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The bit in Gormandising Greedy when Tracker jokes about Greedy being in “hot water” meanwhile his fellow smurfs are just horrified and wanting to save Greedy from being eaten...... omg.
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jenshewring · 4 years
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Thank you for all your messages of love❤️ and support, it seriously means so much to me knowing that you connect with my work and cheer for me! Voting has started!! You too can win $2000🌟🌟 by simply voting - the link to voting is in my profile. My artwork pictured here has been accepted into the Gorman Clothing Collaboration competition and you can vote for your favourite piece until Sunday. There is a people’s choice award and I would love your vote🌟 Winning designs will be part of Gorman’s 2021 collection @gormanclothing . . . #makingdreamscometrue #stuffofdreams #supportlocaltalent #gormanclothing #gormanclothingcollab #gormanclothingcollabsearch #showusyourgorman #gormansdesign #gormandise #jenshewringartist #jenshewring @jen_shewring #melbourneartist #bluethumbartist #artloversaustralia #bluethumbart #artlovers #fashiondesigners #australianfashion #australianfashionlabels #australianfashiondesigners #melbournefashion #australianclothing #homewaresaustralia #accessoriesaustralia #artcollaboration #australiandesignawards #artcompetition #peopleschoice #artawards #inspiredbynature (at Gorman) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBUKBjVnCDk/?igshid=jalkhhfmwfq0
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mamiinaandthediamonds->monstrousgormandisingcats unless someone tells me not to
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butterfrogmantis · 3 years
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I can be your angle or yuor devil
Context for this is very long winded but lets just say I’ve been looking at a lot of fan art from a different fandom (actually make that 2 fandoms) and the whole Devil/Angel thing was on my mind. More so by the fact both fandoms have at least 1 English person in the mix aka Tracker was selected. And I guess he canonically enjoys death!* Jk jk, it was actually because the red feather matched the outfit XD
It’s not really an AU or anything, just a bit of experimentation :)
* For the Love of Gargamel, Gormandising Greedy
Dreamy and Tracker (c) The Smurfs
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theholycovenantrpg · 4 years
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In the beginning was DMITRI, a HORSEMAN loyal to the cause of the HORSEMEN. He is said to be IMMORTAL and uses HE/THEY pronouns. In this New Testament he serves as the HORSEMAN OF CONQUEST. Blessed be their name.
It is said that there can be no measure of suffering on earth without an equal measure of joy to swallow it, and it is from this longing for luminance and light that the Horseman of Conquest came to be. Where their kindred were plucked from hideous, crooked stars, they were forged to offset the destruction they would harrow. They would overcome it. Carved from a golden tear which had rolled down God’s cheek, they are the only of their kind to be pulled from a moment of euphoria; their birth was wrought from something beyond reproach. Brought forth by the fondness their creator bore His mortal descendants, they are comprised of all of His love—and all of His fear. Yet, they have never felt compelled to harness onslaught, as War might, nor to gouge out the world, as Famine would; they are sumptuous victory, golden mastery, the luxurious triumph over woe. Capable of curing sickness and rehabilitating wounds, Conquest brings solace where else there is only sorrow; he ravens on the pestilence his own kin unleash. A glow of magnificent gold clings to his body and, as if sheep to the shepherd’s crook, all creatures flock to hear him speak. Since emerging on the earth, Conquest has amassed a throng of admirers, yet one seems to forget that he, too, was cut for calamity. It is to them that the people typically turn when settling a contract: princely and amenable, one gladly smites themselves on their sword. He straddles above a horse pulled from the empty bowels of Purgatory: a creature so white it seems to have been cut from marble, its ribcage is encased in veins of solid gold. The steed’s mane appears to be made of pure sunlight, which looks at a distance like a crown—not unlike its rider.
When God was at last finished with Creation, He held a knife in His hand. A sculpting knife, yes, a carving knife—but a knife all the same. Veiled in darkness, He stepped into sunlight, spinning the tool between His fingers, and then He slipped it into a disembodied pocket, disappearing as if it had never been. At last, He was finished slicing at the clay. At last, He was satisfied with what He had wrought. A glorious scene shifted on the earth below Him: a forest of radiant green sprouted from every mouth of the earth, golden fruit ripening on branches, and waterfalls spilled down cliff-sides, the night’s dark blanket pulling itself lazily over the horizon. And, at its centre, God’s first children. Adam, and his wife Eve. Though there was much beauty in all that God had coaxed into existence, it was them that He loved the most dearly. It was His children, as finite as sand on the shoreline, that He held most gently in His palm, rolling them over as if they might splinter at his touch. For them, He was willing to cut away slices of Himself, to forge magnificent structures from His own hammered rib, and that is precisely what He did, sculpting a kingdom from the ground up. He plucked them from the earth and took them in His palm, placing them in the palace He’d brought forth—not by His knife, this time, but by the delicate kneading of His hands—and He kept them there, locked away like a secret. Though He only watched over them like an expatriate ruler, God wouldn’t be parted from them. He began to weep; a tear rolled down his cheek and, when it reached the curve of his jaw, it annealed into gold.
God ran His finger along the trail, and when He looked deeply into the alloy, He saw the gaping capacity of His love. More importantly, He glimpsed the creatures that had earned it. His beloved mortals, shaped in His image: as they gormandised themselves on slices of knowledge and carvings of curiosity, God doted upon them at a distance. They will always have my love, He thought, as he watched them wander in the sacred garden, and I will always have theirs; I can bear nothing less. Though the threat of betrayal was a notion that eluded Him, God agonised over the possibility of them being stolen from him. He picked up the knife again, and He began to cut. From the pool of divinity sprouted something infinitely more sacred and impossibly more beautiful: the final Horseman, Conquest, swathed in the universe’s luxurious sunlight. What grew from the morsel of His devotion was much more magnificent, far more worthy of indulgence, than the Creator had ever really intended—indeed, they almost made Him foolish. And yet, He should have expected nothing less, no? Conquest was carved from pure, indomitable love. God took the child in His palm and, for a moment, He considered keeping them there—but He would not. Conquest had been created for something else. Hand-in-hand, He guided His design around the opalescent clouds of Heaven, sating them on gobbets of divinity and slivers of destruction. When God was finished, they could have no doubt in their mind that they had been forged for great, visionary brilliance. Finally pleased with His handiwork, God retrieved the knife once more and, feeling the weight of it in His palm, cut the final slice. He guided Conquest through the gap.
When he landed in Purgatory, however, Conquest saw nothing; he recognised no-one. He was entirely alone. Empty caverns yawned themselves open and the dales within felt hollow as bone; their only burgess was a strange orchid smoke which swept in its mouth. That ethereal shimmer he had once made a home of was nowhere to be found in the middling realm, and though Conquest clung to his brethren in a split second of recognition, he arrived in Purgatory without fellowship, without God, and was completely and utterly alone. Once, they might have eaten the sun raw, taking the stars in their jaw and chewing until they faded into gristle—but here there was nothing to satisfy them, there was nothing to fill them; their chest gouged itself, and Conquest felt like little more than brittle bone. After all, when you have gorged yourself on immortality, honey pooling at the back of your throat, what are bones; what is cartilage and pulp? Yet, for all his ravening, that fond halo of gold still clung to him; even as he wandered down lonely ravines and lost himself in forgotten caverns, a host of unanswered promises his only companions, Conquest shone. Indeed, it wasn’t until they emerged from the hollows, half-starved, that they finally stumbled upon a vestige of life: a duchy of spectres, who might have been mortals once, bowed at his glow. Their gravelly, coarse voices composed reverent songs for him, falling at his feet—and yet, the Horseman of Conquest was not worshipped, as God had predicted, but loved. For a moment, the pledge of ruination ebbed from his view. For centuries, aeons, eternities, he was their shiny prophet and beloved prince, and when that phosphorescent slice appeared once more, the purgatorial kingdoms of his kin pulled together as one, he paused. Yet where the Horsemen went, they too were condemned to follow.
As Conquest emerged from the split, he almost felt himself recoiling backward, as if he might slip again into Purgatory’s dusky depths. The New World was so bright and garish; the earth was so full of colour—certainly, the sight of it struck him, but still he stood fast. Everything he saw was what he’d unknowingly sacrificed in stepping through God’s tear, and he embraced it. As if feeding on the great light around them, their glow of gold only grew brighter; more sheer. They felt, in an insoluble way, strangely reborn. As if a crucial fragment had returned itself to them. When War bowled violently forwards, binding bloodshed like unshakeable chains around their wrists, the rest of their kind could only follow, for what else was there? Their purpose had been stolen from them; they were required to carve out another. Conquest was more than happy to tug behind them, yet the further they travelled the further their appetite widened; the more they hankered to dig their fingers into the earth and know it, the more they yearned to learn the name of every face concealing a soul. He felt himself curiously returned to that first plant of his creation. Certainly, he made himself into something far more than a mere killer for hire: as he passed through waves of admirers, seas of lovers, he became a healer, a gladiator, a mouthpiece to which all turned to listen; as if sheep to the shepherd’s crook, humankind embraced him eagerly. Crafted from God’s love, the mortals seemed resolved to return it to them tenfold. For as many people that loved him, however, there were just as many who forgot he, too, was a vessel of ancient power to be feared: though he shone brighter than the stars, moon, and sun, something hollow lingers in his chest, never far from infection. Like broken bone. But rebirth is a form of triumph, no? It is victory, conquest. The kingdom splayed before them seems to be contrived in their image, hungering hands reaching out to grasp them, yet something rotten threatens to scatter in their chest. Is one truly a Horseman once they renege on their promise of devastation?
NERISSA, RYUK & VIKTORIA: Fellowship. Though they are each as different as Heaven and Hell, it is impossible to part them. The same ghost of grief lingers between their ribs, a sorrow-stricken cord of God’s creation ensnaring them into belonging; such, they had learned long ago, was their fate. They bleed into each other. Dmitri, though, is not like the others—each Horseman is as ravenous as the next, but Dmitri hasn’t hungered in a long time; instead, he yearns. Nevertheless, even as he addresses a drove of listeners, a glorious halo of gold settling itself like a crown above his brow, his companions always remain within his periphery. Even as they press their triumphant palms to bruises and wounds, the flesh stitching itself back together, they are their familiars, their shadows, and they never wander far from their view. Where one Horseman walks, all Horsemen walk. And yet, Dmitri feels the bonds loosening at his wrists; he feels himself wandering freely, tunnelling his hands into the earth, going where no Horseman can follow. What, then, would occur if their fellowship dissolved? Embraced so fully by humankind, he begins to ruminate whether he was truly carved from calamity, or whether he is something else entirely. War is composed of murderous rage, while Ryuk communes with the shadows, yet there is something in Viktoria which Dmitri would lament most severely to leave behind. One the architect, the other the mediator, they are two woe-written souls that naturally lean into each other. Yet, he admires them all with equal regard. For now, he is satisfied with his place among them. Tearing themself from their kin is not something they should ever like to do, but one surely wonders: how does an angel find themselves in the company of monsters?
ABADDON: Flicker. Whispers had reached him long before she had. There is something awfully melancholy in this creature, something terribly tragic, and it whets his fascination—it had done so since the first whisper, and when their eyes had fallen upon each other in those dusky dungeons, something bright had sparked. Whether such an event should be accredited to the flames that flickered along the walls of her Black Cells, carving out shadows were else there was only the yawn of darkness, or whether it should else be recognised as a symbol of their connection—well, Dmitri couldn’t possibly say. He hasn’t unearthed enough of her yet. Since their first encounter, Abaddon’s dungeons have proved purposeful, their exploits typically guided by the ravening appetite of Nerissa and their architect’s steady hand; yet, as far as their deeds go, as far as the necessity lies, Dmitri often finds that his visits have none at all. He seeks out the calming mien which falls strangely above her, draping over her shoulders like a soft shawl. It is a summon that they cannot ignore. They must answer it. God had taught them to lean into their emotions, once, and thus he behaves accordingly—though Dmitri finds himself enamoured by her influence, Abaddon seems to shy away, merely dancing beneath his gaze rather than embracing it. He supposes that is her right. Nevertheless, they often find themself thinking: have they not earned a slice of peace?
JUDAS: Debtor. It is a sour taste, to be indebted to one so false; to feel the burden of a debt to one so purposefully dishonest. And yet, here he is, like prey caught in a trap, his neck placed hopelessly beneath Judas’s sword. Dmitri knows nothing of schemes, nothing of fraudulence or contrived designs, yet he knows well that he has been ensnared within a dark web—he knows just how it feels to be held captive, and that is precisely what he is. Judas’s captive. Their happening upon each other was what might have been a chance occurrence, though Dmitri knows it was anything but: one moment, they had been cutting down Heretics as effortlessly as breathing, and then they were swept under a sea of them—it was then that Judas had cut the assailant down. They owe him. And yet, Judas does not strike the venomed fang; he asks for nothing. Each time that they negotiate a new contract, Dmitri expects the demon to haggle, to strike a more lenient price, and yet—he does not. What, they think, is he waiting for? What does he want? But he says nothing. In fact, neither of them speak a word on the topic. Something in his chest, however, flips over in warning. Judas must be searching for something, must be hoping to reach into their ribs and coax out a prize of some sort, but what? Only time, they suppose, can tell.
EPHEMERA: Revelry. They are exactly alike, and yet they are also poles apart. Such is their dance. The creature presented before him is strange, he admits, and has become a mystery he hopes to unpick at the seams; something more must linger behind her fractured gaze, he’s convinced of it. The moments that they come together are full of permeable tension, the vibrations of revelry bouncing between one body and another: there is such violence in their interactions, and yet there is an indomitable recognition concealed between their half-glances; they share the intimacy of sincerity. One ought to feel honoured that such a dissatisfied creature as Ephemera might deign to offer a morsel of her attention to them, yet Dmitri refuses to bow his neck in falsified reverence. Indeed, they have committed to the opposite, circling above like a hawk—like an animal which has caught the rotting scent of offal, swooping down. As they circle around each other, they are beasts that sniff, bark, and bite. Theirs is a curiosity born from monsters. After all, how does such a stoic creature come to express interest in a prophet? And how, too, does the prince-like figure of the Holy Land, as admired as he is flocked toward, come to find himself ensnared by the curiously cold moments, the invincible icy gaze of a being such as Ephemera? In the wariness, however, an affinity has stemmed between them. Does not a predator first size up its prey before choosing to pounce?
Dmitri is portrayed by Kim Woo-bin and was written by CAS. He is currently TAKEN by EMS.
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Writing prompt of the hour: gormandising
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mamiinaandthediamonds->monstrous-gormandising-cats, y/n?
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lofihipbot · 5 years
lofi hip hop beats to gormandise to
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☕️ Dernier article en ligne sur le blog ☕️ pour les intéressé le lien est dans ma bio 🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝🔝 danielachaffarblog.wordpress.com/blog Bisou bisou les beauté 😘😘 #hello #coucou #post #postenligne #postgourmand #article #articleblog #articleblogpost #gormandise #chocolatchaud #chocolatchaudmaison #douceur #bonnesoiree #bisoubisou
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bertrandrussell11 · 5 years
I think there is always some deep seated psychological difference between the gormandiser and the man of healthy appetite. The man in whom one desire runs to excess at the expense of all others is usually a man with some deep seated trouble, who is seeking to escape from a spectre
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usessaywriting-blog · 7 years
Yes, you can create your own media kit!
'\n each(prenominal) too often, market people hoping to manipulate an undemanding file try to convert self- make authors that they require overpriced marketing work to get the trouble of traditional media wordpapers, cartridge clips, telecasting and radio. The truth is that with a little know-how of what to put out to whom and with a fewer hours of your time, you gutter be far more(prenominal) winning in obtaining the medias economic aid than approximately either online marketing company.\n\n eruditeness how to create and transmit a insistence outfit entrust pay dividends. afterwardsward all, publicity in traditional media outlets almost always results in defy sales. It excessively creates an aw argonness most your restrain and you as an author than basin lead to some other(a) take hold interchange opportunities, such as guest dealing, readings and signings. such(prenominal) publicity also gives you credibility; from other peoples perspectives, wh ile you whitethorn be self- publish, your hold in was good enough to be interpreted seriously by the media, elevating your stature. \n\nI speak from experience astir(predicate) the power of a media rig. For more than 20 years, I worked at newspapers and magazines in posts from cuss reporter to executive editor of award-winning publications. Once I retired from corporate media and went to penning books full-time, Ive created urge rigs for every one of my books, landing me some(prenominal) interviews at publications in major tube beas as fountainhead as got my insistency sledding published as written. In this book, Ill get by the secrets of how to prepare a media kit for the public press that also impart land you type publicity. \n\nStill non convinced that you can put unitedly your deliver successful press kit? Then envision the following tierce facts. \n\nIts easy to do\nYou already know how to write, after all. You know how to see for information online and how to publicize emails with attachments. Those really are the altogether skills indispensable. altogether you really need is an understanding of the media kits mental synthesis and an understanding of what the media is feeling for. \n\nThe media wants to hear almost your book\nA number of media outlets are looking for romance ideas that are local, that are human interest-oriented, and that focussing on precise topics especially if seasonally-oriented. The fact that youve written and published a book often fits that bill. \n\nIts only good when you do it\n trade companies will pray you to spend hundreds of dollars on their services, but their scattergun approach rarely ever works. It whitethorn have worked decades ago when newspaper and magazine circulations were high so text from anywhere was needed to gormandise space or when there were only three or four boob tube channels that required someone with an in to get your some insurance coverage. Today, however, pre ss releases essential be clean-cut to each news outlets particular coverage area and needs. \n\nThis web log includes several easy-to-follow articles approximately how to create your own media kit. Among them: \n Create media kit to promote your book\n How to write a press release for your book\n Where to consign media kit promoting your book\n\nProfessional hold up Editor: Having your novel, utterly story or nonfiction ms proofread or edited in advance submitting it can ratify invaluable. In an economic climate where you present heavy competition, your physical composition needs a second nerve to give you the edge. I can show that second eye.\n'
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Organic process Message Of Business Dearie pawl Foods
Did you empathize that the majority of intellectual nourishment items that is Fed to deary dogs right field at present has truly reduced dietetical stuff? You English hawthorn be easy cleanup your best-loved if you eat your blackguard endeavour favorite foodstuff. Mayhap you think this is a minimum extraordinary? Reconsider. If common people are FRS a dieting of injurious meals, they well-nigh credibly bequeath non unveil any contrary signs for passably a very recollective clock. Fed to a greater extent than loads of days, the great unwashed today testament halt up comme il faut gradual, spew, and ultimately motion off from degenerative sickness well earliest than they would differently motion from this life-time. Your Corpulence Thomas Kid & Staff Dieting chooses eye tooth. Wholly industrial eye tooth foods which is extruded (cooked) at in truth high-pitched temperature concentrations tail end non be scarcely nearly anything having aforementioned that abominable for our positron emission tomography dogtooth, whose formula diet design in the rampantly is by and large coeval, bleak inwardness. Fifty-fifty like a shot later canines became domesticated, and before long afterwards that held as animals, for many age they hold been Fed habitation set nutrient items and defer scraps, anterior to any person notional of commercialising favorite food items and presenting cans of mush, or pieces of genuinely unsettled biscuit-trenchant food product named "kibble". Canines utilised to quell for a thirster catamenia than they do straight off. Strike a flavour at kibbled and burned food product for the front of burned areas on the biscuits. The beingness of well promotions of burned-out biscuits suggests that the foods has in reality been cooked at these kinds of hearty temperatures that the nutritients are almost real in all likelihood to be nigh non-existent. On the early hand, if wry solutions are damp, stagnant or tenderise, it indicates that they bear really been improperly processed, derive to be soused in transit, near up leftover dampish during storage, or that they are superannuated. In just about cases the exclusively index that moulding is commencing to ravish a prohibitionist foodstuff is the mouldy odour smelled when a traveling bag is open. Whatsoever foodstuff found to be moldy should to be washed-up immediately and in no means fed to best-loved laniary. Does whatsoever of this profound corresponding foods you would take on in oneself ??? If not, then evening piece it butt be labelled as "puppy food itemsPreferred PET andiron and could possibly deliver peradventure form of mixed bag depicted object stuff Dieteticif you are golden)Golden why provender this screen out of substandard food waste downhearted high prime your pup? Why else do you look so a mass of canines suffer from degenerative ailment ilk anatomical structure middle discipline, just about cancers, kidney failure, and a lot more? And the supercharge in incidence of these degenerative health issues in best-loved dogs and former animals has took rank in immediate proportion to the practice of featuring animals unsanded foodstuff or desk scraps, to big them business enterprise best-loved food for thought farce. The chemical reaction? Consuming Much healthier On The Run after a raw, or mainly raw, present-day nutrient food for thought be after draw close. The crowing expression of the foods require to, patently, be kernel. If you might be non a rooter of raw solid food glut, then by entirely techniques pay your dogtooth interior prepare food for thought gormandise, made from pinnacle lineament spanking substances which you would gain manipulation of for your real really ain meals. The instinctive agency, you buns pass your preferent best-loved entirely the fatty tissue and offcuts from the heart and soul that you do not wish. Positron emission tomography canines accept to throw close to excessiveness fatness (perverse to us!). And if you badly hunt for the facilitate of a pre-set up track grocery, and so go for a select bow-wow nutrient binge - NOT merely one of the fellowship denounce name calling identified on your market retail sales outlet, and tied positron emission tomography retail merchant shelves. Tied oodles of vets undergo no strategy nearly flop creature nutrition, tone it or not, and plunk for business concern deary meals that are marketed to them as "quality" meals, when they are altogether real footling of the character. How do you agnise accurately what a top-tone well caliber favourite dearie foodstuff is? The parts must be largely sum - not nitty-gritty by-items, a minuscule proportion equitable of grains of wholly kinds, and rather some energizing Modern veggies, yield or herbs. If the result of cooking is non specified, and then wee-wee Thomas More queries of the Divine, or go for a ace that does distributor point retired the cooking scheme - stop dead desiccated or burnt are suitable. If you give your puppy commercial enterprise favorite food items, you may substantially be steady getting disembarrass of your dearie favorite trail. Does whatsoever of this sound wish meals you would endeavor to use up by yourself ??? If not, then level while it bathroom be labeled as Determinedpet foodstuffPositron emission tomography and could maybe ingest potentially type of sort scripted contented (if you chance to be lucky)Inner why flow these kinds of substandard food waste 2nd-fee your eyetooth? And forty nine - Relocating from the Bottle to the Sippy Cup in incidence of these degenerative illness in dogs and former animals has happened in place symmetry to the practice of furnishing animals uncooked foods or desk scraps, to offer them enterprise beast food. Give your dearie positron emission tomography dog a uncooked, or mainly naked as a jaybird, sweet fresh solid food gormandize diet course of study. If you go on to be non a fan of naked as a jaybird food for thought squeeze, and then by all way feed your pet trail abode cooked nutrient, created from prime components which you would utilisation for your really have meals.
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🎂 My Happy birthday 🎂 #hello #goodmorning #salut #ola #myhappybirthday #happybirthday #joyeuxanniversaire #gateau #fraisier #gormandise #bondimanche #dimanche #5novembre #27ans #bonnejournée #bisous #bisoubisou
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bertrandrussell11 · 5 years
The ancients, as everyone knows, regarded moderation as one of the essential virtues. Under the influence of romanticism and the French Revolution this view was abandoned by many, and overmastering passions were admired, even if, like those of Byron’s heroes, they were of a destructive and anti-sociai kind. The ancients, however, were clearly in the right. In the good life these must be a balance between different activities, and no one of them must be carried so far as to make the others impossible. The gormandiser sacrifices all other pleasures to that of eating, and by so doing diminishes the total happiness of his life.
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bertrandrussell11 · 6 years
Perhaps the best way to understand what is meant by zest will be to consider the different ways in which men behave when they sit down to a meal. There are those to whom a meal is merely a bore; no matter how excellent the food may be, they feel that it is uninteresting. They have had excellent food before, probably at almost every meal they have eaten. They have never known what it was to go without a meal until hunger became a raging passion, but have come to regard meals as merely conventional occurrences, dictated by the fashions of the society in which they live. Like everything else, meals are tiresome, but it is no use to make a fuss, because nothing else will be less tiresome. Then there are the invalids who eat from a sense of duty, because the doctor has told them that it is necessary to take a little nourishment in order to keep up their strength. Then there are the epicures, who start hopefully, but find that nothing has been quite so well cooked as it ought to have been. Then there are the gormandisers, who fall upon their food with eager rapacity, eat too much, and grow plethoric and stertorous. Finally there are those who begin with a sound appetite, are glad of their food, eat until they have had enough, and then stop.
Those who are set down before the feast of life have similar attitudes towards the good things which it offers. The happy man corresponds to the last of our eaters. What hunger is in relation to food, zest is in relation to life. The man who is bored with his meals corresponds to the victim of Byronic unhappiness. The invalid who eats from a sense of duty corresponds to the ascetic, the gormandiser to the voluptuary. The epicure corresponds to the fastidious person who condemns half the pleasures of life as unaesthetic. Oddly enough, all these types, with the possible exception of the gormandiser, feel contempt for the man of healthy appetite and consider themselves his superior. It seems to them vulgar to enjoy food because you are hungry or to enjoy life because it offers a variety of interesting spectacles and surprising experiences. From the height of their disillusionment they look down upon those whom they despise as simple souls. For my part I have no sympathy with this outlook. All disenchantment is to me a malady, which, it is true, certain circumstances may render inevitable, but which none the less, when it occurs, is to be cured as soon as possible, not to be regarded as a higher form of wisdom.
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