#good omens kiss amnesia
scarystickers · 1 year
Good Omens S2 managed to do something no other show I've see ever do. Write S2 exactly like a fanfic.
Sapphic side characters with a coffee shop involved? Check.
Amnesia? Check.
Side popular ship that becomes canon despite the fact that nobody ever thought it actually would? Check.
Dancing ball scene? Check.
Mischievous match making by main ship? Check.
Character B pours their heart out to Character A and confesses their love and kisses them like there's no tomorrow? Check.
Character A confesses their love back?
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
Good Omens Season 2: Some Thoughts (and also Screaming)
First, /screams
Second, obligatory disclaimer that this meta contains MAJOR SPOILERS for all six episodes. If you somehow have managed to remain virginally unspoiled, look away now, scroll past, or add "good omens s2" and "good omens spoilers" to your block list, as those are the tags I have been using for all posts and reblogs.
Third, /screams more
Okay okay okay. Deep breaths.
Anyway, so, uh, how about all that, huh? First, the good thing about the tone of the season overall was that it felt considerably darker and more adult, in a good way. We didn't have the precocious kiddies, the kitsch and literally-comphet Anathema and Newt, the so-clever narration, etc. All that was gone, which makes sense when you consider that a) the end of last season saw them reboot into an entirely new universe, and b) the fact that God has gone silent is, in fact, a major plot point for the season. We don't have Her slyly telling us the story, or indeed anything, and everyone is left to make their own judgments and take their own actions. Which, obviously, gets them into a lot of trouble, especially when Metatron (the Voice of God, aka someone acting in the belief that they're speaking for God and therefore doing terrible harm) swoops in with the ultimate buzzkill at the end of episode 6. But we'll get to that.
The downside was that the main, present-day plot (hiding Gabriel in the bookshop and trying to get Nina and Maggie to fall in love) was fairly thin, felt stretched out and at times weirdly paced, and otherwise existed mostly to get us to That Ending and the setup for season 3. But the ending was so damn good (if obviously, very painful) that I can't be TOO mad, not least because we spent six episodes with them just making absolutely no pretense about the whole thing being as incredibly homosexual as possible. I'll be honest: I did not think they were going to actually, explicitly go there. Neil Gaiman has been so consistent about "your interpretations are valid and you're welcome to read it however you want, but the only canon is what's on screen," which I think is frankly a good thing (not least since the Neil GAYman Cinematic Universe is consistently very, very good to us queers), that I just... didn't quite think they'd pull the trigger. Sir Terry is dead and can't have active input, this is based on a book published 30 years ago, maybe they didn't want to make it LIKE THAT... etc. I certainly hoped, but I didn't really think they would.
Uh. Well.
As I said in my various semi-coherent liveblog posts, I honestly don't think there was a single straight person in the entire season, among both major and background characters. Aziraphale/Crowley and Maggie/Nina are the obvious paralleling couples, but Beelzebub (using "they" pronouns and addressed as "Lord" despite presenting as femme/femme-adjacent) is clearly nonbinary and therefore also queer, and the countless gay/queer side characters were just /chefs kiss. From Job's son making a sassy pass at Aziraphale, to the random Scottish goon with Grindr on his phone (which he then gives to Aziraphale, because what is subtlety), to the interracial couple with the trans spouse at the Pride and Prejudice ball, there was just a lot of casual, unremarked, non-story-critical queer representation visible at every turn. It's like the NGCU saw the bigots wailing about Sandman season 1 being extremely gay and went CHALLENGE ACCEPTED, LET'S MAKE GOOD OMENS 2 EVEN MORE GAY.
God bless.
Obviously, Jon Hamm as Amnesia!Gabriel stole the show (he was SO fucking funny) and it was also incredibly fun to watch Miranda Richardson repurposed as a scheming demon. Nina Sosanya also reappeared as Nina the coffee shop owner, which leads us into the Maggie-and-Nina subplot. They're obviously, wildly, incredibly clearly an analogue for Aziraphale and Crowley themselves, but they're also each, crucially, a mix of both. On the surface, Maggie is Aziraphale: the plump, blonde, earnest, sweet-natured one owning a slightly dated book music shop and somewhat clueless about emotional nuances, while Nina is (also on the surface) Crowley, the hard-edged dark loner who doesn't want to open herself up to people or be spotted caring. But emotionally, Maggie is Crowley: the one openly pining, clearly besotted, only wanting to hang around their crush and do whatever they can to make themselves useful, while Nina is Aziraphale. Interested but reticent, attracted but conflicted, trapped in an abusive relationship with a demanding offscreen "lover" (Lindsay/Heaven) who tries to constantly control and shame them without ever offering much, if anything in return. By the end, they bring themselves around to what Maggie/Crowley are offering, but by then, well. We've got a lot more problems on our hands.
As I also said in my earlier posts, this entire thing has always been a metaphor for religion, queerness, and what religion -- especially abusive, fundamentalist, organized religion -- does to queer people, but they really cranked the FUCK out of that metaphor this season. Aziraphale is guilt-tripped, controlled, and shamed for his attraction to Crowley at every turn. He is torn between his imagined duty to Heaven, in all its ignorant, uncaring, bureaucratic, gratuitously cruel system that he still insists on seeing the best in because he can't bear the alternative, and the chaotic and sometimes grey but genuinely more good morality that Crowley offers him. (Can I just say, we were explicitly shown that the two of them together doing "just a little miracle" are more powerful than Heaven AND Hell combined.) And at the end, he's told that the only way he can be with Crowley -- what Metatron explicitly blackmails him with -- is if they both go back to heaven, submit themselves to the cruel system again and give up everything that has made them who they are: their home in London, their human friends, their reliance on each other, their independence, their own ways of doing things. You can be queer in this (religious) framework, but only the limited, watered-down, controlled, controllable, constantly-under-supervision kind of queer, which relies on both you and your lover "converting" back to the true faith. And if you don't cooperate, they will literally kidnap you, lie to you, manipulate you, take you from your soulmate, and force you right back into doing the one thing (destroying the world) that you never, ever wanted to do in the first place, because in their minds, that is still better than this. It's for your own good.
And the thing is: that's why the ending a) hits so hard and b) is so fucking painful, because of course Aziraphale agrees. He has no conception of being able to defy Heaven on his own; he has always, always needed Crowley for that. In the flashbacks, when Aziraphale is faced with an order from Heaven that he desperately does not want to carry out (such as letting all Job's children get killed), he still relies completely on Crowley to "outsmart the rules" and find a better way. Crowley is A Crafty Demon; that's what he does, and so Aziraphale rationalizes it to himself that therefore that must be fine. Even in season 1, when he really didn't want the Apocalypse to happen but initially thought it was his duty as a good Heaven footsoldier, he relied on Crowley to talk him out of it and allow him to do what he really wants instead. That's their whole dynamic in a nutshell, as exemplified in that scene in episode 2, where Crowley tempts Aziraphale with the "pleasures of the flesh" while sprawled on his back in Ravish Me mode like the giant walking gay disaster that he is. (Sorry, buddy. That beard. Can't do it.) Everything that Aziraphale's existence is, that makes him who he is, that he loves and cherishes the most (in this case, food and wine) comes from Crowley. Everything else is just background noise.
Throughout the season, what we see is Aziraphale increasingly coming around to the fantasy of being with Crowley. He's coy and flirty; he talks about "our car" and expects Crowley will let him (which he does); he wants to have a Jane Austen ball and for them to dance together (oh my heart); he even thinks, at the crucial moment, that the best way for them to be together is to go back to heaven just like they were in the beginning, once more perfect angels, as if those entire six thousand years of struggle and grief and pining and separation and falling didn't happen. And Crowley -- poor, poor, brave, devoted, heartbroken Crowley -- has just heard for the first time in said six thousand years that actually telling the person you love how you feel is an option. Maggie and Nina tell them point-blank that their whole stupid plan failed because people aren't chess pieces who can be moved and automatically achieve the desired result. And of course this gobsmacks the dearest and dumbest Ineffable Husbands, because they can't conceive of anything else. People are chess pieces in the Great War of Heaven and Hell; Aziraphale and Crowley themselves are chess pieces who have been desperately trying to get out of being moved by external forces, but that doesn't change the fact that that's what they are. They don't have volition or agency aside from that which they can sneak for themselves in brief and stolen moments. That's it.
Until, well. It's not it. They discover that this whole would-be war is actually an elaborate ruse to cover up another angel-demon romance, that of Gabriel and Beelzebub. (I'll be honest, I'm 99% sure they did this storyline because they saw the fans crackshipping them, but I appreciate a fictional narrative that values and incorporates its fans' input, rather than trying to constantly "trick" or "outsmart" them or "do what they don't expect.") And Gabriel and Beelzebub get to be together, but only by leaving their world forever. They have to desert their homes, their structures, even their own identities, and never return. And Crowley and Aziraphale are so rooted in their "precious, perfect, fragile" life in their little corner of Soho, with their bookshop and their Bentley and their dining at the Ritz (which they didn't get to do in the end because METATRON /shakes fist), that that just doesn't work. Neither of them can conceive of doing that. So Aziraphale thinks "go back to heaven and try to make the terrible system do some good and take what we can in terms of being together" and Crowley just... pours out his heart. He's ready to fucking propose. He barely stops himself from saying something to the effect of "I want to spend eternity with you." He begs, he pleads with Aziraphale to go away not in the literal sense, but the emotional/metaphysical: to finally break this toxic dependence on Heaven and tell them once and for all where to stick it. And because he is desperate to make Aziraphale understand, he finally throws all caution to the winds and recklessly, desperately, adoringly kisses him, the one thing he's wanted to do for ages and...
Gets. Shot. Down.
Ugghhhhh. I'm suffering all over again. Aziraphale wants him, hungers for it, for them, and yet he's been so abused and so conditioned by Heaven (he's still blithely repeating to Crowley's face that "Hell are the bad guys!") that he just cannot accept that kind of desperate, blind, limitless, lawless affection. He even forgives Crowley for this "transgression," just to really twist the knife, and Crowley just can't take it, can't face up to how terribly this has all gone up in flames, after he went to heaven trying to find the answer for Gabriel's situation. Gabriel, who he fucking hates. Gabriel, who tried to kill the angelic being he loves (and for which Crowley has transparently never forgiven him). And yet at one pouty puppy-eyed look from Aziraphale and a warning that whoever is harboring Gabriel might be in danger, Crowley leaps headlong into the Bentley again and rushes to the rescue while "Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy" is blaring. He stoutly protects Gabriel; he does a miracle to disguise him; he lets him have hot chocolate and stay in the bookshop; he guards him from the literal demonic horde outside. All because of Aziraphale. That's it. And then, it still doesn't work. Not only that, Gabriel's absence and decision to forego Armageddon gives Heaven the one tool they finally need to take Aziraphale away from him.
I repeat: Ugghhhhhhhh.
(In a good way. Ngl, I love this angst. This is the kind of angst my brain Thrives on, the Thematic Parallel Romantic Character Arc kind. Nom nom nom. But also: AGONY.)
I also need to talk about Aziraphale driving the Bentley, aside from the obvious metaphor of him being in Crowley's home while Crowley is in his. Last season, we had the "you go too fast for me, Crowley" scene with them sitting in said Bentley, which was Aziraphale saying he's not ready for a relationship. In this season, as noted above, we see Aziraphale increasingly embracing the potential fantasy of being with Crowley. But here's the catch: when he's in the Bentley this time, driving it, setting the pace, acclimating to the idea, he's driving his own idea of what the Bentley/his relationship with Crowley is. It's not the real thing. He plays classical music; he supplies himself sweets; he turns it yellow; he drives too slow. Crowley calls him in another old-married-couple snitfit to complain that Aziraphale's messed it up, but what Aziraphale has actually messed up (or will, by the end of the season) is far more consequential than just a car. He's changed the entire shape of their relationship to the one he thinks can make it work, and it just doesn't. It has to be them -- "we could have been... Us" -- or it's not even close to the truth. It's not worth their time.
I repeat: Ouch.
Speaking of the writers validating fan theories, I know we all picked up and screamed about on Crowley's idea of Peak Romance Guaranteed To Fall In Love being sheltering from rain and gazing into each other's eyes, which confirms that that poor bastard was indeed ass-over-teakettle gone as soon as he met Aziraphale (again) in Eden. I also need to talk about the 1941 redux, because wow. This time, the danger comes from Hell, which we see being its usual self: gleefully, pointlessly cruel, pettily backbiting, dirty, sniping, tedious, endless, determined to mindlessly destroy because They're The Bad Guys and they like it. So they blackmail, spy on, miracle-block, illicitly photograph, and try to prove that Aziraphale and Crowley are secretly a couple, right after Aziraphale himself has just had the Light From Heaven realization that he's in love (which we all also picked up on in s1). They're forcibly outing them (to speak of more Religious Queer Trauma) in order to break them up/get them into trouble with their authorities/families. Aziraphale and Crowley manage to escape it mostly by dumb luck, but Crowley having an altogether freakout, hands shaking, barely able to actually point the gun at Aziraphale even in the knowledge that it's supposed to be fake, is just... wow. He can't even fathom the idea of ever trying to destroy him in earnest, especially when he knows on some level that Aziraphale also finally just realized his own feelings. So I just need to --
Anyway, Aziraphale's entire arc this season is doing what he thinks is the right thing and then inadvertently causing harm and damage as a result. In the Edinburgh flashbacks (live slug reaction of me: SEAN BIGGERSTAFF???!!) he tries to stop Elspeth from stealing bodies and gets Morag killed and Crowley drinking the laudanum to save him (though that part with David Tennant just riffing left and right, using his natural Scottish accent, and being Tiny Crowley/Huge Crowley was hilarious). He invites his neighbors to a Pride and Prejudice ball and makes them all the target for demonic attack. And of course the Job episode: Aziraphale, horrified at Heaven's callous cruelty, desperate not to get Job's children killed, willing to go along with Crowley's tricks to save them somehow, tempted by Crowley to do the fucknasty with their angel bits eat some food and decide that he likes it. As mentioned, the whole thing about God being silent this season is a major thematic choice. The only time we see/hear God is Her communing with Job from afar. Aziraphale enviously imagines the answers he must be getting (he's not, he's baffled and perplexed), while Crowley longs beyond words to even have the opportunity to ask the question: why? Why do this? Why is this your plan?
And of course, this absence culminates in the Metatron, the Voice of God, the person arrogantly claiming that they're speaking for God and know exactly what Heaven wants, being able to seize Aziraphale by the short hairs and absolutely fuck him over. Gabriel is gone/decommissioned/eloping with Beelzebub, so Heaven needs a Supreme Leader (God apparently is no longer a factor in the equation). And what this Supreme Leader needs to do is finally unleash the Apocalypse that Gabriel decided to pass on (the Second Coming). Aziraphale needs to be punished, taken away from Crowley's influence/love, and put back under Heaven's explicit control, so Metatron spots a great opportunity to do all three at once. It's not an accident that the exact tool he uses to get Aziraphale to agree is "now you can actually be with Crowley!" Aziraphale and Crowley have been trying so hard to hide out from their respective Head Offices, but now all at once, there's this seemingly miraculous opportunity for them not to have to do that anymore! They can be together! They can be sanctioned by Heaven! They can give up all this hiding and sneaking around and lying! Isn't that better?
... As long as, of course, they give up absolutely everything that makes them who they are. No big deal. Minor catch. Probably nothing.
Metatron doesn't let Aziraphale have time to escape, or think it over, or reflect, or anything. He pressures Aziraphale to come with him immediately, or be once more subject to Heaven's implicit wrath/destruction/judgment. Believe me, Aziraphale already KNOWS he's made a huge mistake, as soon as he hears what Metatron really wants: bringing him back to unleash the Apocalypse that Aziraphale and Crowley have given up literally everything to prevent. He doesn't need time to reflect. By the time my man is in that elevator, he's well aware of what a catastrophic misjudgment he's made, and yet --
Aziraphale needs this. He has, as noted, literally always relied on Crowley outsmarting Heaven's cruel orders in order to prevent himself from having to do them. He's relied on Crowley rescuing him ("rescuing me makes him so happy," WELL BUB, IT'S BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS NEED IT). He admits to Crowley's face that "I need you!" He hates Heaven's sadistic meanness, but he has absolutely no framework, in and of himself, to defy it. When the rubber hits the road, he will crumple and try to go along with it, and now he's been put in a position where he's going to have to stand up, defy Heaven, and make the break once and for all BY HIMSELF. He doesn't have Crowley around to do it for him, he has no support, he is going to arrive in Heaven and be shuttled straight off to the Apocalypse 2.0 War Room. The only way he gets out of this is if he actively stands up, if he chooses himself and Crowley and their life, and he has to.
The thing is:
Aziraphale has lived his entire eternal existence Looking Up. Up is the direction of Goodness and Heaven. Up is where Angels go. Up is where Aziraphale comes from and where Demons and Hell are not. But now he's going Up, in a position to take over the whole shebang, and it's the last thing he wants.
So he's going to have to come back Down.
He's going to have to Fall. He's going to have to get back Below at all costs. He's going to have to finally, once and for all, understand what led Crowley to make the choice to leave Heaven and never come back. It's only then that they can possibly be together on any kind of conscious, equal, deliberate footing, claim their own agency, reject Heaven AND Hell, and try to really earn that South Downs cottage and that happy-ever-after, and it's gonna hurt so good.
Now if you will excuse me, /screams
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butterflywithsass · 5 months
Watched Dead Boy Detectives last night and I’m obsessed. If you like the queerness of good omens, but with more gore, and in the same universe as the Sandman (death and despair both show up) if you like dark academia gay boys, if you like ghosts, or paranormal stuff, or demons, if you like cats — lemme tell you this show is for you.
So, like, there’s these two ghost boys who are best friends but also gay for each other but also a secret third thing and their names are Edwin and Charles.
Edwin Payne was a demonic sacrifice in 1916 and as spend literal decades in hell but escaped. He’s a repressed Victorian gay who has zero charisma but every single man he meets becomes obsessed with him and wants to sleep with him except the boy he actually likes which is his best friend Charles. His entire character arc is about gay panic and getting over his internalized homophobia — he wears bow ties!!!! He doesn’t know what a hand job is. He’s literally the perfect tumblr blorbo. His superpower is getting tortured. He’s so sassy! His sexual awakening comes at the hands of a cat king and his first kiss is with a crow.
Charles died in like the 90s or something I’m not sure. He’s so optimistic and sunshine but also so full of rage. He’s the most supportive guy 100/10 would trust him with anything. He doesn’t like to talk about his issues. When confronted with the inexorable monsters of hell he solved the problem with a Molotov cocktail. I love him and his single earring he’s a golden retriever who would rather stay on earth with best friend than move on to a peaceful afterlife. His jawline is impeccable he can’t not press a big red button when he sees it.
Crystal Palace I wasn’t sold on because I thought she’d get between my boys but she actually so cool and I developed a bit of a crush let’s be honest I have a thing for curly haired witchy girls, she’s a physic with amnesia and a demon stalker ex boyfriend people stare at her when she hangs out with the boys cause it looks like she’s talking to herself. Everyone she knows thinks she’s insane. She’s a reformed mean girl.
Niko Sisaki I was a little iffy about because it felt like they were gonna go with the bimbo anime Asian girl but turns out she just had a parasite that made pink hearts float around her. She’s so weird she tries to help Edwin with his gay problem by introducing him to explicit gay fan fiction, she tries to get her landlord to date, she likes cool rocks. She has two tiny people trapped in a jar in her room. Her friendship with Edwin is everything. She’s ghosting her mom.
Jenny. I love her so much, she feels so safe which is weird because she chops meat and all her clothes are covered in blood. Everything about just screams big sister and her character arc is learning to embrace that. She goes on one date and almost gets murdered.
Monty. He’s literally a crow turned into a boy. He’s down bad for Edwin. He’s a secret honeypot agent for an evil witch. He has the most adorable smile, the whole time I was expecting him to be an agent of Morpheus. He’s obsessed with astrology.
The Night nurse originally annoyed me a bit (in a good way) I just wanted to get rid of her. When Charles punted her into a giant sea monster I clapped. Then it just got weird and I love it.
The cat king. He’s such a creep, but honestly, I love that for him. He has some of the best lines and he just exudes cat. He’s a classic fairy tale trickster, he a nuisance for the whole season, he’s central to the plot, he’s constantly hitting on Edwin.
Esther. She’s a archetypal evil witch. She gives off mystic trash vibes. She’s obsessed with beauty and revenge. She’s shamelessly horrible. She feeds kids to her giant snake. She literally can’t die.
All in all, I think I’m gonna have brain rot over this for the next year, go and watch it.
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(Somewhat disorganized thoughts to follow…)
So I’m sitting here thinking about Good Omens, as usual. And I’m wondering. What if Aziraphale hadn’t gone to chat with the Metatron?
Because it’s easy to say “awww yisss there would have been love confessions and kisses and everything would be better.”
But would it?
Because as the great Bildad the Shuhite said, “Nothing has to change.”
If there’s anything this 6000-year slow-burn has shown us, these two are content to remain… not exactly the same, but changing in glacially slow ways (and also not really content, but they’ll fucking do it anyway).
I think watching Gabriel and Beelzebub go off together got them both to realize that things could be different. But would that be enough to get them talking? Or would they have just gone off to their alcoholic breakfast, made a few jokes about whatever the hell’s just happened, then wind up back at the shop drunkenly talking about dolphins and bird space ships again, the needle on their relationship barely moved? And stay that way until the Second Coming finally arrived to shake things up?
Because it’s not a question, really, of them realizing something or revealing something. They both know.
Crowley knows what he wants, but he’d rather spend the next thousand years scowling from the sidelines and watching his angel be a happy idiot than actually put his feelings into words.
And Aziraphale—well, he has ideas, more than we give him credit for, he isn’t wholly oblivious, but his ideas are happy little dream worlds he can play out in his mind. He’s waiting for a better deal—not better than Crowley, obviously, but better than the precarious balance they currently exist in. A perfect shiny happy ending where everything is Good and Nice. And he’s willing to wait basically forever, just thinking about how nice it will be when it happens.
They need nudges. They need excuses. Especially Aziraphale. He sets up this whole ball for Nina and Maggie (partially) so he can ask Crowley to dance for the first time, but he’s there every day! You can just ask him to dance any time! He still denies having a “special” person to amnesia Gabriel. He doesn’t remember anything! Literally everyone in Heaven and Hell and also Earth think you’re an item now anyway! Just say the words!
The nudge for him was the Metatron’s offer. Taking charge of Heaven. Crowley at his side. They can make the Good guys truly Good. No one to question whether they belonged together. Happy ending.
Crowley’s nudge, of course, was Nina and Maggie telling him to goddamn say something. And I don’t think any of them realize it, but that had to be his conversation. If the two ladies had come over and talked to Aziraphale the same way (solo), he’d throw all his defenses back up and that would have been the end of it. If they’d talked to angel and demon together, well. These two are idiots. Aziraphale and Crowley would have refused to take the conversation seriously, talked circles around their guests, and left for their breakfast, laughing together over those humans and their ideas.
So for Crowley to get his nudge, he had to be alone when they visited, and for that to happen, Aziraphale had to go have his talk with the Metatron. Aziraphale had to get a perfect enough option to overcome his anxiety, and for that he needed his chat.
Now, am I saying that without the Metatron’s interference they never ever would have moved forward? Maybe. They’re complete idiots, your honor.
Maybe not, though. As I said, they just watched another angel and demon go off together. Would that be enough for Crowley to realize that, hey, actual communication sometimes has good results? Would that be close enough to a perfect ending to assuage Aziraphale’s fears?
I don’t know if we can say for sure. But I’ve been trying to play out that last scene in the bookshop differently to find where the path to the happy ending was, and I think this is the answer. Aziraphale needed to not go to the Metatron at all. They needed to be on their way before Nina and Maggie decided to visit. And then… somewhere in the talking and drinking that followed, one of them would have to take a risk.
And like, have you met these two? They’d be dooooooomed…
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inevitably-johnlocked · 7 months
hi my dearest
any fics that are based on a movie? or good alternative meeting ones?
Hi Lovely!
I've got a TONNE of Movie-inspired fics! What a grand excuse to post the next part of my Crossovers list! Hope you enjoy all of these!! I've also gone through my MFL list to pad out this list a bit more, hee hee.
If anyone has some more to add that isn't on one of my numerous movie / TV-related lists, please do!
And finally, I actually ALSO had WiPs on this list but I had to remove them because Tumblr has a link limit, so if you guys want me to post a separate 2.5 list with those on it, just let me know! I've about 20 MORE fics I could add here :P
See also:
Crossovers & Fusions Pt 1
Crossovers & Fusions Pt 1.5 (MFL)
Fairy Tales and Fantasy
TV, Movies, and Books AU (Fantasy Pt. 2)
Wonderful Life AU
Sherlock / Hannibal Crossovers
Science Fiction / Fantasy
Urban / Modern Fantasy
Disney-esque Fics
Moulin Rouge AU
TV Show AU
Sherlock x  Good Omens Crossovers (Updated Apr 2022)
Hogwarts / Wizarding World AU (MFLs) (Potterlock)
In The End by whitchry9 (K+, 9,677 w., 17 Ch. || Memento Fusion || Amnesia, Growing Old, Hurt / Comfort, Friendship, Heavy Angst) – When a brain injury leaves Sherlock unable to make new memories, John wonders how Sherlock will cope, and what it will mean for The Work and their life. Because after all, how can you live if you can't feel time passing?
Domestic Matters by ohlooktheresabee (M, 29,404 w., 6 Ch. || Fantasy AU || First Meetings, Developing Relationship, Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, BAMF Sherlock, BAMF John, Idiots in Love, Misunderstandings, Supernatural Elements, Implied / Referenced Child Abuse, Elf Sherlock, Human/Elf Politics, Emotional Abuse, Possessive Sherlock, Anxious Sherlock, Buddy Greg) – All flatmates need to work out domestic matters between them - who does the dishes, who takes out the rubbish, how often does the carpet need to be vacuumed - these are part and parcel of sharing a living space together. However, when you’re an elf and your flatmate is going to be a human you just met, this rather complicates things…Very loosely inspired by 'The Elves and The Shoemaker' by The Brothers Grimm.
Out There by DiscordantWords (T, 131,695 w., 10 Ch. || X-Files Fusion || Past Soldier John, Panic Attacks, POV Alternating Present Tense, Anxious John, Canon Adjacent, Deductions, Obsessive Sherlock,, Travelling, Sherlock’s Family, Jealous Sherlock, Mind Palace John, Awkward Flirting, Batting Cage, Kidnapped/Abducted John, Semi-Reverse Reichenbach, Worried/Anxious Sherlock, Hospital, Slow Burn, UST, Case Fic, Government Conspiracy, Aliens, UFOs, Mutants, Mutual Pining, First Kiss, Coma John, Forehead Touching, Hand Holding, Drinking/Bars, Past Jolto) – FBI Special Agent John Watson, medical doctor and army veteran, is assigned to assist eccentric genius Sherlock Holmes with paranormal investigations on the X-Files project.
Asteroidea by etothepii (T, 1,769 w., 1 Ch. || His Dark Materials Fusion || Daemon Sherlock) – In the pocket of his trousers, next to his phone, Mycroft carries the standard-issue steel capsule meant for protecting arthropod daemons. When people ask about it, he smiles and tells them she's not fond of the light, or of people other than himself. This is a lie.  [TRANSLATION: Русский] Part 1 of Asteroidea
Have we met before? by avalanching effect (G, 2,013 w., 1 Ch. || Sherlock and Co. Crossover || Crack / Humour, Holding Hands, Banter, POV John) – "Uhm, we got an anonymous tip about some suspicious activity that would be happening in Regent's park today, thank you anonymous tip giver. It said— actually I don't know what it said, it was sent directly to Sherlock and he won't let me read it."
Rider on the Storm by swabloo (G, 3,715 w., 1 Ch. || Alex Rider Crossover || BAMF John) – Sometimes he thinks about turning to Sherlock and saying, 'look, my name isn't actually John,' and telling him about how he's been living off adrenaline since he was fourteen.
The Unexpected Threat by J_Baillier (T, 4,283 w., 1 Ch. || Military AU / Pacific Rim Fusion || Established Relationship, Medical Conditions, Coronaviruses, Doctor John, Bratty Sherlock, Romance, Science Fiction, Futuristic Medicine, Ghost Drifting AKA Telepathy, Medical Hurt/Comfort, Sexual Healing) – The kaiju are not the only threat to the security and well-being of the staff of PPDC's Chard's Rift base. It's the year 2050, and a coronavirus epidemic sweeping the planet has reached The Azores. Part 4 of the At The Edge of Our Hope
lionheart by dreamweavernyx (G, 4,851 w., 1 Ch. || Harry Potter Crossover || Character Study, Friendship) – Some days, Molly finds her eyes straying to that drawer in her desk, the one holding a slim piece of wood and the memories of a life she's left behind.
Queer Eye: Johnlock Edition by fellshish (T, 5,799 w., 1 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Queer Eye Fusion || Post S4, Humour, Angst with Happy Ending, Reality TV, First Kiss, Love Confessions) – John is Not Gay, Sherlock is Married to his Work. It’s been years and years, and Molly is fed up with her clueless friends. She nominates John for the new season of Netflix’s ‘Queer Eye’, and asks the Fab Five to not only renew his closet, but drag the man out of it.
Friend by esama (G, 7,909 w., 1 Ch. || Harry Potter Crossover || Character Death, Kid Fic) – Sherlock finds the skull when he's five.
Every Atom of This Summer on My Tongue by  221b_careful_what_you_wish_for (M, 9,524 w., 5 Ch. || 1980’s / Call Me By Your Name Fusion || Summer Romance, Desire, Pining, Angst With Happy Ending, POV Sherlock, Sexual Experimentation, Masturbation, Emotional Sex, Sensuality, 1980s Italy) – While vacationing at his family’s villa on the Italian coast, 18-year-old Sherlock finds himself attracted to John Watson, an older American graduate student working on his first novel. They fall into a passionate affair, desperately wishing their languid afternoons and sultry summer nights would never end.(Inspired by the novel 'Call Me By Your Name.' You don't need to have read the book or seen the film to enjoy this.)
All Is Fine by Iwantthatcoat (T, 11,063 w., 7 Ch. || Zoolander Crossover || Agender / Nonbinary Sherlock, Occasional Transphobic Language) – Sherlock's on a case...undercover at an exclusive fashion show as a model. That's right... he's giving it his All. Pop stars are dying, and there's one common thread...a scarlet thread of murder running through the colourless skein of life, and it's our duty to unravel it, and isolate it, and...make a really nice garment out of it.
Takes Two To Tango by phqyd_roar (E, 12,956 w., 6 Ch. || Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Crossover || Sherlock/Iain & Johnlock || Post S4 Fix It, Jealous John, Whirlwind Romance, Fluff and Angst, Dirty Talk, Bottom Sherlock, Virgin Sherlock, Alternate Ending) – Just when Sherlock Holmes is beginning to think his relationship with John Watson will never recover from all its ups and downs, he meets Iain MacKelpie, freelance photographer back from Afghanistan, who looks exactly like John Watson.
Better Call Sherlock by Gregorovitch (M, 13,032 w., 4 Ch. || Better Call Saul Crossover || Established Relationship, Case Fic, Legal Drama, Implied Sex, Happy Ending) – Sherlock and John are assigned a case in Albuquerque, New Mexico this time. Shenanigans ensue, with lots of chicanery.
The Adventure of Downton Abbey by PlaidAdder (T, 13,427 w., 1 Ch. || ACD Canon / Downton Abby Crossover || Undercover for a Case, Case Fic) – Desperate to free her husband from prison, Anna Smith Bates tracks down Holmes in the country retreat he shares with Dr. Watson and persuades him to come out of retirement and investigate the death of Vera Bates. Holmes visits Downton Abbey under an assumed identity, with Watson in disguise as his valet. Working together again helps them cope with a recent trauma that severely tested their longstanding relationship--and also allows them to uncover a solution consistent with and yet so much more satisfying than the one used on the actual show.
Scream! by johnwatso (E, 15,250 w., 8 Ch. || Scream Crossover || Post S4, Horror / Slasher, Friends to Lovers, Hurt/Comfort, Case Fic, Minor Character Death, Copycat Killer, Three Garridebs Moment) – An unknown number starts calling Sherlock and asking questions about horror movies. John is pretty sure it's a serial killer.
The Sinking Of The Titanic: Sixty Years Later by flawedamythyst (T, 15,340 w., 1 Ch. || Historical Titanic Fusion || John POV, Deaths) – John Watson is interviewed for a documentary being made for the sixtieth anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic. The story he tells is not the one the interviewer was expecting.
Sanctuary by a_different_equation (E, 15,437 w., 7 Ch. || Medieval AU / Canterbury Tales Fusion || Blacksmith Sherlock, Guard John, Secret Relationship, Dom Sherlock, Sub John, Porn With Plot, Rimming, Blow Jobs, Anal, BAMF Female Characters) – England, 1230: John Watson is an ex-soldier who works as the head of the guards in his hometown. Sherlock Holmes, the local blacksmith, is his secret.
Over Cloud and Under Cloud by khorazir (T, 16,477 w., 3 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Cabin Pressure Crossover || Post-TRF, Angst, Humour, Pre-Slash, Pining) – After his Fall, Sherlock travels the world to destroy what remains of James Moriarty's criminal empire. When things don't go according to plan and he finds himself in desperate need of a discreet means of travel, cue MJN Air... Part 1 of the Over/Under series
The Hopes and Fears of all the Years by Joaquinbumblebee24 (T, 16,567 w., 11 Ch. || House MD Crossover || UAP Divergence, Illness, Medical Inaccuracies, Alternating POVs, POV House, POV John, Medical Professionals, Developing Relationship, Flashbacks, Sports References, Neurology/Neuroscience) – 27 years ago, House became the father of Sherlock Holmes. 27 years later, every father's worst nightmare came true when Sherlock's roommate, John Watson, called in the middle of the night to inform House that his son was ill.
It's About Time, Don't You Think by WaywardSpark (M, 17,113 w., 4 Ch. || About Time Fusion || Time Traveller John, Romantic Comedy, Magical Realism, Bars and Pubs, Pining John, Background Case) – If you were to ask Sherlock Holmes where he and John Watson met for the first time, he would confidently be able to tell you Lab room 2, St Bart's Hospital, London, 29th of January 2010 at 11:47 in the morning. For John Watson, it's an entirely different story.
In Arduis Fidelis by Raliena (T, 18,628 w., 10 Ch. || GI Joe Crossover || Captivity, Surgery, BAMF John, John “Three Continents” Watson, POV John Watson, Prisoner of War, Cobra - Freeform, soldier John, John-centric, Doctor John Watson, John is a Very Good Doctor, Violence) – Once upon a time John was a Soldier and a Doctor. And he was known John or Doc or Doctor. But things change. And he *earned* his right to the name “Three Continents Watson”. Part 1 of the Three Continents Watson series
Hinder-Them Holmes by breathesomeday (T, 19,485 w., 1 Ch. || Wreck-It Ralph Fusion / Gaming AU || Angst, Fluff) – “My name is Sherlock Holmes and I’m a bad guy.”
Until the End of my Days by chervilspotatoes (M, 20,272 w., 20 Ch. || Merlin Crossover / Medieval Magical AU || Sorcerer Sherlock, Prince John, Pining Sherlock, Developing Relationship, Teenlock, Servant Sherlock, BAMF Sherlock, BAMF John, Heroic Sherlock, Misunderstandings, Alternating POV, Protective Greg, Love Confessions, Soul Bond / Mates, Happy Ending) – Sherlock learns to embrace his destiny as Prince John's protector, but soon realizes he is in love with the unavailable prince. However, this knowledge does not stop him from staying by John's side as John becomes king and faces unforeseen circumstances.
If I had a boat I would sail to you by Sunnyrea (E, 20,576 w., 1 Ch. || Titanic Fusion) – John is completely different and special from anyone Sherlock would normally come in contact with - no talk of money and hidden family secrets, no surface, superfluous conversations and blatant lies. John was the most honest person in less than five minutes Sherlock has ever met. He wants to know everything else there is to know about John Watson.
I wake up and I wake up and you're still dead by thisprettywren (M, 24,226 w., 1 Ch. || Memento Fusion AU || Amnesia, Timelines, Case Fic) – Sherlock isn't the only one who's lost.
Lost At Sea by orphan_account (T, 24,445 w., 11 Ch. || Titanic Crossover || Johnlock and Adlock) – John Watson boards Titanic looking for a new life, free from all those terrible things he's seen and done. Sherlock Holmes boards Titanic reluctant, bound to a woman he does not want. Two souls, bathing in the stars forever, lost at sea.
hurry home by augustbird (E, 25,606 w., 1 Ch. || Skyfall / Bond Fusion || Sherlock as Q, John as 007) – When John is recruited into the MI6 to track down a security leak, he didn’t expect it to get this out of hand. At least he has Sherlock Holmes. Skyfall fusion. Sequel to us against.
The Man in the Crimson Cloak by Aelaer (T, 25,968 w., 6 Ch. || Dr. Strange Crossover || Post-S1 / Post Avengers Endgame, No Johnlock, Action / Adventure, POV Sherlock, Dimension Travel, BAMF Strange, BAMF Sherlock, Bratty Sherlock) – Sherlock’s terribly ordinary and outright dull day turns into something well beyond his wildest dreams when a most interesting stranger enters his flat. Part 3 of the Adventures Throughout the Multiverse series
A Visit To The Doctor by flawedamythyst (T, 28,318 w., 1 Ch. || ACD/BBC Crossover || Time Travel, Hollywood Physics) – When Watson gets ill, Holmes goes to extraordinary lengths to get him well again.
The Unsinkable Ship by drjohnhwatson (NR, 36,758 w., 5 Ch. || ACD Canon Holmes Titanic Fusion || Retirement, Established Relationship, Historical References) – Holmes and Watson board Titanic for her maiden voyage.
Keeping It Loki by AtlinMerrick (E, 39,016 w., 11 Ch. || MCU Crossover || Loki/Sherlock and Johnlock, Oral Sex, Banter, Storytelling, Dream Sex, Wet Dream, Anal, Sexy Talk, Domestics) – Look, it was a dream god damn it. It was just a sexy, toe-curling, kinky, cock-hardening, *wet* dream. Yet it didn't matter how many times John told Sherlock that, Sherlock got all red-faced and stalked out of the sitting room, and then stalked back with his mouth open but stalked off again without actually saying anything. Yes, well John Watson knew precisely what to do about that.
A Lost Heart - An Empty Home by Raliena (T, 41,183 w., 21 Ch. || GI Joe Fusion || TEH / Post-TFP, Mystery, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Three Continents Watson, Violence, BAMF John, Soldier John, Sherlock-centric) – Nearly three years have passed since Sherlock jumped, and now he comes home to finish what he started. He wants to finish with John by his side. But that may not be as simple as he first thought. Part 3 of Three Continents Watson
The Baker Street House by qalets (T, 42,046 w., 13 Ch. || Lake House Fusion || Mollstrade, Alternate Timelines, Time Travel, Epistolary, Case Fic, Slow Burn, Pining, Mutual Pining, Emotional Constipation, London) – At the end of his tenancy in a flat in Baker Street Dr John Watson starts a tentative correspondence with the previous tenant: a Mr Sherlock Holmes. But Sherlock only just moved in. Together, while two years apart, they begin to fall for each other through letters, while life, and cases, continue around them.
Here We Go Again by disfictional (E, 46,687 w., 10 Ch. || Mama Mia-Inspired Fusion || Post-S4, Older Rosie, Alternating POV, Reunion, Retirement, Case Fic, Mutual Pining, Coming Out, Parentlock, Weddings, Fluff and Angst) – Ransacking some old trunks, Rosie Watson finds her father's old journal filled with remnants of a blog he used to keep about his association with Sherlock Holmes. In an attempt to meet the man who had a profound impact on her early years, Rosie invites the long-estranged detective to her wedding under false pretences.
Whirlwind by DiscordantWords (M, 50,640 w., 10 Ch. || WiP || Twister Fusion || Bad Weather, Storm Chasing, Post Break Up, Reunions, Non-Linear Narrative, Mutual Pining, Angst with Happy Ending) – New job, new truck, new fiancée... John Watson, former storm chaser, has settled into a comfortable new life. There's only one problem: John's already married. And the the divorce papers he's been sending to his former partner, Sherlock Holmes, keep going missing. So with his fiancée Mary by his side, John reluctantly makes a trip to see him in the hopes of finalizing their divorce once and for all. But John arrives in the midst of a very active storm season, and Sherlock very clearly hasn’t let go of the past. Against his better judgement, John finds himself talked into riding along after one last storm.
The Lost Duke by SelfSameLine (M, 51,395 w., 13 Ch. || Anastasia Fusion || Romance, Kidlock, Royalty, Slow Build, Friends to Lovers) – "We’re looking for him.” John pointed up the stairs to the portrait hanging proudly against the wall. It was blackened and torn in places, but two faces, one of a pretty woman and one of a dark haired boy remained unmarred, staring blankly out into the night.The boy’s eyebrows knitted together. “A royal?” Lestrade huffed. “The lost duke, yes. Haven’t you heard of him?”
If He Be Worthy by AndyHood (T, 58,110 w, 18 Ch. || Avengers / MCU Crossover || Friendship, Adventure) – In the aftermath of the alien invasion of London, Coulson's team is set out to retrieve a man, a man that had picked up Thor's hammer. John Watson hadn't meant to get mixed up in the alien invasion only intending to repay a favor. He had only been surveying the damage done by the aliens when he had tripped on a hammer, he didn't know the significance of being able to pick it up.
Il Traviato by kedgeree (E, 68,809 w., 18 Ch. || Pretty Woman Fusion || Romance, Prostitution, Case Fic, False Identity, First Kiss/Time) – A down-on-his-luck ex-soldier meets a wealthy businessman in need of a short-term companion. [TRANSLATION: 中文-普通话國語]
Real Time by Callie4180 (T, 74,935 w., 25 Ch. || 24 Fusion || Creepy Moriarty, Violence, BAMF Mrs Hudson, Suggestions of Torture, Biochemist Sherlock, Bodyguard John) – The world is under the threat of a biological weapon, and a brilliant biochemist needs protection. His own life is a mess, and he doesn't know who he can trust. He's going to have to be at his best every moment if he's going to survive. This is going to be the longest day of John Watson's life.
So Grant Us All a Change of Heart by ArwaMachine (E, 83,276 w., 5 Ch. || Christmas Carol Fusion || T6T Compliant, Pining, Angst with Happy Ending, Smut, Temporary Character Death, Drug Use / Reference, Suicide) – It’s Christmastime at Baker Street, but things are far from festive. Mary is dead, John and Sherlock’s friendship is all but ruined, and Sherlock has become a right dick about everything. More convinced than ever that sentiment is objectively useless, Sherlock needs a little paranormal intervention to see the error of his ways or else run the risk of losing all that is important to him.
I Am a Camera by mom2boys (T, 89,929 w., 36 Ch. || Enola Holmes Crossover || Developing Relationship, WW2 / Spanish Civil War, Weimar Germany, Period-Typical Homophobia, Nazi Germany, Fascism, Promiscuity, Espionage, BAMF John, Closeted John, Angst With Happy Ending) – So begins John H. Watson's Great Work. It is the story of two men who meet just before the tide of war and fascism sweeps across Europe and the world. Circumstances will separate them, but the arc of history is long and bends towards love.
The Hollow Ones by antietamfalls (M, 100,244 w., 23 Ch. || Walking Dead Fusion || Zombie Apocalypse, Angst, Slow Build, Emotional Constipation, Protective John, Hurt/Comfort) – The dead walk. Mangled corpses of the deceased rise and mindlessly feast upon the flesh of the living. John wakes up, alone and confused, into the remnants of a city gone mad. He will search for answers. He will find Sherlock at any cost. And he will learn that the living are far more dangerous than the dead. 
Metamorphosis by KtwoNtwo (T, 101,597 w., 29 w., || James Bond / Skyfall Fusion / Werewolf AU || Post-Skyfall, Werewolf Bond, Werewolf Q, Case Fic, Slow Build, Q is a Holmes) – “Other duties as assigned” takes on a whole new meaning when James Bond returns from a mission and finds himself juggling his 00 status, preternatural politics and having to act as pack leader to a newly created werewolf. Part 1 of The Government Pack
Keep the Car Running by earlgreytea68 (M, 125,124 w., 31 Ch. || Inception Fusion  || Tags to Be Added) – If Mycroft Holmes lived in a world where people could steal information from the subconsciouses of others, tell me he wouldn't be all over that when he had Moriarty in custody. Part 1 of KtCR
The Dragon's Spell Series by ImpossibleElement (M, 280,698 w. across 4 works || Descendants Fusion || Alternating POV, Heroes & Villains, Humour, Romance, Mystery, Drama, Slow Burn, Teenlock, Dragons, Dubious Sherlock) – In a world where magic is obsolete and the villains have been trapped inside an island without it; one young man will have a chance to change everything for himself and everyone else. For better or for worse. Definitely for worse.
Wild About Harry Series by PlaidAdder (T, 397,189  w. across 9 works || Doctor Who Crossover || Harry/Clara and Johnlock, Post-TRF, Canon Compliant, Dancing, Case Fics, Morning After, Teamwork, Drug Use, , Christmas, Alcoholism, Fix It Fics, Alternating POVs, Established Relationships) – This started as a post-Reichenbach fic and turned into a series in which Harry Watson is a repeating character. John and Sherlock get together in the first story ("Empty Houses") and thereafter it's either developing relationship or established relationship. Most of this is case fic and long, but there are a few shorter ones.
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edge-oftheworld · 6 months
ttpd meets 5sos yet again
denial playlist
bad omens vapor lie to me not in the same way midnight empty wallets lost in reality broken pieces bloodhound haze voodoo doll daylight perfect lie money* no shame disconnected complete mess san francisco baby blue kiss me kiss me safety pin 18 don't stop valentine straight to your heart* break up* garden life* wicked habit* close enough to feel you* blender* girls talk boys* mrs all american*
anger playlist
hey everybody she's kinda hot easier me myself & i over and out teeth (live from the vault) tears! good girls rejects social casualty greyhound monster among men* broken pieces she looks so perfect starting line easy for you to say talk fast if walls could talk lost boy castaway catch 22 permanent vacation airplanes skinny skinny kill my time rebel at heart* just saying* blood on the drums* red line* youngblood* take what you want*
bargaining playlist
catch fire heartbreak girl outer space why won't you love me more lonely heart a beautiful dream when you walk away moodswings the girl who cried wolf the only reason 2011 everything i didn't say shakes scar mum drive broken home best years have u found what ur looking for? lose you* greenlight waste the night out of my limit promises* i'm still your boy* benny* motion* never be*
depression playlist
invisible red desert bloodline* wrapped around your finger you don't go to parties caramel amnesia woke up in japan beside you wherever you are close my eyes the sweetness close as strangers story of another us fly away place in me slip away ghost of you diamonds* gotta get out try hard comedown* moving along last night of my life* take my hand* high indestructible* saigon* repeat*
acceptance playlist
carry on heartache on the big screen babylon teeth who do you love long way home better man carousel lighter bleach old me tomorrow never dies* english love affair flatline sunshine matter of time meet you there best friends end up here want you back i see the angels* jet black heart wildflower lover of mine i'm to blame unpredictable older emotions* hearts upon our sleeve* best friend*
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joanofart5 · 3 months
New Chapter!!!
Picnics, peas, and a bit of emotional backstory for chapter 9. 😘
Overboard (31601 words) by Joanofart Chapters: 9/25 Fandom: Good Omens (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) Characters: Aziraphale (Good Omens), Crowley (Good Omens), Anathema Device, Gabriel (Good Omens), Newton Pulsifer, Madame Tracy (Good Omens), The Them (Good Omens), Michael (Good Omens), Sergeant Shadwell (Good Omens), Human - Character, Human AU - Character Additional Tags: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Overboard Fusion, 1980's, Slow Burn, First Kiss, First Time, Memory Loss, Temporary Amnesia, questionable medical practices, this would never happen in real life, but the movies say it can, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Sort Of, Enemies to Lovers, Alternate Universe - Human, The Them - Freeform, good omens - Freeform, POV Alternating, No Beta, questionable morals, Dubious Consent, Sex while having amnesia, Crowley Has a Penis (Good Omens), Aziraphale Has a Penis (Good Omens), Bottom Aziraphale (Good Omens) Summary: Based on the movie Overboard with Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn. Crowely is a carpenter and a single father of four mischievous children hired to construct a bookshelf for the rich, and unpleasant Mr. Archer. After an argument with the yacht owner he gets an opportunity to exact revenge when Aziraphale takes a dip in the cold water and loses his memories. Crowely swoops in to claim him as his, with the not so good intentions of making him a house husband. Complete with cooking, cleaning, and child rearing. What he doesn’t expect is to find that maybe Aziraphale isn’t what he thought he was, and maybe, he wants him to stay. Fic is written, I just need to edit and tweak each chapter. (Chapter count may change)
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denimbex1986 · 9 months
'Amazon Prime’s hit adaptation of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett’s bestselling novel Good Omens will return for season three, starring David Tennant and Michael Sheen.
The TV series follows the unlikely celestial bond between grouchy demon Crowley (Tennant) and fussy rare-book seller and earthbound Angel Aziraphale (Michael Sheen) as they are faced with world-ending threats and rogue angelic beings rocking up at their doorstep.
The first season, written by co-creator Gaiman, arrived on Prime Video in 2019 and quickly cultivated a devoted queer fanbase invested in the heavenly chemistry between Crowley and Aziraphale as they raced to save the earth from an all-consuming apocalypse.
After a four-year wait, the second season arrived in July this year and did not disappoint as the unconventional pair teamed up once again to restore order in the cosmos after taking the lost, confused and amnesia-ridden archangel Gabriel under their wing.
The season ended on a major cliffhanger, with tensions between Aziraphale and Crowley higher than ever leaving fans waiting with bated breath for the show to be renewed for a final season.
And their dreams have come true after Prime announced on Thursday (14 December) that a third and final season would be arriving on the streaming platform. Read on to find out everything we know so far.
What is the plot of Good Omens season 3?
The end of season two saw Gabriel runaway with Beelzebub, leaving his post as heaven’s head honcho wide open, which is then offered to Aziraphale. In the dramatic finale, Crowley admits his undying love for Aziraphale before planting a passionate kiss on his lips – much to the delight of fans.
However, in a heartbreaking twist Aziraphale leaves Crowley devastated after telling him he has accepted the job offer and will be returning to heaven, with little hope of seeing Crowley ever again.
In a statement announcing the season renewal, Gaiman teased about what audiences can expect from the upcoming season.
“I’m so happy finally to be able to finish the story Terry [Pratchett] and I plotted in 1989 and in 2006,” Gaiman said in a statement.
“Terry was determined that if we made Good Omens for television, we could take the story all the way to the end. Season One was all about averting Armageddon, dangerous prophecies, and the End of the World.
“Season Two was sweet and gentle, although it may have ended less joyfully than a certain Angel and Demon might have hoped.
“Now in Season Three, we will deal once more with the end of the world. The plans for Armageddon are going wrong. Only Crowley and Aziraphale working together can hope to put it right. And they aren’t talking.”
Much like the previous seasons it looks like divine intervention will force our spurned lovers together once again as a brand new threat to civilisation emerges. But will this be enough to make them realise their deep affections for one another and finally get their happy ending?
Amazon MGM Studios head of television Vernon Sanders described the show as “clever, witty, and funny”.
“The final season is sure to be packed with the same dynamic energy that our global customers have come to enjoy,” he said.
Fan theories and reaction to Good Omens season 3
Naturally, fans are raring to watch the new season and are offering their best theories about what to expect alongside their most joyous reactions.
There are several potential avenues the show could go down for the third season, although most are hopeful of a happy ending for our main duo. Gaiman has previously hinted that Aziraphale and Crowley end up living together in a cottage after the events of the TV series, known as South Downs Cottage.
As for what the major existential threat will be, according to receipts collated by Good Omens fan and X/Twitter user @swirlingthings, the plot is likely to converge around the Second Coming of Christ.
According to Gaiman, himself and Pratchett previously discussed this plot in which Jesus would descend on a silver plane with angelic secret agents sporting dark glasses, only to get lost in New York’s Time Square.
Meanwhile, fans are sharing their jubilation at the renewal news.
Who is in the cast of Good Omens season 3?
There is currently little information on the cast of the third and final season of Good Omens aside from the guaranteed return of David Tennant and Michael Sheen.
There is the possibility that character from previous seasons make a returning such as Gabriel (Jon Hamm) and Beelzebub, portrayed by Shelley Conn in the second season.
Nina Sosanya may also make a reappearance after starring in various roles across the first two seasons.
Is there a trailer?
There is currently no trailer for Good Omens season three.
What is the release date?
There is currently no release date for the third season but Gaiman has offered a potential timeline on his tumblr, after revealing he has made strong headway on writing the scripts after the WGA strikes lifted.
“If we shot it in 2024 it would probably be released in early ’26. (We started shooting S2 in October 2021. It’s about a year in post-production from wrap to release),” he told fans. Adding that he has long had the “final fifteen pages” of season three episode six ready “in case he got hit by a bus”.
So if all goes well, we may be seeing Aziraphale and Crowley’s happy ending by 2026.
Good Omens season one and two are now streaming on Prime Video.'
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morethansky · 6 months
WIP Game
rules: in a new post, post the names of all the files in your wip folder regardless of how nondescriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet and tell us about it!
Thanks for the tag, @wolveria! Only listing the ones with more than 1k written, because otherwise we'd be here all night. Bolded the ones that I've already started posting for reference.
Miscellaneous Star Wars
Mend This Old Wound (Obi-Wan/Maul)
the chains are the easy part (Obi-Wan/Maul)
down that wild road (Obi-Wan/Maul)
A Future for Us (Echo/Fives, Jesse/Kix, Cody/Obi-Wan, Barriss/Ahsoka)
wait for the warm sun to return (Echo/Fives)
lay down the scepter and crown (Cody/Rex)
Tomorrow Bright Before Us (Rex/Anakin)
Departure (Anakin/Ahsoka)
A Symmetry to Such Things (Thrawn/Eli)
Intoxication and Ecstasy (Thrawn/Eli)
sendoff kisses (Thrawn/Eli)
skybridger soulmate au (Ezra/Luke)
Star Wars: The Bad Batch
Another Way Back (Crosshair/Hunter)
sift through the ash and dust (Crosshair/Hunter)
the side effects that save us (Crosshair/Hunter)
your laugh through the wall (Crosshair/Hunter)
settle down my shivered bones (Crosshair/Hunter)
coming back from what seemed a ruin (Crosshair/Hunter)
happily ever after first date (Crosshair/Hunter)
tantiss amnesia (Crosshair/Hunter)
A Fragment of My People's History (Tech/Wrecker)
lead me to the ark (Tech/Wrecker)
so put down the knife (Tech/Wrecker, Wrecker/Clone X)
And All My Tomorrows (Ben/Assane)
a love that will see you through (Ben/Assane)
darling, without you i'll go on searching (Ben/Assane)
Revision Within a Rigid Framework (Megatron/Optimus)
Paradise Elusive (Megatron/Optimus)
soundrod fix-it (Cyberverse, Soundwave/Rodimus)
in this life we're the perfect match (Jackson/Yixing)
the most beautiful melody (SDC, Qiao Zhi/Huang Xiao)
love is a kind of faith (SDC, Qiao Zhi/Huang Xiao)
i wish only to face the sea (SDC, Qiao Zhi/Huang Xiao)
want you for my whole life (GOT7, Jackson/Jinyoung)
let's start again from the beginning (GOT7, Mark/Youngjae)
camboy au (Bruce/Dick)
fairy tale identity porn (Dick/Damian)
dickroywill (Young Justice, Dick/Roy, Dick/Will)
The Universe Ablaze (Part 3 of Supernova) (ATLA, Zuko/Aang)
always a space for you and me (Good Omens)
telling my own fortune (Good Omens)
The Dawn Breaking (MDZS, Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji)
Kintsugi (TGCF, Shi Qingxuan/He Xuan)
just to be awake in the same world as you (Staged RPF)
survive more, love harder (TMNT 2012, Leo/Raph)
Jfc, this is so chaotic, and seeing them laid out like this breaks my brain. Ask away!
If you're seeing this, you're tagged!
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dentedsky · 1 year
I saw the Good Omens season 2 spoiler and I just have to say -
- that before seeing that blurry 0.0001 second of a scene, I was side-eyeing Gabriel like -
Here's a guy who rocks up sexily naked to his ex-colleague's door, all, "Hi, I've been wandering around the place thinking only of you even though I have amnesia. You are the only one I want to drink tea with and that's why I came to you. Because you make me feel safe and I love you deep down in my cold, ugly angel soul."
And then Aziraphale, the empath, is immediately remembering the time Crowley saved him from Nazis and how it had made him feel warm and safe and all in love.
Along comes Crowley. Cranky as all fuck.
Cos who's just come to town? The suave asshole ex-boss of the guy he's been in love with for oh um, only SIX THOUSAND YEARS, AAARRRFGHHH. And this naked dickhead's macking on the only guy Crowley’s ever wanted in his whole long immortal life? No nope fuck that shit, no!
Then we cut to a scene of Crowley outside in the street losing his collective shit and having a literal demonic tantrum with thunder bolts of lightning and everything.
Then we get a spoiler of Crowley having grabbed Aziraphale by the shirt lapels and shoving his mouth on Aziraphale like he's trying to punch Aziraphale with his face.
This isn't a pash. This isn't a smooch after a nice dinner. This is a - grab what I want out of jealousy and desperation because I'm on the verge of losing it, losing you - kiss.
Um that's my theory anyway.
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anthem-in-my-mind · 1 year
good omens is an alarming amount of fanfiction tropes somehow all packed into one coherent story. angel/demon (twice!) light/dark (twice!) mutual pining (the slowest burn ever known to mankind.) historical au. gender presentation swap. enemies to friends to lovers. bookstore au. coffee shop au. amnesia. first kiss. miscommunication.
and hurt, so much hurt.. you better hand over some comfort soon mr. gaiman
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possibility-left · 2 months
Good Omens fic recs #33
the bucket list by darcylindbergh - A/C, 44k words.  After Armageddidn't, Aziraphale and Crowley decide to make a list of human things they've never tried, and do them to see if they're worth it, like visiting tourist traps and putting together IKEA furniture.  It's marked WIP but I do feel like it stops at a good place.  There are sooooooooo manyyyyy Feelings in this one and it does an astonishing job of miscommunication that is not really a fault of either party and doesn't feel silly.  The beginning of it is very funny, then you get some angst, and then something soft.
easy like sunday mornings by darcylindbergh - A/C, 25k words.  This is a series of waking up ficlets and they are so soft and sweet and domestic and lovely.  They're all worth reading but I especially enjoyed Chapter 10, 15, 16, 19, and 20.
My Favorite Ghost by  cassieoh_draws (cassieoh), DiminishingReturns - A/C, 35k words.  This is a slow-moving, sad and sweet story in which far after the events of the show, an apocalypse did happen, separating Aziraphale and Crowley, and Aziraphale returns alone to an Earth that's totally changed.  Mind the tags, but it's so innovative and lovely -- if you're on the fence I'd definitely suggest giving it a chance.  The worldbuilding and the vibe reminds me a lot of Monk and Robot, gentle and optimistic, growing something new.  There are some gorgeous illustrations too!
This could either break my heart or bring it back to life by Ren_Saxon - A/C, 10k words.  Three years after the end of S2, a former archangel with amnesia shows up at the bookshop -- Aziraphale.  Crowley finds this difficult to deal with emotionally.  There are a lot of fun scenes in this interspersed with a very reasonable angst, and I love the side characters, especially Muriel.  The ending is great!
have your cake (and kiss it, too) by Imagined - A/C, 7k words.  An incredibly sweet little get-together fic set post S1, in which Crowley tries giving Aziraphale a kiss and Aziraphale starts talking about cheese but eventually they figure things out.  Lovely and domestic.
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What the actual fuck was Good Omens Season 2? Like actually, what the fuck? It feels like a first draft written by a first time writer that somehow mistakenly got put on air.
Spoilers under cut
First of all, let's talk about the elephant in the room. Cw assault: Crowley literally assaults Aziraphael by kissing him without consent. It was actually disgusting. And up until that point, Crowley had been the only character acting in-character in the entire series. And then you go ruin the only good character from the original series left by making them commit sexual assault, in the last 5 minutes of the series. How did nobody in the entire production process look at that and go "hey maybe let's not?"
And now onto the other offences of the show that hit well before the last 5 minute mark. None of these are nearly as disgusting as the one above, but they were considered absolutely awful just as writing offences before the _literal assault_ outshone them all.
Like I said, _nobody_ from the original series except for Crowley (ignoring those last 5 mins) acted in character. Poor Aziraphael's character was absolutely assassinated, especially undoing his character arc from the previous series. And what they did to Gabriel and Beelzebub? Those characters weren't the Gabriel and Beelzebub we saw in Season 1. Like, just nothing in common. And I'm not just talking about the amnesia plot (another lazy writing technique) but even the parts where he _should_ have been in character, he wasn't. It was _painful_ to watch the romance scenes at the end when a) the new actor for Beelzebub didn't have the same chemistry with Gabriel as the old actor, and b) THAT'S NOT HOW THESE NON-HUMAN CHARACTERS WOULD HAVE COURTED EACH OTHER. THEY'RE. NOT. HUMAN. THEY'RE SYMBOLS OF BUREAUCRACY. THEY'RE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE CONCEPT OF UPPER MANAGEMENT. THEY ARE _NOT LOVEY DOVEY_.
Sorry, sorry. But also, an amnesia plot? Seriously? I know of exactly one place where an amnesia plot has been done well, in the book "The Rook", and pretty much nowhere else. It's _lazy_ and _cheap_ and did I mention UNDERMINES THE PURPOSE OF THE CHARACTER AS A SYMBOL OF UPPER MANAGEMENT RATHER THAN A FULL CHARACTER IN THEIR OWN RIGHT? Gah, and that's not to mention how the world doesn't act like the world in the scene he was introduced. Do you really think everybody on a busy street in London would stop and stare at a naked man happily walking along with a box covering what needs to be covered? Have you _met_ the British? The verisimilitude of the world was broken in that scene and never recovered, truly feeling like a set and not an actual London street like in the first series.
And then there was their piss-poor attempt at "diversity", which was textbook tokenism. Now I would like to be very, very clear here: I am pro-diversity in media. I'm pro telling a wider range of stories from a wider range of people. I'm hungry for queer love stories. But you know what else I'm hungry for? Good writing. And this feels like textbook "we need to throw these elements into the story to check the boxes the fans want", rather than actually taking the time and effort to craft a good story featuring diverse characters. All that to say, the lesbian relationship feels like it was shoehorned in there because some producer said "the audience wants gays, so let's give them gays". Never mind that their story felt rushed and shallow and the actors did _not_ have that kind of chemistry and did I mention shallow? Real human beings don't act like that. There was no subtlety or subtext or layers of meaning, just "character A says they love character B, character B rejects character A because they're already in a relationship, but character B's relationship is _obviously_ toxic and so character B will eventually break off that toxic relationship and end up with character A." And don't you come telling me that they didn't get together in the end. I've seen 16 year olds write romances with more grace than this. This being hit over the head with a cricket bat while the wielder screams "they're gay and in love do you get it" in your face. And it's doubly painful after how artfully Crowley and Aziraphael's relationship was crafted in the first series, filled with wonderful delicious depth and longing and subtext and beauty and just... the only flaw in the S1 writing of their relationship was the fact that the writers chickened out on having them get together in the end at the point it made sense in their character arcs. These S2 characters are little more than cardboard cutouts being puppeted by a couple of preteens who have yet to experience their first crush. And it just hurts because it only adds fuel to the homophobes' claims that queer relationships aren't good in media, because the two queer relationships that were explored were this first draft nonsense plus the one that resulted in _literal assault_.
And then there were the flashbacks that added nothing but yet still broke established canon. Yeah nah, those events happening at those times do not fit into the known character arcs of our leads over the centuries. And they didn't add anything new, aside from the groan at the nepo baby episode with Peter Davison (David Tennant's father in law) and Ty Tennant (David Tennant's son). Peter Davison you can get away with because both him and David Tennant were established actors before they became family, but then bringing the next gen in too? Especially as Ty Tennant is as white as A4 paper standing beside two mix-racer characters supposed to be his siblings. Couldn't you have gotten another mix-raced actor to play the part rather than Tennant's son? Though credit where credit's due, the actor who played Jemimah in that episode was bloody adorable and deserves all the good things.
And while mentioning positive things, I may as well post the other good things about the series: Shax was a delight, and Muriel was adorable and I just want to give them hugs and listen to them ramble about all the things they learned about earth for hours on end. And I think that's end of list.
Now back to the incompetent. You know how series one followed multiple characters in multiple locations and our favourite bois were only two of many leads? Yeah this series _only_ followed Crowley and Aziraphael. Which feels again like it's pandering to what some executive producer said the numbers told them the audience wanted. It feels like it misunderstands the first series on multiple fundamental levels. And it's not even like they had so much story that they only had time for Az and Crowley! The pacing drags as the characters perform inconsequential actions that don't move the story forward. This includes most of the flashback sequences. It's just... it's just bad. And the only reason the story even manages to take as long as it does is because it relies so heavily on an idiot plot. As in, plot points that only happen because the characters conveniently lose all their braincells in that moment. Honestly, that seems to be a major problem with the whole series, with plot driving characters instead of characters driving plot. It's just so _painful_ to watch!
I went into this series with low expectations, knowing it would never live up to the standard of the first season. I just don't understand how it somehow managed to successfully limbo under the already low expectation bar I'd set with so much clearance. And given the absolutely masterful first series in all aspects except for it's chickening out on Crowley and Aziraphael's relationship at the end, it feels like a slap in the face to follow it up with what feels like a design-by-numbers corporate cash grab. It feels disrespectful to the memory of Sir Terry Pratchett. It feels like what you get when you don't give writers the time, scope, and money they need to do their job properly. It feels an insult to the actors and set designers and cinematographers and all the other cast and crew who did their best with the material they were given. This season of television should never have been produced. I'm gonna spend next weekend rewatching season 1 to palette cleanse, then cancel my Prime Video subscription again.
And just to wrap up, all the Doctor Who references were painful. Yes, we know David Tennant starred in both shows. Yes, we know a lot of the core audience is the same. No, it's not clever to _keep bringing it up_. If it was one time, maybe you'd get away with it. But again, just another of those reminders that the executives are standing here going "put this in to make the audience happy" rather than being added because it made sense to the story being told. And I'm saying that as a big Whovian for whom Ten is my Doctor!
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[Podfic] Strange Pilgrims: Being the Account of a lost Angel, the Journeys of a Demon, the meaning of Free Will, of the Unravelling of a Prophecy, and of Being Unravelled by it in Turn
[Podfic] Strange Pilgrims: Being the Account of a lost Angel, the Journeys of a Demon, the meaning of Free Will, of the Unravelling of a Prophecy, and of Being Unravelled by it in Turn
by SketchySunglasses
"Look, the whole of London's cracking up," she told him. "I'm finding it hard enough to work as it is without my commute being screwed up by the buses going on strike, and half my books turning into birds. That angel is wrecking everything, but in particular, my life - and you're too busy hating yourself to open your eyes and deal with it. I'm telling you, it has to stop."
"Is that all still happening?" Crowley said vaguely. "But I found him."
"Oh my God, you can tell you don't commute," Anathema said. "The buses went on strike, Mr. Crowley."
"That's perfectly normal for London. You'll learn."
"You're not listening! Not the drivers, the buses. They're organising - meeting in secret, holding little candlelight vigils. Nobody else really knows what's going on - everyone's just assuming it's, like, general TfL incompetence or something - but it's only a matter of time. So what are you going to do about it?"
"Er... have they submitted a list of their demands?" Crowley said helplessly.
Words: 18, Chapters: 2/16, Language: English
Fandoms: Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Good Omens (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale (Good Omens), Anathema Device
Relationships: Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale & Crowley (Good Omens), Aziraphale/OMC
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Amnesia, Pining, Slow Burn, I really do mean Slow Burn, If you're lucky you may get a Hand Touch at the end, Snake!Crowley - Freeform, London aggressively ships Aziraphale/Crowley, Crowley is not gracefully succumbing to the Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known, Human Aziraphale (Good Omens), Aziraphale has amnesia, and a Toxic Relationship (TM), Prophecy!, Statues come to life!, Mysteries to solve!, A subplot with Clues!, COME for the promise of saving Aziraphale, STAY for Crowley's horrid stumble towards admitting to having more than one Feeling, MARVEL at how useless they are, there's a lot to unpack here., there is a content warning for, Dubious Consent, which is not explicit and is condemned by the narrative, you will have the option of skipping the scene without losing any plot., I know a lot of you thirsty bastards are just here for the smut and GODSPEED TO YOU, you have 6000 fics to address your needs, this one is meant to feel like the book but WORSE, there will certainly be a happy ending, expressed perhaps with a CHASTE AND LONGING KISS, JUST HAVE EVERYTHING, 2023 update: NOW WITH ENDINGS, Choose Your Own Ending, Podfic, Podfic Length: 10-15 Hours
From https://ift.tt/SUMxaTb https://archiveofourown.org/works/48895147
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xviruserrorx · 2 years
Arthur Of The Britons (2 Seasons)
AMC The Terror (2 Seasons)
American Horror Story (*11 Seasons*)
American Horror Stories
Bates Motel (5 Seasons)
BBC Atlantis (2 Seasons)
BBC Dracula (1 Season)
BBC Jamestown (3 Seasons)
BBC Merlin (5 Seasons)
BBC Robin Hood (3 Seasons)
BBC Sherlock (3 Seasons)
BBC Sinbad (1 Season)
BBC The Musketeers (3 Seasons)
BBC The Village (2 Seasons)
Being Human UK (5 Seasons)
Being Human US (3 Season)
Beowulf: Return To The Shieldlands (1 Season)
Black Sails (4 Seasons)
Bonding (2 Seasons)
Brideshead Revisited (1 Season)
Buffy The Vampire Slayer (7 Seasons)
Carnivale (2 Seasons)
Carnival Row (1 Season)
Criminal Minds (15 Seasons)
Dead Like Me (2 Seasons)
Devil In Ohio (1 Season)
Dexter (9 Seasons)
Dexter: New Blood (*1 Season*)
Dominion (2 Seasons)
Everything's Gonna Be Okay (2 Seasons)
First Kill (1 Season)
Good Omens (*2Seasons*)
Gotham (5 Seasons)
Grimm (6 Seasons)
Hemlock Grove (3 Seasons)
House MD (8 Seasons)
In The Dark (4 Seasons)
Jekyll and Hyde (1 Season)
Jinn (
Knight Fall (2 Seasons)
La Brea (*2 Seasons*)
Mayday (1 Season)
Medici: The Magnificent (3 Seasons)
Midnight Texas (2 Seasons)
Miracle Workers (*3 Seasons*
Misfits (5 Seasons)
My Babysitters a vampire (2 Seasons)
Nbc Dracula (1 Season)
Nbc Hannibal (3 Seasons)
Nobody's Looking (1 Season)
Our Flag Means Death (*1 Season*)
Over The Garden Wall (1 Season)
Penny Dreadful (3 Seasons)
Prodigal Son (3 Seasons)
Ripper Street (5 Seasons)
Robin Of Sherwood (3 Seasons)
Shadowhunters (3 Seasons)
Someone Has To Die (1 Season)
South Of Hell (1 Season)
Spartacus (3 Seasons)
Stranger Things (*4 Seasons*)
Supernatural (15 Seasons)
Syfy Sanctuary (4 Seasons)
Teen Wolf (6 Seasons)
The Adventures of Sir Lancelot (1 Season)
The Almighty Johnsons (3 Seasons)
The Healing Powers of Dude (1 Season)
The Imperfects (1 Season)
The Last Kingdom (*5 Seasons*)
The Living and the Dead (1 Season)
The Sandman (*1 Season*)
The Society (1 Season)
The Tomorrow People (1 Season)
The Umbrella Academy (*3 Seasons*)
The Winchesters (1 Season)
Thirteen (1 Season)
Troy: Fall of The City (1 Season
Unorthodox (1 Season)
Vampire Diaries (8 Seasons)
Versailles (3 Seasons)
Vikings (6 Seasons)
Voltron: legendary Defender (8 Seasons)
We Are Lady Parts (*1 Season*)
You (*4 Seasons*)
Call Me By Your Name
Ghibli studio movies
Saw (Franchise)
The Interview With The Vampire
The Shape of Water
-Books/Light novels
A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket
Aristotle And Dante Discover The Universe
Aristotle and Dante Dive into The Waters of the World
Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh
Call Me By Your Name by Andre Aciman
Find Me by Andre Aciman
Heroes Of Olympus (5 Books)
Magnus Chase and The Gods Of Asgard (3 Books)
Maurice by E.M Forester
Percy Jackson & The Olympians (5 Books)
The Kane Chronicles (3 Books)
The Trials Of Apollo (5 Books)
The Sun and Star by Rick Riordan
-Comic Books
Lone Receiver
Akatsuki No Yona
Angel Beats
Assassination Classroom
Black Butler
Blue Exorcist
Brothers Conflict
Bungo Stray Dogs
Deadman Wonderland
Death Note
Death Parade
Diabolik Lovers
Dramatical Murder
Fruits Basket (2001)
High School Of The Dead
Higurashi No Naku No Koro Ni (original)
Junjou Romantica
Kamisama Kiss
K Project
Love Stage
Mirai Niki
Orenchi No Furo Jirou
Ouran High School Host Club
Pandora Hearts
Place To Place
Princess TuTu
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Rozen Maiden
Sekai ichi hatsukoi
Shugo Chara
Soul Eater
Sugar Sugar Rune
The World God Only Knows
Tokyo Ghoul
Touken Ranbu: Hanamaru
Touken Ranbu: Katsugeki
Tsubasa chronicles
Uta No Prince Sama
Vampire knight
Xxx Holic
Yuri On Ice
Zombie loan
Drug and Drop
Fruits Basket
Kitchen Princess
K Project
La Esperanza
Pandora Hearts
Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Soul eater
Soul eater NOT
Strawberry Panic
Sugar Sugar Rune
Tokyo Ghoul
Tokyo Ghoul:re
Vampire Knight
Xxx Holic
Baldur's Gate
Devil May Cry
Final Fantasy
Kingdom Hearts
Persona 5
The Evil Within
Waiting for/Caught up:
(S2) Good Omens (Waiting for Season 3)
(S4) Stranger Things (Waiting for Season 5)
(S11) American Horror Story (Waiting for Season 12)
(S1) Dexter: New Blood (Waiting for Season 2)
(S3) Miracle Workers (Waiting for Season 4)
(S1) Our Flag Means Death (Waiting for Season 2)
(S1) We Are Lady Parts (Waiting for Season 2)
-Currently airing
(S2) La Brea (s2 e7 - Waiting for episode 8)
Aristotle And Dante Discover The Universe
-Books/Light Novels
The Hammer of the Gods by Rick Riordan
-Comic Books
The Umbrella Academy by Gerard Way (Waiting for Volume 4: Sparrow Academy)
Not Caught Up With:
(S13) BBC Doctor Who (Really behind-ish)
(S4) BBC Ghosts (Need to watch Season 4)
(S6) Peaky Blinders (Need to watch Season 6)
(S5) The Handmaid's Tale (Need to watch Season 5)
(S3) The Umbrella Academy (Need to watch Season 3)
(S2) The Wilds (Need to watch Season 2)
(S2) Vikings: Valhalla (Need to watch Season 2)
(S2) Shadow and Bone (Need to watch season 2)
(S3) The Witcher (Need to watch Season 3)
(S4) You (Need to watch Season 4)
-Books/Light Novels
Shadowhunters Chronicles by Cassandra Claire (Really behind)
Currently watching/reading:
(S2) A Young Doctor's Notebook (s2 e2)
(S2) BBC The Mill (s1 e3)
(S2) Britannia (s1 e3)
(S5) iZombie (s1 e8)
(S1) Jinn (s1 e2)
(S1) Midnight Mass (Restarting)
(S3) My Two Dad's (s1 e14)
(S1) Nobody's Looking (s1 e4)
(S2) Raising Dion (s1 e4)
(S1) Safe (s1 e6)
(S3) Shtisel (s1 e2)
(S2) Special (s1 e2)
(S5) Switched At Birth (s1 e20)
(S2) Tell Me A Story (s1 e3)
(S1) The Defeated (s1 e3)
(S1) The Imperfects (s1 e6)
(S5) The Last Kingdom (s1 e2)
(S4) The Man In The High Castle (s1 e3)
(S2) This Close (s2 e2)
(S8) Weeds (s2 e10)
-Books/Light Novels
Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay
Currently Revisiting:
Being Human UK (Rewatch 1 - s2 e6)
Dexter (Rewatch 3 - s)
Grey's Anatomy (Rewatch 2 - s2 e?)
Lucifer (Rewatch 4 - s3 e2)
Ripper Street ( Rewatch 1 - s2 e?)
The Almighty Johnsons (Rewatch 1 - s3 e11)
Vikings (Rewatch 2 - s2 e5)
-Books/Light Novels
Call Me By Your Name (Re-read 4)
Final Fantasy XIV (Replay 1)
Haven't Started:
(S3) Baby
(S2) Black Spot
(S3) Derry Girls
(S2) Diablero
(S4) Eastsiders
(S1) Elves
(S5) Leverage
(S1) My Dead Ex
(S4) Ozark
(S2) Russian Doll
(S4) Roswell New Mexico
(S2) Sense8
(S1) The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself
(S5) The Magicians
(S3) The Rain
(S1) The Seven Lives Of Lea
(S1) Tidelands
(S1) Tiny Pretty Things
(S2) Trinkets
(S2) Young Royals
-Comic Books
The Sandman
The Walking Dead
Not sure/On The Fence:
Cw Arrow
Not Continuing:
Attack On Titan
Tokyo Ghoul: re
Attack On Titan
8 notes · View notes
revelationschapter6 · 6 months
Tropetember 2023
Enemies / Friends / Strangers To Lovers
Police / Detective / (Super)Hero // Crime / Mafia / (Super)Villain
Hurt/Comfort / Sickfic / Whump
Coffee Shop / Tattoo Parlour / Flower Shop / Other Retail AU
Rockstar / Actor / Model / Famous AU
High School / College / University AU / 80’s Teen Movie AU
Historical (Regency, Ancient Greece/Rome, Prehistory, etc) / Modern / Futuristic AU
Time Travel / Time Loop (eg. Groundhog Day) / Amnesia / Coma
5+1 / 3+1 (Five Times + One Time)
Accidental Confession / In Vino Veritas (Drunk Confession/Drunk Dial)
Business Partners To Friends To Lovers / Competitor Businesses / Office AU
Huddling For Warmth / Sharing A Bed / Touch Starvation
Slice Of Life / Domestic / Found Family
Monstrous (Human/Monster Romance) / Cultural Differences / Language Barrier
Marriage Of Convenience / Arranged Marriage / Matchmaking / Blind Dates
Future Fic / Reunion / Childhood Friends / Friendship Centric
Getting Together / Love Confession / First Kiss / Break Up/Make Up
Body Swap / Psychic Link / Soulmates / Bonding (eg. ABO, Sentinel AU, etc)
Apocalypse / Zombie / Locked In Together / (Natural) Disaster
Science Fiction / Fantasy / Space Opera / Horror
Genderswap / Rule 63 / De-Aging / Age Changes AU
Canon Rewrite / Fix-It / Everybody Lives / Everybody Dies / Major Character Death
Mythology / Supernatural / Fairytale / Wingfic
Accidental Baby Acquisition / (Single) Parent AU / Babysitting
Mutual Pining / Requited/Unrequited Love / Angst With A Happy Ending
Fake Dating / Didn’t Know They Were Dating / Accidental Dating / Accidental Marriage
Repression / Emotional Constipation / Sexuality Crisis (Gay Panic)
Holidays & Celebrations / Proposals / Prom
Fusion / Crossover / Harlequin / Rom-Com (eg: Hogwarts, Pacific Rim, Daemons, Hunger Games, The Princess Bride, Pride & Prejudice, Love Actually, 10 Things I Hate About You, etc)
you can tell that a man is good if he has a dog that loves him - good omens (ineffable husbands)
Every Caregiver deserves a Little or Pet of their own. If you ask Soho, there's no one more deserving than Mr. Fell. 30. FREE SPACE - BDSM!AU
0 notes