#gorya/thyme lmao
sivvan · 2 years
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You seem to believe in love. Is love so grand? Of course. It is very grand to me. If you don’t believe in love, it’s your business. But for me, love matters the most.
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wahgifs · 3 years
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Thyme was going to fight a guy in a bear suit. This is peak jealous baby and I’m eating it up
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spaceskam · 2 years
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Remind me I'm free man Freer than I've been It's something I'm feeling I'm wonderfully breathing
-Live Well, Palace
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larentsaloud · 3 years
The way Lita smiled at Gorya was so soft. So unlike the awkward smile and apologies you give when you crash onto someone.
Does Thyme have competition? He just managed to get over Ren hurdle. Could this be a possible change in the adaption?
If going by the manga, she ends up liking Thyme and befriends Gorya. But backs away when Thyme firmly says he is not interested and joins GoryaxThyme team.
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✨lesbian awakening activated ✨
NOW that’s crash landing onto you. 😂😂😂
someone save thyme because he JUST got his girlfriend on his side for the first time they’re finding each other mutually attractive. they’re both in fancy dress, swooning over one another, unsure where to look and being pulled together by magnetic waves, ie F3.
i suspect they’ll keep the regular plot? i mean she’s asking Gorya what her relationship is with thyme in the preview and i can trust my dumb girl to say nothing. even though they live together, kissed and have electricity pouring out of their pores. she’ll deny any romance and be dumb. i hate it here. we are half way in and i need them to have more SOFT interactions or i will go beserk.
oh lawrd. i’m not strong enough to wait until next week.
pray for me.
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namjhyun · 3 years
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This old fashioned telenovela, meta, running joke is top tier entertainment and I hope we get to see how it ends as F4Thailand progresses
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its-chelisey-stuff · 2 years
It’s over!! And I kinda don’t want to let it go :(
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UGH. Fine! I forgive you for all the bad cliches, for using the tropes I HATE (looking at you amnesia duh). I FORGIVE YOU. YOU HAVE MY HEART, DRAMA!!
this was four months, wasn't it? That's officially the longest time it has taken me to watch a drama 😂 
I started watching the drama feeling all happy and excited and, surprisingly, I finished it in the same way. No drama is perfect and F4 Thailand definitely had its ups and downs (a whole rollercoaster ride, definitely not for for everyone, in fact, I think a lot of people jumped ship lol) but to me, the emotions a show leaves you with are crucial to how you'll remember it. A bittersweet ending might make you look back on it with sadness, an open ending might leave you confused and you will probably remember it feeling upset. A downright bad, nonsensical ending of a show you truly loved? Well, I was just there last week and for me, it completely ruins the show. Might leave you feeling a tiny bit homicidal (lmao it's a joke I'm not a psycho I swear 😅).
But happy endings that leave you smiling like a fool and a "wait nooo, I wanted more, what happens next?" kind of feeling? Those will make you look back on the whole drama with warmth and fondness. And that's how it is to me with this drama. So, not the greatest show ever made (which tbh it’s subjective), probably-almost-certainly (in the eyes of longtime fans of the story) not the best adaptation and maybe a bit of a hot mess for many even to me BUT overall a really fun drama, with PERFECT casting, great chemistry between OTP and the F4, good music and really good acting (amazing considering 3 out of the main 5 were newbies).
If I’m being honest I would’ve liked for the drama to take the plotlines of the last two eps and maybe have them be explored over four or five eps. Let me feel the angst of Thyme and Gorya being separated over a year. And the angst of Thyme not remembering her (which is a crazy thing to say considering how much I hate amnesia plots lol). The mother having a much longer process to realize that her ways of being a mother were all messed up. Also, more F4 scenes, but the fluffy and silly kind. But yeah, more of all that and less of whatever happened in eps 11-14.
And still, totally recommend it. I'm sure that now that it's all out, binging may very well be a wiser option than waiting a whole week for a single one-hour-long episode. I think the pace of the story and the logic of it might even benefit from watching it all in one go. Who knows. But I'm really glad I watched it and stuck by it in its most confusing, outrageous and crazy bananas moments, because then I got to enjoy it at its most heartwarming, sweet, fun, crushingly beautiful and exciting times. ‘Cause you are my shoooting staaaaaaarrrr~~
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We truly needed more of those looks...
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Ah. I had this drama for four long months and I'm gonna miss it, my weekends gonna feel empty for a while and that’s truly something I don’t get to say a lot with dramas these days. I'm gonna miss Thyme, Gorya, Ren, Kavin and MJ. (And Kaning too, of course!)
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isakwaldenbeck · 3 years
F4 THAILAND Ep. 6 thoughts that no one asked for but i'm posting anyways cause i have no one to talk to (SPOILERS FOR EP. 6)
- i want to replay the phone scene 423940283 times until I die.
- THE VIDEOCALL ARE YOU SERIOUS? i can't believe she did it. jan-di would never. i wonder if she was 100% doing it just to make her life easier.
- Thyme on the second videocall, stroking the cat in the dim light HE LOOKS LIKE A JAMES BOND VILLAIN LMAO.
- "your outfit is cute" i died there. i did. a ghost is writing this.
- when gorya tries to distract a pouty, angry thyme with the stuffed animal and she says "what kind of animal is this?" as if she was talking to a child. which he is, emotionally.
- it's not gorya's fault that she is confused and that she didn't wanna tell thyme about her meeting(s) with ren. but seeing his face when gorya lied to him twice makes me sad. i mean he deserves it. but i still hate to see thyme sad.
- i really liked the tweaks they made to the scene where gorya confronts him about punching tesla. she made it pretty clear that until he stops punching people, she won't like him.
- ren crying was UNCALLED FOR.
- i need it to be saturday again. like NOW.
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pursemongerstuff · 3 years
You gotta love how Gorya wants to do the right thing.
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@crazybooksandplantslady called it when she said that Gorya wouldn't say yes. But lmao at Thyme for forgetting a whole ass person. Sorry Lita, you never stood a chance.
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Also, you gotta love Thyme just protecting Gorya from judgement. Especially knowing how much she loves Lita.
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heesulovebot · 2 years
k so i finished f4 and i just gotta say that the production and cinematography and editing was actually really good. the way the narrative flowed with interjections sometimes was so nice from a stylistic perspective and y'know added to the overarching messages and it was really well made in that respect. however, like every other adaptation, i will never root for the lead guy (in this case, thyme) because the overall romantic storyline perpetuates the toxic message that girls can "fix" their boyfriends and it's their responsibility to bare all that emotional burden and frustration. and like,,, it's 2022,,,, can we not? (don't even get me started on the literal trauma that was inflicted on gorya and how she- as the quintessential strong woman ((except she's literally a seventeen year old girl))- shouldered all of that and had to always be the bigger person). anyways besides the romance being terrible, some things i did like besides the technical parts:
gorya and kaning's friendship: truly a beautiful sisterhood 😭💕
MJ!!!! tbh even tho my eyes naturally went to kavin because win lmao, mj stole every scene he was in. nani was so natural at it and he's actually so opposite to his character irl. @g*m PLS give nani a lead role 🙏🏼 i would watch that drama in a heartbeat
on that note: mj and kavin's friendship 😩💕 they were literally platonic husbands like nani and win were so comfortable w eachother and it was so nice to see that translated through their characters. also mj was literally the glue of that group but i love how kavin listened to everything mj told him to do like a good husband djdnnfnf (also will never be over the tie scene 😭 i love nonchalant, affectionate gestures like that so much)
ren (and gorya): now listen, even though i joked about it, i don't actually want ren and gorya as endgame. would it have made sense? yes absolutely, and it would've been the healthiest relationship ever. but since we got gorya and thyme canon, i really liked that even though they had their past, above all, they remained friends. ik that ren had his emo bad boy moment because he was going thru it @mira but i would say he probably had the most character growth (besides evil mom) in the entire show (ppl would say that would be thyme but i don't count thyme because his growth depended only on gorya, so when she was gone, he went back to his old self. even though yes ren's growth stemmed from heartbreak, he never went back to being an emo ass and just continued to grow and move on. also, thyme is still toxic even at his 'best' self i.e., controlling). even though ren cared for gorya romantically, he only ever cared for her happiness in the end, even if it didn't include him. after his growth, he was nothing but soft with gorya and gave her the option to literally not suffer. but when she still took the hard road he still supported it because it also included thyme, and he loves thyme as much as gorya (can i just say: thyme is so lucky to have f3 by his side 😭). anyways i was SO happy in the final scene with gorya's voice over, where she acknowledged that ren was her first love. because it made it more realistic, and it added a bit of bittersweetness to their romance, the what could've been~, and it was just nice to see that gorya acknowledged that love and they stayed friends and were happy. also further proof that ren is best boy who is full of love and maturity: he was drawing mira a book of all her friends as a wedding gift 😭💕 like mira is literally his first love and she broke his heart BAD but he doesn't resent her and he's doing something so sweet to congratulate her for her wedding. because he loves her. gOD i love ren and all the love he has in his emo little heart 😭😭😭😭
thyme's mom. she was evil but it helped that cindy bishop was playing her because that woman can ACT. the emotional complexity she added to a character that could've easily become flat with micro-expressions alone was just 😚👌🏼 probs a fave villain. and even though it was rushed, it was nice that she didn't stay a villain and that scene with thyme's sister in the car was so sweet :((
thyme's wardrobe. it was atrocious but the best part about his character because it was consistent lmao
anyways idky i wrote so much about this dumb little show but here we are 😌 excited for win’s show and tu and ohm’s show and bright’s show coming up!! 
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disaster-j · 3 years
the way i would watch f4 thailand if it was about a lesbian couple instead lmao
I would actually be able to enjoy the show if Lita ends up falling for Gorya instead of Thyme bc honestly even if they don't get together in canon another sapphic Milk character is enough to keep me happy. They can be canon in my heart.
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ranjish-hi-sahih · 3 years
Not Thyme telling the most depressing, lonely story and then saying he doesn't need the pork 😭
Low-key Gorya's family was ready to go butcher a pig.
Also the most normal outfit we've seen yet 😂 like I cannot believe this boy has a mother and sister that dress like 👠 and friends that dress like 🕶️ and he's over here like 🐯
Most people dress up for dates, but our boy dresses down 💙
Kaning continues to own my heart 💕 Kavin is going to eat that 4,000 baht "naïve"- and Hana is what we all feared 😒
OH GOD, I know right!?! what I love about the show is gorya's family (minus the dad making the dumb mistake of borrowing money from a loan shark). lmao at her mom calling thyme Mr.
but also like what a lonely childhood. like he has in abundance so much yet at the same time so little. I'm just glad he's had friends (and yes, they're a bullying gang but they're getting better so)
lol, what was that tiger/lion shirt monstrosity. I'm imagining his house staff just watching him walk out the door like that laughing behind his back.
one thing I noticed though (I could be wrong) but in the news/interview thing, he looked decent and professional so maybe the way he dresses (at school and home) is actually him rebelling in way?! (I'm probably reading too much into as we saw baby thyme in leopard print 😐)
@tehkatie if you have thoughts on this please-
and as we all knew yet feared, kaning is gorya's actual friend and hana is in it for something and so not genuine.
and we all know kavin's gonna fall head over heals for kaning and this is the beginning.
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heyitsrcoor · 3 years
F4 Thailand: Boys Over Flowers (2021) EP 1
Well done!
I love how this version has its own identity and color. While the storyline is the same, the dialogue, the background, the framing of the story is just a breath of fresh air. They opted for the emotional/psychological/angsty lens as opposed to the comical, over-the-top kind of drama. FYI, the bullying was really bad and triggering.
Thyme...what can I say? I just want to punch his handsome face. He's infuriating as always but thank God they've gotten rid of the ugly hairstyle.
Gorya is the toned-down, realistic version. She shows vulnerability but she could be strong if she wants to. The kick was so good! I was clapping when the dude fell with his legs up lmao
Love how they switched things up and we see Ren as an artist instead of a violinist lol I used to love the character in Meteor Garden and HanaDan but the other versions of him were just cheezy and pretentious. In here, he seems like a genuine person and not wishy-washy. It's probably too early to tell, but I'm liking him now.
It's just too bad they'll be releasing only 1 episode a week. I'm still deciding whether I'll put this on hold and binge it when it's completed. Or should I just painfully wait every week?
What do you guys think of this adaptation?
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Just finished watching episode 3 of F4 Thailand and I love it so freaking much omg this episode was fantastic!!
I love how they used the accidental kiss trope and then blatantly made fun of it after the fact cuz we all know how cringe the accidental kiss trope can lol but I actually didn’t mind it here I thought they did it well and it was pretty funny thyme’s reaction had me dying
That scene between gorya and ren ugh she is such a girl boss and I’ve kept thinking this whole time that the actor who plays ren seems so familiar but apparently this is his FIRST drama!! I’m so impressed with him and the emotion that’s being displayed by everyone so far
THE BUS SCENE OHMYGOD I LOST MY SHIT LAUGHING IT WAS SO FREAKING FUNNY I AM LIVING FOR THE DYNAMIC BETWEEN GORYA AND THYME!! Like I honestly think this version shows the best dynamic between these two characters out of all the versions like I’m not even fully sure what it is yet but I think it might have something to do with the fact that I feel like in this version they are more childlike in a sense like they both feel more like actual kids/teenagers than in the others so it feels more playful I guess and they’re both headstrong and childish and so they just fight like cats and dogs which of course to some degree is every version so I don’t know if it’s just the actors playing off each other really well or what but so far I’m liking them the best I think
Also the airport scene omg I am living for the friendship I loved the scene between thyme and ren and thyme actually wanting to apologize first that’s progress y’all
Also even though we haven’t seen them together much I actually really love mira and ren together and find myself wishing that they would’ve changed their storyline somehow to have them end up together this time around I think that would have been a nice twist but alas what is boys over flowers without the pain and the angst
And lastly thyme asking gorya out through the freaking announcement for everyone to see lmao this kid he is genuinely so innocent for someone leading the life that he does he’s seriously just a big dumb baby and I love him so much for it
Really hope this version will actually address the bullying situation though bc some of the stuff that happens not just in this one but all of them is seriously atrocious and they never really say sorry
So yeah this got long but I’m just really loving it so far and had to get this out I had been so excited for this even before it started airing and I kinda wanted to wait until it finished before starting it but alas I was suckered into it sooner and now I’m gonna die waiting every week for a new episode
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larentsaloud · 3 years
Can you imagine if Thyme had heard in person Gorya calling him her boyfriend and defending him in the mall! He would be on cloud nine and probably ask security for a footage to watch it over and over again.
bold of you to assume that Thyme hasn’t downloaded that footage and doesn’t watch it before and after each breath?
anon. lemme assure you. Thyme has it. he probably sent it to everyone in his address book and to Gorya, too followed by thousand stickers of love sick puppy jumping for joy.
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this is his lock screen.
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or this?
either way.
thyme happy.
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namjhyun · 3 years
lolllll the housemaids are going to be hilarious in this version, aren’t they. Shook af!
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