mycotoxin · 5 months
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michaels-reality · 1 month
"I'm scared of rap cus it's about sex and violence!" What's wrong with songs about sex and violence. Some of y'all be bumpin nine inch nails but as soon as it's a black person talking about it it's scary for some reason???? Like y'all are always talking about killing people with hammers and all this shit, but a black person talks about it and now suddenly it's a bad thing. Like you sound like a PTA member what the fuck???? Why is money, sex, drugs, and violence suddenly so fucking scary and immoral....
Y'know what. Here are my favorite rap songs about sex, money, drugs, and violence since y'all wanna be some pussy ass bitches.
Get over it
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dellalyra · 1 year
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Summary: Shibuya.
CW: angst, violence, lots of it, anger, angst, blood, violence - Shibuya. Need I say more.
A/N: So this is nearly more of an experiment in writing for me so forgive how shit it is. This is gonna be the last plot-centric part for a while then we’re going back to what Family Formations does best - tooth-rotting domestic fluff <3
Recommended Listening:
Me & The Devil - Soap&Skin
Fear and Loathing - Marina
Murder in My Mind - Kordhell
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Scrambling – sprinting – running as fast as you can, your lungs are raw from screaming and fighting for hours now. The smell of smoke is putrid as everything collapses around you.
You felt it - Satoru’s gone.
He’s captured, you’re alone.
You had heard names whispered around.
You needed to find someone – anyone, you needed to find someone alive, the hordes of transformed people had been pushed to you by Mei Mei – your claws and fangs show no signs of retracting now they’re all dead. There’s too much adrenaline coursing through your body for you to slow down or properly comprehend anything that happened – or even feel the slash bleeding down your back. You can’t concentrate long enough to transform with your technique into something faster or with better vision.
The shouts of your husband’s defeat and imprisonment resonated through your skull and just wouldn’t quiet down. Hope felt like it was slipping through the cracks caused by Sukuna’s rampage in the pavement. You had the blood of several hundred on your body – your feral technique and anger and grief over the loss of your husband and fear for your loved ones transformed into sheer rage as you slashed and twisted and tore your way through the curses littering the station which were blocking civilians exit. You knew you’d saved thousands of lives single-handedly that night.
But you’d lost.
Noritoshi Kamo and Miwa had somehow ended up with you through everything, and you followed a signal from the airborne Momo and simultaneously you and Kamo notched arrows with a view of Mai and a sniper rifle in the distance.
Just as you turned to loose your arrow.
You saw him.
A walking ghost.
The bow and arrow dropped as Kamo loosed his arrow and Mai made her shot.
But no sound of weapon art would drown out the ragged scream your body released.
Frozen in place you watched events unfold like you were in a dream. So this was how they got Satoru.
You walked forward into the clearing. You suddenly felt 17 again.
The body turned to you.
He moved like him. He looked like him. He spoke like him.
But it wasn’t him.
“Ah! Welcome to the fray, it’s been a long time hasn’t it, little Dryad? What was it I called you? Oneesan?” The body asked.
“It wasn’t you who called me that. It’s was Suguru Geto. You – you are someone else. You have taken and defiled my best friends corpse and imprisoned my husband. I will kill you, you sick fuck!”
“You certainly have the spirit and temper of the women of your family. Your great great grandmother was very similar.” He easily deflected your arrow before sidestepping the vines grasping for his ankles.
That gives you pause – great great grandmother?
But before you could move another muscle, the man is turning away and you’re being dragged away by Utahime as you thrash against her.
“Greetings, Choso.”
A tall, broad man clad in purple has entered the clearing. Who is this?
“Ah, it appears you have noticed.” Pseudo-Geto says to the newcomer.
The rage coming from this Choso rivals your own – but it’s directed at your apparent common enemy.
“NORITOSHI KAMO!” He screams and simultaneously all (modern) heads whip to look in shock at the 17 year old Kamo heir, seeing the surprise on his own face.
You stop thrashing away from Utahime’s grasp and stare at her.
“Utahime if that’s Kamo – then…” you say.
“The thing inside Geto is over 150 years old!”
You’d read many accounts of the blight on the Kamo Clan, the most nefarious sorcerer to exist.
“How dare you try to make me kill my little brother Yuuji Itadori?!” This Choso screams.
Wait, what?
And before you know it Choso is fighting tooth and nail for Yuuji and you’re sure of your theory – he is also a Kamo, but he must be one of the death painting wombs that Noritoshi Kamo created. Noritoshi is his father, but how is Yuuji related? He’s not a Kamo. But, if… no, that’s crazy. If Noritoshi had been surviving by moving body to body, then maybe - it’s true. A death painting womb has blood connections to its siblings, so Choso would know. You’re grateful you paid attention in cursed object theory in high school.
And speak of the devil, beside you, beside Panda – is Yuuji. You scream his name and he looks to you and you almost cry in relief he’s alive. He’s badly injured and there’s something hollow in his eyes. Yet, now is no time for reunions.
Panda moves to attack but before any of you can make a move to retrieve the prison realm holding your husband and father of you children, a wave of ice encases your allies. Your body had protected itself subconsciously by wrapping yourself in your sunbeam technique – making you too hot for ice to approach.
Opening your eyes, only yourself Yuuji, Momo, and Choso were not frozen.
“You could try calling me big brother once you know?” You hear Choso say as you approach the duo.
“Take this seriously!” Yuuji replies.
“Yuuji! I think he might be right! I’ll explain later – we have to get Satoru!” You unfurl the tendrils of ivy from your hair and begin to focus.
But once again – you don’t get a chance.
Because in front of you stands your saving Grace – the woman you idolised since childhood.
“It’s been a while, Geto, can I get your answer from before? What kind of girls are you into?”
Yuki Tsukomo – one of the four other special grade sorcerers apart from yourself.
You ran to Yuuji, checking him for damage.
“Y/N. I’m –” he starts to say before you hush him and press a kiss to the top of your head, shaking your head because you can’t handle him apologising now - you’re too raw.
Yuki was stalling Geto. You didn’t know why, but you trusted her.
A rumble hit the ground and you finally tuned into the conversation despite your ringing ears.
“I’ve marked people as vessels, non sorcerers given abilities. Many have been in a deep slumber since I chose them, but as of this moment - they’ve awoken.”
Deep slumber? Cursed? Oh god. Please, not her too.
“Are you listening Sukuna? The Heian age has returned!” Geto shouts, gleeful and proud as hundreds of cursed spirits emerge from him, spirits Geto has absorbed through the years.
He reaches his arm into his sleeve, and produces a box. A cube. Covered in eyes, big, shining blue eyes held by your son Akio – inherited by
And with that he is gone.
Your first instinct now that he’s gone – your son. Where is Megumi? You sprint around, shaking shoulders of everyone you know – desperate to locate your son.
Utahime approaches you.
“Iori! Have you seen Megumi? I have to find him. Satoru – he –” she pulls you into her chest, still smelling like the perfume you bought her for Christmas.
“Y/N. Listen to me. I don’t know where he is, but you have to listen.” The panicked look in your eyes made you looked crazed. She hadn’t seen this side of you since the Star Plasma Vessel incident.
“Y/N. Satoru has been named an enemy of the jujutsu society and a law has been made that he must stay sealed. Y/N, you’re counted in that. The elders want you dead, they say you and Gojo were conspiring with Geto. Yaga has been arrested, he’s been sentenced to death – for inciting the violence. The stay on Itadori’s execution has been lifted - he’s to be executed on sight, Yuuta Okkutsu has been named his executioner.” She steadies you, keeping you upright.
Your face changes from fear to anger.
“Y/N, we will get Gojo out. For now, you need to find Megumi, and get Yuuji and get out of Shibuya. Get Akio away, hide him. Okay? We’ll get him out Y/N.” She says.
You pull her into your chest.
“Thank you, Utahime. I love you.” You say. Your face has turned to stone. The warrior in you has returned and you’re currently planning your next move. You turn away, whipping out your phone. The veil is down and you can call your mother.
“Momma listen, I’m okay. You need to listen to me. I don’t have long. Satoru has been captured, by Noritoshi Kamo - he’s in the Prison Realm (your mom screams), him and I have been named traitors because Kamo is in the body of Suguru Geto. Mom, please, just let me talk – I don’t have – momma! They want to kill the kid, sukuna’s vessel, I need to find Megumi. Tsumiki, I think she’s part of Kamo’s plan. Yaga is to be executed – our allies are hurt or dead. I don’t know where most people are. I think most are dead. You need to get Akio out of the country. Take him - don’t tell me where. It’s not safe for me to know. Keep him hidden, and keep him safe. In my jewellery box is a baby bracelet – put it on him and he and you will be untraceable. Whatever you need – talk to Gojo’s uncle, he’s at the estate. I love you, I love Akio – please let me talk to him.”
The phone is passed to your toddler son.
“Hi baby boy,” you are trying so hard not to cry, you have to hold it together.
“Mama! Hi mama! Nana momma and papa working!”
“Yeah baby, momma and papa are working – you go with nana okay? Going on an adventure. Akio, I love you so much, my beautiful little boy - you’re our angel and papa loves you so very much too. I have to go help Megumi okay? I love you baby, be good for nana.” You let out a sob, resolve cracking.
“Momma – I gotta go. I’m going to fix this. I’m going to keep everyone safe.” And with that you hung up.
You take a deep breath and grip your arm, the vines tattooed with Satoru, Megumi, Tsumiki and Akio lacing in elegant letters through the leaves reminding you why you’re still standing.
You stand for them.
You shake your head, focus, Y/N. Save your babies.
Yuuji. You have to find him. He’ll know where Megumi is. Wait, where’s Nobara? Toge? Maki?
You walk into the direction you saw Yuuji leave, and you see a pink shock of hair beside a head adorned with two spiky buns.
Yuuji – and Choso.
They’re sitting on the steps.
You sprint to him.
“Yuuji! Where is he? Where’s Megumi? Are you hurt? Are you okay?”
His jaw is tense.
“He – he used Mahoraga, Y/N. I –” you collapse on the ground. That was suicide.
“No! He’s alive! I promise, but Sukuna – he saved him. He’s plotting something with Fushiguro. He’s badly injured, but alive.” You fling your arms around him and feel Yuuji wilt in your arms.
“Y/N. Nobara – she, I don’t know if she’s alive. Sukuna, me, he killed so many people, it’s all my fault. But I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry I couldn’t – Nanamin, he’s, he’s dead.” He croaks into your neck, his mentor killed in front of him and he’s apologising to you.
Hearing Akio’s godfather was dead, best man at your wedding, star of every Thursdays Kooking With Kento at your home as you made dinner together. You felt a fresh wave of sobs and you let them escape. Later, you’d mourn later.
“You did everything you could, Yuuji, it’s okay. You brave, brave boy. You’re not at fault. You’re so strong.” He pulled himself from your grip and wiped his eyes.
You saw Choso, from the corner of your eye. He stood, sheepishly and curiously watching the exchange.
“I need to find Megumi – but Yuuji, you need to come with me. The execution order has been brought up and I’m a wanted woman. We need to get away from here.” You look at him.
The sound of footsteps crushing the debris echoes through the empty street.
“Well well well, it must be my lucky day. The traitorous harlot and Sukuna’s rampaging vessel served to me on a platter. What honour the head of the Zen’in clan will bring to society by killing you both.”
That voice. That grating fucking voice.
How many days had you spent since childhood fighting with the owner of that fucking voice.
“Naoya Zen’in. You lecherous cunt. Here to revel in the death and misery like the reaper you are?”
You spit out at him, pushing Yuuji behind you.
“See – bitch. This is why I never liked you. God, you’re beautiful – such a goddess among women and you’ve already proven yourself fertile with the Gojo brat but your issue is your mouth. Such a shame, a waste of a perfect breeding bitch if you ask me: perfect body, pretty face, esteemed lineage, powerful technique but you just can’t shut that whore mouth can you?” He leers, eyeing your body like meat.
Your snarl in response makes even Choso grimace.
“If you just learned to be a nice girl, sit still and just look pretty – then I’d have married you in an instant. You’d be a pleasure to knock some kids into, just all that temper and ego. Oh well, your protectors gone now, so you’re fair game to kill. I’m now head of the Zen’in family –”
“God Naoya, you really never got smarter did you? Even after all those years in school you’re still a dense bastard. You’re not the Zen’in Clan head, if Naobito is dead – which I’m guessing he is, good riddance I say, and Satoru Gojo is dead or in any way incapacitated – Megumi Fushiguro will be named head of the clan, as per the deal made with Toji.” You smirk, knowing you’ve the upper hand here.
He clicks his tongue. His displeasure is palpable.
“Such a smart mouth. Of course that’s the case, but, I’m going to kill Itadori and you, and then – it would hardly come to fruition if Megumi Fushiguro was dead now, would it?” He smirks.
And that was the flash lit to the powder keg.
“Oh Naoya, I’ve wanted to beat the ever living fuck out of you for so long – you sexist prick.” And with that, years of rage renewed by threats against you and your kids, and insults to your family kick you into 6th gear.
“Yuuji Itadori, I have been appointed your executioner and I am here to put you to death.” A familiar voice calls out from above.
God, he’s grown. Several inches taller, his hairs shorter and he looks so healthy. He’s filled out, almost 19 now. Not a boy anymore, but a man.
A man, who is trying to kill the boy you’re shielding.
“Step aside, Gojo-San.” He calls as him jumps down from the bridge.
“Ah, you must be Okkotsu. I’m here for the Gojo whore - I’ll leave the vessel to you. I propose an alliance, given our common goals.”
The ringing in your ears returned, surely, Yuuta wouldn’t kill Yuuji? He’d promised Satoru.
He’d promised to protect him if anything happened.
Why would he do this? This wasn’t Yuuta.
Wait – no. It’s not Yuuta. Yuuta is honest, and true to his word. He is also smart and will one day surpass both you and Satoru in talent.
“I’m afraid, I must ask you again to step aside Gojo-San.”
Yuuta never called you that, he just called you Y/N.
“I made a promise to those I respect and trust. I must keep my promises.” Yuuta looks at you.
He doesn’t mean the elders.
He means you and Satoru.
He’s praying to anyone that you’ll understand.
“Yuuji Itadori must die.” Reversed Curse Technique.
You squeeze Yuuji’s hand.
“We can defeat them. Choso – stick with me. Yuuji, you’re with Okkotsu.” As you turn – you whisper ‘trust me’ into Yuuji’s ear. Choso and Yuuji together would hinder the plan, so you needed Choso to stick with you.
You needed to get Choso angry.
“Naoya, you’d forsake your brothers just for power?”
And with that, the thought of fratricidal tendencies – Choso was off. With Naoyo distracted by Choso, you nod at Yuuta – giving him your go ahead. You trusted this man with your life, and the lives of everyone around you. He wouldn’t fail you.
You turned to your personal mission.
“Naoya Zen’in! Too scared to fight me? Scared you’ll lose to a girl?” You shout at him, you didn’t need your bow for this – you tossed it to the side. Fangs and claws and vines weaving out of you. You wanted to do this up close and personal.
And with that you, Choso and Naoya were a flurry of blood red, forest green and shadows. There was no way either of you would match his speed – but that’s okay. It was two versus one and you quickly found out that you and choso fought incredibly well side by side.
Naoya’s continued taunts only fuel your fury. He wants to kill your son. He would kill Megumi just for a title. He had bullied and threatened the women of the sorcery world for so long that all of this was something you could not allow to continue.
Naoya Zen’in has to die.
Choso has him pinned, poisoned by his own blood. You grab your daggers, from where they are holstered on your thighs.
You stand above him.
“Choso – go to your brother.” You say.
And he does. Leaving you and a fatally injured Naoya laying on the ground.
“The women of the world will sing praises of your death, Zen’in and I will forever be proud that it was made you sent you to hell. Let this be a lesson. Don’t touch my fucking kids.”
And with that, you sent a dagger through his temple. A quick death. More than he deserved.
You move to where you sense the boys you’re with. Their energy is heavy.
Choso is standing beside Yuuji, a scene you expected. A fire lit, Yuuta sitting on one side, Yuuji laying – covered in blood but recovering on the other.
“Ballsy move, Yuuta.”
All heads turn to you, and Yuuta stands and you wrap him in a hug.
“I knew you’d understand. I couldn’t risk fighting you too – this was the only way. Thank you, Y/N.”
“No, Yuuta. Thank you. You kept your promise to Satoru and I’m eternally grateful.” You squish him into you. Why are all your kids so much taller than you?
Turning to the brothers.
“Thank you, Yuuji. For trusting me. I’m sorry that this had to happen. But Satoru had contingencies in place for an event such as this.” You say, Yuuji’s haunted eyes look up to you.
“I always trust you, and Gojo Sensei. Dying isn’t fun – but if it’ll keep everyone safe then I’ll do what I need to do.” You stand beside him.
“You’re as good as a son to me Yuuji. You’re safe as long as the Gojo’s are here. This guy too, apparently.” You say, nudging Choso.
“The man in the street?” He asks.
“Dead.” You reply.
“I am sorry for the part I played in your husband’s imprisonment.” He says, facing you.
“You protected Yuuji, and saved us both. We both share the commitment to fight for our families - we’re gonna be really good friends Choso Kamo.” And the death painting womb is exceptionally confused by the way you wrap your arms around his chest and squeeze, but he returns the ‘hug’ and feels a sense of peace.
As you pull away, you’re glad to be beside Choso and Yuuta – the days event seem to have caught up to you. You lose your footing and the world swirls around you. You’ve used so much cursed energy today.
Satoru - he’s gone. Who knows where.
Faced a ghost.
Sent your son off to a place that you can’t know.
Learned your adopted daughter is cursed and a tool in a war.
Had to let a boy you trust kill another boy you love.
Defended your son to the point of killing.
And lost a fuck lot of blood from the wound your adrenaline had helped you ignore.
“I’m okay – I just, Choso can you use your blood manipulation to stop the bleeding? Im guessing your reversed out, Yuuta?” The boys fuss over you and when you feel stable – you turn to Yuuji – a crying mess of a shell of a boy.
You scramble and pull him into you.
“I’m here, you’re safe. I’m so sorry Yuuji. For everything.” You croon.
“I killed so many people. I deserve the death penalty. Sukuna came out and it was a bloodbath.”
Yuuta sat down too.
“You aren’t to blame.” Yuuta says. Decidedly sure in his voice.
Just as the boy goes to respond, a voice sounds out.
“Itadori. What are you doing? Let’s head back to Jujutsu High.”
He hadn’t spotted you behind Choso’s imposing frame.
“Mom! I thought – I thought you were gone too. I thought - you’d go for him. Shit, I thought they had you too.” He stumbles into your arms and you collapse holding him.
“God I was so worried I’d lost you. I couldn’t find you anywhere.” You say.
“Megumi. You know don’t you?” You say, brushing his hair from his face.
“Tsumiki.” He says, face grave.
You’re distracted by counting the cuts on Megumi’s face, you vaguely hear talking.
“So start by saving me, Itadori.” Now you’re listening.
“Noritoshi Kamo has made plans for those involved with Jujutsu to face off in a Culling Game.” Megumi claims,
“And Tsumiki is ensnared in that. So I’m begging you, Itadori. I need your strength.”
Yuuji can never say no to Megumi. God you hope these two get their happy ending.
“Like hell am I letting you boys go in alone.”
“Mom – it’s not safe. Akio –” Megumi immediately rejects this.
“Akio is safe, don’t forget who you’re speaking to boys. I might be your mom – but I am also Y/N of the Y/L/N clan. I’m the first person to hold my technique in 600 years - I’m the head of my clan. A special grade sorcerer. Wife of the strongest sorcerer alive and mother of the head of the Zen’in clan. There is no woman more influential or strong as me alive. Today, I nearly lost most of my kids, all but one of my best friends are dead and the other is back from the grave, my husband was taken, my eldest son used a technique he knew would kill him and then sorcery’s biggest bully came to execute both of my sons – and I responded by stabbing a dagger through his skull. Do not underestimate me, boys.”
“Megumi – putting all of that aside. I have 3 children. One is hidden, and safe – the other two are being sent into a death match. I vowed to protect you all with my life. That is what I’m doing. You – are my son, and I am always by your side.” You clutch his burned cheek in your palm. Pressing a kiss to his temple. A part of you is nostalgic for the days you didn’t feel any stubble on those soft cheeks – just baby soft skin. He wanted to protect you now, but no matter how grown they get - you’re still their momma.
You stand up, holding his hand – and gesture to the boys to do the same.
“Where are we going, Y/N?” Yuuji asks.
“We’re going to get my fucking husband out of that box and end this shitshow, let’s go boys.”
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too-much-otome · 2 months
Mammon Playlist
These can be for the original game or NB. most of them fit for both. I've had the playlists for a while but recently refined them. I hope you like them!
Explanations (Excluding Character Songs):
They Call Me Tiago (Her Name is Margo) - Tiagz
Not exactly a song about him but something I think he'd listen to and I think it fits his vibe. I just really think it fits him.
Go Hard (La.La.La.) - Kreayshawn
A bit unhinged and chaotic which always reminds me of Mammon. Also love that the first line is "I don't have any money..." Big Mammon energy. This poor bitch is always in debt.
Oh Yes (Rockin' With The Best) - Laidback Luke, Keanu Silva
Not only does it give off his kinda vibes but he's also very full of himself. I mean we're talking about "The Great Mammon!" He only comes in second to Asmo.
Jerk It Out - Caesars
Another one based on vibes. The instruments and vocals just give me something I feel he'd like!
Mine - Bazzi
This is 100% how he thinks of MC. That boy is just absolutely smitten with them! He adores them! He might be a bit selfish, careless, and let's be honest stupid but he always does his best when it comes to MC. He's always genuine and open with them! I just love him!
24k Magic - Bruno Mars
We all know if Mammon knew how to budget he'd be living a lavish lifestyle! He loves having nice things! Plus, some of you forget this but I didn't, one of the powers Mammon has is that If he likes someone they're bound to come into money and usually prosper wealth wise.
Tonight Tonight - Hot Chelle Rae
Party boy. Loves a good time and letting loose.
7 rings - Ariana Grande
Wants nice things and who can blame him. It's not exactly his style music wise but the lyrics definitely remind me of him.
Sucker - Jonas Brothers
I mean it's literally canon that MC can say one word and Mammon just falls in line. Even Lucifer struggles with that sometimes. He'd do literally anything MC asks.
Check Yes, Juliet - We The Kings
Oh, this is so him! He's so the type to do the cliche throwing rocks at his partners window then asking them to sneak out for a late night impromptu date. Hes also just so stubborn and honestly, we love it. I just feel like this is very much what he'd be like in a relationship.
Hard Times - Paramore
This man is always in the red. He is struggling financially and his brothers constantly belittle him, this man is just living in a constant state of hard times. My fav may not be Mammon but the day I don't immediately jump to his defense in a cold day in the devildom.
Make You Mine - PUBLIC
Once again, this man is smitten! He just loves MC so much and it's so sweet I'm gonna cry-
First Date - blink-182
As much as he likes to show off and brag and act cool he is always a bit nervous around MC. He wants to impress them and look cool but he can't help but blush and stutter when they flirt back. It's adorable.
Treasure - Bruno Mars
I truly believe that in a relationship Mammon would put MC over everything. I know it's a stretch...but I think even Goldie would come second! WHY ARE YOU BOOING ME IM RIGHT!!
Mr. Brightside - The Killers
Jealousy. That's it. We all know Mammon is extremely protective and jealous when it comes to MC. It makes sense for the Avatar of Greed. But I also think the lyrics can apply to how Mammon might feel watching MC with his brothers. Because even if you don't necessarily want to romance Mammon he is still clearly pinning after MC.
Chaotic and unhinged. What more do you need?
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butchdykekondraki · 14 days
sad to say but goodmorningtokyo! by tokyos revenge would in fact Obliterate mephone4
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dwtspotify · 15 days
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sickxpuppy · 18 days
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gokyuzuveumuut · 1 year
Günaydin kalbim...💙
Sabahin serininde düştüm yollara...
04:30 ⌛️
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rainmonarch · 10 months
@yakofalltrades tagged me in a game post (list ur ten current fave songs) and i will always recommend new music so:
tagging @paintingflwrs4u @mineshaft-birdie @b00ket @epoch-smog and whoever feels the call lol
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izvmimi · 1 year
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osamusbigtits · 1 year
which hq character would listen to GOODMORNINGTOKYO!
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lackablazeical · 2 years
omg i totally agree with that one anon about goodmorningtokyo being mikey’s song!! it’s perfect! i also have a song suggestion(?) mikey reminds me of like any song by lil darkie, but mainly genocide. that song is like 10 minutes long, but if you do decide to listen to it, listen to part 4 to save time, its my favorite part of the song and reminds me the most of mikey
OK I just listened to Genocide (originally just the first part but I liked that enough to listen to the rest) and now I HAVE to listen to more Lil Darkie!!!!!! Like it's the law!!!!!
Every part reminds me of Mike, but definitely 4 and 5 for SURE (if I separated the parts correctly lol). Tho 3 is also pretty killer, with the parts where he's talking to a mom? Yes. Also I love the parts at the very start and end with 'my apologies for coming off so harshly' and 'are you offended? Let me know, please don't be, I care so much about how you feel' and how SNIDE IT IS? WORD FOR WORD MIKEY. I also absolutely love the image of 'brain leaking it his ears' near the end???? AAAAA <3333
Mikey would definitely love darkie for sure, and this whole song. It's a him song ALL THE WAY!!!!!! YALL GOT SUCH GOOD RECCS WTF???? LIKE???? HOWWWW
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simplykenni · 1 year
^^ SoundCloud rapper timmy knows every word and sings every one of them but the word that he can’t 😌
Completely unironically this is a song that hypes me up in the mornings lol
He's lip syncing the words to this song like
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He gets loud at the end when they talk about toe sucking services
And lmaooo I just imagine you driving to work with this blasting in the background. Calm as ever with the bass booming
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It's the one thing that gets you ready for the day 😂
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michaels-reality · 2 years
34. is there a song you know every word to by heart?
Uuhhh...... the creeper rap by dan bull KFHDGJKDG
I know a lot of silly ones like my trains, hedghog stew, skydiving, the sans stronger than you parodies 😭
Less silly songs are probably Beef Flomix, GOODMORNINGTOKYO!(still kinda silly), A bunch of songs off of Tyler's Flower Boy album, Sweatpants, and Musical songs like Michael in the Bathroom and When he sees me.
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dwtspotify · 10 hours
nursery — bbno$ (12:21 pm EST)
Sanguine Paradise — Lil Uzi Vert (12:25 pm EST)
A LA CARTE ft brakence — Quadeca (12:27 pm EST)
Scooby Doo — Jiubel (12:31 pm EST)
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lovphobic · 4 months
was in the bathroom braidin my hair and i had nothin goin on in my brain except goodmorningtokyo
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