#good dad diluc
vvolfkidscribbles · 1 year
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Girl dad Diluc canon mihoyo told me :)
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leeryder · 9 months
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mmmairon · 1 year
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Diluc’s pride and joy
Aprilluc day 4 [Horse]
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kaeyx · 8 months
Ok this is completely out of left field but hear me out. A royal!au with Diluc where he's a little known lord in the capital, and you're a bachelor/ette being taken to every ball of the season and getting paraded around to secure a good match. Diluc is incredibly rich and known in his lands for his kindness, revered by his soldiers, but he never really cared for the theatrics of high society nearer the capital. He was too young before his dad died, and he ran off during what should have been his debutant year, so nobody really knows of him besides trading partners. He always supplies the nobles with fine wine and meat from his herds but declines every invitation to actually come and attend an event in the big cities.
Until one time his wait staff and close trading partners manage to convince him, and he agrees to go to just one ball because he's in the area for business and the networking is always useful. He's not up to date with the current trends but gets a suit tailored for him ahead of time. He hasn't read any of the famous writers of the moment but he's still a learned man who can talk philosophy with all the men twice his age, who are charmed and all too eager to throw their kids at him, hoping for a chance to bring their families together.
You're one of the debutants and have had to sit through a dozen introductions while your parents try to secure a good match. You're not rich or important enough to have your pick of husband, but you're not poor enough to be completely irrelevant. Of all the bachelors running around and trying to charm you with their knowledge of the latest plays and wars, only one catches your eye. It's hard to not notice him, honestly. Diluc is tall and broad but doesn't hold himself like a man of war, fiery hair tied back from a handsome, brooding face while he stands on the sidelines and talks to some older nobleman. You've never seen him before, and none of your friends seem to know him either. He's the lord of a smallish county near the border, and you recognise the name from their generous sponsorships and rich wines.
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moonilit · 1 year
Ok but the entire Dawn winery staff jumping around informing each other that kaeya is here so all of them get a chance to see him was very sweet, like i knew the staff cared about him but it’s nice to get a confirmation and few childhood stories lol
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crows-of-buckets · 8 months
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Whoag crow writing arc??? Anyways snippet from a kaeya fic I'm writing uwagh
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organized-peach · 2 years
Dad Impact!!
Aka the Genshin men as fathers
Warnings: for the most part none, I’m not psychologists so my prediction are probably not entirely accurate but its what I envision so.most of them have a sorta reader insert partner raising the kid with them, minus pierro.Also pierro’s is real angsty cuz his kiddo dies.
Zhongli: Perfect
With the experience this man has he will have little trouble raising a child. I like to imagine that once they’re a bit older he might bring them to work so his partner can have a day to themselves every so often, and also because he finds it delightful when they take nap on his lap while he’s doing paperwork. It fills him with this primal satisfaction. He is quite protective at times however. The child is never out of his sight nor out of the adepti’s actually.
If he and darling need a break he knows Cloud Retainer or Madame Ping is all the more eager to baby sit for his child, and he trusts their abilities in child care and their diligence in protecting the child.
One thing that is more difficult with him however is managing his child’s emotions. Specifically comforting them.He’s always been a more stoic and polite person. He isn’t quite used to hugging people but he embraces his sobbing child anyways. He only lets a deep hum fill the air as he just focuses on bringing them to their sense again. Their little whimpers and gasps eventually stop as he presses a kiss to their forehead.
“You’re alright now child, your father is here. And you can tell him anything you wish to.”
The emotions he experienced when his partner informed him of their pregnancy took a while to deal and handle but he made sure to settle it all down before the baby arrived. He fussed over everything in the nursery until he was certain it was all 100% baby safe. All of Mondstadt practically celebrated the birth of his child which he did not participate in as he instead stayed home with his partner having their first family dinner. He even invited Kaeya to join which Adelinde practically dragged him too.
As a father he’s rather mixed. Sometimes he’s rather restrictive, often not letting them explore or do things by themselves. He’s fearful that at any moment the abyss or the fatui may snatch his child. They’re taught how to fight and never left alone. For the most part they remain more isolated than most children, except for when Uncle Kaeya comes to take them to the city, so Diluc and his partner can relax. Diluc trusts that Kaeya will keep to his word when it comes to his child.
But despite being admired and protected it would likely cause some resentment from the child later on. As a teenager they may rebel against him by staying out later or exploring the countryside without a guard. Whats the use of all this strength if they can’t take even have a actual fight? It really gives Diluc a run for his sanity. This will require a sit down where Diluc will explain every reason why he is so worried and probably a mediator (Lisa) to come to a compromise. But he will always love his child. He fights more bravely and does more to ensure he will come home. He will not leave his child the way his father left him. He won’t force his child to burden his dreams, he wishes they only know his love, and not his trauma. But he can only control so much right?
“I can’t lose you. If i lose you then I truly can never forgive myself. You are my heart and soul, I cannot risk losing you. I have many enemies child, many who would have no hesitation in…. I can’t.. i can’t lose you… because then I truly will have lost everything.”
Childe: Fun dad!
When Childe’s home he’s all over his family. He will spend every hour with his children and dedicate time to pampering his lover. He’ll always make sure to have some one on one time with each of his kids such as taking them ice fishing. He won’t shy from any chores either. Its part of the domestic life he misses so dearly.
His children are very well protected nonetheless. Guards are stationed around the house to ensure no one comes to do any harm to them. His children will receive endless gifts from his travels.
But being the fun isn’t all there is to being a dad. The day his oldest daughter went missing broke his heart. She was found yes but for the first time he had to introduce his beloved daughter to the very bloodshed and battle he fought to keep from tainting his domestic little paradise, to protect his family. He knew he failed when he looked her though. The guards were changed out. But he knew that wouldn’t reverse what had been done.
“She’s a teenager now, she should just get over it. Its been a month!” His father had said. It didn’t anger him as much as it disgusted him. “She’s gotten into several fights too. She takes too much after you it seems, she didn’t lose a single one either.” Childe had shaken those thoughts from his head though. He had specifically requested more time off to be there for her, it almost seemed like he was the only one who truly understood her.
“You’re my daughter. You’ll never be a monster to me, you’ll never have to face those monsters again, so long as I breathe. I will love and cherish you no matter how you retaliate or fight, you’ll always be my little baby. And I’ll always be your dad.”
Thoma: Best
He’s the kind of a dad who doesn’t pretend to be perfect, he’ll admit to his mistakes and flaws, and he will do his best to improve. Of course his child will learn the importance of domestic chores so that they may help alleviate some of the pressure on his partner and be prepared for the real world. He always makes time for them. He’ll even bring them to the estate to meet Ayaka and Ayato to delight in being Uncles and Aunties to this little child. Ayaka will often have a tea party with her little niece or nephew while Thoma caters. Surprisingly Ayato was quite fond of the child. Often letting them bare witness to diplomatic meetings and even explaining to them his tactics. The child is a Kamisato in their eyes as Thoma is. Therefore any mean or unruly servants are not tolerated.
His child will likely be very happy even in teen years. Thoma isn’t one to restrict his child in anyway he doesn’t deem necessary. Do they wish to dye their hair? Alright he’ll help fetch the materials and supplies. They want to go out with friends? Amazing, just make sure to to be safe and be home on time. He will cherish and love them no matter what.
“You did it! You did such a good job! See! I told you! You were amazing! I can’t believe how far you’ve come. Its like yesterday you were my little baby and now you’re my little champion! I’m so proud of you.”
He’ll probably struggle the most. Emotions are hard for him (personally i see him as autistic) and children are full of those. When he hears the news he’s shocked but not too surprised. He reads up on dad manuals etc. he’s a man of logic, yet he still can’t understand exactly how children work. Why should his child be sad their favorite toy is missing? They have plenty of other ones. Why does his child cry about to him about mean kids at school? Other people’s opinions don’t affect their way of life. He isn’t too dense, he tries not to sound so harsh but he’s not that great with it. You’re going to have to help him through the motions and explain to him what he should do.
So maybe his child might wonder why their father never seems to be very emotional. When they accomplish something he just congratulates them while keeping a mostly straight face. They’re confused when their other parent just says that’s how he is. So maybe they might doubt he truly loves or values them. As they get older they’ll come to understand it better. Their father does love them, he just doesn’t show it the way everyone else’s dad does.
“Its only natural for a animal to value the life and significance of its offspring. Therefore it would be illogical to assume I don’t care about my child. Of course I care about them. I may not express my emotions well, but I can still feel them.”
Very much the kind of dad to be more dramatic and funny. The kind to take his kid on goofy adventures and make memories with them. He’ll encourage his child to be passionate and determined. But also to feel okay with their emotions. He may not always have the best advice, and he can be a bit too emotional at times, but he will always love his child.
“My child is my most proudest project yet. Their smile rivals any ornate frames, and their eyes light up more than stained glass. No building I produce will ever bring as much pride as being their father.”
(Warning: angst, child death, mans misses his daughter)
As a man who had worked almost every day of his life to be promoted and recognized he often had little energy for his child. He’d still help out if he could but only if asked. When he was home he was there to relax. Yet still he adored his daughter. She was a passionate and fiery soul. He’d hear of her accomplishments as she’d eagerly tell him of what inventions she made today, or what things she learned. It felt like he hadn’t blinked before she grew into a adult. Working as a scientist making breakthroughs, he couldn’t be more proud.
And when his country burned to the ground he couldn’t feel more regretful. He searched through the survivors and found his daughter was no where. His daughter, his little joy, she’d make no more silly inventions, she’d never finish her latest experiment, she’d never get to grow old, she was still so young. He knew he couldn’t simply cry forever. So he found a god he could trust, to rid this world of its filth, to take power from the gods who’s hands were stained in her blood. And to make it the paradise she once deserved.
Meanwhile Dottore was getting sick of all of Pierro’s criticisms. Yes Pierro paid him very much for this experiment yet he could never seem to be successful. The face was always off. The eyes weren’t the right shape. At least it was just the skin, although there were complaints about her being too skinny or how she actually was a bit taller. If Pierro wasn’t his superior he would’ve gave up by now. Although it was still rather interesting today at least. As the leader of the harbingers approached the latest face mask he saw a look of sorrow cloud the old mans eyes. His stoic demeanor faltered as he almost seemed horrified.
“Congratulations, you’ve managed to recreate her facial features. Although the hair isn’t the same color, it was darker than mine, more.. colorful. Fetch the other parts you have prepared.” Pierro never once looked back at Dottore. Staring in aw at the mold that eerily resembled his late daughter.
“I promise you, I will rid this world of the impurities that killed you, and once you are reborn, we will bare witness to a world you will prosper in. I won’t let this world hurt you once more. I will always be here from now and ever more.”
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tartaeya · 2 months
i think i'm drawing so many centaurs as a coping mechanism for the irl stress but damn if it isn't working
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cluescorner · 2 years
I want to raise this man from the dead
Crepus Ragnvindr is lucky he’s dead because otherwise he would have to put up with the shenanigans I do with the other sus characters in the game. Like, I already bother Cyrus and Timaeus and the Fatui in Mondstadt a lot trying to figure out wtf those guys know. The last thing Mondstadt needs is another sus NPC present, ESPECIALLY given all the questions I have for him. 
Like, were you a harbinger or just a shady dude? Was it Dottore who gave you the delusion directly? Did you know that Kaeya was from Khaenri’ah and if not what did you think was going on? What was your relationship with the Knights, did you idolize them as much as your son or did you realize that they were as susceptible to corruption as anyone else as you grew old? And why did you let your son join the organization if you knew how effed up it was? ON THAT NOTE WHY TF WAS DILUC ALLOWED TO BECOME A CAPTAIN AT THE AGE OF 14?? SIR I GENERALLY THINK YOU WERE PROBABLY A DECENT DAD WHO TRIED HIS BEST BUT LIKE WTF IS UP WITH THAT DECISION SPECIFICALLY??? 
#crepus ragnvindr#caps cw#IDK#this man fascinates me and there are so many questions I have that only he can answer#BUT HE CANT ANSWER THEM BECAUSE HES DEAD AF#also apparently people are like divided on Crepus#it's either like 'oh he was a perfect father and that's why Diluc likes him' or 'he was the worst ever'#but like I think it's more likely that it's somewhere in the middle#like he's not perfect or even great imo#but he tried his best for his sons and probably genuinely loved them both#I think that he would have supported Diluc even if he didn't choose to become a knight and that he didn't DIRECTLY pressure Diluc into it#it was probably more like a 'hey wow I really wanted to be xyz when I was your age and I'm going to talk about all the good aspects of it'#kinda like how most parents do when they like their career and when you're a kid you  think your parents are right about everything#and you're like OH WOW MY DAD WANTED TO BE A BASKETBALL PLAYER AND HE THINKS ITS A GOOD IDEA SO I SHOULD BE ONE#when in reality they want you to go about your life in your own way but they still influence you#I would be lying if I said that my decision to go to college/do certain things with my life wasn't influenced by my parents#but it was still my choice to make#OR AT LEAST THAT'S PROBABLY THE WAY I WOULD THINK IF DILUC WASN'T FUCKING 14 WHEN HE BECAME A CAPTAIN#SERIOUSLY I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS#WHY WAS THIS BABY WHO IS YOUNGER THAN MY BROTHERS ALLOWED TO BE A CAPTAIN#WHO APPROVED THIS#Mondstadt is a fascinating place#Literally just say 'hey Diluc was the captain when he was 17' and I'd be like 'ok he was a bit of a prodigy'#'but I'm not concerned or anything' NO HE WAS 14 YEARS OLD THAT IS TOO YOUNG TO BE A CAPTAIN OF ANYTHING#LET ALONE THE POLICE/ARMY/GOVERNING BODY OF AN ENTIRE NATION#So yeah#I 100% get why people don't like Crepus for that ALONE#and also like no this guy was clearly not a saint#you don't wind up with an early delusion that was probably even RARER to receive than it is now#unless you were into some shady shit
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tenebriism · 2 years
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THIS is why JEAN is Best Mom, and why she gets ' On His Best Behavior ' Wanderer. You gotta EARN the tolerable side of him.
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leeryder · 29 days
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Crepus could feel the soft gentle traces a tiny palm rubbed over his hand, as Kaeya’s tiny fingers explored his own. They swirled around the freckles and occasional scar, as though to study them and commit all to memory.
Every now and again, the boy would pause and the cloth of the pillow would rustle as he glanced up at his father whose arms were wrapped protectively wrapped around him. As though to make sure his careful movements weren’t disturbing the other in a much more considerable fashion than his eldest probably would have executed.
Knowing diluc, he probably would have started an impromptu wrestling match, causing Crepus to wake up in a small choke hold first thing in the morning.
As it were, crepus kept his eyes closed and his breathing deep and even. Not quite ready to acknowledge he wasn’t actually asleep. Giving Kaeya the opportunity to relax and rest after a long night of nightmares.
They were the reason the child had wound up by Crepus’ side in the middle of the night. It wasn’t uncommon for Kaeya to end up in either his room or Diluc’s. However, last night had been the first time Kaeya had sought Crepus out for comfort rather than Crepus finding the boy hyperventilating in his own bed or Diluc dragging Kaeya to him.
Kaeya sighed softly as he gently pressed his palm flat against Crepus’. The tiny thing soft and cool. The boy relaxed further into his side. Burrowing there like a tiny kitten into its mother’s embrace.
Only to startle a second later when the sound of tiny bare feet slapping against the wood floor was the only warning either of them got before the other member of their little family launched himself onto the bed and Crepus’s side like a tiny cannon ball.
“Good morning!” Diluc slid over Crepus’ arm. Reaching down to pat his brother’s head.
Crepus creaked an eye open. Watching his two boys.
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taviokapudding · 2 years
This year my dad found & gave me the Montblac my mom misplaced in 2016 that was supposed to be my deceased grandpa’s uni graduation gift; yesterday I got to draw for the first time in 3yrs without pain & inked a Diluc with the $500 pen
I ordered normal pens right after, it’s okay to laugh and cry
I know my old man is upstairs probably cackling because he used to doodle with his fountain pens. And also I’m relieved I can still draw & didn’t lose all my skills but the numbing in my shoulder has now evolved to soreness so I’ll try to draw once a week to build those muscles up again. Tldr my dominant arm is low key fighting the urge to slide outta my arm socket because in 2019 I fell and tore my trapezius muscle next to my spine with the hold the size of my hand. Tbh I only have a functioning right arm purely out of spite & self recovery since then & only until recently don’t suffer from the debilitating pain anymore but anyways.
The way I just 💀 upon realizing the ink refills are $20 & I bought 30 pens for the same price. And like y’all don’t understand, I re-inked the drawing 3 times to build up the depth between the Five & Below $5 color pencil layers. That’s like $4-$8 in total
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I knew it was expensive but I never looked into it until my dad saw what I was doing and busted out laughing because apparently he did the same mistake when he graduated law school.
My first drawing in 3 yrs accidentally turned my sketchbook into an physical asset because of the fucking pen and I gotta save up to buy the refills down the road because THE INK WAS SO NICE TO DRAW WITH *punches air* I HATE THAT IT WAS A GOOD EXPERIENCE OH FUCK ME
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jack-ofspades · 2 years
need more content of diluc being a dad to fischl in particular 
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mielmoto · 1 year
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@dcviated / Diluc said:
“Humans are really good at remembering each other’s bad decisions.”
She's bent at the middle, reaching down to pluck another calla lilly from the lake shore when his words fall– the answer to a question half-asked, after a long (but content) stretch of quiet. "...Mmmm, yeah, I guess— I think I heard something about the, like, neurological reason behind that in a lecture, once. something something 'negative cognitive bias' and so-on. And I can understand why–"
In the flower goes to her little basket; fresh ingredients for a fancy drink recipe (that the Traveler recommended!), locally sourced at the grace of Dawn Winery's scion– who, apparently, had a little free time to enjoy the mild afternoon breeze along with her. (Bonus!)
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"But I think focusing on that too much is super unfair... to each other, and to, like, yourself. Humans are so changeable, so fluid; if someone tries, they can be just as good at remembering all the nice parts, and not letting those bad memories overshadow the good things we remember about each other. It just takes a little extra brain-work; for a HUGE pay off, in my experience."
And yet, forgiveness and optimism are seen as 'soft' traits; the hallmarks of someone naïve, someone foolish, despite the extra effort it takes. So be it. She'll take being called 'silly' over wallowing over every little gripe any day, let alone wallowing over her own bad decisions...
of which there were many. TOO many to count, surely— but certainly some recent enough to remember.
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"...and if you're even vaguely alluding to when I was in Wolvendom the other night collecting Wolfhooks a little too late and a little too-alone: I already said I'm sorry! And I'll bring someone from the adventurer's guild with me next time!"
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httpshujii · 4 months
Diluc x f!reader
ᯓ Diluc is a girl dad. CW: suggestive towards the end, implied s*x?
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Girl dad!Diluc who smiles a tired smile at the sound of his daughter's rapid steps towards him when he comes back home early from the tavern.
Girl dad!Diluc who carries his daughter and presses kisses to her chubby little cheek before walking over to you and kissing you as if it's his last day on earth.
Girl dad!Diluc who eats dinner and loves listening to his daughter talk about her day with her friends (plushies) and how she helped you with cleaning dishes.
Girl dad!Diluc that gets so depressed when he makes his daughter or you sad. He can't handle the thought of him hurting either of you with his words or actions.
Girl dad!Diluc that sits on a small, pink, wooden chair that he's convinced is going to break sooner or later. His hair tied into a messy ponytail with a bright pink bow. Sipping on tea and talking sophisticatedly only to make his daughter laugh.
Girl dad!Diluc blushes whenever you catch him baby talking or humming your daughter to sleep. And gets even more flustered when you call him a good dad. He loves getting praised for something that he had absolutely no idea how to handle.
Girl dad!Diluc that's so grateful for you for giving him such a blessing.
Girl dad!Diluc that jokes about getting so many kids just to see you get flustered.
. . . or maybe it's not a joke?
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I just finished a 4 hour exam :D @kitorin
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animelover28sworld · 5 months
Telling the Genshin Impact boys your pregnant. Female reader
Characters: Cyno, tighnari, Kaeya, Diluc, Childe, Thoma, Lyney, Alhaitham, and Scaramouche
When you told CHILDE that you were pregnant, he didn't be like one of those guys saying like you're joking or you can't be. In fact he was actually a little happy, I mean because we know this guy would be kinda father material so honestly you didn't feel scared when you told him.
When you told LYNEY that you were pregnant he made sure that you took more than one pregnancy test which you did and all of them came back positive but again he couldn't trust the pregnancy test so he made a doctor's appointment which that doctor confirmed it that you were pregnant. Which he made him some time to process the news, but nevertheless he was happy. Lynette was happy that she was going to be an aunt.
SCARAMOUCHE had no idea that he could get you pregnant. Like I mean he knows how a baby is made, idk how to explain it but he didn't know Ei put that uh skill in him. So he said "huh, never thought that was possible."
The first thing that THOMA said to you was "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Then took you to the doctor's office to check it for sure. When the doctor confirmed you that you was indeed pregnant he was happy.
When you told CYNO that you were pregnant you said to him "now your dad jokes can be really put to use." He didn't get it at first but then after a while he got it and he was shocked and was like "when? How? Are you sure?" Asking you a lot of questions, but you did tell him that you was indeed pregnant because you went to a doctor's appointment, so he started to tell jokes to your stomach hoping the baby could hear him.
Now TIGHNARI knew you was pregnant he could tell the symptoms but he wanted you to tell him yourself which he did and smiled and hugged you. "I knew it." He told you. "You did?!" You asked him. "Yeah, the symptoms and you were getting hormonal and plus I saw the pregnancy test in the trash can." He told you.
AL HAITHAM was kinda the same as Tighnari, he saw the symptoms and saw the test in the trash can. He just told you straight up that he knew that you were pregnant. "Oh c'mon! I wanted to tell you!" You pouted.
Now DILUC was happy, he was going to be a father, but also afraid is he actually going to be a good father, I mean after all what he went through with his own father? Of course you assured him that he was going to be a great father.
KAEYA was the same as Diluc, is he going to be a good father?
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