#the way this has bi disaster just written all over it
pinkroseblooms · 7 months
i just started Bucchigiri and love your stuff!!! 😭 Can you do one for Matakara having a crush on a new transfer girl? She wears the boys uniform and a hoodie over her head so she doesn't get attention. He only finds out cuz she helped treat his wounds after a fight once and it's been their secret ever since
Thank you so much! Hope you like this!
Just Between Us
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Summary: Matakara takes it upon himself to befriend the new introverted transfer student and develops a crush, unaware they're both keeping secrets from the other. wc: 2.2k a/n: no warnings, mostly just fluff and a few swear words. reader is afab but I personally written them as being gender fluid. I also headcanon Matakara as bi disaster. Enjoy!
You yawn, barely paying attention as your teacher goes on about something to do with…history? English? Biology? At this point you don’t bother keeping track; no one else does. Usually everyone in your homeroom is openly hooting and hollering over the lecture; on good days, most of the other students are zoned out or passing notes, not even attempting to be sneaky about it.
Speaking of, a folded up card gets flicked on your desk; you look, puzzled at it, and back to your seatmate. On your right is Matakara Asamine, smiling patiently and pointing to the paper.
You roll your eyes but smile back; he has your number, the two of you could easily have a whole conversation over text if you wished to. Still, you open the little piece of paper and read what Matakara scribbled: he’s asking if you want to see a movie after school. You stifle a chuckle and write back an affirmative, deliberately sliding your hand over the surface of his desk; after he reads your answer, Matakara pumps his fist silently in a display of excitement. Your profile is obscured with your hood up and your head turned, so you hope he doesn’t see how wide you’re grinning. 
It’s only been a few months since you transferred to Ichizu and you’re grateful to have made a few decent friends; with the district's reputation, you hadn’t expected to do much in the way of socializing. You weren't particularly street smart or experienced in self defense even: you were one of the few students who fell into the “harmless wallflower” category. There were a handful of kids at school who were like you; they just sort of walked around, didn’t speak much, and were largely ignored by the majority of the school populace as too weak and plain to bother with. 
The Minato Kai and Siguma members mostly kept to themselves, interested in their own rivalry and their own personal circles of friends and acquaintances. Normies like you were mildly entertaining to mess with, and while you did get some teasing and the occasional shove in the hallway, you had sufficiently flown under the radar.
At least, until Matakara Asamine decided he wanted to make you his friend. From the beginning you were surprised, but not especially wary. The general opinion of Matakara was that he was strong and had integrity, two traits that Minato Kai prized; his revered older brother would surely be proud, who you had also heard good things about. With all that in mind, you didn’t hesitate too much when Matakara and his friends asked you to sit with them to eat or tag along to the batting cages. Frankly, you let everyone else do most of the talking; it was fun though. You genuinely enjoyed the company and Matakara shot down any attempts to get you to pledge with their gang. 
“What are we going to see later?” You ask as you take a seat next to Zabu, handing him the manga he had lent you a week prior. “Sorry it took so long, I lost it in the pile.”
“Eh, you can keep that if you want.” Zabu scrunches his nose at the volume, sliding it back towards you. “I’m not into that sappy shit.”
“Huh?” You raise an eyebrow. “Why’d ya buy it?”
“I heard it was supposed to be good, but it was cliche as hell.” Zabu shrugs, jabbing his elbow into Sakegaki’s side; said boy had been reaching his chopsticks into Zabu’s bento to nab a piece of grilled meat. “What movie? Are we going to see a movie?”
“Hey guys!” 
Matakara almost startles you with how loudly his voice booms; he plops down onto the bench next to you. “Sorry, the bread line was crazy today.”
“Figures, it’s half off day. What’d you get?” Zabu asks curiously.
“Yakisoba, here,” Matakara takes one of the sealed baggies of treats and puts one on top of your plate. “I owe you for last time, your favorite is the melon bread, right?”
“Yeah, but you didn’t have to.” You add. “Thanks though.”
“No problem.”
Lunch period comes and goes and you completely forget to ask what movie the four of you are going to see, but it doesn’t bug you much. You don’t really mind if it means you get to sit by Matakara again; the last time you went to the movies with him he had shared a bucket of popcorn with you, whispering into your ear every now and again to comment on something. You spend the rest of the day hoping you’ll be able to sit next to him again, maybe have one of those moments where your hands touch by accident. Zabu doesn’t know what he’s talking about in your humble opinion: if it was up to you, your school life would be one big, romantic comedy cliche, and Matakara would be the male lead.
Except, as things are now with you passing for a boy, you’re pretty sure your role as of now is the quiet friend, the awkward loner adopted by the popular kid. Not a bad deal all things considered, but it makes having a crush something of a pain in the ass. Still, you’ll take some yearning on your end if it means you can continue going through your school days mostly unnoticed and unbothered. The fact of the matter is presenting as a girl is a hassle; even the toughest girls in your class have to deal with being pursued and bugged by obnoxious wannabe casanovas who think they’re the earth’s gift to women. 
So far, you haven’t had any risky encounters: the gender neutral bathroom, dirty and falling apart like everything else in the school, helps avoid your secret getting out and you skip changing for gym because…well, pretty much everyone else does anyway and the teachers don’t care. You can’t see any reason why you shouldn’t keep passing as a boy until graduation; not to mention, the boy’s uniforms are comfier. 
“Where’s the guys?” 
It’s the late afternoon and you’re changed into baggy sweats and battered sneakers; inside your jacket are four packages of candy picked up from the convenience store you’re presently loitering outside of to sneak into the theater. Matakara is late; you’re about to text him when you hear his voice calling out to you. Down the sidewalk, Matakara is running your way, smiling wide and out of uniform; as he reaches you, your eyes widen.
“What the hell? You’re bleeding man.” You step up to him, craning your neck to get a good look at the cut over his eyebrow. “What the hell happened?”
“Ah, one of Siguma’s guys challenged me on my way here.” Matakara raises his fingers to the small gash. “Oh wow, I didn’t realize his kick landed that hard.”
“Matakara, hold on a second.”
“Where are you-?”
You rush into the store; in three minutes you’ve returned with a box of bandages, a small bag of cotton swabs, disinfecting ointment, hand sanitizer, and a bottle of water.
“What’s the water for?”
“Flush out the wound. Some of the blood’s drying.” 
You make Matakare sit down on the wooden bench on the side of the building and lay out the supplies. He watches you silently as you pour some of the clean water onto a swab and begin to carefully wipe off the dried blood, soaking up the bit that’s still oozing. Matakara is obediently still and doesn’t wince as you swipe a few dabs of ointment over the injury after sanitizing your hands properly. 
“You do this a lot?”
“Nope.” You confess, handing him the bottle of water. “Here, have some. It’s always a good idea to drink water. I’m gonna put the bandaid on; can’t believe you didn’t realize you got hit so hard.”
“I was kinda in a rush.” Matakara’s hand dwarfs the plastic bottle; he’s looking down a bit guiltily. “Sorry I was late. I thought it’d be over quicker.”
“Well, the guys are late anyway, so it works out.” You gently smooth the bandage across his eyebrow. “There, it should be fine. Are you sure you don’t feel dizzy or anything? Maybe we should skip the movie.”
“No!” Matakara says, sitting up straight. “I’m totally fine, seriously. Thanks for taking care of me.”
“I should be the one saying that.” You sit next to him with a sigh. “Don’t apologize; I’m lucky you want to hang out with me at all.”
“Of course I do! You’re fun to be around and you’re a good listener and you’re really-” 
Matakara stops talking; he suddenly looks away and takes a sip of water. You stare at him, a bit flattered and a lot confused. Matakara's been acting a little off all day come to think of it.
“Should I text the guys? You told them where we were gonna meet, right?” You check your phone while Matakara finishes the water. “Think they went straight to the theater?”
“Um, actually, Sakegaki and Zabu aren’t coming.” Matakara tells you; he scrunches up the bottle and tosses it cleanly into the recycling bin next to him. “You don’t mind, right?”
“Oh. No, it’s cool.” You’re not lying but now your curiosity has peaked. “Is everything okay with you guys?”
“Yeah, nothing wrong.” Matakara says quickly. “If you want I can call them, if you’re not comfortable with it being just us.”
“Why wouldn't I be?”
Matakara’s hands are clasped and he’s still looking at the ground; he looks troubled and you feel bad for pushing the issue, whatever it is, but something is definitely wrong. 
“I don’t mean to presume.” Matakara begins slowly, measuring his tone. “It’s none of my business, but I, um, when you got close to me, I kinda felt…your chest.”
You stare at him blankly; Matakara’s cheeks flush and he finally gives you a ‘look’. 
“Oh.” You blink. “Shit. I guess you found me out.”
“So, you were born a girl?”
“Why are you…?” Matakara averts his stare. “Wait, sorry, it’s none of my business.”
“No, you’re fine. The thing is, it’s just kind of easier to pass myself off as a guy, ya know?” You pat his shoulder. “So, would you mind keeping it between us? Honestly, I don’t really care if people see me as a guy, girl, whatever, but it would make my life easier if you didn't go telling anyone else.”
“A secret?” Matakara perks up. “Between us?”
“I’d appreciate it.”
You’re a bit taken aback; you know Matakara’s a nice guy and all, but you didn’t expect him to be this easy going about your charade.
“You can trust me.” Matakara puts a hand over his heart. “I can swear it in blood.”
“No, no more bleeding!” You blanch at the thought. “Dude, it’s not that deep.”
“I know, but it’s just nice.” Matakara rubs the back of his neck; he’s beaming at you, eyes crinkling in the corners, cheeks flushed. “You know, we’re always around other people or you go off on your own; when we are together, you don’t say much…I feel like we haven’t actually gotten a chance to really know each other, so I like we have this thing that’s only for us. Does that sound weird?”
“A little, but I see what you mean.” You tug the strings of your hoodie so it closes more around your face. “If you want, we could do this more.”
“Hanging out,” You clarify, voice softer than you mean for it to be. “Just the two of us. If you want.”
“Then, it’s okay I didn’t invite the others? You’re not uncomfortable with it?”
“I probably feel the most comfortable around you, Matakara.”
You chance peeking out and realize you’re screwed: Matakara is leaning over, right in your face, eyes glued to your face and almost shining. He radiates warmth, like he’s trying to make you gravitate closer to his side, unknowingly pulling you toward him.
Actually, it’s more like his hand is placed over yours and he’s moving his face close to yours; for a moment you and Matakara stare at each other mutely. His hand covers yours and you don’t feel uncomfortable but your heart might actually combust inside your ribcage from how tenderly Matakara is gazing at you. 
“Do you really mean it?” Matakara breathes, voice almost like a sigh. “Can we go to the movies now? Just you and me?”
“Uh huh.” You nod dumbly, swallowing the spit you didn’t realize was pooling from glancing at his lips. “I, um, bought candy for everyone, four of them.”
“More for us.” Matakara smiles brightly, standing up; he’s yet to let go of your hand. 
“Works for me.” You don’t try to pull your hand away, allowing Matakara to pretty much lead you down the sidewalk in the direction of the theater. You’ve never seen him act almost childishly eager and his attitude is admittedly infectious. “Let’s share a popcorn bucket, it'll be less expensive.”
“Yeah, we should split a drink too.”
Matakara looks back, and you can’t miss the mischievous glint in his eyes as your cheeks grow hot.
“…I’m gonna have to watch out for you.”
“I don’t mind. In fact,” Matakara is grinning a little too innocently for the look he’s giving you over his shoulder. “You can look at me all you want.”
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starfolk7 · 4 months
Gimme Laurence and Romeo for the character ask thing.
Ooooh two!! Let's see!
Sexuality Headcanon: Demi-bi all the way. Man does not know he's in love until it smacks him in the face like a train sfhssd
Gender Headcanon: Cisgender male, usually.
ship I have with said character: Laurence x OC. It's one of my most self-indulgent ships. Even when I'm preoccupied with other fandoms, I think about them at least once a week fhdhdd
A BROTP I have with said character: Laurence and Ludwig! I think their bond was very strong, but I normally lean towards a platonic bond for them.
A NOTP I have with said character: I'm not really sure!
A random headcanon: He picks up on languages very quickly. This is handy for him in OC x Canon things when the gal he likes speaks German and he realizes he doesn't know much of it. Cue him studying up on it to impress her sdhfsdhfds
General Opinion over said character: I am so mentally ill over him it's not even funny. Fell in love with this disaster man in early 2018 and haven't looked back. 14/10 would let him move into my brain rent free all over again!
Sexuality Headcanon: So bi it hurts.
Gender Headcanon: Cisgender male before the Petrification Disease, probably leans more towards nonbinary after that, but I haven't quite solidified that in my head.
ship I have with said character: Romeo x OC, particularly with my gal Adelaide. He and Carlo became good friends with Addie when she started volunteering at the Monad Charity House, and the three of them were inseparable until the Petrification Disease stole the boys away. Romeo and Addie left a lot of feelings towards each other unsaid, at least until they meet back up after the Frenzy happens and he's, y'know. A puppet. There's a lot going on with this one sjddshf but they're adorable <3
A BROTP I have with said character: Romeo and P! I see P as his own person, and sure, Romeo has to come to terms with the fact that P looks like Carlo but isn't Carlo, but I think they'd bond after a while. Provided they weren't forced to fight.
A NOTP I have with said character: I don't really ship him and Carlo? It's not a visceral "no", and I definitely understand the appeal! It's just not a ship that super clicks with me most of the time. That said, I'm definitely willing to give it a shot if it's written well!
A random headcanon: He strikes me as a great dancer. No idea why, but it's something I thought of one day and it's just kind of stuck lmao.
General Opinion over said character: He hits all of my "tragic backstory, heart of gold" buttons and I love him so much. He deserves to be happy ;w;
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allylikethecat · 8 months
ally!!! i have to say i keep growing ever so frustrated at ao3 as at the end of every update you so generously give us it reminds me once again that i am unable to leave you more kudos when i so wish i could spam you with it every five minutes to show my appreciation for these fics!!!!!!
the ducklings update was incredible and i so loved seeing an insight into fictional!george’s mind, i especially enjoyed how much a packet of shredded cheese caused so much trouble hah — whilst i am loving the angst between them, I am also very excited for them to (at some point) actually communicate with each other lol
i have to go on record to say that as a diehard lover of ‘you know where the city is’ that is the fic i voted for this week — this does not mean however that i am not very much eating up all discussions of the vampire fic (& the equestrian fic!!!) and i can’t wait to see what you come up with (on the discussion of vampires & twilight,, i was always team edward and the idea of vampire fictional!george??? amazing.) and I of course was very happy to receive a ducklings update regardless.
also!! these january prompts have been so good and it’s so cool that you’ve stuck with it the entire month — opening up tumblr and finding a little ally fictional!matty and george drabble has been so fun and u should know that they will be sorely missed come february!!!!
— 💌💌
(p.s. sorry about the obnoxiously long ask lol!!!)
Hello My Dearest 💌 Anon!
First off, NEVER apologize for sending in a long ask!! I am giggling and twirling my hair upon receiving it!! I love writing obnoxiously long responses and so this is perfect!!!
I too very much wish that I could leave multiple kudos on the fics that I read, AO3 really needs to get on it and allow us to do so! I am so thankful and honored to have written a fic that you feel that way about 🥺 Just know that I appreciate YOU so very much and am so grateful for you not only reading but taking the time to send me such a lovely, long, thought out ask! 🥰
AHH Thank you so much for your kind words about the newest Ducklings update!! I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed it! Shredded cheese is a very important snack option and poor Fictional!Matty thought it was going to solve all of his problems, but alas, halfway through it became the cause of them. I was a little nervous about this chapter since we were changing things up a little bit with a Fictional!George-centric interlude and am so happy to hear that you liked it! We might have a little bit longer to go before Fictional!Matty and Fictional!George get it together and truly communicate but don't worry it is coming and I actually have a plan for it now (huge thank you to @sundrownsthehouse for helping establish DIRECTION for this fic!)
AHH thank you so much for supporting You Know Where the City Is as well!! The 2014-Disaster-Bi versions of Fictional!Matty and Fictional!Taylor are some of my favorite characters I've ever written, and I am so excited for y'all to see how their story unfolds! I will hopefully have that update finished soon, I've been slowly but steadily working on it since the last update!
The Vampire brain rot has become so very real and I am so excited that people are willing to indulge me in it. Once I get the Christmas fic finished, I cannot WAIT to start diving into my new WIPs 🤩
ALSO omg thank you so much for sharing such kind words about the January OPT prompts, it was a little project that I started for myself, and I'm just so flattered that people are also enjoying them, and taking the time to share such lovely feedback on them! They have been hard to keep up with, but I'm very proud of myself for sticking with them so far, and cannot believe we're over halfway through!
Thank you so much for reading, and for sending in this lovely, lovely, ask! I apologize for writing you a small novel in response! I hope you continue to enjoy my works and I hope I'll be able to a You Know Where the City Is update up soon! I hope you have a fabulous rest of your week!
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kitkatt0430 · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Survivor's Guilt - (Fandom: The Flash) Harrison Wells survives night of the car accident Eobard Thawne caused, but Tess Morgan still dies. Of course, no one knows that last part yet. In which Eobard Thawne spends fifteen years as Tess, from Harrison's PoV. Eventually Harrison Wells/Tina McGee/Jerry McGee.
I found Jerry McGee in the various wikis about the comics while looking for more info on Tina and brought him in here where he became a chaotic, closeted bi who cannot sit in chairs properly to save his life. OG Harrison goes through a lot, but he winds up happy in the end. Has a prequel from Eobard's PoV and a sequel from Harrison's PoV for parts of S2 where E2 Tess Wells shows up in place of Harry.
Through The Looking Glass - (Fandom: Tales of Vesperia) Brave Vesperia is doing a job for the Empire, helping to clean up an old lab run by Alexei's allies and wind up accidentally rewriting history in the process.
First in a series about the timeline Yuri finds himself in where he never existed. Until now, that is. It's unfinished for now, but I want to work on it more as I've got a lot of plans for it. The world may be a dystopia run by Alexei now, but Yuri is bringing hope to the world - but arguably he's the person who needs hope the most...
The Comeback Queen - (Fandom: Supergirl) Part 2 of an ongoing series. In which Leslie gets her powers, but doesn't become a villain. Because, quite frankly, flirting with Supergirl is more fun than villainy anyway.
Livewire is a character I liked way back when I was a kid watching the Superman Animated Series. So I loved seeing her on Supergirl. And there was some definite sparkage between her and Kara. I may like Kara/Lena best, but Kara/Leslie is definitely a fun ship too.
Unexpected - (Fandom: Arrow) Tommy's jealousy over Laurel and Oliver's lingering feelings for each other swerves in an unexpected direction when he learns Oliver's in love with him too. Tommy/Laurel with pre-Tommy/Laurel/Oliver
Tommy is a disaster here realizing that he may be bi after all, Laurel is finally learning to move on from her grief over Sara thanks to her love for Tommy, and Oliver is being his usual, reckless self. Tales place during Season 1, starting with the poorly thought out double data involving Helena and continues through to the Christmas Party Snafu.
Scientific Method - (Fandoms: Arrow, The Flash) A rewrite of the two parter from Arrow S2, where Barry is introduced. Now with Tommy not being dead, Barry attending the party as Oliver's plus one instead of Felicity's, Oliver getting the infamous 'I'm sure he penetrates just fine' line, and Thea learning her brother is a vigilante from Oliver which goes a ways towards alleviating the trust issues that would have given Malcolm an in with her in canon.
Started off as an idea for a short fic rewriting just the party and expanded because I decided Tommy was alive and suddenly I was fleshing out a much bigger plot. I have plans for this series that'll take it into S1 of the Flash and tie in to at least one Batman movie, but I haven't even gotten to the fic about their New Years shenanigans or the traumatizing events of the Accelerator Incident (now pushed back to taking place in the first week of 2014 instead of the last few weeks of 2013 like in canon).
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osanostra · 2 years
GGRB S2 forecast
I'm returning to Tumblr for another season of GGRB disaster!!! Yay!! As I did last year, I've prepared some S2+ predictions for ya 🤭
S2 bets:
⬜️ Audrey fells for Max ⬜️ Two of throuple start sneaking around ⬜️ Someone from the throuple becomes a third wheel and they break up with a fight ⬜️ Julien and Obie back together (?? granted that Julien has this new boyfriend and Obie has cut screen time) ⬜️ GG is taken down for at least a while ⬜️ Kate Keller goes evil ⬜️ Zoya pulls out Jenny Humphrey and tries to become a queen of Constance ⬜️ Georgina Sparks is in only 1-2 episodes ⬜️ Georgina helps Kate run GG and makes it hell
After the trailer and the fact that directors did change a lot, I'm not sure in anything, but I will go on with things I took from S1.
Below you can read a short notice with how I see the characters and the show's direction. While I was rewatching the series I was making notes to later form my post into a structured form. So if you guys are interested in why I think the way I do, you can always ask. I'll gladly rant about the slightest pairing moments.
My bet is on Audrey and Max ending up together. She was the throuple initiator, she's the one who talks to him more, and they have a lot of subtle moments that puzzle into a realistic slow pairing development.
I honestly don't get any pairing potential from Aki and Max. It's not even Evan Mock's fault, yes, he can't make such a performance like Emily Lind of Thomas Doerthy and he's a newbie actor, but he's still a sweetie pie. It's the writing.
He had all the juicy moments with Max in the first episodes, and even they were too fast and sort of "intentional" for me. Later, Aki and Max were complete bros. Like, sure, they were helping each other, but in a friendly way. In casual conversations, Max seemed mostly talking to Audrey and turning to Aki just in case. Aki seemed not so interested in the throuple, and he never took initiative.
For me, it looks like that. Aki and Audrey are together for so long that they are more of a family and friends than lovers. Now, Audrey is subtly in love with Max but doesn't want to admit it and pretends the throuple is what she really wants. Aki doesn't really need a throuple, but he's a newly discovered bi, so he doesn’t mind; he plays in a throuple mostly for Audrey. I suppose Max has feelings for Audrey as well, but I suspect the writers will start developing and show them later.
Their line was written with less care than the throuple one, so I can say less.
I don't see Julien and Obie together. They have feelings and chemistry right now, mostly from Julien, but I do think their main purpose will be to overcome them. Like with Audrey and Aki, their relationship is finished, and though it may be painful, they need to overcome it. I see them as a good example of exes to friends dynamic.
I do think Obie and Zoya will end up as an endgame. I got little chemistry from them in the later episodes, because they basically didn’t talk to each other, but they were truly adorable together. Obie was his better self, and Zoya was charming back then. If they took a break to grow personally and get their own character development, and then get back, they would be a power couple.
I have a funny theory that Zoya and Julien may dump Obie completely. As we remember, Zoya is Dan Humphrey, Julien is Serena Van Der Woodsen, and Obie is probably Nate Archibald from the OG GG. Dan ended up with Serena, and Nate ended on his own, and I can expect something like this from the sisters. To not have constant fights over a boy, they give up on the boy! But that's for the final season, and it suggests Obie to have a downward character development
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hua-fei-hua · 2 years
(referring o lantern rite 3.4)
I found zhonglis performance as mortal adult who doesn't know venti as satisfactory while ventis to be 100/10 (no I am not biased). performance of the century. no millenia.
there was a lot of gay shit happening we know it we know it. I like to believe that hutao knows about a bard boyfriendTM. and she finally got to meet said boyfriend (who is also friends with zhongli,,,, hmm hutao detective glasses on I bet she wasn't fooled at all)
moon(iI am still laughing at the kidsctions to these adults doing. whatever they were. like why were they making upncover sorry fr but it was theater. art
did you meet beinguang at the uhhh place where rex lapis died. (thwir dialogue makes me laugh so much. am pretty sure at this point we can safely say that chess is code for making out hornily)
I also wanted to hear ventis thoughts in more detailed but ngl. I think it's pretty neat that xvn would like to keep their relationship a secret but only venti is the one who can while xiao's affection is apparent to anyone who knows him because he is an open book. Even if he tried he can't hide it. but I also wanted to know what venti thinks of music :( I had hoped that it would be like irodori where eh doesn't say much but just watches,,, is there in the background while giving inputs once in a blue moon
Also I did replay my own recording at yess!!! venti did blink a lot??? was it him going 'play along play along' hahaha idk
venti could go to an improv comedy club and absolutely sweep the competition; that man KNOWS how to play along and do so with SUBTLETY. probably bc he spends most of his waking life playing pretend and has done so for centuries, but then again, zhongli has also walked amongst mortals, who see him n go, "it couldn't be... is it??" so he passes with juuuust enough grace to leave them wondering lol. venti absolutely the best out of the three tho. xiao's acting skills found dead in a ditch lmao
OH but smth else i did remember is that i found it interesting that zhongli chose to call xiao by alatus. i know a lot of people tend to subscribe to the hc that alatus is xiao's true name (it's a pretty strongly supported hc that i refuse to subscribe to, personally) n that his weakness is his true name (also pretty supported by the text in canon n a hc i do subscribe to), so i find it interesting that, if alatus is xiao's true name (and secret weakness), zhongli would address him by such. one could say it's just his way of being more polite to someone who served in the archon war, but like idk. i just find it a bit odd and worth noting
a while back i was chillin w/my friends n making one of those alignment charts that's like "distinguished/functional/disaster" vs. "gay/bi/lesbian" (except we also added ace/pan/straight for a bit more nuance) n it was like "well, we have charas w/straight vibes from mond, inazuma, and sumeru. what abt liyue? do any of the liyue characters have straight vibes?" and the answer was no. liyue gay as hell.
and yes i DID see the beiguang over on yujing terrace!!! i was like "omg beiguangs" n i talked to them n i was like "is... is the chess a metaphor for sex???" bc WHAT WAS THAT?? HELLO???? last lantern rite was very much their wedding and so this year they get to sit back n be the stable established couple
also i can't believe hu tao met xiao's bf n then instantly went, "we will have an immortal pact of mischief, a solemn vow of fun written in silly poetics" she knows what she's doing. she knows EXACTLY who venti is; those dots were hardly even disconnected in her head.
i can absolutely see xv keeping their relationship a secret just bc xiao is a very private character, n venti would respect that. it's just so funny to see them fail bc xiao has difficulty maintaining a separation btwn his public n private lives. ofc he doesn't tell anyone if they don't ask, and he never drops any hints that would prompt people to ask normally, but in this particular type of situation where he has to explain himself and his relationship to someone, he's probably so unused to having a public social life that he has absolutely zero skills when it comes to answering questions truthfully, but with respect to his own privacy.
venti opinion on music.... that would've been nice to see :c though i don't think we asked xiao for his opinion either! hmm hmm... i wonder if they keep xiao's character development behind the ephemeral event quests specifically bc they're ephemeral n there's (maybe) gay shit going on behind the scenes.
but also omg so it WASN'T just my computer choking from the constant abuse i make it suffer venti was fluttering his lashes or smth at xiao. i'd personally interpret it as ~smug flirtations~ where he's just like, "ah, yes, how is xiao going to explain me away? :3" but who knows!!! i have brainworms lol
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themculibrary · 9 months
Secrets Masterlist
5 Times Peter Parker Almost Came Out to the Avengers (ao3) - Babereflective T, 12k
Summary: (And the One Time He Did)
Peter Parker had a secret. No matter how badly he wanted to share it, he couldn’t, he knew he couldn’t. Deep down he knew it wasn’t a big deal, but it was. It was a huge deal, and sometimes he thought he would never tell anyone how he really felt. You see, Peter Parker was a bi disaster. He told himself that he wasn’t the type of boy to stare at cute strangers too long or smile at the thought of a school yard crush, but oh boy he was. But nobody could know that. Well, nobody except Ned and MJ.
Adult Supervision Required (ao3) - Bravehardt, Foxglove_Fiction tony/stephen T, 3k
Summary: Tony just wants to spend Halloween with his secret boyfriend and his mentee. It’s not his fault the Sanctum’s out to get him.
Aftermath (ao3) - Potrix bucky/steve/tony
Summary: One moment they’re fighting, yelling scathing insults and ugly accusations at each other, and the next they’re kissing, all teeth and anger-fuelled desperation. Steve backs him up until Tony’s shoulders hit the closest wall, and hoists him up, giving Tony no choice but to wrap his legs around Steve’s waist for support. Tony bites Steve’s bottom lip, hard enough to draw blood, and Steve growls, and grips both of Tony’s wrists in one big hand, his hold bruisingly tight.
and you needed someone to show you the way (ao3) - SailorChibi bucky/steve/tony T, 24k
Summary: Tony knows what the team really thinks of him. It’s a delicate balance: they tolerate him because of his money and his toys, and he gets to stay on the team and fight with them. He’s okay with that. So long as he hides the fact that Steve’s and Bucky’s names are written on his skin in the most embarrassing act of one-sided love affection ever, everything will be fine.
It just figures that a fantastically stupid villain, a kidnapping plot and a video camera will bring Tony’s well-kept secret out into the open.
can’t keep living for the damage (ao3) - brandywine421 matt/natasha G, 3k
Summary: Matt is Natasha’s secret. Maybe that’s okay.
Coming Home (ao3) - inkinmyheartandonthepage pepper/tony G, 59k
Summary: AU – Peter Stark was kidnapped when he was just three years old. Tony and Pepper never stopped looking for their boy. Years later, Peter finds his way back home.
Do Not Reply (ao3) - FestiveFerret steve/tony E, 33k
Summary: When Tony starts replying to a "daily deals" donotreply email address from some random security supply company, he finds shouting into the void soothingly cathartic.
Less so when the void answers back.
Double Blind (ao3) - smilebackwards matt/foggy T, 2k
Summary: Matt comes to, flat on his back, with Iron Man and Hawkeye hovering over him. “Oh fuck,” Stark says, less than comfortingly.
Established Priorities (ao3) - AlloyUSOBondGirl steve/tony T, 13k
Summary: Tony and Steve have been married for a year and a half. But nobody is knows this. So when Steve is invited to an event where Tony’s identity will remain anonymous, they are both looking forward to a fun, normal night. Too bad Steve’s old high school buddies have other priorities, Fury is hunting down something he has wanted for two years and secrets they have kept from one another keep getting in the way.
In short a High school reunion fic, with lots of secrets, sarcasm and kisses.
Falling For You (Hook, Line, and Sinker) (ao3) - FestiveFerret steve/tony E, 62k
Summary: After being thawed, Steve's adrift in the 21st century. There's nothing for him here, just the endless cycle of pre-packaged food, pointless training exercises, and long hours at the gym. But when he takes on a new project, it leads him to a new friend - one who might open up all kinds of new doors, new feelings, new experiences. Or might just break his heart.
He Was Actually Really Being Truthful (For Once) (ao3) - orphan_account steve/bucky, pepper/tony T, 14k
Summary: The Avengers return from months of missions to find a child fast asleep on the lounge, with Tony snoring beside him. A mystery ensues. Is Tony Stark a father? (It looks like it!) How have they never discovered the kid until now? I mean, Iron Man has always been good at keeping secrets, but a whole CHILD?
None So Blind (ao3) - prettybirdy979 T, 29k
Summary: They say when you assume you make an ass of you and me.
Matt wishes that the Avenger's assumptions about his seeming inability to read the written word did something as benign as making an ass of him and them. Being called illiterate shouldn't hurt, not when he knows he's not, and it's not like he can tell them the truth.
Not that the truth would make much difference. He's just going to have to grin and bear it.
If he can.
sometimes a family is nine unrelated superheroes and an adopted teenage boy (ao3) - shrill_fangirl_screaming T, 18k
Summary: When Peter Parker is fourteen years old, he fixes one of the Black Widow's bracelets and ships it to Avengers Tower. Tony Stark hires him on the spot.
When Peter Parker is fifteen years old, he's bit by a spider and everything changes. He keeps his superhero life a secret from the Avengers team that has become a second family to him, but how long can he keep up the act?
Speakeasy; Love Hard (ao3) - FestiveFerret, tina_v steve/tony E, 48k
Summary: When Steve hits a dry spell selling his comics to the papers, his roommate and best friend, Bucky, convinces him to tend bar at the speakeasy where Bucky's band play a few nights a week. Though Steve disagrees morally with drinking alcohol, he can't help but get caught in the flashy, exciting whirlwind that is The Dollhouse. He also can't help but get caught up with one of The Dollhouse's most captivating patrons...
The Accidental Art of Secret-Keeping (ao3) - NamelesslyNightlock loki/tony T, 8k
Summary: The best way of keeping a secret is to pretend there isn’t one. —Margaret Atwood
…or, five times Tony told the Avengers about Loki and the one time they finally caught on.
The Most Amazing Things (Some Terrible Lie) (ao3) - copperbadge steve/tony M, 26k
Summary: Tony's decision not to reveal his identity as Iron Man to the world was shrewd and calculated. Too bad it's about to backfire on him like a Jericho missile.
The (Not So) Great Pretender (ao3) - RayShippouUchiha bucky/tony T, 19k
Summary: “What,” Tony says softly but with a great depth of feeling, “the actual fuck just happened?”
“I believe, Sir,” JARVIS pipes up from the phone in his pocket, an unnecessary amount of what sounds like glee in his voice, “that you’ve once again managed to maintain your closely guarded secret identity. Truly your subterfuge skills know no bounds."
“You’re an asshole J,” Tony mutters back as he reaches up to rub at his temple. He either has a headache coming on or a blood clot. At this point he’s honestly not sure which he’d prefer.
"I did learn from the best, Sir,” JARVIS tells him sunnily.
The Secrets Out (ao3) - WhereWordsComeToLife steve/tony T, 3k
Summary: Peter is coming back from his duty as Spiderman, but he runs into two angry superheros who just happen to be his parents.
The Third Option - Uncertainty_Principle M, 220k
Summary: Homecoming A/U.
Ben and May divorced before Peter’s parents died, so when Ben is murdered Peter goes into foster care. It takes just a tiny taste of superpowers for Peter to decide he doesn’t want to put up with his horrible foster father anymore—the streets are infinitely more appealing. All he wants is to be Spider-Man anyway.
So he leaves.
Simple, that is, until Iron Man needs Spider-Man’s help. Peter isn’t about to turn down an opportunity to fight alongside Tony Freaking Stark, but he also isn’t going to let his hero know that his recruit is a fifteen-year-old homeless dropout. So they strike a deal. Peter will help Tony. In return, the mask stays on.
And that’s when things get complicated.
This Love is Ours (ao3) - hopelessly_me bucky/clint T, 5k
Summary: After seven months of secretly dating, all it took was a little bit of exhaustion and a rude reporter for their secret to be revealed.
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ofnifflersandkings · 4 years
Endgame Strategy
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Character: Benny Watts
A/n: I said I’d write for the hot chess people so I did. The timeline for this is kinda confusing but the desperation I had to write this made me simply not care.
A familiar voice pulled you from your current task of getting Benny’s two ton apartment door shut. You barely got yourself inside before a pair of arms promptly wrapped around you. 
You staggered backwards by the sudden weight, a noise between a wheeze and a laugh escaping you as you registered who it was.
“If it isn’t my favorite drama queen!” You pulled back to get a good luck at Beth, a big grin busting out on both of your faces.
“Come in,” She ushered you in, helping you take off your coat and asking you little questions as she lead you over to the sink.
You were a pretty established photographer for some big fashion companies, so you had been traveling with Cleo around Europe for the better half of a year. You’d telephoned Benny as soon as all of your campaigns wrapped up and he instantly insisted you come to New York to make up for lost time.
You had just started to get a word in when you felt someone come up behind you and squeeze you abruptly, practically toppling you over. “Look what the cat dragged in!”
You looked over to see Benny already looking down at you with a grin before promptly ruffling up your hair. “Hey stranger,” He grinned. You pushed him off and turned to give him a proper hug. 
You noticed Arthur and Hilton lingering behind him and you pulled yourself from his hold to greet them as well.
“You came at the perfect time,” Benny said, slinging an arm over your shoulder. “We were just about to start.”
“What do you say, (Y/n)?” Hilton asked. “Finally gonna indulge us and play a game?”
You shoved his hands off of you and sent him a smile. “You don’t need some newbie slowing down your thunder,” You noticed Benny giving you the pleading look he always sent your way when you turned down playing chess. You swear you thought he knew how to deflate his eyes on purpose so he looked like a kicked puppy. “No, I don’t need your patronizing when I barely make it past five moves.”
Benny was an old childhood friend of yours, so you had known Arthur and Hilton for almost as long as he had. And they made it their personal life mission to rope into playing against one of them. But you were renowned for your patience and they’d yet to wear you down. 
Beth sent a small pout your way and handed you a glass of water. “Oh please, now who’s the drama queen. You were doing great when I was teaching you last time we saw each other.”
Benny’s gaze shot up. “What?”
You scoffed at her, completely forget about your last encounter. “Now that’s not fair, we were hardly playing. You had to show me where to move every five minutes.”
“When did you see each other?” Benny pushed.
You sighed, smoothing down your sweater. “When I was in Paris with Cleo, we only saw each other the one night and I was just bored and tipsy enough to let her show me.” 
She grinned at you, shoving her arm into you as she leant into your side. “I think you have lots of potential. I could make a grandmaster out of you, I know it.”
Benny’s eyes followed you as you moved from your standing position to sit next to him on the sofa.
“You never let me teach you how to play,” He murmured to you with a huff, causing a small tuft of his hair to fly upwards.
Benny had made several attempts to get you into the game he loved so dearly. And as one of the few constant people in his life he wanted you to be part of his world. But each time was met with a firm refusal on your part, insisting you wouldn’t get it. He’d try to pull every trick in the book, every charming smile and all the pretty words he knew to try and convince you to let him show you, but you were always indifferent to his charisma. 
It annoyed the shit out of him.
Truth was you didn’t want to risk embarrassing yourself in front of him. You’d seen him play at almost every match he was ever in and it was almost scary how good he was. You could play a casual game and maybe boast a win or two, but playing against him wasn’t something you think you’ll ever do. Besides, give him the satisfaction of having your inevitable defeat over your head? Not in this lifetime.
You let out a light laugh, smiling at Beth as she moved to grab the other boards from Benny’s alarming collection he kept stuffed in the closet. “You’re too intimidating when you play, I’d be distracted.”
Benny rolled his eyes, thinking of the stern look that permanently sets on Beth’s face. The woman who looks like she’s three seconds away from going for your neck during her games but he was too intimidating.
You took a sip from your glass of water and lightly knocking over one of the knight pieces on the board in front of you. “I don’t see why it matters, I’ll be beat regardless of who’s playing.”
He frowned, he’d always wanted to play you. Not because he cared about winning but he just wanted you to see his skill firsthand. You didn’t bat an eyelash at winnings anymore, and you never stuck around for his in-depth lectures about game theory with the other players. But he also knew you liked knowing the way things worked. And since chess was his bailiwick, Beth being the only other American player who could beat him, he knew you’d be impressed. At first he just thought you weren’t interested, so knowing you were being taught by someone else stung twice-over. 
You knew something was wrong when he didn’t send a clever remark back your way. Benny liked to think he was this cool and collected character, but really he could be quite the prima donna. Knowing him for as long as you did made him an open book, you could almost always know what he was thinking.  
“Don’t be such a baby, Bens.” You grinned, leaning over to tap the end of his nose, something you always did to irritate him. “She crushed me anyways.”
“You’d win if you let me teach you.” He argued, looking at you pointedly. 
“I don’t need to win, that’s your job,” You leaned into him, trying to stroke his ego to get him to drop the subject. 
Benny’s ears perked up and he was about to go into of his grand self-assured lectures when Beth interrupted him, promptly placing the boxes of chess boards on the table in front of him.
“I dunno, (Y/n),” Beth gloated, passing a box to Hilton. “I think he’s losing his touch, last time we played I damn near emptied his wallet.”
That got your attention, and you sat up with a laugh. “You’re kidding? In speed chess?” Your cackles only grew when she gave a proud nod. “I can’t believe I missed it!”
Benny scoffed, pushing away from you to help set up the boards. “You hardly missed anything-“
“She kicked his ass, ,” Arthur chuckled, loosening the cap on his beer bottle. “Said she’d kick him the crotch too when he tried to argue with her.”
You raised your glass to Beth in commencement. “I knew there was a reason I liked you so much.”
“Another simultaneous?” Beth asked, noticing they were moving the boards onto the floor, she turned back to you. “Have you ever seen once of these?”
You shook your head dramatically, moving from your place on the sofa to the floor so you could sit right next to the action. “Nope! I mean I know what they are, but I’ve never actually seen one.”
She smirked, placing the clock at every board while the boys situated the pieces. “Well, you’re in for a treat, these are my specialty.”
You leaned forward, placing your elbows on your knees so could you watch every move. The speed of the game was something you had long gotten used to, but it never was any less impressive. You don’t know how anyone’s brain could go that fast, but watching the pieces fly around the board completely fascinated you. 
Beth really was everything the chess magazines said she was and maybe even more amazing in person. You found it hard to pull your gaze away from her hand, watching as she completely tore through the three boys pieces. Hilton and Arthur were the first to lose, knocking over there kings.
You got ready to settle in while she took on Benny, but not even a few moments later you watched him grimace and reluctantly fish his wallet from his pockets. 
“Wow,” You breathed out, looking over at Beth with a gaze that could only be described as positively starstruck. “I mean I knew you were good, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like that.”
Beth felt her face get a little warm, not used to such straight-forward praise. At least not since she was a child prodigy. She reached her hand up to brush her hair out of her eyes, and pulled her gaze away from you.
“I can do it again.”
Benny felt his eyebrow twitch, he was used to your praise being directed at him for the most part. You had grown up with him constantly talking about and challenging others to play chess. And when he started to make a name for himself he’d taken you along with him. Before your work took off, you had more time to see his games in person. But, even when you couldn’t physically be there, you always called when you saw the results in Chess Review or tuned in to one of the broadcasted matches.
He was the best in the States for a long time, so you had become especially hard to impress. He knew Beth was better him than by miles, but to finally have his title of best chess player you knew taken away made him feel scratchy. 
But he scoffed, straightening his back to try and get his focus back. “Not if I have anything to say about it, Harmon.” 
And so for about three more games, she absolutely crushed the three boys. You got closer to the boards each time, admiring Beth’s superhuman skill. It made you feel a little sting of pride, the girl was showing up three of most arrogant and skilled players you knew. 
“God,” You leaned back onto your elbows, sniffling a giggle when. “I would’ve given any amount of money to be here to see the faces on these boys when you did this the first time.”
Beth smirked, rounding up the pieces to put them away in their cases. “Me too, we could’ve gotten it all on camera.” 
You groaned. “Such a missed opportunity.”
You lolled your head over and saw Benny staring intently at the board, a deep frown on his face. You smiled, scooting over so you could lean all your weight against him. “Don’t look so sad, Bens. I’m sure you would’ve gotten her eventually.”
He laughed, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “That’s what you used to tell all the sorry losers I used to beat.”
You closed your eyes, settling into his side and sighing at his warmth. “You’re not a sorry loser. You’re the best chess player I know.”
“Hey now, I didn’t drag my ass to every one of your matches for decades for you to question my loyalty,” You teased, you opened your eyes and saw something on his wall. Nestled snug inside a frame was the first time he was on the cover of Chess Review.
“You remember when I took that?” You nodded towards it.
Benny smiled properly, his eyes getting a familiar shimmer. “Yes ma’am, I told them I wouldn’t be on the cover unless you got to take my photos,” He wrapped an arm around you. “Course if I had known it’d make you a hot shot photographer who had to go away all the time I might’ve kept my mouth shut.”
You smiled, reaching up to flick his forehead. “I’ve taken all your photos for decades” You made a sweeping notion with your hands to all the various magazines scattered around his apartment. “Even when we were kids, I think I earned my little adventures abroad”
Benny gave you a look, one you couldn’t quite place, but he kept your gaze for awhile. A small smile snuck up in the corner of his mouth before he looked down, strawberry blonde strands hiding him from your view.
“Well don’t stay away so long next time, yeah? I missed you.”
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feraltuxedo · 2 years
Fic Recs: Musician Crowley AU
Give Crowley an instrument and he'll have my heart. There are so many excellent AUs with that trope, and a whole lot of them are still on my marked-for-later, to be savoured like a good piece of music. I love all flavours of Crowley's musicianship - whether he's a rock star or a violin virtuoso. Somehow, it just makes sense.
Anyway, here are some of my favourites.
Reunion by snae_b Rating: E Words: 22920 Summary: Aziraphale runs into an ex that he's never quite fallen out of love with.
We don't see Crowley actually making a lot of music in this story, but it hardly matters, because what we get instead is a rock star catching up with his bookshop-owner ex after a decade apart. And they do a lot of catching up. In the bookshop. Above the bookshop. In Crowley's hotel room. I love the chemistry between the two characters in this one, the bittersweet romance of reconnecting after so long. But it's also incredibly funny and steaming hot.
Bi M' Aingeal (Be My Angel) by IneffableToreshi Rating: T Words: 4905 Summary: Crowley has a crush on the beautiful man who comes to see him play and sing every Friday night. On this particular night, for the Valentine's Day celebrations, the guitarist decides to try out a special song that he wrote himself...
Such a sweet meet-cute set during a folk night at a pub. Crowley as a Gaelic-speaking folk singer and Aziraphale as an adoring audience member. All fluff and tenderness and a wonderful use of song to communicate feelings. There's a wonderful atmosphere to this and it's all due to the unique setting.
The Piano Serpent by journeytogallifrey Rating: T Words: 3893 Summary: Aziraphale owns The Flaming Sword, which is one of the premier gay bars in London. Everyone knows this... except for their pianist, Crowley. While the regulars take bets over whether he's the clueless straight person he seems, Aziraphale just tries to prevent himself from falling further. But one night Crowley plays a song written specially to honor their regulars, and Aziraphale can't hold the truth in any longer. How will Crowley react? Will the truth really set them free? Based on the post where Billy Joel's The Piano Man is really about a clueless straight pianist in a gay bar. Or in our case, 'straight'.
Surprisingly tender for what's really quite a silly premise . This is an ensemble piece set at a gay bar, and in the course of this one-shot, we get to know all the regulars. Their fun speculation about just how clueless Crowley the pianist is is combined with loving notes on their own backstories. And in the middle of it there's Aziraphale serving drinks, and Crowley playing his songs.
Or Be Nice by charlottemadison Rating: E Words: 151366 Summary: Crowley and Aziraphale are neighbours. And...it does not go at all well, until it does. A human AU in which Aziraphale is a bookseller, Crowley is a drummer, and they are both petty disasters in the worst/best way.
“So what’s your deal?” “My-my-my deal?” Aziraphale stammered. “I’m a bookseller, is my deal.” “Oh,” Crowley replied, sounding as uninterested as it was possible to sound. “It’s just, I couldn’t help overhearing, and --” Aziraphale swallowed hard. “You really are an accomplished musician. But I thought -- for after 11PM -- perhaps we could reach some arrangement?” “Arrangement?” Aziraphale felt his his smile turning forced. “Such as, perhaps, playing the drums *before* eleven? Instead of after?” Crowley stared blankly at him. In fact he stared for so long that Aziraphale briefly wondered if he'd lapsed into ancient Greek again, which he was known to do in bad dreams or during panic attacks.
An absolutely epic tale of neighbourly disputes, featuring two supreme bastards trying to one-up each other while maybe accidentally falling in love. The back and forth is hilarious and drives the entire story. Crowley is a drummer and he loves to drum. When Aziraphale is asleep. I love how the drumset is weaponised here. But in the course of the story, classical-music lover Aziraphale learns to appreciate not just the drumming, but Crowley's musicianship in general.
The Greater Tadfield Friends Of Music Autumn Concert by CopperBeech Rating: E Words: 27878 Summary: Anthony Crowley, marketing consultant and competent amateur flautist, finds he can at least flee the smoke and congestion of London if not the golden handcuffs of his job. He’s got no personal life to leave behind; he likes things anonymous, and rough, and even a little dangerous, and far enough from home that he won’t have to deal with entanglements. So what’s he doing obsessing about a mannerly, daintily groomed, kindly man who he’s not even sure is gay? And how’s he going to cope with a hotbed of gossip, a lovelorn tubist serenading the witch next door, and an irascible music director with a Black Belt in baton-throwing?
I absolutely love a small-town setting and this story is such a fun and strangely nostalgic look at amateur musicmaking in that context. Crowley is a newcomer trying to find his place in an established society (both Tadfield and the orchestra) and Aziraphale is the privileged benefactor of the town. But there's a whole host of characters around them that gives this story so much flavour and makes it a real delight.
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iceman-maverick · 3 years
modern josh lyman headcanons
oh my god here we go more of my modern west wing au!
similar to sam, it is non-negotiable that josh lyman is a complete and utter disaster of a bisexual man. every day of his life is a fight for survival. he may as well be declared an endangered species. actually, yes he's going to call the world wildlife foundation rn because then he could give out those certificates of “adoption” that come with hyper-realistic stuffed animals like
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except they’d be plush joshs that he can scatter throughout the west wing (especially amongst charlie’s belongings) 
okay moving on
his favorite movie is mamma mia, he cries every time. 
he refuses to use apple products, takes way too much joy in being the only green text in the group chat, and endlessly makes fun of donna for wearing airpods 
he nearly strangles himself the next day when his wired headphones get caught in his scarf 
he has a finsta (fake instagram) account that he pretty much exclusively uses to shit talk, it’s very popular, even with republican congressmen. one day, he gets a scoop from a reporter that follows the account about a republican crossing the aisle on their latest bill, and josh almost has an asthma attack while trying to explain to leo how he knows and why leo is forbidden from seeing the post 
the president is making him (really the entire senior staff but he’s the only one impressionable enough to go through with it) learn latin on duolingo. it’s not really working but josh likes showing bartlet that he’s leveled up :) 
josh can’t function if he’s not listening to a true crime podcast, the more grusome the better. the most expansive social security platform this country’s seen in decades was written to a soundtrack of “wine and crime” 
josh isn’t out, and categorically isn’t dealing with that. or at least he wasn’t planning to up until he gets too fired up with senator matt skinner in the white house mess late one night and accidentally blurts out, to a republican senator of all people, that he’s bi just to make the point 
[cue a very stressful, tearful conversation in the oval office]
josh, it’s my catholicism, not yours. no i’m not going to fire you.
every third saturday of the month he plays among us with zoey. she’s a pathological liar, honestly it terrifies josh. he’s god awful at the game, so much so that zoey convinces everyone he’s the imposter pretty much every round. he’s only broken one mouse over the injustice. zoey’s sure she can get him to punch the monitor before midterms. 
josh is a social media darling. he lives on it, and only causes  minor national security threats once or twice a month. most recently, he caused the FTC to open an investigation on the Bartlet Administration for inside trading thanks to his ongoing beef with the Taco Bell account.  
he’s got a bit of a thing for tom brady, which is problematic for several reasons including but not limited to: (1) brady’s obviously a republican and almost certainly not into dudes (toby is skeptical), (2) he keeps winning superbowls so his team keeps showing up to the white house for photo ops which toby spares no expense to embarrass/fluster josh, (3) bartlet, a tried and true son of new england himself, is of course also a patriots fan which means josh gets stuck every week coaching bartlet on his fantasy team 
margaret has won the west wing league three years in a row
josh is certain that she’s colluding with the russians 
he’s addicted to tiktok, specifically this weird niche community of stay at home moms preparing their kids’ school lunches. he finds it cathartic. 
cj says he’s projecting some long, unresolved childhood trauma and should probably tell his therapist instead of venting in the comment section of shannon’s cream cheese raspberry roll ups. 
cj’s a fucking narc, that’s what she is.(and he’s so not sharing his roll ups with her tomorrow) 
there for sure will be more of these. in the meantime, check out my modern au fic, which is going to turn into a series of loosely connected one-shots! 
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kitkatpancakestack · 3 years
Having watched 9-1-1 since S1, and in this case specifically since S2, I feel like one becomes desensitized to whatever this nonsense is between Buck and Eddie. I know this bc sometimes I'll be watching a clip or an episode and I'm like "ah yes so sweet, Eddie and Buck are each other's person" but THE WAY their story is told, it's easy to forget how this shit must look to the outside/casual viewer!
If you're like me and find yourself in need of a vibe check because these two dumbasses got you spiraling, here's a list of honest to God canon things this show has delivered:
🤔Buck and Eddie took all of half a day on the job together before they were ride or die BFFLs
🤔Outside the major disaster event, the second plot-focused episode of S2 is Buck doing the absolute most for Eddie for no other reason than he worships the ground Eddie walks on. In this episode we get the unbelievably subtextual conversation about "they're not my type" and "not mine either....at least not anymore" and *shoulder bumps*; we get Buck going with Eddie (???) to the hospital, Buck basically planning out a whole fun day at the firehouse for Chris, Buck introducing Eddie to Carla......I mean......
🤔Eddie was railing his wife most of S2 and still was so, so invested in Buck (he brought him to visit Santa with Chris????)
🤔"Are we the only people we know who don't have kids? .......BUCK!" *Switch to Buck about to risk it all for his future son*
🤔Buck and Eddie literally stare for about 10 solid seconds across space and time when Chris is found post-tsunami and it's so intense I have to look away!?
🤔Eddie tells Buck there is nobody he trusts with his son more than him. Nobody in the whole entire world. One in 7 billion babeyyyy.
🤔Oh yeah, they have an entire divorce/reconciliation plotline masquerading as the lawsuit arc
🤔They behave especially homoerotically in Buck's kitchen, but that's none of my business I guess ☕
🤔Buck bi-panics through all five stages of grief when he realizes he cannot dig to Eddie with his own bare hands
🤔Abby says "he (Buck) moved on a long time ago" and then just immediate cut to Buck talking about Christopher going to summer camp. Please, Tim, at least try to make these parallels less obvious I mean🙄
🤔Eddie is #disgusted at Abby and v protective over Buck, and I don't have the emotional capacity to detail the symbolism of Abby moving away and Eddie stepping forward (taking her place???) smh
🤔Buckley-Diaz domestic excellence literally in a literal episode literally titled Future Tense
🤔Eddie comes home from his date to *shocking revelation* Buck appearing from behind the wall! The scorned lover! And he tucked Chris into bed! Eddie calls Buck a miracle worker! The lighting is warm and suggestive! I am not supposed to view this at least a little bit romantically!?
🤔Christopher is feeling sad and insecure and he is mad at Himbo Dad #1 so he runs to Himbo Dad #2 bc he knows how to work the system
🤔In an episode titled "Parenthood," despite the fact that Buck is not a parent, they really do be putting him in situations to share his Big Opinions on parenting, usually in tandem with Eddie? @Tim share your location I just wanna talk
🤔Treasure Hunt aka How To Pine Quietly For Your Best Friend and Instead Disguise It As Petty Jealousy, written by Eddie Diaz
🤔*slow, deep breath* Eddie got shot in broad fucking daylight but wait Buck is there too? Oh and you're gonna splatter him with Eddie's blood in a moment that is so perversely intimate and then you're gonna utilize the music in the scene to illustrate how Buck and Eddie are caught in this one moment together separate from literally the rest of the world? Okay cool cool cool cool cool cool cool —
🤔Wait wait Eddie REACHES for Buck????
🤔You're telling me Eddie fights off the sweet relief of unconsciousness to make sure Buck isn't hurt?
🤔They really let Buck say "Just stay with me" and "I need you to hang on" Like That and Eddie turns his head to look at Buck, the last thing he sees before the sweet void takes him????
🤔Buck said "I know what's best for Christopher" this whole entire episode and not a single person found this surprising
🤔Buck and Taylor kiss and Eddie's comatose gay heart says, "miss me with that straight shit" and wakes up immediately
🤔Eddie waits to video chat with Chris until Buck is in the room and also Ana girl where'd you go? I thought this was your sERioUs bOyFRiEnD
🤔Eddie Diaz said he values and appreciates and loves his best friend and he is going to make it everybody's problem *changes will*
🤔"You act like you're expendable, but you're wrong" are actual words between these two men that actually played on screens everywhere at 8:57pm EST on FOX
🤔The very last plot-focused scene of the season (we do not count the montage however it is very cute) is this moment bw Buck and Eddie.
If you, too, realized you became desensitized to the literal soulmate narrative between these two, consider yourself vibe checked!
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sitp-recs · 3 years
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In Dreams by @moonflower-rose
Harry/Draco, minor Harry/Ginny (2011, Explicit, 38k)
Harry wasn't expecting to ever see Draco Malfoy again. He also wasn't expecting to walk into a political conspiracy that morning either, but apparently that's exactly what the day has in store for him.
“Why am I not surprised that your fantasy of the future included specific details about Draco Malfoy’s bald patch?”
I don’t have words to thank whoever asked for fics with this specific character death [redacted for spoilery reasons] but omfg THANK YOU SO MUCH anon, I would have never found this brilliant story otherwise and that would have been simply a crime because as of now this is one of my all-time favourite case fics. I’m so very ecstatic with how much I loved it. It has easily one of the best, most devastatingly powerful openings I’ve ever read in fic, so striking and cinematic I wish I could watch it on the big screen. What a rollercoaster! The first chapter establishes post-war Harry & friends with wonderful youthful joy and wit, just so we can watch that little world crumble in minutes. I knew it was coming, and it still managed to hit me straight in the solar plexus, I was shattered. It’s so spectacularly well done, the aftermath so heavy with grief and melancholy, I remember sitting straighter in my chair and venturing into the kitchen at 2am to make a cup of tea before reading the rest. That’s how shook and invested I got early on, and it only went downhill from there.
Could I ever resist this quiet and competent Unspeakable Draco teaming up with moody and broken but equally competent bi disaster Harry? Obviously not, and next thing I knew I was obsessed with both the case and their dynamics. I adore the slow burn here, Rosie takes her sweet time advancing the complex, intricate plot connecting all the dots while establishing the characters and exploring their tentative working relationship. Harry and Draco fall together in such an organic way, without grand gestures or big confessions, but because somewhere along the way an understanding forms over their confrontational instinct and they start enjoying each other’s company 🥺 that’s peak Drarry romance in my book! I also love how every side character takes from the tragedy to play a role in the rest of the story - Ginny, Ron, Mione and Neville - their voices are delightfully spot on (Ron and Gin made me smile so hard with their Weasley wit!) and I love the light camaraderie they eventually establish with Draco.
Fabulous dialogue! Delicious sexual awakening! Thrilling investigation with polyjuice honeypot shenanigans 🤭🔥 this fic has everything and seduced me in the small details full of emotion and character. Harry’s voice is captivating and as always I’m utterly gone for Ron with his silly, charming and supportive personality. His last interaction with Draco is one of my fave scenes in fic, I couldn’t stop laughing. If you’re looking for your next case fic here’s a delicious Auror/Unspeakable partners ride, intriguing, exciting and also emotionally cathartic. This was written back in 2011 and has 1, I repeat, ONE FUCKING COMMENT. Talk about hidden gems, I can’t believe no one else is screaming about this. You better go ahead and check it right now!
Read on AO3
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hellacioushag · 3 years
I just started getting into the ACOTAR fandom- read the books, but only got into fandom since ACOSF- and started following a few blogs (like yours) from a rec. I was wondering if you could give like a crash course to the ACOTAR fandom. I’m mostly following gwynriel blogs, but seeing the drama in this fandom is A LOT. Can you help a girl out?
welcome to the madness. i too started to join into the fandom after acosf released and sometimes it’s a great decision and sometimes i question wtf i was thinking lol. anyway…
acotar fandom guide:
feysand shippers: feyre has never done anything wrong ever in her life, rhys is the feminist icon we don’t deserve, rhys is a bisexual king/wtf rhys is the straightest man to ever man you’re insane
nessian shippers: nesta deserves better than this fandom and that’s on god, why is no one talking about how hot nessian is after silver flames wtf azriel fuck off, nesta is a goddess and cassian worships her body every dayum day
elriel shippers: let me write a 10 paragraph essay on why potatoes spell true mate, did you know gwyn was a toddler and a lightsinger at the same time?! it’s so anti-feminist not to support elain and her choices, it’s so obvious elain’s book is next y’all just can’t read
elucien shippers: she. felt. him. we may not have a lot in the way of canon, but let me spread the gospel of headcanons and talk about the top 10 ways elain is gonna enjoy that firedick, i just want elain to get to know lucien but guess that means i’m misogynistic and shat all over my ancestors who marched for women’s rights
gwynriel shippers: gwyn is a manatee, az’s shadows ship them so hard you don’t even know, that whole ribbon thing is gonna get kinky just you fucking wait, that bonus chapter ended the potato famine 🙌
emorie shippers: ok but they’re gonna ride pegasus together fucking bet, not enough fan art for this bi disaster i’ll tell you that, emerie and mor are gonna be the hottest couple of prythian fucking fight me
vassien/vucien shippers: we are not elriels stfu
helion/lady a shippers: it’s the longing and the forbidden love no one can do it like them, they deserve all the good things in the world, sellyn drake has written stories about them i will die on this hill, they are gonna get their happily ever after. periodt.
tarquin stans: hottest highlord in history, a true man of the people, big dick energy, has been shipped with literally every character in the series
eris stans:
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birb-tangleblog · 3 years
What's your issue(s) with 7k? /gen
Okay so, if you scuttle around in my negativity and salt tags, you'll find a few other posts I've made on why I dislike it and my personal issues. I'm always happy to ramble on anyway, but full disclosure there's a good chance I might end up repeating myself a bit lmao. Fair warning for criticism/negativity here too!
My biggest issue is honestly that 7 K bears zero resemblance to the original source material, and feels like it wasn't made with a lot of love for it. Where are the series' locations and lore? Any of the characters? The new cast, their designs, and the setting(s) they come from don't fit the worldbuilding and aesthetic that I love.
Like there are so so many loose ends and plot threads you could choose to expand on in a sequel or spinoff, and 7 K ignores absolutely all of them. Along with being written/conceptualized before S3, it feels incredibly disconnected and dissonant to anything T T S to me.
(Like the creators literally just wanted to yoink Var and pair him off w/ an OC they ported from elsewhere- and at that point, just retool him and make the whole thing a standalone/original project? Nothing against canon/OC either... but I wouldn't exactly go and pitch my self-indulgent fanfic to actual Didney execs ykwim?)
Overexposure and saturation in tags and fandom spaces is the other biggie. It's not quite as prevalent as it was when it came out, but it's still popular and hard to ignore- ex. H/ugo is tagged in almost 500 stories (and counting) on Ao3. It’s... a lot. I really like Var himself, he has so much potential- but it’s hard to find content w/ him now that doesn’t somehow include 7 K, and it’s a bummer.
And the dynamic with H/ugo... it's really not my cup of tea, and from what I've seen, Var's characterization suffers from it? Lot of him getting pigeonholed as this sassy uwu disaster baby gay/bi (with varying degrees of angst/badboy mixed in depending on the take lmao)
And I'm just really, really over the white twink ships that are popular in fandom, man
I've heard the 'coming of age' and 'Var finds a group of peers his age' as selling points or a big part of the appeal, which makes sense, but both of these fall flat to me b/c the gang... ISN'T his age. Y/ ong is 6 years younger than him, Nu/ ru is 2- literally the only one his age is his love interest (how convenient)
Re. 7 K as a coming of age story, I feel like much of Var's arc in the show already went in the direction of learning from exp, growing up and maturing, and becoming responsible. He's undergone the development 7K's premise sets him up for, and it makes it feel extraneous or like a step backwards.
Honestly, I think there's a lot of overlap btwn 7 K fans and fans who are extremely critical of the orig, who welcome the 7 K cast b/c they believe Var's friends in the series let him down, didn't care for him, acted unforgivably, etc- and I straight up don't feel that way, so I don't feel a need for him to have a new or better friend group. It doesn't compel me.
Idt I've mentioned this, but I really dislike the handling of Var's mother in particular. She's revealed to be alive, then turns out to be evil as a cheap 'twist', and is killed off to further Var's char development. It's defrosting her from the dead mom fridge only to stuff her back in it at the end. I also have a problem with her abandoning her husband and young son and the timeline wonk of, 'why didn't she decide to follow her old dream BEFORE settling down'.
I've got more smaller gripes re. the AU itself as well as attitudes and trends in the fandom surrounding it- like, the elemental kingdoms feel generic and video-gamey, momification/supportive ‘shipper on deck’ treatment of the only female main, and children being little clones of their parents with every trait being inherited bugs me (seen in Var’s extended family and his mom being an alchemist like him)- but those are my big issues.
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underrated (kind of) zukka fics (part 3)
I feel like I have to change the title of this fic rec series a bit cause not everything is completely underrated but “underrated zukka fics” is a shorter title than “zukka fics I totally love and think more people should read and talk about” 
anyways, I love Zukka fics and I love making fic rec lists - and you can see Part One and Part 2 if you’d like - so here are some more fics that have been getting me through this pandemic! 
the Midwest Bi Disasters Zukka series by Onmyliteraturebullshitagain
okay okay okay stop what you’re doing right now and go read this entire series. I mean it. drop everything and go binge read this series because it is utterly fantastic. every time I get an email from Ao3 with an update to this series I literally stop whatever I’m doing to go and read it immediately because it is THAT good. this series has everything! it’s funny, it’s sweet, it’s romantic, you’ve got some good hurt/comfort and a nice dose of angst that always has a happy ending. basically it’s about Zuko and Sokka being, as the title suggests, bisexual disasters in the Midwest as they fall in love and become important parts in each other’s lives -- featuring Zuko as an EMT, Sokka with a dog named Boomerang, the cutest cuddling ever and the most perfectly written Azula I’ve ever seen! (Rated T - M)
A Bird in the Hand by hereforthefic_onlythefic 
Sokka is a vet and has his meet cute moment when Zuko brings in his pet chicken Duckie and they both immediately get a crush on each other. this fic is seriously adorable and has a new sequel that is just as cute! features stressed out veterinarian Sokka, Zuko being referred to as “Hot Chicken Owner,” and equestrian doctor Jet setting them up in a bar (Rated T)
not to plan by agni_kai 
this fic is the sequel to the excellent and amazing hired where Zuko and Sokka are gay porn stars and are also dating. listen, if Zukka fanfic was a college course then the hired-verse would have to be on the required reading list because these two fics are absolutely phenomenal in every single way. honestly and truly fantastic. this one features post pizza and ice cream couch cuddles, Chan being completely oblivious to the fact that Zuko and Sokka are dating, and Zuko adorably sleeping on Sokka’s shoulder while he’s facetiming Hakoda (Rated E)
to be only, to be every by ofherlionheart 
after I finished reading this fic, I had to lay down and stare at the ceiling for a bit cause I was so emotional over this fic. Zuko and Sokka’s anniversary is coming up and while the fic is mostly about what Sokka wants to do for Zuko, Zuko’s gift to Sokka was an emotional suckerpunch in the absolute best way possible - features Sokka’s love language being “being emotionally destroyed,” some of the most emotional poetry I’ve ever read, and Zuko’s reason for liking tattoos so much ripping my heart right out of my chest (Rated T)
bend it like heck, man by aiyah
I absolutely love this author’s work and I am completely obsessed with this probending au where Sokka decides to get into probending out of spite towards Azula and gets really into it while Zuko is absolutely terrified his boyfriend will get hurt. (Rated E)
Nightmares and Reveries by HisMomoness
Zuko has nightmares and Sokka learns that the best way to stop them is to cuddle his best friend all night - features a “I literally cuddle you in your bed of course I like you romantically” moment, a trip to the South Pole, and everyone knowing Zuko and Sokka are in love except for Zuko and Sokka (Rated E) 
the heartless and the gentle by daosword
if you want a soulmate au that will emotionally destroy you, then this is the fic for you! in this au, the worst things that have ever been said to you/you’ve ever thought about yourself appear on your soulmate’s skin, which means Zuko and Sokka are absolutely covered with words (Rated T)
I’ve Got a Good Feeling (doesn’t happen very often) by lesbianophelia 
Zuko has a date with Sokka and gets so nervous that he eats almost the entirety of a pot brownie Ty Lee gave him and proceeds to get way too high at a party - features Zuko and Sokka playing Animal Crossing together while cuddled on Sokka’s bed 
recreate a place that’s our own world by Muncaster
Storm chaser au!! Zuko and Sokka are assigned to chase storms around the country all summer and fall in love along the way!! A classic enemies to friends to lovers - featuring Zuko being absolutely obsessed with Madonna 
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Hey! Congrats on reaching 500, you deserve it ♡
I'd really like to take part in your milestone event so here I am, heh. I would like a tokyo revengers and jjk/haikyuu ( I can't decide the second tbh you can pick just something?) match up if possible. But you can also just ignore this ask if It's too much! Kisses anyway.
Uhm where do I start?
I'm an ENTP and bi with a preference for fictional man ( like everyone here)
I'm super pale with dark red and white hair mostly in two pigtail braids. I have a stick and poke tattoo from a friend on my leg(a moon). I mostly wear black and red and have a little Jewellery addiction - especially rings. I kid you not I own over 100 but I tend to gift them to random people at parties when I wear too much and get bored of them.
I'm blunt, sarcastic and come off as mean sometimes, but I actually just can't shut up and do/say what I want. I'm also very competitive and chaotic and for being a huge flirt. I'm a little dramatic and get bored easily. I start many things but lose interest fast ( people and activities ). Overall I'm pretty chill with everything and go with the flow. Most of the time I'm very outgoing and can start conversations/arguments with everyone. I can get super awkward with affection so my love language are mostly acts of service and gifts. I love bad puns and jokes, dark and dirty ones specifically. My humor is broken if I'm honest.
The things I love are Horror stories, Philosophy, the iliad ( old stories and epics in general ), cats, coffee and late night adventures.
Poppy it's time to prepare your ice cream and I'm really happy about it!!! First before matching you up, I have to say something, I had real fun reading your request and during these days I was impatient to arrive here and write it, also I think I'm in love with you after your appereance description 💜
Warnings: Smut, Pegging, Video, Male Sub, Sex Toys, Overstimulation, Minors DNI.
Tokyo Revengers: Hajime Kokonoi
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I have to be frank in here, I thought of Ran hearing your description, not only for the braids but also for your personality, but I think that you would be a disaster couple together cause you're way too similar, so here I am matchin you with our favourite sugar daddy Koko!
Why do I choose him? Well he enjoys sarcathisc people and also your strong personality. Koko knows that you're a strong girl who doesn't need protection and that's why he loves you!
You find yourself bored easily but Koko has a remedy for it, your dates with him don't consist only in fancy restaurant but most of the time, last minute holiday on the other part of the world!
When you go on holiday you love to go around and discover the meaning of new places, I canon you being in New York in the top of Empire State Building while you explain the history of the art-deco building and Koko opens up a champagne and makes a toast for the view in front of you!
This sounds big right? But don't worry, you're not going to the other side of the world every weekend, infact most of the time you and Koko enjoy the warm of your house.
During your domestic dates he comes back with the takeaway of your favourite italian restaurant and you decide the wine to drink.
Despite dinner, I canon you cuddling the persian cat he gifted you, who stays calm in his/your lap.
You have the habit to play poker, do you bet? Of course! Money? Nah too boring, you enjoy betting sex, in particular ways.
He tried to let you win but the first time he did it, you got so angry that you didn't talk with him and got to bed alone, he had to pray for an hour before forgiving him, you're not a baby that he must protect!
Going back to the sex bet, most of time it involves domineering kinks, from both him and you.
You peg him, you overstimulated him with his personal vibrator, he did the same with you, but most of all you recorded your intercourse.
Both of you have a nude album of the other, but you also did a professional one together, everyone in Bonten knows about it!
Talking about Bonten, you never go to their hideout but the guys know you and respect you, during the poker nights it happened that they were invited.
In the beginning they tease you, most Sanzu and Haitani bros, in the end they respect you, to the point that Ran became one of your closest friend and always keep you updated about Koko's conditions.
The relationship with Koko sounds sophisticate but genuine, strong and powerful. Keep it tight cause most of the people don't understand each other like you do!
Haikyuu: Suguru Daishou
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Please bear with me, it seems that I picture you with guys that have snake eyes 😂 but there is a reason: snake eyes remember me of people with a sassy and asshole attitude!
You and Daishou professionaly tease people together! You love joking about them to the point to result mean, but this is something that your friends can go through.
You love outdates especially to arcade where you challenge and most of the time you win! This annoy Suguru to hell that most of the time bring you shouting at home and throwing you to bed, he fucks the hell out of you.
No Suguru doesn't want you to be in charge, sex for him is important to establish who is the male in the couple, and you don't care about it cause this leave you completely satisfied.
Sex isn't everything in your relationship, you enjoy a lot going out to dinner with friends, you even became buddy with Kuroo and this annoys Suguru as fuck, but respecting Nekoma's captain he doesn't complain too much about it
When you stay at home you definitely watch horror movies, but most of the time he's really annoyed by it, he just does it cause he loves you.
You also play board games, but being this a bit calmer than arcade ends up with you just laughing and eating snack until you can't keep your eyes open and you both lay on the couc/bed with him spooning you.
Daishou is competitive, loosing a match brings him lot of frustration. It's canon that he really struggle facing this problem, but seeing you helping him and just doing simple things like welcoming him with a hug and preparing his favourite dinner helps him recover.
Acts of service mean: training with him, cooking for him. The time he lost against Nekoma he came back hom without saying a word, there beside his computer there was a dvd you prepared.
"Watch me" you written on it, and here he was tears flowing from his eyes. It was a compilation of all the points he score in the year and compliments from schoolmates and teammates but also others friends.
He watches it everytime he feels down and this is enough to help him improving his mood.
You're a meanie couple but when something happens, you're always there for the other and that's what makes you fantastic together!
Poppy I finished, I really hope that you like this cause I had lot of fun writing it, kisses 💜
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