#gotta be my fav dr character ever
evony256 · 3 months
Dr The After Chapter 2 spoilers!!! SO GO WATCH IT!!! (pls.)
Ya'll guess who's crying rn because there are no subtitles for episode 22
Anyway here are some drta memes I made except they all have Ryohei in them
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Super off-topic but I just want to remind everyone that Ryohei has never done anything wrong in his entire life I have no idea what you guys are talking about
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lou-iz-stat · 2 months
So……. 2 MORE WEEKS!… and it still does not feel real to me that we are going to get season 2 so soon. I am sure it will destroy me and create an everlasting wound deep in my soul.
Anyway episode 6! I won’t lie this the episode that I have watched the most out of the rest. I have probably watched it over 15 times and that is not an exaggeration. It’s my fav episode because there are just so many iconic moments in this one.
Let’s not waste another moment. Get into this!
IWTV S1 E6: Like Angels Put in Hell by God
This ep starts with Louis looking real bad as he tries to recover from the drop inflicted on him by Lestat.
He definitely has PTSD from the fall 😔
At least we get the ‘cloud gift’ name drop.
We also have Dr. Fareed which is a character that is most prominent in the Prince Lestat trilogy I believe. I do not know if this is true I have not read that far yet.
We then go back to the story and Claudia is making Louis chase a goat for his recovery.
And here comes Lestat being where he is not wanted. The throwing of his coffin out the balcony is everything 🤣
When Lestat comes to give the car to Louis I must admit he looks so so good 😩 But I still don’t want Louis to let him back in! Because I know he has not changed even though he says so.
But I do believe that if Louis did tell him to leave and to never see him again Lestat would listen! But he doesn’t tell him that because he still can’t let Lestat go even after everything he has done. It’s too much!
Lestat is crazy for what he does with ‘Come to Me’ but I love when Sam sings it ❤️
And this what. I am talking about when I say that so much of this episode is so iconic! Swimming a dirty ass river to break into your exe’s place and telling Antoinette to leave HER HOUSE so that you can have violent hate sex while she is just outside listening to it all. It’s just so messy and insane! Gotta love it
Sam Reid is just so so good in the scene where they are questioning Lestat! His acting is just *chef’s kiss*
And everything he tells them of how he became a vampire is true 😭
“…I loved Lestat with a wounded one.” 😭😭😭
Yes Claudia you should baaaaaa at him!
Nooooo Claudia what he said about Magnus was true!
More Nicky name dropping this episode. And knowing the backstory with that I just wince at the whole conversation they are having. But what can I say she really is her father’s daughter
And of course he didn’t kill Antoinette being a brat so much so that he did not like being told what to do. And yes Louis he is ‘all kinds of fucked up’ and this why I love this show. Everybody is fucked up just some more than others.
Ugh the scene where Claudia tries to get Louis to leave with her breaks my heart.
Then we go back to modern day and this is where in the original interview Daniel wanted to be turned. And ohhhhh Armand is not happy that Louis offers to turn Daniel now hehe
The utter shock I had when Claudia is just sitting in the townhouse instead of on a train. 😱
But oh, oh! The train scene is everything. It is just so fucked up and scary! This show is in the horror genre after all. And that doesn’t stop this scene from being iconic.
From “Tickets, please!” To “Claudia, you left without saying goodbye…. Again” it just lives rent free in my head.
God he such an asshole to her!
And she defeats him at chess at the same time that she is plotting his murder! That’s some queen shit honestly.
When Lestat is shouting in French, if you ever look up what he is saying it is actually so unsettling
Awwww our boy (Daniel) is eeppy
I don’t care what anyone says I love the 70s flashback.
And boom! As we all know Rashid is actually someone Daniel has met before! Shocker! Yeah yeah it’s Armand we know this.
Yay! I got through another one! We only have one more rewatch then s2! I cannot believe it and again it does not feel real at all! I am sure by next week I’ll be able to write more since I won’t have as much school work left to do.
Thanks for reading
14 days!!!!! Life is worth living!
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asktriggerhappyhavoc · 4 months
does anyone have any fav tv shows (mines dr who)
Ummm… I don’t think I have a favorite, actually! There are so many good ones!! I guess I could say Free is up there! - 💧
I don’t watch television. - 💰
Well, I quite enjoy historical fiction, such as the Bridgerton series. Though, high fantasy has always had a lovely appeal to it. - 👑
I normally watch web series more than tv, so I’m not really sure. Dr Who definitely has a soft spot in my heart, though! - 👾
Of course, my favorite program is Demon Angel Pretty Pudgy Princess! The story and action are addicting! Not to mention the stunning design! - 📖
Grey’s Anatomy is pretty good! I’m a slut for a good drama lol!! - 💖
I’m afraid I haven’t consumed enough media to make a decision. Though, I suppose Death Note is worth mentioning. It brings up many fascinating moral quandaries! - 🎖️
So far, I’ve only watched Criminal Minds. Criminal Profiling is an interest of mine. - 🔎
The Zombie Land Saga is fuckin hilarious! Tatsumi’s my favorite character by far!! - 🎸
It’s hard to choose! Avatar: The Last Airbender was the first anime I ever watched. I remember staying up late to watch it with my sister when we were kids. - 🍀
Normally I’d say Tokyo Revengers, but I’ve been watching Way of the House Husband with my boyfriends for a while now. I think it’s gotta be a tie between those two. - 💎
I don’t know. - 🐇
The traditional energy of Kimetsu no Yaiba, combined with the exceptional martial arts, makes for an interesting experience. - 🌸
Well, my best friend Ayaka and I got into Oshi no Ko, but we didn’t realize what exactly we were getting into lol. It’s still one of our all time favorites, though! - 🌟
I was a fan of the Witcher books before they became a show. It’s not as good, but I still like to watch it. - 🖋️
Oh definitely Saiki K.! I’m always down for a good comedy anime! - ⏳
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ygodmyy20 · 7 months
For the fanfic ask: 3, 12, 14, 25, 27
3. Fav line/scene I wrote this year
OUgh!!! Which one...some of my fav scenes are not yet posted (one of which I shared with you the other day!) But of the ones posted....fav scene I think is the end of Float, with Shigeo laughing and getting chocolate milk up his nose hehe
Fav line probably is this one from Blackhole:
"Galaxies in his chest, pulsating outwards from his ribs, white bone shining marigold, like sunflowers—vessel breaking, reforming vessel unraveling, reforming vessel exploding reforming dead-black-dead-blackhole space in his heart.
I just was so happy with the intensity of that fic.
12. favorite character to write about this year
Dude you know who it is hahaha Shigeo 1000% is my favorite character to write. BUT I gotta give props to Shou on his bday, writing him so far in Black Sweatshirt has been SO FUN. I am excited to write him more.
14. a fic you didn't expect to write
Kinda all of them? Heh. The intensity of writing again hit me like a god damn freight train.
I am not kidding when I say I haven't written a single word of fiction in the last 8 years until July. I read some fanfics here and there (like I got into a few gravity falls fanfics, still YGO, a little dr. who) but. But nothing like this.
Black Sweatshirt is the biggest surprise. I expected to write a few one shots and that would be it. I'd be done, move on, read some fics and just kinda...do my real life thing again
And then I kept reading
And kept writing
And started to talk about my ideas
and suddenly its like I can't stop the train. The train left the station the train is GOING AND IT AINT STOPING
25. A fic you would recommend everyone read
God I don't know.....everyone has different tastes. My fav fics are terumob, but I know that isn't everyones ship. I am trying to think of a gen fic that I would recommend...
I really don't know which to pick. So instead I am gonna share some that I know I have re-read
Issho Childlike Wonder In The Palm of Our Hand Trolly Problem if it wasn't for the nights (the mp100 fic that started it all, the first one I ever read) Butterfly Effect Area Hysteria Rainspeak (and recondite which quirkle is currently posting!!) MOM (also in progress but so damn good) Old Habits Die Hard
These are just a few! I have many others I have re-read bits of hahah
27. favorite fanfic author of the year
I gotta give it Toasty (heeeeeeey toasty haha). I have already spammed you with all this but yeah, your post-cannon terumob fics. I am not sure if it was the place i was in in life or what but like I read them. And then my brain did the "Oh boy we're connecting dots in here!" And I think I stared at a wall for days.
Same thing happened when I first read Nightjar hahah so again, god damn I am so excited to read more of that fic (and love that I can get little teasers now hehehe so exciting)
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neverevan · 9 months
get to know me EVEN better 🫣
I was tagged by @forthewolves thank you lovely mwuah 💛
I'm gonna drop it under the cut cuz its a bit long~
also I just answered some of these in the other post, so pay no mind to the 2 copy+pastes uhhh
three ships: (I'm gonna give three different ones here though, it pays to be a multishipper hehe) chanoey, hilson, spideypool
first ever ship: I wanna say... Hiei x Kurama from YYH?? Or maybe Leon and Yuri from Kaleido Star?? idk I was like 12 it's gotta be one of these 🥲
last song: The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives
last movie: still Barbie... you gotta understand that I watch TV shows all the time, but I can't make myself sit down and watch a movie that I haven't seen before, more than once every 3 years
currently reading: I am shamelessly rereading all things bright and beautiful by @forthewolves because of feels™ and because the last time I read it was just before I actually started watching the show 🤭
currently watching: you know it already and it's probably gonna be the same for the next couple of months because I'm hooked 🥲
consuming: can of diet coke ✌️
currently craving: validation and motivation ugh
nicknames: okay so I have sooo many, mainly because I used to use my first name and then my middle name for 14 years each, before I changed my name lol but also because I've been in fandom since I was like 12 so I accumulated a lot of character names that I was associated with at the time, I listen to anything at this point... that being said the ones I'm actually willing to give here are: newbs (which is 10/10 btw) and newbster haha
zodiac: pisces 🐠
fav music: goood so many but uhh indie/alternative stuff mostly, slavic electro folk, drum and bass, electro swing, newschool rockabilly/rock 'n' roll, anything good tbh, not techno though
followers: 1365
following: 273 (I've been going out of my way to follow more blogs that post stuff that I like, but I had a big cleanup there like 3 months ago)
do you get asks: sometimes, mostly about buddie lately which allows me to ramble on about them even more 😭 though I get the occasional rude asks from stupid people, but I just delete those lmao
amount of sleep: 6 hours I think??? Actually maybe less...
what are you wearing: black baggy pants with a waist string and a sinched bottom, a stripey crop jumper (white base, yellow, pink, blue and purple stripes), Looney Tunes socks
dream job: I mean, it used to be making cartoons, that's why I studied animation, but now I'm training to be an actor so wish me luck guys 🫡
languages: english, hungarian and what miniscule amount of german I still have left rattling around in my brain from school
random fact: I changed my name legally last December and I was struggling to pick a middle name for months, and as some of you may know already newbie is a nickname that Dr Cox calls JD in Scrubs and I have been using it for over a decade, so I thought if I was fine with that for so long, then I might as well give a subtle nod to the character irl too and I won't tell you what it is, but that's exactly what I did 😌
aesthetic: depending on the day; skater boy, dark academia librarian or insta mum 🥲
no pressure tagging: @daffi-990 @jesuisici33 @ladydorian05 @excuseme-greentea @yelenasbuddie @icecreampotluck @notnowtobey @hawkinsleather @disasterbuckdiaz and anyone who wants to do it of course! ✨
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So we know Jo is your number 1 fav but who would you say are the other nine with reason?
always illegal to ask me who my faves are but nine's a healthy number so like. in no particular order it's gotta go
mine genuinely i do not need to fucking. i have enough essays on why i like him ok dont ask me to write nine comprehensive essays my brain doesnt work ever. tl;dr alexa play Lay All Your Love On Me
daigo i just think his character development is really cool and overlooked and underappreciated and how the idolization he has for kiryu affects him is wild and makes me insane
masato he used to be goth and he hates his body and wishes people liked him and you can just tell he hates himself so much wow hes just like me fr but he also sucks which is not like me fr. he traded his emo swag for lungs, should be deducting points for that one tbh
ichiban im goign to start crying if i even try to explain why i like him im so deadass just please know i love him with my whole heart and if i type anymore the tears WILL start
arakawa peepaw:) he was a theater kid once :) plus the horrors that come with being a parent and trying to get connect with your son but then gradually having to watch him grow up to commit Horrors and trying to figure out how this couldve happened and ouuguggghhh.. also the only good dad aside from HIS dad in this goddamn franchise jesus fucking chri
tanimura sorry i like cop stories where one dude tries to figure out why everyone sucks, plus his plot was the only part of y4 that had me invested. and he speaks tagalog and i want his jacket and i just think hes cool shoot me officer
kiryu i dont even know. i dont know where to start. he's so silly but so serious and he's not a horrible father but his priorities are so fucking Im Going To Kill You and he has such a savior complex Oh Kiryu......... im hitting you with a rock but can we go fishing later
shinada he loves boobs and i love him. also he likes baseball and his vibes are immaculate. i also want his jacket.
adachi big fan of his vibes :) team grandpa
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spooptythegnome · 2 years
After binge-watching 1,000 episodes I just gotta say: in a show full of lovable and heartfelt characters, I LOVE Nico Robin. And not even in a horny way; she's like the high school English teacher that believed in me when no one else would. Whenever I think back to her crying out "I want to live!" in Enies Lobby I feel it in my bones. And I love how LOVED she is. She was ready to die for her relatively new friends, the only people she's ever been able to trust, and they declared war on the WORLD to save her. And look at her now! She's having so much fun! She's always smiling and content because everyday is an adventure and no matter dire things get she's SAFE (as safe as a pirate can be) because aside from being strong in her own right, her crew has her back. She's come so far from being mysterious femme fatale Miss All-Sunday. She's probably the smartest out of a crew that's about 50% hopeless dumbasses but never once is she condescending. I could gush all day but for the sake of brevity, tl;dr: Nico Robin is my fav.
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bluebudgie · 2 years
Alright so. That End of Dragons first opinion post. [takes a deep breath]
I'll make it as spoiler free as possible but obviously I'll be talking a liiiitttle bit about the maps.
TL;DR for anyone who doesn't care about the details under the cut: I loved pretty much every moment of it. Probably the highest quality expansion we've had so far. Do I like it better than Heart of Thorns? The answer is a very clear I don't know. Ask me in 6 months or so. Hope that helps.
Alright here we go:
I did a similar post when we finished Path of Fire back then, and it was a bit of a comparison fest between PoF and HoT, and.. I wish I could *not* make this post that way too, but.. in the end I'll have to compare the expansions. It is how it is.
I'll try to keep it short (You all know I can't.) Let's part this into different sections.
And let's start with the story:
As I said before, this is probably the highest quality content we've gotten for the game so far and that goes especially for the story. The story was exciting and emotional, the pacing was pretty good and every single instance felt polished and fun. I already said it some days ago, but one of these instances was probably my favourite instance ever in the game. The newly introduced cast was really strong and immediately made you care about them - and our already established characters got some interesting screen time and character development too. As much as I love the feeling of dread and urgency that HoT's (admittedly not flawless) story had - and I don't think anything in this game can ever replicate that special atmosphere for me - gotta give that point to EoD here. Y'all also know I'm biased for certain plot points they brought up during EoD.
The maps!
I've only 100% completed the first two maps so far and done about 60/70% of the other two.. and clearly haven't seen all the little details that you can discover beyond the "tracked" map completion. Buuuut... I can already tell you very certainly that neither Tangled Depths nor Verdant Brink have been dethroned. That being said I absolutely adore especially New Kaineng City. While not quite as strong, the closest I got to that Ley Line Confluence discovery "oooooh...." effect was definitely on that map, during night time. The jumping puzzle there is also quite lovely! It was a nice tour through a rather eerie section of the map. I think Dragon's End isn't quite as strong as the other three maps, but.. it serves its purpose as a large scale meta map. That being said, Dragon's Stand has the same purpose and is still more interesting to explore. That's fine though. Pretty sure I like all four maps better than any of the PoF maps (not including LS4). Maybe Desolation would make the cut above Dragon's End.
The Soundtrack............
Ooooh boy y'all know I could make a 10k words essay just on that point alone so I'll try to keep it as short as possible.
1. Like the story, incredibly polished high quality content. I've watched the composing livestream and it's incredible how much attention to detail, work, and also respect for the Korean culture has gone into the music. I don't even think I have to mention how this OST knocks the PoF one straight out of the stratosphere.
2. Can't wait until the full 8 hours (not just the official 2 hours of songs) are up on the internet because at least one of my favs seems to be missing from the officially released soundtrack.
3. Re: that ask from the HoT OST conoisseur from some days ago.. It's still the HoT OST for me. Not by much, really, because again the quality is absolutely impeccable, but there's that little something in the atmosphere of the HoT songs that still stands out. That said, there are absolutely quite a handful of songs in EoD I'd rate above some songs from HoT. There really isn't much in between those two soundtracks. If the final battle songs have to go at each other tho? Mordremoth does the race for me (the instanced fight that is. EoD's final battle song easily wipes the floor with the Mouth of Mordremoth theme). Either way both are incredible, but HoT makes the cut overall, with IBS as a very close follow-up to EoD.
General gameplay, metas
I love that really weird decision to finally give us actual ingame information on break bars and combo fields after YEARS. No really, love it. Especially liked that the story at some point forced you to use combo fields, something that has seemingly never mattered before. As an otherwise useless druid (but with a bunch of combo fields and cc!) that was pretty cool.
As for the metas, I can't really judge them so well yet. I've participated (partly..?) in the Kaineng one, as well as the big Echovald boss, and the infamous Dragon's End meta. I did like all of them a lot, but it's hard to tell how they'll fare in the long run. None of these is what 2015-2017 Tarir was to me, but uh.. ..that was special, let's not bring that up now.
EoD feels like they took the exciting parts of HoT and the polish of PoF and made one ultimate expansion out of it. Especially during the story I had so many "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" moments (that's not a word but you get the feeling I'm sure).
I've been having a blast every single moment spent with the expansion so far.
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fismoll7secinv · 2 years
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime, books, movies or tv series)? And why you like them?Thanks....
I don't mind at all! Only 10 is So Hard, I tried but gave up don’t count them
The order is not most fav to least fav, it’s absolutely random. Might’ve forgotten some but alas
columbo <3 - the sheer respect I have for this man, damn. One of the smartest characters ever, but not haughty and full of it like some other detectives in fiction. He’s kind, pleasant, and very easily underestimated, which plays to his advantage in investigations. Such a keen eye for details and reading people. Idk I could just go on ang on, I love him
amelie (movie amelie) - i’m just fond of this movie and its music, comptine d’un autre ete has been my favourite comfort piece to play on the piano for years. As for amelie herself I enjoyed her quirkiness and openness, how true she is to herself and to everyone around, how she enjoys life in such simple ways and shapes the reality around herself into something comforting
a-qing (mdzs) - very dangerous despite her frail appearance. Smart af, cunning and quick to adapt, turns her weaknesses into weapons, and her tenacity is incredible, especially when she’s facing something she can’t win with but can still hinder it significantly. She could’ve achieved so much...
kamina 😭 (gurren lagann), richard & kahlan (the sword of truth), eleanor (the good place), allen (d.gray-man), vi (arcane) - heart of gold, ready to sacrifice themselves for others, wit off the charts, cool AF, lowkey crushed on them lmao
wei wuxian (mdzs), xie lian (tgcf), alba (senyuu.) - same as the above except the crushing part, sweethearts 🥺 but also unhinged in some ways 🙃 (except alba, he’s just a sweetheart)
kusuriuri (mononoke), ross & teufel diabolos (senyuu.), sandra (pyre) - love their calm, resting bitch energy, sharp tongue and biting remarks, done with your bullshit™, “I’m an unmovable stone but piss me off and I’ll annihilate you”, cool AF, lowkey crushed as well
wen kexing (tyk), gojo (jujutsu kaisen), tyki (d.gray-man), hua cheng (tgcf), kuvira (tlok) - questionable bastards with a lot of sass, strength, and intelligence, easy-going and kinda mischievous, idk just cool and fun, might’ve crushed hhh
uncle iroh (atla), zedd (the sword of truth) - wise old men who held power and did questionable things in the past but since then grew wiser and gave up their position in order to focus solely on teaching the younger generation to be better
guillermo (wwdits) - just... everything?? The way he grew across the seasons, how cunning and strong and confident he became, the relatable christian guilt, the queerness, the need to protect his found family, on top of that he’s an absolute madman and possibly a sociopath, the LAYERS of this character. I love him
nie huaisang (mdzs) - to avoid spoilers let’s just say he shares some traits of other characters I listed. Those who read the novel/watched the drama know ;) fatal journey spin-off my beloved
zhou zishu (tyk), liu qingge (svsss) - the relatable inability to express feelings and the initial distrust but vulnerability once bonded, stubbornness, strong badasses, eyeroll™, for zzs also the bastard and gremlin inside of him
rorschach (watchmen) - I respect his tenacity and sticking to his ideals, I’m also weak for detective characters so yeah
baek (dr. frost) - tbh i haven’t read the comic in years and there wasn’t a lot of chapters back then so not much was known about him, but a lot of tropes I liked, the smarts, the calm but mysterious energy, kinda a detective vibe but in a psychological way (he’s a psychologist). I gotta go back to that webtoon
sokka (atla), barry allen (the flash), levi (d.gray-man), jim (the office), haida (aggretsuko) - funny, smart, good people
toph (atla), gina (brooklyn 9-9), gu xiang (tyk), nathan (misfits), shang qinghua (svsss) - the ultimate gremlin energy, their Sass and confidence is unparalleled, hella fun
yin yu (tgcf) - idk i just love him so much, he’s too ambitious for his own good but incredibly hard-working and loyal, relatable in some aspects
ooooof if i’m allowed to go on i could, so i’m gonna end now and possibly have regrets later lol
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irelise · 4 years
Yassen Gregorovich - Books vs TV
With the excellent new Alex Rider tv show out, I thought I would make a comparison post for one of my old favs, Yassen Gregorovich, who has a somewhat different feel in the books as compared to the show! This post will largely cover the first book Stormbreaker and should theoretically contain no spoilers for the potential future arcs of the show, since the events of Stormbreaker are presumably non-canon now. (Spoilers abound for the episodes of the show already out, though!)
If there’s any interest, I’ll put up a second post covering Eagle Strike and some parts of Russian Roulette that delves deeper into Yassen and his complicated relationship with Alex. Just let me know!
Much like the show, Yassen was the one who killed Ian Rider. Unlike the show, however, he’s known to be active on the field and the first time we “encounter” him is prior to Alex’s first mission, where Mrs Jones gives Alex a warning:
She took out a black-and-white photograph and laid it on the table. It showed a man in a white T shirt and jeans. He was in his late twenties with light, close cropped hair, a smooth face, the body of a dancer. The photograph was slightly blurred. It had been taken from a distance, possibly with a hidden camera. “I want you to look at this,” she said.
"I’m looking."
“His name is Yassen Gregorovich. He was born in Russia, but he now works for many countries. Iraq has employed him. Also Serbia, Libya, and China.”
“What does he do?” Alex asked.
"He’s a contract killer, Alex. We believe it was he who killed Ian Rider.”
There was a long pause. Alex had almost managed to persuade himself that this whole business was just some sort of crazy adventure…a game. But looking at the cold face with its blank, hooded eyes, he felt something stirring inside him and knew it was fear. He remembered his uncle’s car, shattered by bullets. A man like this, a contract killer, would do the same to him. He wouldn’t even blink.
“Why are you telling me this now?��� Alex asked. His mouth had gone dry.
"Because if you see him, if Yassen is anywhere near Sayle Enterprises, I want you to contact us at once."
“And then?"
“We’ll pull you out. It doesn’t matter how old you are, Alex. If Yassen finds out you’re working for us, he’ll kill you too.”
I always thought this was a pretty good introductory scene -- Yassen has a very deadly reputation in the books, which is established at once then hammered in over and over again. Other traits which come up again and again include his coldness and his dancer’s body which is totally something I’m into, gotta love those “elegant and deadly assassin” tropes
(also, yes, Yassen is blond in the books and definitely not a brunet or even a redhead as in the movie. he also doesn’t have a distinctive facial scar!)
Yassen doesn’t actually have many scenes in Stormbreaker, although the shadow of his presence looms pretty darkly over the narrative. Alex only runs into him twice on the mission: once from a distance -- A lean, fair-haired figure dressed in black detached himself from the assembly line and walked languidly toward a door that slid open to receive him -- and the other encounter also occurs from a distance, when Alex is spying on a mysterious delivery at the docks in the dead of the night...
And then the tower opened and a man climbed out, stretching himself in the cold morning air. Even without the half-moon, Alex would have recognized the sleek dancer’s body and the close cropped-hair of the man whose photograph he had seen only a few days before. It was Yassen Gregorovich. Alex stared at him with growing fear. This was the contract killer Mrs. Jones had told him about. The man who had murdered Ian Rider. He was dressed in grey overalls and sneakers. He was smiling. He was the last person Alex wanted to meet.
Meanwhile, the guards from Sayle Enterprises had formed a line stretching back almost to the point where the vehicles were parked. Yassen gave an order and, as Alex watched from behind the rocks, a metallic silver box with a vacuum seal appeared, held by unseen hands at the top of the submarine’s tower. Yassen himself passed it down to the first of the guards, who then passed it back up the line. About forty more boxes followed, one after another. It took almost an hour to unload the submarine. The men handled the boxes carefully. They obviously didn’t want to break whatever was inside.
By the end of the hour they were almost finished. The boxes were being repacked now into the back of the truck that Alex had vacated. And that was when it happened. One of the men, standing on the jetty, dropped one of the boxes. He managed to catch it again at the last minute, but even so it banged down heavily on the stone surface. Everyone stopped. Instantly. It was as if a switch had been thrown and Alex could almost feel the raw fear in the air.
Yassen was the first to recover. He darted forward along the jetty, moving like a cat, his feet making no sound. He reached the box and ran his hands over it, checking the seal, then nodded slowly. The metal wasn’t even dented.
With everyone so still Alex heard the exchange that followed.
“I’m sorry,” the guard said. “I won’t do that again.”
“No. You won’t,” Yassen agreed, and shot him.
Largely a reaffirmation of what we saw from the photograph scene, this time in person: Yassen is generally quiet, understated and deceptively relaxed -- up until the point he murders somebody without blinking. I think the show does a good job capturing that aspect of Yassen, with scenes like Ian’s death and Dr. Greif in the car coming to mind in particular. Gotta love that pairing of Yassen’s generally calm demeanour with the bursts of restrained yet lethal violence!
Some other minor but interesting character notes: despite being one of the most highly-paid and successful assassins in the world, Yassen is perfectly comfortable doing grunt work (passing boxes, dressing in shitty grey overalls). Similarly, despite being (presumably) more comfortable working alone, he’s also at ease with giving orders and coordinating large groups of people.
Now, moving onto the last time Yassen shows up in Stormbreaker. This is right at the end of the book after Alex successfully foils the plot of the big bad (Herod Sayle), only to get kidnapped by him while his guard is down. Sayle takes them to a rooftop where a helicopter is coming to whisk Sayle away, but first he wants to have some revenge...
"That’s my ticket out of here!” Sayle continued. “They’ll never find me! And one day I’ll be back. Next time, nothing will go wrong. And you won’t be here to stop me. This is the end for you! This is where you die!”
There was nothing Alex could do. Sayle raised the gun and took aim, his eyes wide, the pupils blacker than they had ever been, mere pinpricks in the bulging white.
There were two small explosive cracks.
Alex looked down, expecting to see blood. There was nothing. He couldn’t feel anything. Then Sayle staggered and fell onto his back. There were two gaping holes in his chest.
The helicopter landed in the center of the cross. The pilot got out.
Still holding the gun that had killed Herod Sayle, he walked over and examined the body, prodding it with his shoe. Satisfied, he nodded to himself, tucking the gun away. He had switched off the engine of the helicopter and behind him the blades slowed down and stopped. Alex stepped forward. The man seemed to notice him for the first time.
"You’re Yassen Gregorovich,” Alex said.
The Russian nodded. It was impossible to tell what was going on in his head. His clear blue eyes gave nothing away.
"Why did you kill him?” Alex asked.
“Those were my instructions.” There was no trace of an accent in his voice. He spoke softly, reasonably. “He had become an embarrassment. It was better this way."
"Not better for him.”
Yassen shrugged.
“What about me?” Alex asked.
The Russian ran his eyes over Alex, as if weighing him up. “I have no instructions concerning you,” he said.
"You’re not going to shoot me too?”
"Do I have any need to?”
There was a pause. The two of them gazed at each other over the corpse of Herod Sayle.
“You killed Ian Rider,” Alex said. “He was my uncle.”
Yassen shrugged. “I kill a lot of people"
“One day I’ll kill you.”
“A lot of people have tried.” Yassen smiled. “Believe me,” he said, “it would be better if we didn’t meet again. Go back to school. Go back to your life. And the next time they ask you, say no. Killing is for grown-ups and you’re still a child.”
He turned his back on Alex and climbed into the cabin. The blades started up, and a few seconds later, the helicopter rose back into the air. For a moment it hovered at the side of the building. Behind the glass, Yassen raised his hand. A gesture of friendship? A salute?
Alex raised his hand. The helicopter spun away.
Alex stood where he was, watching it, until it had disappeared in the dying light.
HOO BOY where to start! This is a longer scene compared to the rest but I love it so much, it’s probably the best part of Stormbreaker for me and obviously it’s fairly different from the show. I adore the last scene of the show since the tension was delightful, but this hit in a different way. Alex! And Yassen! Actually talking!!! It’s a sparse scene (like most of AH’s writing), but very atmospheric and loaded with meaning all the same.
Let’s start with the obvious stuff first - book!Yassen is fair-haired and blue-eyed (or grey, depending), and has a very measured way of speaking without any accent at all. He very much falls into the archetype of “inscrutable Russian assassin with a mysterious connection to the protagonist” and it’s delightful.
I do like the fact we only really see Yassen in person for two scenes in the entire book, and both times he kills someone ruthlessly and efficiently. (...yes, he did kill Sayle while piloting a helicopter) His reputation is well-deserved and I think the show does an excellent job with that too; every time we see Yassen on screen there’s a feeling that shit is about to go down and somebody is about to die.
The show also does a pretty good job hinting at the connection between Yassen and Alex (ughh Yassen’s expression when he sees Alex for the first time kills me every time). In Stormbreaker, Yassen does (initially) seem colder towards Alex, emotionless, just a man on a job. But even then, we get little hints of warmth shining through such as the way he smiles when Alex promises to kill him, and of course the salute! It’s pretty clear that Yassen has some measure of fondness for Alex, because no way an assassin would normally just let somebody go after they promised to kill him, even if that person is only a teenage boy (especially considering that teenage boy is driven by a desire to take revenge on his uncle’s killer). I also think it’s interesting that Alex reciprocates his salute. He’s clearly aware (even if only subconsciously) of the connection between the two of them.
Though I think what hits the hardest for me is the fact Yassen is the one to tell Alex that he belongs in school, that he’s a child and he shouldn’t be part of this world. Alex in the books is much, much lonelier compared to the show. There was no Jack or Tom there for him, since Jack was kept completely out of the loop and Tom doesn’t even exist in the book. Wolf and the K-Unit largely either ignored or bullied Alex. As for Blunt and Jones, Alex just saved thousands of kids in England yet the only thing MI6 tells him afterwards is that his actions can never be revealed to the public, his youth will make him useful for future missions, and then the only thing they give him is a doctor’s note(!!!) to explain his absence from school.
If that sounds all sorts of terrible and unfair, Alex agrees:
In the end the big difference between him and James Bond wasn’t a question of age. It was a question of loyalty. In the old days spies had done what they’d done because they loved their country, because they believed in what they were doing. But he’d never been given a choice.
Nowadays, spies weren’t employed. They were used.
And of all the people to point out how fucked up the whole situation is and how Alex needs to get out...it’s Yassen, the contract killer, his uncle’s murderer. And Yassen says it straight to Alex’s face instead of just making token protests about how wrong it is to send a teenage boy into danger and then doing it anyway. I think the moment had a fairly big impact on Alex, and I was sad it wasn’t included in the show, but ah well. Another time, maybe?
‘2 minutes of questionable everything’ from the video description about sums it up. the violins. the closeness. the long lingering looks. “i’ll never forget you.”
Anyway, hope this was interesting and at least a bit informative! Do let me know there’s any interest in a part 2 of this post covering Eagle Strike and maybe a bit of Russian Roulette!
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simp4ace · 3 years
aa you're so sweettt
it was a retake exam for the one we took last week and I did worse 💀 oh well, definitely going to have to try for finals week cus ugh
aaanddd thanks for reading my request definitely take your time on it!! owo your works are worth the wait babe, I've read the other ones you published and they definitely made me smile big!!
btw, do you read/watch anything other than one piece?? -🧪
jfvhfjbfjbjdbdkbkfdb omgggg noo you're sweeter😭😭😭 thank you though🥺🥺❤❤ I just started writing this October and my works are still all over the place fnjkbds😩 I'll try my best to improve more knowing that there is still people enjoy my stuff like you, it means a lot to me tbh. Give me the courage to share my work more regularly😍 Love youuuu <333 (btw did you mean the new hc with insecure s/o?XD or the cockroach one? or the taking care? I kinda don't remember my stuff very well and I always forget to update my masterlist😭)
And YESSS I READ A LOT OF MANGAS OTHER THAN ONE PIECE 🥰🥰🥰 you can tell that I'm a big weeb hehehehe XD I read various genres, I'm gonna put my list under the cut if you're interested in <3 It's too long tbh
Normally, I prefer reading manga to watching anime, but I still have my fav anime yes❤ I love Studio Ghibli<3 Watch all their movies🥺🥺🥺
And Cowboy Bebop!!!
Also Perfect Blue<3
And Akira
About manga...
I like reading shounen the most❤ Here are my GOAT:
Kimetsu no Yaiba (such an emotional rollercoaster, so so so in LOVE😻)
The Promised Neverland
Horimiya (honestly don't understand why people put this in the shounen tag😂 BUT true masterpieceeee😩😩😩❤❤❤ if you watch the anime the art is even more awesome<3)
Chainsaw Man (MY EDGY SIDE LOVE THIS!!!! dark and lots of blood, aw I live for the angst, yk👀)
SPY X FAMILY (THEY ARE GOING TO HAVE AN ANIME ADAPTION NEXT YEAR PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT🤩🤩🤩🤩 truly, the most wholesome manga ever I treasure it!!!! Anya is so precious omg😭)
The Seven Deadly Sins
Bakuman (new motif, very inspiring, a darling to my list)
Hikaru no Go (I start to play go after this manga, it has had a strong effect on my life till this very day, also the art is everything)
Liar Game
Dragon Ball (sure, so classic, how can I not add it in?)
Great Teacher Onizuka (ahahahhaha 😂😂😂😂 TRULY MASTERPIECE HOWLING EVERY TIME HHHHHHH XDDDDDDD!!!! but if you don't feel comfortable you can skip this, it's quite...touchy. I know some certain people won't like its jokes)
Inuyasha (my first manga! the plot and the characters are all well-written! I LOVE Sesshoumaru omg)
Ranma 1/2 (same author with Inuyasha, gives good laugh and satisfactory fight scene❤)
Lum/ Urusei Yatsura (Lum is my favorite female lead 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️)
Assassination Classroom
Magi (why so underrated?????? The plot is genius, and the art is *chef kiss*🥺)
One-punch Man (just.the.art.is.worth.the.reading)
A Silent Voice (heart-touching, cry a lot, a must-read)
My Hero Academia *screaming Todoroki to the void*
Hunter x Hunter
Yotsuba&! (Cuttttteeeee, wholesome and so endearing🥺❤)
Komi can't communicate (the bestest I'm telling you😔😔😔 too much fluff, too much love I'm jealous with them)
Beastars (unique, intelligent plot, loveable characters, amazing twist, you gotta try it out real fast omg🏃‍♀️💨)
Dr. Stone
Blue Flag (1000000000000/100 can't say no to this darling)
Angel Densetsu (wholesome❤ also so funny, and the art is ....erm haha you must try it out yourself then😂)
Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches (normally, harem is not my cup of tea, but this one is great! So worth it<3)
Yankee-kun to Megane-chan (howlinggggggg😭😭😭😂😂😂 so hilarious highly recommend)
Witch Hat Atelier (🤩💯❤One word: their art)
Silver Spoon (slice of life, good for the heart, also learn lots of new stuff you def never gonna use👁👁)
Yozakura Family
The Way of the Househusband (laughing a bit too hard dhdjdjdjjsjs😂😂😂)
Touch (a manga about baseball)
Cross Game
Also, if you ask me about something darker:
Kingdom (historical, battle, lots of fight and blood)
Berserk (classic)
The Climber
20th Century Boys
The Flowers of Evils
Blank Canvas: My So-Called Artist Journey (not like really dark? Mature, I'd say)
And don't forget shoujo! my favorite mangas of this genre are:
Glass Mask (10000000/100, OMG IT'S SO INSPIRING SO CAPTIVATING I'M SO IN LOVE!!! highly recommend, the only flaw is that it is dropped😩)
Kaichou wa Maid-sama (hjghjvjvjrh A MUST READ!!!! omg blaming Usui Takumi for setting my standard too high😭)
Kimi ni Todoke
Nana (JDKVBHVBEVB OSAKI NANA IS MY QUEEN!!!! TRULY A MASTERPIECE ❤ but this one gonna hurt you as hell so uhmmm, still worth a try tho 😥 also they have an anime adaption, and I must say my style is mostly influenced by this manga/anime)
My Little Monster
Last Game (so FREAKING CUTE WHAT😭😭😭😭 their love is just so pure I'm crying, 10000/100)
Daytime Shooting Star ( my GOAT, the art and the plot and the characters are all well done! chef kiss)
Tsubaki-chou Lonely Planet (*rollingggggg cuz this manga it's sooooo freaking wholesome🥺😭❤* so loveable and make me have daddy issue *gasp*)
Oresama teacher (Laughing my ass out reading this hilarious manga😂😂😂 If you want a good laugh, an interesting female lead, and not too much loving theme Oresama teacher is a must-read)
Cat Street
Ore Monogatari (THE CUTEST! You are fed up with good-looking main chars and want something more close to reality? Try this one out and you'll not forget! Also, the art is chef kiss and I just want to say I love the male lead's best friend👉👈)
Kyou no Kira-kun
Beauty Pop (so underrated, why? It's very short but very awesome, make you want to devour it all at one go <3 a must try 💕 I have read this 5 times tbh)
Takane to Hana
Hana Yori Dango (A classic, truly, a classic. Just don't like the main chars too much now that I have grown up enough, but you can give it a try)
Strobe Edge (MAKE ME WANT TO GO BACK TO HIGHSCHOOL AND LOVE SOMEONE 😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺 I read it again and again and aww, just love)
Remei no Arcana (cry...just cry a little too much....though I'm in love🥺 I love the art and the plot sm please!!!)
Machida-kun no Sekai (THE MOST WHOLESOME<33333333 touch my heart and warm my soul every time I read it, Machida is so precious and need to be protected😭😭😭)
Hana to Akuma (adorable, demon x human, make you cry your eyes out but worth it!!!!)
Black Bird (s-sexy, so sexy and charming gosh! I love it)
Lovely Complex (just as the name, EXTREMELY LOVELY hahaha I love their dynamic <333)
Beast Master (a real short one, only 4 or 5 chapters so far but have my whole heart from the very start💘💘💘)
Love so Life (One word: ADORABLE! Too much fluff, too much cuteness, make my heart goes uwuuuuuuuu, a true masterpiece believe me🥺🥺🥺)
Gakuen Babysitters (let-let just lay me down and leave me drowning in the endless fluff forever...Truly, I have the biggest smile ever reading this manga, also makes me wonder why my brother can't be cute like this? why😭😭😭 ah, it's about family bond! So no love<3)
Kamisama Hajimemashita -
Hibi Chouchou (too much sweetness my teeth are going to hurt😩😩😩 AAA agaiiiinnnn, makes me wanna go back to high school and fall in love with someone🥺💕)
Taiyou no le (another wholesome manga about love and found family 😍😍😍 heart-touching and warming, so good for the heart<333 I recommend it)
Dengeki Daisy (The female lead is so loveable! I like the angst here, and the fluff! It has everything, can break your heart and heal you at the same time❤)
Ouran Koukou Host Club (so freakingggg funnyyy😂😂😂😂 omg love its comedy!!! pure gold! and the main chars are just too precious I can't🥺)
Red River (HOW CAN I FORGET THIS AND NOT PUT IT IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!!??? My childhood mangaaaa😩 I just love it with my whole heart, so so so perfect you have to try it out!!!!!)
From Far Away (AGAIN, HOW CAN I FORGET THIS ONE?! It is beautifully written, the art is so gorgeous, and the characters are extremely wholesome🥺❤ I love!)
Rere Hello (relationship goal? relationship goal! highly recommend, ngl😭😭😭😭)
Hotarubi no Mori e *cry*
Sacrificial Princess and the King of the Beast
Colette wa Shinu Koto ni Shita (as a mythology nerd, I A.M I.N L.O.V.E with this manga❤ the art is cute, and I fall in love with Hades why he's so handsome😭)
Our Precious Conversations (yes, just like the name, this manga is precious and need to be treasured more🥺)
Shinsuki Bitter Change (new motif, very interesting, great characters, and intelligent plot)
Kiss him, not me (also quite a new motif, funny and adorable, I'm strongly related to the female lead aha😆)
A Bride's Story (historical, the art is charming! Love all the detail❤)
Pochamani (I-I think the list is getting too long so I'm gonna end it with a fluff...)
that's all thank you for coming to my Ted talks!
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pride-all-day · 4 years
How would you rate the hazbin hotel characters from the one you like the most to the one you like the least ?
Well that depends on who's included in this list.
Since you didn't specify I'm gonna go with the characters we've seen in canon so far meaning the pilot, the comics and the addict video.
1. Angel Dust
I think this comes as a surprise to no one, I love Angel more than words can explain because I can really relate to all he's going through and even through all his hard times he still puts on his high heels and says "u know what I'm a bad bitch" cause sometimes thats just what you gotta do.
2. Alastor
We love an ace icon. Reading how people portray Alastors asexuality in a lot of the fanfics ive read is actually what helped me to realize 'wait I feel this way too, its not just me' so of course that means a lot to me. I also have a thing for chaotic men so I was doomed from the start.
3. Cherri Bomb
After the addict video I would die for cherri because Angel deserves a friend who's there for him. Their friendship is so genuine and I want to know how it came to be that way. Also im intrested to see how Cherris bid to become an overlord plays out.
4. Sir Pentious
Like I said earlier, chaotic men. I love how silly he is. He gives me Dr. Doofinshmirtz vibes and its great. Cant wait to see more of him.
5. Fat Nuggets
Pretty sure its against the law for Nuggs not to be in the top five. He is best boy.
6. Egg Bois
I wish he'd shoot me with his ray gun
7. Niffty
She's cute and she's deadly, what more could you ask for! I'm really interested to know about Nifftys backstory and why she decided to make a deal with Alastor.
8. Vaggie
As I said in a previous ask, before we learned more about Angel, Vaggie used to be my fav just cause I really liked her design. Shes also a angry, man hating lesbian, so we share that in common
9. Rosie
So I know she didn't even speak and was only on screen for 5 seconds but she's friends with Alastor so you automatically know she's gonna be a cool character. Also have you seen her?
10. Vox
I'm very interested in Vox now because of his ties to Alastor and his ties to Valentino. Im excited to see Vox and Al's feud and how that all plays out but more than that I wanna see the deal with Vox and Vals relationship. We know that its an abusive one and I really wanna see how Vox chooses to handle it.
11. Charlie
Not gonna lie I find Charlie kinda boring atm. However being the daughter of the king of Hell, there's so much to be explored there so I'm pretty confident she'll become a more interesting character down the road.
12. Husk
Husk is another kinda boring character for me. But same with niffty I want to know his backstory and why he made a deal with Alastor.
13. Lucifer & Lilith
I grouped them together just cause we know next to nothing about them so that kinda puts them on the same playing field. The king and queen of hell are no doubt gonna be interesting to see and I know we're all curious to know how Charlie's parents treated her.
14. Travis
We all know he's thirsty for our boy, which is fair, but he's not the worst guy Angel could be fucking so he gets a pass for now.
15. Katie & Tom
They were the comic relief and it worked. Thats really all I have to say about them.
16. Velvet
I feel like she's gonna be an annoying bitch so thats why she's down here. I can just picture her antagonizing Angel and like laughing at him or something and we're gonna fight.
17. The rat
If you thought Valentino was gonna be anywhere else but the bottom of this list you can go ahead and see yourself out. Fuck him, fuck everything about him, I want him to die in a dumpster fire. The most painful death? Yeah I want that for him. There is nothing he could ever do that will make me think differently about him.
I know there's other characters like Baxter and Mimzy and stuff but like I dont really have an opinion on them yet since we haven't seen them. Also I know everyone's hyped about the lamb girl but I don't think we're ever gonna see her again. Like she was just a plot device, I really don't see her making an appearance again.
But yeah there you go thats my list.
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Tagged by my partner in war crimes @titians to answer these questions and tag people I'd like to know more, Soo @ghoulhotline @ufocafe @bigwigs
favorite colors:
This is a bit complicated because I am blue/yellow colorblind and last night me and Jill realized that I just Straight Up don't see teal, but... the color I DO see as teal is my favorite 🤷🏽‍♀️ I'm an enligma
last song i listened to:
Danny Gonzalez's entire discography while I made soap embeds the other day. 🎵 Jonas Brothers doesn't include all the Jonas brothers. They're hiding Frankie from us and they might be hiding others. 🎵
favorite musician:
Manchester Orchestra, Johnny Flynn, Laura Marling are my ride-or-dies.
last film i watched: 
Final Destination 3, which reminded me that I have a lifelong, enduring love for the Final Destination franchise that I sometimes forget about but still never leaves me. Jill and I are planning a marathon of all of them this Halloween. I also discovered that early-2000s movies really illustrate just how fucking buck wild life was back then, wow.
last TV show i watched:
Probably Dr. Phil. I love me some Dr. Phil. You ever see the 2-min long snippets the Dr. Phil show puts out on YouTube and be like, "Who's gonna watch an entire Dr. Phil episode in unsequential, 2-minute clips?" The answer is... this bitch.
favorite character:
Jon Snow (ASOIAF and GOT respectively). Todd Chavez (BoJack Horseman). Basically, if there's a character trying their absolute best but still getting drug through shit, I'm love them. There's gotta be some girls that are my fav but I can't think of them rn.
sweet, spicy or savory?
This is sour, the absolute best flavor, erasure. Outta these the, though, savory.
sparkling water, tea, or coffee:
Coffee, generally. Sparkling water can go back to hell.
There's currently 4 cats, 5 dogs, 3 chickens. We've always had a shitload of pets, growing up. 3 of the cats, 1 of the dogs and all of the chickens are mine. I am also distantly hopeful that we'll get a goat in the near future.
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mazojo · 4 years
You said that Senku is in your top 3 of fave main characters you’ve watched/read. Who are your top 10?
ohHHHH BOIIII I've been wanting to answer this one since I saw you send it nonny asdfghj I love me some good ol’ ranting time and I am about to unload a lot of my trashy fingerling here lmaooo
Iam gonna consider this as main characters from manga’s/anime’s ive read because if I take into account webtoons and series or books ill go crazy ASDFGHJK, here I go trying my best not to shout about them and fail xdxdxd
10- Yamada (From Yamada-Kun and the 7 Witches): ASDFGHJK Super super super random and probably from this list the one I didnt expect I would like so much at the beginning ? but boi he is such a sweetheart and nice guy underneath it alllll, seriously I love himmm and Shiraishi is also a really close bet for this spot but gotta go with my criminal boi ya know
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9- Haruhi (from Ouran): I LOVE HER, an icon at its finest and she is the biggest mood ever ? Asdfghj name a more powerful person, ill wait 😤
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8- Phoenix Wright (from Ace Attorney): I dont talk about phoenix a lot and I feel like this is lowkey cheating considering I really got to love him thanks to the games but as it has a manga and anime I will ignore my set if rules and place him here asdfghjkl. Although Miles and Maya are also tight for my favorite here gotta give it to best lawyer softest boi in town certified dumbass, Phoenix
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ASDFGH He looks like such an idiot on that gif I love it
7- Maki (From Stars Align): as I am writting this my heart breaks a little more each and every single time so thats fun,,,,,,,,,,, Stan Maki because no man would ever measure up and jaja,......ja...... please be okay
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6- Nagisa (From Assasination Classroom): Honestly I dont talk about Nagisa enough, almost never mention him but like, he is always in the back of my mind ya know? just........... really want to rewatch it now ;w; He is such a different main character and the whole psychological aspect to it, iconic
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5- Tanjiro (From Demon Slayer): Next to Yamada, the second character I was surprised to like that much tbhhh..... I thought Tanjiro would be kind of a bland main character from the pictures ive seen and all but boi was I wrong and glad of it. I am a suckER for family oriented characters and just,,,,, bby angel deserves the world and goddammit someone please tell me he is okay? please? anyone? //rip my mental sanity 
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4- Emma/Norman/Ray (From TPN): Lmaoooo okay kinda cheating because its 3 buT hear me out xDD, I am not really sure who is the main character here (maybe Emma??) so I will just count them as a package deal because I cant just leave any of my bbys out of this ya know?? I love every single one of them so they all fit here because dAmn it I cant choose asdfghj Although Ray is kind of my fav but Norman and Emma are my precious beans to protect so yeee
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3- Senku (From Dr Stone): Wellppp as I said in my last post, Senku is such a well done main character in every aspect of it. From his appearance making him super unique to his personality and just, god everything. tbh the second and third place between him and Deku are lowkey tied but gosh Senku sir I love you
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2- Deku (From BNHA): An ANGELLL. Do I need to further expand? Although a lot of people dont like Deku that much as a main character I absolutely adore him. He has gone through so much and his character development and just.....Everything man, we always stan deku in this household.
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1- Dazai (From Bungo Stray Dogs): OKAY KIND OF CHEATING AGAIN BECAUSE I DONT KNOW IF ATSUSHI OR HIM WOULD BE THE MAIN CHARCTER BUT WHATEVER HE GEST A PASS. Ummmm anyways, yes, my husband, my world, the best of the best, Dazai freaking Osamu. I honestly dont even know why I like him as much as I do but I just know that since the moment I saw episode 1, I knew I would fall in love with this idiot. Not only is he wicked smart and cunning but everythinga about him is so interesting and enigmatic godDD, I love love love loveeee BSD, very poetic that my fav main character comes from my fav anime, its all very cinematic 🤧🤧
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Also like, a loot of honorable mentions (cough cough Yuki Sohma and Momiji cough) because I wasn't sure if they were considered main characters or more like, secondary ones. I tried considering the ones that were perceived as the main focal point of the plot but I left out a lot of my bbys ;w;
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I just thought of rly hot take on Gilbert’s character. Idk if you’ll agree but hear me out. Gil internalizes all the negative things he’s called (arrogant, narcissistic, etc) and believes himself to be an awful, irredeemable person. This is how he justifies his bad behavior when he acts out, but this also leads him to ignore his good qualities and doesn’t believe people when they say he has good traits. So he just has terrible self esteem issues bc he believes there’s nothing good abt him.
That’s a pretty cool character take, gotta admit, it’s interesting :D Thank’s for sharing! My take on his self-esteem is pretty different, but there def. are things I would agree with, like that he believes a lot of bad stuff people say about him (narcissistic, aggressive, arrogant) and then it creates this self-fulfilling prophecy, i.e. because he believes them he is more prone to act that away. 
And sorry bc I wrote a small feaking BOOK about this ;/
But, the way I see him, all those things are true. They are a pretty accurate descriptions of his character. And he doesn’t suffer from self-esteem issues bc of that. Like, a person who really truly IS selfish won’t care that they are selfish … bc they are selfish. And a person who is a jerk may agree they are a jerk to others, but they won’t feel any guilt over it - otherwise they wouldn’t be, well, a jerk :D What I mean to say is: if you think you are awful bc you are selfish and a jerk, you are probably neither selfish nor a jerk.And because he really is arrogant he tends to view all those things as good stuff. So him being arrogant/selfish just translates in his head to: I watch out for Number One, which is obviously a good thing, bc the Number One is the most important! It’s connected to survival.Being jerk/aggressive/subjugating others is in his head always connected to power. Those who have power get to be massive douches/control others - and power is always good, bc it means survival. So for him it’s very rooted in how he was created, that he had no land. He had to really fight for even becoming a small duchy. During that time he learned all those bad behaviors and his personality crystallized. And he knows he’s selfish/a jerk, but he doesn’t recognize those as real flaws but as things that made him survive/in the end, are good. FOR HIM. And for others,? He doesn’t care about others. Bc he’s selfish and a jerk :D BUT, and here comes another part where I agree with Your hot take, he’s not dumb, and he knows those things make him unlikable to others, he thinks no one would like him or could really enjoy his company. He still is like that, because to him survival/showing off power is just more important than being liked. But he would react with surprise and total doubt if someone just starts to.. like him. Find him attractive? Sure, he buys that, bc power IS attractive to him, so it must be attractive to others, right? But actually liking such a douche… doubt. And that gets reinforced hard by that HC I have that he’s selfish in bed which means it’s easy to get partners, but not so easy to keep them.Anyway: things like being soft, deeply empathetic, emotional and, yes, wanting to be liked - those are things he would rather consider flaws. So to him being unlikable jerk is in some weird way empowering, like: I don’t need anyone and those who need someone are pathetic! And if you at nice bc you want to be liked you are also pathetic! But deep down he is lonely and yearns for human connection and closeness. But its just… looses with all the other stuff. With SURVIVAL and with POWER.I think after the WW2, when he got a really hard slap from reality, he became closer to what you describe, in that for the first time in his life he started to recognize that those things are negative. It wasn’t an instant thing but a long process that took years but in the end, he self-actualized when he really recognized that those were flaws and that him being that way - at least partly - created his situation, like the dissolution. So in the end being a selfish jerk made survival harder, not easier.I think the biggest symbol of this change is when he decides to let the Berlin Wall fall. It’s the first time EVER he pretty much does something that would hurt him, for the good of someone else - he decides to give his country away to Ludwig. It’s an incredible leap and something he would never do, like, 100 years before. He was all about take-take-take.In modern times, I headcanon him as a better person but I don’t want him to lose his narcissistic/jerkisch personality bc I noticed that when this happens in tv shows then those characters often become boring and I lose interest in them. So my HC for him today is that he is still arrogant and a douche, bu he now can be vulnerable and empathetic a LOT more, especially for the ‘us’ group (others… less so, he still doesn’t care tbh) and it’s now possible to form healthy relationships with him. He’s still gonna do some power-seeking stuff in those relationships and be manipulative/passive-agressive, bc it’s just the way he is, but it won’t DEFINE his relationships with others. And when it comes to him bein an ass, he’s just very honest about his nature and embraces it. Like that t-shirt “#EVIL GERMAN” is his fav. But he’s not ashamed of it nor is it a source of bad self-image for him.So, yeah, sorry it’s so long!! ;/ I neve know which part to cut x.xBut yeah, I guess tl;dr awesome hot take, very interesting profile for a character, tho it’s not how I see Gil :) Would agree about the internalized ‘badness’ and that it makes him act even worse in the Great Circle of Assholnes & he doesn’t really believe other could really like him and is lonely bc of this. But due to complicated reasons mentioned above, it’s not a source of low self-esteem for him. I also wrote some stuff about how him being the way he is affects hs relationship owth others here and also here. 
So I guess he has a LOT of problems.. just low self esteem is not one of them. And he very much believes himself to have like tons of positive qualities :D Because he’s arrogant. You can’t reall be arrogant and think you don’t have great qulities, I think? I mean I may be wrong here but that would go against the idea of arrogance I think.
He truly believes he’s better than others, bc selfishenss and arrogance, with the exception of Choosen Few (those he’s very close to and sometimes he even recognizes they are better at some stuff than him, like Ru being more creative/thinking out of the box… wow! :D character development! :D) ‘n because of this he often feels superior to other nations. But he also became less ostentatious with his ‘I’m better than you’ stuff since he lost his nation status, but oh it’s still there. 
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madisonrooney · 5 years
(some of these may be points about stuff we already knew going into it but like now that weve gotten to see it all together its easier to discuss)
- i like what they did with audrey’s plot. her and mal’s relationship did feel pretty unresolved after d1 so im glad they went this route. not to mention being able to bring her back after her being absent in the second. also i like the message that it gave off about being able to be good or bad regardless of where you come from
- i loved hades! he was so fun and i loved how things ended up with him. and DO WHAT YOU GOTTA DO WAS AWESOME probably my fav song. but i cant say im a huge fan of him being mal’s dad. like i loved the way their relationship played out but while the descendants fan in me is happy the disney stickler thinks its a bit too much creative license for them to make a kid the child of two disney characters from two different movies. it also kinda like...almost invalidates her character of “maleficent’s daughter” now shes the daughter of two villains and it?? feels different?? if that makes sense?? could the other VKs possibly have another villain as their other parent?? who knows. also i wish they hadn’t made it so obvious so early like people guessed this A YEAR AND A HALF AGO WHEN THE TEASER CAME OUT. maybe had it just been a few months it wouldnt have been as bad but yeesh. it made the shock factor...well, almost non-existant.
- continuing on their relationship, i thought tackling the idea of an absentee dad was a bold move for a movie like this and i applaud it. not to mention with an upbeat musical number? they really did that
- i loved celia too!! i was afraid she was gonna be more bad news than she was but she was super cute and sweet. loved her friendship with dizzy. and loved getting to see more of dizzy! and even though dr facilier wasnt in it much he was fun. i thought it was sweet that he and celia seemed to have a good relationship. im also glad we got to see lady tremaine! but wheres drizella lol
- also in regards to hades and celia, i liked that they brought in two more movies into the universe that hadnt yet been acknowledged (not counting wicked world or the books). i love both hercules and princess and the frog and while i wouldnt call them underrated theyre not quite as mainstream as some of the other movies in the descendants universe so im happy with that.
- on the other hand, i dont really like it when they get more kids from movies that they already have kids from. in this case, squeaky and squirmy. gil seemed out of place to me when i first watched d2, especially cuz like why would gastons son be a pirate, but since he had some funny lines with ben (in this movie too!) it was worth it. but squeaky and squirmy had no lines with harry? THEY ALMOST DIDNT HAVE ANY LINES AT ALL??? so why couldnt they have had them be kids from a movie they hadnt used yet? the more the merrier imo. idk.
- mal and uma repairing their relationship was like the highlight for me ugh it was so good. i think we all had a feeling that would happen (not just from speculation but from set pics and whatnot) but it felt satisfying regardless. uma saying “im right here mal you got this”? love that
- any parallels killed me. especially, ofc, ending with “cuz were rotten...to the core” (tho i was hoping the rotten remix thats on the soundtrack would be in the movie)
- loved getting more harry and gil content. gil is so blissfully stupid and precious and i love him and harry is so chaotic and i love him too
- and just...love the sea three bonding with the core four. also it felt well paced. wasnt rushed, had its moments to slowly get us there (mal+uma, jay+gil+harry) it felt like it went just the way it was supposed to.
- the whole series of events felt well paced and well ordered
- tbh i think its hilarious how chad’s douche baggery never dies down. i mean points for consistency i guess
- (did anyone catch the sign on the isle that mentioned monstro? good easter egg)
- (im really going out of order ik)
- one kiss was fun and cute, but i never felt like doug and evie were like...behind in their relationship? if anything i thought as of d2 their relationship was more stable than that of mal and ben
- night falls was a little silly and felt a little too similar to its goin down to me but it served a purpose and it was still fun
- and ofc it was so bittersweet to watch cam. the dedications were heart-wrenching but beautiful.
overall it really could not have been better! great new characters, great development on the characters we love, great soundtrack, and, most importantly, a story that perfectly wraps up the franchise. its hard to get a trilogy right. i love a lot of trilogies but a lot of them have some major flaws. with like say the kung fu panda movies, the 2nd and 3rd feel like theyre about very different things than the first. it doesnt feel like its telling one cohesive story. some have a second that feels unimportant to be between the 1st and 3rd. this just felt like perfectly coming full circle. everything from the beginning of the first movie to the end of the third felt necessary to tell the story. no useless filler, all essential to the plot, adding more as we go and resolving more, but having a hell of a lot of fun the entire time. i remember d2 being one of the most, if not the most, satisfying sequels ive ever seen. maybe part of that has to do with descendants being such a main fandom of mine when it came out, but sometimes, even new additions to my main fandoms can disappoint. these sequels really haven’t. part of that may just have to do with my love for the franchise regardless of the direction it goes in, but i know that it also has to do with just a great job in storytelling. continuing the story and wrapping it up just right. when the first one came out, we didn’t know it would be a trilogy. it works great as a standalone movie, but when you see the third one, you would think it was intended this way from the beginning, which honestly gives it even more power.
it breaks my heart to let this franchise go, but ofc in mal’s words “this is not the end.” with it just coming out, that means its just the beginning of discussions, gifs, memes, fanart, and all that fun stuff. so lets jump right in!
and, as always, every bit of love in my heart goes to cam tonight. we still miss you endlessly and we always will.
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