#govt mule
bourbonandtacos · 9 months
When you can't find the light That got you through a cloudy days When the stars ain't shinin' bright You feel like you've lost you're way When those candle light of home Burn so very far away Well, you got to let your soul shine
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myimaginaryradio · 8 months
She Said She Said - Gov't Mule - 2023
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mxdwn · 1 year
Gov’t Mule Shares New Single “Made My Peace” From Upcoming Album ‘Peace…Like A River’
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floating-in-waves · 8 months
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Yesterday as I was leaving Sun Power, my yoga instructor asked me if I wanted 2 tickets she won to see Govt Mule. I knew a few of their songs and always being down for a show I thought why the hell not. Little did I know they were doing their last Dark Side of the Mule show which they have only performed 10 times. It just seemed synchronous on a New Moon Day that also had a freaking solar eclipse. The show was fucking amazing and the closest thing to Pink Floyd I will ever get. Magic I tell ya!!!
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faorism · 2 years
the walk in the woods job out here doing the mostest with their translation of the bohemian grove (a real, very evil boys club of the worlds most powerful men that does in fact feature weird rituals and pissing everywhere). by moving it from california to ambiguous south near new orleans, it makes explicit some of the underlying tomfuckery of the grove by making possible the fictional counterpart's being hosted on a plantation.
as gestured to in the episode, the grove began 130 years ago by ~men of industry~ (ill get back to this). the bohemian grove specifically was founded in 1878. places its founding within reconstruction, an era post the us civil war's end in 1865. the war had created fundamental changes to the american landscape, from the emancipation of enslaved Black people to a nationwide trauma due to mass death. reconstruction is often described as a period of reconciliation between the northern states and the south, to draw together the nation's people, rebuild its infrastructure, and reestablish the union.
thing is, there was a reconciliation. but ultimately, it was to bridge together the power and resources of whites by way of the continued disfrancisement of Black people. it was a time of both reckoning and potential, given the shock attempted succession had on the political landscape but more impkrtantly given what the nation looks like post-slavery as long as you are not incarcerated. Black people held a fuck ton of govt seats at first, there was Black industry, there was Black migration, but also simultaneously wildly exploitative sharecropping schemes that were not slavery but also yeah kinda were and a ton of other genocidal shit. the forty acres and a mule promise never came through. Black folk were freed, but they were not equal and there would be no support to undo hundreds of years of violence, human trafficking, and genocide, nor would there be enough protections in place to secure Black prosperity for the future. it is absolutely no surprise that the first iteration of the KKK ran from 1868 to the early 1870s: their intention was to reestablish white supremacy through violence, voter suppression, and terrorism. while they were squashed as a formal organization, they signaled antiblack attitudes held by many white people for years to come.
as you might see in the Reconstruction wiki page (under the timing section), some place the end of Reconstruction to align with some govt seat change schenanigans called the compromise of 1977. there's a lot of nitpicky shit about it, but what i care about is that federal troops were withdrawn out of the south. i dont like this time point because i dont feel like it tells the full story. it leans onto the reconciliation between whites, because the withdrawl can be described as Back To Normal Operations! in terms of state control. but as the compromise wiki describes, Black politicians were upset about this because they felt the federal troops were protecting Black progress and safety. and they were right! vote suppression and intimidation went rampant, and the slow churn toward the establishment of Jim Crow Laws would be allowed to sneak in.
by extending the frame of Reconstruction to, as the wiki again suggests, something like 1890s when antiblack voter suppression was passed. a longer era focuses not on reconciliation on a top-down (read: white) level, but instead highlights the rise and eventual destruction of Black rights and capital. centering that as the true legacy of Reconstruction is vital to avoid white supremacist historicizing that distracts from the true concerted efforts to disenfranchise Black folk.
anyway what does this have to do with leverage and the grove, you might be asking.
as said, the irl grove was founded 1878, a year after the compromise act but firmly within the arc of a long Reconstruction era.
this is where the "men of industry" line said (i believe) in general frick's speech comes in, and how the move to a plantation heightens the optics in a hugely significant way.
bruh, they are a group of powerful men in white robes meeting on a plantation in the south. they allowed in some Black men now (diversity win! your cabal is now racially mixed!), but you know that when this shit started up, it was white dudes on white dudes on white dudes. the actual bohemian grove has rituals involving red robes, but the shock and discomfort of the fictional version was intentional, i feel, in order to associate it with the KKK. this to me is confirmed when frick said his family owned that plantation for generations. that, like all other sites that abducted and tortured enslaved people, was a concentration camp. the men of industry frick is talking about are at least partly human traffickers (aka, "slaveowners"). the leverage grove is one that is intricately tied to a moment of transition, Black dispossession, and violence. white men pissing every which way getting drunk on the lands that held hundreds of years of trauma.
it's important for me to say that around the late 19th and early 20th centuries, there were a fuckton of social clubs and lodges opening up across the country, including some hosted by people of color. maybe the irl grove did not have the same overtly racial tensions feeding into it as when placed in the heart of Reconstruction (even though, please please understand that it's not just a south thing; it was a white folk thing, regardless of political affiliation or location).
but! the legacy of bohemian grove? yeah, this is a fucking club that has had an impact. there was a meeting of the manhattan project at one of the grove meetings that led to the development of the atomic bomb. if all that ever came out from the grove was that, then that alone would be enough to make the whole shit rotten. but given the power behind the men of the grove (listed here), any reestablishment of a boys club (literal or figurative) is a backdoor dealings system to withhold influence, opportunities, and privilege from marginalized people by managing access to cultural capital and social resources.
it's what was done in Reconstruction, and its done through these secret (or "secret") society rituals, and it's done again and again and again, but those dealings are ones us normies will ever get a chance to see.
i just wish there was a leverage team for us irl ready to fuck shit up and defend some wildlife. (the irl bohemian grove protesters wete trying to protect redwood trees, owls, and some other bird instead of a frog, but still.)
but yeah. fuck fricks dudes and fuck the irl grove and i hope your ugly ass owl statue topples over one day during one of your cringe plays and yall all die drowning in your own piss!
[i might come back to this, clean it up, and throw it onto ao3 as a meta post because i do feel this is important for people to know and i legit spent two and a quarter hours on this.... anyway, i will link it here in this postscript should i do that. also i am not a historian so i absolutely got some shit wrong but whatever. dont cite me in a paper, basically]
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cy-gogglin · 1 year
Govt Mule Deepest End
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whattheabcxyz · 26 days
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doompatus · 1 year
GOV’T MULE nouvel LP
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nnaomi257 · 1 year
Map info and bibliography
Reparations are measures to regain the value we've lost as a result of human violations. Reparations deliver material and symbolic benefits to victims or their families. These benefits should address the gravity of the violations and the harm suffered.
 After decades of criminalization, New York’s new marijuana law takes a race-conscious approach to repairing race-specific harms. For example, the bill mandates that revenue from cannabis sales be invested in communities most harmed by marijuana criminalization.
Compensation and restitution address economically assessable damage, loss of earnings, property, or any damage to a person’s liberty/way of living.
In 1956, San Francisco City government demolished the Fillmore District in San Francisco, a once-thriving Black neighborhood nicknamed “the Harlem of the West, ” in the name of “Urban renewal.” Now California is looking into its dark history of systemic racism that affected housing discrimination and giving “$223,200 for each eligible Californian who descended from enslaved Africans.” —Politico Media
Guarantees of non-repetition assure that the entity responsible for harm will reform to not repeat similar wrongful acts. 
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) fought in support of Art Shibayama’s work to close Crystal City’s Japanese incarceration camps. 
Satisfaction is part of full reparations that deal with “emotional injury, mental suffering, and injury to reputation.”  Apology falls under the reparative category of satisfaction.
In addition to govt apology to Japanese Americans. The Ogata family incarcerated at Manzanar returned the remains of the baby named Jerry Ogata; now he lies resting in peace through his family’s wishes.
Rehabilitation is Providing health services that help gain healing from trauma or physical care to those impacted by incarceration. 
“Moral rehabilitation,” Gov. Gavin Newsom issued an apology for historical mistreatment, violence, and neglect on behalf of California to California Native American peoples through an executive order Executive Order N-15-19
The Japanese American redress movement was seeking restoration, an apology, or compensation, from the United States government stemming from their WW2 incarceration. After many years of organizing, Japanese Americans won $20,000 for each household and a formal apology from the US government. However, Japanese Latin Americans who were deemed “acceptable” only received $5,000 and no formal apology. Japanese Latin Americans like Art Shibayama who were undocumented during their time in the camps were excluded from any form of redress. 
In 1865 formerly enslaved Africans were promised “40 acres and a mule” by President Lincoln. However, after his assassination, the order was reversed and the land given to Black families was returned to White Confederate landowners. Violation of Black Americans’ human rights continues today from Jim Crow to today’s targeted mass incarceration of Black people. The fight for reparations continues and most recently bill H.R. 40 was introduced as legislation seeking to establish a commission to study and develop reparation proposals.
San Francisco’s GIFT program, introduced in December of 2022, aims to address the discrimination and barriers to education, employment, and economic mobility experienced by transgender people, especially transgender people of color, disabled trans people, trans elders, and other trans communities. GIFT — which stands for Guaranteed Income for Transgender People — is the first guaranteed income program in the Bay Area that focuses solely on serving trans people. The GIFT program will offer 55 trans people in San Francisco a guaranteed income of $1,200 per month, for 18 months — starting in January 2023 and ending in June 2024. The program hopes to help provide access to gender-affirming mental and physical care. To apply, residents must also be over 18, live in San Francisco, and earn less than $600 a month (however, once enrolled, the maximum income to continue receiving payments is $4,000 a month). Aside from completing a survey every three months, there are no conditions for receiving payment. 
Packard, Cassie. “A Bill Offers California's Indigenous Tribes Ownership of Ancestral Objects.” Hyperallergic, 5 Nov. 2020, https://hyperallergic.com/586396/the-latest-in-restitutions-a-bill-offers-californias-indigenous-tribes-ownership-of-ancestral-objects/.
“Berkeley Law Clinic Leads Restitution Reform in California and Beyond.” Berkeley Law, 24 Aug. 2022, https://www.law.berkeley.edu/article/restitution-relief-policy-advocacy-clinic-spearheads-reform-efforts-to-lift-lifelong-burden/.
Garcia , Armando, and Kiara Alfonseca. ABC News, ABC News Network, https://abcnews.go.com/US/black-mexican-families-forcibly-evicted-50s-60s-palm/story?id=93480157.
Mahoney, Maddy. “San Francisco Launches Guaranteed-Income Program for Trans Residents ...” Xtra, https://xtramagazine.com/power/san-francisco-guaranteed-income-trans-240784.
Cabrera-Lomelí, Carlos. “'Gift' Is San Francisco's Guaranteed Income Program for Transgender People - Here's How to Apply.” KQED, 8 Dec. 2022, https://www.kqed.org/news/11934613/gift-is-san-franciscos-guaranteed-income-program-for-transgender-people-heres-how-to-apply.
“San Francisco Launches New Guaranteed Income Program for Trans Community.” San Francisco Launches New Guaranteed Income Program for Trans Community | San Francisco, 16 Nov. 2022, https://sf.gov/news/san-francisco-launches-new-guaranteed-income-program-trans-community.
Lee, Rep. Sheila Jackson. “H.R. 40 Is Not a Symbolic Act. It's a Path to Restorative Justice.: ACLU.” American Civil Liberties Union, ACLU, 27 Feb. 2023, https://www.aclu.org/news/racial-justice/h-r-40-is-not-a-symbolic-act-its-a-path-to-restorative-justice.
Dong, Sabrina. “Gov. Gavin Newsom Issues Apology on Behalf of State to Native Americans.” The Daily Californian, 20 June 2019, https://www.dailycal.org/2019/06/19/gov-gavin-newsom-issues-apology-on-behalf-of-state-to-native-americans.
Board, Chronicle Editorial. “Editorial: California Steps into Reparations Debate with Apology to Native Americans.” San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco Chronicle, 23 June 2019, https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/editorials/article/Editorial-California-steps-into-reparations-14031085.php.
“New Bill Takes Aim at California's Slow Progress Clearing Pot Convictions.” Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, 27 Jan. 2022, https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2022-01-26/lawmaker-moves-to-fix-delays-in.
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Gov't Mule: Stoned Side of the Mule Vol.2 (180g) Vinyl LP (Record Store Day)
Gov’t Mule: Stoned Side of the Mule Vol.2 (180g) Vinyl LP (Record Store Day)
Price: (as of – Details) RSD 2015 Exclusive from Govt Mule on Evil Teen. Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 12.1 x 12 x 0.2 inches; 11.2 Ounces Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Evil Teen Date First Available ‏ : ‎ April 15, 2015 Label ‏ : ‎ Evil Teen ASIN ‏ : ‎ B00W5V8D4W
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truemainer · 2 years
Check out Govt. Mule fuckin rock on!!!!
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cincygroove · 2 years
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Photos – Gov’t Mule, 7/30/22, Riverbend Music Center, Cincinnati, OH  https://cincygroove.com/2022/08/01/photos-govt-mule-7-30-22-riverbend-music-center-cincinnati-oh/
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mxdwn · 1 year
Gov’t Mule Announces Dark Side of the Mule Summer 2023 Tour Dates
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thfirekeeper · 2 years
Blacks in America: We gettin that 40 acres & a mule right? U.S. Govt: https://t.co/PHuX217eMJ
Blacks in America: We gettin that 40 acres & a mule right? U.S. Govt: https://t.co/PHuX217eMJ
— Just call me Sir (@thfirekeeper) Jul 3, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/thfirekeeper
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hokeoutsider · 3 years
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“Govt Mule”        Hoke...Ebay Outsider-Art Auction...May 20-27...                                Acrylic Painting on Canvas...
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krispyweiss · 3 years
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Album Review: Blues Traveler - Traveler’s Blues
There comes a time in many bands’ lives when a cover album loaded with guests is in order.
That time has come for Blues Traveler and the result is Traveler’s Blues, a 10-song, 45-minute LP with spirits both simpatico (Warren Haynes, Keb’ Mo’, Mickey Raphael) and simply strange, like Crystal Bowersox.
The band splits the difference on Gnarls Barkley’s “Crazy,” with singer Rita Wilson and guitarist John Scofield. This soulful bit of anti-blues is the nadir of such albums and this one - ill-fitting and poorly rendered - sounds uncomfortable.
On the opposite end of the spectrum is the band’s solo rendition of J.J. Cale’s “Call Me the Breeze” set to an arrangement that owes more to “Lay Down Sally.” A cool presentation and a highlight on an LP heavy on numbers - “Sittin’ on Top of the World” with Haynes; “Need Your Love so Bad” with the War and Treaty; and “Roadhouse Blues” with Raphael among them - that have already been done in superior fashion by other artists.
As it goes, the uncharacteristic nature of Traveler’s Blues is the most-alluring part of Traveler’s Blues, in that it’s the first Blues Traveler album that doesn’t sound exactly like other Blues Traveler albums. Hard-core fans might quibble with that, but the change is refreshing if not altogether successful.
Grade card: Blues Traveler - Traveler’s Blues - C+
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