#gosh he looks so dang friendly in the painted one i did lol
jabberwockjamboree · 2 years
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im having a catboy summer >:3
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simplyghosting · 7 years
Do all the plant asks plz n thank
Dan here is trying to turn me into compost with all these asks 😜
Ambrosia: last song you listened to?
  Budapest by George Ezra    
Clover:  someone you miss right now?
My grandfather, I felt like I never really got to talk to him enough and learn about him  
Dahlia: zodiac?
Leo, though I was due for the Cancer timeslot (I was late to my own birth TvT)
       Fern:  what makes you happiest?
Going outside and exploring and being really friendly and enjoying God’s creation, smelling flowers and looking at the artistry in everything and how it works and everything is just so amazing              
Honeydew: MBTI?
  ENFP, yeet (I’m like 60/40 on extroversion, and I’ve gotten ENFJ a couple of times)   
  Ivy: favorite part of the holidays?
  I like being with family a lot, but I really like doing things for people, like going shopping for ingredients, or making gifts, and joking about the holiday-themed stuff stores sell with my family   
    Iris:  favorite eye color?
Oh gosh, blue eyes are so pretty because they look like a tropical ocean, but then you have green eyes that look so magical like a fairytale forest, and brown eyes look like a warm drink and a soft blanket rolled into one. And then hazel eyes kind of bounce and shift, like a piece of the galaxy changing in both slow motion and fast-forward.    
    Lilac: your aesthetic?
Answered >v’
  Juniper:coffee or tea?
  Depends, but usually tea. Coffee, if I want something a bit sweeter and don’t mind the heavier feeling, but tea usually doesn’t make me feel like I’ve ingested a liquefied brick, lol        
Mimosa: what are you struggling with right now?
Good grief…pleasing my parents, getting my driver’s license, finding a career without spending an obscene amount on trying various majors, making and keeping friends
   Peppermint:  stars or constellations?
How can someone ask this? This is like picking between paints and the finished artwork,
I can’t choose   
       Rosemary:  what cartoons did you grow up with?
Answered >v’
Rue:forest or field?
hmmmmm this is hard, but I’m going to go with forest. More likely to be things to climb, even if there aren’t as many flowers and tall grasses           
Sage: Greek god/goddess you relate most to?
Idk, Apollo? Art, medicine, and lots of sunshine lol       
Verbena:  playlist for your life?
  (immediately thinks about how i don’t have a playlist for anything, like i just listen to youtube recommended videos). Don’t judge me for this, I have no idea what I’m doing.
Childhood: “Why Should I Worry?” by Billy Joel, “Penny Lane” the Beatles, that kids song about the rain being gumdrops, “Rainbow Connection” - Kermit the Frog, 
Teen (aka my emo-phase): “Iodine” by Icon for Hire, “Bring Me to Life” - Evanescence, also that Beautiful Soul song, by like Jesse McCartney or smth I guess
College (early): We are Number One, but every time they say it, it gets faster, or any other song that causes hysteria and anxiety. “Rollercoaster” - The Bleachers, “Geronimo” - Sheppard
College (now): “Ghosting” - Mother Mother, “Elle Me Dit” by Mika, “Shut Up and Dance With Me” - Walk the Moon (oh good gravy this is a disaster)
Violet:  tv show most likely to binge watch?
  Gosh, I haven’t binged anything in a while. Probably an anime, tbh. I know Yona of the Dawn and Silver Spoon I adored.     
planets or moons?
These are evil questions, you know that? Hnnnn planets have more color, but moons are so soft. Okay, if you include Pluto, I’ll go with planets…for now…     
Wisteria:  favorite movie?
  Lady and the Tramp, probably    
Winona:  favorite quote? 
For some reason, a quote my dad gave me pops in my head a lot, though I don’t know if it’s my favorite (keeping it safe for the little ears). “Dang the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!”. It was said by an admiral during a war, and cannonballs (torpedoes) were being fired at his ship, and his men told him to turn back, but if they were going to win the battle, they needed to capture the fort on the coast, so he said that, and ended up succeeding. Kind of a “forget what everyone else says can or can’t be done, I’m going to get this done”. I say it to myself when I have 3 hours before an essay I haven’t started is due.           
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merigreenleaf · 7 years
I’m going with Adair because he’s the most-main character of my current trilogy, but I might fill this out for Blythe later since she’s pretty much as much an MC as he is. 
A is for Age: 18 (Adair’s the youngest of my five characters- the rest are in their 20s) B is for Biggest Fear: Until book 2 when his fear becomes more emotional (losing the empathetic bond to his pair), it's heights. He's terrified of being off the ground in any way. C is for Current Time: It's late winter at the start of book 1. D is for Drink Last Had: Tea. Definitely tea. This culture drinks a lot of freaking tea. E is for Everyday Starts With: Grumbling about it being way too early to be awake (usually directed at Blythe who's a Cheerful Morning Person ugh), but then getting super excited because he gets to make breakfast! Then losing some excitement because his family of carnies can't agree on anything ever including breakfast. F is for Favorite Song: There are bound to be popular songs in a culture that revolves around the arts, but darned if I know what any of them are. Blythe was probably humming it this morning while being Annoyingly Awake. G is for Ghosts, Are They Real?: At the start of book 1, Addy would say probably not. By the end it's a definite, personal yes. (I mean, he gets to kiss one. That's pretty definite.) H is for Hometown: Sagewood, one of Concordia's small towns in the middle of nowhere. It's *boring*. I is for In Love With: Like that's a secret. Blythe and Etri. My gosh, the boy has it bad for both of them. Fortunately for him it works out to be mutual. It starts as a bit of a crush on these two attractive, slightly older performers, then they become his best friends and eventual significant others. J is for Jealous Of: Addy's not a particularly jealous person. I guess he's sort of jealous of the other artists his age who get more respect than he does, but he knows that he could too if he acted more traditional and he's dang well not going to do that. He's kind of an outsider in his own community. K is for Killed Someone: Unless a shadow or light creature (I haven't decided which) counts, no. That’s assuming he can even hurt them. Not sure yet. L is for Last Time They Cried: Probably within the past few days. He cries pretty easily over pretty much any kind of emotion. (I really need to make this come up more often. He's the most emotional character of the bunch.) M is for Middle Name: None at the moment, but when he gets his promotion to a higher ranking artist in book 2 (basically a symbol of adulthood), his parents' surname (Cerulean) becomes his middle name and he gets to choose a new surname based on his profession. N is for Number of Siblings: One younger sister. He gets along with her, but they're pretty far apart in age and he hasn't been home in a while so he hasn't seen her lately. O is for One Wish: To have a sentinel who will protect him and respect him better than his ex boyfriend did. (Sentinels are an artist's bodyguard/significant other.) P is for Person Last Called/Texted: He avoids writing home whenever possible, but he keeps in better contact with his former master who was like another mom. That said, the last letter he wrote was probably to his ex girlfriend. They're still good friends and keep in contact with each other. Q is for Questions They’re Always Asked: I couldn't think of one so my husband suggested "*You*? Seriously??" because no one ever takes Adair seriously. He's young, adorable, harmless looking, and kind, and I think this tends to make people disregard him. R is for Reasons to Smile: So many things make Adair happy! A new thing to sketch/paint, a change in scenery so he can see/experience new things, friends telling jokes and enjoying his company, yummy pies, beautiful spring days, his cat snuggling him, affection from Blythe or Etri. S is for Song Last Sang: I still don't know songs for this world yet. Probably whatever Blythe was humming while she tended to her plants this morning has gotten stuck in his head, though. T is for Time They Wake Up: Well into morning, probably around 10 given the choice. (Still not as bad as Etri who hates waking up before noon lol.) U is for Underwear Color: Adair's the kind of person who wears whatever looks cleanest. That said, most of his clothes are blue or purple, so it's probably one of those colors. V is for Vacation Destination: As a cartographer, he spent much of his apprenticeship traveling. He doesn't have a favorite place so much as places that served the best foods. W is for Worst Habit: Messy handwriting is probably the most harmless but most frequent. He's a cartographer. His writing has to be legible. He's really bad at making it this way but he's trying to be neater. The most harmful one is a tendency to be too passive and not speak up or letting other people make the decisions. He's gradually getting better at this. X is for X-Rays; Ever Broken a Bone?: Probably several. The other four members of his found family are all strong, athletic carnival performers. Adair is... well, he's a kindhearted artist who got picked on a lot as a kid and probably struggled to keep up with the other kids. Y is for Youth: *cough* I guess this is where I was going with the previous letter. He had a pretty boring, fairly traditional childhood and a slightly less traditional apprenticeship (his master is kind of an oddball like him who didn't quite fit into what Artisans are supposed to be like). He's a friendly person, but he's also kind of quiet and would rather draw something than play with the other more outgoing and social kids. It didn't help that his magic manifested a little later than average (an Artisan's worth is in their ability to possess magic and be an artist with it) and he was always kind of an outsider. He wasn't disliked, but he wasn't exactly included, either. And his biggest childhood bully grew up to be his closest friend because they were both kind of social outcasts with the other kids- this person was also later his aforementioned inept sentinel/boyfriend. He never really got on with his family, either, although hit fit in much better with his master and her family. Yeah, Adair is much happier with where his life is right now even though it's nothing like how an Artisan is supposed to live. He was a crappy Artisan but he's a dang good carny lol. Z is for Zealous: What Are They Passionate About?: Drawing and painting, putting his magic and effort into a really cool map that'll be his final project as an apprentice artist (this is basically like a graduation project and rite of passage rolled into one), cooking, finding yummy foods.
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