me✨:
- I’m an ordained minister:
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- I’m trans!🏳️‍⚧️ and gender-fluid. My gender is weird and mercurial.
- I use all pronouns including neos. She/Her is my least favourite, but you can sprinkle it in there. Bonus points if you use neos that I haven’t used yet.
- I’m best described as a little freak. I’m a tranny faggot freak and I’m proud of it.
- I’m pansexual and polyamorous. Also lonely😭.
- I’m a demon but like. Im not doing demon shit rn. I’m being forced to work retail on earth as a punishment for unionizing the 2nd circle. Sex work is real work and I’m not sorry.
- Specifically im a nightmare/xcubus but like. That’s not my whole personality. I’m like…stoner emo nerd first, anarchist second, demon that feeds on emotions third. Also I never feed on anyone without enthusiastic consent.
- I know a guy. For everything. You need something? I know a guy.
- I have two beautiful children.
- I’m related to Hot Topic, Funko, Spirit Halloween, and some others..
- I’m pretty sure the restock guy, John, was created by satan specifically to torment me. Like, he’s human, I checked, but there’s no way someone can be that incompetent.
- I’m a hedonist, a heretic, a heathen, and an all around good time.
- i will throw hands if you’re a bigot. People should be allowed to be free in how they identify and present.
- I’m chaotic neutral all the way.
- we play D&D in the breakroom every other Thursday. Ask Mike at the register.
- sometimes I get high and accept Monopoly money.
-if i see you stealing, no I didn’t. capitalism is a disease.
- My birthday is October 20.
- I don’t know where I was born I’m gonna be honest.
- my current form is mostly human because again, I’m here against my will.
- I’m 5’ 10”.
- I appear about 21 years old but I’m like…way way older. Human time is weird.
- no, I’m not wearing contacts. Those are my actual eyes. And yes, the wings are real.
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- ACAB. Enough said.
- I’m very ADHD.
- I will try anything once (within reason. If it violates another person’s right to basic human decency and autonomy, then no). I live for new experiences.
If you have other questions, send me an ask! Or just send whatever. I don’t care what! I wanna get to know y’all. Since I’m stuck on this planet, I might as well make some friends.
✨❤️‍🔥Spency ❤️‍🔥✨
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: July 10th
I really let asks get away from me lately. I was super focused on working on that Patreon Moment. With that done I can finally think about doing other things, so here’s a new collection of answers!
Thank you for sending in questions everyone ^^.
For the new Patreon moment, will you be able to reference it in step 4? Or just like a tiny nod to it if you pick certain choices?
There won’t be. I’m sorry if you were hoping for that! The Patreon moment is meant to be entirely optional, it’s not something that gets you extra content in the main game.
Is the new CG artist the main one now? :0 I’ve noticed theres been a difference in the art style recently. Is the old CG artist still going to make art for the game? :0
The original artist still makes CGs for the game sometimes, but he mainly focuses on character sprites.
Are you going to put the NSFW our life moment on a website other than patreon? I would love to get it but I can't use patreon atm.
I don’t know. I'm afraid we can't release the Patreon Moment on a normal game storefront because we can't mix 18+ content with our family friendly game. If there's some other place similar to Patreon where it's not the normal type of full-scale public content releases we'd consider using that, but I’m not sure if there is another site that’s better than Patreon in that regard. I'm sorry.
Out of curiosity, in all of your games so far, which characters in each were the most fun to write? They obviously don't have to be your favorite characters!
Buffalo Seer in AFA, really everyone in XOD/XOBD is pretty equally entertaining to write, The Guide in LoV, and Cove in OL!
idk if you accept "personal" questions, but is there anything you've been watching/ listening to lately
Mostly, I’ve been watching/listening to Authortube videos as of late! It’s people who talk generally about the process of how books become traditionally published and/or share their own experience as they attempt to be published. I don’t have an interest in writing normal text based books, but it’s really interesting to hear about that world. I’m listening to a video about royalties right now as I answer these asks.
Will one of the desserts we get to pick be fudge? That'd be such a cute reference! 
Haha, yeah, it should. Unless I completely blank on it and forget when trying to include the various referential food options.
I don't know if this has been asked previously but what would be the approximate heights for the presets MC can choose from Step 2 ~ 4? Are there any measurement you had in mind? Sorry if I didn't make myself clear kk I've been struggling with my English lately 💀 
I don’t know, ahah. I didn’t have any numbers in mind for that. So it’s whatever you imagine it is!
I noticed a bug with the Patreon moment when it comes to what your character wears. When Jamie and Cove are kissing while my character only had dresses selected, I had both the option to remove the dress or to remove the shirt... Picking one of the options to interact with Cove, after he removed his shirt, it had Jamie remove their shirt followed by ther pants despite only having dresses picked. 
Thank you for reporting ^^
I keep refreshing steam to see when the new doc for xobd will be released. I noticed you haven't posted anything about it in quite some time. Would it be possible to ask about a timeline/potential date? (If it's even this year—) I know you and your team are probably working super hard, I'm just super curious! ~Thank you!~ 
There are more stories done, I just haven’t gotten around to publicly releasing them. Hopefully I will have a chance to spend the time on that sooner rather than later!
hello!! i’m not sure if it’s an update but i’ve just replayed our life and at the end i can’t propose to cove anymore? :(( i’ve actually tried playing twice but the options are not there anymore, did you guys remove the options? i’m sorry if you’ve answered this before!! thank you and have a good one :) 
I’m afraid things haven’t been changed or removed, so I think you might’ve accidentally picked the wrong things somewhere along the way and locked yourself out of being able to propose by mistake. Sometimes you meant to say you want to get married but instead you mis-click and have it so the MC isn’t thinking about marriage or something. All I can suggest is starting from the beginning of Step 3 and making sure to follow the steps listed in the FAQ. I’m sorry for that.
Did yall remove some of the options for when youre making out with Cove in the charity moment? I could've sworn you could grab his bonkadonk and its not there anymore 
This is the same situation as the above. We didn’t remove things and you’re not wrong that there are sometimes those options. But there are various choices you have to make to get those options and it sounds like you accidentally missed something. If your relationship isn’t long-term, you can’t do it for example.
Thank you for getting it!
Is Shiloh super totally straight bc I’m very gay and a huge Shiloh fan, would my man make an exception?😩
Sadly, he is one of our super straight characters. I’m sorry.
Hi, I have a very dumb question. In Step 2 does Cove not wanna share his drink with us at the mall (or rather why he stops drinking it) because it's an indirect kiss? Or is it like ...weird to him to share? Because if I remember right he eats off our spoon in the birthday scene right? 
Yeah, he’s awkward about it because he likes the MC and it feels very personal to share a straw with his crush.
Hi! If you don't mind me asking, who is the artist for OL2? Their style is so pretty! 
Thank you for saying so! This is her Twitter- https://twitter.com/redridingheart
Do Beginnings & Always and Now & Forever exist in the same universe? 
Yep! XOXO Droplets also exists in the same universe. It’s one big GB Patch world, haha.
Do Pran's parents regret the way they raised him? Do they feel ashamed of it?
No. They’re the type of people best cut out because they’re not gonna change. Which is why Pran does go very limited contact when he’s an adult.
Hi! I just wrapped up my second playthrough of Our Life, and I absolutely adore it, but I had a question. I went to the gallery and found I was missing 2 CGS (specifically Step 1-3 and 2-3) and I had no clue where they would've shown up. Which moments are those found in? 
You get it by telling Cove about his dad offering you money to be his friend in Step 1 and Step 2. You can’t get both in one playthrough, since you can only tell Cove the truth once. I’m really glad you liked it!
Hi hi! Please, how tall is Baxter and Derek? Love the game so much and I can't wait to see more! 
I don’t know, aha. I think Baxter was around 5′10 and Derek was like 5′8/5′9, maybe. I really am not one who has specific heights for things in mind.
is adult cove a bottom, top, or switch? 
A switch, though would choose the top if he had to pick.
I was wondering if there is a way to transfer save data? Even if through the game files. I wanted to be able to transfer my save data from my desktop over to my laptop so that I could continue playing right where I left off from but I'm not entirely sure how to go about that. 
If you save the save folder/persistent data of the game from your desktop and put it into the game folder on your other device, that could work.
Hi! Is it possible for us to know the date when our life: now and forever comes out on steam? Sorry if you've mentioned it before but I haven't seen it and I'm looking foward to that happening and just wanted to know :) 
It’s gonna be a long time, I’m afraid. There’s no estimate right now.
I started playing Our Life with my sister a while ago, and I think you guys should know that we discovered your secret. >:)
L from death note and Cove are clearly the same person, and this whole game is just an origin story!!
I’ve never seen that show so I’m sorry to say I don’t understand the connection/reference you’re trying to make. I’m pretty out of the loop when it comes to media. I don’t watch movies or TV.
Will OL2 have options for disabled MCs?
I understand if it's too complicated, just curious
Unfortunately, it’s not really something we have a plan for. We couldn’t finish the game if we tried to include every disability and have it be meaningful. It’d just be too much content to create. But if we decide to only include a few, how would we choose which disabilities get to be represented and which are left out? I don’t know. It’ll probably have to be something we don’t include as an option again, sadly. I’m sorry.
playing our life > anything else 
Haha, I’m glad you’re enjoying it.
Honestly, I would like to thank Our Life for helping me come to terms with my sexuality. Before, I never would've actually thought that it was possible to like boys romantically and still be asexual. Almost all of the BL visual novels I've read had unskippable sexual content in them and it honestly just didn't click with what I feel. I'm glad I found Our Life. I love the game, the developers, and this fandom so much. Now, I can safely come out as homoromantic AND asexual (at least anonymously here anyway; my parents are still huge homophobes 😂). 
Aw, it’s great to hear you felt comfortable being yourself in the game! That’s wonderful. I’m really sorry about your parents, though.
Will the demo for OL2 be on android? Really not sure if I could wait any longer than I have to aha 
Yeah, it’ll be available for Android once we eventually release a demo!
Do all these reveals perhaps mean development is progressing ahead of schedule? Please let that be the case I'm already obsessed with Qiu 
No, sorry, aha. Art comes along much faster than script/programming-work for us. It’s gonna be a long time before the game is a finished thing you can actually play. But at least we can look at the beautiful images.
Hey! First of all I wanna say I reallllllyyyyy loooovvveeee Our Life and XOXO Droplets! I have over 300 hours of playtime on Our Life… Anyways, I was just wondering, are the Derek and Baxter DLCs going to come out at the same time? If not, which one do you plan to release first? :3 
They will come out separately and Derek will be first! Glad you like the game.
I keep replaying Our Life to get every possible iteration and I am loving it <3 I was wondering if Cove gets locked out of his confession because MC was talking to Lee, would it be possible to confess to him in step 4? 
Yeah, you can avoid the confession in Step 3 and then get it in Step 4.
Hi, my Cove wears bracelets through step 2 and 3 but I still don't get an option to give him a bracelet? I didn't even know that was possible until I seen someone else ask about it lol 
Hm, did you use the Cove creator? Maybe there’s a bug where using the creator to add bracelets doesn’t fulfill the requirement to give Cove a bracelet in Step 3.
Wait, I'm dense, when does Baxter appear in step 2? Is it from big park firework? I feel so bad since i really love Baxter and waiting to buy his dlc. 
It’s in the Soiree Moment. You have to be just friends with Cove, indifferent, or crushing but not ask Cove to the dance at all. Then while there you can find someone new to dance with. But if you bring Cove to the dance while crushing, the MC won’t wanna dance with anyone else so you can’t get the scene.
In step 2 when we go to the soiree I made my mc go alone and baxter chooses the mc to dance, i'm curious, why did he pick the mc? sorry if this has been asked before! 
Because the MC looked to be around his age, seemed to also be searching for a partner, and had nice legs. A perfect option for him.
I read some of the FAQs, and I saw that we could tell Baxter about the condo that he rented there was previously the mean old grandparents. how do we get the mc to tell him that? 
It happens in the DLC Moment “Late Shift”. If you don’t have a job you instead get a longer scene with Baxter.
I don’t know if you’ve addressed this or not, but are you planning on paying voice actors for our life: now and forever? 
Yeah, we pay our VAs in all our projects.
hey can i ask how you did the moments thing in ol? im trying to get into making visual novels and while im VERY sure its out of my comfort zone and all that atm i kinda wanna know just for the future, bc im p sure it would work well for something i wanna do :O but its also fine if you cant say for other reasons :> 
I’m afraid I’m not sure what you mean. Are you asking how we programmed the screen or something script related? Adding Moments like that is pretty straightforward, though. You just have buttons that open to different labels and then the scripts are essentially individual short stories/vignettes. Good luck with your VN!
Since Autumn becomes gender fluid later in the game, will there be a character who remains as he/him to romance in game? 
OL1 has the he/him LIs, OL2 is all about other genders.
I don't want to impose on your creative plans, but a parrot could possibly make a good pet in an OL-type game? They're pretty long-lived and likely to still be thriving by the end even if the MC got them back in step 1. 
I do appreciate the suggestion, but I’m afraid it’s not likely going to happen. I understand there are technically some animals that could theoretically live long enough to last the whole game that or we could have the MC only get a pet after some years have already passed. But the many things that would have to be considered/accommodated for makes it just something we probably can’t manage adding. I’m sorry.
As time passes will we be able to see Qiu and Tamarack's other stage arts as well?
They are both so cute i can't wait to be friends with them!
Yeah, we’ll show content from other Steps in the future. It’ll be a little while from now, though.
Can you date Cove and still have your family comfort you in the car?
You can’t get Cove’s Step 3 confession scene if you have the family comfort you in the car. But that’s not the only way to date him. You can get together with him earlier in the game or later on in Step 4.
Is Mc always going to be the one walking down the aisle or could Cove do it? Also could you choose to have one of your moms walk you? 
No. Cove wouldn’t want to walk down the aisle like that and the MC automatically respects that. And the MC also gets to have their preferences respected, so it’s up to you whether they want to do an aisle walk or not. You also can pick who, if anyone, walks with you.
Once step 4 is out, will you be able to go the whole game on crush/love without either of you confessing? 
Yes, as long as you tell the game you don’t want to progress the relationship. Even in Step 4 it won’t force you to officially get together.
Howdy, so in Step 4, there will be any Romance with Derek that is not part of any dlc? 
He’s only a friend unless you get his romance story.
Will the step 4 in OL2 be one big step or are you considering moments? 
Step 4 is just an epilogue in both games.
hi kind of a weird question but!! we know tht cliff doesn't start dating again but. wht abt flings? like does he ever do 1 night stands or anything? thank u!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Nope. Cliff has a very small interest in sex. If he’s not in a real relationship with a partner he’s crazy about it simply isn’t something he feels a need for, so one night stands wouldn’t even cross his mind.
sorry if you've already answered this, but i was wondering if there were plans for there to be bonus love interests in OL2 like how we have derek and baxter in OL1.
Maybe! There are side characters who could be given romance stories, but whether or not it will happen depends on funding and how long everything else takes to finish.
I don't know if i'm allowed to ask about ol2 here yet, if not u can ignore this or answer it later. My question is can you date one of them and be good friends with the other? I don't want to be strangers with the other bcs i love them both a lot :<
Yes you can!
what patreon level do i have to be to unlock the nsfw moment? im on the $5 one right now, will that give me access to the moment, or just access to the moment progress? 
That’ll give you access! Tier 2 and anything higher allows the player to download it.
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rextasywrites · 3 years
Aftershow - Leon Kennedy x f!reader
with the help of some tricks and your best friend distracting the security guard, you manage to sneak into the after show of the world premiere of “Resident Evil - Infinite Darkness”. It tells the story of federal Agent Leon S. Kennedy, who, after retiring from his career as a federal agent, decided to tackle acting. Ever since you first saw him in “Resident Evil 2”, you were in love with him and couldn’t wait to meet him. So...what would happen at this afterparty?
hey lads i’m back! i hope you enjoy this piece i have been writing the past few days! hope you are doing well xoxo
Warnings: alcohol, smut, Leon being an ass to others sometimes
Your dress clung to your body, making you feel like some overstuffed sausage. It was physically and mentally out of your comfort zone, but your best friend insisted you looked like a million bucks in it, so you begrudgingly purchased it a week before. “But you look fantastic,” your best friend reassured  you when you stood before your mirror earlier that night, awkwardly, tugging at the fabric by your hipsMaybe she was right, but currently she was busy with the security guard to give you the chance to meet your idol and celebrity crush, Leon S. Kennedy. You had heard he’d attend the premiere, and posts on social media confirmed the rumours.Not that you’d ever admit to subscribing to notifications from him, though.
The place was filled with Hollywood executives, actors, and actresses from all over the planet, yet you hadn’t spotted your favourite so far. Maybe he was outside smoking? Busy spending time with fans and writing autographs? Who knew… So you made your way past some gossiping actress towards the bar. A simple Sex on the Beach would calm your nerves. You began to zone out as you sipped on the cocktail- that is, until you felt a hand on your shoulder.
“And I thought I had met everyone tonight.”
That voice. That fucking voice. You’d recognize it out of a million, and there he was.
On the barstool next to you sat Leon S. Kennedy, and he was touching you at this very moment.
Before you would answer, you chuckled and took a sip from the cocktail, buying your nerves some more time before you’d answer. “Guess not.”, you said and placed the glass on the bar in front of you. “I’m (Y/N), nice to meet you.”
“I’m Leon, but I’m sure you already knew that, nice to meet you too. (Y/N), what a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. Say, how is it possible that I haven’t spotted you before?”
Uh oh. Quick, think of something.
“Sorry, bad traffic,” you replied, directly quoting a line from his costar in Resident Evil 4. “But I’m here now, and just in time to celebrate you and your new show!”, you smiled and raised your glass, Leon clicking it together with his own beer glass. “Cheers.” You two took big sips from your beverages, Leon’s hand now gravitating towards your knee.
“Say, would you like to join me on the terrace? It’s getting so hot in here.”, Leon said and pointed towards an open door on the other side of the room. The mere thought of being able to spend more time with him made you agree with his idea, and a minute later you two were sitting on the terrace in a porch swing. Leon had bought you another drink. He was such a gentleman, just like you’d always imagined him.. From time to time, people came to congratulate Leon on the success of his new show, wanting to invite him for a drink or more rounds. Yet every time he declined it, saying he already had enough for the evening.
“You weren’t invited, were you?”, Leon asked after some conversation between you two. You had told him a bit about your life, your work, your pets. In return, Leon shared stories of the making of Infinite Darkness, funny bloopers and behind-the-scenes stories you otherwise would never hear. The party had died out by now, it being late and the night becoming colder. Telling him a lie wasn’t an option, so you sighed and nodded. “Thought so. You carry yourself differently.”, Leon said while he lit himself a cigarette, blowing the smoke into the night sky.
“What do you mean?”, confusion was written across your face. Carrying yourself differently?
“Hollywood wankers carry themselves with a confidence that could kill a mortal like us. They think they are invincible, but oh boy they are wrong. You don’t carry that energy about you. You don’t look the type.. How did you get in?”
“My best friend is buddies with the security guard and he owed her a favour.”
“You little minx.”, Leon laughed, taking another drag as his eyes rested on you, taking in your body in this dress you hated, yet in his eyes you were the most beautiful woman in the sea of botox and silicone tits. “If you promise not to spill the whole night on social media, I can show you a whole new world.”, and by the look in his eyes, you both knew the feeling was mutual
The penthouse Leon was renting for his stay in your city was more than just breathtaking. Standing by the front window, you could see the whole city, way beyond the city limits. In the bathroom was, next to a big bathtub, a jacuzzi, and an iced down champagne bucket right next to it. “In Hollywood, money has no meaning. You ever seen Wolf of Wall Street? They weren’t fuckin’ lying when they called money ‘fun coupons’”, he laughed when you first entered the penthouse and your eyes had nearly rolled out. The bedroom alone was bigger than your whole flat, the champagne in that goddamn bucket probably worth more than your rent
“If your eyes get any bigger they’ll fall out of your head!”, Leon laughed as he sat down on the huge sofa, the fireplace warming up the room to a comfortable degree. Yet the dress felt too tight, just ready to be taken off...or was that the alcohol speaking? Leon for the cigar box lying atop the coffee table. He offered you one, but you declined - you didn’t smoke, but the mere view of Leon with a big cigar between his lips, legs spread and dress shirt slightly unbuttoned...it went straight to your core, a view millions of women would kill for, presented in front of you. “Like what you see, little minx?”
“Would it be bad if I didn’t.”, you replied, trying to hide your nerves by being cocky. But Leon wasn’t having any of this. He could see through your mask, trying and failing to hide how badly you wanted to straddle his lap and kiss him senseless, seeing stars and whole new universes. Comes with being an ex cop and agent. No secrets could make it past his eyes.
“Come here”, were Leon’s simple words, yet they had an effect on you and your body, something you'd normally be ashamed to admit. You made your way over to Leon on the sofa and instead of sitting next to him, he patted on his lap. “I want you to be comfortable, and I bet you are the most comfortable on my lap. C’mon, it’s the best seat in the house.”, he smirked and...you couldn’t deny it. His thighs were comfortably big, years of hard training paying off in the form of muscle and rough skin under his suit pants.
You weren’t sure why your head felt like it was spinning - was it the alcohol or the intoxicating smell from Leon? A mixture of his unique scent: whiskey and his cologne, all in a cloud around your nose. You wished you would be able to smell him for the rest of your life. All you knew was that your body screamed for Leon, and his body screamed right back. “Here.”, Leon offered you the glass of scotch he had just poured for himself. “There are three types of liquor. Terrible, not so terrible, or do you want to impress people with your money?”, and with those words, he pressed his lips against yours.
“We shouldn’t be doing this.”
“And yet, here we are.”
Leon had picked you up after another glass or three of scotch, the way to his bedroom clear. You weren’t sure if it was the warmth from the scotch swelling in your chest or the way his muscular arms wrapped around you, but something in you was one wrong- or right- move away from melting away completely. Your legs were wrapped around his hips as well as possible. The slit on your dress helped you, but suddenly Leon stopped in his tracks. “Are you okay?”, you asked, placing a hand on his cheek, but he looked over the bedroom you two just entered… Suddenly he placed you back down on the floor, kicking the door shut and pushing you against it.
“I don’t think I’m gonna make it to the bed.”, he smirked , his soft hands moving down your sides, leaving goosebumps wherever they touched you. Your dress felt too tight, the room too hot - you needed to get out of it quickly! Leon watched your blush grow, this asshole smirk still on his lips. “I love how real you are.”, he muttered as he leaned in, brushing his lips over your pulse point, just enough to draw a soft gasp from your lips.
“What do you mean?”, you asked, puzzled. Leon just chuckled, “Haven’t you noticed? It’s all Photoshopped. All the women at the premiere had the same fucking ass. Same crooked lips from the same quack doctor. The same busted Botox faces, everywhere you go. Yet they think they’re hot shit.”, he whispered, hot air against your even hotter skin. “But you...look at you.”
And you did. You looked down on yourself and saw nothing but imperfections. You looked back to Leon with a frown but he just laughed, “Hollywood is suffocating as fuck, but you’re like a breath of fresh air.. Look at you! You even have stretch marks! I haven’t seen real stretch marks since I put my first step into a studio!”, Leon took a deep breath, his voice shaking as he said his next sentence, “And I want you so fucking badly.”
Only minutes later, Leon had marked you up, hickeys and little bites of pleasure and need covering your upper body, whatever part he could reach. The dress was long gone and you laid on the bed, watching Leon unbuttoning his dress shirt. Underneath the white fabric was a body riddled with scars and old, badly healed wounds. Each and every single one could tell a story you were ready to hear, but right now, all you wanted was Leon and only Leon. And he needed you too.
“Aren’t you fucking gorgeous?”, Leon asked as his hands reached behind you, undoing your bra with a simple movement. This man had disarmed bombs before, of course a bra wouldn’t cause him much trouble. “Look at you…”, he repeated once more once your bra was thrown across the room, landing on some random piece of furniture. You blushed under his hungry eyes, him taking in what would be his in mere minutes. “Spread your legs. I wanna taste you.”
You had an iron grip on Leon’s hair, bucking your hips to meet his touch. More, more, more! You needed more! While Leon’s tongue teased your entrance, he used his hand to hold you down, keeping you in place like the good girl that you had been. Well, had been until his tongue first licked up your folds, taking in the sweetness of your juices. Leon had consumed many different liquors in his life, but only your sweet juices could rival ambrosia, sending his drunken mind into another plane of existence.
“Leon!”, you moaned out the moment his calloused finger brushed over your clit. It had been begging for attention, but Leon - that dick - kept on lapping up your juices, sucking and nibbling carefully on your folds. The movements of his fingers were in a steady rhythm with the ones of his tongue, making your head spin once more. He knew how to play you like a fiddle, making you putty in his hands.
But before you could cum, Leon pulled away, his face covered in your sweet fluids and he licked over his lips with an obscene sound and a dirty smirk on his lips. “I can’t wait to fuck you ‘til you scream my name.”
The condom was put on quickly. Magnum, of course. What else would a guy like him need? The first stroke inside of you made you see stars for the third time in less than an hour, what an impact this man had on you. Leon was still inside of you, not moving until you were adjusted to his size, especially his girth. “You okay?”, he asked, to which you gave him a soft nod. “Yeah, I’ll be alright. It’s just… fuck, you’re big..”
Leon’s ego beamed at your words, and once you gave him the okay to continue, it was very hard for him to hold back in any way. You were too tight, too sweet, making him nearly burst on the spot. Instead, his mind wandered...but you were always part of those thoughts.
The wet noises of sex, lust, and unadulterated passion filled the room, along with soft panting and groans coming from you two, a noise as old as humankind. Your arms were tightly wrapped around Leon’s body, leaving behind tiny marks when you needed to hold onto him, your nails digging into his skin. Leon hissed at the stings but fuck, knowing you were marking him up too made him even harder, harder than he had ever been.
“Fuck, you feel so good.”, Leon moaned against your neck and buried his head there for a moment. All you could do was nod in agreement, not trusting your voice anymore. Leon reached down at this, pressing his palm between you two, against your clit. You needed this feeling, you were begging for your release.
“Come on, cum for me.”, Leon growled when he felt the first contractions around his cock. The needy undertone of his voice was the last thing you needed to push yourself over the edge. “Leon!”, you moaned and came around him, stilling in your movements. Leon rocked his hips a few more times before his own release overcame him, spilling into the condom as you milked him inside of you. It felt too good to be true, but Leon was real.
Once your high started to fade and the contractions lessened, Leon leaned in for a quick kiss, stealing it from your open lips as you tried to catch your breath again. You smiled up to him, loosening your grip around him. “That was great.”, you smiled and Leon dropped next to you after pulling out.
In the early morning hours, you woke up to an empty bed. Leon’s side was cold and you sat up, looking around in confusion. Where was he? He wouldn’t leave you alone, would he? Finally, you spotted him on the balcony and you quickly threw on one of the jackets laying around along with your panties.
“Good morning.”, you smiled at Leon, who was taking a drag from his cigarette. He greeted you while blowing the hot smoke out, then held up his arm, offering you a place next to him. You happily agreed, leaning against his warm body in the fresh morning hours.
“I’d love to see you again.”, Leon said after he exhaled another drag, looking down at you. This took you by surprise - why would he? You weren’t special at all, just a mere fan who managed to get into his penthouse suite with a lot of luck and cleavage. He grabbed his phone from the table next to him, offering you the open contact list, “I’d love to take you out on a few dates and such. Spend time with you. What do you think? Wanna give me your number?”
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wannabevampire · 3 years
allie update!
i think want to go on hiatus for a little bit?
honestly i don’t know what this would entail? maybe i’m just -gone- for a few weeks? maybe i’m active but write less? maybe i’m just gonna take a break for a few days and see how i feel. not sure yet.
slight warning: i talk about some anonymous ‘hate’ i’ve gotten on here. so terms like “kill yourself” are mentioned. i mention experiencing sexism and ableism irl as well as rude comments about my english speaking skills and stuff. no detail or anything, nothing triggering in my opinion but i just want to be careful!
writing is my passion and i really love this community but i’m super stressed.
i get…a lot of non-so-nice anon messages.
like…a lot.
all the way from being rude to me for not answering my asks fast enough to slut shaming me and telling me to kill myself. and as much as i can pretend they don’t affect me they really do.
plus with school, work, and a potential internship i just have so much going on.
i’m feeling really bad about myself and a lot of people are being really mean to me. i feel stupid and juvenile saying that but i can’t find a better wording. i want this to be an escape.
i go to work and get shit on for my mannerisms and condescending mean comments about my accent that i try so desperately to get rid of.
i go to class and i’m the only girl there. I’m met with constant sexism and ableism from my peers and professor.
i don’t know who my friends are.
i come on here and random people are telling me i deserve to die?
it hurts, so fucking much. i’m tired of pretending like this doesn’t affect me. so i’m going to say this because some people on here need to understand:
writers and content creators are real people. we read your comments. we see your reblogs. we are not fictional characters.
most of the time my interactions with you guys are lovely and wonderful! but other times…
this is not a one time thing. it’s repetitive and harmful. and it makes me want to quit writing.
i 100% promise i will come back! you guys aren’t getting rid of me that easily <3 i just need some time to…think? this year has been really shitty for me (in my personal life) and i need to put myself first for a little bit.
but it in the mean time, take care of yourself! treat others with respect and kindness (unless they suck, then you can be mean!) go buy yourself a latte and a new book, call a friend.
as always
your friend Allison 🕊<3
note: my current plan is to post a few more blurbs and headcanons, continue to chat with you guys for a bit. and then…see where things go? if i take a break and realize i’m in a place where i can come back i honestly might not be gone for too long! i will notify when i decide to go on hiatus :) but until then i look forward to chatting with you guys for a bit longer! <33
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