#got almost all of these from the depths of my camera roll oh my goodness gracious
soona-kit · 1 year
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just dumping some older msm art of mine here (and shoehorning in a shugarock drawing i madr like a few hours ago) cus i cant find anything new to make. enjoy i guess
new art coming soon maybe kinda sorta..
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broadwayandnetflix · 3 years
i have a request for bo burnham!!:) maybe like the reader and bo watch the special when he gets done editing it and doing all the other stuff he has to do for it, and he records her reaction to the whole thing and that’s how he announces the special?? i know that’s weird but it’s been stuck in my head, so you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to!
Test Run - Bo Burnham x Reader
Warnings: Language
Theme: FLUFF (angst if you like squint)
Word Count: 1.6k
A/N: y’all I wrote this so fast, like kachow. I hope you enjoyed it, and got a break from all of the angst. but angst is still good. but this fic is not me fangirling over inside. never, couldn’t be me. I hope you enjoyed the fic though @bos-a-feminist I had sm fun writing it.
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It had been late one evening when Bo had practically burst into the door of your bedroom. You sat puzzled as you gave the man time to catch his breath, as he gave you an eager look.
Trying not to giggle as Bruce yipped at Bo’s feet in pure excitement, it seemed he too was trying to figure out what was going on.
“What? Are we finally gonna have sex again?” you say humorously, causing the man to break composure for just a second.
“No! I mean what the fuck? Yes, yes, and to answer your question, yes. But not right now.”
You giggle as he looks at you with an expression you couldn’t fully decipher. In any constellation, it had been months since you had seen the man this energetic.
Usually, when Bo would come back from his long days in the guest house, he’d tend to be exhausted. Often just giving you a quick kiss before collapsing onto the mattress.
His blue eyes softening towards you as he extends his hand for you to take. Which made you realize that there was an ounce of seriousness in his actions.
Your hands fitting perfectly in his as he pulls you up from the bed, one hand making sure to hold the small of your back.
“Where are we going?” you breathe out.
Bo remained silent, but you found out soon enough as he led you outside to the guest house.
You had stopped dead in your tracks, causing him to do the same. Eyes widening as you realized what was gonna happen, turning to Bo and giving him the biggest grin you could muster.
From the minute he had set foot in the guest house to begin his special, he had been very secretive about it. Something about how it helped him to create something that no one really knew about.
I mean, you had some idea when the UPS trucks kept delivering camera equipment. Or when he had asked if he could take some of your clothes. Other than that, though, top secret.
It had been about roughly a little over a year when he had started the special. A year of emotions and hard work, and by the looks of it.
It seemed as though he had finished.
“Wait are you doing what I think you are doing?” you say, looking at him expectedly.
“Shit babe you catch on quick. Yes, if we are on the same mindset. I think we are, now hush, or I’ll never get to show you it.” Bo instructs before leading you inside.
In all honesty, you didn’t know what to expect. The last time you had seen the guest house had been roughly two years ago. Now? It looked completely different.
Wires and different camera equipment lay waste on the floor, making it almost a hazard. Other lights of various types and sizes filled the room like mini metal trees. It looked disorganized and yet organized at the same time.
Yet Bo walked through the maze of equipment with ease, almost as if it wasn’t even there. You smiled before tiptoeing to the clearing that Bo had made for you.
“Yeah apologies, I wasn’t expecting company.” Bo smirks as you break into laughter.
“It looks…well it looks well used.” you reply, getting comfortable on the chair he had provided.
In front of you sat a projection on the wall of what seemed to be an editing software. You looked back at Bo with an eager grin; he gives you a slight wink.
Anticipation settling in the air as you watched him mess around with the monitor. Until his cursor finally presses on a folder and a video screen pulls up.
You half expected him to sit beside you. Still, instead, he remains behind the computer, amongst his sea of technological instruments and cameras.
“Y/N, I’m showing this to you. Simply because you deserve to see why I’ve been so busy for like a year or more. Plus, you mean the world to me and I wanna know your input.”
Bo says softly. You can detect a hint of nerves in his actions and tone; you practically melt, realizing that was he anxious. Regardless you knew without a shadow of a doubt you were gonna love whatever he puts out.
You open your mouth to reply before he presses play, and an eerie ringing fills the room. Music filling your senses as the special, titled Inside, plays before you.
The next hour or two fills you with a multitude of emotions that you can’t quite place. It seemed like Bo was making you laugh seconds ago, and now you can’t help but feel tears well up in your eyes.
Cinematically it was stunning, breathtaking even. It was hard to believe that Bo had turned the little guest house into a studio. Or at least to the extent that it became, with its gorgeous displays and production.
Performance-wise, it was a completely different ballpark. Bo fucking delivered in more ways than one, whether in humor or just pure raw emotion.
Acting or not, it broke your heart to see the man you loved so dearly in the state that he was in. Of course, you could tell something was up even then when he was filming, but he never gave away the extent of it.
Just hearing him cry made your stomach twist in knots; you wanted to comfort him. Only to be reminded that it was just merely a video of him.
Even at the moment, it took you everything not to look back at Bo; you knew how much he valued your attention. Plus, you wanted to experience the special in full, just as you would if he were on stage.
The special wasn’t the same as his others, but it was well needed for a time like this. It felt personal and introspective, but it was also oh so clever and in-depth. You adored it and the time and effort that he had put into it.
As the credits rolled out and you saw an acknowledgment for your name, your heart soared.
You knew that the two of you had worked hard to be there for each other the past year. Especially with everything that was going on and Bo working most of the time.
To know that you had helped him in any shape or form. It just meant a lot, in more ways than he’d ever know.
The lights in the room flickered on as if he had made a make-shift movie theatre. You wiped away any stray tears, and before he could even say anything, you ran into his arms.
Bo jolting back in surprise before accepting the embrace and holding you tighter into his chest. His head resting gently on top of yours due to his taller stature.
“God I love you so much, more than you’ll ever know. I seriously don’t know if I would’ve made it out alive this past year if I didn’t have you.” he croaked into your hold.
It took you a second to realize that the man was crying, and you pulled away to meet his eyes. Your fingers brushing away his tears before reaching up to give him a kiss.
His figure bending down just a tad to meet your lips as he kisses you back sweetly. It’s light and yet so filled with passion for making up for what time that had been lost.
Yet as he looks down at you, a smile etching across his lips. As he asks you about what your thoughts are on his special, he already knows your response.
Unbeknownst to you, he had recorded your entire viewing experience. Of course, if he were to ever share it anywhere, he’d ask your permission, but it was apparent.
Even as you told him how much you loved it and how much you enjoyed it. You knew that he knew that you understood the special the way he had intended it.
It was one of the many things that made him adore you endlessly. You meant the world to him.
“We should celebrate babe! Maybe order a pizza or something.” you exclaim, arms still wrapped around his neck in your embrace.
“We definitely should, but what pizza places are open at this hour?” Bo smirks as you give him a slight frown.
“I don’t know, that’s a good question.” you hesitate.
“Actually I do know one place that’s really good and delivers.” Bo whispers seductively up against your ear.
You giggle and gesture for him to continue as he swiftly pulls away from your hold. His hand outstretched for you to take once again as he leads you towards the house. Or, more importantly, towards your bedroom.
Bo sat anxiously beside you as his fingers lingered over the ‘post’ button on his different social media accounts.
The post in question was a video that he stitched together of you watching the special. With your consent, of course.
It had been edited together to be vague enough that he wouldn’t spoil the special. But nonetheless, it was sweet, and he totally made sure to include you tearing up in it.
You made it a priority to tackle him for that one.
The video was sweet and short, but it got the intended message across, and you personally loved it, just like you loved Bo and the special.
“Any-day now Robert.” you tease as you hold his one hand in yours.
“Do you think that they’ll wanna watch it?” he whispers quietly.
“Of course they will, it’s you. Baby you are so talented, your fans will be so excited.” you reassure.
Bo sighs before squeezing your one hand tightly before pressing the button. And letting Inside out into the world.
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ofnifflersandkings · 4 years
Endgame Strategy
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Character: Benny Watts
A/n: I said I’d write for the hot chess people so I did. The timeline for this is kinda confusing but the desperation I had to write this made me simply not care.
A familiar voice pulled you from your current task of getting Benny’s two ton apartment door shut. You barely got yourself inside before a pair of arms promptly wrapped around you. 
You staggered backwards by the sudden weight, a noise between a wheeze and a laugh escaping you as you registered who it was.
“If it isn’t my favorite drama queen!” You pulled back to get a good luck at Beth, a big grin busting out on both of your faces.
“Come in,” She ushered you in, helping you take off your coat and asking you little questions as she lead you over to the sink.
You were a pretty established photographer for some big fashion companies, so you had been traveling with Cleo around Europe for the better half of a year. You’d telephoned Benny as soon as all of your campaigns wrapped up and he instantly insisted you come to New York to make up for lost time.
You had just started to get a word in when you felt someone come up behind you and squeeze you abruptly, practically toppling you over. “Look what the cat dragged in!”
You looked over to see Benny already looking down at you with a grin before promptly ruffling up your hair. “Hey stranger,” He grinned. You pushed him off and turned to give him a proper hug. 
You noticed Arthur and Hilton lingering behind him and you pulled yourself from his hold to greet them as well.
“You came at the perfect time,” Benny said, slinging an arm over your shoulder. “We were just about to start.”
“What do you say, (Y/n)?” Hilton asked. “Finally gonna indulge us and play a game?”
You shoved his hands off of you and sent him a smile. “You don’t need some newbie slowing down your thunder,” You noticed Benny giving you the pleading look he always sent your way when you turned down playing chess. You swear you thought he knew how to deflate his eyes on purpose so he looked like a kicked puppy. “No, I don’t need your patronizing when I barely make it past five moves.”
Benny was an old childhood friend of yours, so you had known Arthur and Hilton for almost as long as he had. And they made it their personal life mission to rope into playing against one of them. But you were renowned for your patience and they’d yet to wear you down. 
Beth sent a small pout your way and handed you a glass of water. “Oh please, now who’s the drama queen. You were doing great when I was teaching you last time we saw each other.”
Benny’s gaze shot up. “What?”
You scoffed at her, completely forget about your last encounter. “Now that’s not fair, we were hardly playing. You had to show me where to move every five minutes.”
“When did you see each other?” Benny pushed.
You sighed, smoothing down your sweater. “When I was in Paris with Cleo, we only saw each other the one night and I was just bored and tipsy enough to let her show me.” 
She grinned at you, shoving her arm into you as she leant into your side. “I think you have lots of potential. I could make a grandmaster out of you, I know it.”
Benny’s eyes followed you as you moved from your standing position to sit next to him on the sofa.
“You never let me teach you how to play,” He murmured to you with a huff, causing a small tuft of his hair to fly upwards.
Benny had made several attempts to get you into the game he loved so dearly. And as one of the few constant people in his life he wanted you to be part of his world. But each time was met with a firm refusal on your part, insisting you wouldn’t get it. He’d try to pull every trick in the book, every charming smile and all the pretty words he knew to try and convince you to let him show you, but you were always indifferent to his charisma. 
It annoyed the shit out of him.
Truth was you didn’t want to risk embarrassing yourself in front of him. You’d seen him play at almost every match he was ever in and it was almost scary how good he was. You could play a casual game and maybe boast a win or two, but playing against him wasn’t something you think you’ll ever do. Besides, give him the satisfaction of having your inevitable defeat over your head? Not in this lifetime.
You let out a light laugh, smiling at Beth as she moved to grab the other boards from Benny’s alarming collection he kept stuffed in the closet. “You’re too intimidating when you play, I’d be distracted.”
Benny rolled his eyes, thinking of the stern look that permanently sets on Beth’s face. The woman who looks like she’s three seconds away from going for your neck during her games but he was too intimidating.
You took a sip from your glass of water and lightly knocking over one of the knight pieces on the board in front of you. “I don’t see why it matters, I’ll be beat regardless of who’s playing.”
He frowned, he’d always wanted to play you. Not because he cared about winning but he just wanted you to see his skill firsthand. You didn’t bat an eyelash at winnings anymore, and you never stuck around for his in-depth lectures about game theory with the other players. But he also knew you liked knowing the way things worked. And since chess was his bailiwick, Beth being the only other American player who could beat him, he knew you’d be impressed. At first he just thought you weren’t interested, so knowing you were being taught by someone else stung twice-over. 
You knew something was wrong when he didn’t send a clever remark back your way. Benny liked to think he was this cool and collected character, but really he could be quite the prima donna. Knowing him for as long as you did made him an open book, you could almost always know what he was thinking.  
“Don’t be such a baby, Bens.” You grinned, leaning over to tap the end of his nose, something you always did to irritate him. “She crushed me anyways.”
“You’d win if you let me teach you.” He argued, looking at you pointedly. 
“I don’t need to win, that’s your job,” You leaned into him, trying to stroke his ego to get him to drop the subject. 
Benny’s ears perked up and he was about to go into of his grand self-assured lectures when Beth interrupted him, promptly placing the boxes of chess boards on the table in front of him.
“I dunno, (Y/n),” Beth gloated, passing a box to Hilton. “I think he’s losing his touch, last time we played I damn near emptied his wallet.”
That got your attention, and you sat up with a laugh. “You’re kidding? In speed chess?” Your cackles only grew when she gave a proud nod. “I can’t believe I missed it!”
Benny scoffed, pushing away from you to help set up the boards. “You hardly missed anything-“
“She kicked his ass, ,” Arthur chuckled, loosening the cap on his beer bottle. “Said she’d kick him the crotch too when he tried to argue with her.”
You raised your glass to Beth in commencement. “I knew there was a reason I liked you so much.”
“Another simultaneous?” Beth asked, noticing they were moving the boards onto the floor, she turned back to you. “Have you ever seen once of these?”
You shook your head dramatically, moving from your place on the sofa to the floor so you could sit right next to the action. “Nope! I mean I know what they are, but I’ve never actually seen one.”
She smirked, placing the clock at every board while the boys situated the pieces. “Well, you’re in for a treat, these are my specialty.”
You leaned forward, placing your elbows on your knees so could you watch every move. The speed of the game was something you had long gotten used to, but it never was any less impressive. You don’t know how anyone’s brain could go that fast, but watching the pieces fly around the board completely fascinated you. 
Beth really was everything the chess magazines said she was and maybe even more amazing in person. You found it hard to pull your gaze away from her hand, watching as she completely tore through the three boys pieces. Hilton and Arthur were the first to lose, knocking over there kings.
You got ready to settle in while she took on Benny, but not even a few moments later you watched him grimace and reluctantly fish his wallet from his pockets. 
“Wow,” You breathed out, looking over at Beth with a gaze that could only be described as positively starstruck. “I mean I knew you were good, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like that.”
Beth felt her face get a little warm, not used to such straight-forward praise. At least not since she was a child prodigy. She reached her hand up to brush her hair out of her eyes, and pulled her gaze away from you.
“I can do it again.”
Benny felt his eyebrow twitch, he was used to your praise being directed at him for the most part. You had grown up with him constantly talking about and challenging others to play chess. And when he started to make a name for himself he’d taken you along with him. Before your work took off, you had more time to see his games in person. But, even when you couldn’t physically be there, you always called when you saw the results in Chess Review or tuned in to one of the broadcasted matches.
He was the best in the States for a long time, so you had become especially hard to impress. He knew Beth was better him than by miles, but to finally have his title of best chess player you knew taken away made him feel scratchy. 
But he scoffed, straightening his back to try and get his focus back. “Not if I have anything to say about it, Harmon.” 
And so for about three more games, she absolutely crushed the three boys. You got closer to the boards each time, admiring Beth’s superhuman skill. It made you feel a little sting of pride, the girl was showing up three of most arrogant and skilled players you knew. 
“God,” You leaned back onto your elbows, sniffling a giggle when. “I would’ve given any amount of money to be here to see the faces on these boys when you did this the first time.”
Beth smirked, rounding up the pieces to put them away in their cases. “Me too, we could’ve gotten it all on camera.” 
You groaned. “Such a missed opportunity.”
You lolled your head over and saw Benny staring intently at the board, a deep frown on his face. You smiled, scooting over so you could lean all your weight against him. “Don’t look so sad, Bens. I’m sure you would’ve gotten her eventually.”
He laughed, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “That’s what you used to tell all the sorry losers I used to beat.”
You closed your eyes, settling into his side and sighing at his warmth. “You’re not a sorry loser. You’re the best chess player I know.”
“Hey now, I didn’t drag my ass to every one of your matches for decades for you to question my loyalty,” You teased, you opened your eyes and saw something on his wall. Nestled snug inside a frame was the first time he was on the cover of Chess Review.
“You remember when I took that?” You nodded towards it.
Benny smiled properly, his eyes getting a familiar shimmer. “Yes ma’am, I told them I wouldn’t be on the cover unless you got to take my photos,” He wrapped an arm around you. “Course if I had known it’d make you a hot shot photographer who had to go away all the time I might’ve kept my mouth shut.”
You smiled, reaching up to flick his forehead. “I’ve taken all your photos for decades” You made a sweeping notion with your hands to all the various magazines scattered around his apartment. “Even when we were kids, I think I earned my little adventures abroad”
Benny gave you a look, one you couldn’t quite place, but he kept your gaze for awhile. A small smile snuck up in the corner of his mouth before he looked down, strawberry blonde strands hiding him from your view.
“Well don’t stay away so long next time, yeah? I missed you.”
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
The Island | KTH (Five)
Summary: You’re just two strangers waking up in a room on a lonely island where a company in the business of love has placed you. They believe that thanks to their in depth research you two are destined soulmates. What happens when your ‘soulmate’ and you want nothing to do with each other but falling in love is the only way to leave?
Pairing: Taehyung x Female reader
Genre: strangers to lovers, very slight enemies to lovers, soulmates au, roommate au, slow burn, fluff, smut, angst, slight crack, and drama.
Word Count: 10.2k
Warnings: swearing, sexual tension (?) panic attack, miscommunication, fingering ( female receiving)
Notes: here’s ch5! Hope you guys like this chapter. Let me know if you want to be added to the taglist, or send an ask if just want to chat about the stories!:)
Taglist: @ggukkieland @monvieesdaebak @707sblog @peacedreamer14 @dopedreamfireparty @everythingnamjoon @taebae19 @typicalgenzworld @mooniyooni @getmemyfries @helenazbmrskai @justinetingball @jpeachytaev @marplest @calling-dips-on-j-hope
© taestefully-in-luv
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The silky robe is a deep burgundy and it looks divine draped over your skin…Taehyung watches as you stand between his spread legs and the silky material begins to slowly slip off your shoulders. He can’t help but gulp when the robe falls down your arms and your matching lingerie set is finally exposed. The material that covers your breasts is lace, he can see your hardening buds and he sighs out in satisfaction… the rest of the lingerie top is sheer and flowy. He only observes as the robe finally falls to the floor and you step closer to him, bending down giving him the most immaculate view of your cleavage…god, he can’t wait to have your tits in his large hands. He is a man of self-control though. He just wants to watch you for a while before he even touches you, which ultimately drives you crazy.
You finally begin to crawl into his lap, settling over his bulge. He leans away from you, his head hitting the cushion of the sofa when you continue to bend forward until your lips are on his neck. Taehyung smirks and releases breath after breath when he feels your tongue run up his throat.
“Taehyung…” you whisper, “Taehyung, what are you thinking about?”
“Taehyung what are you thinking about? Hello?”
“Taehyung? Earth to Tae?” You continue to wave your hand in front of his face. You both are sitting on the living room couch watching a Disney movie when Taehyung obviously stopped paying attention. The boy is completely zoned out.
“Huh? What?” his eyes zone back in and he’s whipping his head in your direction. “What?”
“I asked what you were thinking about, you really zoned out there.” You giggle. Taehyung’s eyes skim over your body, you’re wearing a t shirt and some shorts…definitely not the lingerie set he was just imagining you in. Yet somehow you still look sexy and it’s driving him nuts.
“Oh nothing.” Taehyung grins, feeling himself grow warmer at the memory of his imagination.
“Movie night is boring you, huh?” you steal the blanket from Taehyung’s lap and wrap it around yourself. “We can play a game instead? Or maybe, hear me out, just maybe, you can show me that song you’ve been working on.” You eye him, waiting for his reaction.
“It’s not ready.” Taehyung pouts, “I promise I’ll show you when it’s ready. I’m just stuck.”
“Maybe I could help? You never know.”
“y/n…” he whines, “Just wait.” Then he’s scooting a little closer to you, “Patience isn’t really something you’re good at, huh?” he teases then his voice goes lower, “I’ll have to teach you.”
“Fine, fine. I can be patient.” You roll your eyes at him, you unwrap the blanket from yourself and put it out in front of you, offering to share with your roommate.
Taehyung accepts the invitation by inching closer to you and going under the blanket, his body heat sticking to your skin.
“Want to go for a walk?” Taehyung asks, snuggling further into the blanket.
“A walk? It’s so dark out?”
“I bet the moon looks nice over the ocean.” Taehyung points out softly, “I bet it feels nice and cool.”
“Hmm, okay.”
Taehyung was right, the moon looks absolutely hypnotizing over the water. You two are sat in the sand near the shore and you can feel the mist of cool water greet you as the waves come in. It feels amazing.
“Can you believe it’s been a little over 6 months?” you sigh, “Time is flying by.”
“You don’t sound as bitter as you usually would.” Taehyung playfully bumps his knee into yours. “You like my company that much?” he teases.
But you tense at his words…he isn’t that far off and you know that’s dangerous, almost as dangerous as him.
“I’m tired of being so bitter.” You admit, “Doesn’t mean I love this situation. I want to return to the real world…I have a lot of things to take care of. I can’t use the island as an excuse anymore.”
“What do you mean?”
“My life is a mess, Tae. This island was like a break from that…I know that sounds crazy—”
“No, I get it.” Taehyung says softly. “I get it.”
“But can you believe we are still here? I mean, we flirt but I don’t know if it’s getting us anywhere.” You whisper. “And are they really taking us seriously?”
“What’s that mean?” Taehyung raises his brows, “Take us seriously?”
“We don’t view each other that way.” You say as quietly as you can, making Taehyung’s heart race. “We never will.”
“Oh.” Taehyung drops his head low, “Right.” Then he raises his head. “So are you saying you would never view me in any way besides a friend?”
“Obviously.” You chuckle, “That’s what we agreed on.”
Taehyung let’s your words marinate for a second…you’re right you two agreed to get along and nothing more. But things change? Taehyung is the type to realize things pretty quickly and go for it. He’s questioning a lot right now. Is he just super fucking attracted to you? Or does his feelings run deeper than that. And he just got his answer.
The fact that you say you would never view him that way has him feeling down, like a major state of depression is coming, like a large storm cloud is making its way over his body.
He wants you to change your mind. He wants you to like him. Why? Isn’t it obvious? He likes you.
“I guess.” He finally says after a long while, he doesn’t know what else to say honestly. He knows you aren’t anywhere near ready to hear his feelings and honestly he isn’t ready to say them out loud yet either. He knows he isn’t technically dating Hana but he still feels like he’s doing something wrong…like he’s cheating or just straight up betraying.
“Let’s walk.” He says standing to his feet, he leans down to help you up by the arm.
You two begin walking down a path underneath the starry sky, his hand keeps bumping into yours as he talks and you grow nervous at the small contact. You can handle it, or so you think but when his skin touches your skin you feel a bolt of electricity fly down to your lower belly.
“And Jimin is my favorite.” He chuckles, “I mean, don’t get me wrong…I love all the guys but Jimin and I go way back. He can read me like his favorite book and vise versa.”
“That’s awesome. I wish I could meet them.” You admit shyly and Taehyung smiles down at you.
“You can!” he grins, “When we get out of here, I’ll fly you to Korea so you can visit me and you’ll meet the guys. Trust me, they’ll love you.”
You nod your head blushing like a middle school girl who just confessed a crush, you can’t help how rosy your cheeks get.
“You really think you’ll want to see me after this? Aren’t you tired of me yet?” you joke.
“Why? Are you tired of me?” Taehyung’s voice dips down an octave. “You can be honest.”
“No, Tae. I’m not tired of you….yet.” You bump your shoulder into his side and he chuckles.
“Good. Because…” Taehyung pauses, not entirely sure of what he was going to say. “Because…” he begins again. “I think I’m just getting used to you.”
“Only now?” you half joke, teasing him. “We—”
“I just mean,” Taehyung clears his throat, cutting you off. “I think I mean like I’m used to you in a way that I look forward to spending everyday with you.”
Oh. Oh. You stop walking abruptly making Taehyung stop as well, he blinks at you in confusion like ‘why the hell did you stop so suddenly?’.
“You look forward to spending time with me?” you swallow down your spit as you try to speak. “That’s…really sweet of you.” You admit.
Taehyung walks to you and stops just when his toes hit yours, “I can be very sweet.” He whispers to you. “I can show you.” Then he’s taking your hand in his and intertwining your fingers, you only stare up at him confused by his action.
“For the cameras?” you ask as quietly as possibly.
“Not everything is for the cameras y/n. When are you going to get that through your pretty head?”
Lately, Taehyung is confusing the hell out of you. He’s doing things he wouldn’t normally do, you think. You can understand flirting for the camera but why is he doing shit even when the cameras aren’t around? It’s not like you hate it…no, it’s not that. You hate to admit it but you fucking like it. A lot. The way he leans into you, the way his hands grip at your waist, the way his touch absolutely melts you. But it’s dangerous. You can’t get attached to him. He’s the first real friend you have in so many months…and that makes you feel pathetic. Poor guy is forced to be friends with you, flirt with you and so on.
You can feel the anxiety start to build…you hate this. You hate how easy it is for you to break, for you to crumble. It’s one of those days, right? You’ve barely made much of an appearance downstairs and you know that worries Taehyung. But today is just one of those days. The heartbreak of your real life seeps into the joyous façade of your island life. Fuck, you hate this. You hate how messy everything is and how nothing feels right or feels real.
It feels like your old life is becoming more and more out of reach, like you run after it, extending your hand out but it’s too far away from your grasp and that has you feeling helpless.
And that overwhelming dread suffocates you. Its hand wraps tightly around your throat, threatening to cut off your air supply. You’re sat up in your bed, your knees pulled into your chest as you try your hardest to level out your breathing, but it’s no use. No fucking use. The dread is too strong, its fingers leaving bruises around your neck.
“Breathe…breathe.” You repeat the words over like a mantra but your throat burns as tears threaten to pool your eyes so you keep them screwed shut.
Suddenly, you hear soft knocks on your bedroom door. Your head snaps upward. Shit.
“Y-Yeah?” You manage to choke out.
“Can I come in?” Taehyung’s voice is muffled on the other side of the door, his voice laced in concern.
“Uh…” you try to calm yourself down so you can respond properly.
“C-Can you just come by later?” You weakly suggest.
There’s a few beats of silence, you start to think he’s given up on you and left when you hear his soft voice once again,
“I have strawberries.”
You feel the pounding of your anxious heart relax just the tiniest. He brought me strawberries…of course he did.
“Umm sure, come in.”
Taehyung slowly creaks the door open, exposing himself.
He walks to the side of the bed, approaching you carefully, one hand carrying a bowl while the other carries a can of whipped cream.
“Snack?” He shakes the can in offering.
You try to smile, you really want to at least. But you feel your chest growing heavier and tighter, your breathing once again becoming uneven. Images of your family and your friends—the ones who didn’t totally shun you—come to mind and you just can’t take it anymore. Everything is too much. Tears well deep inside and before you realize it, tears are racing down your cheeks. You look up at Taehyung, without say anything you are begging him to comfort you. You weakly smile.
“Its…hard.” You admit between choked sobs. It so fucking hard. You miss your old life—believe it not—and the life you have now…is just playing pretend. Everything’s just too much for you right now.
Taehyung seems…surprised. He looks like he’s being torn apart.
“Woah, woah.” He rushes to set the bowl and can down on the nightstand.
“Hey, shh shh.” Taehyung sits on the edge of the bed, facing you. He reaches for your shoulder and begins rubbing it soothingly. “It’s okay, I’m here.”
You cry even harder at that. You reach your hand towards your shoulder and grab his, holding it tightly. You try your best to calm down, his touch relieving some of your pain.
“That’s it… In and out…good.” He continues rubbing your shoulder, even with your hand attached to his. He then releases your hand and finds his way into your hair, massaging your scalp, slowly and tenderly. A long sigh escapes you.
“I…I’m sorry for this…” You take a deep breath, “I just miss them so much.” You laugh pitifully, your head falling into your hands. “I know it’s pathetic.”
“No!” Taehyung’s stern voice startles you. “Don’t you say that. It’s understandable y/n…if anyone understands you, it’s me, right?” He reaches for your hand. “And I think you’ve been amazing, it’s okay to break down every once in a while.”
You manage to nod your head, as you stare down at your connecting hands.
“I know I can’t make up for the people we’ve been ripped from…”
“Don’t do that.” you say, squeezing his hand. “Don’t compare yourself with people from my old life.”
“I…sorry.” He breathes out, squeezing your hand back.
The two of you let long moments of silence pass between you, they are comfortable moments though. Just feeling his hand in yours is enough to make you breathe easy again.
“We have each other.” He says out of nowhere. He gazes into your swollen eyes and he can’t believe he didn’t notice before…he always thought your eyes were dark, plain, boring but he sees how gorgeous and deep they are. They look like the setting sun, they look like they could hold stars, they look mesmerizing.
“Yeah, we do.” You try to smile. “Will you…will you stay with me tonight?” Your voice is small and timid. Taehyung is surprised to say the least, that you would request such a thing but he’s softening his features and smiles for you.
“Yeah, of course.” Taehyung breathes out. He rises from the bed and walks to the other side, he makes his way to the spot he is supposed to occupy.
“This is okay, right?” he asks, making sure.
You can’t help but swallow hard as you answer. “Yes.”
Taehyung slips into the bed, sliding underneath the sheets…yours are way softer than his, he thinks. He lays on his side, facing you.
“I miss my sister.” You whisper. “She could be so annoying and over protective but,” you pause, trying not to cry again, “But I do miss her.” You laugh as Taehyung stays silent.
“My-my mom’s cooking, it’s the best. We may not always get along and we kind of fight a lot…but her way of apologizing or making sure I am okay is by cooking me some amazing meal.” You turn to your side as well, your back facing him. You’re too embarrassed to look at him.
“My dad…he always comforts me…he always has my back when I fight with my mom…” you chuckle and then you feel Taehyung’s hand on your back. He begins tracing circles on the fabric of your shirt.
“You know I use to go to this coffee place almost every single day. I miss it. That routine. It’s called Cozy Coffee…a small, family owned shop. Only one of its kind. I would read, write, journal. Just relax. Every day.” You breathe out, missing your comfort spot.
“My friend Layla…who isn’t really my friend anymore…she used to give the best advice. She would probably know exactly what to say to help me get through this situation.” You say a little bitterly. Taehyung feels his heart start to ache as he listens to you.
“You have me to get through this.” Taehyung whispers.
“I know I have you, Tae.” You move from your side to your back. “It’s crazy…I’ve only known you for 6 months but I…” you pause, hating yourself for admitting this. “I feel so close to you.” You quietly admit. “Can I ask you something?” you don’t wait for him to respond as you begin speaking again. “You think if we had met organically…we would get along?” you swallow hard before continuing, “Or are we only getting along because we like, have to? Because face it, you have no one else to talk to and—”
“y/n.” his tone is firm. “Don’t.” he warns. “Don’t think of it that way.”
“Just because you say that doesn’t mean I won’t.” you snap, surprising him.
“We will still talk after we get out of here…we will visit, we will make this work…” Taehyung tries but you scoff.
“If that’s even possible.”
“What do you mean?”
“We live so far from each other. And sure, we have texts and video chats but what about the time difference? Huh? This isn’t going to work afterwards. I’m already…” you take in a shaky breath, “I’m already getting so attached to you.” you then release that same shaky breath. “It’s going to hurt like a bitch when I don’t hear from you months at a time…” you shake your head, “and that’s okay! Because you’re just living life.” You clear your throat, he can tell you’re on the verge of crying. Fuck, what does he do?
“I’m sorry.” You wipe your face with your hands, “This convo took a turn, I’m sorry.”
Taehyung feels his heart aching still, it hurts. He hurts because you’re hurt. He just wants you to feel better.
“C’mere you baby.” He says while tugging on your arm towards his body…you barely even think about it as you scooch closer to him and you let him hold you in his arms for a short hug. You pull away just as quickly as you get comfortable in bed again.
“Get some sleep y/n. You’ll feel better in the morning, I promise.”
The A.C is kept rather low, and the buzz of the spinning fan keeps things cool…so, Taehyung’s arms wrapped around you is more than welcome. WAIT. Your eyes shoot open now, realizing your position. Your back is facing him, and your-your butt is shoved into his crotch. If the word ‘shoved’ was too aggressive you apologize but shit is true. Your ass is shoved deep into his crotch, you mean, you can feel everything. It’s an awkward position to say the least…you mean, or is it?
You glance around the room, your eyes fluttering all the way open. It’s now just hitting you that you two really slept in this room together.
His limbs are heavy, slung over your smaller body. His body is acting like your own personal heater, it’s pretty nice, not gonna lie. And his scent—don’t get started on his scent. His breathing is calm, each fan of his breath tickling your skin. Should you try to escape his hold? Or just let it be? Is it weird if you intentionally stay? Your mind is starting to race with a thousand questions, your overthinking getting the best of you. You lay still while your mind drowns in thoughts of Taehyung. Suddenly, you feel Taehyung stir behind you, so you immediately slam your eyes shut in panic, pretending to be asleep.
You can feel Taehyung sit up, just the slightest , one arm still under your head. But then Taehyung slips down further into the sheets once more, his body moving even closer to yours. His arms engulf you into a tight back hug, you can feel his face nuzzling the back of your neck. And the worst part is you feel him inhale you, snuggling impossibly closer. This makes you tense and melt at the same fucking time. He just nuzzled and inhaled you like you were what? He fucking safe space? You feel pulled into him, drawn to him. So you sleepily turn over in his arms, you wrap an arm around him while keeping your other arm safely tucked into your chest. You open your eyes to take a look at Taehyung’s sleeping face when you are met with two wide eyes. He looks…shocked at first but then the corners of his lips turn upwards. He gently squeezes your body into his and slowly closes his eyes again.
How can he sleep again?! Your mind is racing, your heart is racing, your body is racing even if you are frozen. Your nerves are very present, you feel your stomach turn, you feel butterflies flying, you feel restless. But Taehyung? He is absolutely fine. And that makes your body feel an ache you wish it didn’t.
“Uh, can I help you?” You wait impatiently for an answer…you were just falling asleep!
“Sleepover.” Taehyung says nonchalantly while pushing past you, entering your bedroom.
“Um, sleepover?”
“I can’t sleep. I want to cuddle. Very innocent stuff.” Taehyung says as he pulls back the covers on your bed.
“Tae…” you hesitate to close the door, “What do you think you are doing?”
Ever since your little panic attack and your little sleepover with Taehyung, he has gotten used to the idea of snuggling closer to you even on places like the couch. And now tonight, he is here in your room requesting to sleep with you. You go red just at the thought.
“Don’t be a brat, y/n.” he says slipping into the bed and patting the spot next to him, “Now come over here.” He grins at you and you flush.
“Fine…” you can’t say you hate the idea…after getting a taste of cuddling once you have been yearning for his touch…just a little. You turn off the lights and step over towards the bed, sliding inside and snuggling in the blanket.
“No, come here.” He softly commands, “Lay on my chest…ah, wait.” He stops you from moving. “Do you mind if I sleep with my shirt off?”
“Nothing I haven’t seen before so sure.” You mumble. Taehyung winks at you before he’s lifting his shirt over his head, sliding back down into the bed. “Now come.”
Taehyung slips an arm underneath your head as you lay down on his bare chest…you won’t lie…his warm skin on your cheek has you melting.
“So you think you and Hana would be a couple by now?” you decide to ask but you cringe at your own question. Why the hell did you bring up Hana? Taehyung’s face falls into a frown.
“Probably...maybe…I don’t know.”
“I’m sorry…”
“Why are you saying sorry, it’s not like it’s your fault.”
“Somehow it feels like it is.” You admit, you lean a little closer to Taehyung, your body feeling heavier and heavier.
“It’s not…” he wraps his other hand around your waist, “I don’t regret meeting you y/n.”
“Do you mean that?”
You lean away from him and scoff, “Your life could be perfect right now but I’m ruining it.”
“Hey, don’t do that.” Taehyung warns, “It’s not you—”
“It is me! This company paired you with me! A complete and total stranger!” you whisper, “You’re stuck here with me, Taehyung. You’re forced to be what, friends with me?”
“No one’s forcing me to do anything. I genuinely enjoy spending time with you…” Taehyung tries to explain, he’s becoming really confused. Where is this all coming from?
“What?” you snap and he flinches, “sorry…what is it?” you ask more softly.
“I could say the same about me, that I’m ruining your life too—”
“My life is already a mess before you.”
“We’re friends y/n. When we get out of here I will find you on twitter or what—”
“I don’t have social media.” You say.
“Fine, we will eventually exchange numbers. You get the point, we’re friends. Real friends.”
“Sorry I’m just overwhelmed…” you finally admit, “We’ve been here over six month Taehyung…why are we still here? How hasn’t anyone found us yet? Aren’t they looking for us?”
“I’m sure people are trying.”
“I don’t hate being with you.” You say, “But I want to go home.” You begin to sniffle and Taehyung panics. He tightens his hold on you, he wishes he could bring you in even closer.
“I know. Me too.” He admits, hugging you tight. “But at least we got each other, right?”
Taehyung is the closest thing you’ve had to a friend in months…you don’t want to get this attached to him. When you guys get sent home…he’s going back to Korea and you back to your home and he will move on with his life and you won’t have him anymore.
“Sure.” You reply weakly, “Sure.”
“Let’s not talk about this anymore.” Taehyung whispers.
“What should we talk about then? Or should we just go to sleep?”
“No, I want to chat.” He chuckles. “Why do you seem nervous around me sometimes?” he decides to ask, his hand loosening around your waist.
“Me? Nervous? You’re just imagining that.” You breathe out, “and if I have been it’s not like you have never been nervous around me…right?”
“Who says I haven’t?” His chuckles come out dark and low. “I think I make you nervous.”
His hand slides down until he grips at your thigh before he’s letting go and gliding his fingers across your thigh and up to your hip. Your bare legs feeling the electric touch of his fingers. You suck in a long breath at the contact.
“W-Why would you make me nervous?” your eyes flutter shut and you bite down on your bottom lip as he continues to stroke your thigh. Your breathing picking up unknowing to you, your chest rising and falling faster than before.
“Your body tells me I do.” He says slowly, his voice deep.
Your quick breaths fan across his chest…he obviously knows you are getting affected.
“What does that mean?” you sigh but Taehyung doesn’t answer he just continues his ministrations on your skin. The way your shorts ride up gives him access to your thighs and hip. He lightly strokes you over and over, making you lose some of your composure. It’s been so long since you’ve been touched. And Taehyung knows this. He knows he should probably stop…but your skin feels so warm, so soft. His fingers skid across your upper thigh again and he notices how you exhale deep long breaths at his touch, how you close your eyes, how you bite your lip.
“If I don’t make you feel nervous,” he begins, his light touch never stopping, “then what do I make you feel?”
“Good.” You breathe out, “You make me feel good.”
Taehyung raises his brows in amusement, clearly liking your admission.
“You don’t know how good I can make you feel y/n.” Taehyung’s voice goes low, it makes the goosebumps on your skin rise.
“Taehyung…” You open your eyes again and find his, his gaze is so dangerous you could honestly feel the torture of it forever.
His hand travels lower to caress your calf, then he’s sliding it back up again this time closer to the inner part of your thigh. Without thinking you slightly spread your legs apart, letting his fingers play with your more sensitive skin.
His touch is sending heat waves throughout your body and God, you are melting at his burning hot touch. You start to dance your hips around, too turned on to actually feel embarrassed.
“Jeez…you’re really getting worked up.” Taehyung darkly chuckles. He stares down at you with dark, intense eyes. He knows exactly what he’s doing to you.
“S-Shut up.” You breathe out. “We probably…we probably shouldn’t do this…” you say, your voice strained.
Taehyung only smirks. “Do what? What exactly is it do you think we are going to do?”
His fingers slide closer and closer to the place that he shouldn’t. Your inner thigh is dangerous enough…but he lightly strokes you closer anyway. He knows exactly what he is doing.
“Do you think I’m going to make you come?” he teases. You hate how deep his voice gets when he talks to you like this—not that he’s ever said anything this bold.
“Lay on your back for me.” You nod your head until realization hits you.
“WAIT WHAT?” you sit up. “I am not going to like, have sex with you! Plus how can you even be sure I would come during sex?” You cock a brow, “You are a real cocky bastard, you know that?” Taehyung rolls his eyes all the way to the back of his head.
“We aren’t having sex.” He assures you. Oh. A little tiny voice in your head is asking why not. “And I definitely could make you come during sex. Jeez y/n, what type of incompetent guys have you been with?” Taehyung smirks, sitting up as well.
“T-Then how would you make me come?” You ask, suddenly feeling shy under his intense gaze. The gaze that drives you fucking nuts.
“With my fingers?” He shrugs.
“Aren’t you afraid this will ruin our friendship?” you pull at the ends of your hair, you know, a bad fucking habit.
“Not at all.” He says with total nonchalance. Jesus this guy is something else.
His features soften as he stares down at you, “Just let me take care of you.” He says.
You need to say no. This crosses way too many lines. But you can’t. You won’t. You figure you can just forget about it because that’s your only choice since you are already nodding your head in agreement.
“Then relax for me.” Taehyung uses his hand to softly push you down by the shoulder. “Please.” He licks his lips watching you ease yourself back on to the bed. You never break eye contact with Taehyung as your chest heaves again. How does he affect you this quickly? You are full of nerves, no shit, but you are so turned on by Taehyung’s low voice and sharp gaze that you nod your head, going along with his words.
“Good.” He says and you let out a long, harsh breath in response. Almost a moan.
“Taehyung…” your voice comes out more breathy than you intend and you immediately blush. You can feel his erection struggling in the confines of his sweats, poking the side of your thigh, you hope you calling out his name is making him suffer even more. Taehyung hasn’t made another move yet, just staring at you like he’s never seen you before.
“Please…” You reach for his hand and set it between your inner thighs. Wow, when were you this bold? He immediately smirks.
“Patience, baby.” The pet name has you rolling your eyes and not in a sassy way. Your lips part and your eyes are half lidded, you are a goner. And from what? This barely counts as foreplay! You are just so deprived of sexual attention. Taehyung watches you and you feel him rut against your thigh, God he feels so big.
“Sorry,” he says weakly, his own breaths sharp.
He takes a moment to compose himself, but to be honest you wish he wouldn’t. Taehyung lets out a long breath becoming even more serious, if that is possible. His hand is already dipped between your thighs and you are sure he can feel how desperate you are by the way you squirm. Even though he hasn’t even touched you. But you ache for his touch, it honestly hurts.
Finally, he cups you in his large hand. “So warm.” He says lowly. He wastes no time, using his fingers to move your shorts and panties to the side and swirls two fingers over your aching clit. You are dripping in arousal, his fingers getting coated in your juices within seconds.
“Did I make you this wet? Just by barely touching you?” He sounds genuinely surprised. Taehyung continues to glide his fingers between your folds.
You try to stay quiet, not trusting your voice at this point. It’s been so long since you’ve been touched that the feeling of his fingers, his long, beautiful fingers has you struggling to keep quiet. But you choke out when Taehyung slips a long finger inside you, pumping in and out very slowly. You whine at the sudden contact.
“I asked you a question.”
He enters another long finger into your greedy cunt. You want more of him. You are starting to think his fingers aren’t enough, but that’s your horny haze talking. His fingers begin thrusting into you, twisting his fingers in a way that has your body rutting against him. You can’t help the long dragged out moan that escapes your parted lips. Maybe they are enough, holy shit.
“Who made you this wet?” he asks almost like he genuinely wants to know like it’s not obvious.
Taehyung inserts another finger. Fuck. You moan over and over, loving how he explores you.
“Huh, baby?” he questions while you squeeze your eyes shut, while your mouth hangs open.
“I need you to use your words.” His fingers come to a sudden stop, he pulls them away from you. You gasp at the loss of contact. How un-fucking-fair. Your eyes shoot open, looking at him with eyes on fire.
“Y-You!” You finally choke out, “You made me this wet! Please Taehyung, please don’t stop.” You are a whining, withering mess. Taehyung just watches you, a dark smile appearing on his face.
“So greedy.” He says, his wicked grin taking over his face. “So fucking greedy.”
And before you know it, his fingers are back inside you but this time moving at a greater force than before, leaving you fucking breathless. His long fingers are reaching places so much deeper than you ever could.
“There…there. Don’t stop.” You pant.
The slick sounds of his fingers pushing into your body is delicious and disgusting. Between your moans and his harsh breaths and the sound of his fingers inside your body…it’s music to your ears.
“Need…need more…” you pant, your hand coming to your mouth.
“More? I got you babe.” His fingers leave your core, leaving you frustrated. How was this more? But then suddenly those same fingers are on your clit, your most sensitive bundle of nerves.
“Gonna—gonna make you feel so good…” You glance Taehyung’s way to see him with his gaze directed towards you already, his dark eyes somehow even darker.
You bite back a moan, your hand still covering your mouth.
“Let me hear you. Don’t cover your beautiful sounds.”
His fingers rub your aching clit even faster, harder, added pressure that is making you see stars and you aren’t even coming yet.
“So close Tae, I’m so…so”
“Yeah baby? Wanna come?”
“Yes yes yes” the coil twists tighter between your legs, already ready to snap. Taehyung repeats his motions, pulling you closer and closer to the edge. Taehyung watches with parted, panting lips as you lose all composure.
“Fuck, y/n.” Taehyung grunts under his breath, his voice taking you to the end.
Your body is twisting and turning, your hair is stuck to your forehead as the sweat builds up. Your eyes are slammed shut and your lips are apart releasing moan after moan. His other hand is at your core as well, two fingers entering you.
“Come all over my fingers, y/n. Let go baby, let go.”
Taehyung’s words has your vision going white, your entire body goes tense and then you are letting go. Cumming all over Taehyung’s fingers as his pumps slow and you begin to come down from your high. Your hand reaches up and grips his left arm, you whine at the feel of his muscles underneath your touch—only further turning you on. You clench your thighs together, bucking your hips into his slowing hand. Finally, you grind against his hand one last time, letting out all your last moans.
“You did so good.” Taehyung teases, his fingers leaving your body.
“Shut up.” Your breaths are heavy but you smile. Taehyung’s breathing isn’t much better. What do you do now? Say thank you?
“I’ll wash up and bring you a towel.” Taehyung informs you, breathing out roughly. He is painfully hard, you could feel him rutting against you the entire time he fingered you. Probably why you came so fast, honestly.
You hear Taehyung in the bathroom washing his hands. The sound of the running water giving you time to think. Sooooo what the fuck just happened? Did you just let your friend, your roommate, your fellow victim…finger bang you? Finger bang…what are you, 14? Either way, what the fuck? This is a lot to take it…you didn’t hate it. What do you do with that thought? No guy has ever made you come that fast and just from his fingers? Dear Lord, dear sweet baby Jesus. This is obviously because you haven’t come in so long…you mean, you’ve touched yourself, don’t get it wrong but it only ended in frustration. But tonight…you met a different fate. A fate that was in the hands of your friend. Your fucking friend. All the sudden tears prick your eyes—you’re just friends. You quickly pat your eyes dry with your T-shirt and shake your head to rid yourself of these thoughts. Why are you disappointed you’re just friends?
Before you know it Taehyung is back in the room, he’s holding a towel in his hand. He walks to your side of the bed and crawls on top…he looks hesitant. He almost looks afraid of you.
You reach for the towel, its warm and damp.
“No, I’ll do it.” Taehyung smiles softly, his eyebrows creasing as he does so.
He takes the damp towelette and begins cleaning up. You hiss at the contact, you are still incredibly sensitive. He only takes a few seconds to clean up the mess you two made before he’s pulling back.
“Thanks…” you mumble. Him cleaning you up was oddly intimate. Maybe it’s not that odd how intimate it felt actually. Because you know what? It was fucking intimate! This whole fiasco was intimate as hell! And it’s all your fault.
Taehyung sits on his knees, awkwardly might you add. You don’t know what to do with the towelette so you just throw it behind him. He looks at you with slight disgust before he’s smiling.
“Really?” he gives you a pointed look.
“What? I’ll throw it in the dirty clothes basket in the morning.” you smile back, then you become shy. Yes, fucking shy. Like you weren’t just a moaning mess for him minutes prior. You don’t know what to do with yourself. What do you say? What do you do? A sigh of relief is pushing past your lips when you realize Taehyung probably feels the same. He is looking at you like you might break. Suddenly you don’t feel relief, you feel guilt. This is your fault, you did this. You allowed this. What does he think of you now? You don’t just usually let your friends finger bang you—uh, you really need to stop saying it like that—this is bad.
“Aren’t you going to lay down?” You gesture to his side of the bed real awkwardly.
“Yup.” He then rolls his entire body over yours, like his weight wouldn’t crush you, landing in his previous spot on the bed. He sinks down into the sheets, leaving like a foot of space between you both. He is literally on the edge of his side of the bed. Shit. You did this. Now you’re fucking awkward.
Taehyung isn’t one to get weird after a sexual encounters but this is you we’re talking about, the girl he is stuck on an island with, the girl who is apparently his best match, the girl he definitely wants to fuck and last but not least, the girl he has real romantic feelings for.
He had the fanfuckingtastic idea of fucking you with his fingers…yeah, real smart on his part. He feels himself fill with pride that he was the first and only to make you come since you’ve been here.
He knows you two need to talk. What could this mean? He knows you enjoyed yourself…he knows you loved every moment his fingers were inside you. He is well aware of that fact. Your moans and cries of pleasure are indication enough.
He needs to talk to you though, he needs to hear how you feel. He wants you. He wants you so fucking bad. Taehyung smiles because he has a feeling this will turn out alright.
“So about what just happ—”
“Thanks for that,” you’re quick to cut him off, “but can we pretend that never happened?” you laugh, humorless.
It’s been a week. A fucking week. And you have hardly even looked at Taehyung much less spoke to him. It’s kind of hard to ignore the one person you live with but he guesses in such a big house he’s able to stay out of your way. Because that’s what you want, right? He thinks that’s what you want. You’ve been spending an awful amount of time in your bedroom and your dance studio and not a whole lot of time in the common areas. So basically fuck Taehyung, right? At least that’s what he’s thinking.
You…you regret it, right? Letting things escalate? You want to forget all about your little sleepover—like it never happened. And he has no one to blame but himself. But he couldn’t contain himself…touching you felt so good, felt so right. And the way you reacted from his simple touches…you want him, don’t you? At least that’s what he thought. He knows this is his fault. And he wants to take responsibility, as a man, as a decent human being…but he doesn’t know how to talk to you. When you two do pass each other, you either look at him with a tense, tight lipped smile or you don’t even acknowledge him at all. Both fucking hurt him. He feels like if this was the real world this is where you ghost him and he hates people who ghost.
Taehyung is just lying in bed, chest being crushed by a massive fat man as he wishes you would just talk to him. At this point that’s kind of all he wants. He has to accept this fact...this is an unrequited love, isn’t it? He groans in frustration, a heavy hand dragging down his face.
“y/n…” He whispers your name like a secret. It escapes past his lips without him really realizing. Why did the company set him up with a girl who will never feel the same? The thought rings in his head. The more he thinks about it the more he hates the company. He fists his hands in the sheets beneath him until his knuckles turn white. This fucking company is the one to blame for everything. He could be home, he could be making music, hanging with his friends and maybe even have Hana to call his. But no, he’s here. With the most amazing person he has ever met and it’s all one sided.
Would he change things? Wish he never came here? He honestly doesn’t know. But he can’t change things so why even ask that stupid question. Does he really wish he was back home and maybe be with Hana? But Hana didn’t do this to him. Didn’t make me feel lost and crazy and so fucking happy to even be in the same place as her. He loosens his grip on the sheets, flattening his palms on the bed. No, Hana was never the one for him. That he is certain of. But if you don’t feel the same way then you’re not the one for him either. And that fucking crushes him.
He huffs out a long breath and sits up, he tangles his fingers in his hair trying to soothe himself. It doesn’t really work but it was worth a shot. He gets off the bed and heads toward the door, he wants to wash his face with cold water, he needs a refresher, so he exits the room and begins walking towards the bathroom. As he reaches the door, he hears the sound of your bedroom door opening. You are leaving your bedroom for the first time today he believes and you immediately stop in your tracks when you spot him. Your eyes go wide and your mouth falls open just the slightest. He stares at you, just stares at you. His expression hardens when he remember this is you ghosting him but you speak up. Actually speak up.
“Hi.” You squeak out.
Explosions. Taehyung feels explosions everywhere. His heart is exploding, his mind is exploding, the world is exploding. How does one girl manage to rile him up this much? All you said was say hi…
“Hey.” He grumbles, not really doing much to hide his bitter tone.
You can’t help but wince at his response.
“Umm,” you start, your eyes darting all around the hallway. “Wanna…” your words get lost on your tongue.
“Wanna what?” he says harshly, folding his arms over his broad chest.
“Wanna watch a movie?” you whisper, your eyes down at your feet.
“Do I wanna watch a fucking movie?” He scoffs. Loud and clear.
“Oh.” You say, your eyes finally meeting his.
“Oh.” he mimics, his stiff expression never letting up.
“What?” there’s a bite in his tone.
“Please watch a movie with me?” Your eyes are pleading. God, that’s when they are his favorite.
Taehyung stares at you from across the hall, just staring, he lowers his arms to his side and stuffs his hands in the pockets of his sweats.
“What movie?” He finally asks, his tone still tight.
“Any movie, it doesn’t matter.” You rush to say, feeling hopeful he will take you up on your suggestion. You shift from one foot to the other, your nerves spiking. He loves seeing you nervous like this, he can’t help it.
“Can we talk first?” He takes a few steps towards you but you clumsily move backward, backing away from him.
“We’re talk-talking right now.” You breathe out, your eyes never leaving his.
“You know exactly what I am talking about y/n.” his voice goes lower.
“Just wanna watch a movie.” You take another step back.
“Jesus y/n,” Taehyung rolls his eyes at you, “you really suck ass at confrontation.” He bites back.
You’re quiet for a moment, your eyes still on Taehyung. You suck in your bottom lip between your teeth, biting down hard. You are lost in your thoughts, trying to focus on the specific one you need. You’re swaying from side to side, clearly thinking of how to respond to him.
“You fingered me, big deal.” You finally huff out, rolling your eyes.
“It’s not a big deal? Then why haven’t you talked to me all fucking week?” He takes a few steps closer, closing the major distance between you two. This time your feet stay planted on the ground.
“Was worried you might take it… the wrong way.” You say, your eyes slide to the side. You understand this is a weak ass excuse but…
“Take it the wrong way?” He takes another step forward.
“Yeah. We’re just friends, right? Friends don’t let friends get them off. Didn’t want you to think this was something more.” Your words slice through him, cutting him up. Something more. Of course that’s what you were worried about. You just didn’t want him to catch feelings for you or whatever the fuck. Well too fucking late babe, he thinks bitterly.
“Right.” He finally says, taking one last step forward. He won’t lie, his heart doesn’t feel good. It feels sick probably, like it has an aching fever. Taehyung leans forward until his lips are barely touching the shell of your ear. His warm breaths tickling your skin.
“Just friends also don’t moan out for them over and over wanting to come.” He whispers, “And just friends don’t enjoy what we did as much as we did.” His deep voice sends chills across your body as you sigh out. “But right, we are just friends.”
“Yeah.” You release a shaky breath, “So…A movie?”
“Sure, y/n.” he leans away from you and he gives a half smile, he looks pained. And it hurts you. You nod your head towards the stairs and he nods in agreement.
But there’s still a lingering tension in the air, you can feel and you are sure Taehyung feels it too. There’s no way you are imagining a tension this thick. Somethings not right and after all of this, and you aren’t sure it ever will be.
You’re full of regret. Don’t get it wrong, you don’t regret crossing the line with Taehyung…you regret telling him to forget about it. You just got so scared…he is closest thing you have to a friend and you hope you didn’t ruin that. But there’s more. You feel something more and that scares you too. What happens if you tell him you liked it and you want more but he rejects you first? He beats you to it.
“Should I make some popcorn?” Taehyung asks, his hands fiddling with the TV’s remote as he lowers the volume.
“Sure.” You respond a bit awkwardly. You find your way to the couch, sitting on one end, pulling the blanket to your lap.
Taehyung takes his time in the kitchen, he gulps down a glass of water as he waits for the popcorn to finish in the microwave. Once the timer is going off he takes it out and pours the popcorn in a large bowl and makes his way to the living room finding the sofa and taking a seat on the other side of it.
“You can sit closer Tae…” you shyly offer, your hand gesturing towards the spot next to you but Taehyung stares at you with hard eyes.
“No thanks. I’m good here.”
“Seriously Taehyung? You pout, “Can we try to be a little normal?”
“Don’t know if that’s possible.” He quickly retorts, staring straight ahead now.
You frown at that, your lips turning downward in the most animated way. This is a mess. Everything is a mess. And it’s your fault. You feel bad, so fucking bad. You feel like Taehyung hates you. And that thought breaks your freaking heart into a million and one pieces.
“Taehyung?” you start to inch closer to him and he whips his head in your direction.
“”What?” He leans away from you, confused why you are scooting closer to him.
“Taehyung…” you sit as close to him as possible and he looks at you with a face void of emotion. You eye him carefully and he looks numb. This just makes you feel worse. Tears start to prick your eyes and your face scrunches up…Taehyung’s features soften when he realizes how close you are to crying.
“Cry baby.” He states, his voice much softer than he intended. “Come.” He pulls you by the arm, bringing him to his body.
“Taehyung.” You sniffle.
“What is it?” he replies back easily this time, no harshness in his tone…like, instead it’s the sound of comfort.
“I’m sorry.” You choke out, burying your head into his chest. You inhale him and his scent makes you feel dizzy. You breathe him in again, getting high off of him. You start to silently cry, your tears wetting his shirt…he doesn’t say anything though, he just rubs your back soothingly.
“What are you sorry for?” he asks, almost hesitant.
“Everything.” You admit. “Sorry for what I said in the hall…sorry for…” you cry a little more.
“I shouldn’t have asked you to forget about that night.” You finally push out, sliding your eyes to the side. Taehyung blows out a puff of air and offers you a small smile.
“Why did you?” he asks softly.
“I don’t know.” You answer with a half-truth. Taehyung creases his brows, pulling them together so dramatically as his expression hardens again.
“You don’t know?” he pinches his nose with his fingers. “Listen…did you enjoy it?” he asks bluntly. His eyes finding yours again and it’s that same gaze that drives you insane.
“Did you enjoy it y/n?” he asks again, this time more demanding.
“I…” the words get lost in a lump in your throat.
“Words y/n.” His hardened expression intimidates the fuck out of you to say the least. “Is that what you are afraid of? That because you liked it so much…you’ll want more?”
Bulls fucking eye. You swallow down your response. You just let your mouth open and close and open and close again, unable to say anything.
“What did I say about using your words y/n?” Taehyung scoots closer, making you feel fucking suffocated…but not entirely in a bad way.
“Tae…” his name escapes you in a breathy moan.
Taehyung stares down at you, his eyes narrowed and serious. He breathes out roughly before scoffing.
“I think we’re done here.” He states coldly, he stands to his feet and begins walking away, leaving you confused and breathless.
Done? How? What does he mean? Taehyung then continued to avoid you for several more days…until…
“I’m not doing it.” Taehyung yells out, loud enough for you, who is in another room to hear.
“What?” You shout back, wiping your forehead with a towel. “Did you say something?” It would be the first time he’s saying something to you in several days.
“I said I’m not doing it!” and with that you hear him bolt up the stairs and after a few seconds the sound of his bedroom door slamming shut could be heard throughout the house.
“Jeez…” You step out of your dance studio, sweat patted dry into your skin. “What’s he throwing a tantrum over?” but somehow you have a feeling. You walk into the living room towards the bright TV, you face falling at the sight. The TV is bright white with black letter painted across, showing the ‘Request’ that has your face as white as a ghost.
Request: make out for 1 Minute.
Penalty: no power for 5 days.
You reread the words at least 30 fucking times, letting each syllable sink in,
you sigh to yourself, feeling fucking lost. You know you have to talk to Taehyung, his reaction also repeating in your crazy mind. You slump your shoulders as your head bows down in defeat. He fucking hates you, wants nothing to do with you right now. It’s just some kissing right? You both have literally done worse. You have to talk to him. You lift your head and look in the direction of the staircase, your lips pulling into a pout. How would this go?
“I said we’re not doing it.” Taehyung plainly states. He sits on the edge of his bed, fists balling up the end of the blanket. You look between him and his cool statement and his fists of frustration.
“Taehyung we—”
“We can just take the penalty.” His tone is firm.
You look at him incredulously. Take the fucking penalty? 5 days without power?
“You’re saying you would rather have 5,” You lift up your hand showing him your five fingers in case he doesn’t know what 5 looks like, “5 fucking days without power then to just kiss me? Like really?”
“Really.” He stands from his bed, stepping in front of you, walking you backwards. You step back until your back hits the wall next to the door. Taehyung stops only a few inches away from you, looming over your body.
“So…I’ll be taking a nap now.” He says flatly.
Is he serious? He really won’t do this with you? You have seen each other naked for Christs sake! You’ve never not done a request! You get that he’s mad at you, but 5 days? 5 whole days?
“It’s just a minute Taehyung…” You murmur more to yourself than him. Hurt probably written all over your face. You are feeling absolutely rejected. A feeling you hate the most.
“Yeah.” he takes a step back. “A minute I don’t want to be a part of.” He spits out at you.
Fucking ouch.
Things with Ben hurt. Bad. But Taehyung wanting nothing to do with you? Hurts worse.
You look down at your feet, fidgeting with your digits.
“Why are you being such an asshole?” You say between deep breaths. You can’t cry. He’s quiet. Too quiet. You suck in a shaky breath, “I already said sorry so why are you treating me this way?” You don’t mean to sound so pathetic but you do because well, you are. He lets silence linger in the air. You can’t muster the courage to look up at him, he’s probably void of all emotion, probably will give you some robotic answer. If you are even lucky enough to get an answer.
You hear Taehyung exhale through his nose but that’s it. Without even sparing him a glance, you turn towards the door to take your leave but then you feel Taehyung’s hand on your arm stopping you.
“Wait.” His voice is rough. He clears his throat and releases his grip on you.
You turn to face him, finally lifting your head to see him. His eyes are narrowed and his lips are set in a firm line. At least he has an expression.
“What?” you mumble, your eyes glossy.
“Don’t cry.” He crosses his arms over his chest, his eyes narrowing even more. His gaze is not one to fuck with.
“I won’t.” you say, unconvincing.
“y/n…” his gaze begins to soften.
“I won’t” you repeat, still just as unconvincing. Your eyes gloss over even more and you feel your throat beginning to tighten.
Taehyung relaxes his features even more, and to your surprise he reaches forward and rubs your shoulder.
“Please don’t cry.” His voice loses its edge, all softness now.
“I won’t” You choke out, barely able to keep your lip from quivering. A single tear falling from your eye.
“If I agree to do the request will you stop?” he asks, still rubbing your shoulder.
“If you-if you stop being an asshole I’ll stop.” Another tear.
“Okay, I’m sorry. I just…I just had to be firm with you.” He admits, his voice low.
“I don’t understand…” You cry out. More tears fallen on your cheek.
Taehyung looks at you with an odd expression you can’t decipher.
“Trust me, I know.” He says, defeat lacing his tone. “Can you just…respect my decision?” he adds on.
“I just don’t see the big deal…” you sniffle, “We’ve done worse.”
“And look where that got us.” He laughs bitterly.
He’s not…wrong. But still, for some reason you keep pushing it.
“It’s just a minute Tae.” You try again, wiping your flushed face of tears.
Taehyung raises his brows at you and sets his lips into a firm line again, he places his hands into his pants pockets and rocks back and forth.
“Wanna do it that badly?” he lightly snaps. “Fine.”
You feel the shift in his mood again, he’s been a roller coaster lately—it’s so unlike him. Are you doing this to him? Damn, girl you toxic as fuck.
You step forward and reach for his hand, he lets you.
“What’s wrong?” You finally ask.
“What’s wrong?” he mocks your voice.
“Taehyung please—”
“I want to kiss you.” He states. “And…and...” he tears his gaze away from you, looking all around the room instead. “And you just don’t get that.”
Taehyung steps forward, a fire in his eyes as he speaks up again.
“It’s cruel for me, don’t you think? I get to kiss you until that timer goes off and then what? I have to pretend we didn’t just do that? Have to pretend we didn’t do something I have been wanting to do for god knows how long! I have to pretend we’re just fucking friends?” he shouts, laughing bitterly again.
You’re…stunned. Taehyung takes a step back again, his eyes never leaving yours. You look up at him with pinched brows and a confused mind.
“But yeah, let’s do the stupid request. That’s a great idea.” He rolls his eyes.
“Taehyung…” You start to feel guilty, like maybe and by maybe you mean obviously, you struck a chord.
“No y/n, we’re doing the request.” He cages you with his arms on either side of you, he leans forward until his nose is brushing yours. “I’m going to kiss you, and I am not responsible for what happens after that.” He leans away again, “So, I’ll see you tonight.”
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parkers-gal · 4 years
fluffy hair
wc: 1.2k (fluff)
tom x ag!reader - tom joins the reader in her interview
"Y/N! It's been awhile!" Zach greeted you through the screen, and you laughed, nodding your head. 
"I miss you guys there, in the studio. How is everything?"
"Good, good. Everything's chill here. What about you? Album release and all that?"
You giggled again, shrugging. "It was fun, low key, and safe."
"Good, glad to hear that. Should we start?"
"Let's, yes." 
"Great. I am so obsessed with this record; we're just gonna go down the line for each song." 
"Got it, sounds like a plan." You laughed, looking behind camera, and Zach took note of it before continuing. 
"Shut up."
"Excuse me?" you laughed at him, and he went wide eyed. 
"Oh! No, no, no, I meant the track, the intro-"
"OH," you laughed again, face palming yourself. "Duh, obviously. Continue."
"Right. It's very... melodic, with what, the strings and everything. And your voice cuts in and just tells all those haters to shut up and- what was the meaning behind that?"
You laughed, looking off camera to Tom for a split second before answering. "Well, I mean. With everything happening, it's hard not to tell people to just like," you put your hands up, palms outward in a stop position. "to just- shut the fuck up, y'know? We're fighting for our lives, all these white, straight old... men."
Zach laughed, nodding, and the conversation continued until you switched subjects to the next song. 
"Thirty-four plus thirty-five," he state with a grin. "Now what's that about." 
You laughed loudly, shaking your head at Tom while he told you a joke. 
"Is someone back there?" Zach cut in with a laugh. "They can join if you'd like."
You looked to Tom before shrugging sheepishly, and he rolled his eyes before plopping next to you on the beanbag. 
"This is Tom, the inspiration."
You laughed, looking to the camera. "I'm joking, joking," you kissed his forehead, ruffling his hair. "He's my lovely little boyfriend."
"Mhm," he hummed in satisfaction. 
You went on to answer the question, "Well, when Peter sent some string samples over, I heard this one and it was so pure and sweet and completely.. Disney, if you will. And I was sitting with Scotty and Tom and I was like 'what's the dirtiest thing we can write with this?' and well, we got thirty-four thirty-five."
Zach laughed, "So it's not based on real life?"
You laughed before Michael, the other interviewer, cut in with a comment. 
"I actually didn't know it was about sixty-nine until the outro," he laughed, and so did you. 
"Ah- good, that's good actually. Enjoy it without being told how you're supposed to interpret it."
"Did Tom contribute anything to the song? Let's- let's go in depth with the lyrics and how you came up with them."
You laughed again before answering. "Well, I was working on the first verse with Scotty and I was like 'what the fuck can we put here?' and he- he jokingly said 'gimme them babies' and I was like 'holy shit that's perfect. That's going in. We're not changing that.'" You looked to Tom, whose arm was around your waist. "Tommy came in not long after that and wrote the pre-chorus. He was so intent on putting the 'I been drinking coffee,' part. It ended up being my favorite out of the song. He was in the studio with me when we recorded that, basically telling me how to sing it. It was hilarious and scary how bossy and smart he was about producing a song."
Tom rolled his eyes, kissing your temple. 
"Is that true, Tom?"
Tom blushed as he answered. "Yeah. She had just gotten new string samples and she was super excited about and I just- I wanted to be there, make memories. Especially since, at the time, I wasn't working." 
"Tom what's your favorite track?" 
"I think," he thought for a moment. "Well I like all of them, but I like 'my hair' a lot."
"Also inspired by him," You cut in cheekily, and he eyed you with a playful glare. 
"Did you contribute on a lot of tracks?"
"Oh for sure," Tom nodded. "It was quite an experience; doing music instead of acting. It's so strange to me, but it was amazing fun."
"Which track did you do the most work on."
You laughed, and Tom rolled his eyes. 
"Probably 'nasty.'"
"Yeah, I was there when she was recording vocals, and I just kept telling her to do it again."
"That's actually," you interrupted with a laugh. "that's actually where that intro line is from. 'This bitch really gon' make me,'" you quoted. "because he kept making me doing it again and again and it was hilarious."
"I want to talk about.. six-thirty."
"Okay," you nodded with a smile. "Good track."
"What does it mean? Like the title?"
"Well on a clock," you were motioning with your hands. "The hands are pointing down at six-thirty."
Both of the interviewers oh'ed loudly, laughing at how they hadn't figured it out. 
"The bridge in there, I love it so much."
"Thank you, thank you."
"Do you think you've found that person you can play video games with at two A.M.?"
You glanced to Tom with a gentle smile, eyes softening too. "Yeah," you looked to the camera. "For sure, I think I have."
To was giddy at your response, subtly pulling you closer into his side and kissing your temple again. 
"Now let's talk about the positions music video."
"Oh this should be fun," Tom commented, and you laughed at him. 
"I'm sure everyone else interpreted the title much differently than you did." 
You laughed, nodding. "Probably."
"How'd you come up with the concept?"
"Oh, obviously the real world. We need people like that in office- like, imagine if that were the Cabinet of the White House? Women and gays and trans and everyone. I think we're in desperate need of a reboot."
Zach laughed, agreeing. "A reboot of the Cabinet. I like it, and you're absolutely right," he looked to the monitor. "At the end there, you were giving a medal to a postal worker."
"Yeah," you clasped your hands together in excitement. "I think the US postal service has definitely taken a huge hit this year. They've suffered a great deal; I think including that in my video was almost essential. They need to be recognized and acknowledged."
"But also like the step stool," Tom cut in with a laugh. "She was too short for the postal worker and they were like 'we don't have higher heels,' so I brought that out."
"You twat," you laughed, grabbing his nose lightly like in a child's game. 
He huffed, laughing, pulling you closer and kissing the tip of your nose in response. 
"Can we talk about my hair before we end this lovely interview?" Zach asked once the two of you settled down. 
"By all means."
"We'll get to those whistles in a moment, but the whole song is so.. intimate. Have you found someone like that? To- to appreciate your hair in all forms and designs?"
You looked at Tom again, and he blushed, already knowing your answer. 
"Yeah, yeah I have. My boyfriend just loves my hair, all styles and colors. It's nice, because I feel like the world doesn't really... see my true hair? But Tommy loves it dearly. It's a special place in my heart for that kind of love." 
Tom smiled, head tilting and eyes crinkling, and you ruffled his chocolate curls. 
"Also though, I really love his hair. Fluffy."
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sooibian · 3 years
So Let's Runaway - Prologue
Tumblr media
photocreds @tuanzie​
Pairing: Kyungsoo x Fem!Reader ft. bff!Chanyeol
Genre / Themes: Fluff, mild angst, travel AU, road trip through Spain, travel buddies Chansoo!
Warnings: Themes of grief / loss, heartache, toxic relationships, strong language, i guess..
Description: An unlikely group of three comes together for the journey of a lifetime.
A/N: This fic is part of @supermwritersnet​ “Around the world in 31 days event”. Inspired by the Hindi movie Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara. Uploading prematurely so as to stop obsessing over the prologue and get cracking on the travelogue which requires a tonne of research. Let me know if you’d like a tag on the upcoming chapter(s) due for upload on 19th July 2021.
Word Count: 3k *unedited*
Doh Kyungsoo had dragged his feet up the endless flight of stairs seeking solitude...not drama.
A stranger, just one misstep away from a fatal fall, was the last thing he’d expected to find on the rooftop of Seoul’s Park Hyatt at three in the morning. He slipped the rooftop access key card (that he’d borrowed from the security guard in exchange for a 50,000 won bill) in the back pocket of his trousers while simultaneously dwelling on the depths of the rot of corruption. He had half a mind to turn away and forget that he’d just seen someone contemplating their existence on the ledge of a highrise but there was something about you that rooted him to the spot. Dressed in fine evening wear, you’d stretched your arms out like wings as you looked up at the vast expanse of midnight blue, the wind kissing your wild, waist length hair. From his standpoint, you looked oddly at peace.
Kyungsoo had never been an idealist or a victim of the white knight syndrome. He wasn’t one to delve into the ethical and philosophical conundrums for most things in life because to him it was all just a waste of time. Seeing you on the parapet filled him with neither sympathy nor worry. It was your life after all and with it you could do whatever you deemed fit as long as you weren’t inconveniencing others. Scratch that.
As long as you weren’t inconveniencing him.
But right now, unbeknownst to you, you were inconveniencing Seoul’s hottest financial broker, Doh Kyungsoo.
He wasn’t invisible to the hotel’s security cameras and being labelled suspect in an abetment to suicide investigation wasn't exactly what he was looking for after the day he’d had. Albeit inebriated and heavy-eyed, he could effectively calculate the logistics involved in pulling you off the ledge with the cacophony of the omnipresent Seoul traffic drowning out the sound of his footsteps.
Bracing himself for superficial bruises from the impact of falling to the right side of the precipice with the weight of an adult human pressing down on his 173 cm high frame, he took off his custom tailored blazer (that had been flown in from Vietnam especially for that evening) and folded it in half, making sure that the lapels touched. Some habits are hard to shake. He put the blazer on the ground as a makeshift floorcloth for the rest of his belongings. With his back facing you, he allowed himself a moment's peace as he loosened his tie, languidly rolled the sleeves of his pristine white dress shirt up to his elbows, freed himself off the Rolex Cellini on his left wrist, his Bottega Veneta fine leather wallet, and the cursed Tiffany Blue Box that he simply couldn’t bear to look at anymore and neatly placed them all on the blazer.
Letting out a deep exhale, he muttered curses under his breath before turning to your silhouette only to find it...gone.
Kyungsoo’s eyes narrowed and then immediately grew into large circles as he grappled with the shocking turn of events. An inexplicable heaviness bloomed in his chest and he felt sick to the stomach which, in a state of denial, he chalked up to the dubious mixture of spirits he’d downed not too long ago.
Before he could find his bearings and figure out what to do next, a light tap on his shoulder made him jump. His jaw went slack and his heart threatened to leap out of his chest to find you casually smiling at him. In that moment, he wanted nothing more than to climb onto the very same ledge and scream into the void but he simply stood there, mouth agape, wanting to say a million things but he could hardly muster a peep.
Reading the confusion painted across his sharp, well defined features, you uttered an unsure, “Hi?”
“I thought you’d jumped,” he whispered, head tilted to the side, his compelling, bloodshot eyes locked with yours.
“Says someone who’s unusually jumpy,” you jested, but your expression immediately turned solemn when you caught the tremble in his right hand. “Are you on something?”
There came about a sudden shift in his aura. Hands on hips, he deadpanned, “Why? Are you with the cops?”
“No, don’t worry,” you let out a soft chuckle and he started scrambling for his things, “How long have you been standing here?”
Hastily stuffing everything into the pocket of his well fitted trousers, he muttered something along the lines of ‘Chaos. Just chaos everywhere!’
Leaning into his frame, you quipped, “What’s that?”
Alarmed and goggle-eyed, he snapped, “Nevermind,” and turned towards the exit.
“Hey! You seem to have forgotten something!” You called out after him upon finding his blazer on the ground, the silken sheen of it reflecting a myriad of citylights.
No answer.
“I wasn’t going to jump!” You yodelled childishly but the man was long gone.
Seven Hours Earlier
“Natasha -” Kyungsoo huffed.
The feather light Tiffany 1873 Blue Box in his left hand had suddenly started to feel like a giant boulder weighing down on his entire being. The sparkle of the uncut diamond reflected in his misty eyes as her uncharacteristically stoic silence left him struggling for words. He searched Natasha’s face for a hint of mischief...he so desperately wished for her to crack a sly smile and pull him in for a kiss and whisper ‘Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes!’ against his lips like they do in the movies, that he’d almost started to imagine it. It had to have been some sort of an ugly prank.
What reason does she have to turn me down? he wondered.
Kyungsoo breached the uncomfortable spell of silence with a desperate plea, “Say something!” the throbbing in his head intensifying by the second.
Did these three years mean nothing to you? What did I do wrong? Do you hate the ring? Is this not the kind of proposal you wished for? Is it because I left the bathroom lights on all night? Or is it because I forgot to wish your mother on her birthday? A flurry of questions spawned in Kyungsoo’s mind only to die at the tip of his tongue.
“I’m sorry, Kyungsoo, but I can’t do this. I just -” Natasha spoke finally. Gingerly shifting the weight of the box onto the ebony restaurant table, she slammed it shut as if the ring had been eyeing her lecherously.
Meeting Kyungsoo’s gaze almost defiantly, she declared, “Kyungsoo, I don’t think that I could be the kind of wife that would make you happy and I don’t think you could make me happy either.”
Two Weeks Later
Setting your eyes on that distinct pair of Dumbo ears, you excitedly weaved through the peak hour coffee shop crowd with an Iced Americano held firmly in one hand. Slamming the beverage down on the table, you engulfed his giant frame in a back hug and squealed, “Park Chanyeol!”
His wide eyes turned into even bigger brown circles and his mouth rounded into an ‘o’ in surprise. Grinning, he got off the uncomfortably tiny coffee shop chair and wordlessly pulled you in for what was famously known in Uni as a ‘Classic Chanyeol Hug’. You didn’t know how much you missed it until you felt your worries immediately dissipate into nothingness.
He hugged you a little tighter the moment you started to pull away before taking your hands in his and stooping down to your eye level. “Shifu, my love! You’re back in Seoul?!” Chanyeol exclaimed with all the love in the world sparking in the depths of his dark eyes.
Even after all this time, it felt as if nothing had changed….you’d suddenly been whizzed into a not-so-distant ‘Gothic architecture and coffee shops’ past in which a cotton candy haired boy, dressed in a pair of freshly ironed beige chinos and a plain white tee, smiles his sweetest smile simply at the sight of you. Chanyeol always felt like home. Funnily enough, even more so at the moment.
Giving him a good natured smile, you nodded in response, albeit cringing a little on the inside. Having been President of the martial arts club back in the days, you got stuck with an ingenious moniker “Shifu” which you clearly couldn’t shake off even after half a decade since graduation. You did a double take when your gaze veered to acknowledge the person seated opposite Chanyeol who, dressed in an ivory business suit, almost blended into the background. Just the way you could spot Chanyeol’s ears from a million miles away, you could recognize those eyes anywhere and right now they were shooting daggers at you.
“OH! Hi!”
His response to your greeting was a curt nod accompanying a vague hand movement, something between a hi and a failed facepalm.
At this Chanyeol guffawed, “You two know each other?”, his keen gaze rapidly flitting between the two of you.
“Yes -”
“No -”
While gesturing you to take a seat at their table, Chanyeol slumped into his chair and pursued the conversation in a voice laced with amusement, “So which is it?”
You gave your head a little shake, signalling Chanyeol to drop the topic since his friend had made his apprehension quite evident with an unambiguous “No” when asked if he knew you. Which...wasn’t entirely untrue. Even though Chanyeol now seemed to be on the same page as you, for good measure, you deflected his question with a polite, “I hope I’m not interrupting anything?”
“Absolutely not!” Chanyeol assured, deftly steering the conversation back to you, “We could actually use your advice on something but first, Shifu, look at you! How long has it been? Five years?”
“Five years!”
“Wahhh! What brings you back to Seoul?”
With a wistful smile, you answered, “Appa passed away in April...”
“Oh, I’m- I’m so sorry -” stuttered Chanyeol, immediately placing his hand on your arm and giving it a light squeeze. From the corner of your eye you noticed Chanyeol’s friend chewing on his bottom lip and listening to this exchange with rapt attention.
“No, no, it’s erm...we’re doing okay now, I guess-”
It had been two and a half months but every time you talked about it, a black hole burgeoned right in the middle of your chest, sucking you within itself and rendering you breathless. You still hadn’t picked up the art of condoling the “condoler”. What were you even supposed to say to the faultless “I’m sorry”? Who came up with condolence jargon, anyway?
“I’m sorry we haven’t been in touch - ”
“Oh, please. You know how it is after Uni, isn’t it,” you turned to Chanyeol’s friend to make him feel a little less left out, “what did you say your name was?”
“I didn’t,” he answered in a clipped tone while mindlessly scrolling through his phone.
“Yah!” Chanyeol chastised him with a deathly glare before continuing with an impish smile, “He’s Doh Kyungsoo.”
“Ah! So he’s Doh Kyungsoo! I’ve heard a great deal about you!” Your enthusiasm invoked a quick cursory smile from him. Doh Kyungsoo had apparently made it his life’s mission to make this unexpected rendezvous as icky as possible, leaving you to wonder if Chanyeol had ever discussed your brief relationship with him. Ex-girlfriend meets best friend? Not an ideal scenario in any part of the world.
Chanyeol and you had gone out for a couple of weeks towards the end of freshman year until you both realized that you were much better off as friends. Despite being joined at the hip in Uni, the two of you had gone your separate ways after post-grad. While he returned to Seoul to join the family business, you’d stayed back in Milan to explore job opportunities. Messages and phone calls became few and far between and it wasn’t long before both of you had completely lost touch with each other.
And it wasn’t until you met him again that you realized how desperately you needed a friend considering everything that had been going on in your life. You selfishly wished for Kyungsoo to leave you two to catch up on all these years spent apart but clearly that was a lot to ask considering how tacitly territorial he seemed to be getting about Chanyeol.
“So what was it that you wanted to talk about?” you asked in another feeble attempt to water down the rancour.
Chanyeol’s features flared into a bashful smile but the moment he opened his mouth to speak, Kyungsoo held a hand up to him and insisted, “Allow me to spare you the blushes,” before starting to explain the situation in an uncharacteristically eager tone, “This idiot is getting married in three months -”
Boisterously thumping Chanyeol’s back, you showered him with congratulations which he accepted with a shy ‘thank you.’
Kyungsoo continued, “- and we have a road trip planned for next month. As per the pact -”
Head tilted to the side, you shot, “What pact?”
“Some stupid pact that I have no memory of - ”
“That you conveniently have no memory of!” interrupted a salty Chanyeol.
Kyungsoo grimaced. Rubbing the corner of his eye, he continued with a heavy sigh, “It was supposed to be the three of us...Chanyeol, me, and our school friend Yixing.”
“Oh, okay?”
“So Yixing fell off a tractor and broke his back -”
“Oh, my gosh!” You exclaimed.
Kyungsoo’s mouth fell open. “I wasn’t there but I’d bet my ass that’s exactly what he said at the time.”
“What do you mean?”
“Wait, wait, slow down, why- how- a tractor?”
“He quit his CEO position to become a full time….farmer,” deadpanned Kyungsoo as if it was the stupidest thing Yixing could’ve done which rubbed you up the wrong way and coloured your otherwise neutral expression.
“He basically did what Kyungsoo doesn’t have the balls to do,” quipped Chanyeol, lips stretched into a gremlin-like grin. Kyungsoo returned his jibe with a strike to his arm causing him to let out a dramatic wail thus inviting the attention of everyone around you.
But none of it deterred Kyungsoo. He continued nonchalantly as if presenting a well crafted business proposal, “Since one of us is unavailable it only makes sense to postpone the trip and that’s exactly what I’ve been asking Chanyeol to do but he just won’t listen.”
“You’re getting married in three months and you’re taking this road trip next month. Will you be left with enough time for wedding planning?” you reasoned with Chanyeol, well aware of the kind of family he belonged to and the kind of weddings these families planned.
“Mr. Park here was way too eager,” Kyungsoo butted in.
“Shut up, Kyungsoo!”
“Wahhh you must really love her ~ ,” you sang, moon-eyed.
“Clearly. He couldn’t even wait for the rest of us to finish singing the birthday song for his Eomma.”
“Yeah! He popped the question to Aera right in the middle of it.”
“That’s a story for another day,” replied Chanyeol in an atypically calm tone, “but you’re right, Shifu, it’s not enough time and that’s why I’ve been asking this idiot to just -”
“All reservations are for three. It logistically makes more sense to reschedule,” declared Kyungsoo with a hint of finality in his tone.
It didn’t. It definitely didn’t make more sense to reschedule but as gullible as Chanyeol was, he said nothing to counter Kyungsoo’s illogical argument.
“Are you sure your friend Yixing would be okay with it, Yeollie? I’m sure you can wait for him to get better and -”
Firmly setting his jaw, Chanyeol looked you square in the eyes and stated, “It's now or never.”
Kyungsoo stole a glance at you and cleared his throat, hesitance betraying his voice when he spoke again, “Chanyeollah, you’re only getting married stop talking like you’re terminally ill.”
Chanyeol's expression softened to convey an implicit plea causing you to tweak your suggestion, “The two of you can still go? I’m sure Yixing won’t mind.”
But Chanyeol hit you with an unexpected proposal. He asked, “Do you want to come?”, in a tone that was way too serious for a road trip.
“What? No!”
“Why not? You’re here and - “
“- and Yixing’s not,” interrupted Kyungsoo.
Ignoring the sarcasm in Kyungsoo’s voice, you turned Chanyeol down gently, “No, Yeol, it’s just- it doesn’t make sense, bub.”
“Why not? We leave in a month and that’s plenty of time to get all your travel docs in order -”
“Travel docs? You mean….insurance?” You asked hesitantly.
“Yeah! Insurance...you won’t need a visa, though.”
“Visa? Yeah, obviously I won’t be needing a visa. Why would I need a visa for a road trip?”
Chanyeol slapped his forehead and wondered aloud, “Oh, shoot! We didn’t tell her, did we?”
Kyungsoo gave his head a little shake, prompting you to ask, “Tell me what?”
“It’s a road trip through uhhh northeastern Spain -”
Chanyeol’s elaborate account of the itinerary was drowned in the whirlpool of emotions that erupted within you at the mention of the country. That part of your life you had locked away in the deepest, darkest corners of your consciousness now stared you straight in the eyes, forcing you to acknowledge a reality far too jarring for your fragile state of mind. You took a sip of your long forgotten beverage to centre yourself but it didn’t take a genius to know that something was up.
Placing a hand on your head, he asked softly, “What is it, Shifu? I understand if you can’t leave Eomma alone at this point...”
“It’s not Eomma,” you took another sip of the drink to fight the lump in your throat, “Eomma is - Eomma is in Bucheon, visiting her sister. For I don’t know how long but...long.”
“Is it work?” contributed Kyungsoo.
“I quit my job,” you answered and he looked at you as if you, a total stranger, had just asked him his body count.
Chanyeol took your hand in his and reiterated, “Come, then? You need this.”
Your gaze bounced between the two men who wore the exact same expression in expectation of two entirely different answers. And whatever you chose to say next, you were sure to disappoint one of them.
Eyes unfocussed, a deafening ringing echoing in your ears, you declared softly, “I need this,” with a million unpleasant scenarios running through your head, making you sick to the stomach.
Chanyeol pulled you in for a bear hug. Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and let out a deep, disappointed sigh.
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gubler-me-up · 4 years
Two Left Feet
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Request: heyyy could u pls do a spencer x fem!reader where it’s jj and will’s wedding. people have been convincing spencer to dance all night but he just admires reader dancing from afar (they’re both crushing on each other) eventually he dances with her to “can’t take my eyes off of you” and ends with a kiss?? kinda specific but i think i’d be super cute
A/N: Thanks for the prompt, @l0ve-0f-my-life​! I hope this is cute enough for you 🥺I tried to make it as sweet as possible without giving you any cavities LOL I wasn’t sure which version of Can’t Take My Eyes Off You you wanted, so I didn’t specify, I hope that’s okay! Hope you enjoy!
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff
Content warning: Nothing just pure fluff
Word count: 1.5k
JJ and Will’s wedding was probably the most beautiful wedding you had been to in a while. After all the chaos the day before brought to the team it felt as if this was the sweetest outcome to happen. It was about time JJ gave in to Will’s proposal.
JJ was extra beautiful that evening in her mother’s wedding gown as she walked down the aisle to meet Will to exchange vows. You and Garcia couldn’t contain your emotions as you watched JJ and Will exchange their vows. You had your money on Penelope shedding the first tear, but you found  little tears escaping your eyes before hers even formed. Maybe you were the bigger sap when it came to romance.
During the reception, you were able to take a few pictures of everyone looking gorgeous in their formal wear. Seeing everyone in such a celebratory mood was definitely something you wanted to capture and save forever. Some of your favourite pictures were with Spencer and Derek because their dynamics were so different when it came to poses. Derek was all for the camera while Spencer wasn’t quite sure how he should pose. Another set of pictures you loved were the ones with the JJ, Emily and Penelope. Those pictures reminded you of how lucky you were to have those three amazing women in your life.
The best part of any wedding was when everyone got a chance to bust a move on the dance floor. You loved dancing and it was even more satisfying to do with a crowd. With a dangerous amount of alcohol in everyone’s systems, no one was shying away from the dance floor. Well, almost no one.
You had been dancing with anyone who approached you. Whether it was a slow song or dance song, you didn’t hesitate to bust a move. Emily and Derek were probably the only two other people who could out dance you which made dancing with them even more fun. Seeing Hotch smiling and dancing was even a better sight to see. It made it seem as if he had a bit of happiness left in him, which made you happy.
Seeing JJ and Will dance so close to each other gave you something to admire. You wish you had someone to hold as intimately as they held each other. The thought made you realize you hadn’t seen Spencer on the dance floor at all. You looked around to see where he could be hiding. You went over to where Penelope and Derek were getting their two-step on.
“Hey, guys. Have you seen, Spence?” You asked.
Derek smirked. “You mean Dr. Won’t dance, but will admire from afar?”
You raised a questionable eyebrow. Derek spared you from any further confusion when he pointed towards a table to your right. You saw Spencer sitting there, pretending to look off into space. You kept your eye on him until he finally peaked back your way. You gave him a smile and a tiny wave. He awkwardly waved back before he looked away again.
You turned back to Derek. “Why isn’t he dancing?”
“We’ve all been asking him the same thing all night, but he says he’s content sitting and watching everyone have a good time,” he explained.
“Which is total bullshit because he’s been looking at you dance the whole night,” Penelope chimed in.
You blushed. “Really? How do you know he’s been looking at me specifically?”
“Well, that’s the real reason we’ve all been pushing him to come out and dance. He obviously wants to dance with you, but doesn’t know how to ask. He’s not as smooth as the king of persuasion over here,” Derek joked.
Penelope playfully rolled her eyes as she light hit his chest. “Oh please, the only reason you can persuade is because of that sly smile of yours. Reid is a little ball of nerves and adorable awkwardness. He just needs the right person to bring him out of his shell.”
“That would help. Who do you think could do that?” You asked.
“Y/N, you’re a whole profiler and you couldn’t figure out the right person for the job is you?” Derek joked.
“Me? But if I go over there now and ask him to dance with me, won’t he know you two told me to ask him to dance?” You asked.
“As long as his little butt gets on the dance floor with you, I don’t care if he knows we exposed him. Now go, my tiny dancer,” Penelope said.
You wanted to get a few final words in, but Derek and Penelope kept shooing you away. You sighed and made your way up to Spencer. You were thinking of the best ways to persuade him to dance with you. You knew how shy he was and how much he hated attention on him, so you would understand if he didn’t want to dance.
He had noticed you walking his way. He sat upright in his chair and smoothed his tie down. You could tell he was becoming nervous just by you approaching him. You made sure to soften your face and keep your smile gentle to show him there wasn’t anything to worry about.
“Hey, Spence, I’ve been looking all around for you. Why are you sitting? The dance floor too hot for you,” you joked.
He awkwardly smiled. “No, no, I-I, um, just wanted to sit for a while.”
“A while? Spence, ten songs have gone by already. That’s like almost an hour of you just sitting.”
“46 minutes and 27 seconds, but I’m not counting.”
You giggled. “Well, if you don’t wanna sit and “not count” anymore, we can dance.”
“Did Morgan and Garcia tell you to ask me? Don’t make them pressure you into doing anything,” he said.
You shook your head. “No. Well, they did tell me you have been watching me dance. Then again I’ve been trying to find you, so I guess we’ve both have been trying to see one another.”
You could see Spencer’s cheeks turn a rosy red when you said that. He licked his lips as he searched for the right words to respond with. As he thought of what to say you could hear Can’t Take My Eyes Off You playing. Without hesitation you grabbed Spencer’s hand and pulled him out of his seat.
“You have to dance with me for this one song. This is one of my favourite songs,” you told him as you dragged him onto the dance floor.
“Uh, okay,” he said.
You could hear the uncertainty in his voice, but you made sure to wipe that away when you pulled him close to you. A bright smile appeared across your face and he reflected it right back at you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he gently placed his hands on your waist.
“Y/N, I have a confession,” Spencer said.
You looked at him confused. “What is it?”
“I’ve been watching you dance, so I could analyze how to properly dance with you. I was nervous my dancing would embarrass you if I had asked you right away,” he said.
“Oh God, Spencer, you could never do anything to embarrass me. You’re dancing perfectly. I wouldn’t change a thing about this moment,” you said as you laid your head on his chest.
You could hear his heart racing inside his chest. Even the music couldn’t cancel out the beat of his heart fluttering at your words. It felt nice knowing your heart wasn’t the only one racing.
“You mean that?” He asked.
You lifted your head to look at him. “Of course.”
Before the moment left, you leaned up to kiss him. With no hesitation he kissed you back and pulled you in closer to him. The private moment between you two couldn’t last forever since the whistling and “awes” had already started. You two parted lips and looked around to see a few delighted eyes looking your way.
“Ugh, it’s about time they made some kind of move on each other,” you heard Penelope say.
You and Spencer turned your attention to the right to see Penelope, JJ and Derek staring at you guys with huge smiles. You and Spencer blushed from the attention they were giving you. You knew this faraway crush you had on each other was noticeable, but you didn’t know it was supported that much.
“I think there might be a possibility of another wedding soon,” JJ teased.
You giggled. “We’re gonna take things slow. Isn’t that right, Spence?”
He nodded. “Of course.”
“Take it slow in the streets, but take it fast in the sh-”
You cut off Derek by shooing them all away before the conversation went too in-depth. All three of them laughed and obliged as they went back to dancing. You and Spencer laughed to yourselves as you both went back to dancing.
You two went on to dance to a few more songs before the night ended. You didn’t need a camera to remember the feeling of Spencer holding you tight and dancing with you. You were glad there was something real between you two and that it was finally being put into action. You thought you should have tried harder to catch the bouquet earlier on in the night. Even though you didn’t it was definitely your night to dance with the man of your dreams.
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serowotonin · 4 years
˗ˏˋ 𝗴𝗼𝗹𝗱𝗲𝗻 𝗱𝗮𝘆𝘀 ˎˊ˗
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✰ PAIRING ( terushima yuuji x fem!reader ) ✰ WORDCOUNT ( 1.9k ) ✰ GENRE ( ansgt, songfic ) ✰ WARNINGS ( um one swear word, angst, implications of de*th )
all the memories that we make will never change we'll stay drunk, we'll stay tan, let the love remain and I swear that I'll always paint you golden days ♫ panic! at the disco
✰✰ NOTE.. so uH i think this is the first angst thing i wrote that im actually happy with and i know terushima isn’t someone a lot of ppl write for so to the few ppl who see this</3 hope u guys enjoy:”)
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“Ughh where is it,” Terushima grumbled to himself as he pulled open drawer after drawer. He had searched all the cabinets, all the tables, and just about every inch of his apartment but has yet to find his phone charger. 
As he closed the second to last drawer on this shelf, which held no phone charger, he pulled out his phone and saw it had 1% battery remaining. Quickly, he unlocked it and went to his contacts. Before he could make a call though, the screen turned black and he was left staring at a faint reflection of himself.
“Damn it,” he cursed under his breath. “She’s gonna get upset again.”
He clutched the now dead phone in one hand and ran the other through his hair, sighing in exhaustion. Today had been tiring enough with work and now he had this to deal with.
There was still one more drawer he hadn’t checked though. So, he lifted his hand out of his hair and pulled it wide open. 
In it sat a small box. 
He knew of its contents the moment he laid eyes on it. He also knew opening it now would only make him feel worse, not to mention, it would definitely delay his plans.
But for some reason, a longing for nostalgia or maybe the person that brought such nostalgia, his arms unconsciously moved to take the box into his hands.
Your words echoed in the back of his mind as he traced his fingers along the edges of the box.
“It’ll be like our little time capsule. For us to open when we’re all old and wrinkly…”
A deep sigh escaped his lips. 
Every rational thought that came into his head begged him not to open it, to put it back, to forget he even found it. 
Instead, his fingers moved to lift the cover and lay it down on the floor beside him.
And there you were... a polaroid of you at least. 
Your lips were curved in a sweet smile inviting him in and breaking his heart all over again. Up until now, he could barely recall what your face looked like when you were happy, truly happy. He could only remember the tears and regret you had on your face towards the end… 
But seeing you like this again, the wideness of your smile, the crinkle of your eyes… you radiated a joy and happiness he had begun to forget in you.
He stared at the picture for a good minute before turning it around to see the familiar strokes of your handwriting.
‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!’ and under it ‘(first pic taken with the polaroid my baby Yuuji got for me<3)’
“My baby Yuuji,” he whispered.
“Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you,” he sang softly into your ear as he held you from behind, swaying gently in tune. 
“Happy birthday dear Y/n.. Happy birthday to you~”
You turned to kiss the blond and he pulled you even closer to him. 
“I love you babe, happy birthday...” 
The tiredness he had felt just moments ago seemed to have fluttered away when he found you again in the polaroids, and a longing burst from the depths as he put the picture down and picked up another one, his hands once again moving on their own will.
This one had the two of you standing together, backs facing the camera. It was taken at a beach when the sun was still high in the sky and the water glistened blue. But it wasn’t the scenery that appealed to him, nor was it the way the sun wrapped around you two in perfect golden light. 
It was how close you were to him. The physical distance between you two was barely existent. Your arms were wrapped around his waist and his were draped over your shoulders. 
‘Sea breeze, cute outfit, sand between my toes, and 1 Terushima Yuuji… Damn was today great.’
How he would give to be that close to you again.
“Ok 3, 2, 1…”
You clung on to him as tight as you could and he smiled, pulling you closer. 
At the sound of the camera click and the hum of the photo being printed, you let go and quickly turned around to thank the woman for taking the picture.
When you did that he felt off; as if a part of his body was just yanked away. It wasn’t an extreme feeling, nor was it painful in any way. It was more just a lingering emptiness that was put to rest a few seconds later when you were back by his side again.
He put his arm back on your shoulder and peered down at the polaroid in your hand. You were staring at the photo patiently waiting for the colors to fade in. And when it finally did, you smiled satisfactorily at it before tucking it away and flashing another smile to the man right next to you.
Terushima closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and tried to clear his mind. It’s been years, he shouldn’t be dwelling on the past like this.
And yet, there was comfort in the pain the memories brought.
When he opened his eyes, they landed on yet another photo of you. And as he has been for a good part of his life, he was drawn to you. Reaching out a hand, he picked it up and let the memories wash over him once more.
After a while, he set it down and picked up another. And another. And another. Each capturing a moment with you he would never get back. 
It’s been years since he’s had to learn to live without you. Truthfully though, he never did learn how. The sun became a little dimmer, the rain a little harder, the breeze a little less refreshing. The world lost its vibrancy when he lost you. He adapted, got used to the dullness, but he couldn’t learn to live the same anymore...
He picked up another polaroid.
This one didn’t have either of your faces on it. It just showed the two of you holding hands against a dark background.
The bottom held no words but instead an arrow pointing to the right. Terushima turned the polaroid and saw a small envelope attached to the back. Curious, he opened it up and pulled out the piece of paper snuggled inside.
‘This one’s a bit longer than any other note I’ve written for a polaroid but… I kinda just realized smth really important. He drove me out at 3AM in the morning to get food because I said I was hungry. Then we sat in his car listening to some old mixtapes he had. They were pretty crappy but it didn’t matter. I love Terushima Yuuji. I’ve said it a million times before but last night it really hit me, hard. I love him in a way I’d never be able to love anyone else. 
I want to go on more dates with him. more stupid dates, more romantic ones, more 3AM dates, more cuddle dates. And even though it might be selfish of me, I want to spend my every breathing minute with him. 
If I can’t have anything else in this then I just want these golden days of ours to last forever..’
And before he realized it, tears were rolling down his cheeks. Fuck it all. He missed you. He missed the days you had together, the nights spent in each others’ arms. He missed you so much it tore a hole in his heart and all he could see when he looked at the sunlight drifting through the window was just darkness. 
It pained him to know that everything you wanted was all he ever needed. It pained him that he hadn’t realized this until it was too late. And it pained him most that you were never coming back.
Why’d you have to leave? 
He tried so hard to stop asking this question, and for a while, he was successful. But the polaroids, your handwriting, the memories, you.. there was just so much pain in the happiness of the past. 
But you were gone. He had accepted that long ago. 
“Terushima, you in here?” a familiar voice called from outside. 
Right, he forgot about Misaki. Wiping any tears left on his face, he put all the polaroids back in the box, covered the lid, and left the room.
“DADDY!!” a little girl yelled, running at him full speed. He bent down and lifted her into his arms effortlessly.
“Oh you’ve gotten heavier. How much has Misaki been feeding you huh?” he teased.
The little girl pouted as she pointed to the floor signaling she wanted to be put down. Terushima chuckled and did so.
Walking over to a slightly annoyed-looking Misaki, he muttered an apology for not going to pick her up and a thanks for taking care of his daughter. 
“Hey wait, you look like you’ve been crying… Are you ok Teru?” she asked, eyes showing her concern.
He let out a deep sigh. 
“I uh- I found a box with some old pictures of Y/n and I just-”
She put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it reassuringly. 
“Look, I know you miss her and I know you know this, but don’t get too stuck in the past. Focus on what you have now,” she said looking in the direction of the young girl who had made her way over to the small pile of stuffed animals on the couch.
He rubbed his face and nodded, “Yeah. Yeah, thank you Misaki.”
“Ok,” she replied with a sympathetic smile. “I’ll be going then.” 
Terushima nodded again and after she said bye to his daughter, he walked her to the door.
Turning back he leaned on the wall and looked affectionately at the girl playing on his couch. She was still so young, but it’s been almost 5 years now that he’s taken care of her. 
Time seemed to fly by with her and yet it felt like so long ago he welcomed her to the world. 
He understood now the past and its memories were something to be treasured. It was not something to cling on tightly though. The golden days of the past are gone, but the glittering rays that coated the floor and walls of his living room tell him it’s a new age. 
It was an age he had to cherish well.
Deciding to do something he’s been putting off, he walked back into his room and brought out the box with all its polaroids and memories.
“Yui, come here. I want to show you something.”
She stared at him before taking one frayed teddy bear into her hands and walking over to her father. Taking his outreached hand, she looked at the box he held in his other.
Sitting at the top of the pile was a photo of a beautiful woman. The sun was shining bright in the background and the light swirled around her as if she was wrapped in a golden halo.
“Is she an angel?” Yui asked innocently, pointing to the picture.
“You got that right,” he replied with a sad smile. “She’s the most beautiful angel out there..”
He watched as the young girl picked up the photo, seemingly mesmerized.
“That angel is your mom.”
“My mom?” she echoed. “Mommy is an angel?”
He smiled and ruffled her hair, “She sure is, and you know what? She’s looking out for us from heaven, so you better be a good girl for her, okay?”
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✰✰ NOTE.. pls lemme know if u guys thought this was angsty enough sdkjlsdg,,,, i dunno i can’t seem to tell whether angst is painful enough yet;-; also don’t mind the name yui dkglsd it was the first one i could think of T-T
✰✰✰ TAGLIST.. @lilikags @luna-in-luv​ @kureyama​
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lord-explosion-baku · 4 years
Hizashi x reader
Summary: Hizashi picks up a fan to bring back to his place to make a special little home movie ;)
Warnings: s m u t, swearing, Hizashi gets a little rough, and uhhh... a bit of yandere at the end... 
A/N: I hadn’t ever written Present Mic sm*t before, so i decided to give it a go. I couldn’t help but make him a little crazy at the end there. I am who I am.
“Damn baby, how are you so wet already? Is it cuz you like bein’ the star of the show or is it cuz you like me?”
You blushed and quirked your head to the side, letting your hair fall over your shoulder while you bit your lip. Such a bashful little thing. And when you looked directly at the camera to whisper, “maybe I just like you,” Hizashi’s heart nearly leapt out of his chest. 
Goddamn you were so cute—perfect for the camera. Hizashi was going to make you his masterpiece. 
Hizashi brought his hand to your cheek and his ringed thumb, still wet from petting your pretty pussy, brushed gingerly across your lips. You eyed him with eager trepidation. 
“Show me how much you like me, hon,” he said, adjusting the camera so it framed that gorgeous face perfectly. “Kiss the ring.”
You pressed your plush lips against the ring on his thumb, then slowly moved toward the tip, kissing it before Hizashi pushed it into your warm, inviting mouth. He crooned, “that’s a good girl. Open your mouth more, give the camera a show, yeah?” 
You did as you were told, showing off your tongue before you closed your mouth around his thumb. You hummed as you sucked it from the base to the tip, repeating the motion several times, knowing that you were teasing the voice hero with that deceivingly innocent gaze. You closed your eyes and swirled your hot tongue around his digit, acting as if his thumb was a sweet treat—something you wanted to savor. As hot as Hizashi thought it was, he couldn’t help but think that you got it all wrong; you were the sweet treat that he was raring to devour. 
“Fuck,” Hizashi hissed, pulling his hand away from your mouth only to grasp a fistful of your hair. He felt himself throbbing against his tightening, leather pants. If he didn’t fuck you soon, he was sure to explode. He crushed his lips into your mouth, pleased to see just how willing you were to part your pretty lips so that he could snake his tongue between your teeth to deepen the kiss. He pushed you back into the bed and let the camera scan over your bare body. A hand reached down to paw at your beautiful breasts, his middle and index finger to pinching your hardening nipples while he squeezed harshly. He whispered lovingly at you while your nails scaled his arms, offering him delightful tickles that got the hair on the back of his neck standing straight up. You were so soft, so good, so compliant and ready to be used. He gave your breast a light smack! and the cute little yelp you gave back was music to his ears. 
While he propped his elbow on the bed, Hizashi filmed himself kissing you down your quivering body. He enjoyed your zealous sighs, noting when and where he should be paying closer attention to when your breath hitched or you’d give out a surprised giggle. Your fingers massaged the top of his silky, yellow head while he ran his hand up your cushiony thighs so he could push them apart, granting easy access to your all-too-ready entrance. 
Hizashi passed you the handheld camera. “Keep that on your face, babydoll. I wanna see how hot I made you feel later down the line, kay?” 
“Mhmm,” you hummed, smiling at the camera lens. You blew it a little kiss and Hizashi felt his insides dissolve into liquids. You were just too damn adorable. 
With both of his hands now free, Hizashi had them on either side of your thighs. He relished the soft squish they gave whenever he pressed against them while he kissed at your pelvic bone. Your thighs were just too damn good that he couldn’t feel right leavin’ them neglected, so he kissed them, delicately at first, but as you hummed and sighed, egging him on, he started to get a little rougher, using his teeth to graze across the softest part of your flesh before biting down, suckling long enough to leave his lovely mark. You cursed under your breath and Hizashi looked up to see both of your hands raised over your head with the camera still pointing at your gorgeous face. Good girl. 
Hizashi licked a stripe up your wet pussy and let the real show begin. He lavished you with skilled tenacity, drawing maps across your skin with his pierced tongue, exploring your depths, fawning over your taste. “You’re so sweet, angelface. I could be down here all damn day.”
Hizashi got more excited when you started to moan—such a beautiful sound he never wanted to let come to an end. He suckled fiercely at your juicy entrance before he got to rolling his piercing around your blown-up bud. Your body shook. Greedily, you raised your ass to chase his mouth around and Hizashi had to buckle down on his hold of your thighs to keep you in place. 
“Mic,” you mewled, trying and failing to grind up against him. Your pussy was so flushed and he could tell you were getting close. “feelssogoood.” 
“Call me Hizashi, sweetheart,” he murmured into you, teasing you more with the reverberations of his low, lust-filled voice. “Think you can do that for me?” 
“Mmmmm ‘zashi…” 
Hizashi peered up over his tinted glasses to see you toying with your breasts, the camera pointing down at him. 
“Naughty girl,” he purred, prodding fingers sliding through your glistening folds. “I thought I told you to keep that camera on you.”
Your lips tugged up into a coy grin. “Couldn’t help it. You’re too handsome when you’re between my thighs…” 
“‘s that right?” Hizashi’s fingers pushed into your cunt and you groaned loudly. He curled into you, finding your g-spot immediately. Your free hand slammed into his bed and grasped violently at his sheets—jesus what a sensitive baby girl you were! “Turn the camera around, mama. I wanna see you.” 
Hizashi went back to eating you out with determined integrity. His tongue moved at a rapid pace while his fingers tucked against your walls over and over until he had you whimpering. Finally your back arched and you let out a long, pitiful moan and Hizashi felt your pussy spasm and flutter around his fingers. When he looked up, he saw that the camera was left abandoned on his bed and both of your hands were in your forehead. 
“Baby-girl,” he scolded, kissing your throbbing pussy. He moved up to pull your hands away from your face and frowned when you didn’t look the least bit apologetic. “Tell me you caught your big finish on film, mama. Tell me I get to see your solo later on.” 
Face flushing, you bit your lip. “Sorry.” 
Hizashi scoffed and pushed his slick-covered fingers into your ready mouth. “No, you’re not.” 
You shook your head and sucked your juices off his fingers. Hizashi pulsed against your thigh. 
“I thought you wanted to be my good girl,” he cooed, rubbing his index fingers against your damp bottom lip. He grabbed the camera and got off the bed. “C’mere.” 
You followed, eager and ready to be given more commands. He told you to get on your knees, and you did. The camera pointed down on you, waiting for you to comply without having to hear another one of Hizashi’s orders. Catching on, you undid his clanking, leather belt, pulled down his pants, and let his dick, dripping with pre-cum, spring loose. You took it into your soft hands. 
“Show that you can still be a good listener,” Hizashi told you. “Suck it—nice and slow baby.”
You licked up his shaft, once again making a good show out of it. You took your time coating him in your saliva with sloppy, languid kisses, paying close attention to the head of his sensitive cock. Your tongue rolled around him before you finally took him into your mouth. Your head bobbed down teasingly slow—so slow that Hizashi could help but grab your head and force you down further into his cock. 
“If you’re not gonna play nice, then I’m not gonna play nice, baby. That’s our deal.” 
You whimpered around him, but didn’t back down from the challenge. Instead, you chose to grab a sturdy hold of his hips to have a bit of control over him. He let go of his vice-grip on your head, but continued to play with your hair while he thrusted into your mouth. 
You were almost as skilled at giving head as he was; with practiced technique and the addition of you running your tongue along that thick vein he had running underneath his shaft, you had his balls tightening in no-time. 
“That’s—ahhh, fuck, that’s good sweetheart. That’s enough,” he assured, not wanting to spill out until the grand finale, but you didn’t let up. You grasped onto the base of his shaft and started pumping, ready to take him—all of him in. Hizashi didn’t know if you liked getting him riled up or if you were just over-excited, he was gonna fuck the living daylights out of you either way. To be fair, he liked that you could be a little naughty, but he wasn’t gonna let you run his whole show. 
Hizashi cursed and grabbed your head, pulling you off of his cock before it was too late. A string of saliva trailed from your lips to the tip of his shaft and he had the camera zoom in on it. 
“Beautiful,” he praised, lightly smacking your cheeks. “You almost had me there, hon. Just what kinda stunt are you tryna pull?” 
“No stunts,” you shot out in mock-humility, “I only wanna make you feel good.” 
“Oh yeah? Cuz to me it looks like you quite enjoy acting like a disobedient little bitch.” 
Hizashi watched your cheeks flush. Still, you didn’t miss a beat. “If you’re not gonna play nice, then I’m not gonna play nice, baby.” 
So. Fucking. Cute. Hizashi had to give it to you; he was not expecting the bratty ‘tude. The change in your temperament was riveting—enticing in a way that made him want to absolutely ruin you—to show you who the hero was in his little homemade movie. 
Hizashi brought himself down on you quickly. It took a moment to wrestle you to his bedroom floor, longer than it would have if he hadn’t been holding a camera, but he had you out in front of him with your ass pressed against his throbbing cock, staring into his floor-length mirror nonetheless. He had his hands woven into your hair—obviously the easiest way to control you, so he learned—and had you staring at your beautifully flustered expression in your reflection. 
Hizashi filmed himself sliding his cock against your sopping wet cunt, not yet entering you, but teasing you just enough to have you mewling for him to do so. The camera caught the torment on your face; he liked it and he was proud to know that he’d have it saved forever. 
“If you’re gonna act like a bitch, you’re gonna get fucked like a bitch. Got that?” He asked while his free hand slid down the curve of your sides. Your brows knitted together and you nodded. Hizashi’s tongue slid across his teeth as the head of his cock pressed into your entrance. He watched as your mouth fell open when he slid into you and—ohh fuck, god damn did you feel great. 
“So tight, babe,” Hizashi grunted, easing out of your constructive pussy. He thrusted back in and it wasn’t any easier to take the second time—even your fucking insides were perfect. “Didn’t think to warn me?” 
Your answer was a lengthy croon as if you hadn’t heard what he’d said. You weren’t so snarky when you were stuffed full of his cock, were ya? Hizashi thrusted into you and you yipped at the snap of his hips. So responsive. He smirked at you in the mirror and pulled you back by your hair so he could lean over and brush his lips across your neck. You shuddered when he whispered, “your ass is all mine, solid?” 
Hizashi did not start off at a charitable pace—no, he started drilling into you immediately. He was relentless in his endeavor to show you what was what. You were a noisy little thing, responding to every groove with a definitive plea, a sensual moan, a cracked out warble for more of him. He couldn’t stop grabbing your ass—it was perfect for the camera to see you fall back on his dick, to capture just how well you took him. He wanted to savor your sexy little peach. To him, this was a monumental fuck—top of the shelf, refined debauchery. Hizashi thanked the gods for modern technology and for you—the sweet little piece that you were. 
Hizashi pushed your head down as he mounted you tighter against him. He felt your squishy walls tighten around his pulsating member and let out a labored groan, fighting the urge to paint your walls in his hot, white seed. He wanted to claim you, to own you, to keep you here in his bedroom for whenever he needed to relieve himself. He baffled himself with the idea of starting a family full of rugrats with you. Holy shit, he felt like he could fall in love by just how well you fit around him. 
“Oh my god—oh my god, ‘Zashi, I’m-!” Your nails dug into his shag carpet as you panted and let out the cutest, broken squeal. Hizashi made sure to zoom in on your reflected face that was lost to euphoria this time around. It was fucking worth it. 
Hizashi gave out a raspy chuckle, only to be caught off-guard by the excruciating massage your rockin’ pussy was giving his dick. He let you ride out your climax for as long as he could before he had to pull out. He had to. If he didn’t, it would’ve ruined the movie. 
“Turn for me, sweetheart,” he urged, grunting as he pumped harshly at his cock. You did. “Open that slutty, little mouth.” 
Hizashi placed himself between your lips and let loose, blowing his hot load into your mouth. You hummed and Hizashi commanded you not to spit. 
“Show it to me, ma. Show me how much you love my cum.” 
You stuck your tongue out, displaying the proof of his love to the camera. 
“That’s so fucking hot, babe.” Hizashi caressed your burning cheeks. Hot. Hot. Hot. “Now swallow.” 
You gulped and grinned widely at him. “You taste so good,” you purred, eager to be praised. 
Hizashi pet your head, trailed a finger down to your jaw, to your chin, and tipped you up into a kiss. 
“Such a good listener,” he said and he turned the camera off. 
This might be getting a little excessive, but Hizashi popped the CD back into the computer and hit play. He watched that sweet girl strip for him for the seventh time that evening and it never failed to get him hard. 
“Damn, ma,” he muttered while watching you eagerly wiggle around his bed. He checked his phone to see that you still hadn’t responded to his text he’d sent three hours ago. You hadn’t spoken to him at all since this exchange and it burned him to think that the two of you could have had such a world-warping experience and you didn’t think to send him so much as a smiley face back when he told you he missed you. 
Hizashi began stroking himself with one hand, listening to that seraphic voice say, “maybe I just like you,” while flipping around on his phone to check your social media accounts with the other. 
He couldn’t find you. 
“What the fuck?” 
Hizashi checked again. Three more times. Nothing. 
Hizashi growled. This won’t do at all. You blocked him? Unbelievable. 
He was getting angry. He didn’t stop touching himself though. That woman on the screen was too hard to deny. He came fast and this time on his laptop when the camera was just on your face. He heard your moans from when he was going down on you. It was too easy to get him there when all he had to do was listen to you. 
He couldn’t help but think that maybe if he had come inside of you—a maddeningly dark feeling loomed over his shoulders. 
Hizashi had assets. He could find out where you lived. As a pro hero it wasn’t hard to track someone down—say they were up to no good and had to be watched. Closely. He could confront you—see what all this was about. He was pretty sure he took care of you; you came twice for God’s sake! He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. 
I’ll look into it, he promised himself, wiping off his computer screen. I’ll look into it as soon as I’m done watching this video. 
TAGS FOR EVERYTHING: @ayeputita @yandere-inamorata @dee-madwriter @unboundbnha @rizamendoza808, @rubycubix@smbody-stole-mycar-radio @zellllyyyy@sarcastictextstuck@kpanime @lemonlordleah-shinzawa-kitten @captain-sin-allmight-queen @psionicsnow@wickedlewicked @ghost-of-todoroki @kattariapenn@im-an-adult-sometimes @bnhya @local-senpai@eggpienutbuttercroissant@usernamekate94 @reyvenclaww @hi-ho-and-hello 
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thr-333 · 4 years
Mismatch- Part 17
Bio Dad Bruce Wayne Month 2020
“Push me off the roof you coward!”
First< Previous > Next
“So do you want to be Batman or should I?” Marion brings out the two outfits identical in every way except size.
“It’s not actually dressing up,” Marinette scolds fixing her hair.
“Well then you single handedly ruined halloween,” Marion grins coming up behind her, “Everyone wears them for it,”
“Don’t exaggerate,” Marinette watches him warily in the mirror, prepared to defend if-when he makes a move to mess up her hair.
“So Batman or Robin?” Marion holds the outfits up, dangerous close to her head.
“I don’t care,” Marinette stands up, spinning around, using the chair as a shield.
“Coin flip then,” Marion drapes them over the chair, “Oooh foreshadowing!”
“Please tell me you're going to take this marginally seriously?” Marinette leans back on the dresser as he fishes for a coin.
“You’re starting to sound like our manager,” Marion flips the coin with extra flare, “Heads,”
“You should thank Kate for setting this up,” Marinette catches the coin before he can, “Tails,”
She takes the Robin outfit from the chair, ducking Marion as she passes.
“You know I don’t think Kate wants to see me,” Marion takes his outfit behind the opposite curtain, “She's pretty stressed something will go wrong,”
“In Gotham?” Marinette pokes her head out the curtain on the other side of the room.
“I know, crazy right,” Marion also peaks through the curtain, “Where would she get that idea?”
“Who knows?” Marinette cheekily grins before ducking back behind the curtain.
“If we get attacked again I think we might give aunt- I mean,” Marion pauses pulling on his grey turtleneck, “ugh, this is hard,”
“Mari, the outfits are designed for easy use,” Marinette teases, tone sounding half hearted even from this distance.
“What are you calling her in your head?” Marion pulls the turtle neck down all the way.
“Selina,” Marinette answers, as he shrugs on his hooded crop top over the turtleneck, split into two colours to make a vague bat-shape. “Although I just avoid saying it out loud,”
“Great minds think alike,” Marion pulls on his grey leggings, that Marinette had thankfully made into thermals.
“I’m the only great mind here,” Marinette teases, Marion lets out fake gasp as he pulls a pair of shorts over his leggings, “You just like to copy,”
“How dare you!” Marion pulls the curtains aside dramatically, Marinette doesn't even look up from where she's putting on bracelets, “Dishonour! Dishonour on you, Dishonour on your kwami! Dis-”
“Hey!” Tikki flies out of the backpack.
“Sorry Tikki,” Marion looks away from the fuming Kwami, trying to avoid her by pulling on his black and blue boots.
“It’s ok Tikki,” Marinette finishes putting green and gold bracelets up to her elbows, “He’s just trying to be funny,”
“And succeeding!” Marion corrects, smoothing a mask over his eyes.
“Ah-ha,” Marinette stands, black and yellow scarf flaring out at the back.
“You know I don’t think she agrees,” Marion stage whispers to Plagg from his bag.
“Ah-ha,” Plagg says in the same tone, as Marion is pulling on his black gloves.
“Traitors, all of you,”
“Hey look,” Marinette bumps his shoulder, nodding towards someone.
“It’s Jason,” Marion whispers back excitedly, moving to wave.
“MCD doesn't know him,” Marinette grabs his arm, “Let’s hope this isn’t as awkward as it was with Chloe,”
“I thought that was fun,”
“Of course you did,”
"Hi," Jason approaches nervously, completely different to how Marion's met him before, it's cute.
"Oh hello, stranger," Marion grins, ignoring the kick from Marinette, he'll be careful, it's fine he's got this, "Whats your name?"
"Jason," Oh my God he's blushing!
"Jasin," Marion repeats pretending to write on what he was handed.
"Um…." Jason looks like he's about to correct Marion, this will be perfect- "yep,"
Fuck fuck fuck i though he would correct me fuck, Marinette help!  Marinette rolls her eyes at his pleading look.
"Jason, CD," Pointing to the page without writing, "son,"
"Ohhhh Jason,” Marion says, as if he had come to some amazing realisation, Marinette looks like she wants to slap him, “haha, sorry, of course, I just didn’t hear you right, because I don’t know your name, why would I know your name? It's-"
Marinette rightfully cuts off his rambling with a swift kick, that both knew would never actually hurt him. At least Jason looks just as embarrassed as him, neither quite knowing how to start the conversation back up,"
"How about we take a picture?" Marinette says, their saving grace.
"Yeah, that would be great," Jason fumbles for his phone, Marion hopes his mask will cover his blush, as he remembers what Jason had said about him at dinner, the only reason he was blushing.
They take a nice picture together. Then one where Marion throws bunny ears behind MDC. She swats his hand away and he pushes her out of frame. The next picture is one of him and Jason with Marinette rising up, like a threatening blur in the background.
"Aw thats a nice picture" Marion looks over Jason shoulder, they were meant to be with the next person already but they were a design hopeful, babbling to MDC about her designs, "You should send it to me,"
"Of course," Jason seems flustered with his proximity, enough so that he didn't see Marion's trap.
"Great heres my number," Marion quickly writes it down on blank piece of paper, a picture seeming a bit too narcissistic at that point.
"Well you have to send it to me someway," Marion shrugs, conveniently ignori-forgetting that pictures were sent through his social media all the time.
"Right... right," Jason seems to be in a bit of a daze when Marion sends him off, standing next to Marinette as the fan leaves.
They watch Jason leave. Marinette starts giggling when he almost runs into a wall.
“Are you ok?" Marion asks, partly for the security guard who was waiting for their ok to send the next person up.
“You are such a dork,” She breaths through her upcoming laughter, “I think I need a minute,”
“Fine but if I get a hopeful fashion designer I’m telling them your new direction is crocs,” Marion huffs, not really insulted, but if he didn't act it she would only up the anti.
“Do it and your casket will be made out of crocs,” Marinette threatens ineffectively, walking to the backstage door.
“I kinda want to see that,”
“You’d be dead,” Marinette calls from the door.
“Minor issue,”
Marinette waves him off, which could have been an aborted swat. He watches as the crowd nearby begin whispering, some offering others to go first to stall for time. Marion plans to shove this in her face next time Marinette claims she isn’t popular. He’s about to take a camera out for evidence when one of the groups, fast tracked but the crowd, approaches.
Marion goes to do his more basic greetings when a gun is shoved in his face. The group made up of armed men surrounding him, one holding a camera.
“Smile for the camera,” The figure pulls his coat back, revealing the frankly disturbing face of the Joker.
“Oh it’s you,” Marion keeps a blank face, evidently confusing him, “Any chance two-face will show up?”
“.... No?” Marion fights to keep his composure as the crowd are threatened by the remaining thugs, pushing them to the ground.
“Pity, what a waste of good foreshadowing,” Marion shrugs casually, that camera is probably filming.
“What,” Marion supposes its a rare thing to see the Joker taken aback, but watching a group of armed men storm backstage distracts him from the sight.
“Nothing, I just made a brilliant joke earlier and you're sort of ruining it,” Marion makes exaggerated gestures, testing his limits, the guns follow him but don’t shoot. “Anyway are you here for an autograph or what?”
“I’m not-” He watches the Joker's face twist in gruesome realisation, “you’re trying to stall me,”
“Stall you from what?” Marion tries not to make his scan of the crowd obvious, “Please go in depth,”
“How about on the way up to the roof?” Chilling smile, but Marion is too used to fear to let it get to him.
“Oh goodie, I hear it has wonderful views,” Marion claps his hands, probably getting weird looks from the goons hiding behind masks, but who are they to judge?
He’s guided to the elevator. The Joker making the mistake of not tying his hands, or gagging him. He feels Kaalki and Plagg tense in his pocket.
“Huh, no elevator music,” Marion observes as the elevator starts to rise, “I just kind of expected it at this point,”
“You are strange,” Marion makes the mistake of glancing over, the Joker does not seem perturbed by that fact.
“You’re telling me that?” Marion tilts his head, “Actually that's quite the achievement,”
The Joker starts to go on about his plan, something about throwing MCD off the roof in front of the crowd for whatever reason, he’s not really listening. No, instead he’s made his own plan. There's no way Marinette was caught, not when she has no one to look after. She must be somewhere in the building, probably as Sparrow. It’s best if Sparrow and Songbird are seen near their other identities as little as possible, so he had to deal with the camera. If she saw the footage, which was probably being broadcast (a brilliant idea, really, no problems with that) she would intercept them. The best position would be on the elevator, but he had to buy time.
The cameras closest so he strikes, hitting it out of the goons hand, mid sentence. In the split second confusion he hits the number panel, lighting up all but a few.
“Huh, that was easy,” Marion says with genuine surprise.
“And here I thought you were being a good hostage,” Marion feels several guns press against him, but it’s only the pistol with the Joker at the end that worries him.
“Sorry to disappoint,” Marion smirks cockily, the threats turning more violent.
No, not threats, promises. Marion debates calling on Kaalki, while he’s still able too. It wouldn’t be great for a miraculous to be seen in a different country, but better than the one that can teleport than Ladybug. If Marinette couldn’t stop them in time she would surely turn to Ladybug and pick him up as he falls, right in front of the crowd and cameras. Not great.
There were other heroes in Gotham, they both knew. And if it was just him at stake he would put faith in them. But it’s not. He’s Chat Noir and there's not enough time to train a new Black Cat, not anymore.
The elevator finally reaches the top. Marion braces to help Marinette fight on the other side of the door. It opens. There’s no one. Great, great, great .
“Well, well, well why don’t we see what's behind that mask and carve up your pretty face, hm?” Joker leads him close enough to the edge of the building that anyone else should be scared.
“That sounds counter productive,” Might as well try plan b, he should have come up with one, but as is he’ll have to wing it, “Weren’t you going to throw me off the roof?”
“Eager aren't you?” Not really  “After, promise,”
That grin paired with the knife inching closer should scare him, but honestly the only thing that truly scares him anymore is someone going for his ring, or Ladybug’s.
“What's the point? I’d be dead soon anyway, sounds like a waste of time,” Marion debates adding a yawn to match the tone, but it seems like overkill.
“A few screams are never a waste of time,” Marion is backed up further to the edge of the roof, able to see the fretting crowd below.
“Sounds to me like you just don’t have any confidence,” Marion says with all the sass he can muster, which is a lot.
“Oh, do explain,” The knife inching closer to the edge of his mask encourages the opposite, but he was never much good with warnings.
“If you really believe your plan will work and I wouldn’t be saved by I-don’t-know, Batman?” Yep that strikes a cord, probably not the best cord to strike with a knife in your face, oh well his wounds will heal soon anyway, “Then you’d throw me over the roof, a few cuts doesn't matter much when your dead,”
He can see the gears turning, debating if there's merit to his bullshit or if it’s just that. Honestly Marion doesn't know either.
“Revealing my identity and stuff is just a way for you to feel like you’ve won when Batman beats you,” He carefully doesn't emphasise the ‘when’, making it sound casual, like a given fact, “Cutting my face is just admitting you think the heroes will win,”
Just a little bit more. He’s almost pulled off plan ‘b’ for bat-shit crazy. He has the horse miraculous in his grip, Kaalki won’t like it but it's hard to put glasses on in mid air.
“Besides, won’t the mask leave a bit more impact?”
Hook. Line. Sinker.
“You really think the Bats going to save you huh?” The grin is unnerving, so Marion matches it with one of his own.
“I do,” He challenges, chin tilted up, “do you,”
He hears a cackle that would have surely appeared in his fear toxin dream if he heard it before. He’s pushed, vest twisted in the jokers grip, trying to stay balanced on the very edge.
“I like you kid,” And yeah, by that smile it’s not a good thing.
“Goodie,” Marion says sardonically, ignoring the shouting below, probably because his torso is all the way off the edge.
“Make sure to scream,” He feels the grip loosen, not having the natural response to grab onto something.
“I won’t,” he sends one last smirk as he’s dropped, weight sending him off balance and off the edge.
He’s in free fall and knows the screaming is not his own. He’s too busy debating the right time to transform. The street is getting closer and closer, no staff or grappling hook to save him.
The air gets knocked out of him at the sudden change in directions. He can feel the arm and hears the glass shattering. For all the speed of a few seconds ago he is not expecting the quiet that follows. He’s leaning forward against someone's chest, both crouched down inside the building he just fell from. He recognises the shade of red first, Marinette had spent weeks with it pinned up all over their room and Marion has been wearing it ever since. He relaxes.
“Are you ok?” He gets pulled back from the chest, his complaints are cut off, a gloved hand tracing over his cheek, he feels the sting so it must be cut.
“Yeah I’m fine,” Probably not convincing, since his crush is the closest he’s ever been and Marion is almost the same shade of red.
“You’re fine?” The disbelief is clear and it takes Marion a second to realise why.
“I mean… Oh no! Trauma!” Marion tries to fall dramatically but the arm still on his back catches him.
“Good thing you’re a popstar not an actor,” Marion feels relief at the stiff atmosphere relaxing.
“Excuse you,” He snaps back up, poking Red Hood’s chest, smirking, “I’d make a wonderful actor,”
“Yeah, yeah,” Red Hood looks away, as far as Marion can tell with the helmet, “You sure you’re ok?”
“Yes, are you?” Marion stresses, remembering that he broke through the glass.
“... what?” Red Hood's full attention comes back to him.
“Are you ok?” Marion tries not to get annoyed at the answer, humour then, “After all breaking through a window isn’t much fun,”
You idiot you can't use his line on him ! Not in different identities! What if he figures it out?!
“Yeah.. yeah," He looks away again, "I’m… great,”
Marion smiles, guess things did turn out great in the end.
“CD!” Marion jumps out his skin, both suddenly realising how they looked and stand, Marinette runs right up to him, “Are you ok!?”
“Yep I’m… great,” Marion exchanges a private glance with Red Hood as Marinette frets over him.
“Thank goodness,” She sighs, shoulders sagging, then coming back up to hit him over the head, “Then why are you such an idiot!”
“Natural talent?” Marion rubs the spot, she put some Ladybug strength in that one.
“At least you’re good at something,” She sighs, brushing her hand over the spot.
“Rude,” Marion pouts, even as his head feels better, and his cut is startling to close up.
“If every things ok then,” Red Hood says awkwardly, “I’ve got a clown to go beat up,”
I Forgot!! How do you forget that! Marion yells at himself When your crush saves you from falling to your death…. Less romantic than it seemed in the moment.
“Have fun….” Marion waves, increasing the awkwardness ten fold, “dear god, I am an idiot!”
He groans into Marinette's shoulder after Red Hood left.
“Yes, but blush later, we need to be ready to provide backup,” Marinette pulls him out of the room stepping over broken glass.
“Uh- yeah! Right! lets go,” Marion snaps out of it, running after her.
“You are such a mess,” She insults as they jog, or with their speed, sprint up the stairs.
“Of all people you don’t get to call me that,” Marion needn't remind her of how she spilt orange juice all over herself at breakfast.
“... You just fell off a building, I was talking about your clothes,” Marinette has on her, ‘you’re an idiot’ face, well practiced that one.
“But yeah you are a walking disaster,” She speeds up.
“Hey!” Marion sprints after her.
They reach the roof, not as out of breath as they should be.
“I thought I told you to stay put?” Red Hood snaps, alone on the roof.
“You didn’t,” They chorus coincidentally.
“I thought you had common sense,”
“We don’t,” They chorus on purpose.
Red Hood just shakes his head, probably smiling under the helmet.
“So the Joker escaped?” Marinette is the first to wipe the grin off her face.
“He was gone when I got up here,” Red Hood shrugs, “Waiting on intel,”
Probably from oracle.
“I didn’t say thank you!” Marion realises, not used to being the one saved.
“You don’t have to,” He looks away again, “Just doing my job,”
“But I want to,” Marion walks into his line of sight “So thank you,”
“Yeah well… thanks too I guess,” He looks away again and it's starting to get annoying.
“For what,” Marion leans over enough that he should be in sight, but he can't see his eye to confirm.
“I like the outfit you designed off me,” Marion freezes, almost stumbling over, “The interview was… entertaining,”
With that killing blow, a grappling hook is sent out and Red Hook is whisked away.
“.... Hey, can I borrow your miraculous?” Marion says blankly when Marinette comes to stand by him, “I need to wish myself out of existence real quick,”
@technicallyburninggarden @fusser90  @misslenamooney @superbwhispersconnoisseur @biodad-bruce-month @nalu-ismyjam
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hopelesshawks · 4 years
Official Accounts Part 34 (Bakugo Route)- Together
Summary: (y/n) was perfectly happy remaining anonymous, even if her best friends were all pro heroes and she worked under THE Hawks. Handling the technical aspects of hero work from the background suited her just fine, thank you very much. That goes out the window when suddenly her twitter blows up thanks Denki and the famed no. 2 hero is asking her to run his own official twitter as a result
If you don’t want to see Official Accounts content blacklist #hopelessoa
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You’re nervous too. The information crashes over Bakugo like a wave. You’re nervous too. You’re nervous too. You’re nervous too.
Granted there are a million reasons you could be nervous. You could be nervous about going to such a formal event. You could be nervous about mingling with so many top heroes. You could be nervous because it’s such short notice. But you could also be nervous because it’s him that invited you. You could be nervous because this feels like something more. You could be nervous for the same reasons he is. Maybe, just maybe, Hawks had been onto something. So for the first time in five years Bakugo allows himself to hope.
Hawks’ teasing grin softens. If anyone got to take advantage of his missed shot he’s glad it’s Bakugo in all honesty. “Don’t be. I’m almost positive she sees you the same way,” he assures Bakugo and he watches some of the tension ease out of the other man. Hawks likes you a lot, don’t get him wrong. Given enough time and healing he thinks he could’ve loved you just as deeply as Bakugo must. He doesn’t yet though, and the part of him that already loves you platonically couldn’t justify making you wait around for the romantic side to catch up when there was a perfectly good man right in front of you who already looks at you like you hung the moon. “Hey Bakugo,” Hawks pipes up, causing the other man to turn to look at him, “she’s lucky to have you.” Bakugo blinks at him in surprise a few times. “Thanks... For everything I guess,” Bakugo replies. Although he doesn’t look Hawks in the eye as he says it, Hawks knows it’s genuine all the same.
Hawks’ teasing grin softens. If anyone got to take advantage of his missed shot he’s glad it’s Bakugo in all honesty. “Don’t be. I’m almost positive she sees you the same way,” he assures Bakugo and he watches some of the tension ease out of the other man. Hawks likes you a lot, don’t get him wrong. Given enough time and healing he thinks he could’ve loved you just as deeply as Bakugo must. He doesn’t yet though, and the part of him that already loves you platonically couldn’t justify making you wait around for the romantic side to catch up when there was a perfectly good man right in front of you who already looks at you like you hung the moon. “Hey Bakugo,” Hawks pipes up, causing the other man to turn to look at him, “she’s lucky to have you.” Bakugo blinks at him in surprise a few times. “Thanks... For everything I guess,” Bakugo replies. Although he doesn’t look Hawks in the eye as he says it, Hawks knows it’s genuine all the same.
Before the two can exchange any more words, Mina exits from your bedroom and quickly closes the doors behind her. She gives Bakugo an appraising look. “You clean up nice, I approve,” she decides causing Bakugo to roll his eyes. “Whatever Ashido,” he retorts back. “Ohhh using my last name instead of a nickname huh?” she teases. “He must be really nervous,” she whispers conspiratorially to Hawks. “He is,” Hawks whispers back. “I’m right here,” Bakugo huffs, causing both Hawks and Mina to laugh. “Mina can I come out now or what?” you call from the other side of your bedroom door. Bakugo’s grip around the flowers tightens imperceptibly. “Ok, ok one second!” Mina calls back to you. She throws a wink Bakugo’s way and then grabs hold of one of the door handles. “Now presenting, as styled by Mina Ashido and Momo Yaoyorozu, the stunning (y/n) (y/l/n)!” Mina announces as she opens the door with a flourish.
You finally step out of your room in a long silver dress and Bakugo is literally speechless. He always thinks you’re stunning but wow. You are absolutely radiant as you enter into the living room, spotting the flowers still clutched in his hand. “Aww you remembered my favorites!” you grin as you step towards him. “Of course I remembered dumbass,” he scoffs, trying to cover his reaction to your entrance although the blush on his cheeks gives him away. You gently take the flowers from Bakugo’s hand and he tries to ignore the way his heart races in his chest when your hands brush. He needs to get a hold of himself, but he just can’t seem to. He shoves his hands in the pockets of his pants to hide their slight trembling. “You ready to go or what?” he asks. “I’m ready!” you grin as you hand the flowers to Mina. “Hawks and I will hold down the fort, you two have fun!” Mina tells you as you wave goodbye and you and Bakugo make your way out of the apartment.
“Is that a fucking limo?” you ask incredulously as you and Bakugo step out onto the street. Sure enough a long black limo is parked in front of your building and as the two of you approach a driver steps out and opens the door for you. Bakugo looks back towards your building to see Hawks and Mina giving him a thumbs up from the balcony, causing him to roll his eyes. “Should’ve known bird brain was gonna be extra when he said he had our ride handled,” Bakugo huffs. “May as well enjoy it then, cmon Kacchan!” you grin as you grasp hold of Bakugo’s arm and drag him into the waiting limo. You let go once both of you are safely seated inside but he can feel where your hand was like a brand. He must admit your excitement is infectious and it’s starting to erode away the nervousness that’s been dancing under his skin. You always have had that effect on him and god how he’s missed one on one time with you like this. Training isn’t the same. Those early mornings together the focus is on improving your control of your quirk, not catching up or recounting how your day went. He distantly wonders if maybe he should’ve been a little less focused during those morning training sessions. Or maybe he should’ve come up with an idea like that sooner. Could he have avoided you dating Hawks altogether if he had? Would the two of you be back together by now?
He’s pulled out of his musings when the limo pulls to a stop outside the event venue and the sound of the paparazzi is loud outside the car door. “Sounds like a lot of press out there,” you note somewhat apprehensively. “You gonna let some idiots with a camera scare you off?” Bakugo scoffs. “To be fair some idiots with a Twitter account got me kidnapped,” you point out and Bakugo visibly winces. “Yea, well, this time you got me to protect you alright?” Bakugo encourages as he extends a hand out to you. “Alright,” you smile. He laces your fingers together and as the driver opens up the car door again and the two of you step out, he doesn’t let go for even a moment, instead keeping you close and shielding you from the paparazzi as much as possible. Whenever one of them shouts a question at you that Bakugo deems inappropriate or too personal, he fixes them with a glare that could kill, his crimson eyes hard and threatening. He promised to protect you and damn it he meant it. He doesn’t yell or scream or get violent, just delivers a silent promise with his eyes. It’s one the reporters instinctively know he’ll make good on.
When the two of you are finally inside the venue and safe from prying eyes Bakugo turns back to you and looks you over to make sure you’re ok. You watch him in almost wonder as he frets over you. It’s not as if any of them had gotten anywhere near you, there was no way you could have been physically injured. So why then are his eyes roaming so worriedly over you? It occurs to you then that he isn’t looking for physical injuries, but rather the physical manifestations of emotional ones. He’s checking to see if your hands are shaking or if your knees are looking weak or if tears are collecting in your eyes. When your gazes lock together you find yourself sucked into the carmine depths and are a little shocked by the softness you find there. “You’re different now,” you find yourself saying. And it’s true. He is different. Some of his edges have softened over the years. He’s still blustery and his temper is still a force to be reckoned with but there’s a lot more control now. He’s more cognizant of how his temper affects those around him. “That a good thing?” he asks, and you’re surprised to find he seems nervous of the answer. “Old Katsuki would’ve blown some of those reporters sky high,” you reply by way of explanation. “Not too late for me to.” “No, no I prefer the death stare method.” “You noticed that huh?” “Of course I did. I always notice the stuff you do for me.” “Oh.” “Yea. Now come on before we miss the festivities,” you say as you drag Bakugo to the elevators by your still intertwined hands.
The actual event is a little intimidating. Pretty much everyone in attendance has been in the hero business far longer than Bakugo has. Some of those in attendance were already top heroes back when you and Bakugo were just middle schoolers. Bakugo wonders if you’re as keenly aware of the fact the two of you are still holding hands as he is. He wonders if it’s as grounding for you as it is for him. He knows it used to be. You used to always make him hold hands with you when you were feeling nervous. He took it for granted then, always too stubborn to admit he loved it and kicking up a fuss. Sometimes he wonders if it’s not a miracle you didn’t leave him sooner. Even as Mirko and her girlfriend find the two of you and invite you back to their table, Bakugo stays caught up in the mistakes of the past. He thinks back through every misunderstanding, every fight over the course of your relationship, and he wonders if he isn’t a little naive to think he has a shot at rekindling what the two of you once had. There’s a brief pause in the conversation he’s been paying almost no attention to so he uses the opportunity to excuse himself to the bar. “You want anything?” he asks. “I’m good. Everything ok?” you ask, your eyes brimming with concern. You always had been able to read him well. “I’m fine idiot, just gonna get a drink,” he assures you before giving your hand once last squeeze and heading over to the bar. Once there, he flags down the bartender to order, and then promptly sighs, hanging his head as he leans his forearms against it. He knows he’s killing the mood. He should be focused on showing you a good time but he can’t stop reliving the past.
Bakugo looks up at the sound of a familiar voice. “Deku? What are you doing here?” Bakugo asks curiously. “All Might didn’t feel like coming so he gave me his ticket instead. You?” he replies. “Same deal but with Hawks.” “You two must be getting along well then.” “Yea, he ain’t half bad.” “That’s surprising coming from you.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” “It means even if you think that I’d never expect you to say something nice about someone pursuing (y/n).” “He’s not pursuing her anymore,” Bakugo admits and Midoriya’s eyebrows shoot up in response. “Really now?” Midoriya asks. Bakugo nods as his drink arrives before elaborating. “He actually gave me these tickets explicitly to bring (y/n) with me. She’s over there talking to Mirko and her girlfriend,” he explains with a nod over in your direction. “If Hawks is playing wing man,” Bakugo rolls his eyes at the pun but that doesn’t deter Midoriya, “and (y/n) is here with you right now, then why are you here alone at the bar looking miserable?” “I’m not looking miserable.” “You’re definitely looking miserable. You should be ecstatic, isn’t this what you’ve been hoping for for the past 5 years?” “It’s not that simple dumbass.” “How so?” “Maybe I don’t deserve a second chance,” Bakugo admits, and there’s the root of the issue. It’s the thought that’s underlaid all others he’s had. He finally has his second chance but what if he’s just destined to hurt you all over again. You deserve better than that. Better than him.
“You’re fucking kidding me right?” Midoriya asks incredulously and Bakugo blinks over at his friend in shock. He’s almost never heard Deku swear. The profanity almost sounds wrong coming from him, but Midoriya presses on anyway. “You have been calling me up on and off talking about what you’d do in this exact scenario almost our entire careers and now you’re going to blow it because, what? You were an asshole five years ago?” “Well, I-“ “Kacchan, the you of five years ago never would’ve admitted to me there was even a problem. You’re not the same person you were then, you certainly aren’t the same person you were back in UA. I’m sure she’s not the same person either. So you gonna let past you hold you back or are you gonna get your act together so you can finally stop drunk dialing me whenever you get emo?” “When the fuck did you get enough of a back bone to talk to me like that?” “That doesn’t answer my question.” “Fuck off you shitty nerd, I’ll talk to her after this stupid event,” Bakugo grouses. “Or you could talk to her now,” Midoriya offers. He loudly calls out your name to grab your attention. “What the fuck are you doing?” Bakugo hisses. “I’m doing you a favor,” Midoriya grins as he waves you over.
You excuse yourself from the table and go to where Midoriya is flagging you over. “I was wondering what was keeping Kacchan! Long time no see Midoriya,” you greet him with a grin. “Good to see you too! How’s work been going?” he asks. “A rollercoaster but good,” you laugh, “what about you? You’ve been climbing the charts like crazy haven’t you? Congrats!” “Thanks! I actually should get back to my table, the speeches are about to start, I just wanted to say hi.” “What speeches?” “A few of the heroes are gonna talk about the glory days.” “Oh joy...” Midoriya laughs at your unenthusiastic reaction before giving Bakugo a mischievous look. Bakugo’s answering glare is a warning that Midoriya happily ignores as he turns back to you and says “I have an idea. If that sounds boring you and Bakugo should check out the roof. You have to take the emergency stairs up but I hear the view is gorgeous,” Midoriya suggests. Your eyes light up as you turn to your date. “Ohh that sounds so much better. C’mon Katsuki let’s go to the roof!” you beam. “I don’t know,” Bakugo hedges, determinedly ignoring Midoriya’s judging look. “Come on please?” you beg and immediately Bakugo crumbles. “Ok, ok we’ll go to the roof,” he cedes but it’s worth it to see your smile grow even wider. “You two have fun,” Midoriya says cheekily as he waves his goodbye and turns to go back to his own table. “Bye Midoriya!” you call back before latching onto Bakugo and dragging him towards the exit. “Let’s go slow poke get moving,” you whine as you tug him. “Fine, fine relax,” he huffs as he finally starts moving at a pace you approve of towards the emergency exit.
The night air is crisp as you and Bakugo step onto the roof. You close your eyes and inhale deeply, letting the cool air fill your lungs before exhaling and feeling the tension leave your body along with your exhalation. You open your eyes, step up to the edge of the roof, and gaze out at the cityscape. It’s just as beautiful as Midoriya had promised but as you turn back to Bakugo to say as much you realize his gaze is fixed entirely on you. “Ok spill it,” you tell him. “What?” he asks, his tone slightly defensive as he shoves his hands in his pockets and hunches forward. “You’ve been off all night Katsuki. Don’t think I haven’t noticed,” you tell him. He thinks carefully over his words for a moment before saying “I never apologized to you.” “What are you talking about?” you ask. “I never apologized for how things went down between us,” he sighs, his eyes trained on the ground to the left of you. “Wha- that’s what you’ve been in your head about? Katsuki you don’t need to apologize for something that happened years ago.” “Just because it happened years ago doesn’t mean it’s unimportant.” “You’re right. But it still feels weird for you to apologize for it now.” “How so?” “Well for one I forgave you a long time ago. And two because like I said downstairs you’re different now. It almost feels like you’re apologizing for something someone else did.” “But it wasn’t someone else it was me.” “I guess that’s true. Well fine if it will make you feel better, I accept your apology.” “Don’t patronize me.” “I’m not patronizing you!” “Yes you are!” “Are not!” “Are too!” “Are not!” “Are too!” “You’re impossible oh my god,” you laugh incredulously, turning back to face the cityscape once more. “Too impossible?” he asks hesitantly, moving closer towards you. “Never too impossible,” you confess, eyes still trained on the lights in front of you.
A thought crosses your mind and you smile to yourself. There always has been one sure fire way to show Katsuki just how much you trust him. Maybe it will also show him you’ve meant every word you’ve said tonight. “Hey Kacchan?” you call, your back still turned to him as you stare out over the city. “What?” “Think fa-“ your words are cut off by a hand on your mouth, your forward momentum off the edge of the building halted by Bakugo’s arm around your waist. He hauls you back against his body, simultaneously turning you to face him. The two of you are so closely pressed together there’s nowhere else for you to look other than into his scarlet eyes. It’s been a very long time since you’ve seen That Look in Katsuki’s eyes. You’ve missed it. That look of fondness and care and love. “Not this time idiot. This time, we fall together,” he whispers into the limited space between the two of you.
Then he makes good on his promise and steps off the roof with you wrapped up safely in his arms.
Author’s Note: FINALLY GOT THROUGH IT! I’m sorry this one took so long. Life got kinda hectic and writer’s block was dragging on me too but I’m glad it’s finally here and I hope it’s worth the wait. Just like in the Hawks route there will be both a SFW and NSFW version of the next part which means it may take a little longer to write especially since I need to write the next part of physical fatality now BUT WE’LL GET THERE I PROMISE
Taglist [open]: @maltese-sparrow @someweirdshitman @oliviasslut @captaincyberqueen @ladyzayismultifandom @pixelwisp @cathy8taffy @itskindofafairything @larkspyrr @thatonegeekchick
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angelixskz · 4 years
change my mind; h.js
↳ pairing; han jisung x reader
↳ word count; 1.9k+
↳ genre; fluff(?), suggestive [heavy making out bros]
↳ summary; you didn’t find eboys attractive, but han jisung was an exception to that rule
↳ song rec(s); [these popped up when I searched up eboy songs and they are EXPLICIT] 
cha cha.freddie dredd / pumpkins scream in the dead of night.savage ga$p & 93feetofsmoke / yeah right.joji 
↳ a/n; no, this was not my way of simping over eboy!jisung. this is for the lovely miss eiko @jeonginks. also totally didn’t use ‘quiet murmur of passion’ because I was too flustered to type groan. 
↳ warning(s); making out and wandering hands
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You were getting something to drink.
That’s why you left your room. Not because you wanted to watch Jisung film a tiktok, no way.  You took a sip from your cup of water. He wasn’t doing anything. He was just sitting there on the couch in his red and black turtleneck layered under a black graphic tee, matched with ripped black jeans. His lips were twisted in thought as he stared at the unpackaged rings in his hands. 
You knew those rings. Just a few days ago you complimented the model advertising them on an ad. You told him that it’d look good with some of his outfits and that he should consider adding more rings to his jewelry collection. You didn’t think he would actually buy them. And you most certainly didn't think he would use them in his tiktoks; you really meant it in general, not specified to his eboy endeavors. As you thought about it now, with another sip of your water, it would work well with anything he wore, his fingers would compliment the rings beautifully either way. 
Before your thoughts could delve any deeper, they were interrupted by the aforementioned boy when he called out your name.
“Yeah?” your voice cracked. 
“Can you come here for a second?”
Odd, but you complied. You set down your glass of water on the counter and made your way to the seat next to him on the couch. Your shoulders brushed when you sat down, “What’s up?”
He continued to stare at his rings, “You mentioned that you didn’t like eboys.”
You chuckled slightly, recalling when he asked you if him making eboy content would be an issue. ‘Can’t have you falling in love now, can we?’ he teased. You reassured him that you weren’t swept off your feet by eboys and then proceeded to clown him for doing that dumb eye roll thing. Funnily enough, he popped up on your ‘for you’ page later on that day.
Yes, you watched the video of him do what you clowned him for. Maybe you should’ve swiped away. Maybe you should’ve just continued on and remain unknowing of his media presence. Maybe if you hadn’t listened to the itty bitty tiny voice of curiosity in the depths of your brain, then you wouldn’t have the sight of Jisung’s eyes rolling as his fingers drummed the temple of his head seared into your memory.
But just because he happened to look hot in that video didn’t mean that your whole opinion on eboys changed.
“Uhm, yeah, they’re not my cup of tea.” 
“So does that mean I’m not on your radar?”
You blinked at your roommate. 
You knew the way he acted in front of the camera; the eboy who wore a cocky smirk as he bit into the chain hanging from his neck; who turned his head with a scoff to show off his sharp jaw and metal cross dangling from his ear; who ran his ring covered fingers through his dyed hair as his darkly glazed eyes hypnotized you. Jisung did all these things purposefully, aware that he’s capturing hearts. 
However, he was an eboy, and you weren’t attracted to eboys.
Most certainly, that was an excuse. A lie you told yourself to push away the fact that Jisung wasn’t only a tiktoker, no. He was also your roommate; the dramatic guy who looked at you with utter disbelief when you asked him for a bite of chocolate cake but would eventually lend you a slice; the bored study buddy who always fell asleep on your shoulder when the two of you spent hours at the library; the comedic friend who commentated on the dumb actions of characters while the two of you watched a scary movie. Jisung, your roommate, did all those things naturally, unknowingly capturing your heart. 
As much as you didn’t want to admit it, Han Jisung was on your radar, whether or not he bit a chain on camera. It’s best you lie, though, because there’s no way that he likes you back. 
“Yeah,” you fibbed, “I don’t find you attractive just because you show off your hands on camera.”
“So you don’t think I’m hot?”
“Then what if,” he paused, “what if I could change your mind?”
You laughed slightly, “Change my mind? Does it feed your ego to know that I thirst after you like all of your followers?”
It was his turn to blink at you. “N-no, that’s not what I was aiming at.”
You raised a brow at him, “Then what’re you trying to do ‘sung?”
He clicked his tongue, “Never mind.”
“Don’t chicken out on me,” you frowned, slightly pushing his shoulder.
“Whatever, it’s stupid,” he mumbled, looking away.
“Hey, I’m just kidding!” you reassured, “go ahead and continue on with your plan to ‘change my mind’ about eboys.”
He looked at you for a moment, eyes clouded in thought. “I don’t see why it matters, though,” you added.
“Maybe you’ll see me in a different light.” Jisung let that slip out, eyes widening when he realized what he confessed.
Suddenly, your mind flashed back to the other day when you watched him bite his lip, eyes scanning the camera up and down. You already saw him in a different light. 
He cleared his throat. “Just sit there,” he instructed, “you’re going to act like you’re watching me through the phone?”
“Wait, why don’t you just record yourself and then-”
“That wouldn’t change your mind,” he tsked, “it’s better to see it live anyway.”
You gave him a weird look, “Okay.”
His back was towards you as he unpackaged the rings he was holding earlier and pressed play on his phone. You silently watched as Jisung turned around. Oh no. This wasn’t good. His eyes stole away your breath, your heart was starting to beat faster, and it felt strangely hot in the ventilated room. So far, all he did was pose in different positions. You’ve seen it before, you’ve watched his videos, so why, why was it hard to look at anything else, to feign disinterest? 
Your breaths stuttered when he started walking towards you.
“Ji,” you nervously chuckled, “what’re you doing?”
“Oh you know, those close ups,” he smirked, stepping towards you, “when the camera zooms in.”
You moved back slightly, eyes averted to anything but his face and close it was to yours, “Where is the camera focusing on?”
“Wherever you’re touching,” he explained, attention never drifting from your face.
Hesitantly, you reached up and touched the metal dangling from the loops of his jeans. 
“I thought you weren’t going to buy this?” you muttered, reflecting back to last week when you shoved them into his hands, convinced that they were a worthy purchase.
“You said it looked good on me,” he shrugged.
Your fingers ghosted their way up from his stomach and to his ear. The tick of the hi hat from the song hid the way his breath hitched. He was glad that you were too focused on the earring to notice the red flush of his ear when your hand brushed against it. 
“You always use these and then leave them on the bathroom sink,” you frowned. 
“It’s funny seeing you annoyed,” he admitted, smile widening when you glared at him.
You gently brushed your fingers over his eyes. He closed them in return. 
“You’ve never rolled your eyes at me,” you commented, almost laughing at how often he did it on the app. The bass thumped. You trailed your hand down his cheek. thump. you continued to slide past his jaw. thump. You played with the hem of his turtleneck. thump. You then lingered your fingers on the chains that hung from his neck. Another beat of the bass vibrated through the air, whispers of the melody floating along with it.
“Don’t I look good?” he teased.
You looked back up at Jisung’s eyes. They were closed. And you didn’t know why you finally decided to cave in to your desires, but you did. You didn’t know how you got the sudden courage, but you did. You didn’t know what compelled you to lean forward, but you did. 
You tugged on the chains around his neck and pressed your lips against his.
His lips were soft. Soft, smooth and unmoving. His lips were unmoving. Regret was quick to climb up your spine. He didn’t react, he was frozen still. You squeezed your eyes shut at the cracking of your heart. The pieces fell into your stomach and you started to feel nauseous. You started to pull away. Jisung chased after your lips.
Swiftly, he sat down on the couch, quick to pull you in his lap. His hands wasted no time to cup your face and place his lips against yours. The tempo was a bit slow, and so was Jisung. He took his time moulding his lips against yours, savoring how they brushed together. His lips were soft. Soft, smooth and, this time, moving. It felt way better when he kissed back. 
His hands started to trail down your jaw, slowly moving to your shoulders and daintly danced down your arm. You mindlessly let him guide your hands around the nape of his neck, his breath against yours too intoxicating for you to do anything else but close your eyes in bliss. Again, his fingers danced along your arms, leisurely moving up to your shoulders. HIs hands didn’t stay still, sliding down your back and pushing you closer towards him. For a moment, they lingered on your lower back, keeping you pressed against him. Soon, they trailed lower, rubbing up and down your thighs. 
His lips kept in pace with his hands, slow and steady. He started to peck softly, hands sliding to the edge of your shirt, fingers fiddling with the hem. 
“Only if you want, love,” he mumbled between heavy breaths. The nickname rang in your ears, softly filling your stomach with warmth . You stroked his cheek, sighing a ‘go ahead.’
In no time his lips were back on yours, but he had more vigor when he pressed up against you. You slightly jumped when his hands crept under your shirt, the coolness of his rings contrasting to the heat radiating from your body. His hands caressed your sides, thumbs rubbing circles as he took away your oxygen. 
You didn’t mind it, though. You didn’t mind the lightheadedness he gave you, the honey that he breathed in your ear, the yearning in his touch. Ecstasy flooded your veins, pushing your thoughts into cloud 9. You felt energized, like you could fly to the moon, yet there wasn’t enough energy to open your eyes. You started to toy with the roots of his hair. He pulled away, a sigh leaving his mouth as the swirling of his thumbs faltered.
Lazily, you opened your eyes. Harsh breaths pushed past his swollen lips that were colored the same red flush of his cheeks. You chuckled and brushed the hair away from his heated forehead, teeth moving to nibble on his bottom lip. His grip on your sides tightened and he let his eyelids fall, forehead leaning against yours. He released a quiet murmur of passion. With all his strength, he lifted his eyelids, a curse floating between his teeth when your tongue started to massage the bites you left on his lip. His hands started to move to move again, wandering the expanse of your body. 
He leant his forehead against yours, “Did I change your mind?”
His fingers trailed down your spine. “No,” you shakily replied.
Jisung started to peck your cheek. He left a trail of soft kisses down to the jaw. “Is that so?”
Your voice was breathy as you replied, “Yes,” With a hum, he sucked lightly on the skin of your neck. 
“Sounds like you need more convincing.”
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That Damn Video
Request: uh, hi !! um can i ask for a request ? maybe dean & sam are going through some old dvds of reader before she was hunter ( in her teens ) & in a video maybe reader was singing "bubble gum bitch" by marina & then fluffy dean 😌
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader, Sam Winchester x Fem!Reader (platonic)
A/N: Hope you enjoy this!! Damn this song is stuck in my head now! -.-
Feedback is welcome!
Word Count: 1721
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“What are you doing?” Asked Sam startling Dean.
“Ouch!” Came a muffled replied as Dean hit his head inside the wardrobe. He nearly had his entire body inside going through some things, grunting and groaning when Sam showed up out of the blue. He pulled his head out and glared at Sam. “Give a guy some warning, would you?”
“Well, you’d hear me coming if you weren’t busy trying to get inside the wardrobe.” Quipped Sam amused.
“I’m trying to make some space. It’s great that Y/N moved into my room, but damn she has a lot of things.”
Sam chuckled at that walking closer to take a look, “Need help?”
“Yes! These clothes are going to kill me!”
“Death by bra. Sounds about right for you.” Smirked Sam helping him with a box.
Y/N and Dean have been dating for 6 months now and only a month ago, Y/N moved into Dean’s room. They wanted to take it slow and even if they lived together in the same place and loved each other, going back to their own rooms at the end of the day gave them that bit of space to get their heads straight. Dating while being a hunter never ended well and they agreed that slow was a nice way to start their relationship.
5 months later after Dean nearly died in a hunt, they decided that they didn’t have all the time in the world and they would rather spend every single second they got. With that, Y/N moved into his room. But with her came a buttload of things that took up so much of space and poor Dean soon found his clothes getting lost with hers. So when Y/N left to help Ellen and the girls with a hunt, Dean figured he’d reorganise their room and make it homely to the both of them.
“Hey what’s this?” Asked Sam holding a box of old dvds that he found hidden in the depths of the wardrobe.
Dean shrugged at it confused, “Never seen them before. Must be Y/N’s.”
“Oh my god, Dean. The box says home videos!” Sam grinned widely, noticing the other side of the box.
“Shit, we have got to watch these!” He grinned mischievously. He quickly snatched it out of his hands and walked out of the room, heading to the Dean cave.
“What about reorganising?” Sam followed him.
“Screw that! I got a feeling we just struck gold.”
They walked into the Dean cave. Dean was all giddy, barely able to control his glee as he put one of the dvds in. They got themselves comfortable as the video started.
It started with a 5yr old Y/N showing off her brand new dress. Her mom was recording her as she did her adorable version of a cat walk. She was giggling as her parents cheered her on. It was extremely cute
The boys kept going through the dvd and watched as Y/N grew older. They kept giggling and discussing how to embarrass her once she came back home. Midway Sam got up to make some popcorn and the boys agreed that watching adorable little Y/N and her shenanigans was better than any movie they could think of.
An hour into it, they put in the last dvd into the player and what they came across was by far the best thing they had ever seen.
A shy 12yr old Y/N with heavy make up and wearing a bright pink shiny jumpsuit came on screen.
“If you do this, we’ll go skiing this weekend.” Her mom’s voice was heard.
“I can’t believe I’m doing this.” She mumbled, face turning red.
“But you do it so well, baby. Now come on!”
Y/N rolled her eyes and her mom started the music in the background and handed her the mic. Soon Y/N began singing the most amazing song ever heard. She was doing it so well with the attitude, dance and everything. And then the chorus came, Y/N’s kid voice making it even better.
“I’m Miss Sugar Pink, liquor, liquor lips
Hit me with your sweet love, steal me with a kiss
I'm Miss Sugar Pink, liquor, liquor lips
I'm gonna be your bubblegum btch
I'm gonna be your bubblegum btch”
“Okay, I’m done!” Yelled Y/N. “I’m getting out of this stupid dress!”
“Aww come on! Just finish the song!”
“Hey, it’s your dad’s birthday gift, you know how much he loves this song. Especially when you sing it, baby.”
“I’m making him a card like a normal person.” Y/N grumbled and stomped away, making her mother laugh. The camera followed her for a bit before turning to her mom’s face who said, “Well, honey, I tried but your daughter is as stubborn as you.” Before cutting.
There was silence in the bunker when the video ended. Dean and Sam looked at each other in shock before bursting with laughter. Dean laughed so hard he fell off the couch.
“That’s the future mother of your child, Dean.” Laughed Sam clutching onto his stomach.
“I can’t believe she kept these videos from me!” Grinned Dean. “Oh man, she’s never going to live this down!”
That evening Y/N came back from the hunt.
“Boys! I’m home!” She yelled coming down the stairs.
She dropped her bags at the bottom of the staircase and made her way to the kitchen. She could hear Sam and Dean talking in there. She walked in, smelling something delicious.
“Hey baby!” Greeted Dean
Y/N went up to him and wrapped her arms around him. He kissed her forehead and hugged her tight. “I’m glad you’re back and safe. Missed you.” He said.
“Missed you too. Something smells good.”
“I’m making lasagna. Your favourite.” He grinned proudly.
“You’re the best, baby” She grinned back.
“Get a room, guys.” Mumbled Sam.
“Love you too, Sam.” She smiled and hugged him too.
“How was the hunt?” He asked.
“It was a cake walk and I kicked some butt.” She smirked proudly.
“That’s my girl!” Cheered Dean
She took a seat beside Sam, exhausted from the hunt. As soon as she sat down Sam pulled out a pink box and offered it to you.
“Want some bubblegum, Y/N?” He asked keeping a straight face so she wouldn’t suspect anything.
“No thanks, Sam.”
“You sure?”
“Very.” She looked at him confused.
“Come on! Take one.” He insisted.
“Sam! What’s with you?” She glared at him.
“Don’t be a bubblegum btch, Y/N.” He looked at her pointedly, making Dean snort as he cooked.
“What?” She looked at them both suspiciously.
Sam simply shrugged at her and smiled innocently.
“Dean your brother is being weird again.” She said looking helplessly at Dean’s back.
“He came out all weird.” Dean chuckled. “But really, you sure you don’t wanna have some gum, Ms. Sugar Pink?
Sam lost it at that.
“W-where did you get that?” She asked looking wide eyed at him.
“Oh I don’t know” he said nonchalantly turning out and picking up the dvd from the counter. “Maybe something to do with this home video?”
She jumped out of the chair looking shocked. “Dean.” She started slowly. “Where did you find that?”
“Sammy found it in our wardrobe.” He grinned.
“WHY?! Just why Sam?! Why were you in our wardrobe?!” She glared at him.
“Hey!” Sam jumped to his defence. “Dean wanted help in reorganising the room!”
“What?!” She snapped at Dean.
“Yeah it was a mess, N/N. So I brought in Sam to help out, which by the way is still not done fyi. Anyway, we were going through the wardrobe and guess what was tucked away in the bottom under all those clothes?” He had a shit eating grin.
“Please don’t tell me you watched them all.”
“Oh Y/N, baby, of course we did!”
She groaned at that covering her face.
“You sure got the attitude for that song, N/N” Quipped Sam.
“You!” She pointed at Sam. “You shut up! And you!” She pointed at Dean. “You’re in so much trouble, Winchester!”
“Aww are you going ‘chew him up and spit him out’?” Mocked Sam laughing.
“Argh. It was a gag gift for my dad!” She looked at them helplessly.
“Yeah something like that was mentioned.” Smiled Dean genuinely.
“My mom had a very quirky sense of humour and I almost always ended being used for embarrassing stuff.” She mumbled.
“You were so adorable though.” Said Dean pulling her into his arms. He could tell that she was very embarrassed and felt a little bad about teasing her.
“Shuttup.” She mumbled into his chest.
“It’s true. You were a cute kid, Y/N” Smiled Sam, patting her shoulder.
“I can’t believe you two morons found it.” She fake glared at them again.
Sam grinned, “we’re very glad we did.” He then excused himself to go take a shower.
“I meant it though, you were very very adorable. And you nailed that song, baby” Dean grinned wrapping his arms around her waist.
She shrugged at him still embarrassed. “I actually wanted to be a singer when I was 12.”
“Really?!” He asked surprised.
“Yeah. But a year later my parents died and I got thrust into the hunter life when Bobby found me.” Y/N said looking down.
Dean lifted her chin up and kissed her hard, “I think you’d have made a great singer." He said making you giggle.
“I love you, Dean.”
“I love you too, Ms Sugar Pink.” He smirked, earning a smack on the chest.
That night as they laid in bed with Y/N resting her head on his chest, Dean began humming to the song. He suddenly felt a smack on the forehead.
“Oww! What was that for?!”
“We will never speak of or sing this song again.” She said glaring at him.
“It’s a catchy song, N/N!”
“Never! And make sure that brother of yours keeps his mouth shut before I do it for him.”
“Fine, fine.” Dean sighed. “Man you really popped my bubblegum heart” He whispered 5 seconds later earning another smack.
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@hobby27 @akshi8278 @svmwinchesterr
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undertalethingems · 5 years
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Bark at the Moon, Chapter 2: Reconnections, Recollections
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Rating, Setting: Gen, Pre-canon
Chapter Warnings: None
Chapter Summary: Sans is at a loss for what to do. He's lucky his brother isn't the only one who looks out for him, and that he's not the only one looking out for Papyrus... But they both have a lot of work ahead of them.
It had been two weeks. Two long, empty, lonely weeks. Sans hadn’t given up on his brother, per se, but he had given up on looking for him. A check on the numbers revealed nothing out of the ordinary; as far as he could tell, Papyrus was definitely still alive, and there was nothing funky with the timeline. More mundane sources of information continued to come up dry, and the few times Sans had gone out, there was a subtle unease in town. If only Papyrus knew his neighbors missed him... not to mention his own brother. It was like he'd vanished into thin air, and Sans knew that was one thing his brother couldn't do. So he was just... gone.
Sans was starting to feel he'd messed up somehow. He knew he was far from being a perfect or even a really good brother, but he didn’t think he’d done anything to make Papyrus feel running away was necessary…. No, Papyrus would have aired his grievances long before that, he was sure.... But then again, would he? It's not like Sans ever did anything about all the things he nagged him for. Maybe after feeling unheard for so long, he'd left. A cruel voice in his mind liked to whisper as much and worse, and without Papyrus to motivate him, he wasn't doing much to combat it.
He rolled over on the couch and ignored the empty chip bag that crinkled under him, the remains of lunch. Going to Grillby’s had become too taxing sometime last week, and most other foods were similarly inconvenient if they sounded good at all. He wanted nothing more than for Papyrus to burst in and scold him for being so lazy, but dreams of exactly that and the knowledge none of this mattered anyway had spoiled his hopes. He’d just wait, like he always did. He heaved a sigh, and was letting his eyelids drift down when a knock on his door startled him.
He waited, and it came again--much harder.
“Sans?” Undyne called, her voice only slightly muffled by the door. “Sans, you better be in there. I'm gonna bust this down if you don't answer now!”
Oh boy. He hauled himself up, brushed off the worst of the crumbs, and answered the door. Undyne grimaced as she studied him.
“Oh thank god, but dude, you look awful. I was here to see if you were okay, but, I think I just got my answer. C’mon, you’re not staying inside anymore.”
“eh, i’m not really feeling up to going out,” Sans mumbled, wondering if he looked as tired as he felt. “was kinda hoping you had info on my bro, to be honest, but…”
“Sans, no one’s seen you in three weeks,” Undyne stated.
Sans looked up at her with brows furrowed, questioning.
“i was just at grillby’s like… five days ago,” he protested, but Undyne shook her head.
“Grillby himself called me in on a wellness check. It’s been three. Weeks. Two since Papyrus… disappeared. I… guess you lost track of time, huh?”
Sans wilted--he was missing a whole week. “… it really flies when you’re having fun. sorry you went through all this trouble. tell grillby…. i dunno. tell him i’m ok, i guess.”
“You’re not okay,” Undyne growled, snatching the shoulder of his hoodie. “What if Papyrus came home to find you like this? Or—or worse!? Come on! We’re getting you cleaned up, making you eat some real food, and then we’re going out to look for Papyrus because if this keeps going we’ll lose BOTH of you.”
Sans didn’t have it in him to protest. She... she was right. He let her strongarm him into his own house and into the shower—though she gave him his privacy once she’d turned the water on, and the warmth felt so nice he considered staying in for a few days. But that would mean missing out on food he probably wouldn't be paying for, and he was actually hungry now. He washed up and put on the change of clothes Undyne had left him, and when he did finally emerge he found she’d thrown most of the trash away and there was an open spot on the couch. It was fated to remain empty though as she hooked her arm around his shoulders and marched him out the door.
Grillby’s exploded in shock when the two walked in, and they were swarmed by the regulars trying to greet them. Undyne howled, ordering everyone to give Sans some space, and they were finally able to make their way to the bar. If Sans was honest, part of him didn’t really want to be here, but more of him could admit he’d missed it. His friends were quick to fill him in on the latest gossip and jokes, and he realized they were doing for him what he'd done for them so many times before. They were trying to cheer him up.
After enjoying good company and a meal Grillby had assured him was on the house, at Undyne's urging they headed out to begin the search anew. Sans dreaded reaching the tile puzzle now, knowing it was the last place with any evidence of his brother and yet be such a glaring dead end. He sighed, and nudged some of the freshly accumulated snow with his slipper as Undyne talked on her phone behind him.
“Wait a minute, I’ll ask. Hey Sans,” she spoke, tapping his shoulder. “You remember what day it was that all this started?”
“yeah. it was… tuesday, exactly two—well, three weeks ago,” he answered.
“Thanks! Okay, um… as far as I know, he starts at 6 AM, sharp. Yeah. It would’ve taken him a little while to… okay, gotcha. I’ll hang on.”
There was a long pause. Sans wondered if he really could fall asleep standing up. Odds were looking pretty good. He let his eyelids slip down...
“So… you do see something? Uh-huh… that’s too bad about the lens, but you can confirm there was movement here during our timeframe? Awesome. Well, not awesome, but, you know. Thanks Alphys, you’re the best. Talk to you later.”
“Dr. Alphys set up these cameras all over to watch for humans, and as it happens, they caught Papyrus walking over here, but not getting any farther than that. Thanks to that snowstorm, this area’s camera got iced over--of course--but she could see enough to make out… something,” Undyne explained. “Hold on, she’s gonna text me a couple pictures.”
There was a ping, and she studied the images with a frown before holding it out for Sans.
“I dunno. I definitely see something, but, can you make any sense of this?”
Sans took her phone and studied the blurry pictures. He could barely make out the trees in the background, but at least the division between them and the snow-covered ground was clear enough. There wasn’t anything that looked particularly like his brother, but there was a whitish arch of something and a smudge of orange that seemed to dart across the frame. It was a better hint than anything they’d had before, but what was it?
Sans squinted at the pictures—wait, was the arch a spine? And his tired mind dredged up memories he hadn't known he had. A lab. A scientist. Two living weapons, the pinnacle of magical engineering--and an accident that erased nearly all evidence it had ever happened. A hand on his shoulder steadied him, and he looked up to see Undyne giving him a worried look. He handed her phone back wordlessly and shoved his hands into his pockets, magic racing.
“Are you okay? You got kinda… unsteady there for a moment.”
“’m fine,” he answered, well aware his eye lights had blinked out.
“Sans, dude, you’re freaking me out,” Undyne called as he walked away, inspecting the edges of the clearing and peering into the trees.
“can i ask you a favor?”
“Uh… yeah?”
“go pick up the least greasy thing from grillby’s you can and wait here. i know what happened to papyrus,” Sans stated, staring into the depths of the forest. The indents were distant and faint from layers of fresh snowfall, but he could see the pattern now and wondered how he hadn’t noticed them before. No points for him, that was sure.
“Uh, sure thing. See you… both? Soon,” Undyne said, and in a blink he was gone.
The forests outside Snowdin were thick and ancient, and most monsters avoided their depths. It was largely the threat of frostbite and getting lost that kept them away, but save for a few exceptions monsters generally preferred company and civilization to untamed forest anyway. If this was where he’d run, it made sense Papyrus hadn’t been found by anyone.
Sans followed his brother’s tracks—long, bounding marks that only increased in distance from one another as he’d picked up speed—and called his name, hoping the trees and snow wouldn’t simply swallow his muted voice altogether. It got darker, and quieter, and there was a growing sense he was trespassing. If he didn’t have his shortcuts Sans might’ve been afraid of losing his way, but it didn’t matter. Shortcuts or not, he would have kept searching now that he had a lead. Considering what the last four weeks had done to him, who knew what state Papyrus would be in.
He eventually found himself in a wide clearing where fresh snow and gusting winds had swept the tracks clean, and sighed. His trail had gone cold again, and he gave a halfhearted laugh at the pun. Papyrus would have hated it…. What he wouldn’t give to hear his exasperated groans again. He called his brother’s name, and listened to it echo faintly until silence laid heavily over him once more. That was the worst of all—the utter silence of an empty world.
Wood cracked behind him, and Sans whirled, magic flaring in his left socket. A pair of orange rings that almost matched met his gaze, and for a moment it was all he saw before he made out the rest of the entity’s face and body from the surrounding gloom. His magic faded, and he sank to the ground. He wasn’t sure how much time passed as they simply stared at one another, but it had to have been at least five minutes before he found his voice and finally addressed the being watching him.
A raspy whine answered, and Sans winced. It was his brother’s voice, but weaker, and wordless. Papyrus had always been so proud to learn new words, but now he wouldn’t say even one. This was bad.
“c’mere bro, let’s get you home, huh?”
Papyrus stared for a while, and Sans tried not to listen to the rising panic in his soul. He'd come when he'd called, he had to remember, had to recognize him, right? Why was he still standing so far away...?
"... bro?"
Finally, Papyrus shook himself out, inhaled, then staunchly shook his head with a huff. He hesitated, but did walk over, head held low as he slowly approached. He paused again, only a few feet away and studying him warily—then sat and curled around himself. Sans eyed him sadly, not liking how faint his eye lights were or that he didn’t want to come home. He thought for a while, then leaned back on his hands with a sigh.
“look… i get it. you don’t want to show off your cool bod, it’d be too awesome for anyone to handle and you can’t bear to do that to someone.”
Something that sounded loosely like “nyeh heh heh” chuffed from Papyrus’ jaws.
“but… it’s been three weeks, bro, goin' on a month. everyone wants to know where you went. uh… i’ve been… even lazier than usual without you. i’ll warn ya now, you’re gonna have some major vacuuming to do.”
An exasperated groan rose from his brother.
“i know, i know. but… bro… you can’t be okay with living like an animal out here. I’M not okay with you living like an animal out here. c'mon, undyne’s waiting for us with food, somethin’ hot from grillby’s, and i specifically asked her to get the least greasy thing she could order 'cause i know how you feel about it. there’s a whole month of mtt shows to catch up on. there’s… bedtime stories, and i can’t afford to slack on those, heh…”
Papyrus gave a shuddering sigh. Sans watched as he stretched out his long forelimbs and turned his palms up, contemplating the digits tipped with slender, deadly claws. Then, he buried his face in the snow and laid his hands across his skull, a picture of despair.
“bro, papyrus, it’s ok. you’re smart, you’ll figure out how to change back,” Sans comforted, reaching out to pat his brother’s head. "you're not gonna let something like this get you down, are ya? c'mon. let's go home.”
Papyrus finally raised his head. He looked so tired as he fixed him with a weary look, and Sans’ soul ached. He could only begin to imagine how his brother had felt out here, by himself in a body that must have stirred up old memories—too many of which were unpleasant. But the light shone in Papyrus’ sockets just a little brighter, and he stood up swiftly, head held high.
And then he fainted.
Sans did his best to appear at his side to catch him, but even if skeletons weren’t heavy monsters Sans was decidedly not in shape and the impact made him stumble. He took a moment to regain his footing, but with his brother limp but in his grasp at last, he removed them from that part of reality and placed them back in the tile puzzle room. Undyne jumped at their sudden appearance and would have probably summoned a spear or two if she weren't already holding a takeout bag. Her eye darted over them, and Sans might’ve laughed at her dumbfounded expression if his brother hadn’t still been unconscious.
“What. The HELL. IS THAT?!” she finally shouted as he laid Papyrus down gently, and he bristled at her harsh words.
“excuse you. THAT happens to be my brother.”
Undyne gestured wildly before finding words to express herself again. “BUT? HOW?? WHAT??!”
Papyrus finally moved, his eyes blinking open, though it took a moment for his irises to reignite. Sans ignored Undyne’s flailing and snatched the takeout from her, sitting near his brother’s head and digging around for whatever awaited in the small paper bag. A few days without food wouldn’t affect a monster’s health much, and certainly not someone with high stats like Papyrus, but nearly a month was another story and he was more than a little worried. He withdrew what turned out to be a toasted turkey club sandwich, mentally thanked both Grillby and Undyne for listening, and helped his brother sit up to finally eat something. It wouldn’t be enough to bring Papyrus’ energy back all the way, but he’d be better off than where he was now by a long shot.
The sandwich was snapped up upon being offered, and after a moment Papyrus felt strong enough to stand on his own. Undyne had settled into just staring at them both skeptically, jaw slack and hands clenching and unclenching as if to summon a spear at any moment. Sans crumpled up the bag and stuck it in his pocket, and looked from his brother to the guard captain with amusement. Papyrus looked nervous—or maybe embarrassed, and his first attempt to speak came out as a gusty hiss. But he stepped back, took a moment, and coughed into his fist to clear his throat.
“Hello, Undyne.”
If Undyne had been dumbfounded before, she was well and truly stunned now. She sank to her knees staring, and Sans couldn’t help but laugh at her. A scream started to croak from her, and he decided it’d be best they all headed back to their house before her yelling attracted attention from the other patrols. He beckoned his brother over, and took Undyne’s wrist as he laid a hand on Papyrus’ shoulder, and in an instant they were in the living room... not a moment too soon.
Undyne screeched at the top of her lungs, reaching a truly impressive volume even Papyrus winced at. Her next instinct was apparently to fight, lunging for her friend as if to throw him over her head. Sans darted out of the way as she sped past, and a soft ping sounded before she was flung sideways into the couch. Papyrus gave his brother a disapproving look, but he gave it right back.
“no fighting in my house,” he said, wagging a teasing finger. “sorry to burst your bubble, undyne, but until papyrus is back at full strength i’m not letting you beat him up.”
“I’M NOT GONNA BEAT HIM UP! I’M JUST GONNA PUNCH HIM FOR BEING DUMB!!!” Undyne roared, leaping from the couch and promptly hauled flat on her face. She growled and pushed herself up, only to fly to the ceiling and stick flat on her back. “Will you QUIT with the BLUE MAGIC?!”
“not unless you stop trying to hit my bro,” Sans countered, and Papyrus laid a hand across his eyes.
“Sans, please put Undyne, who need I remind you is our boss, back on the ground?" he asked, voice still shaky from disuse. "I am quite capable of handling her rigorous expressions of affection, thank you.”
Sans looked over to him and sighed. “you’re right as always bro. i just… i know you’re tough and all, but you’re also not at 100 percent and undyne is pretty intense.”
“plus, i haven’t seen you in basically forever after you disappeared, so forgive me for bein’ a little protective.”
Undyne drifted down at last, and though she glared at Sans she didn’t seem intent on continuing her charge when she landed. Instead, she sat decisively on the couch and folded her arms, fixing them each with a sharp look. “Okay. Here’s what’s going to happen. BOTH of you are going to explain what the HECK is going on with Papyrus, and THEN! We’re getting him something else to eat so we don’t have to treat him like a delicate flower.”
“Flowers are actually quite tough!” Papyrus offered, but shrank under a skeptical glare.
“SO! Who wants to start telling me why or how Papyrus ended up as a… dog-dragon-horse thing?”
The brothers exchanged looks.
“It’s just a skeleton thing, you wouldn’t understand,” Papyrus dismissed. “Most of the time I am the wonderful tall fellow you are familiar with, but if I so wish, I can become… this! It’s a thing.”
“yup, it’s true,” Sans confirmed, but Undyne didn’t look convinced.
“So, you could transform into this awesome creature this whole time… and you never told me?!”
“W-well, you see, I never had reason to bring it up! My usual good looks are more than enough as well as more practical for my day-to-day life, so, I much prefer them. Not to mention I… actually completely forgot how to change. Such things happen even to someone as great as me, tragically…” Papyrus explained, his claws fidgeting, "but it's fine! This is totally a normal thing."
Undyne considered his words and finally relaxed. “Huh. Well, do you… remember how to change back?”
“do you think he would have run away if he did?” Sans shot, and she deflated.
“Right. But, if it’s just something you can do, why’d you hide it? There’s all sorts of monsters out there, no one would even blink at you.”
Papyrus grunted nervously. “Consider that this form is considerably more intimidating, and I, already a sight to behold… Not to mention! I want to be known based on my merits--my wit, my battle prowess, my shockingly handsome bones! Not a silly transformation gimmick that wears off within an hour of playing with it.”
Undyne laughed, a welcome sound after her furious screams. “I guess that’s fair. Wait, if this is a skeleton thing… does this mean Sans can do it too?!”
“nope. even if i could... i'm way too lazy for any shapeshifting shenanigans,” Sans answered lightly. “my bro has the ‘cool werewolf’ gig all to himself.”
“I am not a werewolf!!!” Papyrus cried, stomping his feet as the others chuckled. "I am still, clearly, a skeleton!"
“Alright, well, I guess that’s good enough for me. You dudes need anything, let me know, but now that this is resolved I have work to get back to. Oh yeah… Papyrus, consider figuring out how to change back your new assignment. If you really don’t want to go out looking like that, I figure it’s pretty much top priority. And Sans… you get half watch shifts this week, since you’ll probably have to help Papyrus out with… a lot. Sound good?”
“you know i won’t complain about working less,” Sans teased, and she rolled her eye.
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll see you punks later, okay? Call me if you need anything--it's... really good to have you back, Papyrus.”
Papyrus looked like he didn't know what to say.
She finally left, closing the door behind her. Sans heaved a sigh, and debated whether to make the effort to move to the couch or just sit on the floor. He decided the floor was good enough. Papyrus made a face but sat too, drawing his own deep sigh.
“Well, what are we going to do, brother?”
“i dunno, bro. you need something else to eat, for one. but beyond that… i dunno. mostly… i’m just glad you’re back too.”
“If I am honest, it is good to be back. You weren’t kidding about the vacuuming though, ugh. Did you do anything while I was gone?”
“… i slept.”
Papyrus groaned. “You would. In any case… I am still rather famished. As you can guess, the forest... didn't exactly have grocery stores. Pardon me if I don’t cook fresh spaghetti for us, I’m sure you’ve missed it terribly.”
“more than i thought i could,” Sans laughed, and it was true. It had never been the flavor that was enjoyable about Papyrus’ cooking.
Sans proposed various techniques for Papyrus to try changing back over dinner, many of which he’d already thought of and attempted. He continued regardless, suggesting progressively ridiculous remedies until Papyrus laughed at him. They curled up on the couch together to watch TV, and Sans was happy to see his brother’s eyes drift closed—Papyrus never seemed to sleep, even when he really needed it.
No doubt he really needed it now.
The next day saw about as much progress, and Papyrus’ happiness fade. Sans tried to ignore the worry growing inside him, but it was clear that the time alone with no success had done a number on Papyrus’ self-confidence. Toss in whatever memories he might’ve relived and no wonder he was having doubts.
Sans watched him pace the living room floor, occasionally sweeping up stray bits of trash he hadn’t noticed before. He was antsy, and judging by the way his tail lashed he was increasingly agitated by the situation. The fact he had to stay inside probably wasn’t helping either.
“you wanna go let off some steam somewhere?” Sans suggested before his brother could start another transit across the carpet, and he startled out of his thoughts.
“Hm? Oh, I’m fine! I just need to think!” he replied, standing stiffly. “The Great Papyrus will not be bested yet!”
“no way, but, i was just thinking you might like to get out before you wear a rut in the floor,” Sans continued, and Papyrus glanced at the carpet. There were a few places where his claws had snagged, and they all aligned perfectly with where he’d been pacing.
“Ah. I see your point. Where could we go? I don’t want anyone to see…”
“i was thinking the woods, middle of nowhere. kinda where you ran away to, but not for another three weeks, heh.”
“That sounds suitable. Alright! We do have a nice house but I can admit it is rather cramped for someone of my stature at this time, so! Take us away, brother!”
Sans obliged, and in an instant they stood in the clearing where they’d reunited only yesterday. Papyrus inhaled deeply and took off running, and Sans happily watched him tear across the field—getting some exercise was just what an active guy like his younger brother needed, and it wasn’t fair to make him stay indoors all the time. He leapt, and rolled, and sprinted through the snow, cackling all the while as he exerted himself. Sans waved to get his attention, then summoned a maze of bones for him to dodge and weave around. Papyrus raced through it flawlessly, and Sans couldn’t help but swell with pride. His brother was so cool.
As he watched, he could almost remember what it was like too.
Something juddered out of sync in his soul, and he froze. Oh no, nope, he was not doing this now or ever again. He shut his eyes and thought about how nice it was to be what he was now, tried to focus on how his soul had felt before something else had awakened within it, and was relieved to feel that foreign sensation die away. The Underground didn’t need two of them running around, and Papyrus had always had an easier time switching forms than he did—even when they both remembered how it all worked. Rubbing the side of his skull, he sat in the snow, and when the magic maze dissipated Papyrus came over to see what was wrong.
“Sans? Are you alright?”
“yep, fine. all those bones wore me out.”
Papyrus made a face. “You really do need to work out more! That was hardly anything compared to what you used to do.”
“yeah, well, that was before i discovered being lazy is the best thing in the world.”
Papyrus groaned. “If I need exercise you do too! Come on, lazybones!”
He was hauled up with a clawed hand and nudged in the back by a toothy snout, and gave an exaggerated groan as he stood. “these legs were not made for running, i’ll have you know.”
“Oh, come on Sans, I know you can do it! Chase me!”
Papyrus dashed off once more, and Sans took a few steps before simply cutting into his brother’s path. The indignant howl he got in return was worth being shoved into the snow, and in retaliation he used a touch of blue magic to bowl his brother over. Papyrus kicked, sending a shower of slush over him, and for a moment they just laughed at one another.
“I suppose I shouldn’t have expected anything else from you,” Papyrus finally said, pushing from the snow. “You have grown to enjoy a much slower pace ever since we… since whatever happened."
“yup, i’m gonna enjoy every moment i get. though, i will say… without you around to push me, i do get… too lazy,” Sans admitted, then sighed. “to be honest bro... it woulda been fine if you’d given me a sign you were okay, a note, anything, but not knowing if you were ever gonna come back... or why you left... well, it was rough. so, uh, i guess what i’m saying is… don’t do that again or i’ll have to ground you.”
Papyrus studied him, then hung his head. “I’m sorry Sans, I know I should have, but… I was. Uncertain.”
It was Sans’ turn to prop himself up and look quizzically at his brother. “about what?”
Papyrus fidgeted under his gaze, clearly considering his words before he continued. “How much do you remember of what happened to us?"
Sans furrowed a brow. "more than i'd like, but less than i should."
“S-so, w-well, when this, happened, I—I didn’t want you to see. I didn’t want anyone to see, but especially not you, because I remembered—I remembered a little of how bad we had it, and if you didn’t remember, I didn’t want to accidentally remind you,” Papyrus explained, digging his claws into the ground. “And then you came and found me, and didn’t care that I was what I am, and I felt like a fool for thinking it was better I had left without a word. I’m sorry, brother.”
Sans leaned back with a soft, bittersweet chuckle. “and here i always kept the fact i remembered anything a secret ‘cause i didn’t want you to worry either. we’re hilarious, a real comedy of errors.”
“anyway. the important thing is figuring out how you can change back. i don’t remember a thing about that myself, and obviously neither do you. seems like a thing you just gotta feel.”
“Agreed,” Papyrus huffed. “It used to be so easy! How did we do that? As effortless as the bones we conjure, as natural as breathing! It’s so… so frustrating Sans. I… I don’t want to be this. It’s so easy to just... let my thoughts slip away. And I remember that... they wanted us to lose them, wanted us to... be less of us. And after all I've worked for, I refuse to go back to that!”
"you got this, bro. despite everything that's happened, it's still you."
“I know… It’s hard though. But! Hard things have never discouraged me before! We just have to keep trying no matter how long it takes!”
“you got it,” Sans said, his mood lifting at his brother’s boundless optimism. “you ready to head back home then?”
“I think I’m going to take one more lap! You should try to as well, and no cheating!”
“if i did we’d be here for another hour. you go ahead, i’ll be right here.”
Sans watched him rise and make one last circuit around the clearing, then in a blink they were both back home. Papyrus shook snow from his talons and gave a contented sigh, then sat with a determined look on his face. He puffed out his chest, and Sans knew he was in for one of his brother’s monologues.
“Now that my restlessness has been cured, it! Is time! I can approach the issue of my transformation with a clear head! The simple fact remains that my memory of the technique has been obscured by forces strange and concerning, but! I was able to recall how to turn with the simple triggering of a distant memory of the instruction to do so, so! It stands to reason that a memory of the opposite instruction will have the same effect. Said memories may be distressing and difficult to pinpoint, but! The Great Papyrus has never been one to back down in the face of danger! Nyeheh!”
“nope. like i said bro, you were the bravest one there,” Sans affirmed, sifting through his own tenuous recall of their old lives. “i was never strong enough to do anything, and the... assistants, well... they never spoke up about animal cruelty either. says a lot about them, and none of it’s good.”
Papyrus looked at him sadly. "You know, Sans... I don't think they knew what we really were. With how he was, how could they? I think even he pretended not to sometimes..."
Sans huffed a short sigh. "yeah. think you might be right about that."
“… I wish it all could have been different.”
“me too.”
“But! It’s different now! We’re the determiners of our fates! And I say I will be this beast no longer!” Papyrus declared brightly, banishing the grim mood that had settled in momentarily. Standing proudly, he scrunched his eyes shut and concentrated—to no avail. He sighed, and let his legs slide out from under him until he lay spread-eagle on the carpet.
“i can’t believe i’m seeing my brother lay down on the floor with my own two eyes,” Sans teased, and Papyrus scrambled to rise.
“Nyeh! Do not think for an instant I was being anything remotely close to ‘lazy’ or ‘tired’!” Papyrus refuted, glaring at him with comically bugged eyes. “The effort of trying to overcome my natural inclination for this form simply took some recovering from!”
“so, you were tired,” Sans summarized, earning more disgruntled complaint from his brother. He’d missed this so much.
“Fine! Yes! I required a brief respite,” Papyrus conceded, sitting back on his haunches so he could fold his arms. “If I am honest I am quite tired of this form’s stubbornness! I know I must have been instructed to change many times, but I cannot recall how I managed such a simple task and it! Is! The! Worst! Thing!”
“wow, and that’s pretty bad, since that means it’s even worse than my jokes,” Sans commented, and his brother stamped his forefeet down.
“It is!”
“well, we better get to work then. undyne said this was your new assignment, i can’t believe how much you’ve slacked off on it already.”
“No! Nooooo!” Papyrus howled, clasping his head in his hands.
The banter continued as the brothers worked to recall what had once been a regular part of their lives. Some memories slowly filtered back, hazes of shadows and sharp objects resolving into people with needles and too-bright rooms full of instruments. Long nights that sometimes became days that became nights again, spent alone and shivering in an empty room. Hours of training for a task neither of them really understood, harsh tests of every aspect of their abilities imaginable, pushing them to the limits of their endurance. Fleeting moments of happiness together.
All encouraged and directed by a man whose words could seem kind, but masked a cruel curiosity and an unbending will. They were never meant to have souls or personalities. He was going to ensure his work continued despite those.
But for all these memories, there were still gaps. Black holes that would never divulge the information that had once been there--and considering the nature of what Sans did remember, he couldn't help but feel perhaps that was for the best. But if Papyrus' memory of how to shift back had been engulfed by one of these voids... then he might not ever remember, and have to figure it out all over again. On Sans’ part, he’d at least recalled why he didn’t know the method to change back, and it had nothing to do with a spotty memory.
The words had stung anew, a biting remark on a small, frail body that was useless to a lab that only made weapons. He ought to at least look the part, and wasn't allowed anything else. It was only the third time Sans had taken that smaller form in the lab; from then on, he'd slowly accepted his life as a beast. It was easier that way.
"I think perhaps we've had enough," Papyrus said in a low voice, shaking him out of a flat stare after recalling that particular memory. "Let's take our minds off things for a while!"
Sans was glad to get up and laze in front of the TV as Papyrus reheated leftovers for them both. MTT had something mindless on as usual, and it was just the thing for drowning out painful memories. Papyrus snorted when he noticed his brother had fallen asleep, and busied himself with cleaning up the dishes before rejoining him on the couch to doze himself. It had been a long day, but more were sure to follow. They needed all the rest they could get.
It wasn't going to come easy.
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kaediisarchive · 3 years
Final thoughts on the 2021 Mortal Kombat movie.
LOTS of spoilers under the cut! Do not look at this post if you don’t want to see spoilers!
And remember, this is all just my opinion. It’s not like an actual in-depth review because I’m not a film student; this is just my perspective on what I saw as a fan of this franchise.
Sub-Zero and Scorpion were great. Opening fight was great.
“Eddy Tobias” namedrop lmao
I love the snow preceding Sub-Zero’s attack. Very foreboding.
Score is AWESOME. My favorite soundtrack is probably the one that plays when Sub-Zero is attacking them in the city towards the beginning.
Sonya rigging her house with a secret bunker and trap doors is smart and fits her character.
I like that the dragon logo has an integral meaning to the story.
Loved Jax vs Sub-Zero. Not mad about the origin change of Jax’s arms. I like that he had to work through his feelings of inadequacy and failure; people don’t just immediately bounce back after something that traumatic. I also like that his arcana manifests to protect Sonya rather than in the heat of battle. It shows his emotional priorities and what separates him from people like Kano who manifest their arcana in a fit of rage.
Sonya “Throw Hands on Sight” Blade lmfao. They nailed her fighting style too and I am happy.
Kano is the best thing about this movie. No competition.
Kotal reference!
Nightwolf reference!
Shang Tsung’s soul magic being black and wispy and foreshadowing Noob Saibot.
I love Liu Kang in this. He is 1000000% a Wholesome Boi. I like that he’s younger and unhardened and not the fully realized champion version of his character yet. Let him grow into it so it feels earned later on. I like that he’s the underdog, and I like what they’ve set up for him in the future. Also, the casting for him was perfect and they nailed his fighting style, too.
That little “the FUCK” that the Kano actor improvised(?) in the middle of Liu Kang’s lines made me laugh more than it should have. I don’t know why that moment got to me so much but it did.
I love Kung Lao. And they nailed his fighting style, too! Great to see variation that represents the characters (though there were less shining examples, which I’ll touch on later).
Egg roll scene is best scene.
Kabal! I love his dry humor. And his voice reminds me of Duke Nukem, which I’m not mad about. It complemented his dialogue well.
Not mad about Kung Lao’s death because it was meaningful. His fatality on Nitara was sick, too.
Liu Kang taking the ribbon from Kung Lao’s hat and wearing it in his honor, giving an origin for his signature headband is FANTASTIC.
Sub-Zero was a GREAT final boss. They really built him up appropriately to make him feel like it.
Scorpion’s fatality! And his skull face!
Not sure how I feel about Sub-Zero being wholly evil and there being no involvement from Quan Chi. It’s more straight forward for sure. It makes him an interesting (and badass) character, and I’m really behind this portrayal in that he is one of the most believable characters in the movie, but I’m not sure if I like the implications for later films in how this has simplified the dynamic in the entire Shirai Ryu vs Lin Kuei plotline. Having Quan Chi be the Machiavelli was always one of my favorite MK twists. And how do we eventually end the feud now? If Bi-Han / the Lin Kuei were wholly responsible, why should Hanzo EVER make peace with Kuai Liang down the line? The complexity feels like it’s been stripped down a bit, but I do love this iteration of Sub-Zero. I truly do. That’s why this is in the neutral category and not the negative XD.
Why didn’t Jax tell Cole when he saw the mark? Why wait until his family gets attacked? Maybe he didn’t want to do it in front of his family to keep them out of it, but that ends up endangering them more. Not a gripe, just a curiosity.
Sound editing was a bit too intense at times for my taste. I have tinnitus, so...big boomy bass with very mild voices is a chore for my ears to switch between. My ears were ringing within the first twelve minutes.
Torn between “fuck you Reiko” and “Reiko deserved better”. He deserved just a little bit better, but Skarlet says “get fucked” anyway.
I don’t like the “shaky cam” used in the fight scenes. Not my cup of tea. Very hard to visually process at times.
Whatever cosmic force is picking the champions for Earthrealm is doing a shitty job at it.
Why did they change the location of the Sky Temple to a desert? Again, not a gripe, a curiosity.
“We will not see another full moon before the tournament begins” THEN WHERE IS THE TOURNAMENT BUDDY???
Not sure how I feel about the “arcana” concept. It’s an okay plot device but kinda hammy.
Kitana’s fan! But why? Why is it there? I could understand the Kotal and Nightwolf references because Sonya has been researching, but why is Kitana’s fan randomly in an Earthrealm temple? Purely cheap fanservice.
Nitara was really cool. Shame she had to die, but her death was cool and there have to be some characters that get killed off. Wish she had more screentime though; feels like another instance of fanservice just having her show up basically as a namedrop and a quick kill.
The phrase “Are you okay?” was said WAY too much in this film. So much that I actually notices how often it was said, and I usually don’t pick up on these things.
Pretty sure a camera operator fell at one point in a Sonya scene because the camera jerked around violently all of the sudden then stabilized. Whoops.
How did Sub-Zero know to take Cole’s family to the gym? WHY did he take them there?
Opening scene was awesome, but it’s emotional impact felt stunted. I feel like the order of events should have been twisted a bit. Hanzo find his wife and son should have been the big emotional climax of the scene, but it felt like a passing moment and gave him no time to mourn and no time for the impact to truly set in with me. It was an “oh no they died” moment instead of an “ OH MY GOD THEY DIED THIS IS SO FUCKED FUCK YOU SUB-ZERO” moment. I dare say that the Legacy web series did it better in spite of their lower budget and overall quality; the series of events had better pacing and gave more emotional impact because of it. I said what I fucking said don’t @ me.
Wish we got more Scorpion. I love Sanada, I love him as Scorpion, but they didn’t give us the time we needed with his character to truly get a grasp of him.
Cole Young is like white bread in a parade of decorative cakes.
Raiden, a normally passionate and protective character whose fatal flaw is that he involves himself too much in events because he cares about the people in his realm and ends up fucking things up because of it, now seems to not care in the slightest. He feels completely uninvolved save for an occasional pop in to give a nod of disapproval. I don’t like this unemotional take on one of the most emotional characters in Mortal Kombat.
Small complaint from my perspective as a martial artist but uh...”Throw your uppercut!” was a bullshit line in a bullshit scene. If you’re locked up with someone like that and the guy has his arms around your neck, you physically cannot uppercut. You cannot fit your arms between his arms because they are cinched tightly around your shoulders/neck. YOUR HEAD is between your fist + bicep and HIS HEAD. In that situation, the guy has also left his body completely unguarded, so the most logical thing to do since you CANNOT reach his head is to go for BODY BLOWS. Beat him until he lets go to protect himself, catch his floating rib with double strikes, or punch the dude in his fucking liver as hard as you can to DROP HIM. Cole is supposed to be an experienced fighter, yet he makes one of the most rookie mistakes a fighter could ever make. Normally I wouldn’t care to point out mistakes in fight choreography or whatever because it’s MK and I expect ridiculousness, but this is the WRONG kind of ridiculous. It’s just NONSENSE.
I have SO MANY issues with Mileena. I’ll make this as short as I can. I don’t like the design of her mouth. I don’t like her weird stacked voice. She shows NO personality, not in her acting or even her fighting style, just an evil minion that got angry because she almost got her ass kicked. The turned one of the principle characters of the entire franchise and a fan favorite into a GRUNT. There is NO mention of Kitana outside of literal “fan”-service. Not even a reference to one of the most important plotlines in all of Mortal Kombat. And then they KILL HER OFF!!! When they do inevitably bring in Kitana WHAT THE FUCK ARE THEY GOING TO DO SINCE THEY KILLED OFF MILEENA???? I’m heated and biased and they did my girl dirty.
Speaking of doing characters dirty, poor Reptile. They turned him into an actual animal. What a waste.
Why are they so mean to Sonya if she doesn’t have a mark? She wouldn’t be as much of a “liability” if they would take the time to prepare her and teach her how to defend against fighters that have unlocked their arcana. Mind-numbingly stupid logic.
This movie relies A LOT on prerequisite knowledge to work. It’s like they want fans to fill in the blanks for them. But not everyone watching is already a fan; this isn’t an obscure release, this is a blockbuster movie released worldwide. These gaps in lore and prior knowledge don’t make sense for such a broad audience.
Cole Young literally could have just been Johnny Cage.
Where was Raiden when his temple was being assaulted?
No but for real that’s the most boring decision they just ripped off Jax’s MK11 heater effect and Baraka’s blades (I know they’re tonfa and they aren’t attached and I DON’T CARE). Also, now he’s suddenly good at fighting again? After being dog shit this entire movie??? And tanks Goro?????
If Raiden is an Elder God in this continuity, why is he allowed to help Earthrealm AT ALL? It seems like favoritism and bends the rules that the Elder Gods are supposedly bound by way too much. They really just shouldn’t have made him an Elder God; I honestly think they just said it to introduce the concept without a fuck given towards the actual lore of the Elder Gods.
Cole REALLY should not have been involved in that last fight. Especially not after Scorpion shows up. It should have been Scorpion vs Sub-Zero ONLY for the final fight. Cole tag-teaming Sub-Zero with Scorpion cheapens Scorpion’s revenge.
Camera work in the final fight was not good, especially in the first portion. At one point Cole gets thrown into a fence, but it cuts to an awkward inverse angle that makes him look like he’s bouncing off of a trampoline. This continues to happen and ruins several shots for me.
Honestly Scorpion should have just possessed Cole. Permanently. No switching back and forth. No more Cole, only Scorpion.
Lots of dead characters come back as revenants and / or with upgrades.
Kano comes back with cyber eye.
Mileena comes back with full teeth.
Liu Kang becomes MK champion, wins tournament, and kills Shang Tsung. As it should be.
Cole Young helps Liu Kang become champion somehow idk maybe he sacrifices himself or something just please don’t make Cole the champion I will start a riot.
Next movie will start IMMEDIATELY at the tournament since there was supposedly less than a month until the tournament starts in this movie.
New characters coming in will be Kitana, Shao Kahn, Jade, Quan Chi, Kuai Liang, Noob Saibot, Ermac, and Johnny Cage.
This movie was good, bloody fun! It’s not an A++ Oscar-winner, but if you expected that going into it, you played yourself. It was Mortal Kombat; it was stupid, it was gory, and I had a blast watching it. Kano and Liu Kang were the best parts of the movie for me, with Scorpion and Sub-Zero tied for third. Also I popped a lot for the cheap nostalgia hits. I’m overall satisfied with what we got in spite of my complaints, and I only complain so in-depth about the things I love lmao so trust me when I say I’m not actually mad, just nitpicky. I’ve watched it twice now, and I would watch it again. It’s like a 6.8/10 for me.
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trikxx · 4 years
Song for this chapter
•just might - summer walker
• rehab winter in paris - brent faiyaz
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"𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄 shows canceled in a row what am I supposed to do Ceaira?!" Y/n said through the phone.
"Idk bubs i'd help you if I could but I can't this time we made a promise." "I just need ideas on another way of income Cee thats it." Y/n responded
"What about OnlyFans."
"OnlyFans. You can use your old skills and do only fans."
"Bitch the only old skill I have is stripping-" y/n stopped to think. "Boom. There you have it. And you have everything you need already so whats the issue?" Cearia said.
"What if my manager finds out?" Y/n asked. "Well lets ask him." Cearia says.
My manager. Carlos Cre. Cearia's boyfriend. Im mean yea he probably wouldn't give two fucks about me having a OnlyFans. Its mostly my rep thats on the line.
"Yoo!" Carlos said. "So Y/n wants to know if she can have a OnlyFans since ya know the income is getting low." Cearia says. " i mean yea its her life."
"Really?" "Yea, do you just don't ya know get hurt."
"Ok, wait thats it? That was quick." I say to my self. I walk to my room I used to practice in but now use to relieve stress. "What should I put on for my first post?" I ended up putting on a bunny outfit.
And some clear heels. I set my camera up, started recording and started my music.
Y/n slow walked to the pole grabbing it and walking around it. Then she jumped a little putting one leg the pole and leaning back while turning one leg and one arm holding onto the pole.
Y/n ended in a split at the bottom of the pole. She the paused the music and stopped the recording.
*Incoming call from Taleé*
Heyyy Y/n!
Hey Tal
Im good what about you?
Good just a little stressed about work.
We all are right now. With no shows there's not really a lot of income for us.
Yea. Cee told me about that one site called OnlyFans.
Are you gonna do it?
I might im still debating tho and Carlos said it was ok.
Hey Tal im gonna call you back.
Ok talk to you later babe.
*call ended*
I threw on some sweats and a white tee and walked to my door slightly opening it to a red haired male standing outside heavily breath. "Dud- oh shit im sorry i think have the wrong apartment." He said. I noticed that he was bleeding from his side. "Its o- hey are you ok?" I yelled as the male fell to the ground.
Not having enough time to pull him into the apartment. I quickly knelt down next to him and hovered my hands over his wound.
White speckles formed around us forming a shield. Making us invisible to the human eye.
The male's eye fluttered open realizing he was in a unknown room. He was laying in a soft bed under a weighted cover. "Wait my clothes." He whispered.
The boy got from under the cover noticing he had on some black sweat pants that fit perfectly. He walked out the dark room with his guard up not knowing where he was. He heard music coming from a room which had colorful lights beaming out of it.
As he got closer to the door he could clearly hear what the song was saying "yea, I just might be a hoe." He heard a voice sing along with the music.
"Oh Hey, your woke." The girl said before he could get close to the door. "I know that your a hero red riot but can I get your actual name since ya know...I saved your life."
"You did? And is this your house?" He said. "Yes now name?" "Ok it's Ejirou Kirishima. Just call me Kirishima though." Kirishima says. Y/n nodded her head "My name is y/n." She continued and walked past him to the kitchen. "Hungry?"
"Uh yes kinda." Kirishima continued to look around the apartment. "Want a tour?" "Huh?" "I said do you want a tour of the apartment." Y/n repeated.
"Uh sure but did you happen to see my phone in my hero suit?" Kirishima asked "Yes its in the room you were in."
"Thanks." Kirishima said walking to go get his phone.
*10 missed calls*
5 unread messages
Kirishima: Sorry Bakubro I went to the wrong place and passed out from blood loss but when I woke up I was healed and in someone's house.
Bakubro: Its about time you answered. Send me your location im coming to you.
Kirishima: ok *location*
*Two unread messages*
Karma.: Kiri are you ok. Bakugo told me you weren't answering.
Karma.: Kirishima. This is serious just answer me this one time. for bakugo.
Kirishima❤️: im ok and i already texted Bakugo
Karma.: ok thank you babe💗.
Kirishima scoffs. "was she really his last resort or did she just know because of her quirk." He said to himself before coming out of the room. "Ok you can start." " ok this is the kitchen..obviously."
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"This is nice." Kirishima said. "Thank you. Now heres the living room."
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"Mmm." "Ok, so of course the room you were in."
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"Mhm." "Guest bathroom."
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"When we are done you can shower and have not there is clothes the will probably fit you in the closet in the room. Follow me up the stairs."
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Kirishima makes a "o" with his mouth as we go up the stairs to my room and bathroom. "My room."
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"And you live by yourself?" Kirishima asked. "Kinda. My friend stays over a lot so the guest room is kind of her room." "Mhm." "My bathroom."
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"You must really love marble walls." Kirishima said with a small chuckle. "Yea."
"What about the room you were in earlier?" He asked. "Oh that, its nothing just chill room." "Can i see it?" "He Uhh.."
Y/n looked a Kirishima with an irritated look. "Do you know who that is?" Y/n said walking down the stairs. "Uh yea thats my best friend he's also a hero."
"He seems like a fucking hothead. He got issues?" Y/n said. Kirishima nodded "ok" y/n says swinging the front door open. "Would you keep it the fuck down other people live in this fucking building." Y/n said. The man looked in amusement. "W-WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU TALKING TO!" He yelled again. Y/n look him in his eyes and shut the door.
She turn to a surprised Kirishima. "I'll show the room if you tell your guard dog to back down." Y/n said. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY EXTRA!" The male yelled through the door.
Kirishima opens the door. "Bakugo calm down. She saved my life." Bakugo rolled his eyes and walked in taking his shoes off. "Need some water or tea after all that yelling?" The girl said. "I'll take some water." Bakugo said. "There's some room temp waters in the counter and cold ones in the fridge. I recommend the warm ones to ease the pain."
Y/n motioned for Kirishima to follow her. "Ok. I don't really care if you judge me it's just a at home hobbie.
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(I depth about the room. Its like this but smaller and it has more lights and a pole i front of a mirror. There are silks and the hoops but its only one of each. Also theres a curtain in between that side and a side with a small couch and a desk with a computer and etc.)
"don't apologize. just leave. Kirishima you hero outfit is in the closet in the guest room." Y/n said in a calm voice.
"Hey y/n can i get you number before I-" Kirishima was cut off by a piece of paper being shoved at his chest. "Here."
"Thank you." Kirishima said walking to the door. "Thank you for saving me."
1437 words
Yooo. Next chapter date is TBD.
•Y/n doesn't want many people to know her past. Only Cearia, Carlos, and Santana know.
•When Bakugo saw y/n his heart kinda fluttered but he didn't know what to do so he kept yelling.
•y/n has a second quirk that almost lost control after what Bakugo did.
Fav emoji? Heres mine 😗.
✰L O V E Y A B E B E S✰
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