#got s7e02
nyangibun · 7 years
GoT S07E02 Thoughts
I am up at 2 in the morning for this shit and I don’t know how I feel about this episode. There was a lot happening and a lot not happening. But as always, here are my rambling, harebrained thoughts about the episode that may or may not make any sense whatsoever to anyone but me. Either way, here we go:
The scene with Dany and Varys continues to toe the line between Benevolent Hero Dany and Violent Conqueror Dany. I have never doubted Dany’s ability to care for the common folk. She is not an evil person; she has compassion for them, that’s always been clear from the start, but the question has always been, will her compassion win out over her desire for power? And this grey area feels really poignant in this scene with Varys when she’s pardoning him for once siding with another king who had tried to assassinate her.
While it looks like she’s showing him a great deal of compassion and demonstrating her desire to be loved by the people and bring peace to Westeros, I feel the conversation is actually quite foreboding. He’s already been by her side for awhile, so why was this conversation happening now? They could’ve easily cut this entire scene away and left us to continue assuming that Dany pardoned Varys when he arrived with Tyrion, but they chose to highlight it and have Varys give his whole speech about not caring who was king or queen of the Iron Throne and that his loyalty was to the people. This is important, as are these lines:
“If you ever think I’m failing the people, you won’t conspire behind my back... If you ever betray me, I’ll burn you alive.” 
Once again, Dany threatens people for their loyalty. In contrast, the previous episode when Jon Snow pardons Alys Karstark and Ned Umber for the crimes of their house, he says:
“For centuries, our families fought side by side on the battlefield. I ask you to pledge your loyalty once again to House Stark, to serve as our bannermen and come to our air whenever called upon... Yesterday's wars don't matter anymore. The North needs to band together, all the living north. Will you stand beside me, Ned and Alys, now and always?”
The difference between them is quite clear. One demands loyalty, while the other asks for it. 
And the focus of this scene with Dany and Varys being on how the people of Westerosi will receive her feels greatly foreboding and not in the good way for her. This scene was shot and chosen for a reason; this dialogue was written for a reason. And nothing in Game of Thrones is so black and white as this scene’s purpose only being highlighting how good and forgiving Dany is. 
Anyway, I know people will call me biased for reading the scene this way and perhaps I am, as I still believe Dany’s narrative is of a fallen hero, but these are just my thoughts anyhow. 
Moving on!  
What was interesting to me in the scene with Melisandre was how Dany’s face lit up when she thought the prophecy might be about her. Oh, and the line: 
“The prophecy belongs to me.”
Loosely translated to mean that the Seven Kingdoms belong to her. These people and their love belong to her. She is the one who was promised because it’s her destiny, her birthright. In direct contrast again, Jon reiterates in the same episode that he was chosen as their king, but he didn’t want it and he didn’t ask for it. 
The way Jon and Dany rule and see the world are literary foils of one another. And I feel like as the season progresses, the more this will become apparent. I also don’t like the implication of Jon bending the knee to Dany or to anyone, but we’ll see. 
Now back to Winterfell. The shot of children having archery practice while Jon and Sansa are atop watching over them is, as has been mentioned before, almost a direct parallel to Ned and Catelyn overlooking Bran’s archery lessons in Season 1. Like I’ve always said, nothing in this show is shot without a purpose, and it’s not the first time parallels between the two have surfaced. Whether it just means they’re supposed to be a formidable co-ruling pair in the North or a future marriage/romance between the two down the line still remains to be seen, but we all know what basket I’m placing my eggs. Both. The answer is both. 
Still, I really love the way Jon looks immediately to Sansa for her opinion on what to do with Tyrion’s request for him to come to Dragonstone. Considering last week’s episode, this is a good sign they’re learning to communicate better, and I think it’s also telling how he’s asking her for her opinion on Tyrion because as he says, she knows him better than anyone, when last week he was dismissing her despite her firsthand knowledge of Cersei. It’s growth. 
And actually I’m not going to go chronologically by scene now, so I’m going to skip ahead and address the moment in the Great Hall. When Jon says he’s going to accept Tyrion’s request to come to Dragonstone, he looks back to Sansa – yet another sign of him seeking her approval and support. But it’s more than that. The whole scene I kept noticing that even when Sansa wasn’t directly in focus and when Jon wasn’t looking at her, the shots of him more often than not had her in the background to his side. All of this really made them resemble a king and queen. This is only further emphasised by the following moment:
“I’m leaving both [the people and Winterfell] in good hands.”
“Yours. You are my sister. You’re the only Stark in Winterfell. Until I return, the North is yours.”
Sansa may not be by name, but she is his queen. I don’t even mean that romantically. Jon sees her as his equal partner with equal right to the kingdom (so to speak) as he does. She is his most trusted confidante. This is such an incredibly significant moment in their relationship. While Sansa’s learned to trust him fully, Jon struggled with reconciling the woman she has become and the girl he once knew, but this feels like a momentous step forward as it clearly shows he’s accepted the woman she is now and that person is someone he trusts. 
I also think Sansa’s immediate glance to Littlefinger is also important. She knows it as well. She is exactly where Littlefinger wants her, as the ruler of the North, as a queen, and we all know he wants to be her king. Sansa’s concern is therefore rightly placed. She may know what he’s up to, but he is still Littlefinger and as cunning as he is creepy. The question is, will she be able to outplay him? He is her proverbial beast to slay. 
Now onto my favourite scene: Jon choking out Littlefinger. I actually had to edit this back into this post because I wrote it on a different document and forgot to place it back in, but here we are. Look, this scene is everything. We don’t get a farewell scene between Jon and Sansa beside from Jon’s little awkward wave towards her and her wave back, which is, by the way, so adorable. I know we were hoping for a Weirwood scene (and #treebang) but considering how tentative their newfound relationship is, this fits. Awkward, adorable and completely filled with unspoken words. That’s Jon and Sansa right now. It makes sense, as much as I hate it. 
But instead of that, we get this scene: 
““I love Sansa as I loved her mother.” 
“Talk to my sister and I’ll kill you myself!”
The instantaneous primal reaction is just so fascinating to me. Jon completely loses his cool the second Littlefinger says he loves Sansa. He’s been fairly restrained up until that point. Such an instant reaction requires zero thought; it’s based purely on feelings and it’s evident Jon feels a primal and fierce need to protect Sansa. I don’t doubt he’d feel that way about Arya or Bran too, but there’s something so underlying about framing his fierce protectiveness over her after Littlefinger confesses he loves Sansa.
Take it what you will, but I got my shipping goggles on for this scene and I love it!
Back to the rest of the story, we’re given a scene of Cersei decrying all that Dany’s done. She talks about the murders and burning of those masters, trying to appeal to the Lords over how cruel and savage Dany is, which we all know is quite ironic considering she burned down an entire septa of people out of vengeance. Perhaps there’s a reason why we’re being led by this scene to compare Dany and Cersei’s actions. 
Either way, the reappearance of Randyll Tarly makes me extremely nervous. There have been quite a few speculations going around about how the Tarly will play a role in the upcoming season, or more specifically, how Dany’s dragons are going to end up killing all of the Tarly’s, including Sam’s mother and sister. Randyll’s appearance here and his subsequent scene with Jaime about where to place his allegiance seems to support this theory. The death of the Tarly’s will put Jon in a very precarious situation, especially if he bends the knee to Dany, which is a plot line I hate and loathe as it is so completely uncharacteristic for Jon – yet for the greater good, I could also see it happening as Jon is the most self-sacrificing numpty in Westeros. 
Speaking of Sam, I really hope he doesn’t die from treating Jorah. And also, why in the gods’ name do they keep giving Sam the most disgusting scenes? Seriously, that was so gross. I am curious though as to what role Jorah is supposed to play in the future and whether his being cured by Sam will have any significance, especially if he runs along back to Dany and she orders the kill on Sam’s family.  
Missandei and Grey Worm!!! 
Look, I know people are going to dismiss this entire scene altogether and say it was a waste of time because no one cares about these two, but you’re so wrong. I care. Maybe I’m one person out of a million, but fuck it, I care so much. There has to be a reason that recent seasons have started to flesh out Missandei and Grey Worm more and not just as characters who are unfailingly loyal to Dany, but as individual people. It’s been a subplot that’s been building for a long while and I don’t see why they would waste the precious time on a subplot for the sake of having some ‘romance’ between two of Dany’s most loyal subjects. What’s the payoff for that? 
I personally doubt they’re both going to survive this upcoming war and I think the loss will either drive a huge wedge between Dany and the surviving character or cause reckless behaviour that will turn a significant plot a different way. Either way, I think there has to be a payoff for building them up for so long. Or maybe it is just some silly romance made to satisfy the audience who are so the type to want romance in their show. 
Finally onto Arya! What can I say but YES SHE’S FINALLY HEADING BACK TO WINTERFELL!!! I was so worried for her going to King’s Landing just as the war was about to begin, especially if Euron is around. I couldn’t imagine her surviving if she did, but with Arya heading back home, I feel more at ease that she’ll survive the season for some time yet. But what killed me was her reunion with Nymeria. I practically squealed with joy then cried when Nymeria walked away, but what confused me was Arya saying “that’s not you” with a (if I’m not mistaken) smile on her lips. That was Nymeria, wasn’t it? And does she mean that Nymeria is not her pack, signifying Arya’s final journey back to her real pack (ie. the other Starks)? 
Also, can we please appreciate Arya and Hot Pie together again? I love that whole conversation about how she’d been baking. Made me chortle. 
Lastly, we have to talk about that final scene and my screaming thought of ‘what the fuck, Theon?’ because WTF THEON! I don’t know how to feel about that. On the one hand, as soon as I saw Euron attacking I knew he’d win, and considering how his actor said he’d make Ramsay look like child’s play, I was so worried for Theon and am glad he got away. But him abandoning his sister like that? It was so disheartening and sad to see. After how he helped save Sansa, I honestly thought he found that piece of himself again, but then it is a very unfair thing to say about a man who has been repeatedly tortured and abused. Although the Theon before Ramsay was a coward, so I don’t know. I just don’t know where his storyline will go from here on out. 
But speaking of Euron, I just knew his gifts to Cersei would be people and I am so bloody worried about Yara, Ellaria and the last remaining Sand Snake. I hate how weak the show continues to make them look and I hate that we’re about to witness more brutality done upon women on this damn hell show. I couldn’t stomach Ramsay with Sansa and I really doubt I’ll be able to stomach the upcoming scenes with Euron and these women.
Anyway, these are my thoughts. So sorry it’s so unbelievably long and rambly. What did you guys think?
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dragoni · 7 years
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Daenerys Targaryen is a Wise Queen
Lord Varys
Incompetence should not be rewarded with blind loyalty. As long as I have my eyes, I'll use them...
You wish to know where my true loyalties lie. Not with any king or queen but with the people. The people who suffer under despots and prosper under just rule. The people's heart who you aim to win.
Daenerys Targaryen
Swear this to me Varys. If you ever think I'm failing the people, you won't conspire behind my back. You'll look me in the eye as you have done today and tell me how I'm failing them.
Lord Varys
I swear it my Queen
Daenerys Targaryen
And I swear this. If you ever betray me, I'll burn you alive.
Lord Varys
I would expect nothing less from the Mother of Dragons.
GoT s7 e02 ~  Stormborn
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toastywindow · 7 years
*Littlefinger talks* Sansa: stfu you're gonna say smth cunning idgaf *Littlefinger talks* Jon: who are you and why are here?
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brxkcnengineer · 4 years
out of the lab ;
s7e02 liveblog thoughts under the cut!
i wanna know who the red dress lady is
deke doing the old timey new york accident is amazing
thats hot
oh may’s awake
i love patton so much
“im a doctor not a dame” god i LOVE jemma
“i’ll rest when i’m dead” mood
may just sedated enoch omg
“a considerable amount of time’ “how much time” a “considerable amount” THATS NOT AN ANSWER
“.... im hungry” may is a mood this episode
oh mack and deke are getting on a train cool
“that’ll put some fuzz on your peaches” i love it
jemma with her hands on her hips in that outfit, i love it
“im a biochemist not a bird” i LOVE jemma
may keeps fuckin disappearing and enoch is a stressed out babysitter
mack is also so done with deke
jemma doing sciencey stuff with 1930s bar stuff
something might be up with elena’s powers
malick is gonna deliver part of the super soldier serum that’s a no bueno
halfway through the episode and we got no sign of fitz and im a Grumpy Baby
“im the one who protects them, it’s my job” MOMMA MAY
enoch put the gun down honey you’ll hurt yourself
“i may not have a digestional intestinal system” I LOVE YOU ENOCH
god i love when they do flips
oh my god may seeing coulson
oh my god oh my god
“arent you at all surprised… i mean, i was dead.” “you still are” oh that was. heartbreaking
okay may is back in her chamber, good
“excuse me if im not impressed” oh my god i love koenig. deep down he’s still a fanboy
“if you’ll excuse me i must go fix my face”
i love jemma’s clothes so much
“if you’ll kindly take us to hell”
okay thank god
dont do it deke
oh good he shot the chronicoms
i want to see FITZ where is my BOY
oh i think i remember this from the trailer, enoch gets left behind in 1931 and the zephyr disappears in front of him. im calling it now
okay ive played la noire and those cars do NOT go that fast
oh fuck he shot koenig
i dont like freddie, he’s a dick
they are NOT making it back in 2 minutes fuck that thats not how DRIVING CARS FAST WORKS
yeah im calling it the zephyr is gonna leave enoch behind. yep.  yeeeEP. knew it
where’s fitz
still commercials and im rocking back and forth waiting for fitz
oh enoch’s a bartender now isnt he. yep.
aw enoch is gonna teach koenig about shield
okay im pissed there’s no fitz but at least we get sousa next week
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arawen898 · 7 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Game of Thrones (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jorah Mormont/Daenerys Targaryen Characters: Daenerys Targaryen, Jorah Mormont Summary:
An idea I got after watching GoT S7E02. Jorah is cured and has returned to his Khaleesi. When she summons him to her room, something happens that he has only ever dreamed of.
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everythingjonsa · 7 years
Hi! I'm sorry for mi english is pretty bad. I just wondering, someone point out that for the Joffrey bit we know that Jon and Sansa have been talking about the time she spend un kingsLanding. My question: maybe Jon is angry with her because she told Jim that she was the one who told Cersei about the plans of Ned? Btw I just love your blog so much. And despite I also truly believe Jonsa is endgame, if they don't, is because fanservice and all of that is bullshit. Respect the author please.
Hi Love!!
Please Don’t worry about your English please. It’s perfect…. It doesn’t matter all! Ask me anything you want, anytime you want to. I’ll always look forward to it. 
OOOOO! I never though about that one before. Did Sansa really tell Jon that she was one who got Ned into trouble?? Maybe, Maybe not. Like some one else mentioned they need to start having conversations that we can seeeee!!
I don’t think Jon is angry with Sansa. Frustrated yes, But not angry! He loves her and is trying to protect her. He admits to the him being protective about her part. 
AWWWWW.. Thank you so much!! I truly believe that Jonsa is endgame too and i totally agree with the fanservice bit too!! 
Let’s hope S7e02 has us Jonsa shippers putting on our dancing boots!! I am so wating for LF’s back to meet the wall!!
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fioreofthemarch · 7 years
mundane GOT S7E02 thoughts
This is a thing I do now. spoilers obviously. 
- Transitions in this episode were smooth AF with fantastic visual comedy. That stab/pie transition 👌👌👌 - Jamie Lannister’s face this whole season so far has been a gift. The look of a man constantly alternating between ‘fuck this’ and ‘fuck you’ with the occasional 'fuck me’ thrown in. - Can we all agree dany looks fucking fly this season goddamn. PERFECT BANGS/10 - I am STILL really enjoying the slowish paced, character focused dialogue. Vary’s scene was ace, the discussion between Davos, Jon and Sansa felt natural and urgent and even Dany’s speech-y moments came across as more genuine than previous seasons. It feels like we are finally seeing Dany the Person rather than Dany the Queen. - That Missandei/Greyworm scene clearly didn’t go through a brevity edit. - Also who designs a WINTER DRESS such that it just pops open when you untie one string. The wind could blow open that dress smdh - Euron’s entrance was some WWE level shit and I fucking loved it. - Mmmmmmm get a load of that hot SQUID ON SQUID ACTION - people shittin on theon but idk man if i was staring down my psychotic uncle while my entire fleet burned around me and the people i called my kin were drowning in their own blood, id be 10 miles in the other direction before you could say 'cockless’, and I’m not even a good swimmer
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drinkinggot-blog · 7 years
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S7E02: Jerkin’ It to Cthulhu
LOOK WE ALREADY KNOW WE GOT EVERYTHING WRONG THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU WATCH & PODCAST DRUNK. But we *can* tell you that Westeros finally got dial-up internet, and everyone is getting high on crushed dragonglass. 
Pictured: Dark & Stormborns!
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