#gonzalo roig
ozkar-krapo · 1 year
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"Compositores cubanos"
(LP. Areito. ?) [CU]
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elmartillosinmetre · 2 years
Mi crítica del concierto de Carmen Buendía y Aurelio Viribay esta noche en el Espacio Turina.
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I'm guessing now it's the same as Spanish because of imperialism, but did Catalan names originally follow the First name + Second name + Father's surname + Mother's surname naming system?
Yes, nowadays we use both surnames. We can't be sure of what would have happened, but the two surnames we have now were a Spanish imposition in most cases.
Before the 19th century, most Catalan men used only one surname. Only the upper classes had more surnames, since they often wanted to keep stacking titles (think of those really long names of nobles, if you marry into another powerful family and yours is powerful too you wouldn't want either of the lineages to get lost, the most titles you can "collect" the better!). Women could often use two surnames after getting married (their father's and their husband's).
In 1870, the Spanish law decided that civil register should have 2 surnames (first the father's and secondly the mother's) for each person to identify them better. That's how people started to have two surnames.
The most visible effect of this law, however, is the spelling. When Spanish-speaker state officers had to write down Catalan surnames, they would write them down according to Spanish spelling rules. That's why many Catalan surnames have a "Spanishified" spelling, like "Peña" instead of Penya, "Calzada" instead of Calçada, "Lladó" instead of Lledó, etc.
(As for first names, usually we only have 1 except you've been baptized, but that's not an official name and how much those 1 or 2 extra names are counted as part of your name depends on each person or family)
More information about the origin of Catalan surnames below the cut.
In the Middle Ages, Catalans had a name and a "nickname", often referred to a characteristic. Many of our surnames come from here. For example, physical attributes like Roig ("red", red-haired), Tort ("hooked"), Petit ("small"), Rossell ("blond"), Calvet ("balding"), etc; or jobs like Ferrer ("blacksmith"), Fuster ("carpenter"), Carnisser ("butcher"), Oller ("potter"), etc.
Among Catalan people, the use of surnames started being generalized in the 9th century.
In legal documents of the time, we see people are referred by who their father is. If the text was in Latin (even though people already spoke Catalan, Latin was still the most used language in writing), the first name would be in nominative case and the father's name in genitive case; if the text was in Catalan, it would be after the preposition "de", meaning "of" (same meaning as the cases in Latin). For example, Berenguer son of Ramon was Berengarius Raimundi in Latin and Berenguer de Ramon in Catalan.
Genitive case often ends in -is, that's why in Spanish and Aragonese you can find lots of surnames that come from a name+ez. For example: Sánchez would be the son of Sancho, Hernández of Hernán, López of Lope, González of Gonzalo, Rodríguez of Rodrigo, Martínez of Martín... Even nowadays, in Spain, 14 out of the 17 most common surnames are a name+ez! (Source)
This is not the case in Catalan. This Latin-derived surnames didn't become used. We only have 3 surnames with this origin (Peris, Sanxís, and Llopis) and they arrived to us from influence of Aragon, Castile and Navarre. Besides, neither of them is very common, unlike their Spanish equivalents. There was an exception in the Valencian Country, because some areas had a lot of Aragonese people as well as Catalan people or at least a strong Aragonese influence, so there existed more surnames related to the Aragonese ones.
From the 11th century on, the nobles started using the name of their lands as a surname, either after "de" (de Barcelona, d'Empúries...) or in adjective form (Barceló, Tarragó, Giró, Tàrrec). This started in the nobility to know who inherited what territories, but it was soon followed by the lower classes as well.
Lower class people often didn't have a territory to refer to and so they would use a name that made reference to their farmhouse, where they live, or other geographical terms. From here we get many of the most common Catalan surnames such as Riera ("stream"), Torrent ("watercourse"), Puig ("hill"), Pujol ("hill"), Vall ("valley") or Valls ("valleys"), Coma ("mountain pass"), Pomar ("apple orchard"), Vinyes ("vineyards"), Rovira ("oak tree forest"), Ribes ("shores") or simply the names of towns or areas like Solsona, Bages, Segarra, Agramunt, Vila, Canet, Cardona, Cabrera, Güell, Barberà, Cerdà...
All of this applies to men, but it worked differently for women because they weren't considered carriers of lineage in the same right as men, and were seen as under the property of a man (father or husband). In the Middle Ages, Catalan women usually had a feminine version of the father's surname (for example, if the father is Ferrer, she would be Ferrera). After getting married, women sometimes had both the father's and husband's surnames or only the husband's.
Source: Janer Torrens, Antoni (2014), "L'origen dels noms i cognoms catalans. Les arrels antroponímiques que marquen una identitat", II Congrés de la Societat d'Onomàstica i la XXVII Jornada d'Antroponímia i Toponímia de la UB. PDF.
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realmadridnews · 9 months
Real Madrid Castilla - CF Intercity 3:3
scorers: 1:0, Alvaro Rodriguez 26'
2:0, Theo Zidane 28'
3:0, Theo Zidane 32'
3:1, Nsue 48'
3:2, Alvaro Perez (p) 77'
3:3, Jaime 80'
Real Madrid Castilla: De Luis; Pujol, Ribes, Asencio, Obrador; Mario Martin, Theo Zidane, Paz; Palacios (88' Munoz), Gonzalo Garcia (78' Peter Gonzalez, Alvaro Rodriguez
CF Intercity: Herrera; Jaime (89' Mendibe), Murria, Alvaro Perez, Romero; Nsue, Burlamaqui (67' Soldevila), Pinan, Bellotti (89' Camara), Roige; Moreno (89' Xemi Fernandez)
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livencespedes · 4 years
Cecilia Valdés, una zarzuela cubana estrenada por primera vez en España, 89 años después de ser creada.
Cecilia Valdés, una zarzuela cubana estrenada por primera vez en España, 88 años después de ser creada. Música de GONZALO ROIG Libreto de Agustín Rodríguez y José Sánchez-Arcilla, basado en la novela Cecilia Valdés o la Loma del Ángel, de Cirilo Villaverde Estrenada en el Teatro Martí de La Habana, el 26 de marzo de 1932. Dirección musical: Óliver Díaz Dirección de escena: Carlos…
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historical-babes · 4 years
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Rita Montaner (1900-1958).
Cuban musician.
She was a Cuban singer, pianist and actress. In Cuban parlance, she was a vedette (a star), and was well known in Mexico City, Paris, Miami and New York, where she performed, filmed and recorded on numerous occasions. She was one of Cuba's most popular artists between the late 1920s and 1950s, renowned as Rita de Cuba. Though classically trained as a soprano for zarzuelas, her mark was made as a singer of Afro-Cuban salon songs.
In 1917, Montaner played Mendelssohn in her final examination at the Peyrellade Conservatory in Havana; she graduated in piano, song and harmony with a gold medal.
Rita's career was launched at a concert of typical Cuban music in Havana in 1922, organized by the composer Eduardo Sánchez de Fuentes, a friend of her family.
Her work as a singer and pianist with such maestros as Lecuona, Jorge Ackermann or Gonzalo Roig was successful and immensely respectable, as befitted a middle-class married woman of those times. Gradually, however, a change began as she became fully adult. She performed in popular, but slightly vulgar theater, traveled to other countries and became a recording star.
From 1927 to 1929 Montaner recorded about fifty songs for Columbia Records.
According to Gonzalo Roig, she began to change, becoming more bohemian, something of a diva, and generally more competitive and combative.
The arrival of sound in films had created new opportunities for musicians, and Montaner launched on a new career as a film performer. Radio, too, was developing as a mass medium which was wide open to musical talent. La Montaner was to make good use of both these opportunities. But by now her temperament was getting out of control.
Montaner married entertainer Xavier Cugat in 1918–1920 before marrying lawyer Dr Alberto Fernández Díaz in 1933. They had two sons. The marriage lasted until his death in 1932, and she remarried twice.
She died of cancer aged 57.
Montaner often helped people in need.
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borges-triana · 5 years
Del Alhambra al Martí: Tributo al teatro musical cubano
Del Alhambra al Martí: Tributo al teatro musical cubano
El célebre Teatro Martí, ubicado en La Habana Vieja, es sede en este verano de 2019 de un homenaje al teatro musical cubano, con la puesta sobre las tablas del espectáculo titulado “Del Alhambra al Martí”.
El Alhambra y el Martí fueron dos teatros en los que por años reinó el espectáculo musical, que en Cuba cobró notoria popularidad en la primera parte del siglo XX.
Entre el 13 de julio y el 1…
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ricoterecords-blog · 6 years
"Habana 500" A Cuban Jazz Guitar Album
In Honor to Havana City’s 500 years of foundation
"Habana 500", the first album of Cuban-American guitarist Ricky Castillo is an homage to one of the most beautiful cities in Cuba, Havana. This album represents a personal approach to Afro-Cuban music and cultural roots.
"Cuban music has contributed to the formation and development of many musical genres worldwide, it is a privilege for me to have taken my first steps in this city full of music and magic, rhythms such as Latin Jazz, Mambo, Rumba, The Songo, the Cha Cha Cha, the Danzón, the Salsa and many others have taken place thanks to the conglomeration of different cultural currents that have arrived on the island. In a historic city frequented by pirates and corsairs, governed by Spaniards and English, in the city of the columns, as Alejo Carpentier would say, center of interaction between the new world and the old continent, we find ourselves detained in time, surrounded by the sea, and bathed in an infinite panorama of social and visual inspiration that grows every second. When I create music, I am coral, I am sand, I am the sea that surrounds my island, and like the waves, which serve as a bridge between the ocean and our land, I feel obliged to rescue, and bring afloat, that vast cultural history that our island possesses!
Artists like Leo Brouwer, Ernesto Lecuona, Arturo Sandoval, Luis Marqueti, Isaac Nicola, Miguel Matamoros, Sindo Garay, Chucho Valdes, Juan Formell, César Portillo, Gonzalo Roig, Amadeo Roldán, Barbarito Díez, Cesar Lopez, Arsenio Rodríguez, Antonio María Romeu , Roberto Faz, Tata Guines, Gonzalo Rubalcaba, Enrique Jorrín, Dámaso Pérez Prado, Paquito de Rivera, and many others that I could not quote in a day, have been a source of direct inspiration in my formation as a musician.
When I observe the musical tradition that precedes me, magnificently powerful, I can only offer my music with the simple aspiration of contributing a small grain of sand to the vast ocean of Cuban musical culture".  Ricky Castillo
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arqui-mequedo · 5 years
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José Adriao, Gonzalo Costa Marti
Santa Clara, Portugal
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Batlle i Roig, Camino de las Guixeres en Igualada (Barcelona)
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elmartillosinmetre · 7 years
Mi crítica del concierto de Natalia Labourdette ayer en Labradores.
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alquiblaweb · 4 years
Tal día como hoy, 13 de junio mostramos los natalicios y fallecimientos de los escritores más destacados:
1348 Muere Infante don Juan Manuel, escritor castellano 1479 Nace Giglio Gregorio Giraldi, poeta italiano 1752 Nace Fanny Burney, novelista inglesa 1809 Nace Heinrich Hoffmann, psiquiatra y escritor alemán 1810 Muere Johann Gottfried Seume, escritor alemán 1865 Nace William Butler Yeats, escritor irlandés, premio Nobel de literatura en 1923 1874 Nace Leopoldo Lugones, poeta, ensayista y narrador argentino 1887 Nace Bruno Frank, escritor alemán 1888 Nace Fernando Pessoa, literato portugués 1893 Nace Dorothy Leigh Sayers, novelista británica 1901 Muere Leopoldo Alas y Ureña, “Clarín”, novelista y crítico literario español 1910 Nace Gonzalo Torrente Ballester, escritor español 1914 Nace Anna Maria Ortese, escritora italiana 1917 Nace Augusto Roa Bastos, literato paragüayo 1920 Nace Walter Ernsting, escritor alemán de ciencia-ficción 1931 Muere Santiago Rusiñol i Prats, pintor y escritor catalán 1946 Nace Montserrat Roig, escritora y periodista catalana 1948 Muere Osamu Dazai, novelista japonés 1987 Muere Vera Caspary, novelista estadounidense 2005 Muere Eugénio de Andrade, poeta y prosista portugués 2005 Muere Jesús Moncada, escritor catalán
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livencespedes · 5 years
Cecilia Valdés, una zarzuela cubana estrenada por primera vez en España, 88 años después de ser creada.
Cecilia Valdés, una zarzuela cubana estrenada por primera vez en España, 88 años después de ser creada.
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Música de GONZALO ROIG Libreto de Agustín Rodríguez y José Sánchez-Arcilla, basado en la novela Cecilia Valdés o la Loma del Ángel, de Cirilo Villaverde Estrenada en el Teatro Martí de La Habana, el 26 de marzo de 1932. Dirección musical: Óliver Díaz Dirección de escena: Carlos Wagner Escenografía: Rifail Ajdarpasic Vestuario: Christophe Ouvrard Iluminación: Fabrice Kebour Coreografía: Nuria Castejón Repar…
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universodea · 5 years
Cecilia Valdés
La victoria hispana
  Sinopsis y ficha técnica
Comedia lírica en un prólogo, dos actos, un epílogo y una apoteosis Duración aproximada: 1 hora y 45 minutos (sin pausa).
Música de GONZALO ROIG Libreto de Agustín Rodríguez y José Sánchez-Arcilla, basado en la novela Cecilia Valdés o la Loma del Ángel, de Cirilo Villaverde Estrenada en el Teatro Martí de La Habana, el 26 de marzo de 1932 Nueva…
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ricoterecords-blog · 6 years
"Habana 500" The First Album (Digital Download)
Thanks for visiting! I hope you enjoy this journey to Cuban music! “Habana 500” is my first album as a solo guitarist and is a homage to the amazing city of Habana, the place where I was born. The vast cultural history of the city allowed me to explore with different musical genres and styles, that I finally resumed in this album. Habana 500 is a celebration of the five hundred years anniversary of Havana, the capital of Cuba. It is an honor for me to dedicate my first album to the Five Hundred Years of the City of Columns, as Alejo Carpentier would say!
Thanks a lot and be Happy!
¡Gracias por su visita! Espero que disfrutes este viaje por la música cubana! "Habana 500" es mi primer álbum como guitarrista solista y es un homenaje a la increíble ciudad de La Habana, el lugar donde nací. La vasta historia cultural de esta ciudad me permitió explorar diferentes géneros y estilos musicales que finalmente logre resumir en este álbum. “Habana 500” es una celebración del aniversario quinientos de la ciudad de la Habana, la capital de Cuba. Es un honor para mí dedicar mi primer álbum a Los quinientos años de la Ciudad de las Columnas, como diría Alejo Carpentier.
Saludos e infinitas gracias, sean felices
"Havana 500" (my first album) is homage to one of the most beautiful cities in Cuba, Havana.   "Cuban music has contributed to the formation and development of many musical genres worldwide, it is a privilege for me to have taken my first steps in this city full of music and magic, rhythms such as Latin Jazz, Mambo, Rumba, The Songo, the Cha Cha Cha, the Danzón, the Salsa and many others have taken place thanks to the conglomeration of different cultural currents that have arrived on the island. In a historic city frequented by pirates and corsairs, governed by Spaniards and English, in the city of the columns, as Alejo Carpentier would say, center of interaction between the new world and the old continent, we find ourselves detained in time, surrounded by the sea, and bathed in an infinite panorama of social and visual inspiration that grows every second. When I create music, I am coral, I am sand, I am the sea that surrounds my island, and like the waves, which serve as a bridge between the ocean and our land, I feel obliged to rescue, and bring afloat, that vast cultural history that our island possesses! Artists like Leo Brouwer, Ernesto Lecuona, Arturo Sandoval, Luis Marqueti, Isaac Nicola, Miguel Matamoros, Sindo Garay, Chucho Valdes, Juan Formell, César Portillo, Gonzalo Roig, Amadeo Roldán, Barbarito Díez, Cesar Lopez, Arsenio Rodríguez, Antonio María Romeu , Roberto Faz, Tata Guines, Gonzalo Rubalcaba, Enrique Jorrín, Dámaso Pérez Prado, Paquito de Rivera, and many others that I could not quote in a day, have been a source of direct inspiration in my formation as a musician. When I observe the musical tradition that precedes me, magnificently powerful, I can only offer my music with the simple aspiration of contributing a small grain of sand to the vast ocean of Cuban musical culture".  RC
"Habana 500", (mi primer album, disponible bien pronto) es un homenaje a una de las ciudades más hermosa de Cuba, La Habana. "La música cubana ha contribuido a la formación y desarrollo de muchos géneros musicales a nivel mundial, es un privilegio para mí haber dado mis primeros pasos en esta ciudad llena de música y magia. Ritmos como el Jazz Latino, el Mambo, la Rumba, el Songo, el Cha Cha Cha, Danzón, la Salsa y muchos otros, han tenido lugar gracias a la conglomeración de las diferentes corrientes culturales que han arribado a la isla. En una ciudad histórica, frecuentada por piratas y corsarios, gobernada por Españoles e Ingleses; en la ciudad de las columnas, como diría Alejo Carpentier, centro de interacción entre el nuevo mundo y el viejo continente, nos encontramos detenidos en el tiempo, rodeados de mar, y bañados de un panorama infinito de inspiración social y visual que crece cada segundo. Cuando hago música soy coral, soy arena, soy el mar que rodea mi isla, y como las olas, que sirven de puente entre el océano y nuestra tierra firme, me siento obligado a rescatar, y traer a flote, esa vasta historia cultural que posee nuestra isla! Artistas como Leo Brouwer, Ernesto Lecuona, Arturo Sandoval, Luis Marqueti, Isaac Nicola, Miguel Matamoros, Sindo Garay, César Portillo, Gonzalo Roig, Barbarito Díez, Cesar Lopez, Arsenio Rodríguez, Roberto Faz, Gonzalo Rubalcaba, Chano Pozo, Enrique Jorrín, Dámaso Pérez Prado, Paquito de Rivera, y muchísimos otros que no podría citar en un día, han sido fuente de inspiración directa en mi formación como músico.  Cuando observo la tradición musical que me precede, solo puedo ofrecer mi música con la sencilla aspiración de aportar un pequeño grano de arena, al vasto océano de la cultura musical cubana. 
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unpensadoranonimo · 6 years
Opiniones de economía española (1/11/2018)
Juan Roig y la alegría de ser rico - Gerardo Tecé
Los Presupuestos y los piquetes - Gonzalo Quintero Olivares
Populismo fiscal e impuesto de sucesiones - Carlos Sánchez
Qué explica la caída de los mercados - Ignacio De La Torre
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pussymagicuniverse · 6 years
Summer '18: A Mixtape Meowlist
We often associate the summer months with celebration; impulsive road trips, sun-kissed hangouts by the pool or the beach, fugacious flings, and reckless fun. It is how it’s been marketed to us since at least the 50’s, with brightly-colored images, exuberant locations and loud, youthful music. But I’ve always been a bit skeptical with this depiction of summer, and this is coming from someone living in a tropical place where you can have beach parties pretty much all year long. You see, I have always associated this time of the year with longing, with memory. Most of my favorite recollections of summer come from my teenage years — otherwise a nightmare the other three seasons — and I’m quite sure I have spent most of the summers of my adult life actually thinking back. Reminiscing about how great those times were, how much I liked certain people back then. Pop Culture gets this terribly wrong; it keeps pushing the idea that this season is all about the now, about seizing the moment. Au contraire. I believe this is one of the times where we most rely on the past.
Summer 2018 has been such a rollercoaster ride: Besides navigating an ever-so-complex social landscape in a world of rampant inequality and political upheaval, this has also been a year of deep personal confrontations and emotional discoveries for me. If this just wasn’t enough, as a Mexican, this summer was marked by perhaps the single most important presidential election of my lifetime, in which decades of protests from marginalized communities, hopes for a more progressive government, and generalized economic anxieties all condensed into a candidate who won by a historic landslide, and it was primarily made possible by people my age or younger.
However crazy these past few months have been, I’m absolutely thankful for the end of August. To me, this particular time of the year is a sort of hangover from the intensity of June and July; a time to reassess our priorities, to reflect on our actions, and most importantly, on the way we react to this mess of a world. It is a time for a specific kind of nostalgia, where we dig deep and greet the ghosts of summers past, of lovers past, of travels past. Here is where you honor all those times, all those sights and all those friends you promised not to forget. Here is where all those songs are back in your head and make sense again.
We all have a soundtrack for days like these. Here is mine.
Gonzalo Caps – El Caleidoscopio El Sueño de Morfeo – Nunca Volverá Matthew Good – Born Losers Saybia – The Day after Tomorrow Oasis – Where did it All Go Wrong? Paul Weller – You Do Something to Me Amanda Shires – Devastate Kristin Hersh – Your Ghost Low – In the Drugs Anna Roig I L’ombre de ton chien – Que bé, ser aquí Alanis Morissette – King of Pain (MTV Unplugged) Alice in Chains – Down in a Hole (MTV Unplugged) Anouk – Birds (Live at Symphonica in Rosso)
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