#google maps api key
ceyhanmedya · 2 years
<strong>Google Maps</strong>
New Post has been published on https://bankakredin.com/google-maps/
Google Maps
Google Maps
Google Maps is one of the free to use map services, one of the Google products. Maps provide road information, and they take advantage of real-time traffic to determine the most suitable route to reach your destination. The service, which contains many features, also provides API support, making it easier for other sites to benefit from the service, and google maps also supports three-dimensional viewing. 
The service provides many possibilities such as calculating suitable routes, satellite images, terrain images, a specific route for transportation by vehicle and informing about the traffic situation while processing it, calculating the time to reach the destination and so on.
Google map features
Street View
With the Street View feature of Google maps, 360-degree panoramic images can be created and you can tour the streets with these images. To use the feature,  you need to go to Google Maps  . You can inquire about the place you want to see from the search area, then you can start using it by clicking on the image.
Voice commands
If you turn on voice commands, it is possible to receive important information such as road information and road warnings, but voice navigation is not a service available in all languages ​​yet.
Location Sharing
Google maps service offers the possibility to share any desired location. With its instant location sharing feature, it allows you to meet your friends comfortably in an area you want.
Open the Google Maps app.
Choose a place from the map.
Tap the address of the place.
Find and tap the share icon. If this icon is not visible, tap the three dots and press share.
Select the app you want to share.
Finding Parking Space
Google Maps service uses real data, so it provides information to the users about the parking when they arrive at the destination and it can be known how long it takes.
Seeing Places Nearby
Google Maps allows you to see the parks, pharmacies, restaurants, cafes around or near you, and you can see the feedback and ratings of these places by other users.
Adding a Company
Adding your company to Google Maps makes it easier for your customers to reach you. To add your company, you need to install the Google My Business app. then you can register your company by following the steps on the screen that opens.
Starting or Stopping Navigation
Open the Google Maps app on your phone.
Search for your destination from the map search section and tap on it.
Press and hold Directions from the bottom left.
If you want to add a different destination optionally, click on add a stop in the upper right corner and tap Done when the process is finished.
Choose one of the following options: * Car * Public Transport * Journey * Pedestrian * Bicycle
Click Start to start the navigation.
Setting a Reminder for the Trip
Open the Google Maps app on your phone.
Add a destination.
Tap the blue circle in the lower right corner.
Choose how you can go.
Click on the three dots at the top right and click on the “ Set Reminder ” option.
Set time.
Using Offline
You can use google maps  in an area where you don’t have internet access or when you don’t have internet  . You can save an area on your google maps before and when you are offline you can navigate the area you downloaded.
Open the Google Maps app on your phone
Since you need to be connected to the internet, make sure your connection is strong and you also need to log in.
Search anywhere and click on your download option.
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Too big to care
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in BOSTON with Randall "XKCD" Munroe (Apr 11), then PROVIDENCE (Apr 12), and beyond!
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Remember the first time you used Google search? It was like magic. After years of progressively worsening search quality from Altavista and Yahoo, Google was literally stunning, a gateway to the very best things on the internet.
Today, Google has a 90% search market-share. They got it the hard way: they cheated. Google spends tens of billions of dollars on payola in order to ensure that they are the default search engine behind every search box you encounter on every device, every service and every website:
Not coincidentally, Google's search is getting progressively, monotonically worse. It is a cesspool of botshit, spam, scams, and nonsense. Important resources that I never bothered to bookmark because I could find them with a quick Google search no longer show up in the first ten screens of results:
Even after all that payola, Google is still absurdly profitable. They have so much money, they were able to do a $80 billion stock buyback. Just a few months later, Google fired 12,000 skilled technical workers. Essentially, Google is saying that they don't need to spend money on quality, because we're all locked into using Google search. It's cheaper to buy the default search box everywhere in the world than it is to make a product that is so good that even if we tried another search engine, we'd still prefer Google.
This is enshittification. Google is shifting value away from end users (searchers) and business customers (advertisers, publishers and merchants) to itself:
And here's the thing: there are search engines out there that are so good that if you just try them, you'll get that same feeling you got the first time you tried Google.
When I was in Tucson last month on my book-tour for my new novel The Bezzle, I crashed with my pals Patrick and Teresa Nielsen Hayden. I've know them since I was a teenager (Patrick is my editor).
We were sitting in his living room on our laptops – just like old times! – and Patrick asked me if I'd tried Kagi, a new search-engine.
Teresa chimed in, extolling the advanced search features, the "lenses" that surfaced specific kinds of resources on the web.
I hadn't even heard of Kagi, but the Nielsen Haydens are among the most effective researchers I know – both in their professional editorial lives and in their many obsessive hobbies. If it was good enough for them…
I tried it. It was magic.
No, seriously. All those things Google couldn't find anymore? Top of the search pile. Queries that generated pages of spam in Google results? Fucking pristine on Kagi – the right answers, over and over again.
That was before I started playing with Kagi's lenses and other bells and whistles, which elevated the search experience from "magic" to sorcerous.
The catch is that Kagi costs money – after 100 queries, they want you to cough up $10/month ($14 for a couple or $20 for a family with up to six accounts, and some kid-specific features):
I immediately bought a family plan. I've been using it for a month. I've basically stopped using Google search altogether.
Kagi just let me get a lot more done, and I assumed that they were some kind of wildly capitalized startup that was running their own crawl and and their own data-centers. But this morning, I read Jason Koebler's 404 Media report on his own experiences using it:
Koebler's piece contained a key detail that I'd somehow missed:
When you search on Kagi, the service makes a series of “anonymized API calls to traditional search indexes like Google, Yandex, Mojeek, and Brave,” as well as a handful of other specialized search engines, Wikimedia Commons, Flickr, etc. Kagi then combines this with its own web index and news index (for news searches) to build the results pages that you see. So, essentially, you are getting some mix of Google search results combined with results from other indexes.
In other words: Kagi is a heavily customized, anonymized front-end to Google.
The implications of this are stunning. It means that Google's enshittified search-results are a choice. Those ad-strewn, sub-Altavista, spam-drowned search pages are a feature, not a bug. Google prefers those results to Kagi, because Google makes more money out of shit than they would out of delivering a good product:
No wonder Google spends a whole-ass Twitter every year to make sure you never try a rival search engine. Bottom line: they ran the numbers and figured out their most profitable course of action is to enshittify their flagship product and bribe their "competitors" like Apple and Samsung so that you never try another search engine and have another one of those magic moments that sent all those Jeeves-askin' Yahooers to Google a quarter-century ago.
One of my favorite TV comedy bits is Lily Tomlin as Ernestine the AT&T operator; Tomlin would do these pitches for the Bell System and end every ad with "We don't care. We don't have to. We're the phone company":
Speaking of TV comedy: this week saw FTC chair Lina Khan appear on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. It was amazing:
The coverage of Khan's appearance has focused on Stewart's revelation that when he was doing a show on Apple TV, the company prohibited him from interviewing her (presumably because of her hostility to tech monopolies):
But for me, the big moment came when Khan described tech monopolists as "too big to care."
What a phrase!
Since the subprime crisis, we're all familiar with businesses being "too big to fail" and "too big to jail." But "too big to care?" Oof, that got me right in the feels.
Because that's what it feels like to use enshittified Google. That's what it feels like to discover that Kagi – the good search engine – is mostly Google with the weights adjusted to serve users, not shareholders.
Google used to care. They cared because they were worried about competitors and regulators. They cared because their workers made them care:
Google doesn't care anymore. They don't have to. They're the search company.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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thesomebodywho · 23 days
Working in IT can be pretty wild. Some days you feel like the dumbest dumbass that has ever dumbassed because you had to Google the syntax for a switch-case for the fifth time in the same day.
Then one day your university starts using a service and you find out that the coders making the front-end forgot to turn off source-mapping and you can just snoop around their source code.
It was honestly super validating that after actually sending them an email warning about their source code, a couple of API keys and their staging URLs being exposed, the next day the source mapping was turned off. It kind of felt like telling someone their ass crack was showing and politely asking them to pull their pants up. The other option would have been to start poking around in their staging environment, which I would equate to seeing the exposed ass crack and *unzips benis*. Of course, if you are a white hat hacker you could uncover some big security flaws with this. The unzipping allegory kind of crumbles from this point-of-view...
Anyway, the moral of the story is remember to turn off source mapping. (Also don't use API keys in front-end React code and prefer going through the back-end to use external APIs.)
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mariacallous · 1 year
The open internet once seemed inevitable. Now, as global economic woes mount and interest rates climb, the dream of the 2000s feels like it’s on its last legs. After abruptly blocking access to unregistered users at the end of last month, Elon Musk announced unprecedented caps on the number of tweets—600 for those of us who aren’t paying $8 a month—that users can read per day on Twitter. The move follows the platform’s controversial choice to restrict third-party clients back in January.
This wasn’t a standalone event. Reddit announced in April that it would begin charging third-party developers for API calls this month. The Reddit client Apollo would have to pay more than $20 million a year under new pricing, so it closed down, triggering thousands of subreddits to go dark in protest against Reddit’s new policy. The company went ahead with its plan anyway.
Leaders at both companies have blamed this new restrictiveness on AI companies unfairly benefitting from open access to data. Musk has said that Twitter needs rate limits because AI companies are scraping its data to train large language models. Reddit CEO Steve Huffman has cited similar reasons for the company’s decision to lock down its API ahead of a potential IPO this year.
These statements mark a major shift in the rhetoric and business calculus of Silicon Valley. AI serves as a convenient boogeyman, but it is a distraction from a more fundamental pivot in thinking. Whereas open data and protocols were once seen as the critical cornerstone of successful internet business, technology leaders now see these features as a threat to the continued profitability of their platforms.
It wasn’t always this way. The heady days of Web 2.0 were characterized by a celebration of the web as a channel through which data was abundant and widely available. Making data open through an API or some other means was considered a key way to increase a company’s value. Doing so could also help platforms flourish as developers integrated the data into their own apps, users enriched datasets with their own contributions, and fans shared products widely across the web. The rapid success of sites like Google Maps—which made expensive geospatial data widely available to the public for the first time—heralded an era where companies could profit through free, mass dissemination of information.
“Information Wants To Be Free” became a rallying cry. Publisher Tim O’Reilly would champion the idea that business success in Web 2.0 depended on companies “disagreeing with the consensus” and making data widely accessible rather than keeping it private. Kevin Kelly marveled in WIRED in 2005 that “when a company opens its databases to users … [t]he corporation’s data becomes part of the commons and an invitation to participate. People who take advantage of these capabilities are no longer customers; they’re the company’s developers, vendors, skunk works, and fan base.” Investors also perceived the opportunity to generate vast wealth. Google was “most certainly the standard bearer for Web 2.0,” and its wildly profitable model of monetizing free, open data was deeply influential to a whole generation of entrepreneurs and venture capitalists.
Of course, the ideology of Web 2.0 would not have evolved the way it did were it not for the highly unusual macroeconomic conditions of the 2000s and early 2010s. Thanks to historically low interest rates, spending money on speculative ventures was uniquely possible. Financial institutions had the flexibility on their balance sheets to embrace the idea that the internet reversed the normal laws of commercial gravity: It was possible for a company to give away its most valuable data and still get rich quick. In short, a zero interest-rate policy, or ZIRP, subsidized investor risk-taking on the promise that open data would become the fundamental paradigm of many Google-scale companies, not just a handful.
Web 2.0 ideologies normalized much of what we think of as foundational to the web today. User tagging and sharing features, freely syndicated and embeddable links to content, and an ecosystem of third-party apps all have their roots in the commitments made to build an open web. Indeed, one of the reasons that the recent maneuvers of Musk and Huffman seem so shocking is that we have come to expect data will be widely and freely available, and that platforms will be willing to support people that build on it.
But the marriage between the commercial interests of technology companies and the participatory web has always been one of convenience. The global campaign by central banks to curtail inflation through aggressive interest rate hikes changes the fundamental economics of technology. Rather than facing a landscape of investors willing to buy into a hazy dream of the open web, leaders like Musk and Huffman now confront a world where clear returns need to be seen today if not yesterday.
This presages major changes ahead for the design of the internet and the rights of users. Twitter and Reddit are pioneering an approach to platform management (or mismanagement) that will likely spread elsewhere across the web. It will become increasingly difficult to access content without logging in, verifying an identity, or paying a toll. User data will become less exportable and less shareable, and there will be increasingly fewer expectations that it will be preserved. Third-parties that have relied on the free flow of data online—from app-makers to journalists—will find APIs ever more expensive to access and scraping harder than ever before.
We should not let the open web die a quiet death. No doubt much of the foundational rhetoric of Web 2.0 is cringeworthy in the harsh light of 2023. But it is important to remember that the core project of building a participatory web where data can be shared, improved, critiqued, remixed, and widely disseminated by anyone is still genuinely worthwhile.
The way the global economic landscape is shifting right now creates short-sighted incentives toward closure. In response, the open web ought to be enshrined as a matter of law. New regulations that secure rights around the portability of user data, protect the continued accessibility of crucial APIs to third parties, and clarify the long-ambiguous rules surrounding scraping would all help ensure that the promise of a free, dynamic, competitive internet can be preserved in the coming decade.
For too long, advocates for the open web have implicitly relied on naive beliefs that the network is inherently open, or that web companies would serve as unshakable defenders of their stated values. The opening innings of the post-ZIRP world show how broader economic conditions have actually played the larger role in architecting how the internet looks and feels to this point. Believers in a participatory internet need to reach for stronger tools to mitigate the effects of these deep economic shifts, ensuring that openness can continue to be embedded into the spaces that we inhabit online.
WIRED Opinion publishes articles by outside contributors representing a wide range of viewpoints. Read more opinions here. Submit an op-ed at [email protected].
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alliance00 · 22 hours
The Top 10 Skills in High Demand for Technical Recruitment in 2023
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To hire technical talent, the right insights into the competition and compensation based on skill sets are a must. Find guidance from top global technical recruiters.
Technology recruitment is the trickiest of all hiring activities. You invest a lot into maintaining in-house tech recruiters and depend on them to figure out whom to hire and how to go about it.
I will suggest that as a business owner or CEO, take some time to go over the data of the last few years and track every cent spent by in-house technical recruitment teams. Compare it with outcomes like retention, impact on revenues, interview-to-hire ratios based on skill sets, and impact on client satisfaction.
Most likely, you will be staggered.
What is the solution?
Equip yourself with some real market knowledge, not the buzz and the hype that is influencing your in-house recruitment teams.
Here is a blog curated by taking information from global technical employment agencies and technical recruitment specialists.
Technical Recruitment Specialists Indicate Facts That Every Business Owner Should Know
The CEO or business owners investing in tech recruitment will need to take time to get a bird’s-eye view of the tech job market. Depend on real knowledge, which can only be shared by global technical recruitment specialists with extensive experience.
Find out what kind of skills are most demanded in the market.
Understand skill sets and their value and map them with your project needs or in-house digital transformation needs.
Figure out if in-house tech hiring is based on opinions and buzz-increasing articles or hardcore market intelligence.
Improve technical recruitment practices.
Improve technical recruitment compensation decisions.
Here’s what our global technical recruitment specialists have found after going through the data of 10,000+ hiring decisions in the last few years and the requirements shared by companies worldwide in 2023.
Technical Recruiters’ List of Top 10 Tech Skills in 2023
1. Data Science And Analytics
Why Does Data Science Top the List? Data science skills are a must for all companies increasing digital maturity levels, which covers 70% of firms across industry sectors.
When the demand is mapped with the talent with specializations in computer science, statistics, Python, and R and experience in machine learning, predictive modeling, and Big Data technologies, the availability figures range between 40%-60% in most countries.
Map Your Talent Needs: If you are planning to hire data science teams or hire data analytics teams, you will need to recruit data engineers, data communicators, Big Data engineers, project coordinators, business process analysts, and experts in computer science and statistics.
2. Cloud Computing
Why Cloud Computing Skills Are Most in Demand: Post 2020, the migration to Cloud has become a critical need for a majority of companies in different sectors. The market size is projected to go beyond USD 2,300 billion by 2032, as per authoritative industry reports.
With the help of a technical recruitment agency, entry-level jobs in Cloud computing can be quickly filled by harnessing talent from key locations in Asia-Pacific, but senior talent is hard-to-find and often seized by the biggest players in any industry. We are talking about Cloud architect skills that include expertise in virtualization and service-oriented architecture or managerial roles in Cloud DevOps engineering and Cloud security.
Map Your Talent Needs: If you are planning to hire Cloud engineer teams, consider certification levels and experience in OpenStack, Linux, AWS Cloud certifications, Google Cloud certifications, and Microsoft Azure. You also need experts in APIs, Cloud security, DevOps, and databases. Google Certified Professional Cloud Architect certification is among the highest paying, for which compensation can cross $140,000.
3. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Why AI jobs have high market demand: AI is not about a set of applications or architecture – it pervades ten thousands of functions across industries. AI is what makes any application intelligent by itself.
The industry demand for AI talent is immeasurable. Chatbots, banking applications, fitness applications, drones, medical devices, biometric applications, location-based applications, game apps, Big Data analysis…the list can count 1000+ functions.
Although the potential for AI is tremendous, people with the right qualifications and experience might cover only up to 20% of the demand, as per top technical employment agencies.
Map Your Talent Needs: You need detailed plans before you hire AI researchers, AI product designers, neural network specialists, AI robotics professionals, or business intelligence AI engineers. Each project will need a different combination of skill sets. It is better to consult with a technical recruitment agency that has mapped the market for the skills you need.
4. Big Data Engineering
Why Big Data engineering demand remains high: Most companies with a huge digital infrastructure in sectors such as retail, healthcare, BFSI, manufacturing, gaming and entertainment, and telecommunication require Big Data management to process the zillions of data flowing in every day.
Technical recruiter companies indicate that the market size for Big Data jobs can only triple by 2030. It is reportedly projected to cross $684.12. The worldwide job markets for senior and top-level professionals in Big Data Engineering and Management are quite tight, creating compensation structures that cross $151,300.
Map Your Talent Needs: To hire senior Big Data engineer teams, you will be looking at 5-10 years of experience in Hadoop, Apache Spark, data mining and modeling, data warehousing, and data structuring and standardization. A technical recruitment agency with experience in Big Data recruitment is your best source for Big Data engineering.
5. DevOps Engineering
Why DevOps demand is skyrocketing: Whether companies need real-time monitoring, incident management, collaboration platforms, Cloud computing, or configuration management, DevOps adoption is the biggest need.
No wonder with the rising need for digitalization, DevOps needs are seeing a corresponding rise. Technical employment agencies report that talent mobility is huge in this domain. Global tech recruitment expertise will become a necessity to find talent quickly.
Map Your Talent Needs: To hire for DevOps projects, you will be considering the recruitment of DevOps software developers, DevOps security engineers, DevOps Cloud engineers, DevOps release managers, DevOps automation architects, and DevOps quality assurance and experience assurance professionals.
6. Information Security
Why Information Security roles are in high demand: Every company with digitalized operations will need information security professionals. According to technical recruiter companies, from hiring a CISO to hiring information security engineers, IT security analysts, and data stewards, the domain covers numerous jobs.
Map Your Talent Needs: To hire a CISO, a director of information security, or senior information security professionals, you cannot afford to ignore certifications such as Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), or Certified Information Security Manager (CISM).
These certifications are necessary over and above wide experience and academic qualifications, such as a master’s degree in computer science.
7. Cybersecurity
Why the huge demand for cybersecurity roles continues: At the offset, let us offer clarity that although cybersecurity is a part of information security, it has become an industry segment in itself.
With cybercrime risks pervading almost all industries, cybersecurity recruitment has seen a constant rise, most technical recruiter companies report.
Map Your Talent Needs: For junior or assistant roles in cybersecurity, a Google IT Support Professional Certificate is a basic requirement. A GIAC Certified Incident Handler certification works for mid-level roles. But if you seek to hire cybersecurity engineers, you should be looking at certifications such as Certified Ethical Hacker, CompTIA Security+, or Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP).
8. Web Development
Why full-stack developer roles are in high demand: Almost any business launch or expansion requires website and web application developer services. The demand for web developers increased by around 70% in the last few years, thanks to the huge explosion of startups worldwide, as per most technical employment agencies.
Senior back-end web developer salaries crossed $108,580 in North America, while front-end web developers reached around $100,000.
Map Your Talent Needs: Web developers with expertise in JavaScript, PHP, Java, Python, Objective C, and C++ were highly-paid. Senior full-stack developers with experience in developing for Cloud and multi-platforms, combined with certifications in React and Node.js, were among the most sought-after and the best-paid.
If you are planning to hire React.js developers, hire Node.js developers, or hire web developers with Cloud development experience, you need to scrutinize their certifications and their portfolio.
9. Mobile App Development
Mobile app developer skills high in demand: Mobile development has become critical for business survival, especially for digital marketing, sales, customer services, payments, and client experience management. There are many millions of mobile app developers, but the market is not yet saturated. Rather some combinations of skills are hard to find and among the most sought-after in the IT industry.
Map Your Talent Needs: Mobile developers with experience in Python, database integration, and UI and UX designs, in addition to front-end development, are in huge demand worldwide. Mobile developers with expertise in Objective-C and iOS development were among the most paid.
10. Data Visualization/Storytelling
Why data storytelling is among the top 10 most in-demand skills: By 2025, a majority of operations will be data-driven. Making sense of all the data will become a primary need for everything from marketing and sales to IT security management and financial management.
Map Your Talent Needs: You will need to hire data visualization experts for business intelligence, market intelligence, risk management, financial modeling, business process redesign, process automation, operations monitoring, sales and marketing analytics, or any other work involving figuring out insights from data. Professionals with certifications in data visualization with Python and BI or with R or Tableau will be a need in every division of digitally transformed businesses.
Why Choose A Global Technical Recruitment Agency For Finding Top Tech Skills?
1. A global technical recruitment agency will have specialized technical recruiters for different IT areas and geographies, providing you access to 10x more quality talent than a local agency.
2. An experienced global technical recruitment agency will have already mapped the market demand and talent availability worldwide and will give you accurate information about hiring models, trends, and best practices.
3. A global technical recruitment agency partner enables you to identify the right talent – candidates with the combination of skills, experience, and certifications that are ideal for your projects or initiatives.
4. Technical recruiter companies can fill positions in 50% or 30% of the time taken by traditional resources, as they can easily connect with thousands of candidates within hours.
5. With the help of global technical recruiter companies, you can strategically source specialized talent from locations where their availability is high, and hiring costs are less.
6. Technical employment agencies with a worldwide presence can improve your remote hiring experience and talent quality, giving you more power to seamlessly manage project demands.
7. Global technical recruitment spreliably outsource IT staffing projects for web development, mobile development, Cloud computing, data science, or any tech project.
Also Read : Technical Recruiting For Dummies, Attracting The Top Talent
Final Thoughts
Having an expert, global, resourceful technical recruitment agency partner enables you to hire superstar candidates for your high-revenue projects. You can harness the top skills most in demand in the market and increase ROI from any IT project or digitalization move.
Consult with our global recruitment agency to hire top tech talent from 30+ countries! Save time and money; increase project value!
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Got API keys for Google maps AND the census set up today and honestly I'm having so much fun
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techfinna · 8 days
Top 5 Selling Odoo Modules.
In the dynamic world of business, having the right tools can make all the difference. For Odoo users, certain modules stand out for their ability to enhance data management and operations. To optimize your Odoo implementation and leverage its full potential. 
That's where Odoo ERP can be a life savior for your business. This comprehensive solution integrates various functions into one centralized platform, tailor-made for the digital economy. 
Let’s drive into 5 top selling module that can revolutionize your Odoo experience:
Dashboard Ninja with AI, Odoo Power BI connector, Looker studio connector, Google sheets connector, and Odoo data model.
1. Dashboard Ninja with AI: 
Using this module, Create amazing reports with the powerful and smart Odoo Dashboard ninja app for Odoo. See your business from a 360-degree angle with an interactive, and beautiful dashboard.
Some Key Features:
Real-time streaming Dashboard
Advanced data filter
Create charts from Excel and CSV file
Fluid and flexible layout
Download Dashboards items
This module gives you AI suggestions for improving your operational efficiencies.
2. Odoo Power BI Connector:
This module provides a direct connection between Odoo and Power BI Desktop, a Powerful data visualization tool.
Some Key features:
Secure token-based connection.
Proper schema and data type handling.
Fetch custom tables from Odoo.
Real-time data updates.
With Power BI, you can make informed decisions based on real-time data analysis and visualization.
3. Odoo Data Model: 
The Odoo Data Model is the backbone of the entire system. It defines how your data is stored, structured, and related within the application.
Key Features:
Relations & fields: Developers can easily find relations ( one-to-many, many-to-many and many-to-one) and defining fields (columns) between data tables. 
Object Relational mapping: Odoo ORM allows developers to define models (classes) that map to database tables.
The module allows you to use SQL query extensions and download data in Excel  Sheets.
4. Google Sheet Connector:
This connector bridges the gap between Odoo and Google Sheets.
Some Key features:
Real-time data synchronization and transfer between Odoo and Spreadsheet.
One-time setup, No need to wrestle with API’s.
Transfer multiple tables swiftly.
Helped your team’s workflow by making Odoo data accessible in a sheet format.
5.  Odoo Looker Studio Connector:
Looker studio connector by Techfinna easily integrates Odoo data with Looker, a powerful data analytics and visualization platform.
Some Key Features:
Directly integrate Odoo data to Looker Studio with just a few clicks.
The connector automatically retrieves and maps Odoo table schemas in their native data types.
Manual and scheduled data refresh.
Execute custom SQL queries for selective data fetching.
The Module helped you build detailed reports, and provide deeper business intelligence.
 These  Modules will improve analytics, customization, and reporting. Module setup can significantly enhance your operational efficiency. Let’s embrace these modules and take your Odoo experience to the next level. 
Need Help?
I hope you find the blog helpful. Please share your feedback and suggestions.
For flawless Odoo Connectors, implementation, and services contact us at 
[email protected] Or www.techneith.com  
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faciletechnolab1 · 8 days
How we built a Marketplace Platform MVP and integrated Generative AI
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In this article, we will cover how our team helped launch an online marketplace platform mvp.
I'm going to share a story of our collaboration with one of our existing client. He has an amazing idea to innovate the way corporate event happens in the industry.
The client has good understanding of managing software projects. The client believed design thinking and building prototypes is key step to succeed. So, when our first engagement happened, the client had a figma prototype of 60% of the system ready.
The client's expectation was to get guidance on certain areas of the application. He also wanted to hire a team that converts the figma design into working system from start to finish. Since client had prior experience working with us, they contacted us for this new project.
The Marketplace MVP
The marketplace MVP was very easy to use. Being a corporate user, you are organizing corporate event. So, you will use the site to search for service providers. You will request for proposal. For each of the services you need, you can shortlist the quotation received.
Being a vendor, who serves corporate events, you can add your business and services. You can accept the RFP if it's relevant. Generate quote for the RFP received. Get confirmation of acceptance or rejection from the users.
The key features
The key features that we identified during discovery sprint are:
Responsive UI: Users should be able to use the system in the desktop, tablet and mobile devices.
Multilanguage: System should auto detect the user language from the browser. Ability for users to choose/switch their language.
Social Authentication: Ability for users to login with their Google and Facebook accounts.
Google Maps: Ability for users to see a maps view of the business or service listings
Marketing Plans: Monthly subscription for vendors to promote their listings.
Add Ons: One time add Ons for vendors to verify their business, paid profile setups, photo suites etc.
Listings: Ability for users to see the services based on city, category, and other filters.
Request for Proposal: Ability for users to request for proposals from the listing
Receive Quotes: Ability for users to receive quote from the interested vendors
Approve/Reject Quote: Ability for users to shortlist the quote.
ChatGPT Integration: ChatGPT API will help users to generate the language specific content. Here are some examples:
Ability for vendors to generate business and service listing description
Ability for users to generate request for proposal description
Ability for vendors to generate quote
Our approach
We started with a discovery sprint and shortlisted the in scope features. We also identified the gap in the Figma design prototypes and suggested improvements. At the end of the discovery sprint we had vision of in scope mvp features, timeline and budget.
Tech Stack: React.js, Next.js, Redux and Javascript in the front-end. ASP.NET Core, REST API, ASP.NET Web API, Entity Framework Core Code First, Azure SQL, Azure Storage used for back-end. We hosted both back-end and front-end applications in the Azure App Services.
The client engages throughout the project. Client received the dev site hosted on azure after first two sprints. Our team kept updating the dev site after every sprint. The client had flexibility to review and change things as we go.
The result
As we proceed towards the sprints, the client added some important features. Also, updated the UX for some of the modules to be more user friendly. Integrating stripe, google map, language and culture detection was also tricky. Finally, our team deliver all the MVP features with 100% client satisfaction.
Our team stood by the client for any support needed during the beta launch. We will be supporting client as they will go live with the full launch in Jan 2024.
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It was yet another successful project delivered! Our first product idea of building a marketplace platform mvp turned into reality! Subscribe to our newsletter to receive a notification as we publish related case study on our website.
Related case study: Online Marketplace Platform MVP for Event Management Industry
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whatsappapi12 · 9 days
How to Build and Integrate an AI-Powered WhatsApp Chat Bot in 2024
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In 2024, businesses are increasingly turning to AI-powered solutions to improve customer interactions, and WhatsApp chatbots have become a key tool. WhatsApp, with its user-friendly interface and vast global user base, provides an excellent platform for automating customer service and engagement. Integrating an AI-powered WhatsApp chatbot can streamline communication, handle queries efficiently, and improve overall customer satisfaction.
In this blog, we’ll cover how to build and integrate an AI-powered WhatsApp chatbot, covering key aspects such as WhatsApp API service, blue tick handling, WhatsApp Business API, bulk message software, and chatbot integration.
Understanding WhatsApp Chatbots
A WhatsApp chatbot is an AI-powered software that interacts with customers on WhatsApp through text-based responses. These chatbots can understand and answer customer queries, provide product information, and even handle transactions.
Key Features:
24/7 Customer Service: Chatbots are available round the clock.
Instant Responses: They reply instantly to customer queries.
Personalized Communication: With AI, chatbots can analyze customer data to deliver personalized responses.
Setting Up WhatsApp Business API
To create a functional chatbot, you need to use WhatsApp Business API, which allows businesses to communicate with customers at scale. Here's how to get started:
Apply for WhatsApp Business API Access: Visit the official WhatsApp Business page and apply for API access. You'll need to provide business details, including the WhatsApp Business phone number.
Integrating with a BSP (Business Solution Provider): Once you gain access, you’ll need to integrate the API with a BSP like Twilio, Gupshup, or MessageBird. These platforms provide the necessary infrastructure to manage your chatbot and API integration.
Set Up Webhooks: The API will notify your server using webhooks whenever a customer sends a message. These messages can then be processed and responded to using your chatbot.
Building the AI-Powered Chatbot
Building an AI-powered chatbot involves several steps, including developing the natural language processing (NLP) engine and integrating AI features to understand and respond to customer queries.
Choose an AI Platform: Platforms like Dialog Flow (Google), Rasa, or Wit.ai can be used to develop the NLP logic for your chatbot. These platforms help your chatbot understand user inputs and respond intelligently.
Train the Chatbot: To build an effective WhatsApp chatbot, train it with common customer queries and responses. Make sure to include different variations of questions so the AI can recognize various forms of user input.
Integrate AI with WhatsApp API: Use the WhatsApp API to send and receive messages between the user and your chatbot. The chatbot’s AI engine will interpret incoming messages, generate responses, and send them back via the API.
WhatsApp Blue Tick Handling
The blue tick in WhatsApp signifies that a message has been read. When building a chatbot, it’s crucial to understand how this functionality affects customer interactions:
Message Statuses: The WhatsApp API allows you to track message statuses like sent,delivered, and read.
Personalized Follow-ups: Use blue tick status to send personalized follow-ups to customers who have read the message but haven’t responded. This feature can help improve engagement.
Chatbot Integration with WhatsApp
Now that your AI-powered chatbot is ready, it’s time to integrate it with WhatsApp. Here’s how you can do it:
WhatsApp API Integration: Ensure that your chatbot is connected to the WhatsApp API so it can send and receive messages.
Mapping User Queries: Create a system that maps various user queries to predefined responses or actions. For example, a query about business hours can trigger a response with the business’s operating hours.
Automating Responses: Program your chatbot to send automated responses based on specific triggers, such as welcoming new users, handling FAQs, or offering customer support.
WhatsApp Bulk Message Sending Software
For marketing and outreach purposes, you can use WhatsApp bulk messaging software integrated with your AI chatbot. This will allow you to send personalized bulk messages, promotions, and announcements to customers.
Compliance with WhatsApp Policies: Bulk messaging should follow WhatsApp’s strict anti-spam policies. Make sure to send messages only to opt-in users.
Using Templates: WhatsApp Business API supports pre-approved message templates for sending bulk messages. These templates can be customized based on customer data and preferences.
Post-Launch Optimization
After launching your AI-powered WhatsApp chatbot, continuously optimize its performance by analyzing customer interactions. Use analytics tools to track engagement, satisfaction rates, and customer feedback.
AI Learning: Implement feedback loops to ensure the chatbot learns from customer interactions and improves over time.
Adding New Features: As your business grows, consider adding new features to the chatbot, such as handling transactions, providing shipment tracking, or sending personalized offers.
Building and integrating an AI-powered WhatsApp chatbot in 2024 is essential for businesses looking to enhance their customer engagement strategies. By leveraging WhatsApp API services, AI technology, and bulk messaging software, businesses can create a seamless, automated communication system that improves efficiency and customer satisfaction.
Follow this guide to implement your own AI-powered WhatsApp chatbot, and watch how it transforms your customer interactions
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Ultimate YAML Course: YAML JSON JSONPath Zero
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In the world of data processing, YAML, JSON, and JSONPath play crucial roles in simplifying data structuring and access. If you're looking to master these essential technologies, the Ultimate YAML Course: YAML JSON JSONPath Zero is the perfect place to begin your journey.
In this blog, we will take an in-depth look at these technologies, their significance in modern development, and why this course can help you gain a competitive edge. This article is crafted with top-performing keywords from SERP, Google Trends, and Google Keyword Planner to enhance its SEO performance.
What is YAML?
YAML (YAML Ain't Markup Language) is a human-readable data serialization standard. It is widely used for configuration files and data interchange between different applications. YAML is popular because of its simplicity and ease of reading, which makes it ideal for applications like Kubernetes, Ansible, and other configuration management tools.
Why YAML is Important?
YAML is preferred over JSON and XML for configuration files due to its clean and minimalistic structure. As an aspiring developer or DevOps engineer, understanding YAML is essential because it’s used in popular technologies such as Docker, Kubernetes, and CI/CD pipelines.
Key features of YAML:
Human-readable format
Supports complex data structures (lists, maps)
Minimal syntax with indentation-based structure
To master these skills, the Ultimate YAML Course: YAML JSON JSONPath Zero can be the stepping stone towards a proficient understanding of YAML.
What is JSON?
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data format that is easy to read and write for humans and simple to parse and generate for machines. It’s an essential skill for developers, especially those working with web applications and APIs.
Why JSON is Important?
JSON is omnipresent in the tech ecosystem. It is the standard format for data exchange between web clients and servers, especially in REST APIs. Whether you’re building front-end web applications, back-end services, or working with APIs, you’ll come across JSON.
Key features of JSON:
Text format that is language-independent
Easily readable and writable
Frequently used in APIs for data transfer
In the Ultimate YAML Course: YAML JSON JSONPath Zero, you’ll gain a solid understanding of JSON’s fundamentals, allowing you to work effectively with various data sources.
What is JSONPath?
JSONPath is a query language for JSON, much like XPath is for XML. It allows you to extract specific data from JSON structures using path-like syntax. JSONPath is powerful because it simplifies the process of navigating through complex JSON data.
Why JSONPath is Important?
In scenarios where JSON is the primary format for data exchange, JSONPath simplifies the process of retrieving and manipulating data. For example, in APIs, databases, and cloud services that use JSON, JSONPath can streamline data extraction.
Key features of JSONPath:
Querying nested JSON data
Supports conditional expressions
Allows for easy data extraction from JSON
The Ultimate YAML Course: YAML JSON JSONPath Zero covers JSONPath in detail, ensuring you gain the skills necessary to manipulate JSON data with precision.
Who Should Take the Ultimate YAML Course?
The Ultimate YAML Course: YAML JSON JSONPath Zero is perfect for:
Developers looking to expand their knowledge of data serialization.
DevOps engineers working with tools like Kubernetes and Ansible.
Data engineers who need to process JSON data in ETL pipelines.
API developers who want to master JSON for seamless client-server communication.
System administrators who frequently deal with configuration files written in YAML.
What You Will Learn in the Ultimate YAML Course
This course provides a comprehensive overview of YAML, JSON, and JSONPath, starting from the basics and advancing to more complex topics. Below are the key concepts covered in the Ultimate YAML Course: YAML JSON JSONPath Zero:
1. YAML Fundamentals
Introduction to YAML syntax
Writing YAML configuration files
YAML best practices
Converting data between YAML, JSON, and XML
2. JSON Mastery
Understanding JSON syntax
Parsing and generating JSON data in various programming languages
Working with REST APIs and handling JSON responses
Converting YAML to JSON and vice versa
3. Mastering JSONPath
Introduction to JSONPath expressions
Writing queries to extract data from complex JSON
Real-world applications of JSONPath in data analysis and API development
Integrating JSONPath with JavaScript, Python, and other languages
Top Use Cases of YAML, JSON, and JSONPath
Kubernetes Configuration Management YAML is the de facto standard for writing configuration files in Kubernetes. Understanding YAML is crucial for deploying applications, managing clusters, and configuring services in Kubernetes.
Web APIs with JSON JSON is widely used in web APIs for exchanging data between the client and server. Mastering JSON enables developers to build efficient API endpoints that can process and return structured data.
Automating Tasks with JSONPath JSONPath simplifies the process of querying JSON data, making it essential for developers working with complex datasets in APIs, databases, or data pipelines.
Why Choose the Ultimate YAML Course?
With the growing importance of YAML, JSON, and JSONPath in modern development workflows, mastering these tools can significantly enhance your career prospects. Whether you’re an aspiring DevOps engineer, a backend developer, or a system administrator, understanding how to work with structured data is crucial.
In the Ultimate YAML Course: YAML JSON JSONPath Zero, you’ll gain practical, hands-on experience with real-world use cases that you can apply immediately in your job. The course is designed for beginners, so no prior experience is required.
Why This Course Stands Out?
Comprehensive Coverage: From YAML syntax to JSONPath queries, the course provides an all-inclusive guide.
Practical Applications: Learn how YAML, JSON, and JSONPath are used in tools like Kubernetes, APIs, and automation scripts.
Up-to-date Content: The course includes modern use cases and integrates the latest trends in DevOps, API development, and cloud computing.
Final Thoughts: Why You Should Enroll in the Ultimate YAML Course
Whether you're just starting your development journey or are looking to enhance your DevOps skills, the Ultimate YAML Course: YAML JSON JSONPath Zero will equip you with the tools to handle structured data efficiently. You'll walk away from this course with a thorough understanding of YAML, JSON, and JSONPath, as well as practical skills that can be applied immediately in your job.
Take the next step in your career by mastering these essential technologies with the Ultimate YAML Course: YAML JSON JSONPath Zero. The demand for these skills is only increasing, and by enrolling today, you’ll be ahead of the curve.
Start learning today and transform your ability to manage and manipulate data!
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17066 · 16 days
Transforming Logistics with Innovative App Development
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Why Develop a Logistics App?
A well-designed logistics app can address several challenges faced by the logistics industry:
Efficiency and Optimization: Streamline operations by automating routine tasks, optimizing routes, and managing inventory more effectively.
Real-Time Tracking: Provide stakeholders with up-to-date information on shipment status, improving transparency and customer satisfaction.
Data-Driven Decisions: Utilize analytics to gain insights into performance metrics, identify inefficiencies, and make informed decisions.
Key Features of a Successful Logistics App
To ensure your logistics app meets industry demands and user needs, consider incorporating the following features:
Real-Time Tracking and Visibility
Enable users to track shipments and deliveries in real time.
Provide visibility into the entire supply chain, from warehouse to final delivery.
Route Optimization
Use algorithms to determine the most efficient routes for transportation.
Reduce fuel costs and delivery times by optimizing routes based on traffic, weather, and other factors.
Inventory Management
Track inventory levels, manage stock, and automate reordering processes.
Integrate with existing warehouse management systems for seamless operations.
Order Management
Simplify order processing and fulfillment.
Allow users to manage orders, handle returns, and track order statuses.
Analytics and Reporting
Generate reports on key performance indicators (KPIs) such as delivery times, costs, and customer satisfaction.
Use data to identify trends, make improvements, and enhance operational efficiency.
User-Friendly Interface
Design an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface for both mobile and desktop users.
Ensure that key functionalities are easily accessible and that users can perform tasks with minimal effort.
Integration with Third-Party Services
Integrate with mapping services (e.g., Google Maps API) for accurate navigation and location tracking.
Connect with payment gateways, communication tools, and other relevant services.
Steps in Developing a Logistics App
Requirement Analysis and Planning
Identify the specific needs of your target users and define the app’s objectives.
Plan the app’s features, functionalities, and technical requirements.
Design and User Experience (UX)
Create wireframes and mockups to visualize the app’s design and user flow.
Focus on designing an intuitive UX that enhances user interaction and satisfaction.
Technology Stack Selection
Choose the appropriate technologies for frontend and backend development.
Consider cross-platform frameworks like React Native or Flutter for mobile app development, and robust backend technologies such as Node.js or Django.
Development and Testing
Develop the app’s frontend and backend, integrating necessary APIs and third-party services.
Conduct thorough testing to ensure functionality, performance, and security. This includes unit testing, integration testing, and user acceptance testing (UAT).
Deployment and Launch
Prepare for the app’s launch by setting up necessary infrastructure and deployment processes.
Develop a launch strategy that includes marketing, user training, and support.
Post-Launch Support and Maintenance
Provide ongoing support to address any issues and incorporate user feedback.
Regularly update the app to add new features, enhance performance, and ensure compatibility with the latest devices and operating systems.
Future Trends in Logistics App Development
The logistics industry is rapidly evolving, and so are the technologies driving it. Keep an eye on these trends:
Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI can enhance route optimization, predictive maintenance, and demand forecasting.
Internet of Things (IoT): IoT devices provide real-time data on vehicle conditions, cargo status, and environmental factors.
Blockchain: Blockchain technology offers improved transparency and security in supply chain transactions.
Developing a logistics app is a strategic investment that can greatly enhance efficiency, visibility, and overall performance in the logistics industry. By incorporating key features, following a structured development process, and staying updated with emerging trends, you can create a powerful tool that meets the evolving needs of your business and your customers.
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govindhtech · 17 days
Catchpoint IPM Now Available On Google Cloud Marketplace
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Catchpoint IPM
In most cases, the internet functions remarkably effectively, but what happens if it doesn’t? Since our business depends on flawless access to our applications and services, we demand it at all times. But frequently enough, this anticipation and actuality diverge.
The internet both the public and private IP networks is not a miraculously durable and unfailing network; rather, it is intricate, extremely brittle, dynamic, and prone to outages and service interruptions. Slowdowns, lost data, and operational difficulties are potential outcomes for the Site Reliability Engineers (SREs) who work tirelessly to keep our digital world operational and reachable.
Announcing Google Cloud Marketplace’s Catchpoint IPM
Taking note of these difficulties, Google Cloud is happy to inform you Catchpoint’s line of Internet Performance Monitoring (IPM) products, which are intended to support maintaining the dependability and performance of your digital environment, can now be found on the Google Cloud Marketplace. Through this cooperation, the Google Cloud community can easily use the powerful capabilities of Catchpoint IPM, which offers proactive monitoring of your whole Internet stack, including all of your Google Cloud services.
Take advantage of IPM for unmatched worldwide visibility
It is probable that your applications are distributed regionally, cloud-based, and focused on APIs and services. These days, IPM is essential if you want to have the necessary visibility into all the aspects of the Internet that affect your company, including your workers, networks, websites, apps, and customers.
Gaining insight into everything that may affect an application is essential. This includes user Wi-Fi connectivity, key internet services and protocols like DNS and BGP, as well as your own IP infrastructure, including point-to-point connections, SD-WAN, and SASE. International companies must comprehend the real-world experiences of their clients and staff members, no matter where they may be, and how ISPs, routing, and other factors affect them. What IPM offers is this visibility.
Catchpoint IPM tracks the whole application-user journey, in contrast to traditional Application Performance Management (APM) solutions that focus on the internal application stack. This covers all service delivery channels inside the Google Cloud infrastructure, including computation, API management, data analytics, cloud storage, machine learning, and networking products. It also includes BGP, DNS, CDNs, and ISPs.
With almost 3,000 vantage points across the globe, the largest independent observability network in the world powers Google’s award-winning technology, which lets users monitor from the critical locations for network experts to identify and address problems before they affect the company.
IPM strategies to attain online resilience
By utilizing Catchpoint’s IPM platform available on the Google Cloud Marketplace, you may enhance your monitoring capabilities with an array of potent tools. This is a little peek at what to expect.
Google Cloud Test Suite: Start Google Cloud Monitoring tests with a few clicks
With the help of Google Cloud’s and Catchpoint’s best practices for quick problem identification and resolution, IT teams can quickly create numerous tests for Google Cloud services thanks to the Test Suite for Google Cloud. It is especially user-friendly for beginners because of its design, which minimizes complexity and time investment for efficient Google Cloud service monitoring.
Pre-configured test templates for important Google Cloud services like BigQuery, Spanner, Cloud Storage, and Compute Engine are included in the Test Suite. Because these templates are so easily adaptable, customers can quickly modify the tests to meet their unique needs. This is especially helpful for enterprises that need to monitor and deploy their cloud services quickly.
The Internet Stack Map is revolutionary in guaranteeing the efficiency of your most important apps
With Internet Stack Map, you can see your digital service’s and its dependent services’ current state in real time. For any or all of your important apps or services, you can set up as many as you’d like. Using artificial intelligence (AI), Internet Stack Map will automatically identify all of the external components and dependencies required for the operation of each one of your websites and applications.
Looking across the Internet through backbone connections and core protocols, down to the origin server and its supporting infrastructure, along with any third-party dependencies, external APIs, and other services across the Internet, you can quickly assess the health of your application or service. It is impossible to achieve this distinct, next-generation picture with any other monitoring or observability provider.
Internet Sonar: Provide a response to the query, “Is it me or something else?”
Point of convergence In order to help you avoid occurrences that could negatively effect your experience or productivity, Internet Sonar intelligently offers clear and reliable internet health information at a glance. Internet Sonar monitors from where it matters by using information from the largest independent active observability network in the world. The outcome is a real-time status report driven by AI that can be viewed through an interactive dashboard widget and map, or it can be accessible by any system using an API.
Collaboration between Catchpoint and Google Cloud front end
To further enhance our performance monitoring offerings, Catchpoint has teamed up with Google Cloud to support their front end infrastructure worldwide. Through this partnership, Google Cloud’s global front end and Catchpoint’s Internet Performance Monitoring (IPM) capabilities are combined to give customers more tools for monitoring online performance globally.
Through this cooperation, users will be able to take advantage of Catchpoint’s experience in identifying and resolving performance issues early on, resulting in optimal uptime and service reliability. In addition, Catchpoint is providing professional assistance and a free trial to help gauge and enhance the performance of services that use Google’s global front end.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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uberloneapp · 22 days
Launch a Taxi Booking App Like Bolt in Just One Week: A Step-by-Step Guide
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In today’s fast-paced world, on-demand services are the norm, and the taxi industry is no exception. Apps like Bolt have revolutionized the way people book rides, offering convenience and efficiency at the tap of a button. But what if you want to create your own taxi booking app and bring your innovative ideas to the market? The good news is, with the right approach, you can launch a taxi booking app like Bolt in just one week. Here’s how.
Day 1: Market Research and Ideation
Understanding Your Market Before diving into development, it’s crucial to understand the market you're entering. Research your target audience, analyze competitors, and identify gaps in the market. What features do existing apps lack? What can you offer that will set your app apart?
Defining Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Your USP is what makes your app different from the competition. Whether it's superior customer service, faster ride times, or lower costs, define what will make your app the go-to choice for users.
Day 2: Setting Up the Technical Foundation
Choosing the Right Technology Stack Select a technology stack that will support scalability and performance. For a Bolt-like app, you'll need:
Frontend: React Native or Flutter for cross-platform compatibility.
Backend: Node.js or Python with Django for server-side logic.
Database: MongoDB or PostgreSQL for managing user and ride data.
APIs: Google Maps API for navigation, Twilio for SMS notifications, and Stripe for payment processing.
Hosting and Infrastructure Choose a reliable hosting service, such as AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure, to ensure your app is secure and performs well. Set up your servers, databases, and cloud storage to handle user data and app functions.
Day 3: Designing the User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX)
Wireframing and Prototyping Create wireframes to map out the app’s structure. Focus on a user-friendly design with easy navigation. Use tools like Figma or Adobe XD to develop a prototype that gives a visual idea of what the final app will look like.
Focusing on UX A smooth user experience is key to retaining users. Ensure that the booking process is intuitive, from choosing a pickup location to tracking the ride in real-time. Incorporate feedback loops to keep users informed at every step.
Day 4: Development and Integration
Building the Core Features Start with the core functionalities:
User Registration and Login: Implement social logins and simple email sign-ups.
Ride Booking: Develop a module where users can select pickup and drop-off locations.
Driver Matching: Create an algorithm that matches users with nearby drivers.
Payment Gateway: Integrate secure payment processing options.
Integration of APIs Integrate essential APIs for maps, payments, and notifications. Make sure they work seamlessly with your app's backend and frontend.
Day 5: Testing and Quality Assurance
Conducting Unit and Integration Testing Test each component individually (unit testing) and then test how they interact together (integration testing). Look for bugs, crashes, and performance issues.
User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Involve a small group of potential users in testing the app. Gather feedback and make necessary adjustments to ensure the app meets user expectations.
Day 6: Deployment and Launch Preparation
Setting Up App Store Accounts Prepare to launch your app on both Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Set up developer accounts and ensure your app meets all guidelines for submission.
App Store Optimization (ASO) Optimize your app’s listing with relevant keywords, compelling descriptions, and eye-catching visuals to ensure it’s discoverable by potential users.
Pre-Launch Marketing Start building anticipation with pre-launch marketing. Use social media, email newsletters, and teaser videos to generate buzz around your app.
Day 7: Launch Day and Post-Launch Activities
Official Launch Deploy your app on the app stores and make it live. Monitor the launch process to ensure everything goes smoothly.
Gathering User Feedback Encourage early adopters to leave reviews and provide feedback. Use this input to make immediate improvements and plan for future updates.
Post-Launch Marketing Continue promoting your app through digital marketing channels. Offer promotions or discounts to attract new users.
Final Thoughts
Launching a taxi booking app like Bolt Clone in just one week is ambitious, but with a well-structured plan, it's entirely possible. The key lies in careful planning, choosing the right technology, and ensuring a seamless user experience. Remember, the first version of your app doesn’t have to be perfect—it just needs to be functional and user-friendly. Continuous improvements and updates will keep your app competitive in the market.
By following this guide, you’re not just launching an app—you’re stepping into the dynamic world of on-demand services with a product that could potentially revolutionize the way people book rides. So, are you ready to take the leap?
4oIn today’s fast-paced world, on-demand services are the norm, and the taxi industry is no exception. Apps like Bolt have revolutionized the way people book rides, offering convenience and efficiency at the tap of a button. But what if you want to create your own taxi booking app and bring your innovative ideas to the market? The good news is, with the right approach, you can launch a taxi booking app like Bolt in just one week. Here’s how.
Day 1: Market Research and Ideation
Understanding Your Market Before diving into development, it’s crucial to understand the market you're entering. Research your target audience, analyze competitors, and identify gaps in the market. What features do existing apps lack? What can you offer that will set your app apart?
Defining Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Your USP is what makes your app different from the competition. Whether it's superior customer service, faster ride times, or lower costs, define what will make your app the go-to choice for users.
Day 2: Setting Up the Technical Foundation
Choosing the Right Technology Stack Select a technology stack that will support scalability and performance. For a Bolt-like app, you'll need:
Frontend: React Native or Flutter for cross-platform compatibility.
Backend: Node.js or Python with Django for server-side logic.
Database: MongoDB or PostgreSQL for managing user and ride data.
APIs: Google Maps API for navigation, Twilio for SMS notifications, and Stripe for payment processing.
Hosting and Infrastructure Choose a reliable hosting service, such as AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure, to ensure your app is secure and performs well. Set up your servers, databases, and cloud storage to handle user data and app functions.
Day 3: Designing the User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX)
Wireframing and Prototyping Create wireframes to map out the app’s structure. Focus on a user-friendly design with easy navigation. Use tools like Figma or Adobe XD to develop a prototype that gives a visual idea of what the final app will look like.
Focusing on UX A smooth user experience is key to retaining users. Ensure that the booking process is intuitive, from choosing a pickup location to tracking the ride in real-time. Incorporate feedback loops to keep users informed at every step.
Day 4: Development and Integration
Building the Core Features Start with the core functionalities:
User Registration and Login: Implement social logins and simple email sign-ups.
Ride Booking: Develop a module where users can select pickup and drop-off locations.
Driver Matching: Create an algorithm that matches users with nearby drivers.
Payment Gateway: Integrate secure payment processing options.
Integration of APIs Integrate essential APIs for maps, payments, and notifications. Make sure they work seamlessly with your app's backend and frontend.
Day 5: Testing and Quality Assurance
Conducting Unit and Integration Testing Test each component individually (unit testing) and then test how they interact together (integration testing). Look for bugs, crashes, and performance issues.
User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Involve a small group of potential users in testing the app. Gather feedback and make necessary adjustments to ensure the app meets user expectations.
Day 6: Deployment and Launch Preparation
Setting Up App Store Accounts Prepare to launch your app on both Google Play Store and Apple App Store. Set up developer accounts and ensure your app meets all guidelines for submission.
App Store Optimization (ASO) Optimize your app’s listing with relevant keywords, compelling descriptions, and eye-catching visuals to ensure it’s discoverable by potential users.
Pre-Launch Marketing Start building anticipation with pre-launch marketing. Use social media, email newsletters, and teaser videos to generate buzz around your app.
Day 7: Launch Day and Post-Launch Activities
Official Launch Deploy your app on the app stores and make it live. Monitor the launch process to ensure everything goes smoothly.
Gathering User Feedback Encourage early adopters to leave reviews and provide feedback. Use this input to make immediate improvements and plan for future updates.
Post-Launch Marketing Continue promoting your app through digital marketing channels. Offer promotions or discounts to attract new users.
Final Thoughts
Launching a taxi booking app like Bolt in just one week is ambitious, but with a well-structured plan, it's entirely possible. The key lies in careful planning, choosing the right technology, and ensuring a seamless user experience. Remember, the first version of your app doesn’t have to be perfect—it just needs to be functional and user-friendly. Continuous improvements and updates will keep your app competitive in the market.
By following this guide, you’re not just launching an app—you’re stepping into the dynamic world of on-demand services with a product that could potentially revolutionize the way people book rides. So, are you ready to take the leap?
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best-hot-trends · 1 month
Fetch Trending Topics Get Trending Topics document.getElementById('fetch-topics-form').addEventListener('submit', async function(event) event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the default form submission const apiKey = 'AIzaSyCq8IrN3wNFCJm0W6CqnbRHBRKhTYV1_es'; // Your Google Gemini API key const url = 'https://generativelanguage.googleapis.com/v1beta/models/gemini-pro:generateContent'; const data = "contents": [ "parts": [ "text": "What are the current trending topics?" ] ] ; const response = await fetch(url, method: 'POST', headers: 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apiKey , body: JSON.stringify(data) ); if (!response.ok) document.getElementById('topic-results').innerHTML = 'Error fetching trending topics.'; return; const result = await response.json(); const topics = result.contents[0].parts[0].text; // Adjust based on the actual response structure const topicResultsDiv = document.getElementById('topic-results'); topicResultsDiv.innerHTML = 'Trending Topics:' + topics.split(',').map(topic => `$topic.trim()`).join('') + ''; );
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themesfores · 1 month
RealHomes – WordPress Real Estate Theme v4.3.2
https://themesfores.com/product/realhomes-wordpress-real-estate-theme/ RealHomes – WordPress Real Estate Theme v4.3.2 Real Homes is a handcrafted WordPress theme for real estate websites. It offers a purpose-oriented design with all the useful features a real estate website needs. Real Homes theme facilitates its user on the front end as well as on the admin side and makes property management a breeze. RealHomes – WordPress Real Estate Theme RealHomes Theme Features Advanced, Yet Customizable Real Estate Search – RealHomes provides advanced real estate search functionality that is powerful and customizable to match various business needs. You can show/hide any field in the search form, You can add new fields to the search form and you can customize the data that will be displayed in those fields. You can display multiple location fields. You can modify Min and Max price values. You can modify the search behaviors and values for beds and baths fields. In short, you can customize the search form to fulfill your requirements. RealHomes theme also includes an Elementor widget for a real estate search form that is fully customizable.- If you are planning to use your website for property bookings then activating the vacation rentals plugin ( that is included for free) converts the default real estate search form to the vacation rentals search form. Locations Extensibility Upto 4 Levels – RealHomes theme provides extensibility of locations field up to 4 levels to produce search fields like Country > State > City > Area. These fields work based on location hierarchy and you can manage locations hierarchical data from the WordPress admin side. The levels/numbers and labels of these dropdowns are fully customizable from customizer settings. Real Estate Search Form Over Image – Search form over image feature can be enabled for home template’s meta boxes. It replaces the slider area with a graceful looking search form over a background image. Real Homes also provides related customizer settings to fully customize the image, search form fields, text titles, colors, and margins. OpenStreetMap and Google Maps Integration – RealHomes includes OpenStreetMap (Free) and Google Maps (Free up to a limit) integration that enables you to display maps with properties markers. By default, OpenStreetMaps are used and Google Maps are only used if a related API key is provided in settings. Compare Properties – RealHomes provides compare properties feature that allows your website visitors to add properties to a compare pool and later on compare those properties side by side. Visitors do not need to log in to use this feature. Various Layouts with Custom Filters & Sorting – RealHomes theme includes various page templates to display properties in list layout, grid layout, and half map layout. These templates are also supported with meta boxes to filter and sort properties based on custom criteria. So basically you can create any type of custom page that displays properties based on your custom filters and sorting. Gallery Templates – RealHomes theme includes templates to display properties in a gallery layout with a quick filter based on property status. Comprehensive & Easy to Use Settings – RealHomes theme and included plugins provide an extensive set of settings to help you customize all the important things related to your website without going into code. Customizable Price Format and URL Slugs – Easy Real Estate plugin included with RealHomes theme, provides core real estate settings using which you can customize the price format to any currency format in the world and you can also customize the URL slugs as per your requirements. Easy to Use Admin Side Interface – RealHomes provides a rich set of meta boxes and settings that are easy to use. You can easily add/modify a real estate property and manage your existing properties. Please note that any digital products presented on this website do not contain malicious code, viruses or advertising. https://themesfores.com/product/realhomes-wordpress-real-estate-theme/ #RealEstateThemes #WordpressTheme
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insuranceletterapi · 1 month
Is Google Address Autocomplete API Free?
In today's fast-paced digital world, businesses strive to provide a seamless and efficient user experience, especially when it comes to forms and data entry. One of the tools that help achieve this goal is Google's Address Autocomplete API. This service automatically suggests and completes addresses as users type in a form, reducing the likelihood of errors and speeding up the process. But a common question arises: Is the Google Address Autocomplete API free? This article explores the costs, benefits, and potential alternatives for using the Google Address Autocomplete API.
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Understanding Google Address Autocomplete API
Before diving into the pricing, it’s important to understand what the Google Address Autocomplete API is and how it works. Google Address Autocomplete API is part of the larger Google Places API, which provides programmatic access to Google's comprehensive database of places. The Autocomplete API specifically allows developers to add functionality to their applications where users can type an address, and the system automatically suggests possible addresses as they type. This significantly enhances user experience by minimizing the time it takes to fill out forms and ensuring that the data entered is accurate.
Is the Google Address Autocomplete API Free?
The short answer is that the Google Address Autocomplete API is not entirely free, but it does offer a free tier that many small-scale applications can use without incurring any costs. Google employs a pay-as-you-go pricing model for its Maps Platform services, which includes the Address Autocomplete API.
Free Tier
Google provides a generous free tier that includes $200 worth of usage each month. For the Address Autocomplete API, this translates to a significant number of requests. As of the latest update, the pricing structure allows for approximately 40,000 Autocomplete requests per month under the free tier. For many small businesses and startups, this may be sufficient, allowing them to use the service without any cost.
Paid Tier
Once the free tier is exceeded, charges apply based on the number of requests. The cost per 1,000 requests is approximately $2.83, though this figure can vary depending on the specific API you are using and your usage volume. Google offers volume discounts as usage increases, so larger enterprises may benefit from reduced costs if they require millions of requests per month.
Potential Costs Beyond Requests
While the primary cost associated with the Google Address Autocomplete API is the per-request fee, there may be other associated costs depending on how you use the API. For example, if your application requires additional features from the Google Places API, such as Places Details or Places Photos, these services are billed separately and could add to your overall costs. Additionally, if your application experiences high traffic and makes extensive use of the API, you might need to consider the costs of scaling your infrastructure to handle the increased demand.
Benefits of Using Google Address Autocomplete API
Despite the potential costs, many businesses find that the benefits of using the Google Address Autocomplete API far outweigh the expenses. Here are some of the key advantages:
Enhanced User Experience: The autocomplete functionality streamlines the user experience by reducing the amount of typing required and helping to ensure that the information entered is accurate. This can lead to higher conversion rates, as users are less likely to abandon forms that are easy to complete.
Improved Data Accuracy: By suggesting addresses as users type, the API helps reduce the likelihood of errors, such as misspellings or incorrect addresses. This can be particularly beneficial for e-commerce businesses, where accurate address information is critical for successful deliveries.
Global Coverage: Google's extensive database of places means that the Address Autocomplete API works globally, making it a versatile tool for businesses operating in multiple countries. Whether you're a local business or an international enterprise, the API can accommodate your needs.
Easy Integration: The Google Address Autocomplete API is designed to be easy to integrate into websites and applications. With comprehensive documentation and support, even developers with limited experience can add this functionality to their projects with relative ease.
Scalability: As your business grows and your needs increase, the API can scale with you. Whether you're handling a few hundred requests or millions per month, Google's infrastructure ensures that the service remains reliable and responsive.
Alternatives to Google Address Autocomplete API
While the Google Address Autocomplete API is a powerful tool, it may not be the best fit for every business, especially those with budget constraints or specific requirements that the API doesn't meet. Fortunately, there are several alternatives to consider:
OpenStreetMap (OSM) and Nominatim: OpenStreetMap is a free, open-source mapping service that offers geocoding and address autocomplete functionality through Nominatim. While it may not be as comprehensive as Google's database, it is a cost-effective option for businesses looking to avoid usage fees.
Algolia Places: Algolia Places is another alternative that provides address autocomplete functionality. It's known for its speed and ease of integration. Algolia offers a free tier, but like Google, it also operates on a pay-as-you-go pricing model for higher usage.
Here Maps: Here Maps offers a suite of location-based services, including address autocomplete. It is a robust alternative to Google, with competitive pricing and a strong focus on privacy, making it a popular choice among businesses concerned about data security.
Mapbox: Mapbox is another widely used mapping service that offers address autocomplete. Known for its customization options and detailed map styles, Mapbox is a strong alternative for businesses that require a high level of control over their map services.
How to Minimize Costs While Using Google Address Autocomplete API
If you decide to use the Google Address Autocomplete API but are concerned about potential costs, there are several strategies you can employ to minimize expenses:
Monitor Usage: Regularly monitor your API usage through the Google Cloud Console. This will help you keep track of how many requests you're making and alert you if you're approaching your free tier limit.
Optimize Requests: Only make API requests when necessary. For example, you can implement logic to limit requests to when users have typed a certain number of characters or when they've stopped typing for a set period.
Cache Results: Caching previous results can reduce the number of API requests needed, especially if your users often search for the same addresses. Implementing a caching strategy can help you stay within the free tier.
Use Multiple APIs: If you find that the Google Address Autocomplete API is too costly, consider using a combination of free and paid services. For example, you might use a free service like Nominatim for basic functionality and reserve the Google API for more complex queries.
The Google Address Autocomplete API is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance the user experience on your website or application. While it is not entirely free, the generous free tier and the pay-as-you-go pricing model make it accessible for businesses of all sizes. By understanding the costs involved and exploring alternatives, you can make an informed decision about whether this API is the right choice for your needs.
Insurance Letter API – ​​​Wix
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