#good morning everyone clown this mofo
blitzisms · 1 year
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Don’t Be Gaslighting Me, Mofo
Originally posted 2021/08/21 at 11:30 am
Fall is truly falling, isn’t it?
While my previous logs were written from my room, I wrote the entirety of this piece over the course of a few study hall periods, as school is back in session. I must admit, I forgot how much teenager germs still make me gag, all the more a reason to wear a mask walking to and from my classes. Almost all of my peers are abstaining from wearing theirs since there is no enforced mandate. My COVID concerns still linger, so it’s still slightly unsettling, but I’ve managed to make myself comfortable. It helps that all my teachers are nice.
Yes, fall is kicking in, though the runoff of the hottest summer the Northern Hemisphere has ever experienced (thanks, climate change!) doesn’t make it feel that way. Neither does darling little Delta lingering around the corner, waiting to crash your party and leave you realizing the next morning that the previous night wasn’t as good as you thought it was. It’s a real pity. I thought this was supposed to be an ascending fall, but I guess the only positive curve is the hospitalization graph!
On my calendar, September holds large scale events that I have been anticipating since March of last year, yet the threat of Delta’s dance keeps them hanging in the balance. The first on my list, the Riot Fest gathering in Chicago, has already had two of its biggest acts—Troubled Trent! Frank! Nooo!—withdraw out of COVID concern only to be replaced by…Slipknot. Didn’t one of their members just catch COVID, and didn’t another one just straight up die a few weeks ago? My condolences, of course, but I didn’t expect overly angsty (and, it seems, painfully mortal) nu metal to be the soundtrack to the world’s reopening.
Me being me, the prophetic songs of DEVO, who are still on Riot Fest’s bill and have a show I’ll be catching at Radio City Music Hall two days later, sound like a much better choice. They also seem brazenly enthusiastic about finally getting back out on the road after years of Mark Mothersbaugh being too busy making movie score money. I assume they trust their fans with actually taking precaution and getting their shots, considering that both of the group’s frontmen have caught the virus in its early days; Marky Mark even needed a ventilator. His recovery was also apparently interrupted by the indulgent partying of the youthful TikTok stars living next door, a modern day exercise of the “live fast, die young” mentality that has latched onto so many. There’s no good future in sight, so why not submerge ourselves in fun, partying, tossing cash around, assorted acts of degeneracy that our parents’ bank accounts let us get away with while we still can? It’s saddening to see, yet it’s not an unnatural response considering the circumstances.
It seems like everyone is thinking, “what can I do that makes me happy before the world burns?” That includes myself. But typing on an energy-consuming computer with the lights on isn’t actually as damaging to the environment as carbon dioxide-pumping, uselessly polluting companies want me to think. Neither is letting yourself loose in a crowd of like minded people while your favorite (and not favorite) bands bring their songs to life.
So, DEVO and Slipknot, eh? Not all jumpsuit wearing, clown mask bearing bands are made equal. But can we expect anything to not happen at this point?
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they-callme-ami · 4 years
Lunch Break (Tobias x Fem MC)
    It’d been a few weeks now… and you couldn’t stop thinking about that night, your date with Tobias.  Not only had you eaten some delicious treats and went on a pleasant walk, but he made you breakfast the next morning.  This man was a keeper but you were terrified to try and take it further.  Dating was always hard for you, since you were so used to hearing and seeing and living through rejection for years.
What if he didn’t like you like you liked him? What if he was just entertaining you and teasing you again? Leading you on for future hook-ups?  That question was something you had to ask every time you met a new guy, and it was humiliating every time you were right in your suspicions.   These were terrible thoughts to have while heading towards Mass Kenmore with exactly 40 minutes for your lunch-- thankfully it was only a 10 minute ride to get to Kenmore from the hospital.  When you finally arrived, you were surprised to easily just...walk in.  No guards asking for a Kenmore badge, no weird looks..you just walked in before bumping into a familiar brick wall--or, rather, a familiar set of broad shoulders and abs.
“Oh sorry--” He looked down at you and his eyes widened...nervously?  “Y/N---uh, Dr. Y/L/N...what are you doing here?  Has Ethan made you his lap dog or something?  Came to send me a message, Lassie?” He grins and a few laughs from his female coworkers rang through your ears as they whispered and pointed..and he winked at them. Oh FUCK that..
“Actually, this is a message from...just..can we talk somewhere else, Dr. Carrick? I promise you don’t want ANYONE to hear what I’m about to say.”  You put on a fake smile but even he could see he got you messed up.  The two of you headed to the elevator and by god, you had never smacked anyone so fast. 
“Ow! Y/N I--”
“Carrick you better say sike right now--calling me a ‘lap dog’ in front of everyone. I skip my lunch break to come talk to you and I will be damned if you say something else....” You crossed your arms as the two of you got to the floor with his office.  You walked inside and just as you got in, he closed the door hard--oh fuck-- and locked it.
“Okay first off--if you smack me again we’re both gonna act like fools. Second off, you still work at Edenbrook and I got a reputation to uphold if you forgot. Loveable asshole and all.” He smirked and walked closer. “And, three...as much as I love you coming up to work during my lunch break and smacking me in the elevator, why are you here?”
You felt like a clown-- no no; the entire circus coming through town.  Of course he was putting up a front for everyone here…
“....So, uhm...I uh--...I wanted to, uh…” You looked down, embarrassed and when you looked back up, Tobias had his arms crossed with a smirk, tapping his foot and humming.  This mofo…”Look, I’m sorry...I guess I forgot you and I are still kinda...work enemies.. I have no idea how June handled this shit before you two--”.....did they ever break up?  What if he was still with her again--what if now he thought you were just crazy and--and--
“Y/N, hey….hey hey, why are you crying?” His hands were suddenly wiping at your cheeks and pulling you back to reality. Dammit, you were crying over this?  You must look like an emotional mess to him right now.  Stupid...why would he like you?  You worked for his rival hospital, you were 10 years his junior and he probably didn’t even like--
“Tobias, do you like me? Like...Like actually like me? I...I know I was so confident when I asked you out 2 weeks ago and it was one of the best feelings in the world...but, you seem too good to be true and I’m terrified you’re just playing me...be straight with me okay?  I’d rather you just tell me right now if this is just sex or whatever.  It’s nothing I’m not used to so just rip the bandage off now.” You just poured it out.  It came crashing down...you managed to handle your career on the line--your damn life on the line--but the wound that still stung was how you were viewed by others.  You wiped your eyes and sniffed a bit as you just emotionally broke down and let your fears take hold of you.  You guarded your heart tightly...every insult that would come towards you, there was always that small voice in your head.
 ‘It’s because you're pathetic.  Dramatic.  Emotional.  Crazy.  Weak.’  you had prepared yourself for the rejection to come...but instead you felt his arms around you and your eyes widened.  He was hugging you tight...and you felt wetness on your shoulder….tears, from him.
“Hey.... you should know, I broke it off with June months ago..it was a week after the incident at Edenbrook..look I...I know I’m terrible at playing it straight and serious like Ethan but...it’s unfair of me to not be upfront with you.  If I sent some mixed signals--made you feel unwanted or...or...I’m so sorry Y/N.”  He pulled away and held your face in his hands.  “I want to be with you.  I want to be with your crazy, loud, funny, emotional and adorable self.  That night we--...that night I almost lost you, I-I…” he choked up a bit and held you tighter, as if you would slip away if he didn’t. “ I felt scared for the first time in a long, long time.  I just thought...it’d be better to move on past it, since you seemed to like the confident and strong and cocky me.  I wanted to be strong for you, I wanted you to feel happy….but...I do want to be with you, for real.  No one else.  Just you...if you’ll let me.”
You looked at him again while he spoke and could only smile before finding your voice.  “Tobias….” you said in a raspy voice before continuing, “We are some of the biggest fucking babies I’ve met...blubbering and…crying.” You smile and kiss his cheek.  “Gah...this would have been easier over text y’know.”
“Sure….but then, I couldn’t do this.”  He grabbed you again with a laugh and kissed you sweetly.  The two of y’all kissed or whatever, no big deal...but it was to both of you.  He pulled away with a sigh.  “Now….let’s head back downstairs, go out and grab some lunch nearby, and let me show you off in front of my coworkers.” He smiled and tucked your hair behind your ear.  “I’ll even let you hold my hand and everything.” Tobias winks.
“Hah--I don’t think pettiness suits me…however, who am I to disagree with the guy who runs stuff around here?” You walked out the office...hand in hand.  He stared at you the whole time and as you walked by those same laughing coworkers, Tobias yanked you close and kissed your forehead.
“I hope you’re okay with me driving you back to Edenbrook?  I do not want my girl walking back to work by herself…”  he said, kinda loud as you walked past them.  Okay, pettiness looked fantastic on the two of you. This was definitely a productive lunch break.
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skelenyxx · 6 years
Chapter 1 - Old Friends, New Drama ~ It’s Death or Victory
"Where, where will we stand when all the lights go out across these city streets? Where were you when all of the embers fell? I still remember them. Covered in ash. Covered in glass. Covered in all my friends. I still think of the bombs they built." ~ The Only Hope For Me Is You
The sound of my alarm filled my ears as I awoke. I opened my eyes instantly and reached under my pillow, snatching my phone and switching the alarm off.
I smiled as I noticed the date. December 21, 2012. Today was the day. Today was the day that I would finally get to see them, after three years.
I crawled out of bed and started going through my closet, trying to decide what to wear. I eventually decided on a plain purple tee and black jeans. After I had showered and dressed, I applied a small amount of makeup and grabbed my bag. I smiled as I looked in the mirror. I smoothed my long, straight blonde hair and pushed my bangs to the side. My thin line of eyeliner accented my blue eyes perfectly and my outfit was plain and simple. Perfect.
I left my apartment with a smile on my face.
As I walked down the LA streets toward the coffee shop, the morning sun peaking between the tall buildings of the city, I began to think about how all this had come to be and how I had ended up with such amazing friends.
It had started in High School in Jersey. I was a Freshman, taking an Honors math class (like the geek I am). One day I got partnered with a quiet senior guy with dark hair and swirling hazel eyes. He told me his name was Gerard.
Somehow, even though we were practically polar opposites, we became close friends. I was some innocent goody two shoes Freshman girl and he was a dorky Senior boy with few friends and eyes that showed that there was more darkness inside than he let out. He was my first and probably one of my only friends in high school.
Obviously, he graduated that year. But he didn't go off to college. He decided to stay home and help his mom and brother out. It turned out that his brother, Mikey, went to school with me as well and was only two years older than me. He and I also became good friends and on weekends, Gerard, Mikey and I would all hang out, playing video games, talking about comic books, or just generally causing mischief around the old town. We had some good times, and I feel like us being friends was the only thing that kept us each from falling apart from the inside out.
I was in my senior year when Gerard told me he was starting a band. I was so excited for him. He always loved to talk about art and music. I always told him he needed to do something creative for a career because, honestly, I couldn't picture him doing anything else with his life.
One day, after he had gotten the lineup of the band, he invited me to come out to see one of their practices and meet the rest of the members. I had spent the whole day in school anticipating heading to his house afterward so I could meet the guys that he oh so often talked about. I remember clearly how anxious I was as I pulled into the driveway, unsure of what to expect. If Gerard thought highly of them, then they couldn't be that bad. But I was terrible at making friends and I had an unfortunate habit of annoying people I met.
Ms. Way led me to the garage where loud music could be heard. It was interesting, different to say the least. I couldn't even really describe the sort of genre of rock it quite sounded like. But I liked it.
I caught the tail end of a song that the band was finishing practicing. Just by watching them, I could tell that they were in their elements. Gerard was singing (and being a sassy mofo during the process), Mikey was on bass, there was a guy with quite the fro rocking out on lead guitar, and a shorter guy with dark hair and a pretty strong eyeliner game jumping around like he'd had fifty monsters while playing rhythm guitar. Both guitarists did backing vocals as well and I even saw the shorter guy doing some screaming.
(A/N: I'm not mentioning the drummer because the only drummer I have any knowledge on is Bob Bryar and he won't be included in this story)
Gerard introduced me to the others, Ray being the guy with the large hair and Frank being the shorter guy with the eyeliner. After band practice, we all went out to get something to eat and I really enjoyed hanging out with them. They all had pretty unique personalities and Ray and Frank were really cool guys.
Eventually, I became just as close with Frank and Ray as I was with Gerard and Mikey. I went to every one of their local shows in the early days and was overjoyed when they got picked up by a label. We kept in touch while they were touring and I watched as the fanbase grew from a tiny following to sold out stadium shows.
The band was called My Chemical Romance.
But as the band grew bigger and tour grew more hectic, I saw them less and less. One time I went for a whole year without so much as a text message from them. Not that it was a big deal to me, I mean, they were crazy busy and I knew that. And what with my moving to LA to take classes at UCLA, there had just been very little chance to catch up with them.
Fast forward several years and I was receiving a call from none other than Gerard Way himself, telling me that it had been way too long and that everyone wanted to meet up with me when they came through LA. I agreed immediately considering the fact that I'd been missing them like crazy.
And there I was, walking down the early morning LA street, pulling my brown leather jacket closer around me to keep the chill of the early morning air from seeping into my bones. The streets were already bustling with people, calling cabs and pushing past people without so much as an "excuse me."
I was relieved when I entered the quiet and warm coffee shop. It was a family owned shop, and better than any chain coffee place you'd find in LA. I came here regularly and the smell of coffee and the hint of chocolate was somewhat comforting. I ordered my usual, a caramel macchiato (fancy, I know), and took my usual place at the booth in the corner and waited.
Every time I heard the ring of the bell on the door, my head snapped to the front in hope that it was them. But even after forty-five minutes of waiting, they were yet to arrive. They were late.
I was beginning to wonder if they had forgotten when the bell rang yet again. I looked to the front of the shop to see a man with shocking red hair walk through the door, followed closely by a man with a brown afro, a man with brown hair and glasses, and a short man with nearly black hair and a wide grin on his face.
My guys.
My best friends.
Gerard's hazel eyes scanned the room and he smiled as they landed on me, sat in the corner of the room. I smiled and waved at them.
Their faces almost seemed to light up as they saw me and walked in my direction. My smile grew bigger as I stood from the booth, fixing my shirt in the process, so that I could give them a hug. God, I'd missed them.
As they got closer in the few brief seconds, Frank ran past the others and half shouted, "Skylar!"
I laughed as the man grabbed me and spun me in a circle. I didn't care that people were looking at us weirdly, they could get over it. Frank put me back on the ground and wrapped his arms around my torso and squeezed me tight. I buried my face into his shoulder and smiled. I loved his hugs.
He stepped away from me and I noticed the others had reached us, each with their own signature grin plastered on their faces. Frank ruffled my hair a bit and I pouted at him. He just smirked, his greenish hazel eyes sparkling as he brushed his dark hair from his face. It had grown significantly longer since the last time I'd seen him.
Mikey came next, smiling as he bent over a bit, since he was considerably taller than myself, to give me a hug.
"Man, did we miss you," He chuckled.
I laughed again. "I missed you guys, too."
He pulled away and Ray said, "Alright my turn!"
He, like Frank and Mikey, wrapped me in a tight hug.
"Careful, his hair might eat you, Sky," Someone said behind me.
"Shut up, Iero," Ray laughed, his chest vibrating with the action. I pulled away and patted Ray's hair.
"Nah. It's friendly," I laughed.
"Alright, come on. Don't I get a hug?" Gerard asked, feigning hurt.
"Of course you do, Gerard."
He pulled me in for a hug. "God, I fucking missed you," He said quietly.
I smiled. "I missed you too, Gee."
We pulled away and filed into the booth. Ray and Mikey sat on one side of the table. Gerard sat down on the other side, followed by myself. Before I even had the chance to move over more so Frank could sit, Frank was sitting on my lap.
"Um, excuse me sir, but what are you doing?" I asked him.
"What does it look like I'm doing?" He replied, turning a bit to look at me and send me a smirk.
"Shouldn't I be the one sitting on your lap, considering I'm the girl?"
He shrugged, continuing to smirk.
"Unless there's something you're not telling us, Frank..." I trailed off. This time it was my turn to smirk.
"Wh-" Before he could even finish his reply, I shoved him off of my lap. He only barely managed to keep his balance and avoid falling face first onto the tile of the coffee shop. The guys laughed and Gerard gave me a high five as I scooted over so Frank could sit next to me.
Frank sat down next to me, squishing me between Gerard and himself on the small bench.
"So how have you been, short stuff?" Frank asked me.
"Look who's talking, shorty," I replied.
"Hey, at least I'm taller than you."
"It's enough for me."
I laughed, rolling my eyes at the clown of a man.
"No, but really, how have you been, Sky? It's been forever since we've seen you," Ray said from across the table.
I smiled and laced my fingers on the table. "I've been good. My life has been absolutely insane but it's been pretty good."
"How's college been going for you?" Mikey asked.
"It's probably the most stressful thing I've ever done in my life, but I'm surviving. I actually graduate in a few months." I smiled again.
"What are you majoring in?" Gerard asked.
"Science. Biological sciences to be exact. I'm hoping to go into Criminalistics."
"Ooooo gonna be a scientist for the police department, huh?" Frank asked.
I nodded. "I'm also taking a course to be a certified EMT."
"Emergency Medical Technician, right?" Ray asked.
I nodded again.
"What for?"
"Well, you guys know my dad was an EMT. He taught me that it was always good to have emergency medical skills. You never know when you could need them. And, plus, it can save you a whole hell of a lot of money on medical bills when you can fix the problem yourself."
"And that's the Skylar we know, always thinking ahead," Gerard said with a smile, brushing his red hair out of his eyes.
I chuckled. "Yep, that's me. So what about you guys? How's everything with the band been going? I hear you guys are going in to record your fifth album."
"Yep. It's been great. The fans are amazing and it's great to just be doing what we love for a living. I couldn't think of anything else I'd rather be doing with my life," Gerard said.
"Man, it feels like it was just yesterday that you guys were still a garage band. You guys are huge now. It's mind blowing."
"Yeah. I can't say that we really believe it half the time," Mikey chuckled.
"So how are the fans?" I asked.
"They are the best fans you could ever ask for. They are so supportive of everything and they are so spirited it's just crazy," Ray laughs.
"I hear they have a thing for shipping you guys together," I laugh. "The one I hear of the most is between you two." I look at Gerard and Frank.
Gerard laughs a bit. "Frank and I can't even have a conversation on Twitter without them commenting 'Frerard.'"
"No kidding," Frank said.
"I don't even get why it's called 'Frerard,'" Gerard commented.
I turned to look at him. "What do you mean?"
"I mean why does Frank's name come first? Why can't it be something like, I don't know, Grank or something?"
I laughed.
"Because I'm awesome and Grank sounds stupid," Frank said.
"It sounds better than Frerard."
"It so doesn't."
"It totally does!"
Frank was silent for a second before replying in a mocking tone. "Or maybe it's because I would totally top in that relationship."
I was trying my hardest not to fall off the bench from laughing so hard.
"No way in fucking hell. I would totally top," Gerard replied, his voice serious.
"Nu-uh! It would be me."
"Not a chance, shorty."
"Skylar?" Both said in unison, asking my opinion on the apparently serious controversy.
I looked back and forth between the two of them before replying. "I ship it," I said with a smirk.
We all bust up laughing and began talking about other things, the conversation being put aside and forgotten.
It was later in the evening and we were walking down the slowly emptying LA streets, headed to their tour bus so I could see them off. We had spent the day wandering around the city, going into stores with no intention of buying anything, visiting a street fair, and even seeing a movie. It had been a really good day, but it had gone too fast and now they were leaving again. God knows when I would be seeing them again.
The guys had slowed their pace and were whispering to each other behind me. I stopped walking and turned around to face the whispering bunch.
"What are you four being so secretive about?" I asked, quirking my eyebrow.
Gerard sighed. "Well, it's been three years since we've seen you. That means we've missed three birthdays and three Christmases. We've missed quite a lot lately and haven't been keeping up with you nearly as much as we should. So, to help make up for that, we got you something."
"What have I told you guys about getting me gifts?" I asked. I'd told them time and time again not to get me gifts. Half the time, I couldn't afford to get them anything and even when I could, it never compared to what they got me. And honestly, I didn't want anything. As cheesy as it sounds, their friendship was all I needed.
Frank waved his hand dismissively. "Oh shut up and just accept the gift, Sky," He said with a smirk.
Gee pulled a small, rectangular, black box from his jacket pocket and handed it to me. I flipped open the lid and gasped at what I saw.
It was a necklace. It had a sturdy looking golden chain and hanging from it was a simple, golden circular disc, appearing to be approximately one inch in diameter. It was simple and elegant and I loved it.
"Flip the disk over," Mikey instructed. I did as he said and had to practically fight back tears. On the back of the circular charm, my name was engraved in the center. And following the edges of the circle, each of their names were engraved, creating a circle of their names around mine. It was beautiful.
"This way you can always have something to remind you of us and know that we are always here for you," Ray said as I looked up at them.
"Oh, guys," I said, looking at each of them. "It's beautiful. Thank you so much." I pulled them in for a group hug and still had to fight back tears. It was just a necklace, but it meant the world to me.
Gerard grabbed the box from my hands as we broke the hug and fastened the necklace around my neck. I smiled as I felt the cold metal of the disc touch my skin. "I'll never take it off," I said.
"So when's the last time you saw one of our shows?" Gerard asked as he came back around to the front of me with the others.
I thought for a second, trying to remember. "At least four years," I said. "Not since the beginning of the Black Parade tour." The guys each began to smirk at me. "What?" I asked.
"You're coming with us, then," Ray said.
"You're going to come up to the Northern California shows over the next several days with us and we'll pay for you to fly back before we leave the state," Mikey replied.
"We even have an extra bunk in the bus for you. We can stop by your apartment on the way out so you can get your clothes and stuff," Frank said with a smile.
My head was exploding with excitement. I loved seeing their shows and it'd been so long since I'd seen one. I get to spend the next several days with them, traveling around California and seeing them play for the fans. It'd be amazing. But I decided to mess with them a little bit first. "And what makes you think I would want to spend the next several days trapped on a bus with you guys?" I asked seriously, crossing my arms over my chest for an added effect.
For once, the guys actually looked confused and at a loss for words. My face broke into a grin. "I'm just kidding. I'd love to." The guys cheered.
It was the middle of the night when I woke up in my bunk on the bus. I was in my loose white tank top and black flannel pajama pants. After all, that's what I had put on for bed. I sighed as I checked the time, realizing it was close to eleven o'clock at night, the same night that we had left LA. I pulled back the dark curtains blocking the entrance to my bunk and slid out into the hallway. I chucked as I crept past the other bunks, the sound of the guys' snores resonating throughout the hall.
I pulled out a plastic cup from the cupboard in the main room and filled it with water, gripping the counter a bit to keep myself from falling over due to the bumps in the road. I glanced around the main room and spotted my backpack lying in the corner of the room. The very bag that held my clothes, a few bottles of water and several of my favorite granola bars (because I loved those things and refused to leave my apartment without them), and my extensive first aid kit that I always brought with me, thanks to the fact that I was a training EMT. When I showed the guys everything I had in it, they claimed that I could perform surgery with all of the supplies I had in it. That was pretty much true.
I looked out the window of the bus, watching as a sign reading "Route Guano" passed by. It appeared that we were in the middle of the California desert at that point. No sign of civilization in sight.
I shivered as I thought back to the chilling nightmare that had woken me from my sleep.
I was standing in the middle of the desert, the beating sun baking my skin as I stared and the motionless bodies of my best friends, each of them lying in a pool of their own blood. They were wearing strange clothes and there were strange guns scattered around the scene. Before I had the chance to move, the scene changed.
I was standing in a building, heat blistering my skin and the smell of smoke depriving my lungs of oxygen. A flash of red hair passed my vision. I called out to it, in hopes that they could tell me what was happening. But before they could do anything, a flaming mass of ceiling collapsed on me.
The scene changed again before I could feel the pain. I was crouched behind an overturned table beside Frank. Strange flashes of light passed over our heads and beside the table. Frank stood up quickly, firing a strange green gun in the opposite direction of us. Without warning, he collapsed to the ground beside me, blood pooling from a wound in his chest. I panicked as I scrambled beside him and tried to stem the bleeding. I called his name in desperation, trying to keep him alive as long as possible. Panic rose in my chest, choking my brain and causing me to not be able to think clearly. I didn't know what to do. His frantic hazel eyes met mine as he gasped for breath. He tried to say something to me, but his breathing hitched, cutting his words off. Then, he was still, his chest stopped rising, and his vacant eyes stared into mine.
I screamed in anger and rose from the ground, wielding a strange purple gun and firing at men in white suits. I didn't know what I was doing or why, but my body behaved as though it were second nature as I shot down person after person. Then, I noticed the other bodies on the ground, deathly still and pools of blood around them.
Ray, Mikey, and Gerard.
I was alone.
Then I woke up.
I had never had such a strange and chilling nightmare before. It's not like it meant anything, but it was just weird.
I had just started to head back to my bunk when the sound of an earth-shattering explosion pierced through the silent night. Before I knew what was happening, the world began to spin and I was flying through the air, my brain barely processing the sound of tearing metal and shattering glass.
My head hit something hard and the world turned black.
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