#good god i havent done a word count but i have to imagine that this is close to 2K
writingsonsaturn · 2 months
fake dating with tim bradford?
r needs a date to a family members wedding and she wants to go with a friend and tim is more than willing. unrequited love and maybe a little smut??
dress - tim bradford
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{ masterlist }
🪐: omg 2 fics in one day?? anyways this is nastyyy smut lmfao enjoy!
word count: 2.2k
content warning: minors DNI, smut, oral (fem rec), fingering, talk of emotionally abusive parents?? if i missed anything lmk!
Your head bobbed with stress, your sister's wedding was this weekend and you still hadn't been able to find a date willing to accompany you. You had thought it would be easy, the moment you mentioned there would be an open bar you imagined people would be more than willing, but alas you had been wrong.
“Hey, L/n! You almost finished with the case file?” your friend and coworker Tim Bradford asked, “yeah it's finished” you replied with a sigh. “Then what are you stressin’ over?” He sat in front of your desk with a comforting smile, “my sister's wedding is this Saturday and I need a date, but havent got one yet.” you let out an exasperated sigh. 
Your mother has been on your case lately about getting your life ‘in order’. Constantly being compared to your sister was exhausting, you were never fast enough to catch up to your sister's achievements, and none of your own were good enough. “I’ll go with you” Tim interrupted your self-deprecating thoughts, “oh god Tim, you don't have to.” you tried to deflect but Tim insisted “hey, come on it'll be fun! And your mom already knows me so it'll be more believable if i'm your date then some random dude you met on tinder.” You smiled at his kindness.
You packed up your stuff, dropping your case file onto Greys desk. “Alright, well you can’t back out now. Saturday, suit and tie, four o’ clock.” you stated, pointing your finger at him. He smiled “wouldn't miss seeing you in a fancy dress for the world!” he shouted at you with a laugh.
Tim had always been your secret little work crush, he was kind to you and always had been. You both had a similar upbringing, and you bonded over that aspect. You had transferred into the precinct after moving from Orange County, you had decided you needed a new start and the LAPD had an opening for a detective and you decided to take the opportunity.
Your mother was less than pleased that you would be moving an hour away, but you were desperate to get out of her grasp. 
When you left the station your cheeks were red, and flushed. A big smile was present on your face at the image of Tim being your date to your sister’s wedding. Besides the fact he was insanely good looking, he was also just a sweet and gentle guy. Which was the complete opposite of your sister’s soon-to-be husband, and you finally felt as if you were one step ahead of your sister for the first time in your life.
On Saturday morning, you got up earlier than usual to start getting ready. Your stomach had been twisted with butterflies all morning, your dress was a navy blue fitted dress with a slit that went to your mid thigh and had a square neck. The dress flattered every aspect of your body, your hair was done in a half up half down style with a slight wave, and your shoes were black heels with securing straps going up your calf and tying just under your knee.
The sound of your heartbeat quickened as the numbers on the clock counted up towards the time you had given Tim, as if the direct moment the clock struck four there was a knock on your front door. 
Walking to the front door felt like it was taking forever, every millisecond it took you to walk to the door made your body fill with that much more anxiety. You opened the door to see Tim standing in a nice black tuxedo and a bowtie, “Oh wow, you know i’ve never seen you in a tux before but i think i like it” you snorted, walking out and closing the door to lock it. “Y/n you look-” Tim seemed flabbergasted, looking you up and down “you look absolutely beautiful” he finished his compliment. 
You blushed at his comment whispering a silent “thank you” before you both walked to the car, Tim opened the passenger side door for you. He ran around the backside of the car to get into the driver's side, “are you ready?” he asked with a small hint of reassurement. “Yeah! Let’s get this party started.” your voice was flat and lacked enthusiasm causing Tim to let out a hushed laugh. 
The venue wasn’t far, but the high tension in the car made the journey feel like an eternity. Tim barely looked at you and his knuckles were bright white with the grip he had on the steering wheel, you weren’t sure what was wrong, and you were scared to find out. You wondered if it was possibly because of the current case he was working, you knew he was put on the task of finding the drug lord and breaking into his circle but he hadn’t told you much about it.
You had simply just let it be, not wanting anything to cause your sister’s night to be ruined. Looking to your right you watch the trees pass, you become further and further away from the city. 
The wedding had gone as good as expected, your sister was giddy and excited to finally solidify her man as her husband. Tim had to hand you a tissue after your sister said her vows, although the two of you had hardships she was still your big sister and you were more than happy for her.
“Fancy seeing you here Tim, I didn’t think y/n was going to show up with anyone. Let alone someone as handsome as you.” your mother remarked, causing your mood to dampen. Tim’s arm went around your waist, pulling you towards his body, “Actually, I wanted to be here. I'm surprised I got a chance with such a great woman” Tim’s stern face glared at your mother’s as he told her off, politely. 
You hid your small smile, as your mother left with an annoyed look.
“Your mom is just ridiculous,” Tim laughed.
“Oh god, I know! I'm so sorry” you said with embarrassment.
You and Tim talked on your way up to the reception hall, the conversation flowed naturally. 
For a second, and only just a second, you allowed yourself to imagine Tim as your lover, the ease that came with talking to him made him feel like a breath of fresh air. Your heart deflated when the false reality you had encapsulated yourself in for a second was interrupted by your sister coming up to you, “y/n your seats are over there next to mom’s table, please just try and be nice to her, don't ruin this night for me.” your sister spoke loudly, you just nodded and walked over to the table while Tim got you two drinks.
Sitting alone was awful, your mom had free reign to talk to you without another person around, and you had no way of defending yourself without her causing a scene. “I don’t know your game y/n, but Tim is too good for you. He deserves a nice, well rounded woman. Don’t force him into a relationship with you, because you and I know damn well you aren’t good enough for him. Don’t be selfish.” your mother finished, before going back to her table to fake kindness to the others. 
Tim had noticed your shift in mood and he knew why, as he waited for the drinks to be poured for the two of you he watched your mother come over. He saw the way you shrunk into yourself and your eyes glossed over, he never liked your mom, everytime she would come into the station he noticed how you immediately changed your demeanor. The way your smile would falter and your back would straighten, he hated it.
He brought the drinks over to your shared table, “Here's the drink, sorry it took so long, i'm starting to think people just came for the free alcohol” Tim tried to cheer you up with a shitty joke. You smiled only to appease him but he knew you better than you thought, “actually could you come with me to the bathroom? I don't want to get lost in this place, I think it's haunted." This time Tim’s joke landed and caused a giggle to come out of you, “Yeah, I'll protect you from the big scary ghosts'' you joked, getting up from your seat to accompany Tim on his travels.
“The men’s bathroom is just on the ri-” you were cut off by the sudden pressing of Tim’s lips to yours, you immediately kissed back with vigor. He pushed your back up against the wall, As much as you wanted this all you could hear were your mom’s word circle through your head “Tim.. I- we can’t” you tried catching your breath.
“Why y/n? Is this because you don’t want it or because your mom told you, you shouldn’t?” he questioned with a stoic face, eager to get his lips back on yours.
“You deserve someone better than me, Tim” 
“You are someone better, y/n” his desperate voice needed you to understand what he was telling you.
“Do you want this?” he asked, his eyes scanning your face, trying to determine your body language. “Yes” you said quietly, afraid that this was all some cruel joke. With that he continued to kiss you, pushing you into the bathroom. 
You felt his warm hands roaming your body, “do you know how long i've wanted this? How long i've wanted to feel your breathing against my skin?” Tim questioned, his lips traveling down your neck softly. You wondered if this had been some kind of sick mind trick that was being stowed upon you in your dreams, but the euphoric touches couldn't be made up. 
Your head lolled back against the door as Tim’s hot breath traveled further down your body, your dress preventing him seeing everything he wanted. 
You whined at the loss of contact before you noticed where he had gone, opening your eyes, you looking down to see Tim getting his knees in front of you. “Oh fuck me.” you breathed out, Tim laughed at your reaction “I would like to, but im not gonna fuck you for the first time in a venue bathroom.”
The feeling of his lip’s returned to your skin, kissing agonizingly slow up your legs. He became increasingly closer to where you needed him most, your soaked core was pulsing for him, his soft eyes looked up at you smiling, allowing his hand to travel up your dress.
“No panties? Dirty girl.” he taunted your lack of clothing, you on the other hand didn’t wear underwear because you didn't want a visible panty line, but you were fine with this too. More than fine actually. 
His fingers teased your wet slit, “where do you want me?” his crisp voice asks. Your breathing hitched at the feeling of his fingers still toying with your hole, “do you want me here?” he traced your throbbing clit, “or here?” he slid his finger towards your hole. 
You were finally able to pull yourself out of the feeling to talk, “I want your mouth and your fingers everywhere” you whined. He decided not to torture you any longer, finally putting his head between your thighs and having his long awaited feast. You nearly doubled over at the feeling of his tongue against your hot cunt, you had dreamed of this moment hundreds of time’s when you were alone in your bedroom. 
You gripped tightly at his gelled hair, “oh fuck, Tim” you moaned trying your best to keep your voice down, but you were failing, with how good Tim’s tongue felt against you, you wouldnt care if the whole world heard you moaning his name. 
He continued his abuse to your clit while simultaneously circling your dripping heat, “is all of this for me?” Tim pretended to not know the answer, he wanted to hear you say it. “All for you Tim, always all for you” you didn’t realize what you had just admitted but Tim hadn’t cared to mock you for it as it only inflated his ego. “You should’ve told me sooner, could have started taking care of you a lot sooner, pretty girl.” he spoke against you before returning to suck at you bundle of nerves.
When he determined you were ready enough, he sunk a digit into your tight cunt. You moaned louder than you had intended, “i- im gonna come” your shaking voice exclaimed. 
Tim only laughed, “Already, baby? Are you that deprived?” he said in a faux concern, groaning against you when you pulled on his hair again. He thrusted his fingers in and out of you, the coil in your stomach continuing to build and tighten before it finally bursted.
He slowed down his pumping, helping you ride through your orgasm. You were breathing heavily as he got up, he held you closely in his arms doing his best to keep you upright. 
“Woah, baby, relax, i've got you” he whispered in your ear and carried you over to the sink, cleaning your mess up. “I don't think I can walk.” you joked, Tim stood between your legs rubbing your thighs soothingly. “It’s okay, i'm in no rush to get back out there believe me” he laughed and tried bringing you back down from the high you were still caught in.
“You wanna ditch?” you smirked with droopy eyes, “they won't miss me”
“Yeah let’s go, need to get home so i can fuck you right”
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mandalhoerian · 11 months
ayup it’s the person that sent those vera things like a week ago ?? yk the one that made a fool of themself by rambling about ur oc ! anyways i reread it bc ofc i did and. idk. it’s such an amazing fic like genuinely and i felt a need to express it. like outside of how well-thought vera is and how interesting her dynamics with marvin + leon are (and claire ofc) and just. the pacing and story progression. it’s all so well done. and i’m sure someone has told u this in ur ao3 comments but the way ur reinterpreting canon a lil and having vera shake things up is so fun and genuinely interesting which is why i went back and reread it all. it feels like there’s a lot i kinda missed the first time round with the nuances of vera’s character which was. very fun to go back around and see again. hope ur doing well <3
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(you aren't a fool it's my inspiration and motivation juice YOU TAKE THAT BACK🔪)
first of all you are A CHAD. The fic is 100K words oh god I can't imagine -- im happy it was more enjoyable the second time around at least 😭😭😭😭 It's amazing to hear that despite the fat word count, you think the pacing and progression is going well!
Unrelated tidbit but I really didn't know how to introduce Vera before starting the fic and was debating on starting from pre-RE2R in the summer of 1998, spend five chapters and so with Vera assisting Jill in her investigation and unravel things from there. But at the end I was like "literally nobody would read that" and thought what best technique is there by starting right in the middle of action and chaos? And the rest I winged it.
That had to mean I had to go through EVERYTHING about her life and how she got to that point by peppering the events throughout the plot as Leon and her story also progressed alongside it, and I couldn't gloss over anything, so it just expanded and expanded and expanded and I'm sure got boring as hell at places since she hides a bunch of shit from the others and good god do they have to be integrated to the plot of re2r AND UGHHHHHHHH. Thank you for telling me I havent messed up LMAOOOOOOO
About the canon. I have a bone to pick with some of the game and the story, I don't like how they went about a couple of things. This is me trying to lay the groundwork to fix them and everything by tweaking .
For example Leon pulling the "i have to talk to the chief first" bs and saying "Idk what happened it happened to fast" to ada like he was trying to make excuses like a child to his parent really irked me, especially in the original re2 he bent over backwards to get ben out of the cell so he could come along with them. (dont talk to me about how a law-abiding rookie he's supposed to be. that could have been done better. leon simply isn't a person to leave someone like that, and he was hearing about chef irons the writing on that could have been better) And the way Claire and Leon barely interacted when they are the core of re2 together was just not it. The lack of Sherry and Leon together was also weird when Sherry is a big part of why he was taken by the government and stayed, and how Sherry blatantly says he saved her in RE6. (I know they just completely wiped the slate clean off Sherry and Leon with RE4R backstory by just saying Leon just didnt have a choice but like. yeah) and also Ada. God Ada "(to the woman she wants to discreetly capture. since she's A SPY) We're here for the g-virus and i will now proceed to jump in front of the bullets" & "Where's Leon when I need him (has treated him as a nuisance the whole way)" Wong. Im sure there are a lot more things but i cant think of them rn but I am annoyed with Things
SORRY I JUST WENT OFF ON A TANGENT. But like. Having Vera involved and having her existence be a reason on changing things around is so much fun. I could just expand on child experimentation and the truth of the orphanage through her, it was always something wildly bothering me that they kept that plot so subtle in Claire's story. Birkins (or maybe just William. we'll never know) were using children in G-virus experiments WHY DIDNT THEY TALK ABOUT THAT MORE DUDE? That's why canon divergence makes things so much more interesting because it's not just transcribing the game and inserting an OC along the way, it's changing things and making new things up, keeping things fresh
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Sees your last post that I was the the anon for. Loves it. Reads the tags. Yesss please do Charles and Beej headcanons I love their dynamic
u better watch your step, buddy, or i might just have to ask for your hand in marriage! thank you thank you thank you for listening to the many feels i have with this dynamic!
ok so charles was the last person in the household to become comfortable with beej being there, simply because his biggest priority is lydia, and he wanted to keep his guard up in case beej tried to hurt lydia
originally, his intention was to stay a bit distant from beej, to make things a bit easier for everyone involved. however, for reasons beyond charles’ understanding, beej just couldn’t seem to leave him alone
anytime something happened in the house, even if it was just barbara saying that they were having tacos for dinner, beej would instantly burst into charles’ office and tell him. when charles gets home from work, he learns to expect a 20-minute-or-more play-by-play of everything that happened around the house, delivered very enthusiastically by beej
after a short while, begrudgingly, charles has to admit that beej doesn’t pose a risk to anyone in the household, so he drops his guard a bit; starts engaging beej when he comes running. it doesn’t take long after that for him to realize that really, beej is just seeking some sort of validation, and he mentally berates himself for not realizing it sooner
of course beej would have dad issues after going through life without one, and it only makes sense that with all the time beej and lydia spend together, beej would start to see charles as a way of getting that stoic-dad validation he so desperately craves
now, charles may hide all of his emotions in a vault concealed within a four-foot-thick brick wall, but he’s no monster, and if submitting to the mortifying ordeal of showing emotion will help beej, it wouldn’t kill him to do
so, he starts offering validation in his awkward, stilted way, and beej can’t get enough. the time charles said “well done” when beej showed him a drawing of Big Sandy, beej cried for half an hour. charles sat next to him all the while, uncomfortably patting his back and silently cursing the heavens that he didn’t have delia’s emotional intelligence
as could be expected, the more validation charles offers beej, the more beej opens up to charles, and it doesn’t take long for charles to unlock major parts of his life story. after all, beej is a natural oversharer, so the moment he knows charles is listening, he lets himself ramble
it starts out as a harmless discussion about food preferences, but beej doesn’t stop himself when it ultimately descends into talking about how his mother never gave him anything to eat when he was young. if that weren’t horrifying enough for charles, the nonchalant tone in which beej describes it makes the whole story ten times worse
it’s so awful for charles to even imagine that he does something he never, in a million years, thought he would do. he puts down his work, he closes his laptop, and he looks beej in the eye from where beej was sitting across the home office, and he talks seriously. he explains to beej that none of what he just described is normal or okay, and that he would do whatever it took to make sure that he never had to go through that again
beej, already raw from the aftermath of an intense over sharing session and now faced with a ton of emotions from the most unlikely source imaginable, breaks down, his head falling onto charles’ desk as his body shakes with sobs
charles watches helplessly for a moment before getting up and hurrying around his desk to sit next to beej. and, like he had done with lydia more times than he could count, he carefully pulls beej into a tight hug, murmuring reassuring words into his ear. beej buries his head deep into charles’ shoulder, soaking it with tears in seconds
it takes just over 15 minutes for beej to calm down, his body still jolting with the occasional hiccup or gasp but otherwise still. charles keeps holding him for a few moments longer, hoping to keep him grounded enough to prevent another descent into tears. after the serious discussion that they just had, charles really wouldn’t be able to blame beej if he did go through another round of tears
after this episode, it was like a switch flicked for beej, and he became about a thousand times more eager to hang out with charles. maybe it was the realization that charles wasn’t actually out to get him, as he once thought, or the knowledge that he actually cares about beej’s wellbeing. as well; charles’ lack of disgust at seeing beej cry gives him the confidence he needs to ask charles for favours once in a while.
when he is able to muster up the courage to ask for one, they’re usually very small and unobtrusive, and a lot of these favours revolve around reading, not exactly beej’s forte. second only to adam, charles is his favourite person to read with, and his favourite person to read to. the validation that comes from charles’ pat on the back and “great job, buddy!” when beej makes it through lydia’s old Dr. Seuss collection without any help is enough to fuel beej’s confidence for an entire week
the most common favour though, is when beej asks charles to read to him. reading is hard work when you’re still struggling through sight words (and probably dyslexic, though that’s an hc list for another time), and when beej finds a book that he knows would simply be too difficult to tackle alone, he brings it to charles who, more often than not, will drop everything to read to him, at least for a chapter or two
a few months after beej moves in, he wakes up one night sobbing after a nightmare. without a word, charles, who had been finishing a report for work in his study, picks up a copy of “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” that lydia had left lying on a hall table, and takes it to beej’s room. he sits down in the armchair next to beej’s bed and gently cards his fingers through his hair as he begins to read out loud, not stopping until beej is completely asleep again, about a half hour later
they hang out together on charles’ days off as well. nobody except beej had ever shared charles’ passion for birdwatching, and charles is thrilled. they spend more weekends than they can count in a nearby forest, trying to check off every bird in the local birdwatching guide. after work one day, charles brings home a book on birds for beej, offering to read it with him later
their relationship is a bit bumpy, though. for one thing, beej has a tendency to barge into charles’ study without knocking, and when charles asks him to please knock, he instantly perceives it as charles not wanting him there, when really, sometimes charles is just in important skype meetings and doesn’t want to interrupt his boss to explain to beej that no, he doesn’t know where his left shoe is.
it’s an issue that takes several conversations, but with the help of a sign stuck to his study saying “please knock” (both of which are words that charles made damn sure beej knows how to read), they manage to overcome it
beej also has a hard time with personal space, something which drives charles crazy when he’s trying to do things like unloading the dishwasher, or even just walk through the house. beej seems to be constantly colliding with him, and it takes charles having one sit-down conversation with beej, and about thirty reminders per day, but with enough positive reinforcement, beej seems to make promising progress
the pros far outweigh the cons for charles, though. after all, beej never really had a childhood, so he gets to relive the joy that came with things like teaching lydia how to ride a bike, play catch, fish. y’know, all the cliché dad stuff. beej has even more fun. charles and delia take him and lydia to play laser tag, to the beach, to the movies, everywhere you’d take your kids, and beej cant believe he’s lucky enough to get another shot at his childhood
at one point, without really thinking, charles refers to beej and lydia as “his kids”, and he couldn’t pry beej off him for the rest of the day. since then, he always makes sure to call beej “his kid”, if only to watch his hair turn a bright green
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vxperorchist · 3 years
HELLO :D If it’s okay, could I request Venti going to a funfair/amusement park with his s/o? I’m going on Saturday AND I CABT WAIT I HAVENT GONE IN 3 YEARS. okay. Goodbye have a good day :)
I am SO sorry this took so long to get out! I've been quite busy.
Also I hope you have a great time there!
I hope you don't mind I added Kazuha and Childe!
When I was writing Kazuhas part and it said "if you ask him to ride, he will" my auto correct changed "Ride" to "Die" and I laughed so hard at this and then realized that is some sad shit. "If you ask him to die, he will." SHSHSH BYE
Word count: 507
Warnings: Cursing, spoilers for Venti if you haven't finished the Mondstadt quest?
When you invited him he would go APESHIT.
“Really? You would like me to go? Well of course I’m not declining!” He said while kissing your cheek and laying his head in your lap.
Once you guys arrived the inner 3 year old in him had been summoned.
You and him are riding ALL the rides, and playing  some games. (Depending if you have money, which we know drunkard over here does not.)
If you are riding a ride and get scared, he is always there to hold your hand. <3 Just kidding he doesn't care if you're scared or not, he's holding your damn hand.
HE LOVES FAST ROLLER COASTERS. He thinks the wind blowing in his face is great.
He sucks at most games though, win them for him and you will get rewarded with a big hug from behind.
If you are riding a ride like the Scrambler (The one with multiple carts that flings you all over the place.) You are definitely getting squished.
At the end of the day you are leaving with a big stuffed animal, and a very tired god by your side.
After the long day at the amusement park he will gladly let you lay on him. Fall asleep on him and he will go INSANE.
When he found out you were going he of course was coming along.
He knew it was a big event and he would love to experience it with you.
I can imagine him having a small fear of roller coasters.
Like not a big fear but if he looks down he might clutch your hand a little harder.
He challenges people to that game where you have to hold onto a bar for a certain amount of time.
He will make sure you’re watching and when he’s done you can expect a cocky smirk.
He gave you the prizes though.
He’s good at a lot of games, so you’ll be leaving with quite a lot of prizes.
For some reason I feel like he would be obsessed with funnel cake. (However you spell it)
He definitely challenges you to keep your hands up on roller coasters.
He had never been to an amusement park so when you invited him to go with you he kinda just sat there.
He had an Idea on what it was, but didn’t know if he should go or not.
He decided that he would go so he would be with you <3
He doesn't like the wind on roller coasters.
He likes a breeze, but the harsh wind on a roller coaster is too much.
When it was handed to him he just stood there, and then handed it to you.
Slower rides are his thing
Hold his hand or arm while you are walking and you’ll receive a laugh or smile from him.
If you really want him to ride something he will.
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taeghi · 4 years
angry sex - bts
“god. I cant believe you jin!” you yelled as the two of you stormed into your shared apartment, jin slaming the door behind him.
“well i cant believe you either y/n!” he retorted back at your, practically throwing his shoes off.
the two of you went to a dinner that night with the other members. the whole car ride to the fancy restaurant was strangely quiet, but you didnt ask jin about it. when you guys got the restaurant, he barely spoke a word to you.
you were talking to jungkook beside you when  you heard jin speak, “yah! namjoon, i know y/n looks like a slut tonight but keep your eyes up here.” your eyes bulged out of your head as he finished his sentence. you looked down at your dress, sure, your boobs were kind of showing, but you wouldnt call yourself a slut.
you angrily stood up and walked out of the resturant, hearing jin groan from behind you as he excused you two from the table for the night.
so now, the two of you stood facing eachother, eyes narrowed at each other, breathing heavely.
“i cant believe you would call me a slut in front of your friends.” you groaned, your hand coming to rest on your forehead.
instantly, something clicked in jin. his head turned to the side a bit, and his eyes scanned your entire body. “ well that’s just what you are isnt y/n? a slut.”
you were about to snap at him, but was cut off by him pushing you up agaisnt the wall behind you.
“ you like the feeling of all these peoples’ eyes on you dont you?” he spoke lowly into your ear as his hands roamed your entire body. “ you like knowing that all those little boys were imagining doing things to you- dirty things.” your breath hitched in your throat at his words. his lips sucking on your jaw and neck as his hands moved underneath your dress. “those are just little boys though y/n, let me show you what a man can do to please you.”
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there your boyfriend was, sitting on the couch that you left him on earlier that day. by just standing in the doorway you could tell that he didnt do any of the chores you told him to do.
“so yoongi, is all of the cleaning done?” you asked him as you took off your shoes, causing him to jump a little due to not hearing you come in.
“uh no.” he responded, taking his feet off the coffee table.
you sighed, “of course you didn’t, im the only one who needs to clean.” you walked into the kitchen and saw the pile of dirty dishes in the sink.
now you heard yoongi stand up from his position and come into the kitchen.”what?” he asked, his eyebrows furrowed as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“i said that i’m the only one who ever cleans around here.” you repeated yourself, preparing for the fight that was about to begin.
“i clean around here.” he stated, coming closer to you.
“really when? because i havent noticed.”  
he then pushed you against the kitchen counter, his hands on the counter behind  you so you couldn’t move. “i do the laundry, i clean the bathroom and i sweep. so i do clean around here.”
the closeness between  youtwo, made you almost forget what you were fighting about as he spoke those words. “fine, you do help a little, but not doing the chorse i tell you t-” you were cut off by him basically smashing his lips onto your own.
“shut up and let me fuck you now yeah?” he said as he pulled back quickly, you only gettign enough time to nod before he’s ripping both of your clothes off and fucking you abruptly on the kitchen counter. it was messy, and it really did not help get your apartment any cleaner.
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he was furious. beyond angry. he wasnt your normal sunshine that you and everyone else has come to love. his face was blushed red from yelling. veins in his neck were very prominent. his eyebrows were furrowed and he looked extremely hot. sure, you didn’t like him being mad at you but, he just looked so damn good.
he sighed, “i cant keep yelling anymore y/n.” he said and sat down on the couch, his head in his hands.
“then dont.” you smirked, coming closer to your boyfriend.
“what?” he looked up at you.
“fuck me instead.” now the both of you were smirking, the fight leaving your guys’ minds as you climbed onto his lap. his hands immediately gripped onto your waist, and you starting to grind down onto his member. his lips attached themselves onto your neck, biting harshly, making sure to leave marks. soft moans fell from your lips as your tilted your head back and closed your eyes. his hands now letting go of your hips and starting to rip off your clothing instead.
your breaths mixed together for the rest of the night. his roughs, still kinda angry thrusts made you forget everything that happened a few hours before.
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you have never seen him like this before. his nosrils flaring, his chest moving fast from heavy breathing and his eyes narrowed at you. his hands were even flinching at his sides.
you guys had been fighting for almost a hour now, over somethng that didnt even matter anymore. you were furious at him, you wanted to keep fighting with him, but as his previous actions faded away and turned into lust, you knew it was over.
“come here baby girl.” he demanded, anger still laced in his voice. you followed his command and walked the few steps towards him until you were directly infront of him. “i think youve been quite mean to daddy tonight, maybe you should make it up to him, and he might do the same to you.” you nodded in response, his words fading your anger away and filling it with lust. “good. now strip.”
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jimin rarely got mad, but he did get jealous- extremely jealous. so, when he was pushing you back into his bedroom and away from the boys, you werent really surprised.
“jimin, what is it now?” you asked, your arms crossing over your chest.
his eyes scanned your body before responding, “look what youre wearing.”
your head and eyes looked down to see your outfit; your sleeping shorts, that you guess are pretty short, and a tank top.
“all of the boys were looking at you, biting their lips, scanning your body.” he spoke as he walked closer to you, pulling your hips into his. thats when you felt it, his hard member poking into your hip. “they want you baby, but they cant have you since youre mine. only mine.”
“yes jimin, i’m only yours.” you smirked at him, loving where this was going.
he smashed his lips onto yours and pushed you down onto the bed, him landing softly on top of you. his hands went up the sides of your body roughly, and his hips grinded into your own.
“i want you to be extra loud this time, make the others remember who you belong to.” he whispered into your ear before biting down onto your neck, a loud moan leaving your lips instantly, “thats it baby, be loud.”
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he was pinning you onto the bed, his whole weight on you so you couldnt move. you had made him mad, so you were expecting this.
“youve made me very mad kitten. i think you should be punished.” his raspy voice spoke.
almost instantly, you were stripped from your clothes and sprawled over his lap on your stomach. his hands roamed your ass before giving your right ass cheek a quick slap. the fabric of his jeans rubbing against your stomach since he was still fully dressed. “count every spanking or i start over. understand kitten?” he asked.
“yes sir.” you responded.
your punishment went for another 19 spankings, your ass red as hell and tears streaming down your face in pleasure and pain- a feeling  you loved.
“youve taken your punishment very well kitten. i think its time for your reward,” taehyung said, a smile spreading across his face as his long fingers started to play with the lips of your pussy. you bit your lip, trying to hold in your moans from the pleasure he was giving you. suddenly, a hand came down on your sore ass cheek, causing you to yelp out. “stop holding back, let me hear your pretty moans y/n.”
with that, for the rest of the night, all that was heard were your moans and screams of pleasure and other erotic noises.
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he glared at you from across the club, not believing what you were doing. you knew he was watching, it was all apart of your plan. angry jealous sex is what you have been craving recently, so that is what you will get.
you were standing infront of jimin, your hands running up and down his thighs as you leaned over a little, trying to push your boobs into his face.
“uh y/n, i dont know what youre doing, but i think you should stop.” jimin spoke to you, a bit taken a back and frightened. he saw the way jungkook was looking at the two of you and it was not good.
“nono jimin, its all part of my plan. i need really good sex tonight.” you reassured jimin, a smirk almost instantly spreading across his face,
“well i think its working because hes coming over here now, and he does not look happy.” suddenly, you felt a warm hand grip your wrist and spin you around.
“y/n. its time to go.” jungkook spoke calmly, but you could see the way his eyes pierced into yours, and how his jaw was clenched, that he was beyond pissed. you nodded to him and followed behind him as he started walking towards the exit, but not before smirking and winking back at jimin.
as soon as you were outside, jungkook pushed you up against the brick wall outside the club.
“you should know how i feel when men look at the way jimin hyung was looking at you like that y/n.” jungkook growled lowly into your ear, his hands griping your hips. “you’re mine. no one looks at whats mine like that.” you were about to respond until his warm mouth bite down on your neck, the cold fall breeze instantly cooling it. “im going to have to mark you everywhere so everyone knows whats mine.”
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
Just a little spit
Musical beetlejuice x reader
Reader falls asleep during movie night and drools on beej, things get messy
It's been a long week, work was running you left, right and center, 8 hour shifts, 7 days in a row, so it was no surprised you were low energy, but tonight was movie night and tomorrow was a day off.
Movie night was a weekly occurrence in you little apartment, you've been looking forward to this night all week, exhausted as you were, you were powered by the idea of soon you'll be in comfy clothes and hanging out with you best friend. Changing into your pajamas, a baggy tshirt and boxers you feel as though a weight has been lifted.
"Beetlejuice, beetlejuice, beetlejuice" you say plainly, you've summoned the undead bastard more times then you can remember, so at this point it felt like second nature.
Your bedroom fills with a thick smoke, amazing how he never sets off any fire alarms, waving the smoke away from your face, trying not to cough, you're caught off guard by a multitude of hands grabbing you and pulling you into the soft stomach of the demon in question, 2 sets of arms hold you tight to his midsection as he spins you around with glee.
"Bought time I saw my sweet little breather~ babes did you miss me?"
You stumble about when he places you down, dizzy and trying to find your balance while the ghoul chuckles at you.
"Oh ho, look at you, all casual and comfy for me? Looking like a snack babes" he coos eyeing you up and down, you can feel a shiver run up your spine, his flirting always got to you, wither it was legit or not, it was incredibly easy for the demon to make you blush.
You catch beetlejuice staring, following his eyes you notice hes staring at your legs, before you say anything beetlejuice cuts in
"Didn't think you were wearing any pants there sugar, your shirt hid those cute little boxers from me, kinda bummed you're not just in a shirt and panties for your old pal mr beebleboose" he snorts out an awful cackle
"Are we gonna watch a movie or are you just gonna be an ass all night?" You huff out
"I can do both" the ghoul shrugs, following you to the living room
Beetlejuice flops down on the couch "so besides you, what's on tonight's menu?"
"I was thinking final destination?" You ask waving the dvd case around
"YES! A bunch of breathers getting torn apart for cheating death, an excellent choice my dear Y/n"
You couldnt help but smile at his reaction,
"Oh! What about-"
Ding dong
Beetlejuice just stares at you, you smile "one step ahead of you my friend"
The ghoul gives you a smug grin, grabbing your hand and leading you to the door "got me without a plan sweet stuff, but your pal is the king of improv, I got a trick I've been saving that's really gonna get your knees weak, watch and be amazed" the ghoul then drops his coat around your shoulders, you weren't quite sure why, was it because you were in your pajamas? That you look alittle exposed? Was it a pride thing for him? To have you wrapped in his coat in front of a complete stranger? Who knows with beetlejuice, if it wasnt one thing it was another. The coat didn't exactly help cover much past your baggy shirt, in fact it emphasized the idea you weren't wearing any pants, oh well.
The ghoul swings open the door with glee, practically buzzing with excitement, you couldnt help but feel excited, it was always contagious when beetlejuice was in this type of mood.
It was a miracle that you were still able to get take out, with the amount of times beetlejuice has scared the piss out of the delivery guys, it was a surprise you havent been blocked. But it wasnt like anyone would believe the stories they would tell.
"Pizza for l/n"
"That's me, Thanks man" beetlejuice took the pizza from the guy and handed it to you,
"Hey, sweet stuff, what you order?" The ghoul asks without turning to face you, before you could respond beetlejuice snapped his fingers, your body goes ridged
"Pepperoni, bacon, and snakes" you rattle off nonchalantly, with beetlejuice puppeting you.
"Snakes?" The delivery man responds
Coming back to your senses, you eagerly await what's next.
"Snakes" with that beetlejuice collapses into a pile of black and white striped snakes, you jump at the sight, they begin to slither towards the delivery man, who straight up screeches and blots away.
You hear Beetlejuice's awful laugh, not sure where, as the snakes pile back into the demon you knew.
"Such a beautiful sound, right babes?so, What do ya think sweets? Dont think I didnt see you jump" he snorts out an awful cackle, while you shrink with embarrassment.
Beetlejuice wraps an arm around your shoulders "I'll let it slide sugar, cuz you look so sweet in my jacket, keep it on for the rest of the night and give me a 10 on my performance, and I wont tease ya about being scared" he chuckles squishing his cheek against yours, his scruffy beard scratching your face, he could probably hear your heart hammering away in your chest, you sigh trying to regain what little dignity you had left.
"I have to say bj, that was amazing, you really outdid yourself, a perfect 10"
The moment the words left your mouth you felt the ghoul's grip tighten around you,
"You're too kind, and correct about me being a perfect 10" he flashes you his big fangs, you couldnt help but laugh.
You really enjoyed these nights with beetlejuice, unfortunately you're second wind of energy was about to run out, you could barely keep your eyes open, it was bad enough you're already leaning against the ghoul in question, which you were teased with.
"My jacket not enough sweets? You want to get into my pants next?" He snickers, you were really too tired to counter that comment, instead you just mumble something unintelligible and refuse to make eye contact.
The ghoul drapes an arm around you out of habbit, how you would lean against him in the summer to cool off, streaks of pink flashes through his hair as he enjoyed your warmth, your scent, you. He adored your movie nights, just you and him, he would never admit it, but simple things like this, the whole domestic thing, with you, was almost enough to get his undead heart pumping. His perfect little breather, no idea what he did to deserve you, nice, funny, and hot, now if he could get you to confess you love him first then he'd be set, but just like him you are a coward when it came to such things, but beetlejuice can wait, for now.
Snapped from his thoughts, when he clues back into what was happening in the film, he smiles.
"Oh sugar, this is the best part- oh" turning to you, he huffs out a small laugh, you were out cold.
"I'm I that boring sweetheart? Or is it the film?" He chuckles
This wasnt the first time you've done this, beej constantly complained about how hard you worked and how tired it made you, but yet would never complain when youd pass out on him, but teasing was a different ball game, he adored seeing your face scrunch up in embarrassment, how funny you sounded as you try to babble out an excuse, the demon knew you liked him, but still adored messing with you due to how funny your reactions were.
The demon was brought back from his musings with the feeling of a unfamiliar warmth on his shoulder and arm where your head rested. Closer inspection, you were drooling in your sleep, beej couldnt help but smile at this, you are NOT gonna hear the end of that, he chuckles.
You shift in your sleep, and let out a soft groan, the ghoul let's out a desperate sigh, such a beautiful sound, just enough to get his motor running.
Yes beetlejuice had a soft spot for you, but he was a very sexual being, the amount of times the ghoul has spied on you during private times were more then he could remember, the amount of times he's jerked it to the thought of you were also more then he could count, god slash satan he wanted to pound you into the mattress so bad, have you yell out praises on how good a lover he was. It's been awhile since he cleaned his pipes, with your soft warm form pressed up against him, now seems like a pretty good time, the idea of being caught was always a nice thrill, to have you catch him, may be youd be flattered and join in, as impossible as that fantasy was, it was a nice thought.
Without much further convincing, beetlejuice had already pulled his cock from his trousers, and lazily began stroking it with a third hand, the others were busy with you, on draped around you shoulders, the other absentmindedly circling the spot of drool you had made on his shoulders. Every soft noise you made, every sigh, every groan, every mumble you uttered in your sleep was fuel to the fire of the ghoul's arousal.
Stifling a groan he utters "you have no idea what you do to me sweets" still circling the drool spot you made on his shoulder, shifting a bit in you sleep, his finger slips into your mouth, the demon was quick to retreat his hand in fear youd wake up, you only scrunch up you face in response. Beetlejuice let's out a breath he didnt know he was holding, not that he needed to breath, yes he liked the idea of being caught, but in reality youd be sick to your stomach at the sight, you'd probably banish him.
Once beetlejuice realized you were out cold, he returned to his strokes, until it clicks, the hand he was circling the drool you left behind, his finger was now coded in a nice thick layer of your spit. A ghoulish grin spreads across his face, hair fully electric pink, how he dreamed of that beautiful mouth around his cock, how lovely your moans would sound with your lips around his shaft. He couldnt let this opportunity go by, the ghoul slowly begins covering his dick with your salvia, he shivers at the sensation, still warm from your mouth, the ghoul utters a muffled groan "just like that sweetheart, you're so good to me"
Beetlejuice couldnt help but imagine you, mouth hovering over his lap, drool dripping from you mouth onto his cock. He groans softly "lubing me up babes? Such a considerate breather"
Once his cock was as covered as it was gonna be with the slavia you graced him with, he once again began with his strokes, starting off at a slow gentle pace, soft moans escaping his lips, you were asleep next to him, so the ghoul couldnt be as loud as he'd like to. When you were away the ghoul would treat himself to long loud sessions of alone time using your delicate laundry items, he could be as loud as his undead heart desires, not caring about your neighbors, but now, not so much.
"God I wanna slip into that pretty mouth of yours, feel how wet and warm it is, have you lube up my cock with your salvia before I shove it in that cute pussy of yours" he stifles a groan as his strokes begin picking up pace, his eyes were glued to you sleeping face, the arm the demon had around your shoulders slowly began to draw hearts with his fingers on your back.
You mumble and shift a bit in your sleep, your hand finds it's way to his thigh, gripping on to his pants, beetlejuice nearly jumps out of his skin, he was so lost in his fantasy of you, you completely catch him off guard, but hed be lying if he didnt enjoy the scare. It felt real good to have your hand resting on his thigh while he jerked off.
"Naughty little minx, you do want to get into my pants huh?" He chuckled softly.
The thought always crossed his mind during your weekly movie night, he fantasized about how you would grow bored of the film, lean into him, and have those pretty hands of yours find their way into him pants. Having his cute breather lazily jerk him off while watching a horror film easily had to be in the top five of his fantasies of you, simple but still delicious.
"Naughty thing" the ghoul stifles a groan as his pace picks up, the thought of your hand replacing his quickly taking over his mind.
Beetlejuice was using every ounce of strength he possessed to not start bucking up into his hand, not wanting to jostle you awake since you were leaning on the ghoul. Chasing his own orgasm, his pace becomes quite harsh, to the point where the ghoul summoned an extra hand just to bite and muffle his moans.
It felt so good, having you so close to him, hand on his thigh, salvia on his cock, god slash satan he wanted to scream out in bliss, he was so close, so focused on your sleeping face, his sweet breather, so kind and considerate, using their spit as lube for a hand job, he couldnt have asked for a better breather.
"Your so good to me sugar, you know just how to treat a guy, I'm gonna pay you back, anything you want, upstairs, downstairs, butt stuff, just say the word doll~" he groans out.
"...bee.." you mumble, shifting in your sleep, ever so gently sliding your hand up his thigh, that was enough to get the ghoul to the finish line.
"F-fuck y/n" and with that the ghoul shoots his load, into his hand and his lap, thank god slash satan it missed your hand, as hot as itd be to have those pretty hands of yours covered in his cum, now was not that time.
A smug grin plastered across his face as he gazes at you a soft "thank you" is whispered your way, as he slides his now soft cock back into his pants, snapping his fingers to clean himself up as of nothing happened.
The electricity of bright pink slowly leaves his hair, being replaced with a much softer mix of pink and green, the hand around your shoulders now lazily rubbing circles on your back, the film long over, beetlejuice snaps his fingers once again and the tv turns off leaving the two of you in gentle darkness.
"Nigh sweet stuff"
Waking up to the buzzing sound of your phone you groan, ot was your day off and yet you forgot to turn your alarm off.
"Morning babes"
No, you feel asleep on the couch again, leaving against that bastard "morning" you grumble
As you try to get up to start your day beej pulls you back down into him lap
"Oh no sugar, you're not getting away that easy~ was I so boring last night you fell asleep? After my amazing performance too, such a cruel little breather you are" he teases "not to mention you were drooling on too" he cackles pointing at the spot.
"Doll if you wanted to spit on me, I can name some better places then my arm" he hollers with his awful laugh.
You're never gonna hear the end of this.
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On the edge... (Charlie Gillespie) part 1
A/N : So sorry guys, I’m posting it again here, anyway enjoy. Don’t hesitate to point out any mistakes. 
Bonne lecture ❤️
Summary : It’s not that you are insecure but seing Charlie and the onscreen chemistry he has with Madison is making you uncomfortable. And it obviously lead to a fight.
Word count : 2,1 k  
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Somehow you had passed your exam with a flying hand and you were ready to rest during your vacations. Vacations that were obviously well deserved. Charlie, your boyfriend, was currently shooting with Kenny Ortega in Vancouver. Living quite far from there you could not go see Charlie every other weekend. However you decided to go on set with everyone during your vacations. 
You have already met the whole crew, they were really nice to you, and immediately you felt included in there tight knit group. 
You were just so excited to see Charlie after months of separation. You had missed him just as much as he had missed you. 
He did not know you were coming to surprise him, it was supposed to be, well, a surprise. You took an uber to Charlie and Owen’s apartment. Those boys really hide their key under their doormat. Do they know that this is dangerous ? 
You enter the flat and were met with silence, the boys might still be at the studio or filming or whatever actors do. You took time to take a long shower to wash off the sweat from the flight. You even took a small nap to regenerate. 
You heard loud voices in the hall and you just knew that one of the voices belonged to your boyfriend. A bright smile already on your lips as you waited for him to enter his house. Owen was the first one to acknowledge you. 
« Y/N ! How are you doing ! What are you doing here ? We are so happy to see you ! » he embraced you in a hug, not for too long because Charlie pulled him off of you. 
He did not say anything he just took you in his arms, for a long time, kissing the top of your head again and again. When he released you just a bit, he tilted his head and kissed you like it has been a long time you havent seen him. But he has been a long time and oh how you craved his soft and rosy lips. The others were doing anything but looking at you, it wasn’t that they were embarrassed it’s just that this was an intimate moment that the two of you hadn’t since a long time and they wanted to respect at least a bit of your privacy. Only Charlie and you were standing in the hall anymore, the others were already on the couch or on the floor, ready for movie night. 
« I missed you so much, I am so happy you are here, you can’t even imagine » Charlie said whispering in your ear, sending chills down your spine. 
«  I missed you too, that’s why I’m here after all. » you chuckled in the crook of his neck. 
He led you to the living room with all the others, never leaving you. He always had a hand on the small of your back, or on your thigh. It has been such a long time since you have seen each other that he didn’t want to miss a single thing about you.   
You said hello to everyone, happy those familiar faces again. You were just ready to chill with everyone. 
You were about to sit on the couch next Owen and Jeremy, when you felt a pair of hands grabbing your hips and making you sit on Charlie’s lap. 
« Where do you think you’re going » you giggled at his act. 
They were something about Charlie that always make you giggle or blush and more generally acting like a schoolgirl. You swear sometimes you think his goal is to make you blush so much that you were as red as a tomato. But you loved your goofy, cute man. 
« Thank you Y/N for being here ! Really, we can’t hear Charlie complaining about not seeing you or how much he misses you. » Jeremy said and Charlie has a deep shade of red on his cheeks. 
You thought he was really cute to go and talk about how much he misses you. You know that he wasn’t just on your part that those months of being apart were hard. The night goes on and the smile you had never left your lips. Charlie had his arms wrapped around your waist the whole time, and he was always making quiet comments about the movie you were watching or just kissing you under the ear and so on. `
Everyone fell asleep in uncomfortable positions and the next morning all of them has knots in their back. 
« Ok guys, you need to leave or you’re going to be late on set ! » you exclaimed trying to wake all of those people but no one moved. « C’mon guys, you need to get moving » as you were trying to shake them all up, your arm was pulled by Charlie and you fell on him. He had still his eyes closed even though he was smirking. 
« Do you want to come with us on set ? » Charlie asked with a groggy voice. 
«  Yes ! » 
« You just waited for me to ask you right ? » you blushed at his words. You didn’t want to impose your presence to the staff and all the actors. 
The day you decided to join all of your friends on set, they had to film the scene between Charlie and Madi where they sang perfect harmony. You knew that supposedly nothing was going on between them, but it was just the way Luke looked at Julie. You tried to convince yourself that this was nothing, it was just on-screen chemistry nothing more. But they both looked so pretty and handsome and you couldn’t not feel bad about yourself. 
At the end of the scene everyone clapped and congratulated the both actors who executed perfectly the routine. Charlie made Madi spin, both giggling. You heart broke a little but you tried to not let it shows. Everyone was so cheerful and happy. 
You put on a fake smile and got on with the day. You hung around makeup and costumes and tried to help as much as you could, from setting the buffet for everyone to painting some decors. 
Everyday for a week, you accompanied the band to the studio, but as the days goes by you couldn’t not notice the constant banter between Charlie and Madi. It wasn’t that you were jealous or anything, of course he was « allowed » to speak to other girls. It’s just that they seemed to understand each other on a deeper level. On a music level that you could never understand. You could sing under the shower but you didn’t knew how to play any instruments or writing any lyrics. 
« Don’t you think that this song is such a killer song ?! » asked Owen, excited, almost crushing you on the couch where you rested.
« Hum ? Which one ? Even though they’re all amazing! » 
«  Well the one Charlie and Madi wrote together » you looked at him in disbelief. « Yeah, perfect harmony ! » 
A whirlwind of thoughts came into your mind and made your insecurities come back at full speed. 
« Oh… no I did not know that. » you said quietly, like if you spoke too loud you would break down in tears. And Owen saw right through you. 
« Are you okay ? You know that it is just a song ? » 
« Yeah, yes I know, it’s just since this morning I’m not feeling good. I think I’m going to head back to the house. If Charlie asks … » you topped mid-sentence, was he really going to ask ? 
You couldn't answered that question being a hundred percent sure. 
You took your stuff and left the studio. 
Charlie just ended another scene and went to look for you. « hey Owen ? Have you seen Y/N ? » he asked a bit worried and with a small frown on his forehead. 
« She went back, said she didn’t felt well » 
Well that’s weird, thought Charlie. She would've told him if she wasn’t feeling well. He shook his head and focus on the next scene he had to play before heading back home. 
You were laying on your guys bed, crying your eyes out not really knowing why they were so much waterfalls. 
You heard the front door open and you recognized the voices of the three boys that played the ghosts. You quickly shut your eyes, trying to make Charlie believe you were asleep. 
Charlie entered the room and saw the girl he loved with her head buried in a pillow, she seemed asleep. He sighed and closed the door on his way out. He didn’t understand why all of a sudden you were so cold to him. He didn’t remember having done something bad or wrong. He tried to replay in his mind everything that happened that week without founding anything. 
« Are you alright ? » asked Jeremy concerned at the face his friend was making. 
« Yeah, it’s just I don’t know why Y/N is giving me the cold shoulder. » he sighed, his head between his hands. 
After a few hours of hiding in the room, you decided to fix yourself, make somehow your eyes a little less puffy. You tried to pass by the living room without noise, not ready to confront the boys or anyone for that matter. 
You thought you had made it to the kitchen without making your presence known. But as you closed the fridge’s door and turned towards the table you were faced with Charlie’s hazel eyes. 
« How are you ? » he asked softly, you felt your throat tightened. « Fine » you croaked. 
He knew they were something wrong. 
«  You know you can talk to me, I’m here babe » Charlie mumbled. You tried avoiding his gaze. He stepped softly towards you, almost chest to chest. 
« I don’t want to talk about it » you muttered. « well I think we have to. You have that sad look in your eyes and it saddens me ! » 
« I don’t want to do this now, the boys are just in the living room ! » 
« But I want to help you, let me help you! » his voice was raising higher and higher. 
« Ne fais pas ça maintenant s’il te plait » (don’t do this now) you exclaimed in French so that the boys wouldn’t understand what was happening, even if the knew that you were fighting, no need to be a genius to realize that. 
« Oh so now we are talking French ?! Why ?! You don’t want our friends to know that we are not this perfect little couple they think we are ! » Charlie snapped. 
« Ne m’humilie pas de la sorte ! Je pense que tu l’as déjà assez fait cette semaine! » (don’t humiliate me like that, you already did it enough all week) you seeped. Your head was beginning to spin from all the crying and the shouting didn’t help. 
« Mais qu’est ce que tu racontes bon sang! » (what are you talking about for god’s sakes) Charlie spat, his Canadian accent resurrecting strongly. 
« Okay, you want to know what I’m talking about ? I’m talking about you and Madison, I know that I should not be jealous but you are so close to her via music and filming and so close to her as well as in not far away. How do you expect for me to not see that. To not see the chemistry you two has on screen ?! » You were between yelling and sobbing uncontrollably. Charlie stayed silent for a moment not knowing what to answer to this. 
« You know, and I’ve told you countless of times that we are nothing more than friends ! She is young » Charlie exclaimed 
« Oh because if she was older, you would definitely take her on a date ?! » you exclaimed, hurt by his words. The both of you stayed silent for a bit of time. A heavy silence. 
« Of course not, you’re the one I like. The only one I love. Yes, we are not together 24/7, but I love you Y/N. No one else but you, why can’t you see that ? » Charlie insisted, his hair tugging at his now shorter hair. 
« I think I should go back for a bit. I’ll see you later » you said in a breath. 
« Dont do this to me, don't do this to me Y/N! I’m begging you » he pleaded. 
You knew you had to get away for a bit of time, you didn’t knew if your relationship could hold after this full blown out but you’ll live. At least you hoped. You ran straight into Charlie’s room and packed your bags not meeting the boys gazed. They heard everything, and it pained you to have them involved in such a fight. 
As soon as you slammed the door of the bedroom, the boys ran straight into the kitchen, they found Charlie on the barstool looking down at his hands, a single tear running down his cheek. 
They didn’t knew what to say, are you okay seemed a bit insensitive after what they all heard. They took a sit next to him and pat his back. Sometimes a small gesture is worth a million words. Charlie knew that he will always has his friends, they were like family, but so was Y/N. But apparently not anymore.
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strawberrycamel · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
tagged by: @aj-itated <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 30!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 46,254 words
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? based on my Ao3 and my old ff.net account: 3 - Fairy Tail, BNHA, DP (though I haven't written for Fairy Tail or bnha in years)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? in order, that would be How to Take Out a Ghost by TooFineFoley, Bad Luck Tuck: The Sequel, ignorance is your new best friend, What Could Have Been, and, surprisingly, A Connoisseur of Fine Art (all DP or DP crossover fics)
5. Which of your fic do you want more attention for? both they're siblings, your honor and Big Boy Tucker. i can't choose, they both need love
6. Do you respond to comments, why or why not? i used to respond to them as often as I could at the start, but i kinda slacked off sometime around the beginning of summer classes. I used to respond to them because they made me really happy and i wanted to let the commenters know I did actually read it and am very grateful for their comments, but after a while it became... idk, draining? I felt bad about leaving the same response to each commenter and got caught up in my own head so I just kinda,, stopped all together. I wanna start responding again at some point, but uh, probably not anytime soon.
7. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
oh definitely One More Time; I think that's the only fic I've written without some kind of happy ending (anything in the Not Your Son series doesn't count since it's not finished yet :3) and I can't tell you how much it pained me not to make it happy. Don't get me wrong, I loved writing that for going angst week but hole-y shit did it fuck me up
8. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you’ve written? I do write crossovers! The craziest, I think, is my Strange vs. Work: Wife Swap AU, it's not done because I'm seriously stumped for it right now, but it's essentially a DP Marvel crossover where Clockwork and Dr. Strange are forced by a TV host ghost to switch bodies and mentor the other person's 'apprentice'. Peter and Danny have to help them get adjusted to their new environments/bodies and they all have to figure out how to turn things back to normal. This whole series is meant to be based off the show 'Wife Swap'. I have fun making Stephen suffer >:)
9. Have you ever received hate on a fic? not that i can remember? like i think it was more grammar and dialogue punctuation nitpicking on my old ff.net fics, never hate
10. Do you write smut? if so what kind? not really, but i have a singular wip that im working on that's definitely spicy
11. Have you ever had a fic translated? nope
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before? no? (i was working on something a while ago but we havent finished so, I'm going with no)
13. What’s your all time favorite ship? i don't think I really have one. Usually I just read whichever fics have cool summaries or tags and just dive right in, ships be damned. Lately I've been reading a few TimKon fics and I've been thinking about Dark Ages, UFS, and Gray Ghost stuff a lot over the summer
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? oh, oh god. I'm going to say it and I'm going to feel real shitty about it because it's such a good fucking concept, but I can't bring myself to write anything more than what I already have written and all the notes I just randomly add onto it every once in a while. It even has a title: "Ectoplasmic Pudding".
It's a DP DC crossover fic wip and the plot is about Danny being called by Batman to help with a kidnapping case he suspects to involve ghosts; he needs Danny's expertise and help to capture the ghost. Danny agrees and he meets Batman and Robin (Dick Grayson) on the roof of the police station (after dropping face first onto it because he got blinded by the bat signal). They go by Batmobile and arrive at the scene of the crime where Danny confirms a ghost is involved. A bunch of different scenes of Danny and Robin having a blast while Batman's trying his best to stay on task and then, eventually, they find a warehouse where the box ghost is interrogating a bored looking Mr. Trand, the victim, about some fancy box commissioned by Vlad.
Danny figures out this guy is Bertrand in disguise and since Bertrand's essentially on vacation, they both agree to lie about how they know each other. And then I got stuck around here, but I imagine it just ends up being a series of dumb events where Batman, Robin, and Danny have to 'protect' Bertrand until they catch Boxy and throw him back into the Ghost Zone while the disguised ghost tries to make the most of the rest of his vacation.
Batman and Robin definitely don't believe whatever lie Danny came up with to explain how he knows Mr. Trand, but they go along with it until it's revealed in probably the worst way possible and leads to both of them trying to take the former kidnapping victim to the GIW while also trying to keep Danny from stopping them and barely listening to a word he says (maybe they think he's being threatened somehow or being controlled or smth, idk). Absolutely no clue how that whole fight goes, but in the end Danny kicks Box Ghost into the Zone and Bertrand is told very explicitly never to bring Spectra to Gotham.
15. What are your writing strengths? evoking emotion in my writing? yeah i'm going with that
16. What are your writing weaknesses? planning out plot ahead of time. I can write outlines and write a bunch of notes about what i want to include, that's not the problem. My problem is that all my motivation to write just drains away the moment I have a somewhat concrete plot planned out for a fic- this applies to one-shots and longfics exactly the same. And past that, sometimes I'll make one change to the planned plot and feel like tossing the whole thing out the window and going freehand without the 'constraints' of an outline or anything ..........
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? try not to offend anybody? like, look at good examples of how others have done it and do a lot of research and stuff. Also, be aware that not everything will translate perfectly from the original language you wrote the fic in and whatever language you're translating it to.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Fairy Tail
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? Hellbent. A few others come close, but I seriously cannot express the joy i felt writing that first chapter (and when I'm done my minibang fic, I literally cannot wait to get back to it)
20. What fic are you most proud of? that's a tough one, there are a bunch i fucking adore but i think it's tied between The Big Dipper and ignorance is your new best friend
Tagging: @guardianrex, @shinygoldstar, @cleanlenins, @princessfanonanona, and @ghost-pasta!
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seongsangi · 4 years
giving you what you want (2)
pairing: seonghwa x reader x san
summary: you don’t know how things ended up this way, but you can’t resist what’s about to come. seonghwa knows you all too well, giving you everything you could have hoped for.
word count: 3.6k+
warnings/tags: threesome if you couldnt tell HAHA
“That was hot,” you hear a familiar voice coming from behind you. You turn around and your eyes are wide open, not expecting anyone else to be in the room with you.
"You can't tell me you didn't know I was here."
You're unable to respond, what the fuck are you supposed to say when he catches you off guard like this? How long has he been here? Was he watching you and Seonghwa the entire time? What the fuck is going on? You can’t control your heartbeat, getting faster and faster it’s almost deafening. Seonghwa uncuffs your hands, freeing them after being bound for so long. You immediately pull the covers over your body, trying to hide yourself from the second set of eyes across the room. You should be angry and humiliated since your sense of privacy was violated, but your body is tingling and it’s not from either of those emotions. Your entire body starts to burn up, not sure where things are headed from here. Seonghwa has his sweatpants on again and walks to the other side of the room. “Surprise,” he says with a smirk plastered on his face, leaning against the desk. Your eyes dart back and forth between the two men, at a complete loss for words.
“I’ve already seen everything, no need to hide.” You clutch the sheets tighter, so confused and so embarrassed you had an audience and didn’t even know about it. So many questions are racing through your mind but you don’t know what to say or where to start. Seonghwa asks if he enjoyed the show.
“I didn’t know she would be that sexy. I almost wanted to touch her when you left the room for a few minutes.” They talk about you like you’re not even there, reveling in the way you sounded so pretty begging to be fucked. You realize he’s been there from the start. You knew you could feel someone watching you, thinking it was Seonghwa but now realizing it wasn’t him at all. “I don’t know what’s going on…” you speak up quietly.
“I think you have a pretty good idea.” He stands up from the chair and walks towards you, his eyes clouded with lust after watching you and Seonghwa fuck like crazy. He reaches for you, but you don’t move away, letting his hand rest on your legs. His touch sends shivers up your spine, even with the sheets still covering your body. You feel like you should pull away, but the way he’s looking at you leaves you unable to move a muscle.
“Seonghwa told me you’ve been thinking about me. Is that true?” he smirks when you bite your lip at his question. You look to Seonghwa, who has his arms crossed over his chest with a smug look on his face. What the fuck is going on?
“N-no, what do you mean?” you stutter, heart beating even faster than before as his hands slowly trail further up your leg. You can’t believe Seonghwa is okay with this, his best friend touching you right in front of him.
“You can’t lie to me princess. You told me everything I needed to know the other day,” Seonghwa responds, sitting down in the chair. “I know you remember.” He pulls out a box from your desk drawer, sliding it across the floor to the foot of bed. You know what it is without even looking at it.  Shit shit shit what the hell you can’t believe this is actually happening right now. Seonghwa just pulled out your box of toys, the same one you were rummaging through the other day when he wasn’t home.
Your mind flashes back to how you used your favorite vibrator, getting yourself off to the thought of Seonghwa. You thought about how sexy he looked all dressed up in his suit and tie last week when you went to your friend’s wedding. You thought about him using his tie to restrain your hands, lifting your dress up to fuck you in the bathroom of the wedding hall because you begged him to. You thought about him cumming in you when he was done, leaving your panties a leaking mess. Your mind was going crazy with thoughts of Seonghwa, wanting him to come home soon so you could relive all those memories with him. Suddenly, your mind wanders to someone else. He looked just as good in his attire that day and you weren’t expecting him to catch your eye all night. Even when you were near Seonghwa, you found yourself looking around the wedding hall for a glimpse of San. You recall how absolutely gorgeous he looked sitting there doing nothing. When he pulled off his suit and rolled up his sleeves, you couldn’t keep the thought of his hands around your throat away. You watched him as he got on the dance floor, paying close attention to the way he moved his hips to the music. You imagined the possibility of him doing the same thing to you, rolling his lower body into yours and driving you wild.
You remember how you discarded the vibrator, opting for the dildo in the box to satisfy you instead. You don’t know how you ended up thinking about San, but at that point, you couldn’t get him out of your head. You recall how you’ve hung out with Seonghwa and his friends in the past, noticing San’s lingering gaze on you a few too many times. The smug look he would give you when you caught him watching you always made your heart race a little too fast, not out of fear of being caught by Seonghwa, but out of the thrill of knowing he’s watching you. You remember sliding the toy in you, feeling so full while imagining San fucking you instead of seducing you with his eyes. Seonghwa has never failed to make you feel loved and wanted, but there’s something about San that draws you in and you can’t explain it. You remember moaning San’s name over and over as you fucked yourself with the toy, unable to keep your desires for him at bay. You felt a pang of guilt after your high was over, hoping that this one time would be enough to get him out of your head. You didn’t know Seonghwa was watching you through the cracked door. You let out a whimper, remembering everything and cursing yourself once you realize he was there to witness it all. “Oh fuck, you saw that? I’m so sorry Seonghwa I didn’t-“
“I’m not mad at you baby. Why do you think I called him over here?” you look at San, who’s watching you with those intense eyes like he always does. You’re about to melt under the covers, biting your lip to stop it from quivering.
“We can stop right now and I can forget everything I saw. But I don’t think you really want me to do that, do you?” San knows what he’s doing to you, even if you haven’t said it out loud. His hand slides to your knees, inching the covers off you slowly, watching your face closely to see if there’s any hint of resistance. You’re so confused, Seonghwa’s fiery gaze and San’s hands on your bare skin leaving you disoriented. You don’t know if Seonghwa is testing you right now or if he’s actually serious about this. You never imagined this would be happening, even if you did think about San in that way sometimes.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about this beforehand, but I think the look on your face is telling us you want to keep going. Why don’t you show him what you did the other day?” Seonghwa says, trying to get you to say or do something.
“I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.” San reassures you, not wanting to pressure you if you really aren’t willing. You take a deep breath, trying to make sense of the situation. You’ve been caught red-handed and now you have to face the consequences, but is this even a punishment? You look at Seonghwa again, searching his face for any uncertainty, anything that would make you want to call it off if he isn’t okay with this.
“Don’t look at him, he wanted me here. It’s about what you want, sweetheart.” You look at San again and you can tell he’s ready to pounce if you just give him the go. The thought of having him take you like you fantasized makes you so aroused, getting wet again. He leans closer to you, whispering in your ear, “Do you want me?” Fuck, how can you say no to that? You hum in agreement, but it isn’t enough for them.
“I need to hear you say it.”
“Use your words baby.”
You take a deep breath, ready to give in to your desires and let the dice fall where they may. “Yes please, I want you, San.” Your voice is barely above a whisper, but the words hold so much meaning. You let the sheets fall slightly, revealing half of your naked body to them again. San has been waiting so long, he doesn’t know if he can hold back. He pushes you on the bed, earning a squeal from you from the sudden force. He’s watched you get yourself off to Seonghwa all night, wishing so badly it was him instead. He straddles your waist, pulling the covers all the way off. He takes a mental image of your perfect body underneath him. This is better than his imagination and he’s eager to hear you moan for him this time. His hands roam your entire body, taking in the way your chest is breathing heavy for him, anxious for his touch.
“I thought I told you to show him something,” Seonghwa speaks up, making San’s hands stop where they are. He nods his head towards the box on the floor and you know he means it. You’ve never actually used the dildo in front of him, let alone in front of San. The idea of both of them watching you play with yourself is enough to get you moving. You lean down, arching your back and poking your ass a little more than normal, knowing they’re watching your every move. You pull out the toy and lay back down on the bed where you can get a good view of both men, spreading your legs open to slide the tip along your wet folds.
“God, you’re so hot,” San watches as you slide it in slowly, the stretch making you gasp. You squeeze your breasts, giving them a slow massage as you move the toy in and out. Keeping your eyes locked on San’s, you pick up your pace a bit, showing him how much he turns you on even if he isn’t touching you. Seonghwa sits back in the chair and watches the scene before him unfold, finding you irresistable as you pleasure yourself in this way. He knew you and San had something going on, even if neither of you were acting on your desires. He can’t deny that he felt a bit of jealousy when he heard you moaning San’s name, but he was ultimately more aroused at the thought of you and him together. He knew that blindfolding you and handcuffing you tonight would blow your mind, but he had something even better up his sleeve.
“Go faster babe,” Seonghwa loves that you can’t say no to him, moving your hand faster on command. He may be on the sidelines, but he’s still calling all the shots. Your moans are louder now, closing your eyes to focus on the feeling of the dildo stretching you out.
“Mmm, San, fuck that feels so good,” you whine, making his dick twitch in his pants. He loves the way his name sounds coming from you, and even with Seonghwa in the room, he still manages to make you think about him. His hands find their way to your inner thighs, spreading your legs even wider and touching his thumb to your clit, making your legs jolt at the added pleasure. Everything about this is so hot, San touching you in your most intimate place, you fucking yourself to the thought of him, and Seonghwa watching it all from a distance. A part of you doesn’t feel guilty about your desires for San any more, seeing as how things have fallen into everyone’s favor. When your hand gets tired, you slow down a bit, taking a few seconds to rest.
“I didn’t tell you to stop,” Seonghwa’s stern voice making you turn your attention to him. You’re about to say something when San quickly moves your hand away, taking control of the toy and of your body. He fucks you fast and hard with it, making you arch your back and let out load moans, unprepared for his rough thrusts. He’s giving it to you better than you could have imagined, and it’s not even his full potential. If he’s fucking you this well with a toy, you can’t even fathom what he’ll actually feel like around you. You grip the sheets beside your head, letting your body fall under his spell. You look at Seonghwa again and you can tell he’s hard, getting excited over you losing your mind when San hasn’t even properly fucked you yet. San suddenly pulls the dildo out, laying down and ravaging your core with his tongue without warning. He’s moving so fast you can’t keep up, tongue lapping at your wetness. You grab the back of your knees, pulling them closer to your chest to keep them open for him. He’s eating you like a starved man, hungry to send tingles up your spine.
“Just like that, oh my god,” you can’t keep quiet, wanting him to know how good he’s making you feel. Your cries motivate him to keep going and you buck your hips into his face when he focuses on your clit. He holds you down, keeping you still as he attacks your core with his skilled tongue. San wants to savor this moment, finally getting the chance to make you cry out for him. He could stay like this forever, continuing to pleasure you until you can’t handle it any more. But he doesn’t think he would stop even if you were begging him to, knowing you can take it. He draws your third orgasm out of you tonight, sending your eyes to the back of your head and making your legs shake. When you try to squirm away, he holds you down even more, wanting to coax another one out of you. You look to Seonghwa for help, but the ultimate betrayal comes when he tells San to keep going.
“No, please wait I can’t,” you sound like you’re about to cry, but neither of them seem to care. They know you have a safe word and you’d use it if you really needed to, but you can’t exactly bring yourself to say it. Deep down, you know you want this and they know it too. You want him to give you a break but you don’t want him to really stop, whining as San doesn’t let up, making you climax again. He pulls away this time, leaving you worn out from two orgasms back to back. “You’re so naughty,” Seonghwa says as he walks towards you, caressing your head softly. You can barely hear him, too lost in the clouds to even notice that San has gotten up to take his shirt off. When you open your eyes again, both Seonghwa and San are shirtless, towering over your weak body and eating you up with their eyes. Seonghwa tells you to get on your knees. You do as he says, eyes darting between the two of them. You don’t know who you want more in this moment, but you sure as hell know you want them both.
You reach your hands out, palming both of them over their sweatpants. They fit so well in your hands, it excites you to think about how they’ll feel in your mouth. You pull San’s pants off first, wanting to taste him for the first time. You slide his rock hard member in at the same time you reach into Seonghwa’s pants, moving your hand slowly. San holds your head, guiding you back and forth on him, sighing at the way your warm mouth feels around him. He can’t tell you how many times he’s thought of this, and you look even better now that you’re faced with two dicks at the same time. You open your mouth wider, taking him in as far as you can. You give Seonghwa a hard squeeze when San hits the back of your throat, moaning when his hand tugs on your hair. Tears well up in your eyes as San begins to fuck your mouth, the sound of you gagging only fueling him more. He pulls away, giving you a chance to catch your breath before you turn to Seonghwa, letting him use you the same way San did. You love every moment of them in your mouth, but you still crave more. You look up at Seonghwa, asking him silently. You don’t even have to say anything, he just knows you that well. He tells San to lay down and tells you to stay where you are.
San lays down behind you as you position yourself in reverse cowgirl, allowing you to finally have San where you want him while still facing Seonghwa. San lines himself up to your core and Seonghwa grabs your chin to face him, gasping as you move your hips lower. “Fuck, so tight,” San lets out a breathy moan, grabbing a handful of your ass as you take him further and further. He’s relishing in the way your walls are gripping him so well, enjoying the view of your backside. Your mouth is left open, but no sound follows, lost in the feeling of San in you. Seonghwa can’t take his eyes off you, watching your face contort in pleasure as you move your hips up and down. You look so pretty like this, taking his best friend’s dick but still focusing on him. He knows this is what you wanted and he made sure to give it to you just the way you like it. San is letting you do the work, loving the sight of you riding him. He spanks your ass a few times, making you squeal and ride him faster. Your hips are moving on their own, motivated by San’s moans and Seonghwa pumping himself, telling you what a good slut you are. You love when he calls you that, it makes you feel so dirty but so sexy at the same time. You know how much of a slut you are for Seonghwa, but with San underneath you, it makes you feel even naughtier.
San grabs your hair suddenly, pulling your back parallel to his chest. You have to catch yourself on the bed, hands holding yourself steady on either side of him as he props his feet up, pushing your legs wide open. The new position has you completely exposed to Seonghwa, who’s watching intently as San grabs your hips and fucks up into you, sending you into a wild frenzy. San rubs your clit so fast it makes you dizzy, his hard thrusts and quick hands making you scream his name. You’ve never been in this position before and it makes you see stars even with your eyes closed. You can’t see Seonghwa, but you know he’s getting off to the way San is abusing your core. You can’t hold yourself up any more and fall to the side, but he isn’t done with you. He gets up to sit on his knees, putting one of your legs on his shoulder and sliding right back in, pounding into you so hard you can’t do anything but let him have his way with you. Your fantasies couldn’t compare to the way he’s fucking you right now.
“You like it when he fucks you?” Seonghwa asks, pumping himself faster.
“I love it when he fucks me,” you mewl, looking him dead in the eyes as you moan San’s name again. You know it turns Seonghwa on to hear you say that. San grabs your face, making you look at him as he rolls his hips into yours, just the way you imagined him doing. He looks so hot, you’re still not sure if this is even real. “You’re so big San, you make me feel so good,” you let him know. “Don’t stop please.” He groans when he hears you say that, how much more tempting can you get? He’s drowning in your seductiveness and loves that look in your eyes, begging him to cum for you.
“Don’t cum in her,” Seonghwa’s voice has a hint of possessiveness, which you find even more attractive given the moment. San pulls out quickly, stepping off the bed and pumping himself. You waste no time in getting on your knees, facing both of them as they’re about to reach their high. “Cum on my face, please,” you plead, sticking your tongue out greedily for both of them. They sigh loudly as they find their release, painting you with their loads. You love the dirty feeling of them making a mess of your body, taking one in your mouth and moving to the other, wanting to taste them both on your tongue. They can’t believe how incredibly sexy you look on your knees for them, face and chest covered in their cum. You swipe a finger across your chest, putting it to your mouth and give them a mischievous smile.
“When are we going to do this again?” You’re insatiable.
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chokefriends · 3 years
Anatomy model Eustass Kid
By @godims0tired ♡ for my fic Life Drawing
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Rating: E
Warnings: None
Characters & ships: Eustass Kid / Trafalgar Law
Word count: 2978
Summary: Law practices his anatomical drawing with Kidd as his subject. With his devil fruit abilities he can see right inside him.
Kidd finds this insanely romantic.
Read on Ao3 or below the cut. I know it's an older fic by now but I havent posted it here before so here!
Kidd jerked into full awareness as he lay sprawled in his bed. He checked around himself without moving and sensed a second heartbeat in the room, near enough that the dim echoes of its electrical impulses lapped at his skin like waves. Slow and calm. Just watching then; not yet poised to attack…
There were eyes on him.
It took him a moment to remember that the other heartbeat was supposed to be there. He wasn't used to having bedmates stay overnight.
Red eyes slid open and found keen grey ones fixed on him.
“The fuck you staring at.”
“You, idiot.”
The big redheaded sprawl snorted crassly at that and flopped over, returning the stare with sleepy menace.
Law smirked. He was wedged sideways in one of the heavy carved armchairs in Kidd's quarters, loosely wrapped in a sheet and busily scritch scritching in a large book. His gaze flicked from page to Kidd and back.
Kidd prodded him, “See something you want, Trafalgar? Come over here and take it.”
His limbs were still all loose and languid from when they'd fucked a couple hours before, but Kidd could stand to go another round. Especially with the sharp, evaluating looks Law was throwing him right now.
“Come on, c'mere.”
“Later. Go back to sleep, Eustass-ya.” The pen bobbed.
“Don’ wanna. What are you doing still up?”
“Just passing the time until my brain decides to let me fall asleep.” Law's insomniac woes again.
“A good fuck will do that for you. Lemme do the ligature thing and you'll be out like bam .” Kidd offered generously.
“Heheh. Thanks but oxygen deprivation is not the kind of sleep aid I need.”
“Your loss.”
Kidd burrowed into his cluster of satiny pillows with a sigh. For an infamously brutal pirate captain he sure liked his little extravagances. The whole room was draped with horribly clashing bits of luxurious fabrics and furs, and the odd shiny sharp thing. The manic magpie whims of past raids.
“Nah, that's no good,” Law recrossed long legs over the chair’s arm, well cushioned with some spotted pelt. “Go back to where you were a second ago.”
“Are you…? What, taking notes on me? Writing an ode to the sinful curve of my flawless ass?”
“Something like that. I'm adding my own anatomical diagrams to this medical text. It’s my favourite for reference material but the illustrations are scanty and kinda shit -- it's like they've never dissected anyone before.”
“Nice. Add a diagram of these.” Kidd kicked up a leg.
“Hah. I'm nowhere near the section on genital abnormalities, but I'll look you up when I get there. Turn on your side again, I was doing upper body musculature.”
“Ooo. I got lots of that, yeah.” Kidd complied.
The lamplight was flickering low behind Law. Kidd could see him and his book backlit dimly, the small hairs on his leanly muscled shoulders aglow like a nimbus. Tinged subtly blue.
Wait, blue?
“Do you have a Room up?”
“Yeah, so I can scan down and see the actual anatomical stuff.”
“Huh. That's handy. You don't even have to dissect anyone.”
“Yeah but it’s easier to see everything if you physically open someone up. You can isolate the individual structures that way.” Law peeked overtop of the book. “And it's more fun to do it the old-fashioned way, heh…”
Kidd gave a low laugh. Law wasn't even joking, he knew. He imagined waking up one night like this, to find some part of him delicately splayed open and the dark haired doctor sketching away with the same expression. If Law used his devil fruit power he could do it painlessly and bloodlessly, without even waking him. Kidd had seen him sever heads away from bodies completely within that blue sphere, both pieces still functioning as one. He’d never been the subject of that eerie power himself, though.
He didn’t think so, anyway.
Law untangled himself from chair and sheet, and finally came over to join him on the bed. Kidd was gifted briefly with a full view of the lithe figure. His recent handiwork was beginning to show in the mottling that ran up either thigh and the bites framing his chest tattoos.
The long limbs refolded next to him. “Stay there, I wanna do the neck muscles now.”
“Lemme see that first.”
“Don't be grabby,” Law complained, but gave up the book.
“Holy fuck.” Kidd flipped through studies of his back, shoulders, hands. “So that's how I look without skin, huh.”
He had been expecting more… yeah. Skin.
“I did say I was drawing the muscles.”
“And my bones and everything.”
“Yeah. Good skeletal structure too. Several odd calluses where breaks didn't quite set right, though.”
“You can see all of that?”
“Yeah, of course. Like I said, I can scan down to any level. Though it helps if I know already the shape of what I'm looking for.”
Something about the drawings was just so Law. The lines so precise, so sharp, somehow impatient. A little obsessive and overworked on certain details, like the hollow between his collar bones and the knobbly crook of his index finger, broken at least twice. Many practice studies on loose sheets of paper showed that Law had been trying to get these parts just right.
It occurred to Kidd that these weren't just anatomical studies using him as a model -- these were him.
Jotted notes crowded around the practice studies, but Law grabbed the book back before Kidd could read them properly.
“Trafalgar. Does that seriously say I have 8.2 litres of blood in me.”
“Nevermind that. Just an interesting fact. You have a lot of blood.”
Kidd stole another peek as Law held him off. “And that I have a grip strength of 68 kilograms in my right hand?”
“At least. That’s not something I can see; that's from uh, experience.”
Kidd leaned back with his hands laced behind his head to look at Law. “One might misinterpret this as a target profile of some kind.” Because that's exactly what it was -- a detailed map of Kidd’s strongest, and weakest points.
“Whoa, your blood pressure’s spiking.” Law grinned with more teeth than usual and leaned in to hover over him.
“Now you're just showing off,” Kidd complained.
“Does this disturb you?”
That wasn't exactly the feeling that was spreading through him, no. Or not entirely, anyway. Kidd just cracked his neck, stretching it out for Law's benefit, and raised an eyebrow.
“So you wanted some neck action? It's all yours.”
Law seemed to like the sound of that. He angled Kidd’s head away and up with a gentle press of fingers, so the ear and neck were exposed to him.
Kidd watched his shadow flicker on the opposite wall and listened to the pen scratch across paper. The undulating magnetic field of Law’s heart was so close now, washing over him. His own blood thudded in his ears, senses all on high alert from holding himself in this vulnerable position.
He could be fuckin patient. Sometimes. Well… when he had all of Law’s attention focused on him like this, he’d stay still forever. He could feel the sharp eyes on him like a touch. His own eyes started to wander back over…
He jumped a little when Law did touch him, nudging him back into place. And then trailing fingers over the mound behind his ear.
“Sternocleidomastoid,” Law mouthed to himself. “Levator scapulae…” The hand travelled down to his collarbone and rested there lightly, his thumb tracing little circles.
It was so calm. And strange. Rare for the reserved doctor to be so casually intimate. Even while they were fucking, touch was more like a struggle, hands straining against and into each other. Kidd was rough without even trying, but it was Law who seemed to flinch from any contact not resembling combat. Or medical care. Such structured things. He’d objected -- vehemently -- to being “pawed at” and “pet like a lap dog” often enough. As though anything less than bruising force would hurt more.
He was so guarded. It made Kidd greedy.
“You're hard, you know,” Law breathed onto his neck.
“Yeah I'm aware.”
Tattooed fingers ran along Kidd’s side, over the tight bands hugging the ribs (“Serratus anterior…”), and pinpricks rose in their wake. Kidd found himself arching up against the hand desperately.
“Ah, fuck, Trafalgar…”
“Mhm,” Law responded, distracted. Or pretending to be. He followed a particular cord of muscle down Kidd’s powerful thigh with his thumb. “Sartorius. Gracilis.”
“No that's not a muscle, Eustass-ya.”
“Oh for the love of GOD.”
Law made a sound that was probably a muffled laugh. “Hold still. I'm doing anatomical studies.”
“Oh is that what we're doing.”
“Where's the book.”
“It's…” Law looked around for a minute. “On the floor.”
Kidd covered his face with his hands and just laughed. Law sighed dramatically.
“Well. Guess I gotta start from the top again.”
Law could be a pushy bastard when he topped. But he kept up the slow, focused treatment this time and it was driving Kidd fucking insane.
“I'm gonna flip this the fuck around and pound you inside out if it takes any longer.” Kidd growled from under his arm, slung across his face.
This was as close as he could get to actually asking for it. Here he was laid out, so open and ready, core clenching and unclenching. Needing to be fucked, to have hands on him, in him, whatever. All of it.
“Nah you're not.” Law countered smugly.
“F-uck,” was all Kidd could come up with when a third finger twisted into his slicked up hole. His body tensed and spasmed before yielding itself open.
By the time Law was actually fucking him, Kidd had nearly popped a fucking vein.
Law pushed in slowly, slowly. Until they were pressed together as tight as they could go, breath hot on each other's faces.
“Shit, Tr--ahh…”
He was done with all the slow shit. Kidd was a shifting mass of need under him and honestly, he was even more worked up. He dragged almost all the way out only to grind back in hard, and the tight body jolted.
“Aw fuck, yeah…”
Law braced his weight on his arms, pressing Kidd’s hips into the bed. He watched the muscles bunch beneath him with each impact, Kidd straining to meet him. Watched through skin so pale it was translucent, glowing and rippling.
Kidd still wasn't entirely sure what to make of that gaze. All hunger and splitting seams, open lips and ragged breath.
He quirked up one corner of a mocking mouth.
“The fuck’re you-- ah --staring at?”
Law didn't answer for a moment. Under Kidd's skin it was like… layers of red ribbons, wrapping him up. The ribbons all pulling and straining against each other when Kidd moved (when Law moved in him), like something inside was trying to burst out. Under them, ribs curving -- jealous fingers. Wetly clinging membranes. Then under that…
“Your heart. It's…”
Their bodies collided, beaded with sweat. Harder. More. Law could see, hear Kidd's heart beating faster as he picked up his pace. God, he could feel it in his palms. In his dick. Beating so strong it echoed in his ears, drowning out his own.
“Fucking perfect. It's perfect.”
Kidd laughed breathlessly. His heart. What the hell. “...You wanna get your hands on that too?”
Law did.
He wanted to grip it, feel it flutter, make it burst …
… What if I could? he thought. He slowed, thinking, and spread a hand over Kidd’s breastbone. Not just to incapacitate through dismemberment, but to cut a piece from the whole, one vital piece…
Kidd watched the pensive eyes flicker and gave him a swift jab of encouragement with his heel.
“You'll just have to get hold of it the old fashioned way. Hahahaaa…”
“Hah.” Law shook himself from his distracted state. He picked up a pace that was slower than before, though not less jarring. “Like… I should court you or like I should cut you open?”
“Whichever ...ah ... But you should fuckin get me off first.” Kidd guided the tattooed hand down from his chest to his dripping cock, and Law obliged, finally.
They fucked with foreheads pressed together and grips slipping on sweat slick skin. Kidd thought of Law digging his hands right into his chest and came in jerking starts like it was being beaten out of him, legs clamped tight around him. Skin thrumming with the echoes of hands and heartbeat.
Kidd flipped through the last few drawings with some undefinable flutter in his gut.
“That's some shit you won't see in any other textbook.”
“Mhm.” Law allowed himself to press against Kidd just slightly as they lay sprawled out, sweat drying in the cool air. He was in a fuckin good mood, kinda dazed.
“I do look damn good without skin, I'll say that much.”
“Heh. And with. You can see the suprasternal notch really clearly even under the skin, it's nice. I fuckin love all of that. That area.”
Kidd choked a little but Law didn't seem to realize what he'd said. And that's not even what he meant anyway, Kidd told himself.
But the whole thing kinda was the same as a confession, at least as far as Law went. The drawings, as vaguely threatening as they were, betrayed an intimate preoccupation with Kidd's finer points. Maybe even admiration. Definitely possessiveness. Need.
“I wanna do you too.”
Law grinned, “Already?”
“Not that, idiot. Draw you.”
“I didn’t know you could draw.”
“Well, draft. I can draft things -- just basic. For engineering stuff on the ship, mostly.”
“Oh, nice!” Law bounced up to get fresh paper from the floor by the chair. “How does one usually draft stuff? Don’t you need a triangle thing? Compasses, etcetera?”
“Maybe. I’ll just make an outline for now.”
Law seemed right into this whole idea. “Draw me like one of your machines, Eustass-ya.” He draped himself dramatically across the bed and Kidd shoved him with a grin.
“How do you want me, though.”
Kidd appreciated that question for a moment.
“Doesn’t matter,” he shrugged. “I don’t know how to draw from life -- like perspective or anything. So it’s gonna be pretty diagrammatic. I just need a few details and some numbers.”
“Like specifications? How to build a Trafalgar?”
“Yeah, so I can make another if this one breaks.”
That made him laugh.
“Okay lie out flat and lemme measure you.”
“With what measuring tools?”
“I'll just eyeball it,” Kidd insisted.
This turned out to mean that he was going to get his hands all over him, which Law supposed was fair. He tensed and shied but stayed mostly still, letting Kidd explore his dimensions and proportions. Pages filled up with ratios and vectors of movement. Things got off track again around when Kidd was testing the rotation arc of his arms and quickly became vicious rutting. Light, skimming hands could become crushing ones so quickly.
Anyway, turned out that Law could get off while his arms were being hyperextended behind his back. Pretty effectively, in fact.
After, when they were laid out next to each other once again, and Law’s breaths were finally lengthening into sleep, Kidd dared to try another light touch. Without their thin pretense of functionality this time -- just want. He smoothed a hand over all the tattoos he'd taken such careful note of earlier. A large heart on his chest with a grinning skull similar to his Jolly Roger. Hearts on his shoulders. Kidd’s fingerprints blooming dark purple on his upper arms.
Sixty-eight kilograms of pressure and Law hadn't made a sound, but a feather touch over the marks and a quiet ah pushed past his lips.
“Whose emblem is that tattoo?”
Law mumbled with his eyes closed, “Someone who died. Long time ago.”
“Someone…” Kidd repeated to himself, but didn't probe. “You going to get any more?”
“Nah.” His breath stuttered slightly when Kidd trailed knuckles down his jaw. “I just like… your marks…”
He fell asleep with Kidd's lips against the shell of his ear.
A roll of broadsheet tied with string arrived by carrier gull when Law was back on his sub some days later. He stole away to his cluttered quarters and spread the roll out on the bed.
Inside the broadsheet was a large-format technical drawing.
There were three flat outlines of Law: front, back, side. All heavily marked out in blunt pencil, all surrounded by arcs and lines, dotted and solid, indicating measurements and angles of motion. The insides of the outlines were empty except for perfectly to scale renderings of his tattoos.
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juyeoniemyhoney · 4 years
can this morning never end
Namjoon is the most beautiful human being to ever walk the earth. It is natural that you have a crush on him. You expect that eventually, your feelings will die out but then, you find yourself squealing uncontrollably outside of the library that you and Namjoon had agreed to meet at for your pair-work assignment. You have always watched Namjoon from afar. It surprises you when you find out that Namjoon has been observing you too. Well, there’s a first for everything. 
-pairing: Kim Namjoon x reader
-genre: FLUFF, a lil bit of angst, high school/secondary school au (where i live high school is called secondary school;-;)
-warnings: vulgarities, pretty self-depreciating writing if im gonna be honest so be weary, Namjoon is a little bit of a simp for oc in this one, the ending is lowkey shit rip im sorry
-word count: 3208 words
-A/N: hi hi im back, this time with a Namjoon fic. i havent been writing a lot because im so preoccupied with my exams. in all honesty, i shouldnt be writing at all but i have absolutely no sense of self control, so i wrote this. it’s not my best but i really like how joon’s so soft in this so i decided to post it anyway. don’t be afraid to tell me how you liked (or didnt like) this imagine! and requests are open! hope you enjoy this one:)
As you approach the entrance of the library, your heart starts beating a mile a minute.
You stall outside the automatic sliding doors, mind racing with a million scenarios. You freak out a little and silently squeal, earning you disapproving frowns and judging eyes from passers-by. But you don't care. You've waited a whole week for today.
A week ago, during English class, you were busy writing instead of paying attention, as usual, when your teacher had given the class the assignment to write a scenario, of any genre but it had to contain the writer's techniques she had taught in class. And she made the whole class pair up. You, too lost in the world of fanfiction, had not been listening and frankly, you didn't really care, passing her words off as just more homework.
The next thing you knew, Kim Namjoon had turned around in his chair, calling your name in that deep, gravelly voice. At the sound of his voice, your head immediately shot up, eyes wide in surprise.
"Do you want to partner up?" he had asked, lips slinging into an easy grin, eyes curling up and that goddamned dimple making itself made known on his left cheek. He patiently waited for your answer, eyes periodically glancing down to your desk that was in disarray, pieces of paper containing your words messily covering every corner of your desk. You pray that he didn't catch a peep of your (admittedly) cringeworthy fanfic as you tried to subtly gather the papers before he could read too much.
"Um, partner up for what?" you questioned, confused, head tilting ever so slightly to the right in question, brows furrowed in misunderstanding. He mirrored your actions and your heart had unwontedly skipped a beat. A beat of silence passed, "For the assignment?"
Before you could ask what assignment?, your teacher had interrupted your conversation with a satisfied clap and a smile. "Alright, I assume you have all found your partners. I'll give you time to work on your assignment right now. Remember that planning is the most important stage of writing. Do approach me if you have any questions."
Namjoon had turned back to you with a wry grin that looked a tad bit awkward, saying, "Well, I guess we're partners now."
Which is how you find yourself freaking the fuck out in front of a library on a Saturday morning, mind racing with different, absurd scenarios and outcomes of this meeting. You decide to take another minute to compose yourself.
You wouldn't say that you like Namjoon per se. You just think he is the most handsome man to walk on this godforsaken planet. But seriously, that man is far too beautiful to be real. From the first time you met him til now, you have no doubt that that man is a celestial being, gifted to the world from the gods, purely to cleanse the eyes of us, mere mortals. To make matters worse, he is smart too; of a wisdom thousands of years beyond his age. You still can't believe you've had the god-given opportunity to meet someone like him.
Okay so, maybe you kind of like him a lot, more than you let on, but you're not really sure if you like him because he's Namjoon or if it's because you are lovelorn, touch deprived, or both.
You reckon it has taken more than a minute to compose yourself because by the time you snap out of your daze, you are five minutes late when you had actually arrived five minutes earlier than the agreed timing. You sigh and finally walk through the doors that welcome you into the cooling library, cold blasts from the air conditioning cooling down the fierce blush that had taken refuge on your cheeks.
You immediately proceed to find a seat but Namjoon texts you, telling you that he's already a step ahead of you, having secured a seat in a room with tables on the second floor.
When you reach the second floor, and make your way towards the rooms, you can see Namjoon through the glass walls, sitting down and silently reading a book as he waits for you. The closer you draw to the room, the faster your heart pounds in your chest. The sound is deafening and distracting and you don't even realise how fast you had walked until you are finally knocking on the glass door, sending Namjoon a small smile when he looks up at you.
"Hi, Y/N," he greets, smile widening into a grin so wide that it hides his eyes. Your heart stops but you hide it with a small smile as you settle down your things and yourself opposite him.
"So, what genre did you want to write about," he asks as you take a pen and a piece of paper out from your bag. You freeze when your brain registers his sentence. "The assignment is to write a story?"
Namjoon stares at you wordlessly for a while, speechless that it's been a week and you still don't know what the fucking assignment is. You, however, have no idea that he is thinking about how stupid you are and happily stare back at him, taking in his mono lidded, almond-shaped eyes and the dark brown of his irises. His nose bridge is straight and the tip of his nose is a little flat, like a koala. You have never wanted to boop a nose so bad in your entire life.
"Yeah, that's the assignment," he responds patiently, giving you a gentle smile. You can't help but feel that it seems a little tight and forced, like he is regretting asking you be his partner, and regretting that he didn't have enough time to reconsider. You ignore the feeling of dejection that slowly bubbles up inside of you.
"I thought that it'd be easiest to write romance since you're so well versed in that.". You freeze. Time seems to have stopped and your ears refuse to register the rest of what Namjoon is saying, tuning everything out but your deafening thoughts. You have to remind yourself to breathe.
"You know that I write?" you interrupt Namjoon. He stops and fixes you a look of confusion, like it is so obvious that you write. It's not that you've been trying to keep it a secret. The thing is, for most of your stories, Namjoon is the main male character. In most of your stories, you have described every single part of him in excruciating detail, his eyes and lips especially. When your friends had first read your stories with Namjoon as the male protagonist, they had caught on quickly, almost immediately asking you if you were describing Namjoon because of how well you had described him. A bad feeling washes over you.
"Yeah, you're always scribbling away during English so I got curious and asked a few of your classmates," he responds, flashing you another lopsided smile. If this were any other situation, your heart would have been absolutely eliminated because of that smile but in this situation, all you can think about is if he's read any of your work. Because if he has, you're done for.
"What did my classmates say?" you question hesitantly, still deciding if you want to know his answer.
"Well they said that you've been writing since forever. They also said that a lot of people know that you write. Oh, and they also said that you had some published works so I went to check them out—" Namjoon's voice fades out as he continues to talk.
This is it.
It's the end of your social life. Namjoon is going to tell his loud ass group of friends that you write stalker-esque stories about him and then one of his friends is going to accidentally tell their girlfriend and then the girlfriend is going to spread it across the school and you'll be known as the loser who writes creepy stalker stories about Namjoon—
"It was amazing," you hear Namjoon say in between your mild quarter-life crisis. You pause and look him square in the eye. You want to come off as serious but you falter slightly when Namjoon stares back at you, irises a whirlpool of dark brown and glittering fascination, a swirling vortex that draws you in with a vicious intent of drowning.
"Yes?" Namjoon questions you after a beat of silence passes. You want to ask him if he knows that he is reading about himself but you stop yourself. "You like my stories?" you ask instead, feeling a tad bit shy now that you've realised that Namjoon likes what you write about him.
He lets out a small laugh, "Is it that hard to believe that I like what you write?"
"I was just surprised." He flashes you another wide grin and there it is, those cursed dimples show themselves again, grinning tauntingly at you and your heart commits the highest act of treason when it starts to beat faster. You gulp.
"You shouldn't be surprised. It was really good. I really liked it when you described the male character. It felt like I was looking at him myself. That's why I asked you to be my partner. I'm sure with your talents, we can get a really good mark on this assignment."
Your heart thuds a little faster when Namjoon tells you that his favourite part was reading about how you described him. But it falls to your stomach when he tells you that he picked you solely for your supposed talents. You don't know why, but a part of you had thought that maybe Namjoon wanted to get to know you better, and was using this assignment as an excuse. You thought that it was finally happening, someone you like has finally noticed you. But it looks like you thought wrong.
"Thank you," you say meekly, flashing him a half-hearted smile that you're sure he notices from the way he stiffens. "So, you said that you thought that romance would be a good genre, but what do you want to write about?"
Namjoon is silent for a while, lips pursed in ponder. You wait patiently for his answer.
"Well, I thought that I'd wanted to write romance too," he answers flashing you an awkward smile. The silence that follows is palpable and suddenly, you feel so very exhausted. "Well then, that's settled. Now we just have to think of a situation."
"How about this one?" Namjoon asks immediately after you finish your sentence. He says it rather suddenly and it startles you a little. You can't help but hear a certain extent of desperation in this voice. He wants to get this over with, you tell yourself.
"How do you mean?"
"Kinda like us now," he starts but stops to think about what to say next. You remain silent. "We should just write about us but make it a love story. For example, the two main characters are supposed to do a project together so they meet at a library," he pauses to gesture to the shelves surrounding the both of you.
"Then they start working on the project and they start talking. Then, somehow, the boy confesses to her. And the girl tells him she's always felt the same way. We can come up with how he confesses since I myself haven't come up with that yet," he continues, softening the last part of his sentence into a mumble that you barely hear, but still do. You pause. What the fuck?
"What did you say? I didn't hear you," you ask against your better judgement, curiosity getting the best of you. "Huh? Oh, it was nothing."
A furious blush begins to spread on the apples of Namjoon's cheeks, and for some reason, your body begins to mirror him, heart pumping hot blood to the blood vessels that lay beneath the skin of your cheeks. Namjoon shyly directs his gaze to his lap, dark brown bangs, the colour of his eyes, coming down in luxurious curls and waves to hide his eyes. You can't help but think that you like to see Namjoon like this; soft and shy and vulnerable because he is usually so confident and suave. It feels like he is showing a new side of himself to you, like he is peeling back the layers of masks and personas he has built until he is left raw and natural, allowing you to see everything that he is. The thought of that leaves you feeling winded because it is exactly what you want. And suddenly, you don't feel bashful or shy because of his words. Instead, you are determined, hellbent on making something out of this and you hope with your whole being that it is a relationship.
You are about to say something, to question him, bombard him until he is spilling his feelings in fumbled words and sentences of desperation and want, clawing at you until you too, are raw and vulnerable. But he beats you to it, speaking in a soft, hushed tone, as if you are a stern silence that he is afraid of interrupting.
"I think you're amazing, Y/N. What do you think of me?"
He stares meekly at his lap, too afraid to even spare you a glance. You remain silent, building his desperation like you are some professional flirt. In all honesty, you really just want to tell him you like him too but you're just so scared. The evidence that he at least feels something for you is right in front of you and yet your brain rejects it like a vending machine rejects a bill, walls built far too high and thick that words are no longer enough to convince you. He has to show you. And you think he knows that too.
Namjoon's head shoots up to stare you in the eyes, a new found determination and confidence burning in his eyes. The way the light finds his dark brown irises makes your heart do a million somersaults. They light up and turn into a golden brown you can't help but compare to a sweet, caramel syrup that coats your tongue in golden, sugary gratification. You swallow so hard, you feel the sides of your throat rub together painfully. 
"I think you're freaking amazing, Y/N. Every time I look at you, I always want to make myself better. For you. I want to become the best version of myself in hopes that it'll satisfy you and garner your attention. And I really like that you do what makes you happy. I absolutely love it when you write in English because you're always so focused and serious, plus, you make that really cute face when you're concentrating and it always makes my heart beat a little faster and it makes me hate that I sit in front of you because I have to keep finding stupid reasons to turn around just to look at you and I just think you're the most amazing, admirable, lovable person ever," Namjoon lets out. His words are rushed and desperate and you melt like goddamn candle wax.
"I'm— Wow, I'm— thank you, Namjoon. That really means a lot to me," you stutter, not really knowing what to say at first but finding your words soon enough. "Oh, and I feel the same way," you add, somehow missing the main point of your response. It doesn't matter anyway. He knows now. That's all that matters.
"Wait, really?"
You let out a laugh. "Yeah, Namjoon. Is it that hard to believe that I like you too?" you reply, a homage to your previous conversation.
Namjoon smiles a small smile, then it widens, and widens, and widens, until he is flashing you a blinding grin that could outright beat the glare of sunlight. "You said that you like me," he points out, eyes shining.
It is your turn to blush in embarrassment, cheeks feeling hot as you begin to sink into yourself, hair falling from behind your shoulders to hopefully make itself useful as a curtain to shield your red face from Namjoon. Something in Namjoon's chest begins to splinter at the sight. He is so very tempted to pull out his phone and snap a picture of you but he holds himself back at the thought that he is positive he has many more chances to do so. His ribs nearly break in half because of how hard his heart beats.
"It's a good thing that I like you too," he says gently, smile now gentle instead of blinding. "Also, we have a plot now!" he exclaims in excitement as he slides the pen and paper closer to himself, ready to start on your assignment.
"So, we're, are we? You know... Um, dating now?"
Namjoon's eyes widen in horror and he deflates himself, a disappointed frown pulling his eyebrows together at the centre and turning the corners of his lips down. "Shit, I'm sorry I didn't ask— I just assumed—" he cuts himself off, clearing his throat dramatically.
"Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" he asks. Somehow, he still feels nervous even though he knows that you answer is a resounding, "Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend."
Namjoon lets out the breath he didn't even know he was holding and it comes out in a relieved sigh. "Thank God because if not our story would have a horrible ending," Namjoon comments, picking the pen back up and clicking it open.
"Let's write that," you cut in before he can say anything else. "Write a sad love story?"
Namjoon is going to tell you no, to completely disapprove of your idea because writing a sad love story is one thing but writing a sad love story that will be handed up to your teacher for her to grade is another thing. But then, he sees your eyes glisten in determination and he dispels his thoughts immediately, folding into himself like a goddamn lawn chair. He can't believe he was just about to say no to you. What the fuck is wrong with him?
"Please? I'm better at writing angst. Plus, we have a happy ending and that's all that matters," you press, trying to convince him. You don't have a real reason other than the fact that you write angst better. You also don't really know why you want to write angst right now when you feel as if you could fly. But it doesn't matter. None of it matters anymore. Namjoon is your's now. 
Namjoon flashes you a dimpled smile, eyes curling up and glittering with mirth and unadulterated belief in you. You can't help but think that you want him to never stop smiling like that, looking at you like you are some sort of celestial being, hailed from the sky solely to bring him every sort of merriment known to mankind and the heavens. The thought of him thinking of you like that scares you, because you are always afraid of not being enough. But Namjoon diminishes all of your worries with a short sentence, manhandling them by the throat and shoving them off a cliff.
"Okay, I believe in you."
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spinyax · 3 years
fusion au part 2: electric boogaloo (part 1 here)
featuring Man O' War and fusion origin stores (under the cut bc i get Wordy lmao)
Tumblr media
Man O’ War -
Surprisingly stable for a 3 person fusion
Bioluminescent (the tops of their coral/antler crown, the tops of their fingers, plus some designs on their wing/fin(???) membrane i have yet to make
VERY fast swimmer, the arm wings/fins help
real big, they cant be formed on the boat
unless they're formed bc of an emergency they'll just kinda sit and enjoy existing
they don't really talk (they're never in a situation where they really need to tbf) but if they did they’d have a funky voice overlap
their name is based off the portuguese man o' war (animal), which aren't one animal! it's a colony of multiple little animals and i feel it really fit for a fusion. also the man o war (ship) was probably the last thing you'd ever want to see (and ever would see) as a pirate
some fusion origin stories bc i got some words in my head i need to get out
first formed before they met gill, probably the night before they left jay’s island
Jay snuck out at night to the beach to hang out with this random bastard that’s been hanging around the tavern bc he seems lonely and she feels weirdly drawn to him
Idk how it comes up, but chip tries and fails to mimic jay’s dance she does at the tavern, and she tries to correct him, dancing with him
They accidentally fuse and turn into Osprey, who’s very confused
They stand up on shaky legs and hobble over to the water to get a good look at themself, meanwhile internally jay is freaking out
They get a look at their face and audibly say “damn im fine as hell” before immediately unfusing
Jay freaks the fuck out and runs away, leaving chip in the sand with a lot more emotions that he’s used to dealing with
The next night, chip comes back to the tavern and before jay can tell him to fuck off he tells her he saw some of her memories about drey and that’s he’s looking for him as well, along with the rest of the blackrose pirates
They run off that night
I have an idea for how osprey meets gill but i don't have the Strength to write it out rn
Post episode 16: chip/gill fought and made up, but things are a little shaky between them
Gillion approached jay one night and asks about fusion, since he saw chip/jay fuse a few weeks ago (scenario i haven't written out yet) and he was curious about it
I don't know if i want to make fusion a Surface thing or just an unspoken/taboo topic in the Undersea but gill doesn't know much about it for that reason
He says he’d ask chip but he’s still unsure if he can truly trust chip with cultural knowledge anymore
Jay internally sheeshes at that last part at tells him what she knows about fusion
Gillion asks if the two of them could fuse and jay says it’s unlikely (fusions are usually done between super close friends/lovers. Osprey is an outlier and should not be counted) but there’s no harm in trying
They dance
I imagine it’s kinda like medieval line dancing, all stiff and formal. Gill is taking it Super Seriously and jay’s trying not to laugh
Jay trips and gillion rushes to catch her, and they form Thresher
Cut to chip, who’s asleep but wakes up when a shadow looms over him and a clawed finger pokes his face, then he opens his eye and screams (think about him waking up to amanda) bc holy shit that’s a demon (they do be lookin kinda bad tho :fuckboy emoji:)
The hot demon doesn't move, and slowly chip feels like he recognizes it? Those fins look familiar and hey isn’t that jay’s pin- Oh Fuck that’s a fusion
He lets out a shaky “hi” and asks if they're a fusion. Thresher kinda tilts their head like a puppy then nods. He asks for their name and they let out a growly “Thresher” that does nothing to help his current state of fear (or arousal). He tells them to go on the deck and figure out more about themself, it’s not everyday you make a new fusion y’know. They nod and grumble something in a demon-sounding language (primordial but chip doesn't know that) and go back up deck
They unfuse later that day and ask chip what they thought of thresher. He says they were ok
Actual feelings: he was Afeared and Aroused and feeling Many emotions that he’s not ready to process just yet.
(Bastard) Moray
Ill be real im open to any/all ideas for moray’s origin story (and moray in general) bc i feel like i have the weakest grasp on his whole deal
Takes place during some fantasy arc that happens off-screen (yes im aware that the crew really haven't been together for long but i simply ignore canon sometimes)
They're raiding some island cave for treasure and good news: they found it and have it on them. Bad news: it triggered a trap and now they’re running for their lives from a cave-in
They’re about to make it out when jay rolls a 1 and trips just before the exit and gets covered in rubble (with one arm out for the Drama of it all)
Chip and gill freak out and try to dig her out with their bare hands with little success, and then freak out more
Chip gets an idea and grabs gill by the shoulders
Chip: fuse with me
Gill: what???
Then chip fuckin dips him back and kisses the fuck out of him
Both get nat 20’s (obviously) and fuse into Moray
Moray spends the first few moments of his existence excited bc wow!!!!! He’s alive!!!! but then realizes Oh Shit, Friend is Trapped
With terrifying strength he lifts the rubble with two arms and extracts jay with the other two. She’s bruised and unconscious, but breathing so Moray takes that as a win and heads back to the ship.
A few hours later jay wakes up and goes onto the deck to see Moray doing whatever the fuck moray would do and gets super confused
Moray sees jay and goes !!!!!!! :D and runs over and picks her up bc friend ok !!!!
jay's fuckin dying bc on one hand she's happy the two of them fused but on the other hand oh god he's a handful (and he's holding her up with one hand what the fuck)
the two of them spend the rest of the day figuring out what moray can do (stuff i havent thought out yet lmao)
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scene bucket #5(?)
marion: why do we never get percy with feeling
kristin: ?
marion: this kid has problems
we never talk about them at all canonically
kristin: yeah, idk
like there are (that i know of) two instances of ptsd
in the entire series
which, okay, kids book, but still
he's like seventeen (and so are the rest of them)
they've seen who knows how many deaths. like...
marion: isn't it a YA book tho?
kristin: yeah
i think it was targeted to like 13/14?
marion: harry potter has death plots and people bleeding out and george being rightfully upset about fred
but like
pjo is just yes we have problems in the subtext
kristin: that is one thing i missed.
that i want.
(which probably makes me horrible, idk)
marion: no i kind of want it too
kristin: xD
are we bad people?
marion: no
i think we just want someone to finally be sad
kristin: yeah
marion: bc these kids are like
always happy
bar leo who canonically is depressed but they NEVER SAY IT
kristin: right
like, for example, i feel like with all those deaths (especially, for example, like Bianca and Beckendorf) and with Percys fatal flaw
he'd really beat himself up
like, more so than in the books.
and like Hazel literally was in the underworld.
and even though she was in the fields of asphodel. i feel like that would mess someone up.
marion: hazel faced discrimination 
kristin: eurgh
i've always wanted to explore that, tbh
like, i have this thing that when she finally comes back, she asks Nico where a bathroom is, and he shows her
and she's like "that's not funny"
because there's different colored people in  there, too
marion: oh
that's kind of depressing
kristin: oof.
idk, its just how i always imagined it going down.
marion: no no you're right
im just
kind of sad
that that would happen
kristin: yeah, ik
marion: to cinnamon roll hazel
kristin: (literally one of my favorite characters)
marion: *sob* i cant deal with this
this genuinely makes me want to cry
i dont-
kristin: you imagine how hard it would be for her to have to adjust to like having a brother
that was
( i don't know if the term white is offensive or not)
marion: nah 
kristin: okay, okay just checking
marion: poor cinnamon roll
kristin: D:
marion: i want to hug her and never let go
kristin: sammee
marion: ndfowendonwefon hazel is best
kristin: ikr
marion: hazel deserves best
kristin: yes
like she had to watch her mom die
in front of her
and she thought it was her fault
marion: hazel has angst, percy has angst, leo has angst
like her fatal flaw is guILT
angst budddiees
marion: :[
the angst trio
they cry themselves to sleep and pretend they're ok!
kristin: stOP
that's soo sad.
marion: everyone tries and subsequently fails to get them to talk about their problems
kristin: yeah, ik.
and they're just like, i'm fine. 
Stop! Get some help!
marion: we're fine *sobbing*
kristin: through their tears
like, the rest of the seven can hear them crying through the thin walls of the Argo but nobody says anything
marion: *whispers* trauma? never heard of her
kristin: whose she?
honestly, though, like *sighs* it's so sad
marion: hahahaha...
kristin: haha.
like, the fates or whatever terrible being is in charge, just throw these kids and a satyr
on a flying boat
to destroy the earth
in order to save it
marion: and only one of them is mostly ok
actually coach hedge seems ok
kristin: yeah
maybe a little wack-o
otherwise, fine
marion: so 2 out of 8
kristin: (unless we're counting nico)
marion: 2/9
kristin: Who, i think doesn't get as much appreciation as he should
marion: 2/10
kristin: ooh, yes
oh, gods were making it worse
marion: 1/5
uhm that's pretty small
kristin: sTOP i feel nico should get more recognition, though. like, he went 
through tartarus.
marion: i think he and will are a focus in toa
but idk
kristin: (informercial voice Only 2 out of 11 demigods per year are mostly okay)
yeah idk either
marion: hey coach hedge isnt a demigod
kristin: CaUsE i HaVenT rEaD iT
oh no.
marion: only 1/10 demigods are estimated to be mostly ok
out of
kristin: -that's-depressing-
marion: ten
kristin: one
marion: low statistics
kristin: the weight of the worlds
(like the weight of the sky on Percy and Annabeths shoulders)
marion: imagine the demigods making an 'into to chb!' video
kristin: uh oh
marion: and they're like so what's so great about being a demigod? and they all have fake cheery voices and blah
percy's just nothing. nothing is good about being a demigod. have fun dying before 18.
i literally barely made it.
they're like
can i quit?
no. no you can't
kristin: can i be fired?
marion: no.
dang it
kristin: but you can die
have fun!
marion: how is that bETTTER
kristin: *whispers* it might be
marion: i dont like the brutal honesty in this conversation
kristin: :/
i don't either, honestly.
*hA honestly*
*brutal honesty?*
*no? okay i'm sorry*
marion: *sob*
kristin: no, i'm fine.
they're all fin
marion: just fine.
kristin: loOK what i found
 " The cab sped west. Every gust of wind through Death Valley sounded like a spirit of the dead. Every time the brakes hissed on an eighteen-wheeler, it reminded me of Echidna’s reptilian voice."
marion: i-
my dude
get some help
kristin: he doesn't need it
marion: YES HE DOES
kristin: " She made one more attempt to speak, but the sound was gone. Her image melted away. If it was my mother, I had lost her again. I felt like drowning myself. The only problem: I was immune to drowning."
" The last thing I remembered was sinking in a burning sea, knowing that Tyson was gone forever, and wishing I were able to drown"
he wants
and he would
kristin: " Thing is, as I was choking just now, I kept thinking: this is payback for Akhlys. The Fates are letting me die the same way I tried to kill that goddess. And … honestly, a part of me felt I deserved it. That’s why I didn’t try to control the giant’s poison and move it away from me. That probably sounds crazy"
that was blood of olympus!
kristin: yEAH 
he was talking to Jason
after they were underwater or whatever
marion: and jason did nothing????
kristin: he said
marion: help hIM
kristin: Jason thought back to Ithaca, when he was despairing over the visit from his mom’s spirit. ‘No. I think I get it.’   
they act like nothing happened
   Percy studied his face. When Jason didn’t say any more, Percy changed the subject.   
marion: :[
kristin: >:{
marion: jASON ASNd PERCY
kristin: D:
marion: iowahdnbxcunejwqzhs  UGGYUSKNM
kristin: wonder how many more examples there are....
marion: oh no
my stars
kristin: ik
this is depressing   
marion: wow
kristin: what about Frank though?
like he dad got kidnapped
and then like she finally saved him
and he was like you're a hero
and then she had to ERase his Memory
marion: oof
kristin: like, it's obviously not as bad as the others
but still.
marion: yeah
kristin: *exhales*
im sorry
one more
" " She shook her head. ‘I’m not Caesar. After finding Jason’s note in Diocletian’s Palace, tracking you down was easy. I only did what I thought was necessary.’ Percy couldn’t help smiling. ‘Reyna, you’re too modest. Flying halfway across the world by yourself to answer Annabeth’s plea, because you knew it was our best chance for peace? That’s pretty freaking heroic.’ Reyna shrugged. ‘Says the demigod who fell into Tartarus and found his way back.’ ‘He had help,’ Annabeth said. ‘Oh, obviously,’ Reyna said. ‘Without you, I doubt Percy could find his way out of a paper bag.’ ‘True,’ Annabeth agreed. ‘Hey!’ Percy complained. The others started laughing, but Percy didn’t mind. It felt good to see them smile. Heck, just being in the mortal world felt good, breathing un-poisonous air, enjoying actual sunshine on his back. Suddenly he thought of Bob. Tell the sun and stars hello for me. Percy’s smile melted. Bob and Damasen had sacrificed their lives so that Percy and Annabeth could sit here now, enjoying the sunlight and laughing with their friends. It wasn’t fair. ""
marion: i-
sang it
dang it
kristin: you sang it
marion: a nice wholesome moment turned into angst
kristin: ikr
about Zoe and bob?
marion: ?no
kristin: HOLD ON
this is game changing
this is what i'm talking about
Bob's a titan.
He's related to Atlas, yes?
You know who else is related to Atlas? Zoe.
Bob=related to Zoe
You know what her last words were? She said 'I can see the stars again, my lady.' before Artemis turned her into a constellation.
'Tell the stars hello'=Tell my cousin/sister/relative hello
marion: *SOB*
i cant do this
kristin: In Greek mythology, Iapetus was a Titan, the son of Uranus and Gaia and father of Atlas
marion: pjo and hoo have too much angst for my pathetic heart
kristin: s
so... bob is zoe's grandfather
marion: aw........
kristin: balling like a baby
marion: *SOBSBsbhsbejdbfeid*
kristin: YES
marion: you cant do this to me
kristin: i'm sorry
marion: i cant do this
this makes me so depressed
kristin: i have no idea
marion: bob and zoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
kristin: D':
yo, imagine how Annabeth and Percy would react if they figured it out
marion: no nonOnONOnONONoNOn
kristin: I think they'd break
at least percy
marion: percy is sad
kristin: eurgh
marion: it's too much
kristin: you know what the worst part is?
marion: what
kristin: his friends don't even know it
they probably think he's actually fien
marion: i-
hold up
kristin: they just think he's this upbeat optimistic sarcastic person
makes people laugh because it's a tension releaser
marion: ,'(
kristin: eurgh
marion: get some help, already
kristin: you know what they should have?
a camp therapist. like some Apollo camper, or smth
marion: something
kristin: yeah
for those who would be WILLING
*cough* not percy *cough
he'd be like I'm fiiine
marion: i dont need therapy
kristin: ha
marion: yup
kristin: Perce, you sure?
marion: uhm
yeah just gonna
go now...
kristin: *shrugs* okay. whatever you say
*walks away*
marion: *sob* yeah im fine
kristin: they don't even turn around (cus they can't hear him [cause it was internal])
marion: *internal breakdown*
kristin: (meanwhile, on the outside) *grins at whatever dumb joke Jason told him*
*or Leo
marion: :')
kristin: just
marion: poor perce
kristin: Dx
marion: percy is the type to get shot in the stomach and tell them to go look at annbeth's papercut
kristin: but, yeah srsly
Exhibit A
   "‘You still claim him then?’ Zeus asked menacingly. ‘You claim this child whom you sired against our sacred oath?’ ‘I have admitted my wrongdoing,’ Poseidon said. ‘Now I would hear him speak.’ Wrongdoing. A lump welled up in my throat. Was that all I was? A wrongdoing? The result of a god’s mistake? "
Exhibit B
" ‘Your mother is a queen among women,’ Poseidon said wistfully. ‘I had not met such a mortal woman in a thousand years. Still… I am sorry you were born, child. I have brought you a hero’s fate, and a hero’s fate is never happy. It is never anything but tragic.’ I tried not to feel hurt. Here was my own dad, telling me he was sorry I’d been born. ‘I don’t mind, Father.’ ‘Not yet, perhaps,’ he said. ‘Not yet. But it was an unforgivable mistake on my part.’"
marion: ah and then the mr.brunner incident
kristin: Oh! yes
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benhardyisdaddy · 5 years
All You Had To Do Was Ask
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(ooof hello to this smutty fic okay FIRST OFF i apologize in advance cuz i havent wrote a full on smut fic in forever so i feel rusty so im SORRY IF ITS NOT GOOD but i hope u all like it and especially the anon that requested it xoxo also these gifs are how i imagined his face to look when he walks in on y/n sksksk)
Word Count: 2,822
WARNING: smut, masturbation with an object 
Being on tour with the world famous rock band Queen wasn’t as chaotic or crazy as you thought it would be. Yeah, their parties got a little rowdy and the sea of women you’ve had to swim through to get a single drink was insane - it wasn’t nearly as bad as what you had envisioned in your head when your best friend, Roger, invited you.
“We could really use a woman’s touch on tour. Keep our feet on the ground or what not.” 
Roger was over at your flat as he lounged on your sofa with a beer in his hand, his feet on your coffee table. You were sitting diagonally from him as you listened to him attempt to persuade you into coming along on a five month tour with the band. 
“Five months?” you asked shocked. “Roger, how will I pay bills if I tell my job I’m leaving for five months to go do god-knows-what with you all?” 
Roger shook his head and takes a swig from his bottle. 
“You don’t have to worry about that. I’ll help you with whatever you need.” 
You lean forward and push his feet off of your coffee table, causing him to lightly laugh. 
“See? Like that! You’ll put us in our place and everything will be perfect. We need you.” he says with giant puppy dog eyes. 
You narrow yours and tense your jaw in deep concentration. 
“It’ll kind of be like a holiday.” you murmur. 
Roger eyes go wide as he smiles and sits up more. 
“Yes! Exactly! Look at it like you’re going on a holiday. Just with an awesome famous band.” he teases, throwing you a wink. 
You roll your eyes and smile as you think for a moment longer, finally coming to a decision. 
“Alright, fine,” you say, causing him to ball up his fists and whisper ‘yes’. “But the moment I feel left out, I’m leaving. Knowing you Roger Taylor, you’ll be busy doing what and who during your free time.” 
“I promise,” he says, leaning forward with a big goofy grin on his face. “I promise you’ll have the time of your life.”
And he was, sadly, right. You’ve enjoyed yourself so much these past two months with the boys. Roger’s kept his promise about not leaving you out and you really felt like you were apart of the band. You all were almost to the next city where they’d be staying for a full week. You were almost to your hotel and you were beyond excited. You can finally get to your room and release some steam that’s been bugging you this whole car ride. Your thighs are squeezed together as you watch the boys all laugh and talk about something you weren’t paying attention to. 
You look to Roger and admire how he smiles - his tongue slightly pushing between his teeth and then fully licking his lips. You were so sexually frustrated that you began imagining how nice his tongue must feel and how experienced he must be. You’re continuing to stare at him and are so lost in your thoughts, you don’t even realize him looking back at you. 
“You alright?” he asks, his brows knitting together. 
Oh god, you were biting your lip hard. You shake your head a bit and smile to him. 
“Oh, yeah. Just tired.” you lie. 
He stares at you a moment longer, a smirk-like smile on his face. If he could read your mind, you’d be screwed. Hopefully by him, you think to yourself. Where were all of these thoughts and feelings coming from? You’ve never thought of Roger that way. Alright, why are you lying to yourself? You’ve been so madly in love with him from the first time you met when you were sixteen. You deny the fact you like him so you wouldn’t be completely devastated when he tells you he doesn’t feel the same. Who cares if you think about your best friend when you touch yourself late at night? It’s not like anybody else needs to know your dirty little secret. 
“And here we are!” says John as he looks out the window and up at the hotel. 
Hotel? This was more like a condo. It was huge and beautiful. You stare up at it in awe as Roger slides next to you and does the same. You look over to him and admire the way his eyes flutter up and the slight smile on his lips. He looks to you and you quickly look back to the building fast. Roger slightly laughs as the door opens up and out he goes. He reaches his hand out for you to take and helps you out. You all make your way into the building and to the front desk. People stare at you in amazement as they whisper and smile and point at the boys, obviously recognizing them. 
Joe checks in to his suite, then Brian, then Freddie, then Roger. Now it’s your turn. 
“Last name?” asks the lady. 
Her eyes keep darting over to Roger as she blushes and smiles to him. You narrow your eyes and lean forward, making sure your voice brings her back to reality. 
“Y/l/n.” you say loudly, causing her to slightly jump. 
You can hear Roger hold back a laugh behind you as the lady embarrassingly smiles and types away on the computer. 
“I’m so sorry,” she says. “I don’t see you on here for a room. When did you make it?” she asks. 
“What?” you ask, shocked. “We made these reservation days ago. Are you sure?” 
She types some more on the computer and shakes her head, frowning. 
“No, ma’am. I have nothing.” 
“Well, then can we just rent a room right now for her?” asks Roger, walking up beside you. 
“We’re completely booked, Mr. Taylor. Believe me, if I could, I would.” she says smiling to him. 
You exhale and close your eyes, trying to think of something. 
“Just bunk with me.” says Roger to you. 
You look to him and your heart jumps. The thought about sharing a room with Roger made you feel shaky and light headed. 
“Share a room with you?” you ask, your voice barely audible. 
“Your room, Mr. Taylor, does have two separate beds in it. Along with a kitchen, bathroom and living area.” she tells him. 
Roger looks to you and smugly smiles as he reaches down and grabs your bag. 
“Then it’s settled. You’ll stay in mine.” 
You were really hoping for some alone time and that’s not going to happen now. You couldn’t do what you were going to do, knowing that Roger was right there. You both were in your room as you look around in awe. The suite was large and beautifully decorated. You move past Roger and grab your toiletry bag and head for the bathroom. You close the door and lock it fast. You place your bag on the counter and unzip it. Your heart sinks. 
“No!” you say loudly. 
“You alright?” asks Roger, knocking on the door. 
You jump and force yourself to calm down and laugh. 
“Oh, yeah! I’m fine! Just left something back at the hotel.” 
“Oh, do you need me to send our driver to get it? What was it?” 
“Oops, here it is!” you lie. 
It wasn’t there. The one thing you were hoping to see - your vibrator. You couldn’t dare tell Roger that it was missing. How embarrassing. You sulk for a moment longer until you walk back out to the living room and spot Roger inside the bedroom. The lady was right, there were two large beds right next to each other. Great. You pick your bed and slide under the covers, your back facing Roger. 
“Going to bed already?” he asks, shocked. 
You fake yawn as you speak. 
“Yeah, I’m super tired. Night, Rog.” 
He stares at you as he frowns. 
“Oh. Night, y/n.” 
The next day was a little better, or at least so you keep telling yourself. You were at rehearsals for the whole day with the boys as they practiced for their set. It was nearing 10pm when they all finally call it quits. Roger walks up to you all sweaty and grinning. 
“Sounded amazing.” you tell him. 
“You look amazing.” he says a smirk on his face - or until he realizes what he just said. 
Your eyebrows go up as Roger stumbles with his words. His face goes red as he attempts to explain what he meant. 
“What I mean is that your shirt looks good on you. The shirt is nice. You look nice.” 
He closes his eyes and embarrassingly laughs. 
“I like your shirt.” he slowly says, causing you to laugh. 
“A compliment from the Roger Taylor? If I was any other girl I’d be on my knees by now.” you tease, giggling as you walk away. 
Roger’s face goes serious at your words and then he laughs a bit, not knowing if you were serious or not - you were, but he doesn’t need to know that. You all make your way back to the hotel and you were suddenly reminded of your lost vibrator and your certain needs. 
“We were all gonna go grab a drink at the lounge area downstairs. You wanna join?” asks Brian to you as you all walk inside. 
Bingo! Perfect opportunity for you. 
“Oh, I think I’m alright actually. I’m just gonna go read for a bit.” 
Roger watches you with a confused look as you begin walking away. 
“You sure?” he calls out. 
“Yeah! Have fun!” 
Finally. You’re all by yourself. You hurry to your room and jump on your bed. You unzip your pants and fling them off, along with your panties. You close your eyes and allow your fingers to slide between your soaked folds. You imagine Roger doing it himself and that helps a lot. You bite your lip as you slide a finger inside and groan. 
“Roger,” you whisper out loud, but it doesn’t help. 
You need more. You huff as you sit up and look around the room. Your eyes dart across Roger’s half opened bag as his drumstick is poking out. A sudden, crazy idea hits you. You stand up and walk over to it, your fingers picking it up. Roger’s fingers have touched this so many times and you're envious of them. You bite your lip and make your way back to your bed. You lie back down and decide when you’re done, you’ll wash it off. He’ll never know. You slowly bring the thicker part of the stick to your core and gently push it inside. Your back arches as you moan out, imagining Roger once more. It feels so good. You pick up the speed as your other hand works on your sensitive nub. It’s not like your vibrator, but it’s working. You feel yourself getting close. 
“Roger,” you whisper out. “Oh, Roger. You feel so good.” 
Your speed is picking up fast, when suddenly you hear the floor creak. Your eyes fly open as you remove the drumstick and look up fast. Your cheeks are red hot as you spot Roger standing in the doorway of the room, watching you. You fling the sheets over your lower half and your hearts beating fast. You want the floor to open up and swallow you whole. 
“Roger,” you breathe out, embarrassed. 
“Are you using my drumstick to… Masturbate with?” he asks, his eyes locked onto it beside you. 
You close your eyes and fall back on the bed, covering your face and groaning. 
“I’m so sorry! I’m such an idiot! I’m so embarrassed right now! You weren’t supposed to be here!” you cry out. 
“You said to not leave you out and I felt like I was, so I came back to hang out with you! Tell me what exactly you’re doing?” he asks fast.
“I forgot-” 
You freeze and don’t dare to say anymore, but Roger wasn’t having that. 
“You forgot what?” he asks moving closer. 
“I forgot my… My vibrator. I needed it so bad and I had nothing and I saw your drumstick and I’m such an idiot! I’m so sorry.” 
Roger laughs and continues watching you, his eyes glancing down at your thrown off panties on the floor. 
“So, you forget your sex toy and you decide to use my drumstick as one?” he asks, understanding. “All you had to do was ask.” 
Your whole body freezes as you slowly look over to him with a confused look on your face. 
“Ask you what? To go buy me a sex toy?” you ask, not understanding. 
“No,” he says, half laughing. “Ask me to help you.” he says slowly for you to understand. 
“For you to sleep with me?” you whisper. 
“Is it such a bad idea? You need relief, I need relief. I trust you, you trust me.” 
The two of you stare at each other for a moment as you’re in deep thought. 
“Roger,” you whisper. 
All you can do is nod. Roger’s face lights up as he walks up to you and sits on the side of the bed.
“Yeah?” he asks, making sure. 
“Yeah.” you tell him, smiling. 
Without waiting, Roger leans forward and kisses you hard. You lean into him as his hand tugs on your hair, making your groan. 
“Lay back.” he whispers against you. 
You do as he says and before you know it, he’s discarded all of his clothes and is hovering over you. You stare down at his length and bring your hand to pump him a few times. His eyes flutter closed as he jerks a bit at your touch. 
“Does this feel weird?” you whisper to him. 
“I think it feels amazing.” he teases, smiling. 
You laugh and playfully nudge his arm. 
“No, I mean this. Us. Right now.” 
He looks down at you with a sweet smile on his face before leaning down and kissing you once more. 
“I’ve wanted to do this for a long time, so, no. Not to me.” 
You’re taken back by what he had just said. 
“You have?” you quietly ask him. 
“I have.” 
All you can do is smile as he kisses you and begins sliding your shirt over your head. His hand goes in between your legs as he rubs you. 
“I heard you moaning my name.” he whispers in your ear. “Is that why you’re so wet?” 
You close your eyes and nod as you groan. 
“Good girl.” he tells you. 
He spreads your legs apart even further and places himself at your entrance. 
“Are you sure?” he asks you. 
“You have no idea how sure I am.” you tell him, your finger grazing his bottom lip. 
Roger smiles as he bites his lip and slowly slips inside of you. You both moan out as he slides further in and pauses. 
“Better than my drumstick?” he asks, making you laugh. 
“Much better.” 
Roger slowly slides himself out of you and then slams back inside. You dig your nails into his shoulders as you cry out. He repeats this action several times before bringing his hand down to rub tiny circles on your nub. 
“Fuck,” you hiss at the contact. 
“Feel good?” he asks. 
“Harder!” you cry out. 
Roger slams into you while nuzzling his face in the side of your neck.
“You- You feel so good. I don’t think I’m gonna last.” he says fast. 
“Fuck, neither am I!” you moan out. 
“Where do you want me?” he asks quickly, his voice shaky. 
“I wanna feel you inside me.” you whisper to him. 
Roger practically growls by your answer as he picks up his speed and is suddenly crying out your name as his body jerks. He fills you up as you hold him close to you and hit your high as well. You’re both in the world of pure ecstasy as you hold onto one another and don’t want to let go. You’re seeing stars as he whispers against you. 
“God, I love you.” 
You hold still and open your eyes at his statement. Roger shakes his head, not meaning for that to have slipped out. He backs away and looks at you. 
“What did you say?” you whisper. 
He almost sadly smiles as he shrugs and repeats himself. 
“I… love you. I have since I met you.” 
“Roger,” you whisper, cupping his face with your hands. “I love you too.” 
His eyes sparkle as he smiles and leans down to kiss you. 
“Ya know,” he starts. “I wouldn’t mind watching you again with my drumstick.” he teases. 
You lean your head back and laugh loudly, playfully shoving him off of you. Roger laughs and smiles as he watches you grin. The two of you confessed your love and you both have no idea that, a year from now, you’d be re-confessing them during your vows. 
Tag List: @oxuminaa @billyhargovesgurl @queengavemeasheerheartattack @queerdo-shmeerdo @jazzman-19 @strawberry-lemonade0 @benders-diamond-earring @miss-artemis-wild @marvlnstuff @smokinroger @borhapbitch @universallytragicpeach @akwod @rogershoe @just-another-roger-whore
Perm Tag List: @loudxxstar @iambuckyrogers @babebenhardy @ramimalekrp-roleplayerpage @mautand @rogertayolr @mothermercuryy @basics-andthesimplelife @caterinaborgia @discodeakyjazzyjoe @sheridans-dynamos @bethany-cc @onexlittlespark @idontbelievethiss @having-a-freddie-time @denimmay @bensrhapsody @manuosorioh @writing-in-hell @cupcakehardy @toms-irish-girl @a-kind-of-magik @thesecondlastjedi @dianamarie-has-a-blog @ezmina98 @finnbalortrash21 @frostedsugarcookiemint @yourealegendroger @popcrone818 @wronglanemendes @sj-thefan @borhapqueen92 @httpfandxms @haileylansley @arrozsocarrat @quirkydeaky @vanitysfairr @luvborhap @loveandbeloved29 @vousmemanqueez
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givemequeen · 5 years
vienna ; john x reader
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request: How bout uhhhh 51? (totally not because Area 51 no that was a random number I promise shh) 51: JOHN REQUEST IF YOU HAVENT GOTTEN ONE YET: just super soft..... lots of hugs and kisses and praise...... dancing together and a kiss in the rain mayhaps.... IM JUST SOFT OK TYSM FOR UR TIME a/n: so i asked yall for a number and this one came up :)))) also i picked the 80s because i wanted them in New York but then Vienna came on and i was like “gotta write about that” i LOVE Vienna by Billy Joel, i got it from The Politician (GREAT TV SHOW, LOVE IT) and Ben Platt’s version is beautiufl/ pairing: john x reader summary: fluffy shit with Johnnnnnnn warnings: FLUFFFFFF year: ‘80s because i want them in New York lol word count: 1,628
John bopped your nose making you pull your head back. “Oi, what was that for?” you asked rubbing your nose and pulling away slightly.
“I dunno,” he replied pulling you back to him using the arm that was wrapped around your back. You sighed and your head fell onto his chest, his heartbeat thumping loudly in your ear calming you down. John was drawing on your back sending shivers down your spine (body’s aching all the time) when his fingers would brush over a certain spot.
You were currently laying across the couch with John, music was interrupting the silence. John would occasionally sing along to the record, making you smile against his chest. He had his arm around your back, legs up on the couch. You had both your arms wrapped around his torso, your body fully on top of his, legs tangled with his. Earlier on you had pulled a blanket on the both of you, it was also tangled up.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you too Johnny.” you giggled pulling your head up to get a good lock at him. He was looking down at you, his head propped up on a pillow against the couch's arm and a massive smile on his face. 
“God I love you so fucking much yn.” his other hand went to your cheek, his hand brushing against the soft skin. You pressed your cheek against his hand and hummed. “You’re so perfect, I’m so fucking lucky, you have no idea yn...” John added, you moved further up to be closer to him and to be able to kiss a sappy John.
“Why so sappy Lennon?” you teased as you peppered kisses all over his face.
“I dunno...” he repeated. “Let’s dance.” 
“Alright.” you got up without questioning his sudden urge to dance. His hand took yours as soon as he had stood up from the warm and cosy couch you had been lounging in. His hand slipped around your back and rested on your back. You giggled as he dipped you and grabbed onto his shoulder as to not fall. John dramatically sang and made strange faces making you giggle even more. “I love youuuuuuuuu.” he sang and kissed your lips.
John pulled you close once the song was done and a slower, more romantic one came on. You turned your head to the side and pressed it against his chest. You had extended your other arm to the side with John’s and he was lazily moving it up and down to beat of the music. His voice was still going but this time softer, you felt the vibrations against your head. John had been slowly moving around in circles and just as this song ended your face was looking at the window.
“Do you want to go for a walk?” you whispered, your eyes fixated on the dark outside world. 
“Now?” he asked.
“Yeah.” you pulled away and looked into his eyes.
“Alright, let's get our coats.” you smiled and dragged him to the entrance of the flat. You quickly put on your boots and coat. “You’re going to freeze.” John tutted as he teasingly pulled a beanie over your eyes.
“I can’t see!” you complained while fixing it, John chuckled in the backroom. He was leaning against the wall behind you as you looked into the mirror. “All done! Let’s go.” you hooked your arm with him and squeezed out the door. The lift ride to the bottom of the building was quick and in no time you were outside and headed to Central Park. You passed a couple of other couples and people on the way there.
“Heya John, yn!” some fans would say before kindly asking for an autograph. You loved this, it was much better than being chased around by screaming fans and John did too. He would gladly accept and even ask for their autographs leaving the fans surprised before agreeing. 
“God I love this,” John said breathing in the cold air. The path was lit by lampposts to the side. Your hand was slipped in his, swinging in between you. You looked all around you trying to make out shapes in the darkness. The moon shone brightly above either of you and soon you reached a bridge, you walked over to the edge of the lake dragging John behind you and stood behind the wooden railing. 
You both leaned against in, your hand still linked and going over the railing. The moon’s reflection was over the still lake, you turned to your side and found John watching you a soft smile on his lips. “What is it?” you asked as a blush crept onto your face.
“Nothing, you’re just so cute.” he reached over and kissed your nose.
“So are you,” you replied and kissed him but this time on his lips that had gone slightly cold. Thunder rumbled in the background making you stand up straight and sigh. “We should head back,” you said with a pout.
“We can stay a bit longer,” John told you.
“It’s going to rain soon,” you mentioned looking over to the darkened clouds.
“If that’s what you want.” he too stood up and wrapped his arm around your shoulders. You leaned your head against your head and started the walk back home. But you didn’t reach your warm awaiting home in time, you were changing paths when it started to rain and John and you were in a clearing meaning you both got wet to the bone. Couples and people around you rushed to shelter. You were going to run as well but John grabbed your hand pulling you against his chest.
“John!” you squealed as his hand went to yours just like you had been in the flat when you had danced with him.
“Dance with me,” he proposed softly, his neck leaning down to kiss you. “Hear that?” John asked referring to the background music, someone was playing to the side but they were shielded by trees. The musician was playing Vienna, that song had been released a couple of years back and it remained one of your favourite songs, after John’s of course.
“Vienna,” you said a smile tugging onto your freezing face. “John it’s pouring.” you pointed out.
“You don’t say.” John chuckled as he began slowly moving. You gave in and danced along. “Slow down, you crazy child. You're so ambitious for a juvenile.” John sang making you smile even more. “But then if you're so smart, then tell me... Why are you still so afraid? Where's the fire, what's the hurry about?” you began bopping your head to the beat.
“You'd better cool it off before you burn it out. You've got so much to do And only so many hours in a day.” John continued as you joined humming. “But you know that when the truth is told hat you can get what you want or you get old. You're gonna kick off before you even. Get halfway through.” he harmonized and tilted his head back making you giggle. “When will you realize? Vienna waits for you.” John said with a fake, dramatic accent and your giggles increased.
“Slow down, you're doing fine. You can't be everything you want to be before your time.” the music was becoming softer as the rain got louder. “Although it's so romantic on the borderline tonight... Tonight...” he pulled a hand off your back and waved his hand around. ��Too bad but it's the life you lead. You're so ahead of yourself that you forgot what you need. Though you can see when you're wrong, you know...” the instrument got louder as the song built up. 
“You can't always see when you're right. you're rightYou've got your passion, you've got your pride. But don't you know that only fools are satisfied? Dream on, but don't imagine they'll all come true. When will you realize, Vienna waits for you?” the music got softer and yet another instrument joined in for it’s solo.
“Slow down, you crazy child and take the phone off the hook and disappear for a while.” John sang before dipping you, your laughter rose and you held onto his shoulders. “It's all right, you can afford to lose a day or two. When will you realize, Vienna waits for you? And you know that when the truth is told that you can get what you want or you can just get old.” his voice rose over the roaring rain.
“You're gonna kick off before you even get half through. Why don't you realize, Vienna waits for you. When will you realize, Vienna waits for you?” John bopped your nose before bopping your nose. Just as his singing and the instruments stopped a wave of applause erupted around you. You looked away from John and saw that half a dozen couples had stopped under their umbrellas to listen to the amazing voice that they had stumbled across
You pulled away from John who had a surprised look on his face and joined in with the applause. He looked at you and narrowed his eyes. “Thank you all! And thank you for the music,” he said pointing at the little band you had not yet seen. The clapping turned to them and after John set down money in their cup a couple of people did so too.
The raining had calmed down now but you were both still wet. “Let’s go home yn,” he whispered kissing the side of your head and wrapping his arm around your shoulders. You both began walking and made your way back home where you would get changed into warm clothes.
“Thank you for that John, I loved it.”
“Anything for you my love.”
tag list;
@thebeatleswritings  @beatlevmania  @i-love-queen-3000​  @brians-metaphor26​ @honimello​  @julessworldd​ @storiesfrommirkwood​  @beatles-babee​  @geostarr​ @thiccjelly17​ @crab-king-69​  @in-the-frap-of-the-gods​ @psychosupernatural​
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ninzied · 5 years
another kind of goodbye
for @carry-the-sky. happy birthday, my friend! have a little post-cancellation kastle fic.
It’s three months, give or take, when Frank lets himself think about her again. Really think about her. Not in the passing kind of way, where he’s walking down some street and sees a bouquet of gardenias, like the kind he’d almost gotten her instead of the roses that day. Or when he’s sipping on coffee, and Karen’s face flashes like a mirage at him across the cheap Formica table – blonde hair almost white under the shit diner lighting, but those eyes still so blue as she told him he would never lie to her.
So – okay, so he thinks about her. He thinks about her.
(He wonders if she—)
Frank eventually makes his way back to the city again, after. Another day, another job. Madani thinks he’s meant for something greater than this – than picking off these scum-of-the-earth kinds of assholes that litter the streets of a place like New York.
He can’t believe that he was meant for greater, but. Sometimes, he does wonder. If a part of him – whatever part of him that’s not still buried deep down in the ground with his family – was meant to come back here. To walk these streets and feel the pull of her, always, even when that’s all he can afford to feel.
He tells himself that has to be enough.
He’s been laying low, since his return. Coughed up some cash for a three-hundred-square-footer in Brooklyn, but he crosses the bridge to the city most days, maybe even finds his way to Hell’s Kitchen from time to time too. It’s risky, he knows. If Murdock catches wind of him, they’d be lucky to walk away from each other in one piece. And Karen…
There’d be a different kind of hell to pay, if Karen ever found out.
His phone gives a single buzz in his pocket as he’s hunkering his way down 47th, and he stops in his tracks, nearly colliding with an elderly woman in the middle of the sidewalk.
“Excuse me!” she says in a shrill voice, bag clutched tight to her chest.
“Apologies, ma’am,” he nods as she makes a show of putting as much distance between them as possible, and then he fishes his phone out, hesitating for one absurd moment before glancing down at the screen.
Back in town yet, Castle?
He barks out a laugh. Chrissakes, Madani.
His phone buzzes again.
I have a job for you, if you’re still interested.
“Still,” mutters Frank, with a scoffing shake of his head. He thinks he admires her perseverance, but Madani’s gotta know she’s only wasting her breath.
He cuts south down 10th, toward Lincoln Tunnel. It’s a brisk day, and the wind on his face feels sharper than usual, considering he hasn’t bled much there in a while. He jams his hands deeper into his pockets, ignoring the insistent drone of Madani’s follow-up call.
He’s got a date with a park bench on the wrong side of town, and if he closes his eyes, he can pretend it’s the same bridge overlooking the water, and when he opens them again Karen’ll be there, waiting for him.
His closest call comes with, of all people, the lawyer. Not Red – the other one. Franklin Nelson.
Frank’s emerging with coffee two storefronts down just as another door opens, and he’s cursing himself for not seeing the signs when out tumbles Nelson with his back turned, adjusting his tie against the wind.
“Foggy bear, wait!” someone else is laughing, and a blonde lady steps out to chase after him, slinging a purse over her shoulder and reaching with her other hand to link around his elbow.
“I told him this was gonna make me late for work,” grumbles Nelson, but without any heat to the words. “Dad’s surprise party isn’t until tomorrow, don’t know why this couldn’t have waited – oh, crap, I forgot I told Karen I’d pick up some coffee—”
Nelson’s about-facing sharply, girlfriend following closely behind. He doesn’t appear to notice Frank crouched down in a corner by the 7-Eleven, hood obscuring half his face as he trains his eyes on the ground by their feet. The girl unearths some coins from her bag as they pass, clinking them onto the lid of Frank’s coffee cup without seeming to hear his low mutter of thanks.
He’s leapt up the moment he hears the door latch shut, brushing the coins into his palm as he goes.
He leaves them with a guy camped out by the train stop, a dog lifting her head from their blankets to blink sleepy eyes up at Frank, and he walks away harder, takes the steps two at a time and wishes – God he wishes—
Another text from Madani.
He shuts his phone off. Goes back to retrieve it ten seconds later from the trash can that he’d dumped it in, wiping it down and scowling as her message pops up on the screen.
Castle – offer still stands, FYI.
“You should call her back,” advises a man huddled down by the newsstands next to him. His face is like leather, worn down and weathered with age, with living. “Apologize for whatever it is that you did, so you don’t end up out here like me.”
“Already there,” Frank tells him, turning the phone over and over in his hand. Madani’s message lights up again each time, flashing and flashing until he sees it like a burn through his retinas even when the phone’s no longer facing him.
“Damn. That’s a damn shame.” The guy shifts, scratching at a spot on his back. “Maybe shouldn’t’ve stayed away from her for so long.”
Frank shakes his head, uttering a short, incredulous laugh. “Well, maybe I got my reasons, yeah? You think about that?”
“Doesn’t matter what I think,” shrugs the guy. “Does she think they’re any good? These reasons of yours?”
Frank turns away, jaw working furiously.
“Yeah.” The guy shouldn’t have any right to sound as smug as he does, and yet. “Yeah, I didn’t think so.”
He’s got no place in coming here. He knows it. He knows it, but he thinks it was always meant to be this way, him circling back around to her, even after everything that he’s done to push her away. Maybe a part of him had never left. And the rest is just – there, hovering right at the edge of some sharp realization, that he could try to be whole again if he simply took that first step. And a part of Karen must at least sense that. It’s why she’d never really given up on him, before.
It doesn’t change how I feel about you.
Frank wonders if she’d forgive him this time. If he’d even want her to.
It wouldn’t be anything close to what he deserves, that’s for goddamn sure.
He gazes up at her fire escape, counts the number of steps it would take just to be able to reach that bottom rung from his vantage point across the street. Her shades are drawn, the lines of them blurred out in the dim orange light. On one corner of the windowsill, wedged up against the glass, there’s a small stack of books. On the other, a vase. From this angle, the shadows folded into the fabric of her curtains look almost like flower stems.
Frank squints, and the stems disappear.
There’s about a week in between, where he feels himself inching closer to something, each time he drops by her block. He never goes farther than the patch of sidewalk across from her building, but it’s getting harder not to just careen over the ledge.
More than anything, he wishes he knew, in those moments obscured in half-darkness, whether he’s come to look for that after she’d spoke of, or if he’s come to say goodbye.
Then, one day he spots flowers in her window, for the first time since—
(They’re pale white against the cream of her curtains, their stems dark slivers of green, and he imagines them pricking the pad of his thumb, drawing up a spot of blood.)
Frank takes a deep breath.
She doesn’t look surprised to see him when she opens the door, swinging it back two-thirds of the way before stopping. Her lips are pressed tightly together, like there’s too much to say, or maybe there’s things that she can’t, either way he can’t read her and he thinks she’s never terrified him more.
Frank drops his gaze, mouth moving soundlessly until the words grind their way out. “How’d you know I was here, Karen?”
He’s not sure what kind of answer he’s expecting. That Nelson had grown a real pair of eyes, or that Red had managed to ferret him out of his lurking somehow. Or maybe Karen really just hadn’t known at all, and those flowers were never for him.
What Karen says instead is, “Dinah and I grab a beer together, sometimes.”
“That right?” he asks, trying to lay out an image of this in his mind. It sits strangely there, stumping him for a moment, and some of his bewilderment must show on his face because Karen’s mouth almost turns up in a smile before flattening again.
She leans away from the doorjamb, waving her hand in a worn-looking gesture before letting it drop to her side. “Besides, you…haven’t exactly been subtle, in your haunting of Hell’s Kitchen.”
He doesn’t know what to say to that, other than a gruff, “’S’what dead men do, Karen,” as she folds her arms and sighs at him.
“You sure you’re not just losing your touch, Frank?” She steps into the doorway, whether to move closer to him or to block him out of her apartment, he can’t tell. “Or was it because you wanted me to know but couldn’t tell me to my face?”
His eyes snap up to hers, twitching slightly under the sharp weight of her gaze. He shakes his head, wishing he could just ask her, What do you want from me, Karen? but they’re long past that now, and if he can’t find his own way to answer her, then.
God, he really doesn’t deserve this woman.
“I think I—” He shifts his body and tries again. “I think I needed to figure some things out. Karen. I was waiting 'til I felt like I was ready, and I don’t think I’ll ever be that.” But I’m here, he wants to say, but I’m here.
“Yeah.” Karen’s nodding, hair falling into her face, and she brushes it back, resting her chin in her palm for a moment. “I know that, Frank.” All of the fight in her seems to have ebbed slowly back, and he resists the urge to reach out and shake the storm back into motion, to make her understand she doesn’t get to let him off the hook so easy.
The look she gives him now is softer, but he knows. Fight’s not done. May never be done. And he knows this because he knows he’ll never stop fighting for her.
She’s stepped back into the door, letting it swing open further. She doesn’t invite him in, but she’s quirked an eyebrow up at him, biting her lip with another deep sigh and a shake of her head.
“You, uh.” Frank glances back and forth at their surroundings, doesn’t quite meet her eye. Tries to lighten his tone through the gruffness as he asks her, “So, you wanted to see me?”
Her voice is soft, forbearing, with a hint of gentle knowing behind it. “You didn’t?”
She’s holding back the clear start of a smile from him this time, and Frank. Christ. It’s taking everything in him not to step toward her, to—
Karen tilts her chin at him, the motion loosening another wave of blonde hair, and he can’t remember anymore why he was trying so hard to stand back from all this. He’s moving, swaying forward until she’s just an arm’s length away, and there’s something almost teasing about the way she relaxes her shoulder into the door as she watches him.
“You back to kill some people, Frank?”
He feels a corner of his mouth turn up. This girl. He licks his lips, lets out a quiet sort of laugh. “That was the plan, yeah.”
Karen gazes up at him, unblinking. “Have you?”
“I was—” Frank has to look away for a moment, finally turning back when he can. His eyes are steady, boring into hers, voice low and full with meaning. “I was. Working on it.”
Karen nods. Doesn’t speak for long seconds, and he measures them out in heartbeats, chest tightening hard enough it feels like it might break when she asks him, very carefully, “Still?”
Frank steps closer, close enough to feel the way her breath shakes with a small sigh, how her body moves away from the door to meet him.
His hand is inches from hers, but he doesn’t reach for her. Not yet.
She waits, gaze searching. He gives the barest shake of his head, and a single word, gravel-filled, a promise. “No.”
Something cracks open in her expression, and it means everything to him, her head ducking away as though she can’t have him looking too closely at the way she's biting back that smile of hers, and he thinks – he thinks he wants to make her do it again, and again, for as long as she will have him.
“Would you like to come in, Frank?”
He takes her hand in his this time, feeling the pull of her as he steps across the threshold, door shutting firmly behind them, and it feels like coming home.
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