#got a bit carried away with this one sorry its kinda long
uluvjay · 2 months
So long, London- L. Norris
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Lando Norris x fem! Reader
In which you have to say goodbye
Warnings?; angst, toxic relationship, lying, cursing, lando being a bit of an asshole, crying, one sided love, feeling unwanted and lonely, this is kinda old and hardly proof read so i apologize for any errors!
Pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away
You could tell when things when first got rocky, the way he went from being connected to your hip at all times to being as far away from you as possible.
The way his once lingering touch would now drop the second there were no longer cameras or people to keep an act up for.
How he couldn’t be bothered to give you more then a pathetic forehead kiss and small side hug when he would once kiss you breathless and hold you so tight you almost couldn’t breathe.
But you always did your best to pull him back in, sitting down and having talk after talk about how you were feeling and telling him that if he wanted to leave then he needed to instead of stringing you along.
The conversations always ended the same, him with soft tears in his eyes while you were sobbing, him telling you he’d change and do better and that you were were all he wanted.
And he’d make the changes he promised to, dates as often as possible, nights once against spent together, his eyes never straying from you.
But that only lasted so long before he was back to his old ways.
My spine split from carrying us up the hill
Eventually overtime the constant chasing and fighting had began to take its toll on you, and everyone had began to notice.
“Y/n Darling are you doing okay? You look exhausted.” Adam spoke from his spot next to you.
You smiled politely at your boyfriend’s dad, “yeah just haven’t been sleeping the best.” You shrugged the lie spilling effortlessly from your mouth.
You could tell that the older man didn’t believe you but instead of prying he just nodded and pulled you into a tight hug.
You hadn’t realized just how bad you needed that hug until you were silently crying in the man’s arms, body shaking as all of your built up emotions came spilling out.
Adam turned you two, his back facing the entrance of the garage incase any cameras decided to pan inside, not wanting them to catch you in this state.
“You know you can speak to me about anything right? Even if it’s my son, you’re apart of this family too.”
You wanted to laugh at the man’s words, in what world would you be able to open up to the man about the fact that you were almost certain his son didn’t love you anymore but both of you were refusing to let go.
“I know, thank you.” You spoke softly.
I didn’t opt in to be your odd man out
You only realized how bad things had gotten when you got a text from Max asking why you weren’t at dinner.
What dinner? I didn’t even know you were in town
When the Brit left you on read you understood that even he had began to connect the dots and that his best friend had been lying to the both of you.
He had told you he was going to a business dinner while he sat across from his best friend and told him that you couldn’t make it to dinner because you already had plans made prior.
Max was pissed to say the least but he wasn’t one to cause a scene and decided it would be best to bring it up with lando tomorrow when they went to play paddle.
“How was dinner with Max and P?” You questioned as he stepped in the living room.
“What’re you talking about? It was a bus-“
“Don’t even try it Lando, max texted asking where I was.” You scoffed before standing on your feet and heading down the hall towards your room.
“Fuck.” He groaned quickly following after you.
“Baby please, I’m sorry I lied-“ he tried but was quickly shut up by the bedroom door slamming in his face and the lock clicking.
“Sleep in the guest room, we’ll talk tomorrow.” You spoke and he could hear the sadness in your tone.
My friends said it isn’t right to be scared
“I just don’t know what more I can do, I try so hard and things just aren’t changing. I feel unwanted and uncomfortable in my own house, I’m anxious to even go home sometimes because I don’t know what the night will hold.” You ranted to Kika and Pierre as you laid on the lush carpet of their living room floor.
“Darling it isn’t right to be scared, you shouldn’t have to have these worries, this isn’t love.” The model cooed as she took a seat next to you and held your hand tightly.
“I know, but I look at him and for some reason I still picture a future and see the man I want to start a family with..I just don’t think he sees that with me anymore.” You shrugged sadly.
“Oh honey.” Kika whispered before laying beside you and throwing and arm over you, holding you tightly.
“I don’t know what to do.” You whispered to no one in particular but Pierre caught it.
“It’s not what you want to hear but as one of your closest friends I’m going to tell you the truth, it’s time to leave Y/n.” The boy began, also moving to sit on the carpet on your other side.
“You’re doing nothing but hurting yourself and we can all see how hard this has been on you, you’re not yourself.” He continued.
“Where am i supposed to go? I gave up everything back home to move with him, he’s been in my life since we were little kids, he’s all I’ve ever known.” You croaked, a small tearing escaping.
The couple shared a look, hating how their once bubbly and out going friend had became someone they didn’t recognize, a girl so broken and hurt.
“You can stay here until you figure something out, we have the room and with Pierre being gone for races and me working there’s hardly anyone ever here.” Kika spoke up.
“No-I couldn’t do that, I don’t want to intrude.” You shook your head.
“You’re not intruding, we’re asking you to stay, we don’t want you living like this anymore.” Pierre spoke up.
You took a moment to think about it, were you really going to pull the plug and leave? After spending all of your youth with Lando and giving him all you ever had?
“Okay.” You nodded.
Just how low did you think I’d go ‘fore I self-implode? ‘Fore I’d have to go be free?
A few weeks later while the boys were gone for a double header you and Kika packed everything you owned, boxes and boxes stacked into the back of the large car you’d rented.
You cried in the girls arms as you looked around the place you had called home for the past few years, hearing aching in your chest as it processed that this was it, it was over now.
You’d written a note, placed it on the kitchen counter next to the necklace you wore with his name on it and your key to the apartment along with the keys to the car he’d gotten you for your birthday.
You two hadn’t spoken in days so having to keep him from getting suspicious wasn’t hard, he’d have no clue that he’d return from a different country to find you and your belongings gone.
And that’s exactly what happened, the boy sighed as he slid his key in the lock, his body aching and exhausted from the back to back races and constant time changes.
“Baby?” He called stepping into the dark apartment, it wasn’t like you to be out at nine pm but he shrugged it off and pushed up the light switch that was next to the door.
However his stomach dropped as the apartment lit up, all of your shoes that had been on the shoe rack were gone, your favorite blanket that had always been on the back of the couch gone as well.
He dropped his bookbag before darting towards the shared bedroom, his heart racing as he found your vanity that once sat in the corner of the room gone, your side of the bed perfectly made as if someone had slept there in days.
Reality crashed down on him when he walked into the closet to find all of your things gone, your key to the safe sitting on top of one of the shelves and the boy couldn’t help but to open it up only to find that all of the expensive pieces he bought you were sat contently inside, your custom Richard Mille still right next to all of his.
Getting back on his feet he raced back into the entryway for his phone, however the sight of something on the kitchen counter caught his attention.
He felt tears prick his eyes at the sight of your necklace laying beside a folded up paper, the necklace he got you at seventeen, the necklace that you hadn’t taken off since the day he put it on you.
“She’s gone.” He whispered to himself, picking up the note and reading what you had to say, full on sobs escaping the boy by the time he had made it to the end.
And I’m just getting color back into my face
It was almost a year before he saw you again, he watched as you walked into Pierre’s birthday Party on Kika’s arm.
Your skin was glowing and the laugh flowing from your mouth was genuine as well as the smile that tugged on your lips.
He felt his stomach twist as he realized how good you were doing, how good and happy you looked, without him.
You wouldn’t admit it but your eyes had found him as soon as you walked into the venue, however you didn’t let him see the way that your heart hurt by just the simple sight of him.
However your best friend caught it and was quickly spewing out apologies, “I’m sorry, I told Pierre it was a bad idea bu-“
“Kika it’s okay, I know their friends as well, I’m not mad.” You laughed at the girl’s rambling.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m positive.” You smiled, “now let’s go get drinks and hit the dance floor.” You smirked dragging her towards the loaded bar.
You two ended up spending a good bit of time on the dance floor, dancing until your feet were aching and you decided it was time for a short break and some fresh air.
“I’m gonna get some air, I’ll be right back.” You spoke into your friends ear.
“Okay.” She smiled before spinning from your body into her boyfriend’s opened arms.
You smiled at the pair before making your way off the dance floor and to the small balcony on the floor above, allowing yourself to be cooled off by the soft breeze of the evening air.
You were so caught up in your relaxation that you missed the sound of the door opening and shutting or the presence of the British driver behind you until he spoke up.
“You left me.”
You jumped at the sound of his voice, the voice you hadn’t heard in nine months.
“It was for the best.”
“What just leaving? Not giving me any explanation or warning? You pretty much abandoned ship and left me hanging.” He scoffed.
“I abandoned the ship?” You scoffed, “Lando I fought day in and day out for us, I couldn’t take it anymore.”
“But I loved you!, no actually I still do, you’re all I’ve ever wanted.”
“If you loved me so much then where was the proof? Huh? Because I sat around hoping and praying to the gods above for you to change and for things to get better but they never did.” You cried.
“I was trying okay?! I was doing my best to make things better-I just needed time.” He exclaimed, his hands tugging on his messy curls.
You laughed at his words, turning back to face the skyline of the small city, the wind making the tears on your cheeks feel like ice.
“I explained everything in the note.” You mumbled after a few moments of silence.
“I know I read it..I-i just don’t know why you wouldn’t let me fix things.” He spoke.
“I tried Lando, so many fucking times. I waited and waited for you change and for you to realize how much I love you but you never did so I gave up, I couldn’t keep doing that to myself.”
You kept your eyes trained on the view of the city even as he came to stand beside you, your heart aching for you to lean into him and give it what it so desperately wanted, but you couldn’t.
“Is there ever going to be a chance for us again?” He spoke up.
Your body shook at his words, tears streaming down your face at this point, “I don’t think so Lan, I love you I really do I just don’t think we’re meant to be together anymore.” You whispered turning towards him.
“You’ll find someone one day, and I hope that you never put her through what I went through in the end. You gave me some of the best years of my life but, this is the end for us.” You cried, unconsciously reaching up to wipe the tears off of his tanned cheeks.
Your heart clenched at the way he leaned into your touch, his body yearning for you just as much as yours was for him.
“I’ll always love you.” He cried.
“I’ll always love you too.” You sobbed stroking his cheek one last time before placing a chaste kiss to the corner of his lips before stepping back and heading inside.
Leaving your past behind you and continuing to heal yourself.
So long, London..
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scoutswritingcorner · 5 months
Deerly Beloved PT.2
Alastor x GN!Deer!Reader
Part 1
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A/n: Cause some people asked for this. 
-🦌 Starting where I left off last time: Eskimo kisses are the only kisses he will give out in public or in the hotel. It’s just become routine for you both to do it to one another. He’ll bend down, tilt your head up by your chin and just give you little eskimo kisses before he leaves.
-🦌 If he’s actually going to kiss you, it will be behind closed doors and away from private eyes. He can’t get enough of it.
-🦌 He’s very suave. But he’s also equally as awkward. Like he can flirt with you all day but then you flirt back and he’s just standing there eyes wide and confused. 
-🦌 More awkward Alastor? He has trouble reading the room sometimes so he just kinda stands somewhere. (honestly me too bud-)
-🦌 If you have horns he’s either laying his chin on your head between them or trying to balance things on them. Please sit still, this could go on for hours. The last thing he could get on there was a marshmallow. (He cleans your horns for you don’t worry)
-🦌 This man is stuck to you like glue. Like- You could be doing your job around the hotel and he’s hugging you from behind and carrying you around. Charlie has to tell him to let you work. He gets grumpy.
-🦌 Sometimes he just stares off into space and he’s unresponsive for a bit. Prime time to get him back. Hang something on his horns and act like nothing happened when he clocks back into reality. 
-🦌When he gets mad at you for something? He stomps his hooves and walks off. It’s his way of throwing a tantrum without causing too much a scene. 
-🦌 He’s not up to date on modern slang at all so if he gets on your nerves bamboozle the old man with some weird slang and he’ll be confused for an hour or so until someone tells him.
-🦌 Fall asleep somewhere and he’ll sit by or near you to watch over you, he’s usually reading but he makes sure everyone in the room leaves you alone.
-🦌 He loves having you sitting on his lap, it’s solely because he likes comparing your hooves together. Like- you could be asleep and he’d be talking still about your hooves. He doesn’t take offense to you falling asleep while he talks, he’s grateful his voice soothes you.
-🦌 Like anything- he has deer tendencies. Like grooming you, he loves to help brush your hair and fix your clothing. He lets you do the same to him. It helps keep down his more animalistic urges. 
-🦌 I 100% feel like he knows how to braid, wash and help brush any type of hair. Whether it’s curly, wavy, straight, coily, thick, anything. If you ask him, he will help. His Mama taught him well.
-🦌 If you get self conscious of your horns falling out cause it does happen he’ll help in anyway he can. He will make a joke about you missing something though. Be aware.
-🦌 Once again, he loves playing silly little games with you. Like in my last post, a fucked up game of tag where he’s chasing you around the hotel cause he can or play fighting with you cause its fun. His other favorite game of his is hiding your things around the hotel.
-🦌 (Don’t imagine him in a white shirt, suspenders and trousers. Don’t do it gang.)
-🦌 Once again. He will pick you up if you take too long with something and he will be unapologetic. He’s got a busy schedule! (He’s getting restless).
A/n: This turned into me thinking about silly things he does and I’m so sorry. I got way off track..ENJOY!!
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Country Rose 1
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Warnings: age gap, power dynamics, creep behaviour, other dark elements. As usual, be mindful of your content consumption.
I also beg of you to leave me some tuppence in the form of a comment and/or reblog. You are cherished!
Enjoy, my loverlies.
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The train ride leaves you stiff and sleepy. You couldn’t sleep on the long trek, your eyes devouring the scenery as it shifted from urban to rural, from the grim hues of morning to the pale tones of a stolid afternoon. Time and distance skews together and you step onto the platform thoroughly disoriented. If you can call it that. 
The country dust tickles your nose as the lazy winds stir. The station is old, its wooden panel outdated and crooked, and the slats beneath your feet are splintering. You’re the only passenger to depart at that outpost. You’re not surprised. 
What surprises you is that you’re all alone. The station is empty and the landscape is flat and sprawling. The train chugs away without a care. You give a sheepish cringe and look back and forth aimlessly. Well, then. 
You take out your phone and shield the screen from the sun. You’re a bit paranoid you got the wrong stop. You turn this way and that as the bars in the corner flicker. Great, no signal. 
An engine rumbles from afar and you squint as you lower your cell. Down the grey road, rolls a large blue pickup truck. As it pulls up, you spot the scatter of dirt across the paint and the dents in the bumper. It’s a farm truck if you ever saw one. 
You stare at it as the gears crank and the vehicle shakes as it idles. A man pokes his head out the window and calls your name. You bat your lashes as you perk up. His dark hair is neatly trimmed yet the lock at the front can’t help but spiral over his forehead. His blue eyes compete with the shining coat on the truck. 
“That’s me,” you hitch up your pack and cross the dirt. 
“Sorry, there was a cow in the road,” he snorts as he hops out and approaches, hand out, “I’m Clark.” 
“Right, Clark,” you smile as you shake his hand. When your aunt said he was her friend, you expected someone older. Especially with that name. 
“You’ll have to call Jeanette when we get to the farm,” he says as he stops before you, staring expectantly, “I’ll take your bag.” 
“Oh, right, thanks,” you swing it off your arm and hand it over. He takes it effortlessly and carries it to the bed of the truck. You’ve heard that farmers are wellbuilt but damn, he’s huge. “So, how did you know my Aunt?” 
“Funny, I bought a quilt off of her. She came down this way with a quilting show. You know, I have a bunch my ma made me,” he drops your bag over the side into the back of the truck, “but she’s got arthritis and can’t do much sewing anymore.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you say. 
“Not your fault,” he rounds the hood and beckons you after him. He’s as old-fashioned as everything else around here as he opens the door at your approach, “she’s doing well otherwise.” 
“Hm, well, thanks for... having me,” you grab onto the door and lift yourself into the cabin, “oof, uh,” you fall into the seat and look at him, “I know it’s kinda of... awkward.” 
“Stars align is how I see it,” he shrugs. “My farmhand took off to get married to some gal in the city and you need a job.” 
“Well, that’s a nice way of putting it,” you snicker. 
He smiles and nods, “watch yourself.” 
You tuck your limbs in as he shuts the door. He strides around to the driver’s side and gets in easily. He shifts into gear and spins the wheel to back away from the tracks, “well, what’s the not nice way of putting it?” 
“Ah, uh, I... my parents told me I need to figure out what to do with myself and Aunt Jeanette overheard so... guess you got the call.” 
“No school?” He wonders as he straightens the wheel and steers back to the road. 
“Not anymore,” you exhale, “I liked it, really, but my grades weren’t... exceptional.” 
“Don’t need school to make a living. Not if you can find a good skill,” he assures. “I got a journalism degree, you know? Lotta good it does me on the bookshelf.” 
“Journalism?” You echo, “that’s... exciting. I was trying to do biology but think I may have done better as an arts student.” 
“Biology, wow,” he comments. “Well, you know, you’re young, you got time to figure it out.” 
“Yeah, I hope...” you murmur, “so, ahem, what exactly am I doing? I don’t know if I’m built to throw hay bales.” 
He laughs, “you leave that to me. As long as you’re not afraid to get your hands dirty, you’ll do just fine. I mean, if you came all the way down here, I take that as a good sign. That’s dedication. A step in the right direction.” 
“That’s very optimistic of you,” you give a brittle chuckle. 
“You city girls, you’re all so cynical,” he muses. “Take everything so serious. Things don’t move fast enough to be serious around here.” 
“Mm, I guess not,” you sniff, “so, erm, your mom, she live with you?” 
“She does,” he answers, “she needs a lot of help. I’m sorry, er, did Jeanette not explain--” 
“Explain? She said I’d be helping out with your farm.” 
He smiles, tight-lipped as he drives into the sunlight, “you will be, yeah. Mostly, with my mom, she needs company.” 
“Makes sense,” you nod. “That’s fine. I mean, I’m kinda relieved. I don’t know about horses. They look like they bite.” 
“They can,” he scoffs, “just keep your hands flat.” 
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bruhnze · 2 months
Apple tarts and tiramisu - Part 7
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Summary ''Apple tarts and tiramisu'': Lucy just moved to Barcelona, you offer to teach her Spanish. Reader gets into a relationship with Lucy Bronze who she met while she served her an apple tart.
Other parts: masterlist
Wordcount: 7k (a long one)
Apple tarts and tiramisu - Part 7
It was 6.30 and you woke up from your alarm and tried to reach your phone to put it off, but the arms around you kept you from doing so. Lucy held you in a tight embrace and groaned ''do you have to go''.
You chuckled and kissed her hands that you brought up before you freed yourself from them. ''maybe we did make it a bit too late last night?''.
Last night Lucy had proudly shown you the towel she had laid down on the bed, impressively, the bed was still completely clean and she was able to join you in the bath right away. In the bathtub where Lucy had shown some other things she could appearantly do, you had had another orgasm and after that Lucy had dried you and put on one of her shirts for you, she had carried you to the bed and when she had laid you down, peppering you with soft kisses you had wanted to pull Lucy in to cuddle but she had stood back up ''sorry baby, i have to walk Narla, but you can go sleep, i'll join you as soon as im back''. Sighing you had agreed and you hadn't woken up when she had gotten back.
''No not for me'' Lucy said priggishly but then she laughed ''but you seemed pretty tired indeed''.
You could only agree ''yes, it's true, i was pretty tired, but i had a great night'' you smirked.
Lucy got also up from the bed, joining you on 'your' side of her bed, pressing herself against you ''i had a great night too'' she whispered in your ear before kissing your neck and the side of your head.
You almost got lost in the feeling but then you remembered the coffeeshop ''hm, Luce sadly i do have to go in like 15 minutes''.
The defender hummed dissatisfied ''quick shower together?''.
''hmm mkay'' You said ''if i can borrow some clothes, because i now realise that i only have my dress here and i dont think that would be appropriate for the shop''.
Lucy agreed and a quick 10 minutes later you were standing naked infront of her closet ''i dont care, you can pick anything'' Lucy said as she was looking at you, or rather, staring at you.
''don't look at my ass, maybe help me find something fitting''. you said as you waved infront of her face ''don't distract, my mom is bringing thing over at the shop at 6.55 and its a 5 minute walk from yours to the shop so im kinda in a rush here''.
Lucy smiled ''Elena?''
''yeah my mom, you know, the one and only''.
''i'll walk with you, i can walk Narla, two birds one stone'' Lucy said as she quickly put on some underwear, sweats and a t-shirt.
You also took briefs from the drawer ''kinda hot to wear yours'' you stated as you put them on, after that you retrieved your bra from somewhere in the room and put that on before coming back to the closet and taking another look at what you could wear.
''You look cute'' Lucy said in while the two of you were standing in the elevator with Narla.
''the pants don't fit'' you pouted.
''it's a baggy fit '' Lucy said shrugging her shoulders ''it looks cute''.
You looked at your phone that buzzed ''shit Luce, its 6.55 already my mom is calling''.
''answer her, were there in 3 minutes'' Lucy said as you walked out of the building.
you answered your mom in Catalan, telling her you'd be there in a second.
"ah ara ho entenc!" (ah now I get it) Your mom called out when she saw you and Lucy walking towards the shop.
She was already starting to put some chairs where they belonged ''oh mom, you don't have to do that, you have other things to do, sorry im late''.
"No nadó, you're not even that late and I see a smile on your face and besides i have the bakery all ready, got there early this morning, only thing I have to do is open the door, I just happened to want to help you this morning." your mom said to you in Catalan while you gave her a hug.
''Really? so you have to leave at 8.30?''
''i want the bakery open at 9.00 so i'll leave a bit before that'' your mom said as she ended your hug ''come lets go inside'' she said loudly and waved to Lucy who was waiting at bit of a distance still.
´´huh , are you shy now Lucy?'' you said encouraging her to come in.
The three of you and Narla stood inside, your mom gave her some pats ''and how did it go Lucy? ets la meva nora ara?" (are you my daughter-in-law now?).
Lucy looked confused and searched your eyes for a translation. You blushed ''mom is asking something about you being her daughter-in-law now''.
''Ah yes Elena, thank you for the advice, y/n did say yes so i guess that could call me a meva nova?''.
Your mom hugged Lucy laughingly ''nora, meva nora, nova means new''.
''Nova meva nora'' Lucy said proudly.
''yeah but then i would have to say'' you mom laughed ''you have say: sóc la teva nora'' (im your daughter in law).
You cringed ''maybe lets keep it at baking mom, or take some more english lessons from me first''.
Your mom walked over to the counter pulling Lucy with her ''my English is okay, no?''. She asked Lucy.
''Yeah i think your great'' Lucy smiled.
''mom you cant ask her, she's is esbiaixat cada dia escolto Elena, Elena, Elena''. (she's biased every day I hear Elena, Elena, Elena).
''im just a fan'' Lucy shrugged ''a fan of Elena and her work''.
''Yes'' your mom called out ''you two ate esmorzar?'' (Breakfast).
''No'' you said ''was planning to just eat something while opening up''.
''i thought so'' your mom said, knowing you always liked to eat one of her freshly baked pastries ''i can open up the...'' she searched for words ''here'' she said and waved around ''and you give Lucy desayuno y macha and for yourself also'' (breakfast).
You adored the way your mom tried her best to communicate in english ''are you sure mom? i can open up.''
''no, i told you im done with the bakery, i planned to help you this morning''
''bueno'' you mutter and you throw yourself into making breakfast ''Luce come sit'' you say as you see Lucy still standing ''want some freshly baked bread?''.
''yes, oh im so happy to have joined you'' Lucy smiled ''but even without the bread i would've been''.
''and without my mom?'' You challenge.
''hmm'' Lucy pretended to think ''im joking baby, i wanted to come anyways, why'd you think i was getting dressed with you, i just got more exited hearing your mom was going to be here aswell, she's just so nice''.
You smiled because you saw your mom standing behind Lucy now, your mom winked at you and continued setting up the shop. Lucy hadn't noticed you looking away.
''well i guess i'll just be happy about it then'' you shrug as you prepare the things you need to make Lucy an iced macha.
Lucy stood up, walked behind the counter and hugged you ''i hope you are happy, i want to make you the happiest''.
You grinned ''you know what would help?''.
''i hate going into the cold room in the morning, but I need 1 pack of milk, 2 packs of soya, 1 pack of almond and 1 pack of cashew'' you pouted.
Lucy smiled ''ofcourse i will get it for you''.
''dont try to get everything at once, i dont want to mop'' you warn her as she disappears in to the back.
As you go and cut up some bread you see your mom shaking her head at you, you smile innocently.
After a second you realise you didn't even give Lucy instructions on how te coldroom looked and where she could find all these milks, but just as you wanted to go check she came back, and ofcourse holding all five milks at once''.
You rolled your eyes ''show off''.
''or you could say thank you?''.
''thank you''.
''no problem, anything for my little princess''.
You blushed and gave her a push, just as she had sat everything on the counter ''don't call me that infront of people''.
''pretty girl?''.
You looked at your mom, who was apparently already done setting up the shop and had now evidently started extracurriculars, you didn't know where this woman got her energy, but she was cleaning the windows.
''okay then''.
''geez, don't get to excited'' Lucy chuckled.
You rolled your eyes and gave her a kiss.
That afternoon you were almost closing the shop when your mom came in ''hey mom'' you said to her in spanish ''what brings you here?''.
''I just had a question about whether a celebration could be held in the cafe this afternoon, but Dad and I are going to dinner with friends tonight so i have to get ready for that, that's why i actually wanted to ask if you have time? It's a small get togheter, someone is announcing they're pregnant and they said it won't be too late." ''but i wanted to ask you before agreeing''. ''and to see if i did still have cake in the freezer''.
''Yeah we have 3 cakes and some in the display case that is still good, i put it there today'' ''and yes i can stay here''
''no Lucy date?''
''no, i don't know, we actually didn't talk about any future plans'' then your remembered you hadn't checkt your phone all day ''wait let me check my phone''.
You saw a lot of texts but didn't care, only searching for one name, Lucy apple tart.
@Lucy apple tart: miss you xx (9:10)
@Lucy apple tart: we're having lunch now (13:10)
@Lucy apple tart: hope you also have some time for that (13:11)
@Lucy apple tart: *selfie of Lucy with a tattooed blonde* (14:46)
@Lucy apple tart: Mapi says hi, she wants to meet the person i keep talking about (14:46)
@Lucy apple tart: thats you btw (14:47)
@Lucy apple tart: busy day? (15:03)
@Lucy apple tart: what r we going to do later, yours or mine? i was just thinking we haven't talked about our week schedules (15:21)
@Lucy apple tart: im now going to shower maybe we can call after?
You were smiling at your phone as your mom came closer and tried to read with you ''mom, privacy!''.
Your mom smiled ''sorry pequeña, was curious, have you not send her a message this whole day?''
''it was busy, i didn't think about it'' you said as you were typing a respons to your girlfriend.
@y/n: sorry, very busy xx
@y/n: shower selfie is also always welcome just so you know
@y/n: but the one with Mapi was cute too
@y/n: i actually have to work extra this afternoon, a group asked if they could celebrate something here, it was a last minute thing..
You saw Lucy was online now.
@Lucy apple tart: *selfie of Lucy in a towel*
@y/n: hot xx
@Lucy apple tart: im free tomorrow morning
@y/n: meet up tomorrow then?
*Incoming call from @Lucy apple tart*
''oh she's calling, but yes anyways mom, you can tell them to come'' You said as your mom was rummaging around at the counter.
''hey Lucy'' you said as you accepted the call ''sorry hadn't seen your messages, just opened up my phone for the first time today''.
''its okay cutie, i was just wondering if i could help you this afternoon?''.
''what? work at the shop with me?''.
''yes, doing the catering with you seems fun, this morning we were a great team, right''.
''Luce, you're a footballer, i can't ask you to serve coffee''.
''you're not, im offering''.
''your crazy''.
''about you yeah''.
You laughed and rolled your eyes, not that Lucy could see but still. This just seemed so crazy to you, no one you had ever dated had made such efforts for you.
''how late does it start?'' Lucy asked.
''they'll be here in an hour and a half or something and they'll be gone at eight, is what they promised, but you know Spaniards, so might get later''.
''what are the celebrating or do you not know?'' Lucy said.
''i dont know, it's a bit vague, but i believe someone's pregnant''
''ohh that's cute''.
''yup so i'll be serving cake and drinks''.
''and you'll have an amazing assistant''
You chuckled ''you don't have too Luce''.
''it's a family buisness right''.
You freezed and got a lump in your throat ''y-yeah''.
''and i'm la teva nora so i'm helping you''
You laughed ''oh yeah, are you my daughter in law now?''.
Lucy laughed now too ''oh shit, i need to revise that, don't i''.
''yeah probably'' you grinned, maybe get lessons from me and not my mom.
''hey'' you heard your mom yell behind you ''i can be a great teacher too''.
''yeah mom maybe lessons in baking and cooking, but language'' you shook your head ''not so much''.
''i'll be up for that'' Lucy said from the phone ''ELENA I WILL COME TO YOU FOR COOKING LESSONS''.
''she wont hear you'' you chuckled.
''i hear'' your mom said, now standing closer to you ''hi Lucy, i'll teach you any time, or you can come over just for tasting, is also good for me''.
You groaned as she had taken the phone from you, but you didn't think the chances of your mom handing your phone back were very high so you got to work setting some things up for the party that was gonna be held in the bar later.
Your mom handed your phone back "Lucy will come help you this afternoon".
"I know" you said.
"She's sweet" your mom stated.
You agree and tell her about her meeting your friends, but you dont mention the teasing part, as she doesnt know the history of how your bestfriend became your bestfriend. You just tell her how everyone got along immidiatly.
Your mom had left and it was about 45 minutes until the group would be there.
You heard the door and looked up from you phone wanting to say that the caffee was closed, but then you saw Lucy.
You smiled "did you walk Narla already?"
"Yup, 30 minute walk"
"Gosh, is it that late already?"
Lucy looked at her phone "about 40 minutes left".
"Oh good"
"What were you up to?"
"Oh just some catching up on my phone" you sighed "hadnt had the chance all day".
Lucy was now standing next to you "tired?".
You smiled "a bit , tired but happy".
"How was your day? And who is Mapi?"
Lucy smiled "my day was great, i was quite early at the gym so got some things done before practice, then team training, them gym again but with the team, then i had physio-lunch-physio and i was with Mapi for that so we were talking for a bit, she's a teammate, very funny girl and she's learning me some Catalan too, after that we had some analysis".
"Pfew, also quite busy"
"Tired but happy" Lucy repeated the words you had said earlier.
"You know what could add to the happieness?" You ask her as she's leaning against the counter.
She grinned "i know a few things yes"
You shot one of your eyebrows up "such as?"
"Hmm" she contemplated "most things im thinking of are not really things for here, so a kiss for now"
You smile "i was also thinking about a kiss" you say as you're leaning in.
"Maybe we should then"
Your lips touch eachother "I dont know, maybe".
You feel Lucy's lips form a smile as you kiss them. As you take her bottom lip softly in between your own you feel your stomach flutter.
You reach up to hold the face that has gotten weirdly familiar these last weeks. And as you taste her, with a hint of banana that she probably just ate, you feel nothing but contentedness for the minutes the kiss lasts.
Lucy is the first to pull away "i really do get happy from kissing you.."
"But?" You chuckle sensing urge in her voice.
"I have to pee really bad, sorry, do you have a toilet in the back?"
"Ofcourse, its opposite of the cooler or you can use the one for guests, thats there" you say pointing at a door at the back of the caffee.
She gives you one more peck "be right back"
"Take you time" you chuckle "dont forget to wash your hands".
"Ew im not a baby" Lucy rolled her eyes.
"Hmm, im the manager here so im the one in charge" you jokingly say as Lucy is walking to the bathroom.
Just before she goes through the door she says "whatever you say pretty princess".
You blush but Lucy doesnt see it as she's already gone. You realise that her using these pet names in a belittling way, take you back to last night, and when you think back about last night a blush forming on your cheeks cannot be stopped.
You stare out infront of you, mind wondering of to last night again and you dont realise Lucy coming back moments later.
With flushed cheeks and a slightly parted mouth you turn around at the calling of your name.
"Aw, youre so tired arent you?" Lucy said softly as she hugged you from behind. When she placed her chin on your shoulder she felt your warm cheeks "oh shit, your not getting stick are you?"
You blush harder and cleared your throat "uhm n-no Lucy, i-im, i was a bit distracted".
Lucy was not convinced "fever from a distraction".
You turned around in her embrace and rolled your eyes ''i'll tell you but you're not making fun off me''.
''i promise?'' Lucy said as she looked at you expectantly.
You whisper in her ear ''i was a little distracted thinking about last night, because of what you called me before you went to the bathroom''.
Lucy grinned and looked at her phone ''30 minutes'' she said as she wiggled her eyebrows.
''Lucy!'' your eyes grew wide ''we cant just- what if they're early''.
''cooling room?''
''i'll freeze my tits off''.
Lucy snorted ''you really hate the thing don't you?''
Then you get an idea ''you need an apron still''.
''okay? then i'll put one on''.
''the aprons are hanging in the office''.
''yeah if you can call it that, its a small room with a desk and a computer and a coat rack''.
''desk hmm''
''yeah with a computer that has the camera footage of the shop and the front door''.
''so we know when they're here''.
''yes, i sit there sometimes when the shop is empty, ill just chill there and if i see anyone i'll go back''.
''Let's get me an apron then'' Lucy smirked.
You pulled Lucy along with you to the 'office' and put the monitor on.
''Ooh it's a good thing you didn't agree to cooler room'' Lucy said when she saw that room also had a camera ''this one isn't being filmed right?''.
You laughed ''no luckily not, and also all footage is automatically deleted after 24h''.
''can't it be safed?''
''yeah it can, but then you'll have to do that by hand on this computer''.
''ah i see''. Lucy said as she prompted you up the desk and kissed you. As the kiss deepened, Lucy's hips grinded into yours and her hand travelled south.
''i fear i have ruined your underwear'' you say as you break away from the kiss, feeling the wet patch between your legs and remembering your wearing hers.
''mhm kissing you is just so good, but even looking at you-
''im wearing your underwear'' you chuckled.
Lucy looked at you confused ''ohhhh yeah right, we were both talking about that righttt'' she tried.
''two pairs ruined then'' you grinned ''how long we got?''.
Lucy looked at the computer screen ''hm, where's the time''.
Just as you wanted to point to the time you saw two people entering the store ''mierda''.
Lucy groaned ''where's the fucking apron, lets serve these people and get home''.
You chuckled and jumped of the desk to hand her a black apron ''try to behave''. ''and most important is costumer service''.
Lucy looked at you smugly ''you were the one daydreaming, im just the assistant''.
''oh rightttt'' you role your eyes ''my wet assistant''.
Lucy shrugged ''empathize with you''.
You give her one more quick kiss before hurrying to the front of the caffee together ''we'll empathize with eachother later''.
''Hello'' you say ''im Y/n , this is Lucy, we'll be your servers for the get together, what was the plan?''.
''oh my husband and me came a little earlier because we have the cake with us, we rented another place originally but they had a gass leak or something, so we had to find something quick and my abuela knows your mom so she fixed it'' the woman said ''there are about 35 people coming and inside the cake is either blue or pink to know if it is a girl or a boy''.
Oh, you thought, this isn't an pregnancy announcement but a gender reveal, and they brought their own cake..
The afternoon had gone by quickly, the group of guests had been nice and apparently had a dinner planned after this, so they did all leave before eight.
During the gathering Lucy had helped you very good, but she had also been a bit distracting as she seemed to make a point of it to touch you at every opportunity she could find. From your hands brushing when both working on a cup of coffee or tea, to her full on grabbing your ass when you were wiping the counter as all the guests where served and busy with their party.
The bar was empty again and Lucy and you were cleaning up.
''How late do we have to be here tomorrow?''
''we? i have to be here at 6.55.. you don't have to, you have a free morning''.
''what if we mop and put the chairs back on the floor instead of having to put them back tomorrow morning''
You laugh ''safes only 5 minutes and we'll have an unevenly dried floor''.
''let's just stick to the routine Bronzey, get it over with and head home''
Lucy laughed and finished getting all the chairs inside and up the tables ''shall we order food when we're home, i feel like we've done enough today''.
''sure'' you say when you've finished the counter/kitchen area ''i'll mop, if you put all that stuff in the cooling room'' you request to Lucy.
''ofcourse pretty girl''
When the two of you are walking to Lucy's building you let her hand go because you wanted to check your phone.
Lucy looked at you confused ´´are you too warm?''
You chuckle ''no, im gonna text mom that the guests were great''.
Lucy smiled and put her hand on the small of your back.
When you opened your phone you saw some texts from your mom.
@mare: you're free tomorrow, forgot to tell you
@mare: when i got the phonecall for the reservation this afternoon i tried the others first but no one could work on such short notice, someone offered to come in tomorrow, so i thought why not, you deserve some rest
@mare: i love you
You typed a short recap of the afternoon/night and thanked her for the unexpected off day.
''my mom has given me a day off tomorrow'' you said cheerfull.
''yeah because i took this on''.
''ah, that's sweet''.
''yes she is sweet'' you were silent for a second before asking ''do you want to walk Narla together?''.
''what first?''.
Lucy laughed ''do you want to walk Narla as soon as we're home?''.
''sure, we can do that''.
After the two of you had walked the dog you were now back at Lucy's appartment. During the walk Lucy had insisted several times that Narla had really walked enough and requested to go home again.
After Lucy had freed Narla from the leash she blocked your way and pushed you against the wall.
Lucy looked at you smiling before leaning in to kiss you, you kissed her back but not with much attention and it didn´t go unnoticed by Lucy.
´´what´s up?''.
''i want to take a shower, i feel dirty, i've been running around all day''.
She smiled ''you're not dirty pretty little girl''.
''lucy'' you rolled your eyes ''i can take a shower as you order dinner right? we have to wait for the food anyways''.
''oh right'' Lucy sighed ''food''.
You frowned ''Bronzey that doesn't smile at the mention of food? did come home with an imposter?''. You acted shocked and pushed Lucy away from you dramatically but carrefully and walked backwards towards the livingroom ''don't touch me i have a girlfriend'' you walk back to her ''wait'' you grinned ''maybe you could help me'' you held a hand up ''she's about this tall'' ''she loves her dog, Narla'' ''she's a fan of my mom, Elena'' ''and lastly, she's always up for food, like it's her main- wait'' you thought for a second ''i don't know main, but probably shared biggest obsession, food and football''.
Lucy looked at you like you were crazy which made you chuckle ''so if you've seen her..'' you tried.
She shook her head ''you're so crazy''.
''you signed up for it'' you shrugged.
Lucy laughed and stepped closer to you again, pulling you against her body ''and i love it'' she whispered ''but seeing you in my clothes, knowing you wore them all day, then you tell me you've ruined my boxers and before i can feel that for myself we get interruped, kinda makes my head crazy and i haven't been thinking straight, honestly, i haven't since this morning''.
You laughed softly and leaned in to kiss her.
''Order food?'' you say as you pulled back from the kiss, deciding you really wanted to take that shower.
Lucy was perplexed and frozen, "Aren't you going to say anything else?" she said, almost disappointed.
You smiled ''yeah i should probably get some of my clothes here''.
''n-no, i-i mean, yeah you should probably, especially pants, but -uhm- you can always wear mine, i like it''.
You chuckled ''you just told me it was distracting''.
''good distracting'' Lucy said as she came closer to you again ''like, i want to repeat last night - distracting''. she smiled as she leaned down to whisper in your ear ''and you have been thinking about it too pretty girl''. she kissed your ear, and gently grazed your earlobe between her teeth ''you told me yourself''.
A shiver ran down your spine as you melt into Lucy's touch ''but i do want to take a shower luce'' you said, the words almost coming out as a whine.
Lucy smiled ''shower together?''.
''you have already showered twice today''.
''life of an athlete''.
''what about food ordering?''
The cheekiest grin covered Lucy's face ''okay, i'll order food, you go shower pretty girl''.
You are a bit suspicious but you accept it and give Lucy one last kiss before you walk to the bathroom and undress there.
You throw your clothes in the laundry basket and turn on the water.
The bathroom door opened ''what would you like to eat?''. Lucy asked while stepping in with her iPad.
You just stepped into the shower and closed the door "um, I honestly don't care" you say loud enough to be heard above the sound of the water "what are you thinking about?".
Lucy opened the shower door ''sorry couldn't hear you'' ''uhm i was thinking about maybe just burgers?''.
On the inside you rolled your eyes at Lucy's obvious plan to barge in while you were showering but you tell yourself not to show anything.You wanted to put on a show for her without being as obvious as her, you felt a sudden urge to drive Lucy crazy.
''yeah a burger sounds good, which one are you ordering?''. you say as put some soap in your hand, ready to lather up your hair, you squeezed the botlle gently, making a really small amount drip out, very slowly. When you had enough product in your hand you turned around, now standing towards the shower, and arched a little while spreading the shampoo through your hair.
You open one eye when it stays silent and turned your head towards her ''which burger are you getting?'' you asked nonchalantly.
Before you closed your eye again and turned your head back, you saw Lucy swallowing hard, and you knew you were on the right track.
''u-uhm, just a normal burger i think, don't want to go to crazy and a salad instead of fries sadly, but i'll order you fries so i can steal one''.
You chuckled ''okay, for me a cheese burger please'', Lucy watched the way your muscles shook as you laughed, but used the moment you rinsed your hair out to quickly put in the order. She put the iPad away on the sink as it had told her it would be a 40-60 minute wait untill the food whould be there.
When your hair was washed you went on to wash your body, after putting some soap on your hands you started massaging your breasts a litte, trying not to overdo and not to look at Lucy, after that you washed the rest before coming back to your boobs once more.
''you like that?''. You heard Lucy say, her voice sounded pretty wounded up already. You were smug with yourself, knowing your little show had turned her on.
You looked at her slowly and pretended not to know what she was talking about ''huh'' you asked innocently ''what?''.
You noticed Lucy's flushed cheeks and her eyes darting all over your body, she took a second to reframe ''i think your boobs are clean''. she said in a playful tone ''or should i help you scrubbig, as you already went over them twice''.
'''didn't know i had a supervisor'' you shot back, while turning the shower off.
''think you did'' Lucy said with a dark voice ''now that im thinking about it, i suspect you were even putting on a little show''.
You blush but deny ''oh, take your head out of the gutter, i was just washing myself''.
''liars get punished'' Lucy stated ''but luckily you're just a pretty little innocent girl, right?''.
You nod and sign lucy to hand you a towel.
Lucy ignored you and said ''food will be here in give or take 50 minutes by the way, probably quite busy'' she shrugged ''strange for a tuesday night, but okay''.
''Luce, can you hand me a towel?''
''yeah, from behind you''.
''i dont know what a towel is''.
You rolled your eyes ''that rectangular dark gray piece of fabric behind you, which is rolled up and lies on the shelf with 5 other rolls''.
Lucy takes a towel from the shelf ''would you say i just lied?''.
You chuckle ''no? why?''.
''ahhh'' Lucy said ''now i see, you didn't know what a lie is'' pointing at you with the towel.
A blush crept up your cheeks ''Lucy'' you stepped closer to her, trying to take the towel ''stop teasing''.
Lucy grinned ''i'm teasing?'' ''who was the one dancing around naked?''.
''Wow Luce, we are standing in the bathroom, where i warned you i was going to take a shower'' you narrowed your eyes at her playfully ''i suspect you were planning to watch me shower all along''.
Now Lucy broke her facade too and chuckled ''okay i'll admit it, i could hear you perfectly fine, i opened the showerdoor to look at you''.
''oh I wouldn't have guessed'' you said jokingly.
You saw Lucy's gaze fixed on your ass once again this day and remembered how she had looked at it this morning too ''dios mio luce why do you keep looking at my ass like that?''.
Lucy blushed ''o-oh im sorry, i just'' .. ''looking like what?''.
''i left a.. mark apparently''.
''i have a hickey on my ass??'' you chuckled.
''yeahh''. Lucy face got a darker shade of red then she had when she'd just played a 90 minutes match.
You grinned ''and you liked to see that?''.
''yeah'' Lucy said as she looked at the ground.
“might let you make another one,” you said, trying to ease her embarrassment and get her back to being smug.
Lucy's head coced back up, she smiled. You recognised a sertain lust in her eyes, but it was a bit more then that ''yeah you are''.
''oh?'' you say ''tell me more''.
She smirked ''i'm just marking what's mine''.
''oh right, so when others see my ass they know it's taken'''. you rolled your eyes ''i don't want more hickey's on my ass''.
Lucy narrowed her eyes and looked at you ''others are looking at your ass?''.
''i'm going to the beach with my friends saturday'' you thought for a second ''but it's tuesday now so it'll probably be gone by then''.
''that's why you need a new one''.
''nuh-uh, you can pick somewhere thats hidden''.
''tskk'' Lucy sucked air between her tongue and teeth ''i'll change your mind''. .. ''am i going to this beach thing?''.
you laughed ''i mean you could, but it's more something for me and a couple of girls, and by the way.. don't you have to work?''.
''yeah football, don't you have a game?''.
''oh yeah, on sunday, oh by the way it's a very important one, against Real Madrid, i wanted to invite you .. and your friends too if you want''.
''yfs/n ?''
''yeah her too, but if you'd like you could just send a text to the groupchat, if they'd like to come they can get a ticket''.
''hm, that's fun, i'll ask them'' you were now basicly pressed against Lucy, who did wear clothes, clothes you had now made wet. ''can i have that towel now?''.
Lucy smirked ''the price is a kiss''.
You kissed Lucy without missing a beat, you didn't need to be told twice.
When Lucy pulled you in even closer to deepen the kiss, you broke away from her ´´wait, im making you wet Luce, let me dry off first´´.
Lucy didn´t say anything but her cheeky grin said everything you needed to know ´´you´re so dirty minded´´ you said rolling your eyes and pulled the towel from her hands.
Lucy kept standing there, leaning against the counter, watching you dry off ´´it´s your fault you know´´ she said with a low voice after a minute.
´´myeah?''. You said currently bended over trying to dry your hair.
''yeah, i mean look at you, so perfect'' Lucy said dreamily.
You stood straight again and studied her face ''well, im dry now, so we can kiss again''.
Lucy seemed to still be in her own world she said ''im going to pick you up'' it came out as statement, rather than a question.
you frowned, but before you could question what she meant you realised she was doing exactly as she said and was not talking figuratively. You let out a small yelp as you were being carried to the bed.
''i warned you''.
You chuckled ''what are you doing Luce''.
Lucy dropped you on the bed ''were starting where we left off in the office''. she crawled on top of you and starting kissing your neck. Preventing you to form any thoughts in your head other then Lucy,Lucy,Lucy.
Lucy pulled her short up a bit at her right leg and pressed her thigh between your legs, while kissing you from your neck, to your jaw and eventually your lips, softly biting your bottom one, she carefully positioned her knee against your center. Gently rocking against you in a shared rhythm with the kiss.
You moaned into Lucy's mouth when a slight shift of her weight caused her to press in to you just right, you felt your wetness coating her leg.
Lucy felt it too and broke the kiss, with a gentle kiss she whispered in your ear ''not so dry after all, hm?''.
you groaned at her words and your thighs flexed against hers, trying to keep her there, but she was gone. . well not really gone . . but she was not pressed against you anymore, she sat back on the bed.
You were squirming on the bed, desperate for her touch, your eyes opened and you picked your head up to look at Lucy.
Lucy was rubbing her hands along your upper legs, thumbs grazing the inside of your thighs making your pussy flutter ´´you´re so incredibly beautiful you know´´she said, her gaze not leaving your body.
Your cheeks flushed at her words ´´l-luce''.
She lowered her head down to your body and kissed your lower belly, then your hips and slowly worked her way to your thighs. In between kisses where every now and then there was some tooth and tongue between them, she whispered loving words.
When she finally licked your core you groaned ''fuck luce, like that, por favor''.
''you taste so good''.
Another moan left you throat when she burried herself deeper between you legs, sucking and licking, getting you closer and closer to the edge.
You grabbed Lucy's hair directing her how you needed her, she let you guide her and you felt her groan against your center.
''f-fuck lucy im s-so close'' you whimpered.
Lucy stuck her tongue inside you and worked you to your climax. You came with her name rolling off your tongue and your legs crushing her head.
She stayed there until you relaxed completely. With a few soft kisses she crawled back up to face you.
''beautiful''. she whispered to you, seeing you laying there with flushed cheeks and slightly watery eyes.
You smiled as you regained some energy, you cupped her face and guided her towards your own, pulling her in for a kiss. You loved to taste yourself in the womans mouth, it was something you couldn't get enough of, but right now you wanted to taste her in your mouth.
As the kiss went from tender to heated you tried to turn the two of you over, she didn't make it easy for you but eventually you got on top of her.
She was still wearing a t-shirt and her shorts but you didn't have time for all that so you pulled her underwear and shorts off at once. At the sight of her wet pusy your mouth started to water ''you're so wet'' you said but it sounded more like a statement.
Lucy blushed and spoke quietly ''told ya''.
You chuckled ''can't wait to taste you'' you whispered before giving her one more kiss.
As you pulled away from the kiss you tugged her bottom lip between your teeth, probably biting a little harder as would be pleasant, but it resulted in a soft whimper-y moan escaping Lucy's throat.
You put that discovery somewhere in your head to investigate further at another time, right now you were desperate for her taste.
You lowered down, skipping everything and just went straight to her core. As you licked at her wetness she became a whimpering mess, her thighs shook and you looked up to see she had hid her face under her arm.
You grinned against her, but refocussed on what you were doing, wanting to get her off too, thinking the extensive caressing could be done later, for now you wanted to hear, feel and taste her coming undone.
You flattened your tongue against Lucy's wetness, holding her hips with your hands. ''Dios'' you groaned, lapping up her folds, realising how slick she was ''all for me?''.
Lucy hummed affirmative, appearently not able to form words, but you spared her and went back to it, after gently working her up, feeling her tense below you, you figured she was starting to get close and tried to contain the rythm you had set. When her hand found your head you knew you were doing it right.
Just as she was about to come the intercom rang, you and Lucy were startled and looked at eachother. Lucy closer her eyes and pushed your head back against her, you were still a bit confused, thinking about what it could be, but got back to were you were, until, the intercom went off again and then it hit Lucy 'fuck' she said with a crack in her voice ''the food''.
You quickly got off the bed and got to the intercom ''sorry, yeah i'll open the door''.
Lucy had followed you in to the livingroom and was rummaging through a bag and pulled out her wallet, you saw she had put on the shorts from earlier, you however, were completely naked.
''maybe you should answer the door when he's up'' you joked.
Lucy chuckled ''yeah, no way i'll you open the door like that''.
Just as you were going to comment something about you deciding things on your own the doorbell rang ''get out of eyesight babe'' Lucy said as she walked to the frontdoor.
''thank you'' you heared Lucy say to the delivery person ''i know i payed online but here's some extra money as a tip, sorry for the waiting''.
''ah no problemo, muchas gracias'' you heard a guy voice say.
The door shut and Lucy came back with a white paper bag. She placed it on the kitchencouter and looked at you, you were leaning against the opposite counter, standing naked against the sink.
The two of you broke out in laughter ''Oh god'' Lucy groaned ''i completely forgotten about that, worst timing ever''.
''back to bed?''. you ask.
''the food 'll get cold'' Lucy pouted.
''mkay, i just thought about you'' you shrugged ''i couldn't think about food right now if i were you''.
You stepped towards Lucy and pinned her against the other counter ''but i guess i'll finish the burger first then'' you said as you traced your finger along the edge of her shorts, making you realise she hadn't put her briefs back on.
She gulped ''o-or bed first?'' she said with an unsteady voice.
You grinned and put your hand up her shirt, feeling her abs bulge below your finger tips, you traced them before lowering to the floor on your knees.
Lucy pulled her shorts down quickly and stepped out of them, you chuckled smugly ''eager?''.
To your surprise Lucy actually admitted ''mhm'' ''you were doing so good pretty girl''.
You hold Lucy's legs, guiding them to part a little more, and let your tongue travel along her again. One of Lucy's hands grips the counter as the other finds the back of your head again.
She pulled you closer to her, imposing you in a way that hits her right ''like that pretty girl'' she groaned.
With your head bobbing between her legs, back at the pace you had left at you felt her hips buckle, you gripped tighter onto her legs and with a few more seconds you felt Lucy coming undone.
After lapping up her wetness she pushed your head away gently, you got up and went in to kiss her. She had a dopey smile on her face, the smile made your heart skip a beat, she was perfect.
Part 8 coming soon xx , i hope you liked part 7.
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marriedtomoneymartin · 3 months
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stressed out
caitlin clark x reader
warnings: sad cait ☹️, a little angst, kissing, some fluff at the end (dont worry im not evil).
in which: you surprise caitlin not knowing how stressed out she was.
caitlin walked through the hallway out of the locker room, her bag slinged on her shoulder and she looked straight ahead. the rest of her teammates were infront of her talking amongst themselves, laughing. caitlin looked at them but then back down at the floor. they reached the door and the group stopped outside the entrance but caitlin kept moving.
“hey, caitlin!” aliyah called after her. caitlin turned around. “we’re all gonna grab lunch somewhere, do you wanna come?” she asked.
“im okay, thanks” caitlin responded. aliyah nodded and everyone turned back to each other and continued to talk. caitlin started to walk towards her car and she looked up from the ground and saw you. she stood there in shock. she hadn’t seen you since graduation because you went back home to see your family. she smiled and started running towards you and you did the same. you hugged her and she picked you up.
“hi cait” you said smiling at her.
“hi baby” she smiled back. you kissed her and she kissed back like she didnt want to pull away. after she set you down, you guys drove back home. both of your deciding to shower because she just had a long practice and you just had a long flight.
a few days later, when caitlin had the day off, you woke up to see her side of the bed empty. you found it weird because you were normally the first one up, but you shrugged it off. you got up and walked out to find caitlin sitting on the couch, looking somewhat upset. you had noticed this throughout the week, but when she was with you it was all smiles. you started to wonder if they were genuine ones.
“hey, are you ok? you look kinda upset” you asked her walking over to where she was sitting.
“im fine” she responded, not looking up from her phone.
“are you sure? you know you can talk to me when-“ you tried to say but you got cut off.
“goodness, i said im fine. can you drop it?” she said, raising her voice a little in irritation. you opened you mouth to say something, but you closed it and walked away, not wanting to annoy her more. you sat back in your shared room, on your phone. you knew she would come around, so there was no point in stressing about it. a few minutes later, you heard three quiet knocks on the bedroom. you looked up to see caitlin looking at you with sorry eyes. you gave her a small smile and she came in. she laid down with her head on your chest, the way she always did when you comforted her.
“im sorry i yelled at you. you didnt do anything wrong, you didnt deserve that.” caitlin said softly. it was moments like this where caitlins big strong personality for the public crumbled before you.
“its ok baby. you wanna tell me whats bothering you now?” you said. she let out a long sigh before opening her mouth.
“it’s all too much” she said, her voice cracking a little at the end. “the media is all on me to be amazing, and to carry my college career into the professional league, but its hard” she said, starting to cry. “i keep getting compared, and we keep losing, and everyone’s expecting me to be the best and im not” she let out a sob. “and im not meshing well with my team. and all this stress is affecting my game and i feel like im the reason we’re losing.” you heart broke seeing her this upset and hard on herself. you kissed the top of her head and rubbed her back.
“you’ve just got to try and ignore the media as best as you can. i know they’re all in your face, but just try and focus on your game. because i know, when you completely focus on your game, you’re unstoppable. as far as the people know, you are the best. you’re the one who broke records and raised attendance and attention to women’s basketball. you might be stumbling a little bit, but you’re still an extremely talented player. making that transition from college to the league is difficult, especially with everyone on your ass to be the best. and you’re transitioning well, you’ll get the hang of things soon, trust me.” you told her. she sat up and smiled at you. you wiped the tears from her face and kissed her. she placed you in her lap and her hands found their home on your hips, yours in her hair. you pulled away and rested your foreheads together and looked at each other.
“i love you” she whispered.
“i love you too” you whispered back.
hey gang
did yall like this? i cant write angst for my life.
anyway guess who’s birthday is today.
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fayeofthenightingale · 5 months
I've decided to contribute to the Miguel nation even though I was almost a year late
I present to you…. Brother's best friend! Miguel! A drabble…. (Might turn this into a full fic idk)
Cw: Brother's best friend trope, grammatical errors, fem reader, possibly OOC Miguel, this is more like a flashback really since it's focus is more on Miggy and reader's childhood, this is kinda long wth 😭
Bbf! Miguel who has been friends with your brother since middle school, would often play in your brother's room when they were younger. As typical boys do, they'd play video games. He doesn't mind when you want to join them. He finds it endearing whenever you try to put your stuffed animals on the Legos they built, claiming they're people or something like that.
Bbf! Miguel who defends little you whenever some mean kids try to bully you, is taller than the average kid, making him intimidating. When this happens, he stands behind the bullies, towering over them with a menacing glare and arms folded. All he has to do is say something like "scram" or "leave," and the kids your age run away. Then, when you're feeling sad or upset, he treats you to ice cream to cheer you up.
Bbf! Miguel who helps you pull pranks on your brother, sometimes he’d be surprised you were able to pull off a bit extreme pranks but he’d be happy to do it for shits and giggles.
Bbf! Miguel who helps patch up your wounds whenever you have a little accident in the midst of pulling a prank on your brother all while speaking to you in the gentlest of ways to calm you down. "can you get up? no? All alright I'll carry you then” Your eleven-year-old mind panics when he easily carries you.
Bbf! Miguel who defends you against your older brother, Leo, gets into an argument whenever he can, Leo’s older, and can handle himself, while you are 4 almost 5 years younger than them and therefore helps you whenever he can, it’s just not fair sometimes.
He stood by the side of Leo’s room, witnessing the fight between you and your brother, 13-year-old Leo yelling at you for breaking his model aeroplane. “I Told you not to come in here without my permission!” Leo huffed, “I’m sorry! I-I just want to look at it” You defended yourself but Leo wasn’t having it,” Well now look at it! It’s broken!” little you are almost on the brink of tears, that’s when he stepped in. “come on now, the wing is the only one that’s broken, I’m sure we can fix it,” he said, trying to cool down the argument, Your brother stormed out of his room to cool off leaving you with Miguel “Are you okay Chiquita?” he asked and you shook your head a small sniffle escaped you as you try to justify yourself “I didn’t mean it” little you murmured as you look up at him with teary eyes, he sighed as he took the broken plane and its wing “hey, it’s okay yeah? Leo just needs to cool off, with the help of a super glue I’m sure we can fix this” he reassured you with a little ruffle on your head and grabbed the super glue to fix the broken model plane with his best friend’s little sister.
Bbf! Miguel got his heart broken for the first time because the girl he’s been crushing didn’t like him back because he was “too nerdy” for her liking, Leo brought it up during dinner when your mom asked how your day went and you were saddened for him, who wouldn’t like Miguel? He’s kind, understanding, and funny, he may be too intimidating because of his more-than-average height but that’s his outside appearance! He’s really sweet on the inside… wait…. Why are you thinking like that about him? Nevermind that.
Bbf! Miguel showed up the next day at your house since he and Leo needed to finish a project that’s due tomorrow, eyes puffy and a bit dishevelled from crying, you felt bad despite your brother calling him out that he looks like shit. Miguel didn’t deserve this, so you, the ever loving little sister of his best friend decided to go buy something for him.
Bbf! Miguel who walked out of your house to head home since the project they’ve been working on is finished, “Miguel!” you called out to him with a small paper bag in hand, you catch up to him panting heavily, have you been running? You held out the small paper “Umm.... I’m sorry about what happened yesterday… Leo told me… I mean he told mom when she asked how our day went” you rumbled, you were too busy making sure the treat in your hand stayed warm that you haven’t thought about what to say to him! “… anyways theseareforyouIhopeyoufeelbetter'' you said rather too quickly and before he could say anything you ran away and inside your house too flustered to face him, he took a peek inside the bag and a small smile was painted on his lips, warm empanadas from his favourite store, oh how sweet of you…
Bbf! Miguel who's taken the rejection to heart, maybe much of a nerd after all and that needed to change, so day by day he changed himself, no longer wearing those thick-framed glasses instead he opted for contact lenses, the baggy shirt that has corny science jokes were now nowhere to be seen and he's even doing a little workout to build his tall lanky body, of course, this was never unnoticed to you, who wouldn't notice your brother's best friend slowly gaining muscle and lean body type? You're happy for him of course but a part of you hoped that he did it because he wanted to and not because he's pressured by society's views of him, you like the nerd him? he's cute!
Bbf! Miguel who's never seen you so down in the dumps before, usually your beams and silliness can rival the sun itself but now you're gloomier than the night sky. He asked your brother about it and he didn't expect the reason for your sudden gloominess.
“Ah, she's just upset because no one gave her a Valentine's gift” your brother nonchalantly said as he played on his computer, his series of curses from losing the game was blurred out and in his peripheral vision, he only saw you, without saying any word he left your brother's room and approached you. You can hear the low vibrato of his voice as he approaches you “Hey” he greeted and sat down beside you “You okay?” he asked with his usual gentleness and you looked at him “I don't know… do I look okay?” you mumbled sassily which took him aback but sighed “I… I don't even know why I'm upset, it's just a silly day, it's not even a holiday! it's just a stupid day to have an excuse to ask your crush out or chow down chocolates” you mumbled bitterly, really it's a childish thing to be upset about something small like this, but Miguel didn't think so, no, he’s been there and he knows how it feels, Miguel didn't say anything but pats your head gently, his way to console you.
Bbf! Miguel who had surprised you on a random Friday afternoon with a box of your favourite chocolate and a pink coloured rose “Here” he said as he handed you the gifts, your eyes widened in surprise but took them “What's with this?” you asked but he shrugged in response “For you” he didn't show but it was amusing to him (and kinda cute) to see the sparkle in your eyes shine although it was short-lived “you didn't have to do this you know?” you mumbled, as much as you appreciated his effort you didn't want him to do that out of pity, again your brother's best friend shrugged “It’s not out of pity, it's for you, pink roses for appreciation" and that got you thinking “appreciation? for what? what did I do?” you asked him genuinely curious as to why “just existing, we've known each other for years-” “but I'm not your best friend” you cut him off “who said you have to be my best friend for me to show you my appreciation?” he asked you and in turn you weren't able to say anything, too surprised to utter a single word. He called your name softly, “I appreciate you, not because you're Leo's sister, but my friend, one of the closest, as embarrassing as it sounds but I cannot deny the truth, you have a certain charm I'm drawn to, you make me smile easily, you understand me, and don't tell Leo about this but at least with you I'm slightly more comfortable” he said with a small smile.
Before you could say anything Leo called out Miguel's name and he left right after, a hand on your chest to ease the beating of your heart and butterflies on your stomach. And in that moment, you realized you had fallen for your brother's best friend.
Omg why is posting stuff online so anxiety inducing?! Anyways Likes and reblogs are highly appreciated! If you have feed backs I'm more than eager to hear them (just be kind please) 🩷
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draco-after-dark · 9 months
Feral JD!!! I love this kinda stuff, and you already got some awesome art for it! I’ve been appreciating John Dory more and more lately, so it’s cool to find all the AUs
Got any specific scenarios you’ve been thinking about for him? Love to hear anything about it.
I also wonder about when he discovered he couldn’t read anymore, was he nonplussed? Disappointed? Didn’t realize it happened? How’d his brother figure it out and would they go about teaching him again?
I appreciate you! ✨💜👍 have a good day!
I'm having so much fun building his world out
I actually have a few scenarios in the works now and some mini comic ideas too, Just gotta finish them :]
The reading thing is actually an interesting point. To be honest it wasn't something I initial thought to hard about but now that you brought it up. Here are some thoughts I had on it.
(Also sorry this kinda long I got a bit carried away woops)
not being able to read does come as a shock to JD when he first realizes, It takes him a bit to come to terms with it and when he does realize its a "Shit, I really am a failure." kind of mentality.
Since he was just out in the wilderness reading and writing wasn't something he need to do, it was all about survival for him so something so simple as that never crossed his mind as a skill he could lose.
Not being able to sing/talk just sort of sprouted from when he turned grey and fully integrated himself to being alone, Truly alone. Just being by himself he never had a reason to speak, so eventual the years added up and he just couldn't figure out how to speak.
So I always figured Clay would be the first one to figure out that JD can't read. For some context JD has been away from any type of society for several years if not a whole decade at this point. just by himself out in the wilderness wander around from place to place. So loneness has set in hard and he hasn't had a conversation with someone since being on his own.
JD tends to approach his brothers when their on there own or hanging out with each other. He tends to avoid large crowds and sticks to the outskirts of pop village unless there is immediate danger within the village. They had a spider incident a week ago but JD dealt with that real quick. The village still has pretty mixed options on allowing him to stay but considering the brothers haven't even been able to get JD to come inside branch's bunker yet. It's not something the they have really considered or cared about yet.
Also for Clay figuring out JD cant read it would probably go something like this...
Being in a book club Clay can often be found reading books around pop village. So when its a beautiful sunny day. He decides that it's the perfect time to catchup on his latest book. That quickly becomes wishful thinking however when he feels the brush of fur against his arm. He's surprised to see John Dory crouched next to him head tilted leaning into his personal space. Just sort of staring at his book with a curious look on his face. He's not interacted this close to JD yet on his own, usually he only makes an appearance if Floyd or Branch are around. So being on his own with John so close makes him pretty nervous. Especially since previous interacts between the two of them haven't been the best. John may or may not have tried to attack him and Bruce at their first interaction. It was quite a shock to all the brothers when they discovered that not only Floyd but also John Dory had been kidnapped by the pop star wannabes. If Clay's being honest he didn't believe Floyd when he first told them that John Dory was still trapped some where in the dressing rooms. It didn't make any sense to him. Why would they keep leave John backstage for their big performance. Unless they had already sucked him dry of his talent. What they actually discovered Clay could have never seen coming. Their brother, their oldest brother was practically unrecognizable, In both behavior and colour. He still thinks about when they found him in that room huddled in the corner. The terrify snarl that came from him when they tried to get close. Heck. he didn't even know a troll could make such a noise. So what was he doing here with him now?
"Uh . . . hi?" Clay asked curiously his voice wavering slightly.
He could see John's ear tilt towards him so he must have heard him and was at least listening. Hopefully.
"what uh . . . what brings you here today?"
A low deep rumbled sounded out from John's throat has he lifted his hand nearest to the book and brought it closer to himself. Eyes flickering across the page. To Clay it looked as if he was trying to read the pages so without a word he tilted the book more towards JD and waited. Just watching him. As seconds turned into minutes he could feel the frustration growing inside his brother, from the way his brows knitted together, to the way he kept getting closer to the book. Like if he looked harder, tried harder it would all make sense. That was when it clicked.
He cant read. Clay thought.
He can barely talk, if grumbling even counts as talking. Can't read and chances are he cant write anymore ether.
With a scoff John shoves the book away from himself slides down from the rock to sit on the grassy earth below.
Clay felt odd. He wasn't sure what he was feeling. Pity? Hurt? No that wasn't quite right. Emptiness? A sense of loss? A mix of everything he guessed.
He never really considered how John must be feel. That it must be . . . frustrating. Not just being alone for so long that he unconsciously forgot things that always seemed so, basic. Normal to everyone. That writing and singing songs came so natural to all of them. That the once self-proclaimed leader of Brozone couldn't even read his own lyrics anymore. He could never imagine not being able to read again. Being left unable to communicate even the simplest of things, but here John was. Going through all that. Practically alone. Clay frowned well he stared down at his once proud brother and then a flicker of hope flashed through his eyes.
". . ."
"Do you want to read again?"
His ear perked up at that and his head quickly flipped back to Clay. An unreadable look in his eyes.
"I could teach you, to read, write, to talk again?"
He see the thoughts swirling through his eyes, the hope, that became to spark but that quickly disappeared as he sank back down towards the grass. I look of sadness crossing over his face as he began to fiddle with his claws.
"Do you not want to learn how to read again?" Clay aske bewilders
John huffed and stared at him with an unamused face
"well why then?"
John glanced to the side and gestured in way "carry on" sort of way.
"I don't understand."
John gave him a deadpan stare and flung his head to the side letting out a deep sigh.
Clay was thoroughly confused. what was he missing, what wasn't ne understanding. This was his brother, his older, former bossy, arrogant, obsessed older brother. So Clay wanted to try something. Something he had done in years.
"What, are you still to cocky to let your little brother teach you a thing or two?"
He huffed again, but this time it sounded more like a light chuckle followed by a quick eyeroll and after a few seconds John stared at him, one eyebrow raised like he was saying "are you serious right now?"
"So your telling me you'd rather sit on grass and feel sorry for yourself rather then spend time with your younger brother?"
Oh ya, That hit a nerve. If there was one thing John cared about it was his family, Family was apart of him and it always had been. His greatness strength and weakness. Something Clay figured out real quick when they were younger trollings. John must have felt as offended as he looked because next thing clay new he had already stood up and hoped right back up on the rock beside him.
"Same old Dory"
To which John responded by giving his brothers shoulder a shove and jerked his head towards the book down in Clay's hands.
"okay okay, will start with the basics . . ."
Don't know how in character this is for Clay but I tried guys. So yeah that's my thoughts so hopefully this makes sense.
Also if any Fanfic people out there stumble across this and start thinking they want to give try at writing some stuff for the Feral boi please do I would LOVE to read it. Like tag me please so I can read it and draw it.
Anyway imma go to bed byeeeeeee
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imahinatjon · 6 months
I am sorry this took so long lol. I've been ill since before my last post and have gotten myself a little throat paralysis demon.
Bsd characters x SHORT reader
I chose the characters that are tall? Or at least that I think are tall.
(Dazai + Sigma + Nikolai)
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• Dazai likes how tall- short you are. It cute.
• HOWEVER. He does have his complaints.
• It's not that sometimes you need him to reach things from higher off the shelf when at home or shopping. He's more than happy to do that.
• It's not that he has to bend slightly to kiss you
• It's the fact that he's forever loosing you in crowds.
You and Dazai were on a date when you went missing. Holding hands until suddenly he looked down and you weren't there. Now, he wasn't worried anyone had taken you... well, maybe a bit, but he was sure you could handle yourself. He just wasn't sure he couldn't handle it.
"You really ought to stop jumping to the worst conclusions" he jumped when he heard your voice, turning to see you standing right beside him once again
" just because you loose sight of me doesn't mean I've been kidnapped"
"Can never be too careful" he replied, reaching to hold your hand again so you could carry on.
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• So, your short. Okay. That's fine.
• Honestly, he doesn't get why it's an issue.
• He thinks it's cute. Also makes him feel useful when you can't reach things from higher shelves.
• He has the casino, and that's his life basically, but now he's also got you, and he'd like to keep it that way.
• Hence why he insists on reaching everything for you.
• It's not an issue, really! He likes seeing you safe, and not climbing precariously.
Sigma loves you, he really does, but sometimes your incredibly frustrating. He doesn't mind letting you wonder around the casino on your own, but what he does mind is when you get hurt walking around the casino alone... hes writing his lecture about climbing while he waits for you to come back. He's probably not the best person to be giving lectures, but there is literally no one else to do it.
You should he expecting a pretty little envelope on his desk addressed for you to read.
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• Your his arm rest.
• Sorry but you are. There's no getting around it.
• Sometimes, when he's not even near you, you'll feel a pressure ontop of your head.
• So you look up, look around and spot nikolai with his arm in his cloak.
• He's resting on your head from across the room.
• He does it purely to annoy you.
• If it doesn't really annoy you? He'll just find another way.
• Its his form of affection.
You were discussing something with Fyodor. About what? Who knows, it's not important.
You noticed throughout your talk he kept looking above you, and of course. You could only roll your eyes, you knew exactly what he was looking at. Your boyfriend. One specific man called Nikolai.
He was using his ability to mess with you again. You'd get him.
Nikolai did this often, and usually you only ducked down and moved away, you never retaliated. So when you tugged on his arm rather roughly, he was caught just a little off guard, suddenly beside you in the room, his eyes moved between you and Fyodor.
"We're trying to have an important conversation" fyodor sighed
"I'll see you later" you said, kissing his cheek gently and continuing your prior buisness.
Short and sweet. Kinda rushed bc I've been thinking on it for ages 🥲
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angelst4re · 2 years
heyy!! so I was wondering if you could do a like a oneshot of being enemies with jace and him teasing you about liking him and then it ending with him eating the reader out?? IM SO SORRY ITS VERY SPECIFIC LMFOOAOAOAOOA 💀💀
hi love!! ahh i had so much fun writing this!! i was tired when i wrote this so i got a bit carried away at the end and kinda turned this into an enemies to lovers... but i hope you like it!!
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Heavenly Fire- Jace x Fem!Reader (he has too many last names.)
summary: in the request!
warnings: NSFW!! smut! porn with minimal plot... oral (f recieving)(jace is the king of giving head), fingering, first time(?), but no actual sex </3
notes: i couldn't think of a title for this :( fun fact: my shower isn't working right now that is what inspired me to write this! also i feel like i nailed jace's personality in this one, i always find it hard when i'm writing for jace because of his personality but this one...
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
“God! Do you ever shut up?!” You turned around to Jace, who was following you towards the kitchen as Isabelle had just made lunch. 
“Now, I know I’ve been called heavenly, but a God? I’ve not heard that before.” He teased, earning an evil stare from you. 
“What are you talking about?” Isabelle asked, placing some bowls on the table of what appeared to be soup? 
“Jace is being a-“
“Y/n confessed her everlasting love to me, we’re getting married next week, I better go and inform Alec and Magnus-“ 
“Oh shut up, Jace! You know I don’t like you!” You gave Jace a shove before you sat down at the table. He snickered as he sat down opposite you, clearly happy with your reaction. 
“Keep telling yourself that, love.” He said under his breath before Isabelle joined the two of you at the table. 
There was no denying Jace was attractive, it was almost annoying how he always looked perfect. His perfect blonde hair and his perfect eyes and his perfect smirk and his perfect body- But that wasn’t why you hated him. You hated him because he was such an asshole all the time. He knew he was good looking, and he was overly confident- or so it seemed to you. He never had an issue when it came to one night stands, but you noticed he could never hold down a relationship. You would never see him with the same girl more than once, sometimes twice on the odd occasion. Even you had longer relationships than that (although Isabelle would say being together for 5 days didn’t count as a relationship.)
After finishing the soup Izzy had made, you gave Jace one last glance before standing up and placing your bowl by the sink. 
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
After a long day of training, it was no surprise that you were sweaty and needed a shower. So, naturally, you headed to your bathroom, locked the door and began to undress. But there was a problem. 
Your shower wasn’t working.
You sighed and stepped back out, taking your robe which was hanging up by the door and slipping it on, tying it up, and unlocking the bathroom door again. 
You hoped that Isabelle would let you use her bathroom, as the spare bathrooms were tiny and quite frankly disgusting. But as you got closer to her room, you could hear music being played, and as you put your ear to the door you heard not only Isabelle’s voice but also Simon’s. You quickly dismissed this idea. 
But that meant you only had one more option. Jace. 
Alec was most probably at Magnus’ apartment, so you could use his shower- but you wouldn’t want to do so without asking him first. So you had no other choice. 
You felt a strange buzz of anxiety in your belly as you knocked on Jace’s door, all you wanted to do was have a shower, there’s nothing to be anxious about!
As he opened the door, you were met with a shirtless Jace, his hair damp and slightly wavy, his-
“Come to discuss our wedding, love?” He teased you, eyeing you up and down, trying to figure out if you were actually wearing anything beneath your robe. You let out a breath you didn’t realise you were holding and shook your head. 
“Jace, look, my shower isn’t working and Izzy has Simon over. I didn’t want to have to bother you but-”
“You want to take a shower with me? Without taking me to dinner first? Wow-”
“No, no! I meant, I- You-” You suddenly became quite flustered, unable to think of anything other than the sight of him in the shower, hair dripping, the way the water would fall on his body- Stop! You were sure you were blushing now, and as you looked back up at him, he confirmed it with a devilish smirk. 
“What’s got you so pink in the face, sweetheart? I thought you hated me?” He taunted you, and you couldn’t take it any more. The throbbing between your thighs was becoming almost painful as you wrapped your arms around his neck and captured his lips with yours in a needy kiss. You couldn’t help but think about what this would do to his ego. He was going to become unbearable to live with, but in the moment you couldn’t help yourself. He was so fucking hot, you could never truly hate him. 
You pushed him backwards a little, so you were both in his room with the door shut. If Isabelle saw the two of you right now, she would never shut up about it, telling you I told you so. You always denied your feelings towards Jace, hiding them with hatred, and he always expressed his feelings through teasing you, causing you to ‘hate’ him even more. 
Quickly, you pull away from Jace before he had the chance to rest his hands on your waist. 
“Oh, fuck!” You hid your face with your hands, turning away from Jace. You were such an idiot. 
“What is it? Did I do something wrong, I-” Jace genuinely seemed confused, and quite panicked by your sudden change in attitude. 
“No. Well, actually, yes you have. You’re such an asshole, Jace. But I can’t help every time I see your perfect fucking face, or your… What I’m trying to say is this was a mistake. I-” You were shut up by lips crashing into yours once more, this time more passionate than the last. His hand cupped your face as the other held your waist, leading the two of you closer and closer towards the bed. He must have seen the way your eyes were so lust-blown only a few moments ago, as his hand creeped towards the place where your robe was tied, and within seconds it had fallen to the floor. 
You would have felt nervous, even anxious about your body being on display like this, especially in front of Jace as he pulled away from the kiss, but as soon as you saw the way he was looking at you, your worries disappeared. His lips were slightly parted, his eyes half-lidded, his chest rising and falling as his breathing became heavier. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he said, his hand gently placed on your shoulder. He slid it down your body, touching you for the first time. He gently caressed your breasts, massaging the soft flesh as small whimpers left your lips and your eyes fell shut. He took a moment to toy with your nipples, and that was when you let out an almost pornographic moan. At that, he dropped to his knees, his hand sliding down your torso until it rested just above your cunt. 
He placed kisses along your thighs before looking up at you, as if asking for permission. You eagerly nodded your head, you desperately needed him to touch you. 
He moved slightly and took one of your legs, lifting it over his shoulder to put your slick pussy on full display for him. He parted your lips with two fingers, before leaning in and swiping his tongue along your clit. The action was so sudden that your knees buckled beneath you, so he moved once more and pushed you down onto the bed. As your back fell onto the mattress, he pulled you closer to him so your knees were hanging off his bed. Then, he resumed his attack on your clit. 
“Oh fuck! Jace!” You groaned, slapping one hand over your mouth and tangling the other in his hair as he ate you out. 
He sucked you clit between his lips, earning a string of moans to fall from your lips, and that’s when he decided to trace his finger over your hole, before replacing it with his thumb. He eased the tip of his thumb in before pulling it out again, watching as your hole pulsed, begging for more. 
Without any warning, he slipped his middle finger into you and curled it upwards in a ‘come here’ motion as he continued sucking, lipping and nipping at your clit. Your back arched and your legs wrapped around the man between your thighs, pulling him impossibly closer to you. 
“Shh, it’s okay, angel. Think you can take another one?” He teased, bringing a second finger to your entrance. 
Jace had assumed you were a virgin, and he was right. However, he knew you had touched yourself before. Occasionally, you would think you were home alone and your hand would travel between your thighs, small moans and whimpers would fall from your lips as Jace passed by your room. It took all his strength to simply walk past, especially when you would moan his name.
He slipped the second finger in, and you felt that familiar feeling in your belly. However, this time it felt ten times stronger. You were worried that you would actually explode when you reached your high. 
“I know you’ve been wanting this, angel. Coming undone on my fingers, my tongue. Pretending you hate me, but I could see straight through you. I knew all along you were just a little slut, isn’t that right? I knew just how jealous you would get whenever a girl would come home with me, just how angry it would make you. But it’s okay, they never meant anything,” his thumb replaced his mouth on your clit as he spoke, and his words went straight to your core, “I knew all along you wanted to be my girl. Cum for me and I’ll make your wish come true, cum on my fingers, darling, I know you’re close. 
Just as your orgasm washed over you and your thighs began to tremble, Jace leaned down and captured your lips with his. You couldn’t help but moan against his lips, followed by strings of profanities as his fingers continued to pump inside you, working through your high. You had never felt so… wonderful. You were gasping for air but Jace’s lips were still on yours, you could even taste yourself on his tongue. 
You wrapped both of your arms around him and held him close, hoping he would lie by your side when you finally came back to reality. However, he escaped from your arms and went into the bathroom to retrieve a soft, damp cloth to clean you up with. 
“Stay still for me, darling.” He chuckled as he spread your legs to clean up your messy cunt, but your thighs kept pressing together. However, he managed to clean you up and threw the cloth to the corner of the room, to a pile of clothes that needed washing. 
He helped you up the bed, so your head was against the pillows, and lied beside you, pulling you close to him in a warm embrace as your head rested on his chest. 
He stroked your bare back, causing you to shiver slightly as it tickled, which seemed to amuse Jace. 
“So what does this mean?” You asked, moving your head to look up at Jace who was sitting against the headboard, one arm behind his head. 
“What does what mean?” 
“Everything you said, about being yours?”
Jace took a moment to think, and you were filled with a sudden panic that he didn’t mean what he said, that it just felt right in the moment. 
“You can use my shower, sweetheart. When you’re finished, get changed into something nice, or not- but I don’t think you’d want to wear leggings and a hoodie on your first date.” He said, a smirk creeping up on his lips. 
“Are you, the Jace Herondale- who never dates- asking me out on a date?” 
“No, I’m not asking you,” he chuckled, playing with your hair, “darling, I’m telling you.”
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yeokii · 1 year
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# arguments with enha hyung line pt 2 !! (prt one) — bookshelf
pairings bf!enha hyungline x gn!reader﹒ genre angst ㅤㅤ ✷ warnings fighting, profanity ʚ wordcount 2.4k
ykii :: erm i kinda got carried away with hee's prt but here's the long awaited part 2!!
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# lee heeseung
As you stormed out of the apartment, tears welled up in your eyes. The pain in your chest felt suffocating, and you couldn't believe how quickly everything had unraveled. The streets outside seemed blurry, which mirrored the way you felt inside.
Heeseung stayed.
He didn't go after you.
He stayed there, shocked with what just happened. A mix of anger and regret rushed through him. But most of all, he felt worried. You left alone in the night. You were very vulnerable.
But he couldn't go after you. He wouldn't. His stubbornness made him stay back. He plopped himself on the couch as he let out the biggest sigh he was holding in.
He felt dizzy and numb. It took him moments to process the entire argument. And then he realised he fucked up.
He quickly took out his phone to call you, but you wouldn't pick up. Of course you wouldn't.
And then. It started raining. Heavily.
You were definitely not safe out there. He rushed to take his jacket and and left the apartment.
Heeseung heart was laced with worry and anxiety as he started to search for you. The rain began to put down heavily. He was drenched from head to toe, but he didn't care. He wanted to find you.
And there you were sitting on a bench at the nearby park. You were drenched swell, but didn't care about that.
Heeseung rushed towards you yelling out your name.
You looked up to see your boyfriend running towards you.
He slowed down and stood infront of you, panting. He hugged you, not caring that the position you both were in was uncomfortable.
"Thank god I found you." He panted, as he held you close.
But you didn't budge. You just sat there pondering what you and Heeseung had become.
You slightly pushed him to give yourself space before standing up.
You finally met his guilty and regretful gaze.
"Heeseung.." You couldn't bring yourself to mutter out some words.
"Yn, please." He cried, " I know I messed up. I'm so fucking sorry. I can't lose you." Th rain did no use in covering his tears as one by one fell down to his cheeks.
"I can't do this anymore, hee." You mumbled, "That was the last straw, I'm sorry."
"No, please."
"I'll stay with my friend tonight and I'll come over tomorrow to get my stuff."
"This is unfair, you can't do this to me." He protested, desperately as held both of your hands begging you to not leave him.
He knew what he did was wrong, but he couldn't handle the mere thought of ever loosing you and now its happening right before his eyes.
"I'm sorry." Is all you said, from removing your hands from his and walking away.
₊﹒other members under the cut !!
# park jongseong
It had been an hour since you dint open the door, Jay was right in-front of it and you were right behind it. Jay sighed, guilt washing all over him.
"Sweets, please open the door, I'm so sorry." He mumbled, his apology sounding genuine.
"It was a rough day," He muttered. "I wasn't doing my best like I always was at work and they all kept criticising me. I shouldn't have taken it out on you like that." He sighed.
You hesitated for a moment, finding sympathy in his story, but he still should have been a bit more reasonable as you were worried about him.
Slowly and hesitantly, you opened the door. His face that once was hardened with frustration was now filled with regret and guilt. He slowly walked towards you and embraced you.
"I'm so sorry," His voice sounding sincere. "I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. I never meant to, sweet."
You stood there silently, before returning the hug. "I know you have a lot on your plate, but you can't speak to me like that."
"You're right, sweets." He said. "You always are."
"You know I love you, right?" He said as he pulled out from the hug as he locked eyes with you.
"You better." You said, trying to lighten up the mood. "Another woman would've left you ages ago."
He chuckled as he reconnected the hug.
# sim jaeyun
You locked yourself in the bedroom, your once teary eyes turned into uncontrollable sobs. You couldn't believe your boyfriend forgot your anniversary and had the audacity to play it off like it was a daily thing.
You spent the next thirty minutes, cuddled up with your blanket in the bed until you heard knocks from the door.
You raised your head up and your saw a heart shaped note slide under the door.
You stood up from the bed and went towards the note, the curiosity taking over you.
As you reached the door, you picked up the note and read its contents.
"dear yn,
This is cupid by the way!! I hope you know your boyfriend is very sad about the anniversary fiasco! I scolded him a lot for that. And now surprise surprise! he's planning something very dear and special! Make sure to look forward to it... but first, maybe open the door? Your boyfriend is very sad and waiting for you :(
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤlove, cupid"
Your teary eyes started to return as you opened the door seeing your pouty boyfriend. You tried to make you look stern as your gaze met his.
"I'm not gonna fall for these childish things, Jake." You said, unconsciously pouting.
"Are you still mad at me?" He timidly asked.
You rolled your eyes and hugged the man infront of you. You could already see the big smile plastered on his face.
"Next time, I'm breaking up with you." You said, your face snuggled in the crook of his neck.
"I'll make sure there won't be a next time, beautiful."
# park sunghoon
You sat on your sofa, hugging your knees as you remeber the past events that happened before you rushed out of that outing and went home. Th humiliation that you felt still lingered in your chest.
The door opened showing a frustrated Sunghoon barging in, his footsteps heavy in anger. His gaze wasn't on you yet. He kicked his shoes off and there his jacket on the kitchen counter.
You glanced up at him to see that his eyes met yours.
"What the fuck?" He yelled.
"Sunghoon, I told you not to speak about me like that." You mumbled, building your voice.
"God yn, it was a fucking joke." He scoffed.
"To me it wasn't." you replied.
"You're so sensitive, it's embarrassing." Sunghoon's face was laced with irritation. "You always have to ruin everything, huh?"
"Can't you just respect my boundaries, its not that hard." You stood up.
"Boundaries? You made a whole fucking scene there. You embarrassed me!"
Your heart fell to your stomach as his words cut deep. You took a deep breath, as you knew what you had to do even if it would hurt you.
"If you can’t respect my boundaries, then we shouldn't be together anymore." You said, sternly.
Sunghoon froze for a moment as if a huge wave of regret gushed over him. He was filled with disbelief "What?"
"We're done."
"You can't be serious!" He said, the consequences of his actions hitting him.
"I am. I can't be with someone who doesn't respect me."
The once comforting room where you and Sunghoon shared a lot of memories felt suffocating. But you knew it was for the best for the both of you.
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perm taglist!! @flwoie @zuyairus @bubblytaetae @yenqa @haknom @redm4ri
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m1d-45 · 1 year
I know yall hate on her for wrecking the 50/50, but. Imagine Qiqi finding the creator. Lil zombie girl is just roaming around, kinda lost, when she sees a strange blue bird flying through the air. She gets the feeling that she needs to follow it, so she does. She ends up finding the blue bird, and with it, the Creator. She doesn't really get that the person before her is the God Of All Things, but it doesn't matter. This person is injured, and she has plants on her that can help. Baizhu had written down a few simple recipes in her notebook in case she got hurt, and now she can use them to help someone else! She's a little doctor now, like Baizhu!
The blue bird seems suspicious of her, but she doesn't mind. Baizhu told her that finches fly away as a precaution, not because they are truly scared. Maybe it's the same for this bird? She hopes she can be friends with the pretty bird one day.
-sibling anon, who absolutely adores Qiqi
i love qiqi. she’s baby. i’d rather lose the 50/50 to her than to keqing or jean or mona. we love and adore qiqi in this house.
imagine. qiqi going on a trip to gather more herbs, basket in one hand. her trip has been successful, more plants than usual cropping up around the area.
above her, a bird cries. she looks up, free hand holding her hat, and sees a bright blue… finch? it’s fling quickly, urgently, something grasped tightly in its claws.
is the finch… in trouble?
maybe if she had a clearer head she’d know that it was ridiculous to follow a bird because it sounded distressed, but some instinct within her told her to follow.
“wait… bird…” she grabbed a final fistful of horsetail and rushed as quickly as she could to follow. the bird was quick, but with a few lucky guesses (and the repeated cries of the bird) she was able to follow.
still, it was a long journey. once qiqi saw the bird fly into a tree she took a break underneath the shade of another, resting against the tree.
it was so hot in liyue. a breeze came by, somewhat cooling, and she put her hand to her forehead to keep her talismans in place.
she had to go. something told her that somebody was in trouble.
so she clutched her basket tightly, using a bit of cryo to keep herself cool. as she got closer to the birds tree, she could hear a voice.
“-can’t do anything with this, friend.” the bird chirped. “i don’t know enough about medicine. thank you, but…”
qiqi carefully rounded the tree, basket held in front of her like a shield.
you didn’t seem like much of a threat. you were sitting against the tree, chest heaving, clutching a stained bundle of cloth to one of your arms. the bird sat on your knee, and she could see now that the thing it was carrying was a small bundle of qingxin.
“excuse me?”
both you and the bird startled, the small finch flapping its wings as if to scare her off. you tried to calm it down, carefully, looking over at her with a watery smile.
“sorry, he’s a bit skittish.”
the bird, though small, felt familiar, and you… she had to have met you before, right?
“i am qiqi. i do not remember you.”
“we’ve never met.”
that’s not right. she barely recognized dr baizhu sometimes, but you she knew she met before. but where…?
“…you are injured.”
the birds wings ruffled.
“i am.”
“i have herbs.”
“…shouldn’t you be getting back to the pharmacy, qiqi?”
“qiqi does not understand. you are injured.”
the bird flapped over to her basket, seeming to inspect the plants she’d gathered. satisfied, it turned with a sharp chirp, and you sighed.
“are you certain you don’t need to get back soon?”
“qiqi needs to be at the city before the stars. that is far later.”
you glanced up, through the protective canopy of trees.
“alright then. just don’t use too much of your supply, okay? you still need some for the pharmacy.”
the bird chirped again, flying back to you when qiqi picked up her basket.
it settled at your shoulder while qiqi worked, glass eyes watching her flip through the small field notebook baizhu had filled out for her. crush this, apply that, prevent infection with-
you hissed at the sudden burst of cryo to your wound, the icevein talisman at her side jerking back when your bird cried.
you shakily pet over him, and with some hesitation, she continued.
as she worked, qiqi thought. sifting through her small memory bank. you were familiar, she knew it, but from where? your face struck a chord on an instrument she didn’t know how to play, your voice an unheard chorus.
and your bird…
when qiqi returned to the harbor, she did so with a half-empty basket and a new entry in her notebook.
‘remember the person with the blue finch.’
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pulisicsgirl · 2 years
holding us together - christian pulisic
summary: when the flu tears its way through Y/N and Christian's tiny little family, she alone is left to make sure everyone is taken care of, but it all gets a bit overwhelming, and Christian is there to take over when Y/N needs him the most; sickly sweet domestic fluff, a little bit of angst, mentions of illness and mom guilt, and a couple time skips (but i was already at 5k, so.... i kinda had to)
pairing: dad!Christian Pulisic x reader
word count: 5.0k (i may have gotten a little carried away)
notes: here's the dad!Christian fic that I've been working on! I'm so glad it's finally finished-- I've been thinking about it non-stop for the last like week and a half (the baby fever has been bad recently... 😬). I don't really love the ending, so sorry about that. Please let me know what you think of it! &lt;3
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Your feet padded softly against the carpet as you walked into your bedroom as quietly as you could manage. The large cup of steaming tea was balanced carefully in your hand as you tried your best not to disturb the lump of covers on the bed that you knew to be your husband—at least until you had to.
You approached the table on his side of the bed, setting the cup down carefully and reaching to pull back the comforter. There you found Christian, not fully asleep, but not fully awake either. He blinked slowly at you, slightly scrunching his bright red nose as he squinted his eyes at the sudden invasion of light.
“Here, baby, I brought you some hot tea. It should help your throat.” You reached toward his face to brush a couple of curls off of his forehead and his eyes closed briefly, humming at the feeling of your fingers threading through his hair. You continued the motion for a few moments, hoping to bring him relief in any small way that you could. “Chris?” you tried to get his attention again, and his eyes snapped open once more, as if he had forgotten you were standing there in front of him.
He sat up, scooting so that he could rest with his back against the headboard of the bed, grunting as he did so. “Mm, thank you,”  he said hoarsely as you handed him the cup, and you internally cringed at how painful his voice sounded.
You leaned down, pressing a short kiss to his forehead, and you immediately noticed how warm he was when your lips touched his slightly clammy skin. You made a mental note to grab his medicine before you returned to the room.
You hated seeing Christian sick. It didn’t happen often, but it seemed that when he did get sick, he got it bad. Currently, the flu was tearing it’s way through your little household, starting with your eldest daughter Lily. Your best guess was that the sweet three-year-old had picked it up from one of the other kids in her ballet class, as much as she loved to hug on her friends. Regardless of how or where she had gotten the bug, it hadn’t taken long for her to be congested, coughing, and running a fever. It practically sprang up overnight and Christian had picked it up from her in no time. As you had been trying to take care of the two of them, to your horror, your seven-month-old son, Oliver had started coughing, and soon, you were stuck looking on as the three people you loved more than anything else suffered through the same illness at the same time. You felt helpless, doing whatever little things you could to relieve them—making sure to keep up with meds and providing lots of cuddles when necessary (to both the kids and Christian).
Lily was thankfully already starting to pull through to the other side of the bug—you could tell she had a lot more energy this afternoon as she sat on her bedroom floor, playing quietly with her toys, instead of lying miserably on the couch, watching whatever princess movie you turned on for her. Oliver was still pretty much in the thick of it, crying almost constantly and sleeping only in short spurts—you were having trouble getting him to eat much of anything, as well.
Christian had definitely gotten the worst case of it though. He had spent the last two days lying lifelessly in the bed, drifting in and out of sleep. He had forced himself to eat the soups you had brought him for lunch and dinner, unable to stomach much else. He was sure to make his best attempt at telling you how thankful he was for you taking care of him, but with his sickly, fogged brain, he wasn’t even entirely sure how well that came across.
“Drink that. I’ll be back with some medicine—your fever has come back,” you spoke softly, brushing your fingers through Christian’s hair one last time as he took another sip of the tea, humming in response. You double-checked that he still had a full box of tissues and that the trash can was close enough to the bed before you left his side.
As you walked into the hallway, headed to the kitchen to collect the medicine, you heard Oliver’s cries coming from his room down the hallway. Sighing, you took a detour into his room, walking softly over to the side of his crib as his cries continued to pierce the air.
Your chest tightened with despair as you looked down at your son for a moment before picking him up. You weren’t sure what else you could do to help him. You had already called your mother in tears earlier in the day, asking for her advice on how to help your two sick babies and sick husband, but as far away as she lived, there was only so much she could do for you. No matter how hard you tried, you didn’t seem to have that “motherly touch��� that she had always shown when taking care of you when you had fallen sick while growing up.
You picked him up, cradling the boy gently in your arms as you rested his head on your shoulder, bouncing slowly to calm him. His cries mostly died down, reduced to cooing and soft whimpers as he rubbed his face in your neck. Holding him seemed to be the only thing that soothed him while he was awake. You had even tried using some “essential oils” your mother had told you about, spreading some on his chest. You weren’t really sure how much you thought they actually did, but you were willing to try anything at this point.
Deciding to bring Oliver with you now that he was awake, you walked steadily toward the kitchen, slowly swaying side-to-side as you went in order to keep him calm. You stopped briefly at Lily's door to check on her as you passed by. All you could see from the doorway were her soft curls spread over the pillow, and you noted the soft rise and fall of the comforter as she slept peacefully.
Once you had reached the kitchen, you opened the cabinet door, sorting through the shelf that had been dedicated to the various medicines that you kept on hand for times like these to find the Tylenol before you walked back to your bedroom. You spoke softly to Oliver as you did so, hoping your voice would lull him back into a peaceful sleep. “Gotta get some medicine for daddy so he can start feeling better. Right, sweet boy?” you cooed at him. “Yes, that’s right. And then daddy can give you all the loving you need to feel better, too. We all know how much you love daddy’s cuddles.” It was true. Christian seemed to have a way with the kids—both of them, to be honest. He was able to get them calmed down on days when it seemed that nothing you could do was helping. It had been even more so with Lily—she was definitely a “daddy’s girl,” through and through. It had been difficult trying to take care of them both without his special touch to comfort them.
Having located the bottle you were looking for, you shut the cabinet door softly and made your way back toward the bedroom, still bouncing the boy you were cradling in your arms.
Christian was still sitting up in the bed, sipping his tea when you walked back in, a soft smile spreading on his face when he saw Oliver laying on your chest. Setting the pill bottle on the side table, you did your best to unscrew the top with one hand and retrieve the medicine he needed.
He whispered a soft, “thank you” as he took the medicine from your outstretched hand, swallowing the pills along with the last of his tea. You took the empty cup from his hands and placed it to the side. Christian reached both of his hands out toward you, wiggling his fingers to tell you he wanted to hold Oliver. As bad as Christian felt, he still loved his kids and loved being a dad.
You giggled as you carefully passed the boy into his hands, and Christian cradled him in one of his arms while he caressed the baby’s face gently with the other. He ran a finger down between Oliver’s eyebrows, tapping his small nose softly, then wiping his thumb slowly across his cheek. Oliver just silently watched his daddy’s face with wide, curious eyes. You could feel the tears burning your eyes at the sweet interaction—Oliver hadn’t been this calm while he was awake in days.
“How’s he been doing?” Christian’s still-hoarse voice pulled you from your thoughts as he looked up at you.
“He’s okay…” you hesitated. “He hasn’t been sleeping or eating very well, but I think he might be getting a little better, so I’m hopeful he’ll be doing okay in the next couple of days.” You forced a smile, refusing to let Christian see how completely exhausted you were after taking care of all three of them for the last few days.
Christian reached out and took your left hand in his, bringing it up to his face to press a kiss to your knuckles—somehow still detecting your tiredness though the mask you had tried to put up. “Thank you,” he spoke so sincerely. “For everything that you’re doing, taking care of me and the kids. You’re honestly incredible.”
You shrugged your shoulders, trying to brush his compliment off, but he wasn’t having it. “I mean it, Y/N.” He squeezed your fingers, hoping you would take his words to heart.
You rubbed your tired eyes, trying to clear them of any tears that had just sprung up. Oliver had quickly fallen asleep in Christian’s arms, mouth open as he breathed steadily.
“I’ll just put him to bed, and then we can go to sleep, okay?” Christian nodded and whispered a soft goodnight to Oliver before you reached down and took the little boy from him. You walked back to Oliver’s room, kissing the top of his soft head and whispering your own goodnight to him before you lay him carefully in the crib and pulled the baby blanket over his legs and waist.
You finally arrived back in your own bedroom, closing the door slowly behind you, careful not to make any noise. Chris was laying down, facing toward your empty side of the bed, and as soon as you were under the covers, he pulled you into him and tucked his face into your neck. His arms were wrapped tightly around your waist and you began scratching his scalp and neck, hoping to lull him to sleep too.
You really did hate seeing Christian sick, but the one upside to it was that he became much more clingy than he usually was, which you secretly loved. It always went the same way: he would instinctually reach for you, hesitating as he did so, and then he would pull away and say he didn’t want to get you sick. Then you would tell him you would be fine, because now you had the “impenetrable mommy immune system” and after putting up very little of a fight, he would give in and wrap himself around your body any chance he got as if you were his lifeline that was keeping him from fading away.
The same had happened this time around, and now here you were, on day 3 of his illness, eyes closed in content as you held him in your arms. You felt his breathing begin to grow steady as he drifted off to sleep, and your eyelids felt heavy as you begin to do the same.
That is, until you hear a high-pitched, “Mommy?” ring out through the hallway of your home. You recognized Lilly’s sweet voice, calling to you from her bedroom. “Mommy!” she yelled again, this time a bit louder.
Christian began stirring, tightening his hold on your waist and groaning as you started to get out of the bed. “Chris, I’ve got to go get her before she wakes up Oliver.” You tapped his arms to tell him to let you go, and he begrudgingly obliged.
You found your way into Lily's room and helped her find the stuffed animal she had lost, which had fallen just under the edge of her bed, leaving her unable to find it and sending her into a panic. You tucked her back under her covers, brushed a few strands of hair from her forehead, and kissed her on the cheek. She was already dozing off again before you closed the door on your way out.
When you enter your bedroom once more, you close the door very slowly, trying to make no noise as you did so. You pulled back the covers and climbed into the bed slowly. Turning onto your side to face Christian, you noticed that his eyes are already closed and his breathing is slow—in the time you were gone, he slipped into a peaceful sleep on his own.
You couldn’t help but feel a little bit selfishly disappointed—you always loved to fall asleep tangled up with Christian—but you couldn’t hold it against him. You reach out to place a hand on his cheek, stroking your thumb over the freckles that dotted his cheekbones for a few moment. Then, after placing a soft kiss on his forehead, you settled under the covers on your own side of the bed, with your own arms wrapped around your torso in an effort to comfort yourself.
The next day, your spirits were a bit higher. Lily had continued to improve, even seeming a bit better than the day before. Oliver was still fussy but seemed far more satiable than he had been. Christian even had improved significantly and felt well enough to come down to the kitchen to eat the dinner you had made. You placed the plate in front of him as he sat at the island with Lily, and you took your seat next to him, with Oliver’s high chair to your other side. Your heart warmed at the fact that you were able to eat dinner as a family again, a sign that your little family was beginning to get back to normal.
You began cleaning up after dinner, placing the leftover ingredients back in the cabinets and washing the dishes. Lily had run off as soon as she had finished her plate, running in and out of the kitchen periodically as she continued dancing and singing around the house. Every time she would reenter the room, she ran to Christian, hugging him tightly around his legs before she sprinted back out. You could tell she had missed her dad while he had been “gone.”
As you stood there, drying the dishes you had just finished washing, Christian helped you put them away while he held Oliver in one arm. He spoke softly to the baby as he maneuvered his way through the kitchen. As you finished drying the last couple dishes, you dropped the towel on the countertop and took a moment to just watch your husband, bouncing through the kitchen with your tiny little boy in his arms. In the same moment, Lily came flying back into the kitchen, her bare feet slapping on the floor as she ran, and she wrapped her little arms around his knee. Christian reached down with his free hand to ruffle the hair on top of her head, giggling at her antics.
In an instant, you felt overwhelmed with motion at the scene. You wished you could take a picture and capture this moment forever—the three loves of your life, all together in this moment. But the moment didn’t last long before Lily squealed, unwrapping herself from her father’s legs and sprinting back down the hallway and into her room.
Christian put the last of the dishes in their proper place in the cabinet and came over to stand next to you, leaning back against the counter.
“So,” he started shortly and with a sigh, and you immediately knew you weren’t going to like what he had to tell you. “They’re wanting me back in for some light training tomorrow, since I’m feeling better, and I’ve already been out for four days.”
You groaned, but you knew that, although he was presenting it to you like you had a choice, he didn’t really have all that much control over the matter.
“I know, I’m sorry.” He cast his eyes down to the floor.
“No, it’s okay. I know it’s not you.” You approached him, standing between his legs and rubbing Oliver’s back gently. The baby had settled his face in the crook of Christian’s neck, and his slow blinking told you he was on the verge of falling asleep. Christian settled his free hand on your hip, reaching under your loose T-shirt to rub small circles on the skin there with his fingers. “I’m just worried that you’re still not well enough.”
“I’m honestly feeling a lot better tonight,” he smiled at you, looking into your eyes to show you that he was being genuine. “And I don’t think it’ll be too rigorous. Probably just something light to at least get me back on my feet and back to training.”
You nodded, still not totally convinced, but trying to trust his words. Christian leaned forward, capturing your lips softly with his own, careful not to squish Oliver between you. You closed your eyes, getting lost in the feeling for a short moment before he pulled back.
“I’m gonna put this one to bed,” he gestured to the now-sleeping baby laying on his shoulder. “And then we can just relax for a bit, yeah?”
You nodded, smiling at him at he leaned away from the counter and strode down the hallway toward the bedrooms. You finished tidying up a couple more things in the kitchen and then followed him, wondering how on earth you were going to get Lily to settle down before bedtime.
Christian’s first day back at training turned out to be a disaster for you. Oliver was crying more than ever. Lily grew needy after noticing how much attention you had been giving to Oliver and had resorted to dragging most of her toys out of her room and into the living room, scattering them all over the floor and couches. You had created a list of things you wanted to get done that day, since you had fallen behind on some of your regular chores due to taking care of your husband and children, but you had only managed to get about half of them done (between trying to calm Oliver every few minutes and tending to Lily so she didn’t feel forgotten), and it left you feeling like you hadn’t accomplished anything that day—one of your least favorite feelings in the world. On top of it all, you could feel a headache beginning to form over the afternoon, and your nose started to run while your throat grew hoarse, but you refused to believe you were coming down with the illness that had already torn it’s way through your house—you simply didn’t have the time to be sick.
Now, you found yourself trying to make dinner, wanting to have it ready for Christian when he got home from training because you knew he’d be exhausted after his first day back from being ill. However, that wasn’t going according to plan either—the whole day seemed to have gone wrong so far, so why shouldn’t this go wrong too?
Your brain just felt completely scattered as you tried to juggle Lily, Oliver, and collecting the bowls and ingredients you needed for the recipe you were preparing. It was a fairly simple recipe, but you couldn’t seem to get it right—you kept forgetting to add things and spilling ingredients on the counter. You even burnt the first batch of the meat for the recipe and had to throw it out. Thankfully, you had extra, or that really would’ve pushed you over the edge.
You had finally gotten Oliver to sit in his high chair, playing with and eating the tiny bits of fruit that you had cut up in small pieces and placed on the tray in front of him. It seemed to be keeping him fairly occupied for the time being.
You reached into the cabinet, grabbing a small, plastic plate for Lily, and intending to pull out a couple of plates for you and Christian to eat on. But as you did so, you knocked into a glass bowl to the side of the plates, pushing it out of the cabinet and onto the kitchen floor where it shattered, sending shards of broken glass all over the floor.
Immediately, your eyes welled up with tears, the frustrations of the day finally building up to your breaking point. You bent over, resting your elbows on the countertop and dropping your head in your heads, trying to fight back the tears that threatened to roll down your cheeks.
You were so busy trying to hold yourself together that you didn’t hear the front door close behind Christian as he entered your home, taking his shoes off at the door, and walking further inside. As soon as he rounded the corner and saw you hunched over the counter, he dropped his training bag, coming around the counter to approach you. He immediately took note of the broken glass on the floor, stepping carefully around the scattered pieces.
“Hey, sweetheart, are you okay?” he spoke softly as he gently took hold of your arm. You jumped, not having realized he was there, and immediately tried to wipe your eyes of the tears that had accumulated. But he gave you a knowing look—you couldn’t hide how you felt from him no matter how hard you tried.
He gently led you away from the counter you were standing at, guiding you so that you wouldn’t step on the glass. Without a word, he grabbed the dustpan, sweeping up the pieces of the broken bowl and threw them in the trash before turning back to you to find you just standing at the edge of the kitchen, arms crossed and head dropped low in shame.
He approached you again, placing a hand on both of your arms. “What’s going on?” he asked quietly. His heart clenched in his chest when you looked up at him with red-rimmed, tear-filled eyes.
“I feel like a bad mom.” Your bottom lip trembled, and he immediately pulled you into his chest, letting you take a moment to just cry. “Nothing I do seems to help Oliver get any better. The house is a mess. I already ruined dinner once. And now, I’ve broken a bowl.” You whimpered pitifully into his chest.
Christian unwrapped his arms from his shoulders and placed his hands on both of your cheeks, forcing you to look him in the eyes. “I want you to listen to me: you are an incredible mother. You are the most amazing woman I could have ever imagined to be the mother to my children. You have done so well taking care of all three of us these last few days, and we would have completely fallen apart without you.” He smiled genuinely as he spoke to you. “You are the only thing that has been holding us all together. You are incredible.”
A small smile lifts the edges of your lips at his words, and you looked down to his chest, feeling vulnerable from the eye contact. Christian presses his lips firmly to your forehead and places a kiss there, with a dramatic, “mwah!”
As he pulled his face away, you noticed the frown that he now wore. “Are you feeling sick, sweetheart?” he asked caringly. “You feel really warm.” He presses his lips to your forehead again to recheck your temperature.
At the same moment, Oliver seemingly had lost interest in his fruit pieces and began wailing loudly. The sudden, loud noise intensified your headache, a pounding pain piercing behind your eyes.
Wincing, you pulled away from Christian and muttered a short, “no, I’m okay,” as you reached to pick Oliver up out of his high chair. You tried to ignore Christian’s concerned face as you shushed the baby, bouncing him lightly as you swayed back and forth while holding the back of his head gently. It took only a few moments for Oliver to quiet, nuzzling his face into your shoulder and letting out small whines.
Christian placed himself in front of you, holding both of your arms with a gentle but firm touch as he looked into you eyes again. “Why don’t you go up and get a shower? I’m gonna finish dinner, okay?”
“No, but Chris,” you sighed reluctantly. “That’s not your responsibility, I—”
“You see this?” he asks, raising his left hand in front of your face, palm facing him. He taps the wedding band with his right index finger. “This means that it absolutely is my responsibility. It’s my responsibility to take care of you and to love you and to be whatever you need me to be. And right now, that means I finish dinner and watch the kids while you go take a shower.”
You hesitated briefly, glancing over his shoulder toward the living room where Lily had begun calling out for you.
“Nuh-uh,” he scolded, taking your jaw in his hand and gently turning your head so that you would focus on him again. “Go upstairs, baby. I’ll take care of it.” He pulled Oliver from your arms, laying the boy on his shoulder. He held him securely with one arm, wrapping the other around your waist to guide you out of the kitchen and gave you a gentle push down the hallway as he turned to go see what Lily needed.
After a steaming hot shower that helped relieve your headache and relax your tense muscles, and a dinner that turned out remarkably well after Christian salvaged it from the chaos you had started with, you found yourself in your room, sitting up in the middle of the bed with your legs under the duvet as you waited for Christian.
When you had come downstairs from your shower, you had passed Lily in the hallway. Her arms were full as she carried the last of her toys from the living room and back to her bedroom—Christian had tidied up and instructed her to take all of her things back down the hall. You rounded the corner to find Christian dishing the food out onto plates, a towel thrown over his shoulder as he worked. You wrapped your arms around his waist as you hugged him from behind and pressed your cheek between his shoulders as a show of thanks. Oliver had cooed, clapping at the sight of his parents together.
Now, you waited for your husband as he tucked both of the children into their beds—he had told you to say your goodnights and sent you off to bed, stating that he would take care of them tonight. So, with a kiss on both of their heads, you handed them off to Christian and did as he had told you to.
When Christian finally entered the room, he was carrying a glass of water and the same medicine you had provided to him only a couple of days before. “A little birdie told me that this might help you feel better,” he spoke softly and a smile played at his lips.
As you took the medicine, he shed his shirt and shorts, leaving him in only his boxers as he slid onto the mattress and settled himself behind you. You were confused by his actions for a moment until you felt his hands resting on your shoulders, his thumbs pressing firmly into the muscles there.
You groan in appreciation, head falling forward so that your chin was touching your chest as he continued to massage your back.
“How is it that you always know exactly what I need?” you ask him and hear his soft laugh.
He leans forward, the warmth of his chest pressing into your back. He wrapped his arms around your waist as he places a kiss on your cheek. “That’s my job, sweetheart.” Your face warmed at his actions as you leaned your head toward him, pressing his nose into your cheek slightly. “And I’ve been doing it for several years, so I better have figured it out by now.” This drew a laugh from your lips, and he went back to the massage he had been giving you.
After a few minutes, he noticed how your eyes began to droop. He took you by the shoulders, gently laying you down onto the pillow. He leaned over to the side table, turning the lamp off, and settled down next to you, pulling you into his arms. Your head lay on his chest and the steady rise and fall of his breathing was putting you right back to sleep after the movement had woken you up a bit.
“Thank you, Christian,” you spoke at almost a whisper into the peaceful atmosphere of your dark bedroom.
“No, baby, thank you for taking care of the kids and I for the last few days. This is the least I could’ve done.” He trailed his fingers lightly up and down your arm. “I love you so much, Y/N.”
“I love you, too.” You pressed a kiss against his jaw, and he reciprocated with one placed on the top of your head. And finally, after a long, draining day, you fell asleep wrapped in the comforting arms of your husband, the father of your two beautiful children.
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madisonstarss · 1 year
Cat and Mouse (Nate Jacobs x Reader)
Warnings :toxic relationship, swearing, some elliot x reader afab reader, Degradation if you sqiunt?? sorry this is a kinda long one i got carried away
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Halloween night was in full swing at McKay's house, and you were both nervous and excited to attend the party. Dressed in a sleek black cat costume, you knew heads were going to turn, espically Nate Jacobs, your ex boyfriend. The breakup had left a bitter taste in both of your mouths, and you couldn't help but hope that he'd see what he was missing.
As you entered the lively party, you couldn't help but notice Nate almost immediatley. His presence loomed over you like a dark cloud.
Nate was surrounded by friends, laughing and acting like he didn't have a care in the world, but the moment his eyes met yours, the laughter died down.
As you mingled with your friends, you spotted Elliot looking just as dashing as ever in his coustume. He had a natural charm that drew you in. Striking up a conversation with Elliot was surpisingly easy, and the two of you quickly fell into a comfortable banter. He made you laugh with his witty remarks, and his genuine smile put you at ease.
You decided to let loose and have some fun. You and Elliot ended up goofing around together, taking photos in the photo booth. He draped his arm around your shoulders, and you posed with a big smile, feeling the warmth of his presence next to you.
From the corner of you eye, you noticed Nate watching you and Elliot from afar. His jaw was clenched, and there was a tension in his body language that hadn't been there before. It was clear that seeing you with Elliot was getting to him.
As the night progressed you and Elliot continued to enjoy each other's company, dancing and laughing. The more you interacted with him, the more Nate seemed to grow agitated.
At one point, you felt a tap on your shoulder. Turning around, you saw Nate standing there with a forced smirk on his face, "Having fun with the druggie, huh?" He sneered.
You kept your composure, refusing to show him any sign of weakness. "Yes, I am. Elliot is a great guy, and I'm enjoying our time together."
Nates eyes flashed with anger, and he grabbed your arm a bit too forcefully. "You think you can just forget about me and move on with someone like him? Its laughable." He hissed, "You really can't get enough attention can you? Its pathetic how you're flaunting yourself in front of everyone."
"Flaunting? I'm just having fun with my friends." Your patience wearing thin.
"Friends? Is that what he is?" Nate spat, glancing at Elliot with disdain.
You frowned, hurt by his words. "Yes he's a friend. Whats your problem?" "My problem is that you're acting like you're over me so easily!"
"I am over you, "You shot back "And I'm not going to let your jealousy control my life."
Nate's eyes narrowed, and before you knew it, he had grabbed you by the arms, pulling you closer. The anger and frusrtaion between you between you were like a powder keg, ready to explode. "I don't believe you."
The proximity was overwhelming, and before you could think, you were kissing him out of sheer frustartion. The kiss was fuled by a volatilie mix of emotions. He pulls back, "I hate that you still affect me like this," He confessed.
"Nate, we can't just forget what happened." You said, trying to reason with yourself as much as with him.
"I missed you." Nate whispered."
"I missed you too."
And in that moment, it felt like you were both getting a second chance. The cat and mouse game had brought you face to face with your ex and led you back to each other.
The next day at school, news of your reunion with Nate spread like wildfire. The whispers and gossip filled the hallways. The news quickly reached your closest friends, Maddy and Cassie.
Maddy, with her outgoing personality was the first to speak up. "Okay spill the tea, Are you really back together with Nate?"
You took a deep breath. "Yeah."
Cassie chimed in, "Are you sure thats a good idea, I mean he hurt you before.."
You nodded. "I know its complicated but we've both grown since then. Nate says he wants to do things differently this time, and im willing to see if we can make it work."
Maddy seemed uncovinced, "Promise you'll be careful."
"I promise."
And they were right.
It was a chilly Friday night, and you had decided to surpise Nate as his house. You let yourself in, planning to sneak up and suprise him. However, the sound of hush voices caught your attention. Your steps faltered and a sinking feeling settled in the pit of your stomach.
You walked closer, your heart pounding in your ears. And there, in the dimly lit living room, you saw Nate in an intimate embrace with a half naked girl.
Your voice trembled as you managed to speak up, "Nate? What is this?"
Nate's face turned pale, "Y/n, I'm so sorry, its not what it looks like."
Tears streamed down your face, and you could'nt understand how he could break your trust like this. " You promised you would change Nate."
"I know and I'm sorry. I messed up. But please, just hear me out."
The pain in your heart was overwhelming but a part of you couldn't let go. The bond between you and Nate was strong, and you still loved him deeply. "Okay, one more chance, Nate. But this is it."
But as days turned into weeks, his jealousy and possessiveness took a dark turn. He began isolationg you from your friends and family, claiming he was the only one who truley cared about you.
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danikamariewrites · 1 year
Cassian x adhd!reader
A/n: I wanted to see where my thoughts on Cass with this concept would take me plus I realized I haven’t written anything for him yet oops. I also kinda got carried away with this one. Should I finish the trio and do one for Rhys (and possibly one for Eris👀)? My requests are still open!
Warnings: some angst and mentions of mental health struggles
Cassian is really good at reading people and telling when there’s something wrong (like in ACOMAF when he was first training Feyre he just let her punch it out and she finally talked)
You would mask it for the first few months of your relationship but he picked up on your ADHD when you first met
He knew you would come to him when you were ready to talk about it
And when you did talk to him about your ADHD he was so understanding. Cass wants to learn everything about you, including how your brain works
If he had questions you couldn’t answer he’d do his own research in the library or ask Madja a million questions about how to help you
Cassian could always tell when you zoned out or when you were in your own little world. When trying to get your attention he was always gentle about it
Whenever you were sitting still for too long doing work and needed a break he will always stop what he’s doing to be with you, if you want him to be. He would go on walks with you, let you pace around and talk at him, mini dance parties, or even take you to spar for a bit.
There were times when you thought your ADHD had its perks because sweet, wholesome moments just between you and Cassian would come from it
For example after he was coming home from Windhaven you guys were going to go away for the weekend to the cabin in the mountains and you had to find your duffel bag
You swore it was in the walk-in closet you and Cass shared so you started digging through the piles and shelves looking for the bag
But of course you get sidetracked, you found Cassians favorite hoodie that had been missing (it wasn’t actually missing you wore it while he was gone once and then hid it you just forgot where it was)
You put the hoodie on and then other piles of forgotten stuff grabs your attention and you start digging through everything in the closet making a mess
There’s a skirt Feyre gave you with the tag still on that you put on over your leggings, you put things in piles, and then you found a box of jewelry Cassian never wears. One thing in it is a bracelet with a broken clasp so you sit down on the floor between the piles of stuff and attempt to fix it
You didn’t hear the front door open or Cassian calling your name. When you finally noticed him he was standing in the doorway laughing, “Hey baby, find your bag?” Your cheeks got hot as he made his way into the closet sitting with you
“Find anything interesting?” “Yeah a few things. That pile over there is pretty cool.” He finds your collection of headbands and puts one on
After an hour you fixed the clasp and your both wearing random shit you found. You look at each other and laugh at how ridiculous you look. Sighing your shoulders slump, “I still need to find my bag and pack. Sorry Cass I dragged you into my crazy distraction.” Cassian looks at you with a questioning smile, “you don’t need to be sorry baby. Plus I found your bag,” he pulls the duffel from behind him, “like 20 minutes after I got here. I just thought we were having fun.”
You jump into his lap wrapping your arms around his neck tightly “I love you Cass.” He kisses your forehead and then all the way down to your nose, “I love you too baby.” Then plants a kiss on your mouth
But there are also the bad/frustrating moments
One time you were cleaning up around the house and misplaced an important document Cassian needed to give to Rhys but you couldn’t remember where it was or if you put in his office
You were trying to retrace your steps and could tell Cassian was getting frustrated. You were apologizing profusely, you didn’t realize the document was part of the stuff you were organizing
He snaps at you. You knew in the back of your mind he was mad about the paper and not at you. But you had a hard time separating that especially when regulating your emotions at the same time
Your eyes started to water and your bottom lip trembled. As soon as he saw your face and the tears fall he instantly regretted yelling.
He rushed over to you, pulling you into a tight hug and cradling your head to his chest swaying you back and forth slowly. “I’m sorry baby I didn’t mean to snap, I’m not mad at you I swear.” You stand like that for a few moments, “I know Cass I just feel like it’s my fault and I can never remember things I’m sorry.”
Cassian pulls back to look at you, “you have nothing to be sorry for. It happens sometimes, we all misplace things. It’ll be fine I promise.”
When you’re fidgeting or having a hard time sitting still he’d hold your hand. Sometimes you would just hold his hand or squeeze and you’d be fine, the weight of his large hand comforting you
Other times you would play with his fingers or trace shapes on his palm. Sometimes you’d even tap at the bright red siphon on the back of his hand, you’d stare at it getting lost in its glow and how beautiful it is
When you get over stimulated at home he takes away whatever is bothering you and rubs up and down your arms, “you ok baby? What can I do to help?” You just lean your forehead against his chest and stay silent, trying to breathe in and out
Once your better you cuddle up to Cassian in bed
If you guys are out with the IC he would take you outside for fresh air and wrap a wing around you to show that you’re safe
If you seem like you’re going to have an anxiety attack he lets you squeeze his hands and he talks you through it, “it’s going to be ok, just take deep breaths baby, in and out.” He breathes with you
When you are ok enough he takes you in his arms to fly you home. He does a lap over the city first so you can enjoy the view and get lost in its beauty
tags: @auggiesolovey @bubybubsters @baybay123455 @msiecrane
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downinthehull · 2 months
do you have any caregiver or little leon headcanons? i think he makes sense as both <3
sorry this took so long, friend :'( but yes i do!!! leon is my favorite guy and although I absolutely see him as a caregiver as well, i decided just to do little hcs right now. i do plan on writing some CG hcs for him too! it's just gonna be a separate post<3
with re2 - re4 leon, because for some reason I just had to include some changes over the years.
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little leon;
has a hard time understanding regression
it takes him quite a bit to sort of get an idea as to what is happening. of course, he never really finds out anything more than "sometimes i just feel small, and letting myself be soft and vulnerable helps me feel better when I'm like that." mostly because he doesn't really get past feeling kinda embarrassed about it.
he isn't sure about how young he regresses, but I can see him being baby/toddler age.
involuntary regressor
most of his regression is involuntary (~90%), and there are only very few times he had actually chosen to regress, when he wasn't incredibly overwhelmed or scared.
re2: when he was in raccoon city, he was scared out of his mind, trying to do his best to put on a braver front. as the night stretched on he could feel his head get foggy (with what he just assumed was fear), only able to push through.
once he got out he had expected the strange feeling to stop, he assumed it was only caused by the fear he was feeling at the time. though as the weeks and months passed by, it was still regularly happening. much to his chagrin. it usually happened after he'd wake up from whatever horrible nightmare he had that night. tears ready to spill from his eyes, and his head cloudy with sleep and the need to be held/comforted.
re4: a bit before he's recruited and goes into military training he had managed to get a better hold on it, thankfully.
in fact, it only reared its head towards the end of his mission, once he had to carry ashley to luis's lab to remove their plagas. due to feeling almost completely helpless as the parasite just continued to take hold.
isn't the most sound sleeper
re2: after the events of raccoon city, and having to witness all the horrors that went along with that, it was an understatement to say that leon had trouble sleeping. he was riddled with nightmares for so long afterwards, waking up scared and small in his bed nearly every night.
so he kept a nightlight right next to the bed, almost too bright to just be considered a nightlight, but it was one of the few things that helped him sleep. along with the addition of an especially soft blanket, to keep him warm throughout the night.
though over the years, he gets better at falling asleep and staying asleep through the night. maybe not as long as he should, but he gets by. eventually not needing the nightlight anymore, and throwing it away into a drawer or a box in the closet. feeling sort of embarrassed he had it in the first place.
has a stuffed animal he carries with him everywhere
re2: at some point he came into possession of a stuffed animal. it wasn't anything too special, just a puppy that had definitely had quite a life before he got it. though he thought it added character.
he cleaned his new pal, named it, and made sure to keep it close by when he was feeling small. he wasn't too sure why, but it helped him not feel as lonely.
if he was at home and small, you could always bet to see him with his stuffed animal friend. he ate with him, relaxed with him, and went to bed with him. he even once tried to take him into the bath with him, but it didn't end very well. it only led to poor leon being upset the whole time his friend was drying off.
re4: similar to the nightlight, eventually his friend is retired to a box as well. through leon is much more gentle, and doesn't entirely forget about him in there. sometimes feeling the need to bring him back out, but never quite convincing himself to. though he might be more open to it after returning from Spain.
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Hey father bro. This ones a bit more real. So I guess... forgive me, bro, for I've been so not radical. Heres the thing. I was hanging out with some bids- kinda on the outskirts of one of my bros circles, they seemed wicked chill so I accepted their offer to hang out. And it was mad cool for a hot second, but then one guy pulled out some weed. Totally not my thing, bro, I swear. They asked if I wanted some but it didnt feel radical in the moment, so I kept my chill. But I didnt leave, and bro, they looked like they were having fun. So like. I might have breathed some second hand on accident and I got jeallous of their actions bro. Not a good color. And like, if I hang out with them again I probably wouldnt leave. I hear its bad, but they didnt act possesed by bogous spitits or anything, so maybe its okay? I'm just wicked confused, dude.
(ooc: lmao sorry for the long ass ask again I get carried away with these characters)
Hey son (bro?) I'm proud of you for reaching out. The Devil's lettuce is a scary thing, and it can seem like fun until you realize that it's just another thing that he can use to get you. Just remember that you can get the same high from a good church sermon.
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