#gow Greek gods
cosmicourple · 22 days
*pssst* repost this & tag a bunch of characters you would like to see go properly feral down below 👇👇
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the-dormant-ocean · 1 year
I love the fact that Atreus just instinctively knows how to speak dead and forgotten languages but the moment Kratos says one word in Greek he's just here like
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upn-the-sky · 5 months
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Athena is just very happy that they will spent eternity together on Olympus. Kratos is just a bit autistic as always is not used to see her face to face. He spent last 10 years speaking to her statue.
@spoorotik2, for you 😭❤
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sarenderpity · 16 days
Vote your FAVORITE (not necessarily your opinion on most mythologically accurate, though that can and should contribute) pop culture Hermes depiction
You know the drill, RB for wider audience, feel free to add fave Hermes propaganda!
EDIT! BLOOD OF ZEUS! THE NETFLIX SERIES! MY BAD (cannot edit poll block)
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amphitriteswife · 4 months
💐Persephone in different universes💐
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Tag list: @miss-seanymph-pani @tinyy-tea-cup @viostar2095 @nicasdreamer @vilereign @monstertreden @snowmantita @bimmismalice
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roguerambles · 1 year
Secrets in the Garden
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God of War - Kratos x Female!Reader
Warnings - 18+ Only. The Olympians being dicks, because they really take the cake in GOWverse.
So, I finally started God of War (2018) I know I’m so behind haha. I watched a playthrough years ago but never did one myself until now, and I haven’t played the original games in years. But it’s reawoken my love for Kratos, the angry disaster man.
I definitely plan on getting to Norse Era!Kratos, but for now I wanted to give Greek Era!Kratos a little attention. There’s a general lack of Kratos thirst and this must be remedied--
You hated the Gardens of Atlantis.
You had adored them once. You were a lesser goddess of the seas, not meant as a figure of influence in the games of power among the Olympians and their lot. When you were appointed as a handmaiden to Amphitrite upon her marriage to Poseidon, you had delighted in living in the King of the Seas domain, blown away by the majesty and splendour of the city. But the gardens were special, filled with flowers and coral, specimens only found in the deepest corners of the oceans that even the gods had never seen.
Amphitrite was a gentle enough mistress, but Poseidon seemed to find your enthusiasm charming, and patiently indulged your many questions on the contents of his garden. You had been embarrassed and somewhat pleased that a god of his status took the time to chat with his wife’s handmaiden. You sat with him at feasts and walked with him in the mornings, and he entertained you with tales of his exploits during the Great War and the antics of his siblings on Olympus. Soon you saw more of him than of his wife.
You do not know if it was naivety or foolishness or some trick of Aphrodite, but you saw nothing wrong with your relationship with the King. Even as he began showering you with gifts, murmuring compliments in your ear, his hand on your hip during walks, Amphitrite’s bright smile turning nervous and brittle, all you saw was your mistress’s husband being pleasant.
Your morning walks in those lovely gardens became evening trysts, the flowers and vines seeming to shift and move to become obscuring curtains, the coral turning soft and plush as any bed, the waters that flowed noisily through the gardens swallowing the sounds of you coupling with your lady’s husband. Even then you were oblivious, your mind focused solely on pleasure, everything else seeming distant and unimportant.
Poseidon moved your chambers closer to his, dressed you in jewels and transparent silks, spending his nights in your bed, murmuring he’d never slept so sweetly as he did in your embrace. All the while, Amphitrite said nothing. All the while, you saw nothing wrong, as though you walked some hazy, pleasant dream.
The spell did not break until the day Poseidon placed his wife’s crown on your head, the day he swore before Zeus and declared you his Queen, reality crashing over you like a cruel, cold wave, but by then it was far, far too late. Hera scoffed and drank from her chalice, Ares and Hermes laughed and laughed, Persephone looked at you with some mix of scorn and pity. Aphrodite smirked at you from behind her hand, her handmaidens giggling at her sides.
No one spoke of Amphitrite.
The Gardens you had once adored were a bitter place now, but it was the only place in Atlantis you were mostly left on your own. You wished you could reclaim the way you had felt about them, find some way to make them feel yours once more. But it was impossible.
Poseidon was on Olympus for some meeting with Zeus and Hades. There had been upheaval among the Olympians since the fall of Ares, but whether that was what he was there for, you could not say. The King of the Seas seldom saw fit to tell you anything that was not some empty compliment, or a pretext to summon you to his bed. You chose to simply enjoy his absence as best you could.
“…Your Grace.”
You glanced up. One of your handmaidens had entered the garden, her expression tight, her hands clenched anxiously in front of her.
“Yes?” You doubted Poseidon had returned already – his meetings with his brothers were long and loud, and he usually returned in a foul temper that shook the walls of the palace.
“It…” She peered at you nervously, glancing quickly over her shoulder as though expecting something to come running up behind her. “Lord Kratos is here!”
You glanced up at her, startled. You had met the newly crowned God of War only a handful of times since his ascension. You knew him better by reputation, rumours whispered in the halls of Olympus. He had slain Ares in revenge for the murders of his wife and daughter, tricked into using his own hands for the deed. He was a fearsome warrior, a brutal killer, soaked in blood and ashes. His name was spoken in hushed whispers, on Olympus and Atlantis both.
“…send him here.”
She cringed nervously, but obeyed, and scurried away. You tried to think what Kratos could want, and you waited, toying with the helm of your dress. The doors quickly opened once more, and you looked up to see Lord Kratos enter the Gardens.
He was a striking man, in every sense of the word. Tall and muscled, his body a perfect sculpture of a Spartan warrior. His expression was cold and severe, his eyes sharp and piercing. You could understand why many trembled in his shadow, but you could also understand the salacious whispers. The Gods were as alluring as they were powerful, and nobody could deny Kratos was a powerful man.
Kratos said nothing as he approached, his frown deepening the closer he got. You cleared your throat, and forced a polite smile onto your face. “Greetings, Lord Kratos. Welcome to Atlantis—"
“I have business with Poseidon.”
You sighed, lowering you head slightly. At least you did not have to dwell on pleasantries. “He is not here.”
The Spartan looked even more displeased. “Poseidon sent word I was to meet him here.”
You had no idea what Kratos and your husband could possibly have to talk about. Poseidon had precious little good to say about Kratos, and you found it difficult to imagine him being summoned for a visit. “He is on Olympus, as far as I am aware.”
Kratos’s glare would have killed Medusa herself where she stood. “I am in no mood for games.” His tone was accusatory, and it made you bristle, somewhat indignantly.
“Nor am I.” You snapped back, crossing your arms tightly across your chest. “Perhaps you misunderstood the message.”
Kratos looked vaguely insulted at the thought of making such a basic error. “I did not.”
“Then perhaps Poseidon simply wanted to waste your time.” It was a petty move even by Poseidon’s standards, but you put little past him. “You would need to ask him.”
Kratos’s expression darkened, and while you were certain it probably should have unnerved you, you found yourself admiring the Spartan’s profile in the light, his strong nose and sharply defined collarbones, the mountainous broadness of his shoulders.
“—I require the Shell.”
“What?” You were shook out of your thoughts by Kratos’s voice. He frowned at you, and you felt your face flush, startled at the turn of your thoughts. “Apologies, I…the Shell?”
“Poseidon’s Conch Shell.” Kratos repeated, his fingers flexing impatiently around his Blades – you noticed the movement rippled upwards, drawing attention to the strong swell of his biceps. “I require it.”
Kratos did not answer. He simply stared at you, frown firmly in place. You found yourself staring at the fullness of his lips, and by the Fates, you were blushing.
“Poseidon likely carries it with him.” You cleared your throat, reluctantly tearing your eyes away from him. “You will need to go to him. Or wait until he returns.”
Kratos muttered something under his breath, his expression thunderous. You glanced at the fountain in the Gardens centre, vaguely noticing the secluded spots Poseidon used to hide you in around it. You cringed thinking of those days, but Kratos’s presence at your back seemed to spark something. You found yourself picturing those warm, secluded spaces, the God of War between your thighs—
“Are you even listening?”
You were torn roughly from your fantasies by Kratos’s booming voice. You turned to him dazedly, feeling yourself flush once more under his intense gaze. “I’m sorry, I….”
“I have no time for this.” He snapped, and turned abruptly, clearly to leave. Your eyes landed on his broad back, the exquisite musculature shifting with every movement, and in an instant your mind was made up. 
“Lord Kratos, wait.”
Kratos paused, casting an impatient glare over his shoulder.
“Poseidon will return eventually.” Hopefully not for a long time. You rose from your seat, tilting your head upwards slightly. “You are welcome to wait with me until he does.”
“I have no time for—” Kratos began, his voice harsh, and you grasped the buckle of your cloak, tugging it open and letting it fall around your feet, leaving your bare body exposed.
Kratos’s voice halted, and you could not help but be pleased at the genuine surprise on his face, his eyebrows shooting upwards in a way that was almost comical.
You smiled, lifting a hand to play with your necklace, a spark of excitement flaring within you as Kratos’s eyes followed your movement, trailing slowly over your body. “Make time.”
For a moment, Kratos was still as stone. Then you caught it, the faintest curve at the corner of his mouth, the smallest crack in his perpetually severe expression. He turned fully and began striding back towards you, purpose in his gaze, and heat flared tight in your belly as he closed in on you.
“Wait—” You held up a hand, glancing quickly around. Kratos paused, his gaze firmly on you, and you barely resisted the impulse to throw caution to the wind and have him take you right there. “Follow me.”
Your handmaiden had not returned, nor had any other servants, but you did not want interruptions. You stepped away from the fountain, heading deeper into the gardens, Kratos’s slow footfalls at your back. You felt his eyes burning on, trailing flames over your form, and a shiver of anticipation ran down your spine.
You ducked into a small natural alcove, coral and vines and blooms sprawling inside. You exhaled, and the Garden sprung to life around you.
The vines tangled together behind Kratos as he approached, closing you both in the space together. He was so close now, the power radiating from his broad, muscled frame almost tangible. You wanted to reach out, to run your hands over his shoulders, down his chest and toned abdomen, sculpted to perfection, like a statue come to life. Perhaps it showed in your face, as that small smirk tugged at Kratos’s lips again, and you felt your face grow hot.
“You are still dressed.” You found your voice, lifting your chin high, keeping your gaze level with Kratos’s own.
“I am.” Kratos replied, simply, his eyes slipping from yours to trail slowly over your naked form. Your arms stuttered at your sides, reflectively moving to cover yourself, but you forced them still, nervous excitement beginning to crackle in your veins.
“Take it off.” You tried to sound as commanding as possible. You were a Queen, after all. “All of it.”
Kratos looked faintly amused. It was an odd expression for the God of War, but you found you rather liked the way it shaped his face. He did as you bid him, moving with an almost casual air, his armoured pauldron falling to the ground with a dull thud, his gauntlets slipping from his hands and dropping on top with a noisy clank. Kratos did not wear many layers to begin with, but you found your throat turning dry as his strong, nimble fingers began undoing his belt—
Sweet blessed Eros—
Kratos kicked his belt aside, his body now as bare as your own. His eyes met yours, his smirk more pronounced, and he stood tall and still, like a soldier for inspection.
“Do I please you?” 
There was an undeniable note of smugness in the Spartan’s voice, clearly enjoying your reaction. You felt your face flush again, but found yourself unable to tear your eyes away from the way Kratos’s body moved, the way he towered over you.
Broad shoulders leading down to thick, powerful arms, large hands that could break a man in half, strong, toned thighs, and wide chest, full pectorals your fingers itched to roam over. Muscles rippled with every movement, flexing and contracting in perfect harmony. His lips, normally a harsh line, looked full and inviting, and you found yourself wondering how they would taste on yours.
You licked your lips, forcing your gaze back to Kratos’s eyes. There was a growing heat in them, one that grew as they ran over your form, the sight igniting a spark of heat deep in your belly. Kratos possessed a brutish, almost cruel beauty, but it was beauty nonetheless.
“I don’t know.” You spoke finally. You lifted a hand, slowly, cautiously, until your fingers lightly brushed the toned planes of his abdomen. He inhaled a sharp, quiet breath, his gaze growing hotter as your palm softly slid upwards. “Will you?”
Kratos made a deep, rumbling noise. It took you a moment to register it was a laugh. His large – large – hand suddenly grasped you waist, yanking you hard against his chest. You gasped, your hands splayed against his chest, the heat of his skin fierce enough to burn. Something hot and hard and big pressed against your hip, and fire began to spill in your gut as you looked up to meet Krato’s burning gaze.
“Yes.” He answered, his voice a low, rough promise.
The back of your knees bumped into the soft coral, Krato’s warm, rough palm sliding from your waist to your thigh as you fell backwards. His hips slid between your thighs, his other hand stroking up your side, guiding you into place. You gasped and arched, the solid, heated muscle of his body suddenly so close sending a pulse of anticipation through you.
“Kratos—” His name tumbled from your lips as a gasp, his large, powerful body between your thighs scattering your thoughts in a sharp burst of flame. Kratos made a deep, pleased noise in his chest, leaning down to press his lips against the racing pulse point of your neck. His teeth nipped at your skin, making you gasp and arch against him, your hands grasping his shoulders.
“Hmmmm…” Kratos’s body shook slightly. You realised after a few seconds he was laughing. You flushed, digging your nails into the flesh of his shoulders. He hissed slightly, a flash of naked lust painting his face, and you wrapped your legs tight around his waist, pushing with all your might until he rolled onto his back, you perched on top of him.
He let you, undoubtedly, from the way his eyes darkened deliciously at the sight of you on top of him told you, the way his hands roamed up your sides, coming to cup your breasts, his thumb teasing your nipple. A soft moan escaped you, his touch igniting your skin. He growled, leaning upwards, his mouth pressing hot, opened mouth kisses against your chest, and you whined, bucking on top of him.
His hand slid over your waist, and you felt his arousal, inches away from your centre. Kratos groaned, his hips angling, your fingers digging into your flesh—
“Kratos.” You reached down to brush your fingers against the sharp edge of his jaw. He startled, eyes snapping to yours, and for a moment you thought he might pull away. “I want to watch.” The words tumbled out, the pad of your thumb brushing against the fullness of his lip. “I want to watch your face.”
Kratos stared at you, frozen, his hips stilling. His grip tightened, almost painfully, but he remain still, something blazing in his eyes. You feared you crossed some sort of line, but before you could find words, his large hands were sliding over your hips, guiding you downwards, his hot flesh meeting your slick centre.
A gasp spilled from your lips, your back arched, your entire body quivering at the jolt of sensation. Kratos growled under his breath, his abdomen flexing and contracting, his gaze firmly on yours with the intensity of fire. Your hands grasped at his shoulders, nails digging into thick muscle, and Kratos snapped his hips upwards, filling you so fully and suddenly you cried out, bucking in his grip.
Merciful fucking Eros—
“Hold.” Kratos hissed through gritted teeth, hands, rough and large and strong, gripped your thighs, holding them at either side of his waist. His breathing quickened, the powerful muscle of his arms tight and flexing. You ran your hands down his chest and up again, fire spilling deep in your belly at the feeling of his body so close but closer you wanted him closer.
“Kratos.” You gasped his name, arching your hips, needing him to move, needing him deeper. “Kratos, please—” You caught the faintest flutter in his eyelids, the slightest bucking of his hip in response to yours, a groan sounding from somewhere deep in his chest. The cracks in his control made your blood boil deliciously, your hands grabbing his shoulders, squeezing as you pushed further against him. “Kratos—!”
“Hold.” He spoke louder and more firmly, pulling you roughly against him. His palm touched your face, firm yet surprisingly gentle as his gaze met yours. You startled, staring at him, his gaze locked on yours.
“…hold.” He spoke again, his thumb flickering against your cheekbone, the faintest caress. He said nothing else, but pulled you upwards, holding you so you were face to face, your chest flush with his.
Warmth flooded your cheeks, and other places, and You breathed out, nodding shakily, hands gripping his wide shoulders. Slowly, agonisingly slowly, his hips began to move, and a gasp fell from your lips as fire burned deep, every movement making your nerves sing.
He growled under his breath, lips parting, his hands gripping your thighs as he rolled his hips, once, twice, over and over, each thrust sending lightning searing through your body. Heat, blazing white hot heat bloomed low in your belly, tendrils licking rapidly upwards making you writhe and cry out. “Kratos…! Kratos—!”
Kratos hissed, his back going rigid, his hips stuttering to a brief halt, before his hands grabbed your waist, pulling you roughly down, hips snapping up and down, fast and brutal, a deep, guttural roar spilling from his lips as pleasure began to overwhelm him. The delicious v of his hips shifting with every thrust, the muscles of his abdomen clenching with every movement. The sight and sensations made your stomach clench, and something burst within you, spilling flames everywhere.
“Kratos—!” Your voice rose to a shout, the world burning a sweet, blissful red, everything blurring to a haze has until all you could feel was Kratos’s body against yours. You threw your head back, a wordless scream of intense pleasure spilling from your lips as your climax crashed over you.
Kratos roared, his face buried between your breasts, his mouth hot against your skin, his hips bucking wildly until his own release hit, sending you both tumbling over the edge together.
You and Kratos made love for hours.
The rumours surrounding the God of War stamina had not exaggerated, and you were certain had it not been for your own divine nature you would have been utterly exhausted. Kratos was as determined a lover as he was a warrior, his sole focus seeming to be bringing you to pleasure, with an intensity that threatened to burn you from within.
You eventually collapsed into sweaty tangle of limbs, bodies aching and breathless, your head on Kratos’s chest, his heart thumping rapidly under your ear. His fingers trailed idly up and down your back, so idly you were not certain he was aware he was doing it. He said nothing as he stared up at the canopy, and you said nothing back, not wanting to break the strange, almost peaceful spell you both seemed to have fallen under.
“When will Poseidon return?” Kratos asked after a while, eyes still upwards. You sighed, and aimlessly trailed a fingertip up and down his abdomen, drawing nothings on his skin.
“I do not know. Days, maybe.”
Kratos said nothing else. He rolled on top of you, lightning in his touch, his hips sliding between your thighs, and you both sank into each other once more.
Poseidon would return, days later, as you predicted.
He was surprised to find Kratos in his palace, in his Queen’s gardens, sipping ambrosia while you chatted pleasantly at him about the history of Atlantis. Kratos did not seem to be contributing much to the conversation, but he nodded along patiently, and Poseidon swears he almost catches a hint of a smile on the bloodthirsty Spartan’s face.
Poseidon had expected Kratos to leave, and eyes you suspiciously as he entered the Gardens. You smiled brightly and informed him Kratos had been waiting oh so patiently for him to return. He needed his Conch Shell.
Poseidon kept his shell in some temple or another, and bid Kratos should go there. The God of War simply nodded, and turned to leave the palace without a word to the King of the Seas. As he did, your eye met his, and you caught the faintest hint of a smirk, meant for you.
You returned to the Gardens, which felt a little more like yours once more.
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duck-noises · 6 months
in honour of the dlc dropping today
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click image for better quality
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neechees · 6 months
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An awkward interaction 😅
Atreus meets an older Artemis & Aphrodite in his travels
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breakintomyhead · 6 months
atreus and calliope as omori sprites
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the omori and god of war brainrot has been going really hard recently, so have this! i might make more of these lil guys, btw.
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user1286 · 1 year
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Th thinking… thinking of a hypermasculine fem kratos…
She definitely does binding just saying.
She may just be young kratos without the goatee, with a pair of boobies and slightly softened features, but…👀💦 I can’t stop thinking abt her😭😳😳😳
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the-shy-artisan · 10 months
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*through gritted teeth* people play the old gow games before i start screaming challenge
have this meme i’ve had stowed away in my drafts for some time, spurred on by stupid ass takes i’ve seen in comments sections across certain websites.
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corvidexoskeleton · 29 days
I've seen some of the things people have cited as marks of character growth in the norse games, but honestly I don't think all of them are. I mean, yeah sure Kratos definitely was a lot more willing to be open with other people and accept help from others, but the willingness to show mercy to someone he's fighting, not wanting to kill someone unless they threaten somebody he cares about, shrugging off personal insults and and threats to himself, showing compassion to someone going through something awful, those are all pretty standard parts of his personality
He's actually consistently a pretty calm person, given the circumstances. It's also not that surprising to see him readily accept Thrud and Angrboda as Atreus' friends, since he's got a bit of a soft spot for kids
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kratioed · 5 months
GOD OF WAR | HEADCANON: HEL’S NAME Most people imagined "Hel" would be named after her grandmother either as Faye or Laufey, but personally, I like the idea of Hel's name being derived from her Greek heritage. Not only it ties back to the franchise's origins in Greece, it also aligns with the fact that "Loki" is known as Atreus in GOW, which also stems from his Greek roots. I think it's fitting for Hel to receive the same treatment just like her father in this context! Some have suggested Calliope (even Callisto!), but imagine "Hel" being named after Pandora. Think about it; the central theme surrounding Hel's family (Atreus & Kratos) could revolve around hope. Obviously, we know about Kratos' relationship with Pandora in GOW3. Without her, Kratos would have never discovered hope and humanity within himself as he released the power of hope to the people of Greece. Kratos also quoted Pandora before he became the God of Hope in Valhalla. Even Atreus is named after the man who inspired hope to his fellow comrades, especially Kratos in the darkest time.
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Kratos named his son for these qualities, and now Loki will be the Giant who wore a smile in the darkest times, bringing hope to his people with a goal of restoring Jötunheim. And once Jötunheim is restored, Hel will be the first Giant born in the new age free from Odin's rule, the beginning of hope for all Jötnar...- if you think Hel being named after Pandora is boring, then here's my personal take (using creative liberties): her name is Elpis, the Spirit of Hope in Greek Mythology! She's also the reincarnation of Pandora...or at least has a few particles of her soul.
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upn-the-sky · 4 months
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Ares: *minding his own business Kratos: *dramatically crying for help somewhere on earth Ares: Are you serious? Right in front of my salad? Ares: *throwing away all his business and running to an aid ___
Yes, here is Ares/Aphrodite and eating some sea salted salad, because as Haephestus said in GOW3, Ares is a conquered god of war. And Ares kinda feels absolutely not ashamed of it, you know. But at the same time he has duties in his domain and plan of Olympus's fall.. And he wants to live his life in between. Anyway, the point is that time is running a bit differently for gods and for Olympus, okay? That's why Ares managed everything during the Kratos's prayer and jumped from the sky right in the moment to save his life. A god of good endings!
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korryee · 3 months
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nonndrawz · 10 months
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GOW 2 (colorized)
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