#iapetus writes
iapetusneume · 3 months
Bit of a personal post.
My wives and I got approved for an apartment, and managed to put down a deposit. We'll be moving in the middle of February.
We are beyond excited for this.
Also, my parents' health has been getting better, and I'm feeling better about them getting a condo.
I cannot begin to tell y'all how excited I will be to have the bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen all on the same level.
I'm also doing really well in my writing? Like, really well??? I'm so proud of myself. Now, if my small projects could just stop ballooning into big ones, that would be great.
Trying to get back to my other projects that I started back in August, lol.
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wanderingmind867 · 3 months
I saw this on wikipedia, and I think it's really interesting. I don't know if Rick Riordan was aware of this, but it certainly adds an interesting layer to Iapetus losing his memory and becoming Bob and stuff:
"Hesiod and other Greek scholars regarded the sons of Iapetus as mankind's ancestors and as such, some of humanity's worst qualities were said to have been inherited from these four gods, each of whom were described with a particular moral fault that often led to their own downfall. For instance, sly and clever Prometheus could perhaps represent crafty scheming; the inept and guileless Epimetheus, foolish stupidity; the enduring, strongest and powerful Atlas, excessive daring; and the arrogant Menoetius, rash violence."
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tsarisfanfiction · 9 months
Eclipse: Chapter 30
Fandom: Trials of Apollo Rating: Teen Genre: Family/Adventure Characters: Apollo, Hades And with this, we bid farewell to Hades' pov for this fic. Only two chapters to go now, and both will be Apollo's pov. I had a lot of fun figuring out Hades' narrative voice, as well as what's going on beneath the exterior he projects! This is also the awkward "deal with the Zeus consequences" chapter, which I keep seeming to need in my fics despite them being incredibly difficult to write! I have a discord server for all my fics, including this one!  If you wanna chat with me or with other readers about stuff I write (or just be social in general), hop on over and say hi! <<Chapter 29
HADES XXX Zeus Loses His Temper
At some point during the journey between leaving his palace and arriving at Olympus, Apollo had left Elysium and recoalesced his entire essence into a single form, a now familiar feeling on Hades’ periphery after what had proven to be over a month in close company with his nephew at full, undiluted power.  He was not surprised that Apollo had elected to be as powerful as possible in Zeus’ presence, but now that he was in the same room as both his brother and his nephew – and a few other unexpected gods Hades was electing to currently ignore as well – it brought something interesting to Hades’ attention.
He'd known something was different with Apollo’s essence since his time spent as a mortal.  His nephew had felt stronger, considerably stronger than Hades had expected of him, but he was still not as powerful as Hades, so he had put it out of his mind while he had other, more immediate, concerns to focus on.
Standing in the middle of the Olympian throne room, with his nephew at his side and his brother seated on his throne before him – both brothers, in fact, although Hades had no interest in Poseidon’s unexpected presence at that moment – a single observation leaped out at him, unbidden but impossible to ignore nonetheless.
Apollo was more powerful than Zeus.
He did not quite measure up to Hades himself, or Poseidon, both of whom had found their old power levels still within them during the climax of the second Titanomachy and re-embraced the strength they had once been renowned for, but Zeus himself, Apollo appeared to have now surpassed.  In fact, with the comparison right in front of him, Hades suspected that Apollo had not just done as he and Poseidon had managed and rediscovered his old strength, but somehow surpassed his younger days entirely.
Apollo was so obviously more powerful than he’d ever been before, that Hades wondered how he’d missed the extent of it until then.
One thing was also clear: Zeus knew.
It was not fear he was eyeing his son with, but it was resentment and distrust, wrapped up in the mess of paranoia that had been winding itself ever thicker around the king over the past couple of millennia.  Anger roiled within his essence, too, the fury of a storm building and waiting to be unleashed.
The thought occurred to Hades that Apollo’s mortal punishment had somehow backfired on Zeus; there was no way in Olympus that Zeus would ever give Apollo power greater than his own, which meant that Apollo’s current, post-punishment self was not a product of Zeus’ intentions, whatever they had been.  The lazy amusement on Poseidon’s face supported the theory – Poseidon, too, had once been stripped of his immortality, back when Zeus was actually the most powerful of all and had been capable of striking down even those considered his peers.  No doubt he found Zeus’ self-made apparent predicament highly amusing.
Hades found himself more concerned with what Zeus’ intentions had been, but forcibly shoved the thought aside to deal with after the current issue – namely their trip to Tartarus and retrieval of Bob – had been resolved.
“Apollo,” his youngest brother boomed after a moment, clearly deciding to ignore Hades and focus on the son he was no doubt intending on somehow punishing again, for no justifiable reason other than to soothe his own paranoia.  Apollo’s posture, already far straighter and less relaxed than it had been since escaping Tartarus, and arguably even within the Pit, stiffened further.
“Father,” he replied, cautiously.
“Explain.”  The word was curt, short, and full of heavy expectations whilst giving nothing itself.  Typical of his brother, to put the onus on Apollo to do all the work – and, potentially, talk himself into a trap.
Hades had no intention of letting the conversation dance along to Zeus’ tune.  Once, perhaps, his brother had been a magnificent musician – indeed, Apollo had got it from somewhere, and that somewhere had not been Koios’ line – but in recent centuries, Zeus had lost the spark he had once had.
“What is there to explain?” he cut in smoothly, silencing Apollo just as his nephew began to say something about a prophecy.  “An investigation into Tartarus was warranted, and demigods could not be trusted to survive long enough to succeed.  Thus, we elected to go in their place.”
Zeus leaned forwards on his throne, white-knuckled fists clutching the ends of the arms in poorly concealed rage.
“No such investigation was needed,” he ground out, thunder rolling dimly in the sky above.  “And if any was required, you do not have the authority to make that decision.  You certainly” – his voice raised, loud enough to rival the thunder he summoned – “did not have the authority to bring a titan out.  Two titans, in fact.”
So he hadn’t missed Koios’ brief sojourn into the Overworld.  Hades supposed it had been too much to ask that it would have somehow passed beneath his notice, especially as Artemis had clearly been alerted immediately.  He observed the goddess in question out of the corner of his eye, perched on her silver throne silently but a presence nonetheless.
There were more Olympians present than he had expected.  Poseidon’s presence alone was a surprise – while he had the free reign to travel to Olympus as he wished, a matter Hades could admit made him sore, his water-residing brother usually preferred to distance himself from Zeus’ inane whims.  Artemis was perhaps predictable, given her own involvement, but her neighbouring goddess was far more unexpected.
Wise enough to know that she ought to keep her mouth shut while Zeus was in one of his temper tantrums, Athena sat back regally in her throne, observing the proceedings with her sharp silver eyes.  For the most part, she seemed particularly interested in Bob and Apollo, but Hades did not miss his niece’s searching gaze as it brushed over his presence, as well.  Perhaps Zeus was not the only one surprised to see him there.
Hestia, as always, tended to her hearth, human-sized and meek – a far cry from the fierce eldest sister Hades knew she could be, or had been once a millennia ago, when it was their generation against their predecessors – while on the other end of the temperamental scale, Hera was straight-backed on her throne beside Zeus, a black veil doing nothing to hide her eagle eyes.
It seemed that of those of them that had fought the titans twice, only Demeter had abstained from making an appearance – no doubt more interested in spending time with her daughter during the summer months than an informal, half-attended, Olympian council.  Hades did not know how well that fared for Zeus’ temper, or whatever decision would be made regarding Bob’s departure from Tartarus, but he suspected he and Apollo were not the ones outnumbered.
Poseidon delighted in causing trouble for their youngest brother.  He and Hades may have their own brotherly issues, but the more self-important Zeus styled himself, the more they pushed back.  Despite her caution and scolding earlier, Hades would likewise be very surprised if Artemis truly sided against her twin, and Hera and Zeus had argued more than they had ever made up throughout their marriage, while Hestia had always been determinedly neutral against inter-sibling conflicts.
The only true unknown was Athena, wise in council but always Zeus’ favourite daughter, and too smart to jeopardise her position as such unnecessarily.
It was good odds in Apollo’s favour, but that did not mean it would translate into a favourable outcome.  Cornered animals had a rightful reputation for danger, and Hades would not hesitate in using that term to describe his brother right then.
“Koios no longer lives,” he reminded Zeus – if he had seen his arrival, then he must have seen his departure as well.  He would not have taken his eyes off of the titan for as long as he considered him a threat.  “Your own children saw well enough to that.”
Sky blue eyes, flickering with the searing white of furious lightning, glanced over at Artemis before focusing back on Apollo.
“Indeed,” he allowed, “although he should never have been permitted the opportunity to reach it in the first place.”  Zeus really could never let a point go until it was in his favour.  “That does not, however, explain why the second titan is standing before me, in the heart of Olympus, right now, Hades.  Do not think I missed who led Iapetus here.”
“Bob,” the titan interjected, taking a step closer as all eyes fell upon him.  It placed him directly between Hades and Apollo, using them as an honour guard – or perhaps simply as guards, although for whose benefit it was impossible to say.  “I do not go by the name Iapetus anymore.”
Hades was not sure that intentionally drawing Zeus’ attention was a particularly smart move on the titan’s behalf, but what was done was done and Bob stood straight and uncowed as Zeus loomed over him.
“You expect me to believe that you have changed your name?” he demanded, sprites of lightning flickering into existence around his head.  “Or, perhaps, that changing your name changes your nature?  I remember you, Iapetus the Piercer.  I remember the ichor that stained the shaft of your spear.  I remember the bite of that spear, and you expect me to believe that you are not that same titan I once fought against?”  Zeus was almost spitting in his rage.  “You are an immortal, Iapetus, and immortals do not change.”
“Do not change, or will not change?” Bob asked, all too calm for someone in the eye of the violent storm that was a furious Zeus, although Hades could feel the light in his essence, feel the strength in Apollo’s, and saw his point.  Immortals could change, it appeared, for all that change was an unlooked-for and often unwelcomed guest.  “What is stopping you?  Fear?  Are you afraid of what you might become, if you accept change into your existence?”
Lightning flashed, an explosion of thunder in Hades’ ear as the Master Bolt hurtled at the titan.  He felt Apollo’s essence flinch at its proximity, despite not being its target, and fought to keep himself from either going to his nephew’s side or retaliating against his brother at the realisation that Apollo would only fear the bolt if he knew first-hand what it could do to him.
Hades knew that it had struck at least one of Apollo’s children, yes, but he had never known that Zeus had struck the god directly.
This time, the target had not been Apollo – or Hades himself, who had also found himself on the receiving end of his brother’s flashy temper although held nothing but contempt for the bolt, rather than any degree of fear – but Bob.
The titan, too, had endured the business end of the bolt on more than one occasion, during that same Titanomachy Zeus was referring to, but not even the Elder Cyclopes had created a weapon that could obliterate a titan in a single hit.  Bob remained on his feet, seemingly hardly fazed by the attack despite tendrils of smoke curling up from his skin, and met Zeus’ gaze calmly.  “I do not recall you being a coward, when you poisoned me and deceived Kronos into expelling your siblings from his stomach,” he said.
That was pushing Zeus too far, and Hades stepped forwards, blocking the titan from Zeus’ immediate view.  Apollo was almost immediately beside him, the faintest of wavers in his essence that Hades would not have been able to notice if he had not become intimately knowledgeable about his nephew’s essence in Tartarus betraying his nerves.
“Enough,” he said, sending Bob a warning glare before facing his brother once more.  “There is no need to keep exchanging insults like children.”
“Aww,” Poseidon complained, lounging obscenely in his fisherman’s chair.  “You spoil the fun, Hades.”  Unimpressed, Hades levelled him with a flat glare.
“Why are you here?” he asked.  “Should you not be frolicking with dolphins in your overlarge swimming pool?”
“And miss out on this spectacle?” Poseidon laughed.  “Not a chance, brother.  Besides, I have business with… Bob.”
Quick as the lightning he threw, Zeus turned his attention to the throne beside his.  “You do?” he growled, the sound echoing around the throne room lowly.  “Poseidon-”
Poseidon waved a hand carelessly.  “Peace, brother.  It is simply that, if I am not much mistaken, this is the same Bob that my son mentioned saved his life in Tartarus.”
“Not just Perseus,” Athena spoke, drawing attention to herself for the first time, “nor even my daughter, Annabeth.”  Her grey eyes, the smouldering of smoke after a fire, raked over the titan behind Hades curiously.  “In assisting our children, he released the Doors of Death from their chains and thereby made it possible for Olympus to win the war against Gaia.  It is Olympus itself he helped to protect, and I find myself curious as to why.”
“Why does not matter,” Zeus snapped.  “He is a titan-”
“As is Mother,” Hera pointed out, apparently fearless in overriding her husband.  Hades suspected the mourner’s veil she wore had something to do with it; he had not missed the son of Jupiter’s entrance into his domain, complete with Juno’s influence upon him.  “There are many titans we have allowed to roam free, Zeus.”
“And not just peaceful ones,” Poseidon added before Zeus could protest that Rhea had never done them wrong – a point that Hades would have, unfortunately, had to concede if he had.  “Oceanus continues to persist as he pleases despite actively working against us” – me, Hades was certain he truly meant, well aware that Poseidon had been left unaided against the eldest titan – “during Father’s recent attempt to destroy Olympus.”  His eyes, the roiling blue green of wind-whisked waves, seemed to bore through Hades and Apollo to focus on Bob.  “If Olympus allows him his freedom, why does it deny a titan that actively aided it the same boon?”
Because Oceanus was old and powerful enough that Olympus could not be sure of victory, Hades suspected.  The titan had had millennia to consolidate his court within the seas; it was not a flimsy support like the ones Kronos had attempted to build for himself, it was an entire empire.  Poseidon, at the least, had been fortunate that Oceanus had decided to retreat when Kronos fell rather than continue to press the advantage he had been gifted with when Poseidon had been forced to abandon Atlantis to aid their brethren against Typhon.  If Oceanus had sustained the assault, Poseidon’s dominion over the seas might well have been obliterated for good, leaving Olympus down a powerful god and Oceanus with a far, far larger support base.
Bob, however, had none of that.  He had no allies amongst the titans – although admittedly he might kindle some in time, but with the exception of Oceanus, none of those left to roam free had ever showed designs against Olympus, so Hades saw no likely issue there – and no base to use in an attempt to consolidate power.  He was, quite simply, not a credible threat to Olympus.
“I would hear Bob’s reasons for saving my son,” Poseidon continued, “and Olympus, as Athena says.”
Zeus, Hades realised, was completely outnumbered.  With even the sensible Athena cautiously rebutting his reasons for paranoia, the king of the gods was finding his hands rather tied – and he could see from the terseness with which Zeus shifted in his throne that his youngest brother was well aware of the fact.  It was, in some way, a cause for concern – Zeus would not take this laying down, for all that he would be a fool to keep pushing when Poseidon at the least was determined to push back with at least equal pressure, and Hades himself was not going to take the younger god’s tantrums laying down, either.  There would be retribution somewhere, somehow.
He was not the only one to have noticed the ticking bomb they were taunting; Apollo was uncharacteristically quiet, and Artemis was poised to leap into fight or flight at the slightest provocation.  Athena, too, having said her piece, had also faded back into obscurity on her grey throne, allowing Poseidon to take the lead in their arguments – an alliance that barely a decade ago would have been unthinkable, although perhaps it was not a surprise that she would still set Poseidon up to take the brunt of Zeus’ wrath.
Then again, three of the gods currently in the throne room were currently more powerful than Zeus, and Poseidon was one of them.
“The demigods showed me mercy,” Bob began.  “Percy, Nico, and the Hunter with them – Thalia, I was told was her name, although I have not seen her since falling into the Lethe.”
Zeus twitched, either unaware of his own daughter’s involvement in the situation, or unhappy that it had been brought to light.  Out of the three demigods in question, Hades distinctly remembered that she was the only one with the sensible reaction to the amnesiac titan, while the two boys – and Nico, especially – had been rather less cautious.  If Bob had been less amicable, she would likely have been the only one to survive.
“Then, I was shown kindness,” the titan continued.  “Not just from the demigods, but gods that had every right to hate me.  I learned kindness, and mercy.  I will not lie and say my motivation was to help Olympus, but it was to help the demigods who chose to trust in me, even when they feared me.  I had no wish to see any of them die in Tartarus.”
“Those demigods-” Zeus began, only for Poseidon to once again talk over him.
“Those demigods have saved Olympus twice in as many years,” the sea god said, his eyes flickering dangerously, as though daring Zeus to ignore the truth.  “Were it not for my son, Athena’s daughter, and even Hades’ son, Olympus would have fallen twice over.  They are loyal to the gods.”
That was an interesting way of wording it, Hades thought, privately amused at the thought of Nico’s reaction at being called loyal to the gods.  His son’s loyalty was, first and foremost, to those that he formed bonds with.  Hades was well aware that Nico was not loyal to him, for all that they had reached a non-hostile relationship with each other that at times managed to border amicable, although Apollo was potentially a different matter.  Zeus was certainly not on the shortlist.
It was, however, undeniable that every time Olympus had found itself in need, the demigods had answered.  Not even Zeus could deny that, and his youngest brother settled back on his throne.
“Very well,” he allowed, as though he had any real control over Poseidon’s words.  Hades did nothing to puncture the air of authority he was desperately pulling back; while he would not allow Zeus to harm Apollo – who had taken a step back while Bob spoke and was now hovering almost unobtrusively behind them, not openly hiding but doing his best to deflect his father’s temper away from him – or indeed any of Apollo’s loved ones in a more roundabout way of punishing him, it would do them no good to push Zeus further than necessary.
He was volatile enough already.
“Against my better judgement, I will not send you back into the Pit where you stand,” the king of the gods continued, as though Bob had not already withstood a blast from the Master Bolt.  “However, I will not allow you to walk freely.  Athena or Artemis shall observe your movements at all times.”
Neither goddess seemed enamoured with the decision, but nor did they seem surprised.  Hades was not, either; out of those present, they were the ones least distrusted by Zeus.  He and Artemis were the only two that had never taken part in a direct challenge to Zeus’ rule, although Athena had managed to talk her way out of trouble, and the days of Zeus trusting him with anything, especially the supervision of something that he saw as a threat, were long past.  It would not surprise Hades in the slightest if Zeus feared that, should he return Bob to Hades’ domain, out of his sight, they would begin to scheme against him.
His paranoia might already think they’d started.
“I trust the two of you will co-operate with each other and not allow it to get in the way of your other duties,” Zeus continued, and both goddesses bobbed their heads briefly.
“Yes, Father,” they chorused, glancing at each other just long enough to acknowledge the other but nothing else.
If Bob had any thoughts on his chaperones for the foreseeable future, he didn’t voice them, although he nodded at the pair of goddesses in acknowledgement.  The piercing look he got in return from Artemis proved that she had not forgotten their earlier encounter outside the Necromanteion, and would be observing him to ensure he held true to his words.
“You are dismissed,” Zeus told the titan bluntly.  “Leave, before I change my mind.”  He gestured towards the door in a sweeping gesture, and Bob needed no further prompting.
“I will go to find Percy and Annabeth now,” he told Hades as he turned; on his throne, Poseidon leaned forwards, summoned by the name of his son.  “I will endeavour to make myself easy for Nico to find, should he wish.”  With at least one goddess on his tail, they both knew that the titan would not be able to return to the Underworld for the time being, and Hades inclined his head in acknowledgement as the titan strode away, out of the room.
Artemis and Athena disappeared in a shimmer of silver and grey without saying anything else, and Hades caught Apollo glancing at his twin’s throne wistfully before his nephew’s attention snapped back to the dangerous aura in the room.
Poseidon, it appeared, had decided he’d had enough of their brother’s presence – presumably, he had only been interested in Bob’s fate, and now that had been decreed, he did not care to linger longer.  His throne emptied with a wash of seawater, leaving Hades and Apollo to face Zeus and Hera.
They had not been dismissed, Hades noticed, and Zeus did not appear inclined to let them go without throwing a more private and pointed temper tantrum.
“Hera, Hestia, leave us,” he ordered.  “I will speak with Hades and Apollo alone.”  Hera sniffed, offended at the dismissal, but disappeared in a shower of peacock feathers nonetheless.  Hestia’s departure was far more demure; an extra flicker from her hearth and she was gone, no doubt instead at the sister-hearth of Camp Half-Blood.
Apollo moved to stand level with Hades again – next to him, and Hades wondered whether it was to present a united front to Zeus or if there was another reason for their resumed proximity, not that he had issue with it.
“You had no authority to raise a titan from the Pit,” Zeus growled, his anger sparking around him again.  Without an audience, he seemed less interested in controlling his reactions.  “Apollo, ever since you selected a new Pythia, Delphi has given nothing but rushed prophecies that continue to undermine Olympus and I.  If you do not stop allowing that girl to speak of such things, I will have to intervene.”
He said intervene in a way that sounded a lot like destroy the Pythia or even strip you of your domain, a fact that clearly did not go unnoticed by Apollo as the younger god’s eyes flickered Phlegethon orange once more.  Having once cursed the Pythia himself, and recently at that, Hades found distaste at the idea of another young woman ending up in a similar situation.  He still did not like prophecies, no matter how lovingly Apollo talked about them and their endless possibilities, but he could acknowledge that perhaps the cursing of the Pythia for attempting to protect the di Angelos had been an ill-thought action.  It certainly hadn’t stopped Delphi from issuing prophecies as and when it pleased.
“Father, I do not control the timing of prophecies, nor their content,” Apollo reminded him, although Hades could tell the words were falling on obtuse ears.  Zeus had convinced himself otherwise, and the son he feared and distrusted would never be able to persuade him to hear the truth.  “They are spoken when they are meant to be.”
“Enough!” Zeus thundered, and Apollo immediately snapped his mouth shut.  Hades took a minute step sideways, not quite far enough to be touching his nephew, but close enough to remind Apollo that he was not alone against his father’s wrath.  “This does not even consider your other transgression.”
He stood up, a little bit taller than the twenty feet the gods usually took as their stature, likely to guarantee that he towered over even Hades, who had always been the lither yet taller god.
“You interfered,” he proclaimed, thunder rolling around them.  “Taking on a quest in the place of a demigod – do you even care how many of the Ancient Laws you trampled across in the process?  Those Laws exist for a reason, Apollo.  They serve to prevent interference in mortal affairs, and to ensure the balance of power is not shifted too far.”
Lightning crackled.
“Had the demigods gone, as they should, the titans would never have escaped,” Zeus continued.  “By interfering, you changed something that should not have been changed, and now the stability of Olympus is at risk.  Iapetus twice tried to destroy Olympus, and yet you welcomed him into the heart of it with open arms!”  A bolt struck the ground close to Apollo’s throne, and the god in question flinched.
Hades had had enough.
“Brother,” he said firmly.  “Bob is no threat to Olympus, and even if he becomes one in time, he is a single titan against our entire might.  You have no reason to fear him, and acting as though you do makes you appear weak.”
“Weak?” Zeus seethed.  “The darkness you hide in has blinded you, brother.”
The words stung, but Hades refused to let it show and give Zeus the satisfaction when they both knew that he did not reside near-solely in the darkness by choice, but rather but that same brother’s own decree.
“The darkness allows me to see what truly dwells in its depths,” he replied instead, “and of those, Bob is inconsequential.”
“A boon,” a new voice – one Hades had not heard in millennia – rasped lightly.
“A new soldier,” said a second.
“For Olympus,” finished the third.
The Fates emerged from nowhere, their strings clutched tightly in their grasp.
“What is the meaning of this?” Zeus demanded, as the three wizened crones clustered by Hestia’s hearth.
“The rise of the titan was inevitable,” Clotho assured them.  In her hands, a silver string wove itself into existence.  “Yesterday, today, tomorrow.  The when was inconsequential, but the how was not.”
“Raised by gods to save the gods,” Lachesis murmured, almost to herself rather than the three gods held in the thrall of their appearance.  “Raised by demigods to save the demigods.  Not raised by titans to save the titans, now.”
Hades felt rather than saw Zeus leave his dais and come to stand next to him, near-mesmerised by the Fates.  Daughters of Nyx, primordial in a way that the gods could never match, not even his brother ruled over them, for all that he had been known to pretend otherwise.
“What does that mean?” Zeus barked, metaphorical feathers well and truly ruffled by the words.
“Bob will aid Olympus in her time of need,” Atropos proclaimed.  “Because Olympus aided him.”
It was not a prophecy.  Prophecies were slippery, convoluted, and could mean any one of a myriad of possibilities at any given moment, according to Apollo, who was wide-eyed beside him.  Hades almost wondered if the god of prophecy was seeing anything, or if he was simply overwhelmed by the pure, simple, Fact of Fate.
Olympus aided Bob, so Bob would aid Olympus.
It almost felt too simple, given the trials he and Apollo had gone through to retrieve the titan from Tartarus, but for all he hated – still hated – prophecies, Hades could no more defy Fate than anyone else.
Between one moment and the next, the Fates disappeared, their message delivered.  Zeus jerked, as if only just realising that he had stepped down to join Hades and Apollo standing on the floor like mere gods and not the king of the gods, but did not back away.
“It appears the Fates have decreed your ill advised sojourn a boon for the future of Olympus,” he said, sounding like he had tasted something foul.  “That does not mean I approve of your actions,” because of course Zeus could not admit he might have been wrong about something.  It had been smart of the Fates, Hades mused, to wait until they had no further audience to intervene, else Zeus would have become apocalyptic.
As it was, he was clearly furious at being corrected in front of Hades and Apollo – two gods he had not trusted in millennia.  “There will be no repeat of this,” he ordered.  “The Ancient Laws are not to be broken, and I will not suffer any more offences, do you understand me?”
It was Apollo he glared at, as though Apollo was the one most likely to break it again.  Hades supposed he was not wrong; the entire quest had been Apollo’s planning, for all that it had been Hades’ own, free choice to return to the Pit himself.  His son shifted uncomfortably.
“Yes, Father,” he murmured.
“I do not care to meddle with mortal affairs further,” Hades said before Zeus could either pin him with his crackling glare, or gloss over him as though his words did not matter.  He saw no reason why he would, regardless, at least, not unless Nico ended up in a similarly dire situation and intervention was necessary, but he hoped the Fates would spare his son from any further hardship; he had been though more than enough already.
There was no need to antagonise Zeus over it further.
“See that you do not,” Zeus muttered in a way that was clearly supposed to be ominous, then disappeared in a flash of lightning.
Apollo sighed, the sound ever so slightly shaky.
“That went better than I expected,” he said, tone deceptively light.  Hades snorted.
“We were fortunate,” he said, glancing at Poseidon’s empty throne.  Without the presence of his other brother, deliberately antagonising Zeus and dividing his attention, things could have gone very differently.  Hades was still certain that Zeus would not have been able to inflict any real damage upon them, but there were other ways to cause grief.  “Come, let us leave before my brother decides he is not feeling so merciful, after all.”  Not that mercy was truly accurate a term for the situation, but he was well aware that on Olympus, in the heart of the sky that was Zeus’ domain, his brother was still no doubt capable of hearing everything that they said.
Apollo did not even hesitate to follow Hades as he swept his way out of the throne room and down the streets of Olympus until he reached the locked door to the Underworld.  No doubt, he was eager to see his sons again, now that the threat of his father’s retribution had lessened somewhat.
Not completely – Zeus’ paranoia would not be completely overridden by the Fates’ words.  He had fallen too far into its clutches over the millennia, far enough that Hades did not think it was possible for him to climb back out again.  But somewhat, enough to allow a respite as they slipped away from the whites of Olympus and returned to the darkness of the Underworld.
Chapter 31>>
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godsofhumanity · 2 years
Kronos: Am I going too far? Iapetus: No, no, no. You went too far about seven hours ago. Now you're going to prison.
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percabeth4life · 1 year
22, iapetus/percy please
"I've seen the way you look at me when you think I don't notice."
Percy didn't know how exactly he'd gotten into this situation. They were enemies. Like yeah Iapetus was... well good looking, powerful, cool, intelligent- not that any of that mattered.
They were enemies.
Enemies who currently had to work together because the Titans hated their mom only helping their half-siblings and their mom was pissed that they weren't siding with her and so we were all trapped in Tartarus together but Percy and his best friend Annabeth had gotten separated (Gods he hoped she was okay, he couldn't live with himself if she died down here-) and now he was with Iapetus and Iapetus was very good looking and was very smart and-
And they were enemies.
They were enemies and he was currently pressed against a wall with Iapetus smirking down at him (bastard was tall and damn it if that wasn't hot).
"What?" he managed to squeak out, not focusing on Iapetus' arm pressed above his head or his vicious and very pretty smirk and glittering eyes and-
"I've seen the way you look at me when you think I don't notice," Iapetus repeated, head tilted and practically oozing smugness. "I do have eyes."
"Hadn't noticed," Percy choked out, definitely not looking at his shining silver eyes that seemed brighter than the fucking moon right then.
Iapetus laughed, leaning closer.
"Yeah," Percy snipped. "Here I was thinking you used echolocation to get around."
"Would be a fun method I'm sure," he crooned. "But no, I have eyes and I see how your eyes drift."
"Dunno what you mean," Percy insisted again.
No matter what feelings he had towards Iapetus, they were enemies and Iapetus wasn't exactly known for being nice to his enemies. He was pretty, powerful, intelligent, and oh so dangerous. That was a bad combo. Definitely bad. Percy did not swoon a bit whenever Iapetus did something devastatingly powerful no he did not.
Iapetus' spear tapped the ground and Percy swallowed.
"No idea? Your eyes just lock onto me for fun?"
"We're enemies," Percy said, voicing the thought that he'd been screaming at himself the last three days. "Just have a truce."
Just a truce, Hyperion had said when he'd proposed the team up.
Just a truce, Annabeth had agreed when they'd accepted the assistance.
Just a truce, Iapetus had promised when he'd gutted an enemy trying to take Percy's head off.
Just a truce, Percy had reminded himself when he'd desperately wanted to see if Iapetus' abs were has hard as they looked.
"It is just a truce," Iapetus agreed. "But then, I might be inclined to keep such a pretty little demigod."
Percy did not flush at that. He did not. If he did it was out of anger, not- not something warm and flattered and flustered. He was angry not guilty hopeful.
They were enemies.
"We've still gotta escape Tartarus," he said very solemnly and not in a squeak at all.
"Hmm," Iapetus leaned down, his mouth brushing Percy's ear. "I suppose we do, pretty demigod. But who knows what will happen after."
He pulled back with a positively wolfish smile and then stepped back, gracious and elegant and radiating smugness.
Percy took a long moment to force himself to take deep breaths and to not melt into the ground.
Send me a number and a pairing
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ddarker-dreams · 9 months
Nexus Database.
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[... Loading.]
[... Top secret clearance required to continue].
By accessing this data, you hereby enter into a binding agreement that prevents the unauthorized disclosure of the contents within. Any failure to abide by this may result in you forfeiting your IPC-provided healthcare, 401k, security clearance, and the immediate termination of your rights (see p. 64 for more information).
Please sign to proceed.
("Hey, Kafka, check it out. The IPC gives their employees healthcare but the Stellaron Hunters can't? What's up with that?"
"You're free to work for them if you prefer. I'll even write a letter of recommendation."
"Hm... it says their PTO is eleven days a year, birthdays included. Sounds boring. That's not even enough time to get halfway through a RPG's character creation screen."
"I sincerely thank you for preventing a high turnover rate.")
Nexus index.
A title referring to a group of mind-altering practitioners on Eris. They are purveyors of vivid ‘experiences’ who unchain the psyche from its limitations. While not categorized as a faction in the traditional sense, many revere the Aeon of The Ideal, Noct. One must undergo a strict regimen for a minimum of fifty years and pass multiple specialized exams to earn the designation. It is theorized that their proclivity for interacting with the psyche of others is owed to a lineage that drank heavily from the Nectary. 
Days on Eris are referred to as a ‘cycle’. Each cycle is the equivalent of forty hours passing on Earth. 
A cold planet far from the stars. 
A great many Amber Eras ago, the IPC faced a pressing issue. The prisons under their jurisdiction which held long-living species hemorrhaged through funds. The menial labor they output could not break even with the tremendous cost of upkeep. Louis Fleming gathered his best minds and devised a plan. They would send out fleets to search the universe for a planet far away from populated civilizations, build a compound, then herd half the prisoners with an expected lifespan of over 200 Trailblazer Years. This facility would not be operated manually. Instead, primitive automatons would oversee basic services and function as guards. 
This experiment’s intended goal was for the population to slowly die off over time, far away from any critical eyes that could witness their plight. If this proved to be an effective method, they would repeat the process until prisoners with inconveniently long lifespans no longer posed a problem. 
A barren planet was found and given the codename #01. 
A compound named Perianth was built and touted by the IPC to be a ‘revolutionary breakthrough in criminal rehabilitation’. In reality, the prisoners faced inhumane conditions. Complaints were recorded and never sent up the chain of command, overcrowding occurred despite there being unused sections of the compound, and the infinite night brought about depressive moods. 
In accordance with the IPC’s hopes, a prison riot broke out and the automatons did little to suppress it. The faction used this as an excuse to absolve themselves of any further involvement. The planet was in total anarchy, they claimed. Too dangerous to approach. Other cruisers were advised against even traveling near it.  
The inhospitable land proved to be a formidable foe. Perianth had the means to sustain itself for a time, but the first generation faced trying circumstances. Up against the eternal night, bitter cold, and dwindling rations, a group of four explorers made the daring expedition into the unknown. These four were named Erebos, Rhea, Iapetus, and Soter. Their initials would later be used to name this once condemned planet ‘E.R.I.S’, later simplified as Eris. The quartet ventured out with minimal provisions and an ironclad will. Those who stayed behind thought the brave volunteers would surely perish, as would they not long after. 
They trekked through the cragged granite terrain without any real navigation. The night could be warded off with fire and flickering flashlights, but these tools weren’t meant to last. Time passed and no progress was made. It is said that Erebos instructed the others to amputate limbs so as not to fully succumb to the cold’s avarice. They had long since consumed their last ration, hunger threatened to swallow them in its awaiting belly.
Until they came upon an opening to a cave with soft lights inside. This area would later go on to be named the Nectary. 
Journeying deeper into this timely oasis, the destitute group was amazed at the sights they saw. Gems embedded into the walls emanated an amber glow, and vegetation lined the floor, which fauna could be seen grazing upon. They feasted upon the tarte fruit growing inside until they could eat no more. Rejuvenated, they continued the trek, all the while grabbing everything they could carry. A sweet aroma wafted through the air the further they descended. At last, they discovered a vast underground lake that stretched out as far as the eye could see. The liquid cradled within was mostly transparent. When the light hit it at just the right angle, shimmering golden flecks became visible.  
The four were astounded by what they witnessed. Some wondered if it was all a dream, and that when they woke, everything they had gained would be lost. They would later testify that after sharing in this fear, a tender, otherworldly voice crooned directly into their subconscious. 
To Erebos, it said, “To dream is a sacred thing.” 
To Rhea, “Don’t fear it. Welcome it, rejoice in it, and shed no tears when it is finished.” 
To Iapetus, “I will grant you my purest blessing. While I slumber, find rest in me.” 
And finally, to Soter, “Drink my ichor. Then you too can have the sweetest of dreams.”
Later, the Genius Society would theorize the quartet had heard musings from the Aeon of The Ideal, known as Noct. 
They were hailed as heroes upon their triumphant return. Bit by bit, piece by piece, plans were drafted to utilize what was found in the Nectary to its fullest potential. 
And so the IPC’s greatest eyesore was born. 
Exalted Arbiter
The Exalted Arbiter is a revered title passed down from generation to generation in the Phaeales Clan, descendants of Rhea. The Exalter Arbiter boasts profound proficiencies in their field. Very little is known about the details of their upbringing. One anonymous source claims that they cannot interact with anyone aside from their parents until they’re 100 Trailblazer Years old. If an Exalted Arbiter has more than a single child, the one who tests with the highest aptitude inherits the title. 
Located in the Thelx quadrant. 
The only licensed institution on Eris where Arbiters can legally practice their craft. Beings from almost every faction travel across the universe to come here. It is rumored that the current waiting list to become a client is in the range of twenty to thirty Trailblazer Years. No one knows for certain how much a single Synalink session costs, due to the contracts clients sign swearing themselves to secrecy. Suggestions range from trillions of credits, to organs, and even ‘siphoning years off a client’s life’. The LOTUS-EATER denies these claims. 
The Intelligentsia Guild describes this as a sort of ‘empathetic bond’ that opens up channels of communication from the Arbiter to their client. It is categorized into two phases: a low-level link and a regular link. A white ring forms around the client’s pupils once any link has been made. A low-level link allows the Arbiter to better sense the emotional state of their client and gauge if they are ready for the next steps. In this phase, they offer suggestions that help make the client’s psyche more malleable. Ethical concerns have been raised that Arbiters can use this to control the client against their will, but this was found to be highly improbable. During the regular link phase, the Arbiter prepares the basic building blocks for the request the client has made. 
The miraculous finding that saved the first generation of prisoners from extinction. 
Nectary’s tonic
The Nectary’s tonic is the widely used name for the liquid found within the Nectary. Arbiters who have completed their training are told its original name is ‘Ichor’. It serves an identical function to water, except in its untreated form, cannot freeze at any temperature. Historical texts attributed many miracles to the tonic, such as the rumor it could raise the dead back to life. While it is unlikely these tales are true, it is universally accepted in the realm of academics that the tonic lost its initial miraculous potency over the Amber Aeons since its discovery. Regardless, its remaining benefits in the present day make it a highly sought over commodity. These benefits range from healthy, dew-like skin, to a greatly stronger immune system. 
All attempts at manufacturing a synthetic version have unanimously ended in failure. 
A humanoid species native to Eris. Their most prominent physical attribute is the white ring around their pupils. Generations of natural selection honed the Nymphalian’s physiology to suit their planet better. Their bodies can endure freezing climates and their eyesight is honed in the dark. The average lifespan ranges from 500 to 700 Trailblazer Years. 
Perianth II
The capital of Eris and the main bustling hub of activity. The original Perianth was destroyed in an IPC-funded insurrection, however, the Nymphalians have proved themselves to be nothing if not resilient. Scraps were scavenged and a new, better city was built. It is sectioned into four main quadrants — Arc, Thelx, Ade, and Mele. Though the night is infinitely dark, the city itself twinkles like a starry sky.
“It can be anything… you can be anything. You can converse with Aeons. Raise a family with a lover who would never have glanced your way in reality. Conquer planets, rule galaxies, turn the universe itself into your playground. After experiencing this… is there any way to live as you once did…?” -Unclassified fragment from a former LOTUS-EATER client’s journal
The highest form of a link. Hundreds of years can be lived out in a dreamscape while only sacrificing a few minutes in reality. It is the Arbiter’s crowning achievement. Although she’ll vehemently deny it, Herta is said to have based the proof of concept for her Simulated Universe on the Synalink. The phenomena earns drastically different reactions. Some condemn it, others praise it, and most doubt it’s even possible. 
The Hounds
A derogatory term referring to the IPC. Popular among Nymphalians.
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aroaceleovaldez · 1 year
Actually, another thing - I found this quote while looking at misc stuff (from TLT):
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[ID: A quote from The Lightning Thief - “Grover hesitated. ‘Percy, children of the Big Three have powers greater than other half-bloods. They have a strong aura, a scent that attracts monsters. When Hades found out about the girl, he wasn’t too happy about Zeus breaking his oath. Hades let the worst monsters out of Tartarus to torment Thalia. A satyr was [...]” ]
Hades. Can apparently just. Let things out of Tartarus, if he wants. At any time. He is in charge of this. This is from the first book.
Why the hell is Nico bothering to go on a quest to rescue Bob/Iapetus from Tartarus if his dad can apparently literally just let things out of Tartarus whenever he wants? Bob is LITERALLY an employee of Hades’, PLUS we know from the ENTIRE FIRST SERIES that Titans can just normally get out of Tartarus on their own! It just takes them a little bit! Heck, every single monster can get out of Tartarus with a little bit of time, and they’re ALL IMMORTAL, so it doesn’t matter how much time it takes! That’s the ENTIRE POINT!
Like, I know a lot of people are wondering why Percy has to bother with the Chalice of the Gods arc, which is another great point because that’s also a completely null arc (Percy definitely has at least 3 gods he can contact quickly who may owe him enough to write him a letter of recommendation. Does Grover count since he has the spirit of Pan? If that’s the case, would Percy count too? And Percy was the eye of Nekhbet that one time - does the letter of recommendation have to be from a Greco-Roman god? Could Percy write two of his own letters of recommendation? Could he call up Sadie and Carter to ask for some Egyptian gods to write him letters? He has their numbers! They live in Brooklyn! He could swing by!), but even TSATS is??? questionable as to why they’re bothering??? It seems like the most complicated and dangerous way to go about a rather simple solution, or to just wait a little bit.
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msweebyness · 3 months
MiracOlympus- Theatre Deities
Here’s the next batch of gods! The theater class! Enjoy! @artzychic27 @imsparky2002
Goddess of joy and cheer
Can find a silver lining in any situation, negativity is a foreign concept
Personal cheerleader for any deity who needs it
Impossible not to smile around her
Great at talking people through their problems
God of death
Everything he says is morbid in some way, but he’s still a snark king
Only smiles around Jesse, otherwise he’s a dark cloud
Black Hair, black wings, black everything
SCARY when he’s mad
Muse of theater, specifically tragedy
Just as dramatic as his twin, Jean
Will start crying at the drop of a hat
Kind of a pessimist, worries a lot
Seeing him smile is a rare gift
Muse of history and records
Keeps METICULOUS files of all happenings on Earth and Olympus
Can be a bit OCD about her records
Can recite an unbelievable amount of trivia
Can be persuaded to sing with her siblings
Deity of Craft and artistic skill
Always working on some new project
Super critical of her own work
Loves visiting earth to find new materials
Can make anything into a fun art project
Godex of Retribution
Can be persuaded to forgive, but NEVER forgets
Believes very strongly in fairness and just punishment
Gives the most savage burns
Refuses to lose an argument
Goddess of order and lawfulness
The Responsible One™��
Huge stickler for the rules of the divine order
Gets stressed when things go off course
Aggie, Alix and Ismael drive her up the wall
God of wild creatures and nature
VERY protective of all wildlife
Sweet as a kitten with his friends and Evie
Doesn’t like being inside
Has some animal features, i.e. feline eyes, claws, etc.
Goddess of witchcraft and magic
Still gothic and theatrical as heck
Has a potion or spell for everything
Only likes to come out at night
Everyone is at least a little scared of her
Goddess of daring and impulse
Will NEVER turn down a dare
Harbinger of chaos
Giving the other gods heart attacks on the reg
Lacey’s parkour bestie
Goddess of the dawn
Wakes up the world with encouragement and affection
Still a romantic, Rose’s matchmaking buddy
Biggest morning person ever
Dresses like the sunrise
God of the east wind and fall weather
Quietest and most restrained of the winds
Still a nervous wreck, tbh
Tries to wrangle his fellow winds as best he can
Can be intense when it’s needed
Has wings like a falcon
Goddess of strength and fortitude
Can deadlift just about anything
Always up to fight for a good cause
Can be VERY stubborn
Best workout coach
Goddess of the ether and gloom
Emotions are impossible to read
Likes to hang out in the shadows
Still snarky like no other
Hangs in the Underworld most of the time
Muse of song and lyric poetry
Voice so pure it will make you cry
Still very proper, but cuts loose when singing
Master of wrangling her siblings
Writes love songs for Brecken
Deity of dreams
Half-awake 90% of the time
Things they say are confusing, but also profound
Cannot stop falling asleep
Keeps a dream journal for the whole world, great at interpretation
Goddess of prudence and deliberation
Consistent voice of reason on Olympus
Does complex math problems or puzzles to relax
Not the most versed in emotion, but a good listener
Always has at least three plans
Muse of science and space
Spends hours locked in her lab, working on countless experiments
Never goes anywhere without their telescope
Infodumps about the periodic elements
Is very…intense when curious about something
Goddess of health and medicine
Will punt any of her fellow deities if they’re not taking care of themselves
She cares, it’s just aggressively
Serves as Olympus’ doctor, nurse, physical therapist, nutritionist, etc.
Snarky, but it’s out of love
Leave your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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anticomedygarden · 1 year
everyone goes south, every now and then
title from billy joel's 'the stranger'
based on this post on my main
thanks @queeremochaos for the push to write this!
“I don’t care how you phrase it, I’m not gonna endorse you going back to Tartarus,” Percy said, voice already sharper than it was fifteen minutes ago when Nico had first entered his and Annabeth’s apartment. 
He and Will were visiting their friends in New Rome for a much needed break. Well, as much as it could be considered a break when Will kept trying to go ‘check out the infirmary’. Nico knew what that meant: work. He had finally relented after three days, however, and Will was getting a guided tour of Camp Jupiter’s medical facilities while Nico hung out with Percy and Jason. 
“It’s not like I’m asking you to go,” he grumbled. And he wasn’t! He just wanted to see Iapetus again. He hadn’t even asked Will yet. 
Abruptly, Percy slammed down the bowl he was mixing batter in, and Nico jumped. “It doesn’t matter, Nico! Tartarus is literally hell! All three of us barely survived. Why would you want to go back?”
Wide-eyed, Nico just blinked at him for a moment. It took a lot to get Percy mad at his friends, but it seemed Nico had pressed the right buttons. He always had been good at that. 
At the table, Jason also looked shocked at their friend’s outburst, though Nico almost told him not to bother. Jason hadn’t been there for those first couple years of Nico and Percy’s relationship and therefore had no idea the extent of anger they could level at each other. 
The son of Hades looked back at Percy. “I just wanna fix the mess that you left behind.”
Next to him, Jason gasped, but Nico didn’t wait around to see Percy’s reaction. He ran out the door into the hallway and was halfway down the steps when Jason caught up with him. 
“Go away,” Nico bit out, and continued down the stairs. 
Panting slightly (had Nico really been going that fast?), Jason said, “I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
Of course he did. Because Jason was Rome’s little golden boy who had never been mean to anyone in his life. “I’m fine.”
“I don’t believe you,” he responded, jogging faster to cut in front of the black-haired boy.
Nico pushed past him. “I don’t need you to check on me like a child.”
Jason frowned. “You are a child.”
He snorted. As if. “Well, you’ve done it, so you can go check on Percy now. I know you’re going to.”
The son of Jupiter sighed. “You’re right, but that doesn’t mean I care any less about your answer.” He paused. “And what you said to him was pretty bad.”
Nico waved him off. “By tomorrow, he’ll have apologized for getting mad, I’ll feel bad for being mean, and neither of us will care anymore.” Such was the nature of their relationship, especially since the Giant War had ended, much to the chagrin of Will and Annabeth who were often caught in the middle of their arguments. 
Jason looked at him skeptically. “I don’t understand you two.”
“Join the club.”
Nico turned to leave, and Jason shouted after him, “I also don’t think you should go to Tartarus!”
He threw up a middle finger. “Tell me something I don’t know!”
Once Nico was out of the building, he just started walking, not really caring where he went. Somehow, he ended up running into Leo Valdez outside the engineer building at New Rome University. 
“Neeks!” he exclaimed. “What are you doing here?”
Nico had to take a moment to process being near so much energy with so little good mood left. “Me and Will are visiting New Rome for the week. What are you doing here?”
His eyes lit up. “I’m helping Jason and Annabeth with the minor gods temple project.”
Nico cocked his head. “But Annabeth’s in class and Jason’s at Percy’s?”
“I know, I was just checking out the engineering building.” He got a guarded look on his face. “Don’t tell anyone, but I might be in there a lot next year.”
Nico’s eyebrows flew up. “You’re thinking about going to NRU?” That was a surprise. He’d thought Leo was permanently camped out in Indiana with Calypso at the Waystation. 
Leo put his index finger against his mouth. “Calypso and I broke up.”
Nico blinked at him. “What?”
He nodded, brown curls tipping forward into his face, and Nico noticed that he didn’t look too upset. The breakup was either amicable, or it happened a while ago. “Yeah, she needed some time to be by herself without being tied to anyone.”
“And you?”
He smiled. “Let’s just say, there’s someone here I have my eye on.” He shook his head. “Enough about that. What’s got you all huffy?”
Nico wrinkled his nose at the description, though he knew from Will that it was probably dead-on. “I’m mad at Percy.”
Leo laughed. “Why does that not surprise me?”
Nico glared at him. 
“What was it this time?” Apparently Leo had a better grasp of their relationship than Jason did. 
Nico hesitated to answer since he was sure Leo would be on the same side as Jason and Percy. “He doesn’t want me to go to Tartarus.” He felt his face redden. 
Leo huffed a laugh. “Seriously, what is it?” When Nico stared at him, his eyes widened. “You’re not joking.”
Before the self-righteous lecture he knew was coming could start, Nico opened his mouth to defend himself. “I just want to see if Iapetus is still there and if I can bring him back.”
Surprisingly, Leo licked his lips, considering. “Ookay, so you wanna go back to hell?” His head bobbed. “That’s…cool.”
Nico nodded. “Yeah, and it’s not like this time would be as bad as last time. Now, I know what to expect, so I’ll be prepared.”
“That’s certainly one way to look at it.” Leo’s eyebrow furrowed, and Nico knew he had lost him. “But - and hear me out - maybe Tartarus isn’t something you can prepare for?”
“That’s what Will said,” Nico grumbled. When he had told his boyfriend about his idea, he’d barely gotten the words ‘Tartarus’ and ‘I wanna go’ out before Will was shutting him down. 
Leo thrust out his hands, palms up. “You should listen to him!” Nico rolled his eyes, but Leo continued. “What exactly did you say to Percy to make him so mad?”
Nico blushed and muttered something vaguely adjacent to the words he had thrown at the son of Poseidon, and Leo said, “What?”
Nico glared at him. “I told him I wanted to fix his mess.”
Leo stumbled. “Yeah, I can definitely see why he would take offense to that.”
Nico threw up his hands. “You’re no help.”
Pretty soon, Leo had to go meet Annabeth and Jason to talk about building plans, so Nico followed the smell of hot chocolate after his stomach started grumbling, thinking he could at least make Will happy by eating lunch. 
He soon realized that was a mistake, however, as the second he stepped into the cafe, he was met with an outlandish leopard print shirt attached to a tan, middle aged man. “Lord Dionysus? What are you doing in New Rome?”
Immediately, the god shushed him and pushed him into a booth, panic written in the lines on his face. Eyes darting around the room, he visibly relaxed when it seemed no one was looking at them. “You’re going to get me recognized, boy.” He took a slurp from the drink in his hand, an aggressively pink thing with ice cubes floating in it. “Call me Dio if you must call me anything.”
Too confused to disagree, Nico nodded. “How are you here?”
Dionysus slurped his drink again. “The drinks here are to die for.” He waved his hand, and an identical cup appeared in front of Nico. When he hesitated, Dionysus raised an eyebrow. “Drink.”
Nico peered down at the flimsy paper straw and cautiously took a sip. It wasn’t half bad. He took another sip. “So, what, they don’t have coffee shops on Olympus?”
Dionysus wrinkled his nose. “Those dastardly shops only serve all organic ambrosia now that Iris has taken over.” The god drank some more of his beverage, and Nico had to bite back a laugh at how ridiculous the divine man looked sipping bright pink liquid from a paper straw. 
Nico tried again. “I thought you couldn’t be in your Greek form here without going insane.”
“You forget, boy, that I am the god of insanity,” Dionysus answered. “And some things are worth the risk. Like Mango dragon fruit.” He took a loud slurp. 
Nico supposed that made sense, though he vividly remembered Jason describing Dionysus and Bacchus being one of the split gods during the war that had trouble retaining either form. And the drink wasn’t that good. 
“I also heard that fight you just had with Poseidon’s boy, and I must say, I agree with him.”
The drink suddenly turned to ash in his mouth. He coughed, then winced, knowing his next words could get him turned into a dolphin but knowing he couldn’t stop them. “Why do you care?” 
Fortunately, Dionysus didn’t seem to be too preoccupied with Nico’s disrespectful behavior. He appeared to think for a moment, though, knowing Dionysus, he could have just been warding off brain freeze. (Did gods get brain freeze? He’d have to ask Apollo next time he visited Camp.) “Contrary to what I have said before, and, honestly, how I felt for much of the last century, I have come to care for you unruly children I was regrettably placed in charge of.”
“I certainly feel cared for.”
Nico shook his head. “I still want to go. I have to know if Iapetus is alive.”
“A noble quest.” Finally reaching the end of his drink, Dionysus looked to the side, an odd expression on his face. “Are you sure it will be worth it?”
To stop feeling the guilt eating away at him, to stop the nightmares that still plagued him? “Yes.”
Dionysus leaned forward. “I’ll be sure to tell your boyfriend that when he’s standing over your corpse.”
Nico refused to listen to any more. He knew what he needed, and he knew if he didn’t go, he would never find closure, and he also knew from experience that that was no way to live. “We’re done here.” 
Grabbing his drink, he stood to leave, but Dionysus seemingly had one more thing to tell him. “Careful, boy. One day, you’ll need my help, and I might not be feeling so generous.”
He could unpack that later. For now, he walked right out the door, leaving Dionysus sipping a new drink, this one purple, and staring after him. 
Nico walked until he found an alley and ducked into it to catch his breath, just then noticing the droplets of rain dotting his bare arms. Suddenly, there was a loud clap of thunder, and the drizzle turned into a deluge, soaking him instantly. He looked up at the sky. “Fuck you!”
It only rained harder. 
Across New Rome in the Camp Jupiter dining area, Will Solace was having a lovely conversation with fifth cohort Centurion Hazel Levesque. 
“So,” she was saying, “what did you think of the infirmary?” Now that she had seen Camp Half-Blood and gotten a chance to really explore it, Hazel had confessed to being worried that some of their facilities weren’t up to standard, though one look at the infirmary had Will assuring her that her worries were unfounded. 
“It was great. I really loved the organization you have going on in there,” he said. Privately, he added that it was far better than he expected. For some reason, when he thought of the Camp Jupiter infirmary, he had been worried it would be reminiscent of a medical tent like the ones they had brought with them during the Giant War, but thankfully, they had a real building as well. 
All of a sudden, his phone buzzed, and he smiled sheepishly at Hazel. “Sorry, it’s from Nico.” He quickly scanned the message. “He’s upset with Percy and Jason.” 
Hazel frowned. “Why?” 
Still looking at his phone, Will said, “He didn’t say.” Then, he looked up but almost immediately looked back down when his phone buzzed again. “He’s also upset with Leo.” There was another buzz. “And Dionysus.” It buzzed a final time. “And Zeus.”
Hazel laughed, and Will laughed with her. “Of course he is.”
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silentspacenstuff · 4 months
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I've mentioned this character a number of times before, but now she's finally getting a proper introduction.
Name: Callisto Alioth Age: at the time she and Warp meet, she appears to be around 24 Earth years old; however, she is chronologically at least ten thousand years old   Sex: Female Species: Ezzari Height: 4'9" Weight: 122 lbs Orientation: Straight Occupation: Prior to being cryogenically frozen and sent from her homeworld, an apprentice priestess to her grandmother Amaltheia; after her rescue from a slave auction, a maid in the house of Warp Darkmatter Homeworld: unknown Love interest: Warp Darkmatter Family: Amaltheia (grandmother, deceased), Iapetus (father, deceased), Capella (mother, deceased), Blaze (son) Backstory:
Callisto was a member of the Ezzari, an ancient alien race that was one of the most powerful and advanced of its time; they were especially well-known for their creation of a unique and powerful fusion crystal made with an ingredient found only on their homeworld and known only to themselves. However, there came a time when the mighty Ezzari civilization would fall, and their numbers would be decimated. Callisto was placed in a cryogenesis capsule by her father Iapetus, in the hopes that his daughter would be spared the genocide of their people.
Approximately ten thousand years later, her capsule would be found in the jungle of Talera-5 by a team of archeologists, who took pity on the frightened young woman and allowed her to stay with them. Several days later, one of those archeologists would turn out to be a slave trader and sell Callisto to a black market dealer on Tradeworld to be sold at an auction.
When Callisto was brought out on the auction stage, the bidders were intrigued by the exotic beauty before them, especially a Raenok general named Skurj. Several bids were made for the young Ezzari woman, but Skurj managed to retain the highest bid until a muscular blue-skinned man by the name of Warp Darkmatter outbid him at the last minute. Though relieved the Raenok wouldn't be taking her, Callisto was by no means thrilled about being a slave to this cocky brute of a man and made several attempts at escaping from him once he brought her to his home. Though Warp would be injured by her during some of these attempts, he couldn't help but admire her fiery spirit in spite of his frustration.
In an attempt to win her trust, Warp decided to keep his distance from Callisto for awhile, but would leave her gifts by a garden pool she liked to sit by. She remained wary of him, but began to allow him to come closer. One day, while Callisto was massaging Warp's back, the latter noticed the former staring at a decorative urn with great interest.
"Oh, you like that old thing, eh? I found it on one of the moons of Altaari and thought it looked interesting. I have no idea what those odd scribbles all over it are supposed to mean, though."
"I - I know what it means," Callisto responded timidly. "It is in the language of my people." She began to translate the writing on the urn, while Warp listened with great interest.
From that moment on, the two of them would spend more time together, with Callisto telling Warp stories about her world and the Ezzari, and Warp entertaining Callisto with tales of his adventures across the galaxy. However, there came a time when Callisto told Warp something that would be the beginning of the end of the happiest time of his life since joining Zurg. 
"I'm pregnant."
Warp was of course shocked, but also happy he was going to be a father. Callisto, though also happy about her upcoming motherhood, knew something she didn't want her lover to know, fearing if he did know it would endanger her unborn child's life. So she kept it a secret, even as she grew more weak and tired as her pregnancy progressed. Warp was of course concerned, but Callisto assured him she was fine. The day came when a healthy baby boy was born to Warp and Callisto. As Callisto held her son for the first (which would also be the last) time, her smile faded and a tear slid down her cheek. Warp asked if something was wrong, to which Callisto responded, "It's nothing. I'm just tired. Do you think you could take him while I rest awhile?" Warp of course obliged, then asked if she knew what she wanted to named their son, to which she responded, "How about ... Blaze?"
Those were Callisto's last words before she closed her eyes.
She never awakened after that. 
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command and related characters (c) Disney and Pixar Callisto here is mine.
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newathens · 8 months
i just read what you said recently about nyx’s writing in tsats feeling sexist… i’m probably tripping but i always feel like rick makes goddesses either crazy or irredeemably evil while gods get to be complex, funny or have some kind of redemption. like be for real why would a primordial goddess be obsessed with nico💀
he honestly has a habit of doing this and it’s tricky. because his handling of women’s relationships in this series actually does deserve a degree of merit, but they often are left underdeveloped & do fall into stereotypes, but on the other hand greek gods are often centered on one over-dramatized trait so having them be stereotypical doesn’t necessarily have to be bad—so it ends up frustrating.
i don’t even mind that nyx is obsessed with nico, i just feel that she didn’t have to be. her obsession is reminiscent of the interest khione and medea have with jason (which is a whole topic of its own pls) so it has happened before, it just didn’t feel as if nyx’s obsession was justified enough. it came off rushed and unnecessary. there were plenty of other characters in tartarus that would have made formidable foes, and nico’s trauma did not have to be tied to defeating the villain. we ca. change and have realizations under high amounts of stress, and being in tartarus is stressful enough. nico was already processing his grief throughout the book, so there was no reason to have nyx try to keep him in a box, he was already getting himself out of it. her purpose would have been better served using iapetus to try and get herself out of tartarus
also nyx trying to stop iapetus from changing is redundant because of the nature of immortals in greek myth but that’s another thing
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iapetusneume · 4 months
[fic] Vitium
Title: Vitium Series: Warhammer 30,000/40,000 Pairings: Sanguinius/Roboute Guilliman/Lion el'Jonson Characters: Sanguinius, Roboute Guilliman, Lion el'Jonson Word Count: 3652 Story Summary:
"Afraid I'll fly away?" Sanguinius asked flatly. "Yes," Lion said. "You fly when you don't want to face what’s in front of you." Roboute moved to cover the door. "Sanguinius, what happened on Signus Prime? What did Horus do to you?"
Notes: Takes place between Unremembered Empire and Pharos. Written for Fic In A Box 2023.
Read it at Ao3
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wanderingmind867 · 3 months
Part 4 of my Greek family tree thing. I took a break from it because it was getting kind of dull and it required a lot of wikipedia searching. But I've come back for part 4. The least I can do is discuss the first 12 Titans briefly. So here we go (note: this took me nearly two hours to write):
Gaia and Ouranos had lots of children (including the Cyclopses and the hundred-handed ones) but their most famous children were the 12 Titans. Six male, six female. In order from oldest to youngest (well, with Oceanus as eldest and Kronos as the youngest. I don't know the others) they were:
Oceanus: Oceanus seems like the most gentle of all of Gaia and Ouranos's sons. Being the oldest, perhaps Oceanus had a maturity the others didn't. Oceanus didn't participate in the attack on his father (he was the only one of the six male titans who didn't participate in the attack), and he also didn't any sides during the first titan war. Perhaps this is why there's no indication Oceanus was punished in any significant way. Unlike his brothers, I'm assuming he got amnesty for staying neutral.
Tethys: Tethys would end up as Oceanus's wife. They were both Titans of the water. According to her wikipedia page, Tethys nursed Helios and Selene for her sister Theia. Her and Oceanus may have also raised Hera while Zeus was fighting Kronos. Wikipedia mentioned something about that.
Hyperion: Titan of Light, he is responsible for most of the gods that represent the cosmos. Him and his wife Theia had three kids: Helios (the Sun), Selene (the Moon) and Eos (the Dawn). Also, Hyperion was guardian of one of the pillars that held up the sky. Him, Crius, Coius and Iapetus were the four Titans in charge of holding up the sky. Hyperion got the Eastern Pillar, making him Titan of the East.
Theia: The Titan in control of sight and vision. Theia is responsible for making precious metals like gold and silver shine the way they do. She made them precious, I suppose you could say. Her and Hyperion were clearly a good pair. Light and Vision, two things very commonly associated with each other.
Coeus: Coeus is the forgotten titan. He's almost never mentioned in the Pjo books, his wikipedia page is much smaller than his brothers, Coeus is clearly very forgettable. Maybe it's because he was one of the middle kids in the titan family. Coeus was also the guardian of the Northern Pillar of the sky, making him Titan of the North. He may have also been the Titan of Knowledge. Apollo, Artemis and Hecate are his grandkids.
Phoebe: Wife of Coeus, Phoebe is also associated with Prophecy. Before her grandson Apollo, Phoebe was the guardian of the Oracle of Delphi. She gave it away to her grandson on one of his birthdays, the same way her sister Themis had given it to her years ago.
Crius/Krios: Titan of the Stars, one of his names (Krios specifically) was supposedly also the Greek word for Ram. Crius is another one that's easily forgotten, but at least he was briefly seem in the Pjo series (that's more than what Coeus got). Crius is also the Titan of the South, holding up the southern pillar of the sky.
Mnemosyne: Titan of memory, Mnemosyne stayed neutral in the Titan war (or fought for the Olympians). We know this because Mnemosyne is also the mother of the nine muses, who were born from Mnemosyne and Zeus.
Iapetus: Titan of Mortality and Craftsmanship, Iapetus was the Titan of the West. He may be seen as humanity's oldest ancestor. To the point where his four children (prometheus, epimetheus, atlas and menoetius) were seen as embodying some of humanity's worst aspects.
Themis: Titan of Justice and Law. Themis would go on to marry Zeus and become his second wife. Fun fact: Themis is still referenced a lot today. Whenever we refer to lady justice, we're probably talking about Themis.
Rhea: Mother of the gods, Rhea plays an important role in the history of Olympus. Also, let's be honest. Rhea probably had an awful life with a husband like Kronos.
Kronos: The youngest of the Titans, Kronos was also the worst of the lot. Kronos was probably the Titan/God of time (unless you think him and Chronos are two different people). Kronos may have also been the god of the harvest. But honestly, he'll always be known for castrating his father and trying to eat his children. Oh, and probably being an abusive husband with that track record.
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tsarisfanfiction · 10 months
Eclipse: Chapter 29
Fandom: Trials of Apollo Rating: Teen Genre: Family/Adventure Characters: Apollo, Hades Now we enter the part of the fic that was the most difficult to write - namely, tying all the plot threads together... Simultaneously the most satisfying and most irritating part of writing a longfic! I have a discord server for all my fics, including this one!  If you wanna chat with me or with other readers about stuff I write (or just be social in general), hop on over and say hi! <<Chapter 28
HADES XXIX Nico’s Favourite Janitor Returns
Hades hadn’t been certain if Apollo would accept his offer, but he remembered the pain in his nephew’s voice as he talked and sang about his deceased children in Tartarus and knew he’d had to make it.  Why he had been following Zeus’ rule about visiting Elysium he didn’t know, although there was some sense in restricting the gods’ access to the dead in case any more of them got it into their heads to try and bring some back.
The dead were, after all, his domain and he was not going to sit back and surrender the subjects of his realm to the whims of the other gods, especially those with no respect for death and its necessity.
Still, he could give Apollo the opportunity for some closure, for his nephew’s sake, and appreciated that while he could feel that the younger god had sent part of his essence to Elysium, where it was splintering out further and further as he began to find the souls he wanted to interact with, he had also stayed with them.  That would save hassle in waking William, and pacify Nico somewhat.
It was nothing short of a relief as the large, ornate black gates of his palace greeted him, swinging wide open as he approached.  Skeletons jumped to attention, lining the main path to the main doors as they passed through the courtyard.  This was Hades’ own palace, the heart of his domain where his word was law, and his essence finally settled into an appeased peace as he passed through the giant doors.
Apollo and Bob followed him, his nephew glancing around as though the opulence of the palace was strange to him, while Bob seemed perfectly at ease within its pitch dark walls and vibrant gemstone and precious metal décor.  Ordinarily, upon return – usually after one of his rarely-permitted visits to Olympus – Hades always headed straight for his throne room, settling on it and giving himself a moment to reassure himself that he was, still, powerful after the indignity of being given little more than a footstool amongst the twelve great thrones his brethren lounged upon.
Here, with Apollo and Bob after the trials of Tartarus, he had nothing to prove, neither to himself nor his audience.  Apollo deferred to him well enough within his own domain, not that his nephew had ever been one of the gods peacocking against him.  Peacocking in general, yes, but Apollo had never rubbed his status in his face like some of the other gods.  Hades had no need to reaffirm his status; instead, he had a son to see.
The shadows around Nico’s door still held strong; Asclepius and, somewhat surprisingly, Thanatos appeared to have passed through to see the demigods while he had been in Tartarus, but neither Nico nor William had left.  Asclepius was still in the room, a spark of light against the general darkness.  Good; Hades hadn’t thought he would be foolish enough to try and escape, but it was nonetheless gratifying to see that he had not overestimated the younger god’s intelligence.
With a wave of his hand, he dismissed the shadows.
Nico’s door slowly swung inwards, and immediately there was movement from within.  Before it finished opening, his son was there, drawn sword in his hand.
Directly behind him was William, who was somehow awake and no longer in the coma Hades clearly remembered Apollo singing him into.  From their postures, it was clear that William did not intend on being behind Nico, but that Hades’ son had given him no choice in the matter.  The son of Apollo did not look particularly impressed, but that expression faded into something else, wide eyed as he looked past Hades and at his companions.
Hades was not particularly interested in William’s reaction.  He was more interested in Nico’s, as his son looked up at him, dark eyes a mix of resentful and… relieved?  Hades didn’t know what to make of that.  Then Nico’s eyes slid sideways, skipping over where Apollo stood with barely a flicker of acknowledgement, before coming to a wide-eyed stop on Bob.
His voice was uncertain, almost a little shaky, and Hades didn’t miss the way that William tried to step up next to him, only for Nico to jut his shoulder out awkwardly, blocking him from getting any closer.  Was Nico… afraid?  After the way he’d been so determined to rescue the titan, fear was the last reaction he’d expected.  His son had never feared the titan while he swept the halls as a janitor, spending hours at a time sitting nearby, or even on Bob’s shoulder, talking with him as he worked.
Hades hadn’t approved at the time, but with no memories, Bob appeared to be no threat-
The Bob Nico knew had had no memories.  Before that, he’d met Iapetus, who had tried very hard to kill him prior to his Lethe bath.  Now, Nico did not know which version of the titan he was facing, although Hades hoped his son at least recognised that he would not allow the titan to stand behind him, let alone approach his son, if he believed there to be any threat.
“Nico,” Bob replied.  Hades stepped to the side slightly to allow the titan to take a step closer, still partially blocking just to be certain that Bob was not, at the last moment, going to turn, and also with the intent of providing a physical barrier for Nico’s own fears.  Bob knelt down to be closer to the demigods’ eye level.  “I am glad to see you again.”
Hades watched as his son assessed the titan, still not allowing William to draw level with him, much to the son of Apollo’s clear frustration, for several seconds.  To his credit, Bob did not move, or otherwise react, clearly aware that he ran a high possibility of spooking Nico should he move too quickly.
“How much do you remember?” Nico finally asked, meeting Bob’s eyes squarely, his shoulders still set and his grip on his sword sure.
Bob’s expression turned as soft as Hades had ever seen it.  “Everything,” he said honestly, remaining stock still as Nico’s knuckles whitened.  “My past as Iapetus, yes, but also my time as Bob, when you treated me with nothing but kindness and became my friend – a friend I gladly returned to the Pit to aid.  I would like to continue that friendship, Nico di Angelo, if you would let me.”
Nico’s eyes widened in clear shock, and his sword trembled in his hold.  “You… still want to be my friend?”
The titan smiled.  “You taught me a lot, about kindness and friendship, and those are things I would like to continue learning,” he said.  “It is true that I am not the amnesiac titan you befriended originally, but I would like to move on from my past and create a new future for myself.  I have put the name Iapetus behind me now, Nico.  My name is Bob.  I am the titan of the west, and, if you will still have me, your friend.”
An array of emotions crossed Nico’s open face, shock and disbelief leading before transforming into relief.  His shoulders slumped, and his sword disappeared back into the shadows.  “I’d like that, Bob,” he said, a bright smile spreading across his face.  It was not an expression Hades saw on his son very often, not since Maria and the Lethe and everything that had happened since his children had re-emerged from the Lotus Hotel.  He would not say that that smile alone was worth the trials of Tartarus he had gone through, but it certainly didn’t hurt.
“Glad we’ve got that sorted,” William commented, finally succeeding in pushing past Nico’s protruding shoulder and elbow to stand at his side.  The words were idle, but Hades had not missed the draining of tension from his body, either, once Bob had confirmed that he still wanted to be Nico’s friend.  Despite not being a fighter, the son of Apollo had clearly been prepared to take on the titan in Nico’s name if required.
It was a trait Hades approved of.
Bob turned his head to look at William, still remaining knelt at their height rather than standing up once more.  “You must be Phoebus’ son,” he said.  “I understand you would not let Nico come to find me alone.”
William paused for a moment, clearly unused to hearing his father called Phoebus despite it being one of his more commonly-used epithets, then scoffed.  “Of course I wouldn’t,” he said.  “Someone has to keep Mr Lord of Darkness here alive- oof!”
An elbow planted itself in the blond demigod’s gut, courtesy of Nico, who rolled his eyes fondly.
“This is Will,” he said, “my significant annoyance.”
“Otherwise known as my boyfriend,” he continued, sending William a quick look out of the corner of his eye that was almost sickeningly fond, before meeting Bob’s eyes again, a slight tenseness in his frame the only indication that he was worried about the titan’s reaction.  It was a marked difference to when he had told Hades – at the time, Hades had thought his son was ready to turn tail and flee after saying the words, and it had taken some quick reminders about the pantheon’s general lack of care for which genders others chose to pair up with to ease Nico into believing that Hades was not about to disown him, or worse, for falling in love with another boy.  Either he trusted Bob more than Hades in such matters, or it had started to sink in that homophobia was only so rampart in modern mortals.
A look of comprehension crossed Bob’s face, and his smile grew.  “I see,” he said warmly, turning to face William again.  The son of Apollo looked mildly disconcerted to be on the receiving end of a titan’s full focus, but stood his ground regardless, lacing his fingers with Nico’s.  “That explains things.”
Startled dark eyes turned to Hades and Apollo.  “You didn’t tell him?” Nico asked, clearly surprised.
“It wasn’t our place to tell,” Apollo replied before Hades could formulate a reply.  “Just because none of us have any issues with whichever genders or lack thereof someone might like, doesn’t mean it’s not a big deal for you,” he explained, his voice gentle as Nico gaped.  “Bob is your friend; you deserved to be the one to tell him.”
“I’m not ashamed of loving Will,” Nico hurried to clarify, as though either Hades or Apollo could have ever believed that.  To begin with, Nico had been nervous about it, yes, almost shy, but while Hades knew he had grappled with the internalised homophobia that had been impressed into him during his upbringing, William had never been a source of shame.
“We know,” Apollo reassured him, sliding past Hades and Bob to put his hand on Nico’s shoulder.  “It still wasn’t our place to tell.”
The residual strain of tension in Nico’s body slid away again, and Hades saw him offer Apollo a small smile.  “Thank you,” he said, before stepping back into his room, tugging William back with him.  The son of Apollo obeyed without complaint, and Hades stepped into the room after them, Apollo and Bob at his back.
Asclepius was sitting in the corner of the room, unobtrusive but sharp eyes watching the reunion.  Hades ignored him for the moment – he had other things to focus on.  The younger god’s punishment could wait for the time being.  If Asclepius had not tried to escape while Hades was otherwise occupied in Tartarus and unable to intervene, he would not try it now that Hades was back in the Underworld and fully in control of his domain once more.  He kept his attention on the demigods instead, who appeared to have got over their shock that Bob, despite regaining his memories, still counted Nico as a friend, and had instead moved into amazement that Bob was actually there, rescued and out of Tartarus.
William was, perhaps predictably given his parent, the one to ask the question.  “What came of the prophecy?” he began.  “You two were sunshine and darkness, right?  And the silver looks like that might have been Bob, but what about the rest?  The topaz and…”  He trailed off, clearly unwilling to voice the lines that had sounded most likely to be foretelling his own death yet begging them to tell him it was over and that he wasn’t in imminent danger of dying.
Hades looked at Apollo, seeing no reason to talk about prophecies when their god was present and actually seemed to care about the blasted things.  His nephew either took the hint, or was already intending on answering, because he began to talk without any prompting.
“The prophecy has completed,” he assured the demigods with a soft smile, to Hades’ mild surprise.  He had not been completely aware of that, although he had suspected it may have happened from the younger god’s countenance.  The relief on both children’s faces was palpable.  “Hades and I were indeed the sunshine and darkness from the first line, while Bob was the silver from the second.  Topaz referred to another titan – my grandfather, Koios, while the third line regarded Thanatos retrieving us with his Doors.”  He paused for a moment, and Hades could see the demigods gearing up for an interruption – likely something to do with Koios.
“What of the final line?” he asked, gaining a curious glance from Apollo before comprehension flared in his nephew’s currently blue eyes.
“Koios also escaped through the Doors,” the younger god explained, turning back to the demigods.  “We were… unable to stop him leaving the Pit, but he was clear that unlike Bob, he had no desire to live in harmony with the gods, and instead wanted to destroy Olympus.”
“Like Kronos,” William said flatly, a slightly shuttered look snapping into place in his eyes.  Hades noticed Nico squeeze his hand tightly, and after a brief moment William returned the gesture.  Apollo’s son had fought against Kronos, Hades vaguely recalled hearing; it was unsurprising that he had some residual trauma from the experience.
Apollo visibly winced.  “Rather like him, yes,” he admitted.  “Once we were out of the Pit, we had to… stop him.  He was weakened, and my sister had come to, uh, greet us.  Between us, we managed to defeat him and send him back.  That occurred at sunset – the fading light of the day.”
William visibly sagged against Nico, who took the weight without flinching.  “So no more titans trying to destroy Olympus?” he asked, sounding as though he hardly dared to hope, and Apollo smiled at his son.
“No more titans trying to destroy Olympus,” he confirmed, “and no more prophecy directing the two of you to go into the Pit.”
“Good,” Will said firmly.  “Hear that, Nico?  No Pit for us.”
“I hear it,” Nico said tiredly.  “It’s not like I wanted to go, but…”  He paused.  “Bob, were you the one calling me?”
“No,” Hades stepped in firmly, before the titan could even make sense of the question.  “It was not Bob.  Alcyoneus was attempting to lure you down so he could kill you.”  Both demigods blanched.  “He will not be calling you again any time soon,” he added, a little vindictively.
“I would never call you back into the Pit, Nico,” Bob added, sounding almost wounded at the idea.  “It is no place for a demigod at the best of times, and the Primordial had no intentions of allowing me to go free.”
Nico looked at the floor.  “I know,” he admitted, his voice barely a whisper.  “I knew it didn’t fit, but… I wanted it to mean that you were still alive.  I didn’t want you to be destroyed, just because you helped me, and Percy and Annabeth.”
Bob rested a light hand on his shoulder, a small, soft smile on his face.  “You are kind, Nico,” he said.  “That is a strength, in our world, but be careful it isn’t used against you,” he cautioned.  “There are many who would try, if you let them.”  Alcyoneus’ name was not brought up again, but Hades suspected he was not the only one thinking of his giant bane.  It was unlikely that he would reform again within Nico’s lifetime, but given Orion’s rapid revival, not impossible.  “Be careful.”
“I’m keeping an eye on him,” William said, and got another elbow for his trouble, but it put the edge of a smirk back on Nico’s lips regardless.  Bob’s smile widened.
“I am sure you are,” he said, and Nico huffed.
“Anyway,” William continued.  “Not that I’m in a hurry to leave the Underworld or anything, but if the prophecy is filled, does that mean we’re… safe?”  Unsurprisingly, his eyes sought Apollo, who put a hand on his shoulder.
“I still need to talk with my father,” Hades’ nephew said, solemnity taking the place of his fond smile.  “Until that conversation is over, it would still be best if you stayed here.”
Raw fear flashed across William’s face, a matching alarm on Nico’s.  “Is he likely to…” he stumbled over his words for a moment, glancing down at the floor before meeting Apollo’s eyes squarely.  “Be mad with you?” he settled on, the words falling away somewhat pathetically.  Apollo’s grip on his shoulder tightened.
“I don’t know,” he said, an admission of ignorance Hades had hardly thought the younger god capable of.  “But I don’t want to take any chances with you two, so, please, stay here in Hades’ realm a little longer.”
Hades couldn’t even pretend that William was not permitted to wait longer, and inclined his head when the son of Apollo glanced at him, blue eyes wide with something he suspected was not fear for himself.  It was not, then, much of a surprise when William lunged for his father, gripping him in an embrace with white-knuckled hands and the sheer air of desperation.  Apollo stared, frozen for a mortal heartbeat, before wrapping his arms around his son in turn.
“Be safe,” William mumbled into his father’s chest.  “Don’t give him any more reason to punish you, Dad.”  It was less a request and more an order, and part of Hades was surprised at the audacity of a mortal to order a god around – although Nico had the art of irritation down far too well, and Apollo, of all gods, was least likely to take offence, especially from one of his own children.
“I’ll do what I can,” Apollo promised, the words muffled by the mop of blond waves he had buried his face in.  “But…”
“I know,” William replied, pressing himself even tighter against his father, if that was possible.  “I know, Dad.”
What little could be seen of Apollo’s face could only be described as heartbroken, and Hades stepped forwards.
“As your sister said,” he began, “the less he is made to wait, the less time he will have to wind himself up into a paranoid frenzy.”
Apollo did not reply immediately, nestling his face further into his son’s hair, before his shoulders slumped.  “That’s not what she said,” he mumbled after a moment, but did raise his head.
Hades scoffed.  “I paraphrased.”  Artemis understood the volatile nature of her father well; her softer wording had been unnecessary, in Hades’ opinion, save for keeping Zeus’ wrath away from her.  Given the number of occasions she had witnessed her twin’s punishments, it was of little surprise that Artemis picked her words carefully.  “Come, the sooner we see my brother, the sooner this nonsense will be behind us.”
His nephew jerked, his arms falling away from where they’d been surrounding William in surprise.  “We?” Apollo repeated, staring at him in clear astonishment.  “But-”
“I am well aware that my brother has no wish to see me,” Hades assured him.  “However, I find myself not caring for his wishes at this time.”  In recent years, Zeus had become… weakened.  Hades himself had fallen into a similar state for a time, but in facing his father outside Olympus, he had rediscovered his old strength.  His younger brother might still fancy taking on Apollo, but he would have to be truly desperate if he tried with an audience at least his equal in power.
Besides, there was something about Apollo’s essence that was intriguing Hades.  He had not had much time to notice it, let alone ponder it, in Tartarus, but the memory of his nephew’s essence mingling with him now raised more questions – ones he thought he might find an answer to if he accompanied him to Olympus.
“I shall accompany you, too,” Bob proclaimed, drawing all eyes to him – William had reluctantly pulled away from his father, and had been pulled close by Nico instead, whose grip on his boyfriend’s hand was just as white-knuckled as William’s grip had been on his father.  “No doubt he has no wish to see me, either, but I do not intend to cause Olympus grief and will properly introduce myself.”
Zeus was going to be furious.
Hades looked forward to it.
“Very well,” he said, ignoring Nico’s protests.  Instead, he looked to Asclepius, who was unobtrusively sitting in the corner, staying out of the conversation.  “We will leave now,” he said.  “Once again, my son and William are under your protection.  Do not fail me, or your punishment shall be increased tenfold.”
Apollo made a noise of protest, but his godly son simply smiled slightly.  “I understand, Lord Hades.”
“We don’t need babysitting,” Nico grumbled.  Hades raised an eyebrow and sent a pointed look at first him, and then his boyfriend.
“I have found you do not care to do as you are told,” he said, “and I believe Asclepius is the only reason William is in good health, as he appears to have awoken prematurely and cannot gain sustenance from my domain.”  The second point successfully quelled the protests that began after the first, Nico settling for sending him a mulish look while William looked somewhat sheepish.  “I suggest that, for William’s good if not your own, you remain here with Asclepius until we return.”  We, because Hades had no intention on allowing Apollo to be whisked away at the whims of his paranoid father for further punishment.  Bob, he was content to leave to fend for himself; while he had no quarrel with the titan now, he would not put his neck out for him any further than he already had.
The resigned edge to the persisting mulish look told him that Nico was at least hearing what he was saying.  Nonetheless, as Hades pushed Apollo into walking out of his son’s bedroom – although not before his nephew gave the demigods another tight embrace, as though he thought it might be the last time he saw them, and even slipped further in to give Asclepius a similar gesture – and shut the door behind him, he also called up the shadows to once again bar Nico’s bedroom.
There was no point trusting his son not to be foolish.  Hades had witnessed too many incidents to the contrary to be that naïve.
“Come,” he said when Apollo hesitated, looking back at the shadow-covered door shutting away two of his sons.  “The sooner this is over with, the better.”  His nephew did not appear to be convinced – Hades got the sense that despite his recent defiant actions, he was no less wary of Zeus’ wrath than Artemis – but dutifully followed as Hades led the way out the back of his palace, where he had long ago used a Key to create a door directly to Olympus.
It was kept locked, of course.  Hades was not about to allow the dead, nor indeed any other denizens of the Underworld, unfettered access to the home of the gods, and nor was he willing to leave an open door for his Olympian brethren to drop by whenever they pleased.  Its purpose was primarily to allow him direct access for the rare occasions he was permitted entry, without suffering the humiliation of having to cross from the main entrance of the Underworld in the west to the entrance to Olympus further east.
Zeus was no doubt going to give him grief for using it to let a titan onto Olympus, but given that his younger brother already had an entire list of grievances at his disposal, Hades did not care about one more.  He did, however, give Bob a warning to stay close.  It would be near-suicidal for the titan to break his word and attack Olympus single-handedly, and Hades was as confident as he could reasonably be that Bob would not, but there was still room for him to be a fool.
As always, the sight of Olympian architecture – so similar to his palace, but swathed in white rather than black – brought with it a mixture of emotions, ranging from longing to betrayal.  Sometimes – often, especially in recent years as Zeus had clenched his ruling fist tighter and tighter – Hades allowed himself to wallow in those emotions, his mood both lifting and souring in a contradictory mess that left him irritable to anyone who dared approach him.
Today, Hades had a purpose for his visit, so he pushed the rising emotions down and swept through the streets, ignoring surprised nymphs and minor gods as he led their trio directly to the throne room.  He could feel Zeus in there, a tightly-coiled yet volatile mix of sparks and ozone waiting for a single trigger to ignite.  It was beneath the king of the gods, no doubt, to go searching for a disobedient son, but it was clear that he expected Apollo to go crawling to him, begging for forgiveness and prostrating himself towards whichever inane punishment Zeus had in mind on this occasion.
Apollo slowed as they approached, obviously aware of his waiting, angry, father, but Hades was done dancing to the tune of his youngest brother and pushed on, twenty feet tall as he slammed the doors to the throne room open with a satisfyingly loud crash.  His nephew had no choice but to follow after him, with Bob trailing behind the pair of them, no longer the tallest but rather the shortest as Apollo matched the heights of the other gods in the room.
The look of shock morphing into fury on Zeus’ face was extremely satisfying.
“Hades!” his youngest brother roared.  “What are you doing here?  It is not the Solstice; you are not permitted-”
“And here I thought you might be pleased to see me, brother,” Hades interrupted him, allowing sarcasm to heavily permeate his voice, broadcasting to their audience – both expected and the unexpected extras – that he was well aware that Zeus did not want to see him and did not care.  “Or at least, pleased for the chance to complain at my part in recent events.”
Chapter 30>>
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houseofthe-rrverse · 2 years
The Solangelo Book Cover is Out and You Get to See Me Try to Guess the Entire Dam Plot
Less than an hour ago from the time I'm writing this, the cover was released. So first, let's take a good look at it:
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Nico and Will in the depths Tartarus, in front of what seems to be the Mansion of Night. Now, according to my memory, Annabeth and Percy passed through the Mansion of Night (MoT) before reaching the Doors of Death, where they left Bob/Iapetus.
The premise is that Nico hears a voice calling from Tartarus, who he thinks is Bob. Rachel's latest prophecy tells that Nico will have to "leave something of equal value behind". Nico and Will head to Tartarus to save Bob, who could be in trouble.
Ohhhh shit.
That image is them looking for Bob, by heading to the last place he was: near the Doors of Death. Problem is, you get there by passing through Nyx's domain, where the MoT is.
Nico is holding Will's hand, desperate, pointing to the MoT. It's implied here that Nico is convincing Will to go to the MoT, although it doesn't look like Will is sold out on the idea.
"Leave something of equal value"? Nico is saving Bob, taking him away from Tartarus. He must leave something EQUAL to Bob behind, for an equal exchange. Let's not forget, Nico was the one who helped Bob and cared for him. Bob is important to Nico.
It's obvious he wouldn't leave Will behind. He wouldn't even think of it. He has to leave something IMPORTANT. So:
Nico chooses to sacrifice himself. Will probably has a mental breakdown. Fits Nico's character. Or...
Will sacrifices himself, and Nico is gonna go absolutely CRAZY. Plus a mental breakdown. Fits Will's character.
(Extra Pain) Nico tries to sacrifice himself, but Will becomes the sacrifice instead somehow, through choosing to sacrifice himself. Extra points if they have a whole fight about it and Nico is left absolutely broken after Will's sacrifice.
Also, what the hell is this "sacrifice"?
Since Bob probably died, and his voice is the regenerated version of himself, I think the sacrifice is DEATH. A soul for a soul.
Where am I going with this? Well, people have been speculating that this story will be a parallel to the story of Orpheus and Eurydice.
TLDR: they were married, Eurydice died, Orpheus bargained with Hades so her spirit would follow behind him to the surface to the living world, but he could never glance at her before they reached the surface or she'd stay dead forever. In his love, he failed to do so, causing her to stay dead permanently. A very sad tragedy.
See where I'm going? Will dies. Nico goes to the Underworld, bargains with Hades, Hades ends up giving the same conditions as Orpheus had. However, this could be the other way round. Orpheus was wonderful at music, close to Apollo too. It could be Will saving Nico.
One thing to note is that Eurydice was bitten by a venomous snake, causing her death. Maybe Nico sacrifices himself and Will feels quilty not being able to save him. As we know, Will takes pride in healing and saving others.
BUT- I think Will dying is more likely.
This winds back to the title. "The Sun and The Star"...a perfect metaphor for not only the 2 boys, but also for that theory! Solace, a name close to words related to the sun. Nico is a star.
"Nico di Angelo has been through so much. But there is a ray of sunshine in his life–literally: his boyfriend, Will Solace, the son of Apollo." A clue from the blog post.
Let's see what Riordan had to say about the title:
"I have to credit Mark with the title! They have a lot more poetry in their soul than I do. It is not a title I would ever have come up with by myself, but I’m very grateful because it is absolutely perfect."
This final clue that really sold me on my final theory of Nico-saves-Will is the fact that Oshiro is more poetic. The title is meant to be symbolic of the 2...you know the metaphor of the North Star? That star was used by explorers as a navigation symbol. It was a fixed point of reference, a way you could use to find your way home.
Will is the Sun, Nico is the North Star.
The Sun shines on, the beam of light that shines on in the darkness. But it cannot shine forever. In the depths of hell, the North Star guides him back home.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 11 months
Is it possible to Have A Titan GN Reader That is A Child of Iapetus and Klymene? Iapetus being The Titan Of The West? (Greek Myth Titans Here) They Are the Titan Of Bloodlust, Wrath, Carnage, Slaughter, Anger, Destruction, War, Hatred, and Rage. That Has The Same Portfolio As Khorne the Blood God From 40k (You Don't Need to Know That specifically). But Despite That, They are unusually Human Sized- About 6'4, Stupendously, and Extremely Handsome/Beautiful calm, and collected due to familial reasons.
They would be shocked to see the record of Ragnarok's version of Titans as They would point out that they are not The Gigantes- Children Of Tartarus And Gaea. And That the Titans Are Not Pretty Gigantic though they could be.
And Also The Reaction of the Greek Gods There Would Be Positively Hilarious. And They Would Accidentally Mention Once How Hades Once Rammed His Bident Up Their Throat Once During The Titanomachy.
They Could Also Tell Them (The Gods) About Their Version of The Mythically Accurate Stories And Have a laugh at it.
(Note: I'm Referring To The Greek Myth Titanomachy And Percy Jackson But Eh. And The Titan Reader Is a Guy That Just Travels to other dimensions accidentally.)
(Note: Ignore this Ask If You Do Not Want to do it, I'm Not Forcing You to do it.)
Forgive me my darling, but your request is rather similar to one I have already done, being a child of the titans.
I read over this request a few times and was a little unsure of how you wanted me to write this. I do apologize.
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