#goths be smiling in october
thegothicviking · 8 months
❤🦇❤New fren❤🦇❤
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grandmawitch · 8 months
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✨🍂 Watches Mona Lisa Smile once🍂✨
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fluentmoviequoter · 10 months
Heart Set on Amulets
Summary: Dalton meets shy, introverted reader and they become friends. Eventually, he finds out that she's a witch and tells her about his astral projecting. She creates an amulet to help him sleep, and Dalton discovers how nice dreams can be.
Requested Here!
Update (October 2023): Heart Set on Amulets Universe Masterlist
Warnings: canon-typical discussion of the Further, several vague references to Insidious: The Last Key (2018), in-depth discussions of magic and witchcraft (I did my homework for this one lol), Google Translate Latin, fluff. 3.4k+ words.
A/N: All of the witchcraft-related content is from my Supernatural knowledge and the Supernatural wiki page. This was a great request and super fun to write! Let me know what you think and I hope you like it! :)
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If you could get away with wearing a glamour amulet to look like someone else for your whole life, you would. Or better yet, an invisibility shield. For as long as you can remember, you’ve preferred to fade into the background and avoid everyone. Most people thought you were simply shy, but as you got older, you knew something else was happening inside you.
On your thirteenth birthday, you discovered you were a witch. Vowing never to tell anyone, you embraced what you believe to be your destiny. Wearing black, “witchy” clothes, keeping to yourself, and practicing the mystic arts in the dark allowed you to grow in ways you never imagined. The people closest to you thought you were in a goth or witch phase. When you walked across the stage at your high school graduation, casting spells under your breath, they accepted that it is who you are. Now it’s your turn.
Arriving at college, you continue to keep to yourself. Learning that you are a witch did nothing for your social skills, still preferring to be quiet and as invisible as possible. Managing to secure an on-campus apartment, you have space to practice and develop your powers in your free time and have a quiet place to think and get away from the busy, people-filled life you live beyond your door.
 “Cloaking flame,” you read, flipping through the spell book you have been building on for years. You run your finger along the page, reading the ingredients and effects of the spell. “Black candle, blood, a lit match… conceals caster and causes spontaneous combustion.”
Looking toward your pantry, you consider trying the spell until you hear people talking in the hall outside. You shake your head, thinking that spontaneous combustion probably isn’t the best idea in an apartment. Turning the page, you look at the first of many pages of research you’ve conducted on dreams over the years. Flicking your wrist, you conjure a cup of your favorite drink and take a sip before tapping the sigil and sending your spell book into a pocket dimension for safekeeping. The hallway is silent as you carry your drink to your bedroom, distantly wondering what it feels like to have company in your apartment.
“Dolphin, that’s stupid!” someone yells ahead of you on the sidewalk.
 “Why don’t you yell a little louder, Chris?” the boy you assume is ‘Dolphin’ responds.
“Hey!” The girl turns toward you and beckons someone closer. As you look over your shoulder, she adds, “Yeah, you. Please help me!”
Shaking your head and sending a small smile, you whisper, “Praesidium ab extraneis custodi me a periculo” (Protection from strangers keep me from danger).
You continue walking, fiddling with the amulet around your neck. Years ago, when you became a witch, you visited a psychic who gifted you the charm necklace, encouraging you to put whatever spell or enchantment you desired upon it. The amulet has remained unenchanted since then, waiting for the right moment. Your fingers grip the amulet tighter when someone falls into step beside you.
“Hey, I just wanted to apologize for Chris – my friend that harassed you on the sidewalk earlier… I’m Dalton.” He extends his hand for you to shake, then drops it quickly. “You don’t have to talk to me, I’m usually super introverted but Chris tends to rub people the wrong way at first, so I thought I should apologize. And now I’m rambling.”
“It’s fine,” you whisper, stopping at a split in the sidewalk. “I appreciate the apology, and not trying making me talk.”
“Anytime.” Dalton smiles, and you can’t stop the small smile you send him in return. “I’ll see you around.”
 “Definitely,” Dalton concludes with a wink.
As you watch Dalton walk away, the idea of pathokinesis pops into your head. You shake your head to rid the thought. The last thing someone like you needs is a love spell. It’s not like you could talk to him even if you did manipulate him into thinking he loves you. And, most importantly, you would never mess with someone’s emotions, not with how much trouble you have with your own.
You try to push Dalton out of your mind in class, your mind eventually drifting to a dimensional manipulation spell you were working on the night before. The person beside you asks for a pencil, and you briefly wish you had learned the cloaking flame spell as you silently pass a pencil, letting your eyes watch the pencil to avoid any awkward eye contact.
The last thing you expect is to see Dalton waiting by the door when you exit class, yet here he is.
 “So, I was thinking,” he begins.
 “Scary thought,” you mumble.
Dalton laughs before continuing as he walks beside you, but not close enough to make you uncomfortable. “You’re super easy to talk to, like, I’ve never met someone that I could start a conversation with, but here you are. Granted, you don’t really say anything, so it’s more that I have a conversation with the idea of you? I don’t know. Does that make sense?”
 “Yeah.” You shrug as you look at his shoes. “I don’t talk to anyone though, really, so don’t feel too bad.”
 “You’re talking to me now. After a very long lecture from Chris, which means she yelled at me, I realized that maybe we could try to be friends. If it doesn’t work, we walk away, no harm done. What do you think?”
“Why? I’m the definition of introverted and I’m super weird.”
“Chris likes to say that everyone’s weird.”
Remaining silent, Dalton stops talking and looks straight ahead, allowing you to think for several minutes.
“Hey, where are we going?”
“I’m going to my apartment.”
“You got an apartment? Lucky.”
“Look.” You hold an arm up to stop Dalton, looking in his general direction but failing to make eye contact. “We can try. This is my building, apartment 7. If you need a quiet place to think or work, or just away from your eccentric friend, come over. I’ll try to talk, but I can’t guarantee anything. You’re nice, Dalton, and you deserve friends, but I’m too shy to ever talk this much again.” You rush past him and wait until you are in your apartment before taking a deep breath, sagging against the door. “I just talked to him,” you realize aloud.
After your last class on Friday, just two days after talking to Dalton, you hear a knock on your door. Clutching a black obsidian stone, you raise it behind the door as you open it. Your hand falls to your side as you make unintentional eye contact with Dalton.
“You scared me,” you accuse.
“You said I could come over?”
You nod and open the door, allowing him to come inside. As you close the door, you look around and thank the morning version of you for straightening up before you left.
“Nice place. Do you want me to leave?”
“No, Dalton, you’re good. I’m just jumpy, sorry.”
Dalton loosens his hold on his backpack strap, setting his bag in the corner before looking around. He steps closer to your bookshelf, looking at the books and shelf of black candles. Most of your witch-related belongings are in the cabinets in the kitchen, hidden from sight.
“What’s the stone for?” Dalton points to the obsidian in your hand.
“Oh, it was a gift,” you lie. “Just picked it up when you knocked. No one ever really visits.” The last part was the truth, at least.
“Well, they’re missing out.” Dalton smiles before turning back to the bookshelf.
“You can sit wherever. I assume you came for a reason?”
“I can’t just come to say hi?”
“You can. I don’t know why you would,” you admit with furrowed brows.
Dalton helps himself to your couch, spreading his arms across the back as he smiles at you. You finally realize how long you’ve maintained eye contact and look down, tapping your feet together.
“You’re better company than you think. Let’s break open each other’s shells.”
Dalton is serious, and for the first time in your life, you think that maybe having a friend wouldn’t be so bad. As you and Dalton take turns asking questions about each other, you nearly forget about the pocket dimension holding your spell book and the pantry. For a few minutes, you feel normal. But you have never been normal, and one friend won’t change that.
Hours after the sun has gone down, Dalton gathers his things and heads for your door. You whisper a warding spell as you open the door for him, protecting him from harm as he enters the world. After he leaves and the door is closed, your hand lifts to your amulet while your mind drifts to the cloaking flame and where you could possibly test it.
Saturday morning, you get a text from Dalton – whose name and number he must have put into your phone sometime last night. Warily, you accept his invitation to breakfast. When he knocks on the door, you see Chris at his side, and you realize where your apprehension came from. You’re learning to talk to Dalton, but when you see Chris, you shut down.
 “I’m going to meet you two there,” Chris says suddenly, looking between you and Dalton. She grabs Dalton by the shirt and whispers in his ear, unheard by you, “Don’t mess this up, Dolphin.”
Dalton offers his hand, and you take it slowly, interlacing your fingers with his as you walk. He looks tired, and while you’re not used to caring for the people around you, he makes it seem very easy.
“We don’t have to go to breakfast, Dalton,” you offer.
“I want to.”
“Did you get any sleep last night?”
“Why do you ask?” Dalton smiles and pulls your hand closer. “Because you kept me out so late last night?”
“No, I just...” you take a breath to stop stuttering and decide to shoot straight. “You look tired.”
“I am, but I’ll get over it. Now, what’s your favorite breakfast food?”
Dalton fills the rest of the walk with conversation, offering easy questions you can answer quickly. He never makes you feel forced to talk; more like he is inviting you to and hanging onto your every word. At the restaurant, Dalton is a buffer between you and Chris. However, you quickly realize that while Chris can be loud and comes across as abrasive, she is actually sweet, and you can see yourself becoming friends with her. Slowly, maybe, but eventually.
Over the next few weeks, you learn the appeal of having friends. Dalton is at your apartment more than his own dorm. Chris has come over several times, and you can talk to her without Dalton around now. While they haven’t said anything, you wonder if they’re curious about the ever-shifting candles or the arrangement of wax on your table. You want to tell them who you really are, but your fear that they’ll leave feels crippling. Losing the only friends you’ve ever had is frightening enough that you’d be willing to stop practicing witchcraft. If that were possible, that is.
Just before fall break, when the leaves are falling, every student is carrying a hot drink, and tickets to go home for Thanksgiving are being purchased, your relationship with Dalton changes forever. It’s nearly midnight when knocking on your door almost breaks your concentration during a spell. Ignoring it, you focus on the scrying spell arranged on your table. With your arms out over the arrangement and your eyes focused on the prism in the center, you repeat the name of the man you are looking for, alternating between the English and Latin versions of his name. The knocking comes again, and you can’t risk losing the progress you’ve made.
“Come in and shut up!” You yell quickly, keeping your eyes on the prism and the name in your mind.
You hear the door open, then very slowly close. As your chanting picks up speed, the prism lights up, drawing you in before everything goes dark. Dropping your arms to the chair in front of you, you lean your weight on it as you catch your breath.
From across the room, Dalton whispers your name. You look up at him, pulling the black shawl from your head to meet his eyes.
“What is going on?” he asks, wide-eyed.
You take a deep breath before standing to your full height. The lights flicker on, the energy you channeled into the prism returning to the wires. Dalton looks between you and the table.
“I can explain.”
Dalton remains silent, pressing his lips together and gesturing for you to continue.
 “Short answer is I’m a witch. The longer answer is that my entire life I’ve felt like I didn’t belong; I could never make friends or talk to people, and I just- something was missing. When I turned thirteen, I found out I was a witch.”
“How?” Dalton interrupts.
“An energy blast,” you admit, pulling on your fingers and hoping Dalton won’t leave. “Shot it straight through my bedroom wall. Covered it up with a story that something fell and hit the wall at a weird angle and that’s why it went all the way through.”
“People believed that?”
“I guess.” You shrug and try to look away from Dalton. “Never said anything else about it.”
“Okay. So, you’ve been a witch since you were thirteen, basically?”
Dalton nods, saying something to himself before asking, “What did I just walk in on?”
“A scrying spell. It’s a locator spell, used to find people.”
“And you told me to shut up because?”
“Distraction is one of the biggest weaknesses for witches. Losing one bit of concentration could be the difference between life and death, or it could alter a spell and cause something unexpected to happen. Sorry, though.”
“No, it’s fine.” Dalton walks to the table and stands beside you. “Which part is the most important?’
“All of it, but the prism is vital. It’s what shows me the location of the person I’m looking for.”
“And where are they?”
“Five Keys, New Mexico.”
You look over at Dalton as he examines each piece of your spell, waving in front of the mirrors and looking at the reflections of the crystals. He looks tired, even more so than usual.
“What’s going on, Dalton? You look like you haven’t slept at all.”
“I haven’t,” he admits with a humorless laugh. He looks over to you and clenches his jaw. “I guess you told your secret, I can tell mine.”
You nod and place your hand on his forearm, encouraging him.
“I can astral project. I’m pretty sure it started when I was younger and that the coma my parents told me about wasn’t a coma. It’s gotten really bad recently. The dimension where I go, the Further, is full of souls and demons that are trying to get out. Every time I try to sleep, I end up there and I- I don’t know what to do.”
“I can help.”
Dalton shakes his head. “How?”
“Promise not to freak out?”
Dalton’s eyes widen in anticipation rather than fear this time, and he smiles as he nods. You wave your hand in a circle, flourishing at the bottom to open the pocket dimension in which your spell book resides. Pulling the heavy book onto your table, Dalton watches in awe as you close the dimensional rift behind it. Finding a worn tab near the back, you open the book and begin reading.
“Feel free to share with the class, Professor,” Dalton teases, looking over your shoulder. “Is that Latin?”
“Some of it. Basically, this spell works as a sort of immobilization and a warding spell combination. It doesn’t actually immobilize you, but it keeps your astral body, soul, whichever you prefer, in this dimension. The warding aspect ensures that any portal opened by your gift isn’t usable from the other side.”
“Meaning nothing in the Further can come through to this dimension.”
“So, it would close the door?” Dalton asks excitedly.
“Not exactly. My understanding of the Further is that there is a door within it, in addition to any route that can be opened to enter or exit it. Basically, the door you’re talking about is to a room within a house. This won’t keep things from using that door, but it stops them before they make it to this world.”
“And the spell helps me sleep?”
“The spell itself, no. I’ll have to enchant something with the spell, then you keep that object with you when you sleep, and it will provide a broader coverage of the spell. Imagine the object having the spell locked within it, on a never-ending loop. Enchanting an object repeats the spell over and over because the spell lives within it.”
“Okay. What kind of object?”
Your hands raise to the amulet on your neck. It has been awaiting its purpose for over half a decade, and it has finally come. You unhook the clasp, pulling the chain from your neck.
“Whoa, what are you doing?” Dalton asks, his hands grabbing yours.
“Enchanting this amulet. Then you can just wear it to sleep.”
“I’ve never seen you without this thing.”
“I haven’t taken it off since I was thirteen. I’ve been waiting for the right time to enchant it, its sole purpose.”
“But it’s yours.”
“And I want to give it to you. Dalton, you’re worth this. Let me do this for you. You are the only reason I feel like I belong here, you’re my only friend, and this is the least I can do for you.”
“Only if you’re sure.”
You nod, and Dalton slowly removes his hands, watching you open your ingredient cabinet and pull a few new candles and a letter opener.
“What’s everything for? Can you talk me through it until you have to concentrate?”
“So, I’ll light the candles as part of the spell, then – this part’s kind of gross – I have to add some blood to the melted wax, then heat the amulet over the flame while I project the spell into it.”
Dalton nods with your explanation, cringing slightly at the mention of blood. You tell him the names and general purposes of the items as you set everything up, then ask him to step back as you begin.
“Corpus, caro et anima, malum annulos, animus nolo depreadandum, maneo. Body, flesh and soul, evil tolls, the soul will not pray, stay,” you begin, chanting as the candle melts. When the black wax begins to pour over the edge, you lift the letter opener and prick your forefinger, ignoring Dalton’s gasp as a drop of blood mixes into the hot liquid. You continue the chant as you hold the amulet over the flame, gaining volume until the amulet is too hot to hold. When you drop the necklace on the table, the candle goes out, and the flame dances in the amulet briefly before everything returns to normal.
“That’s going to take a while to get used to,” Dalton mutters.
“You said that like you’re sticking around.” It’s not a question, but you say it as if it were.
“Where would I go? Find a better friend than the one who pricked her finger to keep me from having what are essentially bad dreams?”
“You and I both know they’re not bad dreams,” you point out as you motion for Dalton to sit down. You put the amulet on, stepping around him to see how it looks. “She told me I’d know when it was time.”
“The psychic who gave me the amulet. I went to see her after I found out I was a witch.”
Dalton nods. “Have you seen her again?”
“No, but I’m planning to visit someone who knew her well.”
“I just have more questions now.”
“I’m going to Five Keys, New Mexico, to talk to a guy called Specs.”
Dalton stands and takes your hands. “Thank you for the amulet, I’m going to go sleep for a very long time. Then I want to hear more about this trip because there is no way you are going by yourself.”
“Did you just invite yourself?” you ask as he picks up his bag and heads for the door.
“What was it you said? That I’m worth it? Well, so are you,” he calls as the door closes.
If Dalton's going to keep looking at you like that, you're going to have to learn the cloaking flame move.
That night, Dalton sleeps peacefully for the first time in years, dreaming of you while you wonder what kind of magic brought Dalton Lambert into your life.
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The gang + Shepards x traditional goth reader whom everyone thinks is a witch, and there are rumors about her
low-key thinks about you a lot
at first it’s pure curiosity 
then it turns into daydreaming 
and when he hears you’re a witch 
he’s like “…that’s hot.”
ofc you 2 get paired up for a project 
You guys like some of the same books 
And stargazing 
And Pepsi 
After Darry and Sodapop find out about his crush they tease him and low key set you two up for a date 
it’s so fun 
You guys see a horror movie 
And when you get jumpy you cling to him 
And he does the same to you
And then you two share kisses 
All is fine until he gets home and finds out he has black lipstick marks all over his face
And gets “use protection” talk from Sodapop while Darry tries not to laugh (Soda doesn’t wanna become an uncle yet guys)
he’s in the lot and sees you walking 
He low key panic until you say hi
And he’s obsessed with your voice
You 2 end up talking a bit and you joke about how people think you’re a witch 
He says “I believe it.” 
“I mean, how else can someone be so beautiful?” 
You fs paint his nails 
And play with his hair 
You each end up scaring each others bullies off 
You love kissing his scars
Hits on you 
And when you get mad he just laughs 
“Whatcha gonna do? Curse me?”
“I might.” 
Then you walk away
He plays it cool
But he’s low-key like
“Wtf did they do-“
You two run into each other again at a party 
Buck threw and and your friends with his cousin 
He sees you and starts to flirt 
You flirt back bc why not
“Damn Dally, you going for the wicked witch now huh?” One of the guys there says 
Man almost got punched 
You found it hot 
You found him very hot 
Daddy issues/j
Yet you didn’t want to flirt 
He fs has a partner 
Or so you thought
Loves how you look 
You catch him staring and he tries to recover 
You “accidentally” bump into him 
And nearly fall in the process 
He grabs your waist and holds you
Omg he’s stronggg
You act start stammer and are like: “jfc he thinks I’m so stupid-“
And then he just asks you out 
Right then and there 
And you say yes 
You go to the DX
And get some snacks 
Sodapop is like “huh, there’s that witch chick” 
And then when you check out and smile
It’s over 
He needs you NOW 
He needed you yesterday 
He gives you free things 
“I can pay-“
“No need. I don’t need to be jinxed now, do I?” 
You giggle 
Man has a goofy smile 
Yaps abt you sm oml 
Y’all are cute FR 
Says sm jokes 
Like omg
“Hey! Heading back to the cemetery?” 
“You got any voodoo dolls on ya?” 
“Did you drug me with a love potion, or am I just falling too fast?” 
You try not the laugh but you do
When you 2 kiss man is COVERED in black kiss marks
And doesn’t wash it 
“TwoBit clean it -“ 
“But how am I supposed to show Im under your spell?” 
You make a joke or two and he DIES 
Y’all are so sweet oml 
You 2 meet in October 
“Ain’t it a little early for Halloween costumes?”
“Ain’t it a little early to wear Frankenstein masks?”
After a brief starting contest you 2 laugh and you get your slushie in peace
You go to a Halloween party and see him 
He’s not really dressed up
Youre a sexy vampire COUGH
You decide to join in ‘spin the bottle” 
And you land on Steve 
You guys kiss
And again 
And again 
Then you decide “fuck it” and head to his car to make out 
Man’s cat calling 
It’s an art to him at this point (thanks to dally)
You tell him to shove it
And he starts walking beside you 
“Ain’t your eyes supposed to glow when you’re mad?”
You just stare at him
Then you kick him in the nuts and run 
He gets mad respect for you after that 
Turns out you guys like the same songs 
You guys do (very bad) karaoke 
It’s fun 
Met in detention 
You punched a chick 
He jumped a soc 
You guys started talking
And got on like a house on FIRE
It’s scary oml 
You two make out a lot
Pony wants to die 
Y’all PDA 
When he’s in reform you visit and send letters 
He tries to write letters back 
And make them as nice as yours 
He can’t tho 
puppy crush FR 
She thinks your so cool
And pretty 
And when you ask her out she’s like
“I’m in heaven” 
After a threatening “conversation “ with Curly and Tim they’re fine with you hanging out 
You 2 do each others make up 
And go shopping together 
And scream to music 
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Could we possibly get more Faust (lords of chaos) with a Goth GF, there is no where near enough fics of him let alone any of him with a goth gf.
Faust - Gothic girlfriend Part.2
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warning : fluff
Info : You are totally right dear anon having a goth gf is something that needs to be done more. So here you go and have fun reading everyone else too.
Disclaimer : I don't want to glorify anything, it's about the actors who play a role, not the real events.
°A few months had passed since Faust had met his gothic girlfriend. Moante in dennen die verbindung de rbeiden only more grew and strengthened.
°For every time he saw her in the moonlight, elegantly pulling on her cigarette in the corner or just giving him a particularly elegant pretty look, he felt his heart beat faster. He reached for a small card and wrote a poem.
°A poem that expressed his admiration and love for her every time. He felt like a little boy when he handed it to her. How her eyes showed knowledge and love, the little smile on her black lips when she kissed the card and pulled him to her.
°,,My sweet bat" she called him most of the time when she put her hand around his arm and they walked around together like an old married couple. He was her guard and protected her from everything. But she needed no protection. Not since he knew that she had a knife in her pencil.
°The blade was wide and extra on Samahein or Hallowween on the thirty-first of October she made a ritual for the band. Sacrificed a chicken that the boys had stolen for her. As she saw in the circle of chalk, the flames of the candles flickered and the chicken disappeared when the candles lit again.
°,,My girlfriend the witch!" the brown-haired man had announced and pulled her into his arms while the rest cheered her on. But their ritual was effective, any danger for the band was averted and the love of the two seemed to grow even more.
°At the latest, they found a small apartment together near Faust's mother, who surprisingly liked his girlfriend. The older woman and the younger one both found pleasure not only in smoking but also in card reading. A friendship that quickly made his witch a member of the family.
°,,Honey, bring your Addams family with you," Faust's mother had once joked, and he saw the smirk on his friend's face. Which told him that she also felt comfortable, which was important to him. He himself knew what it was like to be excluded before he met the black coven.
°But then the day came, the day that put them both to the test. Faust and his friend became parents. Parents of two little black cats. Adam and Eve. Two cats that they had rescued from the shelter. They looked at their parents with their green eyes.
°Of course, this had to be celebrated with a housewarming party in the apartment and the black coven was also there. The interior of the two was dark fist plates hung on the walls and he had brought his room into the apartment.
°His girlfriend had brought her own things. Statues, pentagrams and a considerably large figure of Satan that served as a cat tree.
°It was an apartment that the two of them filled with dark love and made it a dark kingdom. It was perfect for both of them. As well as the cats that got all the attention of their parents. But they also supported their mother and father in painting.
°The witch took up the painting with oil trying to capture her dark world in her mind and Faust took the black charcoal and drew and painted his victims. His fantasies he had and together they spent so many afternoons.
°Until the day she was born. Her birthday was coming up and the gift he gave her could not have made her happier. ,,So you can try it out," he said, revealing to her the black sag he had built himself.
°It can be said that after all the guests had left, the coffin was tested in more than one way, but that passed in the dark night between Faust and his girlfriend.
@burr-soup , @mayhem-things , @valleoddblog , @batzy-watzy , @andrada-boierean , @icarus-star
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sinning-23 · 2 years
Kinktober 2022
October 2
Day 2
Prompt: FemDom, Chains, Toys
Character: Uta
Warnings: Yall I said this in the last one…$MUT MINORS DNI duh. Also, I haven't watched Tokyo Ghoul in literally years so sorry if this is a little OOC for Uta. Despite this, I love a good sadistic, goth.
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Spinning is the cause, and being dizzy is the effect. You can help but play with Uta’s stools while he works on the masks surrounding the two of you. His jacket practically engulfs you since it was already sort of big on him. But you're warm, content, and observing every pin, nail, and grommet Uta places onto the base of the mask. He's always so quiet when he works, muttering here and there about how something doesn't look right and proceeding to fix it to his liking. 
You were known to be the jittery type, hence why you're spinning to keep yourself occupied. However, spinning is getting boring, and the way Uta looks being so focused fills your pretty little head with memories of him being fixed on…you. The way those eyes saw right through you and bore into your own. How they practically ate you up whenever you smiled or made a suggestive remark. You two just clicked most of the time, so having each other wrapped around one another's pinkie was easy. It was time to play another cause-and-effect game.
“You've been working hard, how about a break?” You suggest, standing from the chair to wrap your arms around him. 
He doesn't give though, only humming in response and sticking more pins into the mask. He breathes heavily when you don't move, not in annoyance but in frustration. He knows he's been pushing off this mask for a while and shouldn't stop, but the tone of your voice suggests you want more than just a quick break. It's been a while since you two fooled around and he's feeling spontaneous. Cause: Uta stopping his work because you asked for a break. 
“You want more than a regular break don't you?” He questions, only to have you throw your arms around his neck and smile. 
“Guilty, I just wanna have a little bit of fun before I have to go out and grocery shop.” You joke, peppering his pale skin with kisses, black tinted lips leaving prints in their wake. He shivers.
“How about this, I test out this new toy and we see how well it works, then you can get back to your work, yeah?” You suggest, toying with the silver chain around his neck.
 He knows you've got more up your sleeve but he agrees nonetheless. If it means can get work done, then of course he’d let you play and have fun. After all, your favorite pastime was toying with him. Uta hums a yes in response and you skip towards your room, shuffling echoing down the hall. The couch you had moved in was your ideal spot, something comfortable enough to sit on but big enough for the two of you to get a lil active. 
You take a seat and speak your legs wide enough for him to fit and in your hands was a black wrapped box. You pat the space and he sits snugly between your thighs. You're warm, the jacket he lent you earlier was doing its job. There's a bit of silence while you move your fingers from the chain to his hair, then back to the chain, and then to the box. 
“What is it?” He asks, only to have you shrug. 
“My guess is as good as yours, It was in a blind bag but I’m sure we’ll have fun with it don't you think?” You hum, removing the contents of the box with an excited ‘ouuuuh’
In your hand rested a semi-hard silicone ring big enough to fit about 3-4 fingers in and small paper instructions. You and Uta had experimented with toys before so this was of no shock to the two of you. Just another little gadget to add to your collection. 
“It's a cock ring, Oh and it vibrates!” You gasp, excitement now seething through you. It buzzed in your hand and Uta’s eyes were slightly wide. 
Of all the things you two tried, a vibrating cock ring had never really been on the list. Well sure your tried wands, double vibrators and glass dildos, and a fuck ton of other items mainly he had gotten for you, but Uta's more electronic toy collection was a bit small. He was more of a BDSM type, the chains and whips wand leather was more his style. You blow on his ear to get his attention.
“You zoned out, you know we don't even have to do this if you don't want.” You suggest only for him to shake his head and flash a very faint smile. 
‘No, let's. We need this.” 
Nodding you press kisses to his face, making your way to his lips, hands tangling each other. You can taste coffee on his tongue, bittersweet as you pull the chain around his neck to lightly choke him. His mouth falls open in a moan when you do. Your next instructions are simple. 
“Show me how you touch it.” You hum, still tugging the chain, still staining his face and neck with your black lipgloss.
He doesn't hesitate to pull his dick out and stroke from base to tip, his heavy breathing filling your ears. He was gorgeous. You can't help but stare at how slowly and intentionally he moves. Spitting into your hand, you moved to help, the saliva running down the side as you press your thumb against the tip, his hips jerking upward. He’s responsive, precum mixing with the saliva and sliding down his length. Uta wasn’t a loud moaner, he was more grunts and faint ‘ah!’s’ and ‘mmh’s’. Nonetheless, you loved the sound filling your ears.
“Feels good?” You hum, hearing him struggle to speak against the grip you had on the chain. 
You squeeze his face, signaling him to open his mouth and he goes so willingly, tongue sticking out as you place the cock ring onto it. If this was gonna slide on it needed to be wet first. Lube would’ve been a better option but seeing the way he licked the edges of the silicon and flicked his tongue around was by far better than squeezing a bottle.
You praise him, sliding the ring down and pressing the slow setting first. His hips buck and he groans, moving his hand to his mouth to cover but you quickly regain focus over the chain and warn him to ‘keep that pretty mouth open’. He nods, the vibrations making it harder and harder for him to contain his moans, hips thrusting into nothing.
“Tell me how it feels, I wanna know.” You hum, still stroking him while the cock ring did its job. 
“Good, so good. May I cum? Please?” He asks, knowing to be polite with you if he wanted something. You can't help but take pride in denying him, turning the ring off. Yes, this break would be far longer than anticipated.
“No, now take a deep breath and we’ll work out way up, ‘kay?” You answer, seeing the frustration in him begin to build. 
Nonetheless, he does as you say, taking deep breaths, then letting you know when he was ready to go again. So, you moved to the medium speed, a louder moan following close behind as the effect.
The wetness between your legs is becoming unbearable, but right now was about Uta, and you'd be damned to miss a performance like this. He’s whining now, fists clenched as he tries to hone in on the feeling that creeps up behind him. He’s close again. 
“Trying to chase it on your own hm?” You question, tugging the chain again as he gasps in response. He knows he's guilty, not asking permission. 
“That's fine, but guess what?” You turn up the speed again, his hips finding a rhythm with your hand and the feeling of the cock ring. 
“Since you wanna break rules, I’ll break you. We’re not stopping until I’m satisfied.” 
His eyes are rolled back now, the first orgasm washing over him with ease, a second one now building up.  His hands clench at his sides, your fingers stroking the sensitive tip, a mix of saliva and cum sticking to your skin. There's so much of it. He’s sensitive but you already know this and so does he. He brought this onto himself though.
Effect: a break Far longer than anticipated.
AYOOO DAY 2 down...uhhhh idk what's for day 3 I'm kinda playing kinktober roulette rn lmao. anyway, see yall for the next upload!
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imbiowaresbitch · 8 months
Make Me a Beast, ch. 2
Hello! Year of the OTP October, chapter 2!
Dean was standing in Charlie and Meg's living room, chatting with Garth and Bess. They'd dressed as that American Gothic painting, complete with pitchfork, only they'd upped the ante by both wearing dark goth makeup. It was a hilarious twist, and Dean couldn't stop grinning.
Garth looked around, then turned back to Dean.
"Where's your man? And who're you dressed as?" he asked, and Dean pouted.
Bess elbowed Garth, rolling her eyes.
"You've watched Tangled with Gertie how many times, and you don't recognise Flynn Rider when you see him?" she demanded, and Dean sent her a smouldering look and a wink.
Garth let out a braying laugh, and he raised his red Solo cup to Dean, who tapped his beer against it amicably. Garth could be forgiven. His cup was half-empty, which meant Garth was well on his way to being tanked, the lightweight. Dean sipped his beer and glanced around.
"He should be here somewhere. We got a bet going, and the dick wouldn't tell me what his costume was, kept it here."
Bess laughed. "Is it a sexy bet?" she teased, and he waggled his eyebrows at her.
"Damn right, and it's one I'm gonna win," he boasted.
"Is that so?"
Dean turned toward Cas' voice, and his mouth went dry. 
Now he knew why Cas had let his hair grow down to his chin. It hung in waves against the high collar of his white shirt, a purplish tie neatly knotted at his throat (Meg had to have helped with that. Cas couldn't do a tie right to save his life), and a dark red vest under a navy suit. The suit was seriously old-fashioned, like Victorian, and Dean frowned as he tried to place the costume. 
That he got to stare at Cas while he thought about it was a nice perk. 
"Yeah, that's so," Dean asserted, giving his lover a cocky smile. "Not sayin' you don't look good, you do, but I'm not dragging you out the door and into the bushes any time soon."
Cas chuckled softly, stealing Dean's bottle and taking a long pull of his beer. He kept eye contact with Dean as he did so, and Dean's eyes were drawn to those lips wrapped around the bottle like –
"Love the costume, Castiel!" Garth said loudly, staggering closer and clapping Cas on the shoulder. "Gertie loves that movie!"
"Wait, you know who he's dressed as?" Dean demanded, almost offended. 
Bess chimed in. "You don't?"
Read the rest of chapter 2 on AO3.
Read from the beginning here.
Many thanks to @nickelkeep and @aishitara the beta!
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gender0bender · 9 months
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Descriptions of current and former steelworker lesbians interviewed for the book Steel closets : voices of gay, lesbian, and transgender steelworker by Anne Belay, available on the Internet Archive
Erin, interviewed in January 2010. A bit sloping in the shoulders and tentative in her demeanor. She wore an embroidered V-neck sweater. Probably in her early fifties.
Fern, interviewed on January 29, 2010. She was a slim Asian woman with short, spiked hair and a ready, flirtatious smile. Though tiny, she had a butch swag- ger to her walk and told stories revealing an intense pride in her work. I would guess she was in her mid-thirties.
Gail, interviewed on January 25, 2010. She is a short, stocky woman with neat gray hair. She wore blue jeans and a denim shirt advertising ISG (International Steel Group, the former owner of her mill). She had a warm smile and laughing eyes, and loved to tell stories. She was about sixty.
Harriet, interviewed on April 10, 2010. She is mixed Indian and Mexican, and very butch. She had black, feathered hair, and seemed to be in her late forties. Her boots and leather jacket had many zippers.
Isabel, interviewed in June 2010. Younger (mid-twenties) than most of the nar- rators, with a presentation somewhere between hipster and goth. She was skinny, with hair partly black and partly hot pink. Clearly not comfortable in Northwest Indiana, she fantasized about moving elsewhere.
23. Wanda, interviewed on January 26, 2011. She wore a scrupulously butch tie, sweater, and hat, along with a Bluetooth. She was a dark-complected black woman with no visible hair. Her handshake and manner of sitting established butch domi- nance immediately, as did her sideways, knowing smile. I would guess she was in her mid to late thirties.
Xena, interviewed January 31, 2011, at her home. She wore a Steelers jersey over a thermal shirt and smoked constantly. She had a dry sense of humor and a butch presentation. She had iron gray hair. Probably in her mid-forties.
Carmen, interviewed in March 2011. In her fifties, she is a black woman with dreadlocks, who has some scarring from a burn accident at the mill. She was very reserved and held her lower jaw tensely.
Danielle, interviewed on April 25, 2011. She is a big woman, with long, straight, almost stringy hair. She wore glasses and dressed casually but with lots of makeup.
Janis, interviewed July 20, 2011, at a restaurant. She wore the jacket of union electrical workers and identified as a strong union supporter. Blonde and fit, in her fifties, she had a lively demeanor, but she refused to be recorded.
Kate, interviewed in August 2011, at a bar. Relaxed and funny, she loved to talk and was full of stories about the area, the mill, family, and life. She carried herself with confidence and had a physical presence. She had medium-length gray-blonde hair.
Lupe, interviewed September 18, 2011, at a bar. She was fairly boxy in build, with short black hair and butch mannerisms. Though she was in her mid-forties, there was something very boyish and innocent about her.
Marie, interviewed October 19, 2011, at a coffee shop in Pittsburgh. She was an older woman, many years beyond the steel mill, which showed in her body and demeanor. She had medium length hair, wore jewelry and a blazer, and was prob- ably in her sixties. When she discussed her life as a steelworker, memories began to flood back, and a butch attitude accompanied them.
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wildestflowrs · 2 years
🎃Ronancetober Day 16: Trick or Treat🍬
Trick or Treat!
October 31st 1988
“Robin, come on!”
Nancy laughs as Robin steps out of the bathroom, face adorning a smug grin as she fixes her tie. They decided to wear matching costumes; Robin dressed as Beetlejuice and Nancy as Lydia. Robin puts her hands around her girlfriend’s waist and they sway to the music playing on the cassette deck. Nancy loops her arms over Robin’s shoulders and hums, resting her head on head on the taller girl’s chest.
“You look so good in suits, Robin Buckley, it’s honestly unfair,” she smiles and Robin kisses the top of her head.
“You look pretty damn hot as a goth chick, Nancy Wheeler,” Robin grins, “you should wear black lipstick more often, love,”
Nancy pecks a quick kiss to Robin’s lips. “Come on, we better go pick up Holly from my mom’s,”
Robin hums, trailing her fingers up Nancy’s back. “Of course, wouldn’t want your little sister kissing out on epic trick or treating with her awesome big sister and her girlfriend,”
They link their hands together and leave their motel room, taking the stairs down and hopping into Nancy’s car.
“Holly has asked me about trick or treating with us every time she’s called for the past month,” Nancy says, “she really likes you, Rob; even said you’re her ‘cool-future-big-sister-in-law’,”
Robin’s heart melts a little. “Hm, pretty long title, big I’ll take the cool part,”
Holly beams when she opens the door to find Nancy and Robin outside. She grabs her sister’s hand and pulls her inside, insisting that they ‘had to look at the map she made’.
Fifteen minutes later Robin and Nancy are walking down the street when Holly runs off in front of them, her pillowcase full of candy and witch’s broomstick in tow. She rings the doorbell of the next house and they wait.
“Happy Halloween! Hey, you guys!” Mrs. Sinclair greets them, “I love your costume, Hol,” she compliments as the eight-year-old ruffles through the bowl of candy.
“What do you say to Mrs, Sinclair, Holly?” Nancy reminds her sister as she turns to leave.
“Thank you!”
As they’re walking back down the street Mandy feels Robin’s hand slip into hers. She gives the taller girl a look and she just shrugs in return.
“It’s Halloween, baby, I think everyone’s too busy to notice,” she whispers with a lopsided grin.
They visit a few more houses before taking Holly back home, happy with her bag full of candy. She hugs them both before running off to her room. Karen thanks them for looking after Holly and sends them on their way with some leftover candy and a knowing look.
“If you girls are going out partying, you better stay safe,”
Back in the car, Robin slips her ‘Halloween Music’ mixtape into the cassette player, and the intro of ‘Ghostbusters’ begins to play. Robin grins, and Nancy lets out a laugh.
“Ghostbusters, Rob?”
“Hell yeah, it’s a classic, Nance!”
The party at Steve’s is only a small one; Steve, Eddie, Jonathan, Argyle, a couple friends from school or work, and since this year, the party, now that they’re seniors (although Steve set a limit for the amount of alcohol they were allowed to drink much to their annoyance). Steve greets them at the door.
“Robin, Nance! We weren’t expecting you, did you guys fly in from Boston?”
Nancy smiles as they go in, “Yeah, my mom and Holly wanted us to visit for Halloween,”
There’s a crash from another room and a shout that sounds suspiciously like Eddie. Steve sighs and Robin stifles a laugh.
“Hang on, let me deal with whatever that was,” he says, walking off in the direction of the sound, “but I’ll catch up with you guys later!”
When the kids find out they’re here, Nancy and Robin are showered with questions about college, and what’s it like living in the city, how big is their apartment, is there cool parties. They manage to slip away upstairs to a spare bedroom, a few drinks in and sitting on the bed talking.
“Nance, trick or treat?” Robin giggles, her speech a little slurred.
“What?” Nancy laughs.
“Trick or treat?”
Nancy puts her finger on her chin in theatrical pondering and hums. “Hm, I think I gotta say treat,”
Without warning, Robin leans forward and kisses her, pushing Nancy back against the bed so the other girl is on top of her. Nancy slips a hand into Robin’s hair, but soon grins against the kiss and they break apart, breathless.
“There’s your treat, Nance,” Robin smirks, drumming her fingers gently on Nancy’s hip.
“What if I had said trick?” Nancy slips a hand up the back of Robin’s shirt.
“You could ask me trick or treat and find out,”
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ironwoodwizard · 8 months
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Name: Ian D’Arcy
Age: 240 (looks to be late 20’s-early 30’s)
Birthday: October 13, 1783
Gender: male
Sexuality: bisexual
Race: vampire
Appearance: dark loosely curly hair, brown eyes that turn a fathomless black if you look directly at them for too long, pale and too-smooth skin, sharp porcelain-white fangs, tall and lanky form. Greatly resembles his father, but he has his mother’s smile.
FC: young Johnny Depp
Personality: very…odd. Eccentric. Highly intelligent and intuitive, but he doesn’t lord it over others unless he finds it too amusing not to (usually does it to those who insist that they know everything, or especially heinous charlatans). Known as the town weirdo, and he relishes in it in a mostly subtle way. Absolutely a theater kid. Quick-witted goth dude with a heart of gold that he playfully insists is cold and black. Has a background in psychology and criminology and continuously studies it as a hobby. Low-key anarchist. Hates being stuck in boring meetings, and his patience for people only goes so far in settings where he’s forced to sit still(this developed after he was turned; as a mortal, he was well known for his patience in court).
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Powers/Abilities: telekinesis (up to 100 lbs without much effort, but he can lift more if he really pushes himself; the more he lifts, the more it drains him. Heaviest thing he’s lifted/moved was a 300-ish-pound bookshelf that nearly fell on him, and he blacked out afterward.) Fanged bite/exsanguination. Healing factor (drinking blood helps him quickly heal wounds that aren’t caused by holy water or blessed weapons. Burns from sunlight or rushing water heal slowly.) Flight (sort of. His telekinesis allows him to make himself levitate for short periods of time or glide short distances.) Prophecy (when he was a mortal, he often had dreams where glimpses of future events flashed before him. He could not make sense of them unless hypnotized. As a vampire, the visions are much less erratic, and he has learned how to induce them instead of waiting for them to come.) Spiderclimb (he can walk on walls, ceilings, and inverted surfaces as if gravity has no effect on him.) Excellent poker face. Hypnotic gaze (making direct deliberate eye contact with someone for a moment too long puts them under his thrall, though he cannot command a thrall to do anything that they wouldn’t normally be able to do. He often wears dark sunglasses to avoid doing this on accident.) Shapeshifting (he can turn into a bat or a black cat, and is resistant to sunlight in cat form.) Excellent deductive reasoning skills.
Flaws/Weaknesses: Sunlight sensitivity (daylight burns him unless his skin is fully covered, and he has limited day vision), running water (burns him), holy water (burns him), blessed weapons (burn him and do lasting damage), elder wood stake through his heart (paralyzes him until it is removed. If he’s decapitated by a blessed weapon while in this state, he dies. If the stake is blessed, he dies instantly.)
Nationality: English, American
Languages: English, Latin
Style: usually Regency or Victorian gothic inspired, though he dresses more casually when at home and not expecting guests. A lot of black and white with dark jewel-toned accents. Takes great care in his appearance when he knows he’s going to be dealing with people.
Profession: Antique/Curio Shop Owner (current), Lorekeeper (aka Dungeon Master/Game Master. He’s one of the few regulars who show up to run tables at the tavern’s monthly D&D nights), Freelance Detective (former, when he was still mortal, and for a short time after he immigrated to America.), Magistrate (original, while he was still mortal. He wanted to do more to help his village, so he began sleuthing, using his position to gain as much information on various crimes as possible.)
Family: Maeve D’Arcy (née Watson, mother, deceased), Arno D’Arcy (father, deceased), Caolán D’arcy ( pronounced Keelan, younger brother, disappeared, presumed deceased), Robyn D’Arcy (triplet sister, alive, vampire), Sadie D’Arcy (triplet sister, alive, vampire)
Backstory: Born to descendants of French nobles and Scots-Irish merchants in October of 1783, Ian was the second in a set of fraternal triplets. He was brought up in a small but well off village not far from London, taught by the best tutors his father could afford, and groomed from a young age to become a proper magistrate and courtly gentleman. His sisters were educated in much the same manner, set to enter into high society in the same year that he first took his apprenticeship; they were seventeen at the time. A little over a decade later, Ian officially became a magistrate and heard his first case. The case seemed rather simple; a traveling man had been accused of stealing sheep from a local farmer under the cover of darkness for a little over a week, and several witnesses testified that they’d seen him lurking around that farm at or around dusk. The defendant rather adamantly pleaded not guilty, stating that he’d only been watching the farm because he’d seen some strange entity sneak in on his first night in town, and he wanted to see if he could catch it for a reward. Something about the case didn’t sit right with Ian. He knew in his heart that the man was innocent, but he had just as much proof that claim as the rest of the town had of his guilt. Siding with his gut, he announced that they would take a two day recess so that he could investigate the matter further, much to the townsfolk’s disdain. To placate them and protect the defendant, he had him temporarily locked up before asking the farmer to give him a private tour of his farm. The investigation yielded few clues, aside from two sets of boot print tracks and a trace amount of dried blood on the fence, but the most intriguing detail came later that night. Another sheep was stolen, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that the traveler could not have been the thief after all. Ian declared him innocent and set him free, though he publicly resolved to find out who the mutton thief truly was. The case took months to solve, as the thief was extremely elusive, and Ian and his two colleagues had other cases to hear in the meantime, most disturbing of which was the murder of the traveler, who was found a week later, mauled and drained of blood. Ian couldn’t help feeling responsible, but that only strengthened his resolve. He was determined to find and prosecute the culprit of this heinous crime once and for all. In the meantime, more livestock were stolen, and when they were moved inside locked barns for the night, people started to go missing. Bodies were discovered in bushes and ditches, mauled and drained, just like the traveler had been. With the fifth body, there was a note written in elegant script with what was most likely the last remaining drops of her blood:
‘You should have left the sheep out for me. Now I’ve developed a taste for daughters instead.’
All of the victims aside from the traveler had indeed been young women, which made the killing spree all the more disturbing, but also triggered something in Ian’s mind. He’d read many Eastern European tomes on the occult in his youth, having had a fascination with morbidity, and recalled several creatures that feasted on blood under cover of night. Vampires. They were dealing with a vampire, though what kind he did not precisely know. He doubted that it was a strigoi, as they were spirits and couldn’t leave boot prints or write. More research was in order. In the meantime, he conferred with the other two magistrates, and they declared a curfew. Citizens must be locked indoors from half an hour before sundown to half an hour after sunrise. The townsfolk readily complied, terrified of losing more young ladies to this horror of the night. Ian, meanwhile, through himself into researching various vampire legends from around the world, and determined his foe to be a Nosferatu, a bloodthirsty humanoid creature native to Romania that was vulnerable to sunlight and capable of turning humans into vampires. All a victim had to do was drink its blood after having been bitten themselves, but most never survived long enough unless the Nosferatu wanted them to. A human turned by Nosferatu would then become an immortal Draconian vampire, retaining their youth and beauty for as long as they retained their humanity, but never able to bask in heaven’s light again. Running water was also a bane to them, eroding their skin as if it were sandstone, and a stake crafted of elder wood could immobilize them if driven through the heart with enough force.
Filled with renewed determination and youthful hubris, Ian set out to hunt down the dastardly beast, commissioning the local arbalista to make him a crossbow that could launch a wooden stake. Thankfully, the man was an experimental sort, always up for a grand challenge; he had a prototype ready in no time. Ian whittled stakes from elder wood in his free time while he waited, unaware that his sister Robyn had already been turned by the beast and was urging Sadie and young Caolán to pursue its gifts as well.
Sadie was eager to comply, having grown bored of her wealthy but snobbish husband, but Caolán was hesitant. He was only eighteen, after all, and just made his debut in society. He wasn’t ready to give up on life as he knew it when his life had only just begun. Robyn didn’t let up. She and Caolán argued back and forth for weeks until he suddenly disappeared without a trace. The night beforehand, Ian was plagued with nightmarish visions that he couldn’t make sense of, but stayed with him throughout the following day. Hoping to ease her brother’s pain, a newly turned Sadie briefly hypnotized him, making the visions slower and much clearer. He saw a familiar door, and a pale, shaking hand grasping the knob. It was locked. The owner of the hand pounded on the door, screaming for help in a voice that he recognized as Caolán’s, but was not let in. It had grown dark. There was a jolt has he was yanked backwards, a clawed hand wrapping around his throat as another gripped his torso and dragged him away. Fighting. Kicking. Screaming. It was one hell of a struggle, but it was all in vain. Ian could do nothing but watch through Caolán’s eyes as the Nosferatu pinned him up against a tree, the rough bark scraping at his back as he stared up at its grinning, horrifying, hauntingly beautiful, gaunt face. It said something that Ian couldn’t quite make out before lunging forward to dig its sharp teeth into the young man’s throat. Caolán’s scream was cut off as Ian’s vision faded, and the magistrate fainted from the stress.
By the time he woke up, night had already fallen again. He’d been too late to save his little brother. Heartbroken and frustrated, he set out anyway, crossbow in hand and rage festering in his vengeful heart. He was hellbent on killing the vampire, even if it was the last thing he’d do. Ian stalked the streets by the light of the full moon, hypervigilant and itching to pull the trigger. He quickly became aware that he was being followed, and began taking sharp turns through alleys and around buildings in an effort to throw off his stalker, or perhaps get a glimpse of them. No luck. He quickened his pace. So did they. Stalking became chasing as he began to run, sprinting for the woods, only to run headlong into Robyn just after making it past the tree line. He demanded to know why she was there instead of safe at home. She didn’t answer. Neither did Sadie after she revealed herself, and Ian came to the horrifying conclusion that they had been turned, luring him out there to meet the same fate as his poor little brother. Eyes widening in fear and pain, he turned to run again just as the Nosferatu slammed into him, knocking him to the ground easily. The rest of that night was a blur. A sharp pain in his neck. The pull of the trigger. Blood. So much blood. And a hunger for life that had to be sated then and there.
When he awoke the next morning in a basement that had been outfitted to be a temporary bedroom, his sisters explained everything. Robyn had been attacked by the Nosferatu the night before the curfew was set in place and enthralled by it to convince her siblings and the family members of the other two magistrates to let it turn them. If they did not comply, they would be slaughtered. Under its influence, Robyn started with Sadie and Caolán, though she had no idea what had happened to the latter after she’d locked him out of the house. Ian was the last remaining member of his family who needed to be turned before they could get to the other magistrates, but he’d managed to incapacitate the Nosferatu in the process, breaking its hold on his sisters, and somehow knew to drink its blood to save himself from death. Ian remarked that he’d done his research. The vampiric triplets then resolved to try and resume their normal lives while they searched for their little brother, whom they presumed to be dead in the woods somewhere. He was never found. Ian was able to remain in his post of magistrate for another decade and a half before rumors began to spread about his ageless appearance, skillful avoidance of daylight, and peculiar change in demeanor. By the early 1830’s, he and his sisters were forced to either leave town or be executed as witches. They parted ways afterwards, with Ian departing for America, Robyn fleeing to Switzerland to meet with a brilliant doctor she’d been writing to, and Sadie traveling to Venice with her husband, whom she’d turned shortly after the Nosferatu was dealt with.
They’ve all kept in touch throughout the centuries. Ian used his vampiric abilities to become elected as a magistrate in Richmond after reaching Virginia, managing to keep a low profile while judging cases fairly and helping with the Underground Railroad. The Civil War made things far more complicated. It was tragic, for sure, and he hated not being able to aid those in need, but the scent of blood hung thick in the air, maddening him. He found it difficult to keep control of his feeding habits, and was forced to flee up north to Canada in hopes of finding peace. After the war was over, it took him over a century to feel comfortable setting foot in America again, and he never stayed in one place for too long, studying psychology and collecting books and knickknacks as he went a long to keep himself occupied. The 1980’s brought him to Texas, one of the few states he’d never been to before, where he found the small, oddly idyllic and peaceful town of Morningstar. It was there that he finally settled down and made a life for himself, encouraged by the welcome attitude of its residents, a quarter of which were supernatural in nature. He opened up a curio shop to display and sell some of the antiques he’d collected, and often offered his services as a pro bono private investigator for those who could not afford to hire one. He also developed a love of board games and table top role playing games, as they allowed him to further explore his sense of whimsy.
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You can face reveal if you want. You're like a celebrity to me miss epic diabolik lover writer
WOAH this made me smile. am i a celebrity??? damn. well, people asked. for the record, it's really easy to find me online because my username is the same on tiktok n stuff as it is on here and ao3.
under the cut because there's a few pics since u asked so nicely <3
here's just SOME of the hair colours i've done over the last year or so, i've also dyed it blue, purple, orange AND red. bonus pic of when i cosplayed goth hatsune miku in october.
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and here's more recent pictures!
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as u can tell i am. ✨️Alternative✨️
here's the DL tattooes
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⭐Professor Gadling fic masterlist (6/11/2022) ⭐
love and other tedious pursuits by qqueenofhades (T) (COMPLETE)
“You are Prince Consort of the Dreaming,” Morpheus says coldly, looking at the suit Hob has picked out for him with all the enthusiasm of a man beholding a dead fish. “One of the Endless by the rights of marriage, who could entertain himself with any sort of magical and fantastic mysteries. You do not need to demean yourself in this way.”
“Hey now.” Hob straightens up and stares at him indignantly. “Demean myself? At the job which I enjoy and I busted my arse to get? You ever get a PhD in history, King of Dreams? I didn’t think so. Besides, I’m prouder to be a professor than I am to be a prince. I worked to be a professor. What did I do to be a prince? Married a weird bloke with a crap personality, that’s what. Put on that suit and let’s get going. The Tube is already going to be a nightmare.”
just pull on your hair, just pull on your pout by wordsinhaled (M) (COMPLETE)
Late morning finds Hob standing outside the history building, hunched against the damp October chill.
Inspired by this gorgeous fanart of Hob by pomegranateruin
a new trade by starklystar (G) (COMPLETE)
“I’ve been teaching for, well, ten years,” Professor Gadling moves a book on fifteenth century warfare off his desk, “give or take.”
Or, the one in which Rose Walker is Hob Galding's student in graduate school, and Hob gets interviewed about life and love.
Brought you coffee by goodmo_on, saintimor (montredame) (T) (COMPLETE)
Hob drags a hand down his face, losing a brief fight with his embarrassed smile. The rest of the hour is going to be unsalvageable. “Guys, come on now, you do know I’m married –”
> hlec298: gadling got game >:)
> wgra837: did he have eyeliner on inside the house???
Dream walks into one of Hob's zoom lectures. Stupid fluff ensues.
Ich have y-don al myn youth (all my youth I have loved) by ScribeofArda (G) (COMPLETE)
Hob doesn’t know what his face is doing, but Dream glances up at him and Hob can see his face soften, in that way where his expression barely changes but Hob can see everything behind it. “You have an attentive audience, my love,” he says. “Please continue.”
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Oct. 11 - Dusty Libraries
From @oh-no-my-hand-slipped's list of prompts. Hindsight 'verse (AO3). Izzy/Madeline, during their senior year. This one's jumping ahead in time from the last couple of posts, just because of the order of the prompt list! Read it on AO3 or below. List of all of my October prompt fills.
"chiu! chiu! hh…h'tchuu!" A quick sniff, followed by a quiet, "Pardon me," even though she's the only student studying on the floor.
"Bless you!" Izzy closes the last few steps to Madeline's thesis carrel and drops a kiss into her hair, hands on her shoulders.
"Oh!" Madeline rubs at her eyes and sniffs again. "I didn't even hear you come up."
"Yeah, that'd be all the…" She pauses when Madeline's breath hitches again, and waits for the hih'tchuu! that Madeline hides behind a flat palm. "The sneezes." She frowns and brushes Madeline's bangs out of her eyes to touch the backs of her fingers to Madeline's temple. "You okay?"
Madeline nods and sniffs again, and gestures to the stack of old books on her desk. "I'm okay. Just got these, and they're…" She drags a finger across the cover of one and holds it up to demonstrate. "A little dusty."
"Jeez, has anyone even touched these books in the last fifty years?"
Madeline shrugs, distracted. She's still holding up her index finger, unsure of what to do next. Her own sweater and slacks are far too nice to be used as rags.
Izzy hops up to sit on the desk and grabs the end of her floor-length skirt, and wipes Madeline's finger with it. It's old and worn anyway, fading black, a remnant of a tentative goth phase from a few years ago. Madeline smiles at her and Izzy goes warm, again, like always.
Izzy picks up the top books and brushes off the cover to try to read the title, then flips through the pages. "This is what you get for picking a thesis topic from ancient history." Madeline's eyes go hazy again, and Izzy realizes her mistake. "Oh, shit, sorry—" She tries to wave away the dust still hanging in the air, but it's too late.
"heh..TSCHiew! eh… hhh. hih-DZHIUU!" Madeline's given up on her usual only-nominally-covering method in favor of clamping her cupped hand tightly over her mouth and nose. "The eighteen-hundreds are not ancient history." She's looking around her desk, and then in her bag, without moving her hand, and sniffling completely ineffectively. She looks up at Izzy, a little worried. "You don't have a tissue, do you?"
Izzy pats her pockets just in case one has miraculously appeared since she got dressed this morning, but she's already shaking her head. "I don't. Do you want me to go grab you some?" The circ desk is a full floor above them. The bathrooms are on the other side of the building.
"Umb. Maybe?" She sniffs again, but it just makes her eyebrows furrow. "Oh—" Her eyes close and her head tips back, away from her hand, showing the wetness there. She raises her elbow instead, resigned to the mess it will make of her beautiful sweater, but Izzy gets there first, gathering a handful of her long skirt at the hem to catch the held-back h'd'tsh!
"Iz—" Madeline starts to protest, her breath already catching again, but Izzy just readjusts her hold and murmurs, "Go ahead."
h'D'TSCH! CHH! ng'TSCHH! Madeline shakes her head like she's trying to stop the fit, but she's too far gone. Izzy runs her free hand over Madeline's hair where it's pulled back into a ponytail. "Come on." Quiet encouragement. "Let them out." Madeline's hand, the one she'd been covering with, is bunched in the fabric as well, now. hih'CHMPH! CH'MMPH! Izzy pinches the fabric gently over Madeline's nose, which elicits a sharp inhale, and lets go just in time to give room for a final, forceful double that finally stops the fit: eh-TCHHHuu, eh-heh… TSCHIEW!! "There you go," Izzy murmurs, and carefully pinches her nose clean, and kisses the top of her head.
Madeline sits up, blushing madly, and accepts Izzy's offer of another part of her hem to fully wipe her hands clean. "Oh god, Izzy, I'm so sorry, that's..." She shakes her head, looking like she might cry.
"That's perfectly fine. And also my fault." She lowers herself down from the desk into Madeline's lap and wraps her arms around her and kisses her on the forehead, and then the nose, and then the lips. "But I think it is a sign that you need to get away from these dusty books."
Madeline tucks her head against Izzy's collarbone and shudders with a quiet chhh-huu! She sighs. "Okay." She lays her head on Izzy's shoulder, and Izzy kisses the bridge of her nose. "Take me home."
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darknessoulz · 2 years
About me
hello, welcome to my page lovelies <3
i mostly write on ao3 so feel free to check out my works there
Fandom : Extraordinary Attorney Woo
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One - Shots
my love for you is like the sea, immeasurable and overwhelming
because loving you comes as reflexively as breathing
loving you in reality is better than loving you in my dreams
he told me he loved me, even at my worst
take my hand, i am forever yours to love
a guide to love, from beginning to end and forever in between
your arms around me chase the bad dreams away
your love is a drug, one i am high on
mine to care, mine to love
dates : from him, with love
i know i am a handful, but thats why you got two hands
your memories feel like home to me
Alternate Universe
i know we are young but we have the kind of love that could last forever - highschool au
in fight they are lethal, around each other in love, they melt - mafia au ✔
love me tender, love me true - bodyguard au ✔
the four pieces of my heart, because loving them is what i know best - domestic dad au
in the end i would rather be able to say i loved too much than not enough - doom at your service au
loving : you, us, roses and wildflowers - florist au
our perfectly imperfect love - goth youngwoo x pastel junho au one-shot ✔
i broke hell's rules because i found heaven in you, my love - angel x incubus au
when i am with you my love, all i want to be is closer - drama actors + social media au
i told the stars about you - royalty au
i would be his if he asked - professor x student abo au
EAW Whale Nation Halloween Fest Entries
you make me smile because you never forget
glad to live in a world where there are octobers
Twitter - ruewritesstuff
Instagram - darknessoulz
p.s my dms are always open so feel free to shoot me a message if you ever want to discuss or hype over anything and everything <3
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anerdindenver · 2 years
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I posted 1,282 times in 2022
That's 1,282 more posts than 2021!
646 posts created (50%)
636 posts reblogged (50%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 494 of my posts in 2022
#photon2323 - 443 posts
#bd/sm dom - 28 posts
#bd/sm lifestyle - 27 posts
#ask photon - 24 posts
#abductaped - 21 posts
#just dom thoughts - 21 posts
#kink irl - 15 posts
#24/7 d/s - 11 posts
#play parties - 10 posts
#kink in public - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 59 characters
#in my experience this takes 3 slaps and 2 kisses to achieve
My Top Posts in 2022:
Babydoll, the reason I pick out your clothes is because when you do it you change 13 times, cry twice, and end up sad once we’re out because you think maybe there was something hotter you could have worn.
I save you from all that. Now go put the shorter skirt on, we’re running late
343 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
You dumb slut (smiling and stroking your cheek)
569 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
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2,352 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
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2,525 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
“I feel overwhelmed by choices” gf 🤝 “That’s why I decide” bf
3,169 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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autismgirl4998 · 2 years
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I posted 280 times in 2022
That's 117 more posts than 2021!
229 posts created (82%)
51 posts reblogged (18%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 260 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#yugioh vrains - 127 posts
#ygo vrains - 126 posts
#vrains - 126 posts
#yugioh - 103 posts
#yugioh duel links - 75 posts
#sonic the hedgehog - 50 posts
#yusaku fujiki - 47 posts
#murder drones - 46 posts
#ai (vrains) - 43 posts
#playmaker - 39 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#goth girl anime lover is mad at her happy cheerful twin sister for blurting out she has a crush on a conventionally attractive male jock
My Top Posts in 2022:
3 years ago, this happened... It was so sad in the subbed and Ai loved Yusaku... And the dub ruined Aiballshipping with that stupid meatbag line (Curse you 4K and your homophobic ways). 
But with the VRAINS world coming to Duel Links, I'm sure Playmaker and Ai will have a tearful reunion after being separated for so long, right? Riiight?
19 notes - Posted September 25, 2022
Voice Actors for the Sonic IDW Characters
I never read the Sonic the Hedgehog IDW comics, but I seen comic dubs of it, and I've been wondering what the Sonic IDW characters sound like if they were actually voiced or if they appeared in the Sonic video games after Sonic Forces. These are the voice actors I imagine the Sonic IDW characters having.
For Tangle, her Japanese voice actress will be Haruka Shiraishi and her English voice actress will be Abby Trott.
For Whisper, her Japanese voice actress will be Kana Hanazawa and her English voice actress will be Faye Mata.
For Rough and Tumble, Rough's Japanese voice actor Yuki Kaji and Tumble's Japanese voice actor will be Hiroki Yasumoto, while Rough's English voice actor will be Dallas Reid and Tumble's English voice actor will be Jamieson Price.
For Dr. Starline, his Japanese voice actor will be Takayuki Sugo and his English voice actor will be Ben Diskin.
For Belle, her Japanese voice actor will be Yui Ogura and her English voice actor will be Christine Marie Cabanos
For Jewel, her Japanese voice actor will be Mikako Komatsu and her English voice actor will be Mela Lee. 
For Mimic, his Japanese voice actor will be Koichi Yamadera and his English voice actor will be  Steve Blum
For Surge, her Japanese voice actress will be Aoi Yuki and her English voice actress will be Kari Wahlgren
For Kitsunami, his Japanese voice actor will be Aki Toyosaki and his English voice actor will be Luci Christian
For Clutch, his Japanese voice actor will be Subaru Kimura and his English voice actor will be Ray Chase.
21 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
Is it weird that I want Mitsuko to have her own cooking show?
25 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
Yay! They are official boyfriends, er... partners again! And I just love Playmaker's smile sprite at that last picture I screenshot!
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See the full post
25 notes - Posted October 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I just combine both the pilot of Helluva Boss and the recently season 2 premiere of Helluva Boss into how Blitzo and Stolas had their off-screen one night stand so that Blitzo can get the magical book that opens up to our world, because why the fuck not?
30 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
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